#this time the guy is not a gaucho equivalent he's more of a porteño businessman though of course there's the gaucho aesthetic
elbiotipo · 2 years
Thinking about the crew of my space opera story. I'm not going to use the crew I used for all my OTHER space stories (with some modifications) because that's more of a family than a crew, and the idea is that this is a business crew that slowly grows into something more. So the basic crew is:
The captain/pilot who is a human from one of the ancient relativist clans (of Argentine descent of course), who is the serious and at the same time emotional (porteño amargado) captain.
The engineer, who is a cactus like dude who communicates by signals and shapes on their leaves. Distant and sarcastic.
The ancient princess from an extinct shark civilization who they found in suspended animation. Seems spoiled and evasive at first, but has secrets and such.
Now the thing is that it's only the dude and the cactus at first and they are bored until the princess shows up... however, navigating through the aether in this setting is a bit like flying through a storm of dark matter and energy. You have to be 24/7 alert, and what happens when he has to sleep? The engineer doesn't sleep because he's a cactus, but he can't also work all the time. You need people who do shifts.
Which makes me wonder what happened when Han and Chewbacca needed to take a nap.
On the other hand in real life (unfortunately) people in transport tend to sleep very little (these guys are literal space truckers) but I doubt even the most lax spaceport regulations would allow 24-hour shifts. It cuts a little into the "it was only these two guys until the princess showed up" theme, but I'll have to make a crew, at least 3 more.
On the other other hand, it would be funny in a fail way that these two guys were maintaining the whole thing themselves. The captain has to do the paperwork, so the engineer has to make the food for the passengers, and since the captain was busy loading the freight by himself and he broke his back, he forgot to buy those prepackaged lunches. So, it's boiled potatoes for everyone. Humans love that, right?
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