#this is the last time we'll see fugo hmm?
You think... Do you think that because Fugo's life was ruined by his actions in the heat of the moment, he doesn't trust to do the same thing again?
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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The Golden Miners - Chapter 8: Goodbye
Giorno's phone woke the boys up earlier than usual. Giorno reached for his phone, which was on the nightstand.
"It's a text from my dad," he said. "He wants to have breakfast with him. My parents are coming to see how we're doing. They'll be here soon."
After getting dressed, they waited outside Fugo's mansion, chatting. It was cloudy out.
"So," Fugo started, avoiding Giorno's gaze, "what will do once you get home? Will you upload a vlog or stream Minecraft?"
"I don't know."
He sighed, sitting on the pavement. "This sucks. I wish you could stay here forever."
"I will." Giorno sat down with him, head resting on his shoulder. "We'll have to wait three or more years."
Fugo fought off a tear, but Giorno noticed and kissed his lips to make him feel better. They embraced each other, wishing to be in this moment forever, but Giorno spotted a taxi coming their way.
"My parents are coming," Giorno said, getting up. He helped his boyfriend up.
The taxi braked right in front of them, and right away, Giorno noticed his mother's absence. "Where's Mother?" He wouldn't be surprised if she went to a club.
"Her? Oh, I'll explain at the restaurant," Dio answered, sitting in the front seat of the taxi. "Get in, you two."
The boys got inside the taxi. Fugo was sweaty, unsure of what to say. He wanted to beg Giorno to stay, but his presence terrified him. Then, Dio stared at him, smiling and showing a sharp fang.
"What's your workout routine?" Fugo blurted. Oh, why did I say that?
Dio grinned. "How I managed to get this body is complicated. It took years of training, but you're fine the way you are. I never mentioned this before, but I noticed you're taller than Giorno."
"I am?" Fugo got nervous, unsure if that was a good or bad thing.
"I expected Giorno to be near my height, but his mother is tiny."
"Speaking of Mother," Giorno said, "where is she?"
His father sighed. "We'll have to conversation later." He looked at his phone, typing away. "A friend of mine will be with us."
"A friend?"
"His name is Enrico Pucci. We've been friends ever since he was 17. He's a priest and lives in Florida, but he's not one of those religious freaks in America. You'll like him."
"Had I ever asked your age?" Fugo questioned. "I just realized how young you look."
"Do I look that young?" Dio looked into the rear-view mirror but forgot he had no reflection. He covered his hand with it.
Fugo noticed but pretended not to. Maybe that explains why his parents have acted strangely. Dio must've used his vampire powers on them. Fugo looked at Giorno, wondering if he might be a vampire. He's seen his reflection many times before, so no. One thing that bothered Fugo was how the sun—a vampire's weakness—had no effect on Dio.
As for the ride, it was quiet until they got to the restaurant. The place was clean, and a few people sat around. The host sat them with Dio's friend, Pucci. The boys sat together, facing Dio and Pucci.
"Where is Mother?" Giorno started.
"She's on a plane to Japan to get our things," Dio explained. He smiled upon his reaction. "We're living here."
"How?" Fugo asked. "Do you have a work visa?"
"Don't worry about it. You two should enjoy your summer vacation together." He looked at Pucci. "My friend, I told them about you, but you don't know anything about them. Boys, say hi."
"Hello, I'm Haruno Shiobana, but you can call me Giorno. I go by that on the internet, and I'm more used to it. I like playing Assassin's Creed and Minecraft."
"Hi," Fugo said. He examined Pucci, and so far, he seemed normal. "I'm Pannacotta Fugo, but most people use my last name to address me. Giorno and I met through the Internet. I also have the same interests."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, you both," Pucci said. "Giorno, you looked like your brother—"
"Pucci," Dio interrupted, "what are you getting for breakfast?"
"I was thinking about having a frittata. What about you, Dio?"
"Hmm, maybe I'll have a cup of coffee. I don't have an appetite."
"Hey, Dad," Giorno spoke again, "I never see you eat anything, but you must've eaten a lot of protein to get that body. You also didn't get to see the menu. As for me, I think I might the tiramisu crepes. Fugo, what about you?"
"I'll keep looking until the waiter arrives." He pretended to look at the menu when he was looking at Dio, who caught him staring. Instead of creepily smiling, he seemed annoyed.
"Fugo, you've been staring at me for a while. Is there something you want?" Dio demanded.
"N-no. Maybe. I don't know." Crap, now Fugo had to think of something. He blushed at what he was about to say next. "If you're living here, can Giorno live with me?" Although, he did want that to happen.
Giorno blushed. "I didn't think you'd ask my dad that."
"As much as I like to make my son happy, I don't think so. I think Giorno has stayed too long in your house. I'm not sure what you boys are up to, but hopefully, you're not doing anything out of line."
Damn, he said internally.
"Fugo's asexual," Giorno reminded his father.
"Sorry, I still don't know him as much as you do. Maybe we should spend time together. Hmm, I have an idea. Fugo, you wouldn't mind if I stayed in your mansion while I went house hunting, would you? We also have to wait for Giorno's mother to return."
Giorno's mother? Ugh, why can't Dio say her name? Does he even love her? Fugo thought. No, they would've married. Does he even love anyone?
The servers hadn't checked on their table yet, and Fugo felt Dio's gaze on him.
"Dio," Fugo said, "have you played Minecraft? Trish's mother plays it sometimes."
"Trish? Who's that?"
"Trish is one of my friends, which makes her a friend of Giorno's as well. She has the second most followers in our group."
"Oh?" Dio brought his phone and looked at Twitter. "Hmm, is she this SpiceGirl person? How old is she? Should she be wearing that? Where is her father?"
"It gets hot in Italy," Giorno said. Dio hadn't said a word about his outfit, though. Also, Dio wore black skin-tight clothing. Anyone could see his muscles.
"I know how hot it gets here." Dio looked annoyed. "And look at all her posts! She makes everything political."
"As much as I like it here, Italy isn't a perfect place."
A server came by to check on them before the conversation turned too political.
"Are you four ready to order?" they asked.
"Yes," Dio answered. "I'd like a coffee."
"I'll have a frittata," Pucci said.
"Hmm, wait," Dio said. "I think I'll have a frittata too."
"I'll have a tiramisu crepe, please," Giorno said.
Fugo didn't get to look at the menu and ordered the same thing Giorno wanted. Afterward, the server went away.
"Pucci," Fugo started, "you're from Florida. What's it like? Have you been to Disneyland? I have never been to a place like it. Perhaps one day Giorno and I could go. However, my mother warns me that it's a dangerous place. It can't be that bad, right?"
"Unfortunately, your mother is right. Surely you have heard of Florida Man."
"What's this about Jotaro?" Dio interrupted and started laughing, making the teen boys confused.
"Who's Jotaro?" Giorno asked. "Is another one of your friends?"
"No," he answered. "He's a loser I beat up."
"Dio," Pucci spoke, "didn't you—"
"Two frittatas and tiramisu crepes," the server who returned said. "Here is the coffee."
Pucci whispered a prayer before digging in. "This is better than the food in Florida. Dio, why don't you take a bite?"
"This isn't what I normally eat, but—" He took a fork and grabbed a small bite. "Oh, wow! This is great! I never had anything like this before. The servants never made food like this, but that was a different time."
"I had something similar like this," Giorno said. "There was this bakery near my school, and I decided to have a crepe. This tastes way better, and I'm pretty sure this is less costly."
They finished their food within a few minutes except Dio took time enjoying his coffee.
Fugo sat there trying to understand his motives. Would he turn Giorno into a vampire? He wanted to inquire more but felt he had been too curious.
"Oh, Giorno, do you remember Enya?" Dio asked.
"I thought she was dead. She seemed old and frail when I last saw her, and I was eight years old then. Is she alive?"
"She is. She'll be here with us in a few weeks. It's been difficult to get her over here."
"Why is she coming here and how is she still alive? She seemed near death when we visited her in Egypt."
"She's a good friend, and I want to take care of her. Also, Enya isn't that old. Mariah gave her some tips for younger-looking skin." Dio placed his cup of coffee on the table and looked at Fugo. "After I pay, where do you want to head?"
"Wait, you're asking me?" asked a confused Fugo.
"Yes. Do you want to go to Disneyland? There's one in Paris."
"But that's a 16-hour drive! Wait, we're not driving, are we?"
"A flight to Charles de Gaulle is five hours. So, do you want to go?"
Dio seemed nice despite his mysteries. "Sure, thanks!"
"Dio, my friend," Pucci decided to speak, "I'd like to thank you for inviting me to breakfast. It was nice meeting Giorno and Fugo. I'll pay for the food."
"Thank you, Pucci. Giorno, Fugo, after Giorno's mother returns, we'll go to Disneyland."
Fugo needed to pee and got up. "Excuse me, but I must head to the bathroom."
Nobody was in the restroom when Fugo walked in. He did his business and was about to leave until Dio entered.
"How much do you know?" Dio wasn't smiling. He looked serious.
Fugo got sweaty, nervous he might say the wrong word. "I know you're a vampire, and that's all I know. I don't care what you did in the past. I love Giorno."
"You're okay with me staying at your house despite knowing what I am?"
"I've lived with my son for years, and he has never found out. I'm guessing the mirror gave it away?"
"Yes. Why haven't you told Giorno?"
"I was afraid he wanted to become a vampire. A vampire's weakness is the sun. How I managed to become immune is complicated."
"Just like how you got your body?"
Giorno entered the bathroom. "Sorry, I was wondering what was taking you guys so long. Also, Dad, I didn't notice you left the table."
"Sorry," Fugo said, "your dad asked me if I'll be fine without my parents tagging along."
"And he answered he 'd be fine without them," Dio spoke. "Well, I should find a home here."
"Won't that be costly?" Giorno worried.
"I haven't been spending a lot of my money. We'll be fine. You two can head home or whatever you planned today."
If Giorno had left, Fugo would've gone home and played the Sims 3, playing the Sims version of themselves—and crying miserably. He had no idea what to do besides play games with him.
Giorno and Fugo left the restaurant.
"So, what now?" Giorno asked.
"Want to replay Assassin's Creed 2? We can take turns each mission," Fugo suggested.
"Sure!" A smile grew on his face. "I'd love that!"
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