#this is so sweet aaa I might try sending asks like this if that’s okay
princelythirsts · 1 year
Just a reminder that your F/Os love you very much. I met Oswald not that long ago on my way to a little bakery and all he could do is talk about how amazing he finds you. ♥
aaa thank you so much! Lol I was probably the reason he went there, I crave pastries often…
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dourpeep · 3 years
IT WAS 2AM WHEN I SENT THAT SO I HELD BACK MY SIMPING FOR COLLEGE ALBEDO A LITTLE. tried not to send all my brainrot so I didn't just send a wall of text into your inbox LOL. Some others I thought of were:
- Mona giving astrology forecasts and compatibility readings in this au and Albedo may have asked her about the two of you
- Going to botanical gardens or museums with Albedo but for some reason it feels like a date even when it didn't intent to be. You tug on his sleeve now and then when you see something he might be interested in or even when it's something that excites you, and Albedo can't help but have a soft look in his eyes that he can share this moment with you! Somehow it results in the two of you holding hands - just so neither of you stray from each other of course - and eventually, intertwined fingers. You hear someone say that the two of you seem like a cute couple and you know Albedo heard it too, but neither of you say anything. You feel his hand squeeze yours a little tighter and respond in kind. The two of you are too embarrassed to look at each other but can't help the smiles on your faces.
- Lending Albedo some of your favourite books for pleasure reading and you've left tiny tabs on lines that you like. Perhaps this is before Albedo realizes his feelings so when he reads particularly romantic lines, he wonders if this is how he feels about you. Or did you mark these pages because you feel this way about someone? His stomach is in knots to the thought that you may be intrested in someone that isn't him and he settles for it just being prose.
Tugging his hand and not letting go omg . . . you tend to just intertwine pinkies or play with his fingers absent-mindedly that Albedo becomes so accustomed to it so he starts to offer you his hands without a second thought.
WAIT. I gasped at Albedo being a cuddler. He's a little delirious when he first wakes up but you're so comfy that he hugs you a little tighter, asking if you've slept well. You try to reply while worrying about whether or not he can feel your heart thrumming in your chest.
What if Klee is staying with Albedo one night and the three of you fall asleep cuddled up together. Alice comes back early in the morning before any of you are awake and takes a picture. She sends it to Albedo later and he sets it as his phone's wallpaper.
Albedo staring at your lips winded me, thank you.
YES TO THE SWEATERS. I bet Albedo would have the softest and coziest sweaters too! Imagine it being a little cold out and you see Albedo across campus so you bound over to him and give him a hug. You nuzzle into him and mumble out a little 'hello' and say he's warm. You feel his laugh rumble through his chest while he greets you back, wrapping his arms around you
And I LOVE ALL YOUR HEADCANONS! I believe I found your blog around the time you posted Albedo's snort headcanon and it was too much for my heart!! I held tight to that headcanon and never let go lol. I also thought the science + college headcanons you had of him were really nice despite not being necessarily romantic!
Side note: I looked up that lobster fact and that's so cool!!
The Lobster Fact(tm) is my go-to ice breaker and it always fails. I'd imagine it's normally the same w/ Bedo OTL so sad...not many wish to know about potential lobster immortality.
I'm glad that you love the headcanons though!! I enjoy writing for Albedo so so much as you can tell ehe
That being said--if it makes you more comfy to send stuff in a few bursts of asks, I don't mind :DD I'll answer them as usual nodnod
"...Mona, yes?"
"Ah, I was expecting you to come around sooner or later, Kreideprinz."
Really, Albedo didn't mean to stumble upon the Astronomy major, but for some reason the thought of you has been on his mind and the campus' observatory just so happened to be on the way. With the meager hope that...maybe he'd find some sort of answer (in what, he wasn't really sure himself), there she was.
Luckily, she knew just what he was there for.
The moment that she twirls her hand with a wave, telling him that there isn't anything to worry about, the apprehension creeping within his chest at the thought of seeing you next-
It's not often that he turns to less orthodox methods, but he wouldn't lie. Knowing that--at least in Mona's opinion (which tended to be correct, anyway)--the two of you were undoubtly compatible? Something about how your constellations were intertwined...
In fact, Albedo turns a little theory around in his mind. Though based in old folktales, the idea that you gravitate towards those who are made of the very same stardust as yourself, suddenly made sense.
Or, perhaps he was just being hopeful.
Little does he know that you most definitely asked Mona about the same thing earlier that day.
Any of those kinds of places--Botanical Gardens, Art Museums, Aquariums, Zoos, Museums in general--Any place where you're able to utterly lose yourself in your surroundings and look around in awe, really, are your go-to date outing destination!
Usually, it's just the two of you, maybe with Sucrose or Timaeus if it's for a particular class, as well as the occasional Klee in tow whenever Alice is busy with work.
But in this case, fingers interlocked, it's just the two of you on a impromptu trip to the art museum downtown after seeing a promotional banner about a new exhibit. Once inside, you rush along, Albedo trailing close behind with a light squeeze of your hand. The large area used for temporary exhibits isn't far from the entrance, so it's not long until you skid to a stop.
All along the walls are incredibly detailed oil paintings, the thin layered strokes glistening in the light. Albedo takes a moment to whisper to you about how oil paint works.
Due to the thinness of the paint and it's transparency, light passes through every carefully placed stroke, allowing for a unique sort of depth that isn't achievable with other painting media. You smile, the artificial light of the art exhibit making your features glow and Albedo can't help but wonder if you are like those paintings.
So complex, so carefully created in an image perfected with time. Your eyes search his and you say his name and Albedo clears his throat when he realizes he's been staring.
"Do you like this one?"
Ah, you must've assumed he took a liking to this particular painting.
His eyes shift back to it, taking in the sight of the balance of color, the composition, then back to you. He only stares a second longer before nodding.
Whether or not you realize the view he likes is you is something that he dwells on as you both make your way to the next painting.
If you had a penny for every time that someone comments on the way you compliment each other, you'd probably be able to pay off your tuition for next semester.
Okay, perhaps not, but the idea still stands.
You're only just at the end of the art exhibit when the security guard wishes the two of you a lovely date. Something about how young love is something to be treasured, something about how the two of you already seem so natural and comfortable in each other's presence.
Before you can mumble out an explanation, Albedo just squeezes your hand, gentle as always, and smiles.
It's a compliment, right? For someone to see how close you are, even if you really are just friends, is a good thing.
Ignoring the warmth that spreads over your cheeks, you smile and turn your head away shyly. Squeezing his hand back, the thought of what it'd be like if you were together crosses your mind.
Just as you lend books to him, he lends books to you. Surprisingly, this time it just so happens to be a poetry book--something that you expressed interest in a week ago but ended up not getting.
Within, he's left colorful notes with his neat, slanted writing.
Short discussions (presumably questions to himself) of what the poet must've been thinking, different possible scenarios, are peppered throughout the book. But one just so happens to catch your eye. Rather than a question, it's a statement. Simple, short, and...sweet.
'You carry the aura of the stars.'
The little yellow sticky note pasted beneath a love poem to the night sky stands out. Suppressing a flutter in your chest, you continue reading through the poem book with a few giggles at Albedo's musings until you find a note with most of the words crossed out.
It's entirely unlike him, the way that the dark ink scribbled over the words, making them illegible.
But at the bottom was a continued attempt--one you presume he was satisfied with by the way it lay pristine on the colorful paper.
'You look. I fail to speak.
Your mind, so brilliant as it is I wish to see behind To further appreciate the one I love.
I can only hope one day you shall let me in, So for now I wait patiently by your side.'
Who could he have written this for? You can't help but stare at the poetic attempt, knowing full well that Albedo seldom does something without meaning.
The book closes and you tuck it back on the shelf to ask about later.
Even though Albedo's a grade A student and certified genius (he's adamant in his denial, shaking his head and mumbling about how he just studies hard), he's not entirely a stickler for rules.
Well, that is, Aunt Alice's suggestion that Klee goes to bed by 9.
Instead, the three of you settle in the common room of Albedo's place in a bundle of pillows and blankets at the demands of a pillow fort.
The tv blinks on accompanied by the near silent click of the remote.
"What should we watch?"
Klee always ends up picking the movie. This time, she wants Alice in Wonderland, commenting on how the bunny is like her best friend Dodoco and the blonde girl on screen is named after mommy. Albedo doesn't bother correcting her, even though he knows quite well that dear, sweet Dodoco is a chinchilla.
Between sips of juice and a few mouthfuls of popcorn, the three of you fall asleep, Klee curled up besides you and Albedo's arm draped over you both.
Even when the sun is up in the sky, you sleep peacefully.
So, naturally, Aunt Alice has a spare key just in case something like this happens.
Immediately she's met with the sweetest view--her two kids (she's practically adopted Albedo as her own at this point) and--
Hiding a cheeky smile behind her hand, Alice can't help but sneak a little closer when she spies the way that you and Albedo somehow gravitated closer, his face buried in your hair and yours resting against his collar. Wedged between you with tousled hair, Klee snoozes peacefully.
She snaps a picture, followed by another, and another, and a fourth for good measures before meandering into the kitchen to prep something for breakfast.
Might as well let her three favorite people enjoy the comfort of sleep for a little longer...
You wake up the moment that Klee wiggles her way out of the blankets, nuzzling against the warmth radiating under your cheek.
Nice and cozy. Smells nice...wait.
Eyes fluttering open, you're met with a familiar birthmark and the nearly gone scent of Albedo's cologne.
You nearly pull away until the arm, now wrapped around your waist, pulls you closer accompanied by a satisfied sigh. Ah. You shut your eyes tight when you realize that Albedo's going to be asleep for at least another thirty minutes, resigning to your fate gladly.
Of course, Alice takes the opportunity to snap a few more pictures when you've finally fallen back asleep.
Speaking of Albedo and sweaters and warm and also the just mentioned cologne. A little fun tidbit--not only are you familiar with the scent of his cologne because he wears it often, but it (in this au) is actually one that you picked out some time back. You probably were at the store together smelling some of the perfumes when you came across one that you were pleasantly surprised by.
Specifically, something that's lightly floral, a little warm but sweet with a hint of earthiness.
The pros? It fits Albedo perfectly! It also kinda sticks well and his place faintly smells of it.
The cons?? Well...you're embarrassed to say that hugging Albedo tends to drag on a little longer than anticipated because it's just such a comforting scent-
Not because you associate it with Albedo or anything-
Man I really went to town again, didn't I?? Well, I'm glad that you enjoy my headcanons :DDD Albedo just seems like such a sweet person??? Like endearing in a way that just is...him. If that makes sense.
Brain go brrrrrr
I'll admit that my favorite headcanons for Bedo are mundane and domestic ones though! Like these! Just the little moments where there's nothing really going on except for him and you and ahhhh yesyesyes
Okay that's all-
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bluexiao · 3 years
if your requests are open i have a scenario im currently brainrotting about
basically reader encounters their obsessive ex who had stalked them all throughout teyvat with the urge of ending them, of course the reader fights back but almost got defeated not until their current s/o came into the scene.
i'd like this with diluc & keqing please!
Defending you against an ex
➜ Character/s: diluc; reader; keqing (separate)
➜ Word count: 960 words
➜ Warning/s: mentions of ending a life. mentions of violence but i made this pretty vague enough to hopefully not trigger anyone.
➜ Note/s: this took long for me to write aaa i was busy with schoolwork the whole day so i’m late today oof. anywayy thanks for the request! was kind of intrigued writing this one since i’ve been building keqing lately hehe. hopefully i was able to fulfill your brainrot haha. feel free to send requests! they’re still open~
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DILUC was instantly by your side, eyes trailing over your state before he quickly glares at the person in front of the both of you. He doesn’t know this person, nor does he ever want to, not when he could see the bruises and wounds that were inflicted on your skin and the look of fear that despite of having to keep it well, was still obvious on the way your hands and whole body shook, even until now when he was clearly already there to protect you at all costs.
So even if he doesn’t know the real context of why this is happening and who this person is, he was already in a fighting stance, ready to plummet them any time they strike again. Fortunately and knowingly, he was faster than the other person, being able to discard their weapon away before he could even raise it, pinning them down to the ground with all of his strength. He doesn’t even have to use his vision in order to do so honestly.
“Who are they, Y/n? Why are they trying to attack you?” he’d question, confused as to why this person seemed to hold an anger that could have been from a grudge towards you, and even if he’d want to beat this person up, he’d of course want to know if it is worth even saving the time to do so.
When he heard your answer that the person was an ex of yours and that they were trying to kill you for leaving them, there was a fiery anger that surged in his chest that made him want to beat the person up. However, he holds it in and there was a menacing aura that surrounded him as he let out a scoff.
“If you have nothing else better to do, better I give you off to the Knights of Favonius then. Surely you’d enjoy rotting in jail rather than running around, thinking of taking a life in your own hands. Pathetic.”
basically, Diluc is the type to want to “protect” and as his s/o, you’d be at his highest priority. He’s basically the knight in shining armor, except he’s not wearing armor and he’s not a knight anymore.
Would be too concerned of you but he wouldn’t pry too much. Still, he’s very worried and confused how a sweet person like you would have someone come after you.
He’d be now making sure no one is going to do the same thing again and would always keep an eye out for anyone who would dare hurt you.
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KEQING came at the speed of light, her sword clashing with the person’s own weapon, instantly shielding you from the other’s point of view.
“Who are you and why have you come here? Why are you pointing a weapon towards Y/n? I am a Yuheng from the Liyue Qixing, surely we can talk about this and-” when the person launched forward, not paying any mind to her words, you immediately recoil back in fear as Keqing stood her ground, defending with a confident stature much more than you’ve ever seen her.
“You don’t want to talk then? Fine. If you want to fight, make sure you won’t regret it.”
She would actually beat up the person whilst using her vision to basically be able to tire the person out. If she finds out they’re your ex in the middle of this fight, there would be a slight change in her demeanor. At first, she’d try to interrogate them but as soon as she hears the truth, she just turns silent, almost like she had lost all mercy to this person and just wants to beat them as soon as possible.
And once she did, she’d look down at them, chin up and glaring eyes.
“As much as I hate giving word to the Milellith to send someone to prison, I’d have to give an exception to you. You seemed to have bad intentions to Y/n and as her companion, I wouldn’t want that.”
Once she was sure that your ex was truly restrained, that’s when she’ll turn to look at you and check if you have any major injuries. She was sure she didn’t take long to take the person down but she was really worried you took serious blows before she can even turn her attention to you. Thankfully though, you didn’t and that’s when her shoulders would visibly ease up, a breath of relief escaping her lips.
“I’m glad you’re not hurt much. Don’t worry about them now, alright? You’d be asked by the Milellith later on who they are but for now, let me get you a doctor to check you thoroughly. You’re safe now, I’m here.”
With her background, Keqing is authoritative. She’s actually quite used at these confrontations, making sure to tackle the problem first before repairing what needs to be repaired. She might seem uncaring at first, but she’d be tense the whole encounter, worrying at the back of her head about your current situation.
But still, she’d first do her duty to bring the person down before actually taking a good look on you.
She’s going to be really caring after that, staying by your side the whole time, trying to ask gently how this came to be. She wouldn’t push you to tell the whole story but she’s just worried okay… she wants to know what you guys should look out for
I think she’d probably even ask the Milellith to always look out for you, especially at times when she wouldn’t be there for you. She trusts in them but of course it’s still better when she’s there to protect you as much as she can.
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Okay, so, I sort of went on a wild one with this one. And I hope you like this because ya know, it is definitely angst and there is some fluff, but it was getting so long and it’s already like nearly 2k words i think. lemme check. yeah, 1.7k words. omg. i did love this little story i made so i hope you do skjfhdskjfhsdfsdkf
Life, for you, was perfect.
In a world of soulmates, you were one of the lucky few that had actually managed to meet your destined other half. 
You met Fujinaga Souta when you were 8 years old - barely a second year in elementary school - you’d transferred to his school a few weeks into the year, when friend groups had been established and you were left to try and find a place where you could be.
It wasn’t like you were sitting in the seat next to him, and he picked up a pen you’d drop on the ground. It actually wouldn’t be until you were 10 years old that you’d ever talk to him.
Because Fujinaga Souta felt like he was a thousand miles ahead of you, so close yet so out of reach in everything he did. He played volleyball so beautifully, setting with ease and wonder that you couldn’t help but be captivated by him. You had a crush with a boy who didn’t know you existed, and back then it felt okay, because you could always imagine what it felt like to hold hands with him. When his blue eyes found yours, you’d melt, and feel the warm spread to your cheeks before turning away. Black hair that dangled in front of his eyes.
A small group - including him and you - were talking one day, and he started complaining about the way his hair fell in front of his eyes. Being the person you were, you offered a clip to keep it out of his eyes. Being the person he is, he accepted.
It was at that moment he finally paid attention to the numbers that traced along your jaw. 539268. The ones that matched his own perfectly. He almost screamed, pushing your head to the side so he could get a closer look and ensure he wasn’t reading it wrong (you’d complain later in life that this is where your neck problems came from, but you both knew it was from your posture). After he was done pointing and rambling, he pulled down his sock to reveal the numbers on his ankle. 539268.
You almost fainted. It was strange. Your friends exclaimed how lucky you were - because he was a popular boy, loved by so many.
You were 11 when you found out he was your soulmate.
When you told your mother, she immediately set up a celebration; you couldn’t have been more embarrassed, but Souta made it feel like the most normal thing in the world.
Souta was your world. That’s why when he started to get sick, you were by his side as often as you could be. Each day at school would be filled with messages you’d send to him about things you would do when he got out of the hospital.
Only he never got out of the hospital.
On February 16th, 2012, Souta passed away.
Ripped from your arms before you’d gotten a chance to live.
You spent so many months locked away in your room, crying and screaming from the physical pain losing him had caused you. Your only solace was the pile of shirts his mother had let you have because she recognised how painful it was to lose someone who would be the one to know you better than you knew yourself.
The first time you visited his grave made your soul weaker and you could only cry as you clawed at the dirt.
The first day at your high school - which you started months later than most - was like hell. Everyone had heard of you, of the girl who lost her soulmate. They offered empty condolences that you had to pretend made things better.
The first friend you made - a sweet girl named Yachi Hitoka - didn’t pretend she knew what it felt like. In fact, she didn’t even make you talk about Souta at all (for that, you were grateful). She filled up your world with notes and studying, a pleasant distraction from a world outside of your own.
Your friendship with Yachi remained in the classroom, but that was fine by you. She had her own worries and troubles.
A few months in, and you weren’t crying as much anymore. Your heart still yearned for his touch, but you found some love in visiting his grave and telling him about your days, hoping that, by some miracle, he could still hear you.
The first time you see someone that looks so much like him, you’re sure you’re hallucinating that it sends you back into a spiral.
Kageyama Tobio. That was his name. The one you’d silently curse when you saw him in the halls; the one that made you move further away from Yachi when you learnt she’d been tutoring him; the one that looked so much like your soulmate it opened up the tear in your heart.
It wasn’t like you had to interact with him, you didn’t, he wasn’t in your class, wasn’t in your club, you didn’t have anything in common with him. Not until you walked to the vending machine one lunch and stood for too long trying to work out what to get and heard his gruff voice, “can you hurry up?” He grumbled.
You didn’t even take the time to glare over your shoulder before you chose milk, just because it was easier - that, and it was the last carton and something about the blue on it made you think of Souta again. How were you supposed to know that milk just happened to be this boy's favourite drink? You weren’t.
That wasn’t the last run in you would have with Kageyama Tobio - much to your demise - it only got worse through your second and third years, where your visits to Souta’s grave became more filled with anxiety about your future.
It isn’t until one Summer day during your second year that you seem an all too familiar face standing next to Souta’s grave (or the one next to it).
You try your best to ignore Kageyama as you kneel down in front of your soulmate's grave, but his eyes seem to find you immediately. “Do you mind if I talk?” You ask, not looking up at him for fear you might break. He didn’t answer, so you took matters into your own hands.
You talked to Souta about this week. About how you visited his family the day before and how his mom said you were growing to be a lovely young woman. About how you hadn’t cried this week, and you were proud of yourself. You told him that nothing exciting had happened since he was gone, and that the world seemed to lose more colour with each passing day.
You were talking without realising you had someone actually listening.
“Does that help?” He asked without thinking. Maybe he made a mistake, because the light in your eyes seemed to flutter out, but you answered him nonetheless.
“I guess so, although I’m not doing it to help.” You sighed, brushing your fingers over the petals on the flowers placed there by someone. “I’m doing it because I love him, and he deserves to hear this. To talk to me. Ya know?” And he nodded as if he understood - but you knew he didn't.
That was the start of a small arrangement with Kageyama Tobio. Once a week, he’d show up at the graveyard (not just because you were there, but also because that was where his grandfather was buried). You’d both talk to your respective people, and it was nice.
You stopped seeing Kageyama as a wrong version of Souta and started seeing him for himself.
One day, near the end of your third year, you somehow end up arguing with Kageyama. “Yeah, well, you hated me for no reason all throughout my first year.” He bit back at a comment you made and you shoved your hands into your hair gripping the roots (why is the only thing you can think is how your Souta would never act like this).
“I didn’t hate you!” You cried back.
“Then what was it?” He hissed.
You wanted to explode, everything hurt all over again.
“You reminded me of him. Of Souta.” You said, hoping he wouldn’t ask for an explanation.
“But I’m not him, so how?”
That was enough for you to realise that Kageyama had never seen what Souta looked like. He wasn’t aware of the fact that he was the spitting image of your soulmate. So, as you’re rummaging through your bag for a picture you kept on you, you start explaining to him. “Because Souta was sweet, and kind, and considerate, and loving.” You say, and you can tell he’s confused. “And you’re sweet but blind, kind but dense. Not quite as considerate and loving, but you try even when it doesn’t look like you are.” You sigh, ignoring the pang of pain in your heart. “You play volleyball - a setter - and you play it so effortlessly. You remind me of him in every single way without knowing it, but I know it and it hurt me. It still hurts me. Because how am I meant to feel when I look up at you and somehow stopped seeing him and started seeing you?” You ask, though you aren’t really asking him. It’s a general question.
You manage to find the picture and pass it to him. His reaction speaks a thousand words, the way his eyes widen because this boy does look like the spitting image of him and he can see why you were hurt by him.
He explains that he didn’t understand what the big deal about soulmates was until he met you. That the reason he’d never really cared about that was because he was born without a soulmate mark (you traced the numbers on your jaw); he had to be like the many who just had to make their own soulmates, but he’d never even have the option to meet a soulmate. You almost felt ashamed. He told you you didn't need to feel ashamed.
That night, as you sat watching a movie to forget about the argument, you’d experience your first kiss with a boy that wasn’t your soulmate. You didn’t feel any guilt about it. Because you knew Souta would want you to be happy.
You and Kageyama had a rocky friendship; your relationship wasn’t any easier. But you made it work. Because soulmates normally don’t get to meet, but you can make soulmates with enough time and care. And, luckily for you, Kageyama was willing to give all the time in the world to you (as long as you didn't get in the way of volleyball, but you normally didn’t).
General Taglist:
@pies-writes-and-more @satan-ruler-of-hells @dekuspet @samkysnks @lucyheartfilias-wife @kaleidoscopekai
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ellitx · 3 years
Okay *cracks knuckles* time for a nsfw scenario with Himmel senpai, might be long sorry i tend to run on (or just aged up i aint going to jail (im an artist not a writer have mercy ;;)
Was a calm evening just being next to you, sitting on the plush bed listening to one of his cds. Sitting so close together sides touching,head on his shoulder, with your soft thighs brushing against him he feels like he could combust at any moment
You lean in a bit closer to him and drape one of your legs across his lap. It had been a few months into your relationship so being intimate was still very new for him, he didn't wanna push anything, he didnt wanna hurt or scare you in anyway so even when being so irresistible with the short skirt and thigh highs he holds himself back until you look up to him with asking eyes
"W-would it be alright if I sat in your lap..?" You ask shyly, you wanted to be closer with him and just to feel more of his warmth. His face burned with anticipation, like heaven had answered his prayers, oh how he longed for this wanting a deeper closeness with you. he shyly nodded pulling you into his lap. "Is this alright I just want you to be comfortable..
You nod to him face painted beautifuly blush pink while you wrap your arms around his neck and pushing your forehead to his. You looked so perfect to him, he couldn't help himself from taking you in, his mind was racing he wanted more but he didn't want to take it to far, he and you both were so new but he just cant take it. The way fit so perfectly ontop of him he wants to be even closer.. he wants to intertwine mind, body and soul with you
He eyes your lips then up at you almost pleading to kiss you. You hum in agreement placing your lips on his while shifting your weight giving him a sensation that ran chills down his spine "Mm~ Y/n.. your lips are so sweet my songbird" your body was set ablaze at his words, kissing him deeper feeling every in of his mouth
Pulling away for just a moment to catch your breath panting heavily you couldnt ignore your aching core and his hardning member against it "Haa... Himmel.. something is pressing against me" he went flush he really couldn't help it, your just too much
He looks down almost shamefully "I-I Im sorry Y/N" you kiss him again to hush his worries "Its fine.. I want you just as badly.." you whisper through your breaths as you slowly adjusted yourself to pull of your skirt. Wide eyed and red faced watching you undress he does the same undoing his belt and sliding down his pants
His breath is shaky but he pulls you back on to his lap to kiss you again much more intensely. Allowing his hands to explore and gently squeeze your thighs. You start to instinctually grind against him and the feeling is euphoric "Aa.. Y/n Your so beautiful.. I need you so bad.. may I pleasure you..? He wants to make sure your ready for him the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
"Yes please.. Himmel I need it now.." you moan out as you grip onto him. He proceeds to gently push your panties to the side and slide his finger through the wet folds as you let out another shaky moan while stuffing your face into the crook of his neck "Dont be scared.. Haa~ please mm!" He pushed his two fingers softly into sending pleasure rushing through you..
"Mmm~ your so tight already and so warm and wet ahh I just wanna feel you already..!" He swiftly pumps and curls his fingers into you hitting that sweet spot so quickly "Mmm..! So good Himme-- right there Aah.. but I think.. I want" you gently grab his stiffened member "This.."
"Nnng.. I do too.. y/n.." he pulls you in for another heated kiss and slowly removeing his fingers from you to hook his fingers on the hem of your underwear, sliding them down admiring the slick that trailed from them. You let your hand stroke him firm and gentle "P-please Aa.. y/n.. its so good.. mm but I need your heat now.. " his heart was pounding and his mind was spinning with need and lust as he held your hips above his erection "Nice and slow.. okay..? He breathes as he slowly lets you down onto him looking into your eyes full of love
Your gasp loudly gripping onto him while he stretches your walls "Haaa.. ! Its so good but nnng.. it hurts a bit.." he softly kisses you filled with passionate to try and comfort you "Shhh we can stay like this for as long as.. Ahh.. you need.." and it was heaven just you sitting so snug on his cock with your wall so warm and snug around him, he could almost feel your heartbeat through it and he wanted to just stay like this for a bit, but the intense urge to rut up into you was creeping in fast
"Mmm Y/n.. you feel so good around me I wanna just stay like this.." His hot breath against you made you shudder and accidentally move your hips into him, you moaned just wanted more. His cock twitching against your sweet spot was teasing you.. "I.. think I can move now.. " He gasp at the sudden movement as intense shock waves of pleasure shot through you both.. "Y/n...! I love you.. Aaa so much please more..!"
Pushing up into you and hitting that sweet spot over and over "I.. I love you too nnng..! I dont know how much more i can.. take!" You breathe shaky while bouncing on him. His grip on your hips and thighs was tight letting himself get lost in them. The way the squeeze around him and jiggle on his lap was everything
"y/n.. my love.. please release with me..!! Im Aaa right there..!! that spiral in your stomach is so tight at this point and with a few more thrust you come onto his lap as he pulls out coming on your sweet thighs
(gonna end it there this got reaaly long im sorry skdjdkdb but sweet ikemen himmel living in my head rent free -💚)
Now imagine you’re riding him while still wearing those stockings, it’s very sexy 👌 but he loves to see your shirt opened as it dangles over your elbows while your bra is exposed to him, and still wearing that mini skirt and thigh highs ✨ that’s a perfection to him
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kolsmikaelson · 4 years
okay i know i post these a bunch but everyone deserves some positivity in their lives <3
@calesykar loml you literally make me so happy, you’re the person i talk to most on here, and i’m super grateful for you because you’re one of the only people i don’t feel annoying around,i hope youre ready to never lose me<3 i love you lots !! tysm for everything!! i would go absolutely feral if anyone was rude to you (and all my moots but esp you <333)
@kempe zoë! we’ve been moots for a while now and i’m super happy about it!! you’re always so kind to me!! and i hope you know that no matter what you’re going through im always here though im not great at giving advice but i can definitely listen ! please don’t listen to any rude ass anons, you’re amazing and deserve the world!
@makarsy bubby ! you make me feel so ,,,safe?? i dont realy know how to describe it but im super glad to have you in my life even if we dont speak much, but we dont have to because i know youre always there for me. you’re amazing and gorgeous and hilarious and im so thankful for you !!
@dembenchboys ahhh !!! i honestly love waking up to the messages you send me every morning!! i look forward to them sm !! its always a great way to start my day !! you’re the sweetest and ilysm
@jamiedrysdales ari!! youre so amazing!! im so so insanely happy we started interacting!! i remember before i wanted to interact w you sm but i was always nervous about it but every time we interact it always puts a huge smile on my face!! i love you!!
@travisgermy !!!! literally when we started interacting i was SO happy!! we have to start talking more when we can!! youre super sweet n ilysm!!
@timsstutzle youre one of the first people i started talking to when first getting into hockey, and you are always so kind & respectful!! im crazy happy that i started talking to you <333
@bestestbenn aaa gorgeous!! i love you so so much !!! im definitely gonna try and talk to you more one on one when i can because we always interact but i dont know a lot about you & i’d like to know you better !! i love you !!
@hymarners aa nala !! when you found my blog & we started interacting it made me super happy bc it always excites me to meet and talk to new people on here !! and youre super sweet and just🥺🥺🥺 ilysm
@andrei-svech bestie !!! ngl since i found your blog i’ve wanted to interact with you and im siper glad i sent you that ask the other day !! youre so so kind and you might be ~slighty seasoned~ but im glad we started talking <33 im always here for you !!
@hockey-trash34 you just followed me but we should definitely start interacting 👀👀
@mxltifandoms06 okay hi i wanna start this off with- i love you SO much!! i just realized i never finished the harry potter funko pop advent calendar so later or tomorrow i’ll take a picture of them & show you !! buttt you make me so so happy and just🥺🥺🥺🥺
@itsjuliak5 okay we normally interact through likes & reblogs and stuff like that butttt you seem super sweet👀👀
@dunnwithlyfe ahhh youre someone i talk to everyday and we talk about pretty much anything and everything and i love it (and you) so much !!! you’re amazing and i love you SO much !!!
@puckingfabulous hi i dont think we’ve really interacted but i love your blog a lot :))))
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akutagawasbitches · 4 years
Welcome to the party love~ How about something for Junichiro, Akutagawa, and Atsushi with civilian m!s/o that’s a complete dorky dumbass. Power posing, vine references, memes, everything. He’s literally the definition of we not here for a long time we here for a good time. Since he’s taller he’ll pick them up randomly to swing them around, hold them back, carrying them to get rest cuz they’re being stubborn, etc. Does the don’t be suspicious thing if they mention going on an undercover mission.
Omg hihihi! I’m so excited to be here! And I love this idea I had so much fun writing this, I went for headcannons if that’s okay?
-        This poor boy is just constantly confused.
-        Doesn’t always get your vine references but after awhile he starts picking up on them more and more
-        Actively watches vine references with you and loves them, his favourite is “Hi I’m Jared I’m 19 and I never learned how to fuckin read”
-        Gets scared when he gets out the shower and you’re power posing in front of the door
-        Honestly gets a little intimidated whenever you power pose but after awhile he kinda gets used to it
-        Loves that you send him memes, it means that you’re thinking of him. Even if he doesn’t get the meme, he appreciates the gesture and always tries to send you memes back, but you’ve seen them all
-        Doesn’t understand tik tok memes but he likes that it makes you happy, so he supports it
-        Atsushi will never admit it but he loves it when you pick him up and swing him around. At first he’d be like “Ehh?! Put me down Y/N!!!” acting all scared but you know he loves it
-        Will hold Atsushi back if he’s being stupid and trying to start a fight he can’t win. He will literally hold him by the collar of his shirt while Atsushi is trying to escape.
-        Atsushi is a touch starved boy, will literally snuggle into you if you carry him, though might complain if Dazai is there because he knows Dazai will tease the shit out of poor Atsushi
-        He’ll try carry you back, but it never works out due to the height difference. He’ll either drop you or your long limbs would be trailing behind, and it just doesn’t work the same as when you carry him. Sometimes he’ll let you ride him in his tiger form though
-        If you sing the don’t be suspicious song at home while sneaking up on him, he’ll pretend not to notice and carry on and act surprised when you jump out
-        But if you’re doing it on missions, he gets so paranoid about someone over hearing and you getting found out that he literally covered your mouth on multiple occasions to get you to stop
-        Akutagawa much like Atsushi does not get your vine references. If you pull out any of the classic vines, he will not understand what you are doing. “Why you lyinnng, why you always lying, mmm oh my god! Stop fucking lying” “I’m not...? I just asked if you wanted tea.”
-        Akutagawa is just apathetic and doesn’t really care too much beyond slight confusion.
-        He will respond to your memes by taking them literally, so he doesn’t really understand the humour behind them
-        But appreciates that you are thinking of him. But never shows it.
-        If you power pose around him, he just ignores you and walks around you. It doesn’t work on him
-        Akutagawa hates being picked up n the outside and will angrily complain and try to escape as he thinks it makes him look weak. But internally he loves it because you’re touching him
-        Much like Atsushi, Akutagawa is touch starved so once you start giving him physical affection, he craves it all the time, so he’ll let you pick him up if no one is around to see him.
-        If you sin him around, he’ll complain because he gets dizzy but he’ll be blushing the entire time
-        Akutagawa has a short temper, so he often gets into fights so you having to hold him back happens often. He never appreciates it but you do it anyway because you want him to be safe and not have to deal with the messy aftermath.
-        Akutagawa hates the height difference so if you send memes about it, he will block you and be a salty boy
-        Akutagawa will occasionally send you stuff back thinking it’s a meme but its not. The effort is cute though
-        Akutagawa demands to carry you sometimes, but it doesn’t exactly work much like Atsushi.
-        If you annoy him with your power posing too much, will probably wrap you up in Rashomon to get you to stop
-        If you sing the don’t be suspicious song on a mission, the man will shut you up quicker than anything.
-        If him whisper yelling at you doesn’t work, he’ll just cover your mouth with his hand like Atsushi or use Rashomon.
-        This boy is so wholesome and sweet and will always love your memes even if he doesn’t understand them 100%
-        He is already tallish so if you’re taller than him woo boy
-        He’s both intimidated but also in awe
-        If you power pose at him, he’ll be confused and ask what you’re doing. He’s doesn’t find it intimidating at all but that’s because he thinks you’re cute
-        Loves vine, Naomi sends him vines all the time so he would happily watch vines with you and also reference vines to you at random points through the day
-        When he doe it around Kunikida, it drives poor Kunikida crazy because he doesn’t understand at all what the two of you are going on about
-        Probably would dress up as a vine reference for Halloween with you
-        100% watches vine compilations on YouTube with you while cuddling
-        Honestly, I could see him power posing back at you tbh.
-        Likes vine references but memes he’s iffy with. He likes that you send them to him but as I said get doesn’t always 100% understand them
-        Sends you any meme he finds even if you don’t find it funny, you’ll still love it when he does that because its sweet.
-        If you carry him, cue a very blushy Junichiro. He’ll complain but he likes it and will stop complaining after a minute
-        He’ll try carry you too to the best of his ability
-        If someone ever pisses him off, you’ll hold him back by grabbing the back of his shirt and holding tightly. It might take a minute for him to calm down, but it does calm him down after a bit.
-        You once had to hold him back when someone insulted you, the boy had murder on his mind.
-        If you spin Junichiro around, he’ll be very blushy for the whole day.
-        If you sing the don’t be suspicious song while accompanying him on a mission, the poor boy would have a heart attack and beg you to be quiet. Like Atsushi, he will cover your mouth if you don’t stop.
 Aaa thank you again for welcoming me into this wonderful fandom! Sorry it took so long to get out, I kinda lost motivation to write for a bit but I hope you like it!
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magnus is this notorious pirate famous in the caribbean with everyone talking about him because of how successful he is. his quartermaster is definitely raphael (his care for his clan and how he cares for others solidifies this thought process) and their ship has some corny name that raphael pretends to hate but definitely loves. europe thinks that magnus and his crew are demons(racists fucks) meanwhile theyre out here being nerds who enjoys navigating the seas and ruining racists job prospects+
+cat and ragnor live on nassau with magnus bringing back supplies they sell(we love the blackmarket here). the lightwoods are brought into this world bc their parents send them off to nassau to try and expand the family's business and gain profit off of this lawless place which refuses to be governed by anyone. malec meets at like the local inn where maia works at also where izzy meets her and by association The Polycule)and is just attracted to each other right then and there with bad flirting. once they become settled in, alec and izzy becomes like disillusioned with following what their parents expect of them and start to actually do what they wish. because he's dramatic, alec probably asks ragnor who settled down from pirating for more lessons in sword fighting (hes not unexperienced but theres a difference from fighting on land and on water)
eventually magnus hears about this cue them dramatically learning how to fight on like this cliff top with their swords connecting (we love euphemisms for sex) and them bonding over magnus' book collection he has and them no longer doing what their parents expect of them (im imagining asmodeus as this well traveled trader or something who only cares about money rather than having humanity) and even though magnus is this pirate which is a profession that the "civilized world" looks down on, he's like the epitome of actually having morals and caring about people (pirates were known to drastically impact the slave trade as they often freed slaves and let them join their crew or they worked directly with maroons and indigenous people). 
i imagine their first kiss to be when theyre training and someone has a sword pressed against the others neck because theyre horny bastards and they accept only the dramatics. their proposal/matelot is potc levels of dramatic with them fighting an enemy crew alongside The Polycule(the most badass and queer crew out there) and like halfway through alec is just like marry me and then next thing they know it raphael is officiating their marriage around dead people before they go on to have a better and more planned out wedding on shore (had to get some of this out now before i went too deep, The Poycule is definitely something i paid attention to most considering how big and complex the group is)
ugh not to add to an already huge post but
you are totally right about raphael being his quartermaster! raphael is a great leader and he cares so much for his people and he is one of the few people magnus obviously trusts, even as they have their differences. only other person i could imagine as magnus' quartermaster would be cat but like! raphael is perfect for the job! also i love the idea that he pretends to hate the corny name, he has to pretend to hate magnus' puns and jokes on principle but really he loves it
also "meanwhile they are all nerds" accurate, the whole ship is just a whole mess of people having fun and being family we love that for them
and ok not to slut for the polycule but i'm slutting for the polycule i just. aaa want to know so much more about them. i know you said they were already with maia but idk i can see many of them being part of magnus' crew? especially meliorn and tbh clary lmao she seems the type who would love adventure like that (i'm going with fanon clary here mostly) and i can see simon in both but i can also definitely see simon being in the inn with maia (god i have a half baked au that includes that) because being in the sea all day? no thank you. and they are just this nice local couple that helps all the pirates because fuck the racist law
also it's hilarious because they are so warm and welcoming and the lightwoods get there and simon is like "oh-oh. incoming" and maia is all like "what the fUCK do you want"
which lowkey backfires because izzy is just like "oh she's so fierce, i love her" and is already like, halfway in love doing the head tilt and huge grin thing (she's not creepy about it, just like, she likes it, you know? especially because in this AU izzy was raised as a Rich Girl so she's expected to be all that fragile useless white woman ideal and yada yada and she's not here for that so she's attracted to the idea of women like clary and maia)
and just like ghhgggghhh not to slut but i love the idea that they are in the inn and meliorn raphael and possibly clary are always in the sea so like! sweet reunions! not that they are usually going super far lmao mostly just stopping the slave trade and protecting the caribbean and shit, but that's a few months in between visits and i picture that at some point when they are getting to nassau raphael is just like, vibrating (you know, as much as he allows himself to) and magnus just smiles knowingly, happy that his boy has found people he's so happy with
and raphael getting into the inn and being like "simon! maia!" and simon and maia being like "raphael! meliorn!" and just crashing into this big group hug and it's all laughs and meliorn twirls maia and she giggles and simon kisses raphael's cheek and is all worried about them both (plus clary) because god what the fuck kind of shit did they get into this time, are they hurt? if he's broken another leg he's gonna- and raphael laughs and says "no, cariño, i promise all i have with me are gifts" because he's not gonna travel the caribbean and not bring stuff for his partners. so it's him and meliorn showering maia and simon in gifts and pretty and maybe stolen things (maia in particular takes such great joy in learning that her pretty new bracelet belonged to some racist bitch) like spoils you know? lmao, and looking at them it's like they haven't seen each other in years or something but no it's been like a month and it's always like that
and alec and izzy are just watching that, mouths slack, shocked, but highkey yearning for something as free as that, that loving family and that open love and meliorn's genderfuckery and just everything about them! and alec "conceal don't feel" lightwood is kind of frowning and goes "are they always like that?" to which magnus, behind him, answers "yes" and then he turns around and they stare at each other and magnus quickly goes from "happy for my boys" to "hello tall person" in a matter of seconds and is suddenly all seductive and flirty and alec is having the time of his life? especially since here away from the lightwoods he can allow himself just a little bit, and letting a guy flirt with him can't hurt, right? he knows izzy won't tell their parents. so he engages
cue terribly bad flirting, izzy smiling widely as she watches the polycule dynamics, highkey wanting something like that for herself, especially seeing the way that clary talks to maia all like "look at this SWORD" and all the adventures. and maia still doesn't trust her but apparently magnus has already hit it off with her brother so what the hell, they might as well stay
and just!! yes getting to know each other shenanigans. i picture that like the army gets there and tries to get magnus and his crew and alec and izzy are like running to them to warn them (alec not knowing quite why, he shouldn't be taking that big of a risk, he shouldn't be getting attached to a pirate - of whom he's only heard terrible things so far, thinks they are Evil basically - just because something about him is alluring and represents the freedom he doesn't allow himself to want, but... he is getting attached) and the whole gang is all like *very calmly heading to the secret hideout in their room* oh don't worry about that lmao they do this every week
and idk i just want a moment where they are almost found and alec and izzy lowkey save their ass (i mean they would have managed but they make it easier, maybe use the Privilege Card lmao). maybe the guards were closer than they thought so alec ends up just shoving magnus into the hideout and when the guards come in he's all like "WHO is interrupting our sleep" and acts like an entitled brat and they don't even search the room lmao and then alec runs to the hideout all "sorry that i pushed you, are you okay?" and magnus is all like "i'm fine" but a little touched about the care. just to establish that trust, you know? both between them and between izzy and the rest of the polycule
so after that it all kind of flows smoothly because they know they can genuinely trust the lightwoods and so it grows into something more. magnus and alec can bond over having Terrible Parents With Terrible Morals and they open up about their respective traumas with abuse, and alec confesses to magnus for the first time ever that he doesn't want to be like his parents, that he thought if maybe he earned their respect, he could change things from the inside. and magnus looks at him all soft and touched and is like "there's no changing things from the inside" and alec is like "i'm starting to realize that" you know
and yeah alec gets to see how much that crew cares for each other, way more than his "traditional family" ever could (except for him and izzy who are just as devoted to each other as the crew is, but like, it's honestly less the "blood relations" and more how they've always been there for each other as they handled their parents' shittiness) and again he's just yearning because he always believed he wouldn't get something like that. and magnus in particular is just so caring and just wants to make the world a better place, you know? and he admires that and they bond over that, too
and just jdhdaodshad god i love this. and meanwhile izzy is flirting with maia clary and meliorn like crazy and soon they are like this huge messy group with all those dynamics... and i just aaa and alec and izzy end up joining the crew and daiodsaiodjsaio RAPHAEL OFFICIATING THEIR WEDDING i'm genuinely all for that fucking shit, magnus wants his boy to do it for them and aaaaa! also i DEMAND raphael&meliorn fighting sequences because i bet they would make a bomb ass duo fighting back to back and shit, you know? bonus points if they are defending simon and maia who are behind them and just making sure no one touches them?? i live for this shit 
in short i love this and you said “get some out of your chest" so if there's more, then fuck, i can't wait to see it dahsdaijas i'm sorry for talking so much i get too excited
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zensbae · 5 years
Emotions rule over the night
~{What if you ignore Jaehee and go to meet Zen in secret when it first comes up? Spoilers for Zen's route}~
Pairing: Zen x mc
General - slice of life, bit of fluff
2089 Words
You've just wrapped up the last of your email replies for the day, it's getting late.. you look out the window of the apartment to see a full moon begin to rise, "Wow, it's so beautiful.. I wonder what Zen's up to?" leaning back in your computer chair, you sigh softly.
Your phone ringtone suddenly sounds off, screen illuminated with Zen's name and profile picture. You smile and flick accept, but in the process you launch your phone off the desk and onto the floor beneath you.
Scrambling out of your chair, picking it up, you bump your head on the desk, "Aaaiish-!"
"Is everything okay, Jagiya? Did I call at a bad time..?"
"No, no it's fine! Sorry I threw my phone when I went to answer;; I was surprised you called. Uhm, I was literally just thinking of you.." The words tumble out as you try to stand up again.
"I was looking at the moon and thinking of you too, Jagi." He says softer than his usual tone.
A warm tingle brushes your cheeks, "No way, that's what I was doing when you called, we really are connected aren't we?"
A soft laugh escapes his lips on the other side of the line, "I told you, physically we may be apart, but we're always connected~"
"Well next time I want to call you first, lovely Zen~"
"Aah, I really like it when you call me that.." He says with a sigh. You can imagine him blushing, which makes you blush.
"Oh-! Hey, so, the reason I called is... I meant what I said before about not listening to the others. I really want to meet you.. what do you think of that?" he breaths out wistfully
"Yes!! I really want to see you! But do I go to you, or do we meet in the middle since you can't come to me?" You say, leaning forward in your computer chair, elbows on your desk.
"We could meet for coffee in the middle, and go from there?" Zen says,
"Hmm, let me see.." You say, pulling up Zen's address from his fan page, he's actually pretty far away.
"There is a SirenCoffee at [names the address], that is about halfway, I think.."
"If I took the subway I could make it that far.." he says
"Uhm, is that okay with your ankle though, am I being too inconsiderate..? We can meet closer to you.." concern beginning to nip at your conscience.
"Babe, my ankle will be fine, I want to go to you so badly I couldn't stand it if I didn't try. I would rather go closer to you regardless, a lady shouldn't really be out late by herself.."
"Oh, you meant tonight?!" You gasp and stand up from your desk
"Yeah.. i-is that too soon?"
Twisting your hair in your fingers, you bite your lip, "No, I just thought maybe you meant tomorrow.."
"The reason I was thinking tonight, is it's less likely one of the others might see us or notice our absence from the chat?" He puffs out a breath, and inhales again, it sounds like he's outside.
"Zen, are you smoking?"
"Yeah; I'm sorry, I can't help it right now, Jagi. I'm tired of holding still.. I can't exercise, or practice the dances for my new role.." he admits begrudgingly, you hear him sniffle, "I've never had to be so still before, it's hard. I'm kind of pathetic, right?"
"No, never! Cheer up, Zenny, I want to see you tonight.. so put your cig out and get ready to go to the subway station."
"Oh! Oh my God, really?!" You hear some shuffling, the scratching of a cigarette being put out.. a door opening, "Umm.. but I meant it when I said I didn't want you going too far at night;; Let's meet closer to you."
"Okay so how about we meet at [address of closer SirenCoffee], is that too far for you?"
"No, no not at all! I work close to there fairly often actually!" He laughs, "So.. what do I look for so I know it's you?"
"I can't tell you, it's a secret~" you quip, getting a whine out of the actor in response.
"B-but Jagiya, that isn't faaair, you know what I look like.."
"You'll just have to wait and see~! I'm getting ready to head out now, see you soon!"
"Okay see you soon, babe!" he responds
You smile to yourself and hang up, so you can start getting ready.
You've been walking about 5 minutes, and you hear your phone ping, a text! It's from Zen, he sent a selfie of himself waiting for the train, it makes you blush because he sent this one to you personally and not in the chat room.
You reply, ">_< I'm almost there, warn me next time you're sending a selfie so I don't fall in the street!"
You get a, "Ooh, Jagi!! You should be more careful, this is a problem.." in response.
"Or you could not send me selfies when you're going to see me in 10 minutes?" Laughing, you roll your eyes and tuck your phone back in your pocket.
First one to arrive at the coffee shop is you. Ohhh, this is perfect, you think to yourself.
Sitting at one of the tables facing the street, you flick your lock screen and wait, he's sent you several more texts. This boy is going to be the end of you, making you giggle at your phone like an idiot in public. You get engrossed in trying to bypass the app to get a teaser pic sent to Zen.. should you just send a text directly to him outside the app? That should work.. but what kind of pic do you send?
A familiar voice hums out behind you.
Turning to look, you see that handsome face you've grown attached to.
"Well? I found you without seeing a picture! Are you impressed, jagiya?"
"Is that why you texted so much?" a tinge of red dusts your cheeks, "but wait- how did you sneak up on me with crutches?!"
"I've been practicing~" He winks at you.
You gently extend your hand to him, "I'm mc, it's a pleasure to meet you~" taking your hand in his, he gently shakes it.
"Aaah.. it's so nice to meet you. You're cute.. so much cuter, than what I imagined." he grins at you, a light blush dusting his cheeks as well.
Zen is so stunning in person, his silver hair shines in the light, giving off an ethereal glow. He's wearing a charcoal grey hoodie, white v-neck t-shirt peeking from underneath, and black jeans. His frame is lean but toned, just the perfect balance. The crutches and boot cast look so out of place.
"Wooow, you're so handsome in person... ah, but where are my manners? Please sit! Let me know what you want to order!" You say, gesturing to the seat.
"Aaa, it makes me so happy hearing that from you, thank you Jagiya~"
He takes a seat, you move aside to take his crutches and lean them against the wall beside him. He gets his wallet out and palms money off to you, "I'm taking care of this, so don't worry about the cost for yours, okay? I'll just have a hot coffee with a splash of cream."
That smile, it makes you weak in the knees. Is this real, is he real? You just smile and nod, turning to go to the counter. Feeling his gaze on you makes you smile, and suddenly you're too aware of yourself at the same time. So you order an iced drink, cause it's hot in here.
Bringing the drinks back to your table, you place his in front of him, "It's because you smoke isn't it? Isn't that the cliche.. black coffee and cigarettes?"
This gets a laugh out of the actor, "Doesn't it break the cliche because I had cream added though?"
"I want to quit, you know.. it's just hard, I've done things on my own for so long I need a fall back when the stress gets to be too much. So I smoke, and I drink beer at home." He lets out a sigh, "Is it not admirable that I do those things, and not seek out worse things for stress relief?"
"VERY admirable yeah! For as attractive as you are you aren't a player" You stifle a laugh, and clear your throat, taking a drink of your coffee.
"Ohhh this is good! Do you want to try it??" You ask leaning toward him. He nods and takes your straw in his mouth, "Mmm.. cinnamon?"
"Yeah! It's not too overpowering and it highlights the taste of the coff..ee-" You're staring at his lips. Indirect kiss. It's so cliche, but it doesn't stop your face from flaring up.
"It's sensible, like you.." he smiles gently, cupping his face in his hands, the look he's giving you is adorable, "Aaah.. this is what I needed, I'm sorry for bringing you out when it was getting dark, Jagi.. I needed to see you."
"Honestly, I needed to see you too. Jaehee's not wrong to act the way she did, but it was starting to wear on me.. is this actually okay, Zen? For us to be seen in public like this?" You search his eyes, being met only with the sincerest warmth.
"If it's what I want, it's fine, besides if anyone asks we can just say we're friends." A light smile plays at the corners of his lips, as he goes to take a sip of his coffee.
Pondering, you ask, "Are we just friends?"
"Well I want to be more but.. I want to give you time to get ready, and I want to be ready to protect and be beside you.. properly." He lets out a deep sigh, "I knew you were a good person the moment you showed up in the chatroom.."
"Thank you for believing in me, Zen.. I've honestly never done any of this before, it's been exciting, and I feel like I belong somewhere for the first time.."
Gleaming at you, Zen takes your hand in his once more, "You make sure and tell me if there's anything or anyone that bothers you, mm?" You feel like you could cry, why is he so sweet and considerate when you just met him?
The two of you talk for a few hours, long after your coffees are finished. It's only when you're informed the store is closing that you realize how late it is! Good thing the trains run until midnight. Helping get Zen his crutches once again, the two of you set out into the brisk night air.
Of course, he insists on walking you as close as he can, but you decline.. it's not that far and besides, Zen has a train to catch!
"I'm really bad at goodbyes.." you admit, looking to your feet
Zen leans forward, "Babe, look at me.."
"Yes?" Sheepishly, you meet his gaze, level with yours.
"Thank you for tonight, I mean it.. thanks to you I can face forward with a smile on my face, and so can you, yeah?"
"Yeah.." You offer him a smile
"Good girl.. now hurry home and text me when you are safe inside.. okay? Bye, Jagi!" He gives you a little wink and turns to walk away.
You reach out, hugging your arms around his middle, "Goodbye Zen, thank you for tonight and I'll talk to you on the messenger later!" you can hear his heart ba-thump loudly in response.
As you turn and walk away, you glance back, and Zen is standing there, his cheeks flushed watching you walk away, "ZEN, YOUR TRAIN! GO!!" you shout back laughing, as he waves and turns to go.
When you get back you text him like he requested, humming to yourself you save the selfie he sent to you before.
Within the next day Jumin says he's sending you to see Zen, but neither he nor Jaehee know you've already met. It's your secret and you can't wait to see handsome Zen once more. ❤️
~{I've had a pretty rough week, but writing zen x mc cheers me up, so here's something inspired from a text I got when I was playing}~
The text in question:
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Agent of Hope - 21
Your world falls into ruin together with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcements Logistics Division when you find out that your boyfriend isn’t one of the good guys. Pairing: Brock Rumlow x fem!reader, Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader Contents: Probably some errors due to lack of concentration when proof reading...both times. Boring office, pain and puking, fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort that is actually very intimate, smut…yeah, I mean smut. A/N: Not only have I finished yet another chapter here, but I’ve also completed two for a new series AND I’m apparently a home owner now! Now I just need to save my job after my performance has taken a toll during the home-process. Thanks for bearing with me! Thanks even more for liking and reblogging!!
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21 - Living a dream
Somehow the buzzing from the old fashioned fixtures overhead hits a frequency more annoying than a mosquito at night and the light glares off of any shiny surface, causing you to squint in this world of greys. It’s hard to keep track of the maps and pictures agent Ross is showing you, but you do recognize some of the scenes from your nightmarish memories. Through an increasing blanket of fuzz, he shows you photos from the interior of a ship. It felt bigger, but in reality it’s nothing more than a smallish trawler.
You want to ask how they found it, but the words are warbled, coming from far away. The warmth of Natasha’s hair sweeps into view, blocking some of that awfully bright light before you taste the sour discharge in the back of your throat. Fuck.
Not a sound is heard, but you know the man would have a deep voice, a foreign language that would make you think of heat and traditions from before the alphabet you know. He looks kind, the stocky man, as he stands before an audience. Sweeping rows of tables makes you think of a lecture hall, but that doesn’t fit with the glass façade behind him. Glass that suddenly shatters, pushed into the room by a torrent of fire. You see it in slow motion, how a younger man leaps out of nowhere to push the speaker away as finally there’s a voice proclaiming the king is dead.
…   Romanoff   …
Holding [Y/N] up so she won’t choke in the vomit, Natasha doesn’t bother explaining to Ross what’s happening until she hears the first groan (which could resemble the word “fuck”) is preceded by a flutter of lashes. It’s over.
“Might want to get rid of this,” the former spy remarks, pushing the waste bin across the table to the CIA agent.
Surprisingly, he just accepts, making sure to return with a relatively unused one and even extra plastic bags. “Anything else I can get? Want me to call a doctor?”
If only that would help. “I’ve got something for the pain so I can get her back…learned to be prepared.”
“This happens often?” Shock makes the already pasty face paler.
“Every time she sees something.” Soft hands run circles on [Y/N]’s back, nursing the poor woman as she’s curled together, head cradled between shaking hands. “Imagine getting your skull hit by lightning…overloading every single neuron until the whole thing is overcharged and ready to burst only it can’t explode it can just keep hurting her.”
It’s obvious how Ross’ entire idea of how premonitions work is being re-evaluated and adjusted to allow for what he’s just witnessed. Not as romantic as books or movies claim, huh?
Natasha sits patiently, answering the confused agents many questions (though, to be fair, he actually finds the answer to a lot on his own), while nursing [Y/N] back into a shape where she can drink some water to swallow some of Dr. Cho’s pills and eventually stand on her legs. Wobbly, sure, but well enough to make it down to the car.
“How you feeling, babe?” She looks better. There are bags under [Y/N]’s eyes, but at least the ashen shade that had covered her face is gone. “Dare to get some food in you?”
There’s a brief moment where the option is considered before dismissed. “Thanks though…” Then she resumes the scribbling in the notebook Happy has given her, sometimes absentmindedly stroking the sequins or highlighting something – this time in an electric purple shade which she adds to something else after leafing backwards. “Has…has there been aaa…a bombing with a king or something?”
It’s a quick search for the combined forces of Natasha and Jarvis, both coming up with nothing relevant despite the pressure of a growing frown on [Y/N]’s face. The red-head recognizes the thinning line of her girlfriend’s lips and knows an intervention is needed if ever the woman is going to get some rest, but she has also seen firsthand how important it is to work through the vision as soon as possible or it will keep interfering with everything else.
Carefully lowering herself onto the bed behind the pained woman, she runs slender fingers across [Y/N]’s scalp, eliciting a sigh. “What else can I do to help?”
“Thaaaat,” a breathy moan divulges, sending chills up and down Nat’s spine, “it feels sooo good, hon.”
Nails cart gently through messy-looking hair, fingertips circling the temples and adding pressure at the nape of the skull. Back and forth while the woman between the hands start to relax into the touch. Then the slender fingers find the shoulders, kneading gently but deeply into the tangled mess of tense muscles in the vain hope that some release can be found and might help ease the pounding headache Natasha knows is reigning.
It must be working because [Y/N] sighs deeply, a content smile growing on the lips as she arches her back in relief, free breasts stretching the front of the lose t-shirt that replaced most of the ensnaring and sweat-soaked clothes the moment they got home. It’s so simple, so natural to slide a hand along the clavicles and trace the neckline of the shirt with a fingertip while the other traces a path back into the mane that smells so perfectly, and Nat can’t resist the urge to plant a feathery kiss on the top of the ear.
Did you see this too, sweetheart? See me fall in love with you? It doesn’t matter if [Y/N] knew, though, because it won’t change how right it is. It has brought a new worry into Natasha’s life, but it’s a price she’ll gladly pay over and over again as long as she gets to listen to this woman’s heartbeat, taste her kisses in the grey morning hours, know that the trust they share can’t be broken. Not by anything.
[Y/N] twists in the Avenger’s grasp, subtly moving the southern hand to rest on a boob under which a rapid beat is drumming. Led by her own hair, Nat is guided until mouths meet. There is still a tender lightness to it but also an urge, a hunger that demands more and wouldn’t it be wonderful to give in? To gorge in the sweetness without fear of causing damage?
“It’s okay, Tasha.” Hot breath carries a scent of toothpaste. “I want it. Please?”
Anything for you. A searing kiss is the only answer Natasha can muster at first. Then, without breaking contact, she pulls [Y/N] onto her lap like a goddess placed on a pedestal to be worshipped. A stray thought tries to ruin the fun by pointing out how lovely it would’ve been to slowly remove any trousers, but it’s a notion that’s squashed the moment soft thighs settle around Nat’s in a strong hold.
The first buttons of the red-head’s blouse are worked on uncontested while the remainder pop from the brute force of [Y/N] pulling at the fabric, finally allowing colder hands to roam over pale skin, finding and caressing a few old scars and toying with the fine lace.
It’s a slow maelstrom of desire that spins and pulls the women. Natasha isn’t sure when the t-shirt is discarded, she just knows how perfect the hard nipple feels against her tongue and lips and that the weight of each breast is the loveliest burden to hold and massage until [Y/N] rocks against the jeans.
It can be seconds later or minutes when the former spy pulls out the sweetest sounds by stroking the silken folds, already slippery with need. Each pass over the clit has the woman on top moaning, trying to stifle the sound against Tasha’s skin which is puckered after kisses and teasing bites. It’s not enough to silence the quaking groan when the adept fingers brings the roaring sensations to a blissful peak and [Y/N]’s body shudders and stiffens, core clenching around a few fingers that had reach inside and found the right spot.
…   Reader   …
Inside you are heavenly chorus is singing the praises for Tasha, for the fact that she proved your hope right and showed that, yes, being intimate could still feel good. Pfft…inadequate word. It had been beyond amazing, reducing you to a soft mass of euphoria collapsed onto her gorgeous frame.
Once relatively conscious again, you wanted to reciprocate.
“No, babe, not this time,” Tasha shushes you, stopping any complaints with kisses, “tonight I take care of you, ‘kay? And right now you get to rest.”
Of course nothing she says is a lie and she makes sure to clean you before tugging you under the covers. You’re half asleep by then and smiling like a lovesick fool.
“Tasha –“
“Nuh-uh!” A finger lands on your lips. “Unless you’re about to say you love me too then you’re going to sleep. Right now.”
“I guess I have to stay awake then.” But the smirk on your face is stretched into a yawn and you feel warmth echo inside your bones and mixing with the bliss your hero has left behind.
One more kiss, a whispered promise that she’ll be back to check on you, then darkness descends with a gentle peace.
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the-madame21 · 6 years
Laito Sleeping Vampire
Same disclaimer as always, I’m still learning so take these with a huge grain of salt. I do these translations to practice vocab and kanji. A few quick notes if I may. I left Bitch-chan as “bitch-chan” but please understand given Japanese connotations a more accurate translation is “Little Slut.” Also, the night crawling that Laito refers to is the following: “Yobai (夜這い, "Night crawling") is an ancient Japanese custom where young unmarried men would silently enter houses with young unmarried women, silently crawl into a woman's room and make his intentions known. If the woman consented, they would sleep together.” With that, enjoy! This one was way more lewd than the others lol. Leave it to Laito~
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*black screen*
Aah, Bitch-chan already came. Wait just a bit.
Alright, with that we can start…
*Laito appears*
Uh! Okay. Ha--good grief.
No good, scream louder. Because it’s more exaggerated when you do.
Aaha...wait, that, don’t press so hard. Because I’ll fall from the bed, you know? ...Uhn.
Eh? What’s happening you say? Can’t you tell by looking? I slipped into your futon.
Aah, it’s something like that. ...Something like, I decided to come and do a night crawl. Nfu~
Ahaha~? What’s up with that attitude? Could it be...it’s no good?
Haaaah-- honestly….as usual I don’t understand you, Bitch-chan.
Because suddenly you told me “come over tonight” I came properly and didn’t even attack you.
I was rather kind about it, wasn’t I? Honestly…
You don’t even consider that I was worried about you…
In the first place, why was I even bothered to come…
I was planning to sleep alone with a girl like yourself…
Surely I didn’t think this lonely feeling would happen.
I thought you’d be able to sleep well, even if it were just for a bit. Even so…
Girls really are so troublesome, I never understand them. It’s troubling.
Fuu. But it can’t be helped. I understand at least this much.
From this moment, this troublesome girl seems to be delighted.
Because I will take care of your mood. ….okay~
Alright. Go ahead.
Eh, what, you say...it’s an arm pillow. Haven’t you ever done it before?
Girls like surprise skinship don’t they?
Using my arm as a pillow, what else would be good, I really don’t know, but…
Ah, well anything is fine. Come on, hurry and lay your head down here.
*touch screen*
*Laito gets closer*
...fufu...to the outside world it seems like we’ve become lovers ne...Bitch-chan?
If I continue to keep my arm like this...then next I’ll be able to pull you to me you know?
Fufu...could it be Bitch-chan is feeling nervous? It’s merely a pillow.
….because, look. There is so much strain on your neck...don’t you know it will hurt later?
Well don’t force yourself. You can leave it to me. ...ok?
….nm? ….Aaah, could it be, you can’t sleep well on your back? If that’s the case then…
...How about if I turn towards you like this?
Ohoho? What’s wrong? We could stick even more closely together.
Nfufu. Are you embarrassed? Over something like an arm pillow...that’s adorable…
I’ve done things like this and that before. Nfu~
So, it’d be best if you go ahead and stretch out. Or until when do you plan to not be able to sleep?
You really don’t have to worry about me. Because right now, I’m your pillow.
That’s it. That’s the feeling. How is it? Will you be able to sleep with this?
….hnnmm. With that tension you won’t be able to sleep well, right?
Haha weell, for now we’ll test it out. Good night, Bitch-chan.
*black screen*
Hey...Bitch-chan. Bitch-chan…
...is still awake right? Honestly!
*Laito appears*
Nfu. As expected, you’re awake aren’t you. You also couldn’t fall asleep?
Basically, you don’t really like this arm pillow. Oh? That’s not it?
But, you don’t seem to like it, so I’m trying to help.
I also thought that I don’t know what to do that would be fun.
But that’s it, no? Staying side by side like this you’d fall asleep….
Although my arm is starting to go numb...you don’t really deserve it. (“I’m too good” he’s flattering himself here)
In that case, like this…
Until my arm goes completely numb, it would be best if you stay awake.
Haa. Though I guess rather than an arm pillow it’s an “awake” pillow?.....aah, but,
Of course, I don’t plan to keep it as an “awake” pillow so be at ease, ok?
Haa...that face, it’s a face I sort of don’t understand. Well, it is what it is.
First...we should talk, right? If we’re going to be night crawling.
Eh, it’s not a joke though? It’s just like I said. Nfufu~
Well, it’s fine. But you really, weren’t you somewhere waiting for something?
So...even if you push away from me…
*struggle happens*
Fufu. There’s no use in trying to resist. Because I have this foresight.
Since I’ve been doing this arm pillow, you’ve had a puzzled expression…
It wasn’t enough. You were disappointed right?
“Eh, just this?” is what you were thinking, weren’t you?
Nfu. I can’t. You almost completely forgot about it. You really are the best Bitch-chan…
Women from all around always do the same thing. They’re never satisfied, isn’t that right?
Nfu. You don’t have to hide it. Besides for me, doing this arm pillow has been very amusing.
Also, I can’t help it because you’re also petty.
Right…? Bitch-chan…?
Well, in that case from here on out I’ll meet your expectations.
Ah, but before that of course is to get rid of what’s causing a nuisance.
Eh? Who is the nuisance…? Hasn’t that been decided?
What you’re wearing. That neglige...nfu~
So, hurry up and get undressed. ...eh? No way? Why?
Hnnmm. Fine, I got it. Could it be, you get excited like this…?
That is….you want me to forcibly take it off, that sort of thing, right?
Fufu. Ah I see. As expected of Bitch-chan...In that case, as you wish...I’ll do it!
Nfufu….You seem to hate it...It seemed to me that you wanted to get a little rough/wild.
Haa...seriously. Because your intentions aren’t honest at all, it makes things quite difficult.
Ahaha! That’s good! That’s the sort of night crawling feeling! Come on now, struggle more!
Haa...if you keep on making that sort of disgusted face...I’ll also just get  more and more excited.
Nee…*heavy breathing* Next is something [even more intense] than this…
Just like that….continue struggling while I hold you down...ha...nn…*sucking*
*moaning, sucking*
Nn...aaa….Bitch-chan. Resist me more with all of your might….*excessive moaning*
*slurping, moaning giggling* It’s fine if you start to sweat...Because I can…*moaning, sucking* lick all of it up…*moaning, sucking*
...nfufu...That face of yours...really looks like you hate it...it’s a good feeling isn’t it? Bitch-chan…
*giggles* Haa….yes desperately resisting like that...nn *sucking*...your sweat is so...sweet….
Haa...we’re playing out a good night crawl….it seems like you’re also pretty excited, right?
Nfu. You’re not really hating this at all, are you? You’re just pretending.
Aaaa...somehow I, my throat started feeling thirsty...I feel like I want to suck your blood right now.
Nfu. If Bitch chan...makes that kind of happy looking face….
Eh? That’s not true? Once again~ (you’re lying). You want to be sucked bad~ly~.
Right now you want that desire to be fulfilled. ….but.
Today your blood sucking will have~ to~ wait~
Ahahaha!! You really made such a surprised face! Were you disappointed?
I thought I might do a little tease play.
You were thinking of me doing something like that, right? Nee, doesn’t it seem like a fun thought?
Nfufu. If you’re not anxious it’s fine.
I’m not saying I won’t ever suck your blood.
Just to the end...that’s because it’s a part of the game, right? Nfu.
Fufu...Were you a little relieved?
But, if you were worried that’d be troubling, no?~
I said we’re playing but, tonight we’re also limited in time, no?
If we have fun for a while, me teasing you would be really good.
I’ll tease you to your limits until you’re numb but...until you ask me, I won’t stop, ok?
Nfu, you’re making a face like you want something...but it’s no~ good~ It won’t be that easy.
I’m saying,  a denial play is this sort of thing, right?
Oya? Could it be those tears are because I’ve hurt you?
Could it be, since I’m not sucking your blood you’re not interested in me! Is that what you’re thinking~?
You’re horrible. Is this also a part of your teasing?
Nfu….o~kay. That really is just overly mean. It can’t be helped. If that’s the case…
Today to relieve the need to suck your blood, with my velvet  tongue I’ll...
All night, you’ll be like a candy that I lick continuously, it’ll be fine don’t you think?
*laughing* Woops, trying to escape now is useless, you know.
I keep scolding you for your own good, since a while ago, I’ve said you had a good feeling to look forward to, no?
Then, Bitch-chan~ Thank you for the meal!
First is...to expose...this chest...nn.. *sucking*
Nnn….haa….as expected, your sweat is…*moans*  extremely delicious...nnn….
Nfufu...If Bitch-chan sighs like that…
If I hear that sort of voice...carelessly doing as you please, it makes me want to give you what you want.
From your nape...If I drink just a little, then it’d be fine, wouldn’t it...absolutely…
Ah--but I can’t I can’t! Especially now because we’re right in the middle of our denial play! You’re a little too impatient!
That’s what I thought but…*kissing, sucking* nn….
Aa, as expected...If I hear that sort of voice...I already can’t endure it!
Haa, that’s right. It’s bad but, could you put the pillow to your mouth, that way your voice won’t come out?
Absolutely not. This is the only way for me to be patient! Because I’m trying to hold back on sucking your blood!
Haa….with this I can pull myself together…
If I can savor you, the right side of your nape...here is good.
Your heart is sending out the fresh taste of your blood...your sweat gently wafting out your scent…
Nnn….aaa…*moaning*...It’s delicious, Bitch-chan…
Eh? You already can’t bear it? Do you want me to suck your blood that much?
Aah, already struggling like that...ahaaaaa….that’s good! That’s the best feeling isn’t it!
For you to be acting so intensely towards me.
I can’t see your expression because of the pillow but….your body keeps twisting around so that you won’t let your voice out...
For you to be enduring that desperation...it’s the best kind of excitement!
Aa...sometimes its nice, pushing each other to the limits with this sort of denial play.
More and more, until we hit the absolute brink of our desperation to where I finally drink your blood...who knows what’ll happen then!
*rustling* *screen fades to black*
Hnn…? Bitch-chan?
You suddenly became quiet...Ah, could it be you got so excited that you tired yourself out...?
...hey…? Wait a minute, what’s wrong? Bitch-chan! Bitch-chan!
A--...thank goodness. It doesn’t look like you died but…
Hello hell--o? Bitch chan, have you fallen asleep? There’s no reason for that.
Ha….As expected it’s kind of really hurtful.
*Laito appears*
Ah, good. You came back to life~!
Bitch-chan suddenly fainted. You surprised me.
But basically, it was just a minor lack of oxygen.  Seriously, if holding your breath with the pillow becomes too difficult, then just say it properly.
Eh? You’ve been telling me to stop all this time? Aah...I definitely heard it, but…
What the heck. Obviously I thought you telling me to stop was a part of the denial play. Nfu.
...pfft...ahahahaha!!! Hahahahaha!! Ah sorry sorry!
Because you’re so delicious...that sort of attempt to stop doesn’t really work. Nfu~
Ha….when I remember it, I want to do it again. This time...let’s have some blood.
Aaha! It’s just a joke! Don’t get up!
Yes yes. We’ll just sleep like this then. Got it?
Because if you collapse again, I’d be troubled, you know? Since you only fainted just a bit ago.
Hn….What’s with that unhappy looking face.
Is it because I got too carried away that you’re angry?
Aaah, I’m always trying to please you but…
Somehow you’re still angry so...it’s pretty troubling.
Truly, women are such troublesome creatures.
Ha...the one I’m referring to….of course it’s you, no?
But, it’s been amusing.
Haa, well, your consciousness is back so, it’d be better for your health to get so sleep, since it’s already this late.
...ah...but before that…
...alright, come. Can we make up?
Be-cause! I said I wanted to make up! Won’t you let me hug you?
Haa...Don’t worry, I’m not going to suck your blood from this point on.
Haa….do you really not trust me at all? Eh? What goes around comes around?...you’re horrible~
Anyway! Come over here!
*happy sigh*...this is good.
Nee...Bitch-chan. About earlier, I’m sorry, k?
I wasn’t really planning to make you suffer or anything like that.
I just wanted to have as much skinship as possible.
Nee, do you get what I’m saying?
...If you say you’re not angry anymore, won’t you lift up your face so I can see you?
Nfu. Thank goodness.
With that apology…
From here on I’ll give you something pleasurable…*soft kissing/moaning noises*
*soft kiss*....fufu. You like those sorts of things don’t you?  Because I know a bit about you.
Well then...one more time…*kisses* *soft moaning*
….hey. You’re not telling me to stop….then if we do more of these sort of things...it’s fine, right?
Nfufu. Then in that case, I won’t hold back….*more kissing*
….eh? It’s difficult? That’s awful. If you faint again I’ll be troubled.
That’s why...here, open your mouth….haa…*moaning*...nnn….*slurping*....
*moaning sigh* So then, should we make it even more difficult…? Nfufu~
Haa...tell me if you don’t like it. Because then I’ll stop...nnn…*kissing, sucking*
Fufu...not saying anything? As expected you really do love kissing….
Ha...nee, is it ok if I kiss in some other places….?
*sighing*...for example...here…? *sucking* *moaning*
And after, here too….*sucking, kissing*
*kiss* Hnn?...Ohoho? What’s happened? Your face is incredibly red you know?
Ah, could it be...you got all excited again…? Nfu~
Nee, Bitch-chan.
I’m more or less aware that my love has lots of things about it that are confusing…
The girls around me have never really understood, but I don’t really care.
That said...I wonder why...when it’s you…
It’s a little new to me is what I think but...I do wonder?
Fufu...well, if you say so.
Ha...somehow I’m also starting to get sleepy.
Because staying up with you like this...it’s really warm…*yawn*....
Well, we should get to sleep already. But...since we’re like this, do you wanna make out a little?
If you want to then I’m open to it. Better yet, why don’t we just skip school tomorrow?
*giggle*...fine fine. I got it. We’ll sleep. Good grief, you’re a serious one.
Well, whatever. We have all of tomorrow.
What sort of things we’ll do tomorrow, I wonder…
Ah, that’s right. Instead of sleeping, you could come nightcrawling to me. How does that sound?
Ha *nervous laugh*...it’s a joke! If you struggle like that it’ll hurt!
*rustling, Laito moves further away*
...haa. Make sure to stay just like this Until I wake you up…
Because at this distance I can see what you’ll do while you sleep.
That’s why it’s useless to try and create a small gap to separate ourselves...nfu.
*sigh* Goodnight, Bitch-chan. Until tomorrow. Nn…*chu*
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krumbine · 4 years
Max Nebula and the Simpering Spark of Hope
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“Do you know how to stop the end of the world?”
Harold grinned again. This was the most fun he had had in years. “Ah. Yes. Emphatically so. We just have to deactivate the phase induction bomb.”
“And how do we do that?”
Harold’s grin grew wider. “I have absolutely no idea. And isn’t that fantastic?”
Luna winced.
Max shook his head. “No, actually. That’s not comforting.”
“Good!” Harold dove back into the access panel. “That means we have extra motivation to figure it out!”
“The end of the world isn’t motivation enough?!”
​The sun melted into the horizon, sending cascades of deep oranges and purples and greens across a darkening sky. Max Nebula’s gaze shifted up from the setting sun to see alien stars just beginning to shimmer through the atmosphere.
It was the end of another day. A magnificent display of nature that held within it the promise of a new day to come.
It would have been a beautiful scene if not for the fact that the world he stood on was about to be winked out of existence by a massive phase induction bomb. This was particularly unfortunate because, as previously mentioned, Max Nebula was still standing on said planet.
“Hey, laser-brain!” The call came from Max’s on-again-off-again partner-in-sleuth, Luna Astroflux. “We could use a little help with this whole end-of-the-world crisis, if you’re not too busy with the navel gazing.”
Max spun on his heel to face Luna. Her face was scrunched up in a sassy annoyance that didn’t quite seem to match the gravity of the apocalyptic situation. It might have been the end of the world, but it’s not like Luna hadn’t seen worse.
She wore a dark jumpsuit and her short, shock-white hair whipped in the wind. A set of bulky goggles sat high on her forehead; a tool belt was slung low on her hips and was equipped with all the essentials needed to keep her hunk-of-junk spaceship mostly off the ground.
Max pointed to the final person on the rooftop. “You said he knew what he was doing.”
“I was speaking optimistically,” Luna shot back.
“Um, Harold?”
The man with his head stuck inside the phase induction bomb––a trio of massive metal cylinders connected by a convoluted mess of tubes and wires––shifted and predictably banged his head against the inside the world-ending contraption.
Everyone froze and collectively refused to even breathe.
When it became apparent that they weren’t going to die (yet): “I’m okay!”
Harold Spectronium extracted himself from the phase induction bomb. He attempted to brush the grime off his lab coat and adjusted his glasses. All the while, his eyes sparkled with excitement and a grin pulled at a mouth that was trying to restrain itself in the midst of the current, potentially fatal crisis.
“You know what you’re doing with this thing, right?” Max asked.
“Absolutely not,” Harold said.
“Told you,” Luna quipped. “He doesn’t know what he’s doing!”
Harold Spectronium grinned. “Let me tell you something about knowing. It’s about intelligence—the ability to acquire knowledge. And the thing about knowledge is that those who respect it, want more of it. Those who have it, want to share it. And those who fear it? Well, let’s be honest. People who fear knowledge are idiots and we don’t need to waste another breath on them—”
“That hardly answers my question, Captain Brainiac.”
“Which was?”
“Do you know how to stop the end of the world?”
Harold grinned again. This was the most fun he had had in years. “Ah. Yes. Emphatically so. We just have to deactivate the phase induction bomb.”
“And how do we do that?”
Harold’s grin grew wider. “I have absolutely no idea. And isn’t that fantastic?”
Luna winced.
Max shook his head. “No, actually. That’s not comforting.”
“Good!” Harold dove back into the access panel. “That means we have extra motivation to figure it out!”
“The end of the world isn’t motivation enough?!”
An explosion of sparks and Harold pulled out of the cylinder again. “Okay, it’s definitely not the red wire.”
“What do we know?” Harold ignored an exasperated Max and started pacing the rooftop. “I’m the person who originally authored the first phase induction formula. And according to everything you’ve told me, I’m going to use that formula to eventually build this bomb.”
Max nodded. “A future you, yes.”
Harold gestured emphatically as he paced. “While I don’t currently possess the knowledge to understand how the phase induction bomb works, I will, invariably, figure it out to such an extent that I’ll actually build the bomb. If at some point in the future I WILL have this knowledge, it only stands to reason that I possess within myself the potential of figuring out the science of the bomb in the present. Of course, that’s assuming I don’t get vaporized in the present, thereby triggering a paradoxical anomaly that—”
Harold stopped abruptly and turned to Max with sheer panic in his eyes.
“Oh, my sweet galactic starshine.”
“Temporal paradox,” Luna muttered, glancing at the datapad strapped to her wrist. They didn’t really have time to chase their tails through time like this.
Harold placed a hand over his mouth in shock. “It’d be a temporal paradox! If I die here, I’ll never build the bomb, Veronica Vespa will never get stuck time tripping, and we will never wind up standing on this roof top.”
Harold grabbed Max’s shoulders, his fingers digging sharply into tweed.
“This isn’t just about the planet, Max,” Harold said. “All of time and space could unravel from this exact moment!”
Max took a breath and then put his own hands on Harold’s narrow shoulders, locking the two men in an awkward, arms-length embrace. “Harold,” Max said slowly. “We already know all this.”
The scientist who in seven years time be named one of the top ten smartest beings in the tri-galactic region by a publication that specialized exclusively in ranking things, looked from Max to Luna in confusion. “You do?”
“We’re private detectives, you numbskull,” Luna yelled.
“You said it yourself,” Max said. “We tracked you down because because you wrote the original phase induction formula. Veronica Vespa? The only way she doesn’t die is if you figure out this bomb. She’s counting on you, Harold.”
“So is the planet,” Luna chimed.
“And so is the planet,” Max repeated with a nod.
“So are we,” Luna added.
“And so are we,” Max again repeated.
“So is all space and time—”
“The point—” Max spoke through gritted teeth, “—is that you are our spark of hope, Harold—”
“Technically our only hope.”
“—and hope is so much more than a just a four letter word.”
Luna counted her fingers but thankfully had nothing to add.
“Hope means having something to look forward to, no matter how bleak things may seem,” Max said, plowing on. “It means not giving up, even when you realize you’re the one who gets us into this mess in the first place. Hope—hope means holding on even when every fiber of your being is waving a white flag …”
The wheels in Harold Spectronium’s head were turning and he nodded slowly. He was, after all, an unimaginably intelligent fellow and pretty much as soon as Max had started speaking, Harold’s brain had turned back to the problem of the phase induction bomb.
“… and hope means that even in the face of overwhelming logic—”
Another spark. Harold shook Max’s shoulders. “The subatomic catalytic converter!”
Max blinked. “Excuse me?”
Harold released Max’s shoulders and jogged back to the bomb. “It never had anything to do with the red wire! But if I reconfigure the subatomic catalytic converter using a temporal compression algorithm, that might get us halfway home!”
Max shook his head. “I don’t know what any of that means, but if it works—”
“Halfway?” Luna was dubious.
Harold practically dove back into the nearby access panel.
“I just want to point out that ‘halfway’ doesn’t get us off this planet,” Luna said, leaning against the cylinder and absently spinning a wrench.
Harold popped his head out. “But it does get us halfway to BEING  off the planet!”
Luna turned a pointed look at Max. “I hate you, this is all your fault, and if we don’t die in the next few minutes, I swear I’m gonna kill you.”
Max shrugged. “That’s probably fair.”
Jordan Krumbine is a professional video editor, digital artist, and creative wizard currently quarantined in Kissimmee, Florida. When not producing content for the likes of Visit Orlando, Orlando Sentinel, or AAA National, Jordan is probably yelling at a stubbornly defective Macbook keyboard, tracking creative projects in Trello, and animating quirky videos with LEGO and other various toys.
Leave a dollar in the Tip Jar: https://ko-fi.com/krumbine
Short stories: https://bit.ly/2XY5D7I Books on Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3bsqK5Y YouTube: https://bit.ly/2W41nSG Twitter: https://bit.ly/2VH0Vbu Facebook: https://bit.ly/2VpnylZ LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2xnmk1e
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tumblunni · 6 years
Me in the hospital: i cannot sleep for 24 hours, the slightest noise is blaring, i am perpetually anxiety adrenaline
As soon as i get home: has the best sleep of my life
I usually take an hour to get to sleep each night but i totally just curled up like a snail and dropped into dreamland instantly. And i woke up to a nice warm house cos the heating turned on while i was asleep, and now all the anesthetic is completely worn off so i feel energized and great! And my throat pain has eased up so thankfully i wont have to be liquids only for as long as i thought. I was all hyperactive and cooked a great fancy omelette and it tastes like heaven itself! Its so weird how stuff tastes slightly diffetent when its the first time youve been able to chew with the right side of your mouth in five years. I guess the tastebuds on the sides of your tongue are slightly different? When i eat everything now im gonna be rolling it all over my mouth like WOW ITS ALL SO NEW AGAIN! Will probably look nuts in the middle of mcdonalds with my cheeks puffed like a squirrel XD
Oh and this is also a great excuse to drink loads of chocolate milkshakes from my milkshake viking mug! I feel so energized with calcium and yums!! EVERYTHING TASTES SO NEWWWWWWW
Oh man i do feel a bit sleepy again now after just being up for a few hours tho. I have these good jaw pain specific medicines i have to take for the next two weeks til my followup appointment to check if theres any infection left. But man i feel SO ALIVE AGAIN im pretty sure all the rot is gone! It feels so wild having space in my mouth and not constant clenchy tightness. It actually hurts less recovering from the surgery than it did before, lol! I can feel all my teeth moving apart again and loosening up into normality and the gums healing up all their injuries and oh god i just love how they cleaned out all the broken parts of my teeth and capped them with these great replacements that look so real you'd never be able to tell! My smile looks not ugly!! My smile looks not ugly!! Aaaaa! I just expected regaining the right side of my mouth, i didbt expect to e like "holy shit it must have hurt even more than i realized cos this feels so amazing now". Like i guess i got used to putting up with it and forgot how it felt to not have painmouth? Underestimated how good a teeth can be! And man i never asked for reconstructive cosmetic stuff too but they did these caps and aaa my teeth never looked his good even when they were new!! My front teeth were always crooked even before they did the weird balogna slam together and shattered into a pile of crap. And now they look like perfect supermodel teeth!! The only side effect is that its a lil hard to get used to the lack of gaps between them now after so long dealing with the shattered mess. My tongue keeps being like "oh no did something get stuck in the gaps again oh wait there arent any" and then i subconsciously try to clean them after taking every bite and just bite my tongue instead. Man i never noticed i picked up a bunch of weird mannerismd cos of tje bad teeth! I was constantly paranoidly checking my mouth 24/7 in case the slightest thing made it even worse, and eating super gently so that nothing accidentally touched the Wrong Tooth and set off a jolt of pain. And i actually needed to get a filling put in on the leftmost back tooth that was the ONLY TOOTH I COULD USE TO EAT WITHOUT PAIN for all this time! Overuse of it meant that it got ground down a little and probably would have become painful too if i'd left it any longer. Then i really would have been all soups all the time and that sucks!! Soups are good but nothing but then gives u stomach issues. The bad poops!!
Man sorry im rambling so much im just so hyper and happy and also still kinda dopily sleepy! Im not still delirious or anything i just feel the happy kind of sleepy where the anesthetic is all gone and its not "oh god i cant stay awake" and more natural sleepyness of a long day being over and everything being okay. I had such a good long nap and i feel well rested after getting so little sleep beforehand due to all the dumb anxiety. And i still feel dozey but happy doze~
Anyway its awesometo be able to really chug and crunch a foods! With the other side of my mouth i forgot about! And taste milkshake to its fullest extent!! Oh and whats weird is that the reconstructive surgery capping on my front teeth means that theyre kinda one tooth now? The caps are all linked in a single piece to fill the gaps fully without even the natural ones you'd have on healthy teeth. So its like a solid tooth guard just sculpted to look like three teeth. Itll be tricky to train myself out of thts subconcious rubbing the gaps with my tongue when theyre not even there. But i expect once i get over the unfamiliarity this triple cap will be really useful! Theyre totes reinforced so that even if i do get tight mouth problems again and the front teeth take the brunt of the pressure, now theres no gaps to smash into each other and become a painful mess. Its like scaffolding reinforcing my whole mouth by fixing the loadbearing beam, or something.
Oh also these pain meds make u a little bit more sleepy than normal paracetamol so i'll probably doze off again soon. But hopefully i will have slept off most of the "healing debt exhaustion" tomorrow and will be able to go walk down the shops and buy some icecream and other soft food. I mostly stocked up on purely liquid food cos i tjought my mouth function would be more limited. But honestly the teeth are working so much better than before, they were already so swollen and painful that i couldnt crunch stuff! Now the mild discomfort of mid-healing from surgery feels like barely anything and i bet i could bite thru a goddamn rock right now! I just cant really swallow crunchy stuff or stuff thats too salty or citrusy. I didnt even know about the stabbity throat pipe so i didnt expect it to be the most painful part that takes the longest to heal. It feels so weird cos i keep coughing like my brain thinks theres phelgm stuck in my throat when its actually a skin flap/blister from the insertion. So obviously that aint going anywhere and i have to try and force myself not to cough or swallow or else i set off this cjain of "must get thing out of throat must puke" reflex. And the pain feels like a sore throat but it isnt?? Its not really inflamed ot anything its just an actual friction burn on the opening of my airway. Which is not a common occurance so the brain is justvlike "what the fuck is happening, must send all contradicting signals at once!" So sore throat medicine wont work cos that goes down your throat passage to your stomach when really this lil skin tag blister thing is in the lung throat opening thing. And sucking on throat sweets made it worse cos all the muscles were really tense around the area where the tube was inserted, hence why it was hard to swallow food even tho it was my windpipe that hurt. And sucking on something is kinda like perpetually swallowing nothing, when you think about it? Im glad that the muscle tenseness is mostly gone now and the painkillers are helping with the ouch, and my brainis getting usedto not coughing and making it worse. But still should eat soft easily swallowable stuff for a lil while and it'll be fun to go aroundthe shops with my last pocketful of change and find neat ingredients to stick in omelettes. Im so excited to taste all my favourite things in new HD functional mouth power!!! And i can smile at the shopkeeper!!!
And oh man i really do think that my sleeping problems with stiff neck and that kind of 'bloodrush to the head' migraine were indeed part of the bad wisdom teeth bleeding internally under the gum. I thought it had to be that cos nothing else in my life changed around that time aside from getting a better and healthier bed which should have been beneficial to my neck. And even going back to sleepong on the floor like before didnt make a difference so it definately wasnt the bed! And it kept getting worse while nothing was changing, and i kept trying different things like changing my pillows and headphones and cutting caffeine out of my diet and eating more salt and eating less salt and fuckin ANYTHING ELSE cos i knew if it really was the dumb tooth being infected then there was nothong i could do about it til my surgery day arrived. Itd be such a relief to know for sure that it was indeed the tooth and now that nonsense is gonna be gone forever! But also thats really worrying to know that it was getting so bad it could have spread an infection to my jawbone and the top of my spine if itd been left much longer. I kept sneezing up blood lumps like the size of a fifty pence piece! Had never had nosebleeds for a decade and now suddenly all the time! God it feels so good to be able to lay my head down and not feel all woozy and tense im the forehead or neck. I really hope this good neck untenseness continues and the awful aches really were just the tooth. But everyone in the hospital was so nice that i think even if i do need a second surgery to check for jaw infection then id be able to be less nervoud than i was this time
Man do u ever get that thing where youre so peaceful and contented that like you can breathe easier? Like subconciously taking bigger breaths and the middle of your chest feels slightly puffed out and warm. I guess thats what the "heart leaping in yout chest" idiom is meant to refer to, lol! Or maybe i can just literally breathe easier cos the tooth pain might have been passing into my nasal cavity too, lol. My entire head feels so less tense!! Its like all my bones were rebelling against me and now they're at peace again!! Man i feel so giddy happy like i chugged a giant energy drink or something but its the opposite its a good sleeps drink XD
So im gonna go lie down again and have a relax and watch a movie or something and see if i pass out when the medicine kicks in, or if its not too bad and i can still continue my hyper mood. But my nap was so long that its too late to go to the shops now anyway so i'll just make more plain omelette and milkshake if i get hungry. I mean it doesnt taste plain when all my sense of taste is so amplified likethis! I dont mind if its all i can eat all week. PURE MILKSHAKEY DECADENCE
Aaaaa im just so happy!! I missed my chance to get the new. Kingdlm hearts but ive beenwaiting fkr this surgery for ages too and it feels like just as much of an exciting relief!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Three Blind Idiots (AAA girls) - Dottie
Courtney and Willam are fighting, Alaska wants them to stop. A cold brings them all together.
Okay so this is complete shit, I wrote this in a little over an hour after reading all of the asks about it. I know someone is going to come along and write a way better version of those asks and I’m so okay with that and so ready. I high key need all of the Alaska sick fics. And witney fics.
Alaska was tired of the fighting. She was tired of the glares and snarky comments exchanged between two of her best friends. She enjoyed spending time with Willam and she enjoyed spending time with Courtney, but she was really sick of running back and forth between the two. She missed the nights the three would spend together, holed up in one of their hotel rooms with room service and have a girls night in.
Alaska was also tired of walking on eggshells around them, one wrong word and one of them would snap at her. Everything seemed to be a sensitive subject around them, which is why Alaska is currently hiding in her hotel room bathroom. She had a facemask on and was in the middle of shaving her legs, something she hasn’t done in a while, and ranting about the whole ordeal to Katya via facetime.
“I’m like this fucking close to just locking them in a room together and forcing them to get their shit together,” Alaska rants, rinsing off the razor. “It’s become so ridiculous and neither of them will tell me what happened in the first place!”
“What if you offered to sleep with them?” Katya suggests, a shit eating grin taking up her entire face at the suggestion. Alaska sends her a look, which probably isn’t nearly as impactful as she had pictured.
“A threesome isn’t going to fix anything,” Alaska deadpanned, her heart rate speeding up slightly at the thought.  
Katya grins, “It might if you taped it.” Alaska rolls her eyes but cracks a smile.
“But seriously, I’m getting very tired of this,” Alaska sighs, finishing the last patch of her leg and throwing her razor onto the counter as she rinsed off her leg.
“Then do something about it, like, sleep with them,” Katya suggests again, winking at Alaska.
“Have I ever told you that you’re absolutely no help? You’re a gila monster,” Alaska laughs out, trying to make it seem like she /isn’t considering a threesome.
“You love me. Anyway, I have to go, Trix is on her way over and I want to make dinner,” Katya says proudly.
“Awe, well have fun and tell her hi from me,” Alaska says, ready to hang up.
“Will do, have fun with your threesome,” Katya says and then hangs up before Alaska has the chance to respond.
A threesome. Out of the question, never happening. Locking them in a supply closet together? That might get them both killed. Alaska is out of ideas, so she groans and cleans up the bathroom before heading to bed.
When Alaska wakes up the next morning, she feels fine, her throat does feel a bit sore, but nothing too serious. As the day wears on, however, it’s a different story. She doesn’t notice she’s developed a cough until Courtney points it out when they get on the bus a couple hours later.
“Are you feeling okay, Laska?” Courtney asks, her forehead creasing with worry. Willam’s head shoots up from her position on the couch furthest away from Courtney.
Alaska shrugs, “My throat is a little sore, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.”
Courtney doesn’t seem to be buying it, she sneaks a glance at Willam who is staring right back at her in worry. The second they made eye contact they both quickly looked away.
“Well let me know if you start to feel any worse,” Courtney says softly, rubbing Alaska’s back, her touch practically burning through her clothes.
“Yeah me too,” Willam pipes up, not looking at the other two queens. It was the first time in weeks that Alaska heard them agree on something, and a lightbulb went off in her head. She could bring them back together.
“I will, don’t worry,” Alaska smiles innocently, a plan concocting in her head.
Courtney seems satisfied, and Willam looks less tense at her reassurance. How did she not think of this before?
An hour later is when she decides to put her plan into motion. She had been laying in her bunk, fully dressed and covered in blankets and drinking hot tea in preparation. She was practically sweating she was so warm. Her sore throat had gone away, thanks to the tea and she didn’t feel as cloudy as she had earlier. Her cough came and went but again, it was nothing too serious.
She figured her body temperature was warm enough, so she quickly changed into just a tshirt and her underwear, and put her acting skills to use.
She wraps her blanket around her shoulders and groans as she walks out to the front of the bus, where Courtney and Willam, were still ignoring each other. Both of their heads snap in Alaska’s direction, Courtney immediately standing and rushing to Alaska’s side.
“Oh no, what’s wrong?” Courtney asks, rubbing Alaska’s back gently. Willam looks like she wants to be right there as well, but restrains herself.
“My throat is killing me and I’m freezing,” Alaska groans out, her voice as scratchy as she could make it.
Courtney feels her forehead and furrows her eyebrows in concern, “You’re burning up!” Courtney turns toward Willam who looks slightly panicked, “Will, can you get me the thermometer from the first aid kit, please?”
Willam is out of her seat instantly, disappearing into the small bathroom and the reappearing with the thermometer. She hands it to Courtney, firmly standing right next to the Australian queen.
Courtney mutters a quick thanks as she sits Alaska down on the nearest couch, sitting next to her. Willam continues to stand off the side, biting her nails in concern.
Courtney reads the measurement on the thermometer after it beeps, “Okay, so it’s on 98.7, so you don’t have a fever.”
“Maybe it’s just a cold,” Alaska suggests hopefully, her eyes darting from Courtney to Willam.
“That’s probably it, see? No need to worry,” Courtney says, mainly to herself.
“I think we have some soup in the pantry, do you want me to make you soup?” Willam offers awkwardly, rubbing her arms nervously. Alaska notices the small smile on Courtney’s face at the suggestion and nods enthusiastically. Courtney wraps blankets around Alaska, letting her rest her head on her shoulder while Willam microwaves the soup.
Five minutes later she’s sandwiched in between Willam and Courtney, who are taking turns feeding her soup. Her heart feels unusually full as Willam rubs her freshly shaved leg and Courtney runs her fingers through her short brown hair.
“I like it when you guys aren’t fighting,” Alaska almost whispers, looking up at Courtney and Willam with a small smile and a flutter of her eyelashes.
Courtney pauses, her hand still in Alaska’s hair and glances over at Willam, who is staring at Courtney so intensely, it makes Alaska’s breath hitch.
“Me too,” Willam says, breaking eye contact with Courtney and turning her attention back to the TV screen where Golden Girls was playing. Courtney resumes playing with Alaska’s hair, but doesn’t look away from Willam for a few more minutes.
After a while, Alaska decides that she needs to let them talk things out, she could sense a reconciliation, but it was just a matter of talking things out. She pretends to fall asleep and waits for the two to notice. It takes a few minutes but eventually she hears Willam ask if she’s asleep.
“She looks like an angel like this,” Courtney whispers, smiling down at Alaska.
“You look good together,” Willam says, sounding strangely rejected.
“You two looked good together too, Will,” Courtney responds, an edge to her voice that Alaska doesn’t think she’d ever heard before. The entire conversation was confusing.
“Can you believe we fell for a literal angel?” Courtney asks sadly. Alaska’s heart skipped a beat at Courtney’s words, and she could feel her stomach in her throat.
“Can you believe we let it get in between our friendship?” Willam chuckles.
Alaska can’t believe what she’s hearing.
Courtney giggles, “We’re stupid, and I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Court, I’m sorry that I said all those things about Alaska not being interested in you, she’d be damn lucky to have someone like you as her boyfriend. I know I’d be.” It took every ounce of self control for Alaska to stay expressionless and to not move a muscle, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs how stupid they both were, and then she wanted to kiss them breathless. Both of them.
“I forgive you, Billy, and I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean what I said about you being trapped in a loveless marriage for the rest of your life, I know it was insensitive and I didn’t mean it. I was just angry because you couldn’t see I was right there in front of you, with or without Alaska, I’m always going to be here,” Courtney sounds like she’s on the verge of tears, and Alaska figures enough it enough. She’s heard everything she needs to.
“You’re both fucking idiots,” Alaska says, blinking open her eyes. She takes in the horror on both of their faces and rolls her eyes. “If you want to talk about me without my knowledge, don’t do it when I’m literally sitting right in between you.”
Courtney’s face is beat red and she looks like she’s about to burst out in tears at any second, Willam looks a bit more angry, but still embarrassed.
“Also,” Alaska continues, smiling, “I like to know when two people I’m fucking crazy about are in love with me. They’d probably be shocked to know I feel the exact same way about both of them.”
“Oh my god,” Courtney whispers slightly terrified. Willam laughs nervously, which turns into full blown laughter, which then turns into Courtney laughing just as hysterically.
When Willam’s laughter calms down, she reaches over and pulls Alaska in for a kiss. One that is sweet and tender and the total opposite of her personality, it leaves Alaska needing more of it. When Willam pulls away, it’s Courtney’s turn to pull Alaska in. Courtney is more eager and has a bit more of a drive behind her kiss and it drives her crazy.
“Now, kiss and makeup!” Alaska giggles as she pulls away from Courtney, taking both their hands in hers.
Willam smiles and reaches over to caress the side of Courtney’s face, meeting her lips in a passionate kiss, right in front of Alaska.
As Alaska settles back in between her two best friends and possibly boyfriends, she thinks back to the night before and giggles, thinking that a threesome could quite possibly be in the near future.
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artificialzeezee · 7 years
34 Bitney
When they argued - the few times there had been - it was always a hellish rollercoaster to get through. Roy would say one too many passive aggressive comments, then Shane would demand he speak up, and then Roy would explicitly do exactly that with little concern for anyone’s feelings in the mix, his own included. Shane would throw something that would cause little to no damage (in this case a pillow), Roy would mock Shane as he lectured him, and then the screaming match. It would go on and on, eventually building so much tension they’d fall into heavy petting and rough sex. 
Some might say it was unhealthy, but it was perfectly called for when it came to them. They knew if something really mattered they wouldn’t cover it up with sex, and so far nothing was ever that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Shane liked Roy’s hands tearing up his back, and Roy loved the bite marks on his neck. The final drop of their ride was the sweet silence, the thrill that hurtled them toward apologies and explanations. 
Legs wrapped up in sheets, bodies glistening in sweat, Shane pushed his hair back before turning his head to look at Roy. Skin a shimmering olive tone, the tufts of erratic hair, and his chest pounding. Shane absolutely adored Roy, even if they were just at each others throats. 
“I’m sorry.” He said first, gaining Roy’s attention away from the ceiling. “I know I said I’d go with you to your nephews christening, but Willam booked the AAA gig behind our backs, I couldn’t say no.” Shane watched Roy roll his eyes as he turned over. He cursed himself. tugging Roy to turn back over, but failing. “It’s no excuse. I didn’t think you’d care if I was honest, which okay wasn’t a fair assumption but-”
“Stop, please.” Roy sternly demanded, sitting up. His eyes were a lot more gentle than his tone suggested, which brought a slither of comfort to Shane. “My nephews barely 1 and it was my brother’s girlfriend who wanted the christening, so neither of them would have even cared if I was there. That’s not the big picture here.”
“Oh.” Shane sat up. “Well, what is it then?”
Roy wasn’t good at the whole emotionally available schtick that was expected of a healthy, long term relationship. It was why he usually stuck to one night stands or shallow bubble headed guys that usually broke up with him a couple of months in. Shane however, was like a sunset, bearing the weight of his sins and wonders for Roy to absorb and love.  He found himself devoted entirely to their relationship, and maybe it was because they were best friends before lovers, but for the first time in Roy’s romantic endeavours he found himself compelled to be whole heartedly honest. 
“All we’ve done is have these one off nights, then return to gigging. I feel like I get myself worked up every time we’re together, and just as quickly you’re gone again.” He looked down at his hands as he twiddled his thumbs. “The christening would have meant a weekend together in New Orleans, without the distraction of sex and work, and then you did the usual and got a fucking gig. I don’t begrudge your work- I get it obviously, but I want to be around you more. I want this to feel like a relationship because it is one…right?”
Shane’s eyes fell wide. He grabbed Roy’s hands, holding them to his chest. “Of course!” He said, too quickly and desperate to salvage the fragile cracks of Roy’s heart. “God, don’t be a dope, of course this is a relationship! And I am sorry I couldn’t go New Orleans with you. You have to believe me.”
Roy cringed, but kept his hands close to Shane’s chest, concentrating to try feel his heart beat. “The last few months have been hectic. All we do is schedule, eat your shit vegan food, and fuck. And I don’t hate that, the fucking, but lately I just feel…” Roy stopped as his throat closed off, choking on the words that would change everything between them, for better or for worse. “It’s not like I missed you or anything. I just…totally did, actually. Completely missed that annoying cunty face of yours.” Roy smiled, his dimples stabbing him so deep his soul broke open. “I want this to work. I never thought I’d feel like this with anyone, and I guess I got worked up earlier because you are the first person I’ve ever met that means a fuck tone more to me than just sex.”
Shane’s face almost hurt how hard he smiled, his eyes crinkling where his cheeks bounced. He took Roy’s face in his hands and pulled him in, kissing him longingly, falling on top of him till his legs were thrown over Roy to straddle him again. Their hands less frantic and more loving, Shane laughed under his breath when Roy moaned as he pulled away. 
“You’re gonna stop touring for a while then in return?”
Roy nodded, hands stroking down Shane’s spine. “If you will.”
“Okay. If you’re gonna have a hissy fit about it, I’ll take some time off. We’ll go on a trip or something and be a real couple. How’s that sound, you soppy bastard?” Shane asked, leaning in to kiss Roy at the corner of his mouth as he led down to his jaw. 
Roy bit his lip, sighing in relief. “I know I said all we do is fuck, but I really love it. And if we’re both taking a break from work, that means a whole lot more fucking.”
“Thought you wanted more than just sex?” Shane teased, still kissing along his jaw line, a smug smirk pressed to his boyfriends skin. Roy groaned, hands dropping to Shane’s bum. 
“Shut up being a dick and suck one instead.”
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zephyr-together · 7 years
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aaa today went pretty well!! I thought it’d be hard to keep up physically but actually today we mostly sat. each day we cover different things and so for today we talked a lot about the different kinds of cards and the rewards you get with them, and would be quizzed on them! we also got a tour of all the arcade~ they don’t have Pop’n...I was sad but during break I and one of my future coworkers ran into the mechanic and he was super nice and talked a lot about how he collects lots of Konami arcade games! and he said (I hope I’m relaying this right) the reason they can’t get Pop’n is because the newer games are hard to obtain, and they can’t get the older ones because of licensing issues (I think with newer games if there’s a licensing issue those songs get taken down over the internet) I hope it’s possible to get it in the future though...but hearing this made me wonder how Tokyo Attack got three Eclales if it’s so hard? and it made me wonder...if I should ask someone there...but idk ^^;; it’s kinda silly to think I should or could find out information like that and relay it to any supervisor or something...it’s not really a huge deal since I can still play Eclale at conventions and 9, 13, and 14, and the psp games at home! (and 1-8, and 10-12 whenever I get them~) but I wonder if I could at least try and ask...if anything out of curiosity...
THEY DO HAVE LOTS OF STUFF THOUGH...and they have Sound Voltex and Musica and other Konami stuff! even though those two aren’t “fandom” level I really loved getting to play them at NotCon and I love those memories...and there might still be songs or characters from Pop’n in the games like at the DDR machine at that place near me :O and it sounds like we’ll get to play the games during a certain time on one of the training days!! I’m not sure if that’s to reward us or for us to test the games or both but either way I’m excited for that...;o; 
we’re going over the crane machines on the fourth and fifth days but in the last few minutes of today we found that many of the machines aren’t supposed to give the person their plush, and it’s our job to walk around all the cranes and make sure anyone who one them by doing different things to earn them (they’re not American ones where you would drop them in a hole!) earned them and then ask which they want and open it and give it to them!! that’s so exciting because...something about picking out a new friend is just so special and we get to be a part of that...;; I remember when I got Gertrude at NotCon the girl asked something like “take the one which is calling out to you!” AND THAT’S EXACTLY how I view selecting a plush when I buy one...;;;;;; not that that’s the wording I’d use in this job...but I just meant getting to be the one to ask that big question of which one they want to bring home is just SO CUTE AND SWEET to me.....;;
also aaa I wanted to say before that I’ve been thinking a lot about the ending of Pop’n Portable 2 again...and it applies to me more than ever now...when Tent Kant sends Nyami and Mimi to the past and they get to relive all of their adventures and meeting all the friends they met along the way...and when they’re about to go back to the present Tent Kant says he can show them the future if they want to know...and they say they don’t need to because if they have Pop’n everything will be okay...and oh no I’m crying.......but I didn’t want to say that because I thought if they don’t have Pop’n it’d hurt more if I mention that beforehand but it doesn’t matter so much if it is really...it’d be super nice of course but it’s doesn’t mean it’s not still a part of my life, and I still wouldn’t be here without it...and when I drove home listening to the songs I just got even more thankful to have it be in my life and that I should get to see it again in less than a month!! now that all this has happened because of it...I’d like to play it longer than ever...I think sometimes I might leave sooner than I want or keep having to leave and come back over and over because I’m worried people will think I’m weird or obsessed for getting back in line over and over...but I can’t let that stop me from making the most of the chance.......
AND AAAAAAAAAA THE MLP MOVIE IS SO SO SO GOOD........... the whole time I was trying not to cry just because of how happy I was to see it in the theater like that...but when things started getting emotional it became WAY harder and I shed a few tears but I probably would’ve been sobbing if I wasn’t embarrassed to cry in front of my parents (and in public)...I’m sorry this part of this long post is short...it’s just because I don’t wanna spoil anything mostly, BUT IT’S JUST REALLY GOOD AND I LOVE ALL THE NEW CHARACTERS (especially the villains!!) also there was a Hanazuki short at the beginning and I’ve been wanting to get around to seeing it but this made it extra special to be my first time!! I LOVE IT!! it’s so colorful and cute and expressive!!!!! 
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