#this might not be funny in the slighest to anyone except me
toilonto649lore · 3 years
i know that we are upside down
so hold your tongue and hear me out
i know that we were built to spill
so what, i don't mind
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
Inmate Intimacy pt.1 (Nessian)
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“Nesta. New patient.”
She rolled her eyes dramatically, but nodded at her assistant. “You mean ‘inmate in need of healthcare,’ but okay. Send him in.”
The heard the usual shuffle of chains a moment later, and then a heavy body settled down on the exam bed.
“Suddenly, I’m not so upset about getting locked up. I had no idea I’d have such a good view,” inmate #9356 said in a cocky voice that somehow rolled over her like honey. Nesta rolled her eyes again. After two years working in the Pyrantian Correctional Facility--an all male prison--she was beyond used to getting hit on.
She was entirely unprepared, however, for what she saw when she turned around. 
A very large, very handsome man sat on the bed, golden eyes boring into hers.  He had long, curly hair pulled back in a bun and a delicious amount of stubble on his square jaw. Two complete sleeves of tattoos covered his arms, and she could see they ran across his chest and shoulders through the thin cotton of his shirt.
He was without a doubt the most handsome man she’d ever seen. 
He’s a criminal.
“I’m sure your high opinion will change after a few weeks. Your chart says you’re in for Type 1 Diabetes?”
“Yep. So just go ahead and give me that insulin pack and I’ll be out of your hair.” He held out his hand, and her breath hitched a little at the bicep the gesture exposed. Her eyes also noticed the tattoos extended all the way to his fingertips, which would be strange on anyone else but somehow managed to look sexy on him.
How annoying. 
“Yes. Smart plan. I’ll give insulin, something people could sell on the black market here, to a convict. And a needle, so he could stab other inmates.” She barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes yet again. “You’ll come in once a day for your shot.”
“Then I guess you’ll be seeing a lot of me.” He didn’t sound upset about it in the slighest.
Nesta narrowed her eyes, motioning for him to hold out his arm. She grabbed the shot and wrote down the dose.
He extended his arm. “If you ever want to see any more of me, just let me know, baby.”
She jabbed the needle into his arm a little aggressively as he watched her with amusement. 
“You didn’t even flinch.” She’d have to stab him harder next time. 
His smirk grew into a grin. “In case you didn’t notice, I have a few tattoos. I’m not exactly afraid of needles.”
“Yes, Cassian. I’m quite aware.” She put a cotton swab on his arm.
Said grin grew into a very wide, very happy smile that showcased almost all of his perfect teeth. “Oh, you know my name? Been reading up on me, baby?”
Nesta leveled a glance at him. “It’s in your chart, and I happen to possess the ability to read.”
“Wow, a smartass with a great ass.” The inmate didn’t stop smiling. “I love that in a woman.”
Reminding herself that she was a medical professional was the only reason she was able to fight the urge to stab the needle through his eye. Once she’d repeated her Hippocratic Oath about ten times, the blood finally stopped rushing through her head.
It was about time to put him in his place. 
She leaned close to him, firmly ignoring how he smelled like fucking heaven, and smiled. In a soft, completely inappropriate voice, she said, “You’re funny.”
Still stuck on the topic of her behind, he told her seriously, “Wasn’t joking. I can tell even through she scrubs.”
“Oh, no. I know I have a great ass. I meant about you thinking you have a chance. Really? Flirting while you’re incarcerated?” She pushed away and flipped through his folder. “And for assaulting an officer no less.”
He opened his mouth, probably to tell her it was all a misunderstanding or something, but she just shook her head. She’d heard it way too many times. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cassian.”
A guard came in to escort him out, and she had to smile. Men in here really thought it was alluring that they were locked up. 
They should know she was a little old to date a man with a bedtime. 
Cassian was walking in the yard an hour after meeting the Nurse, thinking of the little smile on her face as she’d insulted him.
Damn. If he wasn’t locked up and eating gruel for the next two years, he’d be all over that. Literally. 
He grinned to himself, not paying attention where he was walking, and slammed his shoulder into someone.
“Watch it,” she stranger snapped. An ugly, vertically challenged man stood before him, looking like a pissed off bull with a stick up his ass. 
“Maybe I didn’t see you because you’re so short.” A low blow, but he wasn’t about to be someone’s bitch on his first day. “Watch where you’re going, prick.”
Bull-man squared his shoulders and narrowed his eyes up at Cassian, two of his goon friends coming to stand behind him.
“Apologize,” the bigger one said, obviously the enforcer.
A crowd started to circle around them. Cassian gritted his teeth. If he did what the asshole wanted, it’d set a dangerous precedent for him.
“Fuck no,” he growled, squaring his shoulders and staring them down. He had height and weight on all of them, but the odds still weren’t favorable. Unless he surprised them.
With that in mind, Cassian didn’t regret it one bit as he swung his fist towards bull-man’s face, hitting him right across the temple and knocking him out cold.
His goons didn’t hesitate, but Cassian was faster. He kicked the big guy’s knee out before tackling the other idiot and starting to pummel him.
After landing a few hits, the other goon pulled him off. He got a lucky shot through Cassian’s guard, but a well-placed blow had him on his back.
The crowd that had gathered backed away from Cassian slowly, a few mutters going through the ranks.
That ought to keep people off my back.
Nesta shook her head as her new patient walked in the next day, muttering, “I should’ve known you had something to do with the three guys that came in yesterday. One of them has a broken knee, you know.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, gorgeous,” he said, although the smirk on his face said something completely different.
Nesta bit her tongue and motioned for him to hold out his arm.
“I figured you’d be use to violence after working in this joint.”
She leveled a look at him. “Oh, yeah. Violent criminals just do it for me.”
“Listen. The police officer thing is just a misunderstanding. I’m not a bad guy.” He pouted and gave her sad eyes.
“Mmhm, of course. Tilt your head back and let me look at your eye.” It seemed one of the three men had tagged him pretty good. 
He rolled his eyes. “It’s fine. You probably hit harder than that asshole.”
She gave him a sweet smile. “Tilt your head back and you won’t find out.”
“And you say I’m violent,” he muttered, tilting his head back like a good little puppy. 
She stepped closer and placed a gloved finger on his bruised eye socket. He looked up at her with those dammed golden eyes, somehow forcing her to meet his stare. She couldn’t help it. Who the hell has golden eyes?
He leaned closer, lips parting softly.
“You know, it’d probably feel better if you kissed it.”
She flicked the bruise, and he hissed.
“You were right,” she said sweetly. “You’re completely fine.”
“Fuck, you’re hot,” he laughed.
At that, Nesta let out a chuckle. “I’m also one of only two woman on base.”
“Well, I’m sure all three of us could have a very good time,” he murmured, sliding off the exam bed to stand in front of her.
“You’re a confident man.”
“Do I have a reason not to be?” 
Cassian ran his eyes over her, and for the first time in her adult life, she didn’t want him to stop. 
What was going on? Had he gotten closer? Why couldn’t she breathe?
Remembering his question, she reached toward him slowly, and he grinned. Until she jangled the chain holding his wrists together.
“It appears you do.”
“And what if I weren’t in here?” He waved his hand around at their surroundings.
“Then I might let you buy me a drink. Or maybe hire you as a bodyguard.”
He laughed. “Baby girl, I’d never let anything happen to you. You wouldn’t even have to pay me.”
That made her grossly happy, so she just winked and said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, inmate.”
Two weeks later, he still hadn’t made any ground with the nurse. Except in his dreams, which woke him up every freaking night. Hell, he didn’t even know her name.
Every day, he joked and flirted and found new ways to make her blush. But yet, she still laughed him off when he talked about taking her out.
He knew he wouldn’t be locked up for long. His best friend and personal lawyer, Rhysand, was working on getting him out. But Tamlin, the asshole cop Cassian had punched, was doing his best to stop it from happening.
He’d hated them for years, ever since Rhys had “taken” his girlfriend from him.
He’d told him he’d be in for a max of two months before he him got out, but Cassian was getting annoyed.
All he wanted to do was take that nurse out on a date she wouldn’t forget and show her a good time. In more ways than one.
Celibacy was about a thousand times more difficult when you had a woman like that in front of you, looking up at you with bright blue eyes, smiling with those perfect lips he’d love to see wrapped around his-
He was knocked out of his thoughts by shouting in the main cell block. He recognized the sounds as a riot, something that happened a little too frequently here. He’d already gotten used to the noise.
He was settling onto his bed, preparing to go back to his daily daydream when he heard something that was not at all familiar. Cassian’s feet were on the floor before he could even form a thought.
He sprinted towards the sound of feminine yelling, shoving people aside as he ran through the block.
When he caught a glimpse of her golden hair, he raced over and started throwing punches without a thought.
He heard her yelling at him, but all he could see was her thin frame pressed against the wall, holding a syringe like a knife.
And the four assholes that had surrounded her.
One by one, they hit the floor, and then he finally let himself look up at the nurse.
Nesta felt herself coming a little bit unraveled as she watched Cassian pound another inmates face in.
When he decided to stop using his human punching bag, he drug the limp men out of the cell, pulled the bars closed, and turned to her.
“I told you I’d protect you.” He was panting, but he still smiled. “Are you okay?”
The wild look in his eyes, bloody knuckles, and mused hair was making it hard for her to concentrate. 
She stared at him, well aware her mouth was hanging open. 
“Baby? You okay?” He strode towards her, powerful body eating up the ground. He was completely focused on her, ignoring the raging riot less than twenty feet away. 
Nesta ignored it too as she gave into the adrenaline, threw herself at Cassian, and slammed her lips into his like she’d been dying to do for two weeks.
If he was surprised, he hid it well. His lips were smiling against hers, but when she slid her hands in his hair and pulled, the smile fell away and he actually started kissing her back. 
Kissing her? No. More like devouring her.
His mouth was insistent and soft and firm and yet gentle and-
Strong arms wrapped around her, then she was being backed her up against the wall. 
Nesta ignored the fact that it was cinder block. 
His tongue swept into her mouth as her legs found their way around his waist, and she moaned softly as his body aligned with hers. 
It had only been a few moments of this, but she was on fire, practically squirming with need.
Cassian’s hands drifted up the back of her shirt, callouses scraping her skin, and he pressed his hips into hers in a way that made her back arch, chest tight against his. 
He ripped his lips away from hers long enough to mutter, “Holy fuck,” then kissed his way down her throat. 
“Cassian,” she breathed, voice sounding raspy to her own ears, “I need-”
“I know, baby,” he interrupted, a hand moving down her pants to palm her ass. 
He was halfway done working them down when an alarm sounded, loud and insistent, interrupting them and bringing Nesta back to reality. 
And what a harsh reality it was.
Oh my God. Oh, no no no no.
Her feet found the ground as the bars next to them slid open again. Cassian’s arms were still around her, hands pressed into the wall above her head.  
“I’m so sorry,” she said, refusing to meet his stare as she straightened her scrubs. 
He brushed her hair off her forehead and shook his head. “For what?”
“That was completely unprofessional, and stupid, and a terrible mistake, and... bye. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She didn’t give him enough time to respond before she ducked under his arm and ran--yes, ran--away from the cell block back to her office. 
What the hell had she done?
Part 2 | Part 3
@sjm-things @cursebreaker29 @justgiu12 @maastrash @a-bit-of-a-cactus @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @savemesoon8 @hizqueen4life
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