#this is why this story hasn't updated in forever
batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
reading update: july 2024
full disclosure: I started out July in a bit of a mental lurch, really feeling stuck in a rut. there are a lot of reasons for that, absolutely none of which need to be shared with the general populace of tumblr dot com, but suffice to say that I was feeling listless and reading was not a high priority. I was pretty content to accept that this was going to be another month where I didn't finish a lot of books. I was too busy for most of June, and now too unfocused and bummed out in July.
and then that ended up not being the case. I think I can chalk that up to three things:
very early in the month I realized that none of the reading I had been planning on getting to was grabbing my interest at all, so I did something drastically different: picked up a YA memoir that I bought at pride on the recommendation of a bookseller. not my usual kind of reading at all, but YA is very readable and memoirs grab me fast because I'm nosy, so I figured it might be great for getting out of a rut. and boy, was I right!
Akwaeke Emezi also has a new novel out, and if you don't know then please note now that I'm a person second and an Akwaeke Emezi fan first. their newest novel was a sinister joyride, non-stop twists and turns that I couldn't put down until I saw the characters through to their bitter ends.
and, of course, over in the Dungeon Meshi manga I got to Mithrun. I've only had Mithrun for a couple of chapters, but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in this dungeon and then myself. even if I hadn't been able to read anything else, that would have kept me running back to the library for more Dungeon Meshi.
all of which added up to a fairly voracious appetite for books being reignited in my brain, and my second most book-heavy month of the year so far (still haven't beat May, but there's time). sick!
so - what have I been reading?
Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 7-10 (Ryoko Kui, trans. Taylor Engel, 2019-2022) - mannnnn I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said elsewhere, but Dungeon Meshi is so. fucking good. the way that Kui starts to raise the stakes of the story and grow the world beyond the core band of adventurers is so conscientious and well-done, timed perfectly so it never feels like having an undercooked heap of fantasy exposition thrown at you all at once. instead everything proceeds at a perfect simmer, leaving me feeling like the frog in that pot of boiling water who didn't notice how dire things had gotten until it was very suddenly too late and I was screaming bloody murder at a book. things have gotten so dire that I'm yearning for the days when fighting a red dragon was our biggest problem - and yet, through it all, every character remains rendered with humanity and compassion, no matter how scary, dangerous, or outright alien they first appear. I'm not naming any spoilers, but I need [REDACTED] to fix shit ASAP in Vol. 11 and [SUPER REDACTED] is on my shitlist fucking forever. also Mithrun sweetie you're perfect, do as many crimes as you want.
Heart and Hand (Rebel Carter, 2019) - my romance novel of the month, as picked by my lovely patreonites! this self-published historical romance promised some messy f/m/m, following a biracial (half Black, half white) young lady, Julie Baptiste, as she responds to a marriage ad that takes her out west to the fictional town of Gold Sky, Montana. Julie's sort of a standard historical heroine - she doesn't care for the silliness of high society and vastly prefers the company of books, looking forward to becoming Gold Sky's schoolteacher - but her marriage has a twist: rather than marrying one man, she's agreed to marry two, a pair of friends who have been inseparable since they served together in the Civil War. this book is charming, for sure, but I can't help be more intrigued by what isn't there than what is, namely: are these men having sex with each other or not? Rebel? hey, Rebel? why is there no DP in this two husbands mail order bride book? that was, like, he bare minimum that I expected. for the love of god, why did those men never put both of their dicks inside Julie at the same time? why did we spend so much time on emotional conflict that could be easily resolved if anyone just talked to each other when Julie's two beautiful husbands could have been having sex in front of her? HELLO?
also, listen, this is such a nitpick, but I am FROM Montana and it feels personal: I know that the general poverty of frontier life isn't sexy, but god these people are WAY too well off. at one point Julie enjoys some fucking BANANAS, something that I goddamn assure you were not easy to come by in late 19th century Montana. a banana. as fucking if.
All Boys Aren't Blue (George M. Johnson, 2020) - as is proudly advertised on the back cover of my copy, in recent years All Boys Aren't Blue has been the second most-challenged book in America behind Maia Kobabe's Gender Queer. reading through All Boys Aren't Blue it was initially hard to see what exactly was so objectionable, until I realized that a queer Black person living their life with compassion and joy is the scariest thing some of these motherfuckers can possibly imagine. Johnson writes about their life growing up in the nexus of racism, homophobia, and masculinity with wisdom and endless compassion, directly addressing young people who may find themselves in similar positions to offer them assurance that they, too, can be okay. more than anything, All Boys Aren't Blue is a plea for young people to live their lives without fear and shame. it's a beautiful blessing of a book that I hope brings comfort to every innumerable kids who need it.
Little Rot (Akwaeke Emezi, 2024) - how do I even begin to describe Little Rot? definitely not for those who feel squeamish about sex crimes, I guess that's an important place to start. this novel starts with the breakup of a long-term Nigerian couple, Kalu and Aima, and follows both of them into a weekend that starts with drugs and sex parties and spirals increasingly out of control from there, drawing more and more characters into a complicated snarl of money and power. Little Rot has the seedy, lurid draw of an episode of SVU if SVU ever grew up and realized that cops don't do shit, reveling in the nastiest that Emezi's imagined city of New Lagos has to offer. cannot say this book is for everyone - few of Emezi's novels are - but god, it's a thrilling study in corruption.
The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader (editor Joan Nestle, 1992) - this is a massive and fascinating historical document, assembled by Nestle as part of her work with the Lesbian Herstory Archives. within this collection are letters, interviews, academic essays, poems, and transcribed oral histories from all manner of self-identified butch and femme lesbians. while some of the contributors are recognizable names in the history of American queer activism (including Pat Califa, who's a bisexual trans man now lmao), others are women who were just trying to live their lives with as much authenticity, comfort, and dignity as was possible in their time. (although, notably, the vast majority of these women are white, and all but a very few are Americans. racial and cultural diversity is not one of the collection's strong suits.)
the personal narratives span all over the twentieth century, and I was really delighted to see the very frank discussions of what would be written off as "bad representation" by a lot of queer resources today: butches overdosing on toxic masculinity and getting in messy bar brawls, femmes committing outlandish acts of adultery, lesbian sexual awakenings taking place between fairly young children, and one extremely memorable instance of a butch getting unexpectedly pregnant and decided to do a little sex work on the side since she couldn't get more pregnant than she already was. I was particularly fascinated by the many, many accounts of "second wave" self-identified lesbian feminists who tried to do away with butch/femme identities and "politically incorrect" expression of lesbian sexuality altogether (that's everything but mutual cunnilingus, btw) in pretty eerie echoes of contemporary radfem arguments. at close to 500 pages it's definitely better suited to skimming and stopping to read whatever catches your attention rather than trying to read cover to cover, but I think this is a really invaluable piece of history.
American Mermaid (Julia Langbien, 2023) - this was a novel, for sure. American Mermaid is a novel about a broke, anxious high school teacher named Penelope whose novel, also called American Mermaid, is a runaway success that gets optioned for film. Penelope quits her teaching job and moves across the country to Hollywood to work on the script with two dude bros who don't really Get what American Mermaid is about, and set to work turning Penelope's weird, unsexy female empowerment novel into an MCU-style action romp with a hot young lead. the novel's strongest when it's deep in the spirals of Penelope's frantic mind, probing the conflict between her fairly desperate need for cash (she wants to be financially independent of her conservative father, she has good reason to suspect breast cancer is in her future, she wants to start a family someday) and the artistic affront she feels at watching her story be disrespected and dismantled. where it's weaker is in the extensive chapters of the story-within-a-story; while useful for context, I straight up didn't need to read that much of Penelope's novel. and the plot overall kind of felt like it fell off the rails near the end once Langbien finishes making her point about how Hollywood sucks. it's not bad, but it's also just... fine. it's fine!
How to Taste: A Guide Discovering Flavor and Savoring Life (Mandy Naglich, 2023) - how do I put this so nicely? this book is for people who are kind of dork ass losers about food, a group that I do very much count myself as a part of. I first became acquainted with Naglich's work when she appeared on a podcast called the Sporkful, which claims that it is "not for foodies, it's for eaters." I'm a fairly devout listener, and after listening to Naglich describe her efforts to become a master cicerone (one of the world's most elite beer tasters, a distinction that is taken Very Fucking Seriously) I thought sure, whatever, that's a book I can get behind. Naglich is maybe a big more entertaining as a podcast guest than a nonfiction author. in places the book can be dry or roughly constructed in a way that suggests another pass by an editor or maybe a co-writer would have helped. and straight up, there are just weird fucking typos in this book that are like. crazy to me, I cannot believe they got through. the cheap-ass cover art also suggests this was not exactly a high budget production.
but having been very mean about it, there are a lot of extremely interesting tidbits about the world of professional tasting here! it sounds awful and you couldn't pay me to do it, but here's the cool thing: Naglich is extremely aware that what she does is insane and she knows that the average reader doesn't want to learn how to identify where a coffee bean was grown just by sniffing the bean from across a room. what she offers instead are really approachable ways to be more conscientious about how you interact with and appreciate food! and she also shares some really cool info about tasting snobbery that IS bullshit, to help you sort out the stuff that actually matters and emphasize that fun and personal taste ultimately trump any "rules." it's a very dorky book but I, personally, did have a good time.
Sex Criminals Vol 3: Three the Hard Way (Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky, 2016) - every time I read another volume of Sex Criminals I find myself thinking "man, hang on, do I ever actually like Sex Criminals? am I enjoying this?" but then I end up placing a hold on the next one. I don't know, it's charming! it's like so very VERY 2010s in its dialogue, by which I mean it's like. you know. it's giving Joss Whedon before we all found out how bad he sucked and collectively booed him. but man, I love a story that's down to get weird, and Sex Criminals is sooooo about being weird. and yet also very normal where sex is concerned! considering this is a series all about people having freaky world-altering powers that activate when they cum, sex is treated as an incredibly ordinary thing, warts and all. I like that! I like seeing that! idk, I don't need every comic to be perfect, as evidenced by the fact that I'm actively enjoying Azrael: Angel of the Bat. sometimes the vibes are just good.
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irondad-and-spiderson · 7 months
Hi! Sorry to bother, idk if you take asks like this (if you don't feel free to ignore!) but do you know any good fics where SI employees bully/threaten/mistreat Peter and Tony comes to the rescue? Thank you so much for your time 💙💙
Hi! I absolutely do! I might just take forever to respond and take your prompt a little loosely 😃 The three under the cut are employees with (valid) security concerns. I know there are more that I can’t find, so anyone feel free to add some 😉
A Big Security Issue by FotiBrit
When Peter lost his Stark Industries Staff ID, Tony handed the kid his own. That was never an issue, until Peter had to check in at the front desk.
The Cusp of a Breath by SpaceCowboysFromMars
“That was the most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced.” Peter says as he and Tony make their way into the crowd. He wipes his sweaty palms on his thighs, cringing when he remembers how much the suit costs.
“You got shot on patrol last month.”
“This was worse.”
Or; Peter is introduced as the official heir of Stark Industries, but not everyone is completely welcoming of his presence. Luckily, he has a pretty awesome mentor to keep him on track.
the love (and other things) you inherit by ironfidus
“Which is why,” Catherine says, unblinking, as delicately as she can, “the board requires that you name a successor in the event of your untimely demise. The risk has simply become too great for us to ignore.”
Tony Stark’s spent a large portion of his life thinking about legacy: his legacy, his company’s, Iron Man’s. He’s spent a lot of time fighting to protect his legacy, too. But today, with a lawyer as his witness and FRIDAY as his one-AI cheerleading squad, he stops, takes a step back, and lets go instead—because for the first time, his legacy isn’t about him, not really.
And as FRIDAY would say: it’s about damn time.
Alternatively: Tony updates his will and gets himself an heir, Peter gets a promotion (for lack of a better word), and the rest of the world gets a wake-up call—in that order. Ft. an impatient board of directors, a Stark Industries charity gala, and a universe in which Tony Stark gets to be happy.
Security Bias by Sara (ctrsara)
Happy Hogan asks Daren Anderson to help him out with a little project.
My take on idk-bruh-20's irondad fic ideas #128: Fic where, after a security incident in which some bozo accused Peter of trespassing at Stark Tower, Happy holds an emergency briefing for the entire SI security team.
The topic of the briefing? The absolutely untouchable, vital-to-know-if-you-want-to-keep-your-job level of importance of one Peter Parker.
Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited by kingdomfaraway
While Leroy didn’t like gossip, he wasn’t immune to it and he’d heard about a young boy claiming to be Tony Stark’s intern showing up randomly throughout the building. He just figured it was some random mystery, a Stark Industries cryptid if you will.
Never did he think he’d have a sighting.
“Are you Peter Parker?” Leroy questioned, narrowing his eyes at the young boy, looking for any signs of deceit.
“Oh yeah, that’s me, hi!” Possibly Fabled Intern Peter Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out a badge and lanyard, this one with his face on it and INTERN written underneath it. “Mr. Stark got me a badge so I can get nachos whenever I want.”
Chapter 1 of 200 Park Avenue (5+1) by Sara (ctrsara)
Peter hasn't seen Mr. Stark, or been able to go out as Spider-man since he turned down his invitation to join the Avengers a few weeks ago. He ends up at Stark Tower rather randomly, finding an unlikely hero in Mr. Stark's AI, then keeps returning for different purposes.
The first chapter is a short I did for Comfortember 2022 that I've just kept thinking about. I'm building on that story and creating a 5+1 to explore the new dynamic (post-Homecoming) in another way.
5 Times Peter Visited Stark Tower and 1 Time He Stayed
Home by patrochilles_trash ((it’s less angsty than it sounds))
Tony had been out of the country for weeks on SI business, and Peter was having a hard time. He missed him, plain and simple.
Okay. Maybe not so plain and simple.
Peter had a rough time in the weeks and months that followed the final defeat of Thanos in the ruins of the Compound. Thrust back into life, only to be forced to fight for the lives of the entire universe for the second time at only sixteen-years-old, and then to be told that his last living relative died in a crash during his five year absence did wonders for his psyche.
He developed a nasty form of separation anxiety toward his mentor-turned-adoptive-father -- not that Tony fared much better himself -- and his therapist had said it was a side effect of PTSD and that it would get better over time.
A small field trip fic to SI where Tony has been out of the country for a few weeks, and Peter isn't handling it well.
Don't be fooled. This garbage fluff to avoid my other fics that I'm writing
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m1d-45 · 2 years
please direct yourself here, to the new system!
as of may 31st, 2024, this list is officially outdated. i have hit the link limit, which means i can’t fit everything i’ve made on one post anymore! please note that this post will remain up for archival purposes, but will no longer be updated.
here’s my original take on the logistics of sagau, as well as an update after some more information, and here’s my thoughts on how nations worship.
1k event m. list!
warnings [⏵] : yandere / heavy cultish || obsessive
genre [title] : angst || fluff || hurt/comfort
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traveller from afar — aether
‘I'm saying that I'm having a lot of fun traveling with you… It'd be nice if we could just go on like this forever.’
⏵ a new tomorrow
—⏵ my love, my god
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the dark side of dawn — diluc
‘Diluc, of Mondstadt. Not interested in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know.’
⏵ fallen through
⏵ a fault in the heart [red!]
⏵ tongue tied
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windborne bard — venti
‘Perfect timing, Traveler! I was about to ask you — what is your greatest wish?’
⏵ unnamed poem, unnamed bard
⏵ in sickness and in health
⏵ (what about me?)
⏵ stella fortuna
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beyond mortality — baizhu
‘Even though I'm the doctor, I've still had to trouble you with my health. How shameful... But don't worry. From this day on, I will take care of you.’
⏵ second chances
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leonine vanguard — ga ming
‘If I can guard shipments, I can guard people. Since you seem to trust me, how 'bout I be your bodyguard from now on?‘
⏵ vanguard’s fortune
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childe — tartaglia
‘Today was great. See you tomorrow, comrade!’
⏵ under duress
⏵ brainrot
⏵ duality of man
—⏵ inversion of fate
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vigilant yaksha — xiao
‘I deal in death. If you cannot bring yourself to kill — speak my name.’
⏵ repentance
⏵ burden to bear
⏵ bird xiao things! (split links)
—⏵ and again, and fanart, and again, and again, and fanart, and fanart, and again
⏵ he who is without sin
—⏵ once more, and again, and again, and again, and again, and fanart, and again, and fanart, and fanart
⏵pari!reader tag (ft albedo)
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vago mundo — zhongli
‘The market is closed and the port has settled. Go get some rest.’
⏵ sagau!zhongli
⏵ a dragon’s gems
⏵ to dream of the divine
⏵ adorned
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pillar of fortitude — ayato
‘Good morning. A little sword practice while the day is young is good for the body and mind. I tend to avoid having anything scheduled during these hours... What do you say? Fancy crossing blades with me?’
⏵ words left unsaid
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analytical harmony — heizou
‘Ooh, my goodness, life's really put you through the wringer recently, hasn't it? I can tell. Here, why don't you take a seat, tell me the whole story.’
⏵ the scars, the wound
—⏵ (old) first encounters
⏵ upon a hair-thin wire
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scarlet leaves pursue wild waves — kazuha
‘Ah, you'd like to learn the art of the sword? Let me see... Alright — here, take this. It's a bamboo blade I just made. With these, we can practice sparring without having to worry about getting injured.’
⏵ remorse
⏵ in a flash
⏵ the wind knows
⏵ judas
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protector from afar — thoma
‘I've figured out what I want to do now. My strength is your shield, and I will always be here to protect you.’
⏵ rain or shine
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admonishing instruction — alhaitham
’Don't be offended if you try to greet me on the street and I don't respond. It's simply because I'm wearing my soundproof earpieces, that's all.’
⏵ divine permanence
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verdant strider — tighnari
‘What, so this sort of thing needs official documentation now? Okay then... Well, hand over your "friendship certificate." I assume it'll need my signature.’
⏵ opportunities arisen
—⏵ prime fortune
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eons adrift — wanderer
’Ask me anything if you want. If a question is interesting enough, I may give you an answer.’
⏵ wandering
⏵ rest
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ordainer of inexorable judgement — neuvillette
‘Good evening. I hope you have not encountered any unpleasantness today.’
⏵ for all to see
emissary if solitary antiquity — wriothesley
'Want a tip on how to escape from the Gardes? Just give yourself a name that's really long and difficult to pronounce. They'll be stumbling over your name as soon as they try to announce that you are under arrest.'
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pantalone — regrator
‘Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact…’
⏵ ink, ink, ink
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miscellaneous / multiple
⏵ in excess (ft. zhongli + xiao)
⏵ new hopes (ft. the arataki gang)
⏵ emotions (ft. mondstat)
⏵ the young (ft. your main!)
—⏵ still too young (ft… a lot of ppl)
⏵ plagued (ft. diluc + kaeya)
⏵ reverse isekai drabble (ft. your main!)
⏵ slapfight (ft. a lot of people-)
⏵ mea maxima culpa (ft. zhongli + barbara)
⏵ in the stars (ft mona + your main!)
⏵ replacement (ft. kaeya + venti + albedo + xiao)
⏵ discretion advised (ft. mondstat)
⏵ warmth (ft. every pyro character as of 3.4)
⏵ a soft place to land (ft. zhongli + kaeya + diluc + alhaitham + tighnari)
⏵ constellations (ft. barbara + thoma + heizou + collei + kujou sara + sucrose + candace +ganyu)
⏵ connection (ft. diluc + kaeya + kazuha + albedo + kaveh)
⏵ your shield, a sword (ft. thoma + tighnari + zhongli + alhaitham + cyno + albedo)
⏵ divine favor (ft. yae miko + itto + kazuha + kaeya + chongyun + noelle)
⏵ dead leaves (ft. ..people)
—⏵ new sprouts (ft. chongyun)
⏵ the rule of threes (ft. albedo + his brother)
⏵ darling, my dear (ft. diluc + tighnari + childe + xiao + kazuha)
⏵ sandy refuge (ft. nahida + wanderer)
⏵ dancing soldiers (ft. aether)
⏵ dearly beloved — complete trilogy
—⏵ on broken bones
—⏵ death, rebirth, new life
—⏵ the scottish play
⏵ abiogenesis — complete duology
—⏵ from soil…
—⏵ …was birthed chalk
⏵ secret contributions — complete trilogy
—⏵ small miracles
—⏵ hidden blessings
—⏵ silent conclusions
⏵ spoken across stars — episodic
—⏵ kaeya, diluc, thoma ft. noelle + candace
—⏵ kazuha, wanderer ft. tighnari + baizhu
—⏵ zhongli, ayato, heizou ft. xinqiu + chongyun
that’s all for now! i hope you’ve enjoyed your stay, and wish you the best. if there’s something here you particularly liked, consider letting me know with a reblog or comment; i read every single one and they mean the world. whatever the case: i bid you farewell!
(p.s.: if you spot an error like a link leading somewhere it shouldn’t, a missing post entirely, etc., please leave a reply/ send in an ask to let me know as chances are i will not notice it. thank you!)
— midas
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robotlesbianjavert · 3 months
okay okay. leaks done. my rough thoughts ahead of sleeping on it/receiving full translations. i should update these when we do get something more proper though.
the bad
deku didn't kill himself out of respect for spinner's grief
deku getting to be cool and composed. he doesn't deserve it, he should be killing himself.
spinner blaming himself for not saving shigaraki sooner while he was possessed with afo like babe that is NOT your fault. i already saw one take being like wow it's so great that a character is finally taking accountability which is insane to me because WHY of all possible characters is it spinner and not a single person in power. what could spinner possibly do at the juncture he was in. go to the heroes? who killed twice and actively wanted shigaraki dead? take shigaraki and flee with his non-existent resources and inability to get shigaraki un-possessed? like fuck off. point that demand from accountability from characters it actually matters from.
the shoji mention. why is spinner calling him octopus. is it to continue to paint him in a villainous manner. why is he wishing him luck. why is spinner throwing a microaggression at shoji, is this to remind us readers that ooooohhhh spinner is suuuuch a hypocritical baddie or is it him being like, bitterly ironic. recognizing that shoji is trying Something but not really believing that Something will work. it's tone-deaf but so is everything about shoji. i just don't want spinner dragged through the mud on that.
like the balance of plotlines with "heteromorph discrimination" and "devotion to shigaraki" was always going to be dubious since MVA, i remember wondering where horikoshi would lean ahead of the hospital raid mini-arc, and obviously that Sucked Like Hell when it came to capitalizing on any meaningful commentary about discrimination but was awesome for the devotion bits. so seeing that shoji reference here reminds me of that imbalance. putting the emphasis on the devotion, which is ultimately the catalyst of spinner's development, but neglecting and worsening the discrimination bits, which formed the background of why spinner ends up so devoted to shigaraki in the first place. fuck it, it sucks.
deku doesn't deserve to remember shigaraki forever, because he should be killing himself, on page in front of a live studio audience. when he says he'll never forget shigaraki for the rest of his life it's because the end of his life will be five minutes from now.
why are support items enough to wake pops from a coma NOW. why are we skirting around the fact that deku was holding an old man's fate hostage in order to force a victim into being interacted with by her abuser because he's being emotionally blackmailed into it.
why are we ending on a gag. spinner is in widow mode but bakugou and todoroki are now forced to contend with fangirls. whatever.
deku should kill himself. because he hasn't deserved a single damn thing in this chapter so far besides admitting he's a murderer.
seriously there is no reality where spinner should be holding himself accountable for failing shigaraki. what the fuck was he supposed to do. refuse afo and get MURDERED? get packed with MORE quirks so that brain death was inevitable? approach a hero and get MURDERED? fuck off either the story needs to provide a tangible path for spinner to have taken that he denied or admit that he was powerless.
THE GOOD which i know. is shocking from me at this point.
so far i feel like spinner's outbursts and emotions are more or less validated and humanized by the narrative - throughout the leaks, i felt like he was held up as the positive counterpart that the readers are supposed to emphasize with over the citizens - who i'm sure we're supposed to see as Valid, but ultimately unknowing of the full story, inconsiderate and unchanged.
i can legally call deku a murderer! he admitted it! no one can stop me now!
while i can imagine a better manga where spinner as a creative is properly sprinkled in beyond the meaning behind his name, me and @codenamesazanka have tossed around the idea of spinner as a storyteller enough that i feel validated that spinner wants to tell shigaraki's story, and is the figure that ultimately humanizes shigaraki the most. i have some concern about attempts to go in on an agle where spinner is someone who only recognizes the "destructive" parts of shigaraki, but in the wider context like yeah. it should be spinner who tells shigaraki's story, and if nothing else is best positioned to portray him as a full person.
it's nice that pops isn't ditching chisaki after everything. i would very much like to know more about like, if pops is just not allowed to retake custody of eri or if he's choosing not to pursue it, if he has any deeper thoughts there. but it's nice that he's not giving up on the kid he raised into a life of crime.
spinner is gay. sure the chapter didn't say this outright but like he's gay and we know this. we can intuit.
sooooo funny after people complaining that shigaraki didn't leave last words for any other league members that this chapter goes out of it's way to specify that Yeah His Final Words Were For Spinner And For Spinner Alone. i've been bitter about shigaraki not getting to properly interact with the entire league since 2019 but this is funny why did the manga wait so long to confirm that shigaraki also cared about spinner instead of it being entirely one-sided.
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nyaworld-askblog · 6 months
you are Enot's voice. your role is to control and shift the events of their story. just what kind of journey awaits for this strange slugcat trapped in a colorful world where nothing makes any sense? will they ever find a way out or will they be trapped here... forever? The choice is yours. reader. their fate is in your hands.
----- current character that is currently available for asks:
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more info about the AU under the cut!
------ WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN !! this is the official nyaworld au askblog made by yours truly @hdra77 !! incase you are unaware about this AU. nyaworld AU is originally a joke au where everyone and everything takes into the 2000's like aesthetic. pretty much diving back into the nostalgia! but now ive decided to spice things up a bit and went 'hmmm why not add something cool?' then boom this exists! this isn't just an ordinary ask blog as you can see! this blog is a story-driven format! which means you are able to interact with Enot in the comics! give them choices!leave comments and make them insane!!suggest something!or heck, go wild!! so yes, you that's right you have the power to decide just where the story would go! and just a quick note, ask box will be closed when queue is full and once the next page is on the works heres a couple of rules to follow before hopping in: 1)obviously dont ask anything nsfw in the inbox. 2) i have the right to remove your asks if it makes me uncomfortable 3)you can ask pretty much anything as long as it is related 4)not sure how to describe or explain this properly but when i mean by 'control the story' i dont mean giving enot/anyone any objects or help them physically 5)you cannot ask a character that hasn't taken an appearance in the story. the image below shows which character(s) are available 6) also please specify if your question is outside the storyline or not!! i really dont want to keep guessing and get them wrong, this goes for specifying a specific character! ill be updating the rules overtime! now for the tags: #asksforthecast - this is for the asks that are unrelated to the current storyline #nyaworldstory - the comic where the main storyline takes place #oocasks - asks for the author(me running this blog!) #nyaworldaufanart - <3<3<3<3<3 #meetthecast - basic introduction of the characters that currently took their first appearance in the story ! #loredumps - if i ever have the motivation i would spew out random and small lore bits!
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Important information. SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE. UPDATING AS I WATCH THE MOVIE ALONG BEAR WITH ME. The film they watched at the hotel is You've Got Mail, this is Sam and Rebecca's story. When they messaged each other not knowing who the other person was. Ted said Sleepless in Seattle was far superior. This is the one where airports play a significant part and it's about a man who lost his wife and has a son finding love again with the woman he never knew until the last second would be the one. He first sees her in an airport and is knocked sideways. By all accounts the last of Ted we will see will be in an airport based on previous seasons with first and last shot being a character’s face in the same location.
Also Rebecca mentioning she has a private jet and the thing with airports; SUSP AS HELL.
Keeley assumed the moment Rebecca spent with Dutch Guy was "Magic" This is also a quote from Sleepless in Seattle. Turns out it was Gezellig instead. But this is definitely where we're going. And that'll either be Dutch Guy or Ted. Both fit the man who lost their partner and have a kid formula. Definitely not Sam. But Ted tripped over the Red String of Fate, has the matchbook, loves Kenny Rogers, bakes the biscuits who are home to her, she carries his army man everywhere she goes. She hasn't been struck by lightning yet which to me means it's not Dutch Guy; Ted is leaving which means her world is about to be turned upside down. I keep the faith. i don't care.
AND there's a tear in Meg Ryan's wedding dress and she says oh no it's a sign to which her mum says "You don't believe in signs!" And Rebecca doesn't really believe in signs either! All the signs have been pointing to different people except the obvious one! They're there so she can see something about herself she completely missed.
FUCK MY LIFE. It's about making wishes!! Tom Hanks' son in the film wishes for his father to find a new wife!! His son is worried about his dad!!!
The psychiatrist on the radio is called Dr. Fieldstone FUUUUUUCK MEEEEE. IT WAS RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG.
Sam and Annie speak the same words at the same time in two different places, soulmatism right there!
Annie thought Sam sounded "Nice" on the radio and Ted is one of the "nicest" humans Rebecca has ever met!!
Quote from a guy : "This is fate, she's divorced and you need a new wife." (not talking about Annie here, it's another woman) "What is that thing when everything intersects?" To which Sam replies: "The Bermuda TRIANGLE."
One woman who writes to Sam after he was on the radio lives in OKLAHOMA!
Dr. Fieldstone tells Sam she can tell he is a good dad just like Beard told Ted!!
One woman says on the radio: "Why do you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?" (Michelle, anyone?)
"Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife?" "It was a million tiny little things then when you added them all up it just meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it the very first time I touched her it was like coming home, only to no home I had ever known!"
Annie asking a friend: "But when you met her (his wife), did you believe she was the only person for you? That in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated?"
Sam's friend about relationships:
"Things are different, now. First, you have to be friends. You have to like each other."
Annie talks to her best friend about the concept of DESTINY.
Annie hires a private detective to run a background check on Sam!! Ted wanted Rebecca to do it with Dr. Jacob!
Wonderful addition by @doctorbeverlycrusher : Rebecca’s mom said a couple times that when she loves something, she loves it forever. The main song from Sleepless in Seattle, When I Fall in Love, starts with the lyric “When I fall in love, it will be forever”.
Sam's son to his dad: "Jessica says you and Annie never got together in that life, and your hearts are like puzzles with parts out of them and when you get together the puzzle's complete. The reason I know this and you don't is that I'm younger and purer so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces."
There's even a mention of Horticulture!
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We spotted the word Rainbow in the pub game, the romcommunism episode was called Rainbow. Let me leave you with the quote from Ted again.
"Now, it may not work out how you think it will or how you hope it does, but believe me, it will all work out. Exactly as it's supposed to."
I might be setting myself up for disappointment but the writers are building every step up to the cliff egde, baby!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Lasso Talk
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wjhik · 1 year
Pussy pt. 2 /positive end/ (Jude Bellingham) *Smut*
A/N: will come out with a negative ending too. I feel like this story could develop more, and the positive end is slightly finite, so to give more opportunity to continue, i'll make a negative one too.
Y/N's POV:
It's been 3 weeks since Jude walked out on me, and saying I miss him is an understatement. He's lurking in every corner of my mind. "Are you sure I have to come?" I ask, hunching my back at maya. "Yes!! You'll have fun, Y/N. You can't rot in here forever." She tells me, blending my eye makeup. "You know who's going to be there!" I tell her. "Oh my god. Big deal. Your lover is going to be there. Why do you care? Stick with us and you'll be fine."  Phoenix says. "How am I supposed to 'be fine' when he's around?" I tell them. I don't think I'll be able to bare seeing his stupid face without kissing it. "He's not even worth it. You'll find some good dick, tonight. Trust me. It'll make you forget all about him." Milly says. She's probably right. How am I tripping over a guy I never even had?
The girls were right. This is the most fun I've had in weeks. I'm sat at the bar, chatting away with phoenix while the rest of the girls dance in the center of the club. "I just thought that she was so much better than that! Oh- Hey baby." Our gossip gets interrupted by Alex. "Hey, love. Can I sit?" He asks for my permission. I stick out my hand, pointing to the chair next to his girl. He takes a seat and orders his drink. "So, what are you ladies on about?" He asks. "Just updating Y/N on the latest gossip. She's a little out of the circle." She tells her boyfriend, whispering the last part, jokingly.(in like a whispering loud enough to seem like she's not trying to keep a secret from me idk if that makes sense)"Yeah, I've noticed. Where've you been lately? Jude's sweeping you away from us." He says, sipping his drink. Phoenix lightly nudges him to where he gives her a questioning look. "Jude and I aren't talking. He hasn't told you?" I ask him. We all know all about Jude's past hoes, so why hasn't he starting shitting on me yet. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Umm, no. He hasn't mentioned it." Alex tells me. "It's fine." I smile at him.
About 2 hours of gossiping and drinking at the bar with phoenix has passed, but it feels like less that 10 minutes. Her and I are obnoxiously laughing about something that I said. At this point, we're damn near falling off our chairs, holding our stomachs and wiping the tears from our eyes. This girl makes everything so much better. I haven't even thought about Jude. Jude. Where is he, anyways? I haven't seen him. "Hey, Alex?" His attention turns away from his light conversation with the bartender. "Hmm?" He raises his eyebrows at me. "Is Jude here? I haven't  seen him today." I feel Phoenix roll her eyes without even looking at her. "Yeah, he's over there." He points towards the corner of the dance floor. He's talking with Sienna, a friend of Milly's. She knows nothing of Jude and I relationship. He look so focused on her, his arm rested on the doorway of the bathroom, his body towering over her. I feel fire burning in my eyes as he indulges in her, the same way he used to indulge in me. "Hey. Leave him. Let's go dance." Phoenix and I are much more reserved than the rest of the girls in our group, but after a few drinks, were the worst of the bunch.
She grabs my hand and pulls my off the barstool I was sat on, leaving her boyfriend alone. She drags me up the stairs of the nightclub to the dancefloor on the second floor, far away from Jude. It is the VIP section, however. "Phoenix, we can't get in here." I tell her, pulling her hand. "We have tits. We'll use them." I roll my eyes at her crude, drunken ideas.
Phoenix has been arguing with the bouncer for what feel like an eternity. "Let's just go dance downstairs. It's not that serious, Phoenix." I tell her, my feet hurting due to my very high heels. "They're with me." We hear a deeper voice say from behind us. We both turn around to see Jude standing there. He looks so beautiful. His hair as clean as normal. Despite my heels, he still towers over both of us. He looks down at me and gives me a warm smile. The same warm smile that made me catch feelings for him in the first place. The bouncer immediately apologizes to Birmingham's golden boy and let's us in. Phoenix, forgetting the whole point of why we were trying to get in to the VIP section in the first place, thanks Jude and drags me in.
"Can I steal her for a minute? Thanks." Jude asks Phoenix and grabs my hand. He walks me to a secluded table. He has some buffalo wings and virgin drinks on the table. "Are you sober?" He  asks, sitting down. I'm trying to keep a cold shoulder towards him, but I want to kiss his stupid face. I want to cover his face with kiss marks. I used to take  pictures of him covered in my lipstick. My lock screen used to be a picture of him covered in my lipstick. Him and I had just finished getting high together. Him and I were all cuddly and lovey. He ended up telling me how he hated lipstick marks, so I covered his face in kisses.
"I am now." I tell him, my voice coming across softer than intended. "I want to talk to you, and I think you know what its about. I want to explain myself. If you don't want to talk here or now, I get it, but we need to talk." If Jude is going to reject me for the 50th time, I don't want to hear it. Lets give him a chance. He did say that he just didn't want to hurt me. "Well, go on then." I cannot handle being mean to him. "I know you're mad. I understand. I take full responsibility for what I did." He explains. He offers me some chicken and a drink. I haven't eaten in hours, so I gladly take it. Jude continues pleading his case to me as we finish the basket of wings in front of us. He pays for his open tab. "Can we go home?" I ask him, breaking my silence. He simply gets up and guides me to his car, avoiding all my friends.
"Sorry. I just couldn't feel comfortable talking to you there." I explain to him. "Jude, the fact that you fucked around with me but refuse to date me is vile. I've had feelings for you for so fucking long, and I can't help how I feel about you. I didn't understand why you wouldn't commit to me until you explained it. Before you did, I just assumed that I wasn't good enough for you but was easy to keep around. It's not fair of you to assume you're going to hurt me without even giving us a chance. I understand wanting to keep me safe and all that, but you're actually just hurting me. If you're going to reject me then do it. I will respect it more if you do, and you won't loose me. You're my best friend and that's never going to change." I say, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.
"Oh, my love...I'm not going to reject you. I just needed time. Everything moved so fast that day, and I didn't want to hurt you. I'm so in love with you, and I always have been. I think all of my hidden feelings have been revealed. I actually wanted to ask you to go out with me." He tells me. He wants to go out with me? "Like a date?" I ask him. "Yes, like a date." He smiles at me. "Awh, Juju..." I say, getting up from my place on the table. We agreed to sit opposite each other on the dining table to keep it from being awkward. I walk towards his chair and hold his hands. "I would love to go on a date with you." He pulls me in between his legs and wraps his arms around my waist. My arms go around his neck and I hug him. I pull back from the hug and stare into his beautiful brown eyes, his seated position making them level with mine.
He's looking down at my lips while I'm looking at his eyes. His eyes come up and meet mine. He makes me so nervyy. "Whhaaatt?..." I ask him, hiding my face in his neck. His hand comes up my neck and onto the back of my head. He pushes my head deeper in the crook of his neck and nuzzles his nose into my shoulder. "You smell amazing. And look amazing." He says. His lips come up to my ear and whispers, "I'm sure you taste amazing too."
"Fuck, Jude! Right there..." I moan out as Jude flicks his tongue on my clit. He laps my cunt over and over again, until I'm shaking around him. "Baby, I'm going to cum..." I say, grabbing his hair. Jude is so strict about who does and doesn't touch his hair. Only him, his barber, and his mum are allowed to touch his hair. Apparently, that list has expanded to him, his barber, his mum, and me. I know it seems small and insignificant, but it's not. You don't want to fuck with Jude and his hair. "Go on then, baby. Cum on my face." He tells me, sounding like a hungry beast that hasn't eaten in years. I let my wave of orgasm wash over me as Jude sucks my juices up.
"Ready, love?" He asks me, teasing my hole with the tip of his dick. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask him. I was far too pushy last time around. I'm not fucking this up again. Jude simply raises his eyebrows at me and asks me again, "Ready?" I smile up at him and pull his face into a kiss. He takes that as a signal and sticks it inside me. Tears prickle at the corner of my eyes because of his sheer size. I grab ahold of bicep. "Slowly, baby. Please..." I tell him. He slowly works his way all the way inside me. "Whenever you're ready." I tell him.
Jude starts to thrust inside of my. "Fuck, baby. You feel fucking amazing." I grunts as he fucks me at an ungodly pace. Jude leans down and kisses me. When he pulls away, I kiss his cheek. "Ugh. Y/N, you know how I feel about lipstick marks." He tells me, not stopping fucking me. "I know." I say in between giggles. I grab his face and leave dozens of kisses on his face. My lipstick leaving marks all over him, including on the collar of his white dress shirt. I try to kiss his neck, but the shirt gets in the way. I unbutton his shirt to the best of my ability. You can only do so much while getting fucked into an oblivion. Jude helps me take of his shirt and leans down. He kisses me, smudging my lipstick around my mouth.
"Baby, please. I can't take it anymore. Enough..." I tell him, my voice shaking. Jude has made me cum too many times to count, and it's starting to hurt. "Last one, love. I promise." He tells me. "Don't bullshit me, Jude. You've said that the last 3 times." I tell him. He smirks and gives me a laugh. He sticks his pinky out for me to take with mine. "Pinky promise." He says. I take his finger in mine and let him fuck me.
"Go on, love. Come for me." Jude says, moaning into my ears. I cum around his dick as he whispers sweet nothings in my ears. My chest is heaving as Jude continues to fuck me, searching for his high. "Come inside me, Juju. I want your babies inside me. Get me pregnant." At this point, I don't know what I'm saying. Jude and I both know damn well we're not having any babies anytime soon. Jude laughs at my cum-drunk state and kisses me, most likely to shut me up. He moans into my mouth as he spills inside me.
"I'm so so happy you gave us a chance." I tell him, snuggling into his side. Jude got me cleaned up and has me resting on his chest. He has the blanket pulled up on me, the top of my boobs peaking out. "I'm so excited to see what this new chapter has in store. And I don't even read." He tells me. I laugh at his incellular humor. He kisses the top of my head and abruptly gets up. I feel my heart drop. Jude gets out of bed, puts on his boxers, and walks towards the living room. Deja vu. I put on his hoodie that he left here a while ago. Now that I look around, all of his stuff is still here. I quickly walk out in nothing but his hoodie. "Jude?" I ask him. He is taking something out of the pants he came in. "C'mere." He tells me, pulling out a box. I walk towards him and he grabs me by the shoulders and faces me away from him. I puts a necklace around my neck and clasps it. I look down and see a 'J' hanging from my neck. I put my hand on the charm and turn around to face him. He shows me his wrist where he has a bracelet with my initial on it. He kisses my forehead. "Let's go to bed, honey."
Jude is asleep on top of me. He's starting to suffocate me because of how big he is, so I'd like the role him off me. He lets out a few groans. "What's going on?" He asks me, rubbing his eyes. "Nothing. Go back to sleep, baby." I notice that the lipstick marks from when I kissed him earlier are still all over his face. I think I need a new lock screen. At the perfect time, Jude opens his eyes. I grab my phone from the side table, and grab his face. I give him a kiss on his cheek and snap a few photos with my phone. We're both smiling uncontrollably. I go into settings and put it as my new lock screen. I go to show Jude, to see that he is fast asleep. I'm so happy he's here.
<- - ->
Alternate ending
Wattpad: funkyfishfeet
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pascaloverx · 9 months
As It Was (S2)
Chapter Twelve
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: You have a bold idea that obviously leads you and Bucky into an argument. Who doesn't like a wedding?
Author's note: Dear readers, I will be writing this fanfic again. This second season will have shorter chapters and it will probably take me a little longer to update the fanfic but I hope you like it!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS STORY, there may be adult content and verbal and physical violence.
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"That's the craziest invention you've ever had, Melisa. Did your ex-husband agree to this whole strategy?" Sam asks after you tell him your plan to capture Steve and Killian.
"What makes you believe I told him before I told the four of you?" I speak confidently that they will see things as I do.
"To recap, do you want to be bait in a fake wedding; making two dangerous men come after you?" Yelena seems to have understood the premise of my genius plan.
"Yes, this marriage will make them want to burn the archives. Despite my father's evidence, the fact that they tried to kill me makes everything worse." The reality is that I can't run away forever. Not knowing when something might happen to you or someone you love.
"What if they don't show up? Are you going to marry Barnes again?" Sam says it like it's the most unlikely thing in the world, considering I was married to Barnes once.
"Whatever, it's better to take a risk and not work out, than to do nothing and live in fear." I say, determined to make this weak team help me capture the man who killed my father and the man who almost killed me.
"I agree with Melisa, living in fear doesn't do any good. Not to mention that her marrying Bucky isn't the end of times. We'll be there to protect the engaged couple after all." Wanda speaks, trying to seek support in her wife's eyes, but Yelena seems unsatisfied.
"This could go very wrong, you could die, we could die too because Barnes won't accept this and we will have to do it without his cooperation. So if everything goes wrong he will take it out on us." Sam's right, Barnes will probably be pissed at them and if I survive at most I'll get two weeks without sex as punishment.
"But if we don't do anything to help Melisa, these two cowards will haunt her life. My friend spent months in a hospital bed and wants her peace back. I think we should give her that." Dave he says with authority, trying to show himself as a supporter of this plan. I hug him gently.
"Give what, to whom?" James Barnes came out of his eternal bath wearing a robe. Look, I didn't tell him about the plan but I know he's going to hate it.
"His ex-wife had an unusual idea to solve a problem. We're trying to figure out if it's worth trying." Yelena responds to Barnes, who looks confused.
"Funny, my ex-wife hasn't said anything to me in the days we've been together. At least nothing about this plan." You know that weird feeling like you're going to get fucked? I'm feeling it now.
"That's because she didn't feel you were ready to accept that plan." I say quietly as if I wished I didn't have to say anything.
"On a scale of one to ten, how much does Melisa put herself in danger in her plan?" He asks, clearly speaking to the rest of the group.
"Nine." Exactly everyone says it together, as if they were synchronized. Barnes looked at me as if to say, now you know why I don't like his plan.
"Baby, there's no way I'm going to agree to this plan. You at least suggested being bait to catch the two mother fuckers that almost killed you and I." It's funny how he says this minutes before grabbing me by the waist and kissing me on the cheek. 
"I'm not going to give up on the plan, Barnes. I love you and I respect you. I would like you to respect my plan and follow it. But if you don't, I'll go through with it without you." I said looking into the eyes my ex. I know he wants the best for me but I can't live in this way forever. 
"Do you want to end up like your father?" He responds sharply and I move away from him. I think we went back to the beginning of our relationship again. He wants to have the last word and I want to do what's best for me.
"Better to end up like him, than to live a life of fear and cowardice. If you don't understand me, that's your problem. But if you love me that much, you should support me and protect me. It was exactly for this reaction that I didn't tell you the plan." I say this hoping he will say something, say he will accept the plan or that I can't count on him. But I get silence. In fact, he left the house that was once ours and left without saying a word. 
"I changed my mind, I'll support you in this. If you need a new fiancé, I'm available. Now I'm going to go and see where your husband went." Sam says kissing my cheek and going after Barnes.
"I still think this plan is crazy but if you're willing to fight Barnes over this, it must be important to you. Count on me, for any plan you have." Yelena says giving me a look of support. I am grateful for her decision to help me.
"These idiots and I are going to help you. Either way we're going to get Steve and Killian. One way or another." Wanda says hugging me and then saying goodbye. Just me and Daven left.
"Wine and ice cream?" Dave says, throwing himself on the couch and turning on my TV. You nod your head, hoping that some movie will take your argument with Barnes out of your mind. To think he was so angry that he came out in a bathrobe. It's even funny. 
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sunshine-overload · 8 months
[BSTS] Main Story S5CH7 ‘Wait and Hope’ - Part 1
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Chapter 1
-starless office-
unei: ...There we go, the schedule for Team K's solo performance has been announced.
takami: Roger. I'll tell Taiga to update the ticket sales page.
unei: Thank you. Speaking of, what show are K going to be performing this time?
yakou: Kei is going to be deciding that shortly.
sin: Like an iron flower taking bloom.
takami: True, it's rare for Kei to leave a decision so late.
yakou: It should be made soon, so I'll let you know once I find out.
unei: In that case I'll sort out what permanent merch items need to be restocked. First I'll check our stock…
-phone rings-
yakou: Ah, don't worry, I'll take it.
unei: Thank you.
-unei leaves-
yakou (on phone): Hello, this is Theatre Starless. Thank you for your call. 
yakou (on phone): Hm? About Yoshino...? Um, I'm very sorry but the appearing cast members change depending on the show... No, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's waiting for his turn.
yakou (on phone): My apologies sir, but I cannot answer questions that involve the cast member’s personal information. All public information relating to our next performance will be posted on our official website, so please check there once it's been updated. Yes, thank you, goodbye.
-yakou hangs up-
takami: Who was that call from?
yakou: It was... a man claiming to be Yoshino's father. I don't know if he really was or not, but I don't see what reason someone would have to lie about it.
sin: It is not just lotus flowers that sink in the mud.
takami: Either way, I think you handled the call in the appropriate way, Yakou. If it really was his father then it's better you didn't say anything careless.
-time pass, rehearsal room-
saki: (...Yoshino-san seems distracted today, he keeps spacing out.)
yakou: .......
yoshino: Hm? Yakou, is something the matter? You keep glancing at me...
yakou: Ah... Well you see, someone claiming to be your father called the store earlier.
yoshino: What?
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yakou: He sounded middle aged and spoke with a Kyoto accent... So I don't think it was just some random prankster.
yoshino: Oh I see, is that so? Thanks for telling me. I'll check in with him, he might've really called after all.
-yoshino leaves-
saki: Do you think something happened?
yakou: Could this be the 'time limit' he was talking about?
saki: Huh?
yakou: Ah, no it's nothing, sorry. You don't need to worry about anything, Saki-san.
Chapter 1 extra
-starless backrooms-
-yoshino calls his dad-
yoshino (on phone): Don’t ask me why I’m calling, what are you doing? Why did you call the store directly?
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yoshino (on phone): It hasn't been decided that I won't perform yet... What? You're coming here? But, your condition...
yoshino (on phone): Please wait a moment. Father!
-call hangs up-
yoshino: What am I supposed to do…
-time pass, rehearsal room-
kei: Practice today ends here.
ginsei: Kei, could I talk to you for a moment?
kei: What is it?
ginsei: Have you decided what show we'll be performing yet?
kei: I have a candidate, yes. It's a show based on 'The Count of Monte Cristo'. However, is is merely a candidate.
gui: You haven't made a decision yet?
kei: Indeed. I have yet to choose the lineup as well. So make sure you're all prepared.
-kei leaves-
ginsei: ...That's kind of unexpected.
gui: Unexpected?
ginsei: Usually Kei has no troubles making a decision.
sotetsu: He probably just has something he has to think about right? By the way, what are you looking so forlorn about? The lineup hasn't been decided yet meaning there's still a chance that you'll be chosen.
yoshino: ...I know.
sotetsu: What a mundane reaction. Compared to before you're acting a lot more mature about this, no?
yoshino: I don't intend to stay the same forever.
-yoshino leaves-
sotetsu: ...Then you should just make your move already.
yakou: ......
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Chapter 1 SideA
-starless restaurant area-
takami: I'm done setting the tables so should we open up the entrance?
yoshino: Yeah, go ahead.
takami: Could it be you're thinking about that phone call?
yoshino: Huh?
takami: I was also in the office when Yakou took that phone call. 
yoshino: Oh... So that's why. It wasn't a big deal, don't worry.
takami: I thought it might have been about your time limit working here.
yoshino: ...!
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takami: You've talked about it in the past after all.
yoshino: Did I? I don't quite recall.
takami: You said something like "It would be easier if I could just give up".
yoshino: You remember it well huh.
takami: Seems like the part about it not being easy hasn't changed.
yoshino: ..... (frustrated noise)
takami: Sorry, I said something unnecessary, didn't I?
yoshino: No, if I put off making my decision then it'll cause trouble for the temp management team, right?
takami: I'm not trying to rush you. I don't want to interfere with your decision either. As a member of the temp management team though, my actual motive is to keep you around so we don’t lose a worker. Anyways, I'll go and open up the entrance.
-takami leaves-
-yoshino looks deep in thought-
Chapter 1 SideA extra
-behind starless, evening-
yoshino: Zakuro, do you have a moment? I'd like to ask you something...
zakuro: Oh my, whatever could you need to ask me?
yoshino: Recently, you were unsure about your singing, remember? After you asked me about it, what made your mentality change? In your closing show, your singing was so clear, as if you'd moved past whatever was bothering you.
zakuro: Ooh, I see I see, so it's about that. I wouldn't say my mentality changed or that I did anything in particular, I simply remembered what it is that I must do. And then, my uneasiness vanished.
yoshino: What it is you must do...?
zakuro: I do not sing for the sake of expressing myself.
yoshino: What?
zakuro: A cog that rotates and allows Team C's shows to unfold. That is my intended form. In other words, it is essential that I stay here in this store.
yoshino: So, singing is just a means to an end for you? But then, that's...
zakuro: Every person has their own individual goals. I have mine and you have yours.
yoshino: That's... Yeah, that's true.
zakuro: I shall be going then.
-zakuro leaves-
yoshino: The goal of my singing…
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Chapter 1 SideB
-starless hallway-
sotetsu: Yo.
kei: What do you want? You look as though you're scheming something foolish yet again.
sotetsu: Just doing a little bit of reconnaissance. I'm curious as to why you're being uncharacteristically indecisive.
kei: ......
sotetsu: It's cause of Yoshino, right? Then you should just let him get on stage.
kei: You're supporting him then?
sotetsu: It's just cause I know things get interesting when he's backed into a corner.
kei: Hah... I see.
sotetsu: You've known that since you first got here too, haven't you? Yoshino, who was once hesitant in front of an audience had his place stolen and became a monster. It shouldn't be strange that I'm curious what'll happen next.
kei: What matters most is whether or not he's capable of capturing his role properly and showing it off on stage.
sotetsu: If you want to assess him, why not leave it to the guests to do so? That's how Starless works after all.
kei: I shall not deny that.
sotetsu: Well, it's tasteless to make a free bet. Let's see, if I end up being misguided and he doesn't live up to your expectations then, hm... I'll apologise and pay you a little visit with a special souvenir of mine.
kei: I don't see how you'd benefit from that.
sotetsu: I just hate when things are dull. Plus, getting on his good side would end up being an investment for me.
kei: Either way, I do not plan to take any personal interest into account. As always, I shall simply select those that will make for the greatest possible show. That is all there is to it.
Chapter 1 SideB extra
-starless hallway-
ginsei: Oh, Yakou.
yakou: You're here early. Did you need something?
ginsei: I want to talk to Kei. I'm worried about our next show. So I want to ask him who's going to be singing...
yakou: ...I see. Yoshino seems to be dealing with a lot too.
ginsei: Is he?
yakou: Hm...? You haven't heard?
ginsei: I'm just concerned over who will be chosen to sing. Ah, wait, I guess that does involve Yoshino. If we perform 'Blooming in the Darkness' then I think Yoshino's voice would suit the atmosphere of the setting.
yakou: Ah, oh~ So that's what you meant…
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ginsei: That's just my personal opinion though, Kei doesn't have to agree with it. I have some ideas for the direction too, so I'd like to hear what Kei's thinking.
yakou: Makes sense.
ginsei: Ah, wait. By saying that I don't mean to imply that your voice would be a bad fit...!
yakou: I know that, don't worry.
-time pass, starless office-
kei: ...In short, you're telling me to make Yoshino a standard member for this show?
ginsei: I'm not trying to interfere with the casting. And I know full well that the decision is up to you, our leader. I just think that 'Blooming in the Darkness' would suit Yoshino well. I guess I just wanted to let you know my opinion…
kei: Is that why you are also present, Yakou?
yakou: No, it's not like I want to lose the chance to sing it. However, when we performed 'GRAVITATE', Ginsei also chose me to sing for the same reason. So, I think for this show the most fitting members should be chosen for its lineup.
kei: Understood.
ginsei: I'll be going now then, excuse me.
-ginsei leaves-
yakou: ...So just 'suiting the song' isn't enough to be the most fitting choice?
kei: Indeed. However, there are also aspects that can only be evaluated once on the stage.
Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
saki: (I heard that K are going to be discussing their next show today. I wonder which play they'll choose...)
kei: Without further delay, I shall announce what our next performance will be. I have decided on the script 'Blooming in the Darkness'. The lineup will be—
yoshino: Please wait a moment.
kei: I have not finished speaking.
yoshino: I know, but please let me say this. In our next show, please allow me to be the singer!
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kei: I had already been planning to do just that.
yoshino: Huh?
kei: The lead role shall be Yoshino. Sotetsu and I will be the supporting roles. Additionally, Sotetsu and Yakou will be double casted. The antagonists are Ginsei and Gui.
sotetsu: Oh? So it's happening huh.
yakou: ......
yoshino: Why....?
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sotetsu: You just asked him to sing yet that's your reaction?
yoshino: That's because... I mean...
kei: I simply selected the most adequate members for the content of the performance.
yoshino: (shocked) ...Thank you very much.
kei: There is no reason to thank me. All it is that I desire from you is a flawless performance. However, it is true that I did receive a certain recommendation for you. I shall reveal that much.
yoshino: What do you mean?
sotetsu: Well, either way it's been decided. Whether you can pull it off or not is now all up to you.
yoshino: I know.
ginsei: I look forward to seeing what kind of show 'Blooming in the Darkness' will become.
gui: I will do my best as well.
kei: Do you agree with my decision, Saki?
saki: Yes, of course. I look forward to hearing Yoshino-san's singing.
yoshino: Thank you, Saki-san. I'll make sure I live up to your expectations.
kei: Allow me to give you a word of advice. What it is that you need to learn more about, is yourself. Knowing yourself and being able to channel that into your singing, will become the key to your success.
yoshino: ...Understood.
saki: (I wonder what kind of show it will be...)
Chapter 2 extra
-locker room-
yoshino: About what Kei said earlier... 
sotetsu: Hm?
yoshino: It was you right? The one who recommended me. Why did you do something like that?
sotetsu: Do what?
yoshino: Kei said someone recommended me to be in this show.
sotetsu: Ooh, that. I thought it'd be interesting, do you think I have any other reason than that?
yoshino: Interesting, you say...
sotetsu: People show their true colours when they're backed into a corner.
yoshino: What are you talking about?
sotetsu: Your 'time limit' is nearly upon you right?
yoshino: ......
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sotetsu: Looks like I hit the mark.
yoshino: Even if you got me drunk, my private life isn't something that I can talk about.
sotetsu: Hahaha, you got that right. So, where are you aiming for then?
yoshino: What do you mean by that?
sotetsu: In the past, you didn't have anywhere to go but here. That's not the case anymore though, right? If all you want to do is sing, then you can do it anywhere. Do you want success here as a singer at Starless? Or would you rather sing elsewhere?
yoshino: Either way I still need to make a name for myself first and get recognised at the very least.
sotetsu: ......
sotetsu: You said you were jealous of Menou once, remember?
yoshino: Huh?
sotetsu: "If only I could be naturally assertive like him" I think it was? Do you still feel the same way now?
yoshino: About what?
sotetsu: I'm wondering where it is that your heart lies.
yoshino: (looks serious)
yoshino: Well, whatever you decide to do, you're the one that I placed my bets on. Make sure you make it an entertaining show.
-sotetsu leaves-
yoshino: I'm already well aware of my own weaknesses...
Chapter 2 SideA
-starless backrooms-
yakou: Good work today. Are you heading home already?
yoshino: Uh... yeah. I wonder why it is that Kei chose me this time.
yakou: Kei said the reason himself, didn’t he? That he simply chose the best members for the show's content. It's not like I had intentions to give up the singer spot, but Kei doesn't take individual feelings like that into account. You're the one that must know that best.
yoshino: ......
yakou: I'm just thinking out loud here but... I'm not satisfied until I’ve repaid a debt fully. The fact I'm accepting that I wasn't chosen... is probably due to that. I don't know what you're going through... But I understand that it's something you need to fight for.
yoshino: ......
yakou: I'm not planning to lend you a hand or anything though.
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yoshino: I know that already. I'm already planning to end this without anyone going easy on me.
yakou: If you're not up to scratch I'll steal the spot from you right away. So make it a success.
yoshino: Of course. That's why I need to get even stronger, because in the end, what I'm fighting against is myself.
yakou: To a more or lesser extent, I think everyone is the same on that front. So that we can all move on to the next stage in our lives.
yoshino: Regardless of the result, there's always the possibility that the future can't be changed.
yakou: .......
yoshino: However, even if this is the end for me, I want to go out on my own terms. So, I'll give it my all.
yakou: Yeah, me too.
Chapter 2 SideA extra
-break room-
gui: So Dantès isn't a bad person... but he still gets imprisoned?
ginsei: Yeah, that's what happens. The person jealous of Dantès’ carefree lifestyle lured him into a trap.
gui: Villefort was also jealous of Dantès?
ginsei: No, the one who was jealous is Fernand. Villefort had completely different motivations... His feelings are very complex.
-rindou walks up-
rindou: Good work today. Your performance this time appears to have a high level of difficulty.
ginsei: Hey, Rindou. It's because the story is full of complicated character relationships. There's merit to doing shows like this though.
rindou: I heard that Yoshino will be the singer.
ginsei: Yeah, I think our lineup suits the show perfectly. It's just...
rindou: Is something worrying you?
ginsei: No, I wouldn't say I'm worried about the show... It’s just the atmosphere during practice has felt so tense.
rindou: True, recently it's as if an uneasy mood has enveloped the store.
ginsei: Yeah, that's what I mean.
gui: Is Yoshino also searching for something?
ginsei: I'm not sure... If he is, I think it's something that only he himself can find.
rindou: He's hiding his true feelings.
ginsei: Maybe. No matter what those around him say, if he doesn't find the answer for himself then he won't be able to swallow it.
gui: Swallow? Once you find an answer, do you drink it?
ginsei: No, it's just an expression. I mean that only you yourself can find the answer that you’ll accept.
gui: Can only find it yourself...
ginsei: In the end, all we can do for now is create the best show that we can.
rindou: You're Team K, so I'm sure that'll be an easy feat. I hope that it doesn't place any extra pressure on Yoshino, though.
Chapter 2 SideB
-starless balcony, evening-
sotetsu: ....... (smoking)
kokuyou: (also smoking) ...Yoshino seems to be pushing himself.
sotetsu: That's Mr. Starless for you, word gets to you quick.
kokuyou: What do you expect in a store this small? You seem to be backing Yoshino an awful lot. Are you that worried about your fellow colleague*? 
sotetsu: That connection may have something to do with it.
kokuyou: It's not like joining around the same time means much.
sotetsu: That's what makes it interesting though. Back then he was clumsy at anything he tried, I never got bored of watching what he'd do next. It's something he wouldn't have been able to do anywhere but here.
kokuyou: Yeah...
sotetsu: If he could just sing more comfortably, he wouldn't have had any difficulties.
kokuyou: You sure value him highly huh? 
sotetsu: The ones that assign us value are the customers. I take the stage because that's what the customers want. That's all there is to it.
kokuyou: And despite that you say you're bored.
sotetsu: I'm just always hungry for some entertainment.
kokuyou: You've got bad taste as always. Well, whatever personal things you've got going on, it's not this store's style to ask about it. You can ramble all you want but in the end you're the only one who can choose the path you want to take.
sotetsu: You've got that right.
*tl note: I’ve just put colleague so it reads better in english, but the word Kokuyou used is more like ‘a colleague who joined the company at the same time as you’.
Chapter 2 SideB extra
-rehearsal room-
mokuren: That's all for today's training. Continue to learn by repetition, all of you.
kasumi: Haa~~ As always you show us no mercy~ 
aogiri: Indeed. And I had just started thinking I'd gotten used to it... Oh right, Team K's show will be starting soon won't it? I've heard that they're a team that's also very strict about quality.
zakuro: Indeed Indeed, that goes without saying. It's the team managed by the Proud Polaris after all.
aogiri: ...Could you be talking about Kei? That's an oddly fitting way of referring to him. I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of show they produce.
zakuro: I feel that their upcoming show is shrouded in turmoil however.
hari: Really?
zakuro: It has reached my ears that Yoshino will be singing.
qu: Nothing about that sounds unusual to me?
hari: Same. Whilst it's true Yoshino is their understudy at the moment, he is still officially a singer.
zakuro: But then but then, why-ever is this show not a versus with their team placements at stake then?
mokuren: Who cares.
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zakuro: My oh my, does what I said truly merit being dismissed so coldly?
mokuren: Whether you're an understudy or a standard member, the stage is the stage. If your position is getting in the way then just create your own team where you can sing. Or find some other place where you can sing.
kasumi: That may be true but...
hari: It's not exactly something you can pull off at the drop of a hat. We can't just do what Mokuren and Mizuki did so easily.
qu: If the solution was that simple none of us would have any troubles.
mokuren: Hmph. There's no need to prioritise anything over being able to stand on the stage. If you've decided to stand on it, then it's much more beneficial to just face yourself and the stage.
-mokuren leaves-
kasumi: Mokuren really never wavers on his beliefs huh~
aogiri: That's what makes them dependable.
qu: ...I can understand how Yoshino must feel though.
To Part 2
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fortunesfavours · 7 months
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time travel in ten - sequential narrative collage piece done for my class, Artifact.
ramblings below the cut for those interested in the process/life update for friends who have noticed i've been gone
right lmao. i had two weeks to do this project and had a completely different idea that i just could not get myself to be excited about. emailed my prof in desperation, but it being like 10 pm meant that she was not about to respond. within 30 minutes, as it goes, i got struck with divine inspiration by whatever force of nature governs procrastination-induced genius, and i promptly spent the next 12 waking hours non-stop working on this.
my class, artifact, is a requirement for the foundation year at the college i attend. it centers around time-based media, ranging from the sequential illustration here to video later in the semester, and a bunch of other projects designed to get us thinking in 4d. artifact is the theme of the class - my peers are doing the same projects under a variety of different themes (tragically, haunting filled up too quickly and i missed out on enrollment in that one).
our first project was designing an artifact and doing a write-up of the story behind it. the girl to my left made beaded spiders members of a fictional cult carried. the guy across from me made an amulet of a long-dead god. you get the vibes. mine, which I still need to take professional photos of, is a pocketwatch that lets you time travel. cause, yknow. i'm me. it was gonna be about time travel.
i had originally intended to do a bunch of drawings of the watch's owner, building out her backstory and the world she lives in, and explaining why the watch exists,,,, then i couldn't bring myself to pick up the stylus. I just can't seem to find the energy for my usual digital art (sorry friends i miss yall i'm still here i swear).
here's the bit about my life so feel free to stop reading if you just care about the art 👍
I haven't drawn fanart or my ocs in months now, since last semester, and I miss it a whole bunch but right now that creative energy just. is not happening. i don't plan on abandoning it forever by any means, but p much everything i have is going towards school right now. sad as that is, i'm having so much fun, and i'm so proud of the technical improvements i've made. I've got so many things i want to create, mostly for my ocs. i still love crit role, but i've fallen of campaign three. i don't have the time, and the story hasn't been engaging me for a bit.
i've been really into dr who lately, and am eagerly waiting for the spare time to sit and watch all of candela obscura. i'm in a new dnd game. i've got friends! real life friends! irl friends who called me the wizard friend within a few hours of knowing me before i even opened my mouth about dnd lmao. i've discovered a new love of collage, and i've just declared my major in something unique to my school, a program called Studio for Interrelated Media. i'll be learning about illustration still through the extra electives i'll have room for, but i also get to explore printmaking in more depth, as well as event planning, installation, curation, and theatre work as well.
i miss being on here a whole bunch and want to be more active when i get more time. don't plan on abandoning this blog by any means. boston has been kind to me, and though i have had some Real Low Points, i've also been living the life i've hoped for since i was a kid. i'm good, really really good.
to my friends, ily, i miss you, and i hope you're well. can't wait to catch up on all yalls art and fic. sending all my love. <3
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queenmina37 · 8 months
hi!! i found out your bleach x bnha crossover series last night and i DEVOURED it, i had such a great time reading it and it's so funny 😭 i just wanted to say thank you for sharing such a brilliant brainworm that will probably now live in MY brain forever 💜 i know it hasn't been updated in like a year but that won't stop me 😾 and since we're here i figure i'll ask something: how would aizawa react if he found out ichigo has two whole *kids*?
again, Thank You and hope you have a good day 💜
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You're the person who left comments on Ghost Hunters of UA, aren't you?? I'm so glad you liked it!
This is an interesting thing because I could actually swear that I've written something about this? Actually, I just realized that I probably have some parts of the story written... that I haven't posted... because... I don't even know... I remember that I had the very last story for the series written, but I didn't want to post it if the rest of the series was still not finished, but I might actually post it at some point, if I can just remember to do that.
But I could swear I've written something about Aizawa finding out about Kazui and Ichika? It's possible it's one of the group chat chapters that I wrote and then decided not to go through with the idea at all? Yeah, actually, I just found it and it's definitely like that.
I'm not going to put this on ao3 (at least at this time), but since you asked, here you go! Please remember that it was written before the first chapter of Ghost Hunters of UA, so it might not be entirely accurate, for example with what happens in that story, but, yeah, anyways.
Karakura Gang + Stragglers (Group chat name)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
[A picture of the living room of the Ishida Residence. Sitting in front of a dark wine red couch and the low table in front of it, on the floor, are two boys around the same age. One of them has wild, spike orange hair that is just slightly smoother than Kurosaki Ichigo’s spiky hair. He’s grinning brightly, his purple eyes alight. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and a baby blue hoodie. The other boy also had orange hair, though of a different, darker shade than the other boy’s. He was beaming. He had dark blue eyes. Both boys were staring right at the camera.]
Why is kazui in my house
Assno (Asano)
Reject Universe (Orihime)
I didnt know kazui was over!
Dragon (Tatsuki... I think?)
Oh my god what the fuck
Arrancar Translator (Chad...?)
Queen (Rukia)
Oh my god how is he over there?????
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
omw dont let him leave
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
Bit late for that
Reject Universe (Orihime)
I just got home and he just ran out (°-°)
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Is he scared of u?
This is like the third time he has done that right?
Reject Universe (Orihime)
Oh no surely not right?
I dont want kazui to be scared of me!!
Queen (Rukia)
He isnt scared orihime I promise
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
He just gets similar alarms ringing like when rukia smiles when he has done something he shouldnt have done
Also im coming over, see if I can hold him down long enough for renji to drag him back home
Karakura Red (Karin)
Caught the little shit
Bringing him home but ichi-nii should still come keep an eye on him
Me and yuzu have shit to do
God’s Worst Mistake (Ichigo)
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
I will be there in a few hours once these idiots get the senkaimon going
Queen (Rukia)
Might be good
Kazui has been taking it rather hard that ichigo is on such a long mission
A bit of time alone with his dad will do him some good
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Im sorry
Kurosaki has a son?
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Wait we didnt tell u?
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
He has a wife and a husband too
Assno (Asano)
Some of us cant find one and he went and got himself two
Arrancar Translator (Chad)
Actually he has two kids
Son and daughter
Reject Universe (Orihime)
Oh but renji is actually ichika’s dad
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
Kazui and ichika are twins
Ichigo is kazui’s dad
Renji is ichika’s dad
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
In what universe
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Well I mean they have the same mom and are twins so its pretty simple
Must Protect (Yuzu?)
[A picture of Ichigo laying down on the couch in the living room of the Kurosaki Residence. He has one hand under his head, while the other is wrapped around Kazui, who is laying between him and the back of the couch, his head on Ichigo’s chest. Both have their eyes closed. Ichigo is in his shinigami uniform.]
They are so cute!
Queen (Rukia)
Is he purring?
Karakura Red (Karin)
Of course hes purring
This is ichi-nii we are talking about
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
I’m sorry
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Like an engine yeah
But only when he naps with the kids
They love it
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
You havent heard him purr before?
Arrancar Translator (Chad)
He was already doing it in middle school but it escalated in high school
Queen (Rukia)
It escalated even more after he died
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
And then it became exclusive to the kids
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
God’s Antithesis (Ishida)
What do you mean its exclusive to the kids
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Its exclusive to the kids?
He only purrs when he wants to nap with the kids?
Queen (Rukia)
It calms kazui down and he falls asleep within seconds
Ichika too but thats because shes been conditioned into it rather than it being natural like with kazui
Karakura Red (Karin)
He does it with me too tho
Yuzu too
Reject Universe (Orihime)
He did it to uryuu once too!
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Karakura Red (Karin)
Urahara said its a hollow thing
Pack thing and all that
Must protect little ones
Hes trying to calm down and put to sleep any younger relatives essentially
Must Protect (Yuzu)
Yeah I hear the visored do the same with him too
But he never does it to them because they are older than him
Karin has done it to me too
Karakura Red (Karin)
Dragon (Tatsuki)
Oh my god
Assno (Asano)
Y r u guys so pure?
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Im not sure what about having a bloodthirsty cannibal in your head is pure but u do u buddy
Assno (Asano)
Wait no!!!
Panicked into Solutions (Renji)
Also I will be there in another 30 mins
Must Protect (Yuzu)
Stay for tea until they wake up!
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
I hate to break this to you people but kurosaki is expected at school tomorrow morning
Karakura Red (Karin)
Thats what shunpo and sonido are for
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
What does that even mean
Improvised Molotov Cocktails (Mizuiro)
He fast
Caterpillar Man (Aizawa)
That explains literally nothing
Queen (Rukia)
It explains literally everything
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krsnaradhika · 5 months
imagine kamalnayani and kanha at the doctors for their baby dinosaur's check-up!!! headcannons please cuz it would be toooo cute <3 love your works btw
Sorry this took so long to answer. My brain wasn't braining. And thank you so much for the love <3
Modern au or something? Because that would give a hell lot of freedom with modern tech and so on. Tho I do support their polyandry and polygamy so that's that.
These are loosely based on what you asked for. Because the brain hasn't started braining tbh.
01. Kanha was the one who took Krishu to the doctor's because she was feeling sick since a week (yes, she's enjoying keeping him oblivious about it.)
02. Surprise surprise! Now the whole Pandava Yadava fam group on insta knows what's going on (they're getting live vlogging and updates by Kanha on his stories. My man is jumping since forever)
03. Aunt Draupadi is ecstatic. She's gonna be the rich aunt who brings imported chocolates (Krishu has started stuffing herself with them already. Abhi will prolly not be happy).
04. “How do I look today?”
“If poetry and prayer were a person.”
*blushes* “Thanks.”
Kanha : I am the rizz. The rizz is me.
05. Doctor : *raises an eyebrow* Baby dinosaur? How'd you come up with that nickname?
Krishu, glaring at Kanha : Do NOT-
06. Rukmini and Jambavati have no concept of the difference between Krishu and the baby. Krishu is the baby too. You cannot spell smothering without mother.
07. Satyabhama, holding a mic to her mouth : On this week's episode of Yapping with the Yadavas-
Sahadeva, continuing : We know a lot of stuff that would have been complicated had the amnesia-ish spell not been broken.
Raksh : *chokes on plain air*
08. Draupadi, looking distraught : Stop teasing Krishu and Govinda? How does one do that? What will become of me, then? Why am I here?
09. Doctor, nodding at the screen : Ah, I see. Quite an active baby.
Kanha : *adds another partner to his list of makhan churao abhiyaan*
10. Krishu, grinning evilly : I finished Kanha's stash of maakhan because I do not like my share of attention anywhere else.
Also Krishu : Will bawl my eyes out before he gets upset about it.
11. Kanha, re-enacting the lion king scene with the baby dino : THIS IS THE CIRCLE OF LIFEEEEEEE—
Sorry I'm just very unfunny :(
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nicoforlifetrue · 2 years
Absolutely DELIGHTED you added 2012!Jonatello to the silly little feral turtle crossover fic, genuinely. It wasn't even necessary to add it, it's a whole side-plot that the story could probably survive without, but you added it anyway. It hasn't even shown up yet aside for tiny little hints, which are easy to miss if you're not looking for it. And yet you threw it into the pot anyway. I didn't even start reading the fic for it, and yet I was delightfully surprised to see it anyways. It's like ordering a happy meal with no expectations for the toy and getting the exact toy you would've wanted anyways. Amazing. Even though I know we're gonna get brutally murdered while reading the fic (discord member here haha) I'm perfectly content with it simply because Rotten Reflections has everything in it that makes it the perfect tmnt fic for me. It has quickly become my new comfort fic and I'm absolutely delighted I get to see it develop in real time. Getting to see the update notifications in my inbox every week has definitely been the highlight of my year so far. I always love it when I get to be a part of a fic completing its journey, and fics like Rotten Reflections is why. Thank you for sharing this wonderful fic with us, I look forward to being apart of this journey with you, your editors and crew working on the fic, and my fellow readers. I'll see you in the comment sections of chapter nine!
Hiejcue JJ dufnfhvhgj
Tbh me and The Crew(tm) added jonatello way back in those early stages when this fic was mostly a joke and something we just liked the idea of, it wasn't even going to be tagged originally cus it was such a background peice, but then I decided no one, absolutely no one, in the au would be bashed.
Aka Aprils misogynistic poor clearly 2012 female character writeing suddenly became an issue.
As a result of her getting the Nico Treatment (tm) her boys got pulled in as a result (cus their a trio! And her original concepts where just so good, god im fucking drooling over what I have planned for the threes growth as individuals and together and how it affected them growing up from young teens to nearly adults-)
Because they got pulled into this development with her, suddenly they had an a background act set up to just get them together, their unique set up, why they acted the way they did when they where younger and now, etc etc.
That much being dedicated to them ment that I had to main tag them instead of just background tagging them like originally planned!
God I hope you guys like what I have planned the poor discord, forever cursed with knowledge ;b
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ashxketchum · 9 months
For the requests:
“Wanna hear a joke?” “Absolutely not.” TyHil obvs.
This dialogue is so perfectly TyHil that it fit well with 3 of my ongoing WIPs and I tried to write all of them ( w h y ) and ended up getting too lost and invested in each of them that the reason for including the dialogue kind of slipped away from me...TyHil really is a virus in my brain...
So finally I'm deciding to post the one I think makes the most sense (who am i kidding) since I still have 2 more requests to go and not enough time lol.
This is from my Fake Dating AU which is also a Rich Girl/Poor Boy AU. Since this particular excerpt skips ahead in time I tried to add as much background information about what's happening as I could without it getting boring. I can't post the whole thing yet because it's around 8k and the main angst/fight scene hasn't even started yet (can't wait to dump a super long update 6 months later that no one will read haha 🥲).
Thank you for requesting, and so sorry that my power of TyHil brainrot actually ruined the whole thing in a way 😭
Post dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Prompt: “Wanna hear a joke?” “Absolutely not.”
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One of the most distinct memories Hilary had of her childhood was when she’d told her first lie, blaming one of their house helps for a vase she’d broken and having her mother catch onto her immediately. The disappointed look on her mother’s face as she’d told Hilary that the consequences of her actions would always catch up to her, was forever etched in her mind, and even now, every time she decided to lie, that scene would play in her mind like clockwork. Yet, somehow that hadn’t kept her from lying to make things easier and only made her a little more paranoid about getting caught. Almost two months had passed since she’d announced to a room full of her close acquaintances, that she had a boyfriend and his name was Tyson, and two more since she’d somehow managed to rope in that very Tyson into playing the part. 
She was spending every day looking over her back and covering her tracks, hoping that at least this time she would be able to escape facing any of the consequences of her actions. 
Tyson obviously, did not make things any easier for her. 
After she’d gotten him to agree to her ridiculous demand, they’d met once for coffee to set down some simple ground rules, every which one he’d managed to flout shamelessly. Hilary was very particular about keeping their stories straight, since any discrepancy would lead to suspicion, while Tyson on the other hand, loved to make up answers on the go. Even if she spent a whole evening texting him the correct responses to any questions they may get asked at the party they would attend the next day, he made sure to make up extravagant incidents that anyone would find hard to believe as true. Hilary would then need to improvise her own version of the story on the spot, and that often led to the two of them arguing in front of her friends. 
To her relief, however, this oddity in their so-called relationship had earned them the reputation of 'the cute bickering couple' and managed to keep her lie afloat so far. Not that it stopped Hilary from trying to get Tyson to listen to her plan, or Tyson from trying to make sure that Hilary always looked like the loser in his stories. For instance, in Tyson’s version of their first meeting, Hilary had been the sad nerd pretending to read in a corner when all she really wanted to do was have somebody ask her to dance. Hilary always tried to interject and make it clear that she had been enjoying reading her novel, but somehow people always gravitated towards Tyson’s version more. 
Tyson’s only rule throughout all of this was that they shouldn’t get involved with each other too personally, though he did a bad job of explaining his reasoning, what Hilary gathered from his incoherent stuttering was that if they got too close, this thing would blow up in their face. She agreed with him, to a certain extent. Since the two spent most of their time together attending parties and events in her social circle, Tyson knew more about her than vice versa. Her acquaintances were notorious for wanting him to know just how much Hilary didn’t fit in before his appearance, and in doing that they overshared information about her life that she wouldn't have brought up with Tyson had it just been the two of them hanging out. 
In an attempt to keep things even, she would try her best to coax information out of him, about his family or about college, but he was a master of evasion tactics. He’d already made himself aware of all the things that made her tick, so anytime she tried to flip the question towards his personal life, he’d go ahead and do something to annoy her. If that didn’t work, he’d give the vaguest answer which would keep Hilary guessing about what her follow-up question should be, and by the time she was ready, they would’ve reached the venue or Hilary’s house and it was already time to say goodbye to the small amount of time alone they got with each other.  
She couldn’t be too mad at him for this either, since he was still playing along to her ruse and if she was being honest, he did clean up well after himself. There was no denying the fluttering of the butterflies in her stomach every time Tyson held out his arm for her to take with a lopsided smile gracing his lips and dark eyes shining with excitement as he took the lead. It was also hard to control the giddy feeling that swelled in her chest every time he led her to the dance floor and heads would turn to catch a glimpse of them. And of course, she couldn’t hide the smugness she felt when the girls who’d spent years laughing at her non-existent relationship status, drooled at the sight of him showing up on his bike to pick her up. 
That’s also why it was hard for Hilary to be afraid of the lie and all the things that it could lead to when it felt so good to live it every day. Until one day the ripples she was most afraid of setting off finally took effect. 
Her parents were bound to find out about her boyfriend sooner or later, Hilary had braced herself for this from day one. But she’d hoped that she would gather the courage to lie to their faces before this news reached them via different channels. But she had so much going on in her mind lately, that she kept putting the task off until her parents very dramatically confronted her about it over dinner one night. Caught like a deer under headlights, Hilary found it hard to argue back and instead became part of a very one sided conversation where her parents lectured her about mutual trust. They spared no antics in expressing how sad they were about being left out of her life like this, and somehow, in the middle of apologising for keeping them in the dark and consoling them about how she was still their little girl, Hilary ended up agreeing to let them meet Tyson. 
The graveness of her mistake only set in when Tyson was the one to put his foot down about going ahead with it. He echoed all of her thoughts out perfectly, and she wished that it would’ve been him sitting across from her parents at the dinner table that night. But what stung Hilary slightly was how adamant he was about not wanting to see her parents. She tried her best to apologise for slipping up and offered many services, such as writing his assignments for a month, in return, however, Tyson didn’t budge until she broke down and cried. Knowing that the only way to get her to shut up was to agree to her plan, he finally gave up with a loud huff and sigh. 
Setting up the meeting had been easy, as much as her parents insisted on having Tyson over for dinner at their house, Hilary managed to convince them to do it in a much more private setting considering how short notice the whole thing was. She patted herself on the back for picking a party her mother was throwing for a friend as the meeting place, giving her parents the restriction of behaving well in front of their guests and Tyson the chance to manipulate that restriction to his advantage if things went south. 
Luckily the evening had gone exactly how she had expected it to so far. Her parents were busy attending to the many guests and only had the chance to wave at Tyson and her from afar once. Hilary hoped that by the time they finished their social round and reached the two of them, they would be a little exhausted, giving Tyson and her the upper hand in the conversation. However, as she stood close next to Tyson in a corner and watched her parents hop across the room, the tension in her veins kept rising when her father only looked more excited the closer he got to finishing the required greetings. 
“Wanna hear a joke?”
Hilary averted her eyes from the party in front of her and turned to look at Tyson, leaning against a wall column, completely at ease as he gulped down the champagne in his hand at an alarming speed. While she had been tracking the movement of her parents, his dark eyes were fixed on her and his voice lacked the usual charm and humour he used when he spoke to her. Even his eyes, she noticed, seemed to be clouded with an emotion that was difficult for her to read. 
“Absolutely not,” she said, feeling a shiver go down her spine at how distant Tyson felt from her tonight, despite of standing so close to him. In an attempt to mask her nervousness, she shot him an annoyed glare before asking, “Why would I want to hear a joke right now?”
He rolled his eyes at her reaction, shaking his head before turning it around to signal to one of the waiters. Within a minute, he’d exchanged his empty champagne glass for a new one, and once again made to gulp it down in a way that he knew would get on her nerves. 
“So that your parents think you’re happy in this relationship and not so much constipated.” His lips curved up in a smirk as he gestured behind her, choosing to gulp down his drink after all. 
Hilary turned away, partially annoyed and partially anxious, only to have her heart jump out of her chest. It looked like her parents had rushed through their greetings and were now heading towards her and Tyson. She waved at them half-heartedly, taking a few deep breaths to calm her nerves as she edged closer to Tyson, who straightened up next to her. Her heart kept screaming at her to grab his arm and run from the scene. It may have just been the anxiety of having to lie to her parents so straightforwardly, but she still felt like something was wrong with Tyson and he wasn’t being his usual supportive self. The warmth that she always felt when she stood next to him was missing tonight and that itself was enough to make the alarm bells ring her mind.
“Here they come,” Hilary stated out loud, more to keep herself grounded in the moment than to let Tyson know. Risking a glance at his face from the corner of her eye, she fought the urge to bite her lip at the impassive expression that covered his face. With whatever courage she could build up, she added in a low voice, “Please, remember everything I told you.”
For a brief moment, just before her parents announced their presence, their eyes met and Hilary felt as if time stood still around them. She searched for any signs of familiarity in Tyson’s face but was instead met with a look of hurt and what she thought was betrayal. It confused her and made her mind turn into a bigger mess than it already was, but before she could ask him what was wrong and why he was so mad at her, Tyson gave her his coldest smile ever as he gritted his teeth together in response, “No guarantees, sweetheart.” 
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Thank you for reading!
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wonderfull-star · 2 months
I want to speak out. Yes, I know that Licorice is not underrated. Can't I just add the character I think is necessary? Stop constantly writing to me about Raspberry and Snowsugar. I know they are more underrated than him, BUT. An underrated character does NOT always mean an underwritten empty character who is such because he just came out or is simply already forgotten. An underrated character can also be in terms of plot. And if you also consider that many people don’t like Licorice as a candy, then this makes sense (in terms of the plot, of course). Therefore, I more prefer to consider the characters underrated in terms of plot.
I'm not stupid. I UNDERSTAND that in terms of popularity in the fandom, as a character Licorice is NOT underrated. Therefore, I ask SOME of you to stop whining and proving to me that, as always, I am wrong about something. And that some poor, forgotten by everyone including the creators more than 2 years ago, characters are DEFINITELY more underrated than any other ones. Although this is already obvious literally to ANYONE. Many of these characters don't really have a written arc. But why Snowsugar? There was an update with them in the winter where they were almost the main character in a special story. While the rest of the list hasn't gotten their long-awaited screen time in over 2 YEARS. Yes, even the very fAirLy popular Licorice, in your opinion, has not received screen time for almost 2 years(last cookie standing does not count, we are talking about the game itself) So Snowsugar didn't get any screen time? Yes, yes, we believe the entire fandom. What about Raspberry? There was so much potential in this character. Even just her design says a lot. But as usual, NOTHING. What about Pumpkin Pie? She just had a great design and there was even a hint of a pretty well-written plot. In which there is also was dark magic, rituals and possession. The developers may even release more than one update only for her.
Therefore, if someone thinks that an underrated character is only poorly written and long forgotten by everyone, then I feel sorry for you. After all, such a word as “underrated” has much more meaning than it seems at first glance. And, believe me, even once the most popular character can become forgotten by everyone in an instant. This is how popularity works. Popularity is fleeting and, unfortunately, cannot last forever.
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daisyishedwig · 6 months
L, M, N for the fic writers ask !!!!!
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A Place to Call Home was a very personal story, so while I understood what Blaine was going through very well, it was still emotional draining to write a lot of the more intense scene, even if it was cathartic.
The ones that were more challenging would be look, look at you, and, currently, like it hasn't been forever. I had very specific ideas for how Blaine would be feeling and how Sebastian would be feeling and actually getting those emotions across was very challenging, and part of why it's taking so long for me to update like it hasn't been forever is because I still working on getting it just right.
Look, look at you specifically started out as a Klaine fic that I wrote almost 3000 words and four aborted attempts at making it work before I eventually realized, it was just supposed to be a Seblaine fic, and even then it was difficult. It's an idea I would love to explore more but I'm not sure if I am currently capable, but maybe in the future.
I probably have way stranger AU ideas from when I was younger, but I've almost certainly forgotten them now. Some of my favorite au ideas were usually polyam stories. Like I had this very fun throuple soulmates Sebklaine AU where Kurt got Sebastian's name on his wrist, Sebastian got Blaine's, and Blaine got Kurt's and it would take them a while to first work out what was going on and then why it would mean.
I had a d/s universe Starklaine idea (though I've contemplated writing it as Sebklaine, simply because I'm more comfortable with writing that) where Kurt has never been sure of his status but simply decided he would be a Dom, because it fit him fine and he couldn't imagine submitting to anyone he knows, so it must be the right choice. But then he meets Elliot and it makes him question everything, because suddenly he does have a desire to submit. And after a while he gets comfortable in his identity as a sub, until Elliot takes in Blaine, an abused sub, through some sort of... Foster type company? And suddenly Kurt's upset at first that his boyfriend suddenly has another sub living at his place, and he's jealous and upset, but Blaine is just so sweet and slowly he starts caring for him and wanting to take care of him and he realizes he wants to dominate him and he panics because he doesn't understand what that means. And basically Kurt is an oblivious switch because switch!Kurt is the best.
I really hope to write that one day, but as it stands, it's a ways down the road.
Oh and I can also talk about how my Mrs. Winterbourne Seblaine AU existed for years in my brain as an mpreg fic, because I wasn't an experienced enough writer to figure out how to make that fic work without going that route and having it be a straight adaptation of the movie.
Currently I'm really excited about how it's shaping up, and, actually, Klueless has really inspired me with the way you've kept the heart of the movie without it being a scene for scene AU, it's helped me through a number of my plot hangups where i felt like I was trying to hard to make it exactly like the movie.
I'm just really excited it see how some of the changes I've made to the plot fit into the original narrative. Specifically I'm really liking the deeper connection I've been able to create between Blaine and Sebastian as they both grieve their brothers together, whereas in the original movie, Connie hadn't actually lost anyone in the same way Bill had. It just makes the enemies to lovers more fun when Blaine is both actively very annoyed at Sebastian and also deeply understands the pain he is feeling.
I am currently on a train to New York right now, which does mean I'm suddenly very tempted to work on my Mrs. Winterbourne AU, but I specifically didn't bring my laptop so I would be encouraged to focus on reading while on this trip 🙃🙃
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