#this is schrodingers allergy
1d-trashcan · 1 year
On a scale of 1 to “I asked my mum to drive to the bins with our rubbish bc what if I get chased by a wasp walking the 50 meters to the bins and die”, how bad is your wasp phobia?
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this last week so far has been "oh no I feel bad after doing my winter holiday party hope its not covid. it's covid" and "yeah someone was sick and now I feel bad but they tested the other day and it's not covid"
worstie, people have been saying they didn't get a positive on a rapid until day 4 of symptoms at the earliest and not everyone actually serially tests like ur meant to
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lathrine · 1 year
calling out of work tomorrow like yes boss i KNOW it sounds hella suspicious that i just Happened to get sick over the weekend and now can't come to work on Monday (observing our 24hr w/o symptoms policy). listen boss i dont know what to tell you, all i know is that until this morning my wife was down for the count and from like 8pm saturday until 2pm today i might as well have been in a different dimension. have a great day boss ill see you Tuesday yeah
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creekfiend · 2 months
I'm currently stuck in schrodinger's plague box (Is It Allergies or Covid?: I had an exposure this weekend and the tests are inconclusive!) So I thought I'd kill some time by looking through my camera roll for cute animal pictures to send you aprapos of nothing! Hope you enjoy!
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This one is from the spring and depicts a goat with pneumonia cuddling an orphaned lamb, don't worry they both made it! No downers here! We named the goat Housegoat (he ended up staying in the house for almost 2 months) and he has grown into a full on terror whose hobbies include stealing pig feed and stepping on his disabled brother.
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This is my favorite picture I have ever taken of my dog. I gave him a cabbage sprout and he was so happy that he had to walk around with it in his mouth for a solid five minutes before consuming it.
I hope these pictures bring you a fraction of the joy I have received from your animals over the years, thank you for sharing!
thank u for sharing. I hope that it isn't covid and also that you recover quickly ! 😭💜
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moonfurthetemmie · 6 months
Does Hunter have any allergies?
uhhhhh your mom
sorry i just woke up my head is full of nothing and bullshit
i feel like all fictional characters are in a state of perpetually having no allergies and all the allergies until an artist/writer/etc decides otherwise. Or canon says otherwise.
Basically they all have Schrodinger's Allergies, excluding canon allergies
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morgandria · 1 year
I have a frustratingly unquiet mind today. Migraine blew up Sunday evening and is still going. My stomach has been rather bad as well, so food's back to being a fight and I'm in a rather abysmal mood. (Here I was worried that dropping back down to a lower Ozempic dose would mean I would go back to eating more. Hah.)
I can't sleep, since my brain won't stop reminding me I'm miserable. So I'm trying to plink away with some watercolour candle labels until I'm tired enough to actually drop off.
Random thoughts in rotation (maybe out will be better than in):
The weather's still up and down. So while I am having fewer migraines than winter, I still have more than I'd like and they flatten me. My allergies don't help.
It's been ten years since I acquired Schrodinger's Foot. It's as healed as it's ever going to be, and it still splits open and bleeds frequently. I hate having to wrap it in gauze, but I guess I hate cleaning blood off the floors more.
The stupid flooring in the kitchen is sliding apart thanks to the house's constant settling and now there's two panels with a quarter-inch gap and a sharp broken edge in a frequently used area. The floor does not need to be any more hazardous to my shitty feet - I still haven't healed the stupid ulcer on my toe where the floor rubbed it raw a year ago.
I feel so broken, physically. If it's not one thing, it's another. With that comes the feeling that I'm a burden, that I'm not fun to spend time with. I don't want to deal with my broken human suit, so why would I want anyone else to have to either? Sleep seems to be the only reprieve - but there's too many days where waking up feels like instant regret.
I'm trying very hard to find small joys where I can, but I'm struggling. I recognize that I'm withdrawn right now. Recognizing it doesn't mean it will stop, though. It's always a little dangerous when I slide past 'lonely' and just end up at 'alone'. It's hard to break out of that space. I find it easier and easier every day, to just be alone. Being social does not feel rewarding in any way, and I have no more space for pain and anxiety.
I had really (really) hoped that with the coming of the Summer I'd find myself perking up a bit - maybe an uptick in energy for my personal practice, the urge to get outside into the yard. That's... not happening. I have no real inclination.
The house next door SUCKS. I have -zero- interest in dealing with squatters, drug users, drug dealers, and the inevitable involvement of cops and paramedics. Four overdoses next door since January, a pretty vicious physical assault, and every night I get woken at least three times by the shitty Mustang parked out front. It's been tuned so it is stupidly loud, they gun the engine no matter what time it is, and they're back and forth all night.
I'm tired of having things move around or disappear from the yard. It still happens, even with the ring of cameras around the house. (Last week someone stole a green-waste bin, ffs.) I enjoy my solar lights and other bits of whatnot, but I know stuff will go missing unless it's locked in the backyard.
I feel like even the land here is going inwards. The wood avens that was just in one small corner of the backyard a few years ago is all through the lawn now. Between it and the ground ivy, I feel like it's trying to expel and filter out next door's garbage energy. Or maybe it's reacting to my shitty headspace. After last year's intense work trying to make a genus loci oil, having it fail at the very end left me discouraged. I don't know that I have the energy and correct mindset to try again this summer, and the spirits themselves aren't clamouring for it. We'll wait it out and see if another year is better.
Last (but not least) is one of the things about adult life I absolutely loathe: many friendships will diminish over time, as people grow apart and move on. Knowing that and recognizing it when it happens does not make it easier to live with. It's not helpful right now.
I guess I'm going back to trying to paint. I'm sure as hell can't sleep.
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illogicalvulcans · 10 months
currently living with schrodinger's kiwi allergy. my mom is SUPER allergic, so we never had it in the house growing up/never ordered it while out and i've just. never quite gotten out of the habit of completely avoiding it even though i live hours away now? but my sister apparently now has a mild kiwi allergy. so like. maybe i'm allergic. maybe i'm not. who knows
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whenever my grandma makes pinakbet i always love playing the game "panic attack or allergic reaction"
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Having “Schrodinger’s Covid” is pretty unpleasant, if anyone’s wondering. Not as bad as the real thing obviously, but there is a very specific type of panic over Oh no was that a cough because of allergies, or the beginning of the end? and Okay if just I get it then I’ll barricade in the bedroom but if some of us do but not all of us then what? and We’ve cancelled those two social engagements and we should cancel these other two and HOPE we don’t have to cancel the big one, and Don’t think about Long Covid Don’t think about Long Covid Don’t think about Long Covid...
Anyways, this week is not going particularly well. But my book launches tomorrow, so that’s fun. Good thing I wasn’t planning an actual launch party.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
ok!!! we shaved head, did ALL the steroids, got more water, took out trash, ate food, scheduled SNAP redetermination, followed up w/ J, apologized 2 S for canceling w/ schrodinger's covid again, probably allergies but fever + sore throat = unfortch a no go.
complete order **
other orders (shaving, mineral h2o)
wash dishes **
edit chapter
do laundry ✅
look at moving rates **
bring boxes downstairs
put rugal to bed ✅
email [redacted]
email real estate guy abt utilities **✅
pay housemate 4 internet ✅
figure out what else you need to buy before moving--organizing shit & meds storage
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somecommonbitch · 3 years
one my favorite things to do is to just decide a character has hyper specific food allergies. there’s literally no way to prove me wrong. they’ve never encountered this food in the narrative anyways, so if you want to argue with me we’ll just reach a schrodinger’s forbidden snack impasse
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skinks · 5 years
I see your “fake/pretend dating” scenarios and I ask instead of you: “we’re secretly together and desperately trying to hide it” scenarios
Richie and Eddie finally get their shit together a week before Bev and Ben’s wedding, and after a whole lot of arguing and contingency plans and naked, sweaty discussion, they decide that if they don’t wanna steal that hetero thunder, they have to try their hardest to act like they’re not a Thing
and it’s a mess. They spend the whole week of bachelor parties (Losers plus Patty sans Bev get sad drunk and wish Bev was there) and bachelorette parties (Losers plus Patty sans Ben wear feather boas and get sorority drunk with Bev’s fashion friends, gossip about Ben and sing karaoke) pretending they’re not sneaking off to bone in every unoccupied room they possibly can
It’s a MESS. Richie figures the years of practice at pathetic, secret longing mean they should be better at this than they are. Like yeah, they’re still hovering in this awkward limbo stage where it’s both terribly exciting and horribly embarrassing to be crossing meat swords with your long lost best bro, while knowing you’re both totally into it, but they already acted so couple-y beforehand that it’s probably WEIRDER if Eddie stops smiling all fond and fixing Richie’s hair, or if Richie stops slinging his arm around Eddie at every opportunity. But that’s letting their guard down, and they keep freezing and jumping apart in the middle of casual conversation. They’re standing with Bill and Audra and Patty and Mike in some hotel function room, discussing whether or not stealing Ben’s yacht is feasible when Richie oh-so-gently says “hey—c’mere,” and wipes a smudge of chocolate fondue (contains nuts!!) from Eddie’s mouth with his thumb. Everyone stops talking. Everyone stares. Eddie stares. And Richie needs to duck and cover so he sort of - slaps him? Not even hard enough to make a noise, it’s more of a tap-then-push. He pushes Eddie’s face. “Is that Staniel I hear,” Richie says, after a moment.
“I don’t hear anything,” Patty says.
“No no, that’s definitely Stan,” Richie says, backing swiftly to the door. Eddie’s eyes are on him accusing and hot, dark brown like the chocolate smeared on Richie’s thumb. Later, Eddie will suck the taste off where it’s stuffed in his mouth to keep quiet as they fuck below deck in Ben’s stolen yacht, Mike and Bill fighting overhead about who gets to wear the blue and white captain’s hat. Eddie’s pants are barely even pulled down. Richie does his Quint From Jaws Voice and goes duh-dun, duh-dun as Eddie pushes inside so Eddie will bite his thumb and fuck him harder. It’s all very undignified, and illicit, and stupid. Eddie loves it. “I have great ears, Pattycake, and Stanley makes this sort of, uh, echolocation type noise when he’s having issues with hotel staff. I should know, I went on vacation once with his family, to the Catskills? Stan spilled soup on a waiter and every bat in the fuckin’ place came right outta the forest and flew into the buffet. Don’t ask him about it though, one man’s vigilante origin story is another man’s traumatic childhood. Okay bye.” Richie definitely doesn’t run, but running away is more about aura than gait.
Audra frowns. “Did he just imply Batman didn’t have a traumatic childhood?”
“Haha,” Eddie deflects, stuffing his hand in his pocket, and missing. “He must’ve had the shrimp. Fucked up that he’s the one with the actual shellfish allergy, right? Isn’t that irony, or something?”
“That would be ironic, if you didn’t know everything we’re all allergic to by heart and would never let Richie eat shrimp,” Bill says, still staring.
“I would,” Eddie says immediately. He can’t find his fucking pocket. “I would totally let Richie eat shrimp.”
“You slapped his slice of pizza out of his hand last week because there was oyster sauce in the marinara,” Mike says, but Eddie is already actually running away. Wow, he’s fast.
Even with the Losers, Richie’s only out by implication, but it’d still be weird if he, for some reason, brought a woman as his date. He thinks about bringing Sven the Sound Guy because he’s as opposite to Eddie as it’s possible to find on short notice since Guy Fieri was unavailable, but he can’t decide whether this is genius cover or so on the nose as to be damning. He goes stag in the end, which is perhaps most damning of all. Eddie is in Schrodinger’s closet, because he doesn’t have to answer either way if nobody fucking asks him, and nobody does, because Eddie always starts doing whatever he’s currently doing to an incredibly intense level whenever the conversation turns to dating. One time at dinner when they were all in the same city for one of Richie’s tentative, low-key comeback shows, someone mentioned post-divorce dating apps, and then someone simply said the word Grindr not even in Eddie’s direction and Eddie cut his steak so hard he scratched the plate. This was an achievement in and of itself seeing as the clown took Eddie’s fork-arm, but Richie was spearing his steak for him while he cut it. He’s an enabler. An enabler to steak, and freakouts.
Anyway, even with all of this, it’s still weird that Eddie brings a woman. She’s Paula. From work. Stan sees her checking her phone so often that he figures out she’s one of the women in the matching white wedding dresses on her lock screen. Stan nudges Patty, who becomes very insistent that they should tell Eddie before he gets his heart broken, but Eddie is probably too busy periodically kicking out the backs of Richie’s knees to make him wobble and buckle against the bar to notice, or care.
Bev has great fucking aim, is the thing. There’s a lost catapult and a space-alien dead as a dodo can attest to it, but she’s still facing the opposite direction and could never predict that her bouquet toss would bounce off two different bridesmaids’ heads, straight into Richie’s hands. They’re so beautiful. White and orange and a rich, nautical blue that matches Eddie’s suit, tidily pinned up at the right shoulder and pressed hard into Richie’s side. Bev is laughing delightedly and Ben is taking a photo, and Eddie has been getting steadily drunker ever since he got back half an hour ago from gratefully sending Paula home to her wife in an Uber with some cake. He’s all pink across the bridge of his nose and he looks so fucking adorable with Ben’s blue and white yacht captain hat tilted on his head at a rakish angle, and the others are all catcalling so hard that Richie figures they might as well give up the pretense. He kicks out the back of Eddie’s knees so he’ll buckle into Richie’s flowery arms and fucking DIPS him like that old wartime photo even though Eddie’s the one with the sailor hat getting knocked off his head because they’re kissing so enthusiastically, clinging to the back of Richie’s neck and snortlaughing into his mouth, but suddenly everyone’s shouting, and they all sound - not pissed, exactly, but certainly indignant
“Are you guys serious,” Bill says, “you’re stealing their thunder right now? One major childhood romance realized isn’t enough, you’re gonna crash theirs?”
“Wait,” Richie says
Bev throws up her hands. Richie can’t see, because of her dress, but he’s pretty sure her foot is actually tapping. “Why didn’t you tell us!”
Eddie is still dangling off him like a monkey, all stunned-drunk limp with the bouquet shoved in his face. Richie hears what uh oh sounds like muffled by flowers, and Ben silently takes another photo, like he’s cataloguing a crime scene.
“You guys... didn’t know? We actually kept it a secret?”
“Until now, you jackasses!”
“What secret,” Audra asks, appearing with like eight plates of cake. “What’s happening? Oh wait, I’m caught up.”
“But—but—the fondue,” Eddie says, and seriously, it’s not like the clown ripped his legs off, he could try standing and facing this with Richie like a true bro, but Richie’s kind of enjoying the weight of him. Plus he’s pretty sure Bev won’t dare to go through Eddie to kill him, so. Human shield it is.
“What about the fondue?” Mike looks like he did after the end of The Usual Suspects. Like he’s re-evaluating every time Richie and Eddie left a room together, and wishes he wasn’t. “You guys are like that all the time.”
“Then why were you all staring!”
“Nobody was staring! It was a natural lull in conversation, we were weirded out that you were being weird about it! Have you always been this self-centered?”
“I guess so,” Richie shrugs. He looks down at Eddie, covered in pollen and thoroughly confused. He’s so drunk he’s looking kinda cross-eyed. “You hear that, dude? We were killing it, until we fucked it all up!”
Eddie grins up at him. “Good enough!” he slurs, and then lets go of Richie’s neck for a high five. Everyone’s gone back to ignoring them in favour of dancing to Journey, so at least nobody notices Richie’s so eager to return it that he drops Eddie on the floor instead
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briefmarketshare · 3 years
Computational Immunology Market New Entrants, Competitive Scenario and Forecast By 2027
The recently Published Report titled Computational Immunology Market New Entrants, Competitive Scenario and Forecast By 2027 by Axel Reports offers a comprehensive picture of the market from the global view point as well as a descriptive analysis with detailed segmentation, complete research and development history, latest news, offering a forecast and statistic in terms of revenue during the forecast period from 2021-2027. The report covers a comprehensive analysis of key segments, recent trends, competitive landscape, and key factors playing a substantial role in the market are detailed in the report. The report helps vendors and manufacturers to understand the change in the market dynamics over the years.
Get Sample Copy of this Report with the Latest Market Trend and COVID-19 Impact: https://axelreports.com/request-sample/66174
Global Market Segmentation by Top Key-Players: EpiVax Chemical Computing Group International Society of Vaccines Novozymes Biopharma Certara ioGenetics Genedata AG Dassault Systemes IMGT Compugen Schrodinger Insilico Biotechnology AG Simulation Plus Strand Life Sciences Leadscope Inc Rosa & Co Nimbus Discovery
NOTE: Consumer behaviour has changed within all sectors of the society amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Industries on the other hand will have to restructure their strategies in order to adjust with the changing market requirements. This report offers you an analysis of the COVID-19 impact on the Computational Immunology market and will help you in strategising your business as per the new industry norms.
Report offers: 1. Insights into the intact market structure, scope, profitability, and potential. 2. Precise assessment of market size, share, demand, and sales volume. 3. Authentic estimations for revenue generation and Computational Immunology Market development. 4. Thorough study of Computational Immunology Market companies including organizational and financial status. 5. Perception of crucial market segments including, forecast study. 6. Acumen of upcoming opportunities and potential threats and risks in the market.
Market segments by Types of, the report covers- Cancer Diagnosis & Therapy Reverse Vaccinology Immune System Modeling Market segments by Applications of, the report covers- Allergy Prediction Databases Analysis Resource Database International Immunogenetics System The Ontology Of Immune Epitopes Immune Epitope Database
The report diversifies the global geographical expanse of the market into five prominent regions as:
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Key Elements Discussed In The Report: The report then discusses important dynamics on the business drivers that have a major impact on the performance are given in the report. The business drivers are important to the business operations and financial results of the industry. All the drivers are determined in the research study using market analysis. The report is comprehensive coverage of the existing and potential markets along with their assessment of their competitive position in the changing market scenario. It scrutinizes in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the global Computational Immunology market, as well as those hindering it.
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icedteaandoldlace · 7 years
My oldest brother: A vegan. More specifically, one of Those vegans who equates the meat industry to the holocaust and the dairy industry to rape.
My youngest brother: Also a vegan, but only for health purposes. Literally the only example I know of that sensible vegans exist.
My other younger brother: An omnivore like your typical human, but doesn't believe in side dishes, and briefly went through a phase of not believing in tables, and ate all his meals standing up.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Since I can't go to RTX and they aren’t streaming it this year but I wanted to do a masterpost of something RvB related, I decided to write a wrap-up of this interview with Jason Weight on The SHizno RvB Podcast. Please go check it out because there was now ay that I could fit everything in here and there’s so much good stuff in it. SO please go and check it out! But anyways, here we go:
Joe had told Jason about the plan for a Donut and Wash season back at RTX, which Jason at first wasn't on board with. But once he began writing it, he got into it and became very attached to Donut. 
When rewatching the show to prep for S17, one scene that took note of was in the caves when Grif was making the Reds not look at Kai when naked… except for Donut since he just paid attention to the Blue’s base. It felt like he had depth in those kinds of moments and it got him to like him. He was very happy to see more people join Team Donut after the season. He feels like only the surface has been scratched for him.
He confirmed that Donut’s innuendo in the finale was intentional (even putting ‘tongue and cheek’ in the character notes) and any made after will likely be intentional by him.
When they talked about Donut and Tucker’s development, Jason joked that Simmons would be next to receive development. So it seems that Jason is at least aware of our desire for a Simmons season XD
The Everwhen was devised essentially as another method of time travel different from the previous methods seen before since doing it the same way again would have been boring. 
The timeline after the paradox in the Writers Room was called Schrodinger’s Ass. 
The version of time travel we got was the third version. Jason spent a month on Verison One, but Burnie had rejected it. Then he, Joe, and Miles devised a second version, but near the end they threw it out and the third version that included The Everwhen was made.
How it worked in previous versions was that Chrovos has made the alternate Blood Gulch as a containment unit type of thing to contain the Reds and Blues as she went backwards in time, giving them a limited amount of time before she reached the beginning of time and… honestly, IDK how to type the whole thing out. But to put it simply, it was very convoluted and thus The Everwhen was made. The first version was also rejected due to being too similar to S9.
Jason is on Red Team! His explanation? “Red Team is an actual team.” 
He really liked the direction that Joe took Wash, especially since him now having a disability gives him a new unique perspective that, even if he doesn’t get to write in the future, he looks forward to seeing the direction that Wash is taken. He also believes that if they focus on Wahs’s rehabilitation, Caboose should have a major role in it. HIRE HIM RT, DANG IT!
Simmons original nightmare was the same scenario and the same joke… except that the one int he UFO was his dad. The higher-ups rejected this since it could come off as, well… incestuous/pedophilic. Which while I think the ‘dad’ bit would have made more sense… yeah, I… can’t blame them for that one. Jason DOES say that in his mind, Simmons feels that he’s in his father's shadow and the scene was supposed to be in a Freudian reference to those feelings.
Genkins was originally not as intimidating int he script. Much of it came from the direction, especially in Episode 10 after he got skewered by the golf club. Same with Wash and Carolina’s scene in Episode 9. He greatly loved seeing the direction that Austin and Josh took with the scenes.
Miles had toyed with having a scene set directly after S13 (he says 10 but I think he meant 13), but Jason felt that it was best to leave that area alone since it had ended on such a perfect note and talked him out of it. Jason also toyed with having the guys see Epsilon’s final message ala Princess Leia hologram and Tucker picking them up/explaining Episolon’s nature. But it was too talky nor did it really affect anything, so they instead went with Tucker re-living Crash site Bravo which was done by Miles.
If RvB ended up a Seinfeld-esque comedy, Grif and Simmons would live together with Grif trying to get Simmons out of his shell. Sarge is essentially Dan DeVito. Tucker would live alone and use his sword to open up beer bottles. Donut would live in a gym due to, in his mind, him having severe allergies and is why he wears the Power Armor all the time. Carolina and Wash would live together and have a dog, and they both suck at dating due to judging the other’s dates (which Jason feels their relationship is brother and sister). Caboose owns the building they all live in. Lopez is maintenance. I want this show now.
Jason reads all the comments after all the episodes, including on Tumblr (I’m going to be so much more paranoid over my reviews now...) and one post he really liked was the idea of an RvB Road Trip since he used to be a roadie.
Jason doesn’t know how the whole Shisno thing came about since it was Joe’s idea. He does say that it used to be spelt ‘shizno’ until they found out how it’s officially been spelt as ‘shisno’. Whoops. They DID consider involving Wyoming’ time distortion unit in the story, but with all the other time shenanigans they felt it would make it too complicated.
Koen Wooten, a 3D Producer at RT, joked about putting time travel into every show from now on. Miles and Jason were unamused XD
He had a lot of fun with things like writing The Labryinth and Kai messing with Tucker
The hardest part was balancing out the time travel and figuring out what to look into and what not to. 
Jason is very used to being a director due to his own show, Starship GOldfish, and his scripts for himself are MUCH longer and detailed than they end up being in the final draft. For, he had a specific way that he wanted to have Chrovos done, so he was Skype’d in to direct Lee Eddy. Speaking of, he pushed for her after seeing her do Gwen from Camp Camp live at RTX 17 and he really wanted to have her in the show in some form.
For RvB Movie Nights, Jason thinks that Grif would like Caddyshack, thinks that Carolina is terrified of horror films like Paranormal Activity (which makes Wash confused) and ends up panic stabbing the TV, Simmons and Donut both do documentaries, Lopez liked Mr. Bean… then after going back to the beginning of time, he hates that kind of media and just watches an aquarium screen, and Kai likes Alien.
For Halloween, Jason would want to dress as the Fishman from S3 of Camp Camp. 
When questioned about the show potentially hitting serial escalation after the Cosmic Powers stuff, Jason talks about how they feel that they have now sealed off from that and can move more laterally again. But he does also feel that there are larger threats out there that affect you more personally, such as everyone trying to kill you which he thinks could be much stronger than fighting some ultra-powerful God. But we’ll have to see where things go from this point.
He believes that moving forward, Doc can be more important since he now is a nice guy with the danger of O’Malley in him. 
He also has seen that fans feel that the Reds and Blues need a rest, which he agrees with. One idea he likes that he did in PSA’s was do some Grif and Sarge bonding since he feels there’s plenty left unexplored there, Caboose helping Wahs rehabilitate, giving Simmons an arc, and Donut exploring the universe to do some world building. He and Joe liked the idea of maybe doing a mini-series, especially since Halo 6 won’t be out for quite a while and doing one can explore some new options. He also brings up ideas for the future like Locus on trial, Wash’s rehabilitation, and Tucker seeking out Junior to bond with him more after what happened in The Labryinth. I mentioned that RT needs to hire Jason ASAP, right?! RIGHT?!
He also feels that there would, ideally, eventually need to be a new villain… and suggests himself cause of him being British. HA! He also really loves villains and if he got to keep being the writer, he would absolutely voice the villain like Miles did as Felix. Although he does bring up the ‘self-insert’ critique but thinks it would be okay since as the villain it would be okay to hate him!
At the end of the interview, Jason talks about how collaborative the entire process had been and how Miles greatly helped him with the writing as well as Josh and Austin’s direction, who he hopes will still be on it. He says to thank them.
Well, that was fun! I will say, Jason hit all of the right buttons for me and I do legit hope that he can come back. But even if he can’t, this was so great and having his contribution was amazing. Thank you again for everything Jason~
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craptaincold · 7 years
Headcanon: Hartley Rathaway has a cat. He also has an Instagram for said cat. The cat has a nerdy, sciencey name like Galileo or Schrödinger. This is the most spoilt cat ever. He even has one of those weird bubble window backpacks so he can take his cat wherever he goes.
GOD IT’S DEFINITELY SCHRODINGER I’M TELLING YOU and also honestly it’s a stray that len dumped on the doorstep of his apartment because len already has like 50 adopted cats in his own house and home and quite frankly it’s tiring having to buy like a pack of 10 lint rollers at a time because there’s just so much cat hair on his all black wardrobe nowadays, he doesn’t really need any more cats. 
hartley also has rats, he has a whole bunch of pet rats and sometimes he just lets them loose in his apartment sometimes, but then there’s the cat, and hartley hates his life for a solid 2 weeks because len won’t take the cat back, lisa is on vacation to the bahamas for a month with shawna using the money they stole from central city national bank, mick is off in like 1969 on the moon or something, and cisco has a cat allergy which hartley ONLY knows about because one time they had platonic sex and shared a lot of intimate details about themselves during some platonic after sex cuddling.
but then like, eventually after a rough night, the cat just cuddles up to hartley and starts purring really loud and pawing at him and doesn’t leave the whole time until hartley calms down and stops crying, and then he realizes that this is a friend and boy. a good friend and boy. the best, dare i say. and then he starts spoiling that cat to all hell and sets up the instagram because, he’s such a beautiful baby that needs to be shared with the whole world. the account gets like, 300 followers in like a week, because not only is it constantly being promoted by each of the individual rogues’ instagrams, but also because hartley hacked the official The Flash instagram and keeps posting about it
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