#this is uncool
this is not how my jo march era was supposed to start
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munch4march · 1 year
Each time that Patrice looks into Brad's eyes, he likes to imagine there is a look of love and longing. They've gotten closer in a matter of months and sometimes Patrice even wonders if it is by chance. His hazel eyes are beautiful, not even the greatest artists of the Renaissance can capture their beauty. It makes his heart pound in his chest and his cheeks grow pink. While many would say that Brad is a disgrace to hockey with his attitude on ice and his abrasive personality, Patrice can only think about how sweet and selfless he is. Maybe they can have something more, something more than just this friendship...
too bad Brad is dating Tyler.
you’re such a hater abbey i just want you to know that
do you like
wake up and decide to hate me
i feel like you do
just dump an anvil on me why dontcha
swear to god man
goddamn it
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Anxiety, let's have a talk, you and I.
Once the anxiety-causing event is over, you are supposed to go away. NOT GET WORSE!
That's it. Good talk.
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weaversweek · 2 years
Uncool 50 - Video killed the lazy Buggles headline
Part of my Uncool50 series, an autobiography through songs.
Three excellent videos this time.
“Take on me” by A-ha, takes our representative out of the café and right into the pages of the comic she’s reading. The hand-drawn rotoscoped animation was a work of love; the seamless meld with actual footage remains a joy to watch.
This was the first single I bought with my own money, £1.55 to hear Morten Pål and Mags over and over again.
“Cloudbusting” by Kate Bush, a miniature movie starring Donald Sutherland.
If “Wuthering heights” had introduced the concept of pop music, this single helped coalesce pop as high art. As much an ear-worm as A-ha or Red Box (qv), but somehow the sort of culture my parents and grandparents clearly approved of.
Yes, Kate Bush gets two singles into the top 50. No other act does.
"Press" by Paul McCartney. Right there, that's it, yes. (Are you perfectly sure about this? - Ed)
My parents had a microscopic record collection. Lots of light classical, some ABBA albums, Simon and Garfunkel, and The Beatles' Red and Blue albums. Of the Fab Four, John Lennon's songs were new before I got into pop, George Harrison made one LP, and Ringo Starr is the voice for Thomas the Tank Engine.
Paul McCartney has always been a welcome guest, and much of his 80s work made my longlist here. "We all stand together" is completely awesome, “Once upon a long ago” plays for nostalgia. "My brave face" and "This one" are tremendous songs, “No more lonely nights” is a touching tearjerker.
For pure cheek, sass, and general Fab Macca Whacky Thumbs Aloft!!-ness, you can't beat "Press". Paul makes the music he loves, gets an audience because he’s the most familiar face in town, and it's all completely carefree and relaxed. Same for the video, filmed without permission on the Tube, it's relaxed!Macca surprising and delighting his fans.
Next time: crushes arrive.
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hellspawnmotel · 5 months
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intimacy between an evil spiteful building-sized supercomputer and the lone scientist left behind after everyone else ditched and forgot about her (in which computer wants to kill scientist really bad but her programming wont let her so she just attempts to make her as miserable as possible instead, which also doesn't work because scientist is a freak)
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Some ppl are like "I'm a kinky sex-positive pervert freak!!!" and then make fun of virgins and asexuals..... sure, reclaim freakiness but keep working on that because teasing ppl for their sex lives (or lack thereof) is, unfortunately, very normie mainstream vanilla behaviour. the right to sexual determination includes NOT having sex. 101 shit. Like this isnt subversive dude, it's using the edge of an ideology for bullying
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butchharts · 3 months
I hope you guys fw uncool butches
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jadeinretrogrde · 4 months
that one trope where the teen gets mad at his friends for thinking his mom is hot except the friends are the dimension 20 art department and the mom in question is Riz and the teen who's mad is Brian Murphy who lost control of the plot
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smallswingshoes · 4 months
I think maybe we need to start calling people who tell us not to vote "Russian psyops." They were am actual thing last time and I think people need to be reminded of how they sound when they try to discourage voting.
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sunfoxfic · 11 months
We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore. We were so close. Then they flavored it mango and now it's taboo to criticize it anymore. People don't ask if they're allowed to vape indoors, they aren't considerate of people who may have health problems that are triggered by the chemicals or if it just bothers them, people don't care that they're supporting an industry built on corruption and greed, they can't see it draining their pockets and much less their health. We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore.
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ragsy · 1 year
big big big fan of found family relationships with shithead sibling dynamics
sure, yeah, they had no one in the world until they found each other, and they will fight tooth and nail for each other's safety, but they will also eat the last of the other's cereal and put the box back in the cabinet or tell the other's significant other every embarrassing story about them or greet each other by means of full body tackle and chokehold
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ihavesomejays · 2 months
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on first loves yunqing lol they are silly that's it that's the prompt anyways i think this is like the first thing i've posted here that has an actual background which is kind of insane. i think you can tell i don't draw backgrounds very often. anyways yunqing is so ponytail puller annoying each other even though they've realized they like each other core and it's satisfying my peepaw heart
bg only/closeups under keep reading
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jq37 · 7 months
I am feeling a way about Aelwyn continually inviting Adane to hang out at her apartment even though it's a disaster area with her ten ornery cats and scattered microwave dinner trays. I know a part of that is Brennan just wanting a reason to show the audience the very funny contrast from, "I came here to fuck!" to "Nooo Hector :(" But there's also something to her being like, "I want you here with me even though it will entirely ruin any possible remaining mystique around my cool girl persona"--something she absolutely still cares about in a general sense as she tells Adaine not to tell Fabian anyone else about what her apartment is like. It's one thing to be nice, but it's another to be vulnerable, especially when you've been raised in such a way that every weakness was used as a future attack--so much so that her entire brand of magic is protecting herself and not being vulnerable.
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weaversweek · 2 years
Uncool 50 - my kind of pop
#Uncool50? My favourite 50 singles (since 1976), effectively a mini-autobiography. Here’s the series index.
I heard a lot of early 80s pop music by osmosis, filtered by my sister. Adam Ant, Madness, Culture Club, the Thompson Twins. (All in the Uncool 100, not the 50.) For some reason, my sister never quite got into Nik Kershaw. So when I liked "Won't let the sun go down on me", here was a star of my own! Someone I didn't have to share! Catchy hooks, an earworm of a song - and it's not even the best he wrote (but "The one and only" isn't in the 50 – probably makes the 100). 
And when I fell for pop, I fell hard. Strawberry Switchblade, Rose and Jill, the cool girls with bags of attitude and a look to die for.
They were on the cover of Smash Hits magazine, inside was a gripping feature on Band Aid, and some serious writing about trivial subjects. Writers like Sylvia Patterson, Mark Ellen, Linda Duff, Dave Rimmer, and the masterful work of Tom Hibbert. Black Type remains an inspiration, the mixture of breezy chat and intense knowledge is something I try to replicate in the Week. 
Pop music changes lives. Random chance changes lives. I wouldn't be using this blog name without "Since yesterday", and that's why it gets the lot - token, teatowel, and my DOUZE POINTS.
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The local radio station round me was Beacon Radio. Peter Craig was the friendly voice - he did the pop magazine programme on Sunday morning, and the afternoon show. One of his features was "Kid's Clues", try and work out what the children are describing. Peter recorded some clues with the year group below, and was guest of honour at the school's Easter Fayre. "Jacob's ladder" from The Monochrome Set reminds me of him, and the days we had proper local radio. Sadly, Peter died in 1989, leaving a young widow and child.
"Lean on me (ah-li-ayo)" from Red Box. Are they sneaking communist agitprop into the top ten, emphasising the common humanity? Yep. Is it more catchy and toe-tappy and accessible than everything Paul Weller ever did? Again, yep. I've always reckoned that you'll convert more minds through positive alternatives than through moaning, and this is a shining example.
A trio of classic videos in the next part.
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riumeri · 4 months
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presenting whatever's going on in this drawing lmao
This is my other piece for the MP100 MS Paint zine on Twitter! It features a bunch of amazing and fun art, so go check it out!!
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savaralyn2 · 9 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Cool Men
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