#this is supposed to be ur job fuckass
winterwoodragon · 2 years
Today’s mood of the day is ‘fuck landlords’
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froggierboy · 1 year
you couldn't force me at gunpoint back into food service without a serious raise and some sort of guarantee i wouldnt meet bodily harm but like having to plan meals to bring to work is sick it's been months now and i'm still not used to that shit. what do you mean y'all don't provide lunch
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starlillies · 8 years
Rant about something that irritates you
ok a lot irritates me but. the treatment of teenagers ok like. 
in school they either treat us like we’re dumb kids that dont know anything or they treat us like adults who have everything together and. i hate when teachers complain and are like “my class should be ur top priority” like ???? i have EIGHT classes. eight. and all eight teachers think their class should be my top priority like sorry no?? and everyone says school in general should be my top priority like even my parents will be like “youre only a teenager, you dont have any responsibilities. Youre only job is school” like excUSE ME??? my only job?? first of all, no. i have so many responsibilities its ridiculous. i go to school , im expected to get good grades by my parents and my teachers. im in at least 3 clubs in school, which is considerably less than most of my peers, ive been in girl scouts for 12 years and not bc i want to, no ive told my mom i wanted to quit since sixth grade, but she said i had to finish bc it would look good for college. ive been in bbyo (which i dont think most of u know of but whatever) since eighth grade, ive been on chapter board since tenth grade and this year im on regional board. i babysit during the week every week and sometimes on weekends. and thats not even factoring in friends and social activity and free time and relaxing, bc what teenager has time for that?? so yeah, i have quite a FEW fucking responsibilities. second of all, SCHOOL IS A PRETTY HUGE FUCKING JOB. its fucking stressful and yeah adults work longer hours and they dont get summer break and winter break and all that shit, but they literally dont even understand what school is like anymore. they say we have the internet and that makes things oh so much easier but like when was the last time they stayed up until 4 am writing 8 essays on poems for englsih class only to have the teacher decide not to grade them?? when was the last time they spent days studying a math test only to see that the teacher decided not to base the test off the study materials they gave u?? school is fucking ridiculous now like i refuse to say anything more. and then theres the college stress, which now starts at like fucking seven years old bc thats how hard it is to get into college now. and people have no respect for teenagers???? how can u not respect us when we’re supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night but regularly get less than 4, when we spend hours and hours on activities we dont even like bc we want to get into college, when we literally throw our entire being into trying to do good in school but also sleep and also have a social life and also have a job and also spend time with our families and also take care of ourselves?? oh wait, we dont. do adults not realize theres a reason anxiety and depression and suicide rates have gone up? school and college and that bs aside, adults have no respect for anything we do we are ALWAYS the bad guys. if we dont like politics we’re “ignorant and uninformed and u should know about the country u live in itll be urs soon” but if we have political opinions we’re “political machines, brainwashed liberals, y do u care so much calm down how does this affect u??” like excuse me for fucking caring about my future. and if we’re on our phone for two seconds we’re “addicted to technology and oh my gosh go outside for once” like do u know what im doing on this phone? im talking to my friends bc i dont have time to do it in person bc of all the shit i have to do. or im doing my hw, bc we have apps for that amazing ik, so that maybe i can get a full five hours of sleep tonight. or maybe im playing a fucking game to relieve my stress for a few fucking minutes y do u care if i spend my free time crushing candy. or im reading articles about how the fuckass u elected as the most powerful man in the world is once again fucking up our country and my future. who cares wtf im doing its my fucking business susan. technology has been an amazing advancement to our society and also so many adults i know complain about “kids and their technology these days” but theyre literally on their phone ten times as much as i am like. being a teenager is fucking hard, ok? i havent even touched every topic but im tired of having to explain myself bc no one listens anyway
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