#this isnt good or proofread but i cant shut up soooooo
ughgoaway · 10 months
matty being sick last night has me thinking so many thoughts ab teacher reader x sick dad matty.
my first thought was a scenario after you've both admitted your feelings but aren't official. perhaps you've been on like 2 dates and clearly want a relationship, but no one has admitted it lol
it's the day of your third official date, and you're all ready. But you get a text from matty saying something like, "I'm so sorry, darling, but I have to cancel our date tonight. I've been trying to push through, but I'm pretty sick - reschedule as soon as I'm better?"
of course, you're immediately like :(((( but you send a sweet message saying, "Of course, feel better soon xx"
then I imagine it's a little later andmatty sends a pic of him cuddled up in bed surrounding by tissues and medicine, "wishing I could be with you right now, sweetheart. I'm sick of lemsip and bad reality tv :("
you decide then and there to go over with supplies, you make homemade soup and go to tesco to stock up on every medicine possible. paracetamol, ibuprofen, cough medicine, cough sweets, headache relief - anything that might help.
when matty answers the door, you can feel your heart shatter just a tiny bit. He's in his robe with a tissue in his hand and heavy eyes. they're red rimmed and puffy, his nose is pink, and his hair is a mess. he's even got his glasses on, something that you make a mental note to ask him about when he's better.
("Since when do you wear glasses???" "I've had them for years but I never wear them, it's not very rock and roll of me" "mmm I think you look good, hot professor vibes" matty is just 👀 "role play???")
he's fucking MORTIFIED bc why does he look like this in front of you?? oh god??? he says "y/n! ohmygod! hi! I'm so sorry I look like this i-" and he's furiously trying to flatten his curls and look vaguely human.
you calm him and come in. He's all bashful and embarrassed that you've made him soup and got medication, trying to insit he's fine.
you stare at him and put your hand on his forhead as he tries to argue he's okay, "Matthew. you've got a fever, and you don't look like you've had proper food in days. go sit down on the sofa and let me look after you! don't make me pull the teacher voice out"
he is like "yes ma'am" and sits down.
After a bowl of soup and copious amount of medicine, matty lies down with his head in your lap, "Just for a second. I'm feeling a bit dizzy, " he insists.
but your hands massaging his curls mixed with the warm soup and the cough medicine have him asleep within 5 minutes.
you don't leave him or move him to bed, just sit and stroke his head, watching him rest peacefully as some shitty teen movie plays in the background.
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