#this man deserves so much better
potatoobsessed999 · 2 years
Still having emotions about Renfield in today’s entry...
“Can't you hear me, man? Can't you understand? Will you never learn? Don't you know that I am sane and earnest now; that I am no lunatic in a mad fit, but a sane man fighting for his soul? Oh, hear me! hear me! Let me go! let me go! let me go!”
I just - the absolute nightmare of having something vital to communicate, and communicating it, and yet not being believed... becoming more and more desperate as you fail and go on failing, because it is like there is a glass wall between your mind and the mind of the other person, and you can see how close you are, how simple it should be to reach them, but no matter how hard you beat your fists against the barrier you cannot break through. And then for your desperation to be taken as a sign that you should not be believed - !
No wonder Renfield took refuge in scorning Van Helsing as a fool when he visited; no wonder he tried to return to his previous worship of Dracula, to persuade himself that stealing life from others was morally acceptable, to stop caring who got hurt in the process. No wonder he didn’t want to talk about souls. If you absolutely cannot believe that something is any less than monstrous, and you absolutely cannot prevent yourself from enabling it to happen... then what in the wide world are you to do?
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alucard displaying sumi and taka on stakes outside his castle,, he’s becoming his father 😭😩
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robiniswriting · 9 months
martha jones is stronger than the us marines because i think i would have killed anyone that treated me the way the doctor treated her in cold blood. he starts off their time together by kissing her passionately in a hospital hallway and when she’s like “who are you omg?” he starts waxing poetic to her about this random girl she’s never met. and then he ends their time together by having homoerotic tension with and then sobbing over the body of a man who just made her have the worst year of her life. its a wonder she didn’t go apeshit
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
related to this ex-boyfriend toji post
toji broke up with the reader btw. he saw how all the nights (and days) alone were affecting you, how your smile was slowly but surely dimming down. he wanted to be selfish and hold onto you; you were the closest thing to love he could find after his wife died, and he so desperately wanted to be with you forever.
but he could see that megumi was slowly becoming the only reason why you stayed. you loved them both, of this, he was 100% certain. that's why you tried your hardest and put up with all his shit. but it was breaking you, and that, in turn, broke him.
so he proposed you both broke up and you agreed. exhausted and heartbroken, you stupidly agreed. you didn't want to give up on toji and megumi, you loved them with all your heart. megumi did nothing to you, and you always visited him and spoke to him after the breakup. but you had become a glorified baby sitter with little perks in that relationship. maybe some distance from toji would be healthy.
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nipuni · 8 months
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So we are watching Broadchurch, here are some sketches! 😊
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spookeart · 1 year
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Currently reading ‘only the brave’ by @solmussa and it’s not doing anything to ease my growing obsession of him
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kr-yoongi · 1 year
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Arthur Pendragon voice: Merlin
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elbiotipo · 6 months
I've made this post before but it's really awful that the Aguará Guazú or Lobo Guará has this reputation as the Lobizón/Luisón (you could call it the South American werewolf, they are Tupí legends syncretized with European conceptions of werewolves, quite interesting), people used to kill it and some still do because of that idea.
There's also this misconception that they are predators. In reality, Aguará Guazú or Guarás eat mostly fruit, in particular Solanum lycocarpum, which is so associated to it that it's called Lobeira in Portuguese, and small rodents and birds at most, it's not a hunter at all. It's a weird but shy animal and certainly not a threat at all to humans. It's strange to think that people would have such a poor view of it.
But then you see one in movement:
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And yes, that does look like a human pretending to be a wolf.
Imagine seeing that at night.
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Bruce Wayne: I’ll pay you to stop killing people.
Jason Todd: Mm… nah.
Bruce Wayne: You’d actually pass up five thousand dollars… every month, to kill people for this fruitless journey?
Jason Todd blinks looking up from his gun.
Jason: Five thousand dollars... A month?!
Bruce: I can increase it.
Jason: You can increase it?
Dick Grayson falls from the side of the door where he and Tim were eavesdropping.
Dick: I wasn’t even paid that much until I left home.
Tim Drake, peeking from his corner: You're getting paid?
Tim: Yeah… great… cotton candy sweet… no but seriously, I want to get paid!
Dick: You can't be paid, Tim. I found out you were embezzling money from his company.
Tim: I needed a skateboard it happened the one time.
Bruce: No it fucking didn't
Dick: Ignoring Tim, I think I get why you're giving him so much money... you actually care about him again that's so sweet. I’m pissed, but so sweet.
Bruce: How did this get introduced into the conversation?
Jason, realizing this as well: Hmm… admit it. You care about me.
Bruce Wayne: I’m not… that is not…Justice matters here. I am simply teaching you that the true justice is not killing people and seeing as you won’t listen to reason, I thought I could give you something better. So you don’t keep doing this and you don’t get hurt or worse.
Tim Drake, stunned: Oh my God, you do care.
Bruce: Where did I say I care about him? I want to protect this… man, he is a grown man, who I adopted when he was a child, yes. I do appreciate him being around and don’t want him to die... again. I have him back in my life and I want to keep it that way.
Dick Grayson, crossing his arms: That was a long-winded way to say that, yes he does care about you. Aww!
Jason: I’m so torn. On one hand, jeez that's a lot of money... on the other hand… guns? Tsk, tsk, okay say the words, point blank, that you care about me and I’ll stop killing people that I see deserve a bullet through the brain or pay me. Tick tock, detective.
Bruce Wayne, visibly embarrassed because his tough guy persona is falling: Five thousand and I send you weapons every month to end this conversation.
Jason: All right! I’ll do it, just sign this contract.
Jason pulls out a contract in backpack.
Bruce: You have a contract? I… You… I need a moment.
Bruce turns around, pretending to look like he thinks but is trying to hide his smile.
Bruce: Okay, sure, I’ll look over this. I’m impressed, did you type this?
Jason: Wrote it by hand. Calligraphy practice paid off.
Bruce: I’m not saying it… but thank you for showing this side of yourself.
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bacony · 3 months
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Keep my path in your unfettered gaze, Lord.
I shall not err if you are watching.
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duckysprouts · 1 year
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so there’s this boy…
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lesbiamano · 4 months
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something something the yoshizawa sisters resemble rumi but youve already heard that
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katsutacle · 4 months
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new chapter did indeed break my heart I hope to heal yours with funny
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ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
Because Chapter 261 broke me
„I’m really not more than a war machine, am I?”
Your eyes dart towards the white-haired man sitting next to you immediately, a feeling of deep grief getting a hold of your heart.
“Why would you even think something like that, Satoru? You’re so much more than that. You’re funny, you’re kind, you’re-“
“The strongest. That’s all I’ll ever be in this world”, he interrupts you with low voice, his gaze hanging onto the barely lit skyscrapers around both of you.
Out of instinct, you grab his hand, force him to look at you.
“You’re Satoru, even without the Gojo. I know this world has treated you rough since the day you’ve been born, I know the only person who ever saw more in you than the blessed one was Suguru. But…I’m here too, okay? And in my world, you’ll always be Satoru with the cheekiest grin and the driest humor on this earth. You’ll always be the one I’m looking up to, the one who cares about others before even thinking about himself. You’ll always be the only hope I have left in this shitty world, the prove that kindness actually exist. I love you. Not for the fact that you are Gojo, but for being here as Satoru.”
Your name is nothing but a fade away whisper, a silent prayer on top of this building with the busy streets to your feet. Only you and the man who had to suffer more than anyone else, who was forced to watch countless friends die, who carries the responsibility for this world on his broad shoulders.
“I will always choose you, Satoru. No matter how rough it gets, no matter what it does to me. I will always stay by your side.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, (y/n). You’ll never know if someday, I will be used against you as well”, he mumbles while digging his head into your neck, taking in your calming scent.
“If that’s the case I will do everything I can to get you back”, you reply without hesitation.
“It’s not that easy, love. The world of jujutsu has never been this easy. When this day comes, you’ll have to kill me.”
Instantly, you grab his face, take in the stinging sight of his glossy blue eyes. Those oh so gorgeous eyes that make his life so difficult, the eyes you’d recognize out of a thousand pairs. Why would those eyes ever want to hurt you?
-a few years later-
“Satoru?”, you croak out.
You feel like collapsing any given minute. Out of joy, grief, agony? You can’t put a finger on it. Because it shouldn’t be possible for the love of your life to stand in front of you. Because he died a painful death. Because not even Gojo Satoru is able to survive everything.
But those bright blue eyes…They look exactly like the ones you loved so much, the eyes that supported you through day and night. But at the same time, they don’t look like his at all. No, something is off, this isn’t right.
“Satoru is gone”, his familiar voice speaks out without any emotion.
“I’ll take over from now on.”
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rosiethedragongeek · 11 months
Show Snotlout is just so vastly superior to movie Snotlout, and I KNOW i KNOW they had more time in the shows, but they didn't have to reduce him pretty much solely to comic relief in the movies (I adore movielout btw even though thw Snotlout was a total nightmare)
Bc like it would've been so easy to give him a moment w Hiccup where he's like we believe in you in the second movie to show his growth from the first, or to show him joking around WITH the gang as opposed to being the butt of the joke constantly and stuff idk
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jeffreyfrancoeur · 4 months
Can we just...stop comparing Colin to Anthony? Please? They aren't remotely close to the same person, and it's frankly disheartening to see time and time again now.
"Colin had no trauma related to love and self worth to deal with like Simon and Anthony had."
Unless I am very much mistaken, Colin and Anthony have the same father. They both watched said father die from a bee sting. They both watched their mother hold her dying husband in her arms and sob because she just lost the love of her life. The only difference? Anthony was 18, and Colin was 10-12, depending if we're talking show or book. Regardless, watching his father die absolutely gave Colin trauma.
Colin was sent off to Eton not months after his father died. He never was able to process it with his own family, because they stuck together and processed it together. But Colin had to go away to school. And when he was home, he would bring flowers and play games and try to keep everyone smiling. The only way he felt useful was to focus on everyone else's happiness and diminish his own needs.
He went away on travels each year to try to find himself, process his own trauma and experiences. His engagement to Marina blew up in his face, so he immediately left to go traveling, to lick his wounds away from the rest of the ton. And while he was gone, Penelope was the main one to read and reply to his letters. When he got back, his own family diminished him, said it was a waste of time, that his "prattling on about his travels" was boring. So what did that teach Colin? That his family doesn't care about him. Doesn't value him. Doesn't find his time, his experiences, worth it. Eloise says to Pen (in front of Colin) that she found his letters about Greece dull, and couldn't finish them.
So at the beginning of season 3, when he's returned from another summer away, after no one in his family replied to a single one of his letters, and in the carriage to the presentation, he's absolutely going to not want to talk about his travels with Anthony. "Who are you and what have you done to our brother?" You happened to Colin, Anthony. Colin is masking and pretending like his travels weren't a big deal, that they didn't affect him, when he straight up tells Penelope later that he used the time away to remake himself into a new man. To try out a new persona, away from the ton, where no one knew him as Colin Bridgerton, or as a Bridgerton at all. He was just some nameless man.
He felt like he had no one back home to care about him, so the problem must obviously be him. That there was something wrong with who he is as a person, and that maybe this new version of himself would finally make the people back home--and his family--care about him. Maybe this version would finally be the version of him that's good enough.
So when he comes back to London, he's a flirt. He plays at being a "rake." He sleeps with random women. He goes out drinking with his "friends" all the time, laughs with them at their conquests. But he doesn't enjoy any of it. His mother tells him that he's always been one of her most sensitive children, always putting others first, helping them, trying to lighten the mood. But she also says that he downplays himself for the sake of others. That he puts on armor, that he needs to not put others first so he can ensure that the armor will not some day rust and be unable to be removed. She is possibly the only person who sees Colin, truly sees him.
He feels like he needs to hide his sensitive side, be less needy, be stronger, be more manly. (I would eat my hat if Anthony hasn't told him to "be a man" more than once.) This flirty rake is not who he is at his core. At his core, he is kind, and sensitive, and craves connection. He craves connection so deeply. He wants to be seen, to be loved, to be cared for, to be cherished. Ultimately, he wants someone to value him, like he does for all those around him that he cares about. His family ignored him for that entire summer, and he still brought back incredibly thoughtful gifts for each of them, that shows how much he knows them and loves them. He wants to be able to love, care for, and cherish someone in return.
How is his desire for love and to be loved and this ease in which he creates a new Colin to try and please everyone else not a trauma response related to love and self worth?
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