#this is soooo serious btw. ive never been more serious ever
wonyrs · 11 months
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enha hyungs x fmr gnr non-idol au, est. relationship warnings food wc 939 + library #
‘ enha hyung as ur 'homies' ! REQ
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lee heeseung
" ayyy how u been bro?"
plays along and even replaces his normal petnames with something he'd usually call the members but NEVER you (until now)
um... hello? where is the endearing "why'd u call me that babe 😢☝️?" where is the begging for a kiss? where is the desperate attempts at pda we were hoping to see? this wasn't the plan at all (like... at ALL)
he tries to hide his laugh when u give him the stink eye and keeps up his act
even going as far to pretend like he isn't seeing ur hand inching closer to his and lifts it up to 'brush' the hair from his face
second attempt at holding his hand ended up with him fishing his phone out from his pocket and showing u an extremely!!! hilarious... insta reel.
ur plan has reversed; instead of him dying for ur affection, its now u trying to stop him from treating u like any other person before u physically cannot take it anymore
"ok man. i see how it is man. bye man." this is ur cue to stand up, run away and never look back for ur own emotional sake
if it weren't for heeseung GRIPPING onto ur shirt with the most gobsmacking laugh u've heard coming out his mouth, to the point tears were trsiling down his face from how hard he's laughing
"wait- wait [name]! you started it, come back!"
park jongseong
" how are u doing BABE? how's life BABE? "
mommm [name]'s acting weird again, i think the heat's getting to them
he acts like he can't see ur hand in the air and continues to kiss u right on the lips (but he still moves ur arm down for safety measures)
"what's good, dude?" "baby, who are u talking to? it's only us in this room lol 🤨"
u try again with dapping him up but immediately he turns around and oh so suddenly the wall is soooo interesting
for the whole hour u mess with him and call him 'bro, dude, gang' and shit like that while he just sneakily rolls his eyes and goes on with his day- while most likely wondering what on earth was wrong w u
he'd be in the kitchen washing the dishes while ure trying to hold his hand and have it dap urs up
but is he paying attention?
lmfao no
he goes on with his day since he knows u cant go another hour without his love and so he has nothing to worry about (unless u actually DO go for another hour, then he's actually going to believe something's wrong with u)
eventually u give up and go back to slumping on his back. the months u've spent together gave jay a clear understanding on ur antics and gave him some time to prepare for anything u had up ur sleeve
" tired already? an hour, new record babe. good job"
sim jaeyun
" why are u doing this to me "
the moment u refuse his hug and opt for a more... different greeting, jake malfunctions for a bit
he trys to hug u again but u extremely remain still
whines complains when u keep up the 'homeboy' act
"i swear we acted like a normal couple yesterday, did i make u mad pookie? 😥" sneaks in some of the petnames u absolutely LOATHE just for a reaction
hates when u replace the lovely kiss-and-hug interactions with dapping him up like a BRO
most likely complained to the enha gc abt ur 'unearthly' behaviour (u get his ass on that later) and cries that he might never see the old u again
the urge to drown him in all the love u've kept in since u met up is eating u alive But watching him practically cry over ur feet is helping u out a wee bit
"chat this is absolutely hilarious what are we thinking" "WOW! Hahaha so funny!! Such a kneeslapper! can u stop now 😐."
Hes dead serious when he says this btw Like full on eye contact with furrowed eyebrows, but a small pout is resting on his face
he was fine with the joke at first but then he just got more eager for ur touch as the hours went by
u stare for a bit before engulfing him in the biggest hug ever while peppering his face with an abundance of smooches
"finally! u dont know how long ive waited for this"
park sunghoon
" did u eat something funny? "
just stares. nothing else, just stares
eventually u have to drop ur arm because the silence just got too awkward
was he mad at u? (ofc not) Maybe hoonie just needed to load and take a bit to process the scene in front of him
"i dont think u should be doing this to your boyfriend, babe. it doesn't really fit the loving couple vibe yk 🤖"
even when sunghoon continues to act like everything's normal u keep on persisting with acting like close-bro-friends
... only to be met with the most baffled face ever.
he wonders if ure roleplaying as some character or just genuinely going insane
decides to go along with whatever you're doing and continue the day as normal as it can get
when u get tired of the lack of attention, u drop the act but unconsciously refer to him as bro
muscle memory(ish) fr
"dude can you at least act interested?" "um excuse me? what'd u just call me"
HELLO. where was this dumbfounded hoon when u need him?
ure actually laughing atp because he doesn't even look like he knew what was wrong
the whole time u kept up w the joke, he didn't even look like he cared UNTIL u got tired and talked in ur normal tone
"don't ever say 'dude' in a serious tone like that. scared me, babe."
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@ wonyrs 2023
note sorry anon for not taking ur request after like 2 weeks... i've needed some motivation to write SORRY.. also maknae version is next :> requests open!
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toomanyopinionss · 2 months
My thoughts while watching
The Umbrella Academy (S4)
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ummmmm i’m sorry, what the ever loving FUCK did i just have the displeasure of watching?
spoilers btw, this is gonna be very raw and off the chest
i don’t know what to say, this was disappointment after disappointment. i don’t want to dog pile automatically though, so I’ll list out the very few things i liked about this season before i descend into madness:
The first two episodes. well paced and entertaining. although this could easily go on the bad list, cause they gave me false hope for this season.
nick offerman and megan mullally. ALWAYS a treat to see them on my screen.
Klaus’s relationship between Allison and Claire. very sweet.
a couple songs on the soundtrack
the fact that this season was short
i’m not joking that’s literally it. this was sooooo bad, i’m actually shocked.
let’s address the elephant in the room.
the character assassination of five needs to be studied
what the hell happened?! What happened to the guy that genuinely cared about his family? he didn’t abandon his family after FORTY some years in the future, and a jaunt to the past, but all of a sudden, he was ready to give up just like that??
his character this season was unfocused and lame. he looked bored half the time and unconcerned the other half. LUTHER felt more connected to this story than this mf did. remember when he murdered a room full of people? remembered when he kinda comforted klaus, or helped diego out, or had a heart to heart with viktor? this seasons five is like night and day from the old one.
and him and LILA?! barf
i refuse to watch this sixty year old man in the body of a literal teenager poorly masquerading as a man get together with the wife of his brother, i won’t do it. the boy looks 18, come on are you fucking serious?!
oh but that’s not my only issue i ASSURE YOU
this season was a half baked, rush job to line netflix’s pockets.
and it could have been sooo good.
what do you mean, no one knows how ben died??
what do you mean the timelines are merging in on each other and people are noticing??
they completely dropped the ball off the face of the planet. this felt like a 10 page paper that was written in an hour. there’s soooo many plot holes, there’s no antagonist, nothing felt like it had meaning. nothing really mattered.
and speaking of not mattering, you know what completely breaks my heart? Ben.
i want someone to look me dead in my eyes and tell me that man was actually a legitimate character and not a plot device. ive never seen a character done so dirty in EVERY SINGLE SEASON ARE YOU JOKING? they never let his character breath. the only tear i shed this season was when he looked at viktor and cried, saying he was scared. that’s when i realized that the writers really don’t give a shit about him… they don’t care about his character arc, HE NEVER EVEN HAD ONE. it felt weird and disgusting.
i’m not gonna talk abt the end.
i’m done, i can’t do this anymore. i feel deceived. i feel like i wasted my time watching this series. the people behind the show clearly didn’t care about it, so why should I?
2/10, fuck this.
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karakarabonito · 3 years
I know, I know. Really! Someone who literally named themselves “toxic” is toxic??? What’s next? You may know them from the many things they do in the Danganropnpa fandom- such as running Amamota and Kaemaki week. Please do not participate in these events or any future ones she may do. Ugh. This is way overdue and very, VERY serious so I’ll just get right into it.  HOLDING HER ACCOUNTABLE
1. Has called multiple lgbtq+ slurs and microagressions
First of all, Tox is extremely discrimanatory toward LGBT ships in the community. 
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The following screenshot was blurred for privacy, but in this instance, Toxic called me (a nonbinary homoflexible person) a derogatory slur against transgendered people. 
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I have more examples if need be. I’ve been saving reciepts for months now.
2. Allistic
3. Abusive and toxic 
Toxic is, unsurprisingly, toxic. All the previous claims are extremely problematic, but none compare to this. Time and time again, Toxic has been incredibly rude, demanding, and a total narcissist. She’s turned all my friends against me now, and my only hope is to write this post in order to regain their trust. As some of you may know, we used to be friends. Emphasis on ‘used to.’ She gaslit me constantly and regularly was extremely dismissive of my trauma. She manipulated me into liking her as well as pretty much demanding that no one ever say anything bad about her. So this is pretty much her worst nightmare- me coming forward to say what I have to.
Fuck you, @toxicpineapple​ .
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avocadean · 7 years
Naturally Dean
Request: hi! so i have been thinking about this a LOT. we all know how much dean likes to tease sam for his "rabbit food", but ive been wondering how dean would feel about his girlfriend being vegan? i would imagine he would tease her just the same, but i was wondering if you would be up for writing a dean x reader about it? thank you soooo much, and sorry if i rambled! i love your blog btw! - wishedworld
A/N: That you so much for this request! I hope you don’t mind that I split it up a little. Instead of doing one long, continuous one shot, I thought it’d make more sense to show different occasions in where Dean is... Dean. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, and if it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for, let me know and I’ll try to write up another one! Anyway, requests are always open, and feedback is always welcomed! And sorry for the title, I suck at them. Also, this is my first work with Dean and the Reader being together! At first, I didn’t think I’d like it, but I’m kinda digging it.
Title: Naturally Dean
Pairings: Dean x Reader (Sam is mentioned) 
Warnings: Fluffy Dean, cannon-typical Supernatural stuff 
Words: 1880+
Tags: @graceb200371 @rosegoldquintis @phire23 @wishedworld
If you’d like to be added to the tagslist, let me know! I’ll be happy to do so.
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“Y/N, you made burgers?”
“Actually I-”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
“Dean, no. Don’t-”
“What, are they not cooked all the way?” you just gave him a sheepish look. “You know me, sweetheart. I like my meat how I like my demons; barely kickin’.”
“That’s disgusting.”
Dean shrugged his shoulders and continued to assemble the burger. You looked on in slight horror and awaited his reaction as he took a bite. A big bite.
He chewed and didn’t seem to notice a huge difference. Though he did comment on how they tasted different, he kept eating. When he had consumed half of the burger, you started to giggle a little. Dean didn’t think much of it; he was still enamored with his food.
Eventually, you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You started to laugh and had to stop cooking the other burger, which you had to put on after Dean stole the one you were going to eat.
Dean looked up with his mouthful, looking like a chipmunk stealing nuts. “What? What’s so funny?”
You contained laughter and informed him of his mistake. “Dean, babe, you know I’m vegan, right?”
Confused, and with a full mouth, “Yeah, and that’s the one thing I hate about you because you and Sam are always complaining about the ‘unhealthy fats’ I eat.”
You walked over to him, adoration shining from your face, and placed your hands on his chest. He had chewed and swallowed the food, and looked down at you, a small smile on his face.
“Yes, hunny?” he said in a mocking tone.
“Why on earth would a vegan be cooking burgers?”
“...Because vegans are weird…?”
“Watch it...”
“Ok. Because you love me?”
“Yes, I do love you. Not enough to cook a dead animal, though.”
He was very confused. His hands had been placed on your hips, holding you back a little.
“Dean?” you stepped away from him and turned, going back to the stove to flip the other patty before it burnt.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“You just ate a veggie burger.” horror crossed Dean’s face. One hand went to his mouth in a fist, and the other held his stomach. He took the first hand away and continued to stare at you like you had betrayed him.
Your back was facing him still, and with a smirk on your face and victory in your voice, “And you liked it.”
“Could you pass the salad, please?”
“Thanks,” you took the bowl from Sam’s hand and set it down on the table to scoop some of the veggies into your bowl.
Dean looked on in disgust and feigned a gag when you were done.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” you quipped, “...do you have something to say?” your fork had been put down, and you were looking at Dean accusingly. Sam held back a cough, and meekly watch the interaction unfold.
Dean looked like a deer in headlights. He cleared his throat and looked back down to his plate. “Um, no. I don’t,” he looked back up at you, and then shifted his gaze back, “...sorry.”
“Good choice.”
The road to Colorado Springs was long and boring. The same tape that had been playing since you, Sam, and Dean had left the bunker five hours ago, had repeated itself several times. Sam was looking out the window, and Dean was, as always, driving.
And you were stuck in the back.
“Dean,” you whined, “I’m hungry.”
“Well, maybe if you ate more protein you wouldn’t be.”
Sam turned his head from the window, and looked back to you, and then to Dean. “Guys, please don’t start-”
“Well, maybe if you weren’t an ass to me you’d get more in the bedroom.”
Sam chuckled, much to Dean’s dismay. He tried to think of a comeback, but one never came. You looked at him expectantly through the rearview mirror, your arms crossed.
When he flailed lightly in his seat after huffing, you knew he was done.
Satisfied, you relaxed back into your seat. You let your eyes close, and were almost asleep when your stomach grumbled loudly.
“Dean,” you said in a more easy tone, “I’m still hungry.”
“Y/N, what the hell is this?” Dean walked into your shared room, with a package in his hand. You looked up from your book and slid your glasses onto the top of your head, pushing a few stray hairs back.
You looked at the item in his hand, and grinned lightly, “It’s tofu, Einstein. It even says it right on the package. On front. In bold letters.”
He dragged his gaze from you and looked over the food. In disgust, “Well… what do you do with it?”
“You cook it. What else would you do with it?”
Dean wiggled his eyebrows at you, to which you replied with chucking a small pillow at him. He dodged it skillfully.
“You’re sick.”
“Says the one who doesn’t eat like a normal person,” Dean grumbled.
“Dean, baby?”
Annoyed, “What?”
“You uh, you do know that we aren’t normal, right? We, you know, hunt monsters for a living?”
“...Shut up.”
“So, will you still eat my meat?”
“Dean Winchester! Stop it!”
“Y/N! Behind you!” you turned swiftly, and hailed your knife into the air, and brought it down with tremendous force. It impaled its target; the last demon.
You were alert and focused, listening for any sign of another demon, though you were sure that that was the last. Quickly, you searched the room with your eyes for Dean, and you instantly relaxed when you saw him. He was fine and with Sam.
A heavy breath left your lips as you wiped off the blood of the foul monster from the knife on its shirt. You then walked over to Dean and his brother.
“Well, boys, I’d say that we can safely call that the easiest hunt ever.”
“Don’t jinx it, Y/N,” Sam said in a playful, yet serious tone.
“Oh, come on Sammy,” you walked over to a wall that had a couple of shovels on it. ‘Convenient,’ you thought. You grabbed the shovels and walked back to the men who were watching you. After handing each one a tool, you continued, “Loosen up, let's call this one a win. We deserve that,” you looked to Dean, “Right?”
Dean looked at you lovingly, watching you grin like a five-year-old on Christmas. “Y/N, Sammy’s right. It’s only a win when we get back to Baby.”
You huffed and walked away from them, and over to you latest kill. With defeat, “Fine, have it your way. You grumpus’.” the last part you said under your breath, but were sure that Sam and Dean heard.
You went outside of the barn, the boys not far behind you, and placed your shovel down. You took a second to yourself and just breathed in the crisp night air. It was chilly, but perfect for hunting. The dew had fallen on the grass and made the meadow in front of you glisten in the moonlight.
The scene was serene. You felt at peace and were happy. After listening to the few crickets chirp, you decided it was time to turn back and drag the body that the demon held up in outside to burn.
You had been so entrapped in the night and its beauty that you hadn't felt the presence looming behind you. When you turned around, you were face-to-face with onyx eyes. Before you could even react to defend yourself, a white hot pain seared through your abdomen.
It was just then that the boys had opened the big barn door, ready to assist you in digging a depression in the earth, and saw your wide eyes. Your mouth open in surprise. Your arm clinging to the demon’s shoulder for support.
Dean screamed for you, and Sam’s heart sank into his shoes. The demon turned its head, its face was riddled with satisfaction. You heard it chuckle, and it’s head swiftly turned back to you. It leaned into your ear, and you swore you heard it say, “See you in hell, bitch.”
And as fast the demon appeared, it vanished. Without the support of the monster to keep you standing, you crashed onto the dewy ground.
A sharp gasp of air filled your lungs, and you shuddered in pain. A strangled cry left your paling lips as Dean raced towards you. He fell to the ground next to your head and held it in his lap.
Your soulful eyes gazed up at Dean, who’s face was contorted in in emotional pain and concern. He raked your injured body with his eyes, and eventually, they landed on yours.
“So,” you let out a slight cough, “...you gonna tease me about how killing that demon wasn’t v-vegan?”
A tear fell from his eye and landed on your cheek. His voice quivered, “Shut up. You’re gonna be fine. Sammy is getting the car-” he stopped talking to you to shout to his brother, “Sam, go get the car!”
Neither of you knew that he had done so the minute you had hit the ground. Dean’s attention was back on you in a second.
“You hear me, baby? You’re gonna be good.”
You chuckled, which resulted in another cough. “Just think… No more yucky vegan food, huh?”
“What are you talking about?” his lip shook and his voice broke, “I love your yucky vegan food.”
The rumble of the Impala was heard, and it’s headlights breached around the side of the barn. It ate up the ground, and skidded to a halt before you and Dean, showering you both in the yellow light.
“I’m gonna pick you up, okay?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded your head fervently, and Dean positioned himself to pick you up very carefully. Despite his efforts, you still were wracked with pain. You moaned and shut your eyes tightly. Parts of Dean’s dirty shirt were clamped in your fists.
“Sammy get the-”
“I know, Dean, I’m getting it,” Sam said in a careful tone, trying to stay calm for you and Dean. He opened the back door and stepped out of the way. Dean gingerly placed himself in the seat with you still in his arms. Sam ran to the driver’s side and got in.
He looked back to his brother, made sure he was settled and sped to the nearest hospital.
Your eyes started to droop, and your breathing got more shallow.
“Y/N, hey!” Dean lightly slapped your cheek to keep you awake.
“Stay with me, please. We are almost there.”
Your eyes fell again, and Dean repeated his action. Sam glanced on at the two of you in the mirror and went a little quicker.
“Dean,” your voice was weak, “I don’t think I’m gonna-”
“No, don’t you dare talk like that. Don’t talk like you’re dying. You can’t do this to me.”
“Dean, please…” he listened, “If I die, it’s because- because I’m vegan.”
“Guys, the hospital is close,” Sam said from the back seat. He was finally letting his facade down.
“You hear that Y/N? You’ll be okay. And when you’re better, you can feed me all of the vegan food you want.” Dean pressed a hurried kissed to the top of your head. 
Just then, he knew you’d be okay. He wouldn’t be losing you. Not today, and hopefully, not ever.
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girlslob · 7 years
God I really wish I could talk more about this guy I’m dating rn but its still too soon. I’m also scared bc the timing seems fucked, especially with how close it is to my last ex. I just really wasn’t expecting anything more than a casual hook up from tinder but then something really really nice fell into my lap and its really bad timing bc I’m still processing everything from my last relationship but …. Its really difficult to not be really endeared to this guy for a lot of reasons actually.
And see, the thing is…. I know I said I loved Jeremiah when we broke up but…. The truth is, I care for him but I now realize that I don’t love him anymore. I mean….even when I was saying it I knew in my head that I meant “love” a different way than what others probably saw it as but… Idk.
I just, I keep looking back on it and realizing how deeply unhappy I’ve been in that relationship, and for how long. And I was wrong for holding on to it as long as I did, but tbh I also just wasn’t strong enough to let go. Don’t get me wrong, there was still a lot of times in that relationship that I was happy, but just. There was so many flags that I should’ve caught or done something about but never had the strength to do. And it makes me angry and sad because there were a lot of ways in which I failed both myself AND him. And oh my god you guys, the person I had become in that relationship…. I was genuinely mean to him at times. We both fed off of each others negativity and it just became this endless cycle of constantly fighting and picking each other apart, and neither of us ever felt like the other listened or cared about what we were upset about. Like it was so fucking bad you guys we were both so toxic to each other. And honestly even though I still really care about Jeremiah and his well being its like already so distant…. Like u know what, the idea of him moving on and finding another girl doesn’t bother me at all, and it hasn’t for like 2 weeks now.
I just feel like so much lighter and better of a person not being in that relationship anymore. It was really something that weighed on me and gave me a lot of dread and anxiety and so I did what I always tend to do when something is making me anxious: avoid it. I avoided doing anything about our problems because I couldn’t even think about it myself bc it hurt too much. Jenn would ask me how things are with me and Jeremiah and I would tell her I didnt want to talk about it, which, knowing me, is crazy and tells you right there that something is really wrong. And that wasn’t even like recent either, like it happened on the regular for most of my senior year of college….. Just ugh. Ugh.
But yeah. Right now? I am going through the stage of break up where I’m realizing how fucked up all the shit was and coming to terms with a lot of things. I have been lying to myself and to everyone else bc I didnt want to hurt him and it made it hurt for me less too. In the end though I just ended up hurting him more I think and it makes me really sad that that happened. Idk.
This new person is making me realize a lot of things too btw. Ive made sure to be open about where I’m at right now emotionally with my last break up (basically that I’m still in the middle of processing a lot of it. Not necessarily grieving but processing) and he has been really sweet about it. We have been making sure to take things slow and you guys, I’m really impressed how much he’s held to it, even though its been a little bit difficult haha. We are still getting to know each other but honestly I don’t think I’ve ever had this much instant chemistry with anyone before. Pretty much every (serious) relationship I’ve had has started out as friends first, then the romantic attraction coming later after we got to know each other. With this dude, sparks are fucking flying in the air in front of us lmao its honestly insane. Okay I can’t keep talking too much about this bc I don’t wanna get ahead of myself but, you guys, I am in trouble. I really really wasn’t expecting to meet anybody else that I would like this much this quickly and im kind of mad about it bc I was really really planning on being a single bitch for a while. But holy fuck holy fuck you guys I get along with this guy on such a foundational level so far like….. I’m really freaking out over here. Like I’m a giggling schoolgirl with a crush y'all. I know how these things go though and trust me I am veryyyy aware it could all turn to shit really quickly (which I’m actually carrying quite a bit of baggage about since my last relationship) but I still can’t help myself. I do worry about the outward appearance of me being so giggly and crushy on another person so soon too which is also partially why i dont wanna write too much about it….right now this is probably too much info tbh but honestly ive been using tumblr as a diary for soooo long that part of me just doesn’t give a fuck. I have always been personal on here and tbh I shouldn’t stop myself just cause I’m worried about other people think. The people who are important in my life understand though and are supportive to me so thats what matters really.
I don’t know. There is just a LOT of promise there and although the timing is bad I’m not going to throw it away just cause of that.
alright enough writing I need to eat some food
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