#this tends to be what I do
musubiki · 2 months
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balor 🥰
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Multiverse Police
I've seen the idea that GIW is actually SCP foundation somewhere, and lately, I've been thinking a lot about Fenton Happy Ending, so I bring you this. Behold, GIW/SCP, Team Phantom, and Fentons are working all together, and the whole wide multiverse fears them.
So, a giant green Lazarus Pit that looks more like a vortex than an actual Pit randomly opens in, say, Ohio. Because I heard a lot of weird shit happens in Ohio. The world is worried, JL gets sent there, but they are not exactly sure of what to do with it. Nothing comes out of it, and, well, no one is volunteering to just jump inside it - Batman made everyone read his files on Lazarus Waters, and they are reasonably wary.
But then a thing appears literally out of thin air on top of it. It looks like a spaceship, kind of, but more sci-fi than what real spaceships look like. And before anyone says anything, a large green - Lazarus green - dome appears, effectively covering both the ship and the Pit and cutting the heroes off.
The heroes are Confused (tm). And worried. And no one has an idea of what the fuck is going on, for all they know it could be some kind of yet another alien invasion.
Then, two figures on the hoverboards - one read and one teal - come out of the ship, flying over the Pit. They are followed by drones, and they all look like they are... scanning the Pit? A few more people, wearing black visors and shiny white suits that look like they are packed with all kinds of tech, slide down on the ropes straight inside the Pit. It sure looks like they are very familiar with it and have a good idea of what they are doing, working as a team.
One of the figures on the hoverboard, the one in a teal suit, notices the heroes on the other side of the green dome. She - because both of them look feminine enough - slows down and flies down to the ground, landing in front of Superman and taking off her helmet. It reveals a rather young, no older than twenty years old girl with fiery red hair tied in a bun, with eyes the same color as her suit. She smiles at them.
"Hi, you must be the Justice League?" She asks politely, and as Superman gives her a nod just out of surprise at her friendly attitude, she touches her ear, "Mom, this is DC sector universe. Pretty sure it's not a dimension we've been before, though." She turns back to Superman, "You don't recognize any of this, do you?"
Batman intervenes before Supes has the time to answer, "Who are you?"
The girl nods and taps her ear again, "Yeah, they definitely don't know us. So mark it as either an unfamiliar dimension or an unfamiliar timeline." Then she turns to Batman and smiles.
"You can call us interdimensional police. And since all the Batmans we ever encountered never believed us, I'm going to send you a copy of the files your other versions complied all together, so you can read and add more if you feel like it."
She touches her wrist computer, and, a few moments later, Batman's comm comes online with Oracle's voice:
"B, I'm getting a shit ton of files on... Multiverse Law Enforcement?.. out of nowhere. What's going on?"
Now, JL is baffled. Some of them - Flashes and Bats, for example - knew there was a whole wide multiverse going on, but to learn the multiverse has police? That's new.
Meanwhile, the redhead continues:
"The green thing behind me is a natural portal to the Infinite Realms, the dimension between dimensions. Which is really not what is supposed to be happening, so we are in the process of fixing it. It will take from ten minutes to a few hours, depending on what's on the other side, but the portal will be gone soon, and then I'll have to ask you some questions."
"Questions about what?" Asks Flash, and the girl waves her hand in the air.
"Oh, well, about the portals? If one so big is opening up, it means a few smaller ones had to exist in this dimension already. Our tech is not picking them up if they are smaller than a certain size, but you must have seen them before. I believe in the DC sector, you call them Lazarus Pits? We can take care of them later, too."
The second hoverboarder flies closer to them and revs her engine.
"Jazz, talk to them later, Tucker and Agents are done. Fentons are about to get Dannies down, so you need to either come up or leave the shield."
The girl - Jazz - looks surprised.
"Dan, too?"
"Yeah, it's the Toothy Jungle on the other side. They wanted to ask Ember, but, eh, what's her guitar gonna do to plants, even if they are sentient?" The red hoverboarder shrugs, and Jazz tilts her head, looking back to the heroes.
"I think I'll stay with them. You know it gets violent when Dan goes down, so people get antsy about us. I don't want to give the wrong impression."
The other girl huffs, but doesn't argue.
"Okay. Get out of the shield, then, and for Ancients sake, keep your comm open. Danny has an aneurysm every time you turn it off." With that, she flies away, back to the ship, and Jazz taps her hoverboard so it folds down into a hexagon shape no bigger than a backpack. Then, she steps through the shield, joining the JL on the other side of it.
"Are you not scared we might take you hostage?" Asks Wonder Woman just out of curiosity, and Jazz smiles pleasantly at her.
"Don't judge a girl by her looks. I don't want to brag, but I did fist fight Superman once and won."
So basically, after Amity Park got sucked into Infinite Realms, the whole town just kind of collectively decided they like it there. And somehow they reached a happily ever after with both Danny's reveal to his parents and GIW, and then Clockwork showed up and was like, you guys want human food supply, running water and electricity, right? Well, I can do that, and so much more, you can be the ultimate perfect town. And for the price? You gonna go on adventures from time to time and fix the multiverse when shit hits the fan in various dimensions and universes. Doesn't that sound like fun?
And Amity Park, who's seen so much weird stuff over the years that it greatly affected their idea of common sense, goes yeah, that does sound fun! Let's go, people!
So here they are, appearing in different universes and doing damage control. They are, like, the superheroes for superheroes.
I'm probably going to write a part 2 to it, I want to show off Danny and Dan and Dani too. Halfas on the loose, JL is mildly concerned and kind of scared, and Jazz is just like yeah, that's just another regular Tuesday :)
I love Jazz being a badass, yes. Also, if you didn't get it, the other one on the hoverboard is Val, the drones are controlled by Tucker, and the people on the ropes are GIW agents.
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gay-otlc · 2 months
I'm generally not a fan of quantifying oppression or looking at it as a scoreboard, but I frequently hear the claim that if you read the data, it will show that trans women are indisputably the most oppressed of all trans people, and isn't comparable to the level of oppression trans men face. And I looked at some data, from the UK's National LGBT Survey (I was referring to it for some data on transheterosexuality so I had it on hand).
The survey included 3,740 trans women and 3,170 trans men.
Being LGBT in the UK:
Average comfort level being LGBT on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the most satisfied: 3.10 for trans women, 3.15 for trans men
Average life satisfaction on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most satisfied: 5.07 for trans men, 5.52 for trans women
The data from this survey indicates that similar proportions of trans men and trans women tended to struggle in their overall experiences living as a trans person.
Openness about gender identity
Entirely closeted with friends: 7.4% of trans women, 2.8% of trans men
Entirely closeted with family members that participant lived with: 20.1% of trans women, 14.5% of trans men)
Entirely closeted with family members that participant did not live with: 25.3% of trans women, 22.0% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity for fear of a negative reaction: 58.9% of trans women, 56.2% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in public premises or buildings: 67.6% of trans women, 62.4% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity on streets or outdoor public places: 68.1% of trans women, 61.8% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity on public transport: 68.7% of trans women, 58.7% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in neighborhood: 68.5% of trans women, 56.9% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in workplace: 60.6% of trans women, 53.0% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in cafes, restaurants, pubs, or clubs: 61.8% of trans women, 57.5% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in the park: 54.4% of trans women, 46.2% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in other environments: 9.0% of trans women, 8.9% of trans men
Avoiding being open about gender identity in athletic environments: 63.1% of trans men, 60.2% of trans women
Avoiding being open about gender identity in schools: 45.6% of trans men, 35.1% of trans women
Avoiding being open about gender identity at home: 38.9% of trans men, 32.4% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans women than trans men tended to struggle with being open about their gender identity.
Transphobia from people the participant lived with
Verbal harassment: 34.0% of trans men, 22.2% of trans women
Outing: 38.5% of trans men, 23.5% of trans women
Threats of violence: 7.0% of trans men, 6.1% of trans women
Coercive/controlling behavior: 25.0% of trans men, 18.2% of trans women
Physical violence: 6.1% of trans men, 4.2% of trans women
Sexual violence: 2.2% of trans men, 2.1% of trans women
Other transphobic incidents: 29.4% of trans men, 18.3% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans men than trans women tended to struggle with facing transphobia from people they lived with.
Transphobia from people the participant did not live with
Outing: 29.4% of trans men, 24.6% of trans women
Verbal harassment: 42.2% of trans women, 36.0% of trans men
Threats of violence: 13.7% of trans women, 10.5% of trans men
Physical violence: 7.2% of trans women, 5.6% of trans men
Sexual violence: 6.1% of trans women, 3.9% of trans men
Other transphobic incidents: 27.6% of trans women, 25.8% of trans men
Private sexual images shared without consent: 18.5% of trans women, 13.3% of trans men
Had conversion therapy: 5.0% of trans women, 4.1% of trans men
Offered conversion therapy: 9.3% of trans men, 7.6% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans women than trans men tended to struggle with facing transphobia from people they did not live with.
Experiences in school/educational institutions
Entirely closeted at school: 16.6% of trans women, 9.3% of trans men
Entirely negative reactions at school: 3.6% of trans women, 2.1% of trans men
Entirely positive reactions at school: 28.9% of trans men, 34.7% of trans women
Outing at school: 77.9% of trans men, 62.9% of trans women
Verbal harassment at school: 73.4% of trans women, 70.0% of trans men
Exclusion from activities at school: 31.7% of trans women, 24.3% of trans men
Threats of violence at school: 25.0% of trans women, 19.8% of trans men
Physical violence at school: 15.1% of trans women, 9.6% of trans men
Sexual violence at school: 12.4% of trans women, 5.0% of trans men
Other transphobic incidents at school: 50.0% of trans men, 47.3% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans women than trans men tended to struggle with being trans in schools/educational institutions.
Workplace experiences
Had a paid job: 56.9% of trans men, 65.3% of trans women
Entirely closeted with senior colleagues: 33.4% of trans men, 31.5% of trans women
Entirely closeted with colleagues at same/lower level: 30.6% of trans men, 26.6% of trans women
Entirely positive reactions in workplace: 34.7% of trans women, 36.3% of trans men
Entirely negative reactions in workplace: 5.1% of trans women, 3.9% of trans men
Outing at work: 59.9% of trans men, 55.5% of trans women
Verbal harassment at work: 49.6% of trans women, 45.6% of trans men
Exclusion from activities at work: 32.7% of trans women, 21.8% of trans men
Threats of violence at work: 9.6% of trans women, 7.7% of trans men
Physical violence at work: 5.5% of trans women, 3.2% of trans men
Sexual violence at work: 7.0% of trans women, 4.0% of trans men
Other transphobic incidents at work: 54.2% of trans men, 53.3% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that similar proportions of trans women and trans men tended to struggle with being trans in the workplace, with slightly more trans women struggling.
Public healthcare experiences
Needs ignored: 32.3% of trans men, 24.0% of trans women
Avoided treatment for fear of discrimination: 24.3% of trans men, 17.4% of trans women
Inappropriate questions/curiosity from healthcare workers: 29.0% of trans men, 18.9% of trans women
Discrimination from healthcare staff: 14.2% of trans men, 12.6% of trans women
Inappropriate referral to specialist services: 13.8% of trans men, 10.3% of trans women
Unwanted pressure for medical testing: 10.6% of trans men, 8.6% of trans women
Had to change GP: 10.9% of trans men, 9.7% of trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans men than trans women tended to struggle with public healthcare.
Mental healthcare experiences
Average ease accessing mental health services, on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very easy: 2.49 for trans men, 2.55 for trans women
Unsuccessful accessing mental health services: 28.6% of trans women, 27.7% of trans men
Anxious/embarrassed about accessing mental health services: 40.1% of trans men, 29.1% of trans women
Unsupportive mental health practitioner: 17.0% of trans men, 16.9% of trans women
Average mental health service ratings, on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being completely positive: 3.22 for trans men, 3.40 for trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans men than trans women tended to struggle with mental healthcare.
Sexual healthcare experiences
Average ease accessing sexual health services, on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very easy: 3.72 for trans men, 3.75 for trans women
Unsuccessful accessing sexual health services: 14.6% of trans women, 12.3% of trans men
Anxious/embarrassed about sexual health services: 57.3% of trans men, 31.8% of trans women
Unsupportive sexual health practitioner: 15.1% of trans men, 11.9% of trans women
Rating of sexual health services, on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being completely positive: 4.05 for trans men, 4.10 for trans women
The data from this survey indicates that more trans men than trans women tended to struggle with sexual healthcare.
TLDR: According to the data from this survey, the areas in which trans women tended to face more struggles than trans men were in openness about gender identity, transphobia from people they don't live with, and being trans in educational institutions. The areas in which trans men tended to face more struggles than trans women were in transphobia from people they did live with, public healthcare services, mental healthcare services, and sexual healthcare services. Trans men and trans women struggled similarly with being trans in the workplace, and with their overall experience being trans in the UK, with trans women facing slightly more struggles in the workplace.
Obviously, this is only one survey, and doesn't represent all trans people as it was conducted only in the UK. It's possible that another survey might show trans women struggling more in healthcare, or trans men struggling more in schools.
But I would say this is strong evidence that trans women are not necessarily the most oppressed of all trans people by far in all areas of life. Trans men and trans women both face severe oppression, in some similar and some unique ways, and it helps no one to minimize the suffering of either.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
Did OP say that trans men are more oppressed than trans women? (Hint: No)
Did OP say that trans women oppress trans men? (Hint: Also no)
Did OP say that transmisogyny isn't a real issue, or that trans women shouldn't be allowed to talk about transmisogyny? (Hint: No again)
Did OP say that trans men's oppression is more important than trans women's and deserves to be talked about more? (Hint: Still no)
Did OP say that any issues are exclusive to trans men or trans women and that we have no overlap in our struggles? (Hint: You guessed it- no!)
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egophiliac · 1 year
so on the subject of the "Crowley is secretly Revaan/Laverne/Levin/please Twst give us his name" theory, I think my feelings are best summed up as "I don't really buy it, but it's funny". like, in all seriousness, I'm not opposed to it; I have enjoyed the writing in Twst so far and I'm willing to trust that whatever happens will, you know, make sense and not be terrible. but I'm just not really convinced by the current evidence! maybe that'll change once we learn more, we'll see!
with that said, may I propose a few alternate theories about the possible Crowley/Revaan connection:
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#on this installment of things nobody asked but i'm going to talk about anyway#disclaimer that this is mostly a joke please don't get mad at me#(legit no shade to anyone) (speculation is one of the fun things about an ongoing fandom and you never know what'll turn out to be true!)#more seriously i do think there may be some connection that just isn't clear yet#but the more little breadcrumbs we get about what revaan was like the more i think crowley just doesn't act like him#i adore crowley don't get me wrong#(yes he's a dipshit. this is a feature not a bug.)#but like.#not to harp on the scene about lilia's nrc invitation (i am absolutely going to harp on it)#i do not believe that crowley would go through the trash to fish out the pieces and put them back together and save them#just because it was lilia's. just because lilia might want it again someday.#crowley can ✨yasashii✨ all he wants but we know what he's like#and i REALLY do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him. i didn't believe it before and i extra don't believe it now.#then again i do tend to be incredibly off about speculation so! who knows! i will trust the writing for now!#i do 100% believe that meleanor would fall in love with the world's biggest dumbass and then double down super hard. that part tracks.#that said i have decided that ambrose being revaan is actually the funnier option just because it would make crowley SO mad#it wouldn't make sense for him to be mad about it and that would just make him madder
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thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
I think when people think of mental illness and what helps, especially with things like anxiety and depression, the treatment involves pushing yourself. Pushing yourself to get out of bed, to exercise, to take a shower, to go out in public, to order your own food from the cashier, etc.
And because the mental health movement has grown so much, people think that's the default of ALL illnesses. That the only way someone will get better is if they push themselves. That practice makes perfect. That you'll become more comfortable or strong over time the more you do something.
But what people need to realize is, with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, pushing yourself in most cases is DETRIMENTAL. Pushing yourself past your limits can lead to flare ups or further injury. That's why it's important to know your limits, how certain activities may affect your condition, and learn how to either adapt or get help to complete the activity in question.
Also, most of us are already pushing ourselves. Most of us don't have access to the help or equipment we need. Most of us live in places where we frequently encounter inaccessible obstacles. Most of us NEED to rest.
So please don't try to be our physical therapists or doctors. There are people specifically trained to help us navigate our own conditions and limitations. There are people trained to help us strengthen our body's resilience without causing flare-ups or injury. Do not tell us "it'll be good for you" or "you need the exercise" when we say something is too heavy or too far or when we say we need our mobility aid(s). Your friend with depression may need to be encouraged to get out of bed, but your friend with chronic illness definitely doesn't.
Respect our rest.
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grzybjek · 17 days
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temperature dropped by 2 celcius today. its oficially autumn and im back to drawing old characters. and writing about miserable teenagers and their unsaid past
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stuckinapril · 8 months
maybe a bit of an esoteric advice but saving nice things people have said in a notes app entry has saved me so many times. if i’m having a bad day, being hard on myself, dealing w negativity from others etc etc. just whatever it is. i open this page—which is basically a compilation of people complimenting me on certain attributes, sweet interactions i wrote down, or things i’ve accomplished—and it brings me right down to earth. like someone could be saying mean shit about me (whether it be a person or a voice in my own head) & instead of having to go through the mental toil of summoning up positive memories to negate that, i just go to that notes app entry. i read over everything and im like ohhhh ok im not the most horrible person in the world after all. i don’t deserve being told that after all. it’s all written down right here.
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deadpoets · 22 days
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DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
Holy shit I love your Dirk interpretations, it's so true and I could talk about this shit forever. I feel like another part of his character that people seem to forget (along with Roxy for some reason) is that he's from the future in solitude in an apocalyptic wasteland. I just see that part of his character always removed which is disappointing because I feel like that's a pretty big part, especially regarding his themes around technology, his brother's theme of Time, his own isolation, and how he plays in the vastness of the universe and spacetime.
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Art I drew related to the subject because I like to respond to asks with art.
But absolutely. I certainly understand where the lack of discussion over his isolation + upbringing comes from, considering a majority of the fanbase that I have seen builds their ideas based on their own version of postcanon. I’m not entirely sure how that would be fixed, but certainly even in the somewhat recent past I would see a lot more content regarding his upbringing both literally and symbolically. I don’t have much to add regarding the things you’ve mentioned, because they just are what they are. Dirk being confined to a singular room left to him by a father figure he never met, in a future where the only other person left on the planet is someone he cannot pursue a relationship of because of himself, with purely 3 robots to keep him companion, one being an exact replica of his own brain who is *also* trapped inside a pair of glasses, is about as literal as it gets to me.
The contrast to me involving the flooded, organic world in comparison to the little speckle of Dirk’s apartment packed with the dude and his technics is not only a representation of his isolation and entrapment within himself, but also of his lack of control. I think his obsession with & themes of control are a direct product in the case of Dirk specifically *of* this kind of upbringing. His themes of technology are also related to his themes around control. So much of his character is actually revolved around this to me like so much. Dirk is so deeply disconnected from humanity in every way and so much of his character + symbolism is based around that.
It doesn’t even have to be about the symbolism or anything though. It’s just pretty *interesting* in the literal sense that he lives in the middle of the ocean in the future. There’s not only a lot to theorise on to do with his young life there, but on how it might affect him in the way he acts for the rest of his life. The latter part is probably what I see mentioned the most by people talking about Dirk regarding this, I’m surprised I don’t see more discussion on the former too though. I really ought to actually talk more about Homestuck stuff on here. I will do it myself.
Roxy & Dirk’s relationship is largely ignored though because there is a narrative a certain demographic spreads that Dirk resented and blamed Roxy for her interest in him, and thus too many people believe that their relationship was or would continue to be an abusive one. Realistically, I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the way Roxy treated Dirk regarding his homosexuality wasn’t right while still acknowledging the obvious amount of respect and admiration Dirk had for Roxy. I mean we have a huge piece of dialogue from their post trickster mode conversations on the quest beds from Dirk purely stating how he feels about Roxy that people completely ignore somehow. I think this usually happens to characters that are women though. I know everyone says it, but it is true. Jane gets the exact same treatment of boiling her down to solely her negative aspects. The things I see completely mischaracterising both of them are horrific.
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I mean how much more explicit can it get that their relationship is obviously very important to Dirk? But I digress. I think the best or I should say “most interesting” interpretations of their relationship usually come from DirkRoxy shippers actually.
I would be interested to hear about Dirk’s relation to his brother’s theme of time though. I don’t have any thoughts on this and I don’t recall ever hearing anyone talk about it before. If you or anyone else would be willing to enlighten me I’d be thrilled.
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orpheuslookingback · 10 months
Just got back from seeing The Boy and the Heron and its gorgeous (as expected) but right now my main thought is that Robert Pattinson NEEDS to do more voice acting, like I'm seriously so impressed he is completely unrecognizable in the film
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moyarb · 1 year
It’s not lost on me that when someone talks about how “Beyoncé is overrated” or that she’s “not that talented” I’m supposed to respect other people’s music opinions, but if I say Taylor Swift’s music isn’t my style or I don’t care for her that much it’s like I said the most heinous thing in the world and I don’t support other women.
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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Well someone has to give it its driver updates, Gabriel
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cobaltfluff · 7 months
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I genuinely thought it was his stage name ???? who names their child the equivalent of herlock sholmes??????
bonus because my joker is, unfortunately, an idiot:
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creekfiend · 1 month
people act like being intentionally whimsical is inherently more annoying than being intentionally serious but why. suppose my temper is just naturally whimsical.
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vodid · 2 months
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zero's pressure
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fuedalreesespieces · 7 months
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gossiping inukag is the best inukag, actually (ft disgruntled younger brother shippo)
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