#this is where my life is at evidently
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AshtonIrwin: 28, brushing up on my essential Buddhism , starting to wear the cowboy hat seriously, returning to the social security of a leather jacket & pressure washing at a pretty serious level now. And the last one with the thumbs up at LAX, is a guy who’s just hoping he didn’t get Covid in the airport, ciao!
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
"Sansa = Ned 2.0 and Arya = Catelyn 2.0" is one of those takes where you can just tell people are more attached to the aesthetic than anything. "The Stark girls are most like the parent they look least like" sounds good on paper and people run with the idea, regardless of how it actually fits into the story. A majority of the justification relies on misinterpreting all of their characters + a healthy dose of fanon. What gets me is that this is the same fandom that insists that Lyanna, only compared to Arya in the text, is equal parts Arya and Sansa but Ned and Catelyn, two fully fleshed-out and complex characters, have to be more like one girl or the other? There's just nothing in the story to justify being so adamant about these comparisons. Arya and Sansa have parallels with both of their parents but at the end of the day, they are unique characters with their own stories. I'll never understand why people want to flatten these complex characters down to their most basic tropes and fit them into restrictive boxes just for a "poetical~" comparison.
#arya stark#sansa stark#catelyn stark#ned stark#house stark#asoiaf#BORING YAWNING SLOPPY#notice how these takes never come with actual evidence from the books to make direct comparisons from the text?#/ned is a gentle quiet poitican/ and he physically attacks someone + constantly shows his frustration and voicing his opinions#our first introduction to him is him executing a man and we know he's done so several times that year#he says that his toddler son needs to grow up and stop being afraid of a giant wolf cause /winter is coming/ and Northern life is hard 😭#/Cat is a feral wild woman/ and her chapters are full of her holding her tongue and trying to mediate situations#people literally switch their characterizations cause the second a woman shows emotion she's /feral/#and a man can be the most wild unhinged character ever and still be /kind/ and /gentle/#like yeah fanon sansa is fanon ned 2.0 and fanon arya is fanon cat 2.0 but their actual characters are more complex then that#the only valid /2.0/ comparison is between Lyanna and Arya but somehow she gets split between Arya and Sansa 🥴#my hourly frustration at this fandom not caring about the story and only being here for /the vibes~/#like Ned hates Tourneys and protests one as a waste of resources while Sansa is planning a Tourney and using resources while winter#is arriving and smallfolk are going hungry...but she's Ned 2.0? Where? How? Huh?#And yeah Ned deals with politics in KL but that's relatively a small aspect of his character#and even him constantly speaking his mind and challenging Robert directly is the exact opposite of Sansa's approach 😭#/courtesy is a Lady's armor/ vs. /I'm gonna tell Robert he's an idiot right to his face/ oh yeah totes the same#Arya is the character following his advice and guidance for a reason just saying#like if Sansa was doing the same I could see it but she..isn't? Her approach is much closer to Catelyn's than Ned's#I don't understand why people have all of the sudden decided that the Sansa/Cat parallels are shallow when they're#very similar characters and Sansa's current plot actually revolves around that fact#obviously they're not exactly alike but no two characters are or even meant to be...their comparisons are still very valid#tired of being expected to accept an idea just because enough people repeat it
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toddtakefive · 4 months
thinking about todd and his resolve toward… not quite isolation, but being alone in a room full of people again. he goes along to the study room to sit on his own and do his homework, he sits at the poets table and follows along with what’s being said while keeping quiet, he goes to the meetings at all but doesn’t necessarily contribute (in fact, if you watch him when cameron is telling the story ‘from camp in sixth grade’, you can see that he recognizes it before any of the other poets but doesn’t voice it until they all have). he’s not alone, necessarily, if you want to get technical about it, he’s just lonely, and he’s generally okay with that. he doesn’t have friends and that’s fine, he doesn’t participate in class and that’s fine, he doesn’t have a relationship with his family and that’s fine—he could live without any real connection and he’d have been, more or less, fine.
the thing about when he says “i can take care of myself just fine!” is that he isn’t really wrong, you can infer that he’s been doing it his entire life anyway, it’s that ‘taking care of yourself’ isn’t the same thing as really living or being happy. todd’s an introvert, certainly, and even as he gets closer to the group he defaults to sitting quietly in the background, but he’s also denying himself community out of fear not introversion. todd isn’t friendless because he’s an introvert, although that definitely plays a part, he’s friendless because he pushes anyone that might want his company away. if anyone has every wanted for his attention in the first place. (neil’s unwavering interest in him is unique (even when it comes to the rest of the poets, who are fine with todd coming along and joining the group, but aren’t really hellbent on him being there in the beginning) and his refusal to accept it is a direct result of being so lonely growing up.)
there’s obviously something to be said about the implications of his parents neglect, and the more than likely fact that he grew up friendless, and how those both play a part in in him being so skilled at dodging social interaction/being so avoidant of it, but by the time we see him in the movie he’s all but accepted his fate as being alone his entire life. he’s already accepted being the family disappointment, and he’s already accepted he’ll never amount to anything, and he obviously doesn’t like it, but he’d have managed living with that knowledge without the confirmation that it was all wrong. would he have been miserable? almost certainly. but he’d have managed. he’d done it for that long already, anyhow.
#and like obviously it’s BAD in the long run and his isolation IS only making his life worse but… genuinely he’d have been alright#all things considered#it’s super interesting to me how it’s neil who starts the domino effect of todd’s life becoming Less Shit#both by beliving in him and putting faith in him that he’s never seen before and refusing to let him hide away#but it isn’t a savior moment on neil’s part#and i find it so odd when people frame it as one#todd is like… actively irritated at him in that scene 😭#neil is right that todd needs to get out of his shell and put himself out there and Believe in himself#but todd can’t accept it yet because he can’t see what neil sees in him yet and doesn’t believe it exists at all#and it frustrates him because unlike everyone else neil REFUSES to give up on him#and as far as todds concerned it’ll be for nothing#as far as todd’s concerned ​neil isn’t a savior or a hero in that scene he’s an annoyance#a necessary one in the grand scheme of things but an annoyance all the same#i think people forget that just because todd DOES want to break out of his shell (‘don’t you think you could be?’ / ‘no! i… i don’t know!’ +#‘come on you heard keating don’t you want to *do* something about it?’ / ‘*yes* but…’) doesn’t mean he knows how or believes he actually CAN#todds autonomy can be taken away from him a lot (ironic) and he can be twisted into someone with no opinions or thoughts or whims +#outside of neil but that isn’t really the case#and a part of that blame lands on the movie because todd doesn’t get explored a lot but there’s still evidence of him being his own person#he’s not a yesman and he tells neil when his ideas are stupid (keeping the audition from his father) or he just doesn’t personally agree +#(the entire ‘no’ scene) and he functions perfectly well when neil isn’t around and while they aren’t focuses +#there are short scenes where todds alone or scenes that start eith them apart that make it clear they aren’t attatched to each other +#in the way people can often write them to be (that is in the trenches if the other is missing)#this post and all these tags are my long winded way of saying FUCK the codependent anderperry thing some people subscribe to it makes me#mad#neil’s goal is to help todd grow into himself and become his own person and find his identity more than anything#and todd doesn’t need neil to hold his hand to do literally anything and everything he’s a normal guy with anxiety#come on guys#dps#dead poets society#todd anderson
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For the headcanons game, perhaps an AU where when Eobard goes to kidnap Eddie in s1, Barry gets to that bridge just a teeny bit quicker and saves Eddie (by Eobard kidnapping him instead)
YES. WHUMP. This is absolutely not something I really really hoped would happen when first watching the episode at the ripe age of 9. Nope. I was a completely normal child.
Ah. Remember when Eobard took a blood sample from Farooq, saying he’d love to know how he was able to steal the Flash’s speed. And that plotline went nowhere? Whelp, that would not be the case in this universe. Because of this, Eo wouldn’t need to keep Barry in Star labs which —alongside simply not having a speedster to search— will make rescue a lot more difficult. He also knows what he's doing, knows how to hack and deactivate all the trackers and tech in Barry's suit to ensure he won't be found.
This situation forces Eddie or Joe to tell Iris Barry’s the Flash (hell, Eddie may just yell “Barry!” When he’s taken and that gives it away) and she's going to be pissed. Like canon, they don't/can't report Barry as missing, and with him out of commission; Thawne doesn’t need to send Grodd, which means they can just focus on finding him. It would be even more tense for everyone because Wells/Thawne taking Barry actually makes sense which is somehow scarier than the alternative of the kidnapping being random. They’re just hoping they can find Barry before a man who hates him enough to kill his mom when he was 11— kills him too.
Meanwhile, Barry is not doing great because Thawne isn’t particularly worried about meeting his food calorie needs; just making sure he doesn’t die of starvation. Plus, Thawne isn’t keen on giving him information about, well, anything. “Why the hell am I here?" "What’s happening with my friends?" "What are you working on over there, I can’t turn my head enough to see it—" etc. These questions, of course came after empty threats, a lot of shouting, and probably the threat of a gag if he wasn’t quieter. The cherry on top, Thawne was acting weird towards him, lingering a little too close for a little too long. Rescue really couldn't come sooner.
Eobard figured out a way to replicate Farooq's powers to not just deprive Barry of his speed-- but transfer it to himself so he can run home. Luckily for him, Barry's compliance isn't needed, unluckily for him; it will take a few days to a week for Barry to be completely drained. Luckily for Barry, that gives his friends time to find him, unluckily for him... the process is extremely exhausting and painful.
Cisco doesn't even realize what was happening, just that one second, his hand was on the mannequin where Barry's suit would normally sit, and the next second-- the world had gone blue and Barry was there in front of him; tied to a chair with his eyes squinted shut and watering. He wouldn't normally trust whatever that was, but with no other leads and days flying past far too quickly; he decides to tell the team what he saw.
Two possible timelines: 1. Cisco is able to hone his powers enough to get Barry's location and they arrive just in time... or 2. just too late.
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kitsquared · 12 days
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It seems
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Pereshati's kindness
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And love for her family
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May lead
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To her sacrifice
And there was Harari and Pereshati's stepmother who both emphasized Pereshati think of herself and her own well-being before love and emotions
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driftbit · 8 months
pro tip from a guy looking for jobs: if you have a work email, make a folder dedicated to tasks you're asked to do. any time you're asked to do a task, especially when it falls outside of the written lines of your job description, ask for an emailed description of it if possible, and leave it there. that way, when looking for jobs, you can quickly reference back to it and have a record not just of what you do on a daily basis, but also random occurrences you've dealt with
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talentforlying · 7 months
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priest: i don't, ah, quite know what to say to you. if you are in such terrible danger, why are you taking it all so calmly? constantine: hmh! i dunno, father. i had a bloke beaten to a pulp earlier this evening. that sound calm to you? priest: you did what...? constantine: i must've been off me bleedin' rocker. i've never done anything like it before in me life, y'know?
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constantine: but there's header gets his guts blown out, and george is stickin' his head in the noose, and helen gets ... jesus, then friggin' sarah bites me head off — ! everything's coming to bits in me hands and it's so easy to just see red and now, shit, they could've killed the tosser for all i know! and now i'm just like the bastards i've hated all me life! kill him! fire him! close them down! piss all over him! screw you, i can do whatever i want! i so much as blink and you're dead, pal! i'm in charge!! ...
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constantine: 'scuse me, father. i'm always like this when i don't get me own way. — hellblazer #81, "rake at the gates of hell pt. 4"
babygirl you are just....so, sooooo offputting. (and grieving, and guilty, and terrified, but yeah: offputting.)
anyway, it's issues like this one that remind me why i kind of hesitate over some of the retcons in the recent spurrier runs, like the one with him now having opened dream's pouch of sand and stolen some before they even met. because like, it's easy enough to look at john constantine now — with 70 years of worst possible choices and unresolved trauma crystallizing underneath his skin to cover up all the soft, hopeful bits where he's used to getting hit — and assign him arbiter of ill intentions, magus of wasted potential, saint of shit choices, but man . . . he was new to this, once. he was still new to this 80 issues in.
80 issues in, and he's not used to losing friends yet; he even has time enough between catastrophes to grieve each individual one. still has enough left to live for at this stage to necessitate running and hiding, instead of bodily throwing himself at the problem like he learns to later, or sitting apathetically by to do nothing except smoke and watch the world fall apart when he finally gives up. fuck, he still apologizes.
and you're telling me this guy, this soppy wet cat motherfucker hiding from the devil in a church basement, so guilty over not knowing what happened to the guy that he paid people (paid chas, so chas could pay people) to attack that the bottle he's holding in this scene isn't even his second or third........this guy's past, more innocent self lied right to the face of DREAM OF THE ENDLESS and got away with it?
hm. i just don't know about all that.
#also this is where my headcanons tag is from <3#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#( visage. ) AND I'M A BASTARD.#( character study. ) A WALKING PLAGUE OF A MAN.#sometimes i just think that. people really like to reduce constantine down to one or two things#and somehow. after 250 issues of putting his life on the line bc he could never really make himself look away from people suffering#the soft sullen guilty person who wants so fucking desperately to be a better man? is never one of those two things#idk man. i think about this issue all the time#if i put these pages side-by-side with his grief in hellblazer 2? with his grief in hellblazer 213? 215? during the empathy virus arc?#it becomes CRYSTAL clear that the guy we know at the end of hellblazer isn't someone the guy who sat vigil for gary lester would recognize#in fact i think he's someone that hellblazer 81 constantine would fucking Hate#ANYway yeah. i don't think he lied to dream about the pouch. i don't think he ever got it open. i don't think that's canon for me#i want him to fucking Earn his asshole nature. the hard way. by making All The Wrong Choices that it took to get him there#he paved that road with good intentions himself but. he also used to remember the ones he started with#idk if i'm making sense but i have had this panel open on my laptop for Two Months now#bc i can never stop thinking about how fucking crushed he is here to realize that he might be exactly as bad a man as sarah said he was#and how little it will surprise him later on to learn that he is Easily capable of So Much Fuckin Worse#and with that your honor the defense rests. our evidence? just. just Look at this fuckin guy#scopophobia /#scopophobia#eye contact /#eye contact tw
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soulofamy · 4 months
if shang tsung treating mileenas tarkat was supervised by rain and tanya, how is it that he was able to entice rain to his side but not tanya? and not only did he not entice tanya, she didnt even realize he was evil until sindel did. like how did that happen, did shang tsung really not even TRY to bring tanya to his side??
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nat-without-a-g · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time the children of season 1 dads had to be distributed amongst the players— and because one of the 5 aforementioned characters took a sudden one-way trip to the infernal plane, Lark specifically had to be paired off with the missing character’s correlating player— I would have two nickels.
It isn’t a lot, but I like to read into both instances for absolutely no reason. They mean something to me.
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
so the 'Qimir/the Stranger is actually [ insert high republic character here ]' theories have started to escalate, Imri was one thing, today I saw someone suggest the Stranger is Cohmac and I laughed out loud.
But also sure. The Stranger is Cohmac. XD Why tf not. Except for all the, you know, 'humans don't live that long' and 'their descriptions and official character art do not match Manny Jacinto at all' 'it doesn't actually make sense' but people keep countering that with 'energy transfer' so I guess Qimir really could be anybody.
Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if it was Azlin Rell. Fucking Azlin. That would be SO funny if he energy-transferred himself into Qimir to live another hundred extra years, to continue being the worst. It would be so funny. Absolutely no one else would find it funny but I would personally find it absolutely hilarious if 'scenic route guy' is Qimir
#this is a very serious theory obviously#no jk but also qimir is azlin he's just taking the ultimate scenic route to whatever goal he has#star wars#the acolyte#the high republic#path of deceit#this fucking guy#(spoilers for phase 2 stop reading)#for non-book readers: i call him scenic route guy because basically the plot of the flashback happens#but long horrible story short ends poorly for the Jedi instead of the cult#*horrible as in for the characters the book itself is a banger#and he is tasked with investigating their disappearances - finds the bodies....and then takes three full more books to tell anybody about i#so you're just reading like 'wtf where is this guy why has no one accused the path of fucking murder yet'#anyway justice for kevmo and zallah sorry it took five business months to report your murders#fucking azlin#and he was freaking out my boy reath at the end of defy the storm!#i'm clearly not serious but also this would be funny and is the only 'X high republic character is Qimir' theory i will accept#evidence has already used the dark side to extend his life clearly wants freedom (kind of a loner) uhh thats it#(ok and i know that part of it is the whole theme of a lack of communication in that early part of thr#still it takes a bananas amount of time when he seems to find their bodies fairly quickly after they go missing)#he regains his mind and figures out energy transfer and ??? idk decides to head off the cult this time#before they can unleash horrifying monsters to drive him mad?#no this obviously is just silly but so is 'the stranger is cohmac' i don't even like cohmac but WHAT are you talking about XD deceased
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measureyourlifeincake · 4 months
just took an adhd assessment and... i honestly dont see how this will be sufficient for giving me a diagnosis? i just had to take two tests, one where i had to hit the space bar when hearing a high pitch after a low pitch (as opposed to after *just* hearing the high pitch), and one where a bunch of letters flashed on the screen and i had to hit the space bar when any of them except for x popped up and like... i don't see how this has anything to do with any of the issues i actually experience in my life due to my probable adhd???? like ok i guess it has something to do with focus? which is a part of the whole adhd thing but not all of it? i did take a (very brief) adhd questionnaire as one of my intake forms before seeing this psych for the first time but that wasn't part of the assessment itself but even that (which was only like. 15 questions? maybe?) seemed like it had more to do with how i experience adhd
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menalez · 7 months
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so ur argument is that “arabs” are currently risking their lives while living under dictatorships that have normalised relations with israel to protest for palestinians because *checks notes* they just hate jewish ppl?
ur argument is that “arab countries” fought israel in the 1960s as a result of israel’s hostilities against palestinians bc they just. hate jewish ppl?
ur argument is that “arab countries” which had hundreds of thousands of jewish ppl for thousands of years just woke up coincidentally the same time israel came to exist, the same time as the nakba, and suddenly expressed their hatred of jewish ppl despite coexisting with jewish ppl for centuries in a way europeans were unable to?
if u want to argue “arabs” hate each other, i can at least agree with that but to claim “arabs” hate palestinians bc palestinians r just so evil but hate jewish ppl more & therefore support palestine.. u just sound like an idiot to me.
the way zionists oversimplify the middle east & middle eastern history is genuinely insane. the way they utilise the same argument points antisemites made to justify antisemitism is insane. where else did i hear the argument that a certain population is evil, manipulative, sly and criminal and tricks others into feeling sympathy for them but no population genuinely likes them bc they’re just so sly and evil? oh.. wait yeah that’s literally what antisemites say about jewish people to justify & normalise antisemitism. and here zionists are using these same arguments to dehumanise palestinians & normalise hatred against them as somehow factual.
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unopenablebox · 6 months
came home at 8:45 from work and 🌸 was already fast asleep fully dressed on the bed phone in hand completely unresponsive to sound including name-calling and loud floor creaks
probably they were planning to get more work done this evening but i'm going to sabotage that by turning their light off and ordering takeout so i don't make any cooking noises to wake them up, hopefully causing them to get up to a full 12 hours of sleep for what i think would be the first time in two and a half years
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
#this is such a niche gripe i guess idk its why it's in the tags#but i really get so annoyed by how a lot of this fandom acts like they know everything about her especially like where she goes#and what she does in her free time because they think they KNOW about everything but#all you know is what she chooses to show you like specifically paps like...... she calls them. all celebs do. 99.999999% of the time#these days it's how that industry works which i KNOW for a fact but like don't take my word for it if you don't believe me fine#but it's how it is and i can tell you that from professional experience but also like#the amount of friends and people i know who've seen her places all over the city for YEARS now#and there are no pap photos of her in those places nor did anyone know she went to that building/restaurant/bar/event#there are a feeeeeew places in the city which are celeb hotspots and the paps might skulk around there but that's cuz#they are known spots for that and waiters and staff tip them off for profit shares#like i know someone who saw her literally last night at a restaurant#there are no photos of her there and no paps outside#like if you think she doesn't leave the house or go somewhere without you knowing cuz you think she's papped everywhere...#thats just simply not true lol couldn't be FURTHER from true#she goes so many places and does so many things that you just don't know about. it's VERY easy to live a private life in the city#EVEN THIS WEEK she's gone more places than you've seen her getting papped at cuz i know people who've seen her!#i can't tell you the amount of famous people i've come across in these situations and the press and social media were none the wiser#people i've sat next to at a crowded brunch counter or people walking their dog or taking their kid for a bike ride like.... ALL THE TIME#famous people love new york cuz new yorkers don't bother them and they can live in relative obscurity#idk what i'm getting at i guess this weirdness like I AM GONNA SHUT DOWN ANYTHING THAT I DONT HAVE PROOF OF#is so deranged to me because...... you only have ~proof~ of like 10% of her life#so the other 90% of it didn't happen cuz.... you a blogger on the internet don't have photographic evidence of it????#IS THAT NOT THE MOST INSANE THING TO SAY????#idk really weird that people just think they know her and shut down any one who poses something that doesn't fit into their#frankensteined version of her that they made out of a bunch of paparazzi photos and flight trackers and deuxmoi posts taped together#as if THATS somehow MORE sane and a more realized person#idk if i'm making sense i'm annoyed whatever whatEVERRRRR
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imflyingfish · 6 months
#i have no idea how to respond to the whole qsmp situation right now#i mean. i dont watch it or interact with qsmp ITSELF#only the fans around it#I have made fanart for it but not really because i have any particular attachment to specific characters but just because#its a very good springboard for character design and inspiration#Im very involved with the fanbase though as the QSMPnews discord is one of my main discords#and I mainly use the fandom space as a way of practicing/getting into foreign languages#although i dont watch qsmp it still has impacted my life massively in the last year#this clusterfuck of project management is difficult to unravel and know what to do with#and its difficult to know exactly where to turn your attention#or who to blame#since theres so many levels of miscommunication that hasnt been helped by the sharing of it online#i think. even if QSMP doesn't survive#it would be ludicrous to state it as an inherently harmful server#since there has been an evident change in the minecraft gaming space because of it in multiculturalism.#heck IM direct proof of that as someone who does not reguarly engage with the server itself via streams#the fact that as a result of a 21 year old kid deciding to start a sever I can end up with a group of spanish speakers trying to explain#various concepts to me in my language while i respond in theirs is. insane#so do i think that the qsmp will survive?#um. look i dont see how it can.#I've never thought that it could#but i dont think that im going to demonise fans or avoid content relating to it#considering how integral the fanspaces around it are to me and my personal quest for language proficiency#however I will attempt to keep qsmp posts on my french/spanish blogs#well that was. long-winded#idk this is a very self-centred look into the qsmp and this whole situation#obviously I hope that the staff get paid but. I really have no idea where Quackity Studios might get that money from or how the#server should either end or continue
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dogwittaablog · 9 months
Whatttt we were robbed?! Where are the pics will the Winnipeg girlies on the internet come thru!!! How did no one recognize him and sneakily take a pic
No like seriously how are you telling me that no one’s dad, mom, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandpa, grandpa, or cousins at that game didn’t recognize that kid?!?!?!?!?
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