#this literally isnt a revelation or anything
kaurwreck · 16 days
have yall ever noticed in osamu dazai's entrance exam that ranpo cuts to the heart of dazai within moments of meeting him, weighs him against the feather in his gaze, decides it neither too heavy nor light, and then says, simply, unfeignedly, deliberately, "Oh, that's nice. Anyway, welcome to the Agency."
and dazai, despite smoothing himself shapeless under ranpo's scrutiny, is rattled, slipping aside his noh mask to self-soothe by asking kunikida about ranpo's skill. because the radio static crackling along his spine can't be the sensation that he's been caught, or ranpo would have renounced or redressed or recoiled from the snake in his home— so it must be no longer human, buzzing and frustrating such and such skill ranpo set on him, and this placidity is a facade to save face. ranpo couldn't have seen what dazai didn't deign to show him, however much the thought briefly excites dazai.
except then kunikida explains that ranpo's skill is to deduce the truth of a case just by looking at it, and dazai is momentarily stunned, the static roaring in his drums as muscle memory swallows piqued yearning and spits bitter incredulity. even if there were a skill that could crack him apart to out the pluck meat that might reassure him he's made of flesh beneath the chitin, there is no exception to his nullification.
even as the blackened grief encroaches like ennui around dazai's edges, ranpo is calling them, promising them the answer they asked for, and no more than that much. he asks dazai for his glasses (the glasses precious to him, typically on his person, but in that moment, somewhere else), and dazai is coaxed by his curiosity and ranpo's beckon.
and because dazai is still a pitiable creature prone to wanting, he leans towards the taunting lure and takes it between his fingers while holding his breath to brace against the certain-to-be-crushing disappointment.
and instead, substantiation brokering little argument. ranpo can deduce the truth by looking at it. and as dazai's own discernment reverse engineers ranpo's conclusion, he finds no fault in it.
dazai's rhapsody enlivens him in the car with Kunikida, the well of him overflowing with the salvific implications that moments prior he was pinned, writhing in place, by someone sincerely seeing him, who was satiated by enough substance to then look away, who wasn't the least surprised to see wriggling, living flesh in the shape of him.
dazai's so beside himself that when kunikida remarks that he's never seen dazai marvel over someone else's skills like that before, dazai scarcely lies to him when he says lots of things take him by surprise, like when he tried to pick up a clam with his chopsticks, and it was still alive, startling him.
kunikida, who also notices more than he's given any credit for, dismisses dazai's third perspective, depersonalized, dehumanized, and disassociated clam metaphor, and says: "You seemed taken aback that someone had the ability to see and know all."
to which dazai responds with the same seamless and subtly mean spirited deflection he tends towards whenever he's suddenly feeling vulnerable.
but yes, he is taken aback. it's worldview shattering, not unlike when chuuya incited him, or oda shrugged at him, or when kunikida would, later, see a lock without any key (a climax without any hope) and create one himself.
ranpo saw him, saw who he'd been, and said, with prejudice: "Anyway, welcome to the Agency."
because I didn't until a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't stopped thinking about it.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd ranpo#bsd dazai#souheki#they communicate via eye contact like cats and kunikida knows they are but he doesnt know what theyre saying#its subtle but then dazai's questions and the sequence of events#makes it like#a very purposeful gesture followed by a purposeful gesture#and dazai is so joyful and thrilled and in awe#and it's because ranpo is amazing!!!!!#but also it's because ranpo saw him. knew what (who?) he was#ranpo's gaze cuts through artifice to the truth of the matter#and dazai is layers and layers of - he feels - put upon artifice (it's not and it sometimes is)#because he's so terrified of someone seeing who (what—) he is and affirming he's as inhuman as he thinks he might be#but ranpo sees him. stares at him for a while. pierces him so deeply that dazai asks kunikida what his skill is.#and then ranpo says welcome. i know what you were. but here you dont need to be anyone but who you are.#and he doesnt need to know more doesnt act intrigued this isnt a plot to unwravel or connections to make#and then he asks dazai to hand him his glasses#because ranpo sees everything#and so in exchange for seeing more than dazai necessarily was comfortable showing#ranpo asks him to hand him his glasses#allows him close#and offers dazai his own vulnerability in a rare pre-guild arc acknowledgment/moment of candor that He Knows He's Not A Skill User#but not only that#it like affirms yes i saw you no it wasnt an illusion or a skill you can nullify#dazai lies and manipulates and nullifies and deflects#but he cant do ANY of that to ranpo — literally or figuratively#ranpo's piercing eyes see the truth of him and dazai can revel in the giddy euphoria that there isnt anything he can do to undermine#the matter of factness in ranpo's acceptance of him. isnt that just a little wonderful?
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thegreatyin · 4 months
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the adventures of the neath's most annoying definitely-totally-a-bat-and-not-the-scoundrel-in-a-robe continue (cards. their name is mr cards. or so they insist.)
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this time: coworker antics. tune in next week on dragon ball Z where we'll be killing all of them with hammers
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Guys this may come as a surprise but as it turns out i just might need ADHD medication. Like. Badly. shocker, i know
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cloudcountry · 3 months
I need Jamil with a male crush who is kinda impossible to embarrass with teasing.
Like if Jamil teases him, he'll respond by:
A. Bluntly responding in a literal manner (ex: "Aw, it's almost as if you love me" "of course, to me you're the most sublime creature in Twisted Wonderland")
B. A witty/teasing reply
C. He'll go very pink but he won't hide it and has the biggest smile on his face
Basically, the reader makes no effort to hide how much he absolutely adores Jamil. How does Jamil go about flirting and asking him out properly?
SUMMARY: male!reader takes great pleasure in watching jamil squirm (lovingly <3)
COMMENTS: so many jamil requests woooow hes so popular!! isnt his birthday coming up. am i crazy.
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Jamil doesn’t understand how one boy can send him into hysterics. Well, not exactly hysterics, as he seems put together to everyone else. Rest assured, on the inside, you have him confused and calculating his next move.
He doesn’t know what your next course of action will be or if you have an ulterior motive or not. You’re clearly not trying to reach Kalim, he notices how quickly you ditch Kalim for him every time you see him around.
He ignores how satisfied that makes him. He is not reveling in your attention even a little bit. Maybe it would be reassuring if you had some angle that you were working, but he’s sure you don’t because you’re just not that kind of guy. He’d be able to tell if you were someone like him.
He still remembers the first time you pulled something on him, smiling so kindly and giving him praise after he’d made a meal for Scarabia. You’d offered to help too, but he’d shut you down immediately out of instinct.
Throughout the night you kept finding ways to talk to him, playing various board games with him and cracking jokes to make him laugh. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, not for you, but then you said he looked so nice when he smiled.
It was unexpected. Such a simple compliment and such a lovestruck gaze were all it took to have him freezing in place, unsure of how to proceed. He finally manages to get out that your smile is lovely too (a compliment for a compliment.)
You don’t take the compliment and leave it alone, no. You start raving about how pretty his hair is, and how his eyes are the most gorgeous color, and how it’s lovely how he’s so competent and wow he’s so smart...
“Careful,” Jamil warns, “If you keep flattering people like that they’ll start to think you’re after something.”
“I’m only after one thing.” you lean closer, a stupid grin on your face and for a second Jamil takes you seriously, “Your heart.”
Ever since that day, it’s been like a competition between the two of you. Jamil makes a smug remark and you hit back twice as hard. Sometimes you’ll laugh to yourself and he can tell you’re flustered from your body language alone.
His flirting can come off as a bit awkward or even frustrated if you can read him well enough, but that’s only because he’s trying to get a leg up on you and you’re not giving him anything to stand on.
Like, come on. Do you have to be such a genuine, good-hearted guy that you just say what you mean? There’s no game for Jamil to even play?
Eventually it all comes to a head one day when Jamil pulls you aside, more exasperated than he’s ever been. He isn’t aiming to confess, but the way he talks about all of your interactions and how frustrated he is about not being able to pin down your character makes it obvious.
So obvious, of course, that you start smiling and giving him that lovestruck look again! He’ll get even more agitated, demanding that you spit out whatever you’re trying to do and just get this over with because he is at his wit’s end—
“I just love you.” you say. And that’s all you say.
Ultimately, I don’t think Jamil would confess first. I think he’d be way too far into his own head because of your way of approaching him to even think of it. Jamil is playing mind games and you’re just openly adoring him!
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TAGLIST -> jamil's jewels . . . @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
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oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months
Sprinkle some kubosai hcs pretty please 🙏 (I love ur hcs)
im really bad at answering these and this is another ask im answering weeks later but let me try lmfaoo
lemme just give u some of the random hcs ive been thinkin about lately..
• aren has tried to convince kusuo to start doing art or writing as a way to get his feelings out (since hes so bad at communicating lmfao) but it always goes wrong.
• aren is very into scrapbooking, and scrapbooks every one of their dates. its often just a page about their time together that week, since theyre together a lot and its not always clear whats a "date" and what isnt.
• it doesnt matter how they fall asleep, aren almost always ends up on top of kusuo by the time they wake up (kusuo complains but he obviously loves feeling his weight on him).
• whenever its cold, kusuo warms himself up and gets close to aren just so he'll notice how warm he is and pull him closer. he denies that its intentional.
• aren always gives kusuo a bite of his food. ALWAYS.
• kusuo bakes for aren, but aren always insists on helping and sharing the food with him.
• aren does most of the cooking.
• kusuo makes aren watch crappy movies and play crappy games with him.
• aren insists on making kusuo play better games even if he already knows whatll happen "for the experience" (kusuo still wears his ring during it so he doesnt hear aren spoil anything he doesnt already know).
• arens favorite movies are the shrek movies, i dont know why, he isnt even really into the kind of gross humor thats in them usually, but he loves shrek and he makes kusuo watch it with him a lot.
• aren plays guitar for kusuo a lot.
• aren learns how good kusuo is with kids, and this is the most attractive thing in the world to him.
• pda... a lot of it. kusuo is averse to it at first, but he can be pretty possessive, so he ends up holding onto aren most of the time even after telling aren not to hold him in public.
• aren most frequently calls kusuo princess, my love, doll, darling, babe, etc.
• kusuo calls aren aren, 'yasu, and babe (very rarely).
• aren flirts a lot and revels in making kusuo blush, but he cant take what he dishes out... kusuo can literally just say "you look nice" and aren becomes a blushing mess.
• aren gets flirting advice from yumehara, both before and after he starts dating kusuo... i dont think i have to tell you how that goes.
• yumehara knows a lot about flower language, so now kuboyasu does too. they utilize this in kusuo plans a lot.
• everybody else gets in on trying to give aren advice about saiki too at some point, particularly imu and the psychickers.
• aren once punched kusuke straight in the face, HARD, but only because he caught him off guard. kusuo laughed harder than he has in years.
• kusuo gets along really well with arens mom, weirdly enough they have a lot in common.
• they get engaged YOUNG. like, the minute theyre both 18. they dont get married for a few years though.
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fic rec friday 26
welcome to the twenty-sixth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. suite on you by @adelfie
Lance feels a little jarred when he sees nothing friendly in the suitemate’s eyes, and then foolish. He scrambles to find something to say. “Do you have any rules?" Keith’s eyes darken. “Yeah. Don’t bother me this semester. Or ever.”
-- Accident-prone Lance McClain learns that his grumpy suitemate, Keith, has one rule: to leave him alone. Lance would really like to follow that rule. Really. But his clumsiness has other plans.
(Or, 5 times Lance bothers Keith and 1 time Keith lets him.)
any fic that uses the Lance is a Ray of Sunshine tag is a fave of mine bc he is. i loved how in this one keith called lance sweet, not like an adjective but as a petname?? anyways it killed me and it made lance melt as you might have guessed. i loved it
2. Shiro, You Ignorant Slut by notverystraight
“I like Keith,” Lance blurted suddenly.
Shiro blinked. “Oh.” Not exactly the revelation he’d been expected. “He likes you, too.”
- In which Shiro accidentally reveals Keith and Lance’s feelings for each other… without even knowing about them in the first place.
god bless fics that write shiro as the dorky dumbass he is. he WOULD be the one to spill the beans without knowing that there are even beans to be spilled. i love him
3. Escalate by demonsushi01 [EXPLICIT]
Day 15. Flustered
5 +1 Fives times in which Lance is flustered by Keith during their relationship, with it steadily shifting from more innocent things as it continues. And one time in which he gets back at Keith.
this mostly isnt explicit, its mostly just klance turning their relationship into a competition lol. they also spend a significant amount of time embarrassing their friends which is excellent
4. Part of Your World by @floranna
Keith sat at the dock, glaring at the water, wearing only his speedos. It was a bright, warm, and sunny day, with slight enough of a breeze to keep the worst of the heat away. Not like Keith cared or anything like that, of course, but…
Everything spelled that it should have been a beautiful, wonderful day, full of wonderful memories, if only that sharp-toothed half fish would actually show up!
happy belated mermay my loves <3 you want klance? teasing and soft and domestic? monstertron? lance with very sharp teeth? keith being very into lance with very sharp teeth? one stop shop babey
5. Hunk’s List of Grievances by @littlecinnamonbunny
Honestly, Hunk deserves better.
Five times that Hunk thought he walked in on Lance and Keith doin’ the hanky-panky, and one time he actually did.
this fic made me LAUGH. like literally out loud. let me introduce yall to my favourite part:
And that’s when it happens.
A familiar gloved hand comes into view, pale fingers pushing back Lance’s fringe with a soft groan, and Hunk realizes that Lance's mouth is currently preoccupied and will not be able to respond. But it’s too late because Hunk’s already opened his own mouth to speak.
“Hey Lance, Allura wants to– hoLY F- oh yup okay that’s definitely a dick, goodbye I’m gonna erect myself out of- eject! - eject myself out of the airlock now.”
He turns on his heel and speed walks the fuck out, and even Yellow is sending him questioning concern that tingles the corners of his mind (though it’s tinged with amusement, the filthy traitor) and he ignores Lance’s choking and coughing and swearing.
He also chooses to ignore Keith’s mortified cry of his name along with “wait-!” because no Keith, why the fuck would he wait?!
‘Oh sorry, let me just pause in my desperate attempt at fucking off for a moment so you can remove your genitals from the back of my best friend’s throat and try and convince me that your penis was checking for cavities’.
like holy shit 😭😭 words cannot express how out of pocket this whole fic is like i genuinely cannot read it without smiling
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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420technoblazeit · 2 months
ive been listenign to malevolent on da bus with no wifi so i dont have super detailed liveblog notes for this ep but SEASON 2 BABEY GIVE IT UP FOR SEASON 2
thank fucking god theyre ok first off. like i knew theyd probably b fine but john was really quiet at the end of the last episode and given that he's been worried about his sense of morality recently im a little worried abt him. like man sorry you found out youre actually the fractured piece of an evil eldritch entity dude. that sucks
john saying that he's lived eons but only found purpose with arthur is KILLING me btw. he's so in love with him it's fucking unreal theyre so doomed
boy scouts arthur makes so so much sense. especially the part abt him hating the rules that came with it
im really liking the idea of the dreamlands as a hostile environment btw. a sun that moves irregularly and burns too hot. plants that reach out to feed on anything that touches the forest floor. it's pretty sick
'so you know who jesus christ is' JOHN HAS BECOME CATHOLIC
i like. understand why arthur is hesitant to trust john after the revelation that he's part of the king in yellow but come on man john's literally from the dreamlands maybe you should trust his intuition abt this place yk
there is no fucking way that finger isnt getting infected. he literally bit it off do u know how dirty mouths are. cauterizing isnt going to do shit for an infection i hope u like losing another finger john
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gayass bitch
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waffliesinyoface · 5 months
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this isnt a new revelation or anything, but i do love the fact that archer's armor literally has abs. he understands that being shirtless in combat is dumb but he still wants to show off. you dweeb.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
in your au, what kinds of people do the different pastas target?
HIIII ok omg im literally working on my little website w all the info rn so i love this ask..
operator targets vulnerable people he can use 2 get out of the forest
slenderman targets whoever the operator took control of so he can """save""" them (moreso redirect them..) tim, brian, toby, and kate focus purely on keeping cryptids within the forest + humans out of it. tim brian and toby will also seek out people in nearby cities/counties who are way too into the paranormal and will stalk them, scare them off, steal their evidence, etc. they only kill people if necessary (but toby and kate are guilty of getting carried away when its totally not necessary) natalie started by treating it as a form of 'therapy' and related it back to her childhood abuse, so prob wealthier abusive men/older boys.. but she's kinda having like a terrifying revelation of how fucked up she's making her life so .
jack doesn't kill (he takes what jeff and others bring him) BUT if they're not bringing him anything for a long time, he'd target grown/tall adults cuz. more meat.. bigger organs.. lasts longer. some weird logic (and he feels less guilty if theyre like middle age)
sally doesnt desire and isnt capable of killing, but she will sometimes haunt houses with newborn babies . jus cuz she likes babies and thinks shes protecting them even tho it scares the living shit out of the families
ben also doesn't kill but he HAUNTS THE FUUUCK out of people. usually kids/teens cuz its funnier that way and nobody believes them. he's literally just an internet troll jeff targets women and girls mostly.. he just thinks theyre more fun to chase plus ''''objectively easier to kill'''' and he isn't exactly the epitome of health and strength liu(+sully) jane and nina don't and haven't killed anybody. liu is trying to repress, sully is trying to get shit figured out, jane wants jeff in prison, and nina is just chronically online and got caught stalking liu so she got roped into their problems + eventually the operator
there's other characters i wanna put in like helen and dina and ann and whatever bc i feel like natalies really out of place in this story so i think more like her balance it out, but i don't want to clutter it too much so yk..
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muthafuckinaro · 1 month
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theres so much things wrong with these ships.
you may have told me off about mxm, which i understood,
some of these are literally darkshipping. not comshipping, darkshipping.
this is why i quite literally lost interest in the smg4 fandom because of shippers.
first thing i noticed.
i shipped this for a day and realized it was wrong as hell. mr puzzles has controlled mario in so many FUCKING ways throughout puzzlevision and just because hes "retarded" doesnt mean it DOESNT FUCKING APPLY. i wont change your opinion, but theres so much things wrong with this ship. its awful. for the new episode on saturday, im assuming its gonna be related to wotfi 2024 with marty, mario, and mr puzzles. mr puzzles said he WOULD be back to seek revenge. dont give me shitty excuses how it "wasnt that bad" and wasnt controlled as much, because its still horrible.
marty and mario;
now your just making up ships. its not even rarepairing anymore. this is also borderline AWFUL because of the dynamic. marios fucking OC, who BRAINWASHED (in connection to mr puzzles) mario, to quite literally steal. marty, in the new episode where mario is being hunter by karen, literally also said he would come back for mario. what is "lovey dovey" about this shit? he may have protected marty at first in some episodes along with this, but it isnt right.
"oh..! but thats how shipping works!! they dont have to love eachother!!"
Marty is cardboard. Another shitty excuse.
mr puzzles x wren;
do i even have to explain WHY this is also bad? mr puzzles controlled wren. he even died at the own cost just to get powerful from puzzles. just because their both villians, theres two different situations for them. wren started western spaghetti by getting into mutual contact with puzzles. he proceeded to kidnap the crew and him. how do you possibly make something up like this.
luigi x chris;
there is barely any interaction between the two. "rarepairs" but its literally characters who probably do not give a fuck about eachother. theyre most likely friends, but like, barely. chris isnt technically part of the crew either, and only really shows up if swag is also there trying to save something. let the poor dudes go.
axol x niles;
this is the reason i even wrote this. this is why i think this is SO fucking disgusting.
if youve really paid attention to both the genesis and revelations arcs, you would know neither of them are on good terms.
niles technically posessed axol in a way. to both torture him and melony. melony had to kill axol to save him and free niles. niles is not good and shouldnt even be dynamic-ed this way. victim x abuser? niles abused axol quite literally?? why the FUCK would you even ship this?
axol x smg0;
this is also wrong. they have never interacted in a day of their life. if im wrong, it was probably for a MILISECOND. ive rewatched the genesis arc and revelations arc 27 times. i know how everything goes around. smg0 was not around for that much, except when niles took control of him too like with axol. this dynamic, let alone "ship" doesnt make sense.
axol x smg0 x niles;
dude. what the fuck. literally the last two rants combined on why this is wrong.
luke stated when axol is shipped with everyone but melony makes him uncomfortable. thats the only canon ship you'll EVER fucking get. this is why the fandom is so toxic. JUST LAY OFF A FUCKING BIT. let alone the 3 of them shipped just fucking sucks. i dont get anything romantic about the ship. people hate smg4 shippers because of this exact reason.
it doesnt make sense.
its a darkship. 2 victims, both of them being controlled and possessed, x abuser/controller..? dude.
if your making the own creator of smg4 uncomfortable (along with others,)
then thats just your time to like. just stop.
tumblr may be a safe space for this shit, (ive seen cannibalism kinks, shit kinks, wtv)
but just. make a separate blog. i cant.
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something-like-air · 1 year
blank period karin is one of the most interesting, complex versions of karin but there's a dearth of content that's dedicated to her in that era
a lot of the content ive seen that features blank period karin is like, sssk fic where she shows up to deliver the baby and is either like, mean or depressed about it, and maybe she and sakura have a moment and become besties, but usually she's there as set dressing, or to like, put the nail in the SK coffin
and like, that scene is absolutely something id want to dig into as a dirty little karin fan, but there's plenty of other shit i think a good karin-centric blank period fic could hit
this list got mad long so here's a read more. check it out.
the creeping, gradual realization that sasuke is not coming back for team taka and will be settling/based out of konoha
generally, any sort of wrangling/reconciliation between sasuke and taka after the war when he's in his new and improved grown up state of mind. if not this, then dealing with the frustrating realization that sasuke will continue to associate with orochimaru and taka whenever he needs anything, while having no intent to maintain serious personal bonds with any of them
in relation to the above, karin havign to deal with the fact that she's probably the only member of taka who is bothered by this, since juugo tends to be passive, and suigetsu is independent enough that if sasuke is fine just being LDBs (long distance bros), he would be totally chill with that. karin!!! not so much
and like i said this would be stuff other than the sarada stuff, but like WHEN the sarada shit happens, how karin approaches the entire sarada situation, whether its like, instant love bc its sasukes kid, or something she needs to force, bc holy shit is that an emotionally complex situation, and holy shit does sasuke do her no favors by asking her to deliver his literal child
aside from the sasuke bullshit, i wanna see karin wrangle with log/mitsuki/other babies(???) being grown in the lab while having no blood family of her own while also being unlikely to ever have her own children
karin also wrangling with the fact that she's creating entire human beings, presumably so that they can be experimented on by orochimaru, which isnt new per se, but is new in the sense that shes now an adult who may or may not have more complex feelings towards helpless children (esp after sarada)
the fact that juugo apparently takes off from taka at some point, and karin and suigetsu either go separate ways or begin working in different hideouts
literally????? any kind of revelations regarding her heritage??? the fact that she busted out the chakra chains in the middle of the war in a very conspicuous moment?? shes a cousin of the future hokage???????? one of two uzumakis left in the world, and the only known pure blooded one, presumably?????????
also this is probably where karin experiments with The First Guy Who Is Not Sasuke, which either fails gloriously in a murder-tinted kinda way, or is wayyy too normal for her to ever be able to maintain it
ALSO i dont think theres a lot of fic that address the long term toll of karin using her healing bites, and it seems like young adulthood would be the time where any wonky shit would present itself
basically i think there should be more fic about how complex karin is in this era, how she tackles leaving behind the sasuke era of her life and forming an identity separate to that, to the extent that she may or may not try to, and she may or may not succeed
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sangfielle · 8 months
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a) i hate when people start a reply with ... like theyre like Um Actuallying you without having to say it b) this literally does not mean anything in terms of a shows ability to be antisemitic. isnt one of the hq animated shows creators jewish too. that show openly revels in antisemitism. fuck off
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will80sbyers · 2 years
Do you have any idea or theory about the '20' thing on the show. I am not sure if this has been discussed that much but I think many people kind of miss that foreshadowing. Because clearly that D&D game was used to foreshadow the S4 plot and probably S5 plot.
We literally seen Dustin roll an 11 and lose which was a blatant foreshadowing for El losing against Vecna and the characters losing in general. Then Erica rolls a 20 and they win. So that's a foreshadowing too. We just don't know what is 20 exactly but that's the thing that defeats Vecna and is a win point. If I am understanding this shit correctly the show is literally telling us that it isnt related to El, so...? Am I just making shit up here because I do not think the Duffers were being super secretive honestly. They usually use D&D game references to foreshadow things and this makes me literally think that El isnt gonna be the one to defeat Vecna because she isn't ''20'', or whatever or who the fuck '20' is will be the one to defeat Vecna ig. What is your opinion?
it is definitely foreshadowing!
I went back to rewatch just to put this on writing so that maybe someone else could have a revelation :
In the basketball game number 10 of the tigers gets hurt by number 11 of the falcons
then when the d&d players are talking about the game they talk about how they can't kill Vecna with only 2 players left but Dustin says that it's possible because Vecna has only 15 points left
Dustin and Erica have 12 points left before they are killed
12 is also Jason's number on the basketball team and he says he wants to take the shot
then they say that chances of success are 20 to 1 (Henry)
Dustin parallels Jason in these scenes because they alternate between Jason and Dustin and they both fail when throwing the ball/dice, Dustin scores an 11 and loses ( foreshadowing the first time El fights Vecna this season)
Erica gets paralleleld to Lucas and they both make the winning hit ( foreshadowing season 5 ) Erica scores the perfect 20... Lucas is wearing 8 on his shirt but I have seen that basically Caleb choose that number because of a basketball player that died I think so I don't think that has anything to do with the foreshadowing
now for who the 20 could be I honestly don't know for sure but I have two theories:
It could be about Will & El because they are the two that are constantly paralleled in the narrative so it could make sense that they would be also paralleleld by another pair of siblings (Erica and Lucas) maybe alone she could not defeat Vecna but she can do it with her brother's help
it could be Will and Mike because we have seen that they are framed with two number 10s at rink o mania and there is also that little number 10 randomly in Will's room between the two plushies that represent them ( definitely a stretch but who knows) and maybe them together makes the winning 20
also this is random but another thing that it's interesting to me is that Vecna seems to be associated to the number 10 during the past seasons because I've noticed it's a number that repeats around Billy for example, or like when something bad happens? I have to go back and save all the 10s I find in the show one day but I'm not feeling well so I don't really have the energy to check this on all the episodes now, I don't know what this could mean exactly... but I feel like the player 10 being hurt by 11 at the start of the basketball game could also maybe be foreshadowing on how 11 did hurt Vecna this season even if she doesn't win
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thegongoozlerreacts · 9 months
Welcome Home: Instruction (??) Update
we're back with another Welcome Home post yay!!! so context for the title, what do i mean by 'instruction'?
a little while ago, after the Halloween update, i checked in on the Welcome Home website to see if the Christmas update has come
it hasnt and there still isnt any Christmassy things on the site bUT it doesnt mean there's nothing new! when i first checked there were 4 instructions left around the site, but since those were the only changes i didnt make a new post
however!! there is now new things regarding those instructions!!! and i will be exploring those today!!! im excited
spoilers under the cut
now before this new update, there were 4 seemingly random instructions left around the site
on the main page in the 'Website Updates' section, was a single sentence "Write Hello."
on Sally's section of The Neighborhood page, there was a sentence above her picture "Reverse this image of Sally."
on the stickers page, there was a sentence above the neighbors section "Write "OK.""
and last but not least, there was a sentence at the very top of The Playfellow Exhibition page "Turn The Playfellow Exhibition upside down."
these were the only changes left on the site, and at first i thought it was something that we, the viewers/audience, were supposed to do
like to turn the exhibition upside down, maybe they meant to access the staff-only version of it? there IS a thing at the bottom of that page that says 'its in here' only for it to lead to nowhere
and maybe we're supposed to write 'hello' and 'ok' on the password entry ? since its the only place where you can write anything on the site (because the guestbook is closed) (i did try that but it didnt work)
and for reversing the image of Sally, some people have tried like, reversing it horizontally or color-reversing it which makes her blue and could be a connection to the possible 'nighttime' version of her
but with this new update!! its clear that the instructions werent meant for us, they were meant for Wally!
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it doesnt lead to anything unlike the bug videos or the audio doodles, but still! an interesting revelation that the instructions werent meant for us at all!
lets check out the rest of them!
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now THIS is very interesting
also since it cant be seen clearly, when you hover your mouse over the image (or open the image to see the tab title), a line of text says 'I did not understand you. Does this help you?'
i wonder if Wally knows who it is thats leaving these messages? or if he's just like 'ah someone wants me to do something, i should help them' or smth???
i think its funny that no one quite understands what they mean by 'reverse this image' but this is an interesting interpretation! literally showing the backside of the drawing
since i cant really figure out how this is supposed to help lets move on to the next instruction
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wow Wally has made a mess of things but like i like how he used the stickers to spell out 'OK'
oh look he acknowledges it
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since its probably not clear, but the text says 'I did not write it. I did something else. I know who these neighbors are. Do you like them too?'
well now im REALLY interested to see how the exhibition page looks, since it said to 'turn it upside down' how will Wally accomplish that, i wonder
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he took that very literally it seems all instances of the phrase 'The Playfellow Exhibition' has been turned upside down, cute also hey look! a Christmas thing!
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ooh the text is very interesting!
it says 'I did not know what to do. I think I am correct. Is it Homewarming where you are? Happy Homewarming.'
hmm based on the way its capitalized and the Christmas tree, 'Homewarming' is probably the equivalent of Christmas in their world, like how they dont have Valentine's Day but they have Mail-In-Time Day and its not Halloween its the Macabre Menagerie of Monstrous Mischief Making
hmm but that seems to be the only Christmas/Homewarming thing on the site
there is no other instruction or change to the site as far as i can see, and all thats left is to speculate the purpose of these changes
who gave these instructions to Wally? what are they trying to accomplish by doing these things? will there be more on this Homewarming holiday?
i have no idea what the answer to these questions are but wow!! very interesting
welp thats all for the update and all for today, byebye!
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waluigisgaybf · 10 months
Because i sent the ask before seeing the Dark Urge version of the list, here's the adjusted list: 1, 10, 13 or 7. Also the Durge list doesn't have a hobby question but feel free to answer that one too if you want!
I was legit about to answer the Tav one for my Durge before I saw this second ask 👀
Ive actually kind of thought about these a lot and have small little ideas of what I go with so Im def about to use these to solidify and piece together things for me boy- (and will still answer the hobbies one cause Id already typed it but I’ll put it in the tags cause Im incapable of not using SO many words for things.
1.) What circumstances led to your Dark Urge becoming their Class/Subclass?
Nalnor is a College of Swords Bard, the subclass just made the most sense for his style cause hes a show offy hacky slashy type of guy- but subclass aside, when Nal was young he probably realized fairly quickly how much joy he got out of telling storys or playing music, almost anything that would wow a crowd or even just a single person.
Part of its because ever since he was a child, before and after the urge took hold- he had this need for approval and acceptance, so seeing that he had the ability to even just trick people into it made him really stick to it- Once the urge began to take even more of a hold and finally became fully who he was- it brought a new element in, the ability to control someone emotions and reactions with just a simple tune brought him a whole new level of excitement, the power his words could have, to lull people into a fall sense of comfort even before killing them- After the loss of memories and tadpole its come back full circle though, he just really loves singing and humming and playing instrument, and he LOVES moving people with his music and making people smile— and it’s debatable if he can even kind of remember or will remember- but the true actual reason he ever even started humming or singing as a child was because his adoptive mother used to sing before the urge made him kill his foster family and it quickly rubbed off on him.
10.) What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
At first he’s really really hesitant and to nervous to fuck with any of it- cause hes already got some weird shit going on in his head- he’s not gonna risk adding anything else, but as “The Dream Guardian” starts showing up more and more- Nalnor slowly kind of starts to trust him and also becomes more desperate to figure out what the fucks going on so he slowly starts using the powers and the tadpole more- once the Astral-touched tadpole is brought up he once again because extremely hesitant because hes literally just figured out who he actually is and who he thinks he wants to be and the thought of becoming even semi Illithid scares the fuck out of him- but the hes slowly realizing it might actually be the only way to make sure his friends hes come to cherish live and are safe- and the fear isnt going away, but hes becoming slowly more tempted to do just to help them all better 😳😳
13.) How does your Dark Urge feel about killing? AND 7.) Did your Dark Urge recall any childhood memories? If yes, how do they feel about the revelations? If no, was it by choice or lack of options?
(Imma try do a two in one answer cause they kinda work together lmao)
He did actually get one of the two in game childhood memories- his first actual murder(s) where he’s standing over the body of his foster family.
It was triggered when Heal was cast on him so he definitely was NOT expecting it, and was NOT happy about it 😳 The details are still so foggy but he remembers he had a sibling, and that his parents were kind and sweet, but he remembers their blood on his hands, the absolute confusion he felt when realizing what he’d done and the terrifying speed in which is guilt subsided and turned into excitement and the looks on their faces. It is not a memory he is happy about, and he cant stop wondering how many other friends or family he may have killed.
Ever since he woke up in that pod he’s been horrified of the joy, excitement, and fulfillment killing fills him with, he struggles greatly especially at first to resist, and catches himself in moments where he swears he didnt feel the urge but definitely acted out on it in some way.
The killing scares him because he wants you to do it so bad and because hes scared of whatever part of him seems to be fighting for control.
Slowly after more shits uncovered and he gets to coping more, he feels less scared of killing, hes more confident he can resist letting it consume him, but still feels this small fear from the satisfaction it brings him each time, and is still quietly scared of it sneaking up on him and consuming him because he cant how much of it feels like its because of Baahl in his blood and how much of it is just- who he is.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Hi, I haven’t messaged you or anything in so long !! I was like 16 the last time i even posted on tumblr, i’m literally 20 in two days !!
I haven’t checked up with you since The Ride but you used to be my favorite blog and my favorite fanfic writer. You fully shaped my late teens and ur old fics got me through everything from GCSES to Covid.
And then i stopped using Tumblr cos Catfish just vanished like but i’m so happy to see you’re still writing like and you’ve found new things to write about. I went to Uni n stuff and my whole life changed and i completely forgot about ur fics. They used to be a form of escapism, and helped my romanticise my life. They genuinely helped me feel lighter when life was just heavy like. and now i don’t need them anymore and all that seems so sad and distant, my life is so so great now and i got through the not so great bits with your writing.
I just thought it was worth letting you know that you shaped a girls teen years. I completely accredit you to all the fun I had romanticising my life because of ur fics, and you literally have no idea. like some random girl in Manchester accredits some writer girl in wherever to shaping her entire late teens into some indie cringe fest nightmare that she secretly loved (don’t tell)
like i would never fess up to it anywhere except anonymous on tumblr but you were one of my only friends at times and i would read ur fics and sit alone in my room and listen to the strokes (who id never heard of until you) or id walk home from school listening to catb and imagine i was on some english coast walking to the pub with the lads and the sun setting. it sounds really sad i know and it fucking genuinely really was i was a sad lonely girl but i had so much fun!
and my music, like all of my music taste came from you !! all my book recs came from you!! i love kerouac to this day because of you.
If you ever reupload any old fics i’d be the first to have a little nostalgic read !!
Okay, first of all, thanks for sending me this bestie it really hit me in the chest because a) i cant believe ive had that level of impact on someone else's life and in such like a cute little way? And b) because everything youve just described is exactly what i was doing too!! Like using my little fanfictions to escape to, romanticising my dreary/lonely little life and using it to imagine a better future for myself...
Like, i started writing Oxygen when id broken up with my abusive ex, was livibg alone in a student flat, id lost ALL my pals to said ex, i was floundering at uni feeling stuck and alone and like, i used to get stoned and listen to the national and live in this little daydream which was that story and its probably one of the only reasons i survived that year!
And The Ride, i had the idea for that when i was trapped at my grandparents painting their house for them. That whole bit at the beginning where Maria is painting the B&B stemmed from a days daydreaming trying to romanticise my dreary little life.
Basically most of the fics i wrote were me creating the characters i wanted to be more like, like fliss and saffron, i wanted to be that kind of positive, confident, carefree girl and writing the characters helped me believe that I could be more like that.
And like idk, you really summed up what i was doing for me, and I'm glad u were able to romanticise your life too! I think its an underrated and important coping mechanism tbh, if you cant daydream up a better reality for yourself, how can u ever achieve a better reality for yourself?
I also think thats maybe why I don't write as often now too, generally my lifes much better than it was, I'm happier, i dont need to imagibe these friends for myself because i have a really solid group of friends, and I have B and im cared about and no ones out to hurt me anymore. So i dont need to escape to my fanfictions so much anymore idk.
Still sometimes its lovely to revel in nostalgia isnt it.
Also omg i cant believe u read those books cause of me, and heard the strokes cause of me, thats so fucking cool <3 <3 im glad we were friends back then and had eachother, i think thats so cool that without knowing eachother we've had that impact on one another (because honestly the people who read my fics and comment and send me anons have all supported me and made me feel less alone and lame)
Thank u so much for sending this and confessing to the indie cringe fest (we were all there and secretly loved it, its okay to admit that here!! Indie cringe fest lives on here!!)
And im so happy your life is better now too and that youre somewhere u want to be having a nice time, I'm glad u don't need to romanticise ur life anymore because youre living a life you actually want to live.thats amazing and im v proud of u for getting here and v happy that u got here <3 <3 <3 <3
Love u bestie ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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