#this is why i dont go to twitter its literally so headache inducing
reading through the qrts of the script was a mistake, its fucking sickening. mandarins are really taking this as a win and an opportunity to gloat instead of trying to empathize with a closeted kid whos dealing with too much for his age. will literally is confirmed to suffer from self hatred and he feels like a mistake, used his own genuine feelings to build their godawful ship and their main takeaway is, ‘this is what we’ve been trying to say and you had to pay 7k for it 💕’
shut the fuck up. youre not cute, youre not clever, you are just awful. we’re not devastated bc we ‘lost’, nah this actually affirmed we won. we’re devastated for the character because it hits way too close to home for us queer folk. if you see this as an opportunity to talk about your ‘ship’ and how youre ‘winning’ youre sick, disgusting, and completely missing the point of will’s character and his journey and how much this scene means to people. reflect on the implications of that. if anything, how youre reacting is extremely telling on how you see st chars in general on a surface level.
for those malbournes out there, respectfully, fuck right off. learn some fucking empathy. this goes beyond ships. your fucking homophobia is showing and you need to fix that shit fast.
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the entire fruit basket. all of it every last one
   peach: do you have any piercings or tattoos?
    nope! i think they’re really cool though. i dont know if id ever get one, personally? ..maybe a tattoo if it was of something SUPER important. -maybe-.
   raspberry: favorite flower?...i actually have absolutely no idea, i never knew that. ....i...um. i like roses? and blue flowers. any blue flower. and um...i really can't think of any. I love all flowers but I'm not particularly draw to anythough burned/black/blue roses are something i have a thing forthough they arent natural. so dunno if they count?? ;;
   lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?YES! My baby kitty, Marshmallow
   mango: what is your trademark? ....my brain just went straight to modus operandi and i had a moment of wait, i dont kill people. why. why are you asking me this. i. um. am not sur ewhat this question is though. Associations? Shit that is Me? ..Scarves, cats, space? ..and dragons, feathers, fire, gold, angels, fall, quiet winter days. I guess??? If it has the first three though its probably mine.
   passion fruit: how would you describe your style?whatever that word for "we re all gonna die anyways" humor was. not fatalist humor but somethin similar? ..or it was that. but um. that. fake-it-till-you-make-it. and as for clothing style, /tagged/outfits. and scarves.
   pineapple: sexual orientation?why pineapple something something gray-ace/demisexual but as for preference, pan
   strawberry: favorite desserts?ice cream, chocolate cake, cheese cake
   cherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?..i mean i can sing but that does not mean I do it well. But, no instruments. I know a total of 5 piano notes, and can play virtual pianos, and bullshit a flute, but not really anything else.
   grape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?ugh. i dunno. literally anywhere i can take my partners and kitty to. their house is the obvious choice..
   banana: favorite horror movies?..i really enjoyed some but i cant exactly think of any? weird.
   blackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?...dark comedy probably. with a touch of Depressing.
   pomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?...this is gonna sound odd, but when i'm somewhere outside (bonus points for up high like a cliff or something) with a lot of wind and there is quiet.
   cantaloupe: what are your parents' names?im not giving them the decency of talking about them here, sorry.
   guava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?for myself none, but i think both are nice? I like dramatic. but natural is also pretty. basically anything that's your style, really.
   tangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?dragon no question abt it tbh.
   plum: favorite clothing brands?i dont really look at brands, just what i like, so..no idea
   coconut: favorite perfume?..eh. i dont wear any or know anything about perfumes actually. i do like smelling of honey, coffee, or lemon though, so.
   lychee: satin or lace?  um...no idea actually. either??
   blueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?i actually wanna do a mae-witchdagger thing because i am nitw trash
   apple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?tumblr - dont even have twitter anymore
   kiwi: what's something that fascinates you?space, the sky, humanity, divinity
   watermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?professional depressive fire turnip & anxious feather duster. occasionally a liscenced screaming cabbage.(no, i really dont have a job yet)
   papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?..i have an entire playlist,,i dunno. natural born sinner by ITM, taste of ink by the Used,  Pyre by Son Lux, Infinitesimal by Mother mother. um. others too                                                                
   cranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?dusk and night, mostly night
   nectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?hides my tears and emotionally impairing anxietiesno,,,(yes)
   orange: do you have long eyelashes?  u M...idk...normal eyelashes....
   apricot: what do you do when you're sad?games, music, go outside, idk. when just sad that is
   star fruit: favorite sea creature?sharks
   dragonfruit: do you drink alcohol? nope. not at all actually. i had one glass of something the past 5 years so whoop for me.
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