#this user is normal about duck newton. NORMAL ABOUT DUCK NEWTON
vivitalks · 5 months
we don't talk about it enough but duck and billy's relationship in amnesty is truly a tragic one.
imagine: you rescue a mindless drone. you save his life, you give him autonomy, you give him language. you teach him trust. you protect him at your own expense. you name him billy. he knows three words in your language, and one is your name. you promise to keep him safe, and he betrays his programming to help you in return. he defies everything he was designed to do in order to aid you.
you save him from being a drone, but in doing so, you kill him. he was never supposed to be here this long. you gave him freedom at the cost of rapid decay, and now he's dying. and if he could just go back to his home planet, he would live, but he doesn't want to. because you're here. duck newton, his first friend, his savior, his guardian. you showed him that there is a better way to live - with free will, with pizza and playstations.
he's damned if he stays and damned if he goes. but you can't watch him suffer. that's not who you are. you're duck newton, local beefcake, defender of the disadvantaged. so you wait until he's engrossed in his video game - in humanity, in freedom of choice - and you strike him down out of mercy.
billy reverts to his original form: a four-armed being of light, once a drone, now a friend. he's beginning to disintegrate, but he has unfinished business here. he never finished his video game. and you give him one last gift of mercy: you lie to him. don't worry, you tell him - that character you're worried about? she's fine in the end. no, i know it seems bleak now, but she turns out okay.
you can't give him anything else, so you give him hope. it's the same thing he gave to you, all those months ago when you saved him.
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misterewrites · 2 years
Grim Grinning Ghostkeeper (Mirror’s Edge)
E is back with the next chapter! and I just want to thank everyone whose been reading and getting the story more views over at Ao3 and likes here. From the bottom of my heart I really do appreciate everyone who takes their time to read this story. I know original work is hard to sell to readers and everyone has their different taste and I do this for me. I love writing so much but it's hard to gauge whose actually reading you know because this is something I want to share with you all. Aside from those two methods there are very few ways I know who reads my stuff but you are out there so thank you and I hope you keep enjoying my work!
It's rough now. Like. Fucking hell one thing after another but take care of yourself. take care of your loved ones. Enjoy the little things in life and just have fun. Stay informed. Stay positive and if you wanna do something about it, go for it. and if you dont, that's okay too. I get it. Sometimes you just want to exist. The usual: Take care of yourselves, loved ones, wearing mask cuz it's not over. vaccinate if you can, push for everyone to have it because this is just a problem worldwide. and enjoy life where you can.
That's it for me! I have no idea what I'm writing next but it'll be soon! Because I want to write more without month long breaks into between! I got way too many ideas folks! Have a great week and be safe! E is out!
If you want to read this story over on ao3 where it is way more user friendly here’s the link riiiiiight here https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/100580202
if you need a refresh here’s the last chapter https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/97939368 (really it’s just the end of the last arc and the set up for this one) 
Hey look the story from the beginning  in case you’re curious or bored or need something to do! (it’s pretty decent I swears!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/75486005
And if none of this is your speed don’t worry fam  I got you. I also write other things (i know right?!) including but not limited to: Legend of Zelda, Arcane, Owl House, and Soul Eater! https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/pseuds/MrE42
Here we are at the keep reading sign. those of you getting off have a wonderful day!
Summary:  Casey is trapped in what appears to be another normal Watch meeting. But this isn't the usual meeting and Casey is about to find out their surprise guest brings news that the city is on the brink of a spiritual-lypse (that's spiritual apocalypse in layman terms.) and he'll be a key instrument in preventing it. Never a boring day in the Watch.
“Hey Case.”
“Hey Bea.”
“Is it hiding in the corner till the meeting’s over time already?”
“You know it.”
Casey took a long drink of his soda, eyes downcast as not to attract any attention from the dozens other people present at the meeting. He just wanted to get through the mandatory meeting same as he did every month.
The Neighborhood Watch existed for one purpose: Supernatural folks didn’t always understand what subtle meant. To be fair to the magical community when you spent hundreds and hundreds of years living openly in the public it isn’t so easy to keep up with modern sensibilities and normalcy. It wasn’t their fault normal people have forgotten their stories but for the sake of secrecy compromises must be made.
A lot of the younger generation took to the smoke and mirrors act extremely well, pretending to be a human was as easy as a duck floating on water to them.
Much more of the older folks took to the whole disguising one’s true nature as well as rocks trying to swim. Which of course meant nonexistent regardless of effort.
There were well over a dozen magical communities hidden and tucked away in the various corners of Newton Haven, each carefully safeguarded and maintained by their own personal Watch designed to help their various supernatural/magical needs as well as provide protection and of course help them live as peaceful a life as possible in this new strange age.
Normally each Watch was comprised of several members. The average was roughly four to twelve people who scheduled their shifts with one another so no one was left overworked or forced to deal with issues all by themselves.
Except Beatriz and Casey. The odd pair ran their respective Watches all by themselves and both had long suspected it was by design.
Beatriz Maria Flores ran the East Town Watch. It was one of the smaller communities in terms of both space and population. A handful of houses in a small roundabout street but no less taxing than any other neighborhood: Mundane folk were literally a stone’s throw away and it wasn’t uncommon for some rouge element to try to spread their influence to disturb the peace.
Luckily Beatriz was small but mighty: a head shorter than Casey with fierce flaming curly hair tied in pigtails and a set of wielding goggles resting peacefully on the top of her head. Her stormy hazel eyes normally burned with a limitless passion and drive though currently they were staring at the clock, trying to speed up the passage of time through sheer will alone. She wore a forest green mechanic shirt with the name “Boss” in fancy cursive font and a pair of thick black jeans with practical boots to match. Hung round her waist was a belt with two holsters on either side: One held a hammer the other a chisel. Normally weapons weren’t allowed in Watch meetings but Bea argued that her weapons of choice happened to be tools that could be used for lethal effect. No argument could be made about her bow however.
“Case, is it me or there’s more members than usual? Most of the time half these jokers are missing.” she paused for a moment “Oh god it’s a special meeting isn’t it? Please don’t tell me it’s Francis’s birthday. I am not staying for that.”
“It’s not Francis’s birthday.” Casey spoke softly, carefully eyeing the crowd for any wandering ears.
“That’s the best news I heard all night. You know he denied my request for holy water. Again.”
Casey took another swig of his drink, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice “Shocking. How much do you need?”
“A gallon. I think one of my tenants is dating a vamp.”
“Let me guess: Pale, dark clothing, only comes out at night?” Casey rattled off the list “You sure it’s not some goth? The movies are making vampires popular again.”
Beatriz let out a heavy sigh “Is there any way to make sure?”
Casey paused thoughtfully “Reflective eyes. Regular folk eyes don’t shine in the darkness.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip!” Bea gave a grateful smile.
“Don’t thank me, Finn’s the one who told me about it.”
“How is he by the way?”
“Driving everyone up the wall. He really hates being sidelined.” Casey chuckled.
“And Jaime?”
Casey could feel his ears turn a bright red, his heart skipping a beat as his face became flushed “Good. Good. Very good. Pretty good. Umm. Watching Finn. And. Grimoire stuff.”
“You should ask her out.” Bea nudged him with a teasing edge “She’s a very pretty woman you know? And wicked smart. Could be fun.”
“How about we don’t do this right now?” Casey replied nervously.
“A bit distracted, are we Mister Remington?” a voice cut in without warning.
The change was abrupt and obvious: what was once a peaceful, playful calm between friends became icy and distantly polite. Casey straightened up while Bea crossed her arms dismissively at the newcomer.
“Miss Flores” Francis greeted indifferently before his tone turned cold “Mister Remington.”
Casey gave a tense smile “Mister Salazar. A pleasure as always.”
Francis Salazar was the head of The Neighborhood Watch program (inherited the position, not elected). Everything from funding to threat assessment went through his desk and he alone decided what was best for each individual Watch. His gray eyes were as cold and calculating as ever behind his glasses though with a hint of distaste while he talked with Casey. His black hair was short and well trimmed as per usual. Normally he wore a simple vest with a collared shirt and dress pants combo but today must’ve been important because he was wearing his three piece gray suit which he only saved for the most important occasions.
“You two are aware this is a special meeting of the Watch, correct?” Francis asked bluntly.
Casey replied honestly “No I was not made aware of that fact. I was under the impression this was to be a regular meeting. And yes.” he cut Francis off before he could start “I checked the email before I arrived today. As per your regulations. I suggest you tell whoever is in charge of passing out information to make sure to consider every Watch member. Common courtesy after all.”
Francis’s grin was strained but he opted to turn his attention to Beatriz rather than pick a losing fight.
“And you Miss Flores? This is hardly special event attire.”
“So fucking what?” Bea raised an eyebrow “I’m not here to show off, I’m here to get caught up to speed before I go protect my neighborhood. You know, the whole reason this exists? And if there’s no new information for me then I don’t really got time to stay for nothings. Sir.”
And just because she was Beatriz she gave a mocking curtsy.
Francis sucked in a breath through clenched teeth “I am aware of our duty. You asked for some holy water correct?”
Bea tightened her hand into a fist, the threat clear in his tone “Yeah but never mind. Casey is going to provide it for me.”
“It’s what we do.” Casey piped up with a grin “Help each other. Right sir?”
An awkward, tense silence filled the air for a moment before Francis clear his throat, his voice controlled and neutral once more “Well this is something. We have a special guest gracing our humble abode.”
Casey had noticed the strange woman wandering the hall. At first he assumed she was a new member, waiting to be assigned to a Watch. But the more she wandered about, with a large object strapped to her back, the more he realized she was from out of town and probably requested help from the Watch. He stopped paying attention after that realization: Knowing Francis he would be the first to volunteer his services and give no one else a chance to offer to help.
“I saw.” Casey swirled his cup absentmindedly “What’s her name?”
Francis grimaced “Yorrick. Gravekeeper of Souls whatever that means. A bit….odd.”
Casey pursed his lips “A bit rude no? Who isn’t a little odd among us Francis?”
“Of course.” Francis gritted “By your leave: Miss Flores, Casey.”
As soon as he was out of earshot, Casey sighed in relief.
“He really is the fucking worst huh?” Beatriz kicked at the ground unhappily.
Casey ran a hand through his hair “You should really stop antagonizing him.”
“You first Case.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was engaging in polite conversation.” Casey lied as he struggled to keep his face straight.
Bea gave a hearty chuckle “Bull and shite Case my friend.” she gave a tired sigh “Well since our glorious leader probably already called dibs I’m gonna head out. Want a ride? I got the sidecar today.”
“Nah I’m good. I actually some time off for once so I’m gonna stay here for a few more minutes. Maybe go to Ma’s for some late night dinner.”
“Sounds like a plan. See ya later Case.” Bea gave a little wave before heading for the door.
And like that Casey was alone in a sea of “colleagues.”
It was like this most months especially given how often Bea couldn’t make the meetings (Protecting one’s neighborhood was a valid excuse if you were on guard duty and Bea was always on guard duty with more trouble he usually dealt with.) He would come, he would stand in a corner and he would wait for it to end. Honestly Casey didn’t care he was the black sheep of the Watch for whatever reason Francis lied about. He was here to do his job and nothing, not even a petty childish man baby, would stop that from happening.
Besides he was used to it by this point. No need to sink to Francis's level.
Casey was getting ready to follow Bea out when he felt a chill run down his spine. Someone or something was watching him closely, not in a malicious way per say, but it was with such an intensity he couldn’t help but feel a little unnerved. He tried to act natural as he gave a quick scan of room but found no sign of what was spying on him.
Maybe he was overthinking it. Nobody ever paid him any attention at Watch meetings and he doubt any special guest would change that.
He turned to leave and found a pair ghostly green eyes peering at him with a curious gaze.
“SHIiiiii!” Casey awkwardly greeted “Can I help you?”
The young woman, Yorrick if he had to guess, tilted her head quizzically but remained silent.
Casey cleared his throat politely “My name is Casey Remington. I take you are our guest for the evening Yorrick the Gravekeeper of Souls correct?”
“Wow. You knew my name already? And my title! I usually have to get people to sit still long enough to tell them.” Yorrick’s eyes danced with an excited light.
“Y-yes.” Casey stumbled for a moment, a little caught off guard by her cheerful demeanor “Fran...Mister Salazar told us about you. How you need our help. If there’s anything I can do for you, feel free to let me know.”
Yorrick’s face blanked out for a moment before a smile returned to her lips “Oh right! That thing. Yeah it’s bad. Very bad.”
“How bad are we talking?”
“Total and utter destruction of the city.” Yorrick paused thoughtfully “If we’re lucky.”
Casey knew better than to drag out the what if longer than it had to be “And if we’re unlucky?”
“Every soul within who knows how far will be consumed. Or maybe erased. Destroyed? I don’t know yet but it’s bad.”
“Very bad.” Casey finished for her.
Yorrick nodded grimly “Hence the very. But yeah no I need help.”
“And help you shall have!” Francis's voice interrupted as he cut in between them.
Casey rolled his eyes behind his superior’s back while he started trying to sell his pitch to her “I can assure you Miss Yorrick that…”
“Yorrick.” Yorrick interjected “Just Yorrick. No miss.”
“I see…” Francis cleared his throat, disguising his annoyance “Well for future reference we politely wait for people to finish their sentences and then you may correct me on any mistakes I may have spoke. As a cleric of order I pride myself on many things including my manners.”
Yorrick raised an eyebrow “What manners? You just rudely jumped into our private conversation. I was speaking to Casey here.” she turned to him “Can I call you Casey?”
Watching the color drain from Francis’s face as he struggled to compose some sort of counter argument and coming up empty was well worth the price of a first name basis with Yorrick.
“Of course Yorrick.”
“Excellent!” Yorrick beamed before her face dropped into grim stare while she turned her attention back to the head of the Watch “I believe Casey is more than enough help for my mission.”
It was impossible to tell who was more shocked her declaration: Casey or Francis.
“Mi...Y-Yorrick!” Francis was the first to recover though he stumbled over his words “You said it was of grave importance that we…”
Yorrick gave a cheery chuckle “Hee. Grave.”
“Ye-es but I must insist that at the very least I should join you in your endeavor! You made it abundantly clear the city is at risk!”
A silence fell over the conversation.
Francis waited and waited and waited but the Gravekeeper remained quiet about his request.
After a few minutes Yorrick realized he was awaiting a response “Oh. You’re done?”
Casey nearly grinned at the sight at the forehead vein throbbing angrily on Francis’s otherwise cold mask.
“Yes.” he spoke with gritted teeth “I am calmly awaiting your response.”
Yorrick grinned brightly “Oh okay! No.”
Evidently it was Casey’s birthday because Yorrick just kept giving him gifts. Watching Francis not only lose his cool in public but whose outburst hushed the entire hall into an awkward silence made his day. Week even!
“No.” Yorrick replied calmly, motioning for Casey to quickly follow “We’ll be fine. Besides you’re a little too...odd for my taste.”
And with that declaration alongside an utterly speechless Francis left in her wake, Yorrick made her way out of the hall. Not wanting to give his boss a chance to recover, Casey quickly followed after.
“Hey. Favor.” Yorrick whispered so only the cleric could hear “I forgot to ask you but is it okay if we start tomorrow? It’s kinda late and utterly pointless to go stumbling through the dark now. Especially if the spirits are getting riled up from all the negative spooks energy that might be in the air. Let’s not makie it harder than it has to be.”
Casey couldn’t keep the grin off his face “Sure and I’ll do you one better. You can stay in my house. I’m usually in the office anyway so someone might as well use it. Do you have any bags or stuff we need to get?”
“I’m all good. I got everything important on me already: My lantern, my walking stick, my tombstone.”
“Sounds good!” Casey beamed before realization sunk in, screeching him to a halt as he stared dumbfounded at Yorrick’s retreating form “Did you just say tombstone?”
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torchstelechos · 6 years
Hey Hey, I see your Jake Coolice is the *insert Yeti, Dragon, Jack Frost, other snow creatures* but what if he was a Church Grim? They are usually big black dogs that protect a churchyard from thieves, vandals, witches, warlocks, and the Devil himself. They are also known to ring a bell when someone is going to die. To get a Church Grim for your church you have to bury a dog in the foundation, and it will guard it for as long as the foundation stands. 
So please consider a young teen finding the Amnesty Lodge and becoming friends with the people around and in it before tragically dying in an abomination attack(Or a misunderstanding with a new exiled individual), they have to bury him at Amnesty and they hold a funeral for him. Everyone goes to bed that night crying, wishing that he still lived. The next morning he is there at the door, changed. Instead of a human appearance he changed into a white wolf humanoid form and can’t quite speak. Everyone is in tears, he’s alive but at what cost to himself? This kind selfless human that had so many years ahead of him, that became the exiled’s friend at the cost of his life. Now he can’t ever go to his home, his family, his friends that would recognize him. They give him a human appearance but its different, his hair that had once been dirty blonde is now a pastel yellow(Almost white) and his eyes are now a piercing blue that had once been a warm hazel, his teeth are sharper and his nails longer. 
So he stays, he stays at Amnesty and mourns for his old life. He can no longer go into town and he lives just as long as any other individual from the lodge, he mourns and mourns. But as years go by he starts to grow into his old self, but always different. Instead of his need to bake and paint, he can’t sit still or pay enough attention for that, so he gets a need for speed and doing anything. He learns to ski and snowboard but he also learns how to use his new powers, to find the people who are going to die, to pinpoint anyone who wishes the lodge harm, to find the thieves, the magic users, and abominations that dare to hide among his own. He guards the lodge with his (undead)life.
The Stunt group he finds is something outside it all, he can be someone else just for as long as he hangs with them. Hollis and Keith are the ones who pulled him in, when they saw him do a flip that would kill any normal person(good thing hes not). So he smiles and his heart grows, he learns how to grow past the mourning, how to just smile for once instead of grimace. They hang, they have picnics, he’s there when Hollis learns about their pronouns for the first time, hes there for everyone. But when they start getting angry he can’t help but feel dread, “they aren’t going to sit down and take it, they’re gonna fight it” he hears them say and his veins become ice. He tells them he doesn’t support this, he can’t be apart of the now proclaimed Hornets, and he gets punched. The rings on the hand of Keith rips across his face, its going to scar for a long time. A constant reminder that his friends that taught him to smile are going to be just bitter memories and cold glares. So he goes back to the lodge, but he continues to smile and go snowboarding because for all the bad he still has good memories of them.
He is not the oldest member, but he is older than Mama, Barclay didn’t join until afterwards, everyone at the lodge is either not there for when he first appeared or keeps what he is a secret.  He hates his Insomnia, when he needs to go to a bell in the lodge at midnight to ring it to announce a death. He is aware when Aubrey comes into the lodge that she is a magic user, he is aware that Ned is a thief, and he knows that Duck is more than he appears(Old friends great great great grandchild, oh how he will guard the Newton family with his life), He knows everything about everyone in the lodge. And yet he continues to smile and ignore everything that could set off an alarm bell, he is still the friendly human he was before he died(And oh that stings to say). But now he is also the guard, and when the Hornets appeared and took over, he sat up and paid attention.
(Any way, that’s my thought on Jake Coolice as a Church Grim but if its like, sketchy or ignorant in some way please tell me. I get confused on what counts a cryptid and what counts as culturally creatures.)
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