#this took forever because I started so strong and then abruptly lost steam like
ask-ursa-tonypeter · 4 months
[DB AU] how would Pyrite!Tony react to learning exactly what happened to Peter (including that it was an alternate version of himself). Obviously this would depend on Peter making it back and maybe Tony also seeing Peter’s clear discomfort around him now.
[[this snippet also answers another question sent in: "How might Pyrite!Tony and Pyrite!Peter's react to seeing each other, after P!Peter returns home? Would P!Peter ever tell P!Tony about the details of alt-Tony? How would the kidnapping affect their relationship?"
warnings for: allusions to noncon and grooming, mentions of long-term captivity, general Sads]]
Tony thought he knew why Peter was so uncomfortable with him.
Their parents didn't seem to notice, or if they did, they were chalking it up to something else. Peter being ashamed of the big brother he idolized knowing about what had happened to him, maybe, some kind of insecurity along those lines.
If they'd really recognized it– the way Peter alternated between always watching Tony out of the corner of his eye and not being able to look at him at all, the way he went tense when Tony moved too suddenly, the way he hovered close to them but sat as far away from Tony as possible– if they'd really recognized it, they would've said something by now. They certainly wouldn't have left Peter alone with him.
It hurt, but it wasn't like Tony didn't deserve it. He had betrayed Peter's trust in a way, even if it had taken– some scumbag– taking him, keeping him, using him for Peter to realize it– so now here he was, sitting by Peter's bedside and trying to figure out how to say 'I promise I won't hurt you' to someone who had no reason to believe him.
Peter was in one of his avoidant moods. He had a mug of hot chocolate cupped between his hands and was staring down into it, quiet, the mood heavy and awkward between them while their parents dealt with phonecalls to law enforcement and publicists elsewhere in the house.
And then Peter took a breath, and he said, "Do you believe in multiverse theory?"
The non-sequitur and the fact that Peter was talking to him at all took Tony aback, but– he thought he understood.
He'd thought a lot about different versions of himself that might have made different decisions while Peter was gone, after all.
"I don't see why not," he said, slow, wanting to leave the door open for Peter to take the conversation in whatever direction he liked. "The science isn't anywhere near proving it, but the atom didn't care how long it took us to discover it, right?"
Peter nodded, almost absent-minded, his eyes still trained on his mug of cocoa. He was quiet for so long that Tony was scrambling to think of anything to say to not lose that tiny thread of connection– a joke, a string of science talk to get Peter excited, an admission of all the choices he thought the best version of himself would've made instead– but Peter still beat him to the punch.
"Mom and… our parents can't know this," he said abruptly, tipping his head slightly towards Tony even though he still didn't cut his eyes Tony's way. "They'd just think I'm crazy, probably. But it's real. The multiverse, I mean."
A chill crept into Tony's blood as he stared, Peter's words and their implications slowly sinking in.
Because there were two possibilities here, and they were both bad.
First, Peter was crazy; he'd cracked under the weight of everything he'd been through and they had an entirely different kind of recovery ahead of them than they'd thought.
Or second–
It never had made sense how Peter just disappeared out of his room.
"Yeah?" Tony prompted, and it was harder than he expected to keep the tremble out of his voice.
Peter hummed an affirmative, blinking slowly like there was something hypnotic to the warm brown of the cocoa in his mug, and he lifted his shoulder in a little shrug before he said, "It was you. Or, not you. Another version of you, I guess. He was older. And his eyes were blue?"
It didn't make sense. It didn't make sense. Cold all the way to his bones, Tony said, "Pete, what?"
Peter finally glanced at him then. Just quickly, there and gone, checking Tony's expression.
The cocoa in his mug started to ripple when he said, soft, "The man who took me."
The man who took him. The man who'd taken him away for months, for over a year until even their mother had started to give up hope, who'd left them to be tortured with questions of where and why and what, who'd put that haunted look in Peter's eyes and made it so that he couldn't stand to be touched except through layers of bundled blankets or heavy sweaters, the man who'd– who'd–
Peter's hands were still trembling around his mug, but he was the one to fill the silence again when Tony could only stare, horror-struck and unprocessing.
"He was… he was his Peter's dad. Um, the Peter in his world was his kid, I mean. They weren't brothers." Peter breathed a shaky sigh, like the words themselves were heavy. "But that Peter died, and so D– so that Tony… He wanted a replacement. So he took me."
"Pete," Tony said unsteadily, because he just– he needed a minute, he needed– he needed this to stop, he needed Peter to say he was joking, he needed things to make sense–
But Peter was suddenly in tears then, sniffling, his voice wavering wetly as the words kept coming: "He was like… a dictator, I guess? He took over the world. Or the country, I don't know, all the newspapers were about how great he was so it's not like… B-but he could do whatever he wanted. He'd just, like– execute people? You know?"
It was ridiculous. Science fiction. The type of thing someone came up with to distance themselves from the all-too-real horror of being chained to a radiator a few miles from home by an average, everyday creep.
"It was really scary," Peter said, hunched over his mug to steady it in his shaking hands. "I was scared all the time. He never, he never hit me– I wasn't lying about that–"
He'd tried to lie about the rest of it, about what had been done to him, but the way he'd crumbled into tears just at their mother's horrified, faltering implication of a question had given him away.
But watching him shake, watching the words pour out of him now like poison that he needed to purge– Tony was absolutely, sickeningly certain that he wasn't lying.
"–but it was still s-so… I never knew what he was going to do? To me or someone else or…" Peter lifted one hand to wipe at his eyes, and his voice broke when he kept going. "He made me call him 'Dad.'"
That was the thing that made his steady trickle of tears tip over into a hitching sob, and Tony didn't want to think about why. He didn't want to think about any of this– he didn't want to know about any of this; he didn't know what he was going to do with the rising tides of guilt and horror and regret flooding his heart and lungs and throat, and he wasn't even the one who had a right to be upset here, he wasn't the one who'd had to live it–
Peter had one hand pressed to his mouth, covering the grimace of his quiet sobs while his mug tipped dangerously close to spilling.
"Your drink–" Tony said, helpless, useless, so fucking useless, hearing all of that and worrying about fucking chocolate stains on Peter's covers like that mattered, but what else could he say? What else could he possibly do or fix when it was his face that was making Peter break down and sob like this, when every second just had to be a reminder of–
Peter heard him, though, and he adjusted his grip, because even in the middle of crying his mangled little heart out he was still perfect and good and someone Tony shouldn't even be allowed near.
But maybe that was the thing he could fix.
Tony's voice cracked, and he cleared his throat hard, pulling himself together. He wasn't going to let Peter feel– fucking guilty about this, and he wouldn't put that past him, even now.
He tried again:
"...Do you want me to leave?"
It was almost a relief to think about. Accepting that he didn't have a place in Peter's life and slinking away to where he couldn't hurt him; putting that corner of his heart to bed for good. He'd thought so much while Peter was gone about whether Peter would've been better off never getting involved with him, and there would be some closure in knowing it for sure.
But instead of sending him away, Peter groaned, "I don't know," wrung out and scrubbing one sleeve across his damp eyes. "No. I don't know. I'm just… I know you didn't… b-but I… do you believe me?"
It felt like confessing to a crime somehow, accepting that he believed some other version of himself out there could be that kind of monster.
But Tony wasn't going to lie.
"Yeah, kid. I… fuck."
He cleared his throat again, chasing away the tightness that wanted to gather there, and if he couldn't help the prickling in his eyes– well, Peter wasn't looking at him anyway.
"M'sorry. For everything. I'm– yeah." He shook his head, and Peter deserved more from him– so, so much more from him– but he had to move on then, because if he gave Peter the apology he deserved and let all of it spill out he really would just break down right there and fuck up everything worse than it already was. "This– this– fucker– how did you– can he follow you? I've gotta– I won't let it happen again. Pete, I won't let it happen again."
It was a stupid thing to promise, probably. The whole idea still sounded like fiction, and Tony didn't even know where to start with– finding some way to anchor Peter to home, making some kind of multiversal warning system, cutting their whole fucking universe off from whatever else was out there if that's what it took, but–
If another version of himself had figured out how to tamper with the multiverse, then so could he. And this was something he could fix.
Peter stared at him, then. Not a sideways glance, but an outright, unprocessing stare like it was beyond belief that– what, that Tony would believe him? Want to help him? Care about keeping him safe?
Care about him at all?
Tony clenched his jaw, fingernails biting into the meat of his palms with the effort of pushing down every other thought and feeling and impulse, and he said, "I won't let anyone hurt you."
Peter's gaze went distant, almost like he hadn't heard Tony at all. He blinked slowly, and then his eyes meandered away from Tony and back down to his lap. He finally took a long sip of his cocoa, and then shrugged.
"He can't follow me," Peter said finally, slowly. Dreamlike, almost, like he had to hunt around for the words and was surprised to find them. "He's… gone. So it's okay."
It was a relief to hear that the guy was "gone." It was another moment of horror to imagine what that meant for Peter; what he'd had to see and go through and what else was lurking in his memories for him to dole out in soft, uncertain, devastating words.
And it hurt to have him brush away Tony's promises. Without even an instant of taking comfort in them, without even a second of his old starry-eyed gratitude, and Tony didn't need that from him but– to see it so clearly, how his words didn't hold any weight at all anymore after what Peter had been through– and why would they, why would they when it was Tony who was saying them–
Tony didn't know if he was trying to reassure Peter or punish himself, if he was fishing for forgiveness or reprobation, but the words finally clawed their way out of his chest in a wave of sincerity and self-hatred that he couldn't stop:
"I won't hurt you," he said, desperate, and it was what he'd wanted to say all along. "We're– all of that is done, okay? I would never hurt you. Never."
And Peter–
Not a sweet smile. Not a shy smile or a relieved smile or anything at all like an expression Tony would ever expect to see on Peter's face. It was a tiny, bitter twist of his lips as he stared down into his mug, his gaze so faraway that he may as well have still been in another universe, and Tony's heart dropped before he even spoke.
"I know," Peter said, simple.
And with the same terrible certainty that Tony had known that Peter's story was true– this time, he knew that Peter was lying.
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bonemarroww · 4 years
Something Else - Trans!(O) Amajiki Tamaki x (A) F!Reader
Summary : “You’ll get there someday!” Mirio always says. “You’ll do better next time.” Tamaki doesn’t want to get there someday. And if every Alpha always does, well, maybe he’s something else then.
Warnings : Homophobia, Transphobia (not from s/o or anyone that matters to Tamaki)
Feedback is welcome !
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(I do not own the picture)
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
———————— Chapter 4
“So, how are things going with your mate, Chicken Heart?” The bubbly omega asked, sitting with the shy boy at the counter as Mirio was cooking for them in the dorms’ kitchen.  
It had been a few weeks since his accidental confession, and Tamaki still blushed with mixed embarrassment and pleasure every time he heard his friends refer to his mate as, well, his mate . They had agreed to keep things low key for the moment, more for his benefit than hers, before they started any display of public affection.  
When with Mirio and Nejire , though, he did not mind her holding his hand and sitting closer to him than she used to. She did not mind keeping things private for their friends only to know, and had herself only told her best friend, a Beta from her class whom had immediately approved of Tamaki.  
They had not had a lot of opportunities to spend some time in private, not wanting to make his presence in her dorms too regular, and Tamaki not being able to bring her in his room for obvious reasons. They had taken some trips to the city, and found themselves alone one time in the park she liked to frequent –her Alpha was very keen on open spaces where it could feel free from the crowd.  
Even there, she had not overstepped his boundaries, asking him what he was comfortable with, without bristling when he had admitted to it feeling a bit early for more than a quick peck.  
“G-great... She’s p-perfect for me. She s-says I’m the b-best thing that’s happened to her.” He smiled timidly at the memory.  
Nejire cooed, refraining from hugging him –as she knew he didn’t like being suffocated with love so early in the day.  
“Did you two address the, uh... elephant in the room?” Mirio carefully worded.
Tamaki looked down, his smile falling.  
It had been his plan, at first, to confess his love for her and the real nature of his second gender at the same occasion. That way, she would know what she was signing up for, so to speak. He had not either expected her to jump so willingly into their relationship, considering she still knew him as an Alpha and knowing how traditional her family was.  
She had batted away his concerns, stating she would hardly be the first to have an Alpha as a mate (how did he think they had so many Alphas in her family?) and that he was worth any trouble anyone may send their way.  
Still, asking her to scent something for him right after accepting her gift had felt rushed, and he had panicked. Now that things had been settled for a while, he didn’t dare to, afraid she would react badly and think he had manipulated her.  
What if she was only attracted to Alphas? It was unlikely, but it would be just his luck that his assigned gender, that he no longer identified as, drew her to him...  
“N-no... I-it's... Things are g-going so well r-right now... M-maybe I c-can just g-get used to it...” He knew it was a bad idea.  
It would not last; but it seemed so much easier to just keep on like they had been recently. For the first time in his life, he had a mate. Someone who loved him , despite his shy disposition, despite his not being the most articulate or talented with crafts. It just felt like he had a lot to lose now.  
“Tamaki...” The shy boy knew Nejire was serious, for she almost never used his given name anymore. “She won’t love you any less for what you are. Chances are she’ll even care for you more. The last time we’ve seen each other, she was over the moon to be with you. She won’t change her mind because of how you feel.”  
Tamaki hid his face in his arms, his forehead touching the cold surface of the counter. They were right... probably. And he couldn’t keep pretending forever. With his friends he had tasted what it felt like to shed the disguise and be his true self. He didn’t know for how long he’d be able to keep this freedom locked in a closet.  
He startled when Mirio put a steaming plate of rice and fish in front of him.  
“Come on, you’ll need all the strength you can gather if you want to do this.”  
The elf boy let out an incomprehensible mumble, but in the way he lifted his head with resignation to look at the food, Mirio could tell their point had come across.  
Tamaki took a deep breath. This was as good time as any. Though his mate had been everything nice and patient with him on their date, the knowledge of having carried the plaid she made him for a few hours now was slowly eating at him. He could feel his Alpha growing upset at his lack of answers to her queries, and his general anxiety-induced lack of affection.  
He had managed to lead them to this park they had been to a couple of times, which would be a right place to do this. Though there were still some families out enjoying their afternoon, the place was big enough for them to find a secluded place to sit down, where no one would bother them.  
“I-I had something t-to t-tell you...” He fiddled with his fingers nervously.  
His bag, containing the soft object he had pried from his nest this very morning, was just beside him. He could feel his Alpha increasingly worried at his behavior; but when he tried to look up, the sight of the ridiculous scarf at her neck sent him back to a blushing mess.  
As ugly and embarrassing as he thought it was, it had quickly become her favorite piece of clothing. She kept wearing it even though it was now spring and the air had become warmer and less humid. Every time Tamaki tried to explain how awkward it felt to have her wearing such an ugly, half-finished thing; or when someone commented on the distinct difference between the shapeless mess he had made and the obvious part she had finished; she would insist that it made her happy and proud to wear something they had crafted together. It was romantic , in her eyes.  
“I’m listening.” Her voice was low, slightly tensed, but he knew she would not interrupt him.  
Tamaki took one last deep breath, remembering all of his friends’ reassurance, before closing his eyes and letting go of it all.  
“You’ve t-told me m-many times you’re n-not ashamed of having an A... an Alpha as a mate, but I-I’m actually an Omega and- I understand if- if I’m not... what you’re looking for, but... I thought you should know?”  
It sounded more like a question than an affirmation, but the words were out. For the next few moments, it felt like Tamaki had traded a weight on his shoulders against another; the pression of not having told her replaced by that of not knowing how she would answer.  
A thousand bad case scenarios went through his head in the split seconds before the Alpha’s shoulders relaxed, and she let out a sigh of relief. Before he could understand, strong arms pulled him closer to her, and she nuzzled his neck as if seeking the comfort of his scent.  
“You stupid, stupid Omega...” Her shoulders shook in a bewildered chuckle. “I thought you were breaking up with me.”  
His heart skipped a beat at hearing her refer to him as an Omega for the first time. He almost didn’t register the ‘stupid’ part, high on a second-long relief, before the rest of her words sank in and he panicked.  
“W-what? No! I d-don’t want that...”  
His arms closed around her form, hugging her back with tears of his own, and at his words, he felt her purr slightly. The pleasant sensation, along with her scent so close to him, easily calmed his raging emotions.  
“Me neither.” She affirmed in an unwavering, loud voice proper to Alphas.  
When they separated sometime later, her eyes were dry; and so were his. Tamaki felt odd, in that he knew that now would be the moment to ask her to scent the plaid she made him, while all the while feeling like she had something to say.  
He did not anticipate her words as much as he had her reaction, now that she had made her attachment to him –and her desire to remain his mate– clear.  
“I thought I loved all of you.” She started, smiling slightly, her gaze lost looking at some children running, a bit further down the road. “But now I realize I just don’t know everything about you yet. I can’t wait to discover more and love you whole.” Her eyes found his, her smile growing into a grin.  
This made a blushing mess of Tamaki, as he mumbled that he wasn’t that loveable, and that surely, she would find a ton of things she wouldn’t like about him, because he wasn’t perfect like her. Only when he looked up and saw her gaze grow fond did he realize he was rambling and abruptly stopped halfway through –ironically enough– reminding her how much of a pessimist he could be.  
If there had been any wall nearby, he would have gladly walked up to it and banged his head against it.  
“Tamaki...” His Alpha laughed and nuzzled his cheek. “That’s just one of the many things I love about you. Now, do you have anything you’d like for me to scent?”  
She anticipated his ask, and a blushing Tamaki timidly opened his backpack to give her the plaid. She purred at its sight, carrying it to her nose as she obviously smelled how much he had cuddled and worn it in the past few weeks.  
Tamaki blushed happily.  
Having his mate knowing him as an Omega really changed the deal. For starters, Tamaki was able to bring her into his dorm room, where they would hang out sometimes –not too often, for Tamaki feared the comments of his classmates. There, they would watch movies together, him comfortably in his nest timidly cuddling the scented plaid and plush; her sat on his bed. Afterwards, when he would sleep in his sheets that smelled like her, Tamaki would dream of being in her arms.
When they weren’t in her dorm room or his, and the weather wasn’t favorable to a walk, they often found themselves in Tamaki’s home. He had shyly introduced her to his mother after a few months of their relationship, when they had tried to sneak into his house while his parents were supposed to be absent. To this day, the embarrassment was still acute, though his mother had invited the Alpha to dine with them so that she could meet Tamaki’s father.  
Despite starting out so awkwardly, the encounter had gone better than the shy boy would have thought. His parents had seen how much the girl cared for him, and seeing their boy so happy with himself and his mate had brought a few tears to their eyes. By the time the Alpha had officially promised she would take a good care of their son, the adults had approved without any second thoughts.  
Tamaki had been understandably very anxious to meet his mate’s family. First, because of how traditional her family was, and second, for the sheer number of people he would have to meet. The Alpha’s family lived in a big estate in the countryside with her parents and grandparents, and she had several siblings. It was very far from his situation as a suburban only child.  
Still, his mate had handled the problem elegantly enough, explaining to her family that her companion currently couldn’t travel out of the city because of his Pro Hero internship. She had then casually invited her parents only to join them so that they could meet him.  
Tamaki had been introduced as her Omega , and though he had seen their looks of surprise as they had discreetly sniffed the air around him, they had smiled at him with genuine warmth. Never had they asked any inappropriate question or made comments that were uncalled for, instead asking him about his studies, his internship, how they had met. Discussion, though stilted by his shyness and anxiety, had been rather pleasant.  
They would have time on other occasions to meet the rest of her family. When they had gotten back to the dorms after leaving her parents, she had rewarded him with a long evening of praise and cuddles –though nothing inappropriate, Tamaki still blushed shyly when he thought about it.  
Every day, when they managed to make time for one another, Tamaki was a bit more grateful for that one time she had come to comfort him, somehow seeing past his scent and into who he really was.  
She had given him the support and courage to out himself to his friends, and after a few months, to the rest of the school. Not that he went out of his way to tell people; but when a curious eye asked about his relationship, or when a first year asked about his alignment on the spectrum out of confusion or curiosity... He allowed his Alpha or Mirio to answer the truth while he faced the nearest wall.  
Only a couple of times had this brought him trouble; usually from disbelieving people who stopped at his scent.  
“Alphas shouldn’t date other Alphas.” A snotty second year Alpha from general studies looked down on them one time, his friend snickering in the background. “It’s against nature.”  
Tamaki felt like shrinking on himself as he meekly protested, though not daring to correct them on his identity. People who invoked nature as their argument rarely looked on people like him with a favorable eye.  
His mate, on the other hand, bristled at the insult.  
“Leave my Omega alone.” She growled, her Alpha’s protectiveness going through the roof. “Or say that again to my face and see how pretty yours will be.”  
To the younger students’ credit, the obvious threat didn’t seem to faze them. Tamaki tightened his hold on her hand, anchoring himself to her. By now, it wasn’t from fear or to prevent himself from going to find the nearest wall; but he wasn’t sure his mate wouldn’t jump on the students to rip their heads off if they didn’t stop soon.  
“Omega?” The second one puffed. “He’s an Alpha, darling. It’s all over his scent.”  
“He’s manipulating you. You deserve better.” The first spat.  
Holding hands or not; it was too late for them. Tamaki winced when he felt her hand rip out of his and fly to the guy’s throat. The other moved back in fear as he saw the girl hit his friend’s face once with her fist closed –which would leave a dark bruise– and then raking her sharp nails on the tender skin –leaving angry red marks that wouldn’t fade before days.  
“He smells like an Alpha because he eats jerks like you for breakfast.” She growled, and Tamaki might have thought her scary if his Omega wasn’t swooning at the sight before him.  
With one last flashing of her canines, she moved back to take Tamaki’s shaking hand in hers. She had never seemed more attractive as she did then, angrily staring down the two younger students, her menacing air undermined by the ridiculous scarf around her neck.  
“Now move out of the way.”  
The two general studies boys quickly got back to their feet and ran away from them. Only when their scent disappeared from the corridor, and Tamaki timidly went to scent his mate in a quick embrace, did she completely relax.  
“I’m sorry for the scene.” She sighed, scenting him back as much for his comfort as for her own. “I shouldn’t pick fights with idiots.”  
Tamaki mumbled the words before he could properly think.  
“I-it’s okay... you were...”  
The Alpha cocked her head in confusion.  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. Did you say something?”  
The boy bit his tongue, blaming her on how little control he had over the words that came out of his mouth when he was in her presence.  
“I-I said... you were pretty h-… h-… Y-you...” Tamaki closed his eyes in embarrassment at how his nervousness made him stutter.  
A warm hand on his arm and a light kiss on his cheek made his mind go blank.  
“It’s okay, take your time.” His mate lightly purred, hoping to help him relax.  
“Y-you were pretty hot!” He blurted out, too loud in his own opinion.  
The shy boy quickly hid his face in her neck, taking comfort in her scent and the purr that doubled against his chest after his admission. When he dared look up again, his Alpha’s cheeks were ever so slightly darkened, her eyes wide and a surprised smile on her lips.  
“Good.” She smirked, rewarding his candor by a firm kiss on his lips.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Stages: Alone Kisses
Stages: Close Friends Pt.1: Alone Kisses (Chapter 10)
Pairing: ShadAmy (Friends to Lovers SLOW BURN)
Previous: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/190482842375/stages-her
   It began to rain as soon as Amy arrived at the Resistance. It has been a long day, she had a new job that required most of her night time. It was busy around the day but not as busy at night. She was adjusting well to her night shifts but she had to admit that not sleeping properly got the best of her.
She had to wake up early tomorrow too, she needed the extra cash, so she took on more shifts.
She didn't get enough time to tell Shadow that there was no way she was going to accept the restaurant he gave her.
Even if he asked her to take it as a favor, she was going to deny it.  
She finished showering, brushing her teeth and hair and finally, she was going to get some sleep. She closed her eyes, expecting her to fall asleep immediately.
But that didn't happen, her mind was still trapped by that memory.
"So you are Maria, good thing you are here so I can-"
Amy was cut off as she felt a strong hand being placed on her right shoulder. Shadow wasn't looking at her directly but his eyes were aimed at the attractive blonde hedgehog. Amy knew it right there and then ... Shadow's eyes had a soft look, one that she had never seen. The fire in them had revived the moment their eyes met and Amy was terrified at the thought that Shadow was right.
He still loved her.
"Leave us," Shadow softly said. His voice sounded soft but at the same time firm. His message was clear, he was demanding for Amy to leave, but he didn't want to be rude about it either.
Amy couldn't do much, there were so many things that she wanted to say ... but she needed to save all of her thoughts for later.
She pushed Shadow's hand away, a bit hurt that he had to take Maria's side. She didn't take it personally, she knew that the couple needed to talk but it still pained her see the look that Shadow gave her.
"I'll see you later,"
And she left.
It has been a week now and she hasn't seen Shadow at all. She asked Rouge and Omega, but they said that since that day; they haven't seen him.
Amy went as far as to ask G.U.N's Commander if he knew information about her black hedgehog friend.
"He is taking a small break."
That's all he said to her. She looked for him everywhere, his house, which was empty. The park, restaurants, and places he had been seen at. Amy began to worry and it angered her that nobody really cared to know about his whereabouts either.
"Don't worry too much about him," Rouge added, "Shadow tends to disappear from time to time ... He just needs to cool off after what happened,"
Amy was at Rouge's house, thinking the one she could go to was the bat. She knew Shadow for the longest time, and if anyone knew about his weird behaviors, it was her.
"Will he come back?" Amy said as she looked at her cup of tea, her reflection showed her sadness.
"Of course, he left his favorite bike here ... Shadow would never leave forever without his bike." Rouge added, "Which reminds me, yesterday, we received the bike you gave Shadow."
"What? But Maria had it last time."
Rouge, who was sitting on the couch looked over at the small stand next to her. She opened a small box that was on top of it and she showed her DR's keys.
"Yes... strangely, it was back on G.U.N's vehicle parking. We don't know who left it but..." Rouge threw the keys at Amy as she caught them immediately. "There's not enough room in my garage, do you mind taking it with you?"
Now she drove DR without any restrictions. She wasn't going anywhere specifically, she was driving just to steam off some feelings.
She drove around the park, through the city, through hills and even the beach.
She felt pathetic at knowing she wasn't capable of doing anything when Shadow was in a dark place.
Her heart ached in pain at the thought of Shadow's suffering, there was a feeling inside of her; telling her that he must find him. She had grown attached to the hedgehog. She could admit that much. He was stubborn and selfish but he was incredibly sweet.
She found herself enjoying the company of the black hedgehog, to the extent she couldn't imagine a day without him. She adored seeing him try new things for her, the tender look on his eyes when would offer her his protection.
And the angelic laugh he shared with her.
Amy shook her head as she stopped her motorcycle with a sudden halt.
Was she? No, she couldn't be.
Her heart belonged to Sonic and him alone.
Shadow just a close friend.
A really close ...close friend that she cared for deeply.
Amy sighed as she mentally convinced herself that Shadow was nothing but a close friend. She turned on her bike again and went back to the Resistance before the night trapped her in it's darkness.
The next day, Amy ended her day shift at the restaurant. She was in a happier mood since she received a message from Rouge saying that Shadow was back at his apartment.
She couldn't wait to see him. She was excited to his angry face, his beautiful ruby eyes and warm smile-
Amy stopped herself again.
She was just glad he was back.
Amy clicked on the doorbell and she found herself nervous as she heard footsteps coming closer to the door.
She touched her quills to soften them, just to make sure Shadow wouldn't see them all frizzled. She hoped she didn't look bad after a long day at work.
She was looking down at the floor until she heard the apartment door open.
She looked up and green eyes met blue, the subside anger that was within Amy began to merge again.
"What are you doing here?", Amy hissed at her as Maria took a soft stand, enjoying her anger.
"I live here pinky."
Amy didn't think too much about it, she didn't pull out her hammer. Instead, she wanted to enjoy the feeling of her fist impacting Maria's face.
She was strong and Maria was caught by surprise. She found herself on the floor, bleeding from her nose.
Amy entered the apartment kinda surprised at her reaction. She didn't know if she was furious because Maria called her 'pinky' or because she implied that she was living under the same roof as Shadow.
"What do you think you are doing?!" Shadow came out of his room, storming to the living room where the two were.
"I am getting rid of the trash for you," Amy added as she got close to Maria.
"She hit me, Shady!" Maria whined. Although she wasn't too much in pain, she pretended to be so she could have Shadow's attention.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Shadow bent down towards Maria, making sure she was alright.
Again, Amy noticed those eyes.
Now she understood everything. It was the first time Shadow had actually cursed at her and she swore she could feel her heart shattered the moment the word escaped his lips. Shadow was hostile but he had never been this rude to her.
His eyes only showed concern towards Maria and to her... disappointment and angered.
He was siding with her. Maria who hurt Shadow in ways she didn't think it was possible. Maria who left him for another man while Shadow was at the hospital. She, who cheated on him multiple. All of the people he could side with, he took her side. Given her all attention, his tenderness, his affection.
And it hurt more because deep down... Amy wanted to be her.
"Are you siding with her?" Amy asked. She held her fists tightly, trying to contain herself.
"I think that's obvious." He replied.
Their eyes met, for a second Shadow felt embarrassment fill his body as he knew that his friend's intentions only meant good. He shouldn't have spoken to her like that. He should be with her right now, trying to explain about the decision he has taken.
Shadow's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he felt Maria's lips touch his. She deepened the kiss the moment Shadow opened his mouth to protest. It was for a few seconds, after that they parted and Maria looked intensely at Amy.
"I think it is pretty obvious as well."
She wanted to take her hammer out and beat the hell out of the blonde one.
But she didn't. She walked away, containing the tears that pleaded to get out her eyes. She was stronger than this, she had gone through worse and she knew that no matter what... everyone left.
And that was just meant to happen.
Her agents, Cream, Knuckles, Tails, Sonic and now Shadow.
Everyone seemed to want to disappear from her life and eventually she learned that no matter how hard she tried... Everyone would leave her.
She didn't need anyone, she didn't need their good deeds. She was better by herself ... alone.
She exited the apartment and immediately went towards DR, she turned on the bike and was about to leave when suddenly; Shadow stood in front of her.
Shadow saw her glossy eyes, he noticed she was fighting the need to cry and Shadow regretted everything immediately.
From the time he had known Amy, he had never seen her shed a single tear. She was the strongest individual he knows and to see her almost break ...
It completely made his heart stop.
 A few seconds passed, in which Amy and Shadow didn't share a word. She was starting to feel irritated.
She looked down at the bike, she laughed sarcastically as she stepped down from the bike.
"Of course," She threw the keys at Shadow and out of instinct he caught them. "It's your bike, keep it."
But that wasn't what Shadow meant. He was just lost at words, he couldn't stop thinking about the look on Amy's face.
He could handle the disappointment of everyone, their hate.
But he couldn't think of a single day he could live with Amy's disappointment on him.
"She has changed!" Shadow screamed at Amy making her stop in her tracks.
"This past week ... We went away together and she swore to me-"
"I don't want to hear it," Amy said, her back still facing Shadow.
"Can't you just be happy for me?" The sentence came out of Shadow's mouth. He didn't mean for it to sound rude, but his desperation at not making Amy feel better overtook him.
"Why should I be happy when I know you are just going to end up hurting yourself?" Amy's voice cracked as she found it more difficult to keep her composure.
"Because that's what friends do ... don't they?"
"I would have supported you Shadow," Amy added, "Anyone but her."
"You better than anyone should understand." Shadow walked towards Amy, he wanted to have contact with her but restrain himself from touching her. "I would have been happy for you if you were to date Sonic ... even if I despise that bastard."
Amy was quiet as if she wanted him to continue.
"Can't you understand? ... If you could, you would drop everything and go away with him. Wouldn't you?" Shadow added, he placed his hand on Amy's shoulder as he tried to look at her reaction. "It's the same for me-"
Amy turned around and slapped his hand away from her shoulder.
Finally, angry tears came out of her eyes and Shadow could 't handle it. It seemed like magic almost. That even when with tears dropping from her eyes, Amy was still holding up together.
While watching her cry only made Shadow break.
"No ... I wouldn't...I did stay for you Shadow." Amy gave one last look at the black hedgehog. "Think about that."
It must have passed a while since Shadow was left standing on the parking lot.
The sun was already setting and he was still there and would have stayed if it wasn't because Maria went to check on him.
"So, she gave you the bike," Maria said as she broke Shadow's trance. "Even after you practically beg me to give it back."
Shadow looked at Maria leaning on the bike's seat and Shadow felt the urge to move her away.
He secretly didn't want anyone but him and Amy on the bike but he wasn't going to say that to his girlfriend.
"I am hungry ..." Maria interrupted again, "Can you get us something to eat?"
Amy didn't feel like doing anything. It was already night time and wanted to go to the Resistance already and sleep.
She finished her night shift at the new restaurant she was working at. She left the restaurant tired and was about to walk away until she noticed the blue bur waiting for her outside the restaurant.
Sonic got closer to the pink one and so did she. It was a bit chilly and Amy covered her arms, trying to protect herself from the cold.
Sonic noticed this and he took out his blue and white jacket and put it on Amy. She gladly accepted the gesture.
She looked at him in the eyes, and he immediately knew that she wasn't feeling the best.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked and smiled at her. She nodded, she loved the way he could understand her without her having to say much.
She had to admit that she loved the safety he gave her whenever he carried her.
They ended up walking down the city, just chatting and talking about themselves. It was a relief for Amy however. She had a few hours she didn't have to think about Shadow.
They were now outside the Resistance, Sonic wanted to make sure that Amy returned home safe.
"We are here."
Sonic hated the sad look Amy had in her eyes. He wanted to restrain himself from asking but he wanted to help her in any way possible.
"You know you can tell me anything ... Right?" Sonic softly asked as he grabbed Amy's hand. It was quiet but the sound of passing cars and the chatter of the people interrupted that.
Sonic stopped breathing for a second. The way she uttered Shadow's name made him freeze. Her tone was hurt but loving as well.
Sonic waited for Amy to continue, waiting for the whole story.
"He is just so stupid,"
Sonic sighed, relieved that they both agreed on something. He sighed heavily, for a slight moment he was scared that Amy was going to confess her intimate feelings about Shadow.
He didn't know what he had done, and right now he didn't care. He just cared about the pink hedgehog who was standing in front of him.
Although she looked tired, her beauty still made a presence. The moonlight only made her shine, almost goddess-like and Sonic found himself chanting love songs in his head.
However, he took into consideration Amy's feelings as well. "I know Shadow most have done something to upset you but Amy..."
Amy looked into Sonic's eyes and it was that moment that Sonic knew he couldn't stop himself from asking.
"We can talk about that later ... I know this is going to be selfish of me." Sonic added, "But I am scared I am going to lose my courage if I let this moment go."
"What are you talking about?" asked Amy.
Her confusion was extremely cute to Sonic and he placed his face closer to Amy, closing his eyes as he did so.
"Can I ... kiss you?"
Sonic waited for Amy to respond and a few seconds passed and Sonic felt embarrased. He was about to pull away from her face but Amy surprised him with her lips touching his. They were small kisses and Sonic thought that it was the most adorable thing he could ever experience. This was probably Amy's first kiss and Sonic smiled between the kisses at the realization of it.
When Amy pulled away and saw Sonic's dumb look on his face; she felt warmness raise to her cheeks.
Sonic came back to reality as he held Amy's hand. "Now, do you want to talk about what's bothering you?"
She nodded and held his hand tightly with hers. The Resistance's doors opened. As they walked in, Amy smiled at Sonic, happy at the kindness and tenderness he was showing her.            
Even if it was just a temporary thing, Amy felt happy that she didn't have to be alone tonight.
Shadow never thought that he did find himself racing motorcycles again. His mind was clouded with anger, as he threw into the trash the red roses he had boughten for Amy.
He texted Maria that he was going to be late and to order some Chinese food to be delivered at the apartment.
Now, he was racing some guys that took interest in his bike.
The deal was simple, whoever gets out of the forest first wins.
Whoever wins, would take the bike of the loser as a prize.
Now, Shadow's talents were to the test. This wasn't a simple race through the park. Now there were multiple obstacles he had to evade to win. Pine trees everywhere, bushes, holes in the ground, bumps; without mentioning that he was racing guys who spent all their lives in motorcycles.
Shadow liked the challenge and right now it was what he needed. Just to forget what he saw before.
But he just couldn't.
He couldn't forget the tender kisses Amy gave Sonic as he passed by the Resistance.
He wanted to ask her for forgiveness, but she was too busy giving affection to Sonic that she didn't realize he was there. With red roses in his hands, ready to talk things out.
He accelerated more as he noticed that one of the motorcyclists was ahead of him.
He began to worry as more approached behind him, quickly gaining more speed.
He couldn't afford to lose his bike. Not this bike, not DR. He had already lost Amy ... he couldn't afford to lose the only thing that attached him to her.
He kept speeding and successfully went ahead of the motorcyclists but his mistake was that he looked back.
His mistake ... was to look back.
He crashed against a pine tree and the pain that came with it reminded him of memories.
Looking back brought him pain, taking into consideration past things that shouldn't have been involved in his future pained him.
He was bleeding and he swore he had broken a rib or two.
It was exactly what he wanted. To feel this pain again.
But he began to growl the moment he realized that the pain he was feeling couldn't compare to the pain he felt when he saw Amy with Sonic, entering the Resistance with the most loving look in their eyes.
He lied to himself and to Amy. He had told her, he would be happy if she was with Sonic.
So why couldn't he?
Shadow sighed as he heard the motorcyclists go past him, a few minutes went by and he realized that the situation he was in was different from the ones he had been in before.
The first time he crashed was because he saw Maria with someone else.
And someone was there for him.
The second time he crashed, Amy was there for him.
And now Shadow found himself completely alone.
A/N: We are getting into the good stuff now uh?
Next: Soon.
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mcuspidey-archive · 5 years
bulletproof — part two
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❈ agent!tom x agent!reader series ❈
a/n: this has been posted before but since amy deleted, i’m reposting here! and yes we will still be writing this. it would mean the world if you reblogged again if you already did before and of course we love reading any feedback. thank you for loving this series as much as we do ❤️
+2.1k words
part one
Drip. Drop.
The trickling drops of perspiration mixed with the streaming tears that were no longer confined in Tom’s bloodshot eyes. He pressed his palms to the cold surface of the shower tiles, his skin radiating with warmth--a familiar kind because he was used to feeling a gut wrenching anxiety every time he was on a mission. But today, it was different. It was a state somewhere between denial and acceptance, where all you can feel is hot pangs that resemble anger and an equally dangerous fear that leaves you numb. Too numb to comprehend what happened, or how it happened. And Tom was just beginning to not deny the fact that the woman he fell in love with had stopped existing in the same world he continued to live and breathe in and it wasn’t fair. At least to him, it wasn’t.
Because it should’ve been him. He should’ve ran into that dreadful building as soon as he promised he would. Or at the very least said those three words sooner. Maybe then the strongest, fiercest, most beautiful woman he had ever met would still be here. He tried to shake off the images and thoughts of what could have been but it was all a reality that he wished to have never known.
Tom turned on the shower, letting the cold droplets seep through his curls and slide down his flushed cheeks--hoping to soothe the unbearable warmth that he didn’t want to feel anymore if it wasn’t from the touch of her fingertips.
A sob builds in his throat as he pictured how she must’ve looked seconds before the facility blew up, was she still wearing that fearless smile? Was she thinking of him? Was she feeling the same intense passion for him and if so, would she have said it back?
A blur of memories washed over his consciousness as the water did everything but calm his senses. The Y/E/C eyes that he was so used to getting lost in, drifted far enough for him to never reach them again. And the melody of her voice he couldn’t go a day without listening to, began to fade away. What did her laugh sound like?
Tom cursed himself and punched the wall, his knuckles throbbing at the harsh contact but he knew that it was just the beginning. In a couple of days he’d forget the aroma of her perfume that lingered around on his skin because she loved to drape her arm around his neck and kiss his cheek. Her lips.
“Tom, you’ve gotta focus,” she snapped, licking her lips slightly and tapping her fingers on the file sitting on the table. She was right, he hadn’t heard a single word she had just said. It all came out in a slow mumble because he was too busy staring at her mouth and wondering what she would feel like. How her lips would feel against his and if the taste would resemble her favorite cherry flavored chapstick. What would happen if he leaned in just a little bit and closed the distance between them.
She cleared her throat, getting his attention back with a light-hearted chuckle.
“Uh-yeah.” Tom gives her a tight-lipped smile and flips the pages, skimming through the text but the intent gaze boring into him made him look back up. “All good?” He adds, eyes studying the way her teeth sank into her bottom lip, nibbling a little too anxiously.
“Did you even hear what I said?” She asked with a raised brow and mischievous smirk.
Keeping that tiny grin, he shook his head.
“I asked if you liked my lipstick…”
Tom’s face instantly felt flush from the pink-tinted blush forming on his cheeks.
Y/N shook her head, letting out the melodic laugh he had already managed to fall in love with. “It’s an expensive shade, Holland, you won’t be able to afford it.”
His eyes close slowly as his hand comes up, fingers brushing his own lips that were forming the smallest smile as he thought back to that moment and wishing that it was her touch instead. Because within a month he’d forget how it had always unleashed a fuzz of emotions under his skin--lighting every corner with a warmth very different from the one he felt now. The warmth he couldn’t label until she was standing at the verge of losing herself.
The muffled sobs turn into ugly cries as Tom leans against the square tiles, the cold surface drawing out the heat from his forehead and a calm--just like the one before a storm--took over him. A faint memory of her breath caressing his cheeks cutting through his already distracted brain prompted a scream loud enough for her to hear. No matter where she was. She could still hear him. No one ever stops existing. We live. People live in the memories of the ones they love.
It’s a word people overuse at times. But the reality is, there comes a time when you start feeling every emotion embedded in that four letter word and never dare to use it. Ever again.
Tom’s hooded eyes shut close again as he lifts his head to hide the tears under the stream of water, a steady trail of droplets decorating his warm cheeks and sliding down to his quivering lips. He swipes his tongue over them and he swore he could taste her lips on them. She would probably taste like chocolate covered cherries and--Tom’s chest began to vibrate with sobs as he recalled the kiss he could never share. A memory he could never get a hold of.
He could turn around and still feel her. He could just shut his eyes and be met with the gentle smile that was only for him, the way she batted her eyelids and teased him with playful touches. Each memory so painfully engraved in him, choking him and drawing out the breaths he wished were only counted. It was meaningless to exist in a world where the person you couldn’t stop thinking of, stopped existing.
Tom turns the shower to a higher setting and the stream of water turns warmer, drops rolling down his back overpowering the flush saturating his skin, providing a momentary relief he didn’t deserve. Because the burning wasn’t from her soft hands or her lingering breath as she leaned in to tease him with a kiss placed easily on his jaw. No. She was gone and he would never have the satisfaction of feeling such a comfortable pain again, an ache that he would gladly endure if it meant he could have her back by his side. He just wanted his partner back… Wanted all of the endless ‘what ifs’ and possibilities… A chance to feel what it was like to be loved by her.
Tom shook his head, finally deciding to turn the knob, water cutting off abruptly as he leaned back against the steamed-over shower door. His wet hair lost its place and fell in strands over his eyes that he couldn’t be bothered to brush back. He had had enough. All he wanted now was to climb in his bed, maybe order take-out if he decided eating was absolutely necessary, and definitely not show up to work later. Because as far as he was concerned, that mission was over the second she decided it was worth giving up her life.
It ended as soon as the muted, muffled sound of static came over in his earpiece and the van shook from the blast that would haunt him forever.
How long do forevers actually last?
Long enough to break you a million times before it finally stops putting you back together.
Grabbing his towel and wrapping it tightly around his waist, Tom sighed as he walked out to his living room. His gaze falls on the folders of work scattered on the couch that he hadn’t bothered to pick up yet, each one containing information about the suspects and what he thought could be their motive, apart from the obvious. Just another crime in the city they had been responsible for stopping, like all the other cases. So-called impossible tasks and yet they did it. They pulled them off almost effortlessly, because she was fearless and strong. Tom would tell anyone that he had nothing to do with it. He would say that he was just “the guy in the van” but she was the brains and the glue that held everything together and had so much strength in her for the both of them. And he didn’t know how she always did it, until now. Now there was a difference because this one was left wide open with absolutely no evidence to go on and his partner… She paid the ultimate price and took with her the courage he would have had to keep going.
A lopsided smile played across his lips and he finally picked up the file. Just seconds after mourning, the pain was beginning to transform into a stronger, more intense emotion. The sadness coursing through his veins dissipated before turning into a mess of broken frustrations and anger, all resurfacing in the form of an ugly fit of rage reverberating with the loud slamming of his fists on the coffee table as he tossed the folder to some other corner of the room. Each paper, the contents of the objective that would never be justified, scattered in the air around him, seemingly in slow motion as if taunting him and making him want to scream. With every leaflet floating in the room, his anger only intensified. How could she be so stupid? Stupid enough to risk her life for a mission she wouldn’t be remembered for. But it was gone. She was gone and with every ounce of courage he still had, maybe he would learn to live with just the memories of her.  
Tom took a few deep breaths to pacify the anger that seemed almost impossible for him to contain. But he had to. For his own sanity.
As if the memories weren’t a torture enough, the loud doorbell announced the arrival of a company he wasn’t in the mood to entertain. Quickly grabbing his gun from the side table, he cautiously makes his way over to the front door, keeping the weapon down at his side in a way that was easy to lift up if needed.
Tom takes another breath, stepping to slowly look through the peephole. He squints as he tries to make out the figure that seemed a little too familiar. Dressed in a black trench coat, their face was hidden under a hat but as if on cue, a pair of Y/E/C eyes gaze up from under the rim.
He knew those eyes all too well but there was no way they belonged to her. She couldn’t be standing there just on the other side of the door because she was gone. She died in the blast and it had to be his imagination running wild.
The doorknob rotates and the door opens with a soft click, Tom’s throat running dry with the realisation that he was going to stand face-to-face with someone who was supposed to be dead. That somehow it was her but it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. He lets out a humorless laugh, thinking that he must really be going crazy because he wasn’t looking at her. He was seeing only what he wanted to see and it was all just a cover for a possible threat that he needed to be wary of now more than ever.
Shaking his head, he tells himself over and over that this was a set-up and begins to lift his arm as he swings open the door, holding the gun out in front of him but a shaky, fragile voice causes him to freeze.
“Hi, Tommy,” she whispers.
Tom’s eyes widen at the words and similar sound of his name rolling off her tongue but he points the gun at her as his reflexes kick in. With every ounce of the agent in him, yelling and screaming, going off like a siren, telling him to protect himself, that he was in danger, he stepped back slightly. She would want him to be safe and her voice, telling him that he shouldn’t take any risks, echoed in his thoughts.
So with a sudden and small bend of his finger, a loud gunshot pierces the silence, shattering like glass as it misses and collides with the wall just behind her.
just gonna tag some mutuals!
@starksparker @hollandroos @sunshinehollandd @spideypeach @stuckonspidey @toms-gf @tomhollandeu @raspberryparker @peterplanet @suncitydanvers @cosmicdaya @popculture-parker @poetrypeter
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“Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” Please and thank you!
I really hope you enjoy! I’ve worked hard to make this a great fic that I think you’ll love! This was a great prompt and I am super into writing this! 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18992875/chapters/45100597 (if you want to keep up with the chapters, if not, your prompt is below!) 
Jyn Erso had long hair. It was dark and reached down to the bottom of her shoulder blades, but most people would never have guessed it because she always kept it up. Her mother used to braid it every single night before Jyn went to sleep.  
“It keeps the knots out, Stardust,” she would whisper softly and press a gentle kiss to her head. Jyn didn’t care if her hair was knotted until the first night it got tangled, which was also the first night her mother wasn’t there to braid it.  
Jyn took her hair out when she hid in the bunker. She decided that if she was bad enough maybe her mother would just have to wake up and come to yell at her not to let her hair down like that. So Jyn took her hair out of it’s braids and sat there in the glow of the lantern, wishing it would knot faster.
When the metal grate had opened and Saw offered her a hand to help her out, her hair was matted and knotted and stringy.
The first night, she was given clothing that was too big, food that her parents would never have let her eat, a red soda pop with Aurebesh lettering on the front, and a wooden brush to untangle her hair.
She finished the food and wore the clothing and tried to untangle her hair by herself, but it was too knotted and it hurt too much and she couldn’t reach the back. That night, she went to find Saw, who was poured over a few maps in his quarters on the ship. He let her in, but she didn’t move from her spot by the door.    
“What’s wrong, child?” He had asked her and put the maps down. She shifted awkwardly and thought about how her mother had told her she could trust him. Anyone her mother liked must have been good because her parents did not have friends. Quickly and abruptly, she shoved the hair comb she’d been given forward.   
“Do you know how to braid hair?” She asked softly. He hadn’t moved from his desk and stared her down, for a few minutes. She could feel her chest clamp up and suddenly, she regretted coming into the room, very, very much. So she started talking, rambling like she did when she was in trouble at home, when her mama had yelled at her and when papa had raised his eyebrows asking if she was sorry. Somehow, Saw’s look was worse and she had only just met him. “It doesn’t need to be pretty, that’s okay, but mama used to braid it every night so it didn’t get tangled and I don’t think I can braid it myself and it’s all tangled now and I love my hair and my mama did too and I don’t want to cut it and-” Saw cut her off without even speaking. He raised a hand for her to be quiet and immediately she did. He motioned for her to come sit in front of him and tentatively, Jyn crossed the room’s distance. He held out his hand for the comb and she placed it in his hand.    
“I can brush it for you,” he said. “But I don’t know how to braid it.” Jyn nodded as the comb pulled through her hair sharply and she stared to the front of the room where Saw’s bed was.
“I’m sorry it’s tangled,” she said softly. He pulled another knot out. Jyn flinched and looked down at the ground.  
“I’m sorry it’s tangled, sir,” he corrected and Jyn nodded quickly. Mama had told her to be respectful of people older than she was and this man was certainly older than she was.   
“Sir,” she affirmed. Trying it out on her tongue. She had never called anyone by a title in her life and she didn’t think she liked it, but Saw was helping her and he was a friend of her parent’s so she would try to make him happy. “Sir,” she said again. She wanted to make sure it was perfect.   
“Yes,” he nodded and pulled on another knot. Jyn cleared her throat.  
“I’m sorry it’s tangled, sir.” She kept her head up and she heard a small chuckle from Saw. She smiled too.  
“You were down there for some time, child. I would expect your hair to be the last thing you were worried about.” Jyn shrugged, eyes still downcast and legs crossed tightly.  
“I was kind of worried about it,” she said and then looked down at the ground. “I thought that if I let it get tangled then mama would come back to yell at me but you said she’s gone forever now.” Saw sighed a long and deep sigh. He leaned forward and put the comb down.
“I lost my sister. To the same fight your mother gave her life for. We can’t bring them back but we can win the war. You’re still very young, Jyn, but you’ll learn. I will teach you and I will take care of you, child. You will learn to be respectful, useful, and as good as a soldier as any of my men,” Saw said as he ran the brush through her hair a last time. Jyn nodded. She promised herself right then and there that she would. If someone so strong, so big, and so important could take the time to brush her hair now, she would take the time to be the best soldier he’d ever seen.
Jyn didn’t think she’d ever lost that draw, that desire to be the best. It was a fierce, competitive fire that raged and grew whether she was playing Sabacc with Bodhi or shooting targets with Cassian or sparring with Han. When she wasn’t the best, she could feel herself losing control, feel a tension freeze her where she was less than she thought she should be. After all, if she wasn’t the best, it was easier to be abandoned, to be hurt, or to be left and now that she had people she cared about, that was the last thing she wanted.
She was the best at a lot of things. She was the fastest on the pathfinders and easily one of the best fighters. She was quick with her words and famously the best at riding Tauntaun. What she was not the best at, was undercover work. She wasn’t bad, far from it, but she wasn’t the best and it took her some time to get used to it.   
She didn’t used to like undercover work. When she first started at Echo Base, they didn’t have anywhere else to out her, so they put her with Cassian, on the field for intelligence work. Jyn hated it at first, not just because she wasn’t the best, but because she wasn’t even good. There was too much politics and too much playing nice and not enough of an adrenaline surge, but Cassian had wanted her on the field with him and it was enlist or leave, so she enlisted. Besides, she liked trusting someone to have her back, so she wore whatever dress they told her too, smiled as bright as she could, and bought a drink for any informant they needed to get a read on.
It became a game to her and that was when she first started to like it. When she was able to think about everything like a game that she could win, it got easier. Jyn Erso would never have laughed and batted her eyes in a dark bar, but Kestrel Dawn did and Jyn Erso couldn’t light up a room with a look, but Tanith Pontha had such a beautiful smile, that people couldn’t help but stare and when she became someone else, it was easy to win the trust of whoever she needed too, because Jyn Erso might not have been very trustworthy, but everyone of her aliases were.
Ever since Scariff, Jyn hadn’t liked herself very much, so espionage gave her a chance to be someone better, someone who knew her place in the galaxy, someone who knew that she deserved to walk off that beach.
When Cassian first got the mission, Jyn had put twenty credits on the fact that she knew she could outdrink Han Solo and she knew she could because that was another thing that she was the best at. She didn’t worry about Cassian when he didn’t join her like he promised after, his briefings usually ran late and Baze had walked her back to the room.
Jyn woke up to the sound of the refresher and the smell of Trillium soap. It was a sharp pine scent, one that Cassian never would have picked for himself and that was when she knew he was going undercover. She frowned and pushed herself out of bed, walking to the bathroom door and gently pushing on it. The door zipped open, letting out a small cloud of steam. Jyn slipped into the bathroom and let the door close behind her. Cassian turned around from the stream of water and looked at her, his face was a neutral, as opposed to the small smile he usually greeted her with. Jyn, in turn, frowned and tried to hide the hurt that she felt quickly flash across her face. He hadn’t look at her like that since she moved in. It was the same face he used on informants and when he was on missions.
“Good morning,” he said softly and Jyn sighed and crossed her arms.
“I don’t know,” she said quietly. “Is it? You seem off.” She slowly started to peel her shirt off so she could get in the shower with him, but Cassian shook his head and reached out, arm wet and not seeming to care as he laid it on Jyn’s shoulder.
“Don’t,” he said quickly. “Not now.” Jyn frowned deeper.
“Cassian, what’s wrong?” She asked and took a step closer to the refresher. She was worried not because he’d stopped looking at her and was instead fixated on the beads of water dripping down the walls. He blinked and turned to face the her.
“Jyn,” he breathed. “I was going to wake you in a little to say goodbye. I’ll only be gone a few days.” She sat down on the ground and crossed her legs.
“Draven give you a briefing?” She asked. Something was wrong, she could feel it, she just didn’t know what. He nodded. “What’s the mission?” He looked back at her.
“Three days on Savatis Prime,” he said and reached out for the red bottle of soap again. Jyn bit her lip in thought. Savatis Prime was a small planet on the outer rim. Savatis was hot and arid with a small village. Recently, it had started to become a hotbed for building explosives because when you dug in the caves, you could find pure Litoxal, a highly explosive chemical. Jyn had been there with Saw once, it was a strange mix of industrial and indigenous and Jyn hadn’t liked it. It was bright and dry and hot and there were three orange moons.
“Are you meeting a contact there?” She asked. “I’ve been before, if you want me to come and maybe-”
“Jyn, you’re not coming.” His voice was sharp and strong. He stepped out of the refresher, turned it off, and took a towel, hanging up, to wrap around himself. Jyn crossed her arms. Cassian sighed. He ran a hand through his wet hair. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you before I left.”
They never spoke that frankly and even though they’d kissed and shared quarters, Jyn had yet to tell him she loved him. She knew it hurt him. She knew every time he said it, whether it was casual after training when they were both grinning and sweating or whispered in her ear in Festian, he meant it and wished she’d say it back, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t bring herself to say it back. Not after the first time he said it she stole a ship and tried to leave planet. Cassian promised her that letting him say it was a step in the right direction, but it still left her stomach in a knot when she got this upset over words.      
“Why can’t I come, Cassian?” She narrowed her eyes and tightened her crossed arms around her body.  
“Because you don’t rank as high as me.” He walked over to the mirror and picked up the small plastic razor to even his facial hair. Jyn crossed her arms and scoffed.
“You’ve never cared about that before. We make a good team,” she pressed and leaned against the wall. Cassian refused to meet her eyes, averting his to the sink. He started running the water to shave and Jyn frowned. “Cassian, I could-”
“I said no, Jyn!” He slammed the razor down and turned to face her. His breathing had quickened, but his face was neutral. The clatter of the razor caused her to blink and she didn’t realize that he was bleeding until she looked from where the razor lay on the floor to his face. She picked up the washcloth from the counter and closed the distance between them.
“Ok,” she said softly and nodded. “Okay, Cassian.” Jyn reached out with the washcloth to wipe the small cut on his cheek he made with the razor. Cassian put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed.                 
“Jyn,” he said softly. “You’re doing better. Let’s just keep it that way.” He let go of her shoulders and turned back to the mirror. Jyn sat down on the ground.
“Just tell me what’s going on. I won’t make a scene.” Cassian turned around to face her. He’d put on his briefs and was in the process of buttoning up black imperial uniform trousers. The wet towel lay on the ground, pooling water next to where Jyn sat.
“We’re not doing this now.” He shook his head. “It’s a classified mission.”
“Cassian! Tell me what is going on!” She could feel herself starting to make a scene.
“Nothing concerning you,” his voice stayed low but she could hear the strain in it. He reached for the white undershirt and pulled it over his head. He smoothed it out and tucked it in and did his belt and then knelt down in front of her. “We’re in a good place and we’re getting better. Just let yourself heal.” He reached out and brushed some of her hair off of her face and tucked it behind your ear. Jyn leaned forward.
“Cassian, if you want whatever this is to last, you need to talk to me.” She took his hand. “Please don’t leave me in the dark.” The unspoken sentiment, that she didn’t think, now that she had tasted what it felt like to have a home and a family, she could do it again. She didn’t think she’d be able to revert to the shell of what she was now again. Jyn tried to convey it with the sentence she said and then she bit her lip because she knew if she opened her mouth again all of those words would come tumbling out and those were more damning than even telling someone you loved them. Cassian rose up from where she sat on the bathroom.
“The file is on my desk. Third drawer down. It’s not long.” Jyn rose up from the ground. Cassian picked the washcloth up to press it against his cut again. He grabbed Jyn’s hand before she was able to exit the refresher. “Don’t make a scene, Jyn,” he warned, leaving her to wonder why she would need too.         
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seungminty · 6 years
For Granted pt.2 // Jisung
Genre: even angstier than the first one if that’s possible (eventual fluff !!)
Words: 2.3k
part 1
“One medium caramel latte to go?” I shouted, my throat beginning to feel slightly raw from shouting these continuous orders. It had been a long shift, on a long day, in a long week. 3 sneaky coffees later and I was still struggling to keep my eyes open. Today had been especially busy, with everyone from families with screaming children, to giddy schoolgirls, to loved-up couples, to quiet workers spending time in the tiny cafe. Luckily, with only 10 minutes until closing, all the hustle and bustle had finally died down. 
After promising my manager that I’d close up, I began wiping down the machines, but not before spotting a kid in the corner with his hood up. His back was to me, but from the proximity of his face to his screen and the quick rate of his typing, I could just imagine the look of concentration on his face. My thoughts were confirmed as I watched him inch closer to his screen, completely oblivious to the coffee mug that was already precariously perched on the edge of the table. 
I smiled slightly, finding the scene endearing. 
I soon stopped smiling when I realised the reason why. 
He reminded of me of Jisung.
It had been a few months since the break-up, but I still found that unavoidable sting in my heart whenever I thought of him. He was always there, even throughout the harder times of our relationship. That night, I quickly realised that I’d never felt more alone. 
There was no doubt that Jisung had left a hole where my heart once lived, but now, after weeks of tears and anger and ice cream, I could finally say that the hole was beginning to heal. 
I hadn’t heard anything from Jisung, so I quickly assumed that he was ok. In fact, he was probably happy that he could finally work in peace. I shook my head, trying to stop thinking about that dreadful night. I tried seeking a distraction, but luckily, the hooded figure provided one for me. 
There was a loud crash and a surprisingly high pitched screech, followed by a string of curse words. Without even looking, I knew what had happened. I quickly grabbed the mop and made my way over, trying to suppress a laugh.
“I guess I should’ve said something about your coffee cup earlier, but you looked so in the zone and I didn’t want t-” The words died in my mouth and my heart plummeted straight down to my stomach.
There in front of me, dishevelled and sleep-deprived but beautiful as ever, was Jisung.
One look in those damn eyes and I felt all the happiness and hurt he caused rush through me all at once. I couldn’t bring myself to look away, my heart pounding even faster when I realised that he was staring right back.
“Y/n...” My name felt strange and soft coming from his lips, and it made my head spin so much that I was finally pulled from my trance. 
“I’ll uh... I’ll just tidy this up, yeah...” I mumbled awkwardly, grabbing my mop which had fallen limply to the floor and beginning to clean up the mess as best as my shaky hands would allow. 
Jisung continues to just stare at me, and I found the similarity in his dumbfounded expression to the last time I saw him almost comical. Almost.
As I began to pick up the rogue pieces of the mug from the floor, my mind raced with a million questions.
How did I not see him earlier?
He must’ve come in when I was on break.
Is he ok? He looks tired.
He’s probably in the middle of writing an album. Not like its any of my business anyway.
Why was he here, of all places?
That one, I had no answer to.
Jisung, who had remained silent for a long few minutes, seemed to read my mind at this point. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to my cup. I’ve just had the worst writer's block for so long and even being near you always gave me inspiration. And I guess I just wanted, wanted to see you? I don’t know. God, that-that sounded way less creepy and stalkery in my head, fuck, sorry. I mean, I miss you, I get that it’s over and I’m in no way trying to pressure you or-” I stood up abruptly, cutting off this rambling. I stared at him for a few more seconds, seeing the tears swimming in his eyes and debating whether to break down or scream bloody murder at him.
Instead, I decided to whisper meekly,
“I’ll go get you another coffee.”
I trudged back behind the counter, leaving a still dazed Jisung to trail behind me. 
There were a few moments of silence, while I made his latte, with Jisung watching my every move.
“I’ll get you one.” He blurted out suddenly, startling both of us and leaving me slightly confused.
“I-I mean, I’ll pay for two coffees, and maybe.. maybe we could drink them together? And talk?”
I blinked in shock. Every fibre of my being was screaming at me to say no, to make his damn latte and get the hell out of there before he caused me any more pain.
And yet, I nodded.
Jisung was nothing if not my best friend. This was a fact that had made our breakup even harder than it should be. There was not only a Jisung shaped hole in my heart, but he was also suddenly missing from so many parts of my life, too. It took almost a month for me to stop instinctively reaching to text Jisung when I got a test result or when new college drama started.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jisung nod slightly in return, ears tinting pink as he struggled to bite back a smile. My stomach did flips at his adorableness and I soon felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks too. 
A few minutes later, we were sitting across from each other, cups of steaming coffee in front of us, in complete silence. Silence had become such a prominent part of our meeting recently, and it was driving me crazy.
“So how are you?” We said at the same time, causing both of us to tinge pink.
“Uhm, I’m good, the term is ending soon and I got the final results I wanted,” I said, inwardly cringing at the politeness in my statement.
I continued rambling on about college, the awkwardness in my words slowly diminishing. I was so caught up in telling him about my ridiculously incompetent lab partner, that I didn't notice Jisung’s soft smile as he looked at me with eyes full of love. I never saw the heartbreak those eyes were hiding, or how his hands were constantly fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie, terrified that he would mess up again and lose this tiny piece of heaven he held right now. I didn’t know that he had missed me so much he was sometimes incapable of getting up in the mornings, and I had no idea about the number of times Jisung walked past the tiny cafe, hoping to catch a glimpse of the smile that he used to see every day. He’d waited for almost 30 minutes in the cold street outside the cafe that morning, pacing up and down like a damn crazy person, trying to rack up the courage and some sort of plan before walking in. He was still in shock. Y/n was right there. In front of him. Chatting away like a long lost friend. Jisung couldn’t believe his luck. Even after all he had done, everything he’d fucked up over and over again, he got to sit here and have a damn a catch-up.
“So how are the boys?” I asked, suddenly embarrassed when I realised that I’d talked for at least 15 minutes straight. 
Jisung took a second to answer, still slightly dazed.
“Oh, uh... they’re fine. Tired as usual, but I guess that’s normal now. They miss you, ya know.” 
He hesitated, before mumbling so quietly I shouldn't have been able to hear it. But I did.
“I miss you.”
At those words, I felt my world explode with fireworks and come crashing down at the same time. 
I was silent now, and Jisung was avoiding my gaze by staring at the now rather lukewarm coffee in front of him.
“Jisung, you know that’s not really fair...” was all I could muster up, using all my energy to keep the tears from falling.
“I know, I know I don’t even deserve to have a coffee with you, but please believe me when I say that this has been the worst 47 days of my life. I treated you like shit, and you’re clearly better off without me, and yet and I can't help but be selfish and ask for another chance. A chance to treat you right, to treat you like the princess you are and I swear, fuck I swear y/n, if you say yes you’ll never want after anything ever again, I would take care of you forever, I promise angel.” By the end of his speech, his voice held a desperation so strong that it physically pained me to hear. He looked so truly broken. It took everything in me not to wipe away his tears and forgive him instantly. 
But hey, when is life ever that simple?
I sighed, choosing my next words carefully, feebly trying not to add to the pain that had already been inflicted on both of us.
“I’m sorry Jisung, b-but I don’t think I could do this again. Even with the best will in the world, you’re still an idol and you’re still busy as hell, and I still can’t cope with the pressures that brings. Who knows, maybe things could’ve been different in another life, but one thing I know for sure is that there’s no way I'm letting you comprise your dream for anything, especially me.” There was a slight ferocity in my words, which seemed to hurt Jisung, but I knew I needed to be firm if we were ever to move forward.
“But I-I don’t care about any of that! I would do anything for you y/n, my schedule doesn’t matter, because we love each other, right? Tha-that’s what you said right before my debut, you said that love always found a way.”
He hesitated.
“You do love me... right?” 
There was fear in his eyes, which shocked me greatly. How could I ever not love him? Even after everything, he was still the best person I had ever met.
“Of course, of course, I do, but it was naive of me to say that, I guess I didn't know just how cruel and lonely the world could be. But know that I forgive you, Ji, and I want you to be hap-”
“Don’t do that.” He blurted out, causing me to frown at the dark tone of his voice. He continued.
“Don’t call me Ji. That was our thing, and it makes me feel like, like we’re still together, or something, like your still mine...” He trailed off, the crack in his voice only deepening the crack in my heart. 
I sighed. The mention of our relationship did nothing to help the tears that were slowly beginning to fall from behind my eyes. 
“I don’t know if I can ever trust you with my heart again, Jisung.”
It was a simple statement, but it crushed Jisung entirely. That was just it, he could give all the love he had now, but the past was set in stone, and try as he might, he could never erase the damage he'd done. 
There was nothing left to do now but go our separate ways. We silently put our coffee in the bin, Jisung only speaking to say that he’d walk me to the bus stop, and at this point, I was too heartbroken to argue. 
The silence continued at the bus stop as we waited. That was when I decided to be spontaneous for the first time in my life.
I stuck my hand out towards him, Jisung looked at it, startled, and then at me, eyebrow raised to demand an explanation.
“A fresh start. Let’s have a fresh start. I may not be able to give you my heart yet, but I didn't say anything about not being able to text you my college drama.”
At my words, Jisung’s heart leapt for joy. It sank only briefly, knowing that our new relationship probably wouldn’t involve cuddles and kisses, but fuck was it still more than he ever deserved.
Jisung cracked a small smile, before reaching to shake my still outstretched hand.
“Friends, yeah, I would love to do that, y/n.” I smiled in return at the cheesy gesture.
“Great, well, I’m y/n, nice to meet you.”
“And I’m Jisung, and it’s a pleasure.”
Jisung felt his heart swell. He had his heaven back, and he sure as hell could get used to it.
....ok so I might have lied about the fluffy ending 
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2013 - Hyungdeuri
Author: impalafortrenchcoats
Summary: Who knew tampons were such dangerous business?
Ships: gen, could be taken for OT7, VMinKook if you squint
Word count: 1755
Can be found on Ao3 here - there is a more detailed note on future plans for this fic there.
Notes: First part in a series I’m working with superdeanlover. It’s an experimental side project, so be forewarned about timey-whimey chronology and gender-bending.
Link to Part 2
Jungkook huddled down in her oversized sweater as she made her way home. It was much too cold to be out this late, and the streets were unusually dark due to a downed powerline from yesterday's storm. The entire neighborhood had been dealing with the blackout since then, and taking into consideration the freezing temperature, it was forgivable to accept the general glumness that permeated the locals, Jungkook concluded.
There was nothing she would rather be doing than staying home with everyone. They dealt with the cold by piling into one room and aggressively cuddling. Or at least that was what Jungkook would call whatever Taehyung got up to.
And given the quality of modern amenities, mainly insulation, it wasn't all that bad. They've had worse.
So much worse.
Unfortunately for her, however, living with six boys meant that she alone was in need of certain feminine products, and while Seokjin was generally dependable with helping her restock, they were also in the midst of packing for their next move. It just slipped both their minds.
Which was why she was now half jogging in the cold and darkness, with her recently purchased box of tampons.
She glanced at her watch, 10:20 PM. Maybe Jimin will still be up for another Overwatch match if she hurries.
What happened next was a culmination of a variety of circumstances. Had she been less focused on getting home as fast as possible, she probably would have noticed that the car careening down the road was going just a little too fast and was not showing any signs of stopping at the pedestrian crossing. Had the power line not gone down, the driver probably would have been able to see the figure in the dark hoodie walking across the street.
And had the moral quality of the man behind the wheel been of a higher caliber, he probably would have done more than gotten back into the car and sped off into the night, after he had gotten out to examine the crumpled figure of the girl he had mowed down.
Fortunately for everyone involved, no one else had been willing to venture out that evening. And the road was empty for the remainder of the night.
The poor dead girl lay where she fell… until something strange happened.
As the hours crept by, the silence of the scene was broken by a loud broken gasp, and the crumpled figure sat up abruptly.
Jungkook panted and coughed roughly a few times before looking around and spitting out a vehement, “Fuck!”
Stumbling up, Jungkook stared at the still ticking watch and heaved a heavy sigh. It was 3 AM. Everyone must be so worried.
With a wry glance at the squashed box with its spewed innards scattered all over the road from when the driver careless drove over it.
Looking down at his new body, Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle a bit. At least he won't be needing that anymore.
He resumed his walk home, glad that he went out with the hooded sweater and sweatpants, which were both previously loose but now borderline uncomfortably tight. While he liked simple, he also liked to use the opportunity when female to glam and glitz to his heart’s content.
That would have made the walk home a tad more awkward if he had been dressed up a bit more.
As he made his way up to their shared apartment, he couldn't help but wince a little at the thought of the inevitable reaction from the boys.
He knocked on the door, his keys had flown out somewhere on the road and he was simply too tired to bother looking earlier.
Not much to his surprise, the door flung open, and Seokjin’s worried face came into view. Jungkook couldn't help but blush as he watched the worry give way to shocked horror.
“Jungkook-ah…” Seokjin half breathed, half whispered.
Before either could say anything, Seokjin was shoved out of view and Taehyung was in the doorway instead. He took one look at Jungkook and his mouth dropped open.
“Dude, Kookie, did you really die trying to buy some tampons?” He asked.
“What!” Jungkook heard both Jimin and Namjoon scream together.
As the footsteps thundered towards them, Jungkook was just thankful that Seokjin managed to wrangle Taehyung out of the doorway and usher Jungkook inside.
It was a slightly less pleasant welcome home than Jungkook wanted. When Jimin and Namjoon caught sight of him they both froze, then Jimin whirled back around and disappeared down the hall he came from.
Namjoon stared for a second before asking, “What happened?”
“Hit and run. Driver left by the time I woke up.” He answered while Seokjin all but shoved him into the couch before heading off into the kitchen. “It happened pretty quick.”
“On the side road. I was almost back when I got hit,” he mumbled. He was so going to get it from Seokjin.
“Jeon Jungkook!” Seokjin yelled as he reappeared, a steaming cup in hand. “I told you to stick to the main road! You know how dark it is with the blackout, and people always drive so recklessly there!”
Yup. He was not going to hear the end of this for a while.
He took the tea from Seokjin and settled into the couch to take the angry tirade like a man, which he now was.
Jungkook sent Taehyung a betrayed look as he watched the boy slowly ease out of the room when Seokjin started.
Jimin came back somewhere in the middle of Seokjin’s monologue about how no one ever listens to the one person with common sense, with him were Hoseok and Yoongi. Both of whom took one look at him and and one look at the still flailing Seokjin, and sent him a sympathetic glance.  
Well, Hoseok did. Yoongi just kind of smirked. The asshole.
Jungkook tried to glare at him, but was distracted by the stack of clothes Jimin had brought back with him. Oh, how he wanted to get out of these clothes.
Namjoon, meanwhile, was clearly waiting for an opportunity, and when Seokjin finally paused to take a breath, he jumped in, “Did you leave anything?”
“My keys fell somewhere, and I think my cellphone did too.” He paused, blushing again, “And the tampons.”
Yoongi snorted.
Jungkook glared.
‘There will be retribution, just you watch ,’ Jungkook tried to mentally send his threat at the smug ass.
“Alright, Hoseok and I will go grab everything and try to clean up the scene. You try to rest up. Actually, that goes for everyone. It's been a long night, tonight.”
With that, Namjoon and Hoseok left. Seokjin seemed to have lost his steam and was back in the kitchen to make some snacks. He always fell back on food when stressed.
Jimin and Yoongi made their way over and sat on either side of him.
A moment of silence passed before Jungkook heard a familiar giggle.
“You had me worried there. Man, you were so close.” Jimin managed to say once the giggling passed.
Jungkook just harrumphed.
“So when can I expect my money?” It was Yoongi this time.
“Are you two serious? I just died! Give me a break.”
Jimin shook his head, “A bet is a bet. You said you could beat Yoongi’s record, and you failed!”
The way Jimin dragged out that last word was just obscene.
“84 years, Kookie, 84 years.” Yoongi said proudly.
“You were a girl for how long? 67? 68?”
“It's 69, for your information!” Jungkook said while trying to ignore the two pests beside him.
“Right,” Jimin swung an arm around his shoulders and laughed as he ruffled his hair, “so Yoongi’s record remains intact! You gave it a good shot, though. How does being second best feel there?”
Jimin was lucky Jungkook liked him as much as he did, otherwise he would have been tossing the other boy across the room.
Seokjin chose that moment to return bearing a tray full of grilled cheese sandwiches of all things. The smell of the food summoned Taehyung apparently because he returned from whatever depths he disappeared off to earlier.
“You know how sad it is none of us managed to avoid dying past our 80s? Considering everything, you would think at least one of us could have hit our 90s by now.” Seokjin said around the sandwich he was chewing.
“Well, don't expect it this round,” Yoongi added.
Jimin and Jungkook gave him a questioning look.
“Why not?” they asked.
“We don't do well with longevity as guys, remember,” Taehyung answered for Yoongi, who was now focused on eating.
“Huh. I think you're right,” Jimin agreed after a moment's thought.
Jungkook clapped suddenly, making everyone jump, “Remember when Namjoon lasted, like, two weeks.”
Seokjin sighed, “That's why we don't let him into the kitchen unsupervised.”
Jimin and Jungkook both snickered at that.
“On the bright side, it’s been forever since we’re all guys at the same time!” Taehyung added brightly.
They all nodded and quietly ate their snacks, leaving some for the other two for when they got back.
When they finished, Seokjin ushered the younger boys out and strong-armed Yoongi into helping him clean up.
Jungkook quickly made off with the clothes Jimin brought, probably Namjoon’s now that he was looking at it, and happily got out of the now too small sweater and pants. He always envied Jimin and Yoongi for having much more similarities between their genders. On the other hand, Namjoon and Jin probably had it worst, so he couldn't complain.
As he settled into what was essentially a pillow fort in the room they were all sharing for warmth, he heard Jimin and Taehyung come in after him. They both sidled in beside him, and he found himself in the middle of two sets of arms.
“I'm glad you're okay,” Taehyung whispered.
Jimin silently nodded from his other side.
Jungkook whispered back, “But we’re always okay.”
“No one likes to see someone they love die,” Jimin argued.
“Even if we know they’ll come back,” Taehyung added.
Jungkook didn't answer again, and instead wriggled both his arms free and slipped them around the two, very glad that his larger male stature allowed him to pull them both in.
They stayed like that. And as the minutes slipped by and Jimin’s and Taehyung’s breaths evened out, Jungkook allowed himself a moment to be thankful for his small, strange family.
He closed his eyes and followed them into sleep.
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