#this moment made me sooo happy i LOVE friendship
nezhanetwork · 11 months
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thinkingotherwise · 2 months
Requested by: @chubypotato Heyy ! I hope you are doing okay! Sooo I saw you were doing some x talkative how do u think about doing the same for kiryu +the S/O being an absolute gamer. I'm dying for more kiryu since we didn't see him that much on the anime I can't wait for him to be popular cause he is such a cutie 😭
Ah yes, I'm always up to write for characters that need more recognition. I focused more on the gamer part, hope it's okay 🤞😉
Ps. I just want to say, chapter 146 left me in tears - what the heck was that friendship is magic moment.
Also, Hiiragi looks pretty cool in the last few chapters - I just had to acknowledge it. 🤩
Mitsuki Kiryu x Talkative! Gamer! reader
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You were a talkative gamer, a helpful talkative gamer, who was well-known across the whole server in the MMO game you played. You loved the game and spent a lot of time reading about it, getting to know the mechanics, item drop rates, and side missions that were the most useful. With all the knowledge you might as well be referred to as an encyclopedia.
Honestly, it was all because of Mitsuki. It was he who introduced you to the title and the one who spent his free time going through some tactics and game designs with you. His enthusiastic self made you invested in his favourite game, at first, wanting to spend more time with him, until you installed it, and in the next few hours, it became your favourite as well.
During your low-level playtime, Mitsuki made it his mission to guide you in his own special way. You would talk with him on Discord about the plot and missions you had to do and this man, being higher level than you, knew exactly what you were supposed to do but gave it his best to mislead you. Stealing your kills, leading you who knew where. Whenever he did deceive you, he giggled playfully and you heard it all on your headphones. In retaliation, you talked his ears off about how he could do something like that to you.
After yet another time you were so over it, you started reading whatever info on the internet you could find, just so you knew if he was teasing you or not. Through your frustrations and time-consuming playthrough, you started helping out others, knowing how much time you spent on some missions. If they didn't know something and asked you were usually the first one to answer, sometimes right after Mitsuki who kept being mischievous little shit and leading everyone astray.
You became a really well-known pair, as you almost always played together and grouped together for missions. Mitsuki was the mischievous one who you couldn't be sure if he wanted to help you or get you killed by monsters, while you were the "guardian angel", the true helper. Needless to say, your friend slots were quickly full and everyone added you on discord, you felt almost like a star on the server.
Your chatty attitude and random conversations usually didn't stray away from the topic of games and Mitsuki was one of the few people that let you endlessly rant. Of course, you had a lot of playful arguments about your, self-proclaimed, best classes and build of characters, but otherwise, Mitsuki carefully listened to you talking, sharing your likes and dislikes about the characters, missions, and even game series.
There were some times those arguments were a little more heated, and other times they were led on the discord group call with other people from the server, who quietly listened to your passionate arguments on why you preferred to skill up these certain attributes for your character.
Mitsuki heard you talking, listening in on the little guiding session you gave some of the users on the discord call, while you were getting ready to kill one of the bosses. He was sitting in the same room playing on his phone, and waiting for you to finish.
Mitsuki was so proud of you, of the little crowd you gathered around yourself to listen to you talk, of the happy smiles that appeared on your face whenever someone thanked you, of the possibility of sharing the same passion as you. He was very supportive in your search for knowledge and sharing it with others, even if it didn't show once in a time.
He didn't mind when you showed off your relationship in front of the server and other players, rather he liked it.
You heard a familiar ding letting you know another person joined the call while you were in the middle of telling the rest of your party about the boss' attacks and skills.
"Well hello there." The voice said as soon as you took a short breather asking if the guys understood what you said.
"Hi there, are you joining us for a boss battle?" You asked joyfully.
It was always better to get more people even if the loot might not be that great.
"Why don't we go for a little private session?" They continued in this false seductive voice that made your head tilt and eyebrows furrow.
"No thank you, we can talk here if you want."
"I'd prefer a date, babe." They replied right after you and everyone could hear the big sight you let out when you understood why they joined.
"Ugh.. please stop, it's embarrassing." One of your party members commented followed by others.
"Second-hand embarrassment."
You thanked them all in your mind for saying out loud what you thought.
"Before you say anything else, be aware I've got a boyfriend." Your voice echoed in the call but they were not getting the hint.
"Yeah sure, you do."
At that moment, you were almost sure he was new on the game serve, and certainly new on the discord server, because the fact that you dated Mitsuki, known under his nickname, was a fact everyone knew.
"Mistuki, can you come here for a moment." You said turning to your boyfriend lying on your bed. When he came close enough you went to the discord call and turned on your camera. Giving it a knowing look you looked at Mitsuki and your hand moved to his neck bringing him closer to you.
He smirked knowing well enough what you were doing and before your lips touched he grinned joyfully.
You kissed him straight on the lips, a firm and casual kiss. Your headphones fell to your lap but before that, you still heard the gasps of everyone else.
When you pulled away a smile appeared on your and Mitsuki's faces. You grabbed your headphones placing them around your neck.
Mitsuki knew you had a way with words and your chatty personality could bring attention to you. He was also aware that you knew how to get yourself out of every situation and he would readily help you if you wanted to use him in your shenanigans.
"Now, do you-" You started but when your eyes scanned the call, you didn't see the newcomer anymore. "Oh, he left."
"What a shame." Mitsuki said placing a quick peck on your lips before going back to his place on your bed.
You laughed at his words before turning the cam off.
"Well, let's quickly kill the boss." You said and continued to guide your party to the boss.
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Hope Morphin Q&A
About a few months ago, I got a message from a surprising source: @hmrphin/Hope Morphin.
In case you don't know, Hope Morphin is a model and makeup artist who the character of Marc was based on. I also made a post about how their friendship with Astruc had ended thanks to the Rising Sun Flag controversy, which they had actually read one day. We talked a little, and they told me to message them on their Instagram to confirm that this is the real Hope.
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They said they'd be down to answer some questions, I came up with a few, and I got their permission to post this on my account. So, without further ado, as Sid the Science Kid once said, let's go get some answers.
Question: When did you and Thomas first get to know each other, and how?
Answer: It was years ago, when the series premiered on TFOU. There were a lot of people complaining on twitter that the characters of the show were in 3D instead of in 2D, and I answered one of Thomas' tweets saying that characters' butts looked better in 3D rather than in 2D (yeah, I had a terrible sense of humor back then, glad I don't do that anymore) and he answered "yeah we could say that lol". Then, it became a running gag between us on the web, and we met for the first time at a french convention called Japan Tours, the 2015 one. So yeah, I think it was when I was... 20/21 years old, something like that.
Question: It's okay. We've all been cringe at some point in their lives. Did you two meet up again after the convention?
Answer: Yup. In fact, after the convention, he sent me a friend request on Facebook. Then, we chatted for a bit and he asked me if I wanted to be a model for him, and I met him for the second time during that model session.
Question: How did Thomas approach you about creating a character in his show based on you?
Answer: So, it was after I modeled for him. It happened after S1 has ended, so when we were chatting, he asked me which one was my favorite character. I answered Nathaniel, because at this time I felt quite close to this one (we love the angsty artist boy lmao). He told me that he didn't understand people liking Nath because he found it was a very empty character aha, but then he told me that they were searching for inspiration to create a boyfriend for him. He told me he wanted the persons to be happy that he got a boyfriend and that they would “stop bothering him with Nathaniel”, and as he wanted to take inspiration on someone looking androgynous he thought I was a good inspiration, so I accepted.
Question: Interesting story. Didn't know Nathaniel was so popular before Season 2. Did you have any input in the creation of Marc in terms of stuff like his design or personality?
Answer: Yeah he rather was, I remember a lot of people wanted to see more of him ehe. Not at all, I even though that he was joking on the moment, then one day he sent me Marc's characters sheet. I had the same haircut back in the day. Also, I was always wearing armor rings and I was wearing those kind of rings when I had this conversation with him, and he told me that Marc was going to have one of those as his miraculous. I was also still writing a lot back in the days, so I guess he still did took some stuff there and there in my personality to create him.
Question: You mean this design?
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Answer: Yup! I was wearing only black sooo yeah the red and rainbow wasn't in my wardrobe aha.
Question: Do you know why they made the design rainbow themed?
Answer: Nah, he didn't told me :/ My guess is to make him more LGBT+ themed...
Question: Okay, sorry. Next question: What are your thoughts on Marc as a character? What do you think of his relationship with Nathaniel and his respective villain and hero forms, Reverser and Rooster Bold?
Answer: To be honest, when he first appeared, I really liked him. I thought he had a lot of potential as a character, his villain form was really cool and I really liked the ideas behind him, and I liked the relationship that he got with Nathaniel, from enemies to associates ehe. But after that... meh. There wasn't nothing much on the LGBT+ relationship with Nathaniel (we had to wait until the end of season 5 to see them hold hands... wow), and I didn't really find myself anymore in his character. I liked the design of his hero form and I liked the concept of his power, but like the other heroes that appeared during this episode, we didn't see Rooster Bold that much and I think that doesn't really make him feel appealing. I have the feeling that Marc and many other side characters could be way more develop in very cool subthemes but this is never really done in the series. Instead, now, they are just the characters getting out a whiteboard and giving terrible ideas to Marinette for her to date Adrien =="
Question: Just for fun, do you have any personal headcanons for Marc?
Answer: Well of course ehe, I have ton of those :D
Mmmh... For example, I think he is a dog person, that he's also fond of fashion such as Marinette but that he just don't have the patience to learn how to draw and how to design clothes... Also have the headcanon that him and Nath often meet at one of their places to do some little workshops together to work on their series and on tons of other projects :D
Got also tons of headcanon for future!Marc, such as him being a model for lgbt+ brands and Nath designing his clothes, I would love to see this shy patootie being at the front of the spotlight ehe, full of confidence and all :D There's tons of ideas to have with this character, I remember when I saw lots of artists drawing him with alternate clothes back in the day, such as shishitsunari or hazy (will try to find them back but it's been a while lol). I wish those clothing styles would be canon, with Marc rocking those kind of genderless clothes.
Links to fanart of Marc with different outfits: (https://www.deviantart.com/hazydayclouds/art/72918-756895643) and (https://ladyofacat.tumblr.com/post/176231424098/rises-from-the-underworld-marc-is-perfect-i-want)
Question: This one's a little tough, so if you don't want to answer, that's perfectly fine. What exactly went down before Thomas blocked you? Did you have any conversation online or in real life regarding the use of the Rising Sun Flag in "Ephemeral", or did Thomas just block you with no warning?
Answer: Honestly ? Blocked me without any warning. We were talking less and less, and, since I have affective dependancy, I had the feeling that I said / done something wrong. He was often answering only when I was defending him on social medias during these times. But we didn't have any harsh conversation from what I recall. So, I did the tweet about ephemeral, pointing out the use of the rising sun flag, and, well, maybe he had a plugin on twitter that blocked everyone using the term "flag", and maybe it blocked me automatically. The thing is : he has my number, he has my address (well, my old address now, lol). He had many ways to tell me this was a misunderstanding and that he didn't want to block me. He didn't call me, didn't send me any text after that to talk about it, so he clearly didn't want to make anything to sort out the problem. To this day, he still hasn't send me any message to talk about it. He commented on some of my facebook posts I did last year (I posted some makeups I did for my school) just saying it was cool, so... Yeah, not the type of friend I want to keep. I still have him as a friend on FB if I ever get the guts to try to send him a message to tell him everything that was wrong towards me and towards other people, but I clearly have other things to deal with lately.
Question: So he blocked you and didn't say anything else?
Answer: Yup, exactly, blocked me and didn't say anything else :/ After years of supporting him lmao.
Question: I'm really sorry to hear that. And you still haven't heard from him after all this time?
Answer: Well, apart from some comments he made on my facebook posts (I posted my makeup from my makeup school and he commented "very nice!") nothing at all. But honestly I'm not too bothered by that. I heard new stuff that he did prior and I really don't think it's a good idea that I interact with him again. I keep him in my facebook friends because maybe one day I'll send him a message to try to confront him, telling him that he had a very terrible behavior towards me and other people... But not today, I have other stuff to deal with.
Question: Despite everything that's happened between you and Thomas, do you still keep up with Miraculous Ladybug? If so, what do you think of it?
Well, I've kept up with it because I still have lots of friends who are watching it (for example Octolady, Kogenta and Candy...), and they help me keep a little hype.
So I watched the episodes... There are some stuff that I like. There's good LGBT+ representation, and I like seeing an international known cartoon doing that (especially a french one since we have lots of far-right rising lately).
But honestly, I don't have the same hype as before. At the beginning, I was hyped because S1 looked awesome and had lots of cool fights, lots of wholesome characters and all, but the animation problems and differences are really making me bothered. Also, I have the feeling there's a lot of characters who could be more elaborated and who aren't, and... That's kinda sad, because there's a lot of topics that could be explored thanks to them and not just brushed off in one episode.
Plus, to be honest, I didn't really like the ending of S5. And I don't like the idea of it going on for seasons and seasons and seasons, milked until there's nothing more for it. The fewer the better in my mind...
I also seen the movie and didn't really liked it. Too much fanservice and didn't really made sense. The animation was nice, though.
Honestly, I love the writing team, they are wholesome people and they are doing their best for this show, but people like Thomas and Zag are the kind of people I don't want to support anymore. So yeah... To sum it up : still watching it from afar to see if nice stuff is happening, been pleased with some little stuff, displeased with a lot more, but I don't think I'll keep watching it both because I'm not that hyped up anymore and because I don't want to support anymore these 2 people. I supported Thomas too much before, was too attached to him and was a terrible person towards fans who didn't deserved it because I was too blind, so yeah, won't happen anymore.
Still, I'm glad there's still some people who are fans of Marc and who felt helped thanks to this character. I really hope he will have a better representation in the future (clear relationship with Nath, maybe even some trans / non-binary representation ?) in order to inspire young people.
I'd like to personally thank Hope for being willing to answer my questions, and I highly reccommend giving their Instagram a follow.
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hello please could i request one where the reader was part of the inner circle for centuries and they were all very close. however, once the sisters come into the picture, they, without realising, neglect the reader and don’t realise until something happens to the reader, like her falling deathly sick or very badly injured etc. reader can be mated with any of the batboys, maybe with all three ;) very angsty with grovel and comfort 💗
ps love your writing 💗
My mate.
Bat boys x f!Reader (Mainly Azriel x f!Reader)
Warnings; mentions of abuse, trauma, scars and blood. Swearing.
Sooo, the ending is not exactly what you asked me to write, but the story took me there. If you don't like it I can rewrite it :)
You were a toddler when your father found out that your mother had an affair with a lesser fae that resulted in you. He waited until your mother fell asleep and carried you into the Illyrian woods, he left you there with your blanket and returned home. You never found out what happened to your mother, and you didn’t care at all. Rhysand’s mother found you the next morning hiding under a tree’s root, she wiped your tears and carried you to her home. That was how you met Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel. You all grew up together, your friendship getting stronger as the years passed and a few months before Rhysand got trapped under the mountain the mating bond snapped.
You were training with Cassian when it happened. He kicked your legs making you fall on your back, your hands instantly grabbed his shoulders and you took him down with you. His face a few inches away from yours as you stared at each other, and it snapped. Both of you burst into laughter and immediately kissed. Rhysand and Azriel were ecstatic when they found out, congratulating both of you and talking about the mating ceremony.
Two days later you asked Azriel to take you to the city. You wanted to get the ingredients you would need to make Cassian’s favorite cake. You were flying back to the house of wind when you looked at Azriel’s face admiring his beauty as the sun fell on him, he glanced down at you and the bond snapped. You almost fell off the sky from the shock. When you landed you both ran to the library, trying to find a book that explained the situation. You didn’t find one. That night during dinner you announced it, both of you staring at Cassian and waiting for his reaction. He grinned and hugged Azriel shouting “We’re going to have so much fun”. Rhysand was smiling as he watched the scene, yet you didn’t miss the hurt that flashed in his eyes.
The next day Rhysand came into your room to ask you a few things about the mating ceremony, he wanted to know where you wanted it to happen and which priestess you preferred. You explained to him how you had imagined that moment, your eyes shining as you spoke and your cheeks heating up. He admired your face and pushed one strand of hair behind your ear making the bond snap into place. Both your faces paled as you stared at each other. He gulped and immediately called the others in his mind. You explained to them what happened, and their jaws dropped.
“Mother’s tits! Do we expect more mates to come?” Cassian exclaimed while Azriel shook his head.
You somehow managed to have a relationship without problems, the boys did everything in their power to keep you safe and happy and you managed to give everyone the same amount of attention. Then Feyre burst into your life, Rhysand became her friend under the mountain and when he found out that Tamlin was mistreating her, he sent Mor to take her. You didn’t mind that she took all your mate’s attention from you, you felt like you owed to her for saving him and Prythian. Afterall Cassian and Azriel were giving you enough attention, and you didn’t want to be greedy. But after a year her sisters were made, and Rhysand took them in to help them and everything changed. Cassian spent most of his time with Nesta and Azriel with Elain. They would cancel your dates, they wouldn’t show up for dinner leaving you alone with four cold plates and most importantly they would come to bed after you had fallen asleep and leave before you woke up.
When you confronted them about it, Cassian and Rhys called you selfish and greedy and stormed off. Azriel looked at you with guilt and quickly left when you screamed “get out”.  You couldn’t believe what was happening and you stayed back and watched your mates slowly falling in love with other females.
It had been a month since the last time you shared your bed with them, your relationship was non-existent, and you were slowly healing your heart. You got ready to go to the Hewn city to handle some problems Keir had caused. As usual no one was home so with a sigh you winnowed away. You were walking down the main hall of the castle when two males pounced on you from behind. You grabbed your dagger, but you were too late, one of them had already caught your wrist while the other one stabbed you repeatedly on your back. Your screams shook the whole court and you instantly opened the bond sending every ounce of pain to your mates. Black dots clouded your vision slightly, and your body went numb. You could only feel the adamant walls Rhys and Cassian had built around the bond and suddenly a wave of fear and rage. “Az” you whispered.
Shadows came like a wave in the room, and Azriel emerged from them, Truth-Teller in hand, his wings stretched wide and a deadly expression. The males took a few steps back with wide eyes as they saw your mate walking slowly towards them like a predator ready to pounce. You now understood why they called him God of death and goosebumps filled your body. You only heard screams and cries and bones cracking before a bloodied hand grabbed your shoulder and turned you on your back making you cry out in pain.
“Shh its okay I’ve got you angel” Azriel whispered and picked you up.
“I love you” you whispered before the darkness engulfed you.
A groan left your lips as you tried to open your eyes.
“I’m here angel” Azriel’s deep voice rang in your ears.
“Az?” you asked and forced your eyes to open. The light burned your vision and in a blink Azriel’s shadows blocked the sun. He was sitting on a chair next to you, still covered in blood the only difference was that it had dried now.
“You’re okay” he smiled.
“What happened to them?” you croaked.
“I wanted to let them for you, but I couldn’t, I felt so much rage… I’m sorry” he lowered his gaze.
“It’s okay my love. Thank you.” You said softly.
The door opened and Rhysand walked in with Cassian behind him.
“You’re awake” Rhys gasped, and you nodded.
“Thank the Cauldron its been two days” Cassian exclaimed and grabbed your hand. You flinched and pulled your hand back harshly.
“Don’t” you snapped, and he frowned.
“Where were you when I needed you?” you yelled, your eyes filling with tears. “Both of you! If it wasn’t for Azriel I would be dead now!”
“Sweetheart we didn’t feel you” Rhys said softly.
“I know! Because you blocked the fucking bond! Where were you?” you sat straighter and with a soft whine that made Azriel growl and move closer.
“Y/n…” Cassian tried to speak but you stopped him.
“Where. The. Fuck. Were. You?”
“I was training Nesta” he mumbled and stared at the ground. You glanced at Rhysand who had a guilty look on his face.
“I was helping Feyre write a letter to Helion” he said.
“Get out!” you screamed. “Now! Get the fuck out… get out… get out!”
Azriel jumped on his feet and glared at his brothers, daring them to not listen to you. They quickly left the room, their faces red and their eyes filled with tears. Azriel quickly fetched a glass of water and gave it to you.
“Calm down angel” he mumbled as he placed a soft kiss on your head. “Don’t act like the perfect mate, you were ignoring me too.” You growled.
“I know and it broke my heart” his voice was soft and filled with regret.
“Then why did you do it?” your voice was raising.
“Because you have two perfect mates, a High Lord and a General. You don’t need a scarred monster to defile you!” he snapped.
“What? Are you serious?” your hands shook with rage.
“Yes! I’m a broken beast… you deserve way better”. He was yelling now. “You’re not! What the hell are you talking about? You are the exact opposite. Az you’ve been protecting me since the day you met me, you are the only one who cares about my day and my feelings, the only one who comforts me when I’m sad. You’ve proved multiple times that you would give your life for me. I don’t give a fuck about your scars, I love them. Would you leave me because of the scars on my back? Because I’m sure that they will not heal completely, I can feel them.”
“I would never leave you” his voice was barely above a whisper now.
“Okay shut up then.” You said and he chuckled.
A few days later Madja announced that you are completely healed and offered to make a salve for your scars, but you denied. You wanted to show Azriel that its okay to have scars.
Cassian and Rhysand frequently checked on you, they would lurk around you with sad looks on their faces.
Azriel only left your side to get you whatever you needed. He even asked Elain to come to your room and he told her that he has a mate who he loves with all his heart and that he doesn’t want to spend time with her anymore. She nodded and left with her head bowed, a few days later she went on a date with Lucien.
You were currently getting ready for dinner, you had asked everyone to come because you had an announcement to make. Azriel was sitting on your bed behind you while you got dressed.
“Az can you help me with the zipper?” you asked as you checked your reflection on the mirror.
He got up with a smile and approached you. His hands traced your scars, his breath hitching as he leaned and pressed soft kisses on every scar making you shudder.
“So beautiful” he murmured on your back as he zipped your dress slowly. You smiled and leaned back into him.
“Let’s go handsome” you said softly, and he chuckled.
Everyone was sitting around the table waiting for you. Azriel pulled one chair for you, and you smiled thankfully. Cassian and Rhysand were staring at you with a guilty expression. You all ate in silence and after three glasses of wine you felt ready to speak so you stood up.
“I made a decision” you announced getting everyone’s attention. Nesta and Feyre nodded while Cassian and Rhys stared with panicked expressions.
“I know that Cassian fell in love with you Nesta and Rhysand with you Feyre.” You told them and they avoided your gaze.
Your mates opened their mouths but quickly shut them as you glared at them.
“Its okay, both females are wonderful, and I can see why you are pinning after them. So, I decided to let you go. I realized that I love you as friends and nothing more. I’m in love with Azriel though and it wouldn’t be fair to him if I allowed you to come back to me.” You smiled at Azriel who nodded. You had talked about it two days ago and he had told you that he doesn’t want to share you with anyone else.
“Are you sure about this?” Feyre asked you softly.
“Yes I’m sure.” You smiled.
Cassian and Rhys had tears in their eyes as they stared at you.
“Let’s go mate” you told Azriel and offered him your hand.
“My mate” he smiled, and you left the room with genuine smiles on your faces.
Because this ends with Azriel I will put it under him on the masterlist.
Princess chapter 7 coming later today!
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just-null · 11 months
i have come here to personally thank you for giving me more than i asked for 🙏🏻 i am utterly grateful like IDJFKDKKFODOD 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ it made me so happy the last doodle has my heart he is so cute i will eat him
also there is a DROUGHT out there for us noritoshi fans like im living on CRUMBS its insane and omg dont even talk to me abt how it feels like to be a kashimo and ino lover (altho they are getting a bit more love now) my nori is still underrated :/ sooo hence im asking ur hand in friendship and in exchange i promise to share my hcs with you abt nori my sweet lil meow meow we're in this together 💪🏻💪🏻
also since its October, do you think he likes horror movies? i feel like he can withstand gory movies but its the jumpscares that get him and he wont tell u he's scared when u watch one with jumpscares owkfkdkd imagine him hiding his face against ur shoulder or something 😭😭😭 (i used to do that with my dad when we watched horror movies and i used to be like im not scared😤😤 when he asked if i was lmfao thats where this hc stemmed from)
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he's probably used to gore and gritty stuff like that since he sees it often being a jujutsu sorcerer and all. not to mention his technique is literally blood. maybe he's desensitized to gore films, the most you'll get from him is a disgusted scowl.
BUT DID YOU SEE HOW QUICK HIS EYE OPENED WHEN HANAMI SHOWED UP BEHIND HIM. YOURE SO FUCKING FR ABT JUMPSCARES. Noritoshi is that guy who wouldn't scream or yelp but gasp really loudly and jump out of his skin.
i feel like they get him most in horror because of the music building up anticipation. if its one of those fake outs where the jumpscare comes a bit after, he's fucked UP. It makes him instantly miffed, as he tries to regain his composure. He swears he's not usually like this, it got him by surprise is all..!
Noritoshi is the type that'd only watch a horror movie if the story is rich and complex. He's the type of guy to like open endings that make you think.. if it's a guilty pleasure movie where all the protags make stupid decisions, he gets annoyed right off the bat.
He's groaning and complaining about how imbecile the characters are, but would still watch it with you because you personally invited him. If he's lucky you could fall asleep on his shoulder or [insert movie cliche here] how could he pass that up? But Noritoshi wouldn't be able to focus on you if he gets twice as annoyed because its a bad movie + jumpscares. it still startles him, but the movie is so terrible, he's embarrassed it got him, especially in front of you!!!
if you get involved and you tell him to quiet down, Noritoshi would shift his focus towards you. like that awkward guy who thinks he's being smooth and lowkey about how he cuddles up next to you. He wants to be the tough guy who's shoulder you can hide in, and he is!! just not.. with jumpscares.......
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lvndrdaaze · 4 months
Okay okay okay mkaaayyy sososo what if...
—🎶🎼🎵 ANON
wooooo i finished uni this week!!! so i'll be back to writing a lot more over the next few weeks i think (*^‿^*)
also...Diluc (┳◇┳)
just for you bestie, i wrote something soft and feelsy for Diluc (is this a little yandere? i can't tell oof)
(p.s idk what my favourite song is, but Hard Times by Paramore always reminds me of Diluc sooo.... (・ω<) )
Diluc SFW Alphabet - I
(SFW, gn!reader, no warnings as far as I can tell?)
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It took Diluc months after first meeting you to develop feelings for you, and then even longer to become aware of them, being as repressed as he is.
It started with a feeling of quiet whenever you were around, the sense that he was a man free of burdens whenever you were near.
This, he simply attributed to the close friendship he had found in you, one which he hadn't experienced in years. That was the logical answer.
These feelings evolved into a desire to be around you more, to see you smile, even to be the reason for it.
But the more time went by, the more these feelings grew. He could hardly go a day without seeing you. His chest felt heavy whenever you weren't around.
He fought to hide the smile that came over his face whenever you entered the room, so thankfully, few people noticed.
But then, every feeling of warmth he got around you grew so intense, that he could hardly hide it any longer.
His expression would change the moment you entered a room. He would listen with rapt attention to whatever you were talking about, no matter how unimportant. He would purposefully spend time around you, delaying his responsibilities for more time by your side.
Kaeya noticed, Jean noticed, even Venti noticed. He was a different person whenever you were around. Lighter, less troubled by his past.
Eventually, after months, he had to finally admit it to himself.
He was falling for you.
For several months, he kept the information to himself, insisting to himself and the others that it was for your own protection. That being seen with him could put you in danger.
But really, he was terrified of the intensity of his own feelings.
The immense rage he felt when someone else looked at you the wrong way.
The profound happiness he felt when you sought him out to spend your time with him.
The unbearable jealousy when you showed that perfect smile to anyone besides him.
He had no idea what he might do if you didn't feel the same way, where he would put all of these feelings if not into you.
Everything built, the feelings fermenting in his chest until he felt he might burst, until one day when he couldn't take it anymore.
He finally confessed to you.
Everything came out, the way you made him feel, the blazing passion that you had set alight in him.
And then, he spoke the words that he had finally realised to be true from the absolute bottom of his heart.
"I'm in love with you."
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HELLO !! it's me again~ (⌒▽⌒)☆
eeeh, sooo...maybe you could write some reverse comfort for kyle, butters and kenny?? i literally have no ideas for plot and all this stuff but i really ENJOY reverse comfort stuff. i mean it makes me happy when i make feel better other people, that's it! (@^◡^) so i would be so happy if you could write something like this !!
so yeah it could be some kind of one shots or something??! just a lot of comfort, a lot of fluff ☆ ~('▽^人)
(oh gosh i LOVE kaomoji so much. no one can blame me for using it wahaha!)
hi my love! i tried my best! i hope you like it <33
Comforting Kyle, Kenny and Butters.
"Hi Mrs Broflovski, is Kyle home?" "Oh hi, Y/N! Yes, he's home but he's not feeling well. He's in his room." Sheila opened the door wider for you as you walked in. "Thank you, I won't be too long." You gave her a smile and made your way to Kyle's room.
He hadn't been at class that day, which was rare for Kyle. Something had to be up. You knew that him and Stan weren't on great terms after asking Stan if he'd seen Kyle and he'd seemed almost offended that you'd asked him about Kyle.
Knocking on his door softly, you entered to see Kyle, red-eyed, sitting on his bed, staring at his phone. He quickly looked up and made eye contact with you. It took less than five seconds before his eyes filled with tears again and he turned away. "Kyle, what happened? Are you sick?" No response. You sat down next to him and waited for a moment. You knew he'd start talking once he had a moment to compose himself.
"Stans an asshole." He wiped his eyes quickly, "I keep trying to help but he'd rather wallow in self-pity and drink than actually listen to his best friend." His voice broke slightly when he referred to Stan as his 'best friend'. You softly placed your hand on his. "He'll come around. He always does. You know he's weird about stuff with Wendy." You could only guess that was why Stan was in a bad spot. They were so on-and-off you could barely keep up with when they were together and when they weren't. "But why am I always there for him and he always chooses the alcohol?" He leaned his head closer to your shoulder.
Your relationship with Kyle was somewhat undefined. In moments like these, you felt too close to just be friends but most of the time, he just treated you like any of the guys. In some selfish part of your mind, you always hoped that these moments would finally shatter that glass wall between the friendship and something more.
"And when I'm upset, everyone just expects me to deal with it alone." "Well, you're not alone right now. I'm here, I'll always be here." He looked at you with glossy eyes. You could see how exhausted he was, "You know that you can talk to me, and you know that Stan will work himself out. He's complicated. This is just how he is with the Wendy stuff. He'll probably grow out of it. Boys are dumb, y'know." He laughed a bit at the last part. He continued to watch you carefully before seemingly making a choice. He abruptly threw his arms around you and just started sobbing. You were a bit shocked, he'd never full-on hugged you before, let alone really, properly cried in front of you. You hugged him back, tightly and resolved to stay that way until he was ok.
Almost ten minutes later, his sobs had subsided into soft whimpers. Your fingers traced light patterns into his shoulders and back as you sat silently with him. "Thank you, Y/N. What the fuck would I do without you?" "Probably still be lame." You joked. He sat back slowly. Something in his eyes had changed. He suddenly didn't seem so tired. Arms still around each other, you could feel his breath on your cheeks, gently fanning you. You couldn't help but lean closer. Closer, until your lips were barely brushing. You were paralyzed, waiting for his decision. It took him just a moment to close the gap. When the two of you connected, it felt magical. How long had you been waiting for this? You could taste the tears on his lips but you didn't care. When you finally pulled apart, his cheeks were almost as red as his hair. "Feel better?" You smirked a bit and he pushed you away in a joking way. Despite the joke, you could see that the life in his eyes had returned and he was smiling.
"Screw you, Eric! And screw the rest of you, too. You all sit there and let him be as mean as he wants!" You looked up from the table you were sat at with Red and Bebe. Butters was standing up and yelling at his friend group. His face was red and he was just barely holding back tears. You watched him storm off. "I'll be right back." You stood and rushed off after him, ignoring the questions from your friends.
You burst through the doors of the canteen, frantically looking around for Butters. You caught his gaze as he was slumped against the wall, tears now falling freely. "What happened?" You quickly moved to him and grabbed his hands. "Nothing, Eric is just a terrible person." "No news there then. Why do you even hang out with him? He's awful to you!" He seemed a bit taken aback but that quickly changed. "He's my friend! I don't have your luxury of choosing whoever I want to hang out with! I'm not good at making friends... I never have been." "Leo, I'm your partner? Why don't you hang out with me and my friends?" You pleaded with him, reaching to wipe his tears with your sweater sleeves. "People will think I'm weird if I'm hanging around a bunch of girls all the time." You snorted a bit. "First of all, that's not the worst thing for people to think. Secondly, it doesn't matter what they think. The only opinions that matter are from people who actually care. Like me... shouldn't my opinion matter?" "Of course, Y/N. Your opinion matters to me more than anyone else." He seemed to have resigned himself to understanding you. You knew he would go back to hanging around Eric but for the moment, you could enjoy having your boyfriend to yourself.
You pulled him off to walk around the block and cool him off. When you finally returned to your original spot, you kissed him softly and ran your fingers through his hair. He smiled, still embarrassed at the affection being so public, but he didn't care. You were a true angel and if he was seen with you, nobody could say anything that would hurt him.
Hearing yelling and glass crashing wasn't the most abnormal thing in South Park. However, hearing Kenny's voice was a bit of a shock. You checked the time. 11:37pm. What the hell is Kenny doing out on the street, yelling? Looking out your window, you could see him stumbling, with a broken bottle of whiskey in his hand. You were so confused, but you rushed downstairs anyways and out into the street. "What the fuck are you doing? Come inside!" You grabbed his arm with one hand and twisted the bottle out of his hand with the other, tossing it into the grass as you pulled him back towards your house. Once inside with the lights on, you could tell he'd been crying earlier but now he was angry. "What is going on with you? This area is too sketchy for you to be wandering around... drunk." He gripped your hand as you let go of his arm. "Y/N I'm gonna kill my parents." "Uhm, no. But also, why?" You guided him to sit on the couch. He fell clumsily into the cushions, pulling you with him. "My dad hit Karen again. So, I hit him. And then he started throwing shit at me. And my mom was just screaming at all of us. I hate them so much. My dad pushed me outside and locked me out." Struggling to find a comfortable position to sit without completely untangling yourself from Kenny appeared to be impossible, so you sucked it up and stayed with your legs draped over him and your back arched forward to keep holding his hand. "Okay, I kind of get it, but in terms of murdering someone, we're gonna have to sleep on it." He was still breathing heavily, eyes lit up with rage you'd never seen from your normally laid-back friend. You squeezed his hand, desperately trying to pull him back to reality. He squeezed back and his eyes softened slightly, meeting yours. Suddenly his hands were on your face and his lips on yours. You could feel him almost squishing your cheeks together in his drunken state. You kissed back, trying to be gentle. It didn't take too long for him to pull away, now looking somewhat scared. "Oh god, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I'm just... I'm tired but you're so perfect and I can't even think properly. I've wanted to do that for so long but not like this. You should've had a choice-" "Ken, it's ok. I liked it. I'm just sorry you're upset while this finally happened." You pulled his hood fully off his head and stroked his hair, smiling reassuringly. His eyes spilled tears and he hugged you so hard, your breath seemed to be pushed out of your lungs. "Hey... Ken? I... I can't breathe." He loosened his grip just enough to allow you to breathe again. You moved to sit fully on his lap and hold his head while he silently released all his emotions into your shirt. "I fucking love you. How are you so perfect?" You laughed a bit and felt him finally relax into your arms.
It didn't take too long for you two to pass out on the couch, still tangled together in a comforting embrace.
I hope u enjoyed! ive never really written comfort before so i did my best! idk whether yall like the longer oneshots that i accidentally write, so if shorter is better, please tell me!
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welivetodream · 1 year
I feel like Fruits Basket had a missed opportunity to write a great arc for Yuki instead of him ending up with Machi. And I LOVE Machi and their romance is really cute but I didn't feel satisfied with that ending for Yuki.
When I first watched Fruits Basket I was sure that Yuki was supposed to be queer-coded and his arc about self acceptance and love was him coming out of the closet.
The reason for that is because of the way Yuki is constantly presented and the way he reacts to other people.
Yuki always gets mad at Kyo for calling him "girly boy" or "pretty boy".
He tries to put up at tough persona to try to appear more masculine.
He has a fanclub with both girls AND boys crushing on him.
Whenever he "flirts" with Tohru it would come off as awkward (I know it's because he considers her as his mom figure but still!!! And yet he has some unspoken rizz when it comes to flirting with guys tho)
Even his dislike of Ayame and not wanting to be like him was kinda him not wanting to come out of the closet (Ayame also gets a last minute love interest to make him more hetero. I thought he was definitely not straight)
It just made sense to me this was going to be his arc. Especially since Fruits Basket is sooo good at depicting emotions. I thought Yuki's arc was him overcoming his hatred of that part of himself and essentially coming out of the darkness that Akito had made him live in.
When the Student council members were introduced I thought Kakeru was going to be both a foil AND a love interest for Yuki. They just had that dynamic and chemistry that made it seem like Kakeru would change Yuki and help him understand his true self and feelings. I thought Machi was the quiet/ weird side character that would have a similar role as Kimi (comedic).
Then the whole Machi x Yuki happened and I was proven wrong. I didn't hate it but....Kakeru and Yuki just had so much growth in their friendship, I couldn't help but ship them.
I would have been happy with even a Bi-Panic moment for Yuki with Kakeru and Machi (who are both half-siblings)
Yuki just had the perfect personality and backstory for a good coming out arc but it never came to be.
(Ps: I am NOT hating Machi and Yuki's relationship. It's just that Fruits Basket had many opportunities to have gay characters but didn't commit to it)
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hornyforherbert · 7 months
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Fallen For You ✧
WC: 1093
Pairing: Justin X Female Reader (Y/N)
CW: Kissing
A/N: I’m sooo sorry for the long wait! I unfortunately got sick again recently and have been recovering. I also know most of you love friends to lovers so… I hope you enjoy reading this!
Disclaimer! I do NOT own the Los Angeles Chargers or Justin Herbert and I am NOT affiliated with either of them in any way. This is simply fiction! Enjoy reading.
The warm California sun lazily streamed through the window, casting a golden light across the cozy living room of Justin's house. Justin, the handsome Los Angeles Chargers quarterback, was flipping through some different game tapes on his computer, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“Hey, Justin,” I called out as I entered the room, a gentle smile playing on my lips. Justin looked up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of me. “Hey, Y/n, what's up?” he replied, setting down his computer aside.
We've been best friends for years, sharing laughter, secrets, and adventures. But lately, i felt that something had shifted between us. Something unspoken lingered in the air, a subtle tension that left my heart racing whenever he smiled at me.
“I just wanted to hang out!” I said, flopping down on the couch beside him. Justin chuckled, his deep voice rumbling through the room like a soothing melody. “Well, you're always welcome here no matter what, you know that.”
As we chatted and caught up on each other's lives, I couldn't help but steal glances at Justin. His easy charm, his infectious laughter, the way his eyes creased when he smiled—it all made my heart skip a beat.
Suddenly, Justin's phone buzzed, breaking the peaceful silence. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened. “It's my agent,” he said, regretfully while looking a bit hesitant. “I have to take this, I’m so sorry, give me a few minutes.”
As Justin stepped out of the room to take the call, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Alone in the room, I let out a soft sigh, the sound almost a whisper in the quiet space.
Minutes ticked by, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of longing in my chest. I knew I had to tell Justin how I felt, but the fear of losing our friendship held me back like an invisible barrier.
When Justin returned, I gathered up the courage to confess my feelings. “Hey, Justin... I have something to tell you,” I muttered out, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest.
Justin turned to me, his eyes searching mine with a mix of curiosity and concern. “What is it, Y/n?” he asked, his voice gentle like a soothing breeze.
I took a deep breath, the air catching in my throat. “I... I think I've fallen for you, Justin,” I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. A deafening silence hung between us, filled only by the sound of my own heartbeat.
Justin's eyes widened, a look of surprise flashing across his face. “Y/n...” he began, his voice a mix of emotions. We locked eyes, and in that moment, I felt the weight of my confession, heavy and daunting. I began to regret confessing my feelings, thinking I completely ruined our friendship.
Suddenly, Justin's expression softened, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I think I've fallen for you too, Y/n,” he whispered, his words washing over me like a warm, comforting wave.
A burst of joy erupted within me, and a delighted laugh bubbled from my lips, the sound ringing in the air like a melody of pure happiness. Justin's smile grew wider, his eyes sparkling with newfound warmth.
Without another word, Justin leaned in, his eyes locked on mine, and pressed his lips against mine in a soft, passionate and tender kiss. My heart soared, the sensation electric and sweet, like a promise of new beginnings.
And as we pulled away, a sense of serenity settled between us, the unspoken words now tangible in the air. Justin cupped my face in his hands, his touch gentle and reassuring as usual.
“I've always loved the way you make me feel, Justin,” I confessed, my voice filled with sincerity and affection. Justin's eyes held mine, a silent understanding passing between us.
“And I've always loved the way you sound in the morning,” Justin spoke, his voice a quiet hum of adoration. “We're on the phone and without a warning, I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard.”
The memory of those words wrapped around my heart like a warm embrace, a reminder of the love that had bloomed between us, sweet and tender like the morning sun. Justin's hand found mine, his touch grounding and comforting.
“I like the way we can't keep our focus,” Justin continued, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “I watch you talk, you don't notice... but all I can think is we should be together.”
A surge of affection and gratitude flooded through me, and I leaned into Justin's embrace, feeling the beat of his heart against mine. In that moment, the world faded away, leaving only the two of us, tangled in whispers of love.
Days turned into weeks, and our bond grew stronger with each passing moment. We shared laughter, dreams, and quiet nights under the stars, savoring every precious moment together.
“Every time you smile, I smile,” Justin murmured one evening as we strolled hand in hand along the beach, the sound of crashing waves a soothing backdrop to our conversation.
“And every time you shine, I'll shine for you,” I replied, a soft laugh escaping my lips. The cool breeze tousled our hair, and a sense of contentment settled within me, a feeling of being exactly where I belonged.
Our journey from friends to lovers felt like a natural progression, a seamless transition from shared glances to stolen kisses, from playful banter to whispered confessions of love.
Justin hummed, his voice a soft melody in the twilight. “Don't be afraid to jump then fall... into me.”
The words hung in the air, a silent promise of unwavering devotion and endless love. I squeezed Justin's hand, a smile tugging at my lips, my heart overflowing with gratitude and affection.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold, Justin pulled me close, his arms wrapping around me in a warm, protective embrace. The world felt still, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.
“Babygirl, I'm never gonna leave you,” Justin whispered, his words a solemn vow. “Say that you wanna be with me too... so I'm gonna stay through it all.”
And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the setting sun and the promise of a future filled with love, I looked into Justin's eyes and knew that this was where I belonged—by his side, as his girl, forever and always.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Please do NOT repost/copy my writing without asking first and getting permission from me. (Reblogs are fine and well appreciated!)
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omg i have to ask platonic duo for my fave underrated friendship hazel and piper 😊 maybe piper takes her to a modern mall and hazel is just in awe 🤔
“Girls day out!”
- Platonic! Piper McLean × Hazel Levesque
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Author's note: ugh this is so creative what. You're a genius cyn. Hazel and Piper my underrated pookie duo. Also, this turned out, much longer than I expected damn. Also can I just say that this fic reminds me so much of Max and eleven from stranger things?
"How'd you like this?" Hazel asked as she held up an old looking grey cardigan. Piper rolled eyes. Typical Hazel who loves to dress up like a grandma from the 40's. (Well, technically speaking, she was a grandma from the 40's, but that's like, besides the point).
Piper never cared much about dressing up, but when your mom's the goddess of fashion, you can't help but pick up a few things here and there."I think it's time you changed style, Hazelnut". Hazel gave her a pointed look.
"Don't call me that. Unless you want me to call you princess pretty pants, yknow daughter of Aphrodite and all" Hazel said smugly.
Don't you dare." Piper glared as she threw one of the coat hangers at her, which Hazel narrowly missed. "Don't call me hazelnut then!"
"Fair enough. We have a deal" Hazel turned her gaze miserably towards her grey cardigan. Piper followed her gaze, and sighed. "Don't worry, I'll help you find your new style, you're lucky you have the daughter of the fashion goddess to help you out" she winked. Piper led Hazel towards the the floral aisle. Hazel's mouth was gaping, there were so many exotic looking clothes of so many colours, they certainly didn't have such a rainbow-esque wardrobe in the 40's. "Just look through these piles of dresses, I have a feeling floral is your pattern" Piper adviced.
Hazel nodded as she skimmed through the heaps of clothes lazily draped in the hanger. She tried dress after dress, most of them ranging from bad to meh. Until she came across a beautiful pink floral glowy skirt. She knew it was the one, the moment she saw piper's beaming gaze. "Oh my gods Hazel, I can practically feel my mother frolicking in approval, this is your dress. It brings out your curls!" Piper exclaimed bobbing up and down. Hazel smiled in contentment as she scanned herself in the mirror, she usually felt insecure of her style, they were all just greys and browns, they matched her gloomy mood, but with Piper's help, she found the clothes she felt happy and comfortable in.
As they paid, Piper pulled Hazel towards the arcade, "You CANNOT go to the mall and NOT play in the arcade!" Hazel blinked. "What's an arcade? Nico talks about it a lot, Is it some kind of war competition?" Piper stared at her in shock. "Sometimes, I seriously forget that you don't know this stuff". She went to the the VR controls, and made Hazel sit on one of those fluffy chairs. The lady on the counter set up the VR system on her
"Is this your first time on the VR system, Darling?" The lady asked.
"Yes. How'd you know that?" Hazel replied quickly
"I can tell by the way you're squirming, don't worry, love, this is completely fun and painless"
(Why does she sound like a doctor?)
Piper gave Hazel a reassuring look, before the VR system had begun, hazel was slightly gliding in her chair, it was a little silly for Piper to watch, but she hoped hazel was having a good time. 10 minutes laterHazel stood up from her chair, and almost slipped, but caught herself.
"Sooo?" Piper asked, giving her a look of anticipation. Hazel beamed. "It was AWESOME! I mean, it was a little woozy at first but then, I felt like I was in a rollercoaster, but then I saw like these weird dinasours interrupting my ride? It felt so rea-"
Piper laughed lightly listening to her rambling like a little kid. It dawned on her how how much of her childhood Hazel had lost. This stuff was technically enjoyed when you were 7 years old, but Piper was determined to make this day memorable for her.
"Ugh. Why won't this thing fucking jam!" Piper cursed as she racked the gumball machine. Hazel winced, possibly at her use of the word "fuck"
"Uhm Piper, what if the glass breaks? Can't we just get someone to do it for us?" Hazel asked, nervously looking around to see if anyone is watching.
"Chillax. You have the charmspeaker with you, I'll just charmspeak us out of trouble in case anything happens." Piper struggled and managed to break the glass. All colours of gumballs shot out of the the metal.
"HEY! YOU! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE UPTO?!" One of the workers yelled pointing to them. Hazel gave Piper an "I told you so!" Look. Piper sighed, and walked towards him. "Hey, you just forgot that it was me who broke the glass, according to you, the glass broke on its own, isn't that right?" The man's eyes glazed over as he muttered, "Y-yes. Yes the gumball machine broke due to external forces. You both are free to go and take as many gumball as you wish" Piper winked at Hazel as she collected a few gumballs and some for Hazel.
"Pipes, this feels wrong.." Hazel said as she took the gumballs and popped one in her mouth hesitantly.
"It's not like we do this everyday right? Hazel, we fight monsters everyday, we dont ever get to have fun like this, besides It's the gumball machine's fault for not working well like it should be" Piper huffed stashing 3 gumbals into her mouth. "And now, we get cotton candy-"
All in all, the day ended with both of them being chased by a monster who was disguised as a cotton candy supplier, but hey? It was worth it.
(Yes, Piper still smuggled some cotton candy for Hazel and herself, og queen fr)
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dragonsareawesome123 · 2 months
For the fandom ask! The beloved Love for Love's sake? 👀?
Favorite Male Character
* Gonna cheat here and say both Myungha and Yeowoon. I mean, their characters parallel each other so I think it makes sense to put them both here.
Favorite Female Character
* Shia. She’s very fun and very sweet!
Least Favorite Character
* Myungha’s mom and Yeowoon’s dad. I really don’t get how some parents can be this horrible to their kids.
Favorite Ship
* Myungha/Yeowoon. They’re so sweet and adorable and are truly the actual definition of soulmates. I mean, their ship name Woonmyung literally translates to ‘Fate Destiny’ in English.
Favorite Friendship
* The friendship between the main four characters. I think all of the dynamics between them are very sweet and interesting.
Favorite Quote
* Myungha saying ‘I want to live’ in ep 8. Honestly unforgivable of Gagaoolala for translating that as ‘I want to stay.’ A W for IQIYI here for properly translating that line.
Worst Character Death (if any)
* Worst as in worst written? Or worst as in the death that broke my heart the most? Because I think the character deaths in this show are really well written but they did make me cry a lot. Like both of Myungha’s deaths are so well built up and well written esp with how the events leading up to them parallel with each other (the parallels in this show truly make me go insane in general).
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
* Every single scene of Yeowoon being an absolute puppy. His smile is sooo radiant and adorable.
Saddest Moment
* Is saying the entirety of ep 7 acceptable? Also Myungha’s backstory in ep 8. Absolutely heartbreaking and devastating. I cried so much watching the last couple of eps of this show.
Favorite Location
* The beach that Myungha and Yeowoon reunited at in the last ep. The beach being where Myungha lost all hope and ended his life in his past life and is now the place where he can start over and live a happier life will always make me sob so hard.
Give me a fandom and I'll tell you
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honeytrap26 · 9 months
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Suguru Geto x Reader (Part 1)
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summary: A story about your blooming love and friendship with Suguru Geto. cw: mentions death, blood, gore, betrayal, sprinkles of love and fluff. Tragic love story. aunote: I ended up re-writing this short oneshot into a pretty hefty one. I cried…I hope that you all will like it. Contains spoilers from the entire timeline sooo beware. Enjoy and happy reading! 🐼🖤 Total wc: 6k+
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December 24th, 2003 -The day you died.
Is when you're cornered by a group of girls after school, you see a monster standing behind the group of girls, its unpleasant tongue wraps around the girl's leg. Your eyes widen looking up at her.
"Didn't I fucking tell you to not look at me like that! You fucking creep of a girl!” she kicks you in the stomach. A sharp pain emits from your stomach making you cough and spew saliva.
“Yeah she’s fucking creepy.” another girl chimes in, taking a picture of you.
The monster mutters. “Kill, kill, kill”. It continues to repeat itself, the voice echoes in your head, “kill, kill ,kill”. You see the monster's grotesque tongue reaching out for you. It whispers “you’re mine.” its black and yellow stained teeth grin at you, its body was a purple blob disfigured and mangled, multiple limbs sticking out of it.
“No” you cover your ears.
“No” your clench your eyes shut, your jaw clenches tight.
“No! Leave me alone!” your body writhes in pain, you wriggle on the ground grabbing your hair in agony.
“Look at that she’s goin fucking crazy.” One of them laughs wickedly.
“Let’s-” the monster says an evil grin on its face,
“Kill…her” the girl and the ghost say in unison.
“No…I don’t wanna die. Stop!!” you let out a blood curdling scream.
Your eyes shoot open to look above you, the street light blinding you. You feel a sharp pain on your head, warm liquid trickles down your head, your vision bright white, red, then fades to black.
You’re in a state of daze, between life and death. All you hear are muffled voices all around you. A light flickers between your eyes, you could feel your clothes being stripped off your body, the sound of ripping and cutting echoes in your head. Items clinking against something metal.
“ no…please…don’t…kill…..” your voice is hoarse, your eyes well up with tears,
“me.” you whimper and your body begins to shake and shiver, you feel your tears burn as they roll down the sides of your face, your vision fades to black again.
“Shit! She’s going into cardiac arrest!” a female voice yells, the sounds of the monitors beeping fades into black.
I just want to be loved and treated,
-As a human.
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January 1st, 2004 -Am I in heaven or hell?
The voices of your parents echoes in your mind. Their terrified faces stare at you, your father hugging your mother.
“G-get away from us!” your father yells, holding a cross toward you.
“You’re a cursed child!” your mother screams as she weeps holding tightly to your father.
You look down at your hands that are covered in blood. You look to the right of you and see your dead pet lying lifelessly. 
“They made me do it, the monster, they told me to kill it.” you say pointing to the corner of the room.
“Just kill them, they don’t understand you.” the monster grins deviously, its long fingernail traces your face, traces of blood run down your face.
“Get away from me.” you mutter, “please just leave me alone.” you mutter again.
Images of your parents' faces, foster care, other kids' faces flash in your mind. The same disgusted horrified look. Their brows are knitted. They spit on you calling you a monkey, a piece of trash.
A moment of silence fills your mind for a brief moment,
A memory of you mother crying kneeling down in front of you appears,
“You’re a cursed child.” she whispers,
Your mind finally quiets down, you’re standing there in a pool of blackness, a web is woven around you. You smile to yourself,
“Kill them-”
“She deserves to live, they attacked her!” a boys voice says,
“She killed innocent bystanders” a man's voice replies.
“ They bashed her head in! You want me to think they didn’t deserve it?!” the boy yells.
The man sighs.
“Just give her a chance, I’ll teach her.” the boy sounds defeated.
“I’m sorry Suguru, it’s not up to me.” the man sighs again. You hear his footsteps leave the room.
“ Shit!” -his hands hit the wall, his footsteps pace back and forth- “I saved you. I’ll make sure you get to live again. I won’t let anyone hurt you again. So just wake up.” the boy says before walking out.
“Live…why would I want to live.” you're a child version of yourself, it all fades to black again.
Your eyes slowly open, the room is white and fuzzy,  
“Am I in heaven or hell?” your voice is hoarse and raspy, you lift your arm reaching for the ceiling.
A boy grabs your hand and responds,
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March 7th, 2004 -Do you trust me?
Suguru asks you, he’s holding your hand. You're both standing at the top of a skyscraper, the wind blows and dances with your hair. His eyes soften upon hearing your answer. 
You jump off the building together, the adrenaline rushes through your body, you look into his beautiful hazel eyes, they light up just like yours, so full of life and love. Your hands are still interlocked tightly, his rainbow dragon flies underneath your bodies and sweeps you up, flying off into the sunset.
It’s been about a month or so since you woke up. The boy you heard talking was Suguru Geto, he saved you after you activated your cursed technique while on the verge of dying. The street was covered in webs. The casualty was a total of five non-sorcerers, three were bystanders and one special grade curse. 
Suguru found a beautiful woman standing in the middle of it all, her skin was pale, her hair was long, it draped down her back and dragged on the ground, it was white as snow. When she turned to look at Suguru, she had the mark of a black widow in the middle of her forehead, her eyes were pure white.She wore a long black robe with the color of blood red details that hung daintily on her full figure, it exposed her large bosom.
His jaw was clenched knowing he couldn’t defeat a special grade curse, if that’s even what you would call this thing. He was going to summon a cursed spirit but he stopped when he saw the shikigami get in a defensive position, her body hovering over something, upon closer look he saw your body covered in webs. You were carefully wrapped and laying in a bed of webs.
He was the one that carried you back to Jujutsu High, the one that stayed by your side, when you awoke he nursed you back to health, taught you everything about cursed spirits and sorcerers. He was the one that gave you hope, he was the one that made you want to live and love. 
So when he took your hand and asked if you trusted him all you could say was,
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August 8, 2004 -Welcome back.
Suguru says every night as he waits for you and your partner by the corner next to the gate. Suguru see’s you both walk past the gate, the cool august breeze hits your body. Your partner unbuttons his jacket and throws it over your shoulder. He pats your head and wipes the dirt away from your face. 
Suguru stands there waiting patiently for you both. There’s a sting in his heart but he shrugs it off. All he wanted to see was that smile on your face and if it meant that someone else would make you happy then he would settle for that.
Tonight was no different, he waits for you and your partner. Except this time he has a sweater, just in case. A smile appears on his face when he sees you walking towards him, his smile shifts into a frown when he sees you drop to your knees, your uniform covered in blood, your body is shaking.
Suguru rushes over to your side. He drapes his sweater over your body. His hand brushes your disheveled hair from your face, your eyes are dull and lifeless, bags under your eyes, your lips are quivering, your looking down at your hands that are covered in blood.
“I-I c-couldn’t…. save.. h-him…” your voice breaks, you cover your face with your hands.
Suguru pulls you into a hug, your sobbing into his shoulder, he can feel his shirt becoming damp from your tears.
“I-I couldn’t save him Sugu.” you wail,
A painful sting jabs at his heart seeing the condition you're in, hearing you fall apart and cry for your partner. His blood runs cold when he sees a few of the managers carrying a black body bag inside of the school behind you.That was when he decided that he didn’t want to lose you, the day he realized he needed to be stronger. He pulls you tighter into a hug.
“I don’t want to lose you, I don't want to say goodbye.”
Since that day he hopes and prays to any god that you were safe and that you’d come back,
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February 3rd, 2005 -What was your wish?
  You ask, after he blows out the candles to his birthday cake. He looks at you and smiles to himself with a smug smile on his face.
“Not telling you” he chuckles.
“Oh come on, I want to know.” you set his cake down and slice a piece giving it to him.
“Can’t it won’t come true if I do.” he takes a bite out of his slice.
“I never took you as someone who cared for that kinda stuff.” you shrug and take a bite.
You look up at the night sky, the stars shine so brightly away from all of the lights from the city. The gentle breeze kisses your skin, you close your eyes and lean on Sugurus shoulder. He looks down at your soft features, he pulls out a small box but quickly shoves it back in his pocket when he hears his best friend kick the door open.
“Happy birthday Suguru!” Gojo yells, walking towards the both of you with sparklers.
“Happy birthday.” Shoko and the boys follow in after him, they wave at you.
“You guys made it!” you jump up and hug all of them.
“I take it you didn’t tell her?” Gojo asks Geto, seeing him fiddle with the velvet box.
“No, I couldn't do it.” his eyes averted to you, your beautiful smile was finally back after such a  long time, you were waving a sparkler around with Shoko. Haibara was taking pictures.
“I can’t take her happiness away from her. Not again.” he opens the box looking down at the promise ring. 
“But don’t you love her? My six eyes tell me so.” Gojo says with a grin on his face. before he walks away.
“Sugu! Look, it's the comet shower. It’s starting” you run over and grab his arm jumping up and down excitedly.
The meteors shine brightly illuminating the sky as they travel from one side of the world to the other.
“It’s so beautiful.” you say looking at the comet shower raining down from the sky. Satoru’s question rings in his mind, has he fallen in love with you?
“It is.”he says, his hazel eyes soften staring at you.
Was it when you first woke up and said his name? 
How about the time that you made him stay up with you until three in the morning binge watching a romance drama,  your eyes were all puffed up the next day. 
He chuckles to himself. 
Maybe he fell in love when he would come back late from a mission and see you sound asleep in his room, your head laying against his desk.
Or the way you eventually moved from sleeping in his chair to sleeping in his bed, cuddled up to his favorite sweater.
Perhaps it was when he almost lost you, when your partner came home in a bodybag and he bathed you for weeks. He would hold you tight in his arms and comfort you when you woke up crying from your dreams. 
No, you were merely filling the void that your partner left in your chest…
Suguru sighs,
Did you have feelings for him too?
It was nights like these that you would spend together alone watching the sunrise, sunset, and sitting under the night sky.
The way your hand always brushed against his. Or how he would notice your lingering stare at his lips.
The way you fell asleep so easily when you're around him. It was as if you let your guard down around him completely.
Yes, maybe you did love him and he was in love with you but he didn’t want to get too close and lose another friend. 
No you were more than a friend, you were a lover, his lover. You were the one he loved and if you should ever separate he hoped that fate would bring you back together one last time before either of you died. 
Suguru and you meet eyes, both of your gazes softening. He places a hand on your cheek and says your name,
“I have something to tell you, I…I love you.” was all he could say. Of course he could go on and on about everything he loved about you and recount how many times you made his heart flutters. 
“I love you too Suguru.” you say back with a big smile on your face.
He smiles widely and pulls you into a hug, spinning the both of you around, your giggling his ear, it was music to his ears.
“You asked me what I wished for, I wished,”
-To be with you.
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December 24, 2005 -Take my hand.
Suguru kisses the promise ring on your finger then he pulls you into his arms. The lights are dimmed down, a small christmas tree in the corner of your room. You both are gently swaying to the music.
Take my whole life too he sings, he twirls you around, his hand on the small of your back, supporting you.
For I can’t help falling in love with you he whispers, leaning down to kiss you.
You lay your head on his chest, you can feel the rumble of his voice as he continues to sing the song,
-For I can’t help falling in love with you.
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August, 2006
-I feel so numb.
Suguru is standing in the shower, he scrubs his body and rinses his mouth.
The hot water runs down his back.
Bitter, so bitter. It’s all so bitter and bland. I can’t get the taste of cursed spirits out of my mouth.
If only there was a world without….
The warm water runs down his back.
What if…
What if….I just killed them all. 
What if I just killed all of the ....“Monkeys” Toji’s voice echoes in his mind.
Yes, if I killed all of the monkeys then my….. 
He thinks about the time you came back home gravely injured, your shikigami warped you back into the infirmary. You were both heavily injured, Seraphina had lost an arm, protecting you at the last second.
Yes,to protect the people I care about I must find a different way to keep them all alive.
The cold water runs down his back.
His eyes that were once hazel and flickered with hope and life are now faded to a dark brown as he’s,
-Staring at the shower wall.
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September, 2007  -It's begun, the feeling that the end has come.
Seraphina whispered as she brushes your hair. 
“What are you talking about?”s you turn to look at her but she vanishes, 
“Wake up!” she yells, her voice echoes through her nest. You look around to find her but you're sitting there alone.“Seraphina?” you see a shadow standing there, it beckons you to follow it. “Seraphina is that you? Where are you going?” you run after the shadow, it stops before a black hole. It reaches a hand out to you. 
“Come with me.” It turns into a child version of yourself. “You’re tired, let’s go rest.” it holds your hand tugging you towards the black hole as you get closer your body begins to feel heavy, your eyes get heavy, you yawn feeling so “sleepy” the shadow whispers in your ear a malicious grin on its face.
“How long are we going to sleep for?” you ask the child, she giggles pulling you harder making you jog towards the black hole, it grows bigger as you get closer.
“Forever.” it’s jaw unhinges and it tries to swallow you but a hand reaches out yanking you back.
“Wake up!” Seraphinas voice is loud and clear in your ear, the screams of the villagers make you jolt up grabbing your chest, the thick screen of smoke suffocates you, burning your lungs, your heaving trying to catch your breath.
“You’re finally awake, I can’t hold out much longer.” Serpahina is standing in front of your body in a defensive stance, her robe is tattered and torn apart, she’s breathing heavily, holding her sword.
“Seraphina! What happened?!” you catch her as she falls, she hands you the sword. “ I thought we exorcized the cursed spirit, is there a stronger one? That’s not possible, it was a low level, I saw it, I took care of it.” you ramble on.
“Suguru” is all she says before vanishing,
“Suguru…” you look around you, the village is on fire, the houses are burning down.
“Help me!” a woman screams running towards you.
You get up to help her but you feel a sharp pain in your ankle making you fall to the ground.
“Please” the woman shrieks, a cursed spirit runs after her, its tongue swaying back and forth. You try to form a dagger to throw, “Shit, I’m too exhausted and Seraphina was badly injured.” You muster all your strength to jump in front of her, slashing the spirit. You stab your sword into the ground to break your fall. 
“Are you oka-” you ask, but you get a hard slap that stings your cheek.
“It’s all your fault! You’re all cursed, damn you all! Go to hell!” she screams at you, grabbing your hair she yanks you onto the ground. You’re in a state of shock not being able to move, she picks up a rock to throw at you, your eyes widen, you try to warn her and push her away but it was too late. A cursed spirit stabs her in the back ripping her body apart, her blood splatters all over your face. You look down, your hands that are covered in blood, you try to wipe the hot liquid off of your face, wiping it on your tattered uniform. Your heart is pounding, your hands go numb and your gasping for air, taking shallow breaths. The spirit slashes you with its sharp claws, ripping your outer jacket. Your mind is blurry all of your memories are rushing back again, 
“You’re a cursed child! You did this to us!”
The spirit jumps on top of you, your body ragdolls to the ground, you’re laying on your back, you see the thunder rumbling through the sky, a drop of cold water hits your cheek. A claw pierces and digs into your thigh, but you don’t feel a thing. It hits you in the stomach making you spew blood, your breathing is labored as you gasp for air.
“It’s so warm here. I…want to sleep.” your eyelids are droopy and heavy, your warm blood soaks through your white t-shirt, seeping into your jacket.
 You stare off into the sky, seeing the electromagnetic waves connecting through the cloud,
“Goodbye.” you choke out. Lighting cracks through the sky, roaring.
Mission Summary: A cursed spirit has been ravaging a village, two sorcerers were dispatched to eliminate the target. They found two little girls that were caged and abused. The village was burned down and 112 villagers were killed. His partner was found in critical condition. Later that night his parents were found dead.
 Upon further inspection, there was evidence and traces of Suguru Getos cursed technique from all the crime scenes.
Suguru Geto is to be captured and sentenced to death for the death of 112 villagers, his parents and for gravely injuring his partner.
You’re standing in the shower. The weight of your soiled clothes pulls your body down. You fall to your knees and cover your face.
You feel cold metal on your finger against your bruised cheek, tears running down your face. 
And now the water's cold,
Shoko runs in and pulls you out of the shower, your lips begin to turn purple, and your body is shivering, she holds you in her arms rocking you back and forth whispering. Yelling for Gojo to grab a towel. Your muffled cries become painful wails.
“You’ll be okay. I’m here. You’re safe.”
You lay in your bed, holding the ring he gave you. Where did you go Suguru? 
-I tried to eat today but the lump in my throat got in the way.
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August 2009 -Do your best.
You say as you grin widely at Megumi and Tsumiki, giving them two thumbs up as you see them walk inside of the school building. You wave happily at Megumi as he gives you and Gojo one last questionable look before the teacher closes the door.
“I knew I made a good choice when I picked you to help me raise these kids.” he has a big grin on his face watching you smile at them.
“Awww they’re so cute.” you say smiling until they disappear from your view, your smile drops and you elbow Gojo but your elbow hits his “bubble”.
“Yeah and can you try a little harder to not look like you hate them?” you sigh, your hand runs down your face. “And don’t say that, it sounds like we have kids.” you side eye him.
“What’s so wrong about that?” he lets out an amused huff.
“Umm.. probably because we’re still kids ourselves.” you scoff in response, you flip your phone to look at the directions that Yaga sent to you.
“Nothin wrong with that.” he leans in closer to your face to see your reaction.
You look up from your phone, your face is twisted in disgust.
“I’m just going to pretend you didn’t just say that, okay? Okay.” you close your flip phone in his face and walk off.
“I’m just sayin.” he teases.
“Yeah yeah whatever, let’s go. We have to stop by the grocery store after we’re done with the mission.” you grab his shirt collar but your hand hits his bubble again. You let out a frustrated sigh, you walk off with Gojo in tow, a cheeky smile on his face.
You both finish the mission fairly quickly but Gojo as usual walked off somewhere and left you there to finish talking to the assistants. You had to run to the grocery store and rush to make it on time to pick up the kids. When you finally arrived, the kids were shuffling out of the building. The three of you turn to leave when you see Gojo standing there with a soda in his hand.
“Heyyy, why were you all out of breath earlier?” he smirks and sips his soda. 
You roll your eyes at him and walk off ignoring him.
You all arrived at the facility, you showed Megumi and Tsumiki their rooms which were in the same corridor as yours in case they needed anything, you were close by.
“This is where you’ll be staying for…” you pause, pursing your lips into a line, you tilt your head at Gojo.
“The rest of your life.” he says nonchalantly. “It sucks but don’t worry,” he points to you, “your mom here will cook and clean for ya. She’s pretty good at it.”
“You really do suck at this and please don’t call me mom.” you sigh for the thousandth time today, “I’ll go prepare some dinner for everyone.” you walk past Gojo, leaving them alone with him.
“That’s exactly what a mom would say.” he motions towards you as you walk past him.
Tsumiki looks at Gojo then at the door,
“I-I’ll help you!” Tsumiki runs after you, looking back at Gojo who’s standing in the doorway. He shoots finger guns at her and she sticks her tongue out at him. His eye twitches in irritation at her boldness.
“Looks like it’s just me-” he begins to say.
Megumi's lips curl up in distaste, giving Gojo a dirty look, he runs after you and Tsumiki.
Gojo sighs, “Just me.”
“Are you ready to train Megumi?” Gojo pats his head, smushing down his spiky hair. Megumi is about to take another bite of his food but Gojo carries him out the door, the clank of his spoon hits the ground.
You come back from using the bathroom and begin to wash the dishes when Tsumiki tugs on your shirt and points outside,
“Gojo is beating up Gumi.” she says, her arms are crossed. Gojo throws Megumi up in the air before catching him. Megumi is screaming.
“I-I’ll take care of it. Go play Tsumiki.” you stumble over your words, shocked seeing Gojo spinning Megumi in a circle, you quickly take off your apron and throw it on the ground. Why must Gojo always cause problems for you, it was exhausting having to deal with this boy.
“Gojo what are you doing to Megumi?!” you run outside seeing Megumi tucked under Gojos arm while he’s floating in the air,
“Teaching him how to fly?” Gojo raises an eyebrow at you, oblivious to your question. He tilts his head, “And fall.” a sly smile appears,  “Whoops.” he lets go of Megumi, he’s screaming and flailing his arms and legs around. 
You sprint towards Megumi, forming a falcon that you jump on top of, you catch him in your arms as you land safely on the field. The falcon turns into Seraphina.
“You okay?” you kneel down to set him down on the grass, your hand gently pinches his chin so you can examine his face for any scratches, you start to look at his body but Megumi pushes you away, his cheeks are rosy.
“I-I’m fine. That was nothing to me.” he pouts and walks away but he screams and runs back to you when he sees Seraphina with her eight eyes looking down at him, “I-it’s a monster!!” he grabs onto your shirt.
“You’re fine, she’s not a bad spirit, she’s my shikigami…er…deity….she’s nice.” you chuckle nervously.
He looks at you, raising his eyebrow just like Gojo.
Ugh, he’s learning too fast from that play boy. 
“Why does a m-mom have a…that?” he says, looking back at Seraphina who switches her form so she only has two eyes now. 
Gojo warps next to you both, letting out a belly laugh, he pretends to wipe away a fake tear.
“Oh you look so well domesticated. They thought you were weak.”
You roll your eyes at him, sulking, you pull Megumi into a tight hug, you turn away from Gojo. Megumi is squirming in your arms.
“I could totally beat your ass, you’re just a clean freak, always sitting in your little-”
Gojos smile drops, he pulls down his shades, his blue eyes narrow at you, 
“Don’t say it.”
“Bu-” you whisper something in Megumi's ear, Gojo’s eyebrows furrow. “Bble. Hurry run Megumi!” you take Megumi's hand and you both run off into the field laughing. You form a flock of birds with your webs releasing them towards Gojo.
“That's it!” Gojo says playfully, chasing after you both. Just before the birds hit his infinity they turn into a bunch of hearts that bounce off, his infinity flickers with each touch of the hearts. He lets out a breathy chuckle, snapping his fingers as he warps next to you. You blow him a quick kiss jokingly, a heart forms from your palm floating over to him.
“Gotcha.” he puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Oh no, guess he didn’t like my bubble joke.” you sarcastically wink at Megumi. Megumi laughs a little before going back to being serious.
“Gotcha.” you snap your finger, and the heart explodes into a web wrapping Gojos arms tight against his sides.
“Don’t think so.” he flashes a cheeky grin at you,
You see a quick flash of infinity again as it encompasses you inside of it making you lose your footing. 
“Whoa!” you yelp and fall on top of Gojo, your webs dissipate and your heads collide.
“Fu…” he groans, rubbing his forehead, you slap his thigh. “Udge..”
“Oww…that hurt. What is your head made out of… rocks?” You say sarcastically, pushing yourself off of him.
“I should be asking you that eight eyes.” He chortles, his legs are spread wide open, elbows resting on his knees.
“You're not far behind six eyes.” you say laying on the grass, both of you stare at each other before cackling.
Megumi stares at you two, his mouth ajar in disbelief.
“You two are supposedly the strongest?” 
You and Gojo look at each other.
“No,” you say, looking at Seraphina who’s playfully chasing after Tsumiki.
“Absolutely.” Gojo says rubbing his forehead that is turning red from the headbutt.
Megumi points his finger at you both.
“I'm going to train hard so I can beat you guys,”
-And get stronger.
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December 24, 2017 -You drew stars around my scars.
Tears start to well up in your eyes filling it to the brim, your breath forming puffs of cloud as you run. Lungs burn as you try to inhale fresh air. Your feet desperately trying to pick up speed, flying over the rubble and leaves. 
-But now I’m bleedin.
 As you turn the corner you see him leaning up against the wall where you both used to meet up. 
 -I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired. And you'd be standin' in my front porch light.
All the nights where he used to wait for you.
Holding his sweater in hand, he would embrace you, his warmth and tender love made you forget all of your sadness.
-I knew you.
“Suguru.” as you get closer to the blurry figure, your vision finally focuses on what you see before you.
-Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy.
“Suguru!” You run up to him, dropping the sweater beside you. “Sugu..” Your voice cracks.
“You’re here.” Geto winces as he tries to lift his arm to caress your cheek but his hand falls down to his side. 
-And you'd come back to me.
“Shh..it's okay.” You gently grab his hand, kissing it. “I’m here.” You lift his hand up to your face, feeling how cold the tips of his fingers are becoming.
Geto uses every ounce of energy he has left to pull you in for a kiss. You part ways and lean your forehead against one another. 
“I missed you.” Geto says as you hear the soft whisper of his breath being exhaled.
“I missed you too Suguru.” you say.
-And you'd come back.
Geto tries to adjust himself to sit up a bit more but winces and coughs, a bit of blood trailing down the corners of his lips. You gently wipe it away using your sleeve.
 “I wanted to see you.” Geto looks at you, his eyes gentle and loving just like the day he said he loved you.
“I-I’m sorry I couldn't make this world a better place.” A faint smile dances across his lips. You shake your head, tears escaping your eyes, rolling down your face. You wipe them away with your sleeve trying to not cry in front of him.  
“I wasn’t strong enough.” He turns his head the other way.
“I’m sorry.” His voice quivers. He looks back at you, eyes filled with tears. “Will you tell Satoru-” his voice trails off barely above a whisper. You smile as best as you can.
“I love you.” Geto says and he starts coughing, more blood gushing out of his mouth, he tilts his head back against the wall, his breathing becomes irregular and slows down.
“Thank you…”  Geto sucks in another hoarse breath. “For still loving me.”
-And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed
You slip the ring off your finger and slip it on his pinkie finger. 
You gently drape the sweater over his body covering his missing arm. Feeling the last inch of warmth leave his hand. 
“You’re going to be..” Your voice trails off and you purse your lips trying to control your breathing. Whimpers and stifled sniffs can be heard echoing throughout the walls.  
“You’re going to be okay.” you mumble incoherent things through your hands and choke on your sobs.
-You put me on and said I was your favorite.
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You close the folder containing all of the files of your progress throughout Jujutsu High. The various missions stamped with Completed except for one. 
You let out a shaky breath, a flash of memories cross your mind, putting the folder back into the big manila envelope.
A couple of pictures that fell out were faced down on your desk. You flip them around, a faint smile appears on your face,
A photo of Geto asleep in the chair waiting for you to wake up at the hospital.
Another photo of Gojo placing a blanket over Geto asleep in the chair, a small smile on Gojos face.
A photo of the three of you asleep on the train, your head tilted back, mouth agape, Geto and Gojo slouched in their seats, their heads resting on either side of your shoulders.
You chuckle, looking at the next picture,
It was a picture of you and Megumi walking down the street, you were holding his hand. You remembered this day, you had to hold his hand because he kept jumping and skipping around you talking about how excited he was about making new friends at school. They both warmed up to you and were always so excited to walk home with you.
“It must’ve been Tsumiki who took this picture.” you set it aside and look at the next picture.
A photo of you patting Megumi on the head, his hands full of grocery bags. 
You remembered it vividly, Megumi running up behind you and swooping up the grocery bags. You thought you were being robbed and almost punched him but then you realized it was him, a wash of relief fell over you, you scolded him for doing that but then asked him why he wasn’t already at home. He said he had to stay late for detention because he got into a fight with some bullies. He said he was on the way home when he saw you. You smiled at him and gave him a pat on the head then you walked home together. You placed it aside with the other one.
You spent some time looking at the pictures, the sun cascades through the big window behind you, the cicadas are chirping with the summer season finally blooming. You quietly laugh at yourself, remembering all of those memories. 
You get to the last picture, your fingers trace over the person in the picture. You swallow hard trying to hold back your tears.
It was a picture of Geto and you, slow dancing in your room, your head resting on his chest, a smile on your face, his arms wrapped tight around your body. His eyes were closed, his brows knitted tightly together, a frown tugging at his lips, a couple of tears running down his face.
A tear drops onto the picture and you quickly wipe it away, you blink a couple of times, clearing your vision.
“I’m sorry.” you whispered under your breath, your lips quiver. 
You quickly wipe the stream of tears away when you hear Gojo shifting in the chair next to you. His head lazily hangs down, hands clasped in his lap and his leg rests on top of his other leg. He looks somewhat peaceful, he came in talking about how he needed some sleep, dragging a chair behind him. You never questioned why he would always seek you out just to take a nap beside you.
You hear Yuji talking from down the hallway. You slip the pictures into your desk drawer and wipe the tears on your cheeks away. 
“I’m ready!” Yuji bursts through the door with Nobara and Megumi following behind him.
You put your finger up to your lips and point at Gojo who’s still sleeping. Yuji mouths sorry and sits on the couch.
“How was lunch?” you ask them, getting up from your seat. Megumi could tell that you were crying, your voice was a little nasally and the whites of your eyes were a bit red.
“It was delicious, but Megumi says it’s not as good as you’re cooking, teach.” Yuji frowns.
You chortle, looking at Megumi who turns his head away, a hint of pink on his cheeks.
“I just said that you made that dish better.” he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Maybe next week I’ll bring lunch and we can have a picnic, the weather has been so nice.” you smile and look out the window. The clear blue sky, the wind gently dancing with the flowers and trees making them sway.
“Oh he’s awake.” Yuji frowns. The trio is hovering around Gojo as he stirs awake from his sleep. 
“Please don't fall asleep after summoning all of us here.” Megumi says with that same eyebrow raise he learned years ago. 
Gojo cocks his head back and lifts his blindfold revealing one eye.
A subtle worrying expression crosses your face when you see the redness under his eye. Your eyes soften, realizing what he was dreaming about. You place a hand on his shoulder, a smile tugs at his lips hearing your words. He wipes his eye and slips his blindfold back on, hopping up from the chair that Nobara immediately plops into.
“It’s so comfy!” she says.
“Hey! No fair, I get it next, got it?!" Yuji exclaims.
Maki and Panda are talking to Yuta about kicking someone's ass as they walk past your office.
“Let’s go train!” Yuji says and runs out the door, Nobara follows after him calling dibs on sparring with you first. Megumi sighs and walks out after them. You’re standing in the doorway when you look back at Gojo who’s smiling to himself in the corner.
“Satoru, let’s go.” the corners of your eyes wrinkle and tug upwards as you smile at Gojo. 
“Meet him again.” your outstretched hand waits for him.
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infiniteetcetera · 25 days
[Broken up as girls vs boys bc if it wasn’t it’d just be like all the girls and Dorian]
1) DORIAN HAVILLIARD👑: NO ONE IS SURPRISED BUTTTT truly love him so much, no notes at all✨Hot, sweet, kind, respectful?? Amazing character journey??? Served “I’ll bleed whatever color you tell me” AND “you cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love”??? Impossible not to love him
2) Rowan👑: Another angel who just wants to love, respect, and protect his wife✨ his sense of humor is so underrated and he’s just overall a generally good/fun guy
3) Fenrys: I’m actually SO sad we don’t get more of him because he steals every scene he’s in. He’s so charming and fun despite everything he’s been through and his friendship with Aelin has my heart. Also love a sassy man🔥😩
4) Chaol: Hot take perhaps but I love him and his character arc so much. One of the most realistic SJM characters overall and more than any other he just has such a kind heart and genuinely wants to do the right thing and protect those he cares about. Also underrated hottie, smooth AF when he wants to be THERE I said it🔥
5) Azriel: We have so little of him but I love him so much already😭 will probably be higher after his book, I just already love how he’s such a perfect balance of mysterious/hot and gentle/kind. he’s also SOOOO funny??? like one of the funniest ACOTAR characters by FAR
6) Rhysand: Maybe controversial because I feel like most people either love him like #1 style or hate him completely but I think Rhys is SOOO complex and one of SJM’s most interesting characters. He’s been through more than almost any other character and I think if he was perfect after that he wouldn’t be realistic, so even despite his flaws I love him and want the best for this silly sassy fairy boy✨
7) Lorcan: I have my moments with this guy but I do love him😩 he can be a little bit too broody at times but he has others to remind him to cut the nonsense so✨he definitely gets extra points for changing his name to Lord Lorcan Lochan (even though I know Fenrys and Aelin never let him live that down) and just generally loving his wife
8) Lucien: I LOVE my sassy fire boy😩🔥 Book 1 Lucien would be higher but he’s gone missing since then🤧 still love him though and hope we get to see more of his charisma in future books because he’s so fun and deserves a happy ending
9) Sartaq: SOOOO underrated and for why??? Him and Nesryn are SO adorable and he’s just so cool??? Super smart, funny, kind and just a great leader??? literally told the girl he likes “marry me and be my queen or i’ll quit and just be your man” like???? only so low because we get so little of him but TOD is actually one of SJMs best books too
10) Aidas: would have felt rude to put ZERO crescent city boys on this list and this spot wouldddd be Ruhn but he was an absolute dumpster fire in CC3 with Lidia so he’s lost his place🫡✨ but AIDAS I literally kept waiting for more of him the whole series because he’s so cools and suave (and a cat boy😩🔥) and brought this interesting morally grey twang to CC that it was missing. wish they expanded more on him but I love ALL his scenes
1) AELIN ASHRYVER WHITETHORN GALATHYNIUS & MANON BLACKBEACK: no you can literally not make me chose they’re both PERFECT. perfect character arcs, perfect stories, perfect vibes, no notes at all✨🔥❤️ two of the most fun MC’s i’ve ever read and super interesting story arcs. Aelin went through so much and I genuinely FELT her journey and Manon was such a fun heartbreaking insane character to follow too I love them both endlessly
2) Elide: okay I LIVE for this girl and I don’t know why she’s so underrated??? like she’s so smart and cool??? survived this whole series with like -100 health and all odds against her and pulls all the baddies because she’s just that good??? is 50% of the reason they win the war??? so funny and generally STANDS ON BUSINESS, like she got the ick from Lorcan and actually made this man GROVELLLL and I love her for it
3) Yrene: ANOTHER underrated queen, i’m obsessed with her😩 there are so few fantasy characters out there like her and I LOVE that in this series of chaos and violence it’s a healer who saves the day and Yrene is so lovely and fun and smart but also stands on business and gets things done and I LOVE her
4) Nesta: I LOVE her and her character arc, she is another one of SJM’s most real/realistic characters and my heart genuinely aches for her, she deserves all the happiness in the world and the only reason she isn’t higher is bc of her choice in men (free her)🤧✨
5) Lidia: This woman literally SAVED the CC series. I would have DNF’d HOSAB if it weren’t for her and her parts were the only bearable ones (besides Nes and Az) in CC3. such an awesome character and her story is so heartbreaking and done so well for just being in one book really?? she’s incredible, I love her, of course she’s related to the queen and king themselves🔥✨
6) Lysandra: an absolute QUEEN and so underrated even though she saves the day countless times and is just so loyal and kind??? her friendships with Aelin and Evangeline are everything. she literally gave her all to fight for a world that had done nothing but hurt her and she’s so brave and beautiful for that, wish we had more of her🤧❤️
7) Asterin: when I tell you I WEPT at her death like a young lad I just JENDKEND for a side character she’s so phenomenal and has SUCH an impact on the entire storyline. her backstory is heartbreaking and yet she’s so full of light and happiness and love for her sisters. BRING MY BODY TO THE CABIN???? LIKE??? gets me everytime and I would SO read a story about her and her hunter boy or her and manon growing up or just her existing again 💔
8) Feyre: I know this feels low BUT i do love her so much, she genuinely starts this all and saved everyone’s ass, her character arc just feels a little incomplete to me and I wish SJM didn’t kick her to the curb because there’s a lot left to be done with her. truly though, I love Feyre and wish the best for her and hope we get to see more from her in the future✨
9) Elain: we’ve gotten so little of her but IDC I love a flower girl❤️🤧 truly though, she’s so intriguing to me and I can’t wait to read more about her (could DEFINITELY be higher after her book) she’s already so kind and fierce and also HILARIOUS, like I have laughed out loud at so many of her scenes😩 her gifts to Azriel being the best gags??? her LOLing when Nesta calls her a bitch??? I know she’s funny AF and we just need to see more of it
10) Emerie & Gwyn: I couldn’t decide again I love them both✨❤️ but really there two are not just what Nesta needed but what I NEEDED to get through ACOSF. their friendships with Nesta have my heart and they’re both so complex and fun even with so little page time??? I can’t wait to read more of them, I feel like both their stories have SOOOOO many possibilities and I am pumped AF for more
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tadaxii-i · 1 year
Hey u wanted to be asked abt the queerplatonic Bartylus sooo.....
1. How do Evan and James feel about it?
2. What does it imply?
3. Have they ever had benefits? (if u wanna answer)
4. Do their boyfriends have any boundaries? Like Reg and Barty can't do x
5. Have either of them ever had a crush on the other?
I am SO glad you asked (also, funny, everyone only asks about them. I don't mind)
1. So, imo, Bartylus only realized their alternate attraction for one another after falling in love. Barty is arospec so he struggled to feel the difference, meaning he thought he was in love with Evan and Regulus at the same time?? Complicated times for his poor heart. They did, however, figure out the drama, but they didn't really give each other labels. When they started dating Ev and James, they did warn of their bond and that it could get in the way of a "normal relationship". Evan, being their best friend, already knew and accepted it, but James had a bit of a hard time coming around. He did end up accepting that Barty was not too bad of a guy, so, as long as Reg and James had their alone time, he didn't mind. (Also James kinda really understands the appeal of Barty. He's hot, come on!) The boyfies really like seeing their lover happy, and it reassures them that, even if they had a falling out, Bartylus would still be there for one another. Friendship is so much more withstanding than romance, after all.
2. For Reg and Barty, their qpr doesn't really change how they used to approach their friendship before. They allow themselves to be touchy (hands around the waist, fingers under their shirts), intimate (showers together, sleeping in the same bed and cuddling), a bit romantic (they like kissing. It makes Regulus happy and Barty has a bit of an oral fixation, so having someone's lips on his makes it a good day). To Regulus, his approach to the whole relationship is completely similar to James. To an untrained eye, there is absolutely no difference between how he treats James and Barty. Barty, on the other hand...
3. Well, Barty and Evan fuck. Which is something he doesn't do with Regulus. Barty had tried, once, to initiate sex with Regulus, but it had made Reg way too uncomfortable, so it didn't happen. Rosekiller are very intense compared to Bartylus.
4. They do! James feels very conscious about not appearing as Regulus' lover. Regulus had to reassure him, of course, that it wasn't the same, even if it's not visible. Because it is different, you see? Barty is a friend. Kissing him feels like a friend - it's light, and funny, and they can do it and go back to gossiping. It doesn't mean anything at all. But when James and Regulus kiss, it means 'I want to spend my life with you and see you everywhere. I see you in the flowers in my garden and the ripples in the water, in the freckles of the sky and the roughness of the stone. I want, for every last moment of my life, to keep having you by my side for me to see how beautiful you are.' .Jegulus doesn't have sex, because Reg is sex neutral to negative and it makes him uncomfortable, but he can indulge James with some freaky action from time to time, which he's never do with Barty. Mostly, it's James asking Regulus to give him an appropriate amount of boyfriend time and going out together. It's the same way on Evan's part, since he usually third wheels for the two on their friend dates, and he likes to have some alone time to snog Barty in a dark alley, you know? Mostly, the boundaries they have are things Bartylus wouldn't be comfortable doing anyway. (Also Regulus is so obviously smitten for James it's not even funny)
5. Not really? They've always felt that way for one another. Sometimes people would joke that they were a couple and it would disgust them to no end. They've always been affectionate and they like it, that's all.
(ALSO @star4daisy YOU LITERALLY JUST FREAKED OUT ABOUT THIS so that's for you love)
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
(contains spoilers for “analyze piss”)
sooo…. goddamn….
that was dark, and lighthearted, and inspiring all at once.
i was stoked to see rick seeking out therapy, adapting to it, and being open to growth and change.
i think because of the serious nature of this episode, i’m going to divide my specific initial thoughts into two categories- “light” and “heavy.”
i have to give this ep a 9/10 on first-watch. it feels like a crime to not appreciate this for what it is.
light thoughts:
-NIMBUS CAMEO NIMBUS CAMEO. i didn’t realize how much i love and miss this character until we got to see him again. i am so interested in his dynamic with rick and how much potential he has to be explored.
-YEEEUPPPP. this moment still holds up-
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- lmao for once i found myself rooting for jerry in a fight. i’m astounded at how much that showed for his character development, too. he was defending his daughter. his actions later on in the ep are questionable, but no more petty than what we’ve seen from rick.
- it was also cute to see morty and summer be proud of their parents for once. super nice contrast from previous moments that showed they are usually not too thrilled with being associated with them (like in “childrick of mort,” etc.)
- i loved how everyone was celebrating rick for accepting therapy. jerry having his back was really sweet- and beth kissing him on the cheek. it’s nice to see this family unit show some support for each other.
- it was so sweet to see rick genuinely happy for his family. just :) while they were climbing on board. (idk if that was him being facetious towards himself, considering he was pulling from his flask, but i thought it was cute)
-shoutout to wong for tricking rick sanchez into doing therapy homework. woman works wonders.
okay… time for the heavy stuff:
- they handled the topic of suicide beautifully and respectfully, which i assume would be a difficult move for a “comedy” to make.
i cried a lot during this episode. a lot.
- wow. just… wow. that was a lot to take in. i found it interesting that rick sought out piss master because he related to him. he knew he was probably complex and misunderstood.
it’s reminiscent of “the old man and the seat” to me, but it seems like rick found it easier to accept another “piece of shit” as his friend than he did tony, who was generally a decent person.
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the fact that piss master had a daughter also reminded me of rick’s relationship with tony. rick related to tony because of his dead wife, which drove his decision to forfeit his toilet. rick related to piss master because of his relationship with his daughter, which drove him to make his death something she could be proud of (and wouldn’t blame herself for).
- building off of my last thought, it seems like every time rick decides to open up and accept friendship, they end up dying (with an exception of BP, squanchy, etc.). he’s growing, but he’s still not allowed to let new people in yet.
- that scene of him trying to save piss master was gut wrenching. just… all of it. he really didn’t want him to die. he really cared. he’s really a person- wholly and fully. piss master wasn’t just some guy to rick in that moment.
- that scene where he has a conversation with piss master’s daughter (literally SPEAKING AS piss master) hit me hard.
i really think, in his mind, he was talking to beth there.
piss master is someone rick can relate to, not only for his daughter, but the fact that he wanted to take his own life. the show isn’t shy about the fact that rick has attempted suicide before.
here’s the scenes this scene reminded me of:
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rick has literally tried to kill himself in his daughter’s house. i wonder if that made him think of how that would have made beth feel- to have found him there. if she would have blamed herself…
he wouldn’t ever want his little girl to think that.
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piss master is a lot like him: a piece of shit whose daughter loves the fuck out of him for some reason.
i also don’t think it’s a coincidence that piss master’s daughter looks a lot like beth. that look through the peephole at her? damn… how do you think that felt?
(can’t find a screen grab of her yet, but when i do i’ll update this.)
we know he’s a sap for men with dead wives/daughters. this one hit home.
-in the end, morty is his best friend. he couldn’t bear to hurt alone.
i don’t think that he confided in morty to be a dick, or to regress at all. i think he was trying to healthily share his feelings, but that wasn’t fair to morty. he could’ve called wong, or told her earlier. that’s what therapists are for.
- it shows a lot that morty retaliated immediately.
“i can’t sit with that!”
“and you expect me to?!”
great moment that shows his growth.
(i really don’t feel like i’m giving this episode justice, so i’m going to rewatch soon and make a full analysis).
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tomaturtles · 9 months
I'm so happy to see people talking and drawing ca! Your art is so cute! I love the kawoAsuRei friendship in this series so much: the way kaworu shielded rei and encouraged her to express herself more, asuka standed up for rei, and asuka declared companionship to kaworu while kaworu worried about her safety. It's especially refreshing to see kaworu bonding with people other than shinji
WAAAAHH that makes me so happy, thank you so much!!! I'm glad to know there's more Campus Apocalypse fans around ;__;💖💖
And YEEEESS YOU GET IT!!! As much as I love Kaworu and Shinji's relationship, it made me a little sad that Kaworu hardly got to interact with characters other than him in the main canon, so I LOVEEE that CA introduces him at the beginning and as one of the main characters with the other kids. Him getting to interact and form relationships with Rei and Asuka too is so exciting and so much fun!!!
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Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse - Ch. 7
His and Rei's relationship is so sweet, they give off the impression that they're very close - they feel like siblings almost? He's pretty affectionate with her and she's the only one who knows Kaworu's an angel until he tells Shinji... Plus her asking Kaworu for help when she wanted to learn how to cook despite him implying to be just as clueless about it was really cute 😭😭
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Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse - Ch. 14
Asuka and Kaworu have such an interesting dynamic too!!! They're friends but she puts some distance between herself and the "weirdo brigade" as she puts it to try and retain a sense of normalcy, and she calls Kaworu a freak likely as a lighthearted jab while none the wiser that he's an angel, but that coupled with the fact that angels killed her parents in this universe adds some tension to it...
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Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse - Ch. 21 // Ch. 22
And that makes it really sweet once she Does learn about it and puts the fact that he's her friend above everything else 🥺🥺 WAAAHHH
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Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse - Ch. 21
AND ASUKA AND REI TOO i love this moment sooo much it's so sweet..... also Asuka using her lap as a pillow for Rei until she goes after Kaworu was super cute 😭😭💖💖 THEY'RE SO DEAR TO MEEE
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