#this is why the ravens are infuriating right
allpromarlo · 11 months
ravens 6-2 life is good
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I love to headcanon the Wayne boys having odd interests and hobbies that are just not what their friends would expect. So here that is lol.
Control freak: Come on, let me leave. I’m not committing a crime. I just want to go home and watch cartoons.
Beast boy: What you watching tonight?
Raven, exasperated: Why would you ask him that?
Beast boy: I’m curious.
Control freak: Sonic the hedgehog. I’m checking out the old cartoons.
Nightwing: Sat AM or underground?
Control freak: Underground- Hey, you watched it.
The teen titans turn to Nightwing.
Cyborg: The one with sonic in a band?
Nightwing: It has good moments in it.
Control freak: Do you read the comics?
Nightwing: …Yes. Yes I do.
Control freak: That one writer was the worse right?
Nightwing: Oh my god, yes! That arc with knuckles was so infuriating! Then he takes all the characters so he halted another arc.
Control freak: I'll be damned, you are a fan. Thank you. Someone gets me. In fact, I have the old comics you guys want to check them out?
Raven: We should-
Nightwing: Let’s go!
Nightwing and control freak walk off.
Beast boy: What just happened?
Raven: I blame you for this.
Kori: He’s so adorable.
Jason pulls out his phone and places it on the his dining table. He pulls out a crochet needle and yarn and follows the tutorial. Artemis looks at the video surprised.
Artemis: You crochet?
Jason: It’s… it’s a therapeutic hobby.
Artemis: You’ve done it before?
Jason: You know that blanket I gave you as a gift last year?
Artemis: Yeah I love that blanket.
Jason: Took me three days to crochet.
Artemis: Oh… neat. Can you make me-
Jason: Don’t push it.
Artemis rolls her eyes.
Bernard: So you buy the parts to build a keyboard and then… build the keyboard?
Tim: …Yes and it’s not just a keyboard. It’s a mechanical keyboard. It’s way better than just buying one. You get to test out switches and make it thocky. It’s fun… I look like a geek dont I?
Bernard: Yeah, but you’re my cute geek.
Bernard kisses Tim on the cheek making him smile.
Damien: Okay Lian, this never leaves this room. You have to pinkie promise you will never ever tell anyone this secret about me. Promise?
Lian: I pinkie promise.
Damien: All right.
Damien opens the door to his secret tv room and Lian’s eye lit up amazed. The room was Barbie designed with many dolls, posters and a Barbie movie playing.
Lian: You like Barbie too?!
Damien: Yes, but try not to say it so loudly. I enjoy the fact she has many jobs and is successful also pink is a really good color. I wanted to watch the new movie with you.
Lian places her hands on cheeks, blushing.
Lian: Awww.
She hugs Damien making him groan annoyed.
Damien: It’s good thing I admire your enthusiasm.
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Hi!! Really like your writing could we possibly get a drabble or something like that of Middle Schooler Yuu?
Hell-Raising Gremlin: A Middle Schooler
Synopsis: Yuu is a cringy middle schooler that curses a lot and insults people
Cw: Cringe writing. Yuu is 12 and Gn. Cursing. They call Riddle stupid and tell Azul he's gay. No romance ofc. Not proofread
“What the fuck?” Was one of the first things that came out of your mouth when you kicked off the door to your coffin. A crowd of eerily robed people turned to stare at you as if you were the weird one for wearing normal clothes. Each person had matching eyeliner and wait, does that person have horns… and a tail? What sort of fucked up LARP furry cult were you kidnapped into?
“Honestly…” Another voice rang out “Coming through the door of your own accord is virtually unheard of, why are you in such a rush?” A bird masked individual said as he approached you, two glowing yellow orbs peaking through the mask, each part of his person accessorized to fit a perfect aesthetic. Okay, thats a pretty cool costume you’ll admit, but it still doesn't change that you are obviously in the wrong place.
"Um… probably because some strange carriage literally kidnapped me and forced me into a coffin and then I woke up here? I don't think I'm in the right place."
"Hmm I don't think you are entirely lucid yet… a side effect of the teleportation magic perhaps…" the man wondered out loud.
"Can you break character for a second and tell me where the hell I am, dude?" You glared at him and a few of the weird adults around you laugh. You keep a brave face despite the fear building up.
"You are at Night Raven College, a prestigious magician training school in Twisted Wonderland." The masked man states bluntly and confidently like that explains everything.
"Didn't I just say to break character? I'm not playing DND here or anything, I need to get home, I'm not supposed to be here in this weird cult thing… I need to get home!" a few more laughs reverberated in the crowd.
"I'm being serious, this is a school for magicians"
"Right well… I don't have magic. How's that?" You give a smug smirk. "So please send me home?"
The man just gives an infuriating blank expression. "Why, you are here because the black carriage recognized you as a powerful mage! You should be quite proud of that given how young to appear to be! Please stand by and the mirror will sort you into your dorm shortly!"
"I was kidnapped first of all, and I don't even have that weird robe thing! Look dude, you got the wrong person! I'll go up to that mirror right now and show you!" You assume this "magic' mirror was just some computer check in thing. Hopefully when you give your name it'll prove you aren't on the list of whatever the fuck this is.
"My, so hasty… such is the youth I suppose. Fine then, go up to the mirror."
You must give props to this actor for staying in character the full time, but now wasn't the time. As you approach the mirror you hear whispers, and you see 5 individuals and a floating tablet standing by it, looking as superior as they could. Some glared at you, others looked intrigued.
The mirror spoke, "State thy name."
"You're soul is… invalid… I cannot read it. Therefore I sort you in no dorm."
The crowd murmurs amongst themselves as the masked person looks genuinely surprised. "Well then. I must apologize, there must be some mistake." You exhale in relief. Finally he gets it. "Mirror, send this person home!" No response. Why was he asking the mirror?
"Ahem… Mirror take this person—"
"I cannot."
"... huh…" You frown
"This child's home is nowhere. They do not exist here. They are from another dimension. Therefore, they cannot be sent home."
The crowd's murmurs get louder. You still don't believe in this whole weird magic school act thing. "Are you fucking kidding me, did I seriously get isekaied by a horse drawn carriage?" 
At that you see the floating tablet mute themselves. Before you could even turn around and ask for the masked man to get a real person to send you home, a strange creature runs in front of you. You stared at it in complete shock.
"Mrahaha! If they can't join this school, then there's room for me!" The weird cat thing talks. Flames came out its ears and its tail was forked. What the fuck, what the fuck. How is this cat on fire and talking?
The crowd laughed at the cat's words. "Oh yeah?! I'll show you!" The creature yells out. You didn't think much of it until you saw blue plumes of flames come from its mouth and aim directly into the crowd. The crowd yells and pushes each other around. You could feel the heat.
This couldn't be some high tech animatronic could it? You gawk as banners catch flames and you see some of the mages in the crowd casting water spells to put themselves out. Is this really another world…? No way… no way. You have to get hit by a truck for that! This just has to be a very weird fever dream...
Another blast of flames is fired across from you, growing bigger and bigger, threatening to engulf everything in the room. One person from before lets out an annoyed sigh and you see him turn to approach the flame. 
Without thinking you immediately run over to pull him back catching him by surprise and making him stumble. "Dude, what are you doing?!" The doll faced young man looks over at you in shock, before his race reddens.
"How DARE YOU try to—"
"Riddle enough! They were just trying to help!" Another taller green haired mad says with a clover on his face. "Come with me…" the man says before pulling you back protectively.
You watch as the strange ruby-haired man, Riddle– what a stupid name–, approaches the weird cat. He raises his arm before lowering it. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He yelled, and a strange collar appeared around the cat. The flames around the room suddenly die.
"Hey what gives?! What I'll just… huh?! My magic! Its…"
"Sealed away. That collar around your neck does not allow you to use magic." Riddle states. "No cats are allowed are celebrations, your very existence here is a violation." A few robed figures go to grab their cat and toss him out.
"Damn…" you mumbles as you step put from behind the stranger that protected you.
"You there, child." Riddle states, still looking upset. "What you did was dangerous, you should have never stepped in to try to help."
Oh this dudes attitude pissed you off with how condescending he sounded. "Well sorry for trying to fucking make sure you didn't burn yourself. God forbid I didn't know you could do that weird collar thing."
The green haired man paled and the face of Riddle got red. "Excuse me?! You need to learn how to treat your superiors with respect–"
"I respect whoever respects me regardless of age! And you're not superior at all! You throw tantrums like a kid!" You spat back and the crowd seemed to laugh. The green haired man tries to pull you back. "Come on now, Yuu try to be nice…"
"Why would I? He's the one that started it! He can start yelling at people for no good reason but I can't? Hell who the fuck even names their kid Riddle its such a stupid name!"
Riddle was fuming at this point and everyone just seemed to either cringe or watch in rapt excitement. "IT IS NOT! You have not followed a single rule of the entrance ceremony! Those who don't follow the rules should be punished! Especially rude ones like you!"
"Did you not hear the mirror? I'm not from this world! I literally don't know any rules at all! How are you gonna get mad at me for that?! You're the one that keeps yelling for no reason and then getting mad at me for giving back the same energy? And now you're trying to threaten me!"
"Enough!" The red head yells. "Apologize now or it's off with your head!"
"Oh no my magic that I totally have! I'm so scared! Go ahead and do it! You're only punishing me because I'm right! You can't ever comprehend being wrong so you need to make yourself look stronger in every other way because you're a coward and a control freak! I may not have been in this world long, but something tells me in the real world you can't collar everyone that upsets you! You're a coward and a god damn fucking tyrant that feels the need to prove himself superior to a fucking TWELVE year old just because I had the audacity to try and help you! I am twelve and everyone here appears to be an adult yet none of you are actually helping me! I wanna go home!"
"Enough!" The masked man's voice yells out and you huff and look away. "That is enough for both of you." You look over at another man with blueish hair and glasses along with a mole struggling to hold in a laugh. You narrow your eyes. "Oh I just KNOW your bitch ass isn't laughing with your birthing hips and gay little face!" The man's eyes widen and he stares in shock for moment before looking down at himself. The crowd erupts in laughter.
"Yuu!" The masked man reprimands before sighing. "Dorm leaders! Take your students to their new homes! I will deal with this… situation" As everyone left, you glared at Crowley.
"It's about time you fucking listened me, hot topic wannabe ass." Crowley could tell that this child would fit in perfectly here.
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perseephoneee · 7 months
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
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a/n: sorry for the delay!! i'll try and get chapter IV out much faster
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“He’s so infuriating,” you groaned, flopping down onto Ivy’s bed as she sat at her vanity, peering at you with amusement. 
“But how was Thor–”
“He insults my wit, my wit,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “My wit is what makes me interesting.”
“I think it’s interesting you’re focused on Loki when his brother is the one that’s courting you,” Ivy mumbles, looking at her nails. You send her a glare, biting the inside of your cheek. You had come home from the races coursing with adrenaline. It was a lot more exhilarating than you expected, even if the company was lackluster. You hated the stares from the rest of the ton as you sat with the two princes. While you appreciated Thor’s company, having a verbal sparring match with Loki was not on your agenda for that day. Which is why the second you got home, you ranted to your sister. 
“This whole courting situation is rather tiresome,” you groan, holding a pillow over your face. Ivy chuckles, grabs the recent gossip column (Lady Valkyrie), and sits beside you on the bed. 
“You’re the talk of the ton,” Ivy sighed, slight envy in her tone. You sat up, looking at her curiously. “Everyone is gossiping about you and Prince Odinson.”
“I don’t want to be the talk of the ton,” you rub your eyes, glancing at the words on the page. Lady Valkyrie talks about your ‘spitfire personality’ in a way that gives you slight satisfaction. “Why can’t you be the talk of the ton?”
“Because I am not as interesting as you,” Ivy says, eyes bright as she looks at you. “And that is alright.”
“You deserve it more than me.”
“It is not a matter of being deserving; it just is.” Sometimes, Ivy could be wiser than you gave her credit for. You wrapped her up in a hug, resting your head on her shoulders as she patted your head. “There’s another dance happening today if you want to come?” Ivy looked at you expectantly, but you just shot her a look. “Or not.”
“Why are there so many events?” you inquired.
“I assume people are desperate to meet the one,” Ivy sighed, getting up and returning to her closet. She held up two different gowns, raising an eyebrow in question. You pointed at the right one and then went back to scowling. “You should go.”
“I’ve done enough socializing for one lifetime,” you curled into a ball facing the window. “I’m going to stay home and read.”
“Fine, have it your way,” Ivy hummed, already messing with her hair. 
The truth was that you needed more books to read, having already exhausted your collection. Which in and of itself was a feat, considering you seldom ran out of books to read. You decided to take a self-care day, heading to the town and finding a new novel to distract yourself. The town wasn’t that far of a walk, and you needed the space to think critically about your situation.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like Thor; you did. He was kind and courteous and found you attractive and not at all crazy (or he found you crazy but didn’t care). Still, you didn’t feel that spark. That sense of electricity that was described in your romance novels. You just felt…the same. You had never been in love, though; there was no barometer. 
The air was crisp, and you enjoyed feeling the wind tossing your hair around. You gave polite nods to anyone you passed but generally kept to yourself. The bookstore was close ahead, though, and you were anticipating your next novel. Unfortunately, any chance of solace you had was ruined by the sight of a familiar raven-haired prince exiting the shop. You felt yourself glower as you approached, and he shot you a smile that read as anything but happy. 
“All alone?” Loki asked, raising a brow as he looked you up and down. You huffed, rolling your eyes. 
“I’m allowed,” you went to move past him, but he blocked the entrance. “Is there something the matter, your highness?” Loki shook his head, moving out of your way. You pushed into the store, hearing the bell ring above your head as you headed straight for the section in the back left. You felt Loki follow you inside, trailing behind you as you started looking at different titles. 
“I didn’t take you for a romance reader,” he said, voice close to your ear. It made you jump, and you turned to find him directly behind you. 
“Do you have no sense of personal space?” you hissed, but he ignored you. Loki grabbed a book from right above your head, grimacing as he flipped through the pages. 
“Terribly drab.”
“Bold of you to comment on what is romantic,” you snatched the book from his hands, hiding your grimace. It wasn’t a novel you would’ve chosen of your own volition, but you felt insistent on not letting Loki know that. You put the story back on the shelf, grabbing a different title instead from an author you admire. You appreciated that while the book involved romance, other storylines were going on that didn’t make it dreadfully dull. There was adventure, treasure, and more. Loki narrowed his eyes at you as you held the book to your chest. 
“For a lady being courted by a prince, you don’t seem to be excited about the ordeal,” Loki exclaimed, startling you. 
“That’s none of your business–”
“It’s my business when it involves my brother,” Loki leaned against a shelf, arms crossed and head tilted like you were a fascinating creature. You hated how relaxed he seemed, even as there was a split-second thought that he looked good posed against the various hardcovers. 
“You don’t seem that interested in any of this, either,” you shot back. 
“I’m not; people are boring,” Loki chuckled, a dark sound that sent chills down your spine. You fought the urge to shiver. “Let me help you.” You narrowed your eyes, unsure what he was getting at. “Whatever reason you are participating in the season, it’s not because of personal want. My father is eager for one of us to get married, and it won’t be me,” Loki sighed at this point, turning so his back was against the shelf and looking up at the ceiling. “I’ll help you secure my brother, and in turn, you help me get out of my familial expectations.”
“I don’t need your help with your brother,” you scoffed. 
“Sure you do,” Loki smiled like he knew a joke you weren’t a part of. “Considering he could be courting another lady at any moment, your obstinance won’t get you anywhere. You’re also the…best choice.” He had to spit out his words at that like it pained him. 
“Best choice?” Your words caught in your throat when Loki stepped closer, towering over you with the haughty air of someone who knew they held all the power. 
“I don’t like you,” Loki murmured, close enough for you to hear every word. “But you’re more interesting than the rest of the ton. If anyone will join this family, I would hate for it to be one of them.”
“It sounds like you do like me,” you replied, heart beating slightly faster. 
“Careful what you say, pet,” Loki stepped back, taking the heat from the air with him. Clutching the book to your chest like a shield, you carefully observed the prince before you. You didn’t need help, or at least, you didn’t think you did. You were under no illusions that you’d experience a love match. Still, perhaps Thor was your best option. It would satiate your grandmother, and you wouldn’t have to see her disapproving gaze daily.
“If I say yes…what do I have to do?” You whispered, eyes looking down. You could almost feel Loki’s satisfaction in a way that made you grit your teeth. 
“Just wait,” he hummed. “You’ll know soon enough.”
“You’re terribly ominous.”
“Perhaps,” he grinned, his smile half-cocked and a serpentine glint in his eyes. It felt like making a deal with a demon, a promise that would only do more hurt in the long run than good. You can’t help thinking about your grandmother and this ridiculous expectation she put on you. You didn’t want to get married; you didn’t care. But the woman was more impatient than not, and you hated how she beat down Ivy for her inability to secure a match. It took you several seconds to meet Loki’s green eyes and even more before you could steel your mind into an impenetrable fortress. 
“Then yes,” you mutter, eyes narrowed. “I say yes.”
Loki just chuckled. “Then let the games begin.”
taglist:: @gruftiela @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief @saay-karani @choki.laufeyson
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You know, I find it funny how MLB thinks just having those fairytale parallels is enough to warrant praise, without actually using them to explore the characters.
Using one of the examples you listed in the finale review, Ever After High took the concept of fairytales and used it to explore the characters in interesting ways. Raven outright rejected the fate people decided she should have, instead choosing to write her own story and use her magic for good. Briar HATED her story, as she knew that while she would sleep for a hundred years, her friends would all be dead when she woke up. Duchess was envious of the others, as her story was doomed to end in tragedy as the next Swan Princess…
I could go on for days. The writers of EAH used the basic concept of fairytales to create genuinely compelling characters and discuss topics like autonomy, existentialism, being your own person vs what everyone wants you to be etc. But MLB just- throws these metaphors in on a surface level and then claim that they’re reinventing the wheel. It’s so infuriating.
Again, fairy tale references and deconstructions can work if they're done right (Go! Princess Precure does a great job with this for example), but the problem with this show is that all it does with that idea is compare the story to a fairy tale without really having anything to say about the tropes commonly associated with the genre.
The idea of comparing Marinette to a knight isn't a bad one, as you could argue that superheroes are the modern day equivalent to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, but the whole knight idea is just to make Marinette look like a knight, not have her follow the code of chivalry knights are known to follow. Making Adrien the "damsel" is the bigger problem here. When he was compared to the princess, it was just to portray him as helpless and in need of saving... while the fairy tale visual in "Gabriel Agreste" shows him wearing a dress while Marinette wears a suit of armor.
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In other words, this show that's trying to be empowering to girls, is essentially associating feminine traits with being weak, while the character supposed to be the female role model girls look up to is only able to get the job by acting like a man. This is why this show needs more than one female writer on the crew.
Maybe I'm overthinking things because I'm not a girl, and therefore, don't see things the same way, but to me, it comes across like the writers only cared about how cool things looked rather than actually diving into what something like this symbolizes. You know, the thing Ever After High has gained a lot of praise for with its discussion of fairy tale tropes?
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Day 19 - Prompt: Note. @jegulus-microfic
December Daily Series - 500 words
Tw: threat of violence
<<<Previous Part Or Start Here
“Sirius, I need a drink. Now. Right now.” Regulus wasn’t taking “no” for an answer. “Later” wasn’t going to cut it either.
His brother stopped abruptly and frowned. “What? Why?”
“Listen to me very closely,” Regulus said, his voice dripping with condescension. “If you don’t take me to a pub, I’m going to violently shag your best friend. Is that what you want? Hmm?”
“As in…consensually? I mean, love is love, so-”
Sirius bit his lip hard, clearly fighting back a laugh. It was official. Regulus was going to strangle his brother, then shag James senseless, and ruin everyone’s holiday. It was not a laughing matter!
“I’m aware that you haven’t seen my ‘joking face’ in awhile,” he retorted, clenching his teeth. “I assure you that this isn’t it.”
“Oh, oh shite. Yeah, come on then,” Sirius said, smirk evaporating as he closed the space between them. He gripped Regulus’s shoulders and searched his face. “What’s wrong? Are you ill?”
“No, of course not. This is me, perfectly fucking fine.” Regulus was seething. If he didn’t numb this intense need to devour James immediately, he couldn’t promise the bloke would survive. His bite was notoriously sharp.
Sirius winced as he released him. “Yeah, right. Let me leave him a note at least. Then, we’ll go.”
By the time they reached the pub, Regulus was ready to rip the skin from his bones. The sight of James Potter jealous over him was entirely too much. He’d barely contained the visceral need to claim him, like a ravenous wildcat wrenching opening its jaws and eating him whole.
“Here, two shots to calm your tits and a gin and tonic to nurse,” Sirius said, grinning as he set the drinks on the table. “Go on.”
He ignored the shite joke and downed two vodka shots with a straight face. Regulus was in no mood to fuck around. He was here to get pissed and intended to succeed. He slammed the g&t for good measure as well.
“Whoa! Take it easy, Reggie. Your tolerance isn’t high enough for that.”
“Wrong. This won’t do much.”
Sirius huffed as he swivelled on his heel. “I’m ordering food this time too. I don’t want to carry your arse home.”
A basket of fries and a table full of drinks later left Regulus properly pissed. Sirius hadn’t bothered to keep up or mentioned his threat of violent sex with James. To be honest, he’d expected a repeat of his objection from earlier.
“You’re not curious what he did?” Regulus asked finally, slamming his umpteenth g&t on the table.
“Not really. James would never hurt you, so I assume it was something good that you can’t process.”
The fact that he was right was even more infuriating. “He defended me, Sirius. The prat…was jealous. Do you understand?”
“Mm-hmm. He’s hot when he does that.”
“For fuck’s sake, I will hurt you,” Regulus warned.
Sirius snorted a laugh and waved his hand. “Stand down, Phthonus. We’re just friends.”
Next Part>>>
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starrysnowdrop · 23 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 #3: Tempest
Noun: a violent commotion, disturbance, or tumult.
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During the events of patch 4.0; Yume’s heart is in turmoil over her two losses against the crown prince of Garlemald, and she can’t stop thinking about him.
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Twisting and turning, rolling over onto her side, and then onto her back again, Yume just couldn’t seem to settle herself down enough to go to sleep. The bed that was offered to her by Cirina was way more comfortable than the Auri samurai had anticipated; the pillows were extremely soft and the perfect shape for her horns, so she could lie down comfortably in any direction. Yume certainly had slept in much worse accommodations over the years, so it wasn’t anything physical that was cumbersome enough to keep her from sleep this night. Still, getting up and stepping outside for some fresh air could do her some good.
Yume sat up and didn’t bother putting any shoes on, nor a robe, as her lightweight top and shorts covered her enough so that she was decent. As she stood up and walked out of the tent that she was sharing with her comrades, the crisp, night air of the Steppe gently brushed past her face, relaxing her tense muscles enough for her to take a sigh of relief.
Yet even with the cool breeze easing the tension in her body, she didn’t feel anymore tired than before. In fact, the change in atmosphere made her mind wander… and her heart began to beat furiously in her chest as her mind settled once more on her enemy.
Zenos yae Galvus, the crown prince of Garlemald, the heir apparent to the Imperial Throne, and the legatus of the XIIth Legion…
Yume had now faced him twice in single combat, and both times she had been defeated, devastatingly so. She had always prided herself on her martial prowess, and she was especially proud that she had never been defeated in single combat before, against anyone. She had even fought several Imperial legatuses before, Gaius van Baelsar, Regula van Hydrus, and a resurrected Nael van Darnus to be exact.
So why him? Why couldn’t she beat Zenos? Why couldn’t she leave him with any injury whatsoever besides a broken katana and a snapped piece of his helm?
The more Yume thought about both encounters, the more her heart became a roiling, raging tempest that gave rise to conflicting emotions, including some feelings that she had never felt before.
Zenos was the one enemy she couldn’t defeat, which infuriated her to no end; it made her even angrier for her damaged ego, and she would love nothing more than to face him once more so she could finally be granted the victory that she deserved.
And yet… she could not stop thinking about him in other ways… in ways that her comrades would not understand.
Her mind wandered to the way his long, luscious, golden hair flowed around him as he moved; his eyes were as blue as a summer sky and yet were as ravenous as a predatory beast as he stared her down across the battlefield. In their latest encounter, he gave her a chilling smile that shook her to her core. And his voice was deep and coarse yet filled with passion as he spoke the words that haunted her every thought and yet she was still struggling to comprehend what exactly he meant by them:
Oh...how right I was to spare your life.
Hear me, hero. Endure. Survive. Live.
For the rush of blood, for the time between the seconds─live.
For the sole pleasure left to me in this empty, ephemeral world─live!
As she sighed deeply and shook her head, Yume couldn’t deny that she thought Zenos yae Galvus was simply the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and his handsome visage along with his voice had ignited a spark deep inside her that refused to burn out.
The other thought that Yume couldn’t shake off was the fact that if things were different, if Zenos wasn’t her enemy, and she was still her father’s heir, then her father and the rest of the Aino clan would’ve deemed Zenos to be the only one worthy of marrying her, due to him being the only one to defeat her in battle.
Yes, in another life, another time, Zenos could very well have been her husband.
Yume tried to shake the thought from her mind as she shook her head back and forth and slammed her eyes shut. She deemed such thoughts as ridiculous, and yet… her heart skipped a beat.
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Yume’s Blog: @firelightmuse
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luvbug724 · 9 months
neil being aftg's narrator is its biggest strength and its biggest weakness.
he's absolutely the right person and the only person to tell this story, and his perspective frames a lot of characters in sympathetic lights that you wouldn't get from other characters' narrations (see: would we like andrew if aftg was from dan's pov? what about seth from nicky's?), but, for almost the entire trilogy, he doesn't care about them beyond what he needs to know to help himself. that's why we can love andrew, who doesn't apologize or feel bad for actions we condemn in other characters that we don't understand as well. think about jean-- he was an unrepentant jerk loyal to riko up until neil is forced to rely on him, at which point we learn that he's loyal to riko because he has no other choice. because every character in aftg takes actions that a lot of people from different backgrounds/thought processes would disagree with, we need that sort of understanding to be able to understand why that action was the most logical/only choice/best choice for the character to take.
it's very easy, then, for the fandom to pick a character we don't understand and crucify them. do you think nicky doesn't have his own motivations? do you think thea hadn't spent four years in a cult, where on-court frustrations were expected to be worked out physically, when she started hooking up with kevin? that nora herself said that the raven mentality is so strong that "failed ravens have a tendency to commit suicide."
neil doesn't know and he doesn't care, so we don't get paragraphs of him trying to understand their logic like he does with andrew. these characters, mostly, aren't good people, which is what makes them so compelling, and it's infuriating to see the fandom approach every character with a morality test and demonize them if they fail it. u drive me insane.
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edelgarfield · 2 months
i think the core of the conflict between the gods & mortals is we saw where the gods came from, it was a place of light & infinite creation & life, and concepts like "death" and "nothing" and "pain" were completely meaningless, then they had to leave & ended up in a world where its people are tangible & physical in a way things never were in their world. so they did what they always did and created things. they created mortals and celestials and demons and devils and plants and animals.
but the very nature of the tools they're working with is different, instead of light theyre molding fire, & water, & earth, & air, real tangible things that have substance, that can fade. the thing that makes mortals mortal is the fact that they don't last, & I wonder how much of that was by design, or if that's just what happened the first time they tried to create something real, that the gods didn't think to take into account the passage of time & how matter breaks down.
mortals were made in this world & were shaped by it. they know pain & illness & grief & famine, but they were also given a finite number of years to live, & whether that's a mistake or not, I think it's the kinder option in a lot of ways.
the gods were made with an infinite lifespan, but they weren't ever meant to grapple with things like pain & grief, they were meant to shine & create & watch the stars. I think nothing can withstand an eternity of grief without growing numb to it, without growing callous & cruel, without seeing living beings as drops in the ocean. you think in terms of centuries and millennia, not days and weeks.
you hear the cries of the children you crush under your heel, and let it fall on deaf ears because you're protecting them, because a century from now there will be peace, but what you don't understand is protecting an idea isn't the same as protecting something real.
you hear a mother weep for her lost child and you sympathize because you weep for your lost children, too, but you don't understand it can never be the same, because you didnt give your child a name, or go hungry so they could eat, or wipe the sweat from their brow when they were sick with fever. you don't understand the unconditional love that so many mortal parents have for their children, that most parents would fall on their own sword before harming their children, that if they ever had to kill a child it would haunt them for the rest of their days.
you craft soldiers to fight in your war and you think it just, because you, too, have dedicated your life to this conflict. but you don't and can't understand that there's a fundamental difference between commiting a life that can never end to a cause, and living the only life you have for it.
as condescending as I think it is for a god to use the transience of mortality as an excuse for why he thinks it's okay to destroy an entire city, I think Corellon is right, in that the transience of mortality is part of what makes their lives meaningful.
I think it's both tragic and infuriating that in a lot of ways the gods seem to covet & envy that transience that by their very nature they can never experience. I think it's so fascinating here, that Corellon who has never known mortality envies that impermanence, while the Raven Queen, who knows what it means to be mortal, refuses to be bound by it.
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gojo-enthusiast · 11 months
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Master Zenin - Toji Fushiguro Series — Reblog & Like🫶🏻 Read Other Chapters Above 👆🏻 🖤
Chapter Three
“TTTOOOOOJJJIIIII!!—“ you’re laughing, and squealing throwing your head back. The big man who you were sitting on his lap, trying to help him trim his eyebrows, because the last time he went and gotten them done– the woman at the salon made them to thin. So he vowed to never let another person touch them again, until one day, you said you would do it.
Seventeen year old you, sitting in 28 year old Toji, the tweezers in hand, plucking out the stray hairs. “You damn woman, that hurts!” He groans, flinching his eye. “You better not poke my eye.” He howls. “Oh hush, I know what I’m doing.” You giggle. These were rare moments where it was just you and just Toji. He had picked you up from your college classes, you had already graduated high school, and gotten started with finding your career, taking your basics. “Thanks for picking me up by the way, mom’s book club ran late, plus I wasn’t ready to go home.” You sigh, “this is nicer anyway than being there.” You add on, causing a frown to appear on his face. “Why do ya say that doll?” He asks, “I don’t know, sometimes I just feel like my parents expect so much of me, but give so little to me. They don’t pay much attention, yet they want me to do and be so much. My dad is really pushing me to go into law, or become a doctor.” You sigh again. “What do you want?” He says, turning his head slightly, investing himself in every word you say.
“I wanna be a —“ the sentence is faint, as you feel your eyes flutter open, you had been dreaming. A old memory that you shared with Toji, a memory you had forgotten about. The tears in the corner of your eyes, peaking out. Heavy and cold, they sunk down into your skin, staining it.
“I see sleeping beauty has decided to join the world of the living.” You hear, a voice that is all to familiar. You lean up quickly from the mattress, your head feeling dizzy. Your eyes focus onto the chair that sits across the room, in front of the bed. There he was, the man you had been dreaming of, the man you shared these intimate memories with. Your first love, the man that you swore to never love again. Toji Zenin.
“T-Toji.” You whisper, “Hey pretty girl.” He smirks— “Been searching for ya for ‘while.” He huffs, running his fingers through his jet black raven colored hair.
“Fuck you.” You muster out, tears peaking out of the corner of your eye. You’re so infuriated with the sight of him, but you can’t help but deep down, want to be cradled into his huge chest, because that’s how safe he made you feel even in this situation. “Hey doll, let’s tone down the language. I’m in no mood to be fightin’, I mean didn’t you just get here? Already causing trouble I see.” He says, throwing his hands up, in this “defeated” look on his face.
“Who do you think you are? Picking me up! Taking me to this place, getting me all pampered to be what? Your plaything? Fuck you Toji!” You scream, you’re beyond mad. You just see your father’s face in your mind, the disappointment in his eyes he had when he came home after the fight he had with Toji occurred. “Don’t look at me like that, don’t pretend like I hurt you. I just saved your ass.” He scoffed, pulling a cigarette from his pocket, opening the window to the room you were in, lighting it up. “Saved me? Are you fucking serious right now? How is this saving?” You shout, no response. He was lighting up his cigarette, taking a drag. “ANSWER ME!” You scream, “hey! Lower your voice, aight?” He says in a stern tone. “Oh and what are you going to do? Whoop me? Beat my ass? Punish me? Is that what you leaders do, after taking us innocent civilians, who just want to live a peaceful life?” You say, at this point you’re standing up, and you had finally pushed him to his limit. He flicks the cigarette out the window, turning around. Grabbing you by your wrist and slamming you back down on the bed. He had each knee on either side of you, while his left hand held both your wrist above your head.
“Shut the fuck up.” He mutters, “fuck you!” You say, spitting on his face. You almost freaked out yourself, you couldn’t believe you had just done that. He stands up, putting his hand to his face where the spit was at, wiping it with his fingers, then inserting it into his own mouth. “I always wanted to know what your mouth tasted like.” He smirks.
“YOUR FUCKING DISGUSTING!” You scream, throwing the pillow at him, jumping up running to the door. He lifts you by your waist into the air, pushing you back onto the bed. “How about you behave aight? ‘M sleepy.” He groans, lying down on the bed, letting you free after putting in the bed next to him. “What the fuck?” You’re eyeing, sitting up. Rushing to the door of the bedroom. “I am leaving! You’re not going to stop me.” You say, going up to the door, while he hums a “Mmhmm okay.” Getting to the door, you had realized it’s locked from the outside, and need a key to get out. “Let me out Toji.” You say calmly. “No, I’m sleeping.” He says childishly, closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around one of the pillows. “Fuck you mean you’re sleeping?” You scold, “look it’s been a long day. How about we sleep, and when it’s dinner time, we will eat, and we will talk. As of right now, I’m tired. So quiet down will ya?” He groans.
You’re on fire, all you want to do is hurt him. But you also want to curl into his arms and fall back asleep yourself. Toji felt your conflicting, bringing himself up, walking over to you, throwing you over his shoulder, then placing you on the bed next to him— now cradling you. “Well doesn’t that feel better? I miss ya’ smell.” He says, nuzzled into your neck. You feel his nose tickle your throat. “Don’t hurt me T-Toji.” You sniffle out. “Haven’t I always taken care of you? Why would that change now?” He whispers, and in a swift instance, you hear his slight snores in your ear, and in some sick way it lulls you to sleep, the man that you swore to hate, was the same man that was holding onto you, and you in a way let him hold onto you. You let his head be nuzzled into your neck, and you let his arms wrap around your waist, you blamed it on the fact that he was much bigger. But you know it was your own biased opinion that you tried to convince yourself it was him, and simply not you. You convinced yourself that you simply weren’t strong enough to push him off. That was what helped you fall back asleep.
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dr-trafalgar-law · 5 months
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Trafalgar Law X CisFem Reader
“I didn't know I'd feel relieved after ordering a dress.” you sat across from your fiance at a cozy little bistro you'd picked for lunch.
“I didn't really understand why it was such a big deal until today.” He replied picking up the menu in front of him.
“That hit me at dress number four.” You chuckled, “I feel like you saved the day.”
Law lifted the tri-fold laminate to hide the odd surge of pride he was feeling.
“That's a bit much.” He managed evenly, “All I did was pick something I thought you might like.”
“Well, it is perfect.” You smiled glancing down at the menu.
All of your reactions today had him feeling a bit cocky. He'd been the source of that happiness and Goddamn if that wasn't an addicting high. It was more than that though, part of your elation was the unexpected show of affection in the dressing room. Whatever rare occasion Law touched you was warm and comforting. This small kiss on the forehead was electric. Shivers wiggled down your spine just reflecting on it.
“Do you come here often?” He asked, still perusing the restaurant's offerings.
“I used to when I wasn't burying myself in work. A friend of mine from culinary school owns it.”
He glanced up, interested in this newly offered information, “You went to school with Sanji-ya?”
“Small world it seems. How do you know him?” You asked.
“Through an infuriating acquaintance.” He grimaced.
“Oh, now that sounds interesting.” Your chuckle faded as realization washed over you, “Luffy.”
Law's brows raised, he shouldn't have been surprised. Your cousin hung out with Sanji and Luffy too.
“Smaller world than I thought.” He murmured, “You used to hang out with them?”
You shifted and cleared your throat.
“Something wrong?” He asked, watching your disposition change.
“I mean… to answer your question, kind of? Luffy is Zoro's best friend.”
Law sat forward as it clicked, “The little brother?”
You nodded.
The raven sighed, “Will everything always come back to that guy?”
“I really wish it didn't.” You slouched forward a bit.
“Sorry,” Law reached across the table and hesitated briefly before touching your wrist, “I didn't mean to ruin the mood.”
His hand was so soft and warm, you fought the urge to hold it, opting instead to stay still.
“No, you didn't ruin anything. It's actually something we should talk about.” Your gaze rose from his tattooed fingers just before he pulled away.
“Maybe not in public.” He glanced around, “Let's get back to the issue at hand. What would you recommend ordering?”
He’d found that getting you to talk about something you had passion for usually brightened you right up.
You sat up and flipped the menu between the two of you to show him all of your favorite items. He leaned in resting his chin in his palm, pleased with the mood change.
Soon your orders arrived as the conversation continued comfortably.
“So did you decide on going back to Olympia to look for your suit?”
He nodded, finishing his last bite, “I forgot to tell you, Cora-ya will be coming next weekend to help me.”
“Is he going to stay with us?” Your eyes lit up.
“Well, I assumed he'd stay at a hotel. Our place is small.” He answered appreciating your excitement.
Our place.
The phrase sent a flutter through your chest.
“It's a two bedroom apartment.” You deadpanned moving your napkin from your lap to the table.
“I guess I can take the couch so he can have my room.” He suggested thoughtfully.
You cocked a brow at him, “Is sleeping with me that bad?”
Law’s eyes widened as his face heated up, “I'm sorry?”
“Wai-I -” You covered your face and let out an embarrassed chuckle, “I meant like, if I snored or something.”
A soft laugh rumbled through your fiance's chest as he reached forward to gently move your hands from your face. The amused look on his face had you frozen for a moment.
That smile could end wars.
“You don't snore,” he assured, “I just didn't want to invite myself into your room.”
Your gaze trailed down to your hands resting in his, “I appreciate that. You can stay in mine.”
“Thank you.” He murmured.
“Look at the two of you, charming everyone around you.” A familiar voice chimed as a plate softly clacked against the table.
“Sanji.” You straightened yourself out now that you'd been reminded you were in public.
“I couldn't let my beautiful former study partner leave without her favorite dessert.” He'd placed a small plate of strawberry shortcake between you.
“Awe thank you.” You smiled up at him, “I'll hook you up next time you stop by the bakery.”
“Sanji-ya,” Law nodded toward your friend.
“Tra-guy, it's been a while. I see you're doing well.” Sanji shook his hand.
“Tra-guy?” You echoed.
“You know how Luffy is with names.” The blonde winked at you.
“How's Pudding? I heard about the bed-rest.” You changed the subject, deciding to circle back to Law's nickname when you had him alone.
Sanji's blue eyes sparkled at the mention of his wife. He immediately launched into an update on her pregnancy and gushed so much you almost wished you hadn't asked. You were glad she was well and the bed-rest was just a precaution due to high blood pressure. After the catch up and a few pictures your former classmate excused himself to get back to work.
“I definitely ate too much.” You sighed entering your apartment.
“What should we do with the afternoon?” Law asked removing his shoes and placing them with yours by the door.
“First, stretchy pants.” You suggested.
“And then?” He prompted removing the dark knit sweater he'd had covering the worn black t-shirt he had on underneath.
“I'm fine with whatever you choose Tra-guy~”
His sweater flopped over your head and shoulders as you tried to make a dash for your room.
“Not you too.” He grumbled blithely.
You gasped dramatically and pulled the garment off your head, “That’s abuse.”
“You're ridiculous.” His lips upturned enjoying this playful side of you.
“I could have fallen.” You pushed the sweater against his chest.
“I'm a doctor,” he leaned over you and dropped his voice, “I'd take care of you.”
That silver gaze flitted from your lips to your eyes so quickly you had to have imagined it. His expression was relaxed but there was something there he was holding back. Torn between learning what the consequences would be and being afraid to let you into his world completely - he held his breath.
It was a subtle but bold move. Wanting to match his energy and ride out the high of this tension without taking a move your brain might not be ready for - you gently nuzzled his cheek.
“I know you would.” Your fingertips brushed the sharp line of his jaw.
The rush of cool air that hit him as you stepped back was sobering. He cursed under his breath as you made your way to your room to change. Kissing your forehead earlier in the day suddenly didn't feel as intimate.
Confirming you wanted the affection was like opening the door to a locked room.
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AHHHH! 100 followers, congrats lovey!!
The request:
Bradley with “The ghost of you lingers around me everywhere—every second of the day. I just want it to stop. Please.”
So excited to see all of the imagines that come from this!
Hi, Raven! Thanks so much for this request. It's very angsty. I hope you like it! @lavenderbradshaw this one is for you!
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When your family died when you were fifteen, you’d vowed then and there never to attend another funeral again. So, of course, you did the only reasonable thing you could and joined the US Navy. It had been the only option you had left as a destitute orphan without family, prospects, or money. After the funerals, you’d done all the research and walked into a Navy Recruitment Office. The Recruitment officer had suggested the Naval Academy. For the next three years, you ate, drank, and breathed only your school work, working as hard as possible to gain admittance to the Naval Academy.
The Naval Academy was where you met Bradley Bradshaw for the first time. You’d felt even more lost than when you’d lost your family. You wanted to succeed, but everywhere you looked, it always seemed like there was somebody better. You didn’t know how to be better. You didn’t have your Mom cheering you on anymore. Or your dad’s corny jokes as he helped you with your math homework. You didn’t have anybody you loved in your corner anymore — just strangers in a crowded room.
As you peered blearily into the giant textbook in your lap, you were strung out and infuriated, giant raccoon-like bags under your eyes. It was a Saturday afternoon, and you were under a tree at a park near campus. Your physics reading wasn’t making sense, and your entire body ached, to stay awake. That’s when you’d felt somebody sit down next to you. 
“Do you mind? I’m trying to study.” Your voice was a snap as you tried and failed to keep your irritation out of your tone. 
“I’m trying to do the same. And I know. We’re in the same class. You sit two rows behind me.”
That one interaction over physics changed your life. You found yourself a part of his friend group, basking in the warmth of his smile. You’d followed Badley Bradshaw to flight school and joined him as a naval aviator. You finally felt like you’d found a place in life. Right by his side. And you’d finally found your calling as well. You loved flying. You lived for it, honestly. It was why you were ecstatic when you were called to Top Gun. It meant you could finally protect Bradley Bradshaw like he had protected you over the years.
But that only worked when you were in the same place as him. You’d still been in Japan with your squadron and his when you’d gotten word that something had happened. He’s only been back in Miramar for a month. Your heart had dropped when Admiral Simpson called you via priority one communique and ordered you to come back to Miramar. The entire duration of the 18 hour flight had been filled with your mind providing you all the worst case scenarios. 
If only you’d known. You’d made your way onto the base at North Island just in time to see two coffins being unloaded from a military transport. Your legs gave out as your mind struggled to comprehend the situation. There was no way. That couldn’t be Bradley. Not him. Anyone but him. But Bradley, it was. He’d gone down, somebody, probably Admiral Simpson, told you. Shot down in an F-14 being piloted by Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell. But the mission had been a success, he said. Two people were dead. Gone in an instant. And the mission was a success?! Your eyes didn’t dry the entirety of their funerals or when you were given the flag over Bradley’s coffin. That brings you to now.
“Oh, B.” You’re talking to his gravestone in the silence of the cemetery. The other mourners have long since left, leaving you in your dress uniform staring at one of the only parts of him you have left.
“Why’d you have to do it? Why’d you have to go back? I know he was the only family you had left, but I thought you knew that you had me, too.”
You’re crying again, sobbing as you lay your head against the cold stone.
“The worst part isn’t that you’re gone. We’re human, I know that. The worst part is that you chose to go, to leave me behind. And you ripped everything that I had found away from me. How am I supposed to get back up in a jet again without you by my side? How am I supposed to move on with my life?”
You’d give anything to feel his arms around you again or to hear the rich timber of his voice as he tells you that everything would be okay. But it isn’t and he is gone, leaving you alone in the world once more.
“The ghost of you lingers around me everywhere — every second of the day.”
You’re breathing raggedly, waiting with bated breath for someone, anyone to tell you this was a joke. A sick joke, but a joke nonetheless. But that’s not what you get. You just hear birds in the trees and the wind whistling through the stones. There isn’t another soul in sight.
“I just want it to stop. Please.” You’re screaming, throat aching at the stress. Each breath cuts like knives as struggle to hold back the wave of emotions you regain your equilibrium. But you can’t. Your equilibrium is gone. Buried in a wooden casket six feet below you. “Please.” That’s when your tears spill over into sobs that rack your frame.
You don’t know what you’re begging to anymore as you sob, curling into the stone like it would bring the person you miss back to you. But it won’t. You’re a rational adult, you know the difference. You just hope that Bradley, if he’s watching over you, doesn’t begrudge your decision to turn in your wings and leave the Navy. You don’t have to only take of yourself anymore. You have to take care of a small being, half him and half you. And you can’t do that from a fighter jet anymore. You don’t know how you’re going to do it at all. But you’ll bring them to visit him, all the time. And they will know their father, even if they’ll never feel his hands or his embrace.
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Want to request something for my 100 Follower Celebration? The guidelines are here! Please leave me a request in my inbox with your ask!
- XOXO Star
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thatphantomtroupelady · 10 months
~Flipped Coins~
-Darkness & Delusion-
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Kurapika is alone when he wakes up, a dull ache in his throat. He never sleeps with the lights off, yet it is pitch-dark. The bed feels different- softer. He's not where he's supposed to be.
With a jolt, he sits up, blind hands searching around for a lamp. There's none. Where is he?
Slowly, he feels his way off the bed. The carpet is cool under his bare feet and Kurapika shudders. A step forward and his feet brush across something. His socks and shoes. He puts them on quickly, before attempting to survey the rest of he room.
The walls are cool and even- worse- they are solid. As he paces the boundary of the room, his hands reach the doorknob. Locked.
"Fuck." Kurapika curses under his breath. His brain is foggy, a headache pulsing beneath his temples- and the claustrophobia is not helping.
With a huff, he attempts to gather his aura. Nothing. He tries again. Nothing.
One more attempt confirms his fears- he's either in the middle of a really awful nightmare or he has actually lost his nen. Shitshitshitshitshit.
Panicking now, he tries to kick open the door. Near the lock should work, right? Three more hard kicks and he succeeds, the lock finally submitting to his force.
A bedroom. Lavish wooden furniture with tastefully placed decorations- enchanting red accentuating the brown shades. But what catches his eye the most is the man sitting on the bed, legs stretched out with a thick hard-cover book on the lap. The casual attire should suggest an equally ordinary character- yet the raven hair and cross tattoo-
Kurapika's breath hitches, fists curling as wild red takes over his eyes- far more captivating than any of the red in the room, Chrollo's smirk seems to say. Chrollo. Chrollo.
"How the fu-"
"Language, Kurapika." The man gently smooths the sheets next to him. "Sit down."
"No, you- you- what the hell did you do to my nen?" Kurapika grits out, words already souring in his mouth. How could he have ever let-
"Didn't I just tell you to sit down?" Chrollo raises an eyebrow and the sheer authority- audacity- in his tone nearly makes Kurapika flinch.
"As if you'll answer my questions if I sit down-"
"I will."
"I don't even need you to answer my questions." Kurapika spits out, taking a hit at collecting his aura once more. His stupid aura just keeps floating around mindlessly, refusing to respond to even the strongest of his wills.
"Is that so?" Chrollo's face remains a mask of serenity. "I won't answer your questions then, and you may keep standing as you please."
This infuriating bastard. "What the fuck do you want?"
"You." Chrollo chuckles, a soft haunting sound.
"Fuck you." Kurapika stifles a shudder. Why is he even just standing here? A wave of bloodlust from the monster in front of him and his question is answered. Unhelpfully, his brain supplies- You don't stand a chance. Yet he wants to tear him apart. Kill him, his insides scream.
He has to calm down. He needs to. What would Leorio do in this situation?
With a glare thrown in his general direction, Kurapika walks over to the annoyingly inviting armchair next to the bed and sits down- only a few uncomfortable feet away from the monster. "Talk."
Chrollo can't help but play with the young man in front of him. "Didn't you just tell me you didn't need my answers?"
The chain user takes a deep steadying breath. "Yes. I don't need them. I want them. Now-"
"Of course," Chrollo continues his game nonchalantly, "an important distinction." After a tense pause from his companion, he adds. "Continue."
"Why do you have me here?"
"Well..." Chrollo rests his chin atop his hand, leaning forward. "... I got quite bored of staring at lifeless eyes and thought, why not begin to appreciate the living specimen-" His heart pounds faster as the kurta's eyes glow an even brighter shade of red.
"Why, you-"
"I'm not done yet." Chrollo directs another wave of bloodlust at him, restraining any possible movements. "In simple words, you're here to be my slave."
The statement hits him like a truck of brick, leaving a storm of nausea behind. "What?"
"Slave, Kurapika. You will be my slave- whether you like it or not. I'd recommend the former, it'd make things easier after all."
"You- you bastard. You're fucking delusional-"
"Am I now?" With a terrifying grace and an equally suffocating bloodlust, Chrollo gets off the bed. Taking slow deliberate steps, he walks over to the immobilized kurta.
Before Kurapika can break out of his shock, Chrollo grabs him up by the collar and shoves him against the nearest wall. The blood-red wallpaper presses against his back and he only has the time to utter out a soft 'no', before- before-
Kurapika's mind shatters as Chrollo leans forward into a kiss, assaulting his senses with the heavy perfume and bloodlust he wears. If he hates me so much, why would he-
"Who's delusional now, Kurapika?"
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Short Prompt #62
“You have the loveliest eyes,” A crooned, sliding into the seat beside B.
B shot them a dry look, angling their eyepatch in the dim bar light.
“Well, eye,” the annoyance corrected.
It only took about 3 seconds to identify their type. Peeking eyeteeth, hungry predator stare, corpse pale skin. Vampire. Not old school. Undead usually stuck to threads from their own era, and A’s lack of a waistcoat and cravat meant they were at least from this century.
B flicked up their collar and ducked the hole in their cheek into their jacket. “Why are you talking to me?”
“What’s your deal? Your friends dare you to come over or something? Trying to get a closer look? Yes, my skin really is this blue. No, pieces of myself don’t actively fall off. And no, I’m not going to tell you the story of my ‘undeath.’”
The vampire held their hands out in front of them. “Woah, fists down, sunshine.” They settled in firmer. “Do people really ask those sorts of things?”
“What? You’ve never been asked that before?” It came out a little more sarcastic than B had intended, and despite themselves, a bit of guilt edged in on the perpetually ravenous ache in their gut. It wasn’t the vampire’s fault they were a more fortunate undead than they were, the sort people ogled and romanticized and begged to come near—even at the risk of something dangerous.
But it was still infuriating.
Who did they think they were? Coming up here with their looks and their cheesy lines, thinking B would just fall all over themselves to bask in their attention. They weren’t stupid; they knew what was really happen—
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought you were cute and wanted to talk to you.”
B gaped, forgetting too late to keep their chin tucked down. Surely they’d seen the hole, and all the teeth within, but for some reason A didn’t cringe.
That wasn’t actually possible right? People didn’t get romantic about their sort of dead. It was too messy, too ugly, too unstable. This was still a set up. Just like B had suspected. It had to be.
“Forgive me for not buying that…but I’m not buying that.”
They moved to turn back to their drink, but suddenly the vampire’s face was right in front of theirs. If anyone had lovely eyes, it was them, a deep molten amber that rippled in the light.
“We can go somewhere more private if you like,” they said, flickers of fangs showing through their sultry smile. “Just you and me. Would that prove my intentions?”
“Not really,” B said flatly.
A long sigh dogged the end of the vampire’s chuckle. After a moment, they held out their hand. “Come with me anyway? For spontaneity’s sake?”
B stared. And stared. And stared. Until they’d committed the glossy black tips of those slender-fingered nail points to memory. They supposed it really couldn’t hurt. It wasn’t like a vampire could hurt them, not physically, and they were already prepared for the worst, so they should be emotionally sound too.
“Fine,” they said, accepting A’s hand.
People said a vampire’s skin was cold as ice, but temperature wasn’t really something B’s body recognized anymore. They’d been used to it for a long time, but for some reason in this instant, the lack of sensation hit them like a tidal wave. Soaking them in long past wants and wishes they’d thought successfully and deeply entombed.
They were probably going to regret this.
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84reedsy · 6 months
Can i request a quick NSFW hc for Billy Gunn if you have time?
Randomized a prompt for this one: #34: You like it when I touch you?
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You tried to ignore him. But when he’s like a magnet for your gaze, you lose every time. Billy has never not been appealing to you, no matter how ridiculous the gimmick. He reveled in teasing you which only stoked the desire you felt that you desperately tried to keep buried below the surface. His audacity only increased. Showing off his new fluorescent trunks with lip prints all over them, one strategically placed at the top of where his bulge rested. 
“They’re yours,” He smirked, catching you glancing at the tight, neon trunks as he fixed his blonde hair into a tight half-pony tail. 
“What?” You were flustered when you were caught looking, which was more and more frequent lately, “What’s mine?”
“The lips,” He smirked more devilishly now, “I had your lip print copied and put it,” He rubbed his hand over the red lips, “right here,”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. Kissing his cheek in the ring had never had such consequences before, it was part of your job. He was making torturing you part of his.
After his match, its even harder to keep your eyes off his body, flushed with adrenaline and the sheen of sweat makes every muscle glimmer. The scent of his masculinity makes you want to make bad choices. He can tell you’re aching for him, raking a hand through his damp blonde hair as he stalks you into a corner. 
“Why do you always fight it so much?” Billy asks, looking you up and down with a ravenous hunger in his eyes and cocky smirk on his lips “When you know how good it feels,” 
“Because of that ego…it’s big enough for the both of us,” You quip back, knowing your stalling tactics are useless. You’re already watching his hands, desperate to feel them. He notices, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear and the subtle brush of his fingertips against your ear makes you gasp quietly.
He trails his fingers, barely touching you as they slide down your neck. You know a trail of goosebumps follow the path of his touch as your body responds to him. He still descends, tracing the curve of your breast. You can’t stop him as his hand sneaks up your shirt and though you fully expect it, the rough way he palms your breast still makes you groan. 
“You like it when I touch you?” Billy’s thumb flicks past the peak of your nipple, “Is that why you don’t stop me?” the playfulness in his tone coupled with his confidence is nearly infuriating, but as his hand slips lower now, sneaking into the waistband of your pants, you know you won’t be able to deny that in also inflames your lust for him. 
“Oh you do like it,” He says with as much confidence, but in an animalistic growl as his fingers slip between your legs and test the evidence of your arousal. As his fingers invade your sex, your head leans back against the wall and you give in to his carnal persuasion. 
You can never resist Billy Gunn - and he knows it.
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Visiting Raven
Monster Pairing: Connor (Male!Vampire) x NB Reader Notes: short story, sfw, cuddles; I tried to find this on my blog but I think Tumblr ate it up. So, I'm reposting it after trying to clean up my masterlist.
Tap Tap Tap Tap
You grumbled and rolled over onto your side. Shoving your face into the pillow, trying to drown out the irritating sound by your head.
The sound picked up pace this time. And the echo of the sharp noise against glass radiated through your bedroom. You groaned and drowsily waved your hand in the air. As dismissing whoever was making that noise.
You shot up into a sitting position. A loud yelp of surprise as the harsh sound split the somewhat silence of the night. Your window was splintered with spider-webbed cracks. All leading towards the centre where a black beak was pierced through the glass. A large raven stood outside the now broken window. Eyes wide in shock as it looked to you, to the window and then back. You said nothing. Only stared as the bird yanked its beak out of the glass; breaking it even more to the point that shards of window fell to the floor.
"Err, I'll fix that, lass." The raven cooed. A thick Irish accent clicking through its beak. It then hopped through the large hole it made in your window. "Promise."
You glared daggers at the raven. Deciding you were far too tired to deal with Connor's shit right now. A glance at your phone, told you it was 2am in the morning. The Sun was no near rising and you were very pissed off now. So, to keep the peace between you and your friend, you threw the blanket over your head and collapsed back into bed. Ignoring the raven completely. A soft croak could be heard outside the blanket's confines. And then the sound of rustling feathers followed, quickly replaced by a dramatic sigh and cold body crawling up behind you. Outside the blanket, Connor tickled the area were your back should be. You couldn't see it, but he was wearing one of his very guilty "kicked-puppy" faces. One you absolutely knew he'd play on until you forgave him for the window.
"Come on, lass. It was an accident. I really am sorry." He purred, letting his accent thicken slightly as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Look at me. Ya can't stay made at something this pretty."
"As long as I don't look at you, I can stay infuriated as long as I damn well please." You grumbled. Eyes tightly closed and covered by your arm. Just encase Connor got any bright ideas to rip the blanket off you.
Connor sighed. Moving so he could nuzzle his face into the crook of your covered neck. His arm snaked over your waist and he gently squeezed you against him. "I'll make it up to ya. How about a coffee date?"
"At 2am?! I'll be up for the rest of the morning! No." You snapped.
"I'll read you a bedtime story." Connor suggested. A cocky smile stretching his lips. "Sing you a lullaby in Gaelic? Come on, lass. Give me something. I feel really bad about what I just did."
You sighed. Stretching out the moment of silence just to torture him. But after a few seconds, you threw back the blanket and gave Connor one of your most venomous glares your tired mind could bring up. "Why are you here, Connor? You know I have a rule about being woken up after midnight."
"I know. I know. And I am sorry, but I needed to ask a human a question. And you're the only human that answers my weird questions seriously and without judgement." Connor seemed to perk up now you were out from under the blanket. Which, and you'd hate to admit it out loud since you're trying to be stern with him, was too adorable for a grown 400 year old Vampire to be.
You turned to lay on your back, giving Connor your attention and also to cuddle somewhat into his chest. "Fine. What do you want to know?"
"I heard from a Plague Doctor that Humans have enough bacteria in you to weigh around four pounds. Is that true?" Connor's eyebrows tweaked in a way that only added to how childish he looked. Like a toddler asking how the moon phases worked or why the sun goes down every day.
You were caught off guard by the question. Why on earth would a Plague Doctor know that? And why was Connor even with Plague Doctor?? "I, uh, I actually don't know. Let me look it up." You reached over to your phone and opened it up. Tapping away and clicking on various sites that came up. You read them quickly, mostly breezing through the words until something caught your interest. As much as Connor was capable of looking this up himself, you knew he also liked sharing knowledge with you. It was half the reason why he brought really weird questions to you. And also, you were sure he just wanted to excuse to come see you.
"Ah, ok. So, what I can tell, we just have a shit-ton of bacteria. A few sites say the amount could collectively weight a few pounds if put all together. And apparently we have more bacteria cells than Human cells. Huh, the more you know." You said, glancing up to look at Connor. Who was also reading over your shoulder at what was on the small screen.
"So, the Doctor wasn't wrong. But neither really right." Connor murmured.
"I mean, he could be right. Also, who is this Plague Doctor? I didn't think they still exist." You asked with interest. Lowering your phone so Connor's crimson gaze had to focus on you. Your flight or fight reflex kicked in motion for a moment as his red pupils fixed on you. It was a common thing with him. And it still made you feel guilty to remember how you use to cower under his gaze because of his predatory gaze. Thankfully, it wasn't so bad now.
"An old fart who still wears the freaky bird masks. We got talkin', he's my supplier for O type blood. Makes it easy so when I'm lazy I can just call him up." You rolled your eyes but nodded. Attempting to go back to reading, only to be suddenly crush under a certain Vampire who decided to drape himself ontop of you. He caught your phone as it was slapped out of your hands. Carefully placing it down on the bedside table before turning his gaze back to you. A cheeky smile played along his lips and you couldn't help but feel a little flustered under this circumstance.
"Connor, what are you doing?" You asked. Pretending not to feel a little giddy with the Vampire leaning over you.
"Gettin' comfortable." He replied. Winking down at you before he moves his arms under your back to properly hold you. Then, he shoves his face against your bare neck. Pressing a gentle kiss there before nuzzle just under your jawline.
You smiled and shook your head. Allowing your arms to wrap around him and trail idly along his back. Scratching between his shoulder-blades and scraping the strands of hair above his neck. Connor shivered with a soft whimper of delight. He was much like a puppy. Loved attention, and loved getting scratched along his back.
"Is this the other reason you broke my window tonight?" You asked, holding a small bit of irritation to the snarkiness in your voice. Connor huffed softly. Reluctantly pulling his lips away from your neck to properly look down at you.
"I really am sorry about the window, lass." Connor pouted. Eyebrows dipping in a guilt ridden expression. Lips pursed in a way that made him look like he was about to cry. All while his fingers gently brushed along your cheeks. Tucking your hair behind your ear and tickling soft skin of your shoulders. You groaned heavily and held his face in your hands.
"Stop using that damned adorable face! I forgive you! You're fine, but seriously. Did you come here to cuddle?"
Connor nodded and buried his face back into your neck. His arms flexed for a moment, giving you a tight embrace before releasing you. "Yes. I'm needy and clingy. I need cuddles or I get grumpy." The Irishman grumbled. The soft tickle of his voice against your neck made you giggle. And you couldn't help but squeeze him back. "That's fine. Just next time, don't tap against the window. I'm like a goldfish. I get startled easily." 
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