#this is re: lucius
brother-emperors · 1 year
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I can't...stop thinking about Sulla dedicating his memoirs to Lucullus.......what the fuck.....
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Plutarch, Lucullus (trans. Scott-Kilvert)
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Lucullus: A Life, Arthur Keaveney
I will probably redesign Lucullus the next time I draw him, but we are. getting somewhere. I want to give him darker hair, I think. but mostly this comic is because I've been playing U-Know's Reality Show album pretty regularly since it was released and Vuja De is one of those songs that really hits when I think about relationships people had with Sulla (either in the positive, negative, or generally kind of messy). it Inspires, it Compels, and I also just wanted to do a 9-panel grid layout because it's been awhile since I've done one. they're Satisfying
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kurakuradon · 1 year
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𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖚𝖘 𝕏 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖒𝖊𝖓.
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Herbert West: No Propaganda Submitted
Medea: I know people have a lot of opinions on her but if you're murdering children I think that pretty much makes you a villain. But she's also just a really fascinating character.
Lucius: No Propaganda Submitted
Invader Zim: No Propaganda Submitted
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dorotheashome · 6 months
one idea for a hp fanfic - that will never be written, as there’s no way it can work without some characters being very ooc - is Narcissa and Sirius somehow geting stuck together in grimmuld place during order of the phoenix. This will never happen, but the idea has so much potential.
imo Sirius and Narcissa have one of the most interesting black family dynamics to theorise about, because there’s so many interesting ways you can take it. So much angst and potential for tension/anger/feelings of betrayal etc. Some ideas for this scenario;
- Narcissa arguing with Sirius about his complete lack of regard for their house, throwing away ancient black family heirlooms etc.
- Sirius blaming Narcissa for Regulus’ death - my headcanon is, whilst Sirius spent time with the Potter’s, Regulus went to the Malfoy’s. In Sirius’ mind this allowed Lucius to get into Regulus head about Voldemort - what Sirius doesn’t know is Narcissa begged Regulus not to join (even Lucius - more subtly - tried to convince him not to).
- Sirius does a lot of passive aggressive things ie deliberately gives Narcissa Regulus’ bedroom, kept exactly as is, as a way to punish her. Eventually it cultivates to the mother of all arguments.
- Sirius calling her Cissy. I don’t know why but this just makes me go feral.
- back in the day, Narcissa’s father wanted Sirius and Narcissa to get married (relating to his own insecurities, feeling second best to his sister, not being the heir etc). This wasn’t a very popular idea, even amongst the black family first cousins marrying was.. a little too far (and I don’t think traditional arranged marriage was a thing - it was more like, here’s 10 approved people, you choose) but he was really trying to push it (if he can’t inherit, at least his daughter will). Narcissa knew this but Sirius never did. He was 4/5 years younger and by the time he would be old enough to know, it was never going to happen anyway. Sirius reaction would be hilarious if this came up somehow lol.
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thatskindarough · 1 year
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… subway train AU? I’ve got no story for this one, sorry
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minimutty · 2 months
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baby lucius may be over a year old at this point and powercrept to hell and back, but by golly is he going to keep his title of King of Res™. Not very useful bc thesis-long skills and infinite damage reduction exists, but it's a title nonetheless, and I'm so proud of him for it. 😤
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lordofthestrix · 11 days
Is the slow death of cursive an ongoing phenomenon that I somehow failed to notice until now?
Today I had to handwrite some instructions to a recently of age 'youngster' and I can swear that he looked at me as if I had handled him Egyptian script before the discovery of the Rosetta stone.
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s1utforvampires · 1 year
me when lucius malfoy shows up in the story at all just to get the shit beat out of him & call 3 people slurs
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 2 years
Leaked plotlines for OFMD series 2
Episode 1: Crew gets back together, Stede and Ed make up + surprise reveal that Lucius has been hiding in the walls!
Episodes 2-10: Persuading Lucius to come out of the walls.
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smokedanced · 1 year
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I rewatched the first three episodes (while I wait to watch the new ones with @lovepurposed when we manage to find a time because timezones) and while I don't have the spoons to write full on posts (I feel kinda bad about... I don't know, I just don't have the spoons to fully be a fandom member these days, due to being disabled; like, I have profound love for this show and these muses and I have so many thoughts but arranging them into proper verbalised form is just hard, and I put my writing spoons into replies over headcanon posts usually when feeling like this, but it does feel like I'm missing out on a lot by not being the most active when episodes are on air and all, like I'm missing on the hype), I figured why not do some bullet points anyway, about some stuff that relates to my muses:
I'm not going to shy away from Ed's violence when writing his kraken era. Not that I was before, but canon went to a really dark direction with it, and I'm fine with portraying that. Includes both his abuse towards his crew, and his suicidal ideation. I'm sure he will come out of it (probably with Stede's help in canon? but can be anything in roleplay prose, like obviously I'm unopposed to having it be thanks to Izzy or whoever, depending on whatever we play with), but between seasons & first three episodes of second season era Ed is violent, abusive, self-destructive, erratic and extra unstable. And I love him.
Ed tells coma-hallucination!Hornigold he's never told about killing his abusive dad to anyone except Stede. At first I figured Izzy would also know about it (especially since I headcanon the two have been together for a lot longer than Blackbeard era; Izzy having been on Hornigold's crew and such, before), but actually, no, he's never told Izzy; Izzy doesn't know. I do believe Izzy and Ed know each other better than anyone else, including Stede, but that piece of information - Izzy doesn't know it. Ed's never told him. That's not the kind of vulnerability either of them have ever had with each other. (I ship Izzy/Ed and Stede/Ed and Izzy/Stede, but Izzy/Ed/Stede throuple is superior to all of the above, and I think the three complete each other with all individuals bringing something valuable to the mix and all three having potential for becoming more wholesome with each other than with just one of them/alone.)
Lucius is traumatised as fuck, as obviously narrated in canon. I don't??? Have many thoughts on him, as of now.
"I have... love for you" Izzy admitting this and the way he says it... Jesus fucking Izzy, his self-hatred is as strong as Ed's, but manifesting in different ways. He's so fucking ashamed of loving Ed, not because he thinks there's anything wrong with it, but because he believes he's inherently disgusting and that being the subject of his love would be therefore awful for Ed. It has nothing to do with internalised homophobia and everything to do with Izzy seeing himself as inherently repulsive. "I have love for you", not "I love you". It's painful for him to admit because it's full of shame. He never, ever expects his affection, love, whatever, towards anybody to be reciprocated.
And he actively keeps falling back to trying to make people hate him, even as he's obviously redeemed himself with the crew between seasons. Claiming he slashed up the painting when Stede asks has nothing to do with covering for Ed or protecting Stede's feelings and everything to do with Izzy wanting to be hated because being hated is safer and more familiar than wanting to be loved and liked but being rejected. Sorry, mate, I see through your bullshit. <3
Uhhh. I feel like I had more thoughts about the three, but I can't remember. Most of my other thoughts are about characters I don't write so while there are so many things I fucking adore, I don't have, like I said, the spoons to really talk about them. Jim is hot as fuck. That's what you're getting from me rn lol.
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brother-emperors · 11 months
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Catullus, 65, 68A, 100 (trans. David Mulroy)
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Sophocles' Antigone (trans. Ruth Fainlight & Robert J. Littman)
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Introduction to Lucullus / Plutarch's Lucullus (trans. Scott-Kilvert)
I’m feeling some kind of way about Lucullus and his brother Marcus today. griefs that transcend, endure, demand, consume.
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Harry always knew he might have to sacrifice his life to defeat Voldemort but he thought that meant death. he did not think it meant being married to a former Death Eater. How will the world react when they learn of his marriage? slash HP/LM, RL/SB au OOC
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here's the last line i wrote when i first saw this in Mine Inbox:
"Like last time, it's very hard for Lucius to tell what, exactly, Driscoll's doing. It's right on the uneasy edge of what he can perceive, like deep-earth quakes or whale song: Verging on infrasound that he can almost feel without quite hearing."
as of This Posting, however, upon the Completion of NaNo2022, the Actual Last Line I Wrote Is:
"And he starts to tell them everything."
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fabulous-fic-quotes · 2 years
“Love of an audience,” Sirius deadpans. “You’re not saying… that absolute mad bastard. You’re telling me Remus brought up Malfoy’s infamous voyeuristic tendencies? To his wife? In casual conversation? Whilst polyjuiced as a Death Eater?!” 
The Missing Link - @lostmykeysie
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1337wtfomgbbq · 11 months
The way Lucius tells Caesar that Titus had no part in his decision to let Pompey go.
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Who will he be tonight? that’s the question.
Imagine dis…
It's been a while since I last posted here and even though I am late on the trend the song would not leave my head ( due to my gremlin of siblings) and you are now here to suffer with me.
Bruce was stressed, not because of his nightly duties nor his exhausting job as the CEO of Wayne enterprise. He got his license to foster children by the skin of his teeth through legal channels, he was so close as to use his privileges as the richest man in Gotham to get his license also to be able to foster Richard “Dick” Grayson.
Apparently despite his playboy persona aka “Brucie Wayne” just entering its social debut almost made him almost impossible to foster Dick as the social worker that had been assigned to him is also one of the few social workers in Gotham that takes their job seriously.
Bruce knew that his budding playboy persona, the carefree “BRUCIE Wayne” should be buried, he could replace this mask of his with his philanthropist self but he couldn’t just immediately change it would and will raise whispers on why, but what could be the reason?
Just as he continued scheming a knock broke his train of thoughts and entered Danny Nightgale, the calm and efficient secretary who had worked before with Lucius Fox ever since he had been hired. Danny, from Bruce’s file on him, son of two leading ecto-biologists in the world, a quiet kid who grew up in a city from nowhere, had a bad accident that left him with a slow heartbeat, discovered that one of the last two purple back gorilla is female and thus avoiding total extinction. Doesn’t have much media presence due to their hometown being the home of the former ghost hero Phantom who had vanished the moment that the anti-ecto acts had been re-appealed…
Bruce approached Danny with a pitch and handed him a nicely drafted contract. The agreement was straightforward: pretend to be Bruce's adoring partner in public. It was the only way to change the public's opinion, to show the world a stable, dependable, responsible Bruce Wayne who was ready to be a foster and maybe a father.
As years went by this arrangement had been beneficial to both parties.
Danny now saves more money, and despite having one of the highest salaries being paid all went to his rent to the nicer parts of Gotham. It had so many insurances as well security measures to ensure the tenants are safe, but the downside having most of his paycheck going to the rent itself. Now he has a permanent house that is large and free food that is made by the greatest cook that ever existed.
Bruce is less embarrassed about putting on a show for the public, he seems to take on the air-head mask whenever his supposed “lover” is around and near him, turning him into a bumbling mess whenever the “love of his life” is around him. He also secretly took great pleasure whenever those annoying journalists asked nonsense questions which he answered in his most obnoxious voice spiel away how world peace is attainable if all just gave their own Danny’s.
Each generation of Batkids saw how Bruce had a crush on Danny yet kept fumbling himself and reminding himself that all of this was just part of the contract. Sure each kid knew of said contract that was made for Dick’s sake but said the reason for said contract wanted to rip that thing ages ago and into pieces the moment he wanted to call Danny Dad.
Though each child that resides in that manor noticed some inconsistency within Danny’s schedules, not only that they have just recently discovered that while Danny loves to chat there are still personal things that he hadn't delved into aside from the information that was already in his files. Of course, there is also his weird avoidance of the vigilante group of Gotham, especially Batman, despite being proven to the public both in and out of Gotham that Batman is trustworthy, Danny still held wariness to said vigilante.
You’d think that after years of exposure around the Wayne’s Danny would have already discovered the cave all on his own. But it seems that every time are inches away discovering their secret an emergency or urgent priority was flaring from the Wayne enterprise that only he was needed to solve the said problem.
After weeks of Tim’s continuous intake of a very worrying amount of pure caffeine, espresso shots, and 10 different brands of energy drinks they have finally connected the dots.
Danny is a secret FBI agent planted in Gotham to catch Batman and his group in the act of breaking the law and to disband the whole spiel about being a hero and vigilante. Sure the JL and the sudden rise of heroes and vigilantes that popped up around the world that are not government affiliated made those who sat at those red velvet chairs nervous as they don’t have any active say or word as to what crimes to focus on and so on. There are reasons why Amanda Waller is still in power and still allowed to roam free with funds after funds to continue her work despite being continuously caught by the JL.
Now it is up to them to change Danny’s mind and abandon his mission so that they can finally stop seeing Bruce act like that “Brucie” persona, that they thanked the gods had been immediately vetoed, towards Danny.
Alfred sits down in one of the manor’s libraries with a cup of tea in one hand a book in another with another small pile on the side with a teapot ready to refill himself another cup.
He sighs at the drama that seems to unfold to his eyes only.
Ever since Master Danny had been integrated into this household he had found more free time than he could ever imagine. The young man would always find ways to outpace Alfred when it comes to housework to the point it had become their little game to this day. As much as he supports his ward/son, Master Bruce needs to gather all emotional intelligence he has left and confess to Master Danny.
But that wasn’t the live soap opera that it seemed to unravel.
His grandkids are set and believe that Master Danny is a secret agent who is here due to a mission related to the vigilante group stationed in Gotham.
Alfred adores all of them, he did but sometimes he wonders if the title World’s Greatest Detective is to be added to his arsenal of titles.
Alfred knew that Master Danny wasn’t just an ordinary secretary but he was also the Ghost King of the Infinite Realms, how did he know of this?
He simply walked in on Danny changing from his human self to that otherworldly creature that looked too regal to be a normal being, and so clues that were the littlest of things that he had always chalked up to the angle of the light seemed to begin clicking in place.
Alfred was a bit miffed when he learned that Master Danny might have been cheating when it came to their little bouts of cleaning the manor but he now stayed quiet as Master Danny still didn’t know of the quote “furry brigade” unquote are the Wayne’s, and based on Master Danny’s past rants he will have his little laugh when the truth comes out, but until then he will drink his tea in peace as the drama in Wayne manor seems to unfold.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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