#this is still weird as there are still so many questions unanswered
dicktat · 2 years
Okay my thoughts on the renegades ending.
Turns out Juan isn’t as much of a bastard as I give him credit for. I was expecting full blown chaotic evil dictatorship (akin to Vass Montenegro/Rais) but…he’s decent. At least compared to them. He’s still a tyrant but not like a “I’m building a pit and sending men to fight because I enjoy gore” evil but more like a “lolz people are dying on the street but I got all the good whiskey so let’s party” evil. And throughout the story you can tell his intentions weren’t that bad (at least that’s what he tells Aiden). He did want to uncover Matt’s conspiracy and is honestly the first character to openly lay out the shitiness of that guy (besides the unnamed officer form a collectible tape). And provided decent evidence that Jack Matt was the culprit for Black Monday, and therefore a power hungry fascist leader who’s willing to gamble millions of life for his own goal. So in a way. What he said during his public execution on my first playthrough was kinda true. And he ordered a court martial, an official trail. Perhaps that’s the reason Jack Matt didn’t show up during the X-13 mission. I guess he was overthrown. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that he kinda became something worse LMAO. I’m not cutting this guy any slack he’s still a prick but he’s also pathetic and gay and whimpers because he hates seeing his own blood. (But you could also argue that, the renegades that took over Villedor weren’t the cardboard cutout evil henchmen commanded by Waltz but a separate group lead by colonel Williams which could be seen as less amoral). But the ending is also kinda spicy cuz if you look closely they are protesting on the STREETS at NIGHT without UV meaning the renegades either got rid of all the zombies or made the place much safer to walk around without dying. Which is a W imo. And I’d like to argue food shortage is better than water shortage in the PK ending. And if we are REALLY going that way I could also argue this ending at least let’s you protest unlike the fascist PK supreme. But yeah he’s still a funny loser prick too afraid to step out of his floating castle because he knows the people are mad at him. Over all the missions were fun too, there were a LOT of stealth/spying missions which weren’t exactly my strong suit. I failed a mission 3 times because I kept alerting the guards (that I can’t just fucking kill). My favorite was probably the cathedral demolisher fight. And strangely enough, the side quest where you fight Hakon is a main quest for this one. It’s essentially the same but something you can’t skip and plays a part in the story. Only difference: Even if you chose to spare Hakon, your relationship with him isn’t exactly fixed. EVEN if you get to the homoerotic I don’t want to fight you let’s see the ocean together part. If you convinced Lawan to spare him. Instead of Lawan letting him go he just BONKED HER ON THE HEAD while her back was turned. Also later on he showed up with the renegades, had the exact conversation I posted yesterday, and gross failed ex relationship ensued. Which leads me to believe my save file was corrupted, the game registered me as somehow taking the Juan route and therefore gave me that cutscene. The rest of the game is pretty much the same, the ending- Aiden leaves alone anyway but I think there’s NO reason he can’t leave with anyone? The city has gone to shit and what’s the point in staying. Or alternatively techland could have given us a renegades officer Aiden or co-rule ending if they weren’t COWARDS. Like cmon this would be such a cool idea. Aiden going full evil mode lol. Overall I think it was fun and I got to spend some time with my boy Juan and holy shit he talks so much and panics whenever something goes wrong (which working with him, means all the fucking time). Him almost losing it every time he thought something was wrong was hilarious. Feral rat man. And they have some good chemistry too. Like actual “Aiden going on some death trip to impress some boy” relationship. Then again I feel like we’ve been robbed. Like I said where’s my evil Aiden route lol.
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ineffable-suffering · 11 months
Because I'm slowly losing count and need to organize. So, here's all my self-written metas or ones that I reblogged with my own added theories and commentary! In rainbow colours, naturally.
1 – Aziraphale, I love you. But you lied. And here's why. My most lengthy and proudest meta about the Final Fifteen and why I think Aziraphale lied on purpose. (Also: The absolute darling @esthermitchell-author bravely fought their way through it and wrote up some more interesting points and different takes on what I came up with. If you want to go down a S2 rabbit hole with us, go read it here.)
2 – Why Aziraphale is an unreliable narrator (links below) A three-part meta in which I try to analyse and explain that all of the minisodes in Season 2 are not objective narrations but actually Aziraphale's memories.
Part 1: The Story of Job
Part 2: The Story of wee Morag
Part 3: The Story of the Magic Show in 1941
3 – The Jane Austen Ball and why it was never about Nina and Maggie A meta in which I go into unnecessarily great detail about how the Whickber Street Meeting Cotillion Ball was meant to be Aziraphale's confession to Crowley.
4 – Crowley & Aziraphale were never free (reblog) A reblog of @baggvinshield's post in which I explain why miscommunication is the single biggest ineffable enemy in Season 2.
5 – In Defense of Aziraphale (double reblog) A double try at explaining why I think Aziraphale's POV in the Final Fifteen is just as horrible as Crowley's and why I don't think him "choosing" to go back to Heaven was the only point of his character journey.
6 – The Art of Miscommunication: Ineffable Edition A meta in which i once again explain why miscommunication is the single biggest ineffable enemy in Season 2.
7– Season 2 Bookshop Shot Meta A meta where I briefly loose my mind because of a single bookshop frame in Season 2.
8 – What if it wasn't Aziraphale and Crowley who performed the 25 Lazarii miracle? A mini-meta in which I propose the theory that Jimbriel helped with the miracle to hide himself away from Heaven & Hell.
9 – Things in Good Omens Season 2 I still find weird (reblog) A reblog of @ok-sims and many other great OPs' thoughts on the weird loose strings in Season 2 and what unanswered questions I still have myself.
10 – The Deleted Bookshop Scene (reblog) A reblog of @skirtdyke's video and @i-only-ever-asked-questions' smart thoughts on it, with my own overly-excited 'what that could have meant for the "It's too late" line'-theroy.
11 – The Bentley Handle Easter Egg A meta I can proudly say has been liked by none other than Mr. Neil Gaiman himself about Crowley's Bentley handle that might have existed before the Bentley ever did.
12 – The F*cking Eccles Cakes A meta where I briefly loose my mind because of a pastry. (Addendum: People said very smart things in the comments of the post!)
14 – Re: "You go too fast for me, Crowley" A meta in which I make myself sad by connecting that infamous line to Aziraphale assuming Crowley wanted the Holy Water as a suicide pill.
13 – Trauma-Dumping on your plants: The Anthony J. Crowley Chronicles A meta on why Crowley treats his plants the way that he does.
14 – Demonic Mental Health Awareness Post In which I talk about why I want to get Crowley a therapy voucher.
15 – The Curious Incident of The Flaming Sword in Good Omens A meta on why the Flaming Sword has no deeper meaning. Or does it? (Updated: here's a reblog from @queerfables who did a wonderfully exellent job at calmly explaining all the swordy questions I was yelling about! Consider this meta solved.)
16 – Ceci n'est pas une plume A meta in which I'm a bit of a nerd for language and also explain why learning French and magic the human way says so much about Aziraphale as a character.
17 – The meaning of "I forgive you" A meta in which I explain what both "I forgive you"s mean and why Aziraphale will always fight for what is right until he wins. Also, the lovely @sharksbeerr translated it to Chinese on Weibo!
18 – Memory, or the lack thereof, in Season 2 A little reblog on how memory is a big and unresolved, leaky-bucket theme in Season 2.
19 – „It‘s always too late.“ (ft. Crowley‘s watch)
A short meta about that lines from Season 2 that won‘t leave my brain (and also Crowley‘s mysterious watch).
The one non-spoiler-y ask I could come up with about S2 that was actually answered by Neil, yay!
Also, this wholesome little post I added to that Mr. Gaiman also reblogged. :‘)
*** This is a work in progress and will get updated every time I post a new meta! ***
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lunajay33 · 4 months
Summary: Being away from your soulmate is hard but one day Sam surprises you at your dorm
Pairing: Sam Winchester x f!reader
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I first met Sam in class when we were partnered up for a project and instantly hit it off, we grew closer over the next few months until he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was over the moon, I mean it’s Sam Winchester he’s gorgeous, eventually we moved in with eachother and everything was going great until one night his brother showed up, Sam explained to me that his dad was missing and he had to go, that was 5 months ago we still call on the phone but the answers he gave me never made sense I know deep down he’s keeping something from me, but honestly I just miss him
“Sam when are you coming home?” I ask over the phone hearing him sigh
“I hope soon Angel, I hate being away from you”
“Me too and it’s getting creepy here all alone” I say feeling a chill run up my spine
“What do you mean?” He asked immediately concerned
“I don’t know ever since you’ve been gone it’s just felt weird like someone watching me, it’s cold sometimes and the lights flicker I don’t know maybe I’m just crazy”
“I’m sure it’s nothing just get some sleep okay? I’ll call in the morning”
I fell asleep that night with a bit more ease until I shot up in bed my body covered in a cold sweat, the lamp on my bed side table flickering I look around frantic until my eyes land on a woman standing in the corner, she was wearing a long white dress with blond hair and a sense of familiarity struck me
“What are you doing here?”
“Do not fear I’m only here to watch over you”
“I know you….youre Sam’s…..but how?”
The door to my bedroom slammed open to reveal Sam and Dean, I look back at Mary as they followed my gaze
“Mom?” Dean said a quiver in his voice
“She’s not safe alone son, but now that you’re back I’ve fulfilled my duty” she faded as the room became warm again and the light went back to normal
“Sammy?” So many unanswered questions in such a short time, he came to my bed side and held me close, I missed this being held in his strong arms, his cologne calming me
“I’m so sorry I should’ve never left you, I’ll tell you everything just promise you won’t leave me” he seemed so fragile and vulnerable
“I’ll never leave you Sammy, I love you”
“I love you too angel”
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He explained everything to me, I probably wouldn’t have believed him if it wasn’t for what just happened with his mothers ghost
“But how did you get here so quick?”
“I was coming home as a surprise, good thing too, you’re not safe here now that you now everything and the target I have on my back someone will try and use you against me, are you willing to come with us, so I can protect you?”
“I’ll go anywhere with you”
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make-me-imagine · 6 months
Something Better
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Plot: When you return to an island you used to call home, you run into an old flame. Zoro takes matters into his own hands to get some long-awaited retribution for you.
Requested By: Anonymous
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to cheating and toxic relationships. Mentions of violence (past-tense). Brief description of injuries.
Words: 2,375
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As the once familiar shore grew closer, you felt a pit in your stomach deepening. The island approaching had been a home for you for some years, but by the time you left, you had been certain you would never want to return. All of those fond memories of a new adventure on a once unknown island, were tainted by the same person who had brought you there in the first place.
Feeling eyes on you from the crew you let out a soft sigh.
"I thought you used to live here, why do you look so miserable? I thought you would be glad to be back."
You glanced at Nami as she spoke before you shook your head softly, "I left for a reason."
"What reason?"
You looked over at Zoro as he spoke, your heart palpitating. How would he react if you told the story? Would he care at all?
He studied your eyes and you remained silent, as you debated if you should tell the story now, later, or never.
"Did you get in trouble?" Sanji asked with curiosity.
"Did you get kicked out?" Usopp asked with a mouth full of popcorn.
Before you could answer Luffy stood up and smelled the air, "Do you smell that?"
You finally looked away from the others before you nodded, "Seafood gumbo, the islands most famous dish."
Stepping away from the railing you left the previous asked questions unanswered as you prepared to dock the ship. You reminded yourself you were only stopping for supplies, you'd only be here for a day or two. You might not even see the reason you left the island in the first place.
Or so you hoped. Surely fate wouldn't be so cruel, right?
The familiar sights and smells engulfed you as you walked through the market with Zoro. The others had wandered off looking for various supplies. Why Zoro stuck by your side, you weren't sure, not that you were complaining. You and the broody swordsman had grown close recently.
A few people even recognized you as you passed stalls. It felt good in a weird way, if it weren't for the lingering pit in your stomach.
"Well, you aren't hiding, and people aren't exactly trying to chase you off or arrest you. So I would assume you didn't leave the island because you did something bad."
"Good observation skills." You said with a hint of sarcasm, earning a soft smile from Zoro.
You knew he was asking what happened, without actually asking what happened. You let out a soft breath.
"I moved here with someone. We were young and wanted an adventure. I thought he was my future, but to him, I was just one option of many. He cheated on me, lied to me, used me and embarrassed me, so I left. "
Zoro's hand softly twisted around the hilt of his sword. "Sounds like a catch."
You scoffed before stopping at a stall with the islands local fruit. You gently held one in your palm, reminiscing of the flavor you once loved. Zoro watched you closely, wondering if the pain you felt here still lingered, or if it was strictly resentment.
Hearing your name called from nearby, you and Zoro turned to see a tall man headed towards you, surprise in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. Zoro eyed him as your stomach twisted.
"Speak of the Devil." You muttered, just loud enough for Zoro to hear, causing his grip to tighten around his sword.
"Well, well, well, look who came back." The man grinned as he stopped just in front of you. His eyes raked over you and Zoro felt his jaw clench in anger.
"Well, well, well, look who never left." You countered, in a similar condescending tone.
He continued to smile, but you saw a small twinge of the eye you knew as a familiar sign of annoyance.
"To what do we owe the honor of your return?"
"You don't need to know." Zoro broke in, causing your ex to finally look over at the swordsman.
He looked Zoro up and down with a soft smirk. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice your bodyguard here."
Zoro took a small step closer, his eyes piercing. "Well now you do."
You saw your ex swallow hard, as he tried to keep his composure, not used to anyone not backing down from him. You couldn't help the smile that graced your face as you saw Zoro's actions.
Reaching out, you gently grabbed Zoro's arm before giving your ex a hard look.
"Like he said, you don't need to know why I'm here."
Leaving the fruit stall behind, you walked away, Zoro kept an eye on your ex before moving to follow you.
After a few moments you side-eyed Zoro, "So, you're my bodyguard now?"
Zoro's lip curled slightly, "I guess I am."
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Zoro sighed with contentment as he set down his half empty glass. The people in the bar chattered and laughed around him.
His mind kept wandering to you and the story you felt you couldn't share. The thought of how your ex had treated you caused his gut to twist. He couldn't help but wish he had known you before, he could have saved you the pain of being with someone like your ex. And instead, been with someone like him. Whisked you off on a better adventure and all that. He couldn't help but wonder if you would have gone with him.
Hearing an obnoxious laugh come from across the bar, he did a double take as he spotted your ex.
"Speak of the devil." He muttered, repeating your words from earlier.
As if your ex felt Zoro's eyes burning into him, he noticed Zoro and smirked. Zoro smiled softly to himself as he tapped his fingers on the table, watching your ex saunter across the bar towards him, clearly having had more than one drink beforehand.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n's body guard."
Zoro rolled his eyes as your ex sat down across from him. "So where are they?"
"Where's who?" Zoro asked, voice low, as if daring him to say your name.
He smirked, taking the challenge. "Y/n. I'd love to see them again. We have a lot we could reminisce about. Hell, maybe we'd even strike up that old flame again."
Zoro clenched his jaw as he leaned forward, palm wrapping around his sword, "Not gonna happen."
As Zoro stood up, your ex scoffed, "What, not even over your dead body?"
Zoro quickly finished off his drink and slammed the glass down before he looked at him, dead-panned, "No. But maybe over yours."
As your ex froze for a moment, Zoro began to walk away, but his chest burned with the need for more gratification. But how would you react?
"Sure you don't want to know all of Y/n's dirty little secrets?" Your ex said with a sing song voice as he stood up as well.
Zoro stopped in his tracks before turning back to your ex and smirking softly.
The cold sea breeze blew over you as you sat on the edge of the ship, staring out at the island. A weird sense of nostalgia sat over you as you both wished to stay longer, and to leave immedietely.
Hearing footsteps, you glanced back to see Zoro boarding the ship. His eyes were already on you and your heart fluttered momentarily. You looked back out at the city, hearing Zoro approach you before climbing over the bannister and sitting beside you.
"The bar still as lively as ever?"
He nodded, "Seemed like half the island was there."
You nodded with a soft smile your eyes moving to Zoro's hand as he held out something in front of you. Your heart jolted as you saw the familiar fruit you had been looking at earlier in the day.
You took it from him and smiled.
"It seemed like you wanted to get one earlier." He said softly.
You looked over at him but he avoided your eyes, staring straight off to the city. You smiled as you began peeling the fruit, before your eyes caught on fresh scrapes on the back of Zoro's hands.
"...Did you...steal this from someone?"
You motioned towards his hand and he scoffed, "Would that make you feel better or worse about the fruit?"
You eyed him closely before shrugging as you continued to peel the fruit. "I'm grateful either way"
He smiled at this, but took in a deep breath, knowing you would press for more.
"So, what really happened?"
He looked down at his knuckles with a smile before clearing his throat. "There was a situation, but I handled it."
"Hmm. You tend to find yourself in a lot of situations."
He chuckled, "It's kind of my thing."
You nodded, "Can't find the trail of breadcrumbs you left behind, but you can always find a fight."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means you have a terrible sense of direction"
"I do not."
You pursed your lips with a soft glare and he sighed, before shaking his head, fighting a smile.
After a moment of silence, you hand him a piece of the fruit. He took it slowly before eating it, enjoying the sweet yet fresh taste. He nodded, showing that he enjoyed it and you smiled.
"This is one of the only things I missed about this island."
"One of?"
You hummed, "I admit, I had some good memories here."
"How many of them were with him?"
You could sense the hint of venom in his tone and you repressed a smile. "None that come to mind." You said softly, noticing the way Zoro's jaw seemed to relax, yet his hands clenched.
He slowly looked over at you and almost froze at the soft look on your face.
"What happened to your hand?"
He swallowed, "I hit it on something."
"On what?"
"Your exes face."
There was a moment of still silence before you pressed your lips together, biting them, as you clearly repressed a laugh.
Zoro felt relief and amusement wash over him as you let out the soft giggle that you could no longer repress.
"Your not mad then?"
You thought for a moment before you shrugged, "I am mad but not because you hit him."
He frowned, "Then why?"
You looked over at him with a straight face. "I'm mad because you didn't hit him while I was there to see it."
Zoro stared at you for a second before both of you broke into grins. He chuckled as you giggled before letting out a sigh.
Zoro shrugged his head. "I mean...I could go pick him up off the bar floor and bring him over here if you want. "
You laughed again and Zoro grinned, relishing in the sounds as they made his heart pound proudly.
Handing him a slice of the fruit you grinned, "Tempting."
He smiled softly as he ate it, "You know it doesn't matter what you left behind here right?"
You tilted your head slightly in question. "Why not?"
He cleared his throat briefly, "Because what you have now is more important. It's better."
Your eyes locked and you could feel the tension growing.
You smiled softly as you nodded. "Yeah, it is."
He gazed at you softly, his mind running wild with a thousand things he wanted to say. His thoughts were silenced when Sanji came sauntering from the kitchen to announce that dinner was ready.
Looking back to see the others quickly heading in, you began to rise. But before you did you quickly pressed a kiss to Zoro's cheek, causing him to freeze.
"Thank you."
Your whispered voice echoed in his mind as his cheeks burned from the brief kiss. His heart was pounding as he looked behind him seeing your back disappear into the ship.
Getting a hold of himself, he rose and headed inside. Not so subtly kicking Usopp out of his seat beside you. Sharing a brief yet knowing look with you as he did.
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As Zoro and Sanji loaded on a few more boxes of supplies you took one more look at the island in front of you. You were glad you were leaving, but at the same time, you wondered when you would be back next.
Your eyes caught onto a figure walking towards you and you let out a sigh, just loud enough for Zoro to glance over at you. He spotted the same thing and rose with a huff of air.
As Zoro appeared beside you, his arm pressing against yours, you felt your tense shoulders relax as your ex sneered at the two of you.
His lip was busted, and he had to matching bruises under each eye.
"New look? It suits you."
"I was thinking the same thing." Zoro mused.
Your ex looked between you and Zoro before his eyes paused on you. You shook your head softly.
"Nothing you could say is a good idea, trust me."
He hesitated a few times before giving in with a huff of air and a roll of his eyes as he turned and sauntered back down the dock.
"Who was that guy?" Usopp asked.
"No one important." You said softly.
Feeling Zoro's eyes on you, you glanced over at him. "Still regret coming here?"
You hummed softly as you looked back at the village seeing your exes head disappear into the crowd.
"No, not really. Besides, I got a good memory to leave with."
"Just one?"
You smiled softy as your eyes locked, "A couple."
He smirked as he scanned your face, "We'll make a lot more."
"We?" You mused your heart fluttering.
"Yeah. We."
Feeling someone sling their arms over your shoulders, you looked back to see Luffy's grinning face. "Yes we will!"
You paused for a second as you locked eyes with Zoro before letting out a laugh, and Zoro chuckled before shaking his head.
As Luffy began talking animatedly about the next stop, you felt Zoro's hand brush yours at your side, before he gently squeezed it.
No matter where you came from or left some heartbreak behind. Your next adventure would make it all worth it.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
OPLA Taglist: @fangirlextraordinaire
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Unlikely Love (Female Idols) (S) (BXG)
Author: Another written oneshot from my books. Hope you all like it and if you want to check out more of my works checkout my Masterlist
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Prom is only in a week and I'm ecstatic to go with my girlfriend Solar, we've both been looking forward to this day for a long time.
She already picked out her prom dress and I picked out my tuxedo, and all I need to do is officially ask her to be my date.
Today is the day that I'm going to ask Solar to be my date for prom despite the fact that we have different social statuses.
Solar is known to be one of the school's bad girls but she has a soft side for me, and I'm basically the school's nerd and introvert.
Honestly, I never wanted to have any interaction whatsoever because I simply want to graduate high school with no involvement in trouble.
Yet here I am, holding a bouquet of flowers, reciting my lines over and over to myself in the mirror in the bathroom when nobody is present.
I know it may sound weird but I don't want to mess this up and make myself look like a fool in front of her and everyone else.
Once I feel confident enough in my ability, I exited the bathroom, I texted Solar to find out where she was but strangely she never replied and instead left me on read.
It didn't take long for the thought of her being unfaithful to come into my mind but I shrugged it off as there was no way that she'd do such a thing.
Looking around campus there was no sign of Solar anywhere, I've looked at the courtyard, cafeteria, and the usual classrooms she hangs out in, and not a single clue of her whereabouts.
However, there was one place that I didn't search... The rooftop where Solar confessed her feelings.
Going up the stairs to the rooftop, I heard loud chatter coming from outside the door, and I slightly opened the door wide enough for me to peek through.
When I got eyes on the group of students, my stomach dropped when I saw Solar in the arms of Park Jinwoo the school's most ruthless and popular guy.
"So, babe, is that degenerate nerd going to be a problem?" Jinwoo asked.
"Don't worry, baby, that idiot doesn't suspect a thing, I'm only just using him and when the time is right, I'm going to make prom a living hell for him." She answered and he smirked.
"Haha! That's my girl!" He replied.
My heart sunk and shattered into a million pieces, I wanted to cry and throw up but the shock in my mind made my body freeze in place.
After hearing them shit-talking me, I heard enough and ran down the stairs as fast as I can and balled my eyes out.
Considering that my relationship with Solar is practically over, the bell rang signaling for the first class of the day.
Grabbing my duffle bag from the locker, I go into the building where the locker rooms are located.
My mind was still stuck in those traumatizing events from earlier, and I have no idea how I'm going to get over it.
Was my love not enough for Solar? Or did it even matter to her? There were so many unanswered questions.
Pft. None of that matters anymore, with the bouquet of flowers, I place them in my bag for now and decided to just put it in a vase.
Entering the changing room, I was about to unzip my bag when I looked up and realized I've made the biggest mistake of my life.
Inside the locker rooms was a group of girls, I quickly began to panic, and I knew I needed to vacate the girl's locker room before they notice me.
Slinging my duffle bag on my shoulder, I sneakily and carefully make my leave to avoid alerting the girls who are changing.
Reaching the exit, I thought I'd be safe and away from hell until I felt a hand grip my shoulder and I froze in place.
"Where do you think you're going, naughty boy~?" I hear a female voice ask and I slowly turned around.
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"Ooohhhh... Fuck..." I muttered as I'm about to die here.
Looking behind her, there were five more girls blankly staring at me, few of them don't even have their shirts on or even shorts making me gulp.
The girl dragged me back into the locker room, laid me down on the bench, and straddled onto my lap eliminating any chances of escape.
"What should we do to him, Unnie? Report him to the principal for sneaking into the girl's locker room?" A younger-looking student asked.
"No Yujin. I've got an even better idea~," Their leader said before licking her lips.
"L-Look, I-I'm sorry, okay! I wasn't paying attention to where I'm going!" I pleaded and they giggled.
"Oh naughty boy, it's far too late to apologize now... But you can still make it up to us," One of them replied.
"W-What is it?" I nervously asked and they smirked.
"Just play along and you'll find out~," Their leader whispered into my ear.
"Now shall we get acquainted? Or do you already know our names~?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Y-Your Kim Chaewon... Right? And you all are Karina, Gaeul, Yunjin, Kazuha, and Yujin," I answered and they wickedly smiled.
"Good, no need for introductions, what's your name, baby boy, ~?" Yunjin-Noona asked and I gulped.
"Chang Y/N," I answered.
"Enough talk! Let's get started already!" Chaewon-Noona demanded and they happily complied.
(Start of Smut)
Immediately, Yunjin-Noona and Gaeul-Noona came over and stripped me of my clothes as if their lives depended on it.
They take a good look at my nine-inch rod and they licked their lips as they enjoyed the sight of their catch.
"Mmmmm~. So big~," Gaeul-Noona complimented as she grabs a hold of it.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Noonas take off their bras and panties before joining us, Chaewon-Noona being the oldest gets the first dibs.
"Now, now, ladies, you know I get the first taste~," Chaewon-Noona said and they backed off.
Getting on her knees she gives my plonker a nice long lick sending a wave of stimulation of pleasure to my brain.
Wrapping her lips around the head of my knob she slowly bobbed her head up and down and I moaned despite trying to hide it.
"Mmmm~. Such a tasty meal, alright girls, it's your turn now~," Chaewon-Noona said and the girls jumped on me.
"Y/N-Baby, are you a virgin by any chance?" Kazuha-Noona asked and I slowly nodded.
"That's perfect for us because we're about to change that in about a few moments," Karina-Noona said and I gulped.
One by one each girl gave me one hell of a blowjob and I came in their mouths, it was a miracle that I still have some left even though I blew out the most in Chaewon-Noona's mouth.
"Come on, baby, we know you still have some left and your thing still wants more based on the look of it~." Yujin-Noona pointed out.
"So who wants to go first?" Gaeul-Noona asked and Chaewon-Noona jumped onto my lap.
"Me~! I'll take your first, baby since I'm the eldest, and believe me you'll be in a world of pleasure like never before~." She said before slowly lowering herself onto my knob.
Inserting my knob into her womanhood, she loudly moaned because of my huge size and I groaned at how tight she was.
"God, you're so tight, Noona," I pointed out.
"D-Don't worry, you'll get used to it," She replied before starting to ride me.
Afterward, she started to pick up her pace to the point where she rode me like a damn bull, and Karina-Noona lowered her chest to my face forcing me to suck her milkers.
"Mmmm~. Just like that baby~," Karina-Noona moaned.
Soon after, Chaewon-Noona came, she was frantically breathing as she was exhausted, and her members assisted her off of me.
"My turn~," Yunjin-Noona said and didn't waste any time riding the daylights out of me.
Yunjin-Noona was also tight as hell but something about her body drives me crazy and it's no wonder why so many guys tried to hit on her but she rejected them all including Jinwoo.
I nearly came but I didn't want to disappoint them and despite not having much experience, I held my ground and Yunjin-Noona came.
"God, you're incredible baby, so much better than my ex," She complimented before slowly getting off of me for the other girls to have their rounds.
"Indeed, I can say the same here..." Chaewon-Noona replied.
After Yunjin finished her round with me, Gaeul-Noona straddled onto my hip and Yujin-Noona pounced on my face.
"Don't worry baby, I'll guide you~," Karina-Noona assured.
Gaeul-Noona began riding the shit out of me as Yujin-Noona lowered her pussy onto my mouth forcing me to eat her out.
"Yes, just like that~. You like it, puppy~?" Karina-Noona asked with a grin.
"Y-Yes, it's so good~!" Yujin-Noona moaned.
Soon enough, both girls came at the same time and I drink all of her juices, Yujin-Noona switched places with Gaeul-Noona and Kazuha-Noona got onto my face.
"I hope I taste just as good, baby~," Kazuha-Noona said before lowering herself.
Eating her out as Yujin-Noona fucked me like it was the last thing she'd do on this planet, and just like before they both came at the same time.
Kazuha-Noona is truly something else because she tasted sweet and spicy, afterward, it was finally Karina's turn but instead of her womanhood she lowered her chest.
"Suck my tits, baby, make them yours~," She ordered and I did what she asked.
Sucking her right tit while my hand played with her left tit, she moaned loudly as Kazuha-Noona was having her round with me.
"Ahhh~! You're so damn big~!" Kazuha-Noona moaned.
"He's so perfect~! Can we keep him, Unnie~?" Yunjin-Noona asked and she smirked.
"Well, of course, we're keeping him," Chaewon-Noona answered and she cheered.
(End of Smut)
Catching my breath after doing all six girls, this is truly something I'm never going to forget, and I may be the luckiest man in this school.
"Did you enjoy your time with him, girls?" Chaewon-Noona asked and they nodded.
"Oh, yes we did, Unnie!" Karina-Noona answered while getting herself dressed.
"Me too!" Kazuha-Noona replied as well.
I was about to get up but Yujin-Noona stopped me in my tracks as she straddled onto my lap.
"You did amazing, baby~! Because of that, you're ours now meaning you're only allowed to have sex with us only." Yujin-Noona explained and my eyes widened.
The others girls smirked as Chaewon-Noona slowly approached me before gently grabbing a hold of my cheek and making me face her.
"And if we catch you interacting with another girl, will just simply punish you for it, now are you going to be a good boy for us~?" She asked and I nodded.
"Y-Yes, Noona..." I nervously answered and she smiled before pecking my lips.
"By the way, we noticed the tear marks on your face, did someone hurt you earlier?" Gaeul-Noona asked with concern and I suddenly remembered what happened.
"S-She..." I softly said.
"She what? It's okay, baby, you can tell us~," Kazuha-Noona assured and I sniffed.
"She cheated on me..." I finished and they clenched their fists.
"What?! Who's the bitch?!" Yunjin-Noona angrily asked and I flinched.
Thankfully, Chaewon-Noona and the others managed to calm her down before she could start a whole ass riot in the locker rooms.
"Sorry about her, baby, she can easily lose her temper sometimes. Now tell us, who was the one that broke your heart?" Karina-Noona asked and I deeply sighed.
"S-Solar..." I answered and she nodded.
"Hmph. I knew there was something fishy about her..." Gaeul-Noona commented.
The girls gathered in a group and began whispering to each other so that I can't hear, and once they were finished discussing they looked at me with evil grins.
"So baby, we've been discussing how we could cheer you up... Not that the fun we had earlier didn't help you forget about her but getting revenge." Chaewon-Noona informed me.
"H-How?" I nervously asked and she giggled.
"Glad you asked, baby boy, will be your dates to prom~," Yunjin-Noona answered and I gulped.
"Yeah, I bet Solar and her friends won't see this coming since they consider you a low-life and a nerd. Not only that, will make her jealous and we've got a special after-party event planned for her..." Kazuha-Noona explained.
"W-What is it?" I curiously asked.
"Now, now, this is a surprise just for you, so we won't spoil it, just play along and you'll find out," Chaewon-Noona answered and I nodded.
A week passed since I started dating the school's popular girls and cheerleaders, and tonight is prom night.
The girls have already picked out their dresses, Chaewon-Noona texted me that they'll pick me up at my house.
I replied to her text to confirm I'd read her message, I get myself dressed up in my tuxedo, making sure my tie is tied correctly and making sure everything looked sharp.
Waiting for many Noonas to pick me up, I looked out the window to see a fancy limousine pulled up in front of the house.
Chaewon-Noona texted me that they'd arrived, I exited my house, and I was baffled to be this up close with a limousine.
"Are you Master Y/N?" The driver asked.
"Y-Yes," I nervously answered.
"Very good, please get inside the vehicle," The driver instructed and I nodded.
Entering the limousine, I was shocked at the luxury stuff that was in there, a small bar, a mini fridge full of drinks, and even a small tv.
"Do you like it?" Yunjin-Noona asked.
"O-Of course, how can you girls afford this?" I curiously asked and they giggled.
"Well, our family is business people, hell, we could buy more than 10 Lamborghinis if we felt like it," Gaeul-Noona answered.
The driver then starts driving out of my neighborhood and onto the main road to the hotel where the prom is being hosted.
Once we pulled up to the drop-off zone, everyone was practically staring and admiring the fancy car.
"Don't be nervous, baby, I'll hold your hand~," Chaewon-Noona assured me as she gently takes a hold of my hand.
"Yeah, will protect you if anyone dares try to harm you," Yujin-Noona said and I thanked them.
The driver comes out and opens the doors for us, we stepped out, and everyone at first was cheering until they noticed me walking with them.
"Huh? What is the nerd doing with them?"
"Did he force them to go out with him?"
"Why is that loser holding hands with Queen Chaewon?"
Quickly the girls gave daggers to the gossipers and they instantly shut their mouths, even though this may hurt their popularity they could care less about what others think.
Checking in with the receptionists, we get our table number, and we get seated at our assigned table.
"Wow, love what they did to the place," Karina-Noona complimented as she checked out the decorations.
"Yeah, this is going to be a fun night," Kazuha-Noona replied.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" I hear a familiar voice I hope to never hear again and I turned around to see my ex-girlfriend Solar and her new boyfriend Jinwoo.
"What do you want, Solar?" I asked.
"Aw, still angry about before, Y/N, yes, I knew you were peaking at us on the rooftop, I wanted to see you suffer," Solar replied with an evil smirk.
Didn't take long for our interaction to grab the attention of my Noonas, they clenched their fists in anger, I'm sure they were ready to beat the living shit out of her and Jinwoo but I figured they have something else in mind.
"Ah, so you're the bitch that our baby has mentioned," Chaewon-Noona said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Tsk. Who are you, the Queen of the Cheerleaders be doing with a degenerate trash like him?" Solar asked and she warmly smiled.
"If you're looking for trash look inside your brain," She retorted and it pissed her off.
"What did you say?" Solar coldly asked.
"I think you heard her loud and clear you whore, oh, and Jinwoo still as desperate as ever? Hooking up with this loose pussy bitch how pitiful." Yunjin-Noona said as she grinned.
"Do you want to die, bitch?!" Jinwoo angrily ask as he raised his fists.
"Uh uh, think about this Jinwoo, are you going to punch a girl in front of everyone here~?" She pointed out and he groaned out of frustration as he knew she was right.
"This isn't over..." He warned.
The two dumbfucks walked away, joining their friends, leaving the girls with victory grins on their faces.
The rest of the night was pleasant and full of enjoyment, the first event of the prom was entertainment by a magician, dancers, and artists.
Afterward, we danced the night away, I take turns with my Noonas, however, as I was slow dancing with Karina-Noona, I noticed Jinwoo approaching us with his group.
Knowing well they aren't up to no good, I contemplated whether or not I should reveal my skills that were honed down by my ancestors.
I swore to myself that I'll never get into any fights no matter what but I love these girls with my heart and I can't bear seeing them hurt.
"Sorry, Karina, but you'll have to bear with me here..." I warned her and she looked confused.
"What do you mean?" She asked and I shoved her aside away from the fighting zone.
"You're going to die tonight, loser! After I'm done with you, I'm going fuck those girls' perfect bodies in front of you and there's nothing you can do about it!" Jinwoo threatened while cracking his knuckles and I sighed.
"Come on, Jinwoo, you're smarter than this, let's not do this," I reasoned and they laughed.
"Dude do you hear this guy!? What a wimp! Come on, let's get this over with!" MJ said.
"Y/N, get out of there! You don't stand a chance against them!" Gaeul-Noona pleaded and I shook my head.
"No, Noona, I'm not going to let these guys hurt you! I'm done with these assholes running the school and it ends tonight!" I replied.
"Ohohoho, we've got a tough guy here, aye? Come on, boys, let's put this nerd into his place!" Jinwoo said as they begin to surround me.
MJ strikes first by charging toward me to tackle me to the floor but I jumped and rolled over his kick making him crash into one of the tables.
Sanha tried to punch me but I countered it by parrying his fists and giving him a reverse punch and front-kicking him in the stomach causing him to stumble back.
"Oh come on, boys! You're seriously not going to let this nerd beat you?!" Jinwoo said.
Moonbin steps up and grabbed me from behind as Eunwoo to takes advantage of my vulnerability but I elbowed Moonbins face multiple times until he lets go of me.
Eunwoo was shocked that I managed to get rid of Moonbin but that leaves him vulnerable for a second more than enough time to strike.
When Eunwoo regains his composure it was too late as I jabbed and reversed punched him in the stomach and face before butterfly-kicking him to the face and knocking him out cold.
Jinwoo being the only one left to fight was left speechless that a nerd like myself defeated all four of his toughest guys.
"What's it going to be, Jinwoo, will you stop terrorizing us? Or will we have to do things the hard way?" I asked and he deeply sighed.
"F-Fine, I promise to leave everyone alone and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused," He gave up and I grinned.
"Wise choice, but if I find out you're bullying another student, I'll break every damn bone in your body, got it?" I sternly asked and he viciously nodded.
Dragging his friends out of the dance floor, everyone began whispering and cheering as Jinwoo and his gang has finally been humiliated.
"B-Baby, since when can you fight like that?" Chaewon-Noona asked.
"It's a long story..." I answered.
"Well, we have our entire lives for you to explain your story," Kazuha-Noona mentioned.
For the rest of the night, we had a blast on prom night as the DJ tuned up the beats, and we danced until late at night.
However, there was still one last thing to do before we can conclude the night... My Noonas dragged Solar back to the hotel room we rented.
In other words, we all fucked in front of her and her face was priceless, getting a taste of her own medicine.
She claimed that she wouldn't be fazed by it at all since she doesn't love me anymore but that attitude of hers didn't last long.
After leaving her miserable and bitter, we kicked her out of the room, and I spent the night cuddling with my girlfriends.
"Baby, what's that poking at my thigh...?" Gaeul-Noona asked.
She looked under the blanket and saw my hard rod, she smirked and the girls instantly knew what was going on.
"Looks like your friend down there wants another repeat from the locker rooms~," Yunjin-Noona pointed out and I grinned.
"Well, what are we waiting for then?" I asked and they smiled.
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mallas28 · 2 months
Whats wrong with this chapter?
So Horikoshi just write this weird and wrong chapter with strange structure and composition only for beautiful picture in the end? Because so many serious problems brought up in manga are unanswered like:
1. Quirk singularity. Quirk evolving every time. Humanity is still in danger. There only a matter of time when someone will appear with ability to end the world with one hand.
2. Discrimination of quirks and quirkless people. I know that Shodji het a "reward" for fighting discrimination,but we still see that it exists. Like Dai(or how is that boy was named) is still bullied for hid quirk.
3. Heroes system doesn't change at all. No matter how you change to call a hero. In final chapter we see that It doesn't change. Like raitings are still there. We see that Tokoyami and Kirishima selling their products. So heroes are still capable making a huge amount of money. So there is a matter of time when heroes will become corrupted.
4. Quirkless people can't become heroes if they are not millionaires. So Horikoshi telling me that Izuku was miserable for 8 years, waiting for teacher in order to All Might suddenly appear and give him suit? Its quite hypocritical thing anx message dont you find it. Manga literally telling me that if you are not millionaires or dont have a millionare friend you cant achieve your dreams. Wow.... Very inspiring message. I have no words.
5. Why Izuku doesn't change? I mean he still looks like a teenager. Why Horikoshi doesn't bother to change his appearance a bit. Its so confusing.
6. No ship confirmed. I think Horikoshi feared to confirmation the ship. So he let open ending. (Or maybe because a sequel).
7. No Dekus father. Horikoshi promised to show Dekus dad. But ot was droped for nothing. Fans were waiting. But nothing happens. Horikoshi again chickened? As he did with ships?
8. No one dies except villains. Don't get me wrong i am not eager for blood or smth. But you have a FINAL WAR. And you spared even pilots with no names at all. Is this serious? Is this fair and called Final war?
I really hoping for sequel announcement in 5th August. Because so many questions still unanswered. Horikoshi as a writer really dissapointed me a lot. He chickened to do many things in order to make all fans pleased then his work lost his own shine.
If sequel will be out i wish that Horikoshi could have a strong willed and skilled editor. Who will encourage Horikoshi to write complex story. I think Horikoshi is too afraid lost popularity that he easy to change his own story to please everyone.
This ending was bad in many ways. To be honest i never ever read ending worst than that. Even Fairy Tale final chapter was better written.
I hope for sequel.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
Dramatic snowball fight with this prompt one muse has little to no experience with sex and approaches the other more experienced muse to teach them with the loml Steve Harrington! Please and thank you 💋
a/n: is it weird that now that i’ve written it i wanna do it again? there are just so many possibilities, but this one is just too good to not share and just throw in the trash
word count: 855
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Hey, there you are!” you saw Steve stumble across the lawn towards the rusty garden bench you were currently occupying, “I thought for a second you had left without me,” he sat down next to you, a plastic cup in his hand with only the memory of a drink sloshing around at the bottom, “what are you doing out here?”
Still far away in your thoughts, you glanced back at the roaring party you had been invited to, “it just got a bit loud in there, that’s all…”
“You want me to take you home?” he offered, trying to catch your distracted eye.
“No, no, I just needed a moment,” you finally met his searching glance. 
Taking in the slight furrow to your brow, he asked softly, “are you alright?” gently placing a hand above your knee, “did something happen?”
Still overwhelmed with unanswered questions, you just blurted out, “what’s a g-spot?” in the exact same tone you would have used to ask what the time was.
Choking on his intake of air, he blinked hard, “I’m sorry? W-what?”
“Is it something bad?” you asked in alarm, eyes growing at his stunned reaction.  
“No, it’s-,” he rushed, snatching back his comforting touch, “why are you asking?”
“I just overheard someone in there talking and there were some of the words they used that I didn’t really know.”
“Oh,” he breathed jaggedly. 
“And, I mean, I don’t exactly have a dictionary on me,” you scratched the itch on your cheek, “even tried to find theirs, but I couldn’t.”
Letting an uncontrollable chuckle go, he said, “I don’t think you’d be able to find the definition of that in a dictionary, sweetheart.”
“Why? What is it?”
“It’s, um,” he attempted carefully, “a specific spot inside of you that feels really good.”
Your brows not unfurrowing at his vague explanation, you repeated in a questioning tone, “…a specific spot inside of me?”  
Sucking in a sharp breath, he clarified with a squint of his eye, “inside your pussy.”
“Inside my-, oh my god,” your hands instantly shot up to hide the flush razing to cover your entire face, “oh my god!” you shrieked, mortified that you had unknowingly asked him to explain something like that to you.
Feeling his fingers touch your forearm in a plea to lay down your shield, “what?”
“No!” you wiggled his touch off of you, the sensation only worsening your flustered state.  
“It’s okay, you have nothing to be ashamed about.”
“Oh really? You’re not the one accidentally asking your friend sex questions!” you let your hands slide down your face, staring up at the night sky in horror, “I am so sorry, I didn’t know, I swear.”
“Y/n, it’s alright. I don’t mind talking to you about that kind of stuff.”
Hesitantly, your averted vision flickered back down upon him, “you don’t?”
“No, I don’t,” he shrugged. 
“I-, okay…” his intense stare made your whole body tingle and sent an all too visible shiver down your spine, “stop looking at me like that.”
Refusing to avert his gaze, a soft smile simply bloomed on his lips as his head cocked to the side, “you’re cute when you get all flustered, you know that?”
“I am?”
“I sometimes forget how innocent you are with these things. It’s like you’re a little princess in a fairytale or something, I love it,” he chuckled lightly. 
Offering him a slight eye roll, you said, “I am not a princess.”
“Oh yeah?” he grinned. 
Tongue flickering out to wetten his lower lip, Steve scooted just an inch closer to you on the bench and uttered, “you know, I don’t think I properly explained to you yet what it really is.”
“No?” your breath caught in your throat as you looked back into his chocolaty eyes. 
“In a lot of ways that kind of stuff is easier to learn about in practice. It really helps when you have a visual aid.”
“A-a visual-…” your breathy echo trailed off. 
“So, you know, if you ever want a more in-depth understanding,” his eyes briefly flickering down lower upon your face, “you just let me know.” 
Holding eye contact a moment longer, “o-okay,” he then leaned back and returned his vision to the rumbling party still buzzing in the background. 
“You wanna go back inside?” he asked casually. 
Stilled dazed, overwhelmed by the strong beat of your pulse throbbing between your clenched thighs, “inside?”
“Yeah, you wanna go grab another drink?”
“Actually,” you breathed, “I think I might be ready to go home soon. You know, if that’s alright with you,” you rambled nervously, “if you’re ready to go too, I don’t wanna cut the party short if you’re not-” 
Still recalling the agreement you had made to leave just as you had arrived together in order to avoid having to drunkenly navigate the small town all alone, he cut off your jittery babble, “well, let’s go then.”
Sucking in a jagged breath, you wondered if you’d be able to gather up the courage to take him up on his offer before you parted ways and the night was over.
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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naughtyneganjdm · 10 months
Naughty or Nice - Chapter 3
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Summary: Tensions grow higher at the Greene farm when Negan learns the woman he had an affair with is the younger sister to the woman that he is dating.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Maggie, Greene Family, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51464518/chapters/130700899
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, angst, smut, etc.
Notes: I was trying to have some fun with this one. Thank you to those that read this! I appreciate all of you!
“I don’t understand,” Negan stammered to find the right words, his eyes shifting between both Y/N and Maggie. There were so many unanswered questions that were swirling around in his head. “How did you not know that your sister was my boss? And the two of you have different last names…”
“I use my mother’s last name,” Y/N informed Negan which ultimately made sense after all she told Negan when they were together last night. Huffing out, Hershel made his presence known and didn’t have to say a word to make it clear he hated that. With each passing second, all of the questions Negan had started to answer themselves. After spending such a small amount of time with Maggie’s family, by putting it together with the information he learned last night he was able to make sense of a lot of things. Maggie was the older sister that was the favorite. Y/N was the middle sister that was looked down upon and not well liked. Negan saw it in Hershel’s actions. Y/N was right about everything she told him about her family.
“You’re still using her last name?” Hershel retorted, a snarl expanding over his features at the idea. Y/N had a hard time looking at Hershel and when she did, Negan could see all that bravery and strength he knew in her from the past leaving. This man really did a number on her.
“I like the way it sounds,” Y/N explained feeling small. The last thing she should have felt was small with everything that she accomplished. Maggie stepped in beside her, offering up a weak smile. And that’s when things got worse for her. Now, not only was she dealing with the uncomfortableness from being around her family again, but she had to think about how the man she had an affair with last night was dating her older sister. Her older sister that she hadn’t seen in years. There wasn’t enough strength to muster up the words that were needed right now. So all she could do was focus on her father and what he said about her using her mother’s last name professionally. “I just was more comfortable using it.”
“It’s disrespectful,” Hershel chastised her response, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m not surprised though. You were always eager to get away from this family.”
“Daddy,” Maggie interrupted Hershel trying to make things less confrontational in the best way that she could. Rolling his eyes, Hershel’s hands settled at his hips and he turned away from them. Turning her attention back to Negan, Maggie was still thinking about how Negan asked her that she had no idea that Y/N was his boss. “Y/N and I haven’t talked in a very long time. Originally, she was living somewhere else. I had heard she moved to the city, but I never really learned much more than that. If I would have known she was your boss, I would have said something. Obviously.”
“Why did the two of you stop talking?” Negan pointed back and forth between the two of them. It made Y/N frown and look down toward her feet. “It’s just…you’re both so different and…”
“You’re acting weird,” Erin commented, tugging at Negan’s jacket to get him to look down at her. “Why are you acting weird?”
“I’m not acting weird,” Negan scrambled to find the right words reaching down to pick Erin up in his arms. “I’m just surprised to see that the woman I work under is related to Maggie. That’s all. It’s something you think I would have known.”
“You are acting kinda weird,” Beau piped in, whispering low enough for his father only to hear. Tension filled his father’s body and the way that Negan was talking was the way he would talk when he was flustered or worried. “What’s going on dad?”
“These are your kids?” Y/N inquired trying to change the subject to take the attention off her and Negan in this moment. Of course they were his kids. They had dimples just like him and the boy looked like a younger version of Negan. Stepping forward, she extended her hand out before Beau and offered a weak smile. “It’s nice to meet you…”
“Beau,” Negan’s son accepted the gesture and shook her hand. “And you’re Y/N? We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I assume not always the best things,” Y/N suggested, but Beau immediately shook his head, his hand still shaking hers.
“No, it’s always been good things,” Beau denied her negative thoughts and Beau wasn’t wrong. Negan wasn’t the kind of man to come home and vent to his children about the job that he wasn’t given. If anything, he talked about his projects and never went into detail about the things bothering him at work.
“I’m Erin!” Negan’s daughter immediately blurt out, her dimples sinking in when Y/N turned her attention to her. Y/N assumed that other than the dimples and the smile, Erin’s blonde hair and green eyes matched Negan’s late wife. Holding her hand out, Erin shook Y/N’s hand enthusiastically before burying her head against the side of Negan’s neck.
“I guess this is very awkward, isn’t it?” Maggie southern drawl brought all of the attention back to her. “I think we all have some catching up to do here.”
“Is now a good time to come out?” a voice interrupted them and it finally drew attention to the man that was slowly stepping out of the car. Maggie hadn’t expected someone to be there causing her to jump, slipping with her footing and the man caught her before she fell. Maggie clung to the jacket that the man was wearing and he let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry about that. I just, I didn’t know when I should come out and introduce myself.”
“It’s…okay,” Maggie’s head tipped to the side looking into the big brown eyes of the man clinging tightly to her. Once he made sure she was okay, he helped Maggie up into a standing position before stepping beside Y/N. His fingers hooked with Y/N’s and Negan shook his head.
“I’m Glenn,” Y/N’s fiancé held his hand up to wave and he was awkward. It was obvious that he wasn’t much of an outgoing personality. Glenn’s cheeks flushed over, his tanned flesh turning red while they all stood together in the group quiet. “I’m Y/N’s fiancé. I was told that people knew I was coming. I’m so sorry for interrupting whatever was going on.”
“No, of course!” Annette stepped forward to reach out to grab Y/N’s free hand. Tipping up, she pressed a kiss over the side of Y/N’s face and then hugged Glenn eagerly. “Y/N told me all about you. I’m so thankful that the two of you made it here. We were hoping you would.”
“It’s been a long time Y/N. You snagged yourself a cutie,” Beth interrupted moving in to introduce herself to Glenn and to give her sister another big hug. “I can’t wait to catch up. I need to have you tell me all about how you met this guy.”
“It’s not that big of a story,” Glenn chuckled shifting on his feet nervously before her family. Glenn was certainly uncomfortable and he showed it with everyone paying attention to him. Letting out a winded exhale, Glenn waved his hand about in the air. “Thank you for letting me be here with you on the holidays everyone.”
“Your face is red daddy,” Erin informed her father, stroking down over the side of Negan’s cheek. Trying to relax his expression, Negan knew that he likely had his face scrunched in jealousy and upset. Of course his face was red. He just found out the woman that he thought he connected and bonded with more than anyone since he lost Lucille was related to the woman that he was dating.
“I think it’s just the cold baby,” Negan tried to explain hearing Hershel grunt out and motion them forward.
“We’ll show you all to your rooms so you can get settled in,” Hershel urged them to follow him toward the large home. It was a charming, older home at the center of this land and Negan was sure it was beautiful on the inside, but it was so different from what he was used to.
“And then afterwards we can give you the tour of the farm,” Maggie moved in beside Negan to give him a small nudge. Giving her an unsure smile, Negan looked beyond her to see that Glenn was helping Y/N gather her things and he sighed. Shit, this whole weekend just got so much more complicated. All night, all Negan could think about was Y/N and now he was going to be forced to keep his feelings for her hidden.
Once inside, Hershel led the kids to their rooms first. Negan was surprised that they had a room for both Beau and Erin. Beau’s room had an old arcade game inside of it that immediately drew his son’s attention. Erin’s room had a lot of stuffed animals and toys that Negan assumed likely belonged to the girls when they were younger. Beau stayed with Erin to help her unpack while Hershel led them toward another room.
“I’m sure you know where your room is honey,” Hershel pointed to one of the doors that was closed and Maggie headed toward it. Going to follow Maggie, Negan heard Hershel clearing his throat to get Negan’s attention and Negan looked back over his shoulder. “Not in my house.”
“Sorry?” Negan was surprised to hear that comment from Hershel. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
“You’re still sticking to that? Why am I not surprised?” Y/N chuckled to herself, clinging to her things when Maggie stopped in front of her door to hold onto the handle. Disgust filled Y/N’s face and Negan clung to his things still unsure of what was happening. “We’re adults dad. I’ve lived with Glenn for months. You’re going to separate us into different rooms?”
“Daddy, come on,” Maggie pouted, pushing open the door and reaching for Negan, but Hershel immediately shook his head. “I’ve stayed at Negan’s place plenty of times. I have room for him to stay in there with me. I promise we’ll be on our best behavior.”
“Oh, you’ve had her over your home plenty of times?” Hershel repeated those words and suddenly Negan felt very singled out. His Adam’s apple bounced in this throat and he frowned. What the fuck was he supposed to say to that?
“I’ll just go and share a room with Beau. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor,” Negan suggested pointing back toward the rooms where his children would be staying. “I feel more comfortable being in the same area as my children anyways.”
“Your children will be perfectly safe. And don’t be silly Negan, you’re a grown man. You need a bed for yourself. With your important job, you’ll need your own space,” it felt like Hershel was almost mocking him and he waved Negan on. First Hershel showed Glenn to his room leaving Negan and Y/N as the last two people with him.
“I’m sure you remember where your room was? Unless you erased that from your memory too,” Hershel turned on his heel to stare out at his daughter.
“You mean you didn’t turn it into the junk room like you promised you would?” Y/N brought back tense memories that obviously happened between them when they were younger.
“Come on Negan,” Hershel waved Negan on, ignoring Y/N when she went for the room that was obviously hers in the past. When Hershel started to lead him toward some stairs, Negan let out a hesitant sound. “You’re going to be staying in the attic.”
“The what?” Negan followed Hershel up the stairs and into the attic. There was a big window that let in a large amount of light that was almost blinding. But he did notice once they were up there that there was a bed prepared. There were dressers, mirrors and things set up to make it feel homey, but at the end of the day…it was just an attic. With every second longer Negan spent with Hershel, he was noticing more and more that Hershel’s favorite was Maggie. Also Hershel was making it evident that he hated Negan for dating his daughter. “Are you sure we can’t just bring this bed down and put it in the room with Beau?”
“So neither one of you have enough room to move?” Hershel leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowing out at Negan. If looks could kill, Negan would be dead. It left Negan wondering what to say and really what to do. “Do you not enjoy the setup that we have done here for you?”
“It’s wonderful Hershel, but as a father, I’m sure you know how I feel wanting to be close to my children,” Negan reasoned with Maggie’s father, setting his things down on top of the bed and throwing his hands up in the air. “My children mean everything to me.”
“Which is why I picked this room for you. It’s right above the rooms that they will be staying in,” Hershel informed Negan, tapping his foot on the old wooden floorboards. “It’s spacious, you have your own space and you are right over your children.”
“I kind of feel like we started off on the wrong foot here Hershel,” Negan insisted rubbing his hands together. Stepping forward, he could tell by the look on Hershel’s face that he wasn’t going to change his opinion on him. “I very much like both of your daughters. One of them is my boss and the other has been in my life for about six months. I’d like to be able to get along with you sir because both Y/N and Maggie are important people in my life. And I think you’re important to them. So I’d really like it if you gave me a chance to prove myself to you.”
“Negan, I appreciate that you’re a good father,” Hershel looked down after Negan held his hand out in attempts to have them shake it out. “That’s something I admire about you. I see that your children love you. That, I will nod my head to. But the fact you’re dating Maggie is not something that I can accept. My daughter never wanted to be a city girl. She goes out there to test things out because of her sister and then she meets you. After she meets you, she decides that she wants to stay out there in New York City all alone. It just doesn’t sit right with me. A woman giving up her life for a man.”
“When I met Maggie sir, she was in an apartment of her own. She seemed very much moved in at that point,” Negan thought back to when he first met Maggie. Making it sound like Negan was the reason Maggie was in the city was kind of absurd. “I swear to you that I would never force your daughter into something that she didn’t want. I promise you that I didn’t soil your daughter.”
That was truthfully an understatement. Even when they had sex for the first time, it was Maggie that had dragged Negan back into the bathroom with her. Maggie seemed very comfortable with the idea of fucking a stranger she had just met and fought with. So it wasn’t like Negan got his claws into her and brought her to the dark side. Of course, he wasn’t about to tell her father that though. Her father thought Maggie was an angel and Negan was an evildoer that turned his daughter against him.
“I just want us to be okay,” Negan reasoned with Hershel, wanting nothing more than for things to be comfortable at least while he was here. Having the two women in his life having their father hate him was not something he wanted. “For Maggie. For my children.”
“I’ll be as friendly with you as possible Negan, but I don’t like you,” Hershel declared letting Negan know there wasn’t much of a chance between the two of them to lose the tension that was undoubtedly there. “Y/N might respect you. Maggie might be dating you. But I know the kind of man you are. And I just don’t see this whole thing working. I’ll see you downstairs.”
Lowering his hand, Negan huffed and shook his head when Hershel left him alone up in the attic. Walking around, Negan wondered what it was about him that made Hershel hate him immediately. Heading for the window, Negan stared out it to get a feeling for where he would be staying. At least the view was pretty enough. It would be a pain in the ass in the morning when he was sleeping with the sun rising, but he would have to just deal with it and find a way to make things work.
Maybe sometimes he would just sneak down to be with Erin at night because this was strange. Sure, it was quiet enough for him to work, but being alone in an attic while his children were downstairs left him feeling uncomfortable. He was separated from everyone. Even Glenn got his own room.
Instead of unpacking, Negan just headed downstairs to be with Beau and Erin. They were in the room that Beau would be staying in and they were both already at the old arcade game playing with it. They both seemed amused that he was staying in the attic, more so Beau because he understood that Negan was in hot water with Maggie’s father.
“Have you ever played something like this? This seems like it’s from your time period,” Beau glanced over at his father while in the middle of playing the game. It made Negan place his hand over his chest and let out a dramatic sound. “I’m just saying, it seems old.”
“And there it is, my boy calling me old,” Negan stood up from the bed that they had given Beau and moved in beside his children to look at the game. “See, I would play, but I’d just be so good at it that I would destroy your record…so…”
“Oh, yeah? Okay old man,” Beau teased his father hearing the snort that followed from Negan.
“I’m going to go check in with Maggie really quick. I’ll be right back,” Negan squeezed over Beau’s shoulder before peppering a quick kiss over Erin’s cheek and then going to the room they had left Maggie at. Knocking on the door, Negan heard Maggie call out to him to have him enter and Negan gave her a grimace when he snuck into her room. “Will I get shot for coming in here?”
“Depends on his mood,” Maggie half laughed motioning Negan into her bedroom as he closed the door behind him. Hopping onto Maggie’s bed, Negan grunted when he heard the squeak of a stuffed animal that he sat on. Digging underneath him, Negan lifted the stuffed animal out and wiggled it at Maggie noticing the color that flooded into her cheeks. “I know, I know.”
“So this was your room, huh?” Negan looked around the space taking in all the things that were there. Gazing from the posters on her walls, to the bookshelf and what was on her dressers Negan couldn’t help but snicker. “Did you sneak a lot of boys in here when you were younger?”
“Enough to give my daddy a heart attack,” Maggie set down what she was working on to sit on the bed with Negan. Extending her fingers out, she brushed them through Negan’s hair and led him to her lips in a lingering kiss.
“You should have warned me I was going to be a target coming in here,” Negan’s laugh vibrated against her bottom lip, leaning back enough to gaze over her. “Your dad hates me. Y’know he put me in the attic? While it’s a nice space, it’s still an attic with a lot of dust and you know I have really bad allergies.”
“Oh, you poor baby,” Maggie frowned brushing his hair back, leaning in to press a stronger kiss over Negan’s lips. It took a minute, but she giggled when she pulled away. “Did he really put you in the attic?”
“He sure fucking did,” Negan laid back against Maggie’s bed, looking up at the ceiling with a sigh. “Your family is intense.”
“We’re really not that bad,” Maggie suggested laying in beside Negan and placing her head on his shoulder. Hooking her fingers with Negan’s, she cuddled her head in closer to him and heard the snicker that followed.
“There are a lot of things to unravel here Maggie. You have a younger sister who is my boss and you had no idea she was my boss,” Negan pointed out with a huff, his mind still lingering on Y/N. “And your dad visibly hates her. You haven’t talked to her in years…”
“How did you know she was my younger sister?” Maggie wondered, lifting her head up to stare out at Negan with curiosity in her eyes.
“I’m pretty sure when you went to introduce us you said she was your younger sister,” Negan reasoned with Maggie and she shook her head. “Well, then it’s probably me putting two and two together. We talked about her family at one point and she mentioned being the middle child.”
“You talked about her family? About us?” Maggie lifted her head enough showing her surprise in knowing that her sister talked about their family to Negan. “I didn’t think your boss even liked you.”
“Yeah, well we had a heart-to-heart last night after finishing a project she had me working on all night,” Negan explained knowing that calling it a heart to heart may have been a good explanation for the first part of their time together, but there was also that other thing that they did together. That thing he wasn’t about to tell Maggie. Not when he was in the same house as her hostile father that would likely kill him if he found out he had an affair on Maggie.
“What did she tell you about us?” Maggie inquired, her eyebrow arching in curiosity and Negan didn’t know if talking about that would be right since it was the two of them bonding. “I can’t imagine it’s been good things since she’s been away from this family for so long. Things just got so difficult in the past with her and my dad.”
“Why did you stop talking to her?” Negan pushed knowing that he didn’t see Maggie as the type to turn her sister away. He wasn’t about to talk about the things that they went into last night. Especially not in depth. It was really none of Maggie’s business what they talked about.
“It’s complicated,” Maggie sat up enough to brace her weight while her fingers traced over the center of Negan’s chest. “Her and daddy had a fight. Y/N and I were always very close, she just had a really strong personality. We all loved her. I do love her. It just made it hard staying close to her when she left. Daddy got mad every time we mentioned her and then she moved away. I guess I just got used to her being gone.”
Maggie took her time to contemplate things letting out an extended sigh the longer she thought about things, “She’s actually the reason I finally took a chance on the city. I went out to New York because of her and I stayed because of the things she told me. She was always the more adventurous one. The real leader of the pack.”  
“And you never tried to call her?” Negan was surprised to hear all of that, his hand reaching up to brush some of the hair that fell in her face away. It had Maggie reaching up with her other hand to caress over his. “You just don’t seem like that kind of person Maggie.”
“I think we both got lost,” she reasoned with Negan, her eyes shifting off in contemplation while her thumb caressed at Negan’s pulse point. “I need to talk to her again. Make things right. I know daddy was hard on her with things.”
“And you were…are…his favorite,” Negan noted lifting up enough so that he was close to her on the bed. “I think if anyone could have a good influence on your father to fix things for them, it’s you. The only thing she said about this family is that her father was really hard on her. I can see that. And that her older sister was his favorite. That’s clear as day. Especially in the way that man hates me.”
Both of them snickered when she pressed her head forward to rest it against his, “I’m sorry Negan. My father has some issues. With me caring about you, I would have hoped that he would have given you a chance. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Negan caressed his fingers over her jawline letting out a long sigh while he nuzzled his nose in against hers. It was sad because Negan really liked Maggie. They had a decent relationship, but he loved her more like a friend. So in a sense, he loved her, but it just didn’t feel like he was head over heels in love with her. “I do think you should try to fix things with your sister. She’s a good person. But I think she’s sad.”
“Sad? She’s the strongest person that I know,” Maggie tipped her head back enough, her lips parting when Negan swept his fingers in over her jawline. “I could never see her being sad.”
“I think she feels lonely,” Negan reasoned with Maggie, his head tipping from side to side while he thought about the night before. Sad understood sad. That’s what Negan tried to explained to Y/N last night. Maggie wasn’t sad, so it was harder for her to understand when someone was lost in themselves like both Negan and Y/N were.  
“Why would she be lonely?” Maggie questioned and it made Negan sigh when her palm slid in over the side of his face. “She has an incredible job. If she’s your boss, that means she’s rolling in the dough. She’s engaged…she has the life a lot of people would want.”
“Sometimes…when you’re lonely…it doesn’t matter how good your life is in the eyes of others,” Negan thought back on his own life, his chest aching when he thought about the pain and anguish he had over being alone. “Sometimes when you are lonely, you make choices that don’t make sense to you because you never want to feel lonely again. Look at me. I have the two best kids I could ever ask for. An amazing job, a beautiful apartment in the city…but the loneliness, the sadness…it ate me alive for almost two years. And to this day…that darkness still engulfs me. I think it bothers her that she no longer has her family. She told me that her dad thought he was poisoning her sisters’ minds.”
“I can see how she thought that,” Maggie acknowledged, her thumb tracing over the side of his face through his short beard. “Why don’t you tell me that you feel that way Negan?”
“Because I try to hide it. I have two kids to keep happy. They don’t need to see that side of me. And you…you’re always smiling and happy,” Negan began shaking his head knowing that it probably wasn’t the best time to be telling Maggie these things. “Like you said, I should be happy. But I’m just not. And that scares me sometimes.”
It seemed like there was so much that Maggie wanted to say, but instead she moved forward to give Negan a hug. Something like that? That was the kind of affection Negan appreciated. Just having someone to talk to and hug him? A lot of the time, Negan didn’t think Maggie would be able to understand his feelings, but having her hug him like that was nice.
“I just want you to be happy Negan,” she whispered, pressing a loving kiss over Negan’s cheek, nuzzling her nose in against it. Pulling back enough, she dragged her thumb over Negan’s bottom lip which made him take in a long inhale. “No matter how angry you make me sometimes.”
“That happens a lot,” Negan joked with her, his nose wrinkling in amusement. Even though they did have a decent relationship, he could easily piss Maggie off and push her buttons. At least they were honest with each other about that. Closing his eyes, Negan felt Maggie pressing in closer to him. With her lips hovering over his, Negan hummed when she brought their lips together. Kissing her back, Negan’s fingers brushed into her hair, his fingers caressing over her scalp while she crawled in closer to him. Grunting, Negan felt her moving in over him, her hands cupping his face in her hands as her kisses grew in strength.
“Apparently dad is calling for us,” Y/N’s voice spoke up when the door pushed open and it made Maggie slightly pull away from Negan with a wet sound, her hands still cupping Negan’s face. Grunting, Negan could tell by the expression that flooded over Y/N’s face that she was upset catching them like that together. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt the two of you, dad just wants us to take the kids and the boys on the tour of everything.”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in a minute,” Maggie assured her sister with a half-smile, her finger sweeping over Negan’s jawline. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Be careful with that,” Y/N circled her finger out toward them, her eyes locking with Negan’s. Noticing that Negan was breathing heavily, she wondered how far things would have gotten if she wouldn’t have walked in on the two of them. “You don’t want dad to bring the shotgun out.”
“Right,” Maggie snickered when Y/N closed the door behind her. Panic flooded Negan’s veins when Y/N left. Seeing that she looked upset bothered him. Then again, there was a mention of the shotgun and Negan deeply considered that.
“He really wouldn’t pull a shotgun out on me, would he?” Negan was hesitant in the way he laughed, but when he actually noticed that Maggie was contemplating that question, he felt his pulse leap. “Maggie? Would he?”
“It depends,” Maggie thought about the question and it put a look of fear in Negan’s features. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m gonna fucking worry about it,” Negan urged Maggie from over his hips to get her to sit down on the bed beside him. Getting up from the bed, he dragged his palm down over his face in a moment of tension. “That’s kind of a big deal Maggie. I don’t need your father shooting me dead with my children here.”
“He’s only pulled out the shotgun once before with one of my boyfriends when I was a teenager Negan,” Maggie reasoned with Negan hearing the worried sound that fell from Negan’s parted lips. “I’m an adult now Negan. My daddy wouldn’t do something like that.”
“I don’t know Maggie, by the way he’s acting toward me—I think he very much is capable of that,” Negan doubted what she was telling him. “I’m not going to get shot at on this trip, am I?”
“I think you’re going to be fine,” Maggie promised, stepping before Negan after getting off the bed. Caressing over the sides of his face was her attempt at calming him, but it wasn’t working. “Come on Negan, you shouldn’t worry about that kind of stuff.”
“After meeting your dad, yes. Yes, I fucking should,” Negan bickered with her more, but by the time that she was dragging him out in the hallway with her, he could see that the kids were outside talking to Maggie’s youngest sister who was showing them something.
“They are going to show us the horses,” Erin was excited to tell Negan about what was in their future when she turned away from Beth to run up before Negan. “I’ve never really been around horses daddy. Isn’t that exciting?”
“Of course it is baby girl,” Negan gave his daughter a wink, looking back when he heard the sound of a door opening. Seeing that it was Y/N heading out of her room, Negan lifted his finger up and motioned for them to go ahead without him. “I forgot something up in the attic. I’ll be right out. Okay? Watch the kids for me for a minute, would you Maggie?”
“You got it babe,” Maggie pat Negan on the chest before following Beau and Erin to the stairs.
Once they started heading down, Negan felt Y/N brushing past him to follow them. Before she could reach the stairs, Negan curled his fingers around her wrist to bring her to him. The nearest room for them was a bathroom and he pulled her in with him, closing the door behind him.
“What the hell?” Y/N gasped when Negan pushed her up against the door, his hazel eyes hooked on hers. Negan’s breathing was heavy, his lips parted while he stared down at her. “What the fuck are you doing Negan?”
“I’m sorry,” Negan apologized, his hands pulling from her shoulders and he rest his hands on his hips while he stood before her. “When you came into the room and saw Maggie with me like that…”
“Why are you apologizing to me because I walked in on you kissing your girlfriend Negan?” Y/N challenged, her eyebrows wrinkling in confusion. Throwing her hands up in the air, she sighed loudly and shifted before him. “I’m the one that is engaged to Glenn. I can’t get upset with you for being handsy with your girlfriend. I told you last night was just a high from the sex and confusion from the alcohol.”
“But it’s not,” Negan was adamant, shaking his head when she denied what they had last night. “All I’ve been able to think about since last night is you. I keep thinking about how you made me feel. Not just about the sex, but the connection that we have.”
“What connection Negan? You’re my sister’s boyfriend and you’re my co-worker. I’m your boss,” she reminded him, the hitch in her voice giving away that she was actually upset about everything. “This would have never worked in the first place. But now that you’re Maggie’s boyfriend? There is no fucking way Negan.”
“Why?” Negan frowned, attempting to reach out to touch her, but she grabbed his wrists and lowered them down.
“You know why Negan,” Y/N hesitated, her fingers squeezing slightly at his wrists. “There are so many reasons why none of this will work for us. We had a moment. We enjoyed each other very much, but it was a onetime thing. It can never happen again. You’re with Maggie. I’m with Glenn. We have to forget about it.”
“I don’t want to forget about it,” Negan pled with her, stepping forward to slam the door shut when she opened it to try to leave. Trapping her between him and the door, he took advantage of the small space that was there capturing her jaw between his thumb and index finger with his other fingers curling around the side of her neck. The warmth of his breath lingered over her lips drawing her eyes to fluttered to a close, her head tipping up toward him. “No, the chemistry between us is too strong Y/N. We both know it. We can’t pretend like it never happened.”
“Negan, please,” she whimpered right before his lips claimed hers. Placing her hand at the center of his chest, she could feel herself weakening at the knees with the way he was kissing her. Kissing him back was almost involuntary because her body knew even against better judgement that she loved kissing him. It felt good. Negan could sweep her off her feet with his kisses. And even though she tried to convince herself that it was a momentary lapse of bad judgement from being drunk, the response her body had to him kissing her was proving to her that wasn’t true. Purring out, she sank her fingers into Negan’s hair, her lips parting almost begging for him to reward her with the tender sweep of his tongue against hers. When he gave her what she asked for, he pressed his body against hers, his fingers growing tighter around the side of her neck. God she could get lost in this. Yet, it was the sound of movement outside the door that alerted her that she needed to stop this. Tearing her lips away from his was the hardest thing she could have done in that moment. Breathless, she knew that she needed to get her shit together. She was in her father’s home. Maggie was there and so were Negan’s children. They couldn’t do this shit. “This has to stop.”
“Wait,” Negan begged, but she pushed away from him and headed out of the bathroom. Trying to follow her, Negan got down the stairs with her. “Please, just wait.”
“Negan, enough,” Y/N didn’t stop or wait for them to even talk. Swiftly moving throughout the house, she pushed open the door and stopped immediately when she saw that her father had everyone with him standing at the steps. Her quick halt had Negan running into her and she gasped when he grabbed to make sure she didn’t fall. “You’re all just waiting here?”
“Well we couldn’t do a tour without the two of you, could we?” Hershel retorted with a huff waving them on. Swallowing down hard, Y/N managed to sneak away from Negan over to Glenn who was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with a baseball jersey over it. He had a baseball cap on and Negan scoffed. Glenn didn’t even seem like Y/N’s type and he didn’t understand why she was with him. It’s not like he was a bad guy from what he could tell, it was just a strange pairing. “Let’s go Negan.”
“Yes sir,” Negan moved down the steps, reaching to grab Erin adjusting her so that he was giving her a piggyback ride while they moved across the yard. Standing between Beau and Maggie, Negan stole a glance over at Y/N noticing that she was looking at him while she walked hand in hand with Glenn. When their eyes connected, Y/N turned away and looked down at their feet.
“You’re going to love seeing Nelly. She was my horse,” Maggie tugged faintly at Erin’s jacket to get her attention. “If you want and it’s okay with your dad, I can probably take you on a ride. Would you like that?”
“Can I do that daddy?” Erin wondered making Negan look back over his shoulder at her. “I’ve never ridden a horse before.”
“You’re sure you’re capable of doing that with her and being safe?” Negan was worried knowing that with Maggie mentioning it, Erin wouldn’t be able to get it out of her mind. It’s just Negan was really uncomfortable with the idea of it.
“Maggie won a lot of awards when she was younger for horseback riding,” Beth’s voice called out from where she was walking beside Beau. “I think she will be okay.”
“I just worry,” Negan admitted trusting Maggie enough with his daughter, but horses were unpredictable. When Negan was younger, he would often visit the farm that his grandparents owned, but that was a long time ago. He always loved animals, but he knew that some animals when scared did things they didn’t always mean to. “If you think you can keep her safe, then I’ll trust you.”
“I can,” Maggie assured Negan with a half-smile while they headed over toward the stables on the property. Once the large doors opened, Negan stayed back and let out a long sigh knowing that this was the last thing he expected to be doing for Christmas this year. Touring a barn in the middle of nowhere. It was like he was back in his childhood days. “Nelly.”
Maggie was the first one into the barn heading over to the horse that was hers. It made Negan smile seeing the excitement that she had for it. It wasn’t normal for Maggie to have that kind of reaction to things and he was happy that she did have something that made her happy in some sense. Hershel followed her in and stepped in beside her reaching out to pet the muzzle of the horse.
“Come here,” Maggie waved Beau forward who seemed uneasy at first before joining them in petting the horse. Reaching for Erin, Maggie grabbed her from Negan and held Erin in front of Nelly to allow both Negan’s children to enjoy the moment.
“Do you have your own horse too?” Negan looked to Beth who was standing behind him and she immediately shook her head.
“No, we have a few horses here that I help take care of, but this one is Maggie’s and…” Beth moved around Negan to reach for Y/N’s hand pulling her sister down until they stopped in front of a stall. Seeing the horse seemed to have Y/N freeze up. “And this one is Y/N’s.”
“Dakota,” Y/N stepped forward to caress in over the horse’s mane. Seeing the horse appeared to have shocked her. “You kept him?”
“Of course I kept him,” Hershel grunted from where he was standing with Maggie and the children. “You may have abandoned him, but he didn’t deserve to be thrown away like the rest of us.”
Clearing his throat, Negan knew that he wanted to say something, but with how Hershel already felt about him it was best not to say anything at all. What came out of Hershel’s mouth hurt Y/N, there was no hiding the expression that flooded her features. Instead of staying where he was, Negan moved down the aisle to step in beside Y/N. With him next to her, she stole a quick look at him before Negan nodded toward Dakota.
“May I?” Negan asked for permission first to touch her horse. Once she gave him the okay, Negan flattened his palm out over the forehead of the horse that seemed to lean into the touch. “I take it you rode horses in the past too?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded and after Negan joined her, it felt like Glenn thought he had to as well moving in on the other side. “Dakota is my old man. We share a lot of memories together.”
“She gave up competitive horse riding, just like she did everything else,” Hershel piped in when he moved over toward them where they were at the stall. Y/N’s eyes closed tightly and she bit down on her bottom lip. Just by the way she was reacting Negan could tell she was doing everything she could not to fight with her father. Sliding his hand down, Negan’s fingers loosely hooked with hers to support her. It had her eyes lazily opening, her eyes connected with his and he gave her a weak smile. “Dakota was our most talented back then. Now, he just makes for a good pet. He’s too old to compete, but he sure is beautiful.”
“We’ve got Nelly, Dakota, Apollo, Lucky, Casper and Cinnamon,” Beth listed off the names of their horses, pushing her hands into her pockets when she let out a long sigh. “These are kind of our stars on the farm. We have other animals, but they are the ones people seem to be drawn to. We have chickens, hens, ducks, pigs…”
“We feed them every morning and evening so if you’re ever up and interested on this trip we will happily take the help,” Hershel informed them pacing the stables to check on all of the horses that were there. “We also have a barn on the property, but it’s really just used to store things. We have hay in there, food supplies. It’s not as interesting.”
“You want to go for a ride?” Negan heard Maggie ask Erin and he tensed up hearing it knowing that he agreed to it, but the idea of it made him nervous. Moving away from Y/N left it open for Glenn to whisper something to her as Negan went back to his children. Maggie noticed the worry in Negan’s eyes and she gave him a confident smile. “Trust me, everything is going to be okay.”
“You’re kind of holding my world in your hands, so…” Negan commented and it made Maggie smile as she handed Erin back over to Negan. Panic flooded his veins while Maggie got Nelly prepared to be ridden. Once Maggie had everything ready and they were standing outside, Maggie hopped up on the horse and reached for Erin. “You sure you don’t want to practice a little? By the sounds of things, it’s been a while since you’ve been on a horse.”
“It’s like riding a bike,” Maggie explained hearing Negan grumble when Erin reached her arms out to Maggie.
“A very unpredictable, living bike that can throw you off of them and break her,” Negan heard Beau choke and a laugh fell from his throat at his father’s worries. Once he handed Erin off to Maggie, he felt Beau’s hand pressing in over the center of his back trying to comfort him. “Please be safe.”
“I promise,” Maggie got Erin situated before starting to ride slowly across the plot of land.
“In this case, I trust Maggie,” Beau informed Negan while they watched the girls riding the horse. “I think she knows what she is doing dad.”
“It’s hard giving you kids away to other people and trust them to keep your lives safe,” Negan admitted to his son, his hazel eyes filled with worry. Clearing his throat uneasily, Negan saw that Y/N and Beth were both getting two other horses out to ride, but he was so stressfully focused on Maggie with Erin. “I love you both so much.”
“And we don’t doubt that,” Beau assured his father with a sigh hearing Hershel calling out to the both of them.
“You want to help me get these horses fed before the snow is supposed to start tonight?” Hershel asked of them and even though Negan wanted to watch to make sure that his daughter was safe, he agreed to do it. Beau was eager to help as well and Hershel had Glenn helping him too since all of the girls were out riding horses. “Beau, I’ll have you and Glenn go grab some of the grain from the back room I instructed Glenn to grab. Negan, there is a bucket that one of the horses kicked over in their stall that I need you to grab.”
“Sure,” Negan stepped before the stall that Hershel pointed at. Rubbing his hands together, Negan looked back at Hershel and shrugged. “Aren’t you going to grab the horse while I get the bucket?”
“Why would I do that?” Hershel folded his arms out in front of his chest. Letting out a hesitant sound, Negan stepped forward waiting for Hershel to open it for him. The horse remained still, but Negan paused thinking it over again. “Well go on son. I need to get this moving so the horse doesn’t get hurt.”
“I just kind of remember hearing something when I was a kid that you shouldn’t get behind a horse,” Negan explained to Hershel staring out at the larger horse knowing there wasn’t much room for him to move around it. “I think maybe you should get this guy out before I even attempt to grab it. My grandparents had a farm when I was younger and I just…”
“Forget it, I’ll just get Glenn to do it,” Hershel waved Negan off hearing him grunt under his breath before side stepping forward. Trying to move around the horse, Negan reached for the bucket to hear it jangle when he lifted it. It caused the horse to get uncomfortable, kicking its back legs out that Negan managed to avoid. Once the horse started jumping about, it had Negan scrambling to try to find a place for him not to get hurt. It ended up with Negan falling into the mud that was behind the horse face first, the horse running out of the stall and Hershel letting out a big belly laugh. “Well, you weren’t supposed to spook it son!”
“Dad?” Beau ran out to see that Negan was slowly pulling himself up from the mud. It was hard because Beau was worried, but at the same time amused to see that Negan was absolutely covered in mud. Instead of laughing, he tried to bite back on his amusement and stepped forward to help pull his dad up.
“Are you alright?” Glenn joined Negan in the stall, grabbing a hold of the other arm of him. Both Beau and Glenn were doing their best to avoid getting the mud on them that Negan was covered in. “What happened?”
“He spooked the horse,” Hershel explained to them, but Negan knew that he was set up from the start. He was lucky that he didn’t get killed from the horse trying to kick him.
“Daddy, why in the world was Apollo out…” Maggie came back after leading the horse that had run off back into the stalls. Once Maggie got a look at Negan, she turned on her heel and glared out at her father. “Daddy, what did you do?”
“What happened?” Y/N came back into the barn while Beth tended to their horses outside. All of them had headed back when they saw Apollo running free outside the barn. Erin moved in beside Y/N letting out a worried breath when she saw Negan.
“He had me grab a bucket and told me we didn’t need to move the horse for me to get it,” Negan claimed tossing the bucket out in front of Hershel who looked amused with his antics. “I almost died.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re fine,” Hershel blew off Negan’s words, but it immediately had both Maggie and Y/N infuriated with him. “Your boyfriend is being a little emotional right now because he’s embarrassed that he fell in mud and who knows what else.”
“This is just like you,” Y/N stormed around her father toward the back office to grab a towel for Negan. Moving forward, she tried to help him get some of the mud from his face hearing her father cackling in the back. “Negan never had a fucking chance with you. You know that Apollo gets antsy around people. Yet you did this anyways.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Hershel threw his hands up in the air acting innocent with his actions. “We were just getting ready to feed the horses. You can ask Beau and Glenn. They will tell ya. There was a bucket in there that I didn’t want Apollo to get hurt on and Negan went to get it. It’s not my fault that he spooked the horse.”
“She’s not wrong daddy. You knew that Apollo would do exactly what he did. We’ve always known Apollo to be like this,” Maggie shamed her father, moving forward to reach for the towel that Y/N had knowing that Negan was her boyfriend and it should be her that was helping him. “You’ve been like this with all of my boyfriends. And this time it’s not right. Negan had Beau and Erin here. He’s a father and I won’t stand by this behavior. These pranks are dangerous and if you pull another one, we’re going to leave. I love you daddy and I want to be here, but this is the last time.”
“I see,” Hershel’s glare on Negan was extreme, if there was a chance that he would ever like Negan it went right out the window at that moment. With Maggie threatening him to leave, it sure as hell made Hershel hate Negan. Especially having his favorite daughter defending the man he just tried to potentially kill. Looking to his watch, Hershel huffed and shrugged his shoulders. Sucking on his bottom lip, Hershel pointed at the stalls and sighed. “We are supposed to meet your cousin at the restaurant we go to every year. We need to get these horses fed and head out.”
“You know, I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to any restaurants,” Negan called out from where he was standing knowing that he was soaked in mud. “I think the only thing calling out to me right now is a shower. Maggie, do you mind watching over Beau and Erin at dinner?”
“Of course baby,” Maggie went to touch him, but then thought it over for a second with how dirty he was. “I’ll get you a meal and bring it home.”
“You might want to hose him down first before he goes in the house. We don’t need him trekking that mud throughout the whole house,” Hershel blew off the idea of Negan, not a care in the world that he almost just killed Negan.
More than anything Negan wanted to rip into this man. For what he had done to him. For his nasty comments toward Y/N, but Negan kept his mouth shut. This was the first day and he was going to be stuck in the same home with this man for a while.
“I’ll help you dad,” Beau led Negan toward the hose he had seen in the back with Glenn when they had grabbed the grain that Hershel had asked them too. When they were alone, Beau nodded back toward Maggie who was getting help from Glenn getting Apollo back in the stall. “I know you like Maggie, but are you starting to think now about how you should probably let this romance go?”
“Beau, I don’t even know what to say right now,” Negan grumbled under his breath splashing some water in his face and getting his clothes clean from the mud. “I had no idea her dad was a psychopath.”
“It just looks like you’re dating the wrong daughter,” Beau suggested and it immediately made Negan lift his head up to stare out at Beau. “I mean, he’s not trying to kill Glenn. You should be dating Y/N because at least if you were dating her, you’d be safe.”
Beau was trying to joke with Negan, but he had no idea how Negan actually felt about her so it made the conversation awkward.
“I remember grandpa giving you a hard time, but this guy…” Beau shook his head when he stole another look back at Hershel. “He’s got issues.”
“Understatement of the year,” Negan noticed that Erin was walking out to them to check on him. Offering up a big cheesy smile had Erin giggling. “Daddy is just going to take a shower. You be good for your brother and Maggie, okay?”
“Of course daddy,” she tipped up on her toes to press a kiss over the side of Negan’s cheek when he leaned down. “I’ll wait until you are dry for the hugs.”
“Good choice baby girl,” Negan winked at his daughter, said his goodbyes to everyone once he was ready to head into the house with the towels they had given him to dry himself off. To the best of his ability at least. He was careful not the mess the house when he made his way to the second level bathroom where he was earlier with Y/N. At this point, he was just thankful to have a break from the whole Greene family.
A hot shower gave him time to think things out. Maybe it was just best to avoid Hershel this whole trip. Bury himself in his work at every chance and just stick to his children. It may have been the only way for him to stay alive and not get himself killed. It took a while for the water to get hot before Negan hopped into the shower. This was nothing like his home and his modern shower that he had. It was old fashioned to the core and it brought back old memories for Negan.
After his shower, Negan got dressed and draped the towel over his shoulders. He figured he would just work for a while until everyone got back home. At least in the attic he would have his own space and be safe from getting hurt. Heading up the stairs to the attic, he let out a surprised breath when he saw that Christmas lights were now lighting up the space. It made his heart skip a beat when he saw that someone was hanging them up. Dropping his head, Negan closed his eyes when he thought back to his past when Lucille would do the same kind of thing. Pinching his nose, he cussed to himself hating that a memory from his past hit him so hard.
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s voice called out to him making Negan lower his hand to stare out at her from where she was standing on a chair stringing up some lights. “I heard that my dad put you up here and I thought…I would just make it homier. So it feels more like a holiday for you.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Negan insisted, going to put his dirty clothes in a bag so that way things were still clean. Actually, Negan was impressed. She got out a lot of things while he was in the shower. There was a faux tree in the corner of the attic with light strung up that she was finishing. “What are you doing here? I thought everyone was going out to dinner.”
“Yeah, well…I told them I got a call from work and that I wouldn’t be able to go with them,” she explained to Negan as he stepped in beside her and attempted to help her with what she was finishing up. “I lied. But I told Glenn to go with them, so it’s just us here.”
“Oh?” Negan’s eyebrow arched in curiosity while she outstretched just far enough to let out a tense breath. Placing his hand over the small of her back, Negan made sure that she was safe before she returned to a flat-footed position.
“I wanted to check in on you and help with this…” she threw her hands up to look around the place that her father had thrown Negan for the time that they were there. “Thankfully my father is predictable and keeps the decorations in the same place he did when I was a kid so this was easy to do. All we need is a few stockings and some decorations on the tree. The tree already had lights in it so we don’t have to do that.”
“Yeah?” Negan mused, finding himself curious with the way that she was. This was something he would have found Lucille doing in his past, so the fact this is what she was doing enamored him. “This is nice.”
“I hope it makes you feel more comfortable,” she finished with the lights, grabbing Negan’s hand when he helped her down from the chair. Stumbling, she fell in against Negan’s chest and his hazel eyes narrowed down at her. “It’s the least I could do with what my father did.”
“He’s crazy,” Negan noted without even thinking about it. There was no fucking around. Hershel hated him and it was clear as day. “He tried killing me today with that horse.”
“I told you my dad was something else,” she reminded him, patting him on the center of the chest when she pushed herself into a standing position before him. “I don’t know why I bothered coming here. It was stupid to begin with. The only thing it did was fuck everything up more.”
“I know you’re upset you saw me kissing Maggie,” Negan frowned folding his arms in front of his chest noticing that she was having a hard time looking at him. “I told you, I’m not in love with Maggie. What I said about my girlfriend was true. It doesn’t change things now that it’s Maggie.”
“Negan, it changes everything,” she shook her head moving around him to start putting some of the decorations on the tree. “Maggie is my sister. They can’t find out that I had sex with her boyfriend. I told you that Maggie was my dad’s favorite. If it comes out, my dad will try to kill you and who knows what he will do to me.”
“You’re worth the worry,” Negan claimed grabbing a few of the decorations to help her put them on the tree that she put out for him. “I don’t care if Maggie is your sister. I know how I feel about you. I love Maggie, but I love Maggie in a way that someone loves one of their best friends. I’m not in love with Maggie. We don’t have that spark that I’ve been missing. The spark that you and I have...”
“You’re making this complicated Negan,” she reasoned with him, trying to focus on the tree and less on him. “You’re with my sister. You’re dating my perfect, loved, popular older sister. And there is nothing we can do to change that. It’s best we pretend that what happened the other day is nothing but a dream between us.”
“I don’t want to pretend,” Negan hushed her, grabbing her and forcing her to look at him. “Y/N, what we felt the other night, it was incredible. The sex was great, sure, but what we felt…how alike we are. When I see you, you remind me of everything I loved in the past.”
“We can’t talk like this Negan,” she declared only to feel his hands grabbing a hold of hers leading her toward the bed to sit down on it. “Negan?”
“Just talk things out with me for a minute,” Negan begged of her, his thumbs stroking in over the back of her hands. By the look over her face, he knew that she was trying to avoid this stuff, but he needed to talk to her. “First of all, Glenn is cute and everything, but that guy seems way too boring for you.”
“Glenn is cute?” she repeated what he said, her eyebrows bouncing up in amusement. “The reason you think he is boring is because you’re…you.”
“He barely talks and anytime someone looks at him, he blushes,” Negan thought back to her fiancé and he shook his head. “Come on Y/N. You’re a ball busting bad ass that grabs men by the balls and makes them do whatever she wants whenever she wants.”
Instead of saying anything, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. He knew with her being here that her ego would be smaller and he hated that for her. Especially with how her father treated her about things.
“What did you and your father fight about?” Negan pondered the thing that he had heard mentioned several times. “The thing that made you stop talking.”
“They all stopped talking to me after that,” Y/N alerted Negan with a half laugh, but he knew that it hurt her. It didn’t make her feel good to think about it. A sense of shock flooded her veins when Negan’s fingers hooked with hers, his eyebrows furrowing in the hopes of understanding how she felt. Holding her hand like that was his way of showing support and he could tell that it took some coaching inside of herself to open up to Negan. “I was leaving for college. He wanted me to stay out here. Run the farm like the rest of the family. I didn’t want that. I loved art, my father thought it was a useless talent. I got accepted to an art school in the city and it was everything I wanted, but he didn’t give me his approval. Told me if I went out there, I would be out on my own. He’d never help me. I told him that he cared more about his life and what he wanted for his family than what his family actually wanted. I told him he was holding his family back and he’d never let them truly live. He told me if I left, he was going to get rid of my horse, my things and never speak to me again. He did one of the three. If it was up to him, I wouldn’t be here right now. It was Beth and Annette that reached out to me.”
“That’s rough,” Negan sighed, his thumb sweeping over the back of her hand while he held onto it. “Your parents should always push the best for you. They should want you to achieve your dreams. Not live the dreams that they wanted.”
“Sounds like from our conversation you know exactly what it was like with your father,” she reasoned with Negan who snorted and shook his head.
“My father wanted me to be a ball player more than anything. Bragging rights to his friends really,” Negan thought back to when he was younger and he simply shrugged his shoulders. “But I got hurt and after that he really didn’t give a shit.”
“Your dad and my dad are such assholes,” she suggested dropping back on the bed that was Negan’s with a sigh. Carefully moving in beside her, Negan laid with her and gazed over at her with his big eyes. Still even laying down they were holding hands and it was strange how comfortable she found herself with Negan. “I should have just kept giving you shit last night. Told you what a piece of shit you are. Instead of kissing you like I did.”
“I am a piece of shit still,” Negan snickered, his eyebrows bouncing up in amusement when she tipped her head to connect her eyes with his. “Just because you like me doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. I like you too. What happened between us, it was meant to happen. I wish you could see that.”
“Your son and daughter are beautiful,” she complimented him knowing that she hadn’t really focused on that bit. It was easier to bring up his children instead of concentrating on what he was saying between them. “Your son looks exactly like you. And your daughter has the dimples and the smile. You can tell they are your children. It’s cute.”
“Yeah, they are pretty cute. It’s how they get away with everything,” Negan responded showing that he was genuinely happy talking about his children. “Thankfully for Erin she got most of her mama’s looks. Beau, he’s awesome. Good at everything. Amazing artist. Better than I ever was at his age, but I think this whole Christmas thing is effecting him more than anyone without his mom. His mom and him were really close. So this time of the year is rough for him. He does his best, but…”
“He’s still human,” she noted giving Negan time to think about it before exhaling loudly and nodding. “They are lucky to have you. You can tell you love them. It’s sweet. Do they like Maggie?”
“Yes…and no,” Negan laughed out loud remembering what his kids were like last night. “Maggie is very…uptight. And their mother wasn’t. So they like her, but they don’t. If that makes sense.”
“It does,” she found herself leaning her head in closer to Negan’s while they laid there. “My sister is bubbly, friendly, but she needs to be in control of everything. It all has to be perfect and precise. And while I understand that, there needs to be wiggle room for more.”
“Maybe…maybe we can just run away with the kids?” Negan stammered, his words coming out in a stutter. The suggestion alone made her scoff thinking it was a joke. “I can break up with Maggie, you can let Glenn go and I’ll just take you back to my apartment. We can decorate the thing. It could use your touch and the kids would like it. What you even did with this room in the time that you had is incredible.”
“Knock it off,” she poked Negan in the ribs. The idea sounded ridiculous, but running away from here didn’t sound all that bad. Especially if it was with Negan.
“Are you less interested in me because I have children?” Negan wondered interested in finding out why she didn’t want to be with him now.
“If anything, I’m more interested in you for being a father. It’s sexy seeing how much you love your kids and the way there is a glimmer in your eye just talking about them,” she confessed stroking her fingers over the center of Negan’s palm. “You know why I can’t run away with you. It was wrong before, it’s worse now that you are with Maggie. They already hate me as it is.”
“Maggie doesn’t hate you, Maggie just is her father’s puppet,” Negan corrected with a scoff knowing how capable people were of persuading their children to think one way or another. “But if that’s how you feel, then what do you care what they think if we get together?”
“You don’t want that Negan,” she went to ramble on until Negan’s fingers were curling underneath her chin to urge her jaw up. Brushing his lips over hers, Negan made the gesture soft and sweet. After all the stress of today it felt nice and she found herself getting more comfortable against him. “You make it hard to focus when you kiss me.”
“You like kissing me,” Negan snickered against her flesh, nibbling at her bottom lip. Teasing the tip of his tongue over her lips had her lips parting, her head arching up with her fingers curling around his neck. Brushing his tongue in against hers, Negan groaned out when her fingers sank into his dark hair. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since last night. I know what I want.”
“You don’t. It’s just like a drug Negan,” she tried to hush him hating how easily she was falling back into all of this. With Negan’s palm caressing up over the lengths of her abdomen and toward her breast, she purred when he cupped it tenderly. “You had a taste once and you think you need more of it.”
“I don’t think, I know,” he growled against her lips, nipping faintly at her flesh. Kissing down over her jawline and toward her neck, Negan couldn’t help himself. Even though they were alone in her family’s home, that didn’t affect him. “I want you more than you could ever begin to understand.”
“Negan,” she grabbed a hold of his wrist attempting to get him to pull his grasp from her. “You’ve slept with Maggie.”
“I’m pretty sure Maggie has slept with a lot of people,” Negan commented, his eyelids heavy and his eyes filled with want for the woman he had in his arms. “You shouldn’t feel bad for the way that things are. Yeah, the world has a fucked-up way of making these things work, but we both knew last night that what we wanted wasn’t Glenn or Maggie.”
“Last night we were drunk,” she was doing her best to contain herself with the warmth of Negan’s breath over her lips. Getting drunk on Negan’s kisses was something she longed for and she wasn’t holding him off very well. “We were saying things.”
“But they were all true,” Negan huffed, his lips claiming hers again drawing her to turn in closer to him. “I haven’t had a fire inside of my heart like I do when I’m with you in a very long time. And I know you feel it too.”
“I have been such a bitch to you over the last few months and suddenly you are smitten with me?” she pulled her lips from his, her hand placing in over the center of his chest trying to talk some sense into the both of them. “Yes, you are incredibly sexy and I find myself drawn to you, but I’m your boss. I took advantage of you last night…”
“I don’t care if you are my boss. I like when someone is feisty. I’ve always been attracted to people in power,” Negan reached for her hand, bringing it up to his mouth to deposit a kiss over the center of her palm. Shuddering, her eyes fluttered to a close when he started pressing his kisses down over her pulse point. “I promise I’m a good boy. I will be able to do my work and still be endlessly yours after work.”
“Fuck…” she whimpered with his tongue flicking out over her flesh drawing chills to flood her body. “Negan, this is wrong…good people don’t do this. Nice people don’t do this.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being good Y/N,” Negan rumbled, his lips hovering back over hers again when he pressed his body in closer to hers. Warmth radiated from his body beside her and she felt a chill flooding her spine. “But for you…I’ll be whatever you want me to be. I just want to be yours so incredibly fucking bad.”
“But Maggie…” she whined with Negan’s lips skimming in over hers. Guilt did eat away at her with how much she found herself wanting to be near and around her sister’s boyfriend. Palming down the lengths of her body, Negan hooked his arm around her leg and drew her closer to him to hook it around his hip. “I can tell she likes you.”
“Maggie will survive. Glenn too,” Negan assured her, his fingers sliding up underneath her shirt. Once his rough fingertips collided with the warmth of her flesh, it had her raising up toward him wanting so badly to feel it. “But I won’t if I can’t be with you.”
“That’s dramatic,” she purred, her fingers dragging down over his chest reaching between them. Lowering her hand just enough, she palmed over the front of Negan’s pants making him pull his head back enough to look down at her touching him. His lips were parted, his pupils dilated and breathing heavy.
“I’m a dramatic kinda guy,” Negan smirked, his eyes connecting with hers. Nodding his head, he could see both the amusement and desire that she had for him. “If I can’t be with you, I’ll just fucking die. And then what? You’ll take me away from my kids. You don’t wanna do that to them, do you?”
“Way to make me feel guilty,” she snickered, her fingers working with the belt of Negan’s jeans while she adjusted him so that he was laying on his back. Crawling in closer to him, she got his pants open but kept her eyes locked with his. “You’re crazy.”
“I know,” Negan agreed with her, his hips arching up when she pulled down the zipper in his jeans. “It’s a bit of a problem really.”
“Oh?” her eyebrow arched drawing his smile to grow bigger and he nodded. “Maybe you’re too much trouble for my liking.”
“No, I’m the perfect kind of trouble. I’ll be as good or as bad as you want me to be,” Negan slurred, his breathing growing harder when she pushed his shirt up toward the center of his chest. Wincing, Negan enjoyed the way she kissed over the center of his abdomen, up toward his chest before circling her tongue around his nipple. Having her sucking and then faintly nipping at the flesh had his raspy moan filling the attic. “I think we both know that we want this…”
“You promise to be good for me?” her fingers traced shapes over his abdomen before sinking beneath the material of his boxer briefs. Once her fingertips connected with the root to his masculinity, it had his hips arching up toward the warmth of her touch.
“I do,” Negan nodded his head eagerly, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip when her fingers curled around his body to test the flesh in her grasp. “I want to be yours. Endlessly fucking yours. Please.”
“I pinned you to be a dominant alpha male Negan. But you’re acting so submissive,” she pointed out placing her leg over his to almost pin him down. Separating the material of his pants, she helped pull his cock out of the tight confines they were prisoned behind while she stroked over his distended flesh. “Look at you.”
“I’m both. Whatever the moment calls for,” Negan whispered, his dimples sinking in and the vein at the side of his neck becoming more prominent when he lifted his head to watch her touching him in tender sweeps that had him growing harder with every movement. “If you take a chance on me, you will see.”
“It does sound appealing,” she kissed down over his jawline enjoying the sounds that Negan was making. It didn’t take long for him to be completely solid in her grasp and she enjoyed the way he felt in her palm. “I do want to see where things are capable of going with the two of us Negan. I just need you to be a good boy and keep this hidden for just a little while longer. Can you do that? Just while we’re here?”
“What do you mean hidden?” Negan moaned while she pumped his length in her hand, her fingers firmly grasping to his flesh.
“I just mean we can’t tell Glenn or my family about this yet. I need this time with my family, but I know I want to spend time with you too,” she informed him having his hips arching up toward her caress while she jerked him off. Whining out, Negan felt her fingers releasing him but then he watched her lick at her fingertips before wrapping them back around his flesh. “Once this whole trip is over, then maybe we can put things into motion.”
“I can’t hide the way I feel about you,” Negan panted lifting his head up to watch her jerking him off. Behind his long eyelashes, his eyes were desperate and his moans were loud. It was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to hear and listen to from him.
“I’m not asking you to hide it when it’s just the two of us, but around my family I need you to be careful,” she instructed pampering his lips with wet kisses as she continued to pleasure him. “I just think this is something I need to do with my family in order to fix me. But I want to be with you too. We just can’t officially do that yet.”
“Okay,” Negan panted, his eyebrows tensing and the lines in his forehead growing with how she was jerking him off. “If this is what you need, I will do fucking anything for you.”
“It’s surprising how perfect you actually are,” she slurred against his lips hearing his grunts growing louder. “You really are my good boy, aren’t you?”
“I am,” Negan nodded his head, licking his lips when he felt his abdomen tensing up. Growling out, Negan nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck when the first line of his cum shot out from the tip. Moaning against her flesh had her mewling out while she continued her caress over his cock milking him of his release. Thick ropes of cum covered his lower abdomen and chest while she continued to jerk him off. Once she released his member, he felt his heart hammering inside of his chest with his throat going dry. “Shit.”
Cuddling her head in against his shoulder, she looked up at the roof of the attic and sighed, “I never saw myself as the cheating type, yet…here I am. Having an affair with the man I thought I was supposed to hate. The man dating my sister,” she frowned caressing over his abdomen, her fingers teasing through the mess of his release. “I have to be crazy after all.”
“Or maybe you just found the thing that you finally needed,” Negan suggested, his finger curling underneath her jawline to get her to look up at him. “Maybe we just found the thing that was missing this whole time. Each other.”
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor​ @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny​ @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost​ @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @flippittygibbitts @stickyhuesos
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jujutsutrash · 1 year
Once again nvm me I'm just throwing some self indulgent thoughts out there for things I might never write. also this was supposed to be like, reals short. well, fuck me I guess, it's 1.9 k
Thinking of Geto x reader where things still went bad, he still went homicidal, and you followed him. you were his girlfriend, of course you followed him. more out of worry about him than anything else, but you blew your life in jujutsu society away and went with him.
But you weren't there when Suguru attacked and went after Yuta. you didn't die with him. and after surviving everything, years later Satoru finds you. it's a twist of fate he could never see coming, and one that shakes him to his bones.
You had stayed with Suguru for a few years, helped him along, tried to make sure he wouldn't kill himself in the middle of his pursuit. you didn't hate non-sorcerers quite so much as you hated what had been done of your lives, what had been done of Suguru's mind. you saw it clearly when he had reached the edge, but there was nobody strong enough to pull him from there, so you followed.
But then one day you went missing. missing from Suguru's radar and from the jujutsu school. the minute you left with him you had been labeled a criminal too, so it made sense for you to not want them on your tracks anyways. but running even from Suguru, that was the weird part.
It was one of the things Satoru noticed the day Suguru declared his soon to come attack on the non-sorcers. you were missing. it made no sense, but he also had no way of really asking. for a short while after you two left Satoru had held out hope you'd find a way to bring Suguru back. but that hope also died. and now you weren't even here. he didn't want to imagine if you were dead.
But the years pass, and Satoru learns to keep on going. he has seen more horror and live more tragedies than any man should, but he learns to keep on going. and then one day, after an usual mission to kill an average curse, he sees your face in the crowd. it has been 15 years since you had both left by that point.
It's like seeing a ghost. a mirage in the summer heat. he'd have ignored it, thought he was mistaken, if not for the gleam in your eye as he caught it for a second. recognition. and just like that Satoru is chasing the remnants of his past again. six eyes hunting you through the streets as you try to avoid him.
Satoru had taken you for dead, with the way Suguru refused to even acknowledge your absence. but now he was chasing you through the streets, amongst the crowd, trying to keep a distance until he found it safe to speak. until there weren't so many people around to bear witness to just how destroyed the sight of you made him. he knows you are aware of him too, trying to shake him off of your trail - but the six eyes see all, and he knows you know that too.
He follows you down a long set of wide concrete stairs until you are both close to the bottom. it's in that precious moment that almost all people vanish, the sound of the crowd like a distant background noise. Satoru was to seize the moment before you run away for good. after all the people he lost and all the questions unanswered, he wouldn't let this chance slip.
so he calls your name, and you hesitate for a moment. when you turn around, cold, tired eyes look back at him. Satoru suddenly remembers how Nanami had confessed he saw you not even a year after you left, all that you had told the man was that someone needed to be with Suguru. and here you were now, alone. it's like a fever dream, and Satoru can't even think of what to say.
"I thought you were dead"
it falls from his lips before he can even register, trembling eyes looking over you as his words ring loud over the background noises around. you'd aged, changed. it has been over fifteen years, Satoru tells himself. over fifteen years and a world of pain. nobody stays the same.
"but I'm not," you respond in a dry, tense tone, gaze filled with suspicion. "if all you wanted was to check, then you've done it. but if you still have a duty to finish, I know I stand no chance, but I'm not going down easy."
Satoru notices your tense, shaking fist holding plastic grocery bags. the partially tucked shirt with a faded stain on one of the edges. the chipped nailpolish on your fingers. it's saturday morning, and you almost seem like someone who always lived a normal life. a part of him feels bad for breaking that spell.
"I wouldn't —" he stutters, "do you really think I would kill you?"
"you wouldn't, but it's what you should do," you sigh and groan, looking up at him from your place near the bottom of the stairs. "listen, Satoru, just forget you saw me here, ok. just leave. this isn't good for either of us."
he calls your name again and he can see you shake. your eyes still look beautiful, almost like all those years ago, but now they look stern and worried. glancing to your sides like an skittish animal. like a mouse cornered and forced into agression by a lack of choice.
"listen, I just want to talk. I have so many questions. why did you leave? wh—"
"the answers won't change anything," you cut him off, raising your voice slightly over the noises of steps on concrete, birds chriping and evrything else around. "you are just gonna relieve the pain again"
"I worried about you, just hear me o—"
the voice comes from behind Satoru, and he watches as yor eyes widen for a momen before you smile sweetly — an expression he hasn't seen in years. he turns around and sees a boy somewhere between ten and twelve looking at him from a few steps above.
the boy gazes at Satoru with suspicion, dark fox like eyes feeling like an echo of something he once knew. it's like a gut punch, and he feels the air leave his lungs as he stares down at a kid with eyes he knew so well. the boy breaks the heavy silence, kicking up the skateboard at his feet before grabbing it with one hand.
"how many times have I told you not to go down the stairs on that thing?"
"eh, sorry mom"
the boy laughs softly, climbing down the steps two at a time until he reaches you. he passes by Satoru and the man can't help but notice how tall that kid was. how his deep black hair was held up in a pony tail. how his smile felt like that of a ghost. but he wasn't, Satoru repeated to himself, he wasn't.
"you are gonna give me a heart attack," you say, caressing the boy's face as he gives you a hug.
"come on, mom. anyway, who is that?" he asks, turning back to you and pointing at Satoru with his thumb before turning back.
"show some more respect will you?" you shoot back with an exhasperated sigh. "that's Gojo, an old friend of mine," you turn your eyes back to Satoru, gaze tense as you speak again. "this is my son, Kazuo."
Kazuo nods and then bows a little when you leer at him. Satoru is fighting hard to keep his expression neutral. there is a moment where his mind just goes blank, looking at the two of you, noticing the similarities and differences. when he snaps back he slimes wide, going down a couple steps as he waves and nods to the boy.
"hey, kid. it's ok, don't worry about formalities, you can call me Satoru, nice to meet ya, Kazuo."
"huh? 'kay, then. nice to meet ya, Satoru."
the boy smile and waves and Satoru feels a sting deep in his chest. it's possibly the most bittersweet feeling he has ever experience in his life. you sight loudly and he laughs — there is still pain in his heart, but there is alos a weirdly nostalgic sensation bubbling within, he can't quite place it, but it warms him all the same.
"shouldn't you be going to soccer practice?" you ask, looking back down at the boy who is now peeking into your plastic bags.
"that's what I was doing," he answers, tugging at one of the bags. "oh, is that mochi?"
Satoru watches in silence, a smile on his face as the scene unfolds. you grunt and hold the boy's wrist as he tries to sneak one hand into the bag. when he is caught, he clearly opts for begging, looking at you with wide puppy eyes.
"if you eat them all there will be none left for after lunch."
"just one mom, please. then I'll go," Kazuo pouts as you stare down at him, and Satoru has to hold back a giggle.
"ah, alright, just one," you give in, shoulders slumping as you kiss the boy's forehead while he sticks his hand in the bag and grabs one of the sweets. "now get going before you run late."
"aye, aye, love you, mom," Kazuo laughs, climbing a few steps down before turning back and waving. "see ya."
Satoru stays quiet, eyes following you as you watch the boy walk down the nearly empty street before making a turn. just as he is nearly out of sight you hear the loud clanking of the skateboard wheels hitting the concrete below. you shake your shoulders with a tired laugh and Satoru smiles softly at the sight.
then you turn around, and your eyes don't look so cold, but they look just as tired, and even more worried.
"how old is he?"
"just about to turn eleven."
"I didn't," Satoru struggles, choking on his words once more. "I had no idea."
"Nobody did, that's by choice. you can see why I went missing now, right? I could deal with the blood in my hands and the guilt in my heart. but I couldn't let a kid grow up like that, surrounded by curses, and violence and all the shit that comes with the world of jujutsu."
"I can see it now," Satoru responds quietly, descing a few steps until he is standing close to you, one hand reaching for your shoulder, relief flooding his body when you don't step back. "he looks like a great kid, you are doing good as his mother."
"thanks, he is a little trouble maker, but yeah, he is a good kid," you give him a quiet chuckle, eyes glancing at the ground before looking back up at him. "and he deserves to have his youth as carefree and unbothered as it can be. and I intent to keep it like that, even if I have to fight every sorcerer in the world for that."
you look at him with fire in your eyes, and Satoru can't blame you. he can't blame you for doing something his family would never have done for him. something he wishes Suguru's family would have done for him all these years ago. the past can't be changed, but the future could still be protected.
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starlightnorris · 1 year
unanswered questions - charles leclerc
synopsis: the one where you run into your first love and there's a ton of unanswered question and a whole lot of feelings there.
word count: 1k
read part two
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they say you never truly get over your first love. you believed them for a while, the first year or so after charles broke up with you, you were a mess. everything reminded you of him, from the places you used to go together, to the simplicity of seeing a car on the street. and it shouldn’t have hurt so bad, you were just teenagers, young love is always bound to crash and burn, but that first year was brutal.
but eventually you got over it. you moved to new york city to go to university, at some point meeting the person you wanted to spend your life with. it was funny, just how quickly your perception of everything changed. one day, it was you and charles together, only teenagers, but making small comments about the future. and you had believed that the two of you would end up together, but people change, plans change, and eventually, you move on.
there wasn’t a moment that you could identify that “ruined” your relationship with charles. it was just two people moving on from something that was once so real. it was weird to think about it now, you were 25 and that was nearly a decade ago. but there was always that nagging thought in the back of your mind that kept saying that if it could happen with charles, it could happen with justin. there didn’t have to be a big moment, one day he would just come to you and say that he didn’t feel the same anymore.
justin was lovely. talking about the future with him genuinely made you excited, but there was still a part of you that wondered what charles was like now. sure, you saw him on tv, and you still kept up with races, something your boyfriend took notice in. but he just thought you loved formula one, he didn’t know about the Ferrari driver who had once held your heart in his hands. but you didn’t know the charles of today. he seemed different, but he also seemed like the same boy you were in love with all those years ago. but that didn’t matter now, you’d moved on, even if your heart still yearned to know him.
“i think we should go out tonight,” justin says one day. it’s a friday, the two of you are already off work, both having left earlier than normal. “there’s a new restaurant i’ve been wanting to try.”
“yeah, that would be great,” you say, a soft smile on your face as he walks over to press a kiss to your forehead before the two of you start to get ready for the night.
you’re walking hand in hand down the street, a slight breeze in the air as you take in the area around you. moving from monaco to new york city was a big difference for you, being a place that was so small to a city that was constantly filled with so many people. but you loved it here, you loved to anonymity of being in the big city. monte carlo was too small, and when you were dating charles, people took notice of the two of you as it was becoming more clear that he was fully on his way to formula one.
but you didn’t want to think about that today. you were here with justin and as if he could hear your thoughts, he looks down at you, a soft smile playing on his lips as he looks at you. you could get lost in that smile and the way his gaze is so soft as he looks at you, so much love and adoration in the look. and it only takes you running into someone to take your eyes away from him.  
justin makes sure to steady you and you mutter a “shit, i’m so sorry,” before looking up to see who you ran into. and you know that moment in the romance movies where two people look at each other and everything around them stops.
that’s exactly what happened when you saw charles in front of you. everything around you seemed to stop. you were in new york city, a place that was constantly busy and alive, and all you could do was stare at the man in front of you. you’d imagined what he’d look like if you saw him up close again, were there any marks on his skin that you couldn’t see through a screen? were his eyes soft in the same way that they were when you were teenagers?
“holy shit, you’re charles leclerc,” you hear justin say from beside you, but your eyes still rest on charles, and you can tell from the look on his face that he knows exactly who you are. it takes him a moment to tear his eyes from you before they move to your boyfriend and then down to where the two of you are holding hands and you catch a flicker of something… regret, maybe? but no, he broke up with you. he had full control in that situation, he doesn’t deserve to have any regrets.
“uh, yeah,” charles mutters, his eyes snapping back up to your boyfriend. “yeah, i am.”
they chat for a moment, but you don’t hear a single word, especially when his eyes keep moving to where you are standing, a lifetime of questions swirling in his eyes. “it was nice to meet you both,” charles says after a bit, and his eyes linger on you for a moment too long, and you want him to say something. you want to take the time to talk about almost a decade of distance between you, but he gives you a small smile, continuing to walk in the direction that he was heading.
“that was so cool,” justin says, a starstruck look on his face as he looks back at you. “i can’t believe we just ran into him.”
“yeah,” you say, but your heart’s not in it. instead, you’re thinking about years of unanswered questions with charles. you’re thinking about all the things you never got to say, and you’re thinking about why the hell your heart is beating so fast for a man you don’t even really know.  
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mask131 · 8 months
I love digging into Tolkien lore because it feels EXACTLY like doing research on any other mythology, Greek, Roman, Norse, Celtic...
You have all those big media adaptations you have to get out of your head to return to the actual sources.
You have all those epic tales and short stories and other main corpus forming the "certain" part of the text ; with then a flood of unfinished stories, fragments, drafts and other companion-pieces that either form the scholia or the apocrypha of the main texts.
You've got all the cultural parallels and mythological references begging for a mythology comparatist to come in.
You've got the complex theology and its evolution ; you've got entire maps of foreign lands you have to learn about ; you've got complicated family trees filled with characters that range from massively complex and multi-faceted to just one more name in the list.
You've got the dry scholars who enforce stern and biased beliefs ; you've got the weird fanatic groups that reinvent it all for vile purposes ; you've got your Youtube and Tumblr enthusiast who keep making their lore-headcanons ; you've got the intense debates about what is canon and what is not ; you've got people who try to share explanations about it but only massively simplify it all...
You have an entire world that had been built for decades and decades by a brilliant man, crossing all the genres from romance to tragedy passing by the epic and the fairytale ; to the point we have little bits of pieces about obscure corners of this world and some unknown character that never influenced anything in the big scope of things and yet they still have their own story...
You have heavily complex lore and background for entire cities, bloodlines, calendars, customs, laws, landscapes, and yet just as many mysteries and unanswered questions left for the imagination of those that would follow...
And as you keep digging, you find back all the elements from your favorite mythologies (Greek, Norse, Biblical, Arthurian, Finnish) but mixed together in a fresh, inventive, clever way, with tons of new inventions that became so iconic and so culturally people and so archetypally widespread... that it really does feel like you are looking at a mythology.
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bunneechan · 29 days
JJK rant because i'm sad it's ending so soon
i feel like shounen manga these days are too condensed, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but JJK just feels like one of those long-running mangas that covers a lot of characters and arcs in detail.
i love the worldbuilding of JJK, it's similar to Chainsaw Man (cursed energy and fear); the sorcerers and their history, this story was absolutely rich in potential. it had a lot of content to cover and a lot of characters that can easily have their own story arcs.
i'm sad to see its ending is rushed. lots of unanswered questions and not enough time. there are plotlines that are kinda just left out and characters who just faded from the picture. as much as i like Sukuna, the story focused on him for too long.
like you're telling me Megumi just recovered like that? not even a flashback to how Megumi was doing during the entire Shinjuku storyline? him seeing his sister get killed with his own hands, killing Gojo, fighting Yuji and everybody else dying by his hand. I kinda wanted to see him have his "all is lost" moment before he slowly gets back up again. i feel like Megumi deserved more screentime during this storyline.
Hakari and Uraume were in the background for so long that when things ended, they sounded like they were friends saying goodbye.
and what about the military invasion? that was honestly such a weird plot to me but i don't remember them actually doing something about it. as far as we know, they still have unrestricted access to take whatever resource they can.
does Yuji even know what exactly Sukuna was to him and his family? or does he even know about his weird family tree?? now even Nobara had some developing tidbit about her mom.
i know there are many more but this is all i can think for now.
sad to see it end but even sadder to see it so rushed.
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vanillaxoshi · 8 months
Bbb septuplet au
A timid kid and an outgoing child
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Cahaya characterization
Cahaya was an outgoing child, hed be someone who answers first and be the best out of the kids his age, hed be praised greatly for his talent
He would always be so productive and make sure he is still known as best and great because thats what he knows who he is
He still had his sassiness just unknowingly
He loved calling for his brothers and talking to them about all sorts of things
Because hed been seen as someone so best, he thought it would better to not depend on his older brothers(especially from different influences from others)
He didnt know how to react when people would talk behind his back and just seen those people as idiots, or tried to ignore it. Even if he was obviously affected.
He always loved the attention but always feels like he should keep gaining their attention, cuz thats what hes worth for. Hed be noone if nobody sees him
He feels that he need to be there. He cares deeply, he doesnt know how to handle things.
He had taken notice of how people would react to him, to avoid those feelings towards 'plastic' people, he stopped being so outgoing
Hes sometimes afraid to go towards his brothers, because hes seen as independent now, it would be weird if hed be dependent, right?
He asks too many questions, thats his show of care sometimes, hed ask always whats going on because nobody would tell him, and hed be shut out most of the time because his questions are too invading or bad timing
He doesnt know and he hates now knowing, because he can help, hes there to help.
His closest brother would be Daun, because daun would be the one who would listen to his rants, and he'll be super happy/excited if someone would listen to him(but hes distancing himself, no, their distancing themselves)
(people pleaser)
Why does he get to be left alone, why is daun starting to leave him too. He has so many questions that are left unanswered
Whenever his brothers would be concerned for him, or baby him, he'd think of it as pointless, hypocrites. He can help too stop sheltering him.
He likes their care, he does, but sometimes its the wrong type of care.
His brothers leave him alone more, and he guesses its his fault, he acted so independent they thought hed be fine on his own, but he wants them to stay or be with them too.
Hes not someone so special, he needs to be special right? Thats what hes used to. Hes coping with being arrogant isnt he.
He doesnt know.
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tyanis · 3 days
Stupid RE 9 Theories!
This might be our last chance to throw out wild and unrealistic Resident Evil 9 theories before the potential reveal tomorrow.
So give me your wildest ones and we'll see if Apollo smiles on one of us. I'll start.
I'm still adamant that they'll go nuts and add time travel and alternate universes. But all the alternate universes are dumb and satisfy none of the fans.
Wesker is now a dream demon. For reasons.
They FINALLY bring back monster Steve... But the game comes out before CV Remake so all the new players are like, "Who is this guy???"
The Starlight is mentioned, delighting me exclusively and raising MANY questions that go unanswered.
Jill develops a weird fascination with bubblegum.
There, now give me what you got! Remember, it HAS to be stupid.
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leavingsunsets · 8 months
"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ᴀᴍ?"
[ɢᴇɴ ᴀꜱᴀɢɪʀɪ 𝗑 𝖦𝖭!𝖱𝖤𝖠𝖣𝖤𝖱]
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"What kind of flower you'd be?" you ask, giving him a confused look.
"What's with the sudden question?"
Gen merely tilts his head with an amused expression. "I'm just curious. You've been looking at flowers lately, haven't you?" he queries, but still keeps his gaze on the shimmering surface of the water.
"A little birdie told me you're well versed in flower language too."
Your eyes roll in exasperation. "I bet it was tattletale Chrome who told you."
"Maybee~" he teases.
Sighing, you plant your hands on your hips. "Listen, I'm not an expert at it, I only know the few basics. Like roses, sunflowers, orchids, and stuff like that."
"That's still sufficient enough, you know? Besides, I'm not asking for a whole arrangement. Just one, one you think would describe me the most." he assures, smiling at you patiently, and tucking his hands into his sleeves.
The way he springs up this question out of nowhere is weird, but not too odd. Maybe he really is just curious? You put that thought aside for now and focus on thinking of flowers instead.
"I think..." you mutter, cupping your chin pensively in thought. Your gaze lifts up to the clear sky while you sift through your memories.
"....A Gardenia."
Gen blinks, eyes widening slightly in surprise. "A Gardenia...?"
Then, he breaks into a awkward chuckle. "How does a Gardenia make you think of me?"
At this question, you turn your head away. The reasoning was quite embarrassing, but you knew that you couldn't leave the mentalist unanswered.
"Uhm, clarity... hope, and... yeah." you mutter out, sweating.
"Hm. I don't really know what a 'yeah' is." the man drawls, amused.
"You... You get what I mean!"
"Mmmm. No, I don't."
Scoffing, you cross your arms. "Liar. Weren't you the one who started going on about flower language in front of Hyoga?"
"Well, there's just sooo many flowers... Can't you remind what Gardenias mean again?" he says cheekily.
Groaning, you bury your face in your hand. "C'mon man. You know."
"I'm afraid you'll have to spell it out for me." the mentalist says with a smug smirk on his face.
At this point, you're tired of the roundabouting. Groaning even louder, you turn your head to the side, away from him.
"...It means 'you're lovely'." a dust of pink coats your cheeks in embarrassment as you say this.
"Aweee, was that so hard to sayyy~?" Gen teases loudly, going all up in your side. "You could've just went on and said you liked me~!"
"Wh- I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" you nearly screech at him, face erupting in a bright shade of red as you stumble back. The man cackles at your reaction.
"Ohh, but you're mushy enough to tell me I'm lovely?" he leans in, sporting an even more smug look.
You roll your eyes in exaggerated exasperation. "Don't inflate your head over it. It was just a random pick."
"Ho, you say, but the fact remains that that was the first thing you thought of when asked what flower I reminded you of, the most."
"Okay, and?" You argue, feeling defensive.
"A red Camellia."
His voice suddenly changes, turning a little softened, though still confident in tone. This makes you pause, raising a brow. "What about red Camellias?"
"It reminds me of you."
It's silent, for a little while. Your face is blank, staring. Gen seems to get even more hesitant as the seconds tick by, a tint of regret in his face.
"Uhm, and they mean...?" you speak up, breaking the silence.
Gen blinks in confusion, as if he hadn't expected you to ask. "O-oh, you don't know what they mean?"
"I did tell you I only knew some floriography."
He nods, in a daze, as if in realization. "Oh... I see, I see..."
If you weren't mistaken, his expression seems to be a mix of relief, but also a tinge of disappointment. Though, he quickly shakes it off once he snaps out of it.
"Aha, well, I would tell you! Buuuut I think I heard Kohaku calling for us already! Seems Senku's got another session of grueling labor awaiting us, huh?" he rambles suddenly, shifting the topic. His gestures are weirdly exaggerated, but you dismiss it for the bigger topic.
You groan, already getting flashbacks to the torturous furnace pumping.
"Ghh, please, just let it be something else, like an announcement or something..."
Gen shrugs, already sauntering off, back to the where the others were. "Well, we have to get back to find out. C'mon." he beckons.
With a big, defeated sigh, you trudge after him, stepping off the rocky riverbank, and to the dirt path.
Following after him, you still grumble about how sore your arms would be after working, again.
"I should treat myself to like, 10 fruits after this, as reward." you keep on mumbling to yourself, not taking notice of the man's unusual silence.
Meanwhile, walking ahead of you, the mentalist lifts up his sleeves, attempting to cover the burning red that coats his cheeks.
[P.S. A red Camellia can symbolize love, passion, or a deep desire for someone.]
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talkfastlibrary · 1 year
A Second Meeting—Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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**the dress photo is simply for the outfit not how I imagine reader to be! So it’s here simply for outfit choice🙂
An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
Synopsis: you meet up with Jake again to discuss The Arrangement but your questions remain unanswered. Yet, you find out a bit more about Jake.
word count: 2.2k
Feedback is always welcome!
Three days have gone by since dinner with Jake and you’re starting to think it was an illusion or a weird dream. Reynolds has been driving you everywhere just like Jake said which was nice to save money on gas but also strange because you’re not used to this. 
On Thursday Reynolds arrived with a black legal envelope and you ask if it’s the paperwork Jake mentioned. Reynolds nodded and you left it on your counter for two more days.
A week and many debates in your mind later, you finally decided to open it just to see what’s inside. You’re surprised to find it’s only five pages long. The first couple are about him, his schooling, random information, his accomplishments both in the Navy and otherwise, his likes and dislikes. 
Then there’s lists of what you’ll have access to; his house(s), cars, private plane, vacation homes, a credit card of hers linked to his account and then any form of a physical relationship should you desire one. He lists that he’s a good cuddler and gives great massages. He says he will be an ear for her whenever she needs and that he’s as much her companion as she is his.
The last page lists what she’d need to oblige to; the Naval Aviation birthday at the end of the month, naval dinners, weddings, vacations, and family get-togethers. At the bottom is a place for the both of them to sign then a post-it note from him stating your grandmother’s medical bills and further assistance from nursing staff has been taken care of by him. 
A lump forms in your throat at that nugget of information and just to make sure you open up your emails to see the final payment notices from all of your grandmother’s expenses. The papers drop to the floor and you’re soon to follow in a crumpled heap. You start to cry but then pull  yourself together quickly because you know once you start you won’t be able to stop. 
“Keep it together,” you whisper to yourself and shuffle the papers back in order. 
Then you start to truly think of all the things he can help you with financially; you could move your grandma back home, pay off your loans and debts on credit cards you used for your grandma. You pick up the last piece of paper that has his note and there’s a phone number next to it. 
You take out your phone and type in the number followed by a quick text:
I read the paperwork. I still have questions. Can we meet again?
His response is fairly quick back:
Of course. Join me for brunch tomorrow? Reynolds will know where to take you, he’ll be there by 11:00
You simple like the response. Your heart is pounding. 
Are you actually going to agree to this?
Reynolds is knocking on your door at 11:00 and he smiles when you open the door. 
“Good morning, Reynolds.”
“Good morning, Miss y/n.”
“I hate to ask…but does this look okay? I don’t want to be underdressed,” you press down on your light green dress. It reminded you of Jake’s eyes. 
“You look wonderful. Mr. Seresin will agree, I’m sure.”
“Okay,” you exhale and follow him to the car. “Where are we going?”
“A favorite brunch spot of his called Horizons.”
“Oh…” you chew on your lip as you climb into the backseat. You were almost hoping it would be at his home, surely he has staff to cook for him. Why would he want to cook for you anyway?
The drive is only thirty minutes and you’re tapping on the black envelope with the paperwork you pulled from your bag. You run through the questions you had so you don’t forget them. When you arrive at the restaurant you see it’s along the water, luxury cars are shining in the morning sun. 
Just like with dinner, the host walks you to the back on the deck outside where Jake is. He stands up when you appear, all smiles and so very handsome. He looks wonderful in tan chinos and a green sweater that matches your dress perfectly. 
“Good morning, y/n,” he greets. His eyes slide down to the envelope but he doesn’t comment on it.
“Morning,” you respond shyly. 
“I hope you’re hungry, they have wonderful omelets,” he pulls out your chair. 
“Do they have pancakes?”
“Yes, they have pancakes.”
After placing your order and being given your drinks, you slide the black envelope on the table but Jake covers your hand. You look up and he has a slight frown on his face. 
“We don’t have to talk about that now,” he removes his hand then proceeds to cut up his egg. “Tell me about your week, what did you do?”
You stare at him in confusion and he senses your hesitancy. He shifts his gaze from his breakfast to your puzzled expression. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m so confused and have so many questions about all of this…”
“I know, and I promise we will discuss it.”
“But you said the ball was in my court, so can’t we talk about it now?”
“That depends,” he grins.
“By saying the ball is in your court…does that mean you agree and signed the form?”
You close your mouth then huff because you haven’t agreed to anything and definitely didn’t sign for it. You felt a bit of a kinship to the little mermaid, Ariel, signing that could mean signing your life away for all you knew. You were going to voice all your concerns. He smiles back easily because he knows he’s got you, and it’s not in a patronizing way which makes it worse.
“That’s what I thought. Now, tell me about your week. I’ve thought of you everyday.”
Your stomach flips at that comment. How does he do that? He slips in these one liners that always catches you off guard but also makes you feel fuzzy inside. 
You continue your breakfast and tell him about your week. How busy you’ve been, how late you’ve been getting home from work and the constant headache you seem to be getting. While you’re talking you realize how easy it is to talk to him. You spill everything you’ve been feeling and he really listens which is something you’re not used to. 
While he takes care of the bill you gaze out at the water watching the waves ebb and flow.
“Would you like to walk along the beach?” he asks.
“Could we?”
“Of course, I take it you didn’t bring a sweater?”
“I came prepared,” he nods, then pulls a cream cardigan from the back of his chair as he stands. You stand up as well. 
“I’ll be okay–”
But then a breeze blows and you shiver. He gives you a knowing look then holds up the cardigan. You turn around as he helps you put it on,  his fingers brush the top of your arms and you shiver again. 
“Fits you perfectly,” he mumbles, his breath blowing in your ear. He’s standing very close to you.
“Is it yours?” you spin away from him. Being so close is making it hard for you to think. 
“No. I bought it for you.”
“What?” you squeak, eyes widening at the gesture. “You didn’t have to–”
“I wanted to,” he shrugs, placing his hands in his pockets. He rolls back and forth on the balls of his feet then jerks his head towards the water. “How about that walk?”
It’s a little steep and rocky getting down to the water, you’re grateful you decided on a nice pair of sandals and not your wedges you were debating on. There’s one more big drop and you pause staring at the distance of it. Jake hopped down no problem.
“Jump,” he holds out his arms, “I’ve got you.”
You inch forward, some pebbles tumble to the earth as you crouch down. You gauge the distance again between you and his open arms.
“Are you sure?” you chew on your lip.
“Positive. Jump, y/n,” he commands softly, his fingers motioning you forward.
You suck in a deep breath, close your eyes and push off. You gasp the short moment you’re in the air and then you’re in the sturdy arms of Jake, his hands curve around your waist and lower back while yours is locked behind his neck. 
“Why’d you close your eyes?” he asks.
“So it’d be over faster,” you exhale.
He sets you down, gently releasing you from his hold. You’re not sure if he did that to keep you at ease or if he didn’t really want to touch you.
“You have more questions, don’t you?” he moves through the sand and you follow.
“Only a hundred.”
You walk in silence for a bit and he still keeps a chaste distance between the two of you then a realization comes to your mind. 
“Why aren’t you at work?”
“I have Sundays off,” he shrugs gazing out on the water.
“Would you like to sit for a while?” he motions towards a large piece of driftwood that has been flattened enough to make a decent bench. You nod and join him on the smooth wood.
You count in your head to eighty-three seconds then take that as your cue to ask your first question. You open your mouth but he speaks first. 
“Amazing how water can be so calm and then so violent the next, isn’t it?”
You stare out at the water, a few white caps rolling in and then outlines of boats in the distance. It doesn’t look too bad from here but you’ve read about riptides and how dangerous they can be under the surface of the water.
“Do you not like the water?” you ask carefully, somehow this seems like a sensitive topic for him.
“I don’t know,” he shrugs leaning on his knees. “It reminds me of you, actually. You look so calm and peaceful on the outside but on the inside, you’ve got a riptide, a true force. I saw it last week at dinner with how quick you jumped to all of those conclusions about me.”
You sit up a little straighter at the mention of riptides, it was like he was reading your mind. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“No, no, you have every right to think of all angles of this. I want to know your questions, y/n, I do. But I first need you to trust me that there is no recourse or trap of some kind.”
“How can I trust you when I hardly know you?” you’re staring at him as he stares at the water, the soft oceanic breeze tousles his hair. The undersides of his eyes look a little dark, like he hasn’t been sleeping. 
“You read all about me in the paperwork.”
“That’s not the same, that’s just words on a sheet but it doesn’t really show me who you are. And signing it would feel like I’m signing my life away to the devil or Ursula.”
“Ursula?” he cocks his head to the side smirking, “from the Little Mermaid?”
“Yes. Ariel lost her voice, I don’t want to lose mine.”
“That’s not going to happen. You have a wonderful voice that is very sure and profound. You might be a little closer to the devil aspect.”
“Are you the devil?”
“I’ve been referred to him once or twice,” he nods. “Does that scare you?”
You squint your eyes at him puckering your lips. You notice the way his eyes flick down to your lips and you look over the top of his head.
“Turn forward,” you instruct and he does so, “now look to the right…”
“What are you looking for?”
“Horns. I don’t see any so you must not be the devil.”
That makes him laugh, it causes his eyes to crinkle and you can see how nice his teeth are. He really does have a great smile.
“You’re sweet.”
“Can we discuss the paperwork now?” 
“Not yet, let’s enjoy the water for a bit longer.”
You sit in silence watching the waves roll and flower over the shore with seagulls swooping down low. The water looks so inviting you remove your sandals then walk to the edge of the beach. The wet sand is a little cool but the squish feels nice between your toes. You take a few paces forward and then the water rolls over your feet causing you to squeal at the coolness. You close your eyes inhaling the fresh salty air, the skirt of your dress flapping against your legs and one sleeve of your cardigan falls down your shoulder. 
Your questions are still bouncing around your head but now a new part of you is wishing Jake would come up behind you and wrap his arms around you. You want to hear his voice close to your ear again and maybe see what his smile feels like against your own lips. With a sigh, you open your eyes then turn around to see he’s already staring at you, his gaze intense and smoldering. It makes your cheeks warm and also a little sad because you can see a violent storm in his eyes, just like the one he was talking about with the water. 
What’s his violent storm?
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