#this time around i did not cry at ned's death but yknow what i DID cry at? BILLY DEATH SCENE!
vivitalks · 5 months
we don't talk about it enough but duck and billy's relationship in amnesty is truly a tragic one.
imagine: you rescue a mindless drone. you save his life, you give him autonomy, you give him language. you teach him trust. you protect him at your own expense. you name him billy. he knows three words in your language, and one is your name. you promise to keep him safe, and he betrays his programming to help you in return. he defies everything he was designed to do in order to aid you.
you save him from being a drone, but in doing so, you kill him. he was never supposed to be here this long. you gave him freedom at the cost of rapid decay, and now he's dying. and if he could just go back to his home planet, he would live, but he doesn't want to. because you're here. duck newton, his first friend, his savior, his guardian. you showed him that there is a better way to live - with free will, with pizza and playstations.
he's damned if he stays and damned if he goes. but you can't watch him suffer. that's not who you are. you're duck newton, local beefcake, defender of the disadvantaged. so you wait until he's engrossed in his video game - in humanity, in freedom of choice - and you strike him down out of mercy.
billy reverts to his original form: a four-armed being of light, once a drone, now a friend. he's beginning to disintegrate, but he has unfinished business here. he never finished his video game. and you give him one last gift of mercy: you lie to him. don't worry, you tell him - that character you're worried about? she's fine in the end. no, i know it seems bleak now, but she turns out okay.
you can't give him anything else, so you give him hope. it's the same thing he gave to you, all those months ago when you saved him.
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To love a hero
A/n: So I'm really sad right now and I'm gonna project that onto my writings, sorry in advance
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Plot: Loving a hero is a difficult and heart wrenching task
Pairing: Peter parker x male reader
Y/n: Your name
L/n: Last name
N/n: Nickname
H/c: Hair color
Warnings: lotta angst, happy ending because I’m not a monster, cussing, major character injury
Word count: 1774
Y/n L/n and Peter Parker went way back, even farther than Peter and Ned. The two had been friends since Pre-K, and only grew closer as the years went by. The two were almost interpretable, if one of the boys was seen, the other was close by.
No one really understood their friendship, but no one questioned it either. In high school the two boys became impossibly closer, Y/n was the first to know about Peter’s abilities, the brunette couldn’t keep something so big from his best friend. Y/n was there and helped make his first suit, the boy was there to soothe his aching bones and to nurse his blossoming bruises.
The pair shared an unbreakable bond, they were what love stories depicted. The love between them was seen by everyone but the two. Of course, Peter knew he was in love with Y/n and vice versa, but for two genius’ they were both dumbasses. Hell, even Tony stark noticed the young love blossoming, the billionaire could see how much the pair adored each other.  
On multiple occasions he’d tried to coerce the young superhero into admitting his feelings but was always given the same response.
“Y/n doesn’t like me like that Mr. Stark, I’m not ruining our friendship over my feelings.” Simple and to the point, but it drove Tony insane that the young genius was so fucking blind. He opted against bringing it up again after seeing such clear pain in Peter’s eyes every time they talked about it, being a bystander as time passed by.
Maybe Peter couldn’t see how enamored Y/n was with him, but Tony could. Especially as he clutched the said boy against his chest as he let out guttural and heart wrenching sobs.
It had all started off as a normal Saturday, Peter was over at Y/n’s the two sitting on the couch and watching some unknown movie, it was purely background noise. The two boys were to focused on each other and their conversation to care about the movie. The domestic peace was ruined by Peter’s phone chiming, a familiar sound that always caused dread to run down Y/n’s spine.
It was the sound of Peter’s police scanner, hearing the radio chatter begin. “Unknown entity in central park, currently creating a perimeter and pushing back civilians, backup requested.” The look of determination crossed over Peter’s features, and if Y/n knew Peter would listen, he’d beg for him to let the avengers take care of it.
“That’s my cue, I’ll see you later N/n!” Peter did a mock salute to his best friend, easily escaping the home via window. For some unknown reason Y/n felt on edge, his gut tightening painfully. He immediately flicked on the news, only having to wait a few moments before the familiar figure of spiderman flung into frame.
The fight was nerve wrecking, watching as the Villain and superhero alike exchanged punches and kicks, and Y/n knew Peter was probably making stupid quips to keep his anxiety under control. The H/c haired boy gnawed on his bottom lip as he watched the fight escalate, getting more violent by the second.
The villain had hit Peter with all their might, and Y/n could only watch as the boy he loved more than anything was flung against a building before he crumpled to the ground. It was as the world stood still, stealing all the breath from Y/n’s lungs as the figure of spiderman didn’t budge, he didn’t get up. Peter promised he’d always get back up.
He felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on, air was to thick to breathe and he could feel the moisture running down his face and the devastated cry that left his lips went unheard. The boy couldn’t really remember when Happy arrived at his house, a grim expression on his face as he looked at the disheveled teenager.
Y/n couldn’t remember the drive to the compound, it was as if his brain had just shut down, leaving him devoid of any life. Maybe that’s what Peter was like right now, devoid of life. His constant chatter silenced, his jittery movements stilled, his beautiful face pulled into the blank look of death.
The teenage boy could remember that Happy had to pull over so Y/n could vomit on the side of the road, silent sobs clenching his lungs in their vice. Never in all of his short life had he felt so much pain, never had he begged for the sweet release of darkness as he did now.
The H/c haired boy begged any god that would listen for this to be a nightmare, that he’d wake up and he and Peter would still be on the couch. The brunette would tease him for falling asleep, but he’d take anything to make this pain go away.
When he finally got to the compound and saw Tony waiting, the same grim look on his face as happy, it felt like every last shred of his strength and control was gone. Y/n collapsed into Tony’s arms, breaking into pieces. He only processed a few words “surgery” “critical” and “I’m so sorry.” Everything blended together as the billionaire led him to the medical wing, holding onto the breaking teenager, as if his touch would mend him.
Hours felt like eternity, it was hellish. The sobs that once left the teenager were turned into deafening silence, the occasional sniffle leaving the boy, comforting Tony that the child was in fact still alive.
May had shown up at some point, Y/n couldn’t honestly remember when, or honestly care. Not when he felt like part of himself was missing, leaving a gaping hole where Peter once was.
Good news came in the form of a doctor informing them, at hour 4 of waiting, that Peter had survived the surgery and was now stable. If it wasn’t for his healing factor, the teenager would’ve been dead. He was under sedatives currently, so his body could work solely on healing.
It felt like a weight off of everyone’s chest, he was okay, alive and breathing. The 3 walked in silence to Peter’s room, May and Y/n taking their respective sides on Peter, as Tony sat at the foot of the bed.
Hours were spent in silence, May haven fallen asleep not to long after receiving the news that Peter was okay. Tony and Y/n stayed awake, both lost in their own thoughts. The teenager held Peter’s hand, thumb brushing over his knuckles silently. His eyes rarely left the still form, scared that if he looked away the boy would disappear from his grasp.
“Yknow what sucks about loving a hero?” Y/n’s broken voice cut through the silence, starling Tony from his thoughts. He didn’t reply, his gaze falling on the teenager. Y/n looked over at Tony and fuck that look should never be on a child. He looked so broken, so tired.
“I know he’s going to die long before me, and I’ll be stuck in this fucked up world without him.” A humorless laugh broke through the boys’ lips, it sounded watery and oh so broken. “I’m not ready to live without him Tony.” A quiet sob left his lips, his free hand going to stifle it.
“I love him so much, and it scares me so fucking bad.” Y/n’s eyes moved back over to Peter, shakily bringing the sleeping boy’s hand up to kiss his knuckles. Tony felt his chest tighten painfully; this was really a reminder that they were just kids who grew up way to fast.
“He’s not going to die Y/n, not if I have anything to say about it.” Tony replied in a surprisingly gentle but determined tone. He’d be damned if he let this pair get separated, Peter and Y/n deserved to be together. To grow up together and create a life.
The room fell into silence after that, neither of them wanting to broach the topic again. In the early hours of the morning Peter’s doe like eyes opened once more. Every inch of his body ached with an indescribable pain, and he had to hold back a grimace. He was surprised to see the 3 most important people in his life strewn about the room, two fast asleep. Y/n was still awake though, clasping Peter’s hand like a lifeline has his tired eyes burned into the sheets.
Peter gave his best friends hand a gentle squeeze, but it was enough for the boy’s head to shoot up so fast Peter was scared he’d get whiplash. “Peter! Oh, thank God.” The H/c haired boy breathed out, and even through his eyes were red and puffy from tears and purple bags so dark they looked like bruises bloomed under his eyes, he was still the most gorgeous creature Peter had ever seen.
Peter gave a weak smile, squeezing his hand once more. “How long have I been out?” He questioned; head tipped to the side like a curious puppy. “About 12 hours.” Y/n replied, voice cracking slightly.
The gentle aura Y/n held around him quickly disappeared into one of anger. “If you ever do that to me again Peter I swear to God, I’ll kill you myself.” Y/n spit out angrily, but the anger was gone as fast as it had appeared.
“I thought you died, and that was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I love you, and I’d rather you be with the land of the living.” The confession was made by a boy to tired to process he had said it.
Peter felt a wave of guilt crash over him at the boy’s confession. He knew now wasn’t the time to talk on the subject. “I’m okay N/n and trust me I won’t be doing that again any time soon. Why don’t we sleep and talk again in the morning?”
Peter was exhausted, and he knew his best friend was too, they could talk about this at a later date. As Y/n made a sound of agreement, laying his head against the mattress, Peter knew that everything would be okay. It didn’t matter what horrors he faced, or what pain he went through. He had made a promise to Y/n. He’d get up every time, and he’d be damned if he ever made the Boy he loved go through that pain again.
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fineosaur · 5 years
Copy & paste your response into a new post + tag however many people you want!
i was tagged by the lovely @the-end-is-kigh
Name: Raniyah
ASoIaF-ified name: omg idk, i really wanna know. how do i find out
Favorite house: hard cause all the houses have such great history but House Stark
Pick a direwolf: Nymeria!! i almost named my dog nymeria but it was a bit long for a baby puppy to catch onto
Choose a weapon: STAFF, i feel like i could be pretty badass w a staff or spear
List your top 10 favorite characters: 
Arya Stark, always always my love, i fell in love with her character the moment i read the first pov, the moment i watched her run around on screen defying all gender norms. i have always projected onto her and thats a big part of why i feel so attached to her character
Gendry Waters, i can't help it, my heart goes out to my ignorant of his heritage boy. he's so good hearted and doesnt stand for shit. the balance of strong and soft in this boy just makes me so emotional. he befriended a little girl and kept her identity a secret. protected her and listened to her, falls in love with her. the fact that he constantly has to remind himself and her that they are from different social classes breaks my heart all the time.
Daenerys Targaryen, my bi queen i love her so much, she deserved the world and more. at such a young age, despite the abuse she endured she managed to stand above and free those who couldn't do it for themselves.
Ned Stark, idk man, i really really love ned. he's so sullen and shit but such a good man. really id be able to open up to him about my trauma and I KNOW he’d keep it a secret. bitchboy couldn't keep the twincest secret tho smh
Jon Snow, my dumbass bby, i love him. he just wants to be loved and feel like he's worth something. he’s literally too sad and thinky for his own good, its clear that his uncle ned rubbed off on him
Robb Stark, my king in the north im still so fucking torn up about his death, i miss him so much. he was such an honourable and good king and at such a young age
Catelyn Stark, she was such a great mother and wife. ALWAYS ALLLWAYYS did whatever it took for her family. family, duty, honour right, she was the embodiment of that shit. TILL HER LAST BREATH SHE FOUGHT FOR HER CHILDREN DESPITE WANTING TO JUST MEET HER HUSBAND IN DEATH. SHE DIED THINKING ALL OF HER CHILDREN HAD DIED, THAT HER HUSBAND SHE LOVED CHEATED ON HER. god im so emotional, i could go on and cry while doing it.
Jaime Lannister, i mean, when he talks about his dick getting hard at the sight of naked brienne but staying in denial??? how could i not love this gold handed dumbass who cant write cause his left hand writes ugly
Tywin Lannister, whilst he may have gotten bested by our young wolf, i cant deny how powerful tywin was. imagine having a song like rains of castamere being written cause you obliterated a whole house. top tier strength and wit 
Cersei Lannister, my bitter, bi queen. i love my lioness, cold hearted as she is, i just love the way she acts and thinks. plus shes so hot, how can i not be in love with a hot evil queen, its literally my type wtf
i’ve probably missed out so many idk im so forgetful. also did not plan on making these long i just love them so much i needed to rant
List your top 5 least favourite characters:
Joffrey Baratheon, what a fkn cunt so glad he choked
Ramsay Bolton, literally cannot stand the bitch
Walder Frey, man fuck u for the red wedding, i hope you die in ur sleep
Roose Bolton too, him and his fucking leeches
Petyr Baelish, he's like so interesting and all but ugh he’s so fucking irritating. im sorry ur dick is small and ned got ur girl but that doesn't mean you try to fuck his daughter yknow
Your OTP: Gendrya, always. i’ve never shipped anything this hard and long
Your other ships: im a big ned x cat shipper too, i’ve sobbed over a lot of their fics, braime and ygritte x jon come close as well
Favorite actors/actresses from the show: Joe dempsie absolutely has my heart. Maisie Williams is a queeeen, i love her style. Nathalie Emmanuel, god i have a stroke every time i see her esp w that septum ringggg 
i tag @gendryafanwhore @aryasbadbenergy @zoyarose @valsore  @sneetchstar and literally all of my followers who want to do this, i just cant seem to think up names cause im literally braindead
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