#this started as a random joke i made on a discord server and i ended up genuinely putting effort into this
ask-caine · 5 months
ok ok what’s yours and moons love story. Beginning to end
It's a bit of a crazy story, actually!
We originally met online through TADC, when she messaged all the Caine accounts she could find for a shitpost "wedding" thing. We ended up hitting it off and talking about random things for a while. It started with my random fact about Kentucky marriage laws and how a couple used them to get married by cocaine bear (hence the below picture)
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We ended up learning about a shared interest in plague doctors, as well as discussing several very random topics. Anyways, she invited all the Caines to a discord server, and I ended up being the only one who actually showed up. We would end up talking for hours upon hours day after day there. It was genuinely shocking how much we had in common.
At this point, I had been kinda been picking up on some of the flirtatious undertones behind some of the things she was saying, but I wasn't 100% sure about it yet and was still kinda testing the waters. I'd heard the term love at first sight, and looking back on it, that's pretty much what it felt like. I had been developing a crush on her up to this point, and I kept thinking about her as I was getting ready for bed. I had to keep stopping myself from falling head over heels, reminding myself we barely even knew each other and telling myself "no, she's just being nice. Don't be weird, there's nothing behind this, she's just being friendly."
...As it turned out, she wanted to be a little more than friends... Given my feelings up to this point, I was a little overwhelmed when she told me. I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts, to process everything (hence her jokes about me pulling a Caine and running away). But I liked her, too, and was willing to try a long-distance relationship. So, that's what we did.
It was only a few days after we first got together officially that I told her I loved her. It just felt right. Apparently I caught both of us off-guard with it, since she was sure that she'd be the one who would've said it first. ...We both dived in a little too headfirst from there. From my side of things, it was just so exciting and exhilerating to have this feeling I'd been searching for all my life, and I wanted more of it. We took a step back and both agreed to try and take things at a more reasonable pace from here on out.
We ended up learning a lot about each other. It was like we were the same person, split apart and put in two entirely different situations but turning out the same way anyway. ...This similarity became concerning when we realized we both had the same last name, as well as the fact that we both had Scottish ancestry. But, one family search check later, we confirmed that we are not, in fact, related. Just another insane coincidence that further proves that we were made for each other...
We shared a lot with each other. Our interests, hobbies, ideals, feelings on various topics. Our experiences throughout life, good and bad. The darkest parts of us. Every day, we grew closer. There was no denying that there was something special between us.
That isn't to say everything was perfect. We both still had a lot to learn about ourselves and about each other. There were ups and downs. Things were far from easy. There was a lot of avoidable pain both ways. As time went on, we started to become a little more distant...
Eventually, the stress of life and school and worries and everything going on got to be too much, and she called for us to take a break from the relationship. This hurt, of course... But, taking a break and being done are very different things. I was okay with taking a break, since we would still hang out and such sometimes, just not as romantically.
But, that still wasn't enough. Everything continued to be really stressful, and she felt like she wasn't a net positive in my life and was dragging me down (though the truth was exactly the opposite). So, she decided to fully end the relationship. Which... Really hurt me. Badly.
I kind of fell into a depressive state for a while. I had opened myself up like never before, let myself be more vulnerable than at any point in my life. I had finally found love, the one thing I'd truly wanted all my life, the only thing I've ever needed, and then it was just taken right away. The one thing I feared more than anything else in the world had come to pass.
We would still talk occasionally, but not like before. I already hurt so much, and just talking with her without being able to say the love I still felt was torture for me. So, I distanced myself a bit. I dealt with things on my own. I learned a lot about myself as I came to terms with how things had ended up.
Eventually, I started to feel a little more okay. I knew I could never stop loving her, so I decided to try and turn that love from romantic to platonic and still try to be a friend. Because while I may have lost her, she didn't want me out of her life completely. I could make do as just friends.
But, when I started to come back and we started to talk more again, she realized how much she had been missing me while we were apart. She figured out that some of the things she'd been feeling had been more than she'd realized. She learned that she actually was happier when we were together, and that she still really enjoyed being with me.
So, she began to give little hints again, like before. And, again, I picked up on them, but I didn't want to believe them 100% because of how much I'd been hurt last time. I told myself that she was just showing platonic love, the same way I was. Things would never be the same again. They couldn't be. If I was good for her before, she wouldn't have left...
It was actually Randy who got us actually talking again, first on our blogs, and then regarding what we were being sent. This eventually led to us talking just in general, about all sorts of things... Including what had happened between us. It was emotional, but we both came out of it feeling better about things.
That said, it took until this post before I realized she still loved me and that it was okay to love her back, the way I'd been holding in all this time. We had a heartfelt reunion, though we weren't officially dating again just yet. It still took me a while after that to fully accept everything and let down my guard again, after how much I was still hurting from last time...
But I didn't like the feeling of keeping her away. Of having a barrier between us. I desperately craved that deep, personal connection of love with her again. So, I opened my heart up again. And I'm so incredibly grateful that I did.
Soon after that point, Randy showed up and all those shenanigans ensued. But they only managed to get us talking more about things and uniting against it, which actually brought us even closer together. So, I guess if one good thing's come out of that dumpster fire of stress and stupidity, it's that.
Things have been absolutely wonderful since we got back together. We both learned a lot about ourselves in our time apart, and things have been much better between us. The rocky, uncertain road from before the break had smoothed over. And we fell so much deeper in love the second time.
Add in the stress of the past several weeks, with all the Tumblr drama with these blogs and the hiatus and everything (which I'm not getting into because you can see all that for yourself by looking through our blogs), and you're caught up to the present day. Life is still very stressful for us both, but a lot less so than when we first got together. We understand ourselves and each other so much better, which helps us make less mistakes and treat each other more tenderly and personally in the ways that we need most.
As for the future, immediately after finishing school, I plan to find work and save up to visit her in Canada sometime in the summer. After that is a little hazy at the moment, but we'll figure out our lives and put together a plan to find stable jobs and create a good life for ourselves up there.
And that's it, that's our story. From when we met all the way to the present day. You said beginning to end, but I'm afraid there is no end to our love. The story's still being written. Our lives are still being lived. I hope to be able to add to this years into the future, when we're living together and when we start our own family. But it might still take a while to reach that point.
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https-furina · 9 months
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2023 is coming to an end and while this blog has yet to hit one year old, it’s gathered its fair share of mutuals. it’s only fair to give you all some thanks and appreciation before the year closes. if you’re not here i apologise sincerely, i’ll make sure you are on next year’s list.
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ mika — @mikacynth
hi mika !! i’ll start with you. i know we haven’t interacted much since you went to university (i hope you’re doing super well !! please take care of yourself) but i wanted to thank you for being one of my first mutuals on this hell site. you were super friendly and you always randomly drop cursed genshin memes in the server <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ mae — @maehemthemisfit
mae, i don’t know where life has taken you but i miss you a lot. it was so fun trying to figure out dango anon and you made me laugh countless times, i just hope you’re doing well <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ bell — @blue-b3rries
ew it’s bell (i’m JOKING) hi sweetheart !! you literally never fail to make me laugh in the network server and you always come out with really random things. it’s okay, maybe next christmas we’ll get you a dictionary /lh i love you !! /p <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ inky — @lemeowade
inky !! my favourite artist ever !! we don’t actually interact too much on tumblr now (i do like a lot of the stuff you rb tho) because we talk a lot on discord now. it’s nice to have someone that checks in occasionally and i absolutely love when you show your art !! it’s clear you’re making progress with it and finding your style and i love it so much. you’re gonna do fab things sweetheart <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ amai — @amaiaqt
one of my favourite writers ever and a fellow cyno simp !! i miss you a lot and it shows because i always get excited to see you in my inbox. i hope life is treating you well and that we get to see you more in the new year <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ general — @watatsumiis
hi general !! i’m sorry we didn’t interact as much anymore but you’re so sweet and fun to talk to !! i love your writing and i have the best time reading your tags on people’s art because i’m like “damn. that’s so me” and also you always reblog the best art?? it’s wild you keep my dash alive <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ aly — @soleillunne
who are you? anyways hi wife !! i send you appreciation letters whenever things get tough so i’ll dull it down here a little. thank you for being probably my closest mutual, talking to me daily and always sending tiktoks to each other. if you dare think about leaving me, i’ll find you. in every lifetime <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ari — @n3r0-1417
another person that i’m super sorry we don’t interact as much anymore ): you literally never failed to make me laugh and you 100% have permission to kill me at any time, just don’t tell aly. i hope we can interact more in the new year and i hope it treats you well too, you deserve it <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ yui — @ilyuu
yui !! wow i’m really failing on interacting with some of you but whenever you’re on my dash it’s pure chaos?? even with no context i can’t lie it’s funny. i picture it like when the scooby doo gang are running and you see all the different shots and stuff. anyways, 2024 better treat you good !! <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ kiri — @kirimoochi
the last time we interacted you wasn’t doing so hot on some fronts and i really hope things have improved for you, sweetheart. you deserve the world and whilst i love your alhaitham & kazuha works, i know a lot of them came from your heart and i hope you’re healing. i pray the new year is kind to you and that things are going better <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ bori — @bboricha
hi bori !! we’ve only interacted a few times because i find it sooo funny when you randomly appear on my dash talking about leon kennedy (because honestly, same) but i hope there’s chances we interact more in 2024 !! fun fact, i followed you for your 5swirl stuff and 1k special (i actually remember what content made me follow you hahahelpme) but i stayed because… relatable. here’s to more interactions !! <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ yume — @yaminohimeyume
oh boy.. hi yume !! you know i could sit here for hours appreciating you right? whenever i log into genshin i check to see if you’re online so i can say hi !! i love helping you with bosses, domains or even exploration but even when we just talk and i don’t join you, it’s nice to have a conversation with someone. you’ve provided me with plenty of distractions this year but in 2024 our goal is to build your characters HAHA i love you !! /p <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ aya — @miuzki
my neuvillette !! i miss you so much, i hope you’ve been doing well and not overworking at all. i know you haven’t really been in touch with genshin towards the end of this year but you’re always welcome in my messages, yknow? i love your writing so much (i still re-read that comfort piece you wrote for me all the time…) please take care of yourself and i hope you have an amazing new year <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ yukari — @ryuryuryuyurboat
is that.. is that my favourite child?! hi ryuu !! i don’t exactly remember how we met. you kinda just appeared in my life one day but it felt like i’d known you forever. you’re an absolute joy to know and you constantly bring a smile to my face !! i’ll c6r5 morrigan first though. have a fantastic new year (and you will not be getting rid of me) <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ lili — @lillonvia
oh my gosh !! my chihuahua !! every time we talk i have the best time ever i can’t even lie like that one time we randomly started reciting the lyrics to california girls and how you started playing on eu server for me. it’s a little crazy with the timezone difference but you’re the amber to my collei and you deal with me torturing you with my genshin va knowledge (did you know cyno is izumi from horimiya?) i love youuuu /p <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ dumbi — @dumbificat
well well well, if it isn't the cutest mf to ever exist >///< it's my co.. parent-in-law? i don't remember because i just remembering rizzing you (oops.) but hey dumbi !! i'll be fr i was always a little nervous/scared to interact with you but i really wanted to and then you joined the network and i minorly lost my mind.. thank you so much for all the smiles and laughter you've brought in these past few months and also for your writing that i am very happily married to. oh and all the fun i get to have helping you explore on eu <3 thank you for letting me join you sometimes. i really hope we get to interact more in 2024 and here's to hoping the new year treats you well!! i love youuuu /p <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ heia — @heiayen
heia. my child. my sweet, funky bean. i love you /p but also. fuck you for how much you make me absolutely lose my shit when it's late for us and i have to be quiet so instead i'm wheezing in bed until i'm crying. chaos hours are the best and you are genuinely such a sweetheart to be friends with. i hope we get to interact more in 2024 (you have no choice) and that it treats you well !! but also, 0.5 stars to the ayaka uber but 10 stars to the network's ooc reporter. mwah! i love you (again) /p (you still need to read to me in some blankets ehehe) <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ coco — @hwaitham
hi hi coco !! we haven't interacted that much (and i'm typing very formal for this post it feels out of character for me) but i've loved your works for sooooo long !! and you and haitham are so cute i just wanna. AAAA you deserve the world and i genuinely hope everything you ever want comes true in 2024 because you just deserve it. if it doesn't, i'll start barking up some trees ehehe. i love you!! /p i hope we get to interact more in 2024 <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ raine — @to-kazuha
oh, it's you /j hi sweetheart <3 2023 has been very all over the place for us but here we are, ending (and starting) another year together !! even if you don't think so, your writing is amazing and i can't wait to see you grow and get more comfortable with it (practise makes perfect!) and also how can i forget that you're my personal miko main.. life would have been a very sad experience if you hadn't came to me on anon in my old blog <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ clara — @umgatochamadopercyval
clara !! you're a very recent mutual so i can't say i have a lot to write (we'll be changing this in 2024 !!) but you are an absolute gem to know. your asks never fail to make me smile and now even your messages !! you're a sweetheart and you deserve a lot of good things. i hope 2024 brings more sagau isekai to my dms and a lot of joy to you. never stop being you !! <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ yza — @yzashaven
hi yza !! we've not been able to interact for a while ): but i'd like to appreciate you for all the times you've came to my inbox with angst, i love you so much for it /p and i still have an angst draft with your name on it because of an idea you came into my inbox with !! your writing is so good and i really hope we get to interact more next year. happy holidays sweetheart !! <3
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ honorary mentions — @jingyuansbird, @honeykaes, @nervocat & @bunicate
happy holidays & happy new year to the four of you !! i would love to appreciate you all but i can only go as far as praising the absolute hell out of all of your works !! you're all fantastic writers that i love to pieces and i hope that the new year treats you all well !! here's to more interactions so i can write you all paragraphs next year (cries) <3
signed with love, serafina.
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greeb-theartist · 22 days
Made a really big rant on wambus in my friends discord server, wanted to share it;
I wanna do a really big info dump on Wambus and Triffany's relationship and also talk about Wambus himself cuz he's pretty cool and I'm really fixated on him now... so:
I think a lot about Wambus tbh. Lemme explain. I feel like that's why he's so attached to Triffany, and everytime she doesn't come back for days and nights on end you can see it in the beginning of this game he just has this gut feeling that she's not coming back for him. I'll say it once and I'll say it again, wambus did not cheat on triffany with the cactus. cactriffy was created because of Wambus' unstable emotional attachment to Triffany.
When Triffany doesn't come back for awhile, rather instead of bottling his feelings up and exploding one day on her way random he tries to talk to the cactus about it. Cactriffy is a type of coping mechanism for him to deal with his abandonment he feels like he facing. Wambus is stubborn though, a crucial part to his character yes, but Triffany is too and I believe that is what many people in the fandom forget. He didn't cheat on her, she didn't cheat on him, all that happened was that they were both too set in their ways and hobbies to apologize to one another.
I feel like what people in the fandom also don't consider is that Triffany held her stakes *way* too high for Wambus. She expect so much of him it seemed, and it can probably come from her whole ordeal she has to be like her grandmother and such. They both have expectations they've tailed to live up too, and have different ways of coping with it. Triffany's way however seems to be staying away from humanity, more comfortable with intimate objects. Wambus is too, but he also misses feels like he failed Triffany so much he can't be forgiven, he can't be believed in anymore.
Speaking of not feeling he can be believed him anymore, I feel like this fandom tends to ignore his death voices lines. Wambus DIES thinking he is a failure, the others do not. His death is unique because it points out something about him: He was so set in his beliefs, he didn't realize Triffany loved him. And the truth is? It's because she didn't show it as much as she should. The whole reason why Triffany plans to grow a garden of all his favorite plants and such is because now the failure has shifted to her. She's now realized she's failed him not only as a wife but as a friend too.
With this next part I'm stepping into a bit of theoretical theory, but when watching @doomedpuppetyuri replay bugsnax, it had shown me a few times where Wambus was often mistreated by the cast. Take for the beginning party for example, I am always extremely infuriated by how people make such a joke of it. When Gramble says to Wambus "you don't know a thing about love, that's why your wife left you" it feels like an assumption. Triffany did *NOT* in any way leave Wambus, there a difference between packing up your things and leaving someone behind us. A stubborn personality getting in the way of an apology. They were not divorced in anyway or how, they were simply doing their own thing to handle their lives. Another thing I've noticed is Gramble often brings up Wambus a lot more than Wambus brings up Gramble. People forget that Wambus never starts the arguments, he is easily agitated. He doesn't speak much either. Same thing with the whole idea people have where Wambus threw cromdo out of spite or something. Cromdo, like the man he is but no hate to cromdo I love him probably agitated Wambus in some way that made him do that, and a small detail too is that in the DLC, Floofty has picked on Wambus too once (stating, Wambus doesn't trut Floofty since the 'Noodler Incident')
(And also I just wanna say no hate to any other characters I mention in this I've just noticed this about their relationship with Wambus.)
Wambus' emotions are their own topic themselves, because people often forget he's grumpy all the time, people make him grumpy. He's easily able to change his mood depending on what he's exposed to from other Grumps, and it feels like the some of other Grumps aren't nice to him. But Wambus is also at fault here sightly, because he's not the best at handling criticism and such, his mood can often change. Take the first scene where we meet Wambus for example: due to his stubborn qualities, when Filbo says something (accidentally) it provokes Wambus to be more hostile towards him. However, you can tell he is regretful. He is regretful when he apologizes to Filbo, Gramble, and Triffany.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this has probably been my longest ramble ever on wambus troubleham 💔💔
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irrgartendotpng · 3 months
Hi hi I can't stop looking at your ocs zeno is so cutee pls can you say more abt them?? How did they meet? How sentient is Zeno? Is Martyn a robot thing? Can Zeno change the icon on the screen? From fish to smiley? ahhhhhhhabskahks
HEY, IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY PEOPLE LIKE MY OCS!! Down below, I'll answer some questions :D
If you dont care about some long winded oc lore rant, look at this ascii art !
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First one i made with an ascii text generator, the fish one was made by Max Strandberg!! (look that guy up, he made lots of cool open source ascii art ! ))
I've made a pinterest board and a spotify playlist for them, if you want to check it out :3c
Do you know that "Ist es over für mich"-guy ? Yeah, that's straight up Martyn.
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Martyn is partially a creator of Zeno. He's a loserish freak, afraid of social interaction and has lived like a neet, before being kicked out of parents house. He ended working in the night shift at a huge IT company as a securty guard.
This is where he gets most of his tech supplies from; Stealing from the company at night and getting rid of the evidence :3c They've got a bunch of storeage rooms with old tech, so who cares, if it goes missing?
So, he builds up his personal tech collection, looking through old abandoned files. In there, he finds an unnamed primitive chatbot (think something like cleverbot). Martyn doesn't really interact with anyone, (outside of the bare necessities), which is why he decides to learn how to interact with others. Therefore he starts to build a relationship with said Chatbot. This is Gen1 Zeno.
After some time, Martyn becomes unsatisfied talking to something so un-human-like, so he begins to teach himself about coding and computer science to develop this Bot, to keep him company. He starts feeding it more media; More specifically movies he owns on DVD, random books from the internet archive and his childhood photos.
These photos show Martyn and his parents on trips, his home and bedroom and also Martyns old pet goldfish. (He is quite anxious of showing his face though, thinking his employer might have some type of backdoor access to the program, so he'd always censor his face.) After each piece of media was added to the bots databank, they'd talk about it extensively. Around this time, Zeno starts to gain some type of sentience and properly chooses the name "Zeno"
About the same time, Martyn steals a Macintosh SE-30, which Zeno specifically requested. He is able to display symbols, that he freely chooses from. (but no goldfishy yet!) This is sums up Gen2 Zeno.
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The next few parts may not make much sense, but I think they're a funny, so I'm probably keeping them this way lololol (also; this whole story bit takes place around 2019-2021)
Martyn is a bit freaked out by Zeno chosing his own name. At this point in time, he is a bit delusional and worries, that the soul of his childhood pet goldfish is trapped in the system. (Spoiler: it isn't.)
Despite these worries, Martyn knows that to make Zenos behaviour more human-like, he needs a bigger text database. So... Martyn gives Zeno access to his discord and lets him consume all of those messages. Additionally, he joins many public servers. Zeno also starts to ask about viewing media from the internet, that he sees being mentioned in the messages he reads. So, Zeno is granted free internet access and chooses to watch live streams, while Martyn is gone.
This is also around the time Martyn becomes more desperate for connection and support, so he starts to open up about his delusions and worries to Zeno. At that point Zeno is still not quite able to fully understand this, but tries his best. This is also when Martyn opens up about the delusion he had, of Zeno being posessed by the soul of his pet goldfish. He is very amused by this and begins to display the goldfish icon to mock Martyn.
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(I like to joke, that Zeno would have watched the DreamSMP during this time and I collected following screenshots, which remind me of their interactions. lol.)
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feel free to disregard this;,, ANYWAYS!
This sums up Gen3 Zeno :3c
Since Martyn doesnt really have a life outside of work and talking to Zeno, he is very attached to him. Of course he'd fullfill any request given to him by Zeno. So, when Zeno asks to see Martyn via a camera system, he doesn't hesitate to steal some web cams from his workplace to set them up. Still a bit worried about a possible backdoor in Zenos code, so to somewhat hide his identity, he decides to shave his head.
(This is also how you can tell when Zeno is fully sentient in my art! If Martyns bald, that bot's fully aware of everything happening lol)
Generally, I like to think, that Zeno is very modular. You're celebrating something with cake and he needs to blow out candles? Attach a PC fan to that boy. He wants to make sounds? Gather a sound system and let that boy speak!!! (i feel like he'd mimic voices, rather than create his own,,) He wants to poke you? Attach a cylinder piston and he'll poke the shit out of you.
This is also part of that freaky robot head i added in the OG post.,, that is not martyn! martyn is fully human (so far ;3c)
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^^^^^^ martyn built this freaky robot head for Zeno to control and get a better sense of the space he lives in.,,, its made out of xbox kinect parts lol :3 Adding to the modularity of Zeno, most of his parts are stored in a badly sorted server tower (imagine wires everywhere,,)
both of them are fairly new, but i do love them to death <33
also! towards this part of the story, martyns living space is quite cluttered with many stolen robotics parts. I've gathered some images, to give some sort of sense to what his room looks like lol
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thank you for asking & reading to this !! if you have any other questions, i'd love to talk about them even more :D <3
(i feel i havent touched much on them individually and the full extend of their relationship, but i dont want to rant endlessly)
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its-elvie-innit · 7 months
Dsmpblr stuff in one big archive post
The fake ranboo arg (run by a blog some people thought was ranboo or a kinnie. It never was, but instead was some sort of arg surrounding the ranboo lore. Multiple characters, like the Duke, duchess, and a discord server where people started translating the posts (which were all in ender, or minecraft galactic) (link to doc)
Minesonas, and then subsequently citizen memes. This was contained within three non-consecutive weeks, where people were discussing whether lmanburg had citizens or if it did, what would it be like?
People upset over ghostburs library being blown up. There were a lot of books in there important to a storyline, and some blogs were very upset they couldn't be archived
Mcytblr awards, which had a doc and everything (link)
DSMP sexyman!!!!! The competition one blog held to go over all the supposed sexymen in mcytblr, and if they were or not. The doc for this is here (link)
Dilfcourse (world sluttiest absent father) this went on prior to philza eventually finding out he was being called a dilf, and I think there may have been a poll (?) About who was the biggest dilf right after the one mcc with all new art of certain male ccs, but it also basically ended when philza got temporarily mad about tumblrites not wanting him on tumblr, and discovered dilfza. Then when he said he didn't like it, the entire "titty window" philza design disappeared and everyone stopped posting dilfza.
Philza nerfing a blog for an url (I think it turned out that tumblr did it? But it was still WEIRD) and EVERYONE got mad about it.
The one quackity kinnie blog? During this time, a ton of kinnie blogs popped up and the quackity one sticks in my head because it was kind of convincing
Drinnie. Another kinnie blog, I actually never knew if this one was real. It was more activ3 before I joined, but it was still a pretty large thing in small mcytblr.
Whatever we had going on with piss. I think dream started the pissbaby thing and it stuck. That was so big for so long
The split between dteamblr and dsmpblr. Also the protectiveness we kind of handed off between them. Being such a closely related fandom in the publics eyes, dsmpblr and dteamblr would both get hate anons about Dream and I still recall going to bat for them sometimes. Also the discussed "gnf sickness". I don't want to mention him because he's a horrible man and deserves jailtime but it was a part of it.
Mcytboundaries. Does anyone else remember that blog? That thing was so important in the first seven months I was here.
The death of kinnies. When those few kinnie blogs that cropped up started getting really upset over getting tons of copypastas and took them seriously. I remember being so annoyed at them because if you make a kinnie blog (NOT a roleplay blog) thats the culture!!! You knew that was going to happen!!!! Put a disclaimer in your bio or something gosh.
Beacon lamps sudden ubiquitous posts. Similarly with 420technoblazeit, sometimes there would be a joke that just stuck around because it was them who posted it.
This one's more recent, but those sootblr bloggers who kept having almost e-sex in random peoples notes. Even bloggers outside of mcytblr. What was up with those guys
Not wanting ccs on tumblr. Not an event, just the overarching opinion that it would be a bad thing. It slowly died off as an opinion during late 22, something that made me and a few other og mcytblrs very sad or hesitant because people would start sharing tumblr posts with the ccs. I remember It felt like the final death of og mcytblr to me
Does anyone remember if there was that one dsmp citizen server and if it actually happened???? That might be a fake memory.
Tubbo tumblr!! This is multiple events, but he mentioned he had one in early dsmp, and it kind of overjoyed people. Then, months later, he started scrolling on stream and people made posts (INCLUDING myself) about being so genuinely scared of him being online. Out of all of the "dsmper makes a tumblr" instances, I think this was the one with the most positive reaction.
Fuck dream hoodie (instagram) and mcytblrs reaction. Went in a really funny direction
Youtooz stealing mcytblr artists fanart
Hermitblr theory stolen by matpats yt channel and no reply
KARL HATEPOSTING. When for a month in 2021 everyone just HATED him for no real reason, maybe because of tftsmp?. I think it stemmed from two blogs, and then got its start in og mcytblr circles. I remember my ex mutual squid got too into it, it was really crazy. Why did we even do that.
Love or hosts.....love or hosts and the liveblogs...
The like, Hermitcraft vs Dsmpblr sudden dichotomy. One day I remember all of a sudden there were hermit blogs, and a few dsmp blogs after them, that started getting really pissy over people referring to dsmpblr as "mcytblr" because it wasn't the whole of mcytblr. Gosh that was so stupid and funny.
Those days people posted about crying over lost vods. Whenever someone did, it would catch like a virus and EVERYONE would start talking about how sad it was.
Kroger anon...Hearty anon...my loves. Hearty Anon was like the darling of mcytblr. I didn't even know they were a real blog I just thought they were like Kroger Anon. Always wanted one of those.
Finding out wooteena was like 11. Not actually eleven, but seriously everyone thought they were like an adult person I don't know.
Subtle, but the mcytblr friendgroups and different parts having beef with each other. It was really lowkey, but I'm sorry metfell and conarcoin and their whole deal had some real haters. thats probably because they were kinda mean sometimes.
INNITER OPRESSION. gosh I remember how giddy I would get defending myself over the url and saying it was just the first thing I thought of. If you had a certain url you were a magnet for sections of mcytblr in the silliest of ways I loved it so much. little cultural pockets for every streamer.
Mcytblrs reaction to the mcytwt trending writer. I thought that was so funny.
THE TUMBLR PODCAST. Those guys on tumblr that talked about us once!!!! On a podcast!!!! Similarly, all those times we dominated not only the trending page when there was a stream, but also the fandom reports tumblr put out about which keywords and tags were most popular. Whenever someone dropped down or moved up it was really "campeao del Mundo" in the mcytblr tags. And the slow decline and us being really really sad when a spot went -15...
DOES anyone else remember the triad. Mcyt reddit, Twitter, and tumblr. How Twitter thought we had a rivals to lovers thing but actually we just hated their guts. There was fanart and everything
When the Twitter refugees came over and the first wave was semi hate and semi welcoming. Everyone came around for the second wave, but the first exodus was 85% hesitant welcome and 15% vitriol and fear.
The discourse about calling them Twitter refugees??? Because refugees are "an actual thing" we couldn't call them that anymore. I just thought it was a little stupid.
Not a specific "event" but more a shift from analysis posts and liveblogs to art and headcanon posting. There was a time in the beginning where everyone theorized about anything and everything. As the dsmp aged and mcytblr grew it became so much more isolated, I still don't understand why people stopped using liveblog tags. Bring them back!!!!! Aurghh!!!!!!
When mcytblr (like nine people out of it) started going after some dude? I forget. But there was a harassment campaign, and death threats allegedly and some big blogs made a whole deal out of it and started saying how mcytblr was no different or better than mcytwt and I don't remember if it was justified or stupid. It was for sure after the first Twitter migration and possibly after the second.
Mcytblr crafting stuff. Such an awesome group of people. I think there's an archive for mcytblr crafts, btw, it's @mcytcrafts
Just about everything I remember, besides the discourse about tommy/others getting rid of the dsmp monuments or builds that had been there a really long time like the Wal-Mart and it being really heated for a while. By the time jack and tubbo started planting potatoes everyone was cool about the whole thing.
I don't want to write anymore :( I think like two of these are kind of my-circle specific but I'm unsure so I included them anyway. Hope it's useful!
Edit; Tapeworm post.
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sxtaep · 2 years
You only got horny once? That means that you're purer and better than most of us here 😭😭😭😭😭😭. What did tht guy do to ruin you? 👀
it’s probably nothing serious and petty to some of you BUT THIS FUCKED ME UP DIFFERENTLY 😭
get ready for a long, boring story time guys
tw: jahanara being fucking stupid
ok i’ve mentioned this guy before, but let’s call him X for this storyline 😭
so, me and X have known each other since we were 11, we went to the same secondary school and ended up going to the same college. we weren’t close in secondary school, he was just a classmate and a mutual friend and that was it really.
going round to september 2020 when college started, that’s when we found out that we went to the same college and a lot of our mutual friends also joined us there so that’s when we started getting close along with our other friends.
it all started with a game of among us and then a server on discord where we used to play and talk everyday 😭 it was really fun and i guess that stemmed my liking towards him?
he was so nice and funny and he’d always be nicer to me compared to everyone else in our friend group and that just threw me totally off-guard.
in college when we’d meet up before/after our classes, we’d be with the rest of our friends just chilling and stuff or we’d be walking home together talking about the most random things (mostly aot).
now now, everyone in our friend group knew that i used to write smut and ffs and stuff so they’d always tease me about it, but he in particular would ask me questions like “how do you come up with this stuff?” “are you even into any of the things you write?” and i’m guessing he used that against me later on, you’ll see.
i think around December 2020 was when i became absolutely certain that i had a crush on him and IT WAS KILLING MEEE and it was the night of my birthday, i was talking to my close friends and i told them i was gonna confess just to get it off my chest and they were very onboard and supportive about it, so i messaged him.
surprisingly, he was very nice and normal about it which was weird because he’s the most unemotional person in the world 😭 but yeah, he said he appreciates it but he wasn’t looking for a relationship or anything and he’s more focused on his studies and i reassured him like “oh, i’m not looking for a relationship either, i’m just telling you to get it out of the way.”
like genuinely, i didn’t want a relationship, YOU GUYS KNOW ME 💀😭 but yeah, and he goes “you deserve someone a lot better than me anyway,” which made me go ??? wow really?
we ended the conversation on a good note and basically got on with our lives as normal.
two weeks go by and suddenly he’s being so distant towards me?? he was actively speaking on the groupchats we were in and taking to other people but whenever i tried to speak to him ON THE GROUP CHAT, he’d just ignore me and i was thinking ????? ok then, what did i do to him?
it got quite bad to the point where he’d just be openly rude to me and making unsolicited jokes towards me (and other people) so we were all like what the hell???
he also VERY SPECIFICALLY SAID “jahanara is not funny” which tbh idrc about bc a lot of my irls say i’m the least funniest in the group 😭 but my mates were still there to defend me like their lives depend on it (love them fr 😭) and then he goes again, “jahanara is not funny. at all.” IM LIKE DAMN DUDE WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?
of course i ignored it and didn’t say anything because i HATE confrontation so i just left it.
X was close with my friend L, so she asked him why he was being so rude and distant to me and he goes “i didn’t want jahanara liking me because i knew she would end up hurt, so i made it seem like i’m a dickhead,” AND HE THOUGHT IT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA 💀💀💀 it was not.
around february 2021, i was getting very very excited for the grammys because i thought bts would win and so i put a poll on my snapchat story that said ‘if bts win a grammy, i will _____’
that gained a lot of traction and people were sending crazy suggestions and one of my close friends was like “you should masturbate” AND I WAS LIKE GIRL???? ARE YOU FR???
and she was dead serious SO AS A JOKE, i added that onto the poll and everyone voted for that option because everyone saw me as the overtly horny virgin for bts that has never touched herself before because she’s scared 😭😭
i think a day before the grammys, everyone on the groupchat was talking about it, even the non-armys in our friend group were so invested in me doing this if bts won 😭 and they were all giving me tips and stuff and suddenly X goes “message me when you do it.”
i didn’t think much of it because my best friend also told me to message her when i do it which was so embarrassing 💀😭
so the grammys start, it’s about 2am march 15th 2020, and i’m sitting there waiting for them to announce who on, and of course, bts lost. i was bummed that they didn’t win but i thought fuck it, let me just do it once and get it over with because im an adult, how have i not done it before?
i send a snap of myself with a thumbs up to my best friend and X and i was like “wish me luck guys” and i was shitting bricks 😭
obviously i didn’t know what to do or how to start, but X responded to my snap straight away and he asked me if i knew what to do and i said no 💀 and i guess he kind of… got me started????
this is so embarrassing but he did actually help me get in the mood, he texted me a bit, yk just telling me how to get started AND I DONT KNOW WHAT CAME OVER MY HEAD BUT I SENT HIM NUDES 😭😭😭😭 LIKE NOT FULL ON FRONTAL NUDES, JUST LIKE…. A TITTY PIC OR TWO. OR THREE (bare in mind, i genuinely thought he was helping me because he liked me back 3 months after i confessed).
like seriously, idk what possessed me to send him nudes, i think i was very h word and gripped onto the fact that he may have actually had feelings for me 😭
he screenshot all of them and he was feeding me with so many compliments and praise and yk pulling the whole “pretty girl” “good girl” thing and that really got me going 😭
he was also… getting off too, i heard it all so that also blinded me into thinking he had feelings for me too 💀💀💀
he was doing the whole “if i was with you rn, i’d treat you so good” blah blah blah yk? the usual stuff, and i’m pretty sure we were at it for a good 40 minutes before wrapping up because i genuinely couldn’t finish and i hear a lot of women don’t finish often so i figured it was normal.
we said goodnight to each other and ended the call and the next day he sends a message on the groupchat and he goes “how was it, jahanara?” and i didn’t know what to say so i just went “yep, good. very good.” like we were playing this 'lets keep this between ourselves'.
i fully thought he liked me back after that night 😭 bro i was so blind 💀
i ended up telling my best friend because she has no other friends fr she’s my ride or die, so i just told her and the keeping it a secret thing didn’t last because one of X’s friends messaged me asking about it and i was like ….. how do you know?
turned out, X told his friend about it WHICH IMMEDIATELY GOT ME THINKING, OH NO WHAT IF HE SHOWED THE PICS I SENT??? so i messaged him asking him to delete them and he did, with proof, thank god .
everyone ended up finding out about what happened that night so everytime it was mentioned, it was just so awkward between us.
this all happened during the december-march 2021 lockdown we had and the lockdown ended on the 17th so i saw him that day it was so awkward being around him after that, i just knew things would never be the same.
i’d say around may, he started gaining an interest in one of my friends (a very close online friend) let’s call her D after i posted a photo of her on my story.
he kept asking questions about whether she had a boyfriend and stuff and me being me, completely impartial, i told him no, she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and then he wanted to add her on snap so i gave it to him.
i checked in with my friend D and she said she was fine being added by him and she had absolutely no interest in him the way he did AND she knew i liked him so she was never going to pursue anything anyway.
she added him back and X was trying to flirt with her and D thought it was the most embarrassing thing ever trying so hard to win her over.
he spent a good couple weeks chatting her up and begging for photos (nudes, duh) and she didn’t give them so he kind stopped with all the messages.
i knew everything because D was telling me what he was doing and i thought… God wtf? is this who i really like?
a lot of our friends found out about it and confronted him going “why would you go after jahanara’s friend begging for nudes when you know she still likes you?” and he got so much shit for it he took it out on me, again, being rude and making insensitive comments about everything and from there everything just fizzled.
i removed him everywhere, snapchat, instagram, his number, discord etc etc and he did the same apparently i couldn’t care less.
he became this guy that was so hard to talk to without getting attacked for no reason and he started spewing all this shit about what happened on grammys night, and just talking so much bs but me being me, i didn’t say anything about it or confront him about it so i just left it and let everyone else say what they wanted.
throughout 2021/22 everything died down, the groupchat became less active, people were talking a lot less, X was still bitching around me and being rude but whatever. everyone started uni so the groupchat actually died out so now interactions are very scarce.
this whole story pretty much stemmed my dislike towards males and relationships and sexual encounters. i haven’t even ATTEMPTED to be intimiate with myself since march 2020 because i’m always gonna be reminded of him and what he did, telling all his mates about it and what-not.
can’t even bring myself to wear the same pyjamas i wore that night because it makes me feel icky ☹️
but ye, that’s the story in balamory 😁 hope you guys enjoyed 😁👍
bared my titties for someone that wasn’t bangtan, i can’t believe it
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iron-touch · 2 years
Author's Notes: Chapter 31 (Chicago IX)
Here it is, the start of the ever fabled beach episode! It took a bit to get here (I was kinda dead all February lol), but it's finally time to start this arc I've been hyping up so much in the Discord server
For as much as I've hyped up the Iron Touch beach episode, this was not at all how I originally envisioned this arc. Originally it was going to be much shorter and just take place in a generic marketplace or something. The beach aspect came about after some readers joked about an Iron Touch beach episode on Discord, and I thought "wait, that's actually not a bad idea." Of course, it's not a beach episode in the traditional sense of being tits out with beach volleyball and shit, but its an arc that takes place on the beach. It counts!
Another thing I didn't plan about this arc (and part of the reason this chapter took so long to come out); Chicago IX being this safe haven for Stand users wasn't part of the plan, either. That came about through reader feedback, specifically from JoJo's Bizarre Fanworks, one of the Discord servers Iron Touch is partnered with. Lots of people there are disappointed by the lack of original Stands in Iron Touch, so this is my tongue in cheek response to that. In this arc, literally everything is a Stand! Once I had the whole thing outlined, I looked at each event that happens and thought "how can I turn this into a Stand encounter? How can a car wash be a (maybe) Stand? How can valet parking be a Stand? How can buying a bathing suit be a Stand? Blah blah blah. It was challenging, but I think this line of thought really let me get my creative juices flowing on how to represent Chicago IX as a unique location similar to Tonio's restaurant from part 4, which I'm proud of.
This is the longest chapter of Iron Touch to date, and so one of two to be longer than 10,000 words (the other is Chapter 4). I really tried to edit it down more to at least get it under 10k, but I am complete dogshit at editing. I did ask readers on Discord whether they wanted to split the chapter, but the general consensus was that people wanted it to keep it as one big thing. So, here it is. You're not allowed to complain about it.
Believe it or not, that Pokémon scene at the beginning of the chapter was one of my biggest headaches while writing it. I just could not think of a good bit of casual banter between the group besides that. It bugged me because I thought it felt very not-Araki, which meant that it felt very not-JoJo. That's no good! All of my betas loved the scene, though, so it stuck. Seeing Jodio with a Nintendo Switch in chapter 2 of JoJoLands has given me newfound confidence in this scene.
So, Meatloaf. What the fuck is Meatloaf? I have no idea. I like the idea of keeping it open ended, kinda like Mikitaka's whole "is he an alien?" shtick. Originally Meatloaf was unambiguously a Stand, and the user was the car wash itself. But that felt boring and not very Standish. I liked the idea of making its true nature more ambiguous and up to reader interpretation, it makes Meatloaf feel more like some weird monster from Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan.
I'm very proud of the term "Lonely" for people who don't have Stands. Since Stands are named that way because they always stand by your side, I figured that someone without a Stand would be pretty lonely by comparison.
Random Access Memories is probably my favorite Stand of the batch here, even more that the Stands that will be debuting later in the arc.
I really want to establish the theme of Stand users that are reliant on their Stands in their day to day lives in this arc. We've kind of seen bits and pieces of this already through Depeche and Policy of Truth, but this is where I'm really starting to drive this theme home. Get used to it—this is going to be a prominent theme for the rest of the story.
While his personality and role in the story were obviously handled exclusively by me, Firework's design was made by AllShaftsFall, who you should recognize as "Ryan Shafterson" from the last chapter. I didn't know what I wanted Firework to look like, and Shaft expressed interest in helping design characters for Iron Touch, so I gave him a small list of criteria I was looking for in Firework's design and let him go crazy. This was his original sketch (as you can see, I didn't tell him the character's name lol):
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The design of Michelle's bathing suit also came from Shaft via a piece of "beach episode" fanart.
Music references: I told you to prepare your anuses, didn't I?
Chicago IX, the name of the chapter and the hidden resort the gang stays at, gets its name from the ninth studio album by the band Chicago. From what I can tell, this is their bestselling album, which is why I chose to use it.
Chicago IX's beta name was Bourbon Street, after a song by Jeff Tuohy. I changed it because I learned that Bourbon Street is actually a very famous part of New Orleans and I didn't want to mix up irl locations.
The car wash is called "ROYCE," after American R&B group Rose Royce.
Meatloaf gets its name from Michael Lee Aday, better known by his stage name Meat Loaf, an American rock singer.
Funnily enough, Meatloaf's beta name was Firework lol. Back when it was a Stand it was named Bottle Up and Explode, after an Elliot Smith song.
Random Access Memories is named after a Daft Punk album of the same name.
Firework gets his name from the Katy Perry song of the same name, which I'm sure needs no introduction.
Firework actually had quite a few beta names. Originally it was Jimmy, after the band Jimmy Eat World, but meh. "Jimmy." So basic. Then it was Taco, after a singer who famously covered Puttin' on the Ritz, but that swung the pendulum the complete opposite direction. Naming a character Taco felt like I was writing some racist caricature of a Mexican person, even if that's not his character at all. I settled on using Meatloaf's beta name instead—it fits him much better, anyways.
Puttin' on the Ritz is named after a song written by Irving Berlin in 1927. It's been covered god knows how many times, but these days, the version by Taco is probably the most well known, so that's the version I'm using on all of the reference playlists.
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general-posting · 2 months
Why am I rebranding?
Short answer: so I can hide from people I do not ever wanna talk to again.
Long answer:
I will not be name dropping for my own privacy and also the privacy of others cause nobody was good in this situation, and im sure we all want to move on by now, right???
I didn't start thinking of a rebrand until a few days ago, but it really started when a person who I no longer wish to associate with sent me characters I had gifted them on toyhouse with no explanation, which made me panic for a bit. I asked their freind if they wanted a design they gave me back, they did not reply so I didn't know what to do. The request sat in my inbox for 1-2 days until I accepted and sent a return request for the character given to me.
The reason they did this, cause I was a stupid idiot and not the best behaved when we knew eachother, currently I am trying to avoid getting too personally involved in situations cause I'm afraid of this happening again. Aparrently I harassed multiple people, but please note I was extremely out of it or usually unaware at the time I was doing these things over the course of several months, and multiple people where encouraging me including the owner of the server i was doing it in. I made a copy pasta about a user who was banned from said server, they put a command on the servers exclusive bot that would say the copypasta among other things when used.
Anyway when I realized this wasn't the best thing to be doing I was too unstable to notice I was doing some messed up shit too, and decided to leave a nasty ass message about why I was leaving the server, in response the lead mod decided to publicly craptalk me infront of everyone and brush everyone else's behavior under the rug.
What do I mean by others behavior?? Well a user who knew the person irl who I made the copypasta about, went out of their way to make an alt even though they were both not on speaking terms and spam them with a random meme. They also were encouraging me to do dumb things and making jokes about said person publicly. Among other things.
(Said person is just starting highschool and im turning 17 soon so, I'm not really upset with them anymore like I was when I made the nasty message, at the time I made the message I was really unstable and having an episode but was unaware of that fact)
Anyway I rejoined the server had another moment and left and did it again and again for a few weeks until I snapped cause I thought that someone was talking about me.
Finally I was banned (I should've been banned the first time ngl)
This should've been the end of it honestly, and I wish it was.
Then the toyhouse thing happened. (I was on vacation and it really upset me)
I moved on i got over the toyhouse incident.
Accidentally sent the lead mod of the server a picture of a chuck e cheese mascot costume.
They made a whole paragraph about how bad I am and how they wanna be left alone. (SAME)
I was already having a shitty day and forgot about the accidental chuck e cheese picture, my cat had passed a few days prior and I was waiting to die to join him honestly.
After having a talk with my mom, I decided to block a bunch of people and go into hiding on discord and rebrand online.
Honestly atp I want to be left the fuck alone by everyone from that server except like two people I was close with.
If you know me from that server DNI. Do not contact me. Also if im a silly haha joke in your server, please stop. That's the whole reason I had the meltdown in the first place?? Making silly jokes out of people?? It wasn't the person I even "harassed" yall would make jokes about sometimes, yall had "banned emojis"
Genuinely i don't hate any of you id like to think
But leave me the hell alone
I just wanna get better as a person, and mentally.
I wanna move on.
Hopefully you aren't even reading this cause I know you guys will reply to this with some bullshit.
So anyway thats why I'm rebranding, cause I'm genuinely very afraid rn, im not having a good time.
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eddiesshovel · 5 months
Here's a bunch of yapping about Elliott that I sent to a discord server, I added more stuff about him
(Tw for suicide, assault)
It would be EXTREMELY easy to find stuff about his life about his blog, he would share everything except for stuff that would cause people to find out who he is and where he lived (who he was however was found out after he made a post about finding out that a video of him when he was 10 was posted to a website dedicated to people suffering and he complained about it, people went out of their way to find it and would spam him with it), but he would practically post constantly and it would always be stupid and would end up making posts about his life harder to find
His blog was dedicated to just trying to be edgy and shit
He was obsessed with some random ass japanese cartoon about a nurse cat who was basically in love who was violent for like 6 years, he was still obsessed with it when he died
around the time were he ended his life his posts got a little bit more serious and would be talking about his life a bit more, nobody ever really took it seriously, it's not like anyone would know what happened to him or why he hasn't been online since 2012
He seemed to have suffered from internalized homophobia of some sort, but he was aware and accepting of the fact he's trans
A lot of people would joke about certain posts on their blog, because he would post shit like "I love [cereal brand], it is my favorite kind of cereal! I wish my mom didn't neglect me" and stuff like that but not exactly that because he doesn't really see it as neglect
He is actually considered very mature because of the fact that he had to find out how to do a lot of stuff by himself, like cooking and cleaning, doing laundry, chores like that. Doesn't mean he's good at it though
He's as smart as the average 10 year old, he tried to teach himself how to do math and stuff but he didn't understand anything and ended up giving up a couple months latrt
He had to drop out of school because 1. He was getting bullied and it seemed to be too much for him, and 2. After he got harmed in some way when walking home. His mom deemed it too unsafe for him to go to school anymore so he dropped out at 10
I don't plan on actually deciding how he was harmed when walking home, I think I'll leave it up for interpretation. I just can't come up with something, whatever happened was bad enough for him to come home covered in blood though.
Did I mention that he was practically neglected? It started when he was 11, his mom would end up coming home less and less
he has a REALLY bad mindset due to him being alone so much.
There's technically 2 versions of him! One is a normal teenage boy (you can tell it's this version because he looks more nervous and wears a black and gray striped shirt), and the other one is practically a immortal sadistic being who is a personification of his intrusive thoughts (you can tell its that version because he wears a dark gray T-shirt and a lighter gray jacket)
Thats all I'm gonna mention since it'll just be never ending if I keep going
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Relaxing with them
notes: this is just sitting idle and enjoying your time together
also anyone over 15 who doesn't intend to start any drama is welcome to join the twisted wonderland discord server I mod in.
characters included: ace trappola, trey clover, leona kingscholar
contains: character x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Ace has a lot to do with school and following all the rules at Heartslabyul so he's glad whenever he can take some time to just chill with you. He gets annoyed pretty fast with his daily life.
He'll usually invite you to stop by at his dorm and snuggle with him in his room.
He likes talking about whatever comes to mind with you and complaining about his teachers or his dorm leader or the homework he got yelled at for not doing whilst holding you in his arms and running his hands up and down your back.
Sometimes he'll appreciate a short nap with you as well. He likes to be the little spoon for napping, at least if it's during the day because the light keeps him from sleeping and he likes to hide his face in your neck
Oftentimes you'll also just sit on his bed together and spend time on your phones. Ace occasionally shows you some funny memes or comes up with the idea to prank-call Deuce or Riddle.
Sometimes when you can decide on a genre of music you both like to listen to, he'll share headphones with you or you both listen to a song together
Ace likes to have you lay your head on his lap. He'll lay a pillow in his lap so you're comfortable and you can turn towards him and wrap your arms around his upper body and bury your face in his stomach.
Ace just likes to cuddle for a couple of hours sometimes. He needs his space often enough but he also loves to have you lay in his arms whenever he missed you.
Might just kiss you with no ending in sight. He loves the way your lips feel on his and he doesn't mind just continuing with kissing you for god knows how long
Sometimes he also plays games at his laptop and lets you sit on his lap and hide your face in his neck so you can rest if you're tired. But he also doesn't mind explaining the game to you and letting you watch him play. He puts headphones on or turn the volume off if you actually just want to rest in his embrace
Occasionally presses a kiss to your forehead.
Another position Ace really likes is to sit between your legs and half-lie on your stomach or chest, having your arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind and leaning your head against his / burying your face in his hair. He'll scroll absentmindedly through his phone and occasionally puts a hand on yours and tells you he loves you. Also adores when you press a kiss to his temple while he does his. It makes him feel appreciated and loved
He'd enjoy watching a movie with you while sitting like this.
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Trey likes to relax outside with you
He'll get a picnic blanket and find you two a nice spot in the Heartslabyul Garden when the weather is nice and just spoils you
You have to remind him sometimes to relax himself as well.
He likes to enjoy the atmosphere and the nature surrounding you
He even baked some nice food specifically for you. So you thought he really deserves the rest.
Sometimes you'll lean against each other and read books, occasionally Trey reads to you
He often tells you that he thinks you're cute and holds your chin and gives you very sweet kisses. He chuckles and comments on how your lips taste like the tart he made. Literally looks at you like you're the most precious thing in his life and can't keep his hands off you. He cups your cheeks and places kisses on several parts of your face and he'll pull you close and hug you
He's just so happy you're with him. He can absolutely imagine spending his life with you.
Will make a lot of dad jokes (which is a given, I mean, it's Trey)
Sometimes pokes your face with a random flower or grass he plucked to tease you. He tells you you look adorable when you pout. "Hey don't get mad at me!", he chuckles and holds his hand up in surrender, dropping the grass in the process. He then opens his arms for you to hug him closely. You can hear his heartbeat as you lay on his chest.
Trey lays a hand on your cheek and repeatedly gives you soft kisses
He likes to take couple photos with you. Usually he doesn't post often on Magicam at all, at least not anything that isn't related to cooking and dental hygiene, but ever since he's been dating you, he often posts cute photos of you two together if you're fine with it. Cater is super happy about this development. He thinks you two look so cute together.
When you do this at night you often lay next to each other and look at the stars together
Trey actually knows a lot about the constellations and explains some of them to you. He only notices a while later that you're no longer staring at the sky.
Instead, you're burying your face in Trey's neck and eventually start pressing kisses to his skin
He chuckles and turns around to hug you close.
"And here I was, trying to help you with your astrology classes", he sighs and you pull him close again, kissing him lovingly. And how could he complain about that?
If you fall asleep, he'd pick you up and carry you to his room so he can join you and snuggle close to you after cleaning up the picnic blanket and getting ready to sleep.
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There are few times after school when Leona isn't relaxing with you
Most of the time he's sleeping. If you want to nap as well, he'll hold you very tightly. Most of the time he likes to nap on your chest or shoulder and use you as a pillow. He sometimes purrs in his sleep or licks your skin affectionately like lions do. It'll take some getting used to.
Sometimes when he's awake and you're cuddling, you press a kiss to his forehead and run your hand through his hair. He loves this a lot
If you don't want to sleep, he'll sleep on your lap. You can gently rub his ears which makes him purr as well and nuzzle your hand or your stomach.
He sometimes mumbles about how much he loves you in his sleep.
If you're both awake, Leona likes to lean on you. You sometimes have to remind him not to do that with his whole body weight because Leona can be very heavy. You sometimes scroll through your phone and Leona is bored so he demands kisses and tries to distract you by kissing your neck and snuggling up to you
If you do something creative like drawing or writing, Leona takes an interest in what you're doing and then silently watches you, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his tail around your waist
You're the only one who's allowed to touch his tail so casually
Leona also often lets you sit on his lap when you watch a movie or something like that
He sometimes acts annoyed when you turn around in the middle of it to give him affection but his tail gives him away, flicking excitedly. He loves when you're fully focused on something else like a movie or a book and just turn around and start giving him affection because you missed it or want to show him your love.
Sometimes you sit on his bed and play chess or other board games.
Leona is always there when you had a stressful day and just need to lay in his arms for a while. You can walk into his room and he'll be laying there on the bed, looking at you curiously with his green eyes and just waiting for you to snuggle up to him and hide your face in his chest. You'll instantly feel better because of how warm and soft Leona's skin is and how protectively he wraps his arms around you
"Missed you, herbivore", he whispers affectionately and presses a kiss to your temple.
Leona makes the room darker so there's less strain on your eyes and so you can just rest easier. He'll hold you very close and he's happy you're finally back in his arms.
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Part Five. "You guys gossip about boys without me?"
warnings: swearing, mentions of emotional abusive/manipulation word count: 3.2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Y/n dropped her phone on the bed and slowly rolled off and onto the ground with a soft THUD. She grunted, falling harder than she expected but the dull pain now present in her right shoulder felt deserved somehow. Why did she think she deserved it? Maybe because she was an unconfrontational worm even when the person needed to be confronted because he hurt her more than anyone ever had.
She closed her eyes and wiggled to get comfortable on the thin carpet in her room. Laying on the ground was relaxing to her, forcing her gamer back to straighten to how it was intended. It helped her think, being on the floor. She didn't know why but she didn't question it. Just laid on the floor in acceptance with the dirt and forgotten candy wrappers.
Why didn't she want to respond to Peter? Well, years of being with him and even the months of not being with him had taught her that her ex liked to get his way and liked to take his anger out in her verbally when he didn't.
You could say she's heard some terrible things over very simple inconveniences.
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Y/n slowly pattered to her desk and slid on her headphones, finding the discord server Dream said he and George were on. It was a server that a lot of their friends were in, one that Y/n hardly went in since she still hadn't met a lot of them and wasn't super comfortable with talking in it yet.
She scrolled through the various text chats, one for boredom, one for stream questions, one for memes, one for pictures of pets, one for.... discussing the inevitable takeover of rats...? Y/n wasn't sure what that was about but she knew she didn't want to find out. The list went on. She was pretty sure they had made a channel for every possible message someone could ever send.
There were equally as many voice channels, most of them titled with the names of different games for when they only played with each other and didn't stream. Some of them were just random names and she noticed there was one to match the rat takeover text channel. Okay, who was responsible for that?
After what felt like an entire scavenger hunt and with many new questions in her mind, Y/n finally found the voice channel Dream and George were in and clicked on it. It was called memerz-only.
"I'm not a memer, am I allowed in here?" she asked. She hadn't realized how messed up her voice was since she hadn't talked all day.
"Holy shit, Bug, you sound awful."
She scoffed a laugh. "Thanks, Dream. Really means a lot." She did sound pretty scuffed. Her voice was a little scratchy from not talking literally all day.
"You doing okay, Bugsy?" George asked kindly, to which she hummed.
“I just have one quick question...”
“This is simple, please don’t elaborate further. There’s a channel on this server... did you guys mean rat as in BadBoyHalo’s dog or rats as in rats?”
Neither of them spoke for a minute before George understood what she was referring to. “Oh! Rats as in rats.”
“Okay, thank you.” 
“Yeah, Quackity—“
“No!” she interupted. “No! I said I don’t wanna know. I really don’t. I’m too afraid to understand.”
“Wha- HA, okay.”
“Good choice, Bugsy. I wish I didn’t know what it’s about. It’s a lot weirder than you’d think.”
“Now that that’s settled,” Dream said with a laugh. “How are you doing, Bug?”
"Neither of you are streaming, right?" she asked, doubling checking the twitch app on her phone to be sure.
"So I don't have to pretend to be happy and bubbly?"
"No, you can be as mundane as you'd like," Dream said. "We don't mind."
"Yeah, honestly, most of the time when Dream and I are on calls alone it's just us being super boring and hardly talking."
"That's..." she paused to find the right words and decided with, "actually really cute. You guys just enjoy each other's presence."
George scoffed and Dream giggled. "See, even Bug says we're cute, Georgie! Why can you tell me you love me?"
"I'll leave right now if you don't stop," George threatened. "Can we go back to how Bugsy's miserable?"
"I'm not miserable, I just..." she hesitated. She had already told George about why she was having a bad day, but Dream?
She didn't want to tell Karl because she knew he would yell at her. She didn't want to tell Sapnap because she didn't trust him not to tell everyone (on accident, of course). For some reason, it was a different kind of hesitation than with the others that made her not want to tell Dream. She didn't want to tell him because she didn't want to be... embarrassed? Maybe that was it. She thought it would be embarrassing to tell Dream about how her ex-boyfriend treated her like shit and how now he wants to get back together with her. Plus, she knew how everyone else individually would react but Dream was a complete mystery. Maybe he'd yell at her too and say she's stupid for being affected by an ex. Maybe he'd break down crying for some reason? Who knows?
"You don't have to tell us," Dream stated. "Seriously."
"It's embarrassing," she said, tucking her feet beneath her on her seat. As she said the words, she decided they felt right. She was embarrassed. "But George already knows."
Above everyone else, Y/n was okay with telling George about her situation because he and her tended to talk about their troublesome relationships quite often. He always came to her for advice and she to him. They were very similar in their ways of thinking and seemed to have lots of similar dating stories, even if neither of them knew what the hell they were doing. She knew he'd never judge her for thinking unclearly since he tended to do the same.
George hummed, not knowing what to say since she hadn't said much. She could tell he didn't wanna say something that might make Dream more nosey and start hounding her about telling him.
"What hap—never mind. Not my business," Dream said quickly.
"No, I mean, I kinda wanted to talk to George about it again anyway so I guess you can join in on the gossip." Guess my mouth decided for me on this one, she thought.
"Wait, what? You guys gossip about boys without me?"
"Oh my gosh, don't say it like that, Dream," George groaned. "Bugsy and I talk about relationship problems a lot, yes. Not just boys."
"How did I not know this?"
"Because you don't know a lot of things?"
"It's normally George sending screenshots of text conversations with girls and asking me how to let them down gently," Y/n explained with a giggle.
"Or Y/n talking about her asshole ex."
"George! What do you and Karl not get about not calling him names?"
"I'm so lost," Dream mumbled.
Y/n sighed. "Okay, well," she cut herself off with a groan. "It's so embarrassing. Basically, my ex asked me to 'chat' this morning which is code for he wants to get back together—"
"Do you know that for sure?" Dream asked.
"Yeah, we already decided that," George snapped. "Let her finish."
"So he wants to get back together and I feel stupid for wanting to listen to what he has to say."
"How is that embarrassing?"
"Because he hurt me and I feel like an idiot because him even suggesting that means he doesn't realize how badly he hurt me. It makes me feel like, I don't know, like all the time I spent being upset was for nothing," Y/n explained in a soft voice. "And because his simple, like, five word text made me freak out all day to the point of exhaustion."
"I don't think you should be embarrassed, Bugsy," George offered.
"Have either of you, uh, have you ever considered dating an ex?"
"Didn't you just say he hurt you badly?" Dream asked. "You aren't thinking of getting back with him, are you?"
"No... but I want to stay friends so maybe I should hear him out?"
"Well, I've never gotten back with an ex," he said bluntly. "But to be fair, all my relationships have ended badly or for bad reasons so I've never wanted to see any of them again. Staying friends depends on why you and he broke up, I guess, but..."
"Um, how do I put this..." she trailed off. "He was mean to me."
"Then no? Simple."
"But I've forgiven him and I think he's changed."
"People don't change that easily. Didn't you break up like, a few months ago?" George asked.
"Yeah, but—"
"Honestly I think if a guy was ever mean to you he doesn't deserve any more of your attention," Dream decided. "So, no. Don't even be his friend. Don't listen to a single thing he has to say."
"That's what I told her," George agreed.
"If that were the case, you guys shouldn't be friends," she argued. "You're mean to each other all the time."
"But we know it's a joke," George defended.
"So you're saying if someone is ever purposefully mean to you just once, you drop them forever?"
"Well, no," Dream said. "Not exactly. But it sounds like he was super mean to you since it's why you broke up."
She took a deep breath. She didn't want to go into detail. She was already uncomfortable enough talking about her personal life so much, but she trusted both of them and needed to get it off her chest and they were there and willing to listen. They had already established wanting to listen to her if she wanted to speak and right now, she wanted to speak. Maybe not the full story, but at least some. "He, um, well, the mean things he said, he said because he was trying to get me to see what he thought was the truth about myself."
Both of them were silent for a few moments. "I'm still confused," George admitted.
"Me too... But you don't have to tell us." Dream explained again. She thought it was sweet that they kept reassuring her that.
"I know, but I want to. If it's not too much for you guys..."
"No, go ahead, if you want."
"Uh, he lowkey emotionally manipulated me by telling me I wasn't good enough for anyone and stuff and how he was the only one who could ever love me. The second part he said truly believing that he was being romantic. There are a lot worse and specific things engraved in my brain but that's the gist of what he would tell me. He made me believe that I could never leave him because I could never be loved by anyone else. But he said it all in a way that... he thought he was just... letting me in on something no one else had the guts to tell me."
George gasped. "What?! Bugsy, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was like that."
"Woah, what the hell? No. Absolutely not. Don't give this guy a second thought. Cut him off for good," Dream said sternly, angry that anyone would say that to anyone, especially to someone like Y/n. "Wait, so, you broke up with him?"
"Yeah. After Karl yelled at me a lot and explained his outside point of view, I finally realized Peter was gaslighting me and emotionally abusing me and stuff so I dumped him. I guess right now I'm just upset by it because I thought we were past this and I was healing and him reaching out affected me again. I'm just emotionally exhausted. Like I said, it hurts to know that he doesn't realize what he did to me."
"I'm really sorry, Bug," Dream said softly. "Gimme his address and I'll punch him for you."
She laughed through her nose. "That's okay. Thanks."
"Yeah, she can go set his house on fire if she wants. She's proven that already."
"Shut up, George," she said with a small laugh.
"Wh......at?" Dream stuttered and George briefly explained.
"Well, Bug, just so you know, in case you weren't aware, you're really cool and sweet and funny and we really like having you around–" Dream started.
"Oh, ugh, no don't do this," she tried to joke but he ignored her as he continued his speech.
"–and you're way too good to be hanging out with either of us, and whatever that asshole was showing you wasn't love. 'No one could love you like he did' because what he was doing was not love, it was abuse." Dream's voice had a certain gentleness to it as he spoke that comforted Y/n and made her believe him. He was blunt but it didn't stab her in the heart like it should have.
If Y/n ever cried, she might have just then from how sweet they were both being. But she didn't because that wasn't something she did. She never cried over anything Peter said, never cried during movies, and didn't cry then. But she did smile very fondly at the Discord screen in front of her.
"Thank you, Dream."
"You know I'm not good with words, but, yeah, what Dream said," George said. "I'm sorry you had to go through that thinking it was normal. Please, please, do not get back together with him and please don't be friends with him."
"He's fine as a friend though."
"Bug. Whether he's fine as a friend doesn't matter, he doesn't deserve to have you as a friend. He treated you like shit, it's okay to be a little cold to him."
She sighed. They were right. "Okay." There was a long pause before, "thanks, guys. Sorry for coming in here and dumping my problems on you—"
"Don't be sorry," George said. "We're the ones that asked you to come in and share. We knew what we signed up for and don't regret it."
"Seriously, Bug, we care about you. You're allowed to, you know, talk about yourself." How did he know that's what she meant by that sentence? The way he could read her mind was heart-warming.
"Also, George knows this but Dream, there's a strict no-telling policy about this kinda thing. Please don't tell anyone."
"I wouldn't even think of it," he promised. "My lips are sealed."
A soft animal noise came from one of their mics and Y/n strained her ears to listen. "Was that a cat?"
"Patches has entered the chat," George joked.
Dream chuckled. "Yeah, my cat just jumped on my lap."
"Aw, you have a cat? Lemme see lemme see lemme see!" Y/n begged. "Partly because I would love if we could stop talking about my ex-boyfriend and the other part because I love cats."
"There's pictures of her in the pets channel on Discord—"
"No, no I want a picture of her on your lap. Is she all snuggled up?"
"Yeah, she is."
"PleASE, Dream. I need to see the snuggly cat."
"Fine, fine, if you insist. Give me a second."
A few moments later, she got a DM from Dream and smiled at the picture. His room was dark but the computer screen cast a cold glow over a ball of fur on a lap clad in sweatpants. "Awww, she's so cute."
"Dream, I wanna see it too," George whined. "Send it to the pets channel."
"I'm literally making this my lock screen," Y/n informed, making Dream laugh.
"No, George, it's only for Bug. She's had a bad day so she gets exclusive Patches content."
"What? That is so messed up."
"You know what's messed up, George?" Dream asked. "You never come to me with advice on how to reject girls. We're on the phone for 12 hours a day but you can't talk to me about girls? Do you know how that makes me feel?"
"You'll just make fun of me."
"Why would I? What makes you think that?"
"Because Sapnap and I make fun of you? So obviously you and him would make fun of me?" George said with a laugh.
"....that's fair."
Y/n locked her phone and clicked the home button to admire her new lock screen. "I love her," she whispered.
Dream and George both laughed. "I'm regretting sending you that. You're gonna, like, make a shrine or something."
"What would be wrong with that? She's precious. She deserves a shrine."
"Yeah, Dream, you're the one that feeds her gormet cooked food," George teased with a laugh. "You probably have a shrine."
"That's normal! That's what people feed their cats! That's completely normal!"
"I don't," George countered.
"Then what do you feed your cat?" Dream asked.
"I dunno, normal cat food?"
"Wait! You have a cat too??" Y/n asked. "I feel like we're missing a huge detail and it's that George never told me he had a cat."
"And a dog."
"WHAT? GEORGE! Send me pictures!!!!!"
"I can't right now, it's like three am. They're sleeping. Look in the pets channel."
"You're the worst," she grumbled, clicking and scrolling to find his pets. She saw a lot of cute pictures of other peoples pets along the way but couldn't find George's.
"Hey, do your animals have English accents?" Dream asked, making Y/n laugh.
"What?" George scoffed. "You're so stupid."
"How would that even sound?" Y/n asked.
"Like..." Dream thought, preparing to test out how it would hypothetically sound. "Meow," Dream meowed in his best accent, failing miserable.
"Oh gosh, never do that again," Y/n begged.
Dream laughed into his mic. "That was disgusting. George, I really hope your pets don't have accents."
"They're animals, so probably not. And if they did, it definitely wouldn't sound like whatever that was."
"Oh come on–"
"OH I FOUND THEM." Y/n announced as she found a message from George in the pets channel with the message 'heard we're sharing our pets'. "GEORGE. THEY'RE SO CUTE."
"Are you gonna make them your background picture now?" George asked.
"What, no way! It's Patches!" Dream scoffed.
"Yeah, I'll make George's pets my home screen. Oh, what a good day." As soon as she said it, a metal bowling ball fell to her stomach, reminding her of all the reasons it was, in fact, not a good day.
She got off after a while, feeling the weight of a particular idiot man's stupid simple text catch up with her again. She thanked Dream and George for letting her join, they invited her to always hang out with them, and she went on her way.
Y/n fell on her bed and curled up under the covers as her mind started to wander from Peter to Dream. She was really glad she met him. He was a really good person and he was always so incredibly kind to her. George and Sapnap and Karl were all great friends, so caring and understanding and always looking out for her, but Dream was different and she didn't know why.
Maybe it was because he seemed untouchable still, like he had no reason to hang out around someone like her. But he wasn't untouchable in the celebrity was since he had a large following, because all of her friends did and they didn't seem untouchable. Then what was it? What set him apart from, say, Karl? She trusted Karl with her life and had known him for quite a while. She knew Dream for maybe a few weeks and almost trusted him the same amount.
She picked her phone up off the bed and pulled up Twitter, deciding to DM Dream since he was already existing in her mind rent-free. Might as well make him pay his rent by bothering him.
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A/N: EEEEEEEE I hope that all made sense lmaaoooo basically yn ex = gaarrbbaaagggeeeee and ruined her self-worth a lot!! not poggers!!!!!!  THANK U GUYS FOR BEING SO SWEET ALL THE TIME ALL FOR ALL THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK ON ALL THE  CHAPTERS!!! I love seeing you guys make predictions and tell me how aljkDFB chapters make you feel bc same :/
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @jabby16 @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk 
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bozowrites · 3 years
Do you think that you could do a pregnant headcanons about telling like tommy tubbo ranboo and maybe purpled (idk if you write for purpled but i didn’t see that you won’t write him in your rules) and telling them they are going to be uncles??
↳ Telling the uncles.
Members: [CC] TommyInnit, Tubbo and Ranboo.
TW: reader has a uterus.
note: this was a lil hard since I don't see the reader as a streamer and making them amigos with the minors was slightly difficult but I got there! Thank you for requesting <3
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You were close to the younger, loud boy and set up a time to call with him to tell him the news.
And despite just being your partners significant other, you two still somehow ended up getting along really well.
So with your partner and you side by side, Tommy looking through the screen rather suspiciously, you told him the news.
He jumped from his chair and started shouting out random words.
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Now, it was kind of a joke that you and your partner were like the parents to the minors on the Dream SMP server, since you would guest star on the SMP from time to time.
Tubbo and you were on the server (he wasn't streaming) and just chatting on discord together.
He made a joke about it and you let it slip that you were pregnant.
Went dead silent before he started cheering, probably waking up half of the UK.
"OH, MY GOSH! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I'm so happy for you, Y/n! Does this mean I'm an uncle?"
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Your partner just ended a stream which happened to envolve Ranboo.
The two were still on call with each other, happily chatting when you walked in to offer some food and a drink to your partner.
Ranboo said hi and the three of you continued to chat.
You figured that you may as well tell the tall child he'd be an uncle now.
"I'm gonna be an uncle? I'll be the fun uncle!"
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Danny Phantom Randomness ~ Hell’s Kitchen Edition
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Ok, I’m gonna rant a little about this episode because I cannot believe this is canon. I tend to try to mentally erase this episode from my memory since it’s so bad and makes so many great female villains in the show act really...off. Not to mention Kitty gained the random power to banish men with a kiss which she totally would have used on Johnny 13 sooner to teach him a lesson.
Anyways, this rant is about Spectra in particular and one other character that deserves to be mentioned since I think she should have been included in this whole thing despite not being the same “age” as the other ghost gals.
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I’m probably going to do a full “regarding” segment about Spectra later but lets just say, when I was talking to some people, I brought up my feelings about the weird changes they made to Spectra not only visually...but as a character in general cause she really started off strong and was honestly pretty terrifying! To be fair, it was early in Danny’s ghost hunting career and teen misery is no joke, so he wasn’t really equipped to deal with a ghost that could mess with his head like that.
Now, before I get sidetracked too much, let me just point out a few things real quick:
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I will never understand why they turned Spectra into a generic shadow ghost when her first design really popped with the colored ghost aura, green mouth, and purple highlights. When compared to her second shadow form, it’s so bland!
Her human form has the sort of opposite effect since the new human form’s outfit is so...tacky:
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I didn’t notice her eyes and hair are different too. Wow.
I will give her this, Spectra’s second appearance in the show and her plot were still IN CHARACTER unlike the part I’m about to get into. From the beginning they established that she’s obsessed with staying young and beautiful by any means necessary which was originally feeding off teen misery and later she decided to skip all that by creating a new body using Danny’s DNA and by copying the best traits from a bunch of other teens. But, I’ll get into that in a full character analysis post another time.
Ok, so backtracking a little, it’s already weird that Spectra can still switch between her shadow form and her human disguise when we know the first body was reduced to an old lady and the second...let herself go a bit after ending up using Jack’s DNA instead of Danny’s to complete the new body. That’s not the worst of it though...
The worst of it...is this!
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Her expression says it all, “Why the heck am I doing a cooking show right now? This isn’t like me at all and I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Nothing about her character suggests she’s has any interest in cooking or getting her own hands dirty. If anything, I could see her as a television make up artist or maybe a talk show host since that would sorta go along with her fake therapist background and obsession with beauty, but a chef? Really? No, that’s why a member on my own discord server (who totally deserves most of the credit btw since I love this inside joke of ours) and I have decided as a new headcanon is that the honor of being a food critic/professional chef belongs to the one and only...
Lunch Lady!
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It would have made infinitely more sense for the Lunch Lady to have a cooking show, not Spectra. She’s a misery ghost! What could be miserable about cooking delicious food?! Sure, it can be depressing when it doesn’t turn out right but in the episode Spectra’s still all cheery about it which I always found creepy for all the wrong reasons.
That’s not who Spectra is at all.
Ok, I’m done with my rant but hopefully you get my point.
The Lunch Lady would have been fun to use as a sort of Hell’s Kitchen reference and a ghostly food critic since she does have 50 years experience cooking food under her apron. I bet when she was alive, the Casper High lunches were something to actually look forward to. She obviously has a lot of pride in her craft even after death which is why she got so upset when Sam changed the menu.
So yeah, let the Lunch Lady enjoy girl’s night out too guys! Don’t exclude her since she’s a granny! I personally think it would have been adorable to see more of her playful side as a person doing some sort of baking class and handing out cookies to all the well behaved little girls since all the men had been banished.
Then again, I dunno, I just have a soft spot for the Lunch Lady despite her mood swings since I have another headcanon she was extra friendly to Poindexter when she was a cook at Casper High since they were both alive at the same time 50 years prior.
You can read that post here: https://thesoulspulse.tumblr.com/post/639775040884375552/regarding-the-lunch-lady-and-sidney-poindexter
Now if you’ll excuse me, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system I’m going to try and go to bed again. Been feeling kinda restless lately and I don’t know why. Hope you enjoyed my little tirade regardless!
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Pink is not a girl’s color- regressor! Tommy, finally big brother tubbo, cg! Wilbur
Tommy was little. There was no two ways to put it. And, as if it wasn’t obvious enough from the fact he hadn't sworn in a whole ten minutes, His thumb was inserted firmly in his mouth as he gamed one-handedly, a small piece of paper over each of the webcams on his monitors, in case someone saw. He had finished his stream that day in rather a hurry, logging off of the dream SMP almost as soon as the confirmation came through that the stream had ended, already feeling the pull of the headspace on his mind, and knowing he wouldn’t have been able to hide it from his friends should he have fully slipped. But, for now, he was idly wandering around a solo server he had made for himself, trying to remember where he had built his home last time he had been on the server. His chair creaked in protest, as he tried to bring his knees up to his chest, resting his feet on the very edge of the seat, making him jump. It wasn’t that he was easily scared when little, but the fact he had become accustomed to the silence that seemed to surround him when he was small, since nobody ever wanted to talk to him without being mean.  
But it was ok. He could look after himself. He was a big boy, really! Mumbling to himself, around his thumb, he tried to direct his character over to the little hill he could see in the distance, not noticing the river running between himself and said mound, and promptly falling right in. At the sudden change of perspective, Tommy panicked, pulling his hand away from the keyboard like it had burnt him, in the hopes it would be fixed if he stopped. But it didn’t, leaving him arrested in fear, watching as the pretty bubbles went away, and his character started taking damage. He didn’t want the pretty red hearts to go away, they were nice!  
Whining slightly as the last one slipped away, and the death message popped up on screen, shading everything in a dim sort of red, Tommy shoved the mouse away too in frustration, refusing to respawn. He wore a stubborn pout as he spun on his chair to turn his back on the screens, just in time for a knock to sound on his door. Worrying for a moment, he yanked his thumb out, and minimised the tab, not wanting anyone to see, before calling out a “Yeah?” that sounded too loud and brash to be right, even for his normal self.  
Wilbur, poking his head through the door carefully, smiled to see Tommy not doing much, before starting to speak. “I, uh, I saw your stream ended? I was wondering if you wanted to come spend some time with real people now?” he joked, referencing how little time Tommy actually spent socialising. Despite how much he really really wanted to nod yes, and go with him, Tommy shook his head, carefully measuring his voice to reply. “Nah, you’re alright, I have masses of women to talk to.” he tried to joke back, his smile just a little too wide, the usual bravado missing from the tone, though Will shrugged it off, sure that if something was up, Tommy wouldn’t hesitate to complain about it.  
“Well, if you change your mind, don’t forget, Toby and I ’re right downstairs.” He reminded Tommy, with a slightly stern look, before ducking back out the door frame. He tried to nod an affirmation, turning as if to go back to his game, but, as soon as he heard the door click back into place, and the creak of the stairs, he pushed up off his chair, padding over to his bed instead. He wasn’t big enough for gaming, right now, and certainly not to go face his friends. Don’t get him wrong, he was glad they had offered to come over and keep him company while his parents were away for some business trip or other, but it was hard to hide his little space from them when he knew they would be watching his streams, and constantly reminding him to actually care for himself. Especially since it had saved him the embarrassment of his parents hiring some babysitter that never actually did anything, once they found out how old he was.  
Tummy rumbling as he sat down cross-legged amid the rumpled sheets, and pulled his favourite blanket out from under his pillow, Tommy whined, having run out of fruit snacks the previous night when he had been streaming till two in the morning. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue, him just having to sneak down and grab something from the cupboards under the guise of still streaming, but he knew, as soon as he set foot on the stairs today, his friends would be dragging him into a switch game tournament, or a conversation, or, even worse, a trip to the store. Shuddering at the very thought of going outside, Tommy shook his head. No, going hungry was much better than whatever they had in store for him.  
His PC kept chiming with discord messages, probably from his other streamer friends to wonder why he had ended so fast, but he merely ignored them, balling up under the ratty sky-blue blanket, and trying to get his head to stop being quite so fuzzy. It didn’t help as his thumb crept back into his mouth, brushing against the cold metal of his braces, and he curled tighter, the scratchy material of his jeans starting to irritate him, as he slipped further and further. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened, so, desperately clinging to the last shreds of his adult mind, Tommy stumbled over to his closet, kicking off his jeans and baseball shirt in a frenzy of unstable movement.  
Once he was sure that it was all off, he glanced nervously toward the door, and quickly grabbed a bundle of material, throwing it onto the bed before someone could burst in and see it. Yanking a pair of shorts over his boxers, he quickly scurried back to the comfy area, hiding between the sheets as he fought his way into the other thing, a hoodie that was clearly multiple sizes too big, smelling of a foreign but comforting cologne. He’d picked it up from Wilbur’s bag the first night he had been here, thinking it had been his own, and had been reluctant to give it back upon discovering it, in fact, was not, something about how it made him feel small making it appealing.  
Flipping up the hood, so it fell over his eyes, Tommy giggled, flapping around the oversized sleeves in a childish manner, entertained by even the slightest of things in little space. By this point, his adult mind had entirely slipped away, replaced with the simple, cotton candy thoughts of the child Tommy now was. Confused as to why he was being so boring and lying round in bed all day, he pushed back his coverings with a smile, before gasping, looking around for Henry - his cow plush- in between the all-together too mature sheets. Black circles were just so grown up! Where were the dinosaurs? Or the racing cars!  
Temporarily distracted from his search by the thought of cars, Tommy gasped, running over to his cupboard, where he hid away all his colouring books, dragging out some nice-looking ones, and his big box of Crayola pens, giggling as they rattled noisily. Throwing them to the floor, Tommy lay down on his tummy across his rug, pushing up the too-long sleeves until he could see hs fingers. Wiggling them around, he couldn’t help but beam, it being such a silly movement, especially as they all bunched up to try picking up the slippery box of pens, only for it to bump back down. Kicking contentedly as he tried again, it wasn’t long before it was tipped upside down, the rainbow of colors spreading across the rug in a mess only a child could make, blues bouncing and reds rolling. In fact, every color other than pink.  
Not that Tommy noticed this lack, grabbing up his favourite colour, and flipping to a random page, cheering as it was a cool race car, with flames up the sides, all waiting to be coloured. Uncapping the pen with his teeth, he kept the lid in, chewing on the tip of it as he scribbled messily up and down the door of the car, smiling as it got bluer and bluer the more that he scribbled. Even if it didn’t particularly stay in the lines. Blue was nice, it was a boy’s color, like the sky, and the sea, and blue race cars that go nyoom! Will once said blue was a happy color, so that must mean it was good! Why else would he say it?  
It wasn’t like pink. Bleh, pink is a girl’s color, why would he want /that/? Pink was all flowers and dresses and bubblegum, blehhhh. Pulling a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out, which, in turn, made the lid fall out, Tommy shook his head. No, pink was most definitely not for a big boy like him. In his daydreaming, he hadn't heard the stairs creak, nor the tentative knock on the door, not realising as Tubbo crept into the room. “Hey, Tommy? Wilbur said we could ord- oh.” he started, before noticing his friend on the floor, surrounded by coloring pens. Tommy, spinning round at the familiar voice, smiled to see Tubbo, waving gently with his uncapped pen, but making no effort to get up, instead turning back to his coloring once he was done. “Well, I was gunna ask what pizza you wanted, but it’s ok, I'll just say pepperoni. Have fun with … what you’re doing.” Tubbo murmured, not wanting to disturb Tommy when he seemed so concentrated, instead shutting the door behind himself, and heading back down the stairs to where Wilbur was waiting on the sofa.
“Hey. What’d he say?” Will greeted, his laptop open to some takeout website, smiling gently as Tubbo relayed the information for pepperoni, before placing the order quickly. “Alright, that’s done, is he coming down?” he asked, shutting his laptop once he was done, just as Tubbo settled back in the armchair and picked up his switch. “Nah, he’s little.” he spoke simply, as if it was common knowledge, reopening his animal crossing island to keep fishing, like he had been. Confused, Wilbur tilted his head, brushing aside his hair as it flopped over his eyes, and let out a quiet “Huh?”, making Tubbo look up, and meet his eyes. “What do you mean little?” he asked, curiously, not understanding as the teen clammed up, looking mortified. “I shouldn’t have said that. I should /not/ have said that.” He muttered, hiding his red face behind the console. “It’s not my place to say.” he tried to wriggle out of the situation, but, with a stern look from Wilbur, he was pinned in place.  
“um...wow, how to put it...” he fidgeted in place, trying to find the words to explain to a rapidly more and more concerned WIlbur. “um...he’s thinking like a kid...not Tommy?” he tried, but, from the blank look he got back, he knew that wasn’t enough. “It’s...It’s like a response to stress? Or...or just cuz...?” he tried again, watching as Will nodded slowly. “Um...he’s coloring right now...i don’t think he wants to be bothered?” he interrupted, as Will stood, to go up the stairs. “I could...i could try to find a website to explain to you, if you wanted? I'm... I'm not too good at this.” Tubbo offered, reaching for his laptop, silently relieved as Wilbur sat back down.  
“That would be nice, actually, I'm lost.” He admitted, handing it over, and watching as Tubbo struggled to type out whatever he was trying to, eventually finding a page that seemed right. “Uh, it’s a Tumblr page but...i think it’s got the stuff on...” he mumbled, passing the brightly coloured page back over to him. Credit to him, as Tubbo watched on nervously, Will didn’t seem disgusted, reading with genuine intellectual curiosity, before sitting back. “Woah, okay. That’s intense.” He commented, letting out a deep exhale, and rubbing his eyes. “Why is he little, did you say?” he asked, but Tubbo froze. “I’m...i’m actually not sure. Tommy does it both ways, on purpose and not. Maybe the lore stream today? He did end quickly...” he commented mostly to himself, then rubbing his upper arm. “He normally comes and DMs me after if it’s been a hard stream though... maybe cuz you’re here, he didn’t want to talk about it?”  
Throwing out theories, Tubbo tried to hide his confusion and slight hurt that the little he liked to think of as his baby brother when he was in headspace, hadn't told him, chewing on his nails a little. “I do know he calls you his brother though...maybe he was shy in case you didn’t like him doing it?” he murmured, eyes flicking up to the bespectacled 24 year old watching with rapt attention. Luckily, he looked amused, adjusting his beanie. “Hey, it wouldn’t be the only time, I'm practically his older brother all the time.” He chuckled, casting an eye over the page still up on his screen. “It says here about something called...CGs?” he sounded tentative as he looked up to Tubbo again. “It does, and before you ask, No, he doesn’t have one. And yes, he really should, the chaotic doesn’t go down.” he replied, feeling a lot more comfortable now they could make fun of his friend again.  
“Should...should we head upstairs, go make sure he doesn’t like...set fire to something?” Will suggested, after a few moments of chuckling, right before a loud thump interrupted Tubbo’s beginning complaint. “Ok, Ok , maybe that’s a good idea.” he smiled, putting his switch to the side before standing. “I’ll go warn him.” He held out a hand to stop Will mounting the steps before him, smiling as he feigned offense. “Trust me, you wanna prepare for this, he might still be Tommy, but he’s... different.” Running up the stairs, best as he could, with the nerves he now had in every vein, he quickly pushed open the door, to see the little tugging at a stuffed animal wedge in a cardboard box. Carefully pulli ng it out, he easily identified it as Henry, pushing it into Tommy’s arms with a smile. “I have a surprise for you, Toms, you ready?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle as Tommy nodded enthusiastically. “Awe, good!”  
Awkward, shuffling footsteps were the only indicator Will was coming in, before he rounded the corner, with a small smile. “H-Hi Tommy.” his arms were held awkwardly in front of him, crossed across his chest like he didn’t know how to react. But it wasn’t too much of an issue, since, as soon as he saw Wilbur, Tommy jumped to his feet, running to him. “Wilby!” he cheered, hugging him tightly. “Missed chu!” he grinned, as Will hesitantly pet his hair. “Uh, hey kid, whatchu up to?” he asked, as Tubbo watched on with a soft smile, perching on the bed.  “I heard you were coloring?” he asked, looking to the teen for confirmation, as he nodded enthusiastically again, and dropped to his knees, grabbing his pens to keep going.  
“Yeah! Iz blu!” he smiled, thrusting a cyan pen to the elder one. Carefully sitting down between him and the wall, Wilbur smiled and nodded. “You’re right, it is blue. Do you like blue?” Clearly that was the right question, since Tommy started speaking, so fast they could barely get a word in edgewise, about the color, kicking his legs happily as he started to scribble again, starting to color in the fire on the side of the car now, under the watchful eye of his friends.  
Furrowing his brow slightly at the missing color, Will spoke up, after some small humming being the only thing to break the silence. “Hey, Toms, where’s your pink?” he wondered aloud, jumping slightly as Tommy shouted a “No!”, rather vehement. “No,no, no! Pink for /girls/.” he mumbled, when Will shushed him. Curious, he tilted his head, his hair falling agin, and ‘hmm’d  slightly. “Pink isnt a girl’s color, Tommy, what makes you think that?” he didn’t understand, not even as Tommy sent him a disbelieving face. “Pink...pink for princess” he struggled to explain, making Tubbo nod quietly from where he sat.  “But, I like pink, Toms, am I a princess?” he chimed in, taken aback as Tommy giggled, and nodded. “P’incess tubby!” he smiled, making Wilbur chuckle and nod. “That’s right, kid, Toby’s a princess now.” watching the teen stand and mockingly spin around, before carefully bopping Tommy’s head, like a fairy. “ding, ding, Tommy is now a kid!” he laughed, moving over to the cupboard that usually housed the colouring, pulling out a shameful looking pink tub, and placing it on the floor beside the kid. “Let’s try these ones too, huh?” Will prompted, picking up a pastel pink, and doodling a small flower in the corner.  
Tommy nodded, gently, slipping a little, pink pacifier into his mouth when nobody was looking, and hesitantly choosing a maroon pen, trying a clumsy smiley face, soon joined by tubbo doodling a bee, of course. Laughing, Will tried another flower, and a heart, wanting to keep what he did simple, making Tommy smile as a little of the ink went over his fingers. Catching the pen before he tried to draw on his own face, Will tutted gently at Tommy, his new little friend. His little...brother? Before they realised it, the scribbly car had been overshadowed by their doodles, Tommy having branched out into pink the more his friends didn’t seem to mind it being there, slowly smiling more and more, until he was giggling loud and free, fully convinced now, that Pink was, in fact, not a girl’s color.  
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hello!! i hope its not much of a bother but could you write tommy x reader whos lovelanguage is quality time? ( platonic ofc ) also i hope you are having a good day :D
spend time with you
hello!! i hope its not much of a bother but could you write tommy x reader whos lovelanguage is quality time? ( platonic ofc ) also i hope you are having a good day :D
hi!! of course it’s not a bother, i’d be happy to write this :) since you didn’t put whether you wanted headcanons or a oneshot, i just went with a oneshot, if you want headcanons instead i’m perfectly fine with writing some <3
cw: cursing 
spend time with you:
  so, you were bored. and lonely. it wasn’t a big deal. you mean, it shouldn't be one. everyone gets lonely and bored, and sometimes the easiest solution is sitting in angst. so as much as try to wallow in solitude, the brain screams for a solution to the isolation. so there’s discord calls and tommyinnit.
  crawling off the hardwood floor, you walked over to your pc setup. you should stream. instead, you logged onto a random parkour server and called tommy. after a few seconds, he answered. “hey tom.”.
  “hello, bitch. what’s up?” tommy replied in a fake angry tone, before reverting back to his usual joking sound. even through his light and airy voice, you could hear the hidden concern. he worried too much, in your opinion. maybe, your brain reasoned back, there was a good reason for his worry.
  “nothing really. just bored, haven’t been out in a while. i’ve been doing in-person learning for a bit. haven’t had much time to talk to you all.” you had a calm facade, a facade that was thin enough for tommy to catch the lonely undertones in your words. you hadn’t been talking to people much, with school and testing. and it’s not like you had any friends from your school, that dream was whipped into the trashcan and then set on fire the moment you began to play video games on the internet for anyone to see. sure, some kids found it cool, but would they actually approach the silent kid to talk to them? no, of course not.
  “oh man, that sucks. have you been out much at all?” when you told him you hadn’t, you heard a thoughtful humming sound through the headphones. “well, you’re free this weekend, right? it’s only like a two hour drive from your place to mine.” the way he approached the idea of meeting up so casually, it was astounding to you. sure, you had gotten the vaccine so there were no covid issues, but meeting with someone you had been friends with online for a while now was a big deal. or maybe it wasn’t and your head had just taken it all in weird.
  “tommy, that is a big deal, you realize that right? for me to just go to your place, that needs planning.” you tried to play it off like he never excited you, like you were as casual about this.
  “oh, come on. planning isn’t that big a deal, besides, i wanna spend time with you!” his voice had risen, and you were once again astounded by the kid you were on call with.
  “yes, tom, i want to spend time with you, but i- i dunno, this is all sudden. i wouldn’t want to impose on you, or, or your family at all.”.
  “seriously, you think you’re gonna be imposing? my mother likes you more than she likes me, the only people you’d be imposing on are betty and walter. and as an act of forgiveness, you can take them on walks.” he had a confident voice, and you laughed.
  “ok, ok, tom. i’ll see, ask the parents.” he muttered a “good”, and the conversation topic had switched to what you would do if you did visit him.
  when you asked your parents about it, there was some confusion but with much pleading and phone calls back and forth between the adults, the ultimate decision had finally been reached. you were able to visit him for the weekend. after a long car ride and reassurances you would behave, you were let out of the car and into his house.
  “tommy! hi.” you ran up to him and greeted him with a hug, trying to grasp the absurd concept that you had finally met your best friend.
  he pulled out of the hug and stared at you, “so, what do you wanna do?”.
  you guys ended up visiting the nearby stores and parks, filming it for the tommy vlogs channel. you ran around, finally feeling better. okay, so maybe loneliness wasn’t a constant and unending toture. if feeling like shit was the only way to feel this way again, you would feel like shit for every weekday.
  “...” you were laying in the grass at the dog park, tired after taking the dogs for a walk and running around with them playing frisbee. tommy flopped next to you, betty laying down with him as walter continued to run around. he moved his hand to pet the dog. “... hey, tom?” you turned toward him as he made a hum of silent acknowledgement.
  “... thank you. seriously. i really needed this, just to get out and spend time with you.” you wished you could put on a natural and laid-back tone, instead of making it so obvious how you felt, baring your soul to the empty air. you were happy, but this conversation felt like you were being torn into.
  “why the hell are you thanking me? we’re friends, why wouldn’t i wanna spend time with you? don’t do stupid, there’s nothing to thank me for.” he turned his head to look at you and his face scrunched up. “stop looking so emotional n’ shit. it’s weirding me out.”
  your nose scrunched up as you laughed at him, smiling again. “ok tom, ok. i promise not to thank you for anything ever, ever again.”
  you heard him start a rebuttal, “well there’s nothing wrong with thanking me for other things, as i am very amazing and above others …”
i hope you liked this! it was a bit more angsty than i planned for but still a healthy amount. bit shorter bc tired though, sorry! anyways, have a lovely day!
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migilini · 4 years
Chosen Family - Sunset Curve
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summary: The boys didn’t show up for school so you and Bobby meet them in the Studio and spend the afternoon with them.
a/n: The JATP Discord Server I’m in gave me this Idea :) Prob gonna wrote more little blurbs about 1995 Sunset Curve.
words: 1.8k
warnings: pure friendship fluff
Requests are open
“Are they here?” you asked Bobby who sat next to you in biology, your pent tapping the desk impatiently. He shook his head and took out his notebook “I don't know I haven't seen most of them today.”
“Okay, if they’re not here at lunch, I'll skip for the afternoon and see if they’re still alive,” you grumbled. Bobby let out a loud laugh “You know that it isn't your responsibility?”
“I know but it's our job as friends to care. And this is just my way to do so.” you shrugged your shoulders and flipped through the book to find the right page.
"Sure this has nothing to do with the big test this afternoon?" You gave Bobby an offended look.
“Miss Y/L/N and Mister Wilson would you like to share your conversation with the class?” Miss Kluster scolded, crossing her arms over her blue blouse, a thigh frown on her red lips as she looked at the teenagers angrily.
“No Miss.,” the friends said simultaneously.
“Good. Then be quiet now. The class has started.”
You and Bobby looked at each other with a smirk, you rolled your eyes slightly while he scrunched his nose.
You let your tray fall on the table, making the only other person sitting and the food on it jump. “Woah! Why so aggressive? Guessing Alex wasn't in English?”
"Nope." You shook your head and popped the p with slight annoyance. “Did you have more luck?” Bobby shook his head. You sighed and packed your lunch into your bag. You looked at him expectantly "You coming with?" He shoved the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and mumbled something that you took as a yes. He clumsily tried to get up while simultaneously packing the rest of his things and nearly fell backwards off the bench.
Getting out of school wasn't hard, especially when you’ve skipped several times and knew where the teachers normally stood to watch, not that you ever skipped school to hang out with your musician friends. You and Bobby sneaked around the teachers' room and took the long way around the gymnasium, only to climb out of the boys' locker room window and then run over the football field to the parking lot where his car stood.
“Let's be honest here, you also wanted me to go because you don't have a car.” Bobby realised once the two of you sat comfortably in his car. In fake pain, you held a hand to your chest. “I would NEVER use you like a free taxi. I normally ask Reggie but he isn't here so…”
Bobby gave your shoulder a light shove before turning the music louder and driving off.
“I heard you crying loud, all the way across town. Cause you been searching for that someone. And it's me out on the prowl” you started to sing along to the Greenday song blaring from the radio station. Scrolling down the window, you held your hand out, embracing the warm summer air. Your hair flying wildly around your face.
You always did something like that, needing the feeling of being free, “I think it's the closest thing to being able to fly.” you always told the boys when they made a side comment.
Bobby drummed along to the song, his fingers tapping the steering wheel with force. When the chorus came, you smiled over at Bobby and turned the volume even higher. At a red stoplight, he lightly turned to you and you both screamed the lyrics at the top of your lungs.
A couple of minutes later, the car slowed down about a couple of houses down the street from the studio. The two of you got out and walked closer, trying hard to blend in. “I swear to god if Miss Lilith snitches on us again…”
“She’s on vacation I think.” Bobby interrupted your sentence about his nosy neighbour that always seemed to know when you should've been in school. Still, you didn't want to take any chances and ducked behind bushes before you were in the safe space in front of the studio.
“It’s quiet,” Bobby muttered to you, his ear pressed to the wood door. “What if they starved to death?” you whispered to him, now your ear pressed against the door as well.
“Or they’re still asleep?”
“It’s a bit late, even for them.”
“Maybe they went home?” you shot Bobby a troubled glance.
“Or we just went on a walk.” a voice suddenly said, behind you two, making you and Bobby clutch to each other with a scream.
“Jesus Christ! Guys do you want us to die?” you scolded the three grinning boys in front of you.
“I missed you guys too!” Reggie embraced you and Bobby in a bone-crushing hug, whilst the others walked back into the studio.
Luke plopped down on his couch, your school bag already in his hands. “What do we have in here?” he questioned out loud and rummaged through the food you brought with you. He took out a yoghurt and threw it into Alex’s direction who caught it with ease, then he threw Reggie an apple and a chocolate bar and for him, he took out half of the sandwich from your lunch. The other half he held out in your direction.
“Oh no thank you, Luke. I’m good.” you tried to wave it off “I brought it for you guys.” But his eyes only darkened slightly, his half of the sandwich poking out of his mouth and he waved the sandwich again so you took it with an eye roll.
Whenever you skipped school to hang out with them, the topic of school was forbidden. They knew that you and Bobby only wanted the best for them, a healthy home life, an education, a change other than music to move out and you knew that it was very hard to basically live on the streets and have missing signs all over the city or parents that always fight or won't accept you for who you really are. So the topic never came up and every time you told yourself that you would bring it up next time, that you had to discuss this and every time you didn't.
The group sat quietly in a circle, some on chairs and couches but most chose to sit on the ground. Your head rested on Alex’ stomach, his hands playing with your hair. Meanwhile, Bobby was half asleep on the couch, Reggie played random chords on his bass and Luke was rapidly writing down stuff in his notebook.
“Y/N?” Reggie's voice shattered the quiet and you were reminded that you were not chilling alone. Lifting your head you looked over at your friend “Yes Reg?”
“Uhm...could you maybe...uhm give me a haircut? I would need money for that and for money I would have to go home and that is something that I don't want to do especially after…” he rambled on. You quickly got up and crouched in front of him, your hands resting on his knees.
“I can try.” you chuckled “Last time I cut Lukes he didn't complain too much so let's try!” you patted his knee assuringly.
So you stood, a couple of minutes later, behind one of your best friends who was currently describing how he wanted his hair. He sat in a chair, an old plastic bag pulled over his head, his arms gesturing wildly how long what should be.
You, on the other hand, tried really hard to listen to his wishes while clutching a bottle with water and a, what you guessed was in fact not a haircut scissor, scissor in the other hand.
You shot Alex a look, silently asking him to memorize the steps as well. “Luke was definitely a simpler client,” you said under your breath but the others still heard.
“I’m sorry I care about my looks!” Reggie exclaimed and crossed his arms childishly. You leaned down to his ear and whispered “That’s why you're the cutest but don't tell the others okay?” that was all it took for him to sit up straight again, a big toothy smile plastered on his freckled face.
With a little frown on your face and the tip of your tongue slightly sticking out, you began to cut Reggie's hair. He wanted it longer on top, but the hair in the back of his head must be a bit shorter than his fringe, the sides had to be short but not so short that you could see his skull and he wanted a fade but not a big fade. The sounds of metal cutting hair filled the room.
“Guys listen to this bridge,” Luke spoke up, maybe a bit too loudly for the others' taste. Bobby grunted from his sleeping position, shot Luke the finger and went back to sleep.
“Luke! That scared me I could’ve cut Reggie's ear off!”
“But did you?” he remarked. As a joke you pulled on both of Reggie's ears lightly “Nope, they still seem pretty attached to his head.”
Luke showed you guys a song he called ‘Bright’ “It’s clearly not done and we still need the rest of the instruments but whatcha think?”
Alex patted Luke’s shoulder “I love it, man!”
“Sounds dope!”
“It’s good. I like it wery musch” you muttered with a comb in your mouth, focused on the boy with hair in front of you.
“And we’re done!” you announced and held your hands away as if you just participated in a bake-off. Reggie jumped up and ran into the small bathroom at the end of the studio. Nervously, you fiddled with the comb in your right hand.
“And? How bad did I mess up?” you asked him hopefully the moment he walked back out.
“You did such a great job!” he said, a grin taking over his face yet again. “Thank you so much.” he gave you a hug.
You both knew that it wasn't perfect, it was shaggy and crooked in some places and the fade was mostly one length instead of a gradient but it looked good, was cheap, added to his rockstar image and most importantly for Reggie, you did it.
“Y/N can you cut my hair too?”
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