#this took sooooo long to reply to i kept getting distracted by my brother playing BotW 😭😭
cats-inthe-cradle ¡ 2 years
Continuation of this post because, yeah it just got too long I couldn't handle it anymore
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Hmmm thinking about how long it would take them to travel all across ninjago (I think it's safe to assume to weapons are spread out as far away from each other as possible but idk) and I'm not sure it would take months (although, that does depend on about how many months you mean exactly), but also they *are* traveling by foot (and pulling Wu's cart 💀) most of the time so maybe, idk I'm probably not the best judge of distance and traveling time so. Plus it would be very easy to come up with reasons for them to be delayed either way, so whatever you think would be best. But probably at least a month. (And yeah a longer time would definitely explain Kai's desperation). Also yess the more Morro gets his hopes up the better >:3
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NOT FOR SAVING HIM NO shdhd I meant like he gets mad at Kai for implying/revealing Lloyd as the green ninja (if Kai's still the first one to come to the realization in this) cuz at this point Morro's still hoping to prove himself worthy to be the green ninja, so maybe in his devastation and desperation he lashes out kind of a thing?
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Hmm yeah, maybe today I'll go glance over the episodes and see if there's a good spot that stands out. And yeah 😔 BUT imagine the angst of the other ninja running into younger Morro after everything that's happened
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OH YOUR RIGHT hmm idk what reason wu would have for not telling them sooner? Or doing something about Kai and Nya being left to take care of themselves? Idk it'd depend on how much he knows about the kids' situation but either way whatever his reasoning he probably thought is was for the best 🥲 but STILL THE ANGST AUGHHH
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AUGHHH Zane's death being more incentive for him to stay away my heart 😭 (I love it)
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I feel like Morro would be angered by how like, settled Lloyd had become in the position of green ninja at that point. And like it's just building until the fight happens.
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EXACTLY SGDHD Morro barely restrains himself from flying right back up there to beat him up properly
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Yeah that's fair. Morro bud you're self-destructive tendencies are showing 😭
Hmmm I almost feel like we'd need him to show up as a villain at some point if only so he can get a spot in the hall of villains and feasibly come back during dotd (that is if he dies at the end of s5). And also for fun angst and drama. But also I feel like he'd be less likely to become a villain in this? (unless it was just to be a menace to the ninja) cuz like in this he actually got the chance to learn what it meant to be a hero? So he wouldn't be as likely to put innocents in harms way? Hmmm
Oooo what if he's only pretending to be a villain? Like maybe he's set out to take down as many bad guys as possible (because he still wants to help people but also maybe he's still trying to prove himself worthy of the green gi as well) but he goes about that by pretending to be one so he can get in close with higher end dudes and take them out. But literally NOBODY knows this (the ninja may have their doubts) so everyone thinks hes a legit villain and even when he takes out a group or something everyone just assumes it's for villainous reasons and not that he's targeting them. Also he 'hates' the ninja and has no qualms about attacking them most of the time so he really sells it.
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Also I think so? Which green ninja reveal are you referring to specifically the Morro one or the Lloyd one?
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mcwriting ¡ 4 years
London boy
Hi guys! I’m back with a lil quarantine pick me up! It’s been sooooo long so it felt good to write again. I’m almost done with this semester so I’m hoping I can do more writing soon. All this being said, make sure to check my note at the end about a possible part 2 and let me know what you think! Love y’all!
*Also PSA I’ve never been to London unless Heathrow airport counts so I tried to do my best research but sorry if things are wrong*
Fandom: Tom Holland
Ship: Tom Holland x y/n
Setting: Begins in Nashville, TN but mostly takes place in London
Word Count: 2299 (whew)
Warnings: Alcohol consumption? I can’t think of any others. It’s mostly fluff
Rating: Like a K or something
You were hanging out on Broadway St.
No, not the one in New York. The one in Nashville, Tennessee.
It was a place filled with great live music, dancing all night long, and lots and lots of alcohol. 
You and some friends had gone out to a particular bar that another friend’s band was playing at, all dressed up in ripped up jean shorts, riding boots, and a cute cowboy hat.
As you all waited for them to get on stage, you ordered a round to loosen up a bit, you getting some Jack Daniels on the rocks.
That local flavor would forever be your first choice, especially compared to the tequila shots some of the girls chose instead.
Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and some of their buddies strolled down Broadway, too.
Tom’s newest project was set in the city and a long day of filming called for letting loose for the night and getting to know a little bit more of Nash culture.
They came upon one place where a band was playing a Bruce Springsteen song, so they headed in, beelining to the bar. 
As they waited for their own drinks, Tom turned his head to look around when he caught a glance of you, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. 
You were coolly half sitting-half leaning on a barstool, sipping your drink as you soaked in the music. Your friend’s band always sounded great, but you decided to scan the room to see how other people were reacting. 
You turned your head, the big curls in your hair flipping over your shoulder. As you looked straight down the bar you caught eyes with a brunette man laughing with his friends, face going slack as he stared back at you. 
You looked him up and down, not taking much time to study his face, then smiled and turned back to the band. 
Please come over here you thought, trying to not look again.
Tom turned to his group.
“Do you see that girl? That’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen!”
“Well then go on you div, make a conversation,” Harrison said as the others gassed Tom up, too.
The guys pushed him around a bit as he bounced up and down on his toes, trying to hype himself up.
A few moments later you saw a male figure approach from the corner of your eye. You had planned to flirt with him, but the second you turned to say something, you froze.
It was Tom. Holland.
You both stared at each other silently for a second, both surprised, until finally he spoke up, his accent clearly British among the southern Nashville drawls around you.
“Sorry to bother you, but I saw you across the bar and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were.”
A blush rose to your cheeks, and it took a moment before you found words to reply.
“I- thank you. You’re Tom Holland, right?” you asked incredulously.
It was his turn to blush and look at the ground. He nodded his head, a cute smile lighting up his face.
“That’s me. Now would you mind the honor of teaching me how to dance like the tennesseans?”
It took no thought to take his hand and tear up the dance floor that night.
It had been almost 3 years since you’d met Tom that in Nash. A night of dancing and drinking had led to you going back to his hotel that night. 
Nothing had actually happened between you though, because you were both too drunk and sleepy to do anything but crash on top the bed.
It had, however, sparked the beginnings of an amazing romance, where in the present, you were strolling down Camden Market looking at art, clothing, and jewelry as you tried to decide where to grab food.
Hands held tightly together, you both decided to stop for a moment to look over the canal, but you instead focused your attention onto his face that glowed in the sunlight.
He turned to you and did the same, both of you grinning like kids when your eyes met. 
“Oh how I love that American smile of yours,” he breathed.
“I fancy you too, darling,” you returned, heart full. 
On your first trip to London, he’d taken you to Highgate, where some of his childhood friends lived. Of course you already knew Harrison, Tuwaine, and Tom’s brothers (considering most of them had been there the night you met), but you’d been nervous to make a good impression.
It wasn’t long until you were jumping into their conversation and joking too, as if you’d all been friends for years.
You and Tom had only been dating about 6 months by this point, and had somehow kept the relationship secret from the public, so it felt nice to be introduced as his girlfriend.
You’d gone into the kitchen to refresh your drink when Harrison followed behind. 
“You really love him, don’t you?” he asked out of nowhere, “at least, that’s what we all think.”
You paused to think.
I guess the rumors are true...
Another trip about a year into the relationship and you’d learned to love high tea, listening to stories from Tom’s days in acting and carpentry schools, and the West End.
It was hard to believe every time you went to a show that in days past, Tom had been on that stage, too. 
You’d also spent time at the pubs with him and the boys, sometimes watching rugby, other times playing pub quizzes. 
There were also times that you went out dancing. It was a whole different world from line dances and country music, but over time it felt just as natural.
In the present, your time around the market had been ended early as clouds darkened and turned to gloomy rain. 
It didn’t really bother you though, because as the cab took you through the city, you saw the lights glow and illuminate the glistening buildings you’d come to love.  
“I’m sorry we had to cut the day short, love,” Tom whispered, squeezing your hand with his. 
“Are you kidding?” you beamed, “I’ve had so much fun today! We got to explore the heart of the city, go shopping at the market, and eat great food. Plus, now we can go with everyone to that teahouse I love. What more could a girl ask for?” 
“God, I love you,” he grinned as you leaned on his shoulder to look back out the window, distracting yourself for the long ride back to his house.
About a year and a half of dating, and you’d come to visit Tom while he was filming a movie at the Warner Bros. studio in Watford. 
Since he was filming up north, you chose to rent a hotel in the heart of the city so Tom could stay closer to work (and therefore have more time with you).
Most of the nights he could, you’d go club in Brixton. Afternoons off were spent in Shoreditch trying restaurants and looking at art. You also got to see his buddies from Highgate again, joking and having fun just as before.
By now, your relationship was public and of course the paparazzi was often trying to photograph you, but you didn’t really mind it. It was nice getting to show the world just how in love you were with this boy.
For your two year anniversary, Tom had flown you out to the city for a romantic getaway, where instead of staying at his house like usual, he paid to have you stay in a royal suite at a 5 star hotel in the heart of London, overlooking the river. 
You spent the trip mostly to yourselves, not going out to the pubs at night like usual, instead choosing to have private dinners or go to nice restaurants. 
He took you shopping around Bond St, showering you with expensive things that you of course didn’t need (and had to buy a second suitcase to haul), but the gesture alone was the nicest thing a boyfriend had done for you.
Of course, you also visited with his family and had a nice time with all of them, but spending private time with Tom was the best of all.
The place you stayed made you feel like a queen (it was royal after all), and it fit the way he could never help but call you his Tennessee queen.
The lingerie he’d gotten you also came in handy, because when you emerged from the bathroom wearing only that, he would say in a husky voice, 
“Babe, don’t threaten me with a good time,” before you’d do exactly that.
In the present, you were back at Tom’s place, preparing for dinner with his family when he called you to the backyard.
The rain had let up, leaving a lovely sunset sky, which is what you were expecting him to talk about once you came to the back porch.
“Wow, that’s pretty,” you stated, snapping your hoop earring shut to complete your look for the night. 
Tom had said it would be a nice dinner, so you’d put on the soft pink dress he had bought earlier that day the second you said you loved it and some matching heels. You had also spent time curling your hair and doing some makeup, wanting to look and feel good.
“You look more beautiful than a thousand sunsets,” he whispered back, causing you to blush as pink as your dress. You gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“What did you call me out here for? Shouldn’t we head out soon?”
“Right, yeah. I got distracted there for a second,” he chuckled before continuing, “Y/n, do you remember the night we met?”
“Of course. I’ll keep that day burned into my memory until the day I die.”
“Well, that night I told my mates that you were the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, and it’s still true. I don’t regret a single thing about the past 3 years of loving you.”
Your heart began to pound and you tried to steady your breathing. Was this it? Was this what you thought it was?
God, I hope so a voice in your head was screaming.
He took your hands in his and squeezed them. 
“Y/n L/n, I love you so dearly. I’ve probably loved you since the night I took you back to my hotel and I woke up to find you laying atop my bed and just didn’t realize it then.”
He began to bend his knees and reached a hand into his pocket, butterflies now rising in your stomach like nothing before.
“I want to love you for the rest of my life. Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” His hands held open a box with the most perfect ring you’d ever seen.
Tears welled up in your eyes and a watery smile rose to your face. You were speechless, so at first all you could do was nod, then finally you exclaimed,
Both of your hands were shaking as he slipped the ring onto your left hand, and then he stood up, pressing you into a deep kiss. 
You were on cloud nine.
You heard shouts behind you, breaking the kiss to see Harrison and Tuwaine cheering and recording on their phones. 
“Wait a second, where’s Harry?”
Nearby, a bush rustled and out stepped the twin, camera in hand.
“You guys all really planned this for me?” you asked, elated.
“Anything for you, babe. I was worried that it would be ruined by the rain, but it looks like things worked out just right,” he answered.
You stared down at the ring, still not quite believing everything, but your gaze eventually fell down to your watch.
“Well, I hate to kill the mood, but I’m so hungry I don’t know what to do with myself, and it’s time to go anyways, so let’s get out of here!”
You rode in Tom’s car while the other boys piled into Harry’s. They arrived first and were waiting at the door when you arrived. 
“Alright, follow us, we have a private room,” Haz said, the three boys leading you and Tom that way. 
You had a feeling the dinner was an engagement celebration, but had no expectation of what happened next.
The doors opened to tons of people yelling “Congratulations!” while holding cute balloons and champagne glasses. You scanned the room and were happy to see Tom’s family and friends from London and home, including the one’s that had been there that night in Nashville.
The most surprising thing, however, was your family. You hadn’t seen them in almost a month due to work and travel, so immediately you ran into their arms.
“She said yes, by the way!” Tom exclaimed happily, causing another round of cheers from the crowd.
“I can’t believe you all came!” you said to everyone, especially towards your US friends. 
“Well it wouldn’t be a real engagement if we didn’t celebrate with something special,” one friend said. 
“What do you mean?” 
With that, she plopped a hat onto your head. You pulled it off, confused until you got a good look at it. It was the hat you were wearing the night you met Tom. 
“We were gonna bring the boots and booty shorts, too, but I think what you’ve got goin’ on is a little classier,” another friend piped up, garnering laughs from your friend group. 
You pressed the hat back over your head, not caring if it squished the curls you’d gotten to lay perfectly not too long before.
“Well, then. Let’s get this rodeo started!” you exclaimed, gathering yet another of many cheers you and Tom would receive that night and for years to come.
A/N: Omg guys. I did it. I wrote something new. I’m thinking about making this a two shot, where the second part is more from Tom’s perspective and explores his visits to the US and I’ll call it Nashville Girl. Idk if any good songs exist that would tie in but whatever. 
Anyways, love you all and thank you for your continued support! Please stay safe and STAY HOME!
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