#this show is just bringing up so many avatar headcanons
I found myself watching the new live action ATLA and I was like omg this is such great set up for Zutara and their future dynamic !!!!!
And I got so caught up in the euphoria of my own Zutara thoughts that for like a minute I fully gaslit myself into believing that Zutara actually did happen and the live action was sowing the seeds for that relationship
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mammonieruless · 8 months
Lucifer: 100% a virgin
I’ve seen many people agree on him being incredibly experienced when it comes to hookup culture, but I headcanon him to be quite the opposite. He is the avatar of pride himself; he would be wayyyyyy too prideful to offer himself as an one-night stand, no matter who the person might be. there will be exceptions when it comes to Diavolo, of course. He has never been in a serious relationship either; the man has no experience whatsoever. Aside from never having the time to pursue someone and build a connection with them because of his duties, he would be wayyyyy too scared and worried about bringing someone home only for them to harm his beloved brothers or his reputation. Mammon might be MC’s "first,” but MC is definitely Lucifer’s first. It is a match made in hell. All mc had to do was to live with him and his brothers for the entirety of the exchange program, which meant he didn’t have to go out of his way to make time to meet someone, and with time, they both grew on each other, the chemistry grew, and naturally, a strong connection formed without him ever needing to force any of it.
Mammon: He has done everything for quick cash, including sleeping with every living being that could hand him money. Even when cash is not involved, it is canon that he is a model and a party monster, so easy quick club, casino hookups are not a shocker. Out of all the brothers, him and Levi are the only ones who are the most experienced when it comes to serious relationships. Since he wears his heart on his sleeve, all the serious relationships he’s been in ended badly because his partners took advantage of him. Satan, in season one, commented that if Mammon likes someone enough, they will be showered with the richest, but if he breaks it off, then they will be left without a single penny. Knowing that many, especially his exes, only had money hearts in their eyes when they looked at Mammon, despite him pouring his heart out to them, they only viewed him as an ATM. I also headcanon that his tsundere behaviour wasn’t always there; he just started to act like that because many of his exes laughed behind his back, calling him easy, naive, and easy to trick into falling in love, thus leading him to develop this tsundere-like behaviour towards the person he likes to come off as cold, hard to get, and not easy to fool. Though he fails at acting cold and harsh towards MC, he doesn’t act all shy, blushy, or tsundere-like towards his hookups. As he doesn’t feel anything towards them, they only see a very confident, arrogant, bad boy side of him, which MC doesn’t know about.
Levi: Since he is a big anime nerd, he has high standards when it comes to dating and completely rejects hookup culture. All the romance anime he watches really set the bar high for him and makes him somewhat delusional. He has only been in a couple of serious relationships, which were all online, but unlike Mammon, some of his past lovers truly loved him for who he is but didn’t love him enough to keep up with his jealousy and his need to be reassured 24/7. Some might’ve seen him as an easy ticket to get up there in devildom’s hierarchy and get their status high up, as the seven demon brothers are hell’s government officials. + he’s literally the grand admiral of hell’s navy, man’s loaded. His insecurities, shyness, and introversion aren’t the main reason why he is in denial of someone enjoying his company or having any romantic feelings for him, but his experiences in relationships made him push away everyone and anyone who showed him any interest. We see this a lot when he friendzones or tries to find a ground where things are more platonic than romantic with the MC, despite being completely whipped for them, he is simply is terrified of them getting annoyed with his constant need of reassurance or getting into a relationship with them only for his jealousy to be too much for them to handle which would make them leave him and he would lose his only best friend, yet again.
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
Teen wolf headcanons: number????
-Stiles and Erica always have the best snacks Because they’re both insatiable bottomless pits for food.
-Lydia has a secret knife collection and the first one was given to her by Allison’s father before she was even in the pack
-Boyd Is a bachata king (he’s been in classes since junior high) 
-Erica is Peruvian, Portuguese, and Dutch.
- Scott took up boxing classes sometime after his dad left because he wanted to be more macho but quit after somebody clocked him in the jaw and it left his jaw crooked
-Allison is a horse girl.
-Isaac likes going to cat cafes and is regularly given cat ears by other patrons who think he works there
-Cora has participated in underground MMA fights to bring in some extra cash but was actually so good that she ended up with a decent Fanbase
- Peter is a ranch retreat owner and doesn’t tell the pack because he feels like they would crash every weekend just to be petty for all the bullshit he’s done to them
- Jackson’s adoptive parents have been treating him to mani and petti’s ever since he came out to show they’re supportive
- Derek started working part time as a mechanic because of a recommendation from his therapist
-Kira is the fastest in the pack even tho she’s clumsy. Short distance she can even out run the born wolves
-Derek and Mason have weekly Uno matches that last for hours that the entire pack likes to bet on
-Liam plays Pokémon go and is well known for being found in weird places just to catch Pokémon
-Mason is an art student & is extremely good at police sketches and that’s how he got recruited
-Jordan can turn any pool into a hot tub if he tries hard enough
-Derek asked stiles to start taking self-defense classes after Girard
-Kira convinced Malia to crochet every time something upsets her and now the whole pack Owns sweaters, blankets, scarves, and socks. Malia is currently working on hats
-Lydia and Peter regularly gamble and place bets on who will do the most stupid thing in the pack today but neither are allowed to place bets on stiles or Derek
-Stiles purposely learns wind magic just to do aang marble trick from avatar the last Airbender
-Boyd and Isaac have a secret tick-tock account where they regularly post to pack
-The entire pack knows in theory that Peter fucks because there was no other way for Malia to come into existence but still wholeheartedly believe that he got no bitches or swag (except Scott and Allison because peters flirted with both their parents and They don’t want him to actively seduce their parents out of spite so they leave him be)
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Jake Sully x Male Reader Headcanons
This is more or less a headcanon style summary of most of the first movie, but still enjoyed writing it
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
It wasn’t easy being the one that had to teach the alien how to be one of the people
But because you were the eldest son of the Omatikaya you had to
With help from Ney’tiri here and there with the more cultural aspects
Somehow you managed to take Jake Sully the Avatar to one of the Omatikaya people
Of course throughout teaching him how to be one of the people you grew to love him
Never once thinking he loved you back
Of course he had better options among the clan
Ney’tiri, Ninat, Beyral, Saeyla
All of the females had better chances to be with Jake
One night after many months of training Jake to be one of the people, he asked you to show him the Tree of Souls as he called it
While normally any and all outsiders were forbidden, he was now one of the people
He had every right to see and connect to Eywa through Vitraya Ramunong
Agreeing and slowly making your way up home tree to the branches, mounting your respective banshees, you flew to the Tree of Souls
Landing a good ways away from the tree, you grabbed his hand and began walking down the familiar path
Many times had you been brought here when you were young
By Mo’at and Eytukan, to learn and respect the mother of the forest
Now it was your turn to take the young one to learn of the great mother
He followed along happily, matching your quick and light pace
Making it to the tree you let go of him, grabbing some of the dangling branches and connecting to them
Looking at memories of your grandparents, friends you’d lost to battle
Jake did the same, connecting to the hanging branches beginning to pray to Eywa
About what he never shared
Releasing from the tree you looked to each other
“Jake, why have you asked me to bring you here? You are one of the people, you should be choosing someone to mate with.”
“Yeah I am, but there’s only one person I want.”
“Well, we have Ninat, she’s a good singer, Beyral, a good hunter, and Ney’tiri of course, she’s good at just about everything.”
“They’re all good in their own ways, but I don’t want any of them, hell I don’t even want one of the women.”
That line made hope spark in you
“If you don’t want a woman, who do you want?”
He moved closer to you, grabbing your hands and resting his head against yours
“You. I want you.”
Looking up to meet his eyes, not a word was spoken, but he realized you had chosen him
That night you performed a mating ritual before the Tree of Souls, before Eywa
Walking back to Home Tree you were hand in hand, and then your parents saw you
“Have you mated with this man?”
“Yes, we are mated before Eywa, he is mine and I am his.”
“It was only told of as legend that man could mate with man.”
“It has been done Mother, it is not only legend.”
Everyone around was in shock, not only was it possible, but you and Jake were walking proof that a man could mate with a man
So long as the love is strong it was possible
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
How does RWBY's worldbuilding hold up for you?
Ooh fun question, and one I can answer in a short amount of time!
Long story short, yeah it holds up quite well, I don't need to make any significant leaps in logic or desperately headcanon things to compensate the way I might with some other settings.
For instance most super hero settings don't hold up to scrutiny, or present themselves consistently/coherently once they starts whipping out the more ridiculous sci-fi tech and or magic.
This isn't to say its perfect, nothing is, or that there aren't more details I'd like to see explored or various minor nitpicks I could probably pull out if I felt so inclined.
But as it is, I don't, but its not because I just love the series.
See, as much as I love world building, I do think it gets too easily used as a cudgel by bad faith critics.
Let's be real here, even some of the worlds best authors do not have Tolkein's patience to create a whole new language, & I imagine even his stuff raised questions or inconsistencies.
The absence of local languages/accents, them not explaining the praying statues in the V4 trailer don't bug me. Cos their absence is not harming the story.
Meanwhile if there's an inconsistency or question, that too is fine as they are watched enough to avoid any real issues & so I can focus on having a good time.
Hell, let's bring up ATLA, the golden calf for critics who never watched anything else in their lives without asking "Where's the Zuko though?"
Off the cuff & late at night I can name many ATLA world building issues.
The writers one hundred percent do not grasp the philosophical ideas they are trying to espouse, showing a grasp of "Letting go" almost as wrongheaded anti Jedi people.
The origins and nature of bending is inconsistent even just within the first series, being and or coming from education, gifts, blood, spirits, some combination there-of or what have you.
If we jump to Korra the Spirits themselves are weird, initially presented as physical manifestations of a given land, they instead become essentially alien invaders & stuff like the Lion Turtles, Koi, Badger moles & more are just left as ???? Plus again spiritual misunderstanding.
Or heck, one of my biggest gripes ties into the plot as well but would be the introduction of "Bad firebending" and its counterpart "Good Firebending" introduced very late in the game at season 3.
The problem with saying it was meant to be a surprise is we've seen every Bender tap into anger when bending. Toph cracks the ground, Katara broke an iceberg, Aang goes into the Avatar State, ETC.
Anger & fire was only tied to two characters, Zuko during his season 1 lashing out period & Zhao where it was specifically cited as being unique to him and something to exploit.
Worse still, we've seen people happily Firebend, Aang;s issues with Firebending comes from having too much fun, getting careless with it & accidentally burn Katara. & we have seen sad or direction-less Zuko Firebend like a champ before now.
The 'revelation' of "Good Firebending" is the wrong solution to Aang's issue cos it does nothing about fires tendency to burn, & a solution looking for a problem that had to be tailor made for it to fix & did not exist before, Zuko.
The thing is though, while I will happily harp on the last one as part of a greater collection of issues in season 3. The truth is people are not bothered by these things if they watch a show in good faith.
One doesn't even need to like a show to do this, its just part of the deal when watching fictional media that some stuff is not always going to add up perfectly.
What matters is if the writers made it interesting, feel like it fit coherently within the world and kept it consistent enough that it didn't break the story.
Which CRWBY very much do.
They created a wide, vibrant, varied and interesting world, where a multitude of stories could and do take place that can be expanded upon if one wants.
They created and kept consistent its internal logic as best as it can be conveyed to we the audience when the characters also don't know everything.
Above all they used it to tell a interesting and engaging story, where skill & strategy matter so much in combat Where its so easy to believe bandits and criminals can thrive in the wild. Where the introduction of something like the Ever After can actually fit and feel like a revelation rather than break the story!
So yeah, I really enjoy RWBY's world building :)
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sokkastyles · 6 months
Hope you are doing well. Thank you for the response on my last query. I was reading a meta about the air bender extermination, which you had reblogged in one of my older queries on TSR.
Reading it properly. I realized two things
The fact that all the air nomads were exterminated makes no sense. Were they stupid enough to not escape when they were attacked? If we are to believe none escaped, then air nomads are actually dumb.
The above also goes against the fact that Aang's Avatar training was to begin when he was 12 instead of 16, because the monks seems to have realized that the war was approaching, and he needed to be ready, which is why they tried to take Aang away from Monk Gyatso, which led to Aang running away out of fear.
This goes into LOK territory, but there are some disturbing implications of the way the Air Nomads operate. The idea that every air nomad child born will be a bender is just not possible. Heck, two of Aang's children are not air benders, so that itself throws a wrench in that idea. It also makes them similar to Ozai, if they actually held such idea (this point is never made in the shows or acknowledged in canon I think, but the idea is dangerous, and well Air Nomads are not to be idealized.)
I would like your thoughts on this.
(The meta I am referring to is; " The Airbender Extermination Is Dumbo and I Refuse to Accept It" by tumblr user @whentheynameyoujoy)
@whentheynameyoujoy's atla metas are a treasure, and I agree with the above statements. One of the big plot holes in the story is not only that the air Nomads were all exterminated in one fell swoop, despite being Nomads, something the live action adaptation tried to explain by having them all come to the Southern Temple on the night they were attacked, and Sozin purposefully planning his attack on that day. But the other thing about it is that as you say, the reason Aang was told before sixteen was because the Air Nomads knew the war was coming. They were preparing for it, to the point where they were willing to put a child's life on the line before he was ready, but they weren't prepared enough to be ready to fly away the moment a threat occurred? If we factor in the live action, this also means they decided to all have a party in the same place on the same night that they knew the people who wanted them dead would be at their most powerful.
It also just doesn't make thematic sense. These are AIR Nomads, they should be able to go wherever the wind takes them, to scatter at a moment's notice, to rise no matter how many times an attempt is made to crush them. Wouldn't that be a satisfying ending, for us to find out that like the air, there were hidden pockets that remained, permeating even the fire nation so that it would be impossible to truly defeat them. Wouldn't that also fit really well with the whole illusion of separation thing?
Which brings me to point three, or, Eugenics is Good When Good People Do It, which is actually very bad. The only way the Air Nomads only produced benders is if they did not mingle with the other nations, which makes no sense, since they were nomads, or if they somehow got rid of nonbender babies, either through dropping them off at the nearest earth kingdom orphanage (which is similar to my headcanon on what people like Ozai might do with nonbender children, or straight up infanticide, which Ozai also is a fan of.
Unfortunately the first method does not explain why there were no airbenders just hanging out in the other nations. Since we know that bending can be passed to a child from nonbender parents, then even nonbender children of air nomads would be passing on the airbender gene, and there would be nonbenders all over the Earth Kingdom suddenly giving birth to airbender children. That actually would have been another clever way to reintroduce airbenders back into the world, instead of...whatever Korra does. It also fits with theory of people like Ty Lee having air nomad blood without knowing it.
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zerothejackal · 1 year
This post contains textual TMOSTH spoilers! so if you haven't played for whatever reason... don't look!
This is still a crazy theory that mostly feels like a headcanon or whatever the fuck matpat does and calls "theories." But, hey, it still deserves to be updated!
After all, y'all seemed to like the crazy theory in its raw poorly-written state! :D
the final argument is still... not the best, and feels even MORE headcanony than everything else... but i think it's neat!
here's my hypothesis again, for those joining in late, and because that's how theorizing works:
Barry the quokka, our avatar, is a chaos user.
Now, I know what you're thinking...
"There's no proof of that bestie, bro's onto nothing 💀🔥🔥!"
well, normally I'd say:
"It's just my own silly headcanon without any support ^_^ just for fun!"
EXCEPT, there may be some evidence, in the behavior of the THINK minigames.
So what if these minigames are more real that what we're led to believe, I mean Barry is clearly not carrying his DreamGear with them, as no character ever brings it up.
my theory here is that Barry has a weakened/dormant ESP ability. Let's go through my evidence, shall we?
(and some extra stuff i noticed after writing the original post, and that other users brought up)
Evidence No.1 — The nature of the interrogation sections.
Every Interrogation section unfolds as follows:
We have Barry collect the clues (although Tails gives his own insight, Barry is always the one to notice them.)
Tails mentions that he and Barry have formed a case/hypothesis, or Tails goes directly to make an accusation or argument.
(Barry themselves progressively wonders why they are added onto the accusation with Tails)
We have to select the exact correct clue/object from Barry's inventory to support Tails' argument.
We then go through the THINK minigame so that Barry can order their thoughts.
Tails explains his argument with Barry's proof flawlessly, although Barry often lags behind during this part.
"But this isn't proof of anything--"
I believe that these "game features" can be explained in-universe through some sort of telepathy.
"But, what is it there to explain? All of that seems normal to me?"
then, my good friend, you may need to re-read!
(especially the italicized and bolded bits)
Barry is always the one to find clues and stuff—but we will go over this later. So, remember it.
And even though Barry is not often fully aware of what Tails is thinking, he always adds them to the accusation, it's always "we," and never "I."
(correct me if I'm wrong here but I don't think Tails ever excludes us once we have gathered enough clues)
And while yes, Tails is really friendly and Barry is basically playing to be the detective's assistant, maybe its because Tails notices something we don't
The game doesn't actually show Barry telling their thoughts to Tails, yet both Tails and them manage to form a flawless argument from some object or trash that was lying around.
He comments on them first to give the player insight on what we should be looking for, but Barry never really tells Tails directly what they're thinking on.
And their dialogues often evolves from a small argument being immediately supported by Tails with a stronger argument.
And look, Tails is a smart kid, we know this. But intelligence is tied to specifics. One cannot be intelligent on basically everything.
But even if, for the sake of the argument, Tails were to be smart at everything... he's still a kid. He's going to be prone to making mistakes, many times before him being a kid has overcome his high intelligence.
terrible example but, look at Forces.
But somehow Tails always has something to say during an interrogation, and almost always includes Barry even if the quokka is not adding much to the conversation.
Now, going back to "all of this can be explained with telepathy": What if Barry has been giving information to Tails with this unknown power.
And Tails, being always surrounded by chaos users, doesn't point it out because, well, he's simply used to odd shenanigans when it comes to chaos powers.
Though the part of "Barry always finds the clues" feels less of telepathy and more of something else, but the theory isn't over!
After all, my hypothesis was that Barry had an ESP ability power, but I never specified which one. So let's continue.
Evidence No.2 — Barry is somehow aware of what they should be looking for, always.
Barry is the one to always inherently notice something relevant, even if Tails is the one to point out its importance, this is shown through the game outlining with green certain objects.
While Barry probably doesn't see this outline that helps the player, they probably do notice the objects over other things—but hey, maybe they do see it, but they... think it's normal.
something like that is probably something they've never questioned before.
They are the one to also find which specific clues or people can aid to Tails' argument, this is especially noticeable on the final interrogation, where Barry has their time to shine.
this specific section, originally, was part of evidence No.1, but I think it deserved to be pointed out individually.
something, something, some sort of clairvoyance or greater awareness acting here.
But that is not all, Barry is also somehow aware of "Chaos Control," and while it could be argued that they SHOULD be aware of it, because this technique has been used to save the world several times.
What they shouldn't be fully aware of, probably, is what the technique is specifically called, for all the public knew, chaos control was just another power of Shadow and Sonic.
But given that in-universe this surprises everyone, let's assume that Barry shouldn't know of it in general. And yet they still know of it.
And talking about supernatural awareness...
That time in which Barry pointed out Espio talked on italics? Sure, its treated as a joke but... what if it wasn't entirely one?
Evidence No.3 — Barry's physical actions during THINK minigames.
there's at least one (and two debatable one) occasions on which Barry performs a seemingly physical action during a THINK minigame.
First, when barry has to distract Knuckles so that Tails can fix the machine.
Knuckles seems to be going in for the kill, and prevent Tails and Barry from seeing the score of the arcade machine, Tails tells Barry to distract Knuckles while he fixes the machine.
But then we get a THINK minigame, instead of ... anything else, which is odd, Barry should be actively preventing knuckles from advancing, not thinking.
This implies barry was doing something while thinking, and while they could've tried to hold knuckles or something, we know by previous dialogue that Barry both is weak physically and that Knux wouldn't hesistate to hurt them!
The second time, which is highly debatable, is when Sonic is breaking the doors to advance.
Sonic mentions how he's gonna need a few hits to break through the doors, but instead of just seeing a small cinematic (like the one we're shown after the minigame)
We go through another THINK minigame, and after it, Sonic breaks the door with a single spin dash, it's odd that we see this.
Not much from a gameplay perspective, sure, but still overall strange in several levels, But personally, I choose to believe Barry is somehow unconsciously giving power to Sonic!
whether it is an ESP ability or just poeer of friendship is up to debate though...
The third time is during the boss fight against the Mirage Express itself.
Not only we do not get to really see how sonic and his friends are fighting the train, but what we do see... doesn't add up, especially so with the THINK minigame we have to play.
We see the flicky which should probably be inside the train, yet we see Amy hitting the train from the outside, and the minigame itself puts us in Sonic's place outside the train?
But like the previous point, what if this was explained thanks to Barry and what they could be doing. The last fight is a THINK minigame because Barry was helping.
Do you think after being inspired by Sonic himself, Barry would just stay there cowering?
Especially seeing, seemingly, everyone fighting along? Such a strong bond between the different friends of Sonic, from Vector to Tails.
He, without probably realizing, could've helped with some power, giving Sonic the information needed to hit the train.
Or perhaps even using some psychokinesis to attack too, we really don't see what's happening, and technically we only see Amy somehow delivering a hit to a train actively moving.
So anything goes, I suppose
this point is the weakest of the whole theory, but I think it still holds some weight, especially since no one seems to point anything up.
But I like to think that Barry did something, and based on previous time's they've done odd stuff... well, I just connected two dots.
Conclusion: Barry is a psychic chaos user, and they probably don't know.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 5 months
An unhealthy basis for enjoying media
Rewatching one of my favourite video essayists' take on Avatar, and how a lot of people seem to be so emotionally invested in it to a almost religious degree. I have little investment in that show beyond its representation, but it kind of got me thinking about the times I've done the same with my favourite media. Luckily with smaller fandoms and hence with a far less toxic feedback loop, but still.
The main point she brings up is that people remember the show for what it represented, as a big, mature turning point for cartoons rather than the actually good themes about friendship and diversity in it. And I think that actually extends to worse fandom obsessions generally.
Something like Steven Universe can't be a show with legitimately great episodes next to some really terrible ideas we don't talk about. It has to be the most beautiful thing ever that will bring true art and social justice to the world.
...This probably goes for like half of left-wing YouTube and adventure fantasy shows now I'm typing it out, actually. She covers those a lot.
I don't have a point to make on those media, though. Their fandoms just reminded me of the past hyperfixations I've had that turned unhealthy: how it always ended up with deifying them into the greatest thing that ever existed in my mind, how I felt the need to vitriolically defend them against any differing takes because they were my personality.
They were a reprieve from the worst times of my life. But in retrospect that's not completely a good thing - I was using them to cope, but also avoid thinking about my issues at all.
The one I feel comfortable namedropping is the most recent one on Ninjago. I kinda just brushed it off as a result of academic pressure, but as I was reading more critique on it (and since was in therapy at that time), it eventually clicked that I'd been using it as a vector to escape thinking about my relationship with being Asian.
But it doesn't only happen from flawed media. My other major example was a game that is damn near perfect in its execution, but my interactions with it - absolutely mining it for as many ideas as I could, and spending all my time on it were just the only way I could think of to escape the crushing changes happening in my life at that point. It also lead to me having really weird headcanons and intrusive thoughts about it and not acting as considerately as I should've been around my friends at the time, both IRL and in the fandom.
I think you can almost always tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy attachments though. It just requires one moment of clarity and a bit of introspection away from the media in question.
My main advice would be... well, first consider therapy if you know you've dealt with a lot of stuff in your life. But barring that, my advice is that no one piece of art can capture the entire human experience, or even your personal entire experience. Or beliefs. Or fantasies. You should not rely on them as such.
Have multiple, varied things you like going into a hyperfixation, so you can draw on them if you need. It'll probably feel less immediately rewarding, but it stops you from feeling that you're eating yourself months in and being the living incarnation of the Boss Baby Problem.
It'll also feel more fun if you're a creator, because you can get some really original ideas by pulling totally different media together.
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shadowfiredemonwolf · 2 years
makorra were compatible with each other (korrasami has no real compatibility without korra being ooc
the notion that makorra breaking up in b2 means they could never work is idiotic ( neither of them would have worked with anyone they broke up due to mutual flaws  that led to them breaking up flaws which they overcame by book 4 ( its korra and asami who couldnt work out without korra bieng ooc in the last 2 minutes
makorra is more comparable to kataang ( and mako showed that he could support korra the way she needed it asami didnt
 I have seen people try to go well mako told raiko he did the right thing the notion that he should have just went along with korras plans when the only issue was that he didnt speak up sooner ( which is his problem he holds things in too much till they get to the breaking point  he should have confronted korra much sooner) you can be sympathetic to korras issue and acknowledge that korra was in the wrong trying to take another countrys military away
(mako sees korra the person asami only sees the avatar)
makorra is far more comparable to kataang then zutara ( mako has the same position in krew  he supports korra like katara supported aang , etc and is the talented bender) katara and mako both had some jerk moments and their flaws acknowledged and treated as such  i feel korrasami was only popular because of desire for lgbt rep and the irrational hate for mako so they shipped it to spite and punish mako for daring to have flaws which had led to asami getting hurt when mako didnt do anything that required punishment
 his flaws and mistakes were acknowledged as such bryke already handling his flaws and issues the way they needed to be people over reacted due to asami getting hurt
 sorry but korrasami is more comparable to zutara the popular same sex ship  that was popular despite not having a basis in canon
they had to twist the most minor moments to claim evidence along with piling up headcanons to try and claim a moment its evidence
the claim that korra chose asami to help her  in b3 finale when that has no basis 
and korra only smiled with her father and air babies and bolin when she was in that state
or claiming korra and asami sent each other letters  for years  when there was only one letter  sent
and it doesnt mean korra is closer to asami ( korra sent one letter to vent and put a sense of closeness ( saying that korra sent the letter  to someone she isnt concerned about  makes way more sense)
while mako talked about korra the person asami in remembrances went youre the avatar we need you which was a failure tenzin needed to comein and bring up korra the person and how she grew as a person
while mako supported korra the way she needed to be supported in the episode where they went to confront zaheer ( while asami did nothing ) which adds to the list of many reasons korrasami was a last minute retcon. censors wouldnt have prevented them from interacting or bonding  or showing a close relationship in anyway
ikkinthekitsune .  tumblr . com/post/111124581145/you-said-that-korras-dialogue-implied-she-sent
Anonymous asked: you said that korra’s dialogue implied she sent asami only 1 letter could you make a post that shows the dialogue/script for it so I can see that
It’s not directly stated, but I think reading between the lines of the letter itself and Korra’s explanation of it makes it seem unlikely that she sent more than one:
“Dear Asami, I’m sorry I haven’t written to you sooner, but every time I’ve tried, I never know what to say.  The past two years have been the hardest of my life. Even though I can get around fine now, I still can’t go into the Avatar State. I keep having visions of Zaheer and what happened that day.  Katara thinks a lot of this is in my head, so I’ve been meditating a lot, but sometimes I worry I’ll never fully recover.  Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I wrote to you and not them. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but it’s easier to tell you about this stuff. I don’t think they’d understand.”
The thing to note here is that Korra feels guilty about not writing to Mako and Bolin and says she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings, but seems to feel the need to tell someone about her fears.  Considering the circumstances, continuing to write to Asami in spite of that guilt doesn’t make much sense.
She doesn’t really offer any room for a back-and-forth discussion in her letter, in any case — she’s treating it as a confessional rather than as an opportunity to talk.  It seems more like she’s trying to explain why she hasn’t been able to respond than opening a conversation.
The other part of it is this:
“I wrote to Asami while I was away. I asked her not to tell you. I’m sorry.”
I feel like, if Korra wanted to keep up a continuous conversation with Asami, the request not to tell Mako and Bolin about it would have been phrased differently (“Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I’m writing to you and not them” rather than “I wrote”) as would the explanation (“I sent letters to Asami while I was away”).
Instead, “wrote” is in the past tense in both cases, instead of something less ambiguously repetitive, and the second one mirrors the first, which is clearly only talking about the present letter.
It’s also important to remember that there isn’t much time for her to keep up a conversation even if she wanted to do so — she went off the grid within a few months of the letter, and international mail isn’t exactly instant.
“What irks me is that it’s obvious makorra was the planned ending. there is too much build up to deny it. it’s like bryke paved a road for that ending and swerved at the last second to end with korrasami. I don’t see representation. I see sloppy writing and pandering.fantastic-nonsense answered:Honestly, based on the way the narrative seemed to be heading, I was fully expecing Korra to remain single with the possibility of rekindling the Makorra relationship (as mature adults who have retained their love for each other but have grown, are more levelheaded, and are able to deal with conflicting responsibilites) in the future. But I will agree: a grand total of six interactions post-“Long Live the Queen,” only one of which is truly non-ambiguously romantic (the finale scene), does not proper relationship build-up make. “
shippers try to claim they couldnt show more because of censors but censorship  but  as fantastic-nonsense put it
“Censorship explains why we couldn’t get a kiss and an “I love you” in the finale or blatant romantic scenes, not the utter lack of Korra-Asami interaction as a whole. They had six (to six and a half) minutes of interaction in the last season, spread out over six interactions/conversations. They’ve had nearly no on-screen interaction since “Long Live the Queen,” actually. They had the 5 second “I can come to the South Pole” convo in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused), the single letter, their interactions in “Reunions,” and then the tea scene in “Remembrances.” After that, they don’t speak again until the last two minutes of the finale. The episode after “Remembrances” is the Korra-Mako field trip to the Spirit Wilds and Zaheer’s prison and the culmination of Korra’s recovery arc. Where was Asami? She had two lines in the whole episode, and they were both to Varrick.”
 the difference is that bryke broke the narrative to force korrasami in at the last minute 
and zutara got actual moments and interactions which would say that they are close to one another
( to be frank toph x katara makes more sense then korrasami
korrasami being the only same sex ship in lok doesnt mean you are homophobic or dont care about the lgbt community  if  you dont ship it or say it shouldnt have happened good writing is more important then representation
good writing and not having a forced ship where you throw away narrative and two characters make no sense to be with each other is more important then filling a quota or publicity stunt. its more important then the genders involved ina ship  
if they wanted to have a show with a same sex ship then make another show with a same sex ship canon with actual buildup etc
like say given that they are making another avatar series they could have not done korrasami and waited for the next avatar series to have a avatar in a same sex ship which would have actual buildup
anyone who trys to go there are tons of shows with a het ship being canon are the people who ship something based on the genders involved not the people criticizing korrasami if they try to go but there are tons of shows with het ships being canon as if its relevant to legend of korra they have no place to complain about queerbaiting or say a het ship is forced.  
people arent mad that a het ship didnt become canon they are mad because korrasami was a forced last minute retcon there not being canon  it being a same sex ship is irrelevant
people would have shipped makorra even if asami was a guy ( or if korra was a guy  korrasami where korra was a guy would be generi pairing mc with a bland love interest with no screentime)
 the idea that because there are tons of shows with the het ship becoming canon instead of the same sex ship becoming canon means we should okay korrasami since there arent any canon same sex ships  in lok besides that or its the first etc is idiotic whats the most important is the characters themselves the writing ofthe story whether or not there is buildup whether the characters makes sense etc
a character or ship whose gay deserves criticism or love or support based on its own merits 
there are plenty of lgbt people who say korrasami is forced 
a same sex ship is just as viable to criticsim as a het ship thats equality
labelling anyone a homophobe/het lenses for saying otherwise makes a joke of the term
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr  . com/post/108144330446/why-do-you-think-bryke-chose-mako-as-the-one-to#notes
Anonymous asked: Why do you think Bryke chose Mako as the one to accompany Korra to Zaheer's prison - which was arguably the most climatic scene in tying up her Book 4 character arc - instead of somebody else? For such an emotion heavy point in the story I feel that they had to have made some conscious thought on who would accompany her. It could have been Asami, or even Bolin. Do you believe that they saw something that Mako offered more to her arc than the others did? I'd love to hear your opinion!
Because Korra’s relationship with Mako is the only one she had that offered her the sort of support that she needed in that situation.
None of Korra’s other friends or mentors has as much trust and faith in Korra as Mako does.  Asami’s support is a bit too insistent and she worries a bit too much for her to have done what Mako did and stepped back when Korra asked.  Bolin is… Bolin.  He’s good at cheering people up, but he’s not the one to rely on when humor isn’t called for.  Even Tenzin couldn’t have taken Mako’s role, because he’d let Korra’s long recovery get to him.
Mako, in contrast, was able to let go when Korra needed him to do so.  Korra needed to confront Zaheer on her own, and she needed to do so without having to talk her moral support down from coming in with her.  Mako was the only one who could fill that role.
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Anonymous asked: About Korra's letter to Asami and whether or not it's about Asami meaning more to Korra than anyone else: when I lost someone I cared about years ago, one of the first people I told about it was somebody who was a good friend but not one of my closest ones. This person had also lost someone and dealt with it strongly, especially for someone her age, and I knew she would understand without getting too gushy about it. It wasn't about who I "cared about more" and it definitely wasn't romantic!
Thank you for sharing your own experiences.
It makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?  If you’re dealing with something difficult and uncomfortable, talking to someone who understands (or seems likely to understand) the specific situation does a lot more good than talking to whoever you feel closest to and hoping they’ll respond in a way that actually helps.
Just because you’re closer to/romantically interested in someone doesn’t mean they’re going to be the one with all the answers.  As such, the idea that going to one particular friend for answers about something very difficult implies closeness or romantic interest just… doesn’t really comport with reality.  =/
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/117466809661/about-korras-letter-to-asami-and-whether-or-not#notes
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parfaitpuppymogai · 2 years
ₓ˚. ୭ ○◦˚. .˚ₓ☆ soft fuzzy mogai 。・:*:,。・゚☆
♡ intro & tagz, boundariez, byi, dni ♡
reqs: 0/0 - inbox closed (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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(art by aimkidblast, i dont support her beliefs regarding endos though.)
hello there!! my namez r everett, modify & fuzzy, n thiz iz my mogai blog!! i primarily uze neoz + they/them primary, and my secondary priority iz he/it!!
im nonbinary (demiboy/genderfaun/paraboy/idk + many many xxenoz)!!
sexuality wize, im vincian/gay (nwlnw), and aspec & arospec!! :3c
(yes i use the green and blue flag, and i will never not use it. if you dont like it block me.)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ coining (💕 a trick of the light to love you tonight)
♡ coining reqs (💝 although i have no arms to hold you in)
♡ themed gender liztz (💖 im not like other guys who have a surface)
♡ moodboardz/ztimboardz (💓 a shimmering puff of indistinct love)
♡ iconz (💞 whats better than the vague embrace of a soft fuzzy man?)
♡ pronoun/name suggeztionz & checkz (💌 i know it sounds crazy)
♡ chatting/misc poztz (💗 so please baby please baby step into the mist!)
♡ reblogging thingz from my old acc that im ztill proud ov (🍥 ghost town)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will KNOT do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ anything 2 do with groupz im not apart ov
♡ coining 4 harmvul/hatevul identities (exx. dream minecraft sexual, clovergender, etc)
♡ anything on the blacklizt
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ boundariez 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ due 2 my anxxiety involving death threatz n hate mezzagez n the like, i do not allow anon azkz, srry ómò (thdr@m@s amirite...) iv u want to req something anonymouzly plz dm me it!!
♡ i haz a topic blacklizt which basically has everything i revuse 2 make terms based on, plz do not suggest anything on the topic blacklizt!!
♡ le dni appliez 2 anyone who fits it, idc iv ur public abt it or not
♡ iv ur on my dni plz do not uze my termz, and do not recoin/"reclaim"/baztardize them!! (n plz do not complain abt it to me iv u r pro-endo. u already haz tonz ov alternative labelz 2 use az most ov the mogai community iz unvortunately pro-endo.)
♡ u can repozt my termz p much anywhere, EXCEPT 4 fandom wikiz. but PLZ credit me and specify that i do not want endoz uzing my termz!! (exx. "coined by softfuzzyaemogai on tumblr. the coiner is uncomfy with nontraumagenic systems using their terms.")
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ b4 u interact 。・:*:・゚☆*:・,。・:゚☆
♡ i do not tag/cw swearing/provanity, however i do tag/cw reclaimed slurz.
♡ i am a furry, iv ur uncomvy w that plz just fucking block me.
♡ iv u bring up anything on the topic blacklizt towardz me plz censor it!! /srs
♡ plz uze tone tagz when interacting
♡ iv ur gonna dm me abt anything, plz put an underztandable intro (like your virzt mezzage, or the mezzage zubject, etc). i wanna know what the mezzage iz abt,, zeeing "(no zubject)" or "we need to talk" makez me rlly anxiouz
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ do not interact iv u... 。・:*☆:・,。・:゚☆
♡ know me irl
♡ are already on bad termz w me
♡ vall under bazic dni criteria
♡ are friends w anyone on my people blacklizt. i literally CANNOT trust u iv u r :(
♡ arent gay but still engage in gay flag discourse or have "x flag users dni"
♡ you go by the namez mentioned in my topic blacklizt
♡ dream/dsmp fans
♡ dhmis avatars (regular fanz r ok, but those w avatars vrom the show make me super uncomvy)
♡ uze wrath neopronounz, such as wra/wrath/wraths. someone with those neoz haz traumatized me & it's like one ov my biggest triggerz.
♡ are tolerant/a fan ov 4ch*n, l*lc*w, kiwif*rms, etc. im zurprized thiz iznt under bazic criteria
♡ headcanon lgbt characterz as thingz they arent. for example, headcanoning a canonically gay man as a nonbinary lesbian
♡ are a lgbt f*tsihiz*r (straight ppl who read yaoi, cis ppl who like "traps/f*mb*ys", etc)
♡ are a lgbt exclus ov any kind (ex. dont think asexxualz belong in the community, think xxenogenderz r "the reason cishetz think actual trans ppl r faking", etc)
♡ heavily r*lig*ous
♡ find thingz about me obnoxiouz to the point where you feel the need to talk about it
♡ my zpecial intereztz are a trigger/dizcomvort vor you
♡ into g*recore/h*tecore
♡ fans ov fucked up media (ex. fnf vs /v/-tan mod, alfr*ds pl*yhouse)
♡ fans ov my triggerz (i wont list them publicly 4 my own savety, but i will block u myselv iv i vind out)
♡ you think cisphobia, heterophobia, racism against whites, etc. iz an actual problem
♡ you think women can be vincian/vincians can like women, or that men can be lesbians/lesbians can like men (this includes demiboy lesbians/demiboy gays)
♡ you make jokez abt traumatic things (ex. "this song slaps harder than my dad") (those who have that trauma n use humor to cope r ok)
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here iz my dni banner, it doeznt have my vull dni but doez have thingz that i believe r the mozt important. the "ae" in my name literally meanz "anti endo" so itz not my vault iv an endo reblogz it.
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r1kysblog · 1 year
Yeah know I'm not that all happy with how lok tried to compensate Ang lost, by giving him some groupy or fanclub, who dress up like his people and shaved heads as if having shaved head have any bending benefits to them, I could understand the acolyte move to appropriate if they were pure blooded devoty, but there not, there just social get together fanclub, and that mite not matter much to me, but one of the problems with how lok and the comic did was to just forced him into a collective group, its almost like the show said were gonna kill ur people and then you can be apart of a new group, and all the knowledgeand wealth you can train and teach these people, noo noo he's literally the last of his people, until his children, NAHHH I'd rather Ang had start a new nation, one built on his new power, ENERGY BENDING we could have had a new form of bending based on unity, and literally chill the fk out on the whole Avatar reincarnation circle, it's My headcanon that if Ang had passed energy bending on those hearty devote then they would have been more powerful then a single Avatar, ANG life power, legacy and influence would last forever, because these energy bender would be creating many possibilities for the world, it only takes one energy bender to create or influence the other nation, My guy Ang is so goated for the possibility that he is,he doesn't need to bring back his people, he just needs to keep the Avatar alive, so if he gave energy to only the dedicated and the ones with the right quality, then the Avatar circle could either live on or gracefully retire and let humanity decide there fate
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majorannah · 7 months
Can't reblog a really good post about Zuko taking shots at Aang's culture, so I'll just copy-paste it:
ok this was just meant to be a silly post, but might as well get into it. It's not that I can't understand why Zuko being racist is realistic, I know it is, but what value does it have to the story genuinely?
I was talking to another fan, apart of another fandom, about racism portrayed in fiction. Writers love the "realism" of racism esp from their "redeemed" characters spouting racist remarks to their new found family. But what about the "realistic" reaction of those on the receiving end? Y'know the victims? Do they not get hurt? Do they never punch back? We go from a group of heroes fighting against injustice, to them twiddling their thumbs as their new "friend" calls them slurs as a nickname (and yes, I've seen it in atla fandom).
And that's how I feel about Zuko's racism in the show. It's actually frustrating cause every time fans bring up that aspect of Zuko's character, it always get redirected to "it's good for his arc! Its benefits for his character!" What do I care! I'm not bringing up his racism to center him. Where's the focus on how it's good for the other characters to suffer like this? Does it benefit their arcs?
The scenes I was thinking of when I wrote this post was when Zuko diminished the role the monks had in Aang's life (right after finding out they all died) compared to his biological father (lol), and when he mocked Aang's culture again in TSR. And you know what I think? That's there's barely a difference between these scenes.
The things he says is never addressed outright. His attitude is never confronted as a genuine issue. And it's wild because the gaang reacted far more to less injustice in the past. These kids would be angrier at being teased by their friends and weren't afraid to put their foot down at outright discrimination, only to be made "diplomatic" towards their so called "reformed" member. While we're taught Zuko is changing and to keep less expectations, are we also taught you can't call out your friend or be angry whenever they insult your culture?
You said so yourself, the show didn't have any time to dive into it (say compared to issues he had with his family) or get him to actually CHANGE. And if Zuko is becoming a better person (a bit late if he's pulling this crap all the way to the finale) then why not have him face consequences of his words? Why not have him outcasted by the group momentarily and have his views be challenged, why not show him struggle with criticism and then learn to accept it? Y'know, if he really wants to change?
so yeah @ I agree, there's a racism problem in the fandom. I was actually thinking a while ago, about some fans that believe Zuko's in the right for what he said, for whatever justifications the plot has. So why have they not questioned the fact that the writers choose to write a victim of genocide be ignorant and wrong for holding onto his culture, and that he should get reprimanded for it by the prince of the nation who committed said genocide? But instead we get fan headcanons of Zuko teaching Aang how to "correctly" be a monk, by knowledge he stole from the air temples when he was still in pursuit of the avatar, intending to finish the genocide for once and for all.
The problem with Zuko's portrayed bigotry in the later season is how people focus on his feelings first and that the audience and the characters should be considerate towards him, instead of the characters on the receiving end of his comments and how they are allowed to react. How we naturally expect grace and forgiveness from them so it can be a teachable moment for Zuko, or else, if they had reacted in angry or annoyance, they simple wouldn't have been good victims. How so many of the "brilliant moments" to show Zuko still needs to unlearn his mindset has him insult the gaang while they remain deaf and don't react at all to what he's saying or doing.
But I think it would be better in the future if fans stop using a character's racism to center them in discussions, and instead think how it's good or rather necessary for the characters involved. Enough of hearing fans saying they see themselves in "redeemed" characters, and more questioning if it was worth having fans of color to go through the show with discomfort without any resolution or condemnation from the narrative.
(Just to be clear @ I'm not annoyed by your response (it's better than most), I'm actually glad cause it gave me an opportunity to talk about this.)
#and there are other instances of zuko acting out of pocket with other characters not just aang#like calling people peasant or dirty or talking down to suki and katara as 'little girl'#but i always felt unlike the b1 circumstances that show he clearly in the wrong and needs work#b3 has him repeat his actions with no consequence and now its like ok…..#maybe showing him change should have taken priority! before telling us he should rule the fn lol#this is critical to both the fandom and the show#cause its silly that they had the time to put racism in but not enough time to actually confront it#…i guess it wasn't that great of an b plot after all 😔#atla#retracing atla#zuko#racism#no fn character is exempt
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
hello amazing talented writer!!!! i believe ur requests are open right now (if they aren't pls ignore this) !! i was wondering if you could do head cannons for the obey me brothers with an mc who really wanted to show them how much they loved them, so they give them the biggest bear hug possible and keep telling them how much they appreciate them? idk if there is a character limit, so of you want to include the dateables that would be marvelous! thank you for having such an amazing blog and working so hard 💖😌
Brothers with a Lovebug GN!MC (Headcanons)
A/N : This was so cute! So cute! I loved writing it! All the brothers deserve love and appreciation. Thank you so much for requesting it and thank you thank you thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them and I appreciate you <3
He wasn’t completely touch starved, well.. Not anymore since he met you, but hugs still kind of threw him off sometimes. He just wasn’t used to it, no matter how many times you hugged him, although he did love the feelings.
When you came up to him and hugged him this time, it was different than most of the other hugs, it was tight and warm, and it was almost as if he could feel all of your love for him pouring out in this one single hug and… well… he loved it. He loved the feeling of it. It made him feel warm, it was… strange but endearing. But then you started telling him how much you appreciate him, and while he already was aware that you did (that’s just him being prideful though), he loved hearing it from your lips. It was enough to actually make him smile, and he was so wrapped up in the warmth that your words and his touch made him feel that he almost forgot to hug you back… almost.
His arms snaked around you, holding you closer against him. He didn’t want to lose the warm feeling that you gave him, he didn’t want to let you go.
“Thank you, dear. Please, don’t hesitate to… do this more often.”
If there was anyone who deserved this, it was him. He’s so under appreciated in the house, he’s always getting picked on, the guy can never seem to catch a break. The only time he actually feels like he’s noticed for the good things that he does is when he’s with you, hence why he’s always following you around and trying to be as close to you as possible. He just really needs it.
The bear hug was, needless to say, very unexpected for him. Sure, he’s used to being hugged by you, and yes, he loves being hugged by you… But this hug was amazing to him. It was tight, and it wasn’t just any regular hug, it was like you were holding onto him, and this may have just become his preferred method of hugs. These kinds of hugs are by far the best hugs to get. He almost couldn’t focus on what you were saying until he realized that you were telling him that you appreciate him… and… wow. That was the only thing he could think when he heard you, and it didn’t seem like you were anywhere close to being done.
He held you tighter, resting his head on top of yours, and yes, he did start crying although he’s going to deny that he is… just don’t bring it up.
“That’s really sweet of ya, babe… And I ain’t cryin’... yer hair jus’ got in my eye… tell me more?”
He is very touch starved, and although people around the house appreciate him, he’s always down on himself anyway. He’s always down on himself, and even when you are there to tell him why you love him, his thoughts are just very pessimistic. He needs this just as much as Mammon does.
The sound he made when you first wrapped your arms around him was a mix between a scream and a squeal. He definitely wasn’t expecting it, but he wasn’t against it either. He didn’t know that he needed it until it was already happening, but he really appreciates the hug. When you started telling him that you appreciate him and how much you appreciate him, his face turned the brightest shade of red. It was strange to him because he didn’t really know that he did that much for you to even appreciate, but he really liked hearing you say it. At least he knows that he’s doing something right and that he’s making you happy.
He’s so happy, it’s off the charts, and he doesn’t want the hug to end, ever. It’s the best feeling in the world to be appreciated.
“I-I’m… Thank you… Y-You’re the best… Really… I-I appreciate you too…”
Being loved and appreciated never seemed important to him before. These were things he could live without, he was thriving off of being hateful and unappreciative towards Lucifer. Deep down though, even if he didn’t ever want to admit it, acknowledge it, or even know about it… He needed these things.
He heard you coming. Let’s be fair, this man memorized the sounds of footsteps of everyone in the house so he can act accordingly based on whoever was even coming close to his room. He was ready for you to come in, the smile already on his face, his book already set down to welcome you with open arms. What he wasn’t ready for was the bear hug that you rushed in to give him. He was not ready at all, but damn if he didn’t love it. He loved hearing your words of appreciation too, and he was going to memorize every single thing that you said, just so he could think about it later.
He really did need this, as someone who mainly only ever feels wrath, hatred, annoyance… You’re the only thing that really brings him pure happiness.
“You’re making me soft, kitten… Not that I mind it. I’ve got all the time in the world to keep doing this.”
The complete opposite of Satan, love and appreciation are so very important to him. But, he receives these things all the time from strangers, and sometimes, well, most times, it never feels genuine. These things have lost almost all of their meanings to him, it almost seemed pointless because of how repetitive it’s become.
There was something different receiving love and appreciation from you though. It was real, there was emotion behind it, something that could never be picked up or trusted over the internet through random comments. Of course he loved the hug, the tighter, the closer the better. He wasn’t actually… used to getting hugs like that. It felt special to him, and when the words of appreciation came, he felt special. Being loved by the entire Devildom will never feel as good as being loved by you. You made him feel like more than just his avatar, and that means so much more to him than looks or likes.
Yes he cried, and no he didn’t try to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of his emotions, and he wanted you to know that what you said made him feel good enough that he actually cried.
“Oh… You’re… I’m gonna mess up my face but… It’s okay. You’re so sweet, I could just kiss you, darling.”
He knows what love is, because he loves you and he loves all of his brothers. He knows what appreciation is because he appreciates you, and appreciates everything that his brothers do for him. He’s pretty sure that his brothers love and appreciate him back, and he knows without a doubt that you love and appreciate him… especially after the hug.
The hug, which was nice, and really cute to him. He was always the one giving you the bear hugs, so to be on the receiving end felt really nice. It’s not something that he’s used to, but his eyes, his entire face even, it lit up. Being told that he’s appreciated though, it’s way different from just feeling appreciated. Those words meant so much to him, he probably won’t be able to stop smiling about it for weeks. He’ll probably tell all of his brothers about it too, well, not even probably, he’s definitely going to tell all of his brothers about it. This is a really big thing to him.
He’s just so happy, beyond happy, ecstatic even. He loves and appreciates you so much, and feeling that same amount of love and appreciation returned, it’s amazing, it feels like he just won a football game.
“I’m happy you feel the same way, honey… You’re really special to me… I love you.”
He puts on a big front that he doesn’t care if anyone loves him or appreciates him, but he just doesn’t want to be seen as weak, and feelings to him are a sign of vulnerability. Plus, those feelings just make attachments stronger and if something bad were to happen, it’ll be harder for him to move on and get over it.
Hugs were weird enough to him, so bear hugs weren’t any less weird, it caught him off guard. He just stood there for a second before finally relaxing in your arms. He loved you, and while he didn’t say it as much as he probably should, he realized that sometimes words weren’t needed to get that feeling across. He could feel all of your love through that hug, and it made him feel… good. When you started telling him you appreciate him… and just how much you appreciate him… that was shocking. He didn’t know what you could possibly be appreciative of considering everything that’s happened and how he was towards you. He’s always felt like a fuck up, like everything bad that’s ever happened was his fault, so to hear that he’s appreciated was strange, he almost couldn’t wrap his head around it.
He wasn’t going to cry, not in front of you, but he definitely felt like he was about to. He’s gotta make an excuse to get you out of the room long enough to get the sniffles out without you noticing.
“You’re such a dork… Go get your pillows and blankets from your room. I want to cuddle with you.”
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sweetsimp · 2 years
Just a Human (Mammon x Reader)
trying to get back in the groove of writing fanfiction hehe but i read A CERTAIN SOMEONE'S HEADCANON AND I WAS LIKE "yeah i gotta bring this ol idea of mine to light now"
summary: The reader is anxious about a few things regarding their relationship. Mammon tries his best to make them feel better.
mammon x self-conscious gn reader
(not proofread)
You would be lying if you said it didn't bother you that your demon boyfriend would outlive you. Falling in love with the avatar of greed and one of the rulers of hell seemed like a blessing, but despite all that, there was always an unnerving thought growing in your mind.
You always tried to cover up the anxious thoughts clouding your mind with sweet things and endless affection from your cute, tsundere boyfriend. None of it seemed like enough, and every time he kissed you and almost spontaneously combusted, you felt yourself wanting more. He was perfect. He never failed to make you happy.
It was a shame that happiness would only last as long as the average human lifespan, which was about seventy years, give or take.
At first, those thoughts never occurred to you until you heard a few demons talking about it in the halls. Your relationship with Mammon was unbelievable to almost everyone who found out about it, and the demons especially liked to gossip about it and give their thoughts. Mammon always said they didn't matter-- which was true-- but some of them brought up good points.
You were a young adult, and in enough time, your hair would start to turn grey and your skin would wrinkle. More signs of aging would show and thus the hourglass of life would soon run out of sand. Human life was short, and death was inevitable. The Avatar of Greed, however, would probably stay an absolutely breathtaking, attractive young demon till the end of time-- or whatever the lifespan was for a demon, especially for someone like Mammon.
Mammon was not only one of the rulers of hell and one of the most powerful demons in the entire devildom, but he was also your first everything, the one to steal your heart and keep it for himself, and a famous model that also had the power to steal the hearts of many more (but Mammon never cared about anyone that wasn't you so it never really mattered to him anyway).
"Have you ever seen them? Please." A demon snickered to their friend while you pretended not to hear them while you were responding to a text on your DDD just around the corner. "Humans are weak, so they'll die anyway. Mammon will forget about them after a year, probably."
"I heard humans get all old and ugly. He'll forget about them way before then."
Lowering your phone, you realized that you've never thought of that before. He'd stay young and attractive and you'd grow old and senile. Would he still like you once you've gotten too old?
"I honestly hope he notices me, maybe I can convince him to ditch that human for me. At least I'd live longer, right?"
"Not if I'm here. He'll have to forget about that human once I get him to notice me."
Looking at the time on your DDD, you realize its getting late. A sigh escaped your lips when you realized that you'd never sleep now that a storm of intrusive thoughts sneaked its way into the spotlight inside your mind. You wondered if Mammon was asleep, but worried that he'd get annoyed with you if you woke him up or disturbed him if he was in the middle of something important.
Was that what you were? A bother? Did you bother him? He always seemed so annoyed with you, and it was so hard to determine if any of those times were genuine. Deep inside, you knew he was just a tsundere and not to take him too seriously when he got all flustered and shouted out a bunch of nonsense he didn't mean, but it was hard not to when you were just a stupid little human. What did you really know?
Mammon was going to get sick of you. Maybe he was already sick of you. Oh god, was he sick of you? Were you annoying?
Staring up at the ceiling opened the gate for daydreams that were nightmares in disguise. Your heart dropped a little, and it almost felt like someone was squeezing it once you imagined the worst case scenario: hearing Mammon laugh and talk about how stupid his human s/o was for thinking he ever loved them. Thinking about Mammon laughing behind your back at you brought tears to your eyes. It wasn't that you really thought he was that awful, but how could you compare to him? There weren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how amazing he was.
Hot tears made their path down your face, soon letting enough tears through to make a river. Not long after, quiet sobs emitted from your mouth and that plushie on the bed seemed so comforting right now, despite not being enough to make the tears stop flowing. The desire to go see Mammon grew, but you didn't want to be a bother.
Not like that would matter, considering the white-haired greedy demon burst into your room. He closed the door quietly as to not alert his other brothers, who would also probably come in and ruin this moment you'd have together.
He was dying to see his favorite human, but they didn't know that and he definitely wasn't going to admit it. That was, not until he saw them crying. The smile on his face dropped and he immediately rushed over to sit next to them.
"Hey, what's wrong?" His voice softened, "Why are ya cryin'? Did someone hurt you? Who the hell was it?! I'll kill em for ya."
He gently placed his hand on their arm, feeling his heart shatter once he realized his partner was too upset to form any words. Mammon grabbed the human and brought them into a warm embrace.
"It's okay, just let it out."
Was this what you were supposed to do when you were comforting someone? It wasn't like he was ever the go-to when it came down to making someone feel better. Usually, he was the one that needed to feel better, and that was what his human did. That was one of the reasons he loved them so much.
Seeing the love of his life in such despair made his heart shatter, and all he could do was rub their back.
"I-I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asked, rubbing their shoulder.
When MC's lip quivered as they tried to provide him with an answer, they just bit their lip and shrugged. Mammon got desperate to know what was going on and tried to fill in the silence.
"This ain't about all that stuff I said earlier, is it?" Mammon scratched the back of his neck, "I mean, sometimes you.. I mean you know you get me all riled up sometimes right? So I get nervous and say a lotta stuff I don't mean... Did I say something?"
"Was it about you owing me money for that shopping trip earlier? You know I was jokin', right? You don't have to- I mean I like grimm but you don't have to get all upset over-"
"No," MC said just a bit louder. They were still speaking just above a whisper, but he could still hear it enough to know how hurt they felt about something, but it frustrated him that he couldn't figure it out. "No, it's not... I mean, it's not anything you did. I just..."
Once they calmed down enough to talk, they began gathering up the inner strength to confess.
"I just- I mean... I'm just a human." They took in a sharp breath, refusing to look him in the eye, "You're a demon. You're gonna live till like, forever. You walk two steps into RAD and you get demon fans fawning over you like it's nothing, you know? You're so wonderful, and I'm..."
"The hell are you talkin' about, MC?" Mammon turned red from the praise. "I-I mean, I know I'm great and all but you're freakin' amazing, you know that? I know I don't say this enough, but I think the world of ya. Y-You're... you're everything to me."
"I'm just a human, though," MC sniffed. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna grow old and one day I won't be here anymore and you're gonna forget about me and-"
Mammon grabbed MC by the shoulders to look them in the eye. His heart shattered when he thought of them dying one day, and it was something he never thought about- whether that was because he just never considered it or because he didn't want to consider it, he didn't know. How he felt, however, was irrelevant right now.
"Listen to me, MC. You're the most wonderful, most amazing, most breathtaking person to come into my life, you know that? It doesn't matter if you're a human, or a demon, or some secret angel in disguise. I'm freakin' in love with ya. I think of you every single day, even when you were in the human realm, especially when you were in the human realm," He told them, feeling tears well up in his eyes. Passion sparked something within him that made it seem like all his fears vanquish. "I think of you when I go to bed at night, when I wake up, when I go into class and when I get outta class. I think of you when I beat someone at a card game, I think of you when I'm earnin' grimm, I think of you when I buy shit, I think of you when I'm getting chased by witches and when I'm gettin' hung up by Lucifer. You're all over my fucking mind, do you realize that?"
"And sure," Mammon continued. "It sucks but you'll grow old and... you know- but that doesn't matter, okay? You're not there yet, are ya? You're still MC now and you'll still be MC after a thousand years and you'll always be the stupid human I love, got it?! You can bet your sweet ass I'm not gonna say that to anyone else, and you better be grateful that the Mammon told you that personally cause it ain't gonna happen again! I love ya, damnit!"
Mammon's face heated up, and he swore he felt like he was gonna pass out or faint or throw up because of how nerve-wracking it was to admit all of that at once- but if it would make it his human feel better, he'd say it a thousand times over again until they got it in their head. He held MC close to him.
"I... I've never had anyone that's made me feel this way," he mumbled. His face was still red, but he didn't mind so much because it made MC stop crying. They were absolutely speechless. "I love you, okay? Doesn't matter what anyone else says or what my stupid brothers say. You'll still be my human even in a million years, even in a trillion years, so don't go around putting those thoughts into your head."
"Thank you," MC whispered, wrapping their arms around him. They felt tears drop on them, but chose not to say anything so the two could enjoy the sweet embrace. "I love you, Mammon."
"I love ya too. Don't forget it, okay?"
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fficway · 3 years
I had to put this somewhere as this has been living rent free in my head for the past week, so here it is:
Obey Me Brothers, and Their Preferred Sexual Positions/Kinks!
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
This is written as headcannons and MC is Gender Neutral!
Firstly, Lucifer is definitely a switch.
He's a dominant person normally, but during Guest Appearances he enjoys when MC whips him, AND he's always willing to call MC "Master" when it comes up
Next, when everyone was sucked into Levi's game, Lucifer skipped classes because Diavolo wasn't in that world and he enjoyed the freedom
SO!! This makes me think he has fantasies of slacking off from his work as he pleasures you 👀
Specifically: it gives him a rush knowing that he's purposely not working just to fuck you, with the possibility of getting caught any time!
If you fuck in his office, he's the dom, no question!
He is still a work driven demon, so it would take some time pushing his buttons to get him to that point of abandoning his responsibilities
You do so by teasing him or by playing the sexy aloof card to get him almost drooling
If you fail, the worst that would happen is he would dismiss you from his office and punish you later in the bedroom when he's finished.
But if you succeed...
Your prize (punishment) will be Lucifer's favorite position:
You splayed across his desk, papers scattered everywhere as he rails you!
He'll first lock the door to give you a "proper lecture," and the look in his eye would make your lovely areas heat with excitement
He'll have you bent over his desk, pounding into you while lecturing you
Throwing in some degradation and spanking as he pleases (and it pleases you)
He loves to hear you get loud with his name on your tongue. He wants everyone in the House of Lamentation to KNOW your his, and being fucked good in his office.
Its also a dare for anyone to try to interrupt the two of you and reap the consequences
I repeat: Purposely slacking off from his work to rail you is such a rush for him
Of course, he also enjoys being pleasured from you under his desk as he works too ;)
For the Bedroom: I think Lucifer would def have a bondage kink (you or him wearing it, it doesn't matter to him!)
He is responsible with the after care as well!
It's literally a character trait of his that he's greedy. I mean, he IS the Avatar of Greed!
He's also a Tsundere who gets flustered easily!
So, Mammon always wants more of everything! You give him a kiss on the cheek, he'll want one on the mouth.
"How do you expect that to be enough to satisfy the great Mammon! That isn't nearly enough" (of course he says this with a blush as his Tsundere self can't just ASK for another kiss!)
So you give him a kiss on the lips.
Then another.
Then some tongue action.
Then his kisses will wander to your neck.
"More. I want all of you MC. Every inch. I want you to be mine"
HOWEVER! He would never push you to do anything you don't want to do or aren't ready for!!
Now going onto his favorite position 😏
Its canon that he likes to have things easily without having to work, so he'd love it if you ride him from on top!
He loves where he can see as much of you as possible! He wants to take all of you in!
Mammon is very vocal about what he wants from you during your sexy time!
As for his bedroom talk, his tsundere self would normally beat around the bush when he's trying to be honest, but once he's in an intimate position with you, he'd be showering you with all of the secret thoughts and feelings he has of you that he'd normally hide!
His hands would wander every inch as he'd praise your body
He would kiss you where he could and tell you about how much he adores you
When you talk to him, he'd definitely have a praise kink!
Being lectured by his brothers all the time just gets frustrating to him, and even if it were consensual, he wouldn't prefer being degraded sexually because this is the moment when he's the most honest and vulnerable with you
(Though I'm not saying he wouldn't like it every now and then 👀)
If you told him how great he is, and how amazing he makes you feel, he would be THRILLED
He wants you to feel as amazing as you are
He would be vocal through the entire thing, but as for volume, even though he normally has a loud mouth, he'd probably keep it down as he wouldn't want Lucifer interrupting you two 😂
Mammon on top would definitely bring out his true demon form, and he'd get more bossy with telling you what "more" he wants from you ;)
Of course he would push for aftercare in the most tsundere way
"You probably can't walk after I made you feel so good, so let me get what you need to clean up" (Face RED)
He loves cuddles and for you to fall asleep on his chest :3
(He also totally drools in his sleep!)
This Otaku would totally be into role playing xD
Would have you dress as one of his favorite characters (if you're willing)
At first he'd be so out of it trying to comprehend if this blessing of you in front of him is real life or not before ending up too nervous to do much at first.
So, you end up with a foreplay reward system as he plays his video games to comfortably ease into it!
The more he wins, the more action he gets ;D
From kissing, to groping, to giving him a blow job as he plays his games until he can't take it
Which leads to his favorite:
Shower Sex!
As Leviathan, the aquatic demon, he'd feel most comfortable (and feel like you have more privacy)
To him it feels like he gets to be closer to you
He loves to be able to touch you all over as you fuck
This boy is LOUD!!
(This is canon, we all know this xD)
As for vocal kinks, this Otaku would probably love it if you used allusions to his favorite games in some sexy way
"Like Ezio, I'm great from behind and above"
"I know my way around the cleft of dimension, want me to show you?"
"Are you up for a little tactical insertion?"
He'd also love skinny dipping and fucking you in pools and lakes too for sure! ;3
You can clean up easily in the shower afterwards!
Cuddles!!! (You replace his body pillow! What a privilege!)
It is no question this man has a LOT of experience
He loves it every which way and more!
He's all for the Vanilla but LIVES for the kinky stuff
Praise kink to the GODS!
As long as you're admiring him, he is happy!
He doesn't need a scene set to get to business, he's ready to go anytime!
Which is why its more than likely his favorite sex is Public Sex.
He loves to share with the world the art of sex and the beauty that is the two of you in intercourse!
This of course would depend on your comfort! If you wanted to keep your sexual encounters private, he would oblige!
He's a pleaser!!
He loves admiration, and he loves sex, so as long as you're happy with how he's fucking you, and you're vocal about it, he is pleased himself!
Position-wise, I think whatever is your favorite is what he'd be ready and willing to do!
Basically any and every kink he loves, and is more than willing to be the top or bottom!
He can go for MANY rounds!
((@mogmoe drew their headcanon for what the brothers' tongues would look like while in their full demon forms and gave Asmo tentacle tongue so do with that as you will ;3))
(Sorry this seems kinda vague but I mean anything you can think of he's probably already done it and more, and enjoys every bit of it!)
With how this man wants to be seen as an individual and not just a prior part of Lucifer, he wants to be SEEN during sex!
He's a dom! He can blush and act shy and all normally, but in the bedroom he is totally dominant!
Would definitely have some hot angry sex with you given his temper!
Pushing you up against a wall and fucking you stupid
Splay you across his book clad floor or toss you on the bed to rail you
But you always have to be looking at him!
"Who's the one fucking you right now?"
Loves hearing you say his name!
He'll kiss you every time just to taste his name coming off of your tongue
He also reads a ton of books, so this man has read his fair share about how to pleasure his partner properly ;)
No matter if you're on the bed or against the wall, you have to stay wrapped around him!
He wants to know how much you want him!
He'll deny you your orgasm to make you beg him and say his name
He'll eventually let you have your relief and loves if you'll hold him close as you do
Sweet forehead kisses after you both finish as he praises you
Proper aftercare! Whatever you need, he's sweetly obliging
He'll love to fall asleep in your arms! :)
First of all, this man almost never stops eating
He'll give you plenty of affection, but he'll usually be stuffing his mouth or snacking as he does.
But he's not neglectful! It's just his nature as the Avatar of Gluttony that he's always hungry!
So you play into this so that he enjoys the process as you get him in the mood 👀
Using whatever treat you like to eat, you eat it in front of him, but only have the smallest portion possible (for example, maybe just two or three pieces of candy)
Of course he'll ask for a piece, so that's when you'll hit him with "Oh I'm sorry Beel, but that was the last one"
Before he has a chance to get sad about it (or you can wait until he pouts since he's adorable) you offer to share the last piece
Naturally he'll want to share it
But its already in your mouth ;)
He'll shyly kiss you to get a taste of the treat off your lips
"So soft"
He'll kiss you again, but this time with a flick of his tongue
He'll make another remark, but this time about the taste of the treat
"I want to taste more"
Cue the tongue action!
If the treat is still in your mouth, prepare to fight to keep it
If it isn't still in your mouth, he'll explore every inch to taste what's left of it
This man uses his mouth muscles to eat pounds of food every day, so he is a fantastic kisser!
He'll get so invested in the taste of you that he forgets about the treat altogether
This is where it gets steamy 😏
He wants his mouth everywhere
On your neck
Your chest
Your shoulders
Your stomach
There's not much sex talk from him because his mouth is always busy on you, but he makes plenty of comments to compliment you and your body!
Eventually, he'll want to taste the best parts of you 😏
His favorite: having his mouth on your nether regions ;)
He'll get so invested that he'll accidentally transform into his true demon form
((@mogmoe 's headcanon for Beel's tongue while in his true form was large like the size of a cow's tongue, so I'm playing off that!))
If you're a person with a vagina, his large tongue will be pumping in and out to taste every inch of your walls/If you're a person with a penis, he'll suck you like a popsicle to get your juices, and you know he can deep throat with no issue
If you like getting your ass eaten, he'll do that too
All the while you hold onto his horns like handle bars as he works his magic tongue and mouth
He doesn't have a preference for how you talk during sex, but if you praise him, it would definitely make him happy and encourage him to do more for you!
If you want to get him off too, he definitely loves 69ing!!
It feels to him as if you're both sharing a meal together, but in a more special and intimate way!
Afterwards, he would be super sleepy. He'd pull you close and be like a very large teddy bear cuddling up to you.
(Though he would wake up later for some midnight snacks!)
I can already tell you now: Lazy Fucking!
This man loves to cuddle as much as possible!
He'll sleep with his head in your lap, he'll fall asleep on your shoulder, he'll spoon you (little or big, it doesn't matter to him!)
If he wants to get steamy after waking up with his head in your lap, he'll start to work with his mouth as his face is already down there
If he wakes up with his head on your shoulder, he'll start lazily kissing along your neck
During cuddling, his hands will mindlessly wander. He may reach back to get handsy if he's the little spoon. Or he might grind on you a little while kissing your neck from behind if he's the big spoon.
But his favorite: lazily fucking you from behind
Laying on top of you, his chest pressed to your back, his hand intertwined with yours, all as his dick slowly pumps in and out of you
He would whisper sweet praises to you, maybe tell you about what he dreamed while he was asleep!
His other hand would help to assist with your pleasure.
He probably would be too tired for aftercare, but for you he's always willing to do it!
Of course more cuddling will follow!
I dont know if it's obvious but I'm still kinda new to Obey Me! I'm in chapter/lesson 13, so if some of these seem OOC, please let me know! This is my first time publishing headcanons, or rather any of my writing in general, so let me know what you think!
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sugrbugz · 3 years
nsfw alphabet!
hello girls and gays it’s been awhile ;p here’s my first writing works for obey me! here’s the first one for the set of dateables!!
first up: asmodeus!! 💗🌸
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i feel like asmodeus would love aftercare specially because he would show off all his cute face masks he has. he would love baths, love them. he’d let you pick out the bath bombs you use, help you put on a face mask, and wind down with a hot bath and a glass of wine
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
listen. i feel like asmo would WORSHIP a nice ass. it doesn’t matter who it’s on. something he can squish, smack, pinch, hold: he’d love it. as for himself, come on now. he loves every part ;)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
as the demon of semen, he’d love cumplay in my opinion. he’d love to cum on you, in you, around you, anywhere really. the idea of cum itself is enough to drive him wild.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I HAVE A THEORY!! because he’s the avatar of lust, he would have some pretty taboo kinks he’s ashamed of. i don’t think asmo could kink shame or ever would, but he’d definitely be into some unconventional things
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
come on. this one answers itself.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he isn’t very goofy but he is rather cocky, he does crack the occasional joke but it’s always at your expense.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
the carpet doesn’t match the drapes because asmo would be completely shaven. he has no problem with body hair, however he himself likes to be hair free out of his own preference.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
it’s honestly a mixture. it’s all depending on the moment. if it calls for romance he can be super alluring, but we all know this.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he doesn’t do it often since he always has a few succubus at his disposal, however, if he was in a relationship and didn’t have access to his partner? jesus christ let’s just hope no one questions the bags on bags of used tissues.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
the limit does not exist. however, he’s love bdsm, forced feminization, and cockwarming. just to name a few.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his giant ass bathtub (pool as i like to call it) and of course the night clubs you guys go too ;)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
i feel like confidence is the big seller, he’d love it so unbelievably much. asmo is always confident, so to have a partner that matches that confidence? bingo.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that ruins the skin such as knife play, heavy scaring and such, and of course the things that involve bodily fluids.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he’s so fucking good at it. he loves giving head, it’s like a hobby to him. he doesn’t care what’s in his mouth as long as his partners satisfied.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is whatever you want him to be, that’s the beauty of asmodeus.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn’t mind them at all. however, he does prefer to take his time on occasion.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
oh absolutely. he would love fucking around, testing the limits to see just how far he can go.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go?)
i would say 6 at max
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
asmo wouldn’t be afraid of bringing toys into the bedroom. he doesn’t feel inferior to them, rather he sees them as an opportunity to lust after him more.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
an insane amount. don’t even try to be serious with him, he’s such a cocky little shir
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
i think asmo would be rather loud. he wouldn’t be able to control his noises and moans i think. he would also be super whiny and high pitched!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
asmo is a big big fan of marking on his s/o. he wouldn’t like them too much on his own skin because he believes it would compromise his own complexion! but you? you’re free game. he wants people to know about the evening you shared.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i full believe he goes commando or wears expensive lingerie. a nonbinary icon.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
next question.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i think he’d start getting sleepy after your relaxing aftercare bath and body session!! lots of snuggles nude…before he wakes up and wants to go again.
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hello!! i hope you enjoyed!! <3 i love writing asmo since he’s one of my highest kins!
- find my obey me content here! -
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