#this prompt has been in my inbox for years! thank you anon <3
ghostwise · 2 years
Overgrown for the prompts?
She finds him in the orchard, among the flies, mold, and rotting fruit.
The sickly sweet odor of a thousand dead plums is an assault on her senses. Leonor reels back, dizzied. Nobody has tended to the orchards at Quinta de Talpa. For years they have been left to grow wild, an interruption of the ecosystem, sucking up all the water and nutrients in the soil yet feeding no one. A space dedicated to nothing more than decay.
It feels appropriate.
She has been thinking about her and Rinna’s situation. They came here looking for an escape, but lately it feels like a dead end. What once seemed like a promising start has become much like this orchard; untenable and stagnant.
By the time Mahariel reaches her she is miserable, looking at him as if he were the very cause of everything wrong in her life. It’s not too far from the truth.
“I wish you’d never come here,” she says, too angry to try and be clever with him.
Hamal looks at her, impassive and silent. His eyes shake in their usual unsteady tic, too blue to be real, strange and unsettling, but he’s listening. Most of their conversations involve him listening.
“You really fucked things up for me!” Leonor continues. “So many years trying to keep her safe and now we have a diplomatic incident on our hands because of you and your shit husband-”
“’Diplomatic’—what?” Hamal asks. Her tone combined with a reference to Zevran catches his attention, and his expression falls into a half-hearted glare. “I do not understand. What did you say about my husband?”
His Antivan is still not very good. He understands about half of what she says to him, but he knows just enough to be a real pain in the ass when he’s up to the effort of conversing. Frustrated, Leonor reaches into her pockets and produces a letter, written on good parchment, with an ornate seal.
“Who the fuck,” she begins, exasperated, “is writing to you from Orlais?” The paper crumples as she hits it for emphasis, startling him. “The fucking Left Hand of the Divine! Are you serious? How does she know you are here? Why does she even care?”
Hamal’s eyes follow the letter and he seems genuinely taken aback. “I… I do not know-”
“Read it!” She shoves the paper into his hands and takes out a dagger for good measure. “Out loud!”
Hamal glances at the letter, then at her weapon.
“Ya, ya, calma,” he says, unworried. “One moment. Thank you.”
Leonor is no Templar, no guard and no soldier. She watches him read in utter silence, and runs her hand through her curls, giving them a desperate tug. Finally, feeling that she might have been a tad hasty, she puts the knife away.
“Well? What does it say?” she asks.
It says she is overstepping, as usual, Hamal thinks.
Leliana, it seems, has done well for herself since the Blight. Truth be told, he is not too pleased by the letter in his hands. While most would think no news is good news, Leliana has taken it upon herself to spend time and resources tracking them down.
Hamal sighs and closes his eyes, aware of Leonor still watching him. He wishes Zevran was here to discuss this. How troubling.
“She is a friend from Ferelden,” he explains, and tries desperately to think of how to spin this in their favor. He struggles a bit with the next part. “Me ayudó… con… cuando… uhm...”
Waving a hand through the air, he brings it down in a swoop of wings.
“Raar, raar. Demonio. The Archdemon. She helped us end the Blight.”
“The Left Hand of the Divine helped you defeat the Archdemon,” Leonor repeats, and she sinks to the ground in a moody crouch. “Of course. And I suppose she and Zevran are the best of friends.”
“Yes. Friends.” Hamal forms a little twist with his fingers. “Leliana and Zevran. She wants to see us.”
“Then maybe you should go.”
Leonor covers her eyes, mortified. The Divine’s Left Hand! An army of Chantry forces will surely follow. They’ll find a decrepit estate, full of falsified documents, blood magic, assassins, apostates, tax evasion! What will become of Rinnala then, when she is no longer at her side?
Contentious relationship aside, Hamal does sympathize. He knows enough about Leonor to understand that her freedom was hard-won, and that her concerns for Rinnala mirror his own feelings toward Zevran. He steps closer, carefully, and kneels beside her.
“Rinnala does not want us to go,” he says slowly. “She has to decide. Zevran will wait for her to ask him to leave.”
Abruptly, he continues in his native language, something she vaguely recognizes as that curious Coastal Fereldan Elvhen. Different from the way the Antivan Dalish speak.
“I will write Leliana,” he says, holding a palm out and scribbling on it with his finger. “I will tell her we are well and correspond with her accordingly. I will tell her not to come. Que no venga.”
He wags a finger ‘no’.
“Zevran will agree with this plan. No Chantry forces will come to Quinta de Talpa. No Templars will ever chain you again.”
And they’ve squabbled with each other enough in these past months to have built a little bridge all their own. Some understanding, past the language barrier, past the distrust, allows her to grasp his meaning. Leonor puzzles out what he’s saying, unable to believe him, but tempted by the offer.
“Alright… alright,” she says finally. “But we are to read every letter you send. Do not try anything underhanded!”
Hamal nods. “Nothing bad. Promise.”
Leonor scoffs and pulls herself up, grasping him by the shoulder.
“Let’s go. It smells awful. Why are you even out here?”
“There are animals in the orchard,” Hamal says idly. “I was setting traps.”
“Little ones. They eat the plums. Ah, hm… they go like this.” Unable to describe them, he holds out a hand and makes little motions with his fingers, like a creature scurrying. Then he bunches it up into a fist, as if the creature were curling up.
“Armadillos?” Leonor asks.
Hamal shrugs. A curious moment of peace transpires. The entire conversation has his mind spinning.
“This will work,” he tells her, glancing at her warily, “but not forever. Leliana is not the only one who will come. One day, Rinnala has to let us leave. You promise me.”
“Buddy,” Leonor sighs, “if it were up to me, you would already be gone.”
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c2-eh · 2 months
I just had a charlos thought (prompt maybe??) Charles writing things about Carlos in his note book, and then losing said notebook which results in a mini breakdown because he HAS to find it before anyone reads it and he’s freaking out but he can’t tell anyone why he’s freaking out either, everyone’s searching for the note book which causes him more stress, Carlos ends up finding it but doesn’t read it but Charles thinks he has
oh god this has been in my inbox for A YEAR and i randomly found it now... idek if you still follow me anon or if you even care about charlos (you should they are fruity and in love!), but i come with 2k as compensation <3 it was funnn to write this! enjoyyyy luvs! <3
Charles is freaking out. Rightfully, if he were to say so himself, as he just lost a very important thing in his life.
The whole garage of his is up and on their feet, trying their best to find an A4 blue notebook that is filled with details about Charles’ life – mostly racing, because Charles’ life is racing, racing and racing again, so it made sense to do that.
And well, that’s what he told everyone. Acted like the said notebook only holds the racing knowledge like data, strategies, technical stuff, Charles’ feelings about the car, possible improvements and such things. It is half true, however, not the full truth. Not in the slightest.
No one knows why he is freaking out so much. Only Andrea. And Joris. And Antoine. Because Charles can’t keep his fucking mouth shut about anything, ever.
The tell-tale rapid breathing of his was a hint Charles should calm down and not overthink this, but the fact he couldn’t reveal why the search was so urgent, made him lose a bit of sanity each time someone approached him a question about why it was so important.
Racing is important, was be his answer, but no one actually believed him, because everyone knows Charles holds all the information in his mind. The notebook is just a help. A boost if you may. He lives and breathes racing and he would think back to the imperfections (or the perfections, but there’s not many currently) on the whim.
Charles was surprised and wondered why no one seemed to be disturbed by the fact he insisted and nearly shouted at everyone that if they were to find the notebook, they could never ever open it, no matter what. He could blame it on wanting a privacy, but why would you need that big of a privacy from your team, if the things in the notebook were about the data the said team has?
“Nothing?” Charles asked in dejected voice after around 2 and half hours of searching. One look at his mechanics’ faces and he did not really need a vocal answer. He sighed and thanked everyone for their effort, sending them off in the process, retracting to his room with his head hung low.
It’s not like Charles was drawing his and Carlos’ initials in hearts into the notebook, no, but there were some things that would easily reveal his true feelings towards his teammate and he couldn’t allow it.
He wouldn’t be able to swallow down the rejection – Carlos’ big brown eyes so apologetic, feeling sorry for him and just because Carlos is such a good guy, he would try to force himself to like Charles just to make him happy.
Only if that was actually possible, Charles thinks and scoffs, the sound echoing around the hall.
Charles loves Carlos. It took him a long time to come into terms with it and it was honestly a big messy battle within him – one of his heart and brain and probably dick too – which in the end his heart won, no matter how much his brain tried (did it?) to resist the feelings.
Charles returned back to his driver’s room, his mood still sulky. He was slowly losing hope, but at the same time gaining it, because if his notebook got lost somewhere no one could find, then it meant Carlos couldn't either. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking, but Charles’ brain was determined to convince him that was the case (or maybe it was Charles himself trying so hard to not get his feeling revealed to avoid the hurting).
Back in his hotel room, Charles still feels a bit down and paranoid, but it quickly disappears once he settles deep into his bath. Hot water sooths his muscles and he sighs – for the hundredth time today.
The rest of his evening routine passes by quickly and just as he’s about to climb into his bed, his face moisturized and hair washed, someone knocks on his door.
It’s Carlos. Looking better than ever.
Charles’ breath hitches when he opens the door, but he plays it off with a cough. He curses himself for not checking who it was before. His teammate looks sheepish, shy even, with how he’s looking at Charles with his big brown eyes. However, once Charles sees what Carlos is holding in his hand, he is done studying Carlos’ handsome face. His breath quickens and suddenly he feels like suffocating.
“What is that,” he says, voice flat. His eyes are zeroed on the A4 blue notebook filled with his handwriting talking about Carlos, his hands, hair, nose, eyes, and… Fuck.
How fucking stupid was he to write it into his work notebook? Charles needs to not be close to that thing during boring meetings ever again.
“Wow, I at least expected a simple ‘hello’,” Carlos chuckles and Charles can’t even appreciate the sound now. He only frowns and misses the way Carlos’ face drops.
“Carlos,” he warns firmly and then, without thinking, snatches the notebook from his hand, not caring it’s rude, nor that he still did not invite Carlos into his room. He immediately checks it, listing through the pages to make sure everything is intact.
Once he is sure, he takes a deep breath and turns back towards Carlos that is now standing in the middle of his room, the door behind him closed shut.
Carlos is looking at him – studying him, his expression scrutinizing – as if Charles turned into alien or something. His brows are slightly furrowed and his full pink lips are downturned. Oh no.
“Care to explain what the fuck was that?” Carlos asks, crossing his arms on his chest. And Charles is not the God’s strongest soldier. His eyes fly over Carlos’ whole body, eyes stopping on his bulging biceps, before he snaps out of it.
Out of nowhere, Charles’ blood starts to boil. Why is this man acting like Charles is stupid?
“Oh don’t act innocent, I know you did it,” Charles scoffs and clutches the notebook close to his chest. He’s never ever leaving it out there in the open.
Carlos looks confused and Charles is momentary startled. He shakes his head. No, he definitely did, he wouldn’t look so guilty other way.
“I am truly confused, Charles. Can you please talk to me and explain what’s going on?” oh and if Charles does not hate when Carlos is calm and rational, all while Charles is losing his mind.
He rolls his eyes – over exaggerating it.
“I know you read it. The notebook,” he says, his tone harsh, "everyone would, because that’s who we are. It is in our nature to be curious and do something we would perhaps regret later, but also never admit to. You read my notebook. Or maybe even took a peak.”
Charles chances a glance at Carlos and he doesn’t look confused anymore, no. More like a little hurt, but also amused, which Charles thinks is the worst combination ever. Partly because how the fuck is it possible to have 2 contradicting emotions battling on your face, but mostly because what is Carlos hurt for?
“The curiosity got the best of you, yeah yeah, do not even apologise, I know it all. We’ve all been there,” Charles waves his hand, but he can feel his throat tightening and he mentally curses himself.
“I didn’t-“ Carlos starts, but then shuts his mouth and waits. Charles finds it weird. Guess he gave up on the excuses.
Charles sighs, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat, but to no avail, “just leave it. I know you don’t love me back, so there is no need to feel bad for me. God knows I am fed up with that sentiment,” he says and throws the notebook on his bed, turning away from Carlos, “can you just forget it and go now?”
It’s quiet, eerily. Charles is not sure if it has been minutes or hours, nor if Carlos is still there.
“Charles,” Carlos’ voice suddenly sounds way closer than before, “Charles,” he repeats, firmer now and he has no choice, but to turn to face his teammate.
Looking up into those eyes should come with a warning.
“I did not read your notebook. I really didn’t. I found it under the counter where you keep your helmets, when I was tying my shoes. I did not give it to you, because you were not in the garage, so I took it into my room. I wanted to give it to you in person, in case someone would be a jerk enough to read someone’s personal stuff,” Carlos says, emphasising the last part of the sentence.
Great, it’s safe to say Charles feels like shit now.
“Oh,” he says, averting his eyes, “so you really didn’t read it,” it’s phrased like a declarative sentence, not a question.
Carlos shakes his head still, which Charles can only see from his peripheral vision.  He feels like dying because… because he just confessed without a need to do so. He's so stupid.
Big warm hands land on Charles’ cheeks and he has no choice, but to look back on Carlos’ handsome face, “can you tell me more about the love you mentioned?”
“No,” Charles whines automatically and Carlos has a nerve to chuckle. Charles’ head thunks against Carlos’ shoulder and he immediately feels Carlos’ hand in his hair.
“It’s okay,” Carlos whispers and Charles feels like crying, because here it is. The pity, the rejection he was so afraid of- “I love you too.”
Charles giggles and nuzzles his nose into Carlos’ neck. He stays there, breathing in Carlos’ scent when he suddenly realizes what the fuck he just said.
“What?” he abruptly moves away, almost shouting.
Carlos looks smug, with the slight smirk playing on his lips, but his eyes look soft. So soft and earnest Charles feels like his knees will give out from under him. It is all it takes to believe him, because he knows Carlos. He knows Carlos shows emotions through his eyes more than anyone else, because he’s seen it so many times it is integrated in his brain.
“You heard me,” he says and his smiles transforms from smug to soft and Charles launches.
Their lips crash and Charles puts every drop of his willpower into keeping himself on the ground and not climbing Carlos like a tree.
Kissing Carlos does not feel like anything he’s dreamed of, because nothing of sorts can compare to the real thing. Carlos starts slow, with careful closed mouth kisses that after a while start to frustrate Charles. He whines, to voice out his displeasure.
Carlos gets the memo and finally starts kissing him and Charles finds himself on cloud nine. He’s turned breathless as Carlos goes from slow, to vigorous open mouthed kisses, his tongue prodding at Charles’ lips to let him in. Charles moans, loudly, into Carlos’ mouth, sending a message of how much he’s loving it.
The tips of Carlos’ fingers run down Charles’ spine and a whimper falls from Charles’ mouth once Carlos grabs his ass, squeezing it. The action brings Charles closer. So close he can feel the outline of Carlos’ dick against his hip.
“Carlos,” he whimpers, his own hard dick rubbing against Carlos, “I need you.”
“Let’s take this to the bed, cariño,” Carlos breathes out, guiding Charles there before he was even done speaking.
Later, when they are lying in his bed, Charles’ head pillowed on Carlos’ shoulder, does Charles finally feel fully relaxed. Looking up at Carlos’ freckled face, his strong nose and big plump lips brings a strange sense of happiness and comfort to Charles.
(What doesn’t bring comfort, is the drying cum on his ass and thighs, but he is content enough to ignore it and stay in Carlos’ arms. For now).
“Why did you look so guilty on my doorstep?” Charles asks, not able to help himself. He needs to know, because the only explanation his brain could come up with back then was ‘Carlos is guilty’, which apparently was not true.
Carlos sighs, his fingertips slowing down their tracing on Charles’ back, “I know you were looking for your journal. Ricky messaged me.”
Charles is confused, “and?”
Charles giggles, the sound coming out of his mouth freely. Carlos kisses his forehead and Charles brings his hand up to Carlos’ jaw to caress it. He kisses his nose in return, then cheek and then finally his mouth.
“I could have given it to you back then or send it through someone. I was not back here yet,” he pauses and Charles says nothing. Leaving him space to continue whenever he wants, “but I was selfish. I wanted to give it back to you in private. I don’t really know why, “he resumes his stroking, his voice getting quieter, “perhaps I wanted an excuse to be with you alone.”
“I’m glad you did.”
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shoshiwrites · 7 months
Hi!! I would like to request the print “not realizing they are holding hands until someone points it out to them” OR “holding hands to pull someone away from something” from your prompt lists for Bucky and Jo. There were so many good ones I could not choose 😅 I hope I did this right. I love them together and your writing!!
Thank you so much, sweet anon! 🥺 That means so much. You absolutely did this right! I've actually got your first prompt in my inbox already, so keep an eye out for that at a later date! <3 Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC — more here, including prompt lists. From this list, "grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something."
“Coffee, Miss Jo?”
Lemmons makes his coffee on a little gas burner out on the strip, the kind you can stand a spoon straight up in for the grounds. The two guys working beside him wrinkle their noses. She’s heard Cleven refer to it as motor oil, to which Egan had made some crack about how Buck would take all the sugar in a fifty mile radius for his, if he could. 
The village kids at Lemmons’ elbow had looked to him in confusion. “There’s something wrong if your motor oil looks like this,” she recalls him saying, pointing to the color and slurping it down with satisfaction.
It smells a little like gasoline, and looks like the coffee her friend Vicky’s family serves after meals, in prettier cups. Brewed with sugar and a little cardamom, Jo figures it won’t be brought to mind tonight.
“Thanks, Ken, I’m alright.”
Miss Jo, Ken. They’re casual out here in the flatlands. 
She watches through the open door as the midsummer day fades out of the sky. That must mean it’s late. The door gets closed. She checks her watch, the olive canvas against her wrist. Late. 
She’s expecting a call from Kay, later, about Kay’s reporting trip to Ireland.
There’s plenty to write about out here — too much, maybe, the flak holes and the cans of paint, the bloodstains, the dirtied hands. Nineteen years old. Ken wears a little puffed heart on a chain, the silver tone catching the light. From his wife, the girl in the snapshot tacked to the board on the wall. 
She wonders if profiles like the ones she writes make it better or worse.
She wonders if she could sneak into the mess, sweet-talk herself into a better cup of coffee and betray the one she was just offered. Her hair smells a little like grease.
Maybe she ought to be gracious. She’s got plenty to do tonight, anyway. Sleep has been scarce, why not let it stay away a little longer?
“If you can spare any, actually-”
He looks up from the little operation, his face brightened, a curl loosed above his brow. “Sure thing.”
“‘M not driving you over to Redgrave,” says a voice from behind her. “When you start seein’ stars.”
Egan’s swinging the neck of a beer bottle between his knuckles, the liquid sloshing as he gestures. 
Ken hands her the little steel cup, the walls dotted with grounds. “Evening, Major.”
“Good evening, Kenny.” 
She peers behind him, but doesn’t see a jeep. They hadn’t heard one pull up, either.
“Just makin’ the rounds,” he says, when he notices her looking at him. She makes a noncommittal expression. “Nice night.”
It is, still pleasantly warm, with that little bit of coolness to the air. If there were any fairness in the universe a slow band would be playing, and the shelters dismantled brick by brick. Rendered useless.
“I should stop bothering the corporal here,” Jo says. 
“Hey, now, you’re not bothering anyone.” Kenny smiles patiently, and she knows he’s lying. 
“You’re very nice to humor me.” Beside her, the major nods.
She takes a sip. Very strong. Her mouth twitches, just a little. 
“I told you!” he says. 
She swallows. “My friends always tell me I’ve got a shitty poker face.”
Egan laughs, the kind of laugh that comes from hearing her curse, still. “They may be right about that.” 
She sets down the cup with something of an apology, sure that someone else will drink it to get through the next few hours. “Thank you, Ken, but I think if I finish that I might start tasting radio waves.”
He cracks a smile, and the light makes shadow, makes the dark circles under his eyes even darker. “Alright.”
“C’mon, Captain. Let’s let ‘im get back to work.”
She starts to turn. “Ken, get me her parent’s address and I’ll make sure they get a copy of anything that runs,” she says. “Fonda’s.”
He nods, wiping his hands. “Yes, ma’am.”
To Bucky, as they walk out, she says, “that’s my line.”
The sky outside is a dark, dark blue, like glazed tile, the trees cut-paper silhouettes. 
They’d trapped the light behind them with Kenny, in the outbuilding, behind the black paint on the windows. “You cold?” She shakes her head.
“You see that?” he asks, pointing. “Venus.”
“Awful bright.” She hopes she sounds appreciative. The moon shines on the horizon. 
They walk, until they sit, near the line of trees. 
“Pittsburgh, right?” he says. “Smoky City? You see many stars there?”
“Didn’t even know ‘em, ‘til I moved east. And even then. Had to drive out to see them.”
“How’s all this, then?” He gestures  — the clear sky, the low buildings. Norwich in the distance is dark. She wonders where they run, if a raid starts.
She inhales, knows he can hear the sound of it. “It’s beautiful.”
He tips the bottle towards her, the last few glugs. “Sorry, don’t know why I didn’t bring two.”
“Don’t waste it on me,” she says. That relentless demand. The churn of it. She can’t think about it too long.
He holds it out to her still. “Don’t hurt my feelings, Josephine.” 
It’s better than Lemmons’ rocket fuel, at least. His fingers brush her palm. The lip of the bottle is wet from his mouth, from the beer. She takes a sip, meets his eyes. “Thanks.” 
“Always liked the stars,” he says. Like he knows it’s a silly thing, like saying you like the sun, or the moon. But there’s something quiet in it too. “Had a chart, as a kid.”
“With the constellations?”
“Yeah. Orion’s Belt. Ursa Minor. Andromeda.” It’s like he’s dusting them off, the names on his tongue. Like digging out a star-map from the back of the closet. “Cygnus. Cepheus.” 
“What are we looking at now?”
“Hell,” he smiles, big and wide at the sky. “I’d need the map.” 
He must not be flying tomorrow, she thinks.
Can you see them that much closer? she wants to ask. Up there? But they don’t fly at night.
“‘S a nice excuse though,” he says. 
“For what?”
“Putting my arm around a pretty girl.” She wants to tell him that they’ve started writing her at the paper. Families. They don’t even know where she is, just England. That they think she knows something.
She tries to laugh. “Only if you know what you’re looking at.” 
“Small detail. Unimportant.”
If the universe were fair he’d be on the lake shoreline, with a fire, or buying ice cream, or taking a pretty girl on a date. 
She brushes off her trousers even though they’ve only been sitting in the grass, making to stand. The call from Kay. 
“Hey,” he says, and it sounds so tired against the night sky. Tired, tender, reaching for her. His hand around hers, and she stumbles back to the ground, his legs, his lap. 
“Oh!” She’s braced herself with her palms, either side of him. A quiet huff, a laugh. “You could’ve just asked me to stay.”
“Thought I was-” he starts. “Sorry about that.”
The breath in her chest feels shaky. She can smell the hops on his breath, and the remnants of Barbasol, geranium and moss. “You’ll need more than that to convince a girl.”
The kiss he plants on her lips might be a start. 
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alexanderlightweight · 7 months
Hey, hoping you and your loved ones are doing well and that you are regaining your strength and health. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. This is me sending virtual hugs :)
Thank you!!!!
Anon this made me feel so much better about things recently I really appreciate you!
Also just; you and everyone on tumblr hs been so amazing and nice and understanding. I appreciate all of you, my ao3 has been getting a lot of commands about updates and I’m just… I want to update too! I write every day in my head. Im just typically wiped out after but I’ve stabilized enough in PT that we don’t have to do it as often. So i won’t be a turtle rolled on its back when I got home from it as much.
I got a lot sick due to being around a group of traveling, germ collecting niblings a few months ago. Since i hadn’t recovered from Covid (kept getting small illnesses). What followed was me finally getting into a few appointments I’d been waitlisted for months on. So I’ve been doing some hard core physical therapy and some other stuff to try and get my health back up.
@queensaryn aka Saeth’s fibro got fucked up with Covid and they’ve barely managed to leave the house twice a month (even just to sit in the car while I get groceries) but they’re also improving albeit slowly. We have to be careful with their goals and limits. Basically they have to be treated like an overripe peach or a plum blossom, or baby strawberries.
Very delicate.
The rest of the house recovered faster but they still have some long Covid symptoms like us and it’s been hard for everyone. Months past and sometimes one of us will still get taken by surprise when the lingering affects hit us.
But we’re getting better! Sorry if that seemed pessimistic, it’s been exhausting, but I’m definitely finally getting stronger. It does seem like every time I make two steps forward we find something else wrong and I go 1-3 steps back but after three years of fighting I’m getting help for some old injuries and damage.
Just last night I was plotting out a scene in ‘a craft of adoration’ that I can’t wait to actually type out. So thank you again for the encouragement, it makes me want to push through because I really love writing. And it’s a lot more encouraging then some very backhanded compliments and demands for updates on ao3.
Which tbf, they probs don’t know I’m sick and have been struggling but I’m already fighting so hard to get better that it gets discouraging. So thank you for lifting my spirits!
And thank you to everyone else who has sent me and the House well wishes if they happen to see this. My inbox is a little bursting rn with prompts so I tend to get distracted very easily when I try to look through it.
Sending virtual hugs back and lots of Nightshade cuddles!
I will say that the Abyss and Nightshade have both been incredibly cuddly since I got sick. Nightshade throws a tantrum if anyone in the House so much as sneezes. He is horrified by the thought of any one getting sick again
💜 lumine
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koolades-world · 6 months
hi, super unrelated to obey me BUTTTT i was wondering how you handle your request inbox? is that what it’s called? is it ask inbox? nvm you get my point… i think? idk i just imagine it’s very stressful, like do you chose a prompt that interests you first or do you go by the oldest first.
i like to think about how fun it would be to write stuff and posts about my interests — i even think it’d be fun to get requests. however, i also recognize that i don’t think i could handle it. as much as i’d want to write as a hobby, some part of me knows the moment i start getting requests, i will start viewing it more as a job. i bet there are asks that also bring motivation or inspiration but i’m not 100% sure.
i was just curious if you would be willing to give some insight or your personal experience. totally fine if you don’t want to or don’t know how to respond to this. thank you!
hello!! this is different from the stuff i usually get but I'm super happy to answer your questions and try to help out :)
not really sure what it's called either now that i think about it. i think i just call it my inbox?? idk haha. i rarely talk about my tumblr with anyone and actually don't even mention i write just to have to avoid explaining what exactly i write is to someone who doesn't know. the only two people who know are two of my best friends <333 love you guys since i know you might see this <3 although i will say mentioning that youre a tumblr writer always seems to kill the convo haha
usually, i work in the order i get them! right now, i've just made it into the beginning of feburary since i just have so many and i don't want people to feel like picking favorite because ultimately, anons are people who enjoyed my content enough to make a requests and i want to see that through, to let them feel that excitement that someone whos work they liked actually wrote their idea! some requests can be kinda hard to do sometimes, so i usually need more time to do those so i have time to dwell on the idea. but sometimes they just click and i have it done in less than twenty minutes! sometimes i do occasionally fast track a request if i'm very inspired or if it really speaks to me!
the amount of requests can get a little overwhelming at times, but it's so heartwarming to know that many people like the content i make. right now i have 77 unwritten i think? one day i'll make it through all of them but i don't think ill ever get back to 0 /pos
in order to continue writing it has to be fun for you!! it for sure should not feel like a job. i used to write back in 2020 because of all the extra time i had on my hands, and i lost the time to keep up, so in 2023, i migrated here to try and pick it up again. i'm a stem major (bio my beloved <3) and it's my passion but it leaves little room to be creative, so this is my outlet! i feel like it's a good way to express yourself if you couldn't otherwise. i was so excited when i got my first request! i still remember it clearly just because of how excited i was. it's fulfilling to make people happy with something as simple as words that came from my silly little brain
honestly i blew up much faster than i ever thought i would so i still feel like im all too new at this tumblr blog thing. i still learn new things about tumblr all the time, such as custom themes on desktop haha. i've had this account and have been writing since march of last year but i didn't really start to pick up steam until january of this year because i started posting daily to try and get through all my waiting requests just to like, explode probably because of the consistent posting, so if you are still interested in writing, for sure take it slow! if it's just for fun, don't worry and actually try not to be too consistent. if you want to grow quickly, consistency is key no matter what schedule you decide on.
if i get rude requests, which has only happened a few times now, i just don't do them because i don't want to reward that kind of behavior, even if the idea is magnificent. for sure lay out rules if you do plan to go ahead with writing. be firm with them! im not great at that lol. also remember that you aren't obligated to at all! you are the one choosing to be here and you only have to do the ones you want, or none if you choose not to take requests. i like them because it gives me ideas i wouldnt have before because it can be kinda hard to come up with original ideas at the pace i would need them for my daily post. but, the pace i move at is very fast and it even scares me sometimes, so that wouldn't be too much of a problem for you if you chose to write
hope this was helpful and let me know if you need anything else. always happy to help <3
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chosenimagines · 2 years
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Ich habe 119 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
73 Einträge erstellt (61%)
46 Einträge gerebloggt (39%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 70 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 41% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#chosen talks – 19 Einträge
#chosens request board – 16 Einträge
#multifandoms – 13 Einträge
#thank you – 12 Einträge
#flood my inbox – 11 Einträge
#fandoms – 11 Einträge
#fandom – 11 Einträge
#thanks – 11 Einträge
#thank you anon – 10 Einträge
#fangirl – 10 Einträge
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#fred and george weasley headcanon
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Me again 👉🏻👈🏻 I hope I don’t annoy you guys but I have to make an announcement to make...
It is a big thing for me even tho I already said that I have this thought for a while
I am going to comeback!!!
And I think I will keep this blog but I won’t post much on read of roses 
But I will make some changes and will create an even more complex request system
And of course I want you all to be a part of this so comment, inbox me and dm me everything you think should be a part of chosenimagines and I will gratefully choose everything I like to incoperate into my plan
I can’t wait to read all of your ideas 
And before I forget you can text me if you want to be part of certain tag lists
This part is more specific for the ones I used to tag
@virginsvcide  @reidsbookclub would you still like to be a part of the Criminal Minds Taglist ?
And now for my former mutuals if you like you can be on the cym tag list and/or get on any other tag lists you can tell me that?
@tchatso @emsilverblades @the-second-tonks @bookaddictedhufflepuff @snoopitude @doctorspenceryeet
Of course anybody else can ask to be on any taglists^^
I hope you are as excited as I am
15 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 7. September 2022
19 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Februar 2022
Not another love
Fandom: [1] (F) Harry Potter Teaser: Sierra Malfoy is a divorced single mum who shops for her 11 years old child (her oldest out of two) and meets in Ollivander’s shop her old school crush Harry Potter. After a moment of surprise they started talking… Prompts:  (A)121 I can’t trust myself with love I don’t want to hurt you as well AU: - Tropes: (32) Single parent OC:  Reader named Sierra Malfoy
Warnings:  Divorce | Betrayal | Cheating
Language:  English/German Request: Yes/No by animeangsteng
Link for Request board & the request
A/N:  I am sorry that I quit before I could write your request. But now I am back and I hope this will meet your standards
▪️❤️▪️🧡▪️💛▪️💚▪️💙▪️💜▪️ ____________________________________________
It had been an eternity since the smell of wood and polish had touched her nose. It has been way too long... "Mrs Pucey, it's nice to see you again after all these years!" Ollivander greeted his customer and former apprentice. Suddenly the thought of how sad and unfortunate it was that she had broken off her apprenticeship passed through his head. She was a such talented witch when it came to dealing with wands finding their wizard!
"It's also nice to see you again, Mr Ollivander.", Sierra replied. She gave the wand maker a smile and tore him out of his thoughts with her voice. He immediately noticed that her smile was covered by a sad shadow.
"But the name is no longer Pucey! It's been Ms Malfoy again for a few months now.", Sierra explained. This explained the sad smile on her lips. Ollivander gave the young woman an encouraging look. "I'm sorry.", Ollivander replied honestly. Then the older man was seized by curiosity, "If I may allow myself the question, how did it come to this? On your last visit, everything was fine and you were still in love." A sigh came over Sierra's lips. Her last visit at Ollivander’s was a while ago. At least three years! Since then, a lot has changed in her family environment. That was already a year ago...
"That's what I thought.", Sierra finally confessed. "But apparently a woman who has given birth to two children is neither attractive nor worth anything. Otherwise you wouldn't cheat on them several times and that over the past two years!" A crooked and sad smile sat on her lips. Ollivander opened his mouth to comfort his former apprentice, but the doorbell rang.  Sierra's 11-year-old daughter hesitantly pushed her way through the store. The mother stretched out her hand to her child, which the young witch immediately took. Then she turned to the wand maker one last time. "You can't do anything about it.", Sierra added. "But it's been a few months now and I'm fine. I have made my peace with it." Sierra squeezed her daughter Lucy's hand before gently grabbing her shoulders and pushing her gently into Ollivander's direction. "Just go with him! Mr Ollivander will introduce you to some wands. You know how this works." Lucy nodded. "The magic wand chooses the wizard.", she quietly quoted her mother and also the well-known wand maker because it is what he always say. Sierra nodded. "Exactly.", Sierra confirmed her daughter. After these words, Lucy disappeared between the high shelves. Ollivander did not   follow the girl directly. Before Ollivander went after the witch, he turned to Sierra once again. "If anyone is worthless, it's Adrian and his disgusting behavior and not a strong woman like you, Ms Malfoy!", he wanted to get of his chest. Now a honest smile lit up Sierra's face. "Thank you, Mr Ollivander." It came from the bottom of her heart, but there was still something on her tongue. "But not feeling useless and worthless after such an experience is almost impossible. He also called me worthless countless times!"
Sierra happily winked at her old schoolmate. "What an honor!", the young mother laughed. "Harry Potter. The ex-chosen one and the best Auror of the ministry. And not to forget the husband of the most famous Quidditch player in England." Embarrassed, Harry rubbed his neck and smiled crookedly. "Former auror and ex-husband.", he confessed. Suddenly, Sierra's grin became very soft. "I'm sorry." But Harry waved it off. Apparently, he didn't take it so hard. "You don't have to be!", he clarified. "Ginny has now known for a year and a half that she likes women and she has also found a girlfriend in Luna. I am happy for them! For both of them. I want her to be happy." Sierra nodded. "Of course! It's glad that Ginny knows that now. But you also seem to be doing well," she noted. "Yes," Harry affirmed. "I loved her very much, but if she's not happy in a marriage with a man, I won't hold her back. And in addition, I have also noticed that I only love her as my best friend and that’s what we are. Everyone is happy and that's the main thing." With these words the topic didn’t need to be discussed more for both divorced wizards. "That's really good to hear! But what are you doing here, if I may ask?", asked Sierra. As casually as possible, she stuck a few strands of hair behind her ear. This was an attempt to distract from her suddenly heated cheeks. Harry always had the same effect on her as when she was at school. It was incredible! "On my very last mission, my magic wand broke! But as the new teacher in Hogwarts, it's beneficial to have a functioning wand.", Harry said, laughing. Sierra giggled along. It was as if she was 16 again! "Teacher at Hogwarts?", she tried to focus on Harry's words. The experienced wizard nodded proudly. It couldn't fill him with more pride than to be able to teach in the first place he had called his home! "In front of you stands the new teacher for defense against the Dark Arts! It is rumored that he will be teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year because he survived death twice.", Harry joked. Laughing, Sierra shook her head and wiped her forehead. "There is clearly no better teacher for these lessons than you! And now I know that my child will have the perfect teacher for such an important subject. I still vividly remember the hours of Dumbledore's army!" A wheez escaped Harry at this statement. Then he shook his head as if he couldn't believe it. But no one knew what he couldn't believe until Harry said it out loud! "After all these years, I still can't believe that a Malfoy has joined us!" For this, Harry received a clearly annoyed look from Sierra. Her father's reputation and her brother's former reputation haunted the woman through every situation in her life. As if she had to be the same just because of that cursed last name... Cursed in the truest sense of the word! "I'm sorry to get you off your dream cloud, but I'm not my dad or the teen Draco!", Sierra snapped and crossed her arms. "And if I may remind you of my mother, who also owns the surname Malfoy." From both wizards, the thoughts wandered to the story between Narcissa and Harry, when she had protected him from Voldemort. Sierra had stood right next to her mother and heard every single word! Now Harry's features were flooded with regret. "I know and I'm sorry! That was another stupid thought that didn't let go of me in my youth and apparently hasn't let go of it completely even now.", added the well-known Potter.  After a moment of silence, Harry spoke again. "I'm looking already forward to seeing you again, Sierra." A tender smile pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. Sierra's anger smoked away and she returned his smile.  "I feel the same way!"
Suddenly, Harry chuckled quietly. Sierra tilted her head because she didn't understand why he had started laughing. But she didn't have to ask, as Harry clarified it on his own. "I just had to think about our school days.", he said, looking dreamily into the air. "We really had a lot of beautiful moments together. Also some who were very tense!" You could see that he actually wanted to say something. Instead, he bit his lip and slid his fingers embarrassed as he felt through his raven-black hair. Harry let his gaze wander through the store before he managed to. "Because of this tension, Fred and George always said that you were in love with me.", Harry concluded what he had started. Sierra giggled. "Funny that you mention it! I actually had quite a crush on you in our fifth year." “Mommy! Let's go now. I already have my wand!", Lucy squealed and pukked her mother's sleeve. Sierra looked at her daughter with a mild smile, while Lucy continued to talk to her. But first, the witch turned again to her friend. "Goodbye, Harry! Hopefully we'll see each other again." Harry couldn't respond because Lucy mercilessly pulled her mother out of the business. Now Harry could only wave at Sierra.
A few days later, an owl fluttered through one of the high windows of the Malfoy residence. Sierra lived there with her two daughters since the divorce. Draco and her mom lived in other houses and their dad was still in Azkaban. So the three witches had the whole property to themselves! Frowning, Sierra rose and took the letter from the bird's beak. From whom should the letter be? She had only written a letter to her mother and brother yesterday. She removed the wax seal, which did not belong to anyone in her family, and took the parchment from its envelope.
Dear Sierra,
I can't believe I'm saying something like that because I've always hated divination. But I think it was a sign that we met each other today. I decided for myself this morning that I am ready again for a new love or at least to meet new people in this regard! An hour later you are standing right in front of me. The girl - today, of course, the woman - with I was head over heels in love in the fourth and fifth year! When I saw you, all the old feelings came right back and I thought maybe it was finally my chance. Or our chance! However, you want to see it. But now I've talked enough about it! I am writing you this letter because I wanted to ask you if you are interested in going out with me. Maybe it's stupid to calculate my chances just because you said that you felt something for me at the time!
It was really nice to meet you again after all these years!
Love Harry
Her heart tensed as Sierra laid down the letter. It was filled with such pretty, but he was not the first man in her life to wrap her around her finger with wonderful words. Sierra was not willing to give away her heart again! Above all, she could not expect her children to let someone into their hearts who might disappear. She didn't want to take the risk! Not when it was about her children. With a heavy heart, Sierra picked up parchment and feather to write Harry an answer.
Dear Harry,
This letter is probably not the answer you expected, but it wouldn't be fair to write anything else. I'm sorry, but I have to disappoint you! Unfortunately, I cannot accept this kind of invitation. But if you would like that, we could meet for a coffee. On friendship basis, of course, I would be happy to see you again! It has been far too long.
Best regards
Sierra Malfoy
After she had written the short letter and the ink had dried on the parchment, she gave the sealed envelope to the recovered owl. For Sierra, this wasn’t a matter of fact anymore. At least for her mind. Her heart and soul cried in silence.
The lightning lit up the entire sky for a second, which was shrouded in thunder clouds. When the thunder sounded just a blink later, Sierra was glad that her 5-year-old Amy was already sleeping soundly and was keeping her midday rest. Amy was terrified of thunderstorms and after that hectic morning, Sierra needed a moment to take a deep breath. As soon as she had dropped on the armchair, a heavy knock echoed through the villa. A soft sigh slipped over Sierra's lips as she walked to the door. All the exhaustion was suddenly forgotten when the tired mother opened the door and froze. Harry Potter was on her doorstep! "Harry?!", she gasped. "What are you doing here?" "I don't get it! I just don't understand your answer.", it burst out of the completely soaked Harry, who immediately stormed into the house. Confused, Sierra followed her old schoolmate into the dining room, which he headed for. "I'm confused. What exactly don't you understand?", Sierra replied. Harry abruptly turned to the young woman. "I don't understand why you wrote this to me. Why can't you go out with me? It sounds like you want to in your letter, but something is holding you back. If it is not like this, please look me in the eye and tell me that and I will leave. But if it's not like that, please tell me the truth!" demanded Harry to know. Passion blazed in his eyes and it also flared up in Sierra. "It just doesn’t work. Okay?!" Harry shook his head. "Nothing is okay! You're dodging me." he accused his former classmate. Then she snorted. "Yeah and?" His manner made them defiant. What he could do, she could do anyway! "I know you're hiding something from me! I just don't understand why." This caused all the dams in Sierra to break. "YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I WON'T GO OUT WITH YOU?! MY HUSBAND CHEATED ON ME FOR YEARS! I MARRIED HIM AT THE DEMAND OF MY FAMILY, FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM, HAD CHILDREN; WHICH I LOVE ABOVE ALL AND ALL THIS TO BE LIED TO AND CHEATED ON." Tears poured down her face and she fell to her knees. Sierra lacked the strength to keep on his feet. It was just too much!  "I can't trust myself with love. Not again! And I can't let my kids be hurt by me possibly being left by someone I might love again."
▪️❤️▪️🧡▪️💛▪️💚▪️💙▪️💜▪️ ____________________________________________
Always: @the-second-tonks
Harry Potter: @imabee-oralizard@reader-inserts-and-others-thing
29 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. September 2022
I only got the chance to watch Merlin once so I am currently re watching it before Netflix is taking it down on December 14th
Everyone in Germany who has Netflix and loves Merlin take this last chance to watch it *sob* sob*
46 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
The Big Bang Theory characters‘ sexualities
Leonard straight
Sheldon asexual =>sexrepulsed
Amy bi-curious demisexual
Penny straight
Bernadette straight
Howard bisexual but doesn’t want to admit it and tries to appear as straight as possible
Rajesh bisexuell closeted because he is into Howard and knows how hard Howard tries to be straight demi-boy
62 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. April 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
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🧩 As this blog approaches its one year anniversary (in about 3 weeks from now—sheesh time flies), it brings me great joy to announce that we’ve hit 500 followers! From the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you, thank you all so much!! It’s crazy to me that Ruki here has amassed like, half a thousand people following him, but I’m very grateful that many of you have stuck around for the writing, the portrayal, or both! Never would I have thought that all these wonderful OCs, anons, and everyone else who has interacted with this blog would stay around for this long. It’s always my pleasure to write with you all, whether it’s through answering asks in my inbox or reblogging roleplay starters and prompts. All of it brings me immense joy beyond what words can express. 
And I’d also like to apologize for the recent slowdown this blog has experienced lately since I’m also preparing for something special for September 6, the exact day I made Ruki’s blog one year ago. I’m honestly quite the sentimental person who loves to celebrate milestones if it wasn’t already obvious, so I’ll have a very special set of illustrations, a written scenario, and other exciting projects in the near future!! Stay tuned for that. 🏃🏻‍♀️ ✨✨✨
Again, you have my gratitude, everyone. This community has been tremendously kind and supportive of me from the very beginning and I couldn’t thank you enough. I hope to continue to introduce more fun events, roleplay threads, scenario asks, and more for this blog!! Writing for Ruki is always a blast for me and we’ll keep going for the years to come!! Thank you for always being there for me!! Interacting with so many beautifully crafted characters, as well as canons, feels like a dream come true. 🧩
“Normally I’m not one to take interest in ratings and statistics such as these, but so many of you have flocked here in this short amount of time. Truly, color me impressed. Here’s to more memories together—just you and I. Master and livestock; predator and prey; who knows, maybe we’ll become more. I have no intention of ever letting you out of my sight, so prepare yourself for an eternity of joy, despair, and everything in between depending on whether you warrant a reward or further discipline. Continue to behave and perhaps I’ll care for you in ways you’ll never forget. Now come here and hold out your neck for me.”
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Tagged by @oldshrewsburyian (thanks, m’dear) for this mini tag game:
Favorite color: Purple, which has been the case for my entire life (as a gothy teenager, I had contacts that turned my eyes purple, as evidently I wanted to be a My Immortal character or something)
Currently reading: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts; The Light Ages by Ian McLeod, The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova, and The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah are the other items currently in the bedside table stack
Last TV series: Well, if you don’t count my three straight Obi-Wan Kenobi rewatches among my larger Star Wars rewatching spree, then The Umbrella Academy, season 3.
Last movie: Rogue One, which I rewatched last night and am now having Many Thoughts About. And the SW prequel and original-trilogy movies in general.
Currently working on: My active multi-chapter WIPs are The Immortalists (Shadow and Bone/Fivan) and In the Light of Strange Suns (Star Wars/Kenobi). I have several other SAB AUs in various stages of completion, and have also promised a patient anon that I will finally get around to editing and posting the two completed chapters of The Key of Solomon (TOG) that have languished in my Word docs for two years. I also have a new idea for a long Star Wars oneshot, and some fic prompts in my inbox.
In the real world, I’m editing an academic article, applying for more jobs, and trying not to go totally crazy, with varying degrees of success.
Tagging: @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @extasiswings, @ofhouseadama, @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy, @mearcatsreturns, @natascha-ronin, @onlymorelove, @winterbythesea
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
same anon again! and totally cool with the last request :) So I popped up with a new one. Same thing daphne x reader using 15 and/or 47 from the prompt list! (preferably daphne asking out reader but anything’s cool) :))
A/N: Hi lovely anon... You're the sweetest <3 I really think you might be my official fav person rn :D And yes, yes, I'm super happy to see you again in my inbox and... oh boy, I love Daphne x Reader so much. Here you go with with the requests you asked for :)
Warnings: Might add but I consider both of those works as children-friendly lol (maybe some alcohol but that's pretty much it)...
15: “Just tell her that.” / “Such a pep talk…”
You burst into the Slytherin common room with as much energy as your legs could carry you with at the late hour as it was. Exactly, 1 am, if to be radically precise. But getting acquainted with Pansy's strange late-night habits for over seven years, you knew you could find her sprawling over the large lounge, still awake, with the Firewhisky drink in her hand per usual.
As presumed, you were right -- she was sitting, still fully dressed in her school robes and staring aloof at the fireplace, drifting more in her perplexing thoughts than she would want to. Hearing your sleepy voice, however, made her tilt her head and glance at you, standing in your emerald-green pajamas, at the entrance of the stairs to the girls' room.
She smirked. "Insomnia playing over?" she asked, teasingly, her sparkling eyes locking with your fluttery ones.
"No," you answered carefully before covering your mouth from a yawn to which Pansy's smirk widened. You flopped tiredly on the sofa, next to her and laid your head instinctively on her shoulder. "There's something I wanted to talk with you about."
"That's why you got out of bed? To talk to me about something you could do as well in the morning but without bothering your pretty face?" she asked, and though you couldn't see her face, you imagined she was frowning in incomprehension.
"Well..." you drawled, already partly regretting you had decided to come over with such a sensitive issue to her. "It's the only time Daphne is not around."
"Oh...Is that--" Pansy gasped in enthusiasm, throwing your head off of her to which you reacted with a small moan of pain, to look directly into your face. "Are you going to finally admit you're so madly in love with her and that you drool at her every time she doesn't look?"
Well, that was straightforward...
"W-what?" you sputtered out, trying to make sense of what you wanted to express. But dealing suddenly with too much confusion and surprise, you found it to be a challenging task to perform. "How would you know? I've never told anyone!"
At the raised, almost frantic tone of your voice, Pansy grinned, probably satisfied with the fact she dared to shock you. "You are the worst player in this puppy-love game if you haven't noticed yet," she said, arching her eyebrows. "It's almost hard to miss you staring at her in the classrooms or... I don't know... even when you talk to her, smiling like mad. Only concerns are for Daphne, who seems to be totally oblivious to that."
"You think? I mean, hasn't she noticed? Did she s--"
"No," Pansy interrupted you intentionally, rolling her eyes. "I think she has other doubts than that. Besides... it's also she who attempts to hide her goo-goo eyes from you."
You frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Ughh... She has a crush on you too! Happy?"
"No, she does no--"
"Of course she does, you unheeding dolt! One time, I even caught her scribbling your name in her notebook with small hearts around. What do you think it means?"
"I--" Momentarily speechless, you dropped your gaze to the hands and unconsciously started playing with your fingers. "I don't know what to say..."
"Just tell her that." Pansy shrugged, finding the simplest solution in everything while eloquently sipping her drink. "It's a normal thing to do. Go over to her during lunchtime and talk to her. Confess."
You huffed, suddenly feeling a stream of sarcasm dancing on your tongue. "Oh, really? Such a pep talk, you know... Thanks, Pans."
She nudged you with her elbow. "C'mon. You've wasted plenty of time daydreaming about her. It's a moment to take up action. Tomorrow, it's your round, or otherwise, it might pass."
Sighing, you peeked at her with seriousness. "I don't know about that."
"Then you'll never know," she commented aptly, and you knew she made her point. "I realize it might be confusing. But hey, no matter what happens, I'll be always there for you. Remember?"
"Remember," you repeated, somehow feeling more confident than you had been ten minutes ago.
47. “Are you asking if I’m a single?” / “Okay… I-I will.”
The party night was... disastrous, to say at least.
And you really didn't want to be here. But all thanks to your best friend, Susan, who was definitely a go-go type of a person and had been insistently persuading you to get out with her ("This'd be so fun, Y/N!" said she with already a little too drunk tone), by now you were being pushed in the crowd of inebriated people, soaking in sweat due to the heated breaths that were puffing and blowing at your neck from all around. Making your best attempts to push your way, conflict-less, to some less teeming space, you met with a failure by being shoved to your previous position by someone's hips from behind and a loud 'Watch it!'.
Frustration and exasperation accumulated in you, and you felt truly flustered with a situation. As it turned out, flustered enough to provoke the combative self you hadn't known existed in you, to start jostling everyone around to move away from your path to freedom. It required a few angry 'ouches' and curses sent towards you, but finally...Finally, you succeeded in getting away from the bustle and a disgusting odor of sweat that hurt your nostrils just too much.
"Double Scotch, please," you said breathlessly to the bartender as you had reached the bar and casually leaned over the counter. "Triple if needed. Make it extra strong."
The bartender nodded merely, giving you a perfunctory smile, before taking care of your order by grasping some liquor from the shelf and pouring it professionally into the glass. Too distracted with exhaustion from too loud music and screeches from the crowd singing along the songs' lyrics, you hadn't even noticed a blonde girl with a glint of explicit interest in her eyes staring at you. Well, not until...
"Is it a way of dealing with the party?" the girl asked, smiling. "Or are you trying to forget you're here?"
"Both, I guess." You laughed, turning your head to behold a nice-looking gal who was casually sipping her Mohito drink. A really nice-looking, actually. Her hair was laid in the smooth curls on her broad shoulder, emphasizing her soft facial features and shiny, blue eyes. Dressed in the tight gleaming-black dress with the heals lengthening her legs, she looked more than appealing. "I was forced by a friend to come. Not my intention."
"Tell me about it," muttering under her breath, she playfully rolled her eyes and smirked suggestively. Then with an outstretched hand, she proffered you an inviting smile and introduced herself, "I'm Daphne."
You took a hand invitation, shaking in lightly and reciprocating a smile. "Y/N."
"So, you came here with a friend?" the girl, now as you knew Daphne, asked you with an arousing curiosity. "Or girlfriend, or boyfriend?"
Alcohol being the best solution for straightforwardness as it was, forced you to express your first-moment thought without any earlier contemplation. "Are you asking if I'm single?" You took a gulp of your drink and squinted suddenly at the realization of your words. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that! It's just--"
"It's okay, I'm aware of the after-alcohol effects," Daphne soothed you down and tried her best to hide her pre-momentary shock from her face, though you could still detect it.
You fucking idiot!
"Yeah, I've come here with my roommate. She loves parties and said it would be a crime to miss one, especially on Friday night," you answered her question, attempting to get slickly out of your faux pas.
Smiling, forgetting about your little confusion, and ignoring the noise from the background, you chatted, relishing each other's company and treating it as a make-up for ruined Friday plans, fault laying on both of your friends' sides. How much time had passed while you were sitting there, taking the next rounds from the bartender and goggling at each other you didn't know, but one thing was sure -- you both definitely enjoyed it.
The things came, however, to the end as soon as Susan, plastered as you had never seen her before, approached you in a stumbling manner. She was giggling like mad, which clearly indicated one thing -- it's about time to export her back to the house.
"What the heck?! It's not a funeral, peach. Come dance with me!" she screamed as if she was on the opposite side of the room, putting her arms around your shoulder and dangling on you to keep her balance. "Cooooommmmee..."
"No," you shot back, also drunk but much less than her, which made you take responsibility in your hands. Instead of looking at Susan, however, you glanced at Daphne apologetically. "We're calling a cab."
"But, I--"
"Shut it," you said, a little angry with her intoxicated state but yourself having a bit of a problem creating a coherent sentence. "The party is over. We're- are go-ing home."
Susan made a small groan but said nothing, to which you were very thankful because you wanted to end the conversation with Daphne. The sudden influx of bravery had overtaken, and you asked her to hand over her phone. So she compliantly did, and you tapped your phone number on the screen, saving it on the contacts list before handing it back to the proper owner.
"I'm sorry it turned out that way. In these circumstances," you apologized to Daphne, the weight on your arm becoming gradually heavier as your friend wriggled in her place, still grasping your shoulder like to necessary sanity. "It was nice meeting you."
Daphne smiled at that. "You too. Good luck with..." She didn't finish her sentence, but you concluded she was referring to the little situation with drunken Susan.
"Thanks. Oh, and..." You suddenly changed the timbre of your voice to a little deeper one, almost exigent actually. "...don't forget to call me."
A coy smile spread on Daphne's lips, and she said, more in the murmur than a normal tone, "Okay...I-I will..."
And then, you were strolling away, satisfied with how your Friday turned out, much less lame than you had initially assumed.
Maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea after all.
A/N: I enjoyed writing those actually. These had to be drabbles but somehow turned out to be full-length one-shots. But no fault of mine; these were just my hands doing most of the job! I'm taking a break to spend some quality time with my friends (yes, it's me bragging I have a private life lol), and I'm sitting at my computer to write the next goodie :) See ya in some time!
Btw, as I've counted (via my computer) it's almost 2k words. What's wrong?!
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hephaestiions · 2 years
would love to see you writing again, i miss the way you tell stories! perhaps you can take prompts here? or share some info about your wips, maybe we can kickstart the muse. or microfics, or some other summer prompt lists?
the kindness in this fandom never fails to completely floor me! thank you, anon <3
these are all, of course, very good ideas. i think microficcing might be the most logical place to get back into the groove of things? it's a community i miss, and the prompts never fail. i don't have any wips at the moment that i'm excited about, so maybe i'll wait on that. but there are actually a bunch of prompts in my inbox that i never answered because i left fandom around then, i'll see if those spark joy.
something important i have to do before any of this is figuring out how i understand drarry now. the past year has changed many things about how i view the world and myself, there's been a cosmic shift in what i want to write, how i want to write it, why i want to write it, etc. i will only discover what versions of draco and harry fit into this shifted reality by writing them, of course, but i guess i'm trying to say what used to feel familiar is a lot more daunting now. i'm trying to work through that.
sorry for using your lovely ask to air my insecurities, anon, but the version of me struggling to articulate how i want to explore grit and duality and complexity is very grateful to you taking the time to tell me you miss my stories. thank you, again <3
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milktyama · 3 years
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haha wow ok a lot of things to celebrate today. my birthday, 600 followers (thank you so much!), and it's been one year since i started writing. i cant explain with words how grateful i am and this called for a celebration :) it's not a lot but i hope you enjoy. I HAD A BANNER FOR THIS BUT MY WIFI IS NOT WORKING so have jaemin instead
10/10 slots means there are 10 slots open. when it says 0/10 it means there are 0 slots available
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— use this prompt randomizer. person a will be your character of choice (hq, jjk) and person b will be you (you can put y/n when randomizing)
— send me the copied text of the prompt or a screenshot in my inbox (you can shuffle until you find a promt you like lol)
— i will write a drabble with the prompt
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— appearance matchups (top 2 matchups, hq or jjk)
— send me a few photos of yourself, your gender preference if any, and 3 fun memories you have (e.g. that one time you went to the store at 2am, etc.)
— i'll match you up with two characters and write in bullet points how they race for your heart
— your pictures will not be posted and will be sent back to you when i'm done with your matchup
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— songfics! but only with kpop songs (hence the name lol)
— send me a song + a chara (hq, jjk) and i'll write you a drabble song fic (mostly off from vibes of the song + mv if it has one rather lyrics but i'll look over the lyrics for inspo)
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must be a follower (new followers are ok, req off anon please)
event ends when all slots are taken, wont be adding more so i dont burden myself
one req per person
everything will be tagged under #ctco 600
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thepsychewrites · 3 years
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First of all, I want to say a massive thank you for 1k+ followers. I only started this blog at the very end of 2021, so this milestone is pretty big :) You guys are so kind and funny, and I appreciate all of you. I have been asked a few times in the past to start taking requests, so alas, the time has come. Please read the rules and character choices before sending in your request.
Thank you again. I love you all very much <3
* - Indicates characters I will NOT write n/s/f/w, 18+, or smut for.
[Any character who has work written for them is aged up to 20 years old and older. I do not write for characters who are minors!!]
Character Requests
• Marvel
- Bucky Barnes
- Steve Rogers
- Stucky
- Natasha Romanoff
- Wanda Maximoff
- Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley
- Yelena Belova *
- Sam Wilson *
• Misc.
- Frank Adler
- Steve Kemp
- Andy Barber
- Lee Bodecker
- Lloyd Hansen
- Ari Levinson
- Steve Harrington
- Robin Buckley
[Please note that this character list will likely expand in the future, these are just characters I am comfortable writing for, for now]
- You can send an inbox (anon or not) with your request and character. Please try to be specific on what kind of fic you’re wanting, whether fluff, smut, angst, dark!, crack!, or another au style, and list any prompts you’re wanting to see (if any), inspiration pics, etc.
- My writing style is Character(s) x Reader, so please keep that in mind when sending a request.
- I do ask that anyone sending in a request is 18+. My blog is 18+ anyway, but I just wanted to reiterate. If you send in a request and you are a minor, especially if it’s for a smut or 18+ content, I will block you.
- I am only one human, so your request might sit in the inbox for awhile until I have time to get to it. Writing can be challenging sometimes, especially when life gets overwhelming, so please be kind and patient. I will do my best to get to as many as possible. Please don’t take it to heart if I don’t get to your request!
- If your request is something I am uncomfortable with fulfilling, I will not be able to write it. Please be understanding that there are some boundaries writers aren’t willing to cross.
- I will announce when requests are closed, but I am hoping to keep them open for a bit. I have a lot of wips that I am wanting to get out in the next month or two, so we’ll see how it all goes.
- Don’t be too shy when requesting! I’ll write just about anything ;)
- Psyche -
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mischiefandi · 4 years
✨Event Announcement !!✨
Hi everyone <33
SO i told yall i was planning something new for my blog and i actually got this idea not too long ago. I’ve got a new bi-weekly event in the works: let me explain !
✨Musical Monday✨
The concept behind this is fairly simple, i’ll explain below the cut !
Every other Wednesday, I’ll post a little something to remind you that Musical Monday is in the works for the following week. You can then send in either 
-an album you enjoy by any artist 
-or a spotify playlist (that you created or that someone else created (with credits pls!))
-a book/show/movie who’s characters you want me to pair the songs with
my job is to then assign the characters from these shows/movies/books to the songs in said playlist/album.
!! (you can specify who you definitely want to see in the list if you’d like but it’s not necessary) !!
Every other Monday (meaning every fortnight), I’ll be posting the characters with the songs as well as a piece of writing underneath explaining why I thought they matched the song. 
The whole point of this is to discover new music, hopefully give you my own recommendations as well, and also just to have fun and spread some love for these characters. I also genuinely adore analysing characters and digging deeper into their story arcs so this’ll be the perfect opportunity for me to share my thoughts with you and hear your own!
✨What shows/movies/books can I request?✨
you can request just about anything however I obviously haven’t watched every show or movie on the planet and I have definitely not read that many books so here are a few ideas to get you all started if you’re at all interested:
anything MCU, Teen Wolf, Sex Education, Gossip Girl, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, Sherlock, any Choices book, the Haunting of Bly Manor, the Haunting of Hill House, the Office, Bridgerton, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, the Maze Runner, Shameless, the Goonies, Outer Banks, the Society, Derry Girls, American Horror Story (1-7), Grey’s Anatomy, the 100, Star Wars, Fleabag, Little Women, Disney movies, Barbie movies, Narnia, and many many more
if there’s anything else in mind that’s not on this list, that’s 100% ok, you can definitely still send it in. if i haven’t seen/read it and don’t plan on doing so, i’ll just say so (respectfully ofc), or i’ll add it to the list of stuff i have to watch!
✨What type of music can I request?✨
I’m a big fan of indie rock, alt-rock, hard rock, pop, soul, 70s music, honestly you can send in just about anything, I’m always down to listen to new stuff and I’ll mostly be focusing on the lyrics anyway! 
✨Can I request a show/movie/book if it’s been requested before already?✨
honestly there’s hundreds of combinations you could send in. Someone could send in a request for Derry Girls x a specific Harry Styles album, and two months later someone else could request Derry Girls x a David Bowie album, or request How I Met Your Mother x another Harry Styles album. There’s little to no chance you’ll request exactly the same thing as someone else so please don’t hesitate to send in your asks! 
it wouldn’t truly be a mischiefandi event if themes weren’t involved of course! when it comes to seasons, holidays and international days like Valentine’s, Christmas, Halloween, New Year’s Eve, Summer, Spring, Winter, Autumn, or other random prompts, I’ll tell you on the Wednesdays before Musical Monday, notifying you that it’s a special edition (along with additional guidelines if there are any). 
✨Dos and Don’ts✨
do make sure to send in A) a playlist or album + B) a show, or movie, or book (remember: A+B!). I expect I’ll get quite a few requests over the next few months and I won’t have time to go and ask you for more info privately, so please send in both or I’ll have to delete your request.
do be patient with me! if you sent in a request a few months ago, chances are I’m still working on it or you’re on the list and I’m getting to you :)
do send in multiple requests if you want to! i genuinely will be super happy to add them to the list!
don’t harass me with the exact same requests over and over again please haha. Like I said, chances are you’re already on the list and it’s really easy to see when a specific anon keeps sending the same asks so pls don’t. 
don’t be rude to other people if they don’t necessarily agree with your point of view about a specific character description. this is all meant to be fun and light-hearted. debating and discussing these characters is 100% encouraged as long as it’s constructive, polite, and civilised. any unnecessary rudeness or hate will be deleted immediately.
don’t make fun of people for the characters or books/movies/shows they like. if on one specific Musical Monday you see the post is about a show you’re not a big fan of, just scroll. let people enjoy things!
don’t hesitate to ask me any questions that you might have about Musical Monday. anon is always on for my shy peeps out there and i’m more than happy to give you more clarification if needed!
✨How do I get notified when Musical Monday happens?✨
i’ve updated my taglist google form so please click here and fill in the Musical Monday taglist box if you would like to be tagged every other Wednesday as a reminder for the next Musical Monday, and every Musical Monday of course. 
You don’t have to be on my writing taglists to participate in this and you definitely don’t have to be on the Musical Monday taglist in order to send in a request. Anyone can join at any time, the taglist is only for the people that want to make sure they don’t miss a Musical Monday. 
Again, if you have any questions about this game, my inbox is open <3
I am super excited about this project and I’ve been mulling it over for a little while now. Hopefully this is something that you guys will enjoy and want to participate it. I know a lot of you enjoyed the musical blurbs i did in November (still have a ton to do btw), so I thought that this could be fun also! My hope for this game is that it’ll create dialogue about these characters that we love so much and I’m so excited to hear your guys’ thoughts and recommendations!!
Love you all and hope you’re all having a lovely February
✨When will the first Musical Monday go down?✨
this Monday! exceptionally it’s on short notice, but for future reference, you’ll have a whole week to send in your requests no so worries! Please send in any requests you have for this Monday though!!
the theme for this Monday (15/02/21) is Valentine’s Day of course so my descriptions will be love-related but if you have any requests for stuff that has nothing to do with love, that’s more than fine, I’ll be adding them to the list for the upcoming Musical Mondays!
✨Tagging everyone in my taglists just this once + some mutuals to spread the word✨
@stiles-o-dylan24 @duskholland @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @r0s3mm @redstringlovers @captainbuckyyy12 @soincredible @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @cheesecakes-randomshitz @traveleraroundsworld @alwaysforever73 @thelittlestkitsune@glaimtruelovealways @texaskitten30 @abitofeverythinggg @alwaysforever73 @hcomet28 @thegirlwhoimagined @cherriesanwine @decaffeinated--fangirl @shutupstyless @x-give-em-hell-kid-x @teen--marvel @soincredible @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @bibliophilewednesday @jazminebrightxx @cheesecakes-randomshitz @traveleraroundsworld @perrytheplatypus11 @stixnstripesworld @masterofbluff @drakewalker04 @superapplepie @apatheticanvas67482 @theamazingtomholland @earthlyholland @siriusly-harry @solstilla @mrscutiefandobhaz @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @isaiahjesus -> it’d mean the world to me if you could signal boost this to spread the word, but if you’d rather not interact, that’s totally okay! don’t worry! you won’t be tagged anymore unless you’ve added yourself to the Musical Monday taglist here. 
thank you and see you on Monday 15/02/21 at 8 pm CET (= UTC+1)  /  7 pm GMT (= UTC)  /  2 pm EST (= UTC-5)  /  11 am PST (= UTC-8)
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padfootagain · 4 years
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Hello everyone! I'm so happy to host a new event for my blog! It has been a while since I made one of these writing events, and I hope you will enjoy it! I've organized it to celebrate my blog hitting 4.7k followers!!! This is unbelievable, tbh, I have no idea what you guys are doing around here, but thank you so much for it anyway!!
So, for the coming weeks, I'll be writing your requests, that you can send me using the prompts I'm proposing in this post, under the cut! I hope you'll have fun!
 Carole, what is going on now?
 For this event, I'll be answering some prompts! The idea is simple: you choose one of the characters I write for and a few prompts, and I will write a one-shot for the character you have chosen, using the prompts you have chosen. You can also indicate more details that you would like to be included in your request (a specific AU or situation… ). It's super easy, and it makes you choose what I'll write for the next 2 or 3 weeks!
 How do we request something?
 In order to send a request, all you have to do is send me an ask through my inbox (please, do not use the dms, it is much harder to manage for me and I will probably forget about your request…). You can choose between 1 and 5 prompts amongst the prompts listed below the cut. The prompts are pieces of dialogue, and it will be my job to imagine a scenario where the characters use these lines. Choose also a character. It has to be a character in my masterlist (at the exception of Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed). If you're a little shy, don't hesitate to switch on the anon function, I will still accept your request! Please, only ask for one request, because I want to write for as many people as possible.
And that's it! Super easy, isn't it?
 A sum up?
 In order to get a one-shot:
-Choose a character in my masterlist (except for Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed)
-Choose between 1 and 5 prompts that you would like to see appear in your one-shot. There are 100 of them, and they are all gathered below the cut! No need to send me the whole prompt, just send me the number corresponding to your prompts!
-Send me a message through my inbox (no private messages)
-You can only make one request, so choose wisely ;)
-You can ask as an anon if you're a little shy
-I'll be working hard on your request, so a little nice message or at least a 'hello' would be lovely :)
 The requests will be open for 48 hours (September 8 – September 10 2020), and they are open beginning… right now! The duration for the opened requests for the event might change, depending on how many requests I receive.
Please, be understanding that there is no way for me to judge if this event will be popular or not. If I receive too many requests, I won't be able to write all of them. I'm sorry if I don't have time to go to your request, please, be understanding if that happens. But maybe I'll have time to write all of them! It is hard for me to judge beforehand.
I hope you have fun with this event, and thank you all again for your support!
The prompts for the event are listed below. For a few of them, they might include several lines. All prompts are given a number, all you have to do is send me the number corresponding to the prompts you want, no need to type the whole thing in the ask.
Have fun!
NB: I have no idea why so many of those give off some serious idiots in love and idiots to lovers energy, but… it happened…
 2. "You are too far away."
"I am literally on the couch with you..."
"But are you in my arms? No. See? Too far away."
 3. "If you weren't so cute, I would break your legs right now."
 4. "Wait… are you jealous?"
 5. "Stars and tequila. It's perfect."
"No. Stars, tequila and you. That it perfect."
 6."I think I've made a mistake. Very big mistake. The kind that makes me wonder if I should escape to another country..."
 8. "Maybe I love you a little too much, and that's why it hurts sometimes."
 9. "Does it hurt?"
"Not that... OUCH!"
 10. "I can't believe you got punched in the face."
"For you. I got punched in the face for you."
 11. "It's dark, and it's late, and I'm cold and I'm drenched with this freaking rain and yet all I can think about is that I love you."
 12. "I know you don't love me. It's okay. I will be whatever you want me to be."
 13. "You don't need to love me for me to love you, you know? That's not how loving works. It would save us all from a lot of pain if it did."
 14. "What do you mean you have a date?"
 15. "I propose that we get excessively drunk and then ruin our lives as a consequence. Sounds good?"
 16. "I'll always be here for you. Don't you know that by now? That I'll never leave?"
 17. "I think we need... to make something explode."
 18. "I'm pretty stupid, aren't I?"
 19. "Huh... is that my shirt you're wearing?"
 20. "I miss you. I hate it. I hate you. I love you."
 21. "I'm proud to be with you."
 22. "So... huh... are we gonna mention that you've just snogged me or...?"
 23. "What do you mean lying to your family about us? What do you mean you need a 'plus one'?"
 24. "I have only one thing to say: that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Let's do it."
 25. "Huh... were you going to... propose?!"
 26. "Will you marry me?"
 27. "Look... I don't mean to be blunt but... you and me, it's a forever kind of thing. And there's no escape from that."
 28. "Fate? Me loving you, you think it's fate? Nah, it's not fate. It's a choice. I choose to love you and to give you everything I own and everything I am every single day. And that's why what we have is true love."
 29. "Do you have ANY idea of how worried I was about you?"
 30. "I think you've just… puked on my shoes."
 31. "I swear, if you die, I'm going to kill you."
 32. "You're perfect."
 33. "I love you. Do you think you could ever love me too?"
 34. "Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!"
 35. "I'm sorry. For everything. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me though, cause I know that I don't deserve it."
 36. "Just… shut up and kiss me."
 37. "Please… stay."
 38. "But if you leave now, what am I going to do with the rest of my life?"
 39. "I don't want anything but you."
 40. "You deserve so much more than what I can give you."
 41. "I wish I did, but I don't deserve you."
 42. "You make me so happy, it hurts a little."
 43. "What if we don't make it?"
 44. "Are you… are you bleeding?"
 45. "I… I'm begging you… if you must kill someone, then kill me. But please, please… let him/her go."
 46. "I can't lose you."
 47. "What do you mean… you're pregnant?"
 48. "You are so annoying…"
 49. "You're an idiot. I love you."
 50. "Don't leave me. Don't ever leave me…"
 51. "Well… that was hot."
 52. "So… good morning?"
"We're in the same bed. What the fuck are we doing in the same bed?!"
 53. "I mean, we don't have a choice… there's only one bed. And I am not sleeping on that dirty carpet."
 54. "Us being together, it's a terrible idea."
 56. "This is the worst Halloween costume I have ever seen."
 57. "Promise you'll always love me."
 58. "I need your word. Promise me that you'll come back to me."
 59. "So… does that mean… farewell?"
 60. "I think we’re excellent at making memories.”
 61. "Did you… did you sleep with him/her?"
 62. "Where are you?"
 64. "Dear God… I'm surrounded by idiots…"
 65. "I don't want you to go with him/her. I want you to choose me instead."
 66. "What if we stayed in bed all day?"
 67. "You fool! Fear my wrath!"
"Babe, you're threatening me with a broccoli, it is not very convincing."
 68. "Karaoke night!"
 69. "I am full of surprises!”
“Sadly, yes, you are...”
 70. "Dance with me. Please?"
 71. "I would do anything to convince you to give me a chance."
 72. "I know it's hard. I know that life keeps on getting in the way. But I love you. I love you with my entire being, and I'm willing to fight for you. I'm willing to fight to keep you."
 73. "Are you… are you crying?"
 74. "Stop stealing my blanket!"
 75. "Happy New Year!"
 76. "Merry Christmas!"
 77. "Is that for me?"
 78. "Happy birthday!"
 79. "So… is that… a date?"
 80. "What do you mean it was a date? It wasn't a date!"
"Of course, it was a date!"
 81. "Well… that… was a good kiss…"
 82. "I'm a complete moron! I'm an idiot! I am the epitome of stupidity! It took me forever to realize it, but now I see it, and I'll be damned if I let you walk away. Because it took me all that time to realize it, but I love you. I love you so much. It's always been you."
 83. "Are you drinking my cocoa?"
 84. "Please, just… hold me. Please, hold me close."
 85. "I'm cold."
"I'll keep you warm."
"Nice try!"
 86. "It hasn't stopped snowing. We're stuck. We're gonna die."
"I know that the important information here is that we're gonna die, but I'm very upset that you don't want to do it specifically with me. Why not? I'm a dream!"
 88. "Can I try some of your food?"
 89. "I should have told you long ago."
"Tell me what?"
"That I love you."
 90. "I am not going through a thirty-hours drive with you. There is absolutely no way."
 91. "I used to hate you. Then, I simply disliked you. Now, I hate you all over again."
"Well, the feeling is mutual. But maybe it'll change."
 92. "I really like you."
"I love you."
 93. "Well, if you really were that clever, then you would know that I love you!"
 94. "You have fever, you need to drink this. Come on, now."
 95. "I just… I feel like I'm truly myself when I'm with you. I want to be myself when I'm with you. So now, if you're scared, don't call it love yet. But whatever you want to call it, it's incredible, and I'm not going to give up on this. I'm not going to give up on us."
 96. "You're my home."
 97. "Why is summer so hot?! I'm melting!"
 98. "Have you ever felt like… memories get attached to a word and they almost change their meanings? Like… whenever someone says 'apple' I think of my grandma's pies, to the point that I almost forget that they're talking about the fruit. Well… your name… it's the same for love. When I think of love, I think of you."
 99. "What wish did you make?”
“To spend the rest of my life with you.”
 100. "If you only let me spend the rest of my life with you, I'd be happy with that. I don't ask for anything else, really. My life is complete as long as you're in it."
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hey, it's been a while!
sorry for taking eons to reply, i've just sort of spiralled into a mild drinking problem :/ (no big deal, just made me forget to reply lol)
anyway, i added big eden to my watchlist & i read your food poem recs (especially liked the orange by wendy cope), but i'm a little too tired to go into it in depth rn
(my pronouns are he/him btw, think you asked about that in the last reply?)
& i would absolutely love to do another poetry swap. one prompt i think would be cool to give you is part of that one astronomy headline?
astronomers say they have heard the sound of a black hole singing
and what it is singing
and perhaps has been singing for more than 2 billion years, they say
so, if you're still up for a poetry swap, drop a prompt :)
on the topic of succession; i do like tomgreg, but i think i'm more into kendall & stewie as a ship because it hits closer to home lmao
hope to hear from u soon
- cat anon
Ayy Cat! <3
I'm so glad to hear from you! It was kinda funny cause the day I got this in my inbox, I was thinking about you and wondering if you were doing good! Well, I hope your drinking problem eases out and you recover well from it.
And it's chill. I like hearing from you, so it's fine not to do indepth with every poem that you share with me! As much as I like hearing your thoughts on them, I also appreciate the fact that you read the stuff I recommend and you like em!
[Thank you for the pronouns, btw! I did ask for them last time]
And ahhhh, I'd love writing a poem on the lines given, they are so poetic on their own that it's just nuts. I do have an idea in mind. I guess I'll just put "for cat anon" on the poem so you can identify it? It'll work well that way.
So uhh, for my prompt, it's going to be a German saying which is "Man sieht sich im leben immer zweimal" or in English, "You always meet twice in life." For me, it's a saying that reduces the stings of leaving someone because you will meet them again in your life, knowingly or unknowingly. Look forward to what you make of it!
And yess, Stendall is good! I read like one fic and lost it cause man, very good! But, I'm a big Tomgreg person, idk why, maybe it has a bit more softer moments than Stendall or other ships like apart from the Roys? They genuinely enjoy each other's company.
And finally, something that prompted me to finish writing this reply were a few lines that I feel you'd think are poetic as well as very emotive:
"People who didn’t live pre-Internet can’t grasp how devoid of ideas life in my hometown was. The only bookstores sold Bibles the size of coffee tables and dashboard Virgin Marys that glowed in the dark. I stopped in the middle of the SAT to memorize a poem, because I thought, This is a great work of art and I’ll never see it again."
It's from an interview called "Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir No. 1" interviewed by Amanda Fortini. I saw it from a Destiel art piece today.
And with that, I look forward to hearing from you soon!!! Stay well :)
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pynkhues · 4 years
Hiii, so I just wanted to say I’ve been binge reading you’re work and I’m in lovvveeeeee!!!!! Also I feel like not a lot of people are writing about rio and beths past meetings so if you’re still taking in suggestions could you possibly write something we’re a teenage Annie and rio are caught smoking or something and Beth scolds them. Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi, anon! Thank you! You’re so, so sweet! <3 <3 <3
Unfortunately I’m not really taking prompts right now, just because I still have so many in my inbox, but I do have a little scene from my parents group au WIP that I’m working on that I thought I might share, because it kiiind of fits with what you’re requesting, haha, even if Beth doesn’t physically catch them.
A little bit of background, in my parents group au, Rio runs a bar and has a brand new baby Marcus, when Annie and a seven-year-old Ben move in to the apartment next door to him. Rio and Rhea have broken up, but are still co-parenting, but Rio’s really trying to do his days with Marcus on his own. Because he’s so proud and he won’t let Rhea or his mom or his sisters give him advice, he enrols in a parents class on the sly so he can trick his friends and family into thinking he’s a natural parent, haha. 
Meanwhile, Beth’s going through a very hairy separation from Dean with a brand new baby Jane (and her kids are similarly little - Emma’s 2, Danny’s 3 and Kenny’s 5) and is only in the new parents group because it looks good for her custody case. Rio instantly hates Beth because she’s so good at everything, haha, and thus the board is set for a ridiculous fic that I am having way too much fun writing.
Anyway, have the snippet, haha.
“Your sister ever chill?” he asks her, dropping his head to the back of Annie’s lumpy couch and rolling the joint a little between his fingers as he starts to relax. He doesn’t even know where the question comes from, just shit - - he still can’t believe they’re sisters. They don’t act nothin’ alike, don’t talk like they grew up in the same house, don’t even look like they came out of the same combination of people.
When the thought hits, he squints a little in Annie’s direction, where she’s still furiously texting who knows who, taking in her ombre bob, her dark eyes and some too-big sweater coverin’ up - - well.
A whole lot less body.
Before he can help it, he remembers Elizabeth again, on her hands and knees beside him as Nancy tried to guide them through those dumbass post-natal yoga poses, the way she’d arched her back, and he was supposed to be doing it too, and he was, but it was only so he could curve his head just so, get a better look at the shape of her as she ground her pale little hands into her yoga mat, her fingers going pink, and so what if he’d wondered if they’d look like that, twisting up in his sheets?
Maybe it’d be so what if the thought had been a passin’ one.  
He rolls his neck back, staring up at the ceiling, and rocking his hips a little on the couch, adjusting.
Pot always gets him goin’. That’s all.
He should text Dylan. She’s gotta be finishing work any minute now, and he knows it won’t take much to convince her to skip her apartment for his anyway – it’s not like she’s got all that far to come. Plus he knows she’s got some of the freaky yoga poses in her arsenal, none of that basic bitch, cat-cow pose shit from class.
“Chilling would require Beth to have an off switch,” Annie says suddenly from the other side of the couch, finally tossing her phone onto the packing boxes doubling as a coffee table still in the middle of her living room, and reaching across to pluck the joint from between his fingers. She takes a long drag, inhaling like a pro. “And trust me, I’ve spent over twenty years looking for it, and if she’s got one, it’s not in a place a sister gets to see.”
Rio snorts, but then - - damn. He can’t help the grin, rocking his neck back on the couch to look away from Annie, back out across her apartment as a few images of spots sister’s don’t get to see flick through his head. He can almost see it, her mouth open, those blue eyes wide in surprise like they get whenever he does anything right in the stupid class, that flush that creeps down her neck, her ugly-ass blouse off so he can see that colour flooding those - -  
“Oh my god,” Annie says loudly, and Rio jerks his head up to where Annie stares back at him, her mouth open as she barks on a laugh. “You’ve got a thing for Bossy Bethie.”
And shit, Rio scowls at her, shaking his head and waving a lazy hand out in her direction.
“Nah, it ain’t like that,” he says, because it’s not. It ain’t a thing, it’s all these dumbass new-parent hormones, like seeing her dote on his son with all her fresh mama curves and smells and softness just rubs up against this part of him that’s still getting the hang of having a kid at all, and making him want to - - well - - rub up on her.
“Oh, right,” Annie says, voice loaded with amusement as she passes the joint back to him, wriggling back into her side of the couch. “So you just want to take her on a one-way ticket to pound town.”
And, well, he shrugs at that, grinning as he plants the joint between his lips, taking a long, slow drag to fill up his lungs, feeling something in him loosen pleasantly. He watches Annie from the other end of the couch, wondering if she’s gonna have any feelings about him maybe-sometimes-entertaining-the-thought of fucking her sister, but before he can think anymore of it, she’s bouncing back to her feet, heading towards her kitchen and diving headfirst into her pantry.
“Well, I can tell you right now, my friend, that station is closed,” she calls, her voice muffled through the wooden door. He hears her hands grab something crinkly, her feet hit the floor again (and damn, had she climbed into the thing?) and start to make her way back, before he replies at all with a nonplussed:
Because there’d been that moment, hadn’t there? He rocks his jaw a little, running a hand back over his head. That moment when he’d sat with her eldest in the back of the classroom, Marcus still asleep in his arms, and helped the kid with that maze in the back of his activity book. The look on her face when she’d stopped Jane cryin’, when she’d seen them, it had been - -
He rubs his hand a little harder at the back of his head.
It had been something.
That was all.
A bag of Cheetos suddenly drops onto his belly as Annie clambers over the back of the couch, squirming back into her corner as she waves a Pringles can in his general direction. “That is not a frequently used trainline, if you catch my drift.”
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