#this video was adressed to me specifically
xdinaryheroes · 2 years
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GAON "X-MAS" Band Performance Video
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amarayys · 8 days
DRDT episode 13 theory. So.
so i was meant to be making a general episode 13 analysis video. but um. i dont have the energy for that. so what am i gonna do instead? TALK ABOUT TERUKO try find out wtf david is doing in this scene
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SO. time to find out what possibly the FRUITIEST look ever from david means!!! disclaimer:
I suck at theories. And formatting. Yipee.
I'm painfully unfunny so excuse any dumbass jokes i make.
I'm going to find any and all excuses to rant abt teruko. be prepared...............
4. I may repeat myself a lot. Forgive me if it sounds really repetative... :( 5. Any points surrounded by - these things - are just things that are unlikely, but I think should still be adressed.
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So, the context of these images is Teruko revealing "her secret"; You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them.
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(pls excuse the shitty quality.) She has to be either lying or MAYBE unsure about her secret. Here's why: 1. She had a conversation with Whit (and technically charles, but he was just listening in) about her family. She reveals that she's never known her parents and grew up in an orphanage. She did grow up with her biological brother, but he was adopted by another family when Teruko was five, and she says she doesn't remember him much.
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2. The wording of the secret is quite specific - You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. Like I've mentioned, she's never known her parents. Even if she *somehow* knew they were dead, why would she blame herself for it? I could see it maybe working in some way, but the next bit disproves it - SIBLINGS. Teruko has only mentioned having one sibling, and this wording is plural. This secret cannot be hers, she only has one brother. - To add on to this
2.5. Maybe one could argue that siblings and parents could be her friends/people she considered family in the orphanage she grew up in. However, the specific wording of parents and siblings, instead of just using the word "family", makes me think otherwise. - Okay, so let's dissect what this means. - I think if maybe she was unaware/TRULY thought that this was her secret, the only point that would support it is 2.5. Maybe she considered people she grew up with in the orphanage her "parents" or siblings", but its just not very likely. While I wouldn't be surprised if Teruko blew up an orphanage or something (/hj) , I think it's a stretch to say this secret is referring to that. - With that out the way, we come to one conclusion - Teruko is lying about secret. "Amari, we know that already, can we move on??????????" yeah yeah whatever i may have just wanted to rant about teruko. MOVING ON. So, what is Teruko's secret? It's pretty wildly agreed upon that Teruko's secret is the one regarding the killing game, which David recieved - "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault."
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We think that this is Teruko's secret because: 1. She's the only one that fits it smh. /hj 2. The guy at the start of the prologue (who is probably xander but that is a WHOLE other theory you can find here ) mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki (how DARE they) after talking about ending the killing game.
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My interpretation of this is that Teruko is the reason the killing game is actually happening, though I doubt she's aware of this/the mastermind (or she could be, idk??). A really good theory that I feel explains what I mean by Teruko causing the KG but not being the mastermind is the time loop theory which is linked here. (accirax i love you for this theory /p) Obviously, this lines up with "The killing game is your fault." 3. David gives her THE LOOK right after she "admits" her secret, which sort of maybe kind of implies that he knows she's lying, which he does, since he has the secret. - As for the remaining secret: Xander's secret (which we assume min recieved) is the one Teruko claimed to have:
"You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Why do I think this? 1. In Xander's bonus video, it is VERY heavily implied that he has survivor's guilt as well as outright confirmed his family is dead. Go check it out for the full context.
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2. Xander's secret message on the DRDT tumblr is the definition of survivors guilt. Really self explanatory, huh?
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3. XANDER ACTUALLY HAS MORE THAN 1 FUCKING SIBLING. anyway. okay, this is getting a little confusing to remember, so here: Killing game: Teruko's secret, recieved by David. Survivor's guilt: Xander's secret, recieved by Min. (all remaining secrets remain the same.) MOTIVE
So, why would Teruko lie about her secret? I mean, shouldn't she just point it out? And why didn't David point it out? - 1. Teruko is aware that her secret is the killing game one and is lying because she's the mastermind or something. We see her thoughts, so I really doubt it. To further disprove this theory: Teruko has stated like 15 times (/ex) that she doesn't know which secret is hers, due to her having too many secrets. So, yeah, pretty unlikely she knows which secret's hers. Discard this theory. -
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2. a) Teruko doesn't know her secret, but knows it's probably bad, and therefore doesn't want to share it, so she lied. Pretty straightforward, really. Now, for the theory that I think is most likely: 3. Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again.
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We know that's she's accidentally led the trial in the wrong direction twice now (motive secrets, time of murder) Also, this is the most in character.
As for David: A. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to cause distrust and just generally fuck Teruko over. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. B. David knows her secret, but earlier, he and Teruko made a pact to keep it hidden. However, since he's a little bitch boy (/j), he's going to reveal it anyway, either post trial or in a future daily life. - Just to add on to this point ^ - I know Teruko's protag and we see her thoughts and all, but Kaede happened, so I don't think this is out of the question. - I think the most likely combination is point 3. and point A. : Teruko's lying about her secret to avoid the trial heading off topic. David isn't calling her out because he wants to use it in the future to throw suspicion onto Teruko and cause havoc.
SO. Let's recap! Secrets: Teruko: "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault." Received by David. Xander: "You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Received by Min. Rest remain the same as canon. Why can't Teruko's secret be about her family? 1. Teruko never knew her parents, and never mentions them being dead. 2. Teruko hasn't seen her brother since she was 5, and she never mentions him being dead, just adopted. 3. The wording of the secret refers to siblingS, which is plural. Teruko has only one sibling. 4. The secret fits Xander much better - His secret quote is the defintion of survivors guilt, and his bonus episode heavily implies he has survivors guilt, and it is confirmed his family died in the same bonus episode. Why is Teruko's secret about the killing game?
• The guy at the start of the prologue mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki after talking about ending the killing game. This implies Teruko is the cause of the killing game, whether on purpose or not. Motive for lying: Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to use it in the future to turn everyone against Teruko and just generally cause distrust in the group. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. **btw, just a fun afterthought - i think either whit or charles will eventually point out the conversation regarding teruko's unbringing and how it contradicts her secret - and david will use that opportunity to reveal teruko's secret. ANDDDD that's it! feel free to correct/add on any points you'd like. this took AGES but i had so much fun!!! i love you drdt. (ESPECIALLY TERUKO.)
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erroryeswifi · 2 months
Yay! Thank you for responding to my last ask :) I absolutely love the family (Steve, Larry and Rob) Can I know your Mr. Small or Robert headcanons too?
Oughh This one’s pretty long, so once again putting it under a cut ⬇️
(Like last time, if u don’t care abt me yapping there’s some drawings down there too haha)
• Mr Small likes anime and cosplay.
The biggest reason for this is his cosplay of Sailor Moon in “The Ghouls” episode. But along with cosplay I feel like he just likes to dress up in general. He has a surprisingly large amount of outfits throughout the series like: The honesty bear (The sock), Criminal Bozo fit (The allergie), Classic Hippie fit (The Silence), The Small hours music video fits (The Singing) and a couple more that he wears frequently like his rollerblading fit and his meditation fit. And those are just the ones that come to my head first, there’s definitely more in the show I think. He also has a bunch of outfits in the comics but I haven’t read those (yet. I really want them)
Similarly Larry does the same thing actually. Although, it makes more sense for him since he does it specifically for work reasons (And we see him so much more often). The thing is about Larry’s outfits is that I think are especially cute is that he dresses up for his role (specifically as a stereotypical worker you’d expect to see in whichever store he’s in) even if there isn’t a specific uniform. I’ve made a post about this before right here. Basically something I noticed is that he puts on temporary tattoos for a few of his jobs, not to mention he literally put on a fake gotee for his barber outfit. I like to think Larry is too busy to have his own hobbies but he accidentally adopted dressing up and he thoroughly enjoys it, even if he’s not exactly aware that he’s doing it.
• Rob takes both of Larry and Steve’s last names after being adopted.
I’ve thought for a long time which last name was gonna be their family last name but I was sooo hung up about it cuz both Larry and Mr Small’s last names are pretty important to their work. Larry is known all over town for being “Larry Needlemeyer” so it would be a pain to get that changed for him and be bad for his publicity as a well known worker. As for Mr Small he’s literally a teacher, everyone at his workspace adresses him by last name so it would be strange for him to change names as well. Basically what I’ve settled with for now is that they would share a hyphenated last name. So Mr Small’s would be “Steven Needlemeyer-Small” and Larry’s would be “Laurence Needlemeyer-Small”. This same thing would apply for Rob with him being “Rob Needlemeyer-Small”. I feel like this would be the best way for them to share a family name while staying consistent and least confusing. Plus it won’t affect neither Steve’s or Larry’s jobs all that much.
• Rob has a million nicknames
We all know the gag about Rob being called different names. I think it would be fun if when Larry and/or Steve calls for him (whether they need help or he’s in trouble) they call him by different variations of “Rob” like: Robert, Robbie, Roberto etc… I think his legal name would be still be just “Rob” tho, there’s really no reason for it to be anything else as that’s the name he remembers after getting out of the void.
• Mr Small is really bad at relationships
The thing about Mr Small his the he is one of the few middle aged adults in the show without a spouse or family members at all. Almost all of the middle aged adults in the show are the same age, we know this because they all went to school together but most importantly because they all went to prom together. My point is, almost all of the people he went to school with are either married, dating someone or have children of their own. Meanwhile he is single, no known family and doesn’t seem to have many friends outside of work. We even see him talking to Mr Corneille about his struggles online dating (The Wish), admittedly he wasn’t on a dating website but rather a pizza delivery app but that even further shows how he’s not super good with social queues and close relationships as he couldn’t tell the difference.
To contrast Mr Small, Larry is super good with people interactions. Obviously, with his work he needs to be. But as far as romantic relationship go, I think he’d be a very stereotypical good boyfriend type. Where he’d take his dates to nice restaurants, buy them flowers or go for walks. He likes things simple and classic.
• Rob likes video games
Idk I don’t really have a reason for this one. I think he’d constantly play Super Smash Bros on a Nintendo switch he was gifted for Christmas or smth lmaoo. The idea of him ragging online is very funny to me, especially if it’s stupid simple kids games where there isn’t much brain power to do them. He’d stream “Playing Fireboy and Water girl by myself!” if Larry let him.
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Okay that’s already too much writing for one post, but if you wanna know more feel free to ask for it! ❤️
(I may not answer right away, but I appreciate the asks really!)
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marimayscarlett · 6 months
Priest RZK? Priest RZK. That's some gourmet shit right there. Discuss.
Hi 👀
Ah yes. The age old brainrot of Priest RZK which is still going strong, caused by the infamous music video which also brought us, apart from a very fabulous Richard, a suave Monk-Olli and yet another Schneider with a puppy-moment, which still causes people to lose it every other day:
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Now, to examine this fascination with Priest RZK properly, it's somewhat important to look at some general and at some more specific points regarding the attraction to priests and men of the church:
First and foremost, they're meant to be celibate (at least in the catholic church, which is my point of view here). They're actually unattainable and off limits as a romantic and/or sexual partner since they vowed loyalty and love to the church and are definitely not meant to stray from this path in any way. Which kind of, if we use theological terms here, makes them some kind of 'forbidden fruit' so to speak.
-> If a priest, who vowed to be celibate, desires someone, it can become a test of his vocation, which can have life-altering consequences, emotional turmoil, unrequired longing and love and maybe ultimately even a secret affair - a whole lot of potential drama, which can be quite a thrill for some people.
They are (or should be in the best case) there for people in need. Listening to concerns, giving out advice, keeping secrets to themselves and overall representing some form of (fatherly) confidant and advisor, most of the time in one-on-one conversations - roles which can become quite loaded with emotion and emotional intimacy, so to speak.
-> Priests can be (for some religious women, like here) an embodiment for care and security, like a safe dream vision to project inner longings on without running the risk of being disappointed (since acting on these feelings is out of question).
In the linked articled above, a survey among catholic women gathered the following typical traits for a priest in women's eyes: 'different to other men’, he ‘pays attention to me’, ‘listens to me’, is ‘sensitive’ and ‘intelligent’; thus oftentimes traits these women miss in their own lives/relationships. Attraction to priests can point in the direction of "a search for both alternative models of masculinity and alternative experiences of male authority" (especially for women who suffered under these social structures, but not only) - a man which moves outside of the common norms and male behaviour patterns.
Regarding Richard, I can imagine that the following thoughts might come into play when it comes to the insane attraction of the concept of him as a priest:
Richard in priest robes looks so good, so modest and serious, and so wrong. Since we kind of know he's not the most steady person regarding relationships and definitely does not live anywhere near the realms of celibacy, this contrast between his way of life and that of a priest can be quite alluring and in my mind creates the picture of a somehow corrupt and opportunistic priest, which absolutely does not help. (Not thinking about him piously celebrating mass and then making you drop to your knees in the confessional 5 minutes later, nope)
Richard is a great listener and very interesting and interested conversation partner, so he would make a great priest regarding giving out advice and listening to problems and sorrows. To confide in him in a private setting, only for the situation to turn out like this is a brainrot which accompanies me for quite some time now 👍🏼
The terminology of adressing him. Quoting 'Fleabag' here:
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This (or to be the reason the poor priest has to turn to drastic measures to keep his desires in check, what a dream):
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Conclusion: Every day, we stray further away from God on here and do so in lightning speed 👌🏼
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 1 year
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previous - now - next
- summary ; when the popular jock starts finding interest in the new girl, hell breaks lose. she eventually gives in and he shows her exactly why he's popular.
- warnings ; eventual smut, rough sex, bondage, degrading, mentions of drugs/alcohol, asshole heeseung.
"dude, I know you're used to this but you need to chill. " jay warns, walking over to heeseung. his stare reeks of uninterest as he rolls his eyes.
"what are you on about jay? " his question making jay furrow his eyebrows.
"last night? you hooked up with the new girl and you're already distancing yourself from her. "
"I might take her back. she'll be fine either way. " disgust is basically falling at the tip of his tongue as he speaks of the girl.
"hee, I know you're afraid of commitment because of your last relationship but that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for other people. " jay pats his back as a way of consultation.
he cracks his neck, showing his discomfort at the mention of his heartbreak. "it's not because of her. " he mutters.
"sure, buddy. just make it up to jia. " he walks away leaving heeseung with his own thoughts, staring off into the distance.
"this isn't fair! what am i doing wrong!" jia whines as sunghoon beats her in another round of video games.
"you're just bad at it." he laughs at her despair. she nudges him hardly with her elbow to show her annoyance.
"don't worry pretty, I'll teach you. " he winks at her not failing to notice how her cheeks redden at his nickname. a sudden tension fills the air, the pair falling breathless.
"yeah? " she glances from his eyes to his lips as instinct.
he bites his bottom lip.
"ehem." a throat clearing is heard as the two stare into eachothers eyes.
their necks almost snap, turning around to the person behind them.
"j-jay? what the fuck are you doing here? " sunghoons eyes almost pop out of his eye sockets as he makes out the face of his best buddy.
"I called you. three times. " he sighs and crosses his arms. "hi jia." he shoots a quick smile her way, receiving a small wave.
"my bad, we were busy. " he excuses himself with a groan.
"yeah I could see that.. " jay trails off with a grimace on his face.
jia fiddles with her fingers and looks up at jay. "so what's the reason of you arriving? " she internally slaps herself, not meaning to sound so rude.
"heeseung! " he suddenly says outloud. he looks confused at his own words as sunghoon and jia turn to look at eachother in more confusion.
"what?" sunghoon asks, concerned.
"I talked to him, and.. he's kinda waiting for you at his apartment. " he quickly rants, forcing his brain to make up a lie in order for them to eee eachother.
"are you sure? cause he quite literally said he didn't want anything to do with me. " a glare settles on her face as she squints her eyes at him. sunghoon quietly agreeing.
jay sighs and rubs his eyes. "just- trust me. "
the three sit in silence for a couple of moments before lara abruptly stands up and nods. "I'll go. what's his adress? "
a car parks outside of a white modern apartment. jia steps out mentally bracing herself for what she's about to walk into. jay told her the adress and the specific door for heeseungs place.
before leaving, she said goodbye to the pair and gave them both a quick hug. sunghoon whispering "call me if he does something. " into her ear before letting go. with a quick nod, her quick movements lead her to arriving.
"shit what am I doing. " worry fills up her entire being as she slowly walks up the stairs.
before knocking, jia sighs and contemplates her decision of coming here. "what's the worst that could happen? " she whispers, to herself mostly.
two knocks echo through a half empty apartment. the door swiftly opens, revealing no other than lee heeseung himself.
his eyes widen for a moment before going back to his calm composer.
"jay told me you were expecting me to c-come? " she quietly says, unsure of her own words.
the guy infront of her hesitantly nods and looks her up and down. "yeah, come in. " her sneakers making little to no noise.
they sit down at a surprisingly comfortable couch, both expecting the other to start speaking.
"why did you do that, heeseung? " jia doesn't even think to look up, murmuring a question.
he glances at her and bites his lip. "I don't know what you mean. " she rolls her eyes, does his ego really have to be as big as his dick?
"you know what I mean." she ends up glaring at him with disgust from her seat on the couch.
he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "what we did meant nothing jia." he spits out, no interest in the conversation.
" you know what? If it meant so much as nothing, you won't mind me hooking up with your bestfriend. "
its like she knew exactly what to say to get a reaction out of him, because the way his jaw clenched did not go unnoticed.
"stop saying bullshit, you know, you wouldn't do that even if you wanted to. " anger reeks from his tone as he leans back, cracking his knuckles.
"and why's that? he knows how to treat a person and he's not a dick unlike you heeseung. "
jia doesn't give him a chance to say anything in reply, as the moment he opens his mouth, she starts talking again.
"sunghoon apologized for something you did, and you still expect me to be nonchalant about the whole situation? " she starts to stand up walking towards the door, making his eyes follow her figure.
"this is clearly a waste of my time, so I'm going to be leaving if you don't have anything good to say."
he hisses, and stands up quickly following her. heeseung grabs her wrists and spins her around, making her back slam against the door.
she winces at the pain. "what the hell are you doing? " she continues glaring at him as he keeps her body in his hold.
"let me make it up to you, hm?" his siren eyes trace every part of her face, his delicate touch of his fingers sending her into a frenzy.
"are you gonna be a dick about it again?" she whispers looking down.
his siren eyes turned doe for a split second , and his fingers lift her chin up making their eyes connect.
"I promise I'll treat you good this time. just let me make you feel good doll. " he lowers his face close to hers, their lips millimeters away from touching.
she stares at his lips before crashing hers onto his. the kiss is harsh with a lot of meaning behind it.
their lips collide as they both express multiple feelings to each one other. his hands move from her face to her waist, grabbing her softly, making her quietly moan into his mouth.
"let's take this to my bedroom. I want you to be comfortable. "
the pair keeps kissing after he wishes his request, but she pulls away, leaving him breathless and confused.
"I would love to, but I told sunghoon, I would come back soon and I don't want him to be suspicious. "
he groans at the mention of his best friend. "can't you just stay over? tell him you went home or something."
she giggles at his desperation, but shakes her head softly "we can continue this later. just call me. "
he kisses her again, giving her a light peck, leaving their lips glossy. "how about tonight? I'm free all day. "
she kisses him back and nods. "sounds good. I'll be here at seven pm. bye hee. "
jia gives him a quick smile as she leaves his apartment, his eyes still where she last was.
he'll make sure it'll be a night she'll never forget.
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip: 30/11/2023
Sunday Morning
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SECOND WIND ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 2
Ripped by wolfman1405, cazsu Performed by cazsu (Piano, Vocals), wolfman1405 (Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals), Andrew Garrison (Tenor Saxophone), Tav Bartlett (Piano Solo)
And so, November comes to an end, with autumn officially over, and the holiday season just a day away. My 22nd birthday passed, the blog has been going without break in schedule for about half a year, and 2023 is almost coming to an end. I get a bit sentimental thinking about it, and felt it only fair to close the month out with a rip that sits close to me. Sunday Morning as featured in the King for Another Day tournament.
Y'know, for the first few years of my SiIva watching, it was really easily for me to filter things out based on my interests - I'm sure a lot of current SiIva viewers still operate this way. I adressed this back with Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston and waterwraith pokos, but there are simply so many moving pieces of the channel operating at once, that its easy to miss a lot of things along the way. And during Season 1, 2 and 3, SiIva's reverence for Kara's Flowers/Maroon 5 was part of that - I brushed it off as Chaze's silly gimmick and didn't really pay the rips themselves much mind. Yet part of what made the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 so special, was that this sort of self-selecting felt far harder to do - the tournament was a community event that asked ALL of us to participate, and part of that participation was to collectively listen to and appreciate all of the various demo tracks released by each participant. Despite their prevalence on SiIva, I had very little knowledge of Adam Levine and Maroon 5 - until suddenly, rips like Sunday Morning made me gutted that he was eliminated from the tournament so early.
And like, I get it - He never truly had a fighting chance specifically due to viewers like me. SiIvaGunner is a celebration of pop culture with a particular fascination and fixation on video game music, and the overlap between that nerdy audience and fans of 2002 Pop Rock album "Songs about Jane" by Maroon 5 realistically didn't have all too much overlap. But this arrangement was my first time ever hearing Sunday Morning, and it absolutely enamored me.
The jazzy feel of cazsu's piano playing and wolfman1405's bass are immediately gripping whilst also clearly establishing the song's tone as different from the original, punctuated to cazsu's vocal performance. I vividly remember just how much the performance spoke to me, specifically for how truly earnest it felt: it reminded me of Season 1 and the performances by Nick Oleksiak in rips like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover), and further reminded me of how much of a fan initiative SiIvaGunner truly is. The vocals are fantastic, but not in the sort of overproduced, perfectly-pitched studio mixed way that studio albums like Songs about Jane typically are - the vocals, when push comes to shove, feel like that of a human being, one who loves the song they're covering. That much appears to be evident, if nothing else: a commenter on the YouTube upload noted that the arrangement even takes elements from the song's original demo tapes.
Its hard for a rip made by wolfman1405 to ever disappoint, and his additions to the arrangement are unmistakeable. Yet its cazsu's performance that sells it all for me, paired with the context the arrangement slotted into - as part of the biggest SiIvaGunner event in its entire history, and as a celebration of everything the channel had accomplished in that time. It did really get me emotionally, and it was effectively the first in a set of dominoes that led to me becoming far more interested in music culture as a whole, outside of the comfortable little bubble I'd set up for myself within SiIvaGunner and VGM. Today, I'm running a blog entirely about all of the little nooks and crannies of the SiIvaGunner channel - ones I'm familiar with, ones I only discovered recently, and ones from submissions that I'd never even heard of.
Put simply, it was thanks in large part to King for Another Day tournament that I truly opened up in terms of my music tastes. And I owe so much of it to Sunday Morning, to Adam Levine, to Maroon 5 - and to caszu, wolfman1405, Andrew Garrison and Tav Bartlett.
Thank you.
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opinated-user · 10 months
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ngl, a part of me just find it so funny that LO is still so pressed about this when i didn't even really think too much about it when i made my post. at this point the only one who is keeping this specific topic alive is you. i have seen LO emotionally abuse MO in streams. i have see the huge disparity between how LO talks/treats MO and how MO treats/talks about LO. i have plenty of other posts all talking about how LO explots MO for her art, asking LO to please pay her what she is owed and i have video archives of LO laughing as MO is retelling her own sexual trauma. i already know that LO is a terrible partner to MO because she made sure i could see it, that anyone paying attention could see it. i didn't need that post to prove it or to reaffirm anything for me, but i felt slightly frustrated with the wording and made it. oh but sure. LO ever adressing any of those other points, against which she literally has no defense over, was never going to happen so i guess she's clinging to this one point because she can posture about what great wife she is, i suppose. nevermind she still lied to her wife for half a year about supposedly having cancer and/or lied about having cancer for half a year without any thought of how that could affect her wife, whose immigration she used as a excuse to scam her audience out of 2000+ dollars in order to buy one ugly cheap desk that is still going to spend more time with her than her wife ever did. great wife behavior there, LO.*sarcasm*
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spinningbuster98 · 2 months
Metroid Other M Part 1: Baby, you mean the world to meeee!
Ok. We’re doing this
So first off I want to get a few things out of the way right now, establish a few ground rules so to speak
Number one is that I wanted to adress immediately the whole thing about this game’s original japanese script being so much better than the english localization.
That’s not as true as you think it is
I’ve seen some fans in more recent times trying to reevaluate Other M, claiming that all the issues with this game’s story are due to the shitty english translation that we got, and that the japanese original is pretty much a totally different story. I’ve seen fans take umbrage with Other M’s detractors, claiming that their criticisms of it are unjustified because of this
Let me just say that I have absolutely zero qualms with the people who like this story, at the end of the day it’s all harmless fiction and people shouldn’t get put on a cross just for liking something that the majority happen, as I’ve seen happen a lot of times in the Metroid community for years in regards to this game and Federation Force
However at the same time I do take issue with the idea that all of the criticisms levied against this game’s story are unjustified
This video contains a fan translation of the japanese script. Of course, since it was made by a fan and I don’t know japanese, there’s the definite possibility that it may be completely off. However this is all we have and this story’s defenders generally seem to refer to this translation so I’d say we’re on even ground
I haven’t watched the entire thing, but I have watched most of the important story beats plus some extra stuff
The Japanese script is indeed overall better than the English one for a number of reasons
Samus’ monologues appear to be less...”sappy” for lack of a better word. Her prose seems to me to be more sober, less prone to trying to sound weirdly poetic in her choice of words, it reads generally more down to the ground and to the point, not too different than Fusion’s. This is already better than the english script, which is further helped by the japanese voice actress being genuinely very good, sounding very professional and sometimes even a bit assertive, which is miles better than the constant monotone of the english version. I feel really bad about Samus’ english voice actress because she was MADE to sound like that by the voice direction, so it’s not her fault, but the end result is still an absolute boring slog to listen to
There are several points in the japanese script that were altered for the worse in english which I will point out when I notice them. We can see an example here: during the flashback Samus claims in english that she liked being called Lady by Adam because it sounded “delicate” which makes little sense given that she’s lamenting about how weak she felt during her days in the army. In the japanese script however she straight up says that she hated being called Lady specifically because it made her feel weak. This same issue was present in Fusion’s script: in english she says that being called Lady by Adam felt “dignified” but in japanese she apparently says that she hated it, implying that Adam liked to egg her on in a friendly and playful manner.
Unfortunately, the japanese script doesn’t fix the most egregious issues with this story, as I’ll show you later down the road. It doesn’t fix this story being bootleg Fusion. It doesn’t fix the questionable relationship between Adam and Samus and the way he treats her. It doesn’t fix Samus being borderline useless in this story and accomplishing and learning nothing throughout it. It doesn’t fix the supremely rushed ending.
So keep in mind that when I’ll start criticizing this game’s story, which I will do. A lot. I’ll be taking into account both scripts whenever I can.
Lastly there was one other thing I wanted to adress: despite my feelings for this game I will try to be as objective as I can. Other M has been the subject of hatred and vitriol for years, and deservedly, but some of that hate has spiralled out of control at times, causing people to either come up with criticisms that don’t really hold up to scrutiny I believe, or pass around stories about this game that are pretty much untrue yet are passed around as if they were
The main one is the whole “Other M tried to render the Prime games non-canon”
That’s not true, though I can’t really fault people for believing that because so did I once. First off Sakamoto’s interview where he supposedly said (unfortunately I can’t find it) that was, to my knowledge, mistranslated. He apparently stated that he simply didn’t take the Primes into account when writing Other M. That is certainly irresponsible from a writing standpoint, but doesn not necessarily mean he considered them non-canon. In fact it was Sakamoto’s idea (along with Tanabe’s) to place those games between Metroid 1 and 2 in order to ensure their canonicity!
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(Unfortunately that link doesn’t work for me, but for what it’s worth I remember reading that translated interview before)
(I also want you to understand that I’m not defending Sakamoto for the sake of it or because I’m a fan. I don’t care much for the man himself, I care only about the stuff he makes and about getting things about as right as possible, trying to avoid misinformation whenever I can. I’m going to absolutely eviscerate the story he’s written, but I want to do this the right way)
This seems to line up with what former Retro Studios developers have said in recent years about initially developing Prime 1 as a quasi-reboot of sorts, only for them to later get the memo from Nintendo that it was gonna be actually canon
Other M doesn’t have any actual references to Prime’s story, but that doesn’t mean it treats those games either, if we were to follow that line of logic than EVERY mainline game treats Prime as non-canon, because 2D Metroid never explicitly references Prime, with the closest it ever got being Proteus Ridley in Samus Returns
Fusion was developed in parallel to Prime 1, yet contains absolutely no references to it despite Prime 1 even having an unlockable Fusion suit. You’d think it would’ve been easy to sneak in a quick reference to Tallon IV or Phazon during one of Samus’ monologues
Zero Mission only features superficial references, such as some music tracks and Mecha Ridley being a homage to Meta Ridley, but it’s nothing concrete, even though they could’ve had something like a post credits scene or some unlockable images featuring the Pirates escaping from Zebes and winding up on Tallon IV as described in Prime 1′s logs
Other M is similar: it only has superficial references to Prime in the form of the first person view mode and the Seeker Missiles. 
Mainline Metroid and Prime may be canon to each other but they are seperate storylines, made by completely different teams. They don’t reference each other in particularily complex ways in order to to step on each other’s toes, it’s just that Prime’s chronological placement makes it more easily justifiable for it to not reference stuff
And lastly no: Other M’s inconsistencies are not aimed at disregarding Prime’s existence. Other M’s issues concern the 2D games as much as the Primes, and even those issues that create inconsistencies with Prime specifically are not as damning as you’d think
For instance: a lot of people focus on Samus saying that this was the first time she’s ever taken orders from a CO since her army days, saying that it ignores the events of Prime 3 where she takes orders from Admiral Dane
That’s true!
Wanna know what’s also true?
That Prime 3 ignores Fusion, where Samus said that her mission on the BSL is her second time ever taking orders from someone, the other being when she was under Adam, yet here she is taking orders both from Dane and the Aurora Units
And honestly if we’re talking about inconsistencies then Prime actually fares worse than Other M in some aspects by sheer virtue of the big Metroid Prime creature plot hole being pretty much unsolvable and making zero sense with all of Metroid lore, which is much worse than Samus being overly depressed or being super scared of Ridley now for some reason
This isn’t me shitting on Prime by the way: if I were to choose between those games and Other M I’d absolutely go with the former because, unlike the latter, despite their issues they also add a lot to this universe’s story and lore and overall feel like they have their own place and importance
I’m just saying that if one wants to shit on Other M it has to be done by the book. What will follow in the next videos will be my thoughts and my thoughts alone, undoubtedly influenced by fandom content to an extent (because no one’s an island and we all have an effect on each other’s thoughts), but still mostly the result of my experiences and reasonings on this game
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eternitas · 13 days
Lou, I think you alr know who I'm sending this for 🤣🤣 Ava and Dima, let's goo!!!
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
Ava: Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
Dima: If your character isn’t designed for shipping/isn’t interested in shipping, how hard does fandom have to mangle them to make them shipping material/open to a relationship?
Ask Meme
Thank you so much for sending these in these are so incredibly fun to answer! I know Dima isn't exactly "known" to the public but it's still so much fun to talk about him! I might actually just post his profile after all who knows!
This got quite long so I put it under a read more!
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
Ava Oooohohoho, so I am that kinda loser that likes to imagine videos to music when I am out and about. You know what else I love? Ono Kenshos voice, who is Kuroko Tetsuyas VA and also my voice claim for Ava (considering he used to have Kuroko as inspiration and it fit so well). Ono Kensho has a few pretty cool songs and imagining them as insert songs in a movie is an absolutely fantastic way of spending my time. I have def thought of all four Squad 4 members having a solo movie each, which ofc includes Ava. In it Ava finds a letter adressed to his brother on his desk (Ava and Ser often clean up Squalos desk, because he tends to take over work that isn't his and then they yank it to do it for him). It's a challenge letter to a swordsmaster showdown. Ava, being a bit of a hothead sometimes, goes to accept the letter, which obviously was a trap. ( @dontknow-willaddlater Asari would def make a cameo bc ofc that idiot would fall for it). To be quite fair I haven't gotten through WHY or what exactly the trap is, only that def almost ends in a massacre and ofc Squalo and Squad 4 move out to help Ava picking up Yamamoto, Ryohei, Tsuna and Gokudera along the way. And while as series MC Tsuna still gets the last last hit, Ava gets the final battle. And since I've mentioned it: this is the insert song because I am a loser
Dimitri I think Dimitri is the type of character that tends to blow up and be super popular. But unlike the main cast I doubt it would be a movie, more like an inbetween OVA that maybe highlights how Dimitri and Rena met and become close. Maybe a very specific instance of him saving and protecting her. I also could see Dimitri be very popular in Drama CDs. Even if he doesn't appear often, he would likely have a really popular and talented VA and there are enough small stories where he can be added to. But he probably mostly gets shown with either Gokudera or Rena, maybe even Sergey as those are the people he has most likely interactions with, though having him be paired with unlikely people like maybe Ryohei would also be interesting.
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
Ava Ava would be a fan favourite, but def also for that reason victim of uwu babyfication. Too many such cases, but Ava would def have the people who hate Lorenzo for being "abusive" and being harcore Yamava shippers and those who treat him like rice, because uwu baby small bean, when Ava is so much more. Def also people who dable into sharkcest and it makes discussing the dynamic between Ava and Squalo all the more complicated. Overall though he would be liked I believe. Features a lot in fillers and other media, def often in collaborations. I though however also think there is a very very vocal small part that can't stand him, because he is an "uwu small bean baby" ("Stop calling me that.") and makes everything unserious. He is so obnoxious, has only his tea and sword gimmik and is as deep as a puddle! No substance! Fucking cracker! You'd def not be able to go into his tag without all kinds of ship art. He's also a fave when it comes to drawing new "draw your blorbo in this" challenges. I could also see him stirr up gender drama, considering he does the whole crossdressing killer thing, but I'll leave it here.
Dimitri Definitely Hibari type fan fave in my eyes. It's that devotion, that emotionless non chalant side of him and the soft spot he has only for Rena. Also def always drawn and portrayed very pretty and elegant. He is a hearthrob and every small Dima lore is being eaten up. Def has some of the most requests on imagines blogs. Also v big with the yandere girlies. Also could see him as the mole in collabs and artworks. You know how the Varia are always in pictures even though-- WTF ARE YOU DOING THERE? SIR? Yeah that would happen a lot with Dima I believe. Lurking in the shadows to not be seen? Nah not with the merch staff. There is definitely a very vocal part that would be really upset over his fate in the Cosmos Energy Arc, and when he reappears in the Flame Children Arc its one of those "oh tumblr crashed" days, because all the girlies go fucking ham over him being back WITH A HAIRCUT TOO.
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
Ava Oh boy you ask me this when I JUST tried to write some LORAVA and had one single song on repeat all the time. I am unfortunately not every versed when it comes to music especially newer, but when it comes to Lorava I could see Kiss Me Slowly and for the weebs One Of Repetition, I can't really think of anything for other ships with him.
If your character isn’t designed for shipping/isn’t interested in shipping, how hard does fandom have to mangle them to make them shipping material/open to a relationship?
Dima I don't think imagines blogs or selfshippers are ever deterred from a character being canonically unavailable for them. It would definitely cause stirr among people, because he is canonically aroace and it could spark some "aroace erasure" discussions. I think he'd still be shipped by some people with Rena, Dera, Sergey and Anatoli (yes really, Renas dad and his superior), but some just enjoy that there is a character who can have meaningful relationships without it being sexual or romantic. Some argue that after the Lock Release in the Flame Children Arc he might have changed to being grey or just highly demi but since there is no confirmation it's definitely not widely accepted. (Personally the idea that someone would write Dima as putting anyone else over Rena makes me almost cringe, because he'd never, that is just not his character. He is the Hayato type, his one person of protection and respect is always top priority, sorry.) But yeah I could still see people trying their hardest to make him shipable.
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
I think I hace something that will need your opinions On this. Pls go to youtube and search majorkill and watch his new vid, about fulgrim being the worst primarch so if you feel offended pls watch the entire video as it MAY Bring some points up if you already read the 2 fulgrim novels, I want your thoughts and full opinions on this as it might get controversial for you.
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I'm sorry but I have to refuse this offer.
I'm not into any Warhammer-YouTubers and their opinions, since 90% of the time they are just making me angry and I don't want to get angry when interacting with a fictional universe I love - so I unsubscribed from any Warhammer-channels a long time ago and won't look back. I'm in the fandom for the kind of laid-back discourse I'm getting here on Tumblr and in my futzzy little Twitter-bubble and that's quite enough for me. 😊 If some guy wants to think Fulgrim is "bad" (since I haven't watched the vid I'm assuming as in "incompetent", because else I already know he's a damn bad motherfucker and one of the top five bad space dads), it's his perogative. I've read the novels and I'm getting to a different conclusion. He's just as his brothers a way too overpowered demi-god. And like all gods made by humans he has all the traits humans have, just cranked up to eleven. The good ones and the bad ones.
And since the canonical lore attributes quite the giant bouquet of abilities to Fulgrim, because different authors value different aspects, it's just not possible to categorize or rank any of the Primarchs. Graham McNeill paints a very different picture of Fulgrim than Nick Kyme or Josh Reynolds or John French.
And let's not forget, that all novels have a PoV. A scene written through the eyes of a person hating Fulgrim would look totally different than the same scene through the Phoenician's eyes. The "unreliable narrator" is GW's main asset and I love it! Nothing is set in stone, you can find valid points for everything and against it.
The Primarchs are avatars of their specific fighting and warfare styles, hence each of them is the pinnacle of said style. That's just the way it is, else GW couldn't sell any plastic.
For Fulgrim this is: 1:1 duel, melee glass canon, speed over endurance, swords are better than anything.
In this niche he's made to be the best of the brothers and that he's the deadliest duelist of them is said on various occassions in the novels.
Everything else? EC suck at sieges and will die of boredom if getting besieged. Void-warfare isn't their thing. Stealth just doesn't happen when you want to be seen and admired.
Those are the facts, if a YouTube-guy wants to have an opinion, it's fine. Everybody has one. 😁
Now back to the important discourse!
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GW has to adress the realities! If you are Slaaneshi, you won't name your ships "Heroic aggressor". You just won't.
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On the topic of youtubers/sarah z, can i share a personal opinion that I have kept to myself for the longest time but never shared bc I never had anyone that would listen?
Well if so, one thing that bothers me about her videos is just how she never really pays any attention to anything racist while constantly spending several minutes dissecting anything she considered transphobic as if one is more important than the other
Now im not saying shes wrong for the transphobic callouts! Just that it feels very performative when she barely cares about anything racist.
More specifically, in one video she spends 5 seconds adressing how it's stupid that people get mad when people headcanon certain racially ambiguous characters as black, and that's it. Then in the same video she spends 10 minutes going on and on about how transphobic it is if you're bothered by trans characters and trans people are a part of life and so on
I just felt like she spends a lot more energy on the topics that she feels will earn her more social points instead of calling out problematic stuff bc she believes them to be wrong. Why not spend just as much energy on the racism allegations instead of just saying "it's stupid" while also going on and on about how much she cares about transphobic allegations? I thought I might be reaching which is why im open to being wrong (also i dont know her personally) but, yeah, idk, it just bothers me. Also how she constantly has to mention her co-writer being trans even when it's not relevant, as if to let everyone know how good she is bc she hired a trans person. Makes me wonder if she would constantly say "my black co-writer" if that was the case
Anyway, thanks for reading. I love yoir blog
It isn’t really that big of a deal if it happens once or twice, but if there’s an extant trend of someone just mentioning racism bad as a quick disclaimer or afterthought is not a great sign if they do indeed actually go in depth on what’s wrong with other instances of oppression or prejudice.
It isn’t necessarily a red flag though if transphobia is the only real world oppression she speaks on if her co-writer is trans. I will however attach a pin from “is friends with a racist”, “doesn’t find raceplay to be racist”, and apparently “doesn’t actually call out racism that much” with a little thread of red yarn.
This is one of those times when I would have to watch the video for context, but I have no interest in comparing and contrasting sarah Z videos to prove or dispute your concerns here as that sounds exhausting.
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espritdediamant · 2 years
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
𓆩⟡𓆪 - memies symbol headcanon prompts [2/5] SUBJECT: SLEEP.
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TO ADRESS CATER'S SLEEP HABITS, a general note on characterization. I interpret Cater as demonstrating multiple traits of ADHD in TWST's text, and as such I write him with this in mind. Sleep and ADHD are understood as having a bidirectional relationship. For Cater, specifically, I see these interacting most in his increased alertness, tendency to hyperfocus on tasks, and general difficulty regulating his routines.
More to the point. Sleep hygiene—the practice of ensuring one has cultivated daily routines and environments that are maintained, both required to produce good rest—has long been a sticking point and challenge for Cater. For the most part, Cater is "good" at sleeping. He can fall asleep easily once he's decided to go to sleep. Once he closes his eyes, it doesn't take him very long to sleep. Typically, he stays asleep once he has fallen asleep as well.
The problems start with the fact that Cater often does not prioritize choosing to go to sleep, and instead vastly prefers the passing out with phone in hand method of squeezing in rest after a long day of Cay-Caying around town. This is an unsustainable but relatable vice.
There are multiple instances across TWST's text where Cater becomes too absorbed in a task to effectively keep track of the time, and has difficulty in general budgeting out his time. These instances are often linked to using his phone to the point of distraction or obstruction to other things that need to be done. As a result, Cater makes no conscious effort to prioritize when he should be resting; as long as his energy levels are fine, he sort of just keeps going.
The major contention regarding Cater's relationship with rest is his phone. It's because you're always on that damn phone etc etc. Generally, guidelines for sleep hygiene suggest that individuals should avoid the use of phones or other screen devices 30mins-1hr before going to bed. Much to the chagrin of Cater's GP, this is never, ever going to be a recommendation that Cater heeds.
As a student, the peak of Cater's active screentime takes place at night. This is the sweet spot after classes, clubs, and homework have been seen to. This habit has less to do (directly, anyway) with the phenomena of "revenge bedtime procrastination", in which individuals stay awake to reclaim their time. Rather, Cater's penchant for late nights started in middle school once he was old enough to keep in touch with former schoolmates online. The added complication of timezones caused him to stay up increasingly longer on his phone chatting, texting, and keeping up with their posts.
Eventually the problem built upon itself as life and socialization (for Cater, at least) has become increasingly more centralized online, and social media and entertainment apps stack upon each other. In short, he often prioritizes online interactions over going to bed.
Cater on average stays up until ~3AM, which isn't the most sustainable practice when he's rising at 6-7AM for classes. This is an average of 3-4hrs of sleep a night which is not adequate It works out such, though, that Cater's energy levels are naturally pretty high. Thus, the lack of sleep just tempers them slightly and tends to reduce his focus. The issue of his sleep hygiene isn't so dire as to impact his day-to-day life or impede on his goals, but it is an area of health he neglects.
What can correct the sleep issue?
When Cater has something "to wake up for" the following day (i.e., an engagement that breaks his norm) he will often try to prioritize getting to bed sooner.
Social media droughts, when everything is boring, are likely when he's most well rested.
In a pinch, he really unironically enjoys ASMR videos. He goes for ambient noise ones (think "art studio vlog" and "pack orders with me" rather than anything that contains people talking, because he gets too interested in the narratives to sleep—and he doesn't find nature sounds that compelling, TYSM.)
Above all, history class can and absolutely will make him sleepy. Not precisely the best time and place to fix your relationship with sleep, though.
TLDR; you'll rarely ever catch Cater yawning through his day or struggling to stay awake, but still: put your phone down!! Choose sleep. You can answer those DMs tomorrow king.
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mi5016jesspark · 3 months
The LGBTQ+ community and race is being covered within the media in a more frequent light due to society's change into a more inclusive outlook. This increased tolerance might be reflected by statistics or opinions in these articles.
LGBTQ+ in the UK - Statistics & Facts | Statista
Sexual orientation hate crime England and Wales 2023 | Statista
United States: moral stance towards homosexuality 2022 | Statista
1.5 million people identified with LGBTQ+ July 2024 (statista)
from 2021-2022 26152 hate crimes were recorded, in 2011-2012 4,345 hate crimes were reported. This may be an indication of increased hate towards these groups however it could be argued that the increase in reports indicates an increase in comfort-ability in coming forward / reporting crimes without fear of being 'outed' for their identity. ( statista)
as of 2024 more members of the audience are beginning to agree that LGBTQ+ is morally acceptable (75%) with 25% stating it morally wrong
What is the Hays Code? - YouTube
What is the hays code?
a way for hollywood to internally regulate themselves so that the government did not step in and further dictate what could and could not be addressed. The tight-knit ownership of hollywood studios that released film (80% of films at the time released by a handful of studios) these regulations were put into place. Groups like the legion of decency gained power politically and decided to demand censorship to follow the rules of what they considered as decent. Things considered as immoral had a largely religious undertone to it, some themes decided as immoral were as follows
-depictions of criminals as anti-heros
-same-sex relationships (referred to as sex perversions)
-criticism of police, religion
-excessive violence
-inter-racial relationships
google form survey conducted to gain opinions of peers regarding representation
-this survey was posted 2x to my personal instagram, displayed up in the animation corridor and posted it up at my workplace at the time, Be More Geek.
instagram= the aims to reach a wide audience as i have peers my age and a wider range of ages who follow me.
animation corridor= to reach my peers and the year above with the hopes that they would engage with the topic as it is familiar to them and may be of interest, also that they would fully understand the topic.
Be More Geek= the shop has a wide age range of customers and sells memorabilia of many different things (movies, games, tv series all of varying genres and franchises) therefore i had hopes that a wide and diverse audience would participate with this survey.
However unfortunately, only 10 people participated with this survey, i am not entirely sure why it received such poor engagement.
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question one:
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-responses reflecting characters which participants felt they related to.
-Some responses may be seen as joke responses as they were underdeveloped.
-The responses highlighted the character fleabag- from the series fleabag as a relatable character due to her developed characterisation.
-participants highlighted appreciation for characters, specifically female, that depicted characteristics which society may deem as less desirable (eg awkwardness, headstrong female characters (often viewed as bossy or as a bitch)
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again- some responses were unfortunately underdeveloped, therefore not as clear to interpret. this is most likely due to my broad question, i should have directed the audience into explaining why they felt represented from the given examples. or i could have given a time frame (Eg, within the last 6 months, last year, last 2 years etc)
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participants outlined they appreciated a more emotional aspect of characters, that they appreciated the media adressing topics which isnt often discussed. some felt like they were accurately represented while others thought that their representation was exaggerated or glamorising and perpetuating harmful societal norms.
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showing a majority of participants (7/10) felt that they had been stereotyped by on screen media. indicates a common problem within society.
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expressions of female characters being stereotyped as boy focused, dumb, one dimensional and often being sexualised. other responses cover sexuality such as lesbian and bisexual, while others focused on racial / ethnicity as a point of stereotyping.
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asked in the aims of finding relevance to animated media as the essay focused on animated film
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overwhelming majority of participants (9/10) were white, with one mixed race participant. This unfortunately does not aid my research into race representation within Spider-man across the spider-verse.limited data pool due to small participation group.
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5/10 participants stated to be bisexual, 4/10 being straight / heterosexual and 1/10 being lesbian. this is a slightly more diverse data set compared to the previous question regarding race. however there are still limited date as only 3 sexuality are covered within the data.
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again limited data pool, having participants within one singular age category, being 18-25. this data isnt specific, i should have had people input their age manually to gather a better insight into specific ages of participants.
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5/10 participants identified as female, 2 identified as male and one identified as non-binary, this again is slightly more diverse data however is still restricted due to small data collected by participants.
all answers within this survey were voluntary and all data collected was anonymous.
0 notes
zara-anthology · 4 months
"Someday, I'll uncover the truths I hope to find" - Kiritani Haruka
IF (イフ) is a song by MORE MORE JUMP!, a fictional Japanese idol group. The song, which serves as Kiritani Haruka's second focus song, was commissioned by YurryCanon and was written for the Tied By Painful Hope event. Since the original song is in Japanese, I'm using an English cover by ami. The lyrics can be found in the video, though you can also read along with them by clicking "keep reading" below.
The song adresses Haruka's internal conflict and her questioning stance towards the meaning of life, specifically her own. "Why I can't die, the reason I had received the gift of life", such are the questions she asks herself. The song also touches on the uncertainty of life, and that tomorrow is not guaranteed. But even so, Haruka keeps her head high, determined to move forward: "I merely keep my hopes high with no fear, believing in a sunshine that might not appear". In a life full of such uncertainties, the only thing she can do is have hope. The chorus goes on: "Throughout each part of my life, I'm faced with ifs, buts or lies. With every step I take, the "what ifs" step on the brakes". This line seems to signify the contradictions Haruka carries with her, but these come to a halt when she moves forward. The final chorus shows a development in Haruka's outlook, in that she's come to terms with the fact that, even if she won't be able to become or acomplish anything special with her singing, she'll continue to sing and bring hope to people. The concluding message she wants to bring is that the purpose of life is still unknown to her, but even that deems her life worthless, she still believes the world is beautiful, encouraging her fans to live on.
As someone who is still searching for her own purpose in life, the song and its hopeful lyrics really speak to me. I think the song brings the answer to the age-old question "what is the meaning of life?" in that there may not be a meaning, but by no means is that a reason to stop living. Haruka seems to have come to accept this fact, though I myself have yet to come to grips with this. Moving forward is difficult when you don't know where you're going, making you feel lost in life. I hope one day I can have the same outlook on life as Haruka.
why i can’t die, the reason i had received the gift of life someday, i’ll uncover the truths i long to find
on days the weather is forecasting rain i walk with no umbrella though it may seem strange i merely keep my hopes high with no fear believing in a sunshine that might not appear
ah, yes, well time and time, i’ve wished away while hoping “things will be okay” if i take a leap and run, then i could even reach to the moon
so i will keep on believing, since who knows what tomorrow’s day could bring?
throughout each part of my life, i’m faced with ifs, buts or lies with every step i take, the “what ifs” step on the brakes i wonder if i could get to live without a regret it feels like such a stupid wish to make
a never-ending story? how boring that tale would be i want to see a dawn that only lasts for one night these feelings welling in me, these feelings i still can’t see how many can i feel here by your side?
those words of comfort you whisper alone or poetry of wishes you once hope to own everything will be seen in the end so let this proof i lived now take on a shape that nobody can ever come to forget
beautiful lies that we sell and the dirtiest truths that we tell if it all were forgiven, and we could agree “this is just being h uman, you see?”
i wonder if we could start again, then could we try we make our present gleam with something as precious as our love and our magic, crazy dreams?
though you may not walk down that path, there’s still plenty that you may be yet to see
throughout each part of my life, i’m faced with ifs, buts or lies with every step i take, the “what ifs” step on the brakes i wonder if i could get to live without a regret it feels like such a stupid wish to make
throughout each part of my life, i’m faced with ifs, buts or lies i want to be something that this life could never bring there’s not a right way to walk, there’s not a way that is wrong if i had once more chance, i’d carry on
my singing won’t save your life, or anything of the like but, still i want to sing on for your sake, now, alright? this dream that won’t fade away, i want to sing it today even if it’s been played a thousand times
why i can’t die, the reason i had received the gift of life i’m still not too sure; it’s unusual still, if my life is worthless trash to be thrown and left behind i will still believe that this world is beautiful (let’s keep living on!)
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chimericchaos · 5 months
Something I just realized about the lucid dreaming community is that they're all catholic
Ok I don't know that BUT one time, back in my lucid dreaming days, I found a tutorial on how to lucid dream and it also said stuff about what to do in the dream
The guy in the video said something that really stood out to me: in response to the common question of "can you have sex in a lucid dream" he responded with you cannot, because you won't even think to do so
Because, in your dream, you are the purest form of yourself, free from any earthly desires. So, why would you want sex when you can fly? Shoot lazers? Create things from nothing?
And little me heard that and thought "yes, that makes sense. One does not have sexual feelings in dreams because those feelings are a body-thing and not a you-thing"
Which is the biggest load of bullshit I believed at the time
The glaring issue: sexual dreams happen to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Even me, before watching said video. Yet, I had completely forgotten my own fleshly desires upon watching it. I still don't quite understand how
But now I look back on it and think, wow, that's an easy mental trap to fall into, and paints sexuality as something inherently not-you and therefore you're better without it. I feel like I've heard this somewhere before...
So to finally patch things up: sexuality is a normal part of being human. Yes, you will dream about sexual things, everyone does. It's not an issue. You should never need to feel ashamed for a basic human want, as one should never feel ashamed for wanting ice cream. Ice cream is a delicious little treat that you *could* go without your whole life, but there really isn't a need to besides social pressure
It's a brain-chemistry thing. That chemistry will carry over into dreams very often and into other areas of your life, and that's perfectly normal
And so, I should probably adress the great asexual elephant in the room: this can apply to asexual people too, sex is a normal thing everybody does. If you don't feel like that's for you, that's ok. It's like pineapple on pizza, you hear talk of people wanting and enjoying it, but you very much don't and can't understand why they would. It's ok to not like pineapple on pizza, as much as it is *to* like pineapple on pizza. And sometimes, someone may not like it, but will eat the pizza anyway. There are no real rules to it, just eat whatever you feel like at the moment, you have an entire menu available to you
Yes I know the specifics of sexuality don't 100% fit into a food analogy, but in my experience it seems like sex and food are very close together in the brain, lust and hunger are essentially the same thing. And so to simplify the entire thing: if you need to eat, then eat
So back to the lucid dreaming community, this post really was never about that. Neither was the original video I think, that video was about control, about giving people information that not only isn't true, but is also harmful to them. I think we should be careful about what information we take from a youtube video
There are many things can can easily be said without words
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I was just going about my Business on the when I stumbled across something tha t i have to adress
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I Found this Video. It has me in it and is not real. I repeat
Here’s a lnk to the offending video
Specifically the Part at 3:52? Never would have happened
it’s pretty obvious by the content of the video that whoever made this there just trying to make a fool out of me to make them feel better about their pathetic existence
I could let it speak for itself, but you guys are so stupid that I should probably elaborate just to be sure that none of you idiots still think this si real
I wouldnt be caught shattered hanging out with any of those crystal cunts
how would i be in the nether if IK stuck in this god damn well
inwouldnt have died in the first place
i wouldnt habe respawned in True overworkd
i punch Fire for breakfast
steven would have died
proof it’s Not footage of me playing minecraft
I wouldnt be caught shattered hanging out with any of those crystal cunts
iit was footage of me playing minecraft, then i
would have absolutely demolished that ghasy
you cant catch arrows in minecraft
you can’t wear crash helmet in minecraft
minecraft people are cubes you buffoons
how would I play minecraft if I’m stuck in this welk WHAY you expect me to download the MOBILE VERSION
You think I would be caught dead wearing a gold helmet get real Urs
The only exception is 3:26
and the original Steven craft vidoe
Those were real I did all those things
how it actually would have went
Animation by me ha I really can do it all cant I THATS how it is Ehen you Dome out right
fighting animation tumblr punching balls man I’m the best Quartz to ever walk the universe
What did ab amazing Quartz Like me do to deserve this
the well, AND the fake video
as for pure guano, I bet you thought I wouldnt See it did you? Well looks like you were wrong
You must feel pretty dumb rn getting exposed like that
anyways, Looks Like my work Herr is done I’m gonna go punch the walls and try to figure out of hreq
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