#this isnt targeting people who DO fight against terfs
anti-terf-posts · 6 months
hey, i know the going is probably a little rough right now, but you got this. and if you don’t, it’s completely okay to step away from the internet for a bit! you’re valid the way you are, and i hope you really take that to heart.
have a good day/ night/ whatever the fuck time is supposed to be
this actually means a lot, because honestly? fighting terfs is not as fun as I make it seem. it's tiring, draining, and all around Not Fun™. Arguing with stupid people feels stupid. In my head, it's a waste of time. and in some ways, it kind of is! After a while, arguing with them just turns into bringing up the same points over and over, because that's their strategy. they're not smart people. they don't understand advanced biology enough to know that their perception of gender, sexuality, and sex is just straight up wrong. This is all part of the reason why I tend to delete transphobic asks unless I find them funny. it's just not a good use of time to indulge in their antics. At least, that's my opinion
anyways, sorry for the rant, and thank you so so so so much for this ask :) /gen
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nocostan · 4 years
as a former anti i do think antis can be harmful, but its much less about hating something and more so being against certain things like p*dos, terfs, and so on, proshipper being included in that. most antis i knew when i was one never targeted people either, usually the terfs and peoshippers came to us lol . i just wanted to throw it out there that a LOT of antis are just like... teenagers who dont grasp that arguing about stuff online isnt productive
Yeah I gotta admit, I was an anti when I was much younger. I use to think that if I have enough people on my side, I can win some sort of “my pairing is better than yours” war. Now that I think about it, It was such a stupid thing to fight about. Makes me cringe....
I don’t know what pro shipper means? Does it mean you support all pairings no matter what? Or the pairings that have toxic relationships should not be allowed?? Like I need the exact meaning of pro shipper.
If it means “support all pairings” I wouldn’t be a pro-shipper.
There are some pairings which I cannot agree with, and won’t support.
Those pairings are the ones that are immorally wrong, like the things you mentioned.
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maghrebim · 7 years
On your post about reblogging to punch Terfs and Nazis you talk about how you rarely see people stand up for the groups that they affect. What are some ways to better do this? What are things people can do that would be more helpful?
ok so i really like this ask and im sorry that it took me a bit to answer it but i wanted to do it somewhat right even though im like......an 18 y/o dumbass with a blog please keep that in mind
different groups have different needs, of course, and geographically what one can actively DO can vary a ton, but in online activism and generally in leftist/sj spaces there’s a lot that could use improvement. getting rid of microaggressions is a big one, and its something probably everyone is guilty of. analyzing your own conceptions about marginalized groups that you dont belong to and your language when talking about these groups and how you treat members of a group. battening down on cissexist and transphobic language and ideas is a good start, wrt the trans community at least. this isnt new at all but basically dont unnecessarily gender language to exclude trans folk, dont gender body parts, be cool about peoples pronouns, do your own research, TALK TO PEOPLE (!! this is an important one! members of a marginalized group tend 2 be the best experts after all), be careful of & learn to recognize insidious radfem rhetoric like ppl talking about “male socialization” re: trans women (an incorrect and fucked up concept) or “biological sex” or those kinds of things, and, if youre financially able, support people with their transition! that shit is expensive! there are tons of donation posts there for people who need hrt or surgery, and even just reblogging helps a little bit. boost voices coming from the community, be critical of the media you consume and if youre cis use your privilege to protect and help trans people in the ways youre able to. GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL ELECTIONS! do a bit of research about the politics and elections in your area, and use your vote to shut down horrible politicians who want to use their power to punch down on marginalized groups by passing laws and bills that discriminate against them, overtly or not. theres probably a lot more than this and its pretty basic, but its something at least!
also i think some of the above could be said for groups affected and targeted by nazis and white supremacy too, although antisemitism in particular can be incredibly covert and IS really widespread in leftist spaces, which someone else could probably talk more about than me since im dumb as fuck. but yknow, shut down alt-right assholes who spout that garbage (using reductive terms like “the jews”, “blacks”, “transgenders”, etc. is a BIG red flag), make an effort to educate yourself on the history behind nazism (and understand that antisemitism didnt begin or end with nazis), shut down holocaust denial AND attempted “justification” of the holocaust (but also: if youre not jewish or rromani then dont overstep your bounds wrt this topic in particular because whatever you have to say about it is probably gonna be extremely lacking), be careful of stereotypes and hate speech (”jews are greedy, barbaric, [any comparison to an animal], colonizers, white supremacists, controls the government” etc.) AS WELL AS goyim making criticisms of jewish people and/or zionism. be wary of (goyishe) people who generalize or use being anti-zionist as a shield against accusations of antisemitism, and who calls anyone who calls them out on their antisemitism a zionist. take jewish people seriously on our accusations of antisemitism (suggesting jewish folks are overly paranoid is, you guessed it, antisemitic), BOOST OUR VOICES (a lot of posts we make about things regarding us & antisemitism usually just circulate among other jewish people). for the love of g-d, do not ask a jewish person on their stance on palestine and israel if its unsolicited and not something they tend to talk about. learn more about our culture! knowledge is fun and learning whats appropriation and whats appreciation is pretty important i think. be wary of nazi imagery!!! its not always as obvious as actual literal swastikas, neo-nazis are known for using imagery and, like, certain phrases to be more lowkey about their nazism. learn to recognize these.
this is super long already so im gonna (try to) wrap it up and also put another disclaimer here that i can be really fucking stupid so if i messed up please tell me and also realize that i could probably be more constructive or specific about this and that i probably left out a shitton of things people can do. you can always improve in your activism!! theres always stuff to learn or unlearn, theres always something to do, theres always gonna be times when you fuck up but letting people educate you so you can better = very good start!
like, going into the point of my original post (here, for reference), SAYING you want to shut down terfs/nazis/any other hateful group is all well and good, spreading that and making sure they have no platform and dont feel comfortable expressing their disgusting views is great! but saying is one thing, actually doing it is another. like idk hopefully i managed to shed some light on how to do that and how to support marginalized people (specifically trans people and jewish people in this case i guess) at least a little bit. like....people can say they hate terfs and nazis all they want but unless they ACTUALLY do something to demonstrate that then its worthless. performative activism is completely useless and selfish and allowing yourself to become lackluster and not even try to do anything about the problems you claim to oppose or even think about why it needs opposition (beyond “its bad to oppress people”) has no place within activist spaces imo
its a constant struggle probably, and theres always gonna be things you could theoretically Do More of, or ways to be More Helpful, but yknow. begin with the little things and try to grow and extend compassion where you can. ask questions too, if you want to learn how to help specific people. oppression is often systemic and hard to untangle and hard to fight, and like.....not to be sappy but theres a saying from the talmud that goes “you are not obligated to complete the work, but nor are you free to abandon it” and idk. i think thats good to think about. doing just a little bit is better than doing nothing.
anyway im done
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flowermist7432 · 6 years
I want to talk about something important
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I wanted to talk about a whole situation that went down on tumblr that's been simi stressing me out.
@redkatherinee also known as @redpeachh
this person that i tagged right here, has been targeted for obviouse reasons thats not surprising. She tends to draw And talk alot of things about Trans people. All of them are inherently bad and onviously unwanted. Everyone was shook after finding out this after a person exposed her.
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Now obviously im not a Terf. I love alot of people. As long as your happy and like, not a bad person then im fine (obviously like if your fetishing incest, Kids and wanting to fuck real animals like someone elses dog thats something i hate.)
I never cared, why should i? Im thinking about being trans, im gay, and im weird person whos dead inside. im not the kind of person to judge what you like. As long as your not a bad person. (We will get to that in a second)
But this person hates Trans and depicted them as...awful things and something about men idk i didnt really care much cause when i dont like something i dont pay attention too much cause it just stresses me out.
But obviously i fell into a trap of wanting to harrass this person but then i realized something.
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We are acting like how she depicted us
You heard me, we are going crazy and harrassing her, telling her to kill herself, were telling her how "shes lesbian and russian? I dont care about women! Men have feelings too!!!"
Your making fun of lesbianism so just no. The whole point it to seem like were careing but that defeats the purpose.
Women are just as important as men, so instead of saying i dont give a shit about women, you should say "yes women are just as important, but we should realise that men can be harassed and hurt as well "
Its her job to try to listen but who wants to listen to "kill yourself" and only proving her point.
Now before you say anything.
She is bad for depicting trans people the way she does and drawing bad art work of hurting them and making fun of them. In a very TERF way.
She is a bad for continuously doing what she does and making fun of people who fight for them and making us seem like big babys.
Stealing art is bad, you can call her out but dont steal, it only stirs up trouble
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But having this fight...against eachother...? And causeing us all to hate and fight one another?
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It sucks ass. I hate going on tumblr for this. I had to fource myself to send her an anon message in a calm way. I had to calm MYSELF.
Why should we get mad? Do what i did. This ISNT the first time this happened to me, where i fourced myself to walk through the chaos
walk straight through the hatefull messages that come through to the person, and drop my pitch fork at their feet.
Look them in the eye
And softly say "i dont want to fight, i want to talk"
And give them their hand.
Ive done this before.
And it worked. @albinofaggot was that person, they were surprised that i was the only one who stepped up to calm calmly to them. They werent mad.
And after time they soon excepted it and realized their mistake and then stopped what they were doing.
It only takes one person, one calm reasonable person to take down a war.
One person to freeze a war zone.
And it costs you nothing to grab your enemy by the hand and ask them if they need to talk
It costs you nothing to hug your enemy and ask them to sit.
It costs you absolutely nothing but your patients so see through your enemy.
You costs nothing but to earn
You only earn one thing.
You can learn what kind of person your enemy is by this simple action. Will they be willing to sit and understand where your coming from just as you were willing to put your fork down just to talk to them
Or will they but too focused on winning the fight that they refuse to open up like you did, in that case you turn to your army and say
"Leave them to their demons, theres nothing else here to be won"
A never ending war isnt a war at all. Its just a new burden you hold untill one of the side falls.
The difference is you dont gain anything from the fall
@redkatherinee .....
I want to ask something, i want to DO something.
I want to apologize
I just want to talk......
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