#this took FOREVER. ive been p much writing this since like.... i first heard that song earlier. fuck!!!!
obliviscii · 2 years
Exile’s Garden - ‘Tween the World of the Living and Dead
Nestled in the middle of the living world and the afterlife is a path. It is long, winding, and made of cobblestone. It is a realm of ethereal beauty and peace, though a solemn sadness hangs in the dark air - for this is where spirits are ferried from the living world, to their next life.
Exile’s Garden is realm that acts as a gateway, and is a place that only Yveltal can access unless he were to bring someone along; though this is not advised for a multitude of reasons that will be explained later.
The path found in the realm is flanked with flowers, hundreds and thousands of them. These flowers are eternal flowers, colored a deep black and red, resembling the god of death himself. Never to wilt or die, the flowers can exist in the most treacherous of places, void of light and water and may still thrive. They truly are eternal in every sense of the word, and these flowers have existed in Exile’s Garden for millions of years, some for even longer, having originated from this realm. 
They are the only plantlife found in the realm beyond the trees, spindly branches and dark wood covered in pristine, pure white leaves. The leaves fall like snow, withering and dying days after hitting the ground. Along with that, vines snake their way along the trunks of the trees and further beyond that, colored an almost black, deep green.
The only source of light are glowing orbs hung suspended along the path, cloaking parts of the path and Exile’s Garden in a glow. Forlorn spirits that had accepted their death and made it that far, but did not want to continue, also give off sources of light.
A river flows through the land, cutting across the path. A wooden bridge connects the path where the river intersects. The waters are dark, darker and deeper than the night sky, and makes no noise as it flows. Drinking these waters gives instant and pure bliss to those who taste it, washing away all sadness and anger - however the water is addicting. It becomes hard to leave the riverbank, wanting nothing more than to drink, and drink, and drink. Those who tempt the fate of the river are doomed to be stuck at its side for all eternity - the most fanatic of people immerse themselves in the water entirely, forever stuck at the murky bottom and reaching up to the surface endlessly.
The areas outside of the path, outside the soft glow of the lights, are perhaps the most dangerous of all in Exile’s Garden. These areas are why Yveltal is hesitant to bring anyone alive to this realm. Echoes of voices can be heard beyond the trees, a siren song beckoning those to heed its call. The voices are different for all who hear them, being the voice of their loved ones. Their family, their friends, their lover, their children... whether these voices are of those still alive on the other side, or are of those who have long since been deceased. Yveltal does what he can to sway spirits from being fooled, but some don’t listen and venture out.
The darkness that is beyond the trees is such a deep, pervading darkness, that it strips one of all their senses, utterly depriving them of all rationality. All sense of direction is lost, all sight, all hearing. It is intense, and those who wander beyond the light are lost for all eternity, never to be found, seen, or heard of again. A lost soul damned to wandering the darkness forever, tricked in their moment of weakness by hearing what they want to hear again the most - their loved ones. For one, final time.
Eventually, the path does reach it’s end. The end of Exile’s Garden, the end of the world. There, the very land drops off steeply and endlessly, a dark void. To him, it is merely an endless sky, with glowing souls cascading up and beyond where he can see... like lanterns floating away in the night. But to those departed, they see the afterlife. They see whatever awaits them beyond where Yveltal can go - at the end of Exile’s Garden.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
yo fam i read ur grifnut/rvbnut tags,,like just make a post, i want to reblog this
OOH u mean my tags on this post yea? i’ll just make it THIS POST 8))) i was just gonna screencap all them juicy tags but since rvbnut [best term ever thank u for that] is otp, i will retype for better readability + i thought of some extra things to throw in, so here we go:
as mentioned already, there’s donut’s super secret diary where donut describes"gazing silently into each other’s visors” and feeling a connection, as well has having sat in grif’s lap”. i very much believe donut had a crush on grif at some point
there’s some PSA or something that for the life of me I can’t remember the name of, and it might just be a dvd extra cause I found it on youtube not through the rvb channel, where the reds are getting on motorcycles to go somewhere and grif has to share w/donut, and hes Very Hesitant and i dont remember what exactly donut was saying but it was Very Suggestive how he was telling grif to get behind him and hold on tight or w/e, and when grif didnt wanna get on it with him he was like “whats wrong ;(?? dont be shy~”
ive pulled out my book now and donut describes the play they put on for tucker as being about “the band of handsome male survivors braving the elements together” so, donut thinks he + the other BGC members are handsome
“The first thing the doctor did when we got him back over to our base was pin Sarge against the wall with the Warthog. I always thought if anyone was going to ram Sarge up to the wall, it would be me, seeing as how I’ve been angling for a promotion lately” -another entry in donut’s diary. i honest to god have no idea how this could be taken as an innuendo, bc it straight up sounds like donut wants to fuck his way to the top
also in the book, simmons’ self insert fanfiction “Hero In Maroon” has… a special scene with “Donut the Enchanter,” who is “spreading his temptation magic through scandalous dancing.” This is SIMMONS writing this, and simmons has himself say “Tell me what you know about Sarge, else I will have to run you through with my long sword” and, sure, he has donut speak in innuendos and reply to that line with “I like where this is gong. Maybe I’ll keep you here… FOREVER!” but like, simmons literally wrote himself throwing an innuendo to donut. then you have the next few lines “DONUT USES OFFICER HOT PANTS HANDCUFF ATTACK” “”Oh no!” Simmons exclaims. A bed appears behind him. His hands are cuffed to it.” And while the next line is just donut laughing and saying “Now you must watch my rendition of the musical CATS” so while donut wasnt gonna do anything creepy, this really sounds like simmons writing a self insert fic that includes a provocative donut flirting with him while talking about musicals…. simmons dont repress ur crush on donut
^not to mention the officer hot pants comes from donut having dressed up and jumped out of a cake for sarge’s birthday……..
at the finale scene of s13, donut says “I love you, too, Lopez”
Donut lived offscreen with Doc in valhalla, and then was dropped back off there to continue living in valhalla with doc (and lopez’s head) (i could talk for 60 years about them but anyone who’s followed me long enough has heard it all before and i’m tryin to keep the points b r i e f lol)
church has said “I like donut. He’s pretty harmless, man. I-I don’t think he’d hurt a fly.” and upon finding out donut got crushed by a spaceship, he paused his snarking to say “Oh, wait, the pink guy? Oh, I actually liked him!” to which grif replies “Seriously, what’s with all these feelings for donut?” 
tucker, thinking donut was a girl bc pink armor, asked donut if he “wanted to date one of us” and then called donut a “tease” when he said he wasn’t a girl
donut polished tucker’s codpiece 3 times when he and caboose were helping tucker get the black gunk off his armor, saying something along the lines of “a 3-coat waxing is just my way of saying I Care :)”
epsilon!tucker, while not canon to actual tucker, is implied to have jacked off to donut bc he thought he was a girl 
seems to be implied that tucker and donut were both assigned to the same desert location when everyone got split up, and donut passed out from thirst/exhaustion trying to get tucker’s distress call to the others
in The Best Red vs Blue DVD Ever of All Time, there’s a scene where tucker and donut are introducing “best couple.” Donut goes on about romance, while tucker says couple doesn’t necessarily mean romance, and  that “you[donut] think everything is romance! last week you called it romance when i accidentally took a bite of your sandwich” “was it really an accident tucker? was it?” “YES!” “time will tell” “ugh, whatever-” dudes, donut totally had a crush on tucker at least once
i dont have a good source but i remember seeing in a post a while back that there was a scrapped plotline that was gonna be a love triangle between donut, a “confused caboose”, and an unknown third party
i’m willing to bet the confused caboose bit is because caboose seems to have thought (and maybe still does? who knows) that donut was a girl, likely because of the armor. in caboose’s mind, donut’s a girl who says things like “I love caboose, and yet, I’m still afraid of him, he’s so scary :)” [cause he seems to think of himself as intimidating to the red team lol], and then in Head Canon, caboose!donut says something like “i like [something] almost as i like to paint my nails and not talk to boys. i would never talk to boys, especially not caboose for some reason!” which… is hard to make sense of tbh lol, but since everyone in caboose’s mind is how caboose perceives them, it maybe seems like caboose doesnt get as much of donut’s attention as he’d like?? lmfao, it sounds like “not caboose for some reason” means caboose doesn’t really understand either. 
donut tearily said to caboose way back in KITBFF: “ Mister Caboose, I just want you to know that even though we are on different teams, and we may never see each other again, whatever happens out there today, I’ll always remember the moments we shared together. You are now, and forever will be… my friend.” very emotional if i do say so myself
there’s this reconstruction deleted scene where i guess donut had gotten transferred to doing special agent stuff w/wash’s division or something (wash calls him Special Agent Donut so, i guess lol). Wash speaks in donut innuendos the whole time he’s talkin about donut [”He’s a back door expert” “if there’s an unsecured rear entrance, he’s your man” “legend has it he can get through even the tightest cracks-” lmfao and they address each other by name, so i like to think they’ve worked together and donut’s… mannerisms… have been Rubbing Off on wash ;p
^also in that deleted scene caboose goes “DONUT! :D” when donut appears and talks, so he’s clearly excited to see him!!!!!!!!! 
ahem. point being: the bgc needs to embrace the donut love and i firmly believe that if someone didnt have a crush on donut, donut had a crush on one of them at some point in time
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saltynemo · 7 years
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WHATADO Everybody its your boi Nemo back at it again with another fanfic. Noq today I'm gonna disappoint you and leave you with a cliff hanger. I made a Brendon Urie fluff awhile ago but life has been busy lately. Btw, small angst at the end (I'm Jena from the future: excuse writing errors and shit cause this is one of my first stories)
Summery: Y/n decides to fly out to Brendon to comfort him about the Break-Up he has recently went through. This gives him and Y/n quality time together and things start to spark, but not in the way you think
Type: Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Cussing, Small angst at end, Fluff, I think that's about it
Requested?: Kind of, Yea
Word Count: 3.4k (3,478 words)
Now without further ado, P-P-P-P-PLAY IT
I have been friends with Brendon since 2nd grade. We do everything together! His family adores me and its like im Brendons sister. I was there with Brendon when he had his first Flirting experiance. I was there with him when he had his first Break-Up. I am almost always there for him and there is nothing separating us. Mostly, the only time were apart is when hes on tour or I have things to do. But this time, he is touring and playing his usual gigs and I decided not to tag along with him. I didnt decide to go this time because of his girlfriend, Audrey. She has always been such a snob to me and I just never liked her. The number one reason I didnt like her is because she abuses Brendon. Its just that Brendon loves her too much to even notice! I try to tell him, but he just keeps telling me the same thing over and over again, "Shes just annoying me with her love and affection" And I keep replying with the same answer over and over again, "Shes abusing you and your money!" After a while, I gave up...Brendon loved her and Audrey didnt so much love him.
I woke up to the sound of a vibration next to my head. I lazily turn over and answer my phone in a groggy voice, "Hello..?" I heard sobbing on the other line, and I could tell it was Brendons. "Brendon, are you ok? What happened? Its..3 am" "S-he bro-ke up wi-th me.." Brendon stuttered. He was histerical. I tried to calm him down by telling him im here for him and such, but most of it didnt work. "Damn, i wish I could be there to give you a hug! You sound horrible" I say, on the verge of tears myself. "Y-yeah i wish too. Why d-o i d-do this to myself?! Am i t-too nice?" Brendon sobs. I tell him that hes too caring for some of these woman and to take a break. We talk back and forth about what happened and how we can resolve it. "Its 3 am Y/n..ill let you go. Ill just cry myself to sleep.." Brendon sniffled. We both say goodnight and I dial Josh's number. "Hey Josh?" "Yea, Y/n?" "Did you hear from Brendon yet..? Im kind of worried for him" I ask, pacing around my room. "Yea, i heard him talking on the phone with someone about his ex. Was that you?" Josh replies. "Yea, that was me. Also, how do you know he broke up with Audrey?" "Oh yea! I went on tour with him, just to tag along. Since im still on my haitus I thought i would give him some company" He says. "How long have they been broken up? Did it just happen?" I say, raising my voice a little. Josh starts to tell me the long story of how Brendon and Audrey broke up. It was pretty violent from my perspective. I hear sobbing in the backround as Josh went on with his story. "Wait, im gonna go outside..i feel like im destroying Brendon by telling you the story" Josh says, moving away from Brendons hysterical voice. "Brendons pretty..heart broken. Like is there any way you can calm him down? Your the only person I know who is that close to Brendon" "I tried! But i dont think I can do it over the phone, you know what I mean" I reply, leaning my head on my hand. "Is there any way you can like..come down here?" Josh asks. I can hear him pacing around outside. "I dont have the money ya know..im living in an apartment" I say, laughing a little bit. Josh chuckles but cuts out his laugh mid way. "I can PayPal your flight! Like-please come over here? Brendons destroyed..do it for him" "Ugh! Fine..Ill have to order the Tickets right now then. Send me your PayPal info and ill get packed" I sigh. "Sweet, Y/n!! I knew you would do it" "But ill need a ride..Can you do it?" "I dont think so..ill ask Tyler or Patrick. Both of them love you so it wont be a problem" He replies. I lay back on my bed, phone still next to my ear, "Welp, ok! Cya then. And dont tell Brendon about this..I want it to be a suprise" I say, smiling uncontrollably. "You gotcha. Cya then" Josh says. I could tell him winked by his tone. We said our goodbyes and I put my phone down. I sighed very loudly, almost thinking my neighbors could hear me. I sit back up and limp over to my Computer
Josh sent me his PayPal info and I bought the plane tickets. The plane was scheduled to leave at 3:00 pm tommorow. I closed my laptop and jogged over to my closet, packing up so I wont have to do it later. I didnt think much on what I should bring, but I threw in a couple outfits, toothbrush, hairbrush, and some headphones all into one SuitCase. I zip it up and put it to the side. Its now 4:00 am. I should get some rest..since I got lots of planning to do. I crawl back into bed, trying to put my worries about Brendon and my schedule aside.
*TIME SKIP Brought to you by Brendon's High notes*
Its 1:30 pm..I called a Taxi so I can get driven to the Airport. Josh texted me telling me that Petes going to pick me up. Im always excited to see Pete and..pretty much all of my Friends, so i was excited. Once we got to the airport, I payed the Taxi driver and headed for the long journey of ID Checking and security. Once I hit my first checkpoint, I put my bag on a conveirbelt and show them my Passport and ID. They aprove it and I grabbed my stuff. I found a very comfy bench near the Exit to where my plane is. I sit and wait forever, untill they finally call my plane. "Plane 3A!! All abourd 3A!" The flight attendant shouts. I pick my stuff up and head twords the door. I show her my plane ticket and I head to the back of the plane
The plane ride was quiet and peacefull to my suprise. No crying children, no kids kicking the back of your seat, and no rude or distracting people! I put my headphones on and put my music on shuffle. The very first song to come on was 'Dont Threaten Me With a Good Time'. I smiled brightly and tapped my foot to the beat as the plane flew through piles of clouds. I knew this was going to be a fun trip.
The seatbelt light flashed aboved my misty eyes. I packed up my things and secured my seat belt. I have always hated the landing of a plane, it just uneased me. The plane decended to the ground and skirted to a hualt. All of the passengers, including me, exited the plane through the door and a tunnel. Once I reached the end of the long corrador, I saw Pete! "Hey Petie!" I cheered, giving him a quick hug. "So nice to see you, Y/n!" "Hows Brendon?" I asked, pulling away from the hug. "Oh, about him, Hes...still depressed. I took a picture of him about 30 minutes ago" Pete exclaimed, showing me a photo of Brendon's head down, his arms hiding his face. He was in a position as if he were playing 'Heads Up Seven Up'. "Aw man...sucks" I say, itching the back of my neck. "How about we go suprise him now?" Pete said adding a cute smile. I smiled with him and we walked out of the airport.
Once we reached petes car, I threw my bag into the back seat and hopped into the passanger chair. "How about we play some music so we dont have an akward car ride" Pete said as he sat down in his drivers seat. "Sounds great, give me the aux chord" I demanded as i smiled a little bit. "Just dont play trash! You got it?" "Yea yea, I wont" I said, trying not to laugh. I typed into Youtube: "Josh says Penis Sized Nipples for 10 Minutes". I tried my best not to laugh hystericly, but i let out a small giggle. I plugg in the aux chord and I turn the 'music' all the way up. "Penis sized nipples, penis sized nipples, penis sized nipples" blasted in the car. I couldnt hold it in any longer and I bursted out laughing. Pete joined with me and was hystericly crying while trying to drive. I was about to change it when Pete stopped me: "Keep it on, and roll the window down!" He yelled through the 'penis sized nipples', echoing in the car. I rolled down the window and pretended to dance to it. We both laughed and drove to our destination, laughing all the way.
Once we reached the building where Brendon and our friends were, I turned off Joshs voice and put my phone in my pocket. "Here ya go" Pete said, swinging my bag over my shoulder. I wasnt expecting that so i crippled a little bit. "Sorry" Pete laughed. I smiled a bit and began walking to the front door. I reached my hand out to open it when Pete held my wrist, stopping me. "Before you go in there...just know Brendons sensitive right now..do your best to help him, he is seriously depressed." Pete said lowly. "I understand, now let me talk to him" I whisper back. Pete let go of my wrist and opened the door for me. I stepped inside to see all of my friends..especially Brendon. Josh, Tyler, Patrick, Joe, Andy, and all of the important folks were here. I waved to all of them and pressed my finger againts my lips. They all nodded and smiled, watching me creep up to Brendon. He was still in the same exact position from an Hour ago. I saw an empty glass of whisky by his side with a mountain of tissues. I dropped my bag besides a wall and leaned my mouth to his exposed ear. "Im always here for you Buddy" I whisper in his ear, putting my hands on his shoulders. He quickly lifts his head up, exposing his red & stuffy nose. His eyes were puffy and red from all of his crying. "Y/n" He asked in a suprised tone. He quickly rapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him tightly, softly rubbing his back in the process. "Im so glad your here with me Y/n..ive missed you so much" He whispered, holding me tighter. His chest was warm and I never wanted to leave this position. "Ive missed you too, Brendon" I reply, lightly pushing him away. Brendon let go of me and gave me a bright smile through his depressed state. I smiled with him, knowing ill make him feel better.
We stared at eachother for a little while, enjoying our facial features and what not. Finally, Brendon snapped out of it. "Im gonna go clean the-uh-tissues up" He said, walking away to the mountain of tissues. "I knew you could do it" Josh whispered in my ear. I glanced at him, "I didnt expect him to feel better that fast, wow" "What would he do without you" Josh added, smiling and walking away. I found a chair to sit on as I watched Brendon joke and play with his friends. I leaned my head on my hand, day dreaming. "Hey, Y/n/n" Said a blissful voice. I turn my head to see Patrick. "Oh, hey Pat" I said, making room for him. "You really did wonders for this guy, ya know?" Patrick said, adjusting his sitting position. "Yea..I guess I did" I paused thinking of a question. "Speaking of Brendon...when did Audrey and Brendon break up?" I asked, turning my head to face him. I saw Patricks jaw clench at my question. "You know how Brendon called you?" I nodded in response. "He called you right after they broke up. Audrey stormed out of here and i dont know where she is. I hope she doesnt come back" Patrick added, folding his hands and looking down. "I really do hope so too" "But look at the bright side, Brendons bank account wont be empty" Patrick said, laughing a little. I laughed too, relizing he was right. I looked at my watch: 7:10. "Shouldnt Brendon be getting ready for his Meet&Greet with fans?" I asked Pat. "Oh, shit. Your right. Hey Brendon: Meet and Greets at 7:30!" Patrick shouted, getting up from his chair. He shot me a quick wink before walking over to Brendon. I smiled and got up, grabbing Brendons phone from a bench. "Here Bren, I think you might need this" I say, jogging over to him. He smiles and takes it, "Thanks, honey" He winks as he walks back to a table. The nickname he gave me cought me off guard, making me stand still. Tyler patted my back, making me come back to relization. He laughes as he follows Brendon.
I grab the Millions of pens lying on the floor and follow them. I set them on the Meet&Greet table and Sat in a Chair. I grabbed a hard, wooden surface, incase I had to sign things too. Brendon's fanbase loved me, even though I really wasnt that popular. "Y/n, you can sit at the table, I dont bite" Brendon calls, offering me a seat. I smile and sit next to Brendon. I thank him for the offer and we wait for the millions of fans to enter. I glance around the room, looking at Tyler, Josh, Patrick, and the security guards. I saw Andy and Joe, leaning againts the wall on their phones. "Here they come" Brendon whispers into my ear. I grin as I see fan girls come around the corner, with million doller smiles on their faces. The security guards step up, making sure the girls dont attack us. Suprisingly, the fan girls behaved very well. No cluttering or fighting or anything.
After about 30 minutes of watching Brendon sign papers, a girl comes up to me. She has brown, curly hair with freckles. She looked very sweet. "Arnt you Brendons close friend?" She asks, holding a binder closley to her chest. "Yea, I am. How did you know?" "Oh, I mean he posts about you all the time! Im suprised no one reconized you yet" She adds, placing the binder on the table. "Do you mind if you can sign my binder?" "Of course not! And whats your name" I reply, grinning as i sign my name onto the front cover of her binder. "Its Scarlett" She replies, smiling uncontrolably. "Thats a pretty name. Here ya go!" I complimented her. Scarlett smiles from ear to ear and takes her binder back. "Thank you so much!" She says, skipping away back to her friends. I smiled at her as I continued to watch Brendon. "I guess you got a fan" He whispers in my ear. For some reason, that sent chills down my back, making me jump a little. "Your jumpy today" He whispers again, handing a girl back her paper. I bite my lip and grin at him. He smiles and we both put our attentions back to the fangirls.
*TIME SKIP brought to you by Brendons body*
"Ok! Meet&Greet is over! Exit the room please!" The security guard yells. The room is filled with fangirls groaning and leaving the room. "Y/n..my hand hurts like crazy" Brendon groans, holding his hand. "I only signed a couple, so i guess im just lucky" I chuckle, placing my hand over Brendons, massaging it. He groans, smiling a little bit. I rub his hand as I hear snickering in the room. I ignore it and I continue to rub his hand. "Thanks Y/n. I dont know what I would do without you." Brendon says, smiling at me. I take my hand away from his and grin back. "Come on love birds, lets go watch Netflix!" Josh yells to us as he jogs to the cough. I laugh at his comment and get up, following Josh. Tyler, Andy, Pete and Joe were all sitting on the cough together, while Patrick is making popcorn. "Move, Im gay" I say, sitting on the couch. They laugh as they all scootch down. "Nice Brandon Rodgers referance" Andy comments. I laugh in response and Patrick sits on the carpet infront of us. "Get some popcorn before my fat ass eats it all" He says, holding up the popcorn bag for everyone to get. I took a hand full and stuffed it in my mouth. I feel a kernal of popcorn fall from my mouth and down onto my lap. I went to pick it up when suddenly, I see Brendons hand snatch it. "Hey! I was gonna eat that" I say, lightly pushing him. He laughs as he stuffs it in his mouth. He sits directly infront of me on the floor, along with Pat. "What are we watching?" Josh asks, scrolling through movies. "Fight Club" We all yell in harmony. Josh laughs as he hits the 'Select' button for Fight Club. We all seddle down and watch the movie.
After about an hour into the movie, I hear a knock at the door. "Ill go get it.." Pete groans, getting up from the couch and slowly jogging to the door. I put my attention back to the screen, when all of the sudden I hear Pete raise his voice. "Audrey?! What are you doing here?" Pete asks. I quickly turn my head to the door. I really didnt wanna go see her or even move. I cover Brendons ears, knowing the name will hurt him. "Im fine Y/n" He laughs, holding my hand. I smile and I take my hand away. "Brendon doesnt want to see you! You hurt him pretty bad" Pete yells once more. "Ill go see whats going on" Patrick says as he puts the popcorn bag down and walks twords the front door. I keep staring at the conversation, wondering what Audrey wanted. "Move, Emo boy! Let me see Brendon" Audrey shouts, trying to shove Pete out of the way. "Darling, Im not budging. Its best if you leave" Pete scoffs, closing the door. Before the door can fully shut, I hear a thud. I quickly get up and walk twords the door. I see Pete holding his crotch as he backed away from the door. "Audrey! What the Fuck! Leave right now, before I make you!" Patrick yells, pointing to the door. "What the hell is going on!" Brendon yells, stomping twords the door. "Oh..Hi Brendon!" She cheers. I stay in my standing position while i watch the battle set sail.
"What are you doing here?" Brendon asks. "I came here to see if I left my bra here" She said with a smirk. "Do you really think I still have your slutty bra?" Brendon says, walking infront of me. "Well, you must know what it looks like. We have had amazing sex before" Audrey comments sarcasticly. I feel my face burn with anger and embarissment. He stays quiet. "Cant you just leave? Were trying to watch fight club!" Josh, Tyler, Andy, and Joe all say from the couch. I snicker at the remark, but turn back to Audrey. "Well, if you dont know what it looks like, it looks like this" Audrey says, unbuttoning her shirt quickly and exposing her lingera bra. Patrick and Pete turn away from her and face the wall. Brendon is too angry at her to even look away. "Its best if you leave right now!" Brendon says, rasing his voice. "Oh cmon baby..I know you still want me..dont fight it" Audrey says, stepping twords Brendon. I push Audrey and get between her and Brendon. "Move away, slut" She scoffs, pushing me away with all of her might. I was strong, with no doubt, but I wasnt expecting this force. I was pushed back into the wall, my head hitting the wood hard. "Audrey! This need to stop, you should le-" Brendon begins to say, before being interuppted by Audreys lips. He tried to back away but she kept moving into the kiss. I felt my face burn with anger. Everything was happening in slow motion. I ball up my fists, trying to contain my anger. "What would I do without you" echoded through my brain. My face begins to scrutnch up and my eyes are blurred with tears.
(I put the cliffhanger so that you will beg me for more...unless I wrote a terrible fanfic. But whatever. I hope you enjoyed it and cya next time or somethin. Like for more!)
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rimalupin · 8 years
Leo x MC: Starting Over
I haven’t had the chance to post this fic until now since 1) I’ve been working on it FOREVER (mostly b/c of school keeping me busy, haha ^-^’) and 2) I was reluctant to post it on my Tumblr (I’m shy, okay? :P).
Anyway, here it is! Dedicating this story to you lovelies who adore Leo and/or Shakespeare~. :)
BTW, this is technically Part I of the story (So the Prologue and Acts I, II, & III.). I’ll try to post Part II (Acts IV, V, & the Epilogue) as soon as I finish writing them. :P
Warnings: Low-key spoilers; mentions of murder; story gets kind of angsty/dramatic/emotional by the third act (whoops~).
Nonetheless, enjoy~. (Story below.)
You know the saying, “Ask and you shall receive”? Well, I didn’t ask for any of this to happen.
I didn’t ask to be a Granger.
I didn’t ask to leave my country.
I didn’t ask to become a princess.
And I most certainly did not ask for Leo Crawford to come back into my life.
Act I
I stared up at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. Today had been an exhausting day: besides the usual princess lessons and the never-ending meetings with my potential suitors, I had to prepare for my official coronation ceremony.
I was shocked when I found out that I was going to be queen so soon; I had only been Wysteria’s princess elect for about three months, so I wasn’t exactly the most experienced person to run the country. And although the King’s health seemed to be improving, he insisted that the sooner I take the throne, the better both he and the country will be. And so - after much backlash from the old bureaucrats - he scheduled my coronation ceremony to occur a week from today.
And because the ceremony was coming up so soon, the pressure for me to choose a suitor skyrocketed. Every day, someone felt that it was absolutely necessary to ask me if I had found “The One” yet. Sometimes, people would even give me suggestions as to who I should marry. “Oh, I do believe that Duke Howard would be an excellent choice for your prince consort. He is such a gentleman, plus he’s quite the looker!” “But it would be politically advantageous for the princess to marry King Byron. Imagine what would happen if Wysteria strengthened relations with Stein!”
First of all, people can’t just expect me to find “The One” overnight. If that was possible, I’d be living in a fairytale. Which, at the moment, sounded far better than suffering from the stress of the real world. Plus, people think that I need a husband to rule beside me. I know I’m going to be queen in a week, but can’t I have some more time to choose a suitor? And besides, who said it was an absolute necessity for a queen to need a king?
Second: How the heck did the words “politically advantageous relationship” suddenly become synonymous with “potential lifetime partner”? Sure, King Byron is a great ruler, an important ally, and a wonderful person. But if I wouldn’t want to marry him solely for power. I had openly spoken to him about the possibility of marriage alliance during my visit to Stein last month. Although he didn’t necessarily agree with my views, he respected my decision and advised me not to feel pressured to wed purely for the sake of politics. We’ve been good friends ever since that day.
Lastly, I’m not going to pick my suitor based on how popular they are with the people. Especially when it comes to Louis Howard. I agree that Louis’s charm and looks make him a seemingly perfect candidate for my prince consort. But I’m not going to choose him just because people are telling me to do so. Besides, he and I aren’t very close: whenever I try to socialize with him, he tends to stay quiet and distance himself from me. I’m pretty sure that he either doesn’t like me or is interested in somebody else.
Not that it’s my problem: as far as I’m concerned, he’s free to admire whomever he wants. At least he has an idea of who he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
I groaned and covered my face with my blanket. I couldn’t let stress get the best of me, especially since I was going out of town tomorrow for a meeting with the Duke of Laurelia.
I looked at the clock on my nightstand: it wasn’t too late yet. I jumped off of the bed, slipped on a robe and some shoes, and snuck out of my room.
I expertly tiptoed my way to the palace’s library. The door was propped open, so I slid through the doorway before slowly closing it. I looked around the dimly lit room: beautifully colored books covered the intricately carved bookshelves surrounding the room. An ancient grandfather clock stood between two windows covered in sheer champagne-colored curtains. A long wooden desk covered with several documents stood in front of the tallest bookcase, and two sofas decorated the middle of the library. To top it off, a huge crystal chandelier hung onto the ceiling, reflecting the remaining candlelight throughout the room. I sighed to myself. Sometimes, I forgot how fancy this place looked for a library.
I walked up to one of the bookshelves and scanned their contents. “Okay, let’s see,” I mumbled as I searched through the authors’ names. “Beaumont, Fletcher, Kyd, Marlow, Middleton… Ah-ha!” The red leather-bound book I found was just a few shelves above me. I grabbed a chair from behind the desk and climbed on top of it. Being shorter-than-average, I had to stand on my toes in order to reach for the book. I almost had my grip on the book, but I nearly fell off of the chair when I suddenly heard a voice from behind me: “What exactly is the princess doing here at this hour?”
I grabbed the top of my chair to steady myself. Once I found my balance, I turned to face the person behind me. “What the hell, Leo?!” I exclaimed. “Don’t scare me like that!”
Act II
I had met Leo Crawford when we were children. Although we were both born into nobility, our families - the Grangers and the Crawfords - had been feuding with each other for centuries. Nobody - not even Wysteria’s best historians - knows who initiated the fight, let alone what started it.
When we were kids, we didn’t take our families’ ancient grudges against each other into account. We would play together all the time, along with Alyn, Leo’s twin brother. It wasn’t until their parents died that I learned we were destined to hate each other.
The story was that the old Crawford mansion was raided by a band of thieves. They took everything that they could find, and they didn’t stop until they murdered Lord and Lady Crawford in front of their sons’ eyes. Luckily, one of the family’s maids managed to help the boys escape before their home was burned down. Once they were out of harm’s way, Alyn and Leo moved into the palace temporarily before being offered to live at their uncle’s mansion.
When the news about Alyn and Leo’s parents got out, the rumours spread like wildfire. People believed that a Granger sent the group of thieves to kill Lord and Lady Crawford. Others talked about the possibility of the Crawford twins plotting their revenge against the Grangers.
After hearing the rumours, my parents made sure that I would never see the Alyn and Leo ever again. We moved out of Wysteria and completely cut off all forms of communication from the remaining Crawfords.
Time passed and we never learned who the real culprit of the murder was. Of course, the people needed to blame someone, so they always pointed at my family. Being made the scapegoat made my blood boil: why should my family take responsibility for a crime somebody else committed? The whispers eventually died down, but that didn’t stop me from wishing that I hadn’t been born a Granger and that I had never met the Crawfords.
Years later, I returned to my home country - against my parents’ wishes - with the intention to study political science. Instead, I was chosen to be Wysteria’s princess elect. Now, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to stay away from the Crawfords. I did my best to ignore them; however, I quickly found that hard to do.
Alyn - who is now the Captain of the Wysterian Knights - holds the responsibility of protecting me from harm at all costs. He often accompanies me on my trips out of town, which I find mildly annoying since we were supposed to be enemies. Luckily, he’s not much of a talker, so our time together often feels brief and uneventful.
And then there’s Leo. The unpredictable one. The spontaneous twin. The flirtatious bureaucrat who somehow convinced Giles - the king’s advisor and my personal tutor - to choose me as the princess elect.
I don’t know why Leo did it. Maybe this was his way of ensuring that I’d be miserable with the weight of responsibilities on my shoulders.
Well, he sure is doing a mighty fine job with making me suffer.
I glared at Leo, infuriated that he had almost made me fall. He looked different from blonde, lanky kid I used to know. His hair now seemed to be more white than blonde. His attire was fit for a palace bureaucrat, especially his long velvet coat. I noticed that he had time to develop some muscle in his tall body, which showed through his white button-up shirt. His familiar crimson eyes observed me from behind his black, thin-rimmed glasses.
I was amazed at how much he’d changed. I hated to admit it, but Leo grew up to be a dashing young man.
Leo chuckled. His platinum blonde hair moved along with his bobbing head. “You should really be more careful: that could’ve been a nasty fall.”
I rolled my eyes at the him. “Thank you, Captain Obvious. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to get this book and then I’ll be on my way.”
“You’re still quite the bookworm, eh?” Leo said.
“And I see you’re still awfully nosy.” I turned to face the bookshelf and resumed my mission to grab the book. I found it significantly harder to reach for the book with Leo watching my every move. After I struggled for a few moments, Leo spoke up: “Rosie, allow me.”
I refused to let my guard down at his attempt to be friendly. “It’s Rosalind to you, Crawford. Wait, what are you-?” Suddenly, Leo grabbed my waist and began to lift me off of the chair. I briefly shrieked in terror, but Leo shushed me. “Rosie, lower your voice. Do you want to wake up the whole palace?”
“I will if you don’t put me down.”
Leo sighed. “Look, I’m only trying to help. Just tell me where the book is and I’ll hoist you up.”
I groaned. “Fine.” My eyes scanned the bookshelves for my prize. “Up. Now a little to the left. Almost there.” Leo’s hands stayed securely around my waist as he maneuvered me towards my destination. “Here it is!” I exclaimed as I grabbed the book. My celebration was briefly cut off by Leo’s laughter. “What’s so funny?” I asked, confused.
Leo turned me around to face him. “You’re just so cute when you get excited. Especially about books.”
I felt my face grow hot. I looked away, attempting to hide my blush. “Oh, shut up and let me down.”
“As you wish, Princess.” I held the book in my arms as he gently set me back onto the floor. Once I was securely on the ground, I attempted to free myself from his grip, but he wouldn’t let me go. Leo tried to meet my eyes with his own. I avoided his gaze and looked at the floor instead. For people who were supposed to be lifelong enemies, we were way too close to each other.
After a long while, Leo finally let go of me and asked, “Whatcha got there?”
I blinked at him for a moment. “Oh, this?” I gestured at the book I was holding. “It’s just an old play.”
“Which one?”
“Romeo and Juliet,” I replied.
His eyes lit up with excitement. “That’s my favorite Shakespearean play!”
I was taken aback by his enthusiasm. “Well, I haven’t read it yet, so don’t spoil anything for me. Plus, I couldn’t get myself to fall asleep, so I figured that I might as well start reading it tonight.” I was suddenly embarrassed with how much I had just told him.
Leo lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you still have insomnia.”
“Mild insomnia,” I corrected him as I wrapped my robe tighter around my body. “Along with the stress of becoming queen in a week and having to choose a suitor.” I instantly regretted letting that detail slip out of my mouth. Leo’s expression showed concern. He opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him: “It’s alright, Leo. You don’t have to worry about me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” I started to walk away from him, but then he grabbed my wrist. More exhausted than irritated, I turned to face him. “What is it, Leo?”
“Can I read with you?” He seemed somewhat nervous as he waited for my answer.
I stared at him, surprised that he would make such a request. Considering the fact that we weren’t supposed to be in the same room together (and that I didn’t exactly want to be in the same room with him), I was about to decline his offer. And yet, something was telling me that I shouldn’t turn him down. “Um. Sure, of course,” I managed to say.
Relieved, Leo led me to one of the sofas. He removed his coat and placed it on the table in front of the sofa. He took a seat, but I remained standing. “Rosie, don’t be shy. There’s space for both of us.” He patted the spot right next to him. Of all people, I had to sit beside my sworn enemy. After a moment I sat down, leaving enough legroom for both of us. Leo chuckled. “Oh, come on, Rosie. I don’t bite.” I was caught off-guard when he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me toward him. My head landed on his chest; I could hear his heart beating. I lifted my head to face him. “Leo-.”
“Hold on,” he said as he readjusted his position. His back was now against the arm of the sofa and his long legs almost covered the length of the seat. I hesitantly followed his lead, seating myself between his legs and letting my back rest against his torso. We were so close to each other; it reminded me of how we used to cuddle with each other when we were younger, especially whenever we would read together.
I was glad that he couldn’t see me blush.
“Alright, we can start now,” he said.
Before opening the book, I asked him, “Do you want to take turns reading lines?” I felt him nod. At this, I opened the book, turned to the Prologue, and began to read: “Two households, both alike in dignity,/In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,/From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,/Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean…”
”For never was a story of more woe/Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” I closed the book as Leo said the last lines of the play. I sighed, contemplating about what I had just read. “Wow,” I said. “That was…”
“The greatest love story of all time?” Leo asked.
I shook my head. “I was actually going to say depressing. I mean, Romeo and Juliet were meant to be together. But then they were torn apart by their families’ hate for each other.” I lowered my voice, almost to a whisper. “Then again, I guess their fate was inevitable.”
“Actually, I disagree,” Leo said.
I raised an eyebrow and turned to face him. “How so?”
He removed his glasses and placed them on the table. “Well, in the end, Romeo and Juliet were reunited. You know that phrase they say in marriage: ‘till death do us part’?” I nodded. “That’s exactly what happened to them,” Leo continued. “Romeo and Juliet vowed to love each other until the very end, and they kept their promises. Even though their families tried to pull them apart, they still defied their fates. The two of them chose to be lovers until the end of their days. That’s why they’re called ‘Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers.’”
My eyes widened at his response. “Well, when you put it like that, it sounds really beautiful.” Leo’s eyes brightened at my comment. “But,” I continued. “If they had just stayed away from each other, none of that drama would have happened. They would have suffered much less if they had ignored each other at the ball.”
“But would they really have been happy if they hadn’t given each other a chance? If they had simply walked away from each other just because of their families’ names?” Leo challenged.
I looked down, pondering about what he had just said. He isn’t talking about us, is he? I took a deep breath and finally managed to ask, “Why do I get the feeling that we’re not just talking about Romeo and Juliet?”
A sad smile crossed his face. “Rosalind.” He took my hands in his. I looked at him, surprised that he called me by my full name. I looked into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was going to say next. Leo raised his hand and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “It doesn’t have to be like this, you know.” His fingers lingered on a long piece of my dark hair.
I shook my head. “Everyone knows that our families hate each other.”
“Screw the old grudges,” Leo said defiantly. “Do you think I’d let some ancient fight keep us apart?”
“Actually, that’s exactly what’s keeping us apart, in case you didn’t remember.” I stood up and began to walk away from the sofa. I can’t let him see me like this: I need to get out of here now.
“No. Rosie, not you too.” Leo followed me, cutting off my path to the door. “Is that why you’re avoiding me? Or is it something else? Talk to me, please.”
He reached out to grab my hand, but I stepped out of his grasp. “You really want to know why I’m avoiding you?” I didn’t wait for his answer. “Because it sucks to be blamed for something my family didn’t do.” Leo opened his mouth to say something, but I didn’t let him speak. “Because my family’s honor was destroyed eight years ago.” I raised my voice as I walked up to him, unleashing all the anger I had boiling inside of me. “Because I don’t know what to hate more: the fact that I’m a Granger or the fact that your family is the reason I had to leave the damn country.”
He stared at me, speechless. I balled my fists and looked into his eyes, preparing for his response. I expected him to yell back, to justify that he had more cause to be angry with me, to tell me he thought it served my family right to be blamed for his parents’ deaths.
Instead, he took a step forward, narrowing the gap between us. He gently took my fists into his hands. The gesture made my hands relax ever so slightly. “Rosalind. I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m sorry you had to go through that. For the record, I don’t believe that your family was responsible for my parents’ deaths.” He lowered his eyes, his gaze focusing on our hands. “I will admit that I haven’t forgiven the people who murdered my parents, but… Rosalind, you have no idea how much this has been killing me. I care about you and I’m tired of avoiding you simply because of our families’ names. I want to spend time with you without having to constantly check if anyone’s watching us. I want to tell you that I love you without having to worry that a Granger would probably rip out my throat for saying so. I want-.”
“Wait,” I interrupted. “Did you just say you love me?” This was happening way too quickly. I mean, this was the first time that we’ve talked in years. There was absolutely no way that he was confessing his love for me at this very moment. I slowly backed away from him, trying to figure out whether he was being serious or acting like the palace playboy I heard he had become.
Instead of giving me space, he gently grabbed my hand to prevent me from moving any farther. He used his other hand to move my chin so that I could face him. “Rosalind Granger,” he whispered. I shivered when he called me by my full name. He stared into my eyes with an expression I had never seen him use before. “I have loved you for as long as I can remember. And ever since you went away, my love for you only grew stronger. I waited for you, hoping that you would one day recognize my feelings for you, despite what our families think of each other.”
I was speechless. I had no idea Leo felt this way about me. I mean, I was aware that he cared for me like a friend, or maybe even a brother, but as a lover? I never thought that day would come.
Noticing my state of shock, Leo quickly pulled away. “I’m sorry if I startled you. I guess I couldn’t help myself. I completely understand if you don’t feel the same way.”
I couldn’t take it anymore; I wrapped my arms around Leo’s neck. “Leo Crawford, you idiot!” I said, tears streaming down my face. “Did you really think that I wanted to stay away from you for all those years? I only agreed to leave Wysteria in order to protect us from hurting each other.” I sniffled. “I’ve missed you so much. And I’m sorry I’ve been so horrible to you and Alyn ever since I came back to the palace.”
Leo stroked my hair as the tears poured out of my eyes. “Hey, it’s okay. Here, take this.” He broke out of our hug to give me a handkerchief from his shirt pocket.
I dabbed it around my eyes. “I was just scared that something horrible was going to happen if we saw each other again,” I confessed.
Leo shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Plus, you’re the princess now. I bet you could officially declare that the Crawfords and the Grangers are no longer permitted to be enemies.”
I chuckled. “I suppose you have a point.”
“And while we’re at it,” Leo added, “Why don’t we just start over again? Not as a Crawford and a Granger, but as Leo and Rosalind.”
I nodded. “I’d like that.”
He beamed at me. “Very well, then.” Leo extended a hand towards me. “The name’s Leo. It’s nice to meet you, Miss-?”
“Rosalind,” I said as I took his hand. “But you can call me ‘Rosie.’” We firmly shook hands as if we were meeting each other for the first time.
“Actually,” Leo said, pulling me closer. “‘Rosalind’ has a nice ring to it.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a dork.”
“And you’re such a hothead,” he teased back.
Just then, the grandfather clock struck midnight. I jumped slightly at the noise, which prompted Leo to protectively place an arm around me. “I should probably get back to my room before someone realises that I’m gone,” I said after the chiming stopped.
Leo nodded as he put on his glasses and coat. “I can walk with you, if you’d like.”
I accepted his offer, and together, we tiptoed out of the library, leaving Romeo and Juliet on the table.
To be continued...
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@outside-the-government!! Here is your fic! Congratulations again on winning my 100 follow contest, and THANK YOU for playing, and generally being awesome and welcoming. 
Word Count: 1759 Author’s Note: The request was: “Could I please get a fic where reader is Bones' right-hand woman in med bay, the best nurse he's ever worked with. They've been dating for a while. One day, she gets sick or injured somehow and he finds out that while she's fantastic with patients, one drop of her own blood and she's out like a light and he's like WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!”. This was SO much fun to write. Even the part where I nearly triggered myself fainting thinking about seeing myself bleed my own blood :D
You’d realized Doctor McCoy might be something special about four months after you’d finished nursing school. You were in the middle of dressing down a doctor for a particularly stupid mistake that he was trying to pass off as yours when Bones had walked into the clinic on the Starbase. He’d taken a seat and watched the show, right down to you poking the doctor in the chest with scanner to emphasize your point.
When the doctor in question turned to his undoubted colleague for backup, Bones cocked his eyebrow in that special way that only he could and wanted to know if your accusations were true. That set the doctor into another fit of screaming, and soon he was throwing instruments across the clinic at you. Bones was just about to step between the two of you when you executed a brilliant take-down and put him on the floor, your knee in the centre of his back.
You hadn’t noticed the guy in command gold behind him when he’d entered the clinic, but when Bones turned to him, you realized your life was about to change.
“Her. That’s the nurse I want to replace Chapel.” He’d pointed directly at you.
After an initial rough beginning, and a few squabbles about the pecking order of the MedBay on the Enterprise, you settled into a routine. Bones needed a good nurse on Alpha, and after Chapel had transferred earth-side to complete medical school, he’d been at a loss. There wasn’t another take-no-shit nurse on the ship, and he’d cycled through the entire roster with varying levels of failure. After the first time you put him in his place for asking for a coffee, things started to settle. At first into a cautious peace, but as you became more comfortable with the ship and the MedBay, you found that Leonard’s way of doing things and your way of doing things were often the same way. And that suited you just fine. Jim liked to make jokes about how you’d tamed the bear, but it wasn’t until you’d been shipboard for nearly a year that you realized you had.
You’d been sent on away mission, and come under fire, and when you finally beamed aboard, all in one piece except for some bruising, Bones had grabbed you roughly by the upper arms and admonished you never to terrify him like that again. And then he’d kissed you. You’d been inseparable ever since. You went to work together, you went back to quarters together, you ate together, read together, slept together. You’d been in other relationships where that level of interaction would have felt smothering, but Bones was happy with companionable silences. He enjoyed having one of your feet in his lap, but didn’t need to snuggle all the time. It worked well. And you were, unbelievably, happy.
“How do I set the replicator to make your momma’s dumplings and chicken without onions?” You called across the living space. He looked up from his PADD where he had been researching new methods of treatment for Symbalene Blood Burn.
“I programmed it without onions months ago, sweetheart, just use the regular one,” he replied without looking up. You ordered the meal and padded across to him, draping your arms over the back of the couch to hug him.
“How I know the man really loves me.” You kissed the top of his head. “He remembers the weird allergies and reprograms his replicator for me.”
“Our replicator,” he corrected. “Although you’re making me wonder if you only want me for Momma’s chicken and dumplings.”
“Shit,” you laughed. “You found me out. It has nothing at all to do with how nice you look on my arm, all tall and handsome and doctorly. Or how you always seem to have bourbon stashed somewhere after a bad day. It’s just the chicken and dumplings.”
He laughed and leaned back to kiss your cheek. “All those things are very superficial, darlin’. You said nothing about my goodness, or kindness, and incredible personality.”
“Aw, grumpy bear, are you sad that I’m objectifying you?” You teased. You squealed as he pulled you over the back of the couch into his lap.
“You could objectify me more if you wanted to move this into the bedroom.” His voice was suddenly husky and you got butterflies in your stomach.
“And miss out on chicken and dumplings?” You winked. He rolled his eyes and scooped you up in his arms as he stood. Chicken and dumplings were soon forgotten.
It seemed like the Enterprise could only go a few weeks at a time without some major mishap down in engineering causing mass casualties, and it was apparently that morning. You were back and forth between patients, triaging the worst of the wounded directly to Bones, and then patching up the less injured yourself. It seemed like you’d been on a flat run for hours, and when you looked at the clock, you were amazed to find that Alpha had been over for two hours and you were still running casualties. You looked around MedBay, surprised to see the next shift working just as hard as you.
“Y/N!” You heard Leonard call. You looked up and he was pale, and sweaty, leaning over a young ensign in a red shirt. You ran over to assist and what you saw made you blanch as well. The poor kid’s lower leg was hanging by a single tendon. “I need an amputation kit, stat.”
You rushed off to get it, and assisted Leonard by placing the electromagnetic sterilization field over the kid’s lower half, before helping with Leonard’s scrub. As he prepared himself for the surgery, you administered analgesia, and a nerve block at the femoral. You maneuvered around to stand across from Leonard and took the dead limb when directed. When it was properly removed and Bones was closing up the surgical site, you removed the body part to incineration. When you returned, Leonard nodded at the kid, wordlessly asking you to finish the dressing before moving him over to a recovery bay. You made quick work of the task and sat down to chart, finally noticing a break in the influx of injured.
“You did good, darlin’.” He sat down across from you, and wiped his brow with a surgical rag.
“You okay? You got really pale there,” you asked.
“Nah, I’m fine. A little hungry, I guess,” he shrugged.
“You know it’s okay to be a little squicky about that much blood every once in a while, Leonard,” you smiled. He grinned at you and shook his head.
“I’m not admitting to a weakness to you, woman.”
“I love you more when you get so compassionate about your patients that you get sick,” you teased, and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. “I’ll see you back in quarters?” You rose and pushed away from the table, and caught your hand on the sharp edge of the chair. You shook it, grimacing. The sting in your palm told you it was cut. The moisture told you it was bleeding. You grimaced and squeezed your hand shut.
“You’ve cut yourself, Y/N, lemme take a look at that.” Leonard sprang to his feet and took your hand in his. You looked down, and sure enough, there was blood welling from a cut in the palm of your hand. You swallowed thickly, and dropped yourself into the chair, looking away from the injury. “Sweetheart, are you alright?”
“Yep,” you answered, popping your p for effect. “Just fine.”
“It’s okay to be a little squicky about blood every once in a while, Y/N,” he teased, kissing your forehead. “Here, hold your hand up while I run for the suture kit. I think you need some stitches.” He brought your uninjured hand over to hold the one that was bleeding. You made the mistake of looking at you hand, planning to argue that it didn’t need stitches, and as you took in the small well of blood forming in the hollow of your palm, you drew a deep breath through your nose. There were white starbursts at the edge of your peripheral vision, and a sudden rushing in your ears. You opened your mouth to say something and the white took over, then turned to black.
You came to on the floor, Leonard’s concerned face hovering over you. “Y/N, darlin’, you blacked out. You hit your head on the way down. We’re going to lift you up to a biobed and give you a good assessment, and in the meantime I’m going to sew up this gash in your hand.”
You nodded weakly, starbursts still exploding at the corners of your vision. A tech came and helped lift you up, and the biobed started scanning as Leonard began working on the stitches. Someone brought you a glass of orange juice, and another nurse started an IV, just as a precaution. You could feel the colour flooding back into your cheeks as you became embarrassed of the attention. “Leonard,” you whispered. “Make it stop. I don’t need an IV. I’m fine.”
“You dropped like a sack of potatoes, and it seemed like forever before you roused,” he countered. “If you weren’t feeling well today you should have said something. At the very least you should have -”
“I was feeling fine today.” You cut him off. He furrowed his brow.
“Then what happened?” He asked. You didn’t think you could blush more, but your cheeks burned even brighter.
“I don’t do well with the sight of blood,” you admitted. Leonard laughed.
“In a pig’s eye, you don’t. I thought I was going to topple over that gory mess we amputated and you just took it in stride!” He shook his head, as though it was the most foolish thing he’d ever heard.
“Oh, honey, I have no problems with other people’s blood. I can’t deal with my own,” you admitted, feeling even more ridiculous. He stopped stitching your hand and his hazel eyes locked with your own.
“All of this time together, and I never knew? How did I not know?” He asked.
“I’m not exactly proud of it.” You looked away, tears filling your eyes. Leonard pulled off his bloody gloves, and sat down beside you on the biobed.
“Darlin’, it makes you that much more human. My super nurse, taken down by a drop of her own blood.” He kissed your forehead and pulled you into his arms. “Makes me love you even more.”
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