#this verse is about the second coming btw
ginwhitlock · 2 years
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-  Corinthians 15:55
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claudiaeparvier · 2 years
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Claudia and Lestat
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ssamja-trash · 2 years
twice making me lose my fucking mind with their visuals and voices
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literallygwenstacy · 4 months
“Dad are you really this afraid of me?!”
PS: I edit this a lot so be sure to come back occasionally!
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There were a LOT of lines in Across the Spider-Verse that stuck out to me, but this specific one hit me right in the feels.
First of all the way Gwen says it, her tone, the pain and emotion in her voice, her expression, EVERYTHING leading up to this one simple question is heartbreaking. Especially when you consider why she’s even asking this in the first place.
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I want to point out that right after Gwen took her mask off, the background colors change from dark red to much less threatening colors, much softer if I might add. This basically signifies George’s POV.
Gwen had just revealed her identity as Spider-Woman to her dad, who’s now in complete shock. He believes Spider-Woman is a murderer and the one responsible for Peter’s death, so now that his own daughter comes out and tells him that she is in fact Spider-Woman, he jumps to the conclusion that “Spider-Woman is a murderer who killed Peter so that must mean that’s all true about my daughter.” instead of “Ah, my daughter is sweet so there’s no way those things about Spider-Woman are true!”. Now when I first watched this scene, I was like “Huh?”, because Gwen could’ve said ANYTHING else to her dad. She could’ve been like “Why are you doing this?!”, or she could’ve gotten angry at him. Gwen is WAY stronger than George, if he decided to shoot her, she would have been able to easily dodge that bullet. She could seriously hurt George if she wanted to and she knows it, but when George started reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, Gwen wasn’t angry, she was heartbroken, and you can see the change in her expression.
At first, she looks upset, fearful, and worried. Then, she looks hopeful. Hopeful that her dad will hear what she has to say, hopeful that her dad will understand her and trust her when she tells him that she isn’t a murderer, but he doesn’t. THATS when Gwen’s expression shifts from hopefulness to disbelief and heartbreak. “You’re in this to help people right? Well so am I”, Gwen was trying to convince her dad that she was on his side, that she didn’t kill Peter, that she isn’t what he thinks she is, but George doesn’t listen. Gwen thought that by telling her dad “You’re all I have left”, that that’d make him listen, but it didn’t.
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You can hear the utter shock and disbelief in Gwen’s voice when her dad actually starts reading her rights, and you can hear how scared and distraught George is too, but there’s a hint of remorse in his voice. He sounds like he doesn’t want to do this. He sounds like he’s in pain, and well- he is. He’s arresting his own daughter. George thought that he was doing the right thing by hunting down Spider-Woman, he thought it was for the greater good, but now? He realizes he was just hurting Gwen.
Just put yourself in Gwen’s position for a second. She just revealed her biggest secret to her dad, and the reason she hid it from him for so long was because she was terrified of the thought that he would attempt to arrest her, and he DOES. He chooses to be a ‘good’ cop over being a dad. Imagine your own father, your own flesh and blood, and the person who gave you life, is absolutely terrified of you to the point where he almost aims a gun at you out of pure fear. But George doesn’t see his own child, he sees a monster. The same monster that murdered his daughter’s best friend. He quite literally can’t see his daughter in front of him, he just sees Spider-Woman.
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“How long have you been lying to me?” Is the only question George asks Gwen throughout this entire scene. He asked this as a father, not as a cop. He was absolutely distraught and the only thoughts going through his mind were “No, this can’t be true…” and “How could my girl, my sweet girl…” (Actual line from the script btw). Another line that sort of stood out to me was “Can you just not be a cop for a second and be my dad here?”, Gwen didn’t feel like she was speaking to her dad, she felt like she was facing down a cop. George has been treating Gwen like a criminal this whole interaction. “Do you really think I’m a murderer?” Gwen asked this because could not BELIEVE that her dad actually thought that of her. The whole reason Gwen removed her mask in the first place was out of fear that her dad would actually shoot her, he already fired a warning shot, so why wouldn’t he just go ahead and pull the trigger?
Something I noticed earlier is how Gwen’s spider senses went off when her dad approached her. Spider senses ONLY go off when there’s a threat nearby, so this pretty much means Gwen saw her dad as a threat to her life :(
Also taking note of the fact that Gwen is his daughter, sixteen years old- and like 5’4, yet George is STILL powerless against her. His only option is to get her to surrender. Gwen and George kinda switched places throughout this scene. At first, Gwen is terrified of George, and then by the end it’s the other way around.
Gwen tries her hardest to plead with George, she kept her arms up in a defenseless position the whole time to show her dad that she won’t hurt him, but he can’t even look at her. This is something I took note of when watching ATSV; While George is reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, he can’t bring himself to look at her. He just stares at the ground, with a disappointed expression on his face. A face of pain. There’s a clear difference when George first says “You have the right to remain silent”, and the second time he says it. It’s like he doesn’t want to do it.
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Now, I do hate George and I think he did a LOT wrong in this movie, but just look at his face for a second. Does that look like the the face of a man who is happy with what he’s doing? No. That’s a face of regret and guilt. He isn’t doing this because he wants to, he’s doing this because he’s afraid. Afraid of what exactly? Well, that brings us to my next point.
So obviously Gwen is in shock right now, her own father is trying to arrest her because he believes she murdered her childhood friend. Not only is Gwen shocked but she’s also confused. She’s probably thinking “Why is he doing this?”, and she came to the conclusion that her dad was doing this out of fear. Fear of HER.
This is a major reason as to why Gwen didn’t reveal her identity to her dad for so long. She knew he wouldn’t accept her, she knew he’d be scared of her, and she was right. George isn’t doing this just because he wants to be a good cop, he’s standing in front of the ‘dangerous menace’ who killed Peter, and that dangerous menace is Gwen, his daughter. George’s immediate reaction is to arrest Gwen because like I said earlier- He can only see Spider-Woman.
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Now onto what this whole analysis is about, the line Gwen utters next… Along with “You’re the best thing I’ve ever done”, and “I can’t lose one more friend”, this line BROKE me. Gwen assumed that George was doing this out of fear, which is the main reason she asked him this. She was so frustrated by the thought of her own father doing something like this to her. She hated being misunderstood to the point of being seen as a monster by the one person she considers a role model to follow, the ONE person she has left. You can hear the pain in Gwen’s voice as well as her dad’s.
You can actually hear a slight change in George’s tone after Gwen says that line. Because SHE’S RIGHT. He IS afraid of her. That’s the whole reason as to why he’s doing this. He doesn’t even respond to her, his voice slightly breaks and you can definitely tell this is really hard for him. Hearing his own daughter straight up ask him if he’s really afraid of her probably felt like a punch in the gut, that’s a question neither of them thought they’d ever have to face.
George fears Gwen because she allegedly ‘killed’ Peter, but it’s also because of her abilities. George has seen what Spider-Woman is capable of. He’s seen what she can do. That’s the reason he backed away and raised his gun at Gwen when she took a step closer to him and yelled “DAD STOP!”, he was scared of her.
Gwen was heartbroken. She was trying her HARDEST to plead with her dad just for him to try and arrest her, aim a gun at her, and yell “DONT COME ANY CLOSER!” at her when she tried to approach him. You can literally hear the fear in his voice. Honestly I’m surprised Gwen didn’t snap after this, let alone forgive George at all. Imagine living with the mentality that your own dad didn’t hesitate to point a gun at you while yelling at you to not come any closer, poor Gwen.
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I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if Miguel and Jess hadn’t intervened. George actually had the intention of shooting Gwen, so if Miguel didn’t trap him in that box thing, George might’ve actually gone through with it, and that’s sickening to think about. The fact that he was even WILLING to aim a gun at Gwen is enough to fuck her up.
A difference between Miles and Gwen is that Miles knows he didn’t kill Uncle Aaron. Gwen on the other hand originally thought she didn’t kill Peter but the more her dad blamed Spider-Woman for it, the more she actually started to believe that she was responsible for his death. When Gwen told George “I didn’t murder Peter”, she was obviously trying to convince her dad that Peter’s death wasn’t her fault, but I think she was also trying to convince herself.
I don’t blame Gwen for wanting to join the Spider Society after all of this. I mean come on, her dad is terrified of her and thinks she’s a murderer, and she believes if she joins the Spider Society, she’ll finally find people who accept and understand her. No wonder she left Earth 65.
This entire scene was so heartbreaking dude I wanna cry time I watch it ☹️ The watercolors in the background as well as the voice acting from both Gwen and her dad were amazing and SO emotional, along with their expressions and the soundtrack- Ahh I could talk about this movie forever 😭 But anyways, thanks for reading my little analysis and FUCK GEORGE STACY ALL MY HOMIES HATE GEORGE STACY!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥💥🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Hi Jewel. Congrats on the milestone! Can I request for a drabble for Seokjin with a brother’s best friend trope? Thank you
thank you so much! i am not well-versed in this trope, but i am the no. 1 trope inversion stan so i hope i did it justice and that you enjoy it nonetheless!
i'm still slowly working my way through my milestone drabbles btw! i didn't forget about them. :')
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got me all messed up
pairing: seokjin x f. reader genre: brother's best friend, fwb au; smut warnings: i have tagged this as smut but it's not super explicit/detailed. still: swearing, oral sex (m. receiving), reader is kind of a brat, seokjin is both flustered as hell and bossy, a little dirty talk, unedited. rating: explicit. minors do not interact. wordcount: 1.1k
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
You roll your eyes, shimmying your shorts down and off. “You say that every time, Seokjin.”
He sputters, torn between the nonchalance in your response and the sight of you nearly bare, down to just your underwear and a flimsy tank top. “Yah, that’s because it’s true every time.”
Of all your brother’s friends, Seokjin is probably the worst one you could’ve picked for something like this for a multitude of reasons. First, he’s got a horrible laugh. It’s not the sexy kind of half-chuckle that some guys have—it’s honking and loud and mortifying when you’re in tight quarters. Second, he’s got something of a conscience. Something in the sense that he’s still going to meet up with you for sex, but he makes a whole thing out of it.
You’re his best friend’s sister. He’s taking advantage of you. Blah, blah, blah.
“It’s getting a little annoying, is what I’m saying.”
Seokjin’s got protests and excuses for days, but he always seems to shut up whenever you drop to your knees in front of him. And, to his credit, there is a lot of him, which almost cancels out all the talking he does about your brother, who is not a person you want to be thinking or talking about when you’ve got a very nice, very capable cock halfway down your throat.
“So-sorry—oh my god.”
Whatever you want to call it, the thing between you and Seokjin has been going on long enough that you know what he likes, know how he wants it. Know when he starts doing those breathy, staccato whines, rolling his hips, that you’re treading along a very dangerous path.
The temperature in your apartment can barely be considered habitable, and you know he’s not long for this world between the sight of your hardened nipples poking at the fabric of your top and the attention you’re lavishing on the head of his cock. So you pull back, jerk him slow, make a show of rolling your eyes again. “You know all that who does this pussy belong to shit is just dirty talk, right? My brother doesn’t own me.”
Another reason why Seokjin wasn’t really built for this: he’s so easy to embarrass. Flushes red, red, red at the mere mention of sex despite having had a lot of it. “I don’t—”
“I’m an entire adult, Seokjin.”
A high-pitched keen erupts from him when you sink back down his length and he nudges at the back of your throat. “I know.”
“I can fuck my brother’s friend if I want to.”
“I know.”
“My brother’s friend can fuck me, if he wants to.”
“Can you do that thing again—”
“Only if you shut up about my brother.” A pained noise. Something between a whine and an frustrated groan, because he doesn’t agree but tries to guide your mouth back to him anyway. “Seokjin.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, “it’s just…”
Entirely fed up, you pull away entirely. Seokjin looks stricken, a child whose favorite toy has been taken from him, and you ignore it long enough to find his jeans and retrieve his phone from the back pocket. “What are you—” he starts to ask, expression morphing into full-blown panic, and the line rings once, twice, before—
“Hey, hyung,” comes your brother’s voice.
Above you, Seokjin is flailing. Tries to grab the phone. Assumes some kind of prayer position. Whisper-yells please, please, please while you just stare. Looks like he wants to sink through the floor and die when you don’t budge. Moves on to bargaining: he’ll tell your brother himself, please just give him time. Two weeks at the most. No? How about a week? Come on, please, don’t do this. Three days? Fine—just hang up and he’ll call him back himself, tell him right now.
“Hyung? Hello?”
It’s honestly impressive how long you’re able to stonewall him, because Seokjin eventually sighs, sags against the wall in defeat. “Fine,” he acquiesces. Runs a hand through his hair and waves you off. “Go ahead, ruin my life.”
“Did you butt-dial me again?”
“No, it’s me.”
“Huh? Why do you have Seokjin-hyung’s phone?”
“Because we’re hooking up.”
There’s a scream from the other end of the line. Seokjin tries to disappear further into the wall. “What? Like, right now?”
You can spare him the embarrassment of this, at least. “No, in general. Just thought you should know.”
“I did not need to know that, thanks. Please never call me again.”
“Fine by me.”
You end the call, tossing Seokjin’s phone back towards his pants. And it’s not his expression that shocks you, stuck somewhere between relief and pure terror. It’s the fact that Seokjin, the mildly-reformed king of all things vanilla himself, is still rock hard.
“Are you still—”
“Don’t,” is all he says, flush nearly creeping to the middle of his chest. “You’re turning me into a freak.”
“Didn’t know being honest was some weird kink, but all right.”
“It wasn’t being honest,” he argues, “it was you being all authoritative and hot.”
You snort. Say, “I would barely consider that being authoritative, but we can definitely explore this now that I’ve cleared your conscience and you’re able to fuck me guilt-free,” even though it’s not a surprise that Seokjin is into that sort of thing—being ignored, almost purposely disobeyed. Knowing exactly what he wants and giving him the opposite.
You expect an agreement. Maybe a repeat of that time you’d gotten him so riled up he’d dragged you into the bathroom and fucked you against the sink, not a care in the world that your brother was fifty feet away. You expect blush-dusted cheeks and that aw shucks expression he loves to wear as he scratches at the back of his neck and agrees that yeah, he can fuck you guilt-free now.
But there’s none of that.
There’s still Seokjin slumped against the wall, breath heaving as he fists mindlessly at his cock. There’s you, still on your knees in front of him, spit lingering in the corners of your mouth, pooling on your tongue. For the first time, it’s awkward, and you wonder if you’ve overstepped. Made a mess of something Seokjin wanted to keep neat and tidy.
An apology is halfway out of your mouth when the atmosphere shifts. You feel it, and you know Seokjin knows you feel it because he quirks an eyebrow, barely taunting. Stands at full height, looks down at you like an inconvenience, like you’re another one of his unruly dongsaengs that he needs to wrangle into compliance.
You test it. A cheeky, “Can I help you?” that makes his jaw clench.
“You can.”
“Yeah? You got any suggestions, or have you not thought that far ahead?”
“Get on the bed,” he instructs, glaring, like he’s never had a sense of humor a day in his life.
You’re not the type to be easily wrangled, but this version of Seokjin is really working for you. Shy, bumbling Seokjin is nowhere to be found, and if this is what it means to turn him into a freak, you’ll gladly reap the benefits.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
SORRY BUT MORE ON FUSSY AND KEEPING HER IN HER INSTINCT!! the internal battle she fights in your regular verse but multiplied by a billion when she's in abo heat because its not just about enjoying it anymore, she needs it!!! craves it!!! her omega has her begging her kidnappers to knot her, breed her. right before her heat comes on she's extra bratty because she knows she's gonna be whining and crying for them soon but simon smells it instantly and pulls her into his lap cooing about their needy omega and her body just getting ready for them. (meanwhile soap is setting up the prettiest nest)
hey jsyk im in your walls
you've put perfectly into words what makes dark!abo sooooooososososososo endlessly fun. because it's like taking stockholm syndrome a step further - your own brain is literally working against you. as in, there's half of you that's working on the side of your kidnappers
"right before her heat comes on she's extra bratty because she knows she's gonna be whining and crying for them soon but simon smells it instantly and pulls her into his lap cooing about their needy omega and her body just getting ready for them" shut up shut up shut up like OMG!!!! it's like you just don't care about my mental wellbeing!!!!!!! shame on you
simon is so annoyingly perceptive, he'd have that shit clocked the second you look at him with even a hint of negative emotion. shuts it down real quick too, doesn't let you mope around and get all sad about the best part of his month (idk how often heats are in abo lmfao). he's got you cuddled up instantly, big arms wrapped around you and keeping you trapped right against his chest while he sends johnny off to get the nest ready
(btw johnny can never get the nest right and he tries soooo fucking hard. watches exactly what you do, every time a heat comes on he tries to set it up just exactly how you like, and every time you get all huffy when you see it and have to take it apart and start all over again. hurts his feelings lol)
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prettyoddfever · 16 days
I used to think that Spencer had a specific vision for the cello part of IWSNT that was inspired by Eleanor Rigby. This was just my own random conspiracy theory back then btw so it doesn't hold any actual weight. But hear me out...
So a big part of AFYCSO was created in the studio in summer 2005. The band talked a lot about how they bounced ideas off of each other and the fact that they had such varied musical tastes helped the album become what it is. Ryan wrote most of the lyrics, but the whole band was involved in creating the songs & music.
Ryan told East Coast Rocker in spring 2006 that “We all had so many ideas, and we were so excited that the songs just came out. The first half of the record is comprised of the first set of songs we wrote as a band.
Brendon said in summer 2006 that "For the first half, we wrote the music first and then [Ryan] wrote lyrics to sort of fit the feel. For the second half, the songs, Ryan would write lyrics like this storytelling kind of picture. We would write music based around that."
Brendon told Hearts & Sleeves in early 2006: "The way it comes out I guess is just a product of everybody in the band having huge similarities in music but we also listen to a lot of different stuff.... A lot of that was Ryan would pop up and be like ‘I think it could do this’ and Iʼd be like ‘whoah’ and Iʼd add some pop to it. Itʼs just a mix of different combinations of where we come from."
Ryan told PlayMusic in August 2006: “Between us we had a lot of influences so we just thought, ‘let’s use them all!’”
Ryan talked to Helio at the end of the Fever era about the songwriting process for the first album: “when I had a little bit of the music and lyrics finished, I would bring it to Spencer and Brendon and we would all finish the songs together.”
The point is that they were all contributing to creating the songs (ok Brent not as much lol). Moving on...
The band said that they mostly worked on the songs in the order that they appeared on the album and that they tracked all of their music parts separately (ex: they said they started tracking drum parts in late June, the bass parts were done by early July, and then they moved onto guitar). The verses for IWSNT were written a few days before they finished recording around the third week of July, but they worked on other parts of IWSNT earlier that month too.
Brendon's livejournal post on July 3rd had the title "i look at all the lonely people…"
Ryan mentioned several times over the years that Spencer introduced him to The Beatles while the band was in the studio. Ryan specifically picked Eleanor Rigby as a "song that changed my life" for Kerrang Magazine and said “I started really getting into The Beatles when we were recording [AFYCSO]. Our drummer, Spencer, started playing me some of their stuff."
I used to like to think that Spencer played Eleanor Rigby to point out the cello and then that was where a tiny bit of the inspiration for the sound of IWSNT came from. Obviously Spencer could have played Eleanor Rigby for any number of reasons, sooo I guess the only actual solid takeaway is that that song *possibly* inspired the band while they were in the studio (and then they went on to cover it during the NRWC tour).
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hi! So I was actually at Morriña festival a few days ago and wanted to ask your opinion on the theory that Harry was there, then saw that you already posted a bit about it. So here’s my take. I’m actually still on the fence about it, but leaning towards “within the realm of possibility”.
My arguments in favour:
• Louis was very funny and cheeky with fans for most of the show, but for some specific lines he got significantly more serious. What stuck out to me personally was “love you cannot hide” in The Greatest, the entirety of Saturdays, the second verse of We Made It. His gaze seems to be much more focused and pointed, not moving at all, and with it being during these specific lyrics… I am ready to clown lol.
• In the beginning of We Made It (and maybe more times, this is just what I recorded) he pointed twice somewhere high - too high for fan signs, but lower than he usually points for emphatic value. And I think that he pointed in the general direction of the projector tower, which, as I’ll explain later, is the likeliest place for Harry to be if he was there.
• There was technically a place for Harry to hide at, despite the open layout of the festival. You can see the scheme at the festival’s insta page here https://www.instagram.com/p/C9zvd7ni6MF/?igsh=MWdkMWhkZDZqb2NsYQ== and the building you initially posted about was indeed just a warehouse with toilets. I was inside, although a little drunk already, but I only remember very high ceilings and windows to let in natural light, so I am 99% sure that there is no proper second floor. Other buildings on the site are too small, so instead my best bet is the projector tower in front of the stage. I saw some people say that there was someone in the side of the stage, but I couldn’t notice anything, and I had an excellent view of that side, plus Louis didn’t look that far to his left.
• After the show Louis posted a picture of himself from the back, and the tower is well within his range of aforementioned medium-high pointing.
• Harry’s most recent bike pictures - they were backdated exactly to July 26. I don’t have nearly as many experience as you, but to me such backdated pap pictures have come to mean that Harry was actually in a different place that day.
My arguments against:
• Based on what I could observe from my spot, Louis’ gaze doesn’t seem to (always) land on a plausible spot for Harry to hide in. Sometimes it goes a little too far to the left from the projector tower (even on the picture he posted he seems to be looking more to his left), and there are no other suitable buildings in that direction. Unless we consider industrial buildings beyond the festival grounds, but this seems ridiculous to me. I doubt that Harry could’ve come to a random Galician cement company and be like “Oh, my secret boyfriend is performing in front of here tonight, can I please hand around your cement mixing tower or whatnot for half the night?”
• I only notices a lot of the aforementioned things a good while after the show, when I heard that Harry was supposedly there and began rewatching my footage to prove or disprove that. So I may be cherrypicking facts to fit what I would really like to be true. Except for the Saturdays thing, though; he was genuinely so emotional during it, and his demeanour shifted so suddenly when he started it, that I noticed this even in the moment.
So here’s what I can say, what’s your opinion?
And an unrelated fact for your interest: the majority of the crowd, or at least those who camped and ended up at the barricade, were larries (I was at the barricade too btw… best night of my life). During Back To You Louis didn’t sing the “I love … “ line at all, but we all screamed “I love him” and he nodded and smiled at us.
Lots of love and best wishes :)
Hi, sweetheart. You comment about the cement mixing tower made me laugh. 🤣🤣🤣
First of all, I’m so glad you were there and got to be at the barricade, and had such a good show.
Second, I do think the photos of Harry in London were likely from any day but the day they dropped, based on his clothing (and that there was no particular reason for him to be papped in London that day)
Third, I don’t think it’s impossible that he was at the festival, and your comments about why and where, make more sense than anything I’ve seen yet. We’ll never know for sure, but I’d love to believe he was able to be there.
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sitkowski · 20 days
but only for you ( jolly karlsson x nick folio )
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pairing: jolly karlsson x nick folio cw: 18+ MDNI ⚠️ the boys are fighting, mentions of flirting with other people, a little bit of angst, makeup sex. word count: 1.6k author's notes: more riptide boys. they're my babies and i adore them. the picture mentioned in the fic is this one! this is set between sunshine riptide and heaven's gate, btw! title comes from "last of the real ones" by fall out boy, divider by @sweetmelodygraphics 🩷
⇉ masterpost || taglist signups || riptide verse masterpost
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The slam of the front door is inexplicably loud when Jolly storms out, and Nick jumps at the sound. He’s left standing in the middle of their living room, staring at the space where he’d just been standing. He can’t blink back the swell of frustrated tears, meant more for himself than for Jolly, who left without a word after Nick couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut.
“You could have acted like we were in a relationship tonight, not just when I let you fuck me.” Why had he said something so stupid and so untrue? Jolly had looked rightfully hurt the second those words came out of Nick’s mouth, eyes going wide and glassy before he turned and left.
It had started at a party. Jolly hadn’t really wanted to go, but Nick had insisted. Because Matt’s new girlfriend was throwing it, and he thought they should be there. So they go, and then Nick does the stupid thing and abandons him to talk to a bunch of different people. By the time he actually finds Jolly again, he’s talking with Zephyr’s best friend. Did Nick get jealous? Of course he did. Did he think anything was going to come from it, the way he saw his boyfriend smiling at her? He didn’t, not even when she wrote her phone number on Jolly’s hand like they were in high school or something. Because he knows Jolly.
But when Nick came over to them, he just introduced him as Folio, not his boyfriend, just his last name. For some reason, it got under Nick’s skin even though that was what he normally went by. Everyone called him that. Jolly didn’t, not as much as he used to. Hearing him say it and having to be polite and smile and shake this girl’s hand, it bugged him. So much that he went and sulked, ignoring Jolly for the rest of the night until it was time for them to leave. And then he ignored him on the drive home, insisting nothing was bothering him, even when it was.
Jolly was Jolly, he pushed until Nick gave in and let it all out. The girl’s number on his hand, him showing her something in his wallet, the two of them flirting with each other all night. Him introducing Nick as Folio. It bugged him. He was jealous. And once he started talking, he couldn’t stop and soon they were yelling at each other. Jolly wasn’t responsible for Nick’s insecurities, he didn’t even want to go to the party but Nick made him. Nick fired back with the comment that left him in the position he’s in now, trying to figure out why he couldn’t just talk to him about it when it was bothering him, instead of letting it bottle up on the drive home.
He sees Jolly’s wallet laying on the counter where he tossed it when they came in, and his curiosity gets the best of him. He wants to see what he’d been showing the girl at the party. When he opens it, a folded picture falls out. Nick opens it up and stares back at a picture of himself from at least three or four years earlier. Before the two of them even got together. The edges of the picture are a little faded, from Jolly handling it. He’s got a picture of Nick in his wallet, and all Nick wants to do is cry.
Tucking the picture back into the wallet gently, he takes it with him to go outside. Jolly is sitting on the front step, rubbing his fingers back and forth over his hand. The phone number that had been there is all but faded now. Nick holds out the wallet to him, and Jolly looks up.
“It was a joke, you know?” he says as he takes his wallet. “When I showed her the picture of you in here, she teased me for being old school and she wrote her number on me. Actually, she wrote a fake number, from some song from the eighties. Which I could have told you instead of saying all that shit in there.”
Nick sits down beside him. Reaching over he takes Jolly’s hand, turning it over and seeing the faded three, zero and nine. “I’m sorry I dragged you to the party, this probably wouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t have acted like I did.”
“You thought I was gonna leave you for that girl? She’s Z’s friend, but…you know I love you more than anything, don’t you Nicky?”
Swallowing the sudden lump in his throat, Nick nods rapidly. “I do. And I love you too. So much.”
“I introduced you to her as Folio because she’d already met Ruff and wanted to know what to call you when she met you, she didn’t want to be confused.”
“I didn’t mean what I said, Jolly. You don’t just treat me like your boyfriend when you want to, you know? We were friends first, for a long time—”
Jolly laces their fingers together. “You looked in my wallet, didn’t you, pretty?”
“Maybe I was expecting something else, but not that.”
“You and I, we were…oundviklig…inevitable,” he squeezes Nick’s fingers. “If I ever treat you as anything less than what you are to me, you need to tell me, okay? Because yeah we were friends first, but you’re mine now. And that’s something else entirely.”
Nick doesn’t even think about it, he moves over and crawls into Jolly’s lap right there on the front steps. He wraps himself around him, presses his forehead against his. If he got any closer to him out here, they’d probably get the cops called on them if their neighbors were nosy enough. Jolly lets out an amused sound, grasping Nick’s waist and nuzzling his nose against his cheek.
“You can’t do that,” Nick says, shaking his head. “You can’t bring out the Swedish and say shit like that to me. It’s not fair.”
Jolly shrugs his shoulders. “Never said I was gonna be fair. Do you wanna hear more because I—”
“Take me inside, right now.”
He starts to get up, but Jolly doesn’t give him the chance. He tightens his arms around Nick and stands, and Nick lets out a startled sound, grabbing onto him tighter. Somehow, they manage to get into the house without running into anything or without Jolly dropping him. They’re both laughing, and they make it to the bedroom doorway before Jolly’s got to put him back on his feet. Fisting a hand in the front of Jolly’s shirt, he pulls him backward. Past their bed and towards the bathroom.
Jolly steps around him, opening the stall door and turning on the water. Nick waits, letting him lead. When he turns back towards Nick, he reaches out to unbutton his shirt, pushing it off of Nick's shoulders and dragging kisses along the bare skin beneath as Nick takes it off the rest of the way and tosses it aside. His hands slide down to undo Nick's jeans. Jolly's fingers tease beneath his waistband, and Nick reaches up to push his hair behind his ears, pulling his mouth down to kiss him softly.
They don’t rush. Once Jolly is done stripping Nick out of his clothes, he takes off his own clothes and leads him into the stall beneath the spray. The water’s just this side of too hot, but Nick lets it sink into his skin. He’s surprised by how relaxed he suddenly feels, all of the tension from the night leaving him in a rush. He wraps his arms around Jolly, pressing soft kisses to the middle of his chest.
“Here, let me,” he says, reaching past him for the shampoo.
Jolly indulges him, letting Nick wash his hair for him. He also returns the favor, and Nick practically melts beneath his touch as he scrubs at his scalp and then turns him so that he can rinse the shampoo away. They take turns moving around beneath the water to wash up before they finally stumble out of the stall, drying off haphazardly as they make their way into the bedroom.
Nick tumbles them to the bed, and immediately Jolly grabs onto his hips and rolls them, pinning him between his body and the mattress. He presses his chest into Nick’s back, mouthing at the water droplets still lingering on his shoulder while Nick manages to get a hand into the nightstand for the lube. His moans are muffled into the sheets as Jolly preps him so slowly it might be considered torture. He’s murmuring praise in Nick’s ear, in English and in Swedish, and Nick is seconds away from begging him when Jolly finally sinks into him.
One of Jolly’s hands tangles with his, the other pinning Nick down to the bed by the nape of his neck as if Nick’s going anywhere. As if there’s anywhere else he’d rather be. He pushes, leaving Nick breathless with the steady, hard rhythm he sets. It’s almost instinct to struggle in Jolly’s grasp, not to get away but to get him closer, to get a hand down between himself and the bed to wrap his fingers around himself, trying to keep up with Jolly’s thrusts.
“Jag är din för alltid,” he whispers in Nick’s ear. “Och du är min för alltid.”
Nick’s been around him enough to know some words. He picks up on mine and forever, and he sobs out an agreement, turning head to sink his teeth into his own arm as he comes. He clenches down around Jolly, ensuring that he’s not that far behind him. It’s messy and rushed and absolutely perfect.
“We just showered,” Jolly mumbles into the damp skin of Nick’s shoulder after, not even bothering to keep his weight off of him. “First one who can move has to get a towel.”
Nick squirms around until he can roll over, wrapping himself around Jolly and kissing him soft and slow. “Later. Stay here with me for now.”
“Oh, pretty,” Jolly pets his hair back off his forehead. “I’ll stay here forever.”
swedish translations (thanks google) oundviklig = inevitable jag är din för alltid = i'm yours forever och du är min för alltid = and you are mine forever
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Stone Egg theories + Luzhen
All are asks are connected to this post made about: what if Stone Monkeys could naturally reproduce asexually via converting their body into a new Stone Egg?
All images have transcripts btw.
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1: Possibly. Wukong has a *lot* of immortalities. But accidentally creating a Stone Egg asexually takes a lot out of him physically and spirtually. His soul gets a permanent hit to it. The whole point of the Stone Egg is for either a monkey with a large familial group to produce an heir without a mate, or the last of a troop to fling a piece of hope into the future. Most don't survive, but some do. It helps to have a lot of magically talented friends/family around to stabilize your body once the egg-creating process has begun so you can heal. Though I bet most single monkeys prefered adoption if at all necessary - accidentally giving the Stone Monkey kind a hyper-active parental instinct towards non-related infants of similar species.
He probably gets cravings for a lot of rocks, metal and bones in the process.
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2 & 3: (@soniclozdplove) Guanyin realised that she gotta put her stone monkey on birth control if they were gonna keep him underground. Her brain jumped to "He's made of rock right? rock spirits eat metal... right?? Crap, it's the only thing down here." and cue molten copper and iron pellets for dinner. The question is; was it even that painful for Wukong? Man takes out his organs a bunch of times and bathes in hot oil in Jttw without complaint. Odds are in the moment it felt like the worlds worse heartburn/spicy food burn since he really is made of earth materials. XD
He probably felt super grateful once he realized why Guanyin was feeding him molten metal. He didn't want kids in that circumstance either!
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4: A furiously confused pregnant Wukong! He immediately starts yelling at Gold Star for answers, and has to be talked down from trottling the Buddha himself for this. Tripitaka is panicking, he's never been around a pregnant person before!
Wukong doesn't even need the circlet in this verse. Guanyin just gives him false labor contractions and he's behaving immediately. He probably has to lug the egg in his body around for some extra time, maybe even until the Journey is over depending on how funny the Buddha or Bixia Yuanjun (goddess of childbirth) is feeling.
Macaque sees Wukong pregnant this way and is confused, dismayed, and yelling "Who's the father!?" at every Pilgrim. It takes him a while to understand that the Stone Egg happened cus of SWK being essentially slow-cooked underground for 500 years. Even if Macaque plays nice with the Pilgrims afterwards, he's still glaring at anyone who comes near Wukong and "their" egg.
Wukong endears himself to many people simply because he's with child. Probably gets an extra godly nickname (something like "Meihou-Wangmu" a pun on his Handsome Monkey King title + Queen/King Mother) refering to him as a fertility figure - women seeking luck with having/not having children approach Wukong asking for his blessing, and odds are it works because of who his creator is. XD
But he also attracts unique threats that the pilgrims have to personally destroy to protect him - Krasues and Manananggals anyone?
The second the Journey is over, Wukong kneels over and with an literal earth-shattering scream out *pops!* a little Stone Egg. All happy and cracking open minutes later. His and Macaque's first born isn't told the details of their creation for a long time.
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5 & 6: Gold Star gives Shadowpeach the Stone Monkey version of The Talk and warns them never to get buried alive unless they're 100% sure about it. Macaque and Wukong are terrifed into not having kids until Guanyin let sit slip that the "regular way" should work too.
In "The Monkey King and the Infant" au; Gold Star was a little more than shocked to hear about MK/Xiaotian's creation XD
Macaque is sadly unlikely to ever carry a "clone egg" to term or survive the full process. His body is a lot smaller/weaker than Wukong's and he was deprived of a lot of nutrients as a newborn (stuck on the moon = very few vitamins). So if he ever got triggered into parthenogenesis, his body would likely just refuse to create an egg. No gas in the tank.
Baby Luzhen is born from SWK, and he immediately takes out the roof/part of the Jade Palace with eye lazers. Giggling, he fails to notice the looks of horror on his family's faces.
Pigsy shoudl be just used to this nonsense by now. In the TMKATI Au; MK was a rogue comet Harbringer baby, the twins were freebies from Diyu, Yuebei was the reincarnation of one of their greatest enemies, the twin boys are likely reincarnated lunar node deities, and ofc now Luzhen decides to spawn in like a chicken egg.
I love the idea of Tang hearing all these gory details like;
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Tang: "This is like finding a living dinosaur egg or a thylacine! Imagine if any of your children married a regular monkey demon- it could completely bring back your species!"
Wukong + all Three Realms shudder at the thought - Wukong mostly because he aint never doing that again. Gold Star of Venus and Lao Tzu hum, intrigued at the thought.
Tang starts crying when he realises that single-parent Stone Monkeys would likely be born orphans. It's so sad! :'(
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6: Nah, Luzhen pops out all newborn baby. You see, being born fully-developed from a Stone Egg is a huge rarity; only occurring when the whole troop has died out and the egg is left on its own for thousands of years. If a Stone Monkey parent is "awoken" early enough (like within say 500-600 years) in the Egg's development and tended to quickly, their bodies stabilize into a long, but far less dangerous form of pregnancy. Its a safeguard for in case the pregnant survivor of an extinct group is found by a new troop, the parent survives and can live to possibly reproduce with the new unrelated group (higher chance of viable mates).
The only sacrifice being that the babies in these "soft-boiled" Stone Eggs are a lot weaker, premature even. The eggs themselves having a much higher chance of being empty or just absorbing straight back into the parent. Many who survived the process just sighed, it was the law of nature - why risk a possible baby for the parent when survival is preferred?
Luzhen is able to be born simply because Wukong has such a solid support system and healthcare available to him.
Ty for all these asks! I guess I should make a special "Stone Egg talk" tag for these ideas!
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Hello. This whole situation with Elias remind me this song: https://youtu.be/GKXUl7oLEus?si=B5k8sRy5GBFEF39d (if you are interested I wrote more about song here, how it's connected with Elias and how this song tell us finale of his story)
(Recommend to read after you listen that song)
Oblivion - is a song about being forgotten. About something that you had and lost by the time. This song tell us a story about Man, that done so much bad things in his life (like killing and manipulate people) and now he was "...left to waste..." in the prison (that was created by himself btw). Remaining by himself, it is imagined that he has had more than enough time to think, reflect, ponder, and soon - regret. Being the strong independent man he was, a part of him is broken as he comes to the understanding that his pride has quite possibly been diminished, and he is finally not blind enough to see what he had done in the dark past that had been so horribly wrong as expressed in the lines: "The illusion crafted by my arrogance had protected me from the wrong that I couldn't admit." Further, his mind falls into some sort of dimension, a place of a past, an abyss. In the second verse he starts to remember about everything that happened with him and his friends in the past: "We'd built ourselves and and our kingdom in the summer sun, one brick at the time". But then his mind begins to show him what his actions led to: "Now those walls are nothing, but rubble and dust..." (You said: "...he will meet with consequences of his actions...", and that's it. Elias will be left alone, just like that guy; will be wandering how that's all could be, if he wasn't abuse Charlie, if he tried to change something in him, if he, at least tried to say: "Sorry"). And now (it's near to the ending of a song) he is: "Alone in this empty room, all I hear now is ambience of our faded tune...", that tells us that everyone, even his friends left him rot and that he can hear (my interpretation) how he slowly fade away from there's minds. ...fear took the lead, now I'm still falling". In the end, that man fall in to the pit, in the abyss that he created himself (ironically, that this place, this 'abyss' is the prison itself). There, he meets his old self, who, looking at his present self, goes into the darkness, leaving him completely alone, in the darkness of his own mind, alone with himself, alone with his mistakes, alone in the oblivion.
Thanks for reading (if you read that of course and sorry if I've done mistakes, 'cause English not my first language), I really love that abusive theme, that your AU raises and it helps practice with psychology (I know that exists literature about it, but read it, just, just... boring). Hope see more in the future and hope this little later, somehow helped and inspired you. Have a good day/evening/night, and good luck 😉
Oooh! I'll be giving this a listen and I'll let yk about what I think ^^
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0lshadyl0 · 1 year
Could we get more about the yandere whitebeard crew?. I could imagine that if the whitebeard crew had any female members that they would be more protected of them. They just look like a crew that if a marine attacks one of they female members then they would get double attacked. Whitebeard goes into protect girl dad mode if they get attacked
I also feel like if they do have female members then there is probably one that is like a big sister to the rest of the girls. We're all the other girls can talk to her.
Btw sorry for my bad English.^^
First of all mi vida, I think your English is very good, I'm not an expert in the English language either, after all my native language is Spanish (which will come in handy when I finish my drafts for Miguel O'hara fics since I will enter to the Spiderman across the spider verse fandom, I already have about 3 ocs already created for that, sorry for the spam XD I am just so excited to see that spanish is becoming more popular here), so, as for how you write, in my opinion you do it very well, goob job darling~
Second, canonically speaking, the whitebeard pirates have female members in the gang, which are the nurses, as you can see in this image.
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And what you say is true, Whitebeard's enemies would definitely try to attack the female members, but not just for the fact that they are women, and of course, Whitebeard, as a man of older generation, would feel the need to care of his daughters; but the truth would be more due to the fact that it is them, the nurses and the medical team, ruling out Marco, my headcanon is that the rest of the doctors and assistants are exclusively women, why? Because he believes that women are the ones who take better care of others, for the simple fact that they are women and the care and upbringing of others is within the feminine nature
I also have the headcanon, which is very possible a canon fact, that this specific pirate group rescues or finds children, takes them into their crew, and they are raised as the future members of the Whitebeard pirates, so it's very likely that , as you say, have female members in the group who have certain roles, such as the teacher, the older sister, the younger sister, the voice of reason, the woman who is in charge of the group's economy ( just as women are the ones who should be in charge of the household economy) the mother of the group etc…
and here between you and me:
Marco had a very hard training to be a doctor in Whitebeard's pirates due to the fact that he was a man, and surely many of the nurses and doctors (at that time all felame) had to beg for him so that the captain would give him a chance.
Women are definitely more favored in the pirate crew, maybe not in positions of combat power like being a commander, because that would be too dangerous and Whitebeard has generally only let women in for medical or caregiving positions or they're still children, so usually no woman has the combat skills required to be a commander, but it is the women who have more decision-making power in all other aspects, economy, travel, children, etc…
Every time there is a fight or armed conflict, either with the marines or another pirate group, there is a group with a secret commander who is in charge of transporting the women and children away from danger and bringing them back to their nakamas when it's safe
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sophiesonlinediary · 5 months
Official TTPD Review
Fortnight - Such a vibe with headphones on, but still far from being my favorite though. I'm quite shocked this is the first single but I do really like it now at the second listen, still sad post malone didn't get his own verse i was excited for that :/
The Tortured Poets Department - The charlie puth mention really ruined verse 2 for me sadly, but the bridge ruined my life "At dinner, you take my ring off my middle finge. And put it on the one people put wedding rings on. And that's the closest I've come to my heart exploding" LIKE WTF HEART = BROKEN the title of the song is really cool but i dont know i wasnt expecting the song to sound like this.
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - I think this may be my second least favorite from this album i dont understand why i didnt really like this song. Maybe it was the vibe of the song and sound especially the choruses which sadly didnt hit. i love how she wrote about a rocky relationship in this song. I feel like this one will definetly be a grower
Down Bad - literally one of my favorites from the whole album. Maybe it's cause the sound feels familiar to me kind off like midnights vibe. But wow that chorus is amazing truly so catchy and the lyrics like wow. i love this song so muchhhh
So Long, London - Not what I expected but still so heartbreakingly pretty. I love her voice in this song it's so pretty and the lyrics are so good oh my god. I swear the verse 3's in this album are vile. "I died on the altar waitin' for the proof" like god damn this whole song is amazing.
But Daddy I Love Him - I loved this song so fucking much. When she said "I'm having his babies" my face dropped and then she hit me with "no not really but you should see your faces" was really fun i'll probably never forget that. i believe this song is of everyone trying to decide her love life for her. And her being like fuck you guys it's my life and you have to accept it and i love her for that!
Fresh Out The Slammer - Those choruses are so good man especially the second one is so good and so me. On first listen this one isn't very memorable but still really good. Now that i've listened to it more like i love this song so much too and the bride ahhh <333
Florida !!! - Ok so maybe i'm a little biased but man this one is so fucking good. I have loved Florence and Taylor for years so like them collaborating was like everything and more. I have now listened to the song like thrice and wowwwww i love it so muchhhhh. Taylor, Florence, Fl welcomes you with open arms man. And like verse 3 was so good their song writing skills are out of this world.
Guilty As Sin? - What an interesting song, like man, idk how to feel. I love the chorus fs. I've come to interpret this song as her having thoughts of a man who possibly isn't available per say or it's just something that can never happen between the two but the want for eachother is there. "They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly" I love this lyric btw and the chorus right after like wowwww
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me - ME IM SCARED WTF. Her screaming that line was everything and like the second half of the song is so incredible like wow. also this line has stuck with me since last night "Then we could all just laugh until I cry" ALSO THE ASYLUM WHERE THEY RAISED ME SDJNVFI. I love how she's kind of portraying herself in this song as like the stereotypical scary neighbor in movies. At least that's how I saw it. The whole bridge is incredible and magnificent I adore this song.
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - GIRL NO YOU CANT AND IM SO HAPPY YOU ACCEPTED THAT. Once I got past the point that this song is about ratty healy I really liked it. it's vibes are so good and the imagery is amazing.
loml - what if i said this should've been track 5. This was the only song in the album I cried to on first listen. It hit me like a bullet and I will never forgive cat lady swift for not preparing me for this song. Literally so fucking hurtful i'm screaming oh my lord. I- no im never getting over this song, sorry not sorry. And the fact "They almost had it all" but there life was cut short aka the relationship ended oh god kill me.
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. This song is heartbreaking don't let the production fool you, the lyrics want to make you rip you're hair out. And you know what i'll be dancing to this song with a broken heart. "The lights refract sequin stars off her silhouette every night. I can show you lies" it's giving mirrorball like augh i love this song so much!!! and the chorus is everything "I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague" SO FUCKING REAL.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - DRAG HIS ASS TAYLOR YEAHHHH. HELLO WTF THIS SONG IS SO GOOD AND FOR ALL OF U HATING ON IT U JUST DONT GET IT THE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVENESS IS EVERYTHINGGGG. mad woman you'd be proud asf. also my religion mentioned as a tongue in cheek to his anti religion views 👏
The Alchemy - I'm not gonna talk about this song much but like I didn't like it at all, i'm sorry. It sounds like one of those Kelce parody songs 😭
Clara Bow - Not the name-dropping herself, damn. I wanna manifest that second pre-chorus btw 🤞 i need to see the light of manhattan. I truly love this song and I can tell it's very personal to her. she's had such an unbelievable career it's always interesting when she writes about it. loved this as the album closer!
this is my ttpd review. remember im just a girl who's only listened to this album twice so please dont drag me for these opinions. gonna do the anthology later!
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green-alm0nd · 6 months
Hi, me again! Can I suggest an Anakin or Fives (your choice) fic, where the reader is a singer and DJ at 79’s and their latest song is about him?
If you need a song for this, I got you:
(Ignore DaBaby’s rap for this fic, you can use Camila’s verses instead)
Hello again!
Of course I can! (I love the song btw)
[Anakin Skywalker x gn!reader]: If you kiss me, I might let it happen
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Anakin is forced by his battalion (Fives mainly) to join in for a drink at 79's. As he talks to the clones, he spots you, singing a song he feels connected to.
WARNINGS: Drinking, alcohol, swearing, flirty reader, flirty Anakin, Anakin being a mess, suggestive if you squint, and just a little bit of tension. I don't know what I'm doing, it's 1 am and I want to sleep. I'll edit it tomorrow :p
Requested by: @kombatkid
I'm having a bad time learning how to write Anakin so please forgive me if it's a bit ooc :/
"It's literally 79's, not a Council meeting, sir." Fives implied.
Anakin leaned on the wall, thoughtful as he wondered if he should join his squad on a night at the bar, 79's, or not.
"I don't know, Fives. I already got reprimanded last time by the Council." He responded.
The clone rolled his eyes, and Jesse came in to try convince him.
"Come on, General. I heard from other clones that the singer you met last time is coming." The other clone chimed, smiling.
Anakin sighed, defeated. Yes, when he went for the first time to 79's, you had caught his eye. Quite literally as he had been mesmerized by your voice.
Eventually, he agreed. Just because he was feeling tired (and absolutely didn't want to hear you again-).
Upon arriving at 79's, Anakin realised how crowded it was. He sat down on a table with Rex, Fives and Echo.
"Are you sure you got the date right?" Echo asked.
Fives scoffed. "Of course I do."
The other clone rolled his eyes.
While the two clones fought, Anakin searched for your presence. You were definitely inside the bar, and he figured you'd be changing or practicing or just relaxing before a performance.
"Will you two stop it?" Rex asked, sighing.
"Not until I convince Echo that I didn't get the date wrong!" Fives complained.
"It's not the first time you've gotten a date wrong." Echo implied.
Anakin rolled his eyes. He started to regret that he agreed to go to 79's, yet he grabbed himself a drink and stared at nothing as other clones started entering the bar.
He did not realise a melody had started playing and someone had showed up in the small stage.
"They say he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He snapped out of his thoughts when Echo gently nudged his shoulder.
"They're on stage." He whispered.
The Chosen one's head instantly turned, and gazed at you.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
He felt his cheeks go red as your eyes locked on his for a split second, before you walked out of the scenario to sway towards each desk.
He heard Fives ask the bartender for another drink, while the Jedi just stared at you longingly. You seemed to leave his desk for last, as you had started from the other side.
"A little bit older
A black leather jacket
A bad reputation
Insatiable habits"
Anakin gulped, as his eyes followed your every move. What was happening to him? It was wrong for the Jedi Code to feel the sensation he was feeling.
That feeling, however, the feeling of anticipation, the feeling of a shiver running down his spine as your voice filled his eardrums was like no other. And it was the same feelings as the ones he felt when he agreed to show up at 79's a few weeks prior.
The Jedi's heart was about to exit his chest as you approached closer.
"He was onto me,
one look and I couldn't breathe
Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me
I might let it happen" "
A nervous sigh left his lips, as Fives nudged him.
"It was worth it, eh?" He implied.
"Yeah, sure." He replied, dismissively. Even though he knew it had been absolutely worth it.
However, one side of him wanted to talk to you after the 'show'. The other side of him begged for Anakin to leave and return to the Temple and forget about all of this. Because he would be in trouble.
His eyes locked on yours again, and you smirked.
"I swear on my life that I've been a good girl
Tonight, I don't wanna be her"
You winked an eye at him, and went back to the stage.
"He says he likes a good time
My, oh my
He comes alive at midnight
Every night"
He muttered something between the words of 'I need some air.' to Echo before he got up and headed towards the door of 79's. It was too much for the young Jedi.
"My mama doesn't trust him
My, oh my
He's only here for one thing, but
So am I"
Anakin's hand rested on the doorknob, as he felt your words being directed at him. He knew it, and he felt it. And when claps and screams filled the bar, he knew it was his cue to get some air.
He had not noticed, however, that your eyes followed his every move.
Once outside, the Jedi leaned on a wall and sighed. He wouldn't call it sensory overload, but he did get a bit sensitive with all the noises. He crossed his arms, thinking.
He didn't notice that you were behind him, and startled him.
"Holy- stars! What- are you doing here?!" He asked, still very much surprised.
You laughed at his reaction.
"Sorry. I saw you leaving so I sneaked out of the crowd to try find you." You replied, with a small smile.
At this, Anakin was dumbfounded.
"Why would you be looking for me?"
You smirked, amused at his reaction.
"I know you were here last time, and you're here today. We don't know eachother, but you've caught my eye." You replied.
For some reason, a wave of confidence and adrenaline ran through Anakin's veins.
"Have I?" He asked, in a more flirtatious tone.
You nodded. "You have."
To this, he responded with a light chuckle.
"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Anakin Skywalker." He said, with a playful reverence. "Pleasure to meet you."
You extended your hand.
"Pleasure to meet you too."
You leaned on the wall.
"I must say, that was a great performance." He chimed, staring at you.
"It was just a performance." You shrugged.
Anakin chuckled. "You really can't accept a compliment, can you?" He said, shooting closer as he raised an eyebrow.
"Coming from you, I don't think I will." You teased, placing your hands on your hips.
He let out a huff.
"Playing hard to get, are we?"
You hummed in response, leaning closer. Your hands rested at the sides of the wall, his body between your arms. "Maybe I am."
Ignoring his blushing face, he licked his lips once he realised you were dangerously close to him, and more than you already were.
His body acted on his own, and his fingers wrapped around your chin, lifting it up.
"The first time I came here, I was captivated by your voice. And I'm going to be transparent here, I really want to hear you sing again. It was beautiful." He said.
This time, you were the one to blush. You had also been captivated by the young, mysterious man. It was the first time you had ever felt like this, and you were willing to give in to the feeling.
"I'll sing. I'll sing for you." You told him, in a whisper.
Maybe it was the spotchka he had drank, maybe it was the heat of the moment that wasn't letting him think straight, but his lips crashed with yours in a very much passionate and long-awaited kiss.
You gladly kissed back, closing your eyes and placing your hands on his hips.
"So, uh- what are we doing about them?" Echo asked, as him and Fives waited for a cab, staring at both of you.
Fives hummed.
"Not tell the Jedi Council about it?" He replied.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Echo said.
I'm going to sleep :p
Reblogs and shares are highly appreciated <3
My requests are still open!
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i-miss-summertime · 1 month
What's your Ianthony Orville Peck song analysis!? And I'd be interested in any other Ianthony song analysis pieces you want to share too!
anon, i love you for enabling me <3
The song I'm obsessing over for them specifically is "How Far Will We Take It" by Orville Peck and Noah Cyrus and the lyrics are so perfect for their time apart and early reunion (beautiful song as well btw, the production is great if anyone wants to listen lol)
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This verse feels based in Ian's perspective in the between years. Continuously waking up and showing up to this business that started from this crazy thing he and Anthony both created and shared.
Then the second part where it feels like it speaks to his perseverance of being able to step up with Defy shut down and became president of Smosh. Anthony and other cast continuously mention how it couldn't have survived without Ian leading the ship and by the time Anthony came around again, it was still succeeding with Ian's hard work.
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Second verse feels more like Anthony coming back. As much as he loves Smosh as well, what brought him back was his love to create with Ian. It's rooted in their friendship and being able to be with Ian again feels like a major aspect of what Anthony came back for. And also the visual of Ian welcoming him back and closing the door behind him like "you're here and we're in this together for the long haul" as they literally bought a company together (still baffling if I think about it long enough lol)
Also "felt the fire but couldn't see the flames" reads to me like Anthony feeling the anger and sadness of the last years at Smosh but not able to understand his negative emotions were aimed at Defy and not Smosh/Ian until later. Like feeling the pain but not able to identify the real source.
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This part of the chorus and the line "I know that you felt the same" though! Even if Ian was more resistant to talk about their feelings during the NYC trip ("cause I've been waiting, don't wanna face it", they both felt things weren't the same and they weren't as close of friends. Neither of them could break through to each other in the state they were in being overworked, unhappy, and not having the chance to grow more as people.
"We're all alone now, how far will we take it?" like they had to have time separate and see how to succeed on their own. And they both did a really good job at it! They were both able to find ways to step up and push themselves as independent creatives without being Ian-and-Anthony. But even then, still not getting the real chance to find someone who could match their energy in their comedy writing and the pure history they have with one another as childhood friends ("No getting used to living without you"). They were still soul tired, even if they were doing well, they still felt the desire to be with each other regardless of a brand or company.
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Now this last variation on the chorus kills me cuz it feels like early reunion to the max, I love it!
"I tried to love you" like shipper goggles aside, its very hard for men to be able to express love for their friends and it's clearly still not natural to them but they're trying! The I love you during Anthony's funeral? Clearly a bit awkward to get out but still he said he loved his friend!
"Cause I've been waiting, don't wanna waste it/ We're all alone now how far will we take it?"
This fully reads as them going independent from Mythical after buying back Smosh. They don't want to waste it, they know they want to do this as long as they possibly can and are working so hard for Smosh to succeed together.
They're alone but now they're alone together, Ian and Anthony at the helm of the ship again, now they're seeing how far they can take it :')
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exstasyplague · 1 year
UnPopular Jujutsu Kaisen Opinions (with arguments) PT 2
hi god. it's me again. :)
—manga spoilers!
☆ Sukuna is not stronger than Gojo
i've noticed that both hardcore gojo fans and sukuna fans are delusional; almost on the same tier as the kpop stans that say their oppar is an angelic virgin who will marry them. they are willing to trash the character fighting against their favourite in a genuinely petty way 💀
in the manga it's said clearly that even back in the heian day, sukuna's presence didn't cause much uproar because times were rougher back then. the ones alive had a certain type of blood thirst so you were strong by default if you weren't dead. was sukuna the strongest back then and eventually made himself a name? yes.
gojo's birth caused a disbalance in the world.
let's not forget that. in shibuya, when he expanded his domain for 0.2 seconds, the people subjected to that received 6 months worth of information and had to be hospitalised for weeks.
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(that's one of my favourite manga panels, btw. will get to that in a second)
let's do some maths.
a minute has 60 seconds. 60÷0.2= 300. 300x6months=1800. in a minute, you get 1800 months' worth of information. 1800÷12= 150. 150 years in a minute. 150÷6= 25. sukuna got information input worth 25 years of non-stop intense brain activity.
that's not only a face of brain damage. sukuna is shook by how powerful that shit was. mad props to him for enduring that. 👏
what's the point of this? to understand that gojo's power is terrifying. that shit hits you properly? it's over. it's not even instant death. it's absolute. no way, chance of recovery.
but sukuna is more well-versed in curse energy. he has a deeper understanding of it. that's his strongest skill— knowledge. gojo with his 6 Eyes can't sense people from a big distance well. sukuna could feel megumi hurting from kilometres away just because he dissected the theory of cursed energy that well, no innate technique. his use of RTC also shows that— it's one thing to get the hang of it, an entirely different one to understand it. sukuna could literally cure cancer if he wanted. (au! doctor sukuna? 🤭🤭 hanibal lecter way since he's a canon cannibal. that's how he became besties with uraume, they KNEW how to cook.)
but then you guys will be like: "ok plague, but doesn't that mean their power is equal since they both excel on their separate things?" no. LOL. knowledge can be attained— if gojo with his natural skills would have sukuna's knowledge... yeah. it would be over. but gojo is gojo and doesn't like putting in effort so he is balanced like that.
this fight is mastery vs innate talent among many other things. one of the main messages in jujutsu kaisen, especially in the plasma vessel arc, is that being powerful is sometimes not enough. and that's exactly gojo is so damn strong; he's the perfect one to prove that point. that's why he struggles against my fraudulent sweet prince. 😍
☆ Maki will never be Toji
never. lol.
people compare them, especially the ones in the jjk world because there are no other heavenly restricted people to draw a parallel between. toji's strength doesn't only come from the fact that he maxxed up his body. it's also his mentality and life philosophy— which maki will never be able to embody. giving up on everything. being all alone. giving up even on yourself and your pride, living to kill and killing to live. that's a certain desperation that's so powerful and strengthening it can not even be called desperation, just something rooting from a VERY similar place with it. toji was rejected by everything and he rejected everything around him. until he didn't and well... we know how that ended. 💀
her own principles will take her on a different path. this is not an opinion about power scaling or whatever, it's as simple as it sounds. SHE IS STRONG. BUT WILL EVOLVE DIFFERENTLY. maki is accepted by some people, by her friends. maki also has her sister; with whom she had a love-hate relationship wtv but in the end mai becomes her greatest motivation and unleash point. plus, maki became besties with that blood clan guy for whatever reason, i don't mind but that's more so to solidify my point. she was able to forge new connections and maintain her old ones.
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+ all great villains/ op protags have some backstories. some curses wanted to become the real humans. some mfs were homeless. maki ain't broke enough for this toji shit bruh.
☆ Kashimo is overhyped
"when kashimo wipes out his SUPER SEKRET CURSED TECHNIQUE—" bro. shut. the. fucx. up. my man can wipe out his d1ck and all it's gonna get him is an honorary spot on rule 34.
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he's has an unhinged mentality but that doesn't mean he is a goat. his only purpose in life (reason why kenjaku tapped that ass a bit) is to duel sukuna. very cool. but come on bro. YOU KNOW he is gonna have max 1-2 cool badass moments before he goes like "lul, xd. guess my life nice. bye bye minna-san☺️. the true jujutsu kaisen is the friends we made along the way."
if he actually does something cool and badass that will influence the plot beyond adding few cold ass panels, GGs. but there is literally no reason for all the WILD dick buffing this man is getting as of now. no basis.
you know he low-key shitting his pants watching that fight going on— would it be totally in character for him to get excited and hop in for the lols just to see how much damage/influence he'd have? yeah. but that's only because of his ambition. kthx
☆ Nanami has one of the best mentalities
i don't know and i don't care if this is popular/ unpopular.
in a shonen world filled with adults that push all the responsibility on children while they fucx off to party, he is refreshingly aware of the importance his position as an adult holds. (itachi, kakashi, sasuke and naruto could've really used a nanami. you didn't hear that from me though.)
even if in the beginning he didn't really like yuji and only viewed him as sukuna's vessel, a mistake for the jujutsu world, his mentality was: "you are a kid. my priority as an adult is to make sure you are safe." (not exact quotes. when tumblr lets me post more than 10 pics i'll spam you with manga panels, i promise.)
then, he grew fonder of him etc.
"even if you are a sorcerer, you are still a kid. you shouldn't be the one to blame yourself for x event. that's the the business of adults."
in the first light novel, even gojo told nanami that he is the type to be able to save a child's heart from the poison the jujutsu world has to offer. gojo says something among the lines of "for grown ups, the poisons this world has to offer are many and we learn how to deal with them. but for a soul as enthusiastic (as yuji's and many others' teens) one poison like is enough to mess them up for life. exactly because you are the type of sorcerer to know that i'm asking you to look after yuji, even if once, as the individual he is, not sukuna's vessel."
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as he was dying, a death filled with doubts and frustrations towards everything— he still thought about yuji's sake. he didn't want to become a curse to him. he could've said "well, i won't see his misery anw so i can put all this sh1t pissing me off on him". (would've been me fr, my self control 0)
that is peak adulting. peak. peak. peak.
RIP. you were one of the best, nanamin 🙏
another proof that you don't need to be mad powerful to be great and impactful.
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☆ Interfering in the fight between Gojo and Sukuna would be dumb
small jjk history lesson with your favourite sensei~! ✨
who is this individual? 🤔
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haruta shigemo!! 🎉
haruta shigemo was recruited to help the bad scawwyy villains to help with their plans!! yayy. all clear so far. gr8. he is not as strong as a grade 1 sorcerer but his innate technique is luck so he is super duper useful in battles!! (very cool, i know ^^)
now, let's see what happened with haruta shigemo once he faced sukuna (who was busy exorcising mahoraga).
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it's fuck1ng OVER man. i've just explained how powerful gojo is and he is striking sukuna with the intent to kill. also let's not forget: sukuna himself is very fuck1ng strong. those two want to rip eachother's throats out. gojo doesn't really care so much about megumi's safety and that's a very sensible smart choice since anything is better than letting him be as he is.
"but— plague 🙄, if he is close to geting backshots then ofc people should help!! they should go against the 2 shikigamis!!! they should've stepped in from the moment gojo's nose bled."
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the ONLY instance where it would be ok for someone to step in is when Gojo is literally laying on the ground DEAD or in a state similar with the thing he had with toji. (hopefully it won't happen, my majestic king gotta see another day 😔 👑)
haruta shigemo 🙏
☆ Side characters are meant to be side characters
like sure bro. i cope too. IT'S FINE TO COPE. as long as you know you're coping.
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but people get dead ass pissed off at gege because they "haven't seen todo in 10 years. haven't seen utahime in 1000 wet dreams. haven't seen gakuganji at the retirement home in 306 days."
i wonder why. wow. maybe it's because they are the supporting cast. stop. take a break. it's hard for everybody. i miss some characters too. but the focus on the story simply is not on them.
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let me know what other copium I should debate 😘
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