#this made me emo :((
petit-papillion · 7 months
Piero Ferrari about Charles in Un Hiver à Maranello
Journalist: "Your favourite driver right now, who is it?"
Piero: "Our Leclerc. He just renewed the contract and he's a guy with a lot of skills. And I think that he was a promise and the promise was confirmed. And now he needs to win with a lot of continuity and you want him the satisfaction and Ferrari too.
I remembered that we were watching his races in F2 with the late Sergio Marchionne, so I followed him since a lot of years."
🎥 Marty_Bb
Translation by kissofcharlie
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i just woke up omfg (feral breakdown noises)
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wnjunhui · 2 years
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hoshi’s concern and yoongi’s advice
"Of course, we may not be as hot [when we come back], we can't draw a lot of attention every single time. But when we do come back people will remember those memories and come back to us. So I hope you don't feel too anxious about those concerns because I was someone that was so anxious about that before”
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shadowhandss60 · 1 year
I saw your plea for fanfic ideas and immediately hit the ask button.
I beg of you please give us manorian and the thirteen but like happy. This fandom deprives me of happy thirteen content.
Tried for happy and cute while trying to remain true to the characters 🙂
(I liked this, now I wanna do more happy moments with Manorian and the Thirteen)
"Neat trick." Asterin said, lying back on her bedroll. She had an arm tucked behind her head as she stared at Dorian.
He was sitting upright, one arm propped on his bent knee while the other swirled in the air, passing various elements around the fire he had created before them.
"I think it would be more interesting were he to set something or someone on fire," Vesta called from the opposite side, staring a little too long at the king before her.
"Yeah, you.” Sorrel grumbled from her place to the left of Asterin, facedown on her bedroll.
A few of the thirteen laughed at that and Vesta flashed a vulgar gesture towards Sorrel, which the third could not see but returned all the same.
Dorian chuckled under his breath, eyes unfocused as he searched for something, or someone, beyond the circle.
Asterin had noted Manon and Dorian's inclination to save space beside one another when it came time for rest early on in their journey, though she never mentioned it to either of them.
He sent a flame careening around the group and Asterin tracked the glow in the rest of the thirteen’s eyes as they followed it.
The king’s gaze shifted back to the forest before his sapphire eyes landed on the fire again.
"How does it work?" Briar, of all people, called out beside Vesta.
She had been sitting crossed-legged with her arms folded, scowling at the king for darkness knew how long. It was a good sign, considering she usually outright glared at outsiders.
"I just will it." Dorian shrugged. "Sounds foolish when I say it, but it's really my only explanation. I tend to think of some of the elements as seasons at times; it helps me focus when I'm training."
The ball of ice circling the group began to grow until it burst into a whisp of fine flakes that scattered in the breeze, though none hit them.
Imogen raised her hand from her bedroll to try and caress them but said nothing, turning her head to face the king from her place beside Sorrel.
"Ice and snow for winter."
"Your personal favorite," Vesta noted gesturing with the blade she had begun sharpening.
Dorian shrugged. "Yes, you could say that."
A few others sat up, not awoken as none had been sleeping, all waiting for their Wingleader to return, but rather intrigued.
Asterin then heard a sound like a waterfall and looked up to see the dome surrounding the camp where water seemed to trickle down around them, reaching far enough to cover their group of wyverns.
"Water for spring." Dorian continued.
The rain began to stream heavier down the sides of the dome, then as he brought his hand down to stop the downpour, the fire before them roared.
The shield surrounding the camp seemed to thicken as if to keep the blazing light hidden from any watchful eyes.
"Fire for summer."
Asterin looked to him then, his eyes blazing gold when reflected in the firelight.
There was a pause as the flames ceased and Dorian must have been reaching out with his magic as both he, Asterin, and the rest of the thirteen turned their heads to the sound of approaching footsteps.
Manon Blackbeak made her way through the foliage, her hair near luminous in the moon and firelight. Asterin could hear Dorian swallow.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes as Manon's gaze met the king next to her.
"And for Autumn, princeling?" Her cousin's voice rang out as she made her way forward, her mask of annoyance unwavering, though Asterin knew her enough to note the curiosity brimming under the surface.
Asterin turned to Dorian and he kept his eyes focused on Manon, cocking his head slightly, and the wind around them began to roar.
The fire and those on their bedrolls remained untouched, but Asterin could hear the whistle in her ears as if she were soaring through the skies on the back of Narene.
She glanced back to Manon as she strode towards the fire and saw her cousin's hair a whipping mass around her face as she scowled.
Thea snorted and Vesta chuckled under her breath, catching a glare from Manon that had her quieting.
"Wind." The king smirked, resting back on his hands as he surveyed Manon, now standing above him in the space he had unconsciously left for her.
There was a smile playing on his lips that nearly made Asterin grin in return.
She was wary of him when they first met; they all were, but his respect for Manon was evident in how he spoke to her.
Though he challenged her, it was never in a way that made her second's hackles rise. If anything, she found it a grand source of entertainment.
Faline and Fallon had questioned as to why Manon had not killed him yet.
With the way he sometimes spoke so freely with her, it was a wonder he wasn't asking for it, but the demon-twins likely didn't mean it as a genuine question because they could all see the spark of lust and intrigue in Manon's gaze whenever he had a smartass remark or outright questioned her.
Like she wasn't a battle-forged weapon he should fear.
They had all seen him with the collar, seen the monsters that lay underneath the skin, wearing beautiful faces as masks to hide a thirst for violence that even repulsed them.
They knew that he had likely seen nightmares far worse than what surrounded him in this circle, so Asterin found it fitting that he would be the one to pique the Wing Leader's interest.
None had ever spoken to her like that, not even Asterin until recently; she couldn't help but smile at the softness Manon tried to hide when she saw the king.
It reminded her of that cabin, of her hunter, of a life she may not lead but one that Manon may yet experience.
Manon reached down and shoved Dorian's shoulder harder than was necessary as she tugged her bedroll from her shoulder.
"Very cute." She deadpanned.
Kaya grinned from across the fire beside Vesta, and Manon's head shot up as if she could sense it.
"Something funny?"
The witch's grin broadened, but she shook her head, the king speaking in her sted.
"Sarcasm suits you," Dorian said beside her. "Even with that delivery."
Manon stiffened, but she could see her cousin fighting a smile from her place beside her.
"Oh?" She continued to spread the stiff roll of leather. "And what delivery may that be, princeling."
It seemed as though everyone was sitting up now; they had all grown accustomed to the teasing and flirting amongst the two monarchs.
Asterin sometimes grew tired of it as Manon's cousin, but she couldn't deny that the sight of Manon frustrated, in more ways than one, wasn't entertaining.
"Like you'd like to kill me in my sleep tonight."
A few snickers rang around the fire, "Keep talking and I just might."
The king shrugged and laid down again, one arm bent behind his head. Manon sat, still facing the fire.
"I'd like to see you try."
Manon faced him then and though Asterin couldn't see her, she could feel the violence dripping from her posture, mixed with-
"Gross." Sorrel called out beside her.
Manon snapped her head towards her third. “What?" She hissed.
"Oh, you know what…I can't wait until you two can get some privacy and leave us out of this." Thea called.
A few of the other witches began chuckling, and even Asterin couldn't hide her snort of laughter.
Manon's eyes seemed to blaze as she stared down her cousin.
Asterin didn't try to hide her smile. "Don't blame me. You're the one that brought us this particular brand of entertainment."
There were full-on laughs around the fire now and it looked as though Manon was five seconds away from shoving someone into the flames.
"Entertainment, am I?" Dorian purred from the other side of Manon and she sucked in a sharp hiss of breath.
"Yes, and a glorified guard. That is all."
Dorian's eyes glimmered with mischief, but all he said was, "Hmmm." As he again faced the sky, twirled a small vortex of ice, and sent it around the fire.
Suddenly, a small thud from the opposite side of where their Wyverns were, brought them all bolt upright; Manon and the rest of the thirteen stood while Dorian crouched, hands flexed and looking as though they were dipped in ice.
They settled when they saw Abraxos staring from the other side of the shield Dorian had out, looking as annoyed as she had ever seen.
“You can leave but I have to open it to get back in.” Dorian grinned sheepishly towards the wyvern, as if he could understand such things. "Sorry."
Manon scoffed and walked towards her mount.
"You're insufferable." She called out as she strode towards him but her hand stroked his face affectionately, scratching at a scar behind his left eye that had him nearly kicking like a dog.
The beast opened his maw, and a heap of wet, saliva-covered, yellow flowers rolled off his tongue like some kind of offering and Manon jumped to the side.
She was cut off by Thea and Kaya bursting into laughter, followed by Vesta and even the green-eyed demon twins.
If looks could kill, they would have all fallen prey to the glare thrown at them by her cousin.
Still, as Dorian, Sorrel, and Asterin joined in the fray of laughter, Manon's glare subsided into the slightest grin that had the rest of the witches grinning or continuing in their laughter.
A short grunt sounded from Abraxos and Manon turned to face him again as he closed his eyes and seemed to be nuzzled by an invisible force, his chin lifting as if Manon were still scratching at him though her hands were at her side.
They all turned to Dorian, where he now lay on his bedroll, eyes wholly trained on Manon as if 13 deadly witches did not surround him.
He merely smiled and she continued to stare back long enough that Vesta cleared her throat
"Darkness save us. Could you too not grope eachother in front of us."
Manon snarled at that, "No one was groping, watch it."
Vesta snorted and laid back again, settling with her feet stretching towards the fire, raising her hand and flicking it in the air.
"I don't know what he does with those weird ghost hands of his."
"No, but you'd like too-" Imogen sing-songed but was cut off with a grunt, likely from an elbow to the ribs.
Manon scowled, giving Abraxos one last pat on his snout before he sauntered back to nuzzle Asterin's mount, nudging a soaked flower towards her.
She smiles at the gesture and turned back to her cousin, noting the slight flush on her cheeks but deciding not to comment.
"Whoever isn't sleeping in the next 10 minutes is training the princeling tomorrow."
Edda spoke at that, "So, say I'm awake in eleven, I get to spar with him?"
Dorian groaned and rolled towards Manon, speaking in a loud whisper. “Gods help me, make it 30 minutes, please. She’ll be out in 20, and you won’t like me missing teeth.”
Asterin could hear the smile in Manon's voice but her tone was final for all.
Asterin woke at dawn; the sounds around them were muted due to the shield Dorian could somehow keep as he slept though he had his magic reaching beyond, should someone approach.
She sat up on her bedroll, careful not to rouse the others.
Stretching, she smiled to herself as she saw Manon and the king facing each other, though Manon rarely slept on her side, their fingers nearly brushing as they seemed to reach towards each other like reflections in a mirror.
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officialtayley · 1 year
Hayley was an easy target I think. At the beginning, she was the one with a contract - but this doesn't mean she could choose what to do or the people she could have in the band (and about this, I think she tried to negotiate the best she managed, to have at least some of the guys with her that, at the right time, could ask for their other friends to join - this is exactly what happened. Also, we have T's side which is differently because he's always said his parents wanted him to finish school first, which is what he did before actually joining the band. So... The truth is somewhere in the middle I guess). When J*sh and Zac left, of course she was the one to blame, for the aforementioned reason. But Taylor stayed, even though Zac was his best friend.
Then, when J*rm filed the lawsuit against H&T, in his song he says he warned Taylor, but I'd say from what? Since he had been the one to be kicked out from the band countless times just for H to bring him back, basically granting for him, and he did THAT. Once again, Taylor stayed. And seriously, watching videos and pictures now you can really see how Hayley was struggling. You can't fake that. You can even hear it in her voice, it lacked the usual spark. Zac coming back to stay really confirms Taylor's side, that she was never the villain of the story. Now, I'm not saying she's totally innocent and the others were all bad, because each one of them had their reasons and rights+wrongs (as it happens in every argument, nothing is all black and white), but at the end of the day, if it weren't for "Hayley's dream", Paramore as we know it wouldn't even exist. J*sh tried a solo career, and see where he ended up. Same thing for J*remy. Zac started his own project, and it's going well enough - it would've gone well enough even if he didn't rejoin Paramore, because he is a different kind of person. Taylor never tried anything else, because he didn't think it was necessary and didn't want to without her, and same for Hayley if we really think about it. Because her solo stuff came out because T convinced her to - her words. She even said for a moment she considered disbanding and starting a new project with Taylor, with a different name.
The others probably saw her as a threat when she wasn't at all. T (and later Z) saw her as the girl who wanted to sing in a band with her friends. It's all here for me.
man.... that was all so well said and spot on. it's incredible though that she always had 1 person who saw her for who she is, just saw her as human.
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tsireyqs · 2 years
hey, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for anons like that who insult your work. Your writing is genuinely amazing and i hate that people try to say things like that about you. please do not let the haters get to you!! your fanfictions are so good and I can tell that you’re an incredible person as well <3
thank you bb! <3 i really didn’t let it get to me, i was just so frazzled at first methinks. i’m lucky enough to have really sweet friends to talk to abt it and they eased the brain a lil bit :] again! thank you for your kind words, it really does mean a lot <3
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A Great Story /./ [Self Para]
One shot 1000 words. Simba’s favorite memory of Swynlake
tw -- nondescript mentions of earthquakes and some blood.
The floor was shaking and people were screaming.
Simba had been sneaking around with Nala, trying to get a taste of dinner before it was actually served. Now, he was running hand in sweaty hand with her, trying to find his parents.
By the time he slammed into his mom, the ground had stopped shaking. He was bleeding. He wasn’t sure why or how, but he felt the breath rush out of him as he clung to his mama, Nala right beside him, clinging too.
Sarabi laughed gently. It was a shaky sound too, as if the floor was still moving for her. She put her hand on the backs of the children’s heads. “Hello. Are you alright?” She knelt down, holding each of them by the bicep as she looked them over.
Simba shook his head. Nala too.
“Baby, you’re bleeding.”
“Oh.” Simba looked down at the scrape on his arm. As soon as he laid his eyes on it, it started to throb slightly. As if he had just remembered for it to hurt. He frowned but he was already crying, big crocodile tears. He tried to sniffle them away. He didn’t want to be crying. Nala wasn’t crying. Even if he could feel her shaking like a leaf next to him.
“That’s my brave Simba.” She kissed his forehead. “I’m glad you’re okay. Just sit down right here, okay?”
“Where are you going?” Simba asked sharply.
“To go find your father. Hey, Sabine, could you watch Simba and Nala for a minute while I go find Mufasa?”
“Of course.” The woman turned to Simba and Nala and knelt down in front of them. “Well, that was certainly something, wasn’t it?”
Nala didn’t say anything. Simba nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah! It was crazy. I mean—I was cool the whole time.” There were still tear tracks on his face.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. I grabbed Nala and went and found my mama. I even got injured, look!” He shoved his bleeding forearm in her face.
She pulled back slightly, pressing her lips together but nodded. “Wow, look at you. So brave.”
Simba beamed. His arm didn’t even hurt anymore, not really.
“Did I hear injury?”
That was Dr. Ali. Simba recognized him from when he broke his arm last year.
“Hi, Dr. Ali! I cut my arm!”
“I see that. Do you know what you cut it on?”
Simba thought for a second, then shook his head.
Nala snapped towards him; eyes still wide. After a moment, she shook her head no.
“Okay. Well, let’s get it cleaned up. Good thing I brought my kit.”
“Do you mind watching them, Dr. Ali? I should go find Jerome.”
“Yes, of course, Sabine.”
“Great, thank you.”
The doctor took out an antiseptic wipe and began cleaning off the blood. It stung but Simba just curled his toes in his shoes and sat very still. “It’s not deep, so it should heal on its own. I’m going to wrap some gauze around it, okay? And I want you to tell your mommy that you need to come see me tomorrow.”
“Good boy.”
The doctor wrapped his arm and then someone new ran up to him. “Doctor, my daughter broke her arm.”
“I told Sabine I would watch Simba and Nala.” The adults searched around and Dr. Ali tapped a small woman on the shoulder.
“Charisse, would you be so kind as to watch Simba and Nala for a few moments?”
“What? Oh. Yes, of course. Don’t worry. I’ve got them.”
“Hi, Mrs. Beauton!” Simba said, waving. “Oh! Hi, Belle!” He said as the woman turned around to reveal the baby she was holding.
She blinked at Simba with big blue eyes.
“Is she okay?”
“Oh, yes. She’s perfectly fine. Tough girl. She is not phased by much.”  
“Good,” Simba said with a nod and looked at Nala. “You’re a tough girl too.” He reached out to squeeze Nala’s hand.
Nala smiled at him.
“Simba? Oh, there you are.”
Simba looked up at the sound of his mum’s voice and smiled. “Hi, Mama! Mrs. Beauton and Belle were just saying hi.”
“I see you got patched up?” Sarabi asked, grabbing Simba’s flailing arm and holding it out so she could examine it.
“I believe Dr. Ali did that,” Charisse said.
“Ah. Thank you for watching them, Charisse. Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Oh, no. We are just going to go home. That was enough excitement for one day, oui, mon cherie?” she cooed at the toddler, who smiled and nodded, pressing her face against her mother’s neck. “Have a good night. Stay safe.”
“You too.”
When the woman left, Simba looked up at his mother. “Where’s Daddy?”
“He’s helping people. I’m going to take you home, Nala, and then you’re getting tucked right into bed.”
“Can I help too?”
Sarabi smiled at him and leaned over to kiss the top of his head. “Not tonight, but it’s very nice of you to offer.”
Simba grabbed his mum’s hand and, still with Nala’s in the other, walked out of Town Hall into the warm summer’s night.
When they got home, Sarabi took Simba up to bed and tucked him in, nice and tight. Simba didn’t feel tired though. “Where’s Daddy?”
“He won’t be home until late, but he’s okay, I promise.”
Simba thought about this for a moment. “He’s helping people?”
“Yes. Good night, baby.”
“Good night.”
/./ /./ /./
The telltale creak of a floorboard outside Simba’s room awoke him just as his father turned the handle and stepped inside. He sat down on the edge of the bed, big hand on Simba’s back. Simba kept his eyes closed.
“I know you’re just pretending,” Mufasa whispered conspiratorially.
Simba giggled and then cracked an eye open. “How’d you know?”
“Because I know you.”
Simba sat up some, wide awake. He looked over his dad, who seemed no worse for wear. “What happened?”
“It was an earthquake because of someone’s magic. An accident.”
Mufasa chuckled. “You alright?”
“You weren’t scared?”
“You took care of Nala and your mama?”
“Good boy.”
“Did you helped the people?”
“Yes, I did. I tried, anyway, because that is what we do, right?”
“Help people?”
“Yes!” Simba smiled. “We always help. No matter what.”
“That’s right.” Mufasa leaned in and kissed Simba’s forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning and you can tell me all about how you got that cut.”
“It’s a great story.”
“I’m sure it is.”
“Night, Daddy!”
“Good night, Simba.”
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aphrogeneias · 18 days
Lucas Sinclair. Quiet and introspective and loves their friends fiercely.
oh, lucas :( i love him so much
he's also a nerd that tried to change to "fit in" but ended up going back to his nerdy roots, which is also something i've been through, and it all makes sense in my head
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hinamie · 27 days
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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ughgoaway · 9 months
pls don’t do the breakup.
“we don’t have to break our favorite things just because the heartache will prove that they were in fact our favorite”
oh why did this almost make me reconsider? bc like you're kinda right!! do we need to lose the thing we love just to prove we loved it??? how did you know that quotes like that are my achilles heel???
but I am sorry to say I will be continuing with the angsty fic for now, but I swear I will write some fluff to go in tandem with it <333
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batbabydamian · 2 months
A Quick Guide to Damian’s Furry/Feathered/Scaled Companions
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LEFT: R:SOB #1 Cover RIGHT: R:SOB #6
Introduced in: ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN (2015) #1
DAMIAN'S BABY AND BEASTY BESTIE!! On a mission during the Year of Blood, Damian kills the family of bat dragons guarding his objective. Goliath, despite being the youngest and last of his kind, forgives Damian. Goliath goes on to become one of Damian's most loyal companions, even featuring beside him in Batman Beyond (2016) #10, #11, #43-#47!
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LEFT: B&R #13 RIGHT: B&R #4
Introduced in: BATMAN AND ROBIN (2011) #2
A Great Dane gifted to Damian from Bruce as an effort in fatherhood. Funny enough, Damian finds him a nuisance at first and briefly refers to him as "Dog". Titus is a good boy that follows Damian's every step, even joining Bruce on his mission to resurrect Damian!
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LEFT: Batman Inc #1 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #1
Bat-Cow, branded with a star signifying which cattle were contaminated, was saved from a slaughterhouse to run some tests (which they do find of a mind control variety). Damian declares himself a vegetarian, and calls her Bat-Cow! She also sorta has a running gag of literally standing in the face of danger to save the day.
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LEFT: Batman Inc #6 RIGHT: Batman Inc #7
Introduced in: BATMAN INCORPORATED (2012) #6
Considered a "hopeless case" by the animal shelter, Alfred gifts him to Damian. The cat is a bold lil guy, which Damian takes an immediate liking to, and names him Alfred (likely because tuxedo cat = butler lol). After hours of chicken, playtime, and scratches, Damian and Alfred become friends! He makes his first appearance alongside Damian’s first appearance as Batman in BATMAN (1940) #666
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LEFT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #2/#1 RIGHT: Batman: Li'l Gotham #23/#12
Introduced in: BATMAN LI'L GOTHAM (2012) #2 (Digital) #1 (Printed)
The Penguin unleashes an army of turkeys at the Gotham Thanksgiving parade which Damian turns into his own li'l turkey march by playing the trumpet. He ends up bringing one of them back for Thanksgiving dinner (as a friend), and Jerry becomes a fairly regular appearance in the world of Li'l Gotham!
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Introduced in: NIGHTWING (2016) #42
A sort of filler issue where Damian has been kidnapped for his blood by the "Crimson Kabuki" in Tokyo, and Dick goes through a series of boss battles to save him. The dragon's blood has been the group's main source of power, so it ends up teaming with the duo, and returns home with them.
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Wiggles was originally named by a fan, "Shanootnoot" on Twitter!
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*Goliath, Titus, Bat-Cow, and Alfred the cat have been Damian's main canon cast of furry companions, but SUPER-PETS SPECIAL: BITEDENTITY CRISIS (2024) may have just added Jerry and Wiggles!!
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sanjipussyindulgence · 6 months
watching the kaiju no. 8 anime and the kafka + reno dynamic is so top-tier. contrasting reno, a sterotypical edgy anime teenager, with kafka, a pretty regular guy in his 30s, has such endless comedy to it.
they're father-son coded but reno did the adopting. he saw how lame and wet kafka was and fetched the adoption papers out himself.
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diadraws · 1 year
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statistically speaking it is impossible for us to ever be more back than we are right now
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disaster-delia · 4 months
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This is the last one, I promise (I don't)
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apuff · 2 months
finally made bullets scratch art
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iinryer · 28 days
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a family portrait of maddie and buck as kids for RetrievingBucks on twitter!
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza—the submission period has come to an end, but you can still donate to a good cause!
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