#this movie was constantly delayed and stuff
ashtonisvibing · 1 year
oh my god it's actually fucking real
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lumidotexe · 5 months
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watched Sinbad recently so I made a MacaRu redraw from one of the movie scenes cuz i got in the mood to draw that pirate AU I barely touch
mac's posture in this is fr like mine constantly
also once again super sorry for the delay on pages, i promise im cooking just super slowly due to life stuff haha
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To everyone freaking out over NM S2 premiering a wee bit later than expected. The amount of time/effort R&F put into this is colossal. They constantly and consistently pull 60-70 hour weeks. Week after week with no break, upwards of a year and longer, to the point they flirt with burnout like Leo/nore flirts with Annabel. That to me is the exact opposite of lazy. Over the last year, I and others have witnessed this mind-blowing work ethic first hand. Its insane the amount of work they put in. Often eps are well over the minimum panel amount, they don't have to do 10-20 panels more than the minimum, but they do it as they want to tell a good story with each episode ending where it feels natural. The next thing: Nobody is entitled to any creator's time, or gets to dictate how they spend their personal time off. A hiatus is merely an opportunity to create buffer. R&F are under no obligation to use it that way. It is their choice to. It is also a time for them to regroup, recover from fatigue -- as any artist or writer knows headspace is important to the creative process -- attend to the shop, catch up on any admin that needs doing, and a litany of other things that people need to do to go about their daily lives. This break -- because lets call it what it is, if this were a normal 8-6 we'd call it UPTO -- is for them to take time to themselves, same as any other job. If they want to play Star Dew Valley to relax or decompress or ruminate on an idea, who the heck are we to deny them that? They're two human beings, not machines.
Thirdly: Please consider: There is so much more that goes on behind the scenes of a comic of this calibre that we as readers don't see. (Think of an iceberg, how they are so much bigger than the tip that pokes above the ocean's surface.) R&F don't just make it up on the spot. There's script writing, planning, research, editing, more planning, rough storyboarding, more research, tests, and probably a heck of a lot more pre-production stuff than I can even guess at before sketching can even be considered commencing. We don't know their creative process, nor are we entitled to demand an explanation of their process, or that they use their personal time differently. (Personally, I listen to music and walk but what is one person's jam, might not be another's.) Nevermore S2 premiering a little later than expected is not some big drama its being made out to be. Its perfectly normal. I cant count the amount of times I've heard some comic/ book/tv series/movie has been delayed for whatever reason. (I've been waiting seven years for one book I won't mention here, as an example.) I don't know about you, but I know Id much prefer to read something that has been well thought out, with attention to fine detail applied to it than something rushed and shoddy. Give them grace to cook! I know we might be a wee bit disappointed, especially when we're so eager to find out what potential horrors might befall characters we've grown to know and love on the eve of one heck of a tantalising cliff hanger, but I ask that you all show a little patience and, more importantly, understanding.
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theradicalscrivener · 4 months
I'm gonna get new ears installed.
It's getting close to 5 am and I can't sleep yet. Part of it is because I just finished work, but part of it is because I'm... Excited? ... Anxious? I'm both happy and sad and a little hopeful but also very fearful.
So, for those not in the know. I'm deaf and have been my whole life. It's not one of those things like I can't hear anything. But a lot of frequencies and sound ranges just don't work well for me. I tried wearing heading aids when I was a kid, but they made things worse. All they did was amplify everything. That made it harder to hear the pieces I had to struggle to hear since it was getting further buried under even more background noise.
For example, if you've ever been to a movie where the sound mixing was off. The dialogue is incomprehensible because the ambient noise is so frickin loud. If you try to turn the volume up, all you hear is more jets and explosions.
Anyway, I've had some issues in class where some professors are very hard to understand but the college wouldn't help me until I had a current diagnosis from an audiologist saying that yeah. I really am just that deaf. In the process of seeing the audiologist though, she was telling me that they have new stuff that can work for people like me. Unlike old hearing aids that amplify all sound, these things have like adaptive sound controls and can amplify specific frequencies on the fly. So in theory it will bring my hearing to similar levels as other people's.
The thing costs $10k... I have decent insurance which drops it down to $6k but it's still a massive expense. I'm going to do it though.
I'm both excited and anxious. If the audiologist is to be believed, I spend a lot of my energy on listening to people speak, then replay it back in my head and soft through the possible similar sounding words and recreate the sentences on my head.
I've always said I do this. I jokingly refer to it as "buffering" because I'm running on a few second delay in conversation. Like imagine those interviews on the news where there's this awkward pause of four to five seconds where the signal gets sent across the world from the asker to the answerer before the other person can respond to it. The doc says this is probably the source of a lot of my frequent migraines and exhaustion and is exacerbating my tinnitus. Basically I'm in like hyper vigilant mode 24/7 constantly trying to pick out the faintest sounds so I can be functional in normal life leading to constant mental fatigue.
Anyway. I don't know how long it will take to actually get the device, and once I get it, the doc said it'll take a while to get adjusted. They're not just going to throw me into the deep end and let me figure it out. The plan is to slowly increase the deadened frequencies until they balance out with the others.
I don't know what this will actually do for me. I've never been able to hear normally so I don't know what it will feel like. I don't know if I will ever get to a normal hearing level. I wonder if this will make it easier out in public. I get overwhelmed in busy places since there are so many sounds which makes it impossible to hear the things I want.
I'm worried that I'll spend all this money and it won't improve anything.
I'm worried that I will get these and it will be everything I wanted.
How long has this tech existed? Could I have had this years ago? How much have I missed by not being able to understand people talking to me.
If I get this will it make a noticable difference in the migraines? In the chronic fatigue? I don't know. I want to be optimistic, but it's hard to even know what to expect.
Anyway. If you want a bit of a glimpse into what it's like being me, give this a listen
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basilbunnii · 3 months
what are your relationship hcs for ninajack?
chat this deleted my work so this is way more delayed than played
but thank you for asking
more under cut im a yapper abt them </3
so as kind of a foundation i think nina and jack have a super opposites attract relationship and i kind of touched on that in my phys hc post (check that out if you enjoy this content bee tee dubs)
for example, nina is super duper messy while jack is obsessively organized and clean from being an ocd doctor man
they really level each other out in an almost healing way and that's part of why i love this ship sm lmao
nina keeps jack from trying to be painfully perfect and he keeps her from being dangerously reckless and laidback
they also fit under a princess and knight in shining armor type thing for me personally— and yes, i will explain LOL
nina, after being in a super neglectful and abusive relationship with jeff, gets to be with jack who's more attentive and caring towards nina, making her feel more like herself and leads her to being more in tune with princess treatment
jack also has relationship trauma, which i think anyone could guess if you've even just heard about the background story that the person who made sally's story made and not just seen the low quality mask photo story
(for those who DONT know that story and dont want spoilers for it i do suggest leaving the post now and reading it because it is a pretty common reference for the creepypasta fandom and i will be referencing big plot points)
so having the sacrificial college girlfriend (whos name i would look up but im currently on a roadtrip with shitty service) jack isn't used to getting anything back in return and/or being treated nicely without something sinister being behind it
but nina loves super unconditionally— which immediately contradicts that train of thought which would ultimately lead him to trusting her more and more over time til they're just at a point where they can both love each other without fear of the other person being similar to their past experiences and that's just so heartwarming urgrgrhh
the knight part really comes into play with nina being a bit clumsy and reckless because jack is constantly having to basically baby proof her experiences because she is so prone to creating problems
moving on— jack finds little acts of service that nina isnt really used to to show his love
like he'll make her a meal or get her jewelry or whatever just to make her day because its not something she got with jeff at all
which its more like it makes her month because she will not stop talking about it to anybody who will listen
that's just how she is— she loves very loudly
which is COMPLETELY NEW to jack considering that the sacrificial college girlfriend (i still havent googled her name my signal is somehow worse) was truly just there to lead a lamb to the slaughter
so when nina is actively seeking his affection and caring and loving for him it is such a new experience that i would think he wasn't quite sure what to do
guys hes a nerdy medical major white guy first and a demon second in my books he is an awkward man
but there's a want to be perfect for nina so he really fakes it til he makes it
but then nina is also a super-people-reader so when things dont line up she's immediately on his case
"hey man i thought you barely had any experience why are you good at kissing are you lying to me"
and then he gets a little embarrassed by it and hes like "i have no idea what you're talking about i'm just paying attention to your reactions"
she still doesnt believe him fully but she accepts it
they do cute shit together too
like they'll watch movies and tv and stuff together and cuddle
or nina will dress him up and buy him clothes (because like i said in the past post, jack is very copy and paste easy outfits and nina is obsessive with accessories and big outfits yada yada yada)
he'd probably let nina do just about anything tho as long as shes having fun and close to him hes pretty content
god i feel like i still have more lmk if you want more urgrgrhnmmhmf
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Sweetheart and Honey (separate) HCs
Sorry for the delay I caught a bad headache yesterday
- Honey was def either valedictorian or salutatorian of their grade in high school
- IF they were salutatorian, they're still pissy about "losing" to someone else
- Sweetheart was cocky in their early years of working for the department
- Similar to Damien trying to break the stereotype that "All fire elementals are hot-headed", Sweetheart is trying to break the stereotype that "All stealths are thieves"
- Honey walks fast and WILL step on the back of someone's shoes if they're walking too slow
- Sweetheart legally cannot own a gun
- They're not allowed near any either
- Honey's lips are damn near always pressed against each other, like they're constantly frowning
- Sweetheart only ever dressed as a ghost for Halloween as a kid, and they dressed as one again the same year they started dating Milo. Milo learned about their plan and decided to dress as one of the ghostbusters from the movie. 
- They did plan on scaring the shit out of him dressed as a ghost, but they saw him wearing his costume and couldn't help but cover their face fully before he caught them blushing (he caught it regardless)
- Honey only fell asleep in class or lectures during testing season since that was when they began studying hours into the night with little to no rest
- When they met Guy this came to a stop, he made sure they'd end their study sessions early and go to bed on time, even if he'd stay up all night playing video games and being hypocritical
- During the Sam and Quinn video, Sweetheart walked out of the room when Quinn was airing out all of Tank's past. They've heard much worse stuff, but knew the stuff Quinn was saying wasn't something anyone in the room should be hearing. That was Tank's personal past, nothing of their business.
- Honey doesn't exactly mean to be rude to people, they're just…very off-putting by accident.
- And then it makes them upset when people don't want to talk to them because of it, since they want to have people to talk to.
- This one is gonna be hard to explain wait
- When Sweetheart goes intangible, majority of the germs on their body fall off.
- Due to this, they rarely get sick, and only get sick if they don't go intangible at least once for an extended period of time.
- But when they get sick, they get sick.
- I'm talking snot flying, can barely move a muscle, mucus erupts from each cough, sick.
- Basically they have a shit immune system.
- Honey on the other hand? Can not STAND being sick. Heavy germaphobe I'm telling you.
- I spoke about this with a friend before and we agree, Honey used to absolutely refuse to leave a room if it meant getting someone else sick, or getting sick themselves.
- This fear was at an all time high back in high school, I'm talking hazmat suits, gloves, masks, that shit.
- And in their earlier years of college, when COVID hit (2019), this shit was reinforced so much.
- It's calmed down since they got with Guy, and they've begun to even take care of him when he gets sick. Of course they still find it disgusting but they hate seeing him all weak and exhausted.
- Sweetheart can float slightly.
- Honey hates sweet things, it makes their face scrunch up as if it's sour.
- Sweetheart is ADDICTED to caffeine. It makes them anxious and paranoid but they keep drinking it like it's a lifeline.
- Honey goes to the beach to tan. No matter what, they REFUSE to get in the water. Whether it's to protect their hair or a past incident, Guy doesn't know. And it sucks because Guy loves swimming at the beach. 
- Although if Honey did ever get in the water, he'd dunk them so many times and it'll lead to Honey either getting out of the water, or them trying to actually drown him.
- Sweetheart doesn't style or fix their hair. What they wake up with is what they spend the day in.
- Honey's smile is always uneven. Mainly because it's them trying to not smile but their body betrays them.
- Honey snorts and Guy finds it absolutely adorable.
- Shortly after Milo told Sweetheart that Aggro refuses to go on walks, they tried taking him on one to call Milo's bluff. It went terribly.
- Honey searched up "how to make friends" online once, and one of the tips said "maintain eye contact." This led to them glaring at people talking to them until said person backs away in fear. It always leaves Honey confused when it doesn't work.
-Sweetheart has horrible posture.
- Honey was a BEAST at volleyball back in high school and college. They don't play it as often, but they're still insanely good at it.
- Honey and Cutie have the same group of friends.(But Honey is fairly new to the group)
- Sweetheart bites their ice cream, much to Milo's dismay.
- Despite popular belief, Honey isn't a big fan of honey. It's too sweet for them, but they'll put it in food when necessary.
- Sweetheart and Milo are either barely different in height, or are the same height. Either way they still tease the fuck out of him because of his height.
- Honey has never lost a staring contest in their life.
Requested by: @draagonfruiit
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obsoleteozymandias · 2 months
HIIII is it okay if i ask for a twst matchup? im a big fan of ur blog!! :3
so a bit about me, im a she/her but honestly i don't mind any pronouns, my gender expression is all over the place and i like experimenting a lot!
im an optimistic and sensitive person and i always try my best to be kind, polite and friendly towards everyone. being all happy and sunshine-y comes naturally to me 😼 i can be a bit moody due to my social anxiety but i try really hard to just be myself and do whatever i want, regardless of what other people might think of me😇😇
im creative and curious and i like having fun!!! my friends often describe me as weird, but like in a good way, as if im some strange whimsical creature. im super artsy and express my weird style proudly, both in the way i dress and how i present myself ‼️‼️‼️ i know physical appearance probably doesn't matter, but for a long while ive had a buzz cut despite being very feminine otherwise :3 fun times. nowadays im trying to grow a mullet
hobbieees. oh i have many. overall i enjoy anything crafty that requires using my hands, so i spend my free time drawing, building stuff, playing instruments, sewing clothes or plushies. i like to study, both for school and to satiate my personal curiosity on random topics :Dddd i also really like the outdoors and often explore new local and even far away places just for the fun of it ✌️ i constantly try new things and activities and just try to live my life to the fullest
i like nature, art, animals, bugs. iam a huge bug lover. the stranger the bug the better 🙏💞 i like learning new things, i like space, horror movies, sweet food, music, mangos, flowers, funky earrings. i like a lot of things.... on the other hand there's not much things i dislike, except for the usual like.... idk bad people, hate, drama. but yeah everyone dislikes that. specific things that i don't like however are getting yelled at, being babied/underestimated and having to deal with ppl who are way too pessimistic. it can be exhausting!!
there aren't any characters i wouldn't want to be matched up with, but my favs are floyd, malleus, jack and sebek if that helps! 🥳
ok this was really long 💔 thank u for reading it all!!! hope u have a great day!!! 💫
My first fan! Your reward: the satisfaction of knowing I’m twisting my hair and kicking my feet and giggling while I read this. Also, apologies for the delay.
== Twisted Wonderland ==>
I match you up with…
Lilia Vanrouge 
Lilia is glad to have another sunshine-y person around such a dour school. You two are fast friends, and he wonders if you wouldn’t be better suited to RSA what with your kindness and positivity. 
Regardless, he’s glad to have made such a lovely friend. 
He’s your number one fan when it comes to embracing your hobbies or weirdness. He does the same, and so the two of you spend a lot of time talking about your passions and exploring new things together. 
He buys you strange clothes and trinkets all the time, like a crow collecting shiny things. Some of the stuff he brings you is truly strange, and you’re not sure how he got his hands on it…but it’s the thought that counts, right? 
He will 100% want you involved in the pop music club, whether that’s playing an instrument or making posters. He just likes having you around whenever he can; you’re like a ray of sun to him. 
Lilia denied his feelings for you at first. He knew that his history was violent and much longer than yours, and he felt that he could never expose you to that part of himself. 
But one way or another, you find out, and when you accept and embrace him, I imagine he feels such love and affection for you that he almost confesses right there and then. 
He takes his time to plan the confession: taking you on a trip to see something cool, and then asking at just the right moment, like the romantic he is. 
Lilia would want to take you to see the world with him. You two would spend all vacations in different countries and cities, taking in the world and spending all of your time together. 
Some dates are just the two of you staying home and learning together, though. If one of you sees something they’re interested in, the whole evening can be spent learning about it side by side, exchanging kisses between paragraphs and documentaries. 
The best part of the relationship is that you and Lilia push eachother to experience new things, whether that be you showing him creepy bugs, or him taking you skydiving. 
You two never fail to bring out the best in one another, and have so much fun along the way. 
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writer-kad · 1 year
Resident Evil 2 R actor AU!
This is an idea that's been rattling in my head for like a month so here it is!
The actor's for Claire and Leon met in 6th grade when they saw a DvD of the original resident evil 2 at a sleepover and have been best friends and roomates ever since
Due to contract reasons they didnt know that they were playing the roles until they met on set.
As a suprise all living actors from the original Resident Evil 2 were on set with zombie makeup and played various zombies
The actor who played Mr.X accidentaly punched Leon in the face and knocked him out, this caused the movie to be delayed by a week
Ada wongs actress pretended not to understand english when she first met the rest of the cast.
Sherry's actor is a huge horror nerd and actually asked the director if she could keep a prop from the film, the director said no but Mr.X's actor gave her his hat after filming wrapped.
Every member of the cast that met Mr.X's actor thought he was the sweetest man they ever met
The actor for William Birkin is actually Sherry's actresses brother, no he isn't 36 he's 29 he just looks really old dw about it.
Claire and Ada's actors started dating soon after production ended with help from Leon's actor.
Due to the 5th Devil may cry sequel being shot at Capcom studio's at the same time, the actor for dante accidently walked onto set and was extremely confused at the scenery change.
Afterwards Mr.X who was a fan of the DMC movies got and autograph of Dante.
Claire's jacket mysteriously disappeared after shooting, it is rumored that Claire had stolen it from set, when asked about it at the oscars she said "Well i definitley didn't steal it and even if i did steal it's not like they were going to use it again." She then opened her purse to reveal what seemed to be the jacket.
Mr.X visited Leon in the hospital after knocking him out and gave him a baloon and a get well soon card that stated that he put freshly baked brownies that will help with the pain in his fridge. No one knows how he got in, as Claire was having ice cream with Sherry as a bonding excersise.
During the racoon city scenes, most of the zombies were just people livng in the area.
During the Ben Bertolucci scene, they didn't know when Mr.X was going to the burst through the wall, the original script for that scene was 2 pages long, and they just had to keep going until Mr.X broke the wall.
After Breaking the wall the cast realized that that was a REAL WALL and not a prop one and Mr.X had broken several bones.
Some of the most famous bloopers from the film was Ada saying "Well this wasnt the penetration i was looking for" after stabing the pipe in her leg.
When asked how her character survived Ada said "Man I dunno, just blame Wesker"
Marvin's actor actually interned during the filming of the orignal movie
The actor for Cheif Irons constantly made sure if Sherry was ok after various scenes
Claire's actress said that Sherry was one of the most professional child actors she'd worked with.
Mabey i'll make more stuff with RE2 like interviews and stuff or move on to 7
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sp00kycrumpet · 10 months
Paradise (9/10)
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
Rating: E
Tags: Javi is baby, fluff, holiday romance, Nick Cage is Nick Cage, reader is bilingual
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Working as Nicholas Cage's personal assistant was your favourite job; so when he asked you to accompany him to Mallorca for this birthday party he'd been invited to, you were more than happy to go. What you didn't anticipate was the host himself.
Will also be posted on my AO3
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five)
(Part Six) (Part Seven) (Part Eight)
I am so sorry for the delay!! Work has been a nightmare and just ughhhhh but I'm here!! Thank you for your patience and support 💚
You'd had to convince Javi to let you speak with Nick alone, knowing he'd have to break the news to Gabriela to avoid any awkwardness. You still hadn't told Javi your side, how you felt for him or anything but you figured that could come later. You felt a tickle of nerves as you approached Nick's room, knocking before stepping in. He'd finished packing and had apparently been struck with a moment of inspiration as he sat typing away on his phone with a frown of concentration on his face.
"Oh, hey. You ready to go?" He asked once he finally looked up. You licked your lips and folded your hands together.
"I need to ask a favour. For some time off." You started, Nick laughing.
"Well naturally, I assumed you'd take some time off to relax and settle back in after all of this chaos." He grabbed his bag, putting his phone into his pocket before he finally noticed you didn't have your stuff with you. You gave a little smile, fiddling with your fingers.
"Javi… asked me to stay here a little longer." Nick perked one eyebrow slightly.
"About time you two did something about this thing between you." He teased, you gasped playfully and scowled at him.
"Oh now you say that. After warning me to stay away from him only a few days ago!" Nick held his hands up in defence.
"Okay but in my defence, I had been fed information that he was some shady cartel leader at that point. I didn't want you ending up tangled up in some illegal and dangerous shit. But Javi told me how he feels when we almost shot each other and I learnt he wasn't the bad guy the CIA wanted after all. Hell even Olivia could see it between you after just being around you both for a few hours at that safehouse." You felt your cheeks flush slightly, a smile playing over your face. You knew of the big dramatic moment between Nick and Javi when they'd held each other at gunpoint, but Nick had opted to not tell you of Javi's confession.
"And we're finally going to talk about that and… I don't know, see what happens I guess?" Nick stood up, pulling his bag onto his shoulder as he eyed you for a moment.
"You have my blessing. Take as long as you need, I'll take some time off anyway to see if Olivia and I can salvage our relationship, plus I need to try and write this screenplay." You grinned and trapped him in a tight hug as you thanked him. Nick just laughing and ruffling your hair affectionately. "Just call if you need anything, okay?" You grinned, realising he was mimicking the one thing you said to him constantly throughout your friendship.
You and Javi walked with Nick to the waiting taxi, you promised to be in touch soon and Javi was already bubbling with excitement to write their movie properly. Olivia and Addy watched in confusion as only Nick got into the car, but the smile Olivia gave you told you that she knew why you were staying. You both waved them off before heading back inside, Javi had to go meet a doctor to check his shoulder so you took the chance to go back to your room and run a bath. It felt surreal that you were here again after everything. You found yourself lost in your thoughts as you watched the tub fill and bubbles formed over the surface of the water. You never heard Gabriela coming in until she tapped your shoulder gently to finally get your attention. You jumped a little and turned to face her, anxious about what she could possibly want.
"I just want to apologise. I was selfish when I kissed him, I could see what was going on between you and I just… got jealous I guess." She gave a little smile. You admired her for actually coming to speak with you, knowing full well had things gone differently and Javi had chosen to be with her that you'd be avoiding Gabriela like the plague.
"Thank you for coming to talk to me. I can't imagine it must be easy." Gabriela nodded, reaching to take one of your hands in hers.
"Javi is one of my oldest friends and my first love. But I know it's not meant to be, and I can see how deeply he cares for you. He's a good man. I am just happy to still be able to call him my friend. I hope you can forgive me and we can continue to be friends too." You smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"You are a better woman than me. I sulked in my hotel room for days and avoided you both when I thought you were together, but here you are giving me your blessing. Thank you Gabriela." She hugged you back, stepping away after a moment with a little sigh.
"I won't lie, it hurts but I know Javi is happiest around you. Just look after him, he has a big heart and is more insecure than he lets on. He will treat you well." You smiled, nodding. It was a little odd to talk like this when you and Javi hadn't properly spoken about whatever it was between you. But it warmed your heart that Gabriela was willing to put her own wants aside to make sure Javi was happy and to ensure there would be no discomfort between you and her. She left you to your bath after a little while, saying she'd be around if you needed anything. You sank into the warm water once alone, not realising how much your body ached until you settled and your mind was finally calm. You closed your eyes as you soaked in the tub, replaying the days events in your mind. You felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness for what was to come. You knew when Javi got home he wanted to talk some more, and to finally just openly tell him all those private little thoughts and feelings you'd been having about him would be wonderful.
You climbed out of the bath once the water started to cool down, got dressed and took a moment to message your mother to tell her you were staying in Mallorca a little longer but you'd explain everything properly tomorrow. She'd heard about what happened through the news and a couple of celebrity sites since it wasn't exactly going to go unreported that Nicholas Cage had been caught up in the kidnapping of a government official's daughter. You'd just finished getting sorted when a staff member knocked on your door, telling you dinner was ready and was out on the veranda whenever you were ready. You thanked her and took a moment alone to gather your nerves and thoughts before heading out.
Javi was already outside when you approached. Redressed in that gorgeous baby blue suit he'd been wearing the day you first met. His back was to you as he looked out at the ocean, a soft breeze made his curls shift slightly and he looked like a dream come true. You had to resist the urge to secretly take a photo of him at that moment. He was so gorgeous and you couldn't believe this was actually happening. Before you could announce your arrival, Javi looked back over his shoulder and smiled warmly once he realised you were there.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." You said softly as Javi came over to greet you.
"Not at all." He replied and offered over a glass of wine. You took it with a smile, your eyes on him over the rim of the glass as you took a sip. You knew the taste instantly, it was the wine you two had shared the night Nick read Javi's original screenplay. "I didn't know what you wanted to eat so, I had them just throw together a few snack foods." He gestured at the table, it was like a fancy looking picnic. Fruits, breads, meats and cheese spread out across a couple of plates.
"It's lovely Javi. Thank you." Javi beamed, moving to pull a chair out for you albeit a little awkwardly since his right arm was still restricted by the sling. You sat down and he moved to sit across from you. Silence settled over you both, you could feel his gaze on you as you took another drink. You both turned to speak at the same time, laughing at the situation before Javi held out a hand to encourage you to speak first.
"I spent the past few hours trying to work out how the hell to begin this conversation or what I would say without making a fool of myself." You started, placing the wineglass down to stop yourself fiddling with it and risk spilling any. "I feel I should start with apologising for avoiding you since everything happened. I was sulking because I assumed you and Gabriela were laughing at me and were together all along or something. I was too stubborn to come and talk to you openly, I just accepted the assumption and was going to move on from it. So I am sorry for that, Javi. I know you're not like that, and deep down even in the midst of my sulking, I knew it but just wanted to try and move forward." You paused, taking a sip of your wine as your heart raced nervously as your practised speech just dissolved from your mind and you were having to just wing it. Javi didn't interrupt though, he just watched you with a tender warmth to his eyes as he listened. "I haven't dated for a long, long time. I focussed only on my work so when Nick told me he was bringing me here, I was so excited for a holiday. Then you appeared on your boat like something from a movie and I was instantly struck by how handsome you are. How relaxed you were around Nick, even when he made that ridiculous Dr. No comment on the phone before you had a chance to introduce yourself." Javi laughed at that, nodding.
"I remember that vividly and was so confused as to what Nick had been told about me, especially since he clearly had no idea it was me who'd invited you both here." You groaned a little and shook your head.
"Don't remind me, your first conversation still fills me with second hand embarrassment." You both laughed before you continued. "But… You offered me your hand to help me off the boat and I melted inside, you were a gentleman from the get go. There's not many guys like that left in the world. You were just so inviting, so warm and genuine. The more time we spent together, the more I found myself watching you. Admiring you admittedly. Javi you have the most beautiful eyes and your smile just warms my heart every time I see it. Even earlier, even though I was trying to be mad at you, that little smile just made me want to wrap my arms around you and forget being sad." You smiled a little, noticing the light blush to Javi's cheeks at the compliments. "Even that first night, when you kissed my hand goodnight, I was swooning and knew I wouldn't be able to resist falling for you. We spent so much time together, I learnt a lot about you and saw the different sides of you. I treasured our every moment together, regardless of Nick being there or not. That night we fell asleep on the sofa, I woke up at one point and you were asleep. I remember just feeling so… content in that moment. Your arm around me, the warmth of cuddling up against you and logically my brain was telling me to go to bed and stop being weird and a literal cliche but, I just settled in against you and went back to sleep." You paused, watching Javi as he smiled that breathtaking smile again. You smiled back and shifted in your seat a little, it did feel good to finally say this all out loud. "I guess this was after Nick had been dragged into the CIAs ridiculous mission because he saw us walk to my room and he came to tell me to be careful. It was really weird, we had a bit of an argument but we were okay in the morning. Then… your party. That was the night I almost convinced myself you felt the same as I did. The way you came to save me from Lucas before realising it was me was so endearing. Then the way you looked at me gave me butterflies, the way you kept your hand on my back while introducing me to people or the fact that when the power cut, you instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me against you. I knew there was no coming back from that, especially when you kissed my forehead good night. My god, I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest." Javi laughed lightly, brushing a hand through his hair as he watched you.
"Then the moment was ruined." He said with a little chuckle, you nodded in agreement.
"Even after the party, the physical affection carried on and just made my crush on you worse. I was trying to do some work that day you and Nick were shooting out here but I ended up completely distracted and just watching you. Sounds… a little creepy now I say it out loud but I couldn't help myself. But then everything just seemed to go a million miles an hour, one moment I'm napping in the living room and feeling completely at ease in your home and the next we're running for our lives and trying to save Addy. It was such a whirlwind, then that night at the safehouse. But then the way you just held me to try and calm my mind, I remember thinking to myself that after we were safe, I wanted to tell you everything. Just take a chance and see where it would lead." You knew nervousness was making you babble but now that you'd started, you wanted to get it all out in the open. Javi was just letting you speak openly and freely without interruption. "But then you got out of the truck…" You trailed off, Javi nodding a little. You fell quiet, not sure what to say without just repeating yourself again. You glanced up, meeting Javi's gaze over the table. He just smiled tenderly at you, placing his glass down as he watched you.
"Seems we were both having the same thoughts and feelings but neither wanted to be the first to say anything hm?" He chuckled, his fingers nervously toying with the stem of the glass. His eyes never left you as he took a moment to think before he stood up suddenly, moving over to you and holding out his hand. You watched him curiously and placed your hand in his as you got to your feet. Once you were up, Javi moved close and pulled you carefully into his arms; warey of the sling and his injured shoulder but he just wanted to hold you. You slid your arms around his torso and tucked yourself into him, nestling your head against his shoulder as he held you close. Your heart finally calmed, the warmth of Javi in your arms seemed to make the rest of the world disappear. Your eyes closed as Javi's hand gently ran over your back in small circles, his cheek resting against your head. It felt surreal, only 24 hours before you'd been convinced Javi was with Gabriela and you would have to go back to America broken hearted yet here you were, being held by the man who stole your heart as you openly confessed to him everything that had been going on since arriving in Mallorca only a few weeks ago.
After a moment, you felt Javi move and you lifted your head to look at him. A hand moving to gently brush a stray curl of hair from his face, finally giving in to that temptation to run your fingers through his hair as he smiled warmly at you. Javi said your name softly, pulling a smile to your face.
"I love how my name sounds when you say it." You admitted quietly, your eyes studying his face before he leaned in to rest his forehead against yours. Your heart raced at having him so close.
"Can I kiss you?" Even after everything you admitted and said, he still sounded nervous. His fingers curled gently into the back of your shirt as your brain registered what he was asking.
"At this point, I'd be offended if you didn't." You teased, Javi huffing out a little laugh before he tilted his head and finally closed the distance between you. His lips felt warm and soft against yours, and just so perfect. You gave a small content hum as you held him tightly in your arms, feeling Javi's lips move as the kiss deepened. Your heart jumped in your chest and you almost felt weak as your brain focussed on every sensation. The brush of his fingers over your back, how his hair fell forward and tickled your cheek, how sweet he tasted and how gentle he was with you. The kiss was broken after a moment, Javi trailing a few little kisses along your cheek before he hugged you close.
"I have wanted to do that for so long." He admitted quietly against your ear, you smiled as you leaned back and placed a hand against his cheek that Javi instead nuzzled into. His lips brushed over your palm as you watched him. You couldn't help but keep smiling, admiring him quietly. "Say you'll be mine…" He whispered, watching you. You could have sworn your heart stopped as he spoke, your thumb gently caressing his cheek.
"Javi, I've been yours for a little while now." You replied with a grin, Javi beaming happily as he pressed forward to kiss you again. You couldn't help but smile against his lips as his arm around you tightened.
(Part Ten)
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CW for mentions of:
Use of substances by Minors
Possible disordered eating
Body shaming/fatphobia
So, this is a darker post than I'd usually make for this AU but I wanted to go a little more into the Warners backstory and how they ended up where they are now.
I really hope you'll understand that these are all serious topics. and I wanted to share some things I have in my brain about this au.
please tell me if I got anything wrong or portrayed something wrong or potentially insensitive.
So. When they were cast they were 14(Y), 11(W) & 10(D) respectively. And the studio never expected the show to reach the success it did. So they ordered 4 more seasons and a movie. In which the siblings were supposed to look the same age as they did during the first season.
Yakko had it the easiest. But even then he had it awful.
Wakko was constantly scolded by their mother (Whilma) and yelled at by their Father (Artie) about their weight gain due to being the "eating stuff guy" on the show (and having a metabolism that makes it easier for them to have body fat build up.
Dot had it the worst. She'd been 10. And they'd wrapped filming when she was 15-16. During that time she'd been forced into diets and prescribed hormone blockers to delay her body development which ended up causing more issues to her over the years. One of which is the knowledge she'd never really be able to have her own kids, which was what she wanted for a while,
They all fell into different kids of addiction.
For Yakko Artie basically pressured him into starting to drink at 16, he was told it would help with the pain of constant takes and scenes and he was told it made him funnier. He only really stopped because he was left with Abby. She was what got him to stop. He knew what it was like to have crummy drunk parents.
Wakko fell into smoking. It all started with some less than responsible cast/crew members who'd given a 14 year old Wakko a try as they were told it made them appear cool. Which is all Wakko wanted. To be able to be seen as cool. It was a long time before they stopped for good. They'd tried after Yakko gained custody of them and Dot. But they just started again. They kept trying to drop the habit but they never could. But eventually they were able to fully drop it. With the help of their found Family and friends.
Dot tried her best to make her parents and the studio happy. She'd started with just dieting. Then she'd start fully avoiding meals. And she fell into a not so great part of the crew who'd suggested she start taking certain meds to help keep her looking young. Once Yakko gained custody he tried to help fix both his siblings relationship with food. Eventually they both started eating what their body needed. What they we're able to handle. And by Abby's birth Dot was 3 years clean of any drugs she had taken
As some tween/teen stars of the time the Warner's dating lives were debated. Yakko was the one who had the most public relationships. Whether he wanted it or not. Over the years he kept trying to keep his dating life quiet. Due to multiple of his partners being flamed by news and his fans. He also faced many homophobic comments through the media, the studio he worked for and his own parents. Over the hught of his stardom he'd dated a couple other guys and Artie FLIPPED OUT. when he saw his son was dating a boy. This all made Yakko fall deeper into the bottle. Dot was criticized (think like Taylor Swift level dating criticism) for the amount of people she'd been dating. While her brother was called "a hearthrob" or "a playboy" while Dot was labeled "a Slvt" or "serial dater" even though they were both only kids. Wakko was the one who got the most criticism. They'd never had a public relationship (to outsiders knowledge) they'd never even had a single one (as they're Aroace) so they were called "self absorbed" and "broken" Wakko felt broken. They never had the feelings their Siblings talked about when in interviews. Wakko always got quieter during those portions.
over the years Wakko had started wanting to present more as a girl. Neither parent approved it. They called them weird. And creepy. (All those Fun transphobic terms used to talk about Trans women) which caused more issues for Wakko.
Thank you to how ever many of you made it through this. I'll get back to posting nice & happy fluff soon don't worry.
Though I might draw parts of this for a visual rep of the traumas these kids went through
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purplesurveys · 6 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? I've mentioned it to death at this point, but traveling to Thailand with my friends and seeing Yoongi in concert before he went off to military service. It was the first accessible tour BTS had (the previous ones were all in the US), and my friends and I needed it to happen for us.
What foods make you want to gag? I have a strong stomach when it comes to food and typically have no problem with textures, smells, all that stuff...my biggest issue is not liking fruits, but they're not necessarily something I gag over. I just don't like how they taste.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Like what I've said before, I'm a messy kind of organized so idk where that falls under. I can be careless when placing things but I always remember where everything is.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yes.
What time do you get sleepy? Usually around 1 or 2 AM.
What music do you listen to? I nearly exclusively listen to K-pop these days.
How old were you when you started to walk? I would guess a little over 1 year old, since I have home videos from my 1st birthday party and those clips would show that I was still struggling to keep myself up. Kinda surprising and I would consider that delayed, since I have cousins who were able to walk at like 10-11 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My sister. We have the same sense of humor and we generally have an excellent silent understanding of each other's moods.
What cheers you up when you're sad? My dogs, BTS, and wrestling. But I'm also generous towards myself - if I'm in a really down mood, I don't force myself to cheer up anymore.
What do you sleep in? My designated lounge clothes, which is really just a collection of thin, short, and airy pieces. Can't be all covered up in this tropical climate.
Have you ever tanned topless? I wouldn't want to do that. Even if you tell me I'd have an island to myself, I think I'd still be too shy to go topless.
Wear jewelry? I used to have a necklace constantly on, but I took it off a few months ago. It's sitting on my drawer for now.
What's something you've been told you're good at? Writing. And planning, in the sense of crafting PR pitches - which tbh is just an offshoot of writing as every presentation deck needs a strong and compelling narrative.
How much can you eat? Not a lot in one go; I have a very small appetite and rarely finish a full meal, unless I'm at home.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? Just around Southeast and East Asia.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dog!
Have you ever done drugs? Only once.
What does your room look like? It's certainly a lot homier and cozier than it used to be - a year ago we had some renovations done and upgraded my bed to a loft-style one, which was able to save a ton of space. That meant I could add some more stuff in my room that would help make it a comfier spot, so right now I have a loft bed with my work station under it, and dedicated shelves for all my K-pop merch. I also have a makeshift couch where I can hang if I don't feel like climbing up to my bed.
Recommend a really amazing book. I'd just recommend the last one I read since I don't read frequently - Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.
Recommend a really amazing song. Wild Flower by RM or First Love by Suga. Amygdala by Suga is also good.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Steve Jobs.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet and Audrey Hepburn.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? The lack of exercise I do I make up for by walking as much as I can and as far as I can. I recently learned that I have low blood pressure, so that has explained a lot for me as far as why I seem to hate exercising so much.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? It has its good days but admittedly it's something I've been neglecting. It's way overdue for a new dye job and a major trim.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? I don't know anyone named Baloo.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I'm not a superfan by any means, but I have my share of Disney movies that I really love.
Do you eat seafood? Yes. I had a ton of it just earlier.
When was the last time you cried? Couple of days ago, but they were good tears.
Do you have good working habits? I like to think so. I've slowed down in the last year or so and while that might give off the impression that I'm not as good as I used to be, the fact of the matter is I overworked myself to death when I was just starting out, and have simply learned how to strike the balance between setting boundaries while still performing at the quality I should be delivering.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I just want to continue being responsible with my savings while not forgetting to enjoy life. I don't want to push myself on a leash, but I don't want to go out of bounds with my means either.
Contentment. It's a cliché answer but it's what I'm perfectly okay going for.
What are your boundaries? The only boundaries I can think of now are all work-related, but I'm glad to say I've been learning to keep those walls up and to not be a slave for my job.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? I recently remembered the existence of the WWE musical chairs segment, and that was a treat to unlock from my memory hahaha.
What are two quirky little things about you? Thinking of 'quirky' things kinda makes me feel self-conscious, and it might be better asking someone else. What's quirky for me might just be otherwise normal without me knowing hahaha.
Are you claustrophobic? Nah not really, I don't have a lot of problem with being in cramped spaces or super crowded spots. If anything it just makes me annoyed hahaha.
Do you like getting wasted? I like getting a good amount of tipsy in that I become more extroverted and energized than usual, but I've graduated from blackout drunkenness. Not something I'd want to experience again.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Low-maintenance, on a similar wavelength humor- and vibe-wise, is talkative and likes to share stories and ask questions.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? I haven't identified with any religion in nearly 15 years, although I was baptized as Roman Catholic and technically that's what I am.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? If family already includes the dogs, I'd simply go for my phone before making my way out.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc BB cream, hair serum, t-shirt, culottes, a hair tie, glasses.
Does caffeine make you hyper? It keeps me awake and focused, but not hyper.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
The idea that I might actually have Auditory Processing difficulties seemed ridiculous to me at first. I can hear really well. I'm constantly hearing stuff nobody else can hear (and I don't just mean auditory hallucinations). I never liked subtitles on movies, even ones in languages I barely understand. I'd rather watch two aliens talk for an hour and have no idea what they're saying than turn on subs. But that's also a thing like... I am really good at interpreting context clues and inferring. Maybe I get that from the way I'd always find my dad half-way through old movies that he'd refuse to explain to me. Maybe from living in places where I didn't speak the local languages.
On the other hand I have always done that thing where someone will say something to me and I'll say "what?" and then when they're halfway through repeating it I'm already answering. So clearly there is a delay. A coworker called me out on it today after I did it three times in a row. The third time he just stared at me until I caught up. I've noticed recently that the auditory processing issue only seems to happen in situations where I'm trying to get a grip on what's happening. As soon as I get in sync and on task, it goes away. I just have to already know what someone is about to say to me and then I hear it just fine.
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abeinginsand · 1 year
Can we have 🫂💤 for Taylor? :3
Heya Cereal and definitely!! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay. Just got back in from work! Spinning him around in my mind, such a silly little guy :]
Friendship Headcanon
As a nephew cousin uncle pseudo sibling duo, Hermie and Taylor are constantly antagonizing each other haha. Teasing each other about their crushes, arguing about some show they both watch, and other stuff. Giving each other random titles while also alternating who gets called "uncle" or "nephew".
On the softer side, they try to look out for each other. Taylor staying behind in the cat bus to keep watch/guard things while he's having a flare up day. Hermie coincidentally having a sudden stomach ache and staying behind to keep him company. The sound of cat purring and the great debate of the top ten anime and play betrayals is a fun distraction.
Hermie having some shape-shifting issues in public place and Taylor doing an intense series of anime poses and jokes to draw attention away. When Hermie calms, he musters enough energy to give a playful critique of the performance. Taylor ends up surprised because it's the nicest critique he's heard him give to anyone. "Well if you're so surprised, I can easily take such words back? 🤨" to which Taylor says no take backs haha.
And since we're getting into the sleep part next... Taylor is very affectionate with his friends. Usually in the form of high fives, fist bumps, a hand on the shoulder, and leaning against them if sitting together. Sometimes he'll end up falling asleep if it's during a movie night, game, or car ride.
Sleeping headcanon
Taylor has an easy time falling asleep while sometimes struggling to stay asleep for long, especially if he's alone or feels alone. He tends to sleep with a pile of pillows and his childhood toy, a Santa Snoopy. Having something to hold onto is comfy, often holds Hermie's or Lincoln's hands when they have sleepovers. Unfortunately, Taylor usually ends up moving a lot in his sleep so watch out--ending upside down or half way off the bed at times. If napping, he likes leaning on people like his mom if having a little movie night on the couch or always falling asleep in his dads arms as a baby. Nicky coming late to hq and everyone thinks it's because he thinks it's cool 😎. Real reason being not wanting to wake up his baby boy who looks like a little angel in his sleep.
When he adopts Zoro (gray cat I've drawn a few times), the cat likes to sleep curled around his head on a pillow. The purring is soothing and tends to help him fall back asleep. Though he is not immune to scrolling social media on his phone at 3 am instead.
In dreamland, Taylor tends to dream of a mix of shows or manga that he's looked at recently. He is always in the protagonist spot and no matter the plot there is always a mom character that is basically a dream Cassandra. It's a version of her that let's him break more rules and have more weapons though. In a nightmare scenario, he tends to still be in a plot except no mom and no sidekicks. Lonely and lost protagonist traveling through an ever-changing and dimly lit cavern. The little flame torches are his only comfort there.
On a sillier side, he has attempted lucid dreaming a few times. One of those times was a dream version of the school and he explored each classroom, spotting different characters hidden amongst the students. He spent most of the dream in band class with Miku! The teen was on keyboard and she sang one of many one piece opening songs. For some reason, it was a hard rock cover and her pitch was shifted down. Next song was a Rick roll and as soon as he dramatically gasped about the betrayal...
He woke up and realized he was snoozing on his keyboard with his music editing software stuff open on his computer.
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eddieshellscape · 1 year
I actually hope the new strike delays marvel movies. I hope it slows down all their productions. I hope they actually give writers time to make a good and well thought out movie. The shit they've been chucking at us, all hobbled together in a crunched time limit, isn't as good as the stuff that took longer to make. I sincerely hope that they slow down production and bring marvel back to what it used to be. I can wait more than a few months in between movies. I don't need to be constantly watching them. There's already so much content in the world to watch, I can wait a year to watch a new movie, especially if it means it's going to be higher quality.
All of Marvel phase 4 was shot out in just over a year, i think. Most of it (excluding Wakana Forever) was very clearly hobbled together movies. This is not to say marvel has bad writers, or directors, or anything. This is clearly because of the crunch time put on the writers.
Feel free to correct me if you think any of this is wrong, but this is what I have observed.
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gasnewsletter · 2 years
Two Round Robins - Interview & Studio Tour
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gear List
Synths & Grooveboxes
Teenage Engineering - OP-1
Teenage Engineering - PO-33 KO
Teenage Engineering - PO-35 Speak
Teenage Engineering - PO-20 Arcade
Monome - Norns Shield
Monome - Grid
Bastl Instruments - Kastle Drum
Korg - NTS-1
Korg - Monotron Delay
Nintendo - Gameboy Color + Arduinoboy
Recovery Effects - Instrument 01
Alesis - Micron
Yamaha - VSS200
Tape Stuff
Tascam - Porta Studio MK II
Sanyo - Dictaphone
Sanyo - Pocket Corder
DIY Cassettone
Loads of tape-loops
Pedals & FX
Electro Harmonix - Memory Man 2
Boss - DD-7
Boss - Looper
Boss - RE20 Space Echo
Boss - Tremolo
M-One - Effect Unit
Akai - MPK mini
Native Instruments Maschine Mikro MK2
Interface & DAW
Audient - iD4
Logic - Pro X
Acoustic Guitars
Deering - Banjo
Lapsteel (modified)
Electric Guitar
++ small musical toys, instruments
Who are you and what is your relationship with music?
I live in Ljubljana, a capital of a very small central-Europe country called Slovenia.
I started making music in my early teens. Coming from a non-musical family, it was your usual "Dad bought me a guitar" story that through trial and error and some basic lessons transcended into a music-making love affair, that seems to roll on.
I never really bothered with playing other peoples stuff, like most of my peers did, but I'd rather strum away and try to find my own thing from the very beginning.
From your usual early-teen metal phase I moved on to alt-rock and then it kinda jumped into all sorts of genres. In my early 20s I started doing film scores for smaller movies and various other media. This helped me to become quick in the various technicalities of music composition and production.
After my job at SAE Institute sadly ended, I moved on and did a lot of freelance work within the music field, before getting another regular 9-5 job in another media educational institute, which still provides my main income.
It's hard to survive only with musical output in Ljubljana, Slovenia especially if you come from a rather non-privileged background. So having a regular salary definitely helps that when you focus your creative energy on making music, the output is strictly what you decided to be.
What's the one thing in your studio you can't live without?
It's a hard question since every synth or music making gadget, at some point, is like a little baby that you can't live without. But thinking of it logically...
It's probably my laptop.
Thinking with heart however, I'd probably go with TE - OP-1 or Monome - Norns Shield.
What's your process?
Since I consider myself a newcomer into the intriguing world of DAWless jamming and ambient music, I tend to find my process to be constantly shifting.
However, what I seem to revolve around is texture. I start with texture - may it be a sample, synth or a field recording. The initial sound and colour has to draw me close enough that I can just sit and listen for a few minutes, enjoying the soundscape.
I learned slowly (and I still do) that I need to take time with each new sound element, processing it and still keep enough space within the atmosphere to let the piece breathe naturally. I was guilty (and still am at points) of doing the newbie mistake of adding and adding different harmonic layers, melodic ideas until all that is left is an asynchronous mess.
I still have a long way to go until I'll be comfortable enough to call myself anything close to a sound artist.
How would you explain your style?
I'm drawn towards a sound that sounds nostalgic, innocent and broken so I guess my style would be considered in the brighter spectrum of ambient music.
Taking a lot of ideas from nature and childhood, I try to create something that I would consider warm, beautiful, calm but at times chaotic. A lot has to do with gear that I own (or at least aspire to own) that I just enjoy the sound of and believe that such sound will push this initial style into a firmer ground as well as new territories.
Norns was something that changed my style as exploring. It's scripts forced me out of my comfort zone of quantized based music. It helped me understand that emotion is not grid-locked and my (now more open) mind found ways to conceptualize the uniqueness that came out of that little machine.
A similar breakthrough were tape-loops as well. There is no doubt in my mind that my style will evolve and something I consider now to be groundbreaking will look like a mere happy accident that kind of happened.
Has this journey of building a hardware setup changed the way you think about music or life in general?
The thing I really disliked when my creating was only based in a DAW setup was getting home from work and having to open my laptop yet again, staring at the same screen and making something that seemed I made a million times before. With this typical DAW fatigue I started losing interest in creating electronic music and found that strumming away on an acoustic instruments was a far more satisfying creative session.
But soon enough, the limiting sound that strictly acoustic instruments produce pushed me to search for alternatives. Once I got myself an OP-1 everything kinda changed. I took it to the park and found out that I really enjoy noodling on these portable synth around the beautiful scenery and I just let these droney textures take over.
I always knew that music has a healing effect on me, but making something that seems so naturally slow and evolving really adds it to a new level. Ambient sessions have now become far more therapeutic.
Music making (at least in this context) is now a far more meditative experience that makes me more relaxed than it used to with just creating a track in Logic Pro and now I come out of it far more satisfied.
What’s your ONE tip on music-production or creativity?
Be bravely slow.
I did a lot of music with a mindset of being quick is the only right way. But now I find that this tends to push me back into making the same stuff over and over again.
But taking time and really enjoying the process is a way more rewarding experience, giving you a sense of yearning for more exploration. You take this feeling and let yourself be hungry for a new session or better yet a new exploration into the whole unpredictable world of sound. This will then make you excited whenever you sit back with your gear just to noodle around and most importantly have fun doing it.
A book/movie/article that fueled your creativity?
Huh, a hard question since a lot of books, movies and music inspire me, but if I'd have to put a finger on it I'd say probably Steinbecks "Grapes of Wrath". I took a lot of themes from that book and used them in lyrics for a folk inspired EP I'm working on.
Another book that greatly inspired my sense of trying to mix emotion with a unique take on creativity is Danielewski's "House of Leaves". I absolutely adore that book.
Do you have a question in mind that you think I should have asked?
 "What is your current dream gear?"
Anything by Ciat Lonbarde
Friends, this is a past issue from the G.A.S. Newsletter. Every Tuesday and Friday a new artist is featured.
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keeshon09 · 2 years
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Y’all been waiting and here is the V6.0 Icons
Also @3b-arts I added your Amy!
@heartstevenson @dotkittypink @poggidoggi @iantheartandtapecollector @aldrine-joseph-25
Also you might be asking where melthog,Fatal error,educator and X-Terion I don’t do hard stuff!
And sally_Alt and Zodick the Hellhog Hell nah!
Update larry fine,Dash,Dot,Starved icons
Added:moe Howard,DSK,Hedge,Knucles_Alt,Rosy_Alt,Zeke,Mandy,Curly Howard,Hasty,Sonix,G8ME O3VR,Crazy del, Griatos,Soink'.FLA,God Complex Sonic,Genysys, Pal Sonic,Rita and Metal Sonic Kai
Planned characters:Shemp Howard(I was planning to add him but i decide to add him in the V7.0)
Movie Sonic(I was planning to add him to but I have delayed him)
Curse(I was going add him in the icons but um I was lazy so yeah but he going to be in the v 7.0)
SL4SH(I was planning to add him but yeah he’s scrapped)
RoadRunner(I was Planning to add my favorite character along with Wile e Coyote But same with Shemp and curse)
Wile e coyote(he was planned like roadrunner but he might be scrapped I don’t know I just think he might be)
Blossom(She was planned to be add along with bubbles and buttercup but same like Shemp,Cruse and RoadRunner,She’ll be added along with bubbles)
Bubbles(She was planned also to be add along with blossom and buttercup But same like the others she’ll be added)
Buttercup(She was planned also to be added along with her sister but she might be scrapped along with wile)
Lan(Same like Shemp,Curse,Roadrunner,Blossom and bubbles)
Rodent(I was constantly to add him but I don’t see his icon so not happening)
Kirby(He was planned to be added But They already made his icon so yeah!)
Sonic the hedgehog And Miles Tails Power (They was considered to be added but same like Shemp,curse,Roadrunner,Blossom,Bubbles and Lan)
EXY(He was planned to be added but yeah scrapped)
Curly G/Bradley and Big baby/Brad(the twins were planned to be added along with their twin brother and sisters and their father Del,Dee and Curly Howard but same like their uncle they will be added)
Little beeper(He was considered to be added but He might be scrapped)
PC Port Cream (also known as Alice) (she was planned to be added but there no way).
Sylvester(Same like the others!)
Flipper(Same like the others also Dre higbee made him!)
Thomas and jerry (Same like the others but I don’t know about jerry)
Batman dash And Robin Dot (Scrapped)
Woody woodpecker(he was planned to be added but same like the others)
Joe besser(same like the others and he getting the same icons as suicide mouse)
Curly joe(Same like the others)
Courage the cowardly dog(might be scrapped or added)
Y’all can use this
But give me Credit!
Sent me yall character to see who I might add next!
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