#this was an experiment in how much I can bs drawings and still have them look good
That's so fucked up that people are romantizing Franco, because even Red Barrels are showing him as a total creep and disgusting person. In Outlast Tag I have a feeling that some artists are making him completly different character, making him charming/safe/lovely. I even have seen some people who were drawing him with normal face (without big forehead) and you couldn't tell them that it's the right character design! I feel like Franco enjoyers are more agressive than fans of other Outlast character. Even with Coyle/Eddie simps they seem to understand that they are evil and they murder others, but with Franco I feel like they can take it when someone tell them that he's grown up, murder people in very brutal way and his voice lines are just disgusting... it really seems that people are getting agressive only because someone tell some shit about 🎀✨️Franco🎀✨️. I know his fans isn't the only one that have stick in their ass (cause I seen a lot of shit bout Coyle/Big Grunts/Easterman etc.) but yall need to understand that FRANCO IS A GROWN ASS MAN and you would run for your life if you'd meet someone in irl as 1% fucked up as he is. Saying that he's just a Baby and he made nothing wrong is just 🤮 and problem is in yall if you justificate him and things he made.
idk how to tell you this ,,,, but this game is fictional. The characters are fictional. You're free to feel however you want about them, just like I and anyone else is.
I partially agree with the part about changing his appearance to make him look more "normal" or whatever, but at the same time people are allowed to interpret their favs however they want to. They can draw / write for him however they want to. I don't like "fixing" his face, just because it (personally) feels like saying "he's too ugly", but again, that's just me. As an artist, I know that people are going to have different interpretations of a character I like. It's just part of other people existing in the world. Not everyone thinks like you do, and that's okay.
Do you know how many posts I saw (and STILL see) about Eddie Gluskin, doing essentially the same thing as what you said people do with Franco?? That man would cut you open to "make a baby in you" no hesitation and people still ""romanticize"" him (me fuckin included I LOVE YOU EDDIE). Its just part of liking fucked up characters, some people are going to want to make them more "normal".
Personally, I see the normalization as more like wanting to give him some normalcy in his life, because of his past / lore. I love the idea of letting Franco have a normal life, be a normal person. A life where he never had to deal with the stupid Mafia stuff, had a decent father and never ran into Murkoff, having a normal, happy life. But, I also seriously adore his original, fucked up character.
Honestly, who actually cares if people are "justifying" his actions??? None of them are real. He is not real. I have never understood the sentiment that you have to make sure people know you don't justify a fictional characters actions... they are not real. It's not a real person. None of the things he did happened.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not run from someone like him. That's not some edge lord "im so evil and dark" bs but because of my real life experiences. Been with and around people in my life / family who are quite like him and I didn't run.
I imagine some of us are using it as a sort of coping mechanism, because (at least for me) some of us dealt with people who treated us like he would. Though, that's getting into personal territory, and I won't try and speak for others.
All I can really say is either learn that not everybody's going to have the same ideas as you or block the tag. Sorry if that's too harsh a response, but life is too short to really give that much of a fuck about someone /something other people like.
And I've said this before but this is literally Outlast, all of the characters are this fucked up, it's not just him.
Like does no one remember Outlast 2??? Does no one remember the pile of dead burnt babies, or the hundreds of other fucked up things in that game?? I really feel like Franco does not compare.
So, can we please just be over with this now? I mean, drama is totally fun and I love it, but I can imagine others don't.
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violottie · 6 months
I cant stress enough how much bi lesbians and bi lesbian discourse flared up my SO-ocd, I was fine for a few months and then I returned to this side of tumblr and I get reminded of them. One of my worst fears is that I am somehow a “bi lesbian” or if after all these years of questioning and finally coming to the conclusion that I’m a lesbian I’ll turn out to be straight in the end. Idk if I should have stayed on the art side of tumblr but where else do I find other lesbians??? I wish I could go back to when I didn’t know “bi lesbians” existed it was easier back then. Apparently the only thing to make intrusive thoughts subside is to be like “so what if I’m not a lesbian, who cares” but I cant do that. I wanna go back to when I didn’t know there were people who deliberately fake being gay because that’s also one of my fears,, even though when I realized I was a lesbian it felt like I REALIZED it rather than chose it
(this is gonna be long but it's very important to talk about so just a heads up on that)
i am so so sorry to hear this, and im infuriated that these fucking creeps in the "community" have caused not only so much blatant lesbophobia to spread but also have caused so much harm to lesbians.
i am right with you because ive been through, and still go through sometimes, what you're experiencing. its terrifying that all this bullshit can snowball and make any doubts we lesbians already have from living in this heterosexual patriarchal society double and multiply even more viciously.
my internalised lesbophobia has worsened also. i doubt myself alot and more often thanks to all this bs. its... i dont even have words to express how damaging lesbophobia, especially from within the "community", is.
it causes harm and trauma and pain and suffering for lesbians, but all these stupid juvenile shits just think it doesnt matter because "uwu theyre so kweer and cool now"
it sucks... but i need you to know it is not your fault that you feel this way.
no matter what anyone inside or outside the community says, and no matter what your spiralling thoughts might make you believe as a result of lesbophobia inside and outside the community, you are not straight, you are not a "bi lesbian", you are not bisexual. you are a lesbian.
i know it is so so hard to just say but i promise you, nothing they say will ever ever change the reality of your lesbianism. i promise you.
it hurts, and its beyond infuriating to have to share space with these disrespectful bastards who coopt our lived experience for a moment of attempted self-actualisation, and that pain deserves to be acknowledged and soothed, not pushed away.
i wish i could give you a hug rn honestly because this shit just fucking sucks. i too wish i could go back to the time when these idiots werent even a concept in my mind or memory, but if there is any advice i can give you to help ease the torment of this constant barrage, it is this:
1) know, for a fact, that nothing anyone, and i mean ANYONE says and no matter how loud they say it, will ever change the lived and exact reality of your innate sexuality.
nothing will ever magic away your lesbianism. it is wired into you, it IS you, a very central part of your personhood. that is not something that any words, especially words shat out of the asshole of a dickhead child on the internet, can ever change.
im not disregarding the hurt, im just reminding you that who you are, who you truly are, cannot change because of the words that hurt. especially because you know deep down that those words are not true.
because being a lesbian is who you are. it is not a quota to reach, or what you do, it is who we are. innately. you know where your natural attactions lie, what genders draw your attraction exclusively and without effort. you know that deep down. we are literally born this way. words cannot change that.
2) the best thing to do whenever you accidentally glimpse said bullshit is to block them and focus on uplifting the actual lesbian community.
lesbians community is such an integral lifeline, i cannot emphasise the sheer importance of enough.
these idiots are, after all, idiots and do not deserve your energy, your time or your pain. they will never matter, and the truth is, they only exist on the internet among weirdos who have no sense of self so seek it by stealing bits and pieces from other peoples personal experience and identity.
they are and always will be inauthentic, unlike you.
3) find and focus on the joy of your lesbianism individually and in lesbian community with other lesbians.
We lesbians are blessed to experience the best kind of human life possible: lesbianism.
our sexuality is bold and strong and proud and beautiful and brilliant and effervescent. it is perfect and brave and worthy of honor and praise and celebration and respect.
our community of lesbians is just as exquisite as we are individually. we are diverse and divine. every butch, femme, stud, stone, masc and feminine lesbian; every trans woman, transmasc, transfem and nonbinary lesbian; every black and brown and lesbian of color; every aromantic, asexual, aroace, non-partnering and polyamourous lesbian; every lesbian of every age and race is so overflown with wisdom and joy and love and brilliance. there is nothing more empowering as a lesbian and nothing that strengthens lesbian pride more than being in a community of lesbians and finding joy in ourselves through each other.
and im not just saying this to be mushy. i mean it. lesbians are divine, and thus, you are also divine.
you are perfect as a lesbian because you ARE a lesbian. you are incredible and intelligent and brilliant and brave.
nothing will change the brilliance of who you are, and in everything you are as a lesbian, you have a universe of lesbians who have been, who are and who will be, all of whom have not only been through the same and similar demeaning bs from the same kind of lesbophobic idiots, but they fought it back and survived and lived and thrived as lesbians.
you are just as strong as every lesbian who has been and is. and you are not alone. i promise you.
i am slowly rebuilding the community of lesbians on this blog that i had on my old one, but i promise you, on my blog you are safe. i swear, i will always always put lesbians first here, and that includes you. i will always defend and support and celebrate lesbians first here, and here you will find many other lesbians who will do the same.
i know this was long, im sorry about that but i just need you to know that i see and feel your pain with you, and i need you to know that you arent going through it alone, and you are not alone.
we lesbians have always stuck together to defend and fight for one another, we have always survived, we have always been here, and we always will be.
i hope this reassures you in some way, and know you're always welcome and safe here ❤️🧡🤍🩷💖
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arsont-t · 6 months
I love how bioshock fans can hate on characters for being annoying but we accept them and all their atrocities. I’ve been in the genshin and ghost and pals fandom, they’re not as chill about characters who’ve done atrocities as bioshock fans are. I’ve seen dottore from genshin get hated on, despite the fact that is very clear dottore is a villain. He’s done as many atrocities as a bioshock character. He would love rapture, and he would fit decently well in the bioshock story. Fayrouz from Qualia automata, a series made by ghost and pals, gets hated on so much despite the fact that compared to even tenenbaum she’s not that bad. Tenenbaum experimented on kids, and even then we still love her and her redemption arc. Fayrouz was controlling to one adult man and was neglectful to two robots. anyway I really appreciate how you and other bioshock fans are really chill
I don't know much about these universes. But in the end, they're all fictional characters
As long as their behaviours aren't banalised in game (which is not the case in BS), as long as the player is aware and understand, it's pretty fine to like toxic characters, morally grey characters or the fucked up evil characters.
The concept is to have fun. I believe it's a chance to have a bunch of people that share the same interests in a fandom. We shouldn't fight over what is ,in the end, a subjective way/ personal appreciation of a media. And as much as we're emotionally attached to our interests and headcanons, sometimes it's good to cool down and remember they're not superior to others.
Personally, I like to see everyone's interpretations and drawings. It gives ideas and open perspectives. Of course I'm also always overjoyed ( but that's the bit of 'tism)
Finally, it's cool you find it chill here. It's important it's safe and tolerant. It's what any fandom should look like in their prime.
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kuromi-hoemie · 5 days
10 and 24?
10: About someone I think is funny: random tumblr users and kids lmao 😭 and me..
further out of my sphere i love Kennie JDs personality so much. fellow black woman rawdogging ADD
she has a YouTube channel and has a “Bad movies and a beat” playlist where she talks about bad movies while putting her makeup on. she's so gorgeous and her looks come out beautiful and her personality is a huge part of the draw 😹 she's sorta got a series within that series too called “Good movies and a glam” which is the same thing p much but she talks about movies she enjoyed.
we don't fully overlap in our interests but she talks about horror movies sometimes and i love listening to her talk and watching her reaction to things. there are definitely some videos that have me stopping like 5-10 minutes in like wait let me go watch the movie first bc this sounds like it's gonna be an Experience. i think it's very validating and fun to see how she feels about things I've seen, and even if it's stuff I'm not interested in i still think it's fun to see her do her thing :3
sometimes she does a good analysis, sometimes it's more of a summary w some thoughts and reactions here and there, and for some she's just does a straight reaction to it bc she doesn't think there's really anything to talk about. the worse the movie is the funnier she is 💀 but she's just funny period. Atlanta queen 🫶🏾
comedy is a hard one for me.. there's a lot of jokes and comedians that don't really land for me but i think it's bc I've always been surrounded by ppl i think are funnier or more outta pocket offline and online.. something something ppl who try to be funny vs ppl who just are.
24. An unusual talent I have: o: i don't know.. electrical engineering i suppose? as an end to end process w schematic design, 3d modelling and printing, soldering n circuitry etc. i think it's very rewarding to have a bespoke thing that's the only one of its kind.. technology that does exactly what u want it to do nothing more nothing less no unwanted upgrades/planned obsolescence/privacy policies/cloud bs etc. u can make technology do plenty off of ur home network alone, if u want it to be controllable/accessible from a network at all. i only call this strange in the sense that it's not common.. but in another perspective i think I'm v good at tinkering with stuff in general!! I've built and taken apart enough things in life that a lot of stuff feels very intuitive atp, more so for furniture or something more.. mechanical, than electronics but I'm good at tinkering w that too :3
not good enough to be able to tell which specific part of a complicated circuit board stopped working (unless there's obv physical damage or a disconnected cable), but i can put stuff together from scratch or bypass certain things for more desired behavior. like i built an ebike once but instead of using its pedal assistance i bypassed it and just made it full throttle. it did like 32mph lol 😭 i made that when covid first hit and i didn't want to bus anymore but i usually otherwise make stuff for taking care of my indoor gardens, when i have them (i do not rn). a simple and handy one to do is replacing a battery source with an AC adapter so u can get full power and the thing will never die on u. or at least when it does it's in the way that all electronics will eventually stop working after enough use, but nothing's died on me yet :3
also making web tools for data analysis! (or just something u can use in the browser basically but it's on ur computer not The Internet™). i don't have the time to educate myself in other fields fully but i do like looking at the data they produce and learning more about things that way!! my favorite visualizations to make are maps but I'll make utilities that i can use to strategize for my games sometimes too.
oh and i also like modding games :3 i have made my own mods for 13 games so far. playing the game is already nice but to me it's about really fine tuning the experience to be how i want it to be and making it my own. sometimes I'll start modding before even starting the game 💀 like hmm let me take a peek at what y'all got going on here, then being like eh that sounds annoying I'll just do this instead. my favorite game to mod is elden ring, their spell system has a LOT of different pieces and phases and effects of spells that u can mix and match and chain together to make ur own spells. in this way getting a new game can be like getting a new project at times, and when i don't wanna do that i just use WeMod and call it a day :3
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wachtelspinat · 2 years
I've been in a rut as of late, and I really want to get better at form and anatomy. Your style is one of my favorite ones ever, what would you say were your biggest inspirations throughout the years?
hey, first of all i’m so very sorry for the late reply. hope you get to see this still since it’s been a while since you sent this ask... sorry
secondly, thanks a lot! i try to give some insights here, this question's always kinda hard for me to tackle because i'm having a hard time identifying my style and what makes it tick, idk... i guess it's a combination out of everything i like, starting from the artstyle of tf2 to various styles of my mutuals and people around here (but i think tf2, wanting to draw humans ever since i first laid eyes on tf2 and the cartoony artstyle of it all are my major fuels, ngl). 
as for anatomy and form: this is a matter i just recently pushed myself into because i felt really stuck in my ways. like... i never really did studies in my life, so when i wanted to draw i kind of had to count on it to ‘just work’, idk if this makes sense... i always felt like i didn’t actually know what i was doing there, and i worked with ref a lot (i would always recommend using ref, no matter what, what i want to say is that i realized i had not enough fundament to truly fool around in the way i liked to). and now that i started actually doing anatomy studies i feel so dumb because yeah. it IS making things easier x) i understand tho that for most it’s a motivational issue... you have to find a way to make it work for you. like doing studies, but implementing what you learned into a sketch of your blorbo, as an example.
as for resources, it’s hard to find good tutorials, mostly because the place is flooded with art bros trying to tell you “you don’t NEED anatomy and here is why” and then they make a sketch and you can SEE that they put SO MUCH ANATOMICAL KNOWLEDGE INTO IT. so there’s a lot of bs out there. there is good stuff out there tho, but it might take you a while to find what’s best suited for you. i could make a list of yt channels that really helped me but the thing is, everyone is at their own lvl and with different goals in mind, so i don’t think this would be very helpful.
what i can link you to tho are 2 videos that really opened my eyes in regards of a) finding your style and b) getting better at drawing a certain topic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLfH9yOGs3o - this video tackles the whole ‘finding your style’ topic. because i often give the tip that you don’t find your style, style finds you (and i still think that is in its regards correct, because you just get subconsciously influenced by the media you consume and like and your fave artists’ style’s if you really dig them) but the ability to actively WORK on your style is there. it’s just something you have to put a lot of work into. but we’ll never stop learning, so there’s that. (she describes it with her landscape drawings but really this works for anything... from dynamic linework to just trying to find the right energy in your pictures)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0ufz75UvHs - this one really helped me getting over my fear of ‘drawing something ugly’ (big words from someone drawing ugly men as a hobby) but hear me out... because i have a weird brain that makes me recoil from something my mind thinks is ‘imperfect’ i really often get stuck with my art and either don’t experiment at all or get stuck with a sketch and spending hours on it trying to fix it... so approaching this matter like the video described just... melted that away. because when you draw 20 faces a day just telling yourself “NOBODY will EVER see this” you start loosening up... or at least i did. it’s also good for an analytical brain or people who strongly lean into that. this approach was especially nice while being stuck in an artblock... because i could easily just fool around and it kind of changed how i see doing art... like... nothing is ever perfect so i don’t have to make it perfect, i can analyze my art through a more neutral lense than my emotional attachment to it now... does that make sense?
last but not least, there are a ton of good resources out there for anatomical studies, my fave is still “anatomy for sculptors, understanding the human figure” by uldis zarins sandis kondrats.
SORRY THIS GOT A BIT LONGER BUT i put A LOT of thought into this as of late so yeah... maybe it’s gonna help someone too
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Let's play a game!
Okay, so maybe you took things a little too far... in your defense, Furfur definitely started it! I mean, picking on your kids like that was just asking for trouble. Borderline begging. So you were unaware the boys would be working at a bar as "training" if it could even be called that.
But once they saw you, they tried desperately to keep their mentor away from you and telling you to run. You just eyed the so-called general. "Hey, cutie, wanna spend some time with me?" You suppose he was trying to appeal himself to you... somehow? It didn't work for obvious reasons. He was playfully flipping a coin that you noticed both your boys glaring at. Jazz, you could somewhat understand as he was the more emotional of the two but allocer as well? Curious.
"I'm afraid I don't devote any part of myself much less my time to someone who can't raise my... intreset." Your pause was brief, but heavily implying your word play. Combing your hand through your hair. You glanced at him rather boredly. "Oh! Is that a fact?" His tail waved back and forth, seeming rather pleased with your indifference. You tried not to laugh as you imagined him being a fish that took the bait.
"It is," you respond with a nod, waving the children away. "And seeing as you have nothing of value for me, I don't see any reason to continue this conversation." Making your way towards the bar with the demon hot on your heels. "Don't be like that! I'm sure we can find something to benefit us both." You watched as his eyes trailed down your body, and you couldn't prevent yourself from snorting.
"You say that, but...." You crossed your legs as you leaned against the bar now elbows resting casually on top. "Daddy didn't raise a dummy." You teased suitably, reminding him of your tet raked father, with narrowed eyes. "If you had something to wager, that would be a different story." You sighed forelornly.
"Wager!? Would you like to make a bet?" You could see the boys in the corner of your eyes trying to warn you. But you ignored their frantic attempts. "Oh? What do you have that I could possibly want?" Your voice mocking, but your inner self was cheerfully waving a banner and cackling like a second-rate Disney villain.
"What about them?" He gestures to his two trainees, and you pretended to freeze. Looking at him, you kept your voice low so as not to draw any attention. "What about the children?" He grinned, thinking he had caught you. "They've raked up a large debt, and of course, being their mentor, I kindly added mine to there's as well." You vaguely heard Jazz's and Allocer's voices behind you pleading not to go against him.
"They seem afraid. It must be pretty steep." A demon walked over and handed you a piece of paper. You eyed the amount written down. "So you wish to play using the children's debt as collateral. I must say congratulations, you have my attention." Turning your head, you locked eyes with Allocer, then Jazz. "This is going to take a while, darlings, sit down while the general and I come to terms of agreement. Do not go back to work until I tell you to understand?"
They reluctantly nodded worried expressions clear as day on their faces. They were gonna have to work on that, but they're still learning. Returning your gaze to your challenger, you smiled. "Let's play a game!" You cheerful tone slipping free as the greed took over you.
Furfur seemed to have matching thoughts as their own greedy smile shined through. "Don't cry when you lose, cutie!" As he held out a deck of cards. "I love cards! What are we playing, Poker? Rummy? BS? Gin?" Was your only response.
*five hours later*
Thus leading to you both getting carried away between drinking and playing. Playing against a Demon was so much fun. They knew the best ways to cheat and, of course, how to keep games going for hours on end.
During the game, if you had spotted fou play, you pointed it out to the boys choosing to use it as learning experiences rather than taking offense. Fur fur would get excited when you would point them out or make teasing comment about you letting him cheat. Your ingenious response had been. "Cheat all you want. That just means you can't complain if you lose." Lighting a fire in the demonic general.
Both boys had fallen asleep at this point. Jazz with his head on your shoulder, and Allocer snuggled up to your legs. Both you and your opponent stopped temporarily to take pictures and coo over the cute actions.
Well, at this point, you had cut the debts amount in half. Maybe if you had more time, you could do more, but it was already three in the morning. The bar would be closing soon. "Should we make this the last round tonight?" You asked while drawing a card from the deck.
Then general hummed in thought. "We should put those two to bed at least." You chuckled. "Awe, you do care. How adorable." The large demon scoffed. "As if you don't." As he discarded two cards.
"How could I not care? I do adore all my children." You beamed happily thinking of the misfit class. "That just not natural. See, I care cause those two are my lackeys now. But why is it that you care for that whole class. I mean, I know one of them is yours, but it still doesn't mean that you gotta care for all of them. Demons only look out for their own kind."
"You're wrong." The statement rang clearly thought the bar. Not a shout or even a curse. But the firm tone left no room for arguments. "It's as natural as it can be, and I'll the you why." Placing down your cards to reval a royal flush. "I'm greedy, and I love my family. So naturally, with me being so greedy, I'd want more family to love. Biologically, yes, iruma is an only child. But I can see it already. He's built unbreakable bonds with his classmates."
You reached out and patted both boys' heads as they clung closer in their sleep. "The children have accepted this fact and have reached out to me as well. Who am I to deny them the desire of comfort? Or for the need of a parent's affection? I am the person they chose. And I will greedily keep them until my last breath. They are mine just as I am theirs."
Watching Furfur as he tossed his own cards down, you saw a pair of 8's and a pair of 6's with a jack. You had won. The general laughed it was a full laugh that seemed to shake the room. "Damn, you're a lot of things, but at least you ain't boring." You beamed once more, a bright an warm look as you told him. "Let's play again sometime!"
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red-might-be-dead · 9 months
okay okay so
tw for like death and murder and lab shit and stuff, got some mad scientist type bs going on....
none of this is really set in stone btw i have a tendency to change lore over and over and over ripp
basically i just really wanted to make some kind of apocalypse/secret lab type story because all of my ocs so far have been from the same fantasy type story, so far i only have three ocs from my silly little unnamed oc's story (and all of them dont have names! shocking i know!)
so this guy, (im gonna call him 1 for now bc bro remains WITHOUT A NAME) is the son of a pretty prestigious and well know genetic engineer (1's mum is one of the three characters so far and he doesn’t have a dad lmaoo).
1's mum was researching animal/human gene splicing and also developments of diseases and how they travel from animals to humans. yk like trying to figure out how sometimes humans will contract some diseases from animals but other diseases wont get passed on.
this is why 1 has his pointy teeth (bro got his genes spliced by his mother when he was younger) the pointy teeth definitely ALWAYS had lore and definitely DIDNT occur just because i like to draw pointy teeth... definitely
okay so further down the line into 1's mums experiment there was an accident, some kind of mutation she had created had got loose and attacked a bunch of the scientists in her facility, whilst trying to escape she ends up being killed by said mutation (im still undecided on if i should make her cold and cruel or kind but slightly crazy btw... but i'll figure it out eventually)
this facility is out in the middle of nowhere and 1 is pretty much used to not seeing his mum for really long periods of time at this point so he doesn't know anything is wrong for a while. he only realised about two or three months later when the news reported some kind of strange creature in a small town pretty close to the facility, he recognised the mutation and knew that his mum had created it.
later on in the story 1 realises he isn’t actually a human he’s just another of his mothers experiments but for some reason she got attached to him and raised him like a real child (that’s why he doesn’t have a biological father lol)
he has one friend (i’m gonna call them 2 bc i don’t have a name for them either sobs) and he spends quite a lot of time with them, i haven’t got their design down properly yet but i’m pretty sure i want to give them some kind of dyed blue hair…. maybe…….. idk
1 and 2 are the type of kids to just absolutely fuck up an easy task like to the max - they would set the kitchen on fire whilst trying to make a sandwich. 2 is actually pretty clever but as soon as they spend any amount of time with 1 it’s like all of their smarts just disappear.
i think the best way to describe 1’s personality is a massive puppy that likes to bite you but doesn’t really understand it’s own strength - he’s a bit clueless and slightly blood thirsty
2 plays guitar btw, not that that really means anything it’s just a fun little fact :D
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pom0dorini · 1 year
people in this fandom need to learn the difference between fiction and reality.
lately a big amount of people have gotten into hetalia, and while that's always great, i can't help but notice that most of them are very young teens on tiktok. mind you there's nothing wrong with that, but the fandom has been getting more and more sanitized over the years. it's insane how many people have started complaining about ships that have been a thing since the very start just because everything must be seen as "problematic".
have we watched/read the same anime/manga? i know that with world stars (especially the recent chapters) hetalia has become a lot more tame than it used to be, but you can't just ignore everything that came before that. there's so much stuff that those people would deem absolutely sinful and problematic, so my question is: why are you in the hetalia fandom? seriously, hetalia has always been involved with discourse and most people are extremely critical of it, it's really not content i could ever see puritans being interested in without them having constant heart attacks.
to everyone that complains about the "gross and icky" content: block the tags! block people! stay in circles of people that share your same opinions! i promise no one is forcing you to look at it. fandoms are a creative place, people are gonna have different opinions/views/ships from yours and that's ok. there is no reason to shame others for what they enjoy in fiction because, IT'S FICTION. we're talking about fake personifications of countries, lines on a screen, DRAWINGS. they're not real beings and they're 100% not affected by people on the internet shipping them with other characters. your personal tastes don't give you the right to harass and judge people because they enjoy "problematic" content. that's such a childish way of thinking, just mind your own business instead of whining on tumblr about evil gross ships of fictional characters. your opinions aren't objectively correct just because they're yours (shocking i know), you can think and say what you want but that's not gonna stop people from enjoying themselves.
fandom spaces are so much more enjoyable once you learn to avoid the content you dislike, tumblr has a filtering and blocking system (admittedly not the best, but you can still avoid stuff) so use it! learn how to curate your online experience!
this rant was just to say that i'm so tired of people in the hetalia fandom spewing this puritanical bs and being sour over things that have existed since hetalia started. just shut up and leave others be for the love of god.
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
TBH the more we explore Orym’s relationship with death the more I think the Matron suits him as much if not more than the Wildmother. Now, disclaimer, I’m not expecting him to become more religious or whatever, and even if he did that does not have to mean a multiclass; nor will I get through every detail and bit of meta surrounding this. That said for meta reasons I’d imagine multiclass could likely coincide (Liam has a track record there). That said, I do want to explore and speculate about it a bit.
Orym clearly loves nature and has had very favorable interactions with the Wildmother, but I think something is missing there. Beyond that Orym has had his whole life to connect to the natural world in a magical or divine way and it just hasn’t happened. He could just com into it late, but for there’s clearly some barrier there. For the meta of course Orym was built specifically to NOT explore that, but tbh that does extend to magic as a whole. However I would like to pose that there’s just a very different vibe between nature aligned Wildmother and death/fate/blood aligned Matron even if they are both divine, AND divine magic is clearly different from Druidic -though of course not entirely seperate.
So how about The Matron? As stated she’s quite different from the Wildmother, but the two are both connected to a certain “natural duty” in maintaining a form of order and balance in the world. However the Matron seems more solemn in her obligation, those duties are of paramount importance to her. I think that form of duty does fit Orym, if one word describes him it’s probably Duty. More personally for Orym, I think there’s a draw there due to his more recent experiences with death and the danger he faces, and has choosen to do so. Orym has always felt the need to protect despite the risk. He’s always been close to death -in his adult life- that’s what he chose, he and Will knew becoming guards meant possibly dying. He respects death and the dead. He knows dealing death is a serious matter and treats it as such. He seemed to connect with what the Matron presented, grave duty and peace in death. He’d only be exploring a new aspect of things he’s already dealing with, all from someone who while not warm or kind, does understand obligation and the difficulty but necessity and drive to fulfill it despite the consequences.
If he were to multiclass I don’t think Paladin is in the cards for him, his strength and charisma are just too low mechanically. Druid is out, he’s spent too long around them and not picked it up to go that route, Ranger is unlikely for similar reasons. So, cleric, which has so many domains. For Orym my first but not exclusive thoughts are War, Peace, and Grave, with some fun outliers being Fate, Moon, and maybe Tempest. (The Moon domain b/c of all the moon bs and also the Matron was probably Ruidusborn; Tempest I have no real explanation for I just think it’s neat.)
However, he could do both the Wildmother and the Matron. That is an option, many Exandrian people in history have been chosen by multiple gods as champions and otherwise. To add to it as a strong contender, it would be interesting and maybe add something new to the dynamic if he was serving two relatively aligned gods. Heck the Inevitable End is still kicking -probably- and Lolth and Asmodeus don’t even get along so well anymore (who knows how that’s going atm though). In general I think it would just be cool too, he can have 4 moms!
PS: that the Matron has come up for Orym has really surprised me, as the cast has avoided retreading previous paths but considering Orym’s everything I think he could be the first character whose player decides “yeah it fits too well, yelp. What could I do with it this time around?”
PPS: again, he could very well never explore it much further and not multiclasss. This is just some fun speculation. Or he could and just not this way, and I will most likely love every minute of it no matter what.
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lavenoon · 2 years
I enjoy reading all these sleep facts, please info dump some more when you have time! (or when comic is finished/you need a drawing break!)
Enablers, all of you! Sketch is done, so another quick ramble as I eat the breakfast I forgot:
Accommodations are plentiful! If sleep doesn't work for you as is, despite melatonin/ routine/ whatever, maybe there's something else missing/ not right!
Like I'm talking about compression blankets or weighted blankets, both offering some pressure that will help you wind down, or bed tents and canopies if you feel too exposed just with the ceiling above you! Most of these may be marketed towards neurodivergent folks (neurodivergent kids more often than not, unfortunately), if you feel like it may enhance your sleeping experience, use it!
Gonna ramble a bit about my sleep, putting it under a cut - doesn't feel too personal for me, I'm not embarrassed, but I'm prone to oversharing so making that opt-in lmao
I'm autistic and have ADHD, sleep is a whole ass challenge for me - and I only started really being kind to myself over it this year! (especially because I only really looked into autism/ got diagnosed this year, too lmao)
I use:
Melatonin half an hour before my bedtime
two weighted blankets, for the summer I have a compression blanket to not die of heat stroke
all in all I currently sleep under 8 blankets. Yes. Princess on the Pea kinda bs here
A bed tent! A cheap one from Ikea that only covers the top of the mattress, the big ones are a bit too much of a hassle even though I love them in theory
My bed has a raised frame, too, and is a child's single bed - I feel enclosed when I sleep and that's ideal
My sensory issues means my legs CANNOT touch at night or I die, so I have a pillow to put between my legs!
Love holding on to either my blankets or a plushie, too, to have something in my arms. Makes me feel safe
Earplugs! Gods, I am SO noise sensitive, I don't know how I ever slept without. I use the foam kind, and they're a godsent, the wax kind I hate so so much lmao
A sleep mask! Specifically one that also covers the ears, originally one of those with integrated headphones, but I took those out and just use it as is #livingintheyear3022
A few specific comfort items/ routines (texture blanket, specific plushie, blankets in specific order, some other stuff)
My sister once said before I got my autism diagnosis: "Look at your bed. Of course you're autistic." and I cannot blame her lmao
And granted, even with all that, I still struggle to sleep a lot of the times! I naturally would get tired around 1AM to 2AM, but that's not feasible for work, so I have to manually shift my body's sleep schedule, and that's rough. I've adapted somewhat, and wake up around 6AM usually (almost 8 today, I slept in! Because I woke up and couldn't fall asleep for two hours tonight!)
Bottom line is, unfortunately ideal sleep is, as all ideals, most likely impossible to reach. But you can still experiment with different accommodations - there's definitely more than I mentioned here, and different things work for different people (like how I absolutely cannot stand sound based asmr, and have friends who really prefer some background noise for sleep), so don't be scared to try out a couple things!
Wishing all of you good sleep luck <3
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orange-ghost · 1 year
Growing Up Trans ♂️
Long rant!! Some bigot bs inspired me to talk about my transness. And I mean, hey, it's pride. Might as well take the opportunity? 🏳️‍⚧️
I was never a feminine person. I didn't like girls' fashion that much, and the only girly toys I ever really touched were Littlest Pet Shops. But even then, I always preferred the boy pets Y'know, the ones without eyelashes painted on. When I was 5, the sound of my name made my skin crawl compared to everyone else's in the room. The only way to really tell me apart from the boys was the long-ass ponytail my mom made me grow out.
I remember they used to talk to us in kindergarten, asking what we'll be like as women and men. Telling us to imagine prom, or what we'll be when we grow up. I could tell I wanted a career in art, but... one issue. When I pictured myself as a high school girl with a date and a dress, or a working woman years and years down the line? My mind's eye went blank.
And remember wanting to play sports back then. Just like my brothers did. Especially basketball, to follow in their footsteps. Another one of the boys. But I wasn't allowed to because of my asthma. So I sunk into video games instead and had my own fun.
When I played Animal Crossing, I made boy villagers almost all the time because I felt more at home with their designs. And because I couldn't make them look like me, they all got their own names & faces instead. I even gave them little personalities in my head & would make them do certain things in accordance to that personality. And I still do this to this day.
When I grew up a little, I loved how deep my voice was compared to other girls-- kids in general, honestly. But I felt a little envy once the guys' voices started dropping & hoped mine would, too. I felt a strange draw to swim trunks & ties. Instead of bikinis & dresses, even though I wasn't actually insecure about my body? Like, showing skin or being fancy wasn't the issue. But somehow... the girls' presentation of it was?
And then I cut my hair short. And that combined with an ambiguous fashion sense, my gravelly little voice & a unisex name (which I'm only changing because I hate it,) got me "misgendered" left and right. And you know what? I loved it. Even though it upset other people around me.
I don't remember girlhood doing me particularly dirty. Double standards were annoying, but my family didn't force femininity on me as much as others. Girls made fun of me for not looking womanly, but I never felt ugly or like I was a "bad" girl because of it. Gaining a more feminine shape over time upset me because I never felt like it suited me, but I've survived worse, and I'm never gonna let it break me. (Especially now that I know I can do something about it.)
I grew out of that "girly = weak and BAD" mentality around 13-ish, when I made girly friends and saw just how great they were. And while I do have experience being SA'd, I actually wasn't targeted because I was a girl. Like 100%, I know for a fact. And I know because I watched the same exact people target a boy right in front of my face.
I knew what was up by 8th grade, honestly. I'm not stupid. I'm a 2000s kid who grew up in a more accepting era & one of the bluest states ever. Of course I knew.
But I did try & run from it for a while. Denial times a hundred. Because I didn't want to deal-- I didn't want to BE trans because I knew it wasn't easy. But unfortunately for me, it ain't really a choice. I can only choose what I wanna do about it. And ignoring it just drags me down.
I remember in grade 10, I started getting insecure about how young I looked & acted. I felt like everyone was growing up before me (and they kinda were-- late bloomer L,) so I started trying more women's clothes, including some form-fitting tops with lower cuts. I wanted to look my age & keep up, and I did-- I went from NYC rat child to presentable young lady. But I hated them. I could legit never go a full day in a dress or anything like that without changing before school ended. And I made sure makeup always got rubbed off as soon as possible. I've only put it on 4 times my entire life. 3 of which were forced.
As much as I hate dysphoria, I am kind of glad I went through that, though? Because it told me that something was wrong. And that I'm not me when I'm girly.
Girlhood is great. There's nothing wrong with her. But our relationship just wasn't for me. This wasn't working out. And so, starting May 2022, we officially broke it off. And I have to admit that I'm a lot happier without her. But I hope we're still friends?? Lol.
Transness to me is very much about self-acceptance. I fucking love men's soaps, and cologne, the look of a flat chest, and suits. I love ties, and how men's graphic tees fit me, and I just KNOW my voice is gonna drop deep as hell once I'm on T. Very much looking forward to that. And if I want all that, I should be able to get it.
I've thought a lot about the man that I want to be in the next few years. And I think I have it all figured out; he's just me, after all. But better!
I want to be strong, physically and mentally-- hey, I already have that second one down! I want to be daring, with a motorcycle & a couple of tattoos. I think I want to be a dad, and I KNOW I want to be a good cook and an even better artist, one who makes great things. But I also want to allow myself to have a soft side, you know?
But most of all, I want to be kinder. I want to stop giving in to toxic masculinity. Because if you knew me growing up, you'd know that I applied that "be a man" mindset to myself WAY too much-- even before I knew what was up.
To whatever weirdo is reading this, if you're about to hit me up and "devastate" my liberal ass saying that I will never be a man or some shit, don't bother. I'm man enough for me & I've survived much worse. Takes more than that to break me, lmao. But you can leave if you want.
Archeologists ain't gonna be diggin' up my bones because if we're being honest, I'll probably be cremated. Cope.
And does it really matter what my chromosomes are? You're not looking at them. They don't prevent me from actually doing anything. What are they, my mom? You won't even be able to tell they're XX once I hit a certain point, dude. Gender & sex are two different things, my guy.
And even if they weren't... even if you were right, which you aren't, and I truly am stuck a mujer for the rest of my life... do you REALLY think I wouldn't go for the next best thing and transition anyway, bro? Second-best ain't bad!
Like, okay, yeah. Maybe I won't ever have XY chromosomes. Maybe I won't ever be able to "put a bun in the oven." But I can still get myself a manly voice, damn it. A manlier body. And I'm way more inclined to focus on what I can do over what I can't.
Aight. This is long as hell, I gotta stop. Happy pride to me & all the other trans-mascs out there though! Hell, just happy pride in general. Send me more asks about gender stuff if you want?
Peace! ✌🏼
-- Jonah S. Last day of pride.
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noahmio · 2 years
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Finished my replay of xenoblade 1 today. Game of all time <3333
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piccolina-mina · 3 years
Our girl is thriving this season, but what the fuck is this Wyatt plot? I need your thinks about this one. I just knew you'd be six posts in on this by now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*sighs* For fk's sake, nonny. I don't even like talking about it because I get ranty.
What do you want me to say? Honestly, everything you can imagine I would feel about this, you're probably right. Because you know, I'm that b*tch always getting ranty about racism and stuff.
In short, I hate it. I think it's unnecessary, tone-deaf, random, pointless, lowkey offensive, and illogical. I legitimately find it triggering AF. And it doesn't make sense.
It's Unnecessary. There is a fraction of a chance that it will connect to something more significant, but even if that's the case, I'm confident that end result or connection could've taken place without this random reform racist Wyatt storyline. This series has struggled enough as it is properly utilizing all of its primary characters as well as providing them with decent screentime and arcs. It literally makes no sense to spend any of that time that could be used elsewhere on primary characters on a recurring guest star.
This isn't actually about Rosa, it's about Wyatt. Following up on the previous point, this specific arc caters to Wyatt. Revolves around Wyatt. Rosa is just a passive participant and vessel for this Wyatt storyline. So again, the arc itself is about a recurring character. At least when they did something similarly bringing back Cam to siphon time and arcs away from its main cast they found ways to implement it better and tied her to multiple main characters, so it wasn't a total waste.
The intended Wyatt/Rosa parallel is illogical. I know what they're intending to do with this storyline, drawing parallels between Rosa's experience coming back from the dead after ten years and trying to make sense of that and atone for things before and having this second chance to make things right and go down the right path and so forth and Wyatt losing his memory and his racist ways and having to reconcile with who he was to who he can be and all of that. I understand the concept they're trying to sell. It just doesn't work. Rosa's addiction is not equivalent to Wyatt's racism and violence. Her mental illness isn't either. It's dangerous to invite the comparasions with this storyline.
It's not successful redemption. True redemption is Wyatt knowing and remembering his actions and then trying to atone for them. It's not the convenience of amnesia wiping out his memory only giving him distance from his actions rather than really facing up to them. Because of the amnesia, to Wyatt, it's like he's hearing about another person. It's a cop out. He doesn't Actually have to do the work to redeem himself or atone or learn or grow. IF we're supposed to compare it to Rosa, she knew what she did and remembers and knows how she hurt her loved ones or whatever and she's actively trying to make amends for that as part of her program... a program that Wyatt isn't working or anything BTW.
They've contradicted themselves too much and are rewriting their own work and thus twisting everything up just to make this storyline work and it still doesn't. The timeline is all fkd up... what they established already all of it..The Longs were racist before Kate's death. Kate was racist. To suggest that a 10+ amnesiac blackout clean slates and erases all of Wyatt's racism is just wrong. As in it literally doesn't even make any sense. That is not how the amnesia works but they keep playing both sides of it trying to make it work. To sell us what they're claiming, he would have to have ALL of his memories wiped and have forgotten who he was completely.
Wyatt is behaving like he's shocked by racism in this town but they're also trying to argue that he was born into it. Wyatt was surrounded by racists and his friends come from racist families but he's acting like the very concept of him ever being ingratiated in it is some huge surprise. Wyatt looks affronted by things like Confederate flags. Wyatt being steeped in and surrounded by racism predates his amnesia period.
Kyle mentioned that line about Wyatt putting Whites Only on water fountains, and it sounded like a school prank. It also sounded like something Kyle was reminding Rosa of as if she was alive when that incident happened. Therefore, Wyatt was doing racist stuff before she died. Kyle would've been out of school by then so how else would he know that or why would he bother retaining it?
IF Wyatt and Rosa really were friends before (which holy retcon), then it makes no real sense that he would get psychopathically angry about his "friend" who does drugs getting into a car accident with his sister who does drugs. He would've mourned them both not jumped to severe racism and violence. But both he and Jasmine's family (who are MIA for all of this) did that... jumped to racism. So was Wyatt indoctrinated by his family or indoctrinated by message boards and shit? And if Wyatt and Rosa were friends than why was Kate such a racist bitch to Rosa?
They're backdrafting history JUST to make this storyline that we don't need with a character who isn't even a main one to work.
By not actually addressing that Wyatt has to unlearn racism and giving him an out through amnesia, there is the very realistic issue of that latent racism to come out at any given time. What happens when he's drunk? What happens when he's really angry at a POC?
Tying Wyatt's redemption with his clear affection for Rosa is again dangerous and irresponsible. I know we would all like to think that love is the way and through love it can heal racism, but that puts the responsibility on the disenfranchised person to be "lovable." Because if Wyatt WAS friends with Rosa once then that means the second Rosa did something unlovable she was just another *insert racist slur of choosing* right? It means that there's a possibility that if his feelings for Rosa dwindle or things go sideways in some way there's a chance that he could revert back to those racist ways. Loving Rosa(linda) and pinning all of his wanting to be better on her because of her makes his actively learning to be anti-racist conditional. Right now he's not doing this for him. He's doing it because of Rosa.
This entire storyline has placed the burden of forgiveness on Rosa, his victim. Without him ever having to actually make amends. It's this turn the other cheek BS that means there's nothing too big or harmful that can't result in forgiveness. It relies on Rosa and all that she represents to extend an inhumane level of mercy and grace to their tormentor and oppressor that was never once extended to them. It's such a consistent and problematic thing projected on disenfranchised parties that ONLY benefits the majority and makes them feel good. It's a narrative of meeting someone halfway when the playing field was uneven and the minorities are in actuality doing more work and making a longer trek. Halfway and meeting in the middle only works if both sides were even. They are not. It's the reaching across the aisle both sidesms when one side was clearly and actively more harmful than the other and than calling that peace and equity. It is not.
This storyline was meant to scintillate some viewers with this "what if" notion and teach others a meaningful lesson or be this poorly thought out gateway to exploring a complex storyline but it came at the expense of other demographics who actively have to deal with racist crap. And because of their problematic approach what is simply "just entertainment" to some who has the luxury of not having to think about it beyond that, is just gross and insanely triggering and uncomfortable to others. The others who deal with the reality of the subject at hand.
They wrote themselves into a corner with Wyatt so trying to dig him out of that no matter the cost or logic is absurd. This storyline could've worked better if Wyatt's racism didn't also include conscious, constant, extreme violence. But they spent all of this time making Wyatt the face of violent racism and now are trying to redeem him with no real effort. He wasn't just using slurs or making microaggressions. He wasn't some insensitive or aloof white person. He is a murderer. He has killed people. He technically murdered Liz in cold-blood. He knew she was in the crashdown when he shot up the place. The lights were still on. He beat up Arturo so badly he nearly killed him well after his friends even stopped. He attacked and intended to kill Rosa. And his handiwork was a constant thing, enough for Jenna to comment on it. And now we're supposed to ignore all of that because he has amnesia and has puppy dog eyes?
The fact that we can entertain (and for some succeed) Wyatt in all of his hot white dudeness' redemption after everything he has done slips into the inherent racism of society in the first place and is enraging. Because systemically and culturally and inherently society will bend over backwards to find a way to absolve a hot white guy no matter his actions. Flint and Noah couldn't get this type of redemption... So their intended storyline about evolving from racism STILL plays into the racist structures set up in society.
And because some people like it, there's this slippery territory of NO everyone who genuinely enjoys this aren't racist for enjoying it. But yes, this entire storyline and how it is playing out is at the very least racially insensitive.
In order for this storyline to work they would actually have to show Wyatt doing the work. They don't have enough time to dedicate to such a delicate storyline. It's been a C and D filler storyline with 45 second to a minute scenes. That's not enough time to explore this properly. We would've needed to see Wyatt returning home from the hospital. We would've needed to see Wyatt with his friends and it not feeling right and his discomfort. We would've needed to see Wyatt going through his yearbook and googling himself and the horror and disgust he felt. We would need to see this through his eyes. But we didn't have the time for that and we wouldn't have anyway because he's not a main character. We only get Wyatt through Rosa's eyes and they haven't even dedicated enough time to that for it to work. Rosa isn't conflicted at all. She didn't struggle to forgive him. She was reduced to a school girl with a crush and an insane level of grace and they just threw that at us with no buildup whatsoever. I don't know where Rosa's head is and how she got to this to place. Not really. And the only thing working about this is the chemistry between two actors who are allegedly dating so of course there's chemistry.
It literally feels like another instance of a favorite actor being shoehorned into a storyline just for the hell of it. Just because they didn't want to let Dylan go or something. Just to give him something else to do.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I heard there were rumors about Naruto being developed into seinen after Shippuden. Wouldn't that have been wonderful? I think it was such a wasted opportunity for another amazing experience. We wouldn't have any child marriages, or that recycled bs Boruto. And a challenge for Kishimoto. Although I am not sure about that last one, he kind of lost the plot towards the end there.
But even so, what a wasted opportunity.
What's your take? What could have been the implications of that?
Am just going to take this ask as an heartful rant!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊
Just because of this ask, I decided to dig deeper into his past interviews and found things that even confirmed my opinions even stronger. 
Damn you!!!! Kishimoto!!!!
Thanks to you @sneezemonster15 🤩🤩🤩. LOL. Because When your speculation becomes true, you will experience some satisfaction which is immeasurable.
[[Anything I am going to cite from an old interview, after this line of the post is something I got to knew only today. Which means I never knew about these interviews before. Probably SNS shippers knew about these long back but to me it’s a new thing.]]
I heard there were rumors about Naruto being developed into seinen after Shippuden. Wouldn't that have been wonderful?
I never heard of such development and even if they do, they already did a lot of damage in the name of Boruto. And I don't think they can tell anymore story after Shippuden in a convincing way.
For me, Shippuden is in and of itself looks like a big seinen based Manga because I believe there were certain themes which were told in part 2 that are simply not suitable for a 12 year old to comprehend. Even I was overwhelmed by such plots because it really questioned my world view.
I mean, what can a 12 year old understand about Hatred or World peace which Nagato planned to implement or Itachi's pain? Yeah, there may be very few who could understand but majority don’t and hence we could see some part of fandom who still thinks ‘Sasuke should have left alone and made to start a new Village as a Revolution, or he should’ve destroyed Konoha to dust’. Any mature audience who consumed various media and have a broad world view would never spout such nonsense. Because the real world wouldn't work that way.
he kind of lost the plot towards the end there.
He didn’t actually. I believe he was made to create that Kaguya plot as a thread to continue Borutoverse. It may not be his idea. I am just speculating. Because Kishi is a damn genius in dropping threads much earlier in the story.
Example, Uchiha Madara.
When Sasuke and Naruto battled in VoTE1, I was wondering about the statues as to who might they be?. Then Kakashi slightly hinted us that the statues represents the men who created Konoha, but they were fighting until the very end for some reason. Similar to how Naruto and Sasuke fought there. And when Madara’s name was dropped for the first time when Sasuke suppressed Kurama, it just got only better.
So, I think Kaguya was a plot which was created right when Naruto was decided to pair up with Hinata and have a baby who will lead the Next Generation. When the series was going on and on about Sharingan, all of a sudden it took a U-Turn towards Byakugan. I was like, ‘Who the fuck cares about Byakugan anyway?’
Then it all made sense after looking at the abomination called ‘Boruto’, where all the Aliens were seen having Byakugan. So, It feels like he lost the plot. But I really think he was forced to. 
So far, whatever I wrote till now was my observation. 
That Damn Kishimoto gave an interview long back which proved my hunch right.
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So, You see, he was never interested in a sequel series to happen. He was just forced to. 
Do you know what was the real ending he aimed for?
In many of my posts, I wrote about how SNS was a carefully constructed bond which Kishimoto paid a lot of attention to. I mean, there’s no way we can call the chapter 698 as a Retconned one. Every clues and hints were already there.
It seems that the bastard confessed about this 15 years ago, in 2006 Shonen Jump Interview and again in 2015 NYCC comic con.
He didn’t talk about Ships and shits in any of these interviews. He already planned the ending long back when he finished Part 1. The ending with Naruto and Sasuke doing Reconciliation Seal with Hashirama and Madara statues by visualizing everything into details and that too in freaking 2006. 
[[Click the picture to see the full view]]
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Reconciliation of Naruto and Sasuke was something Kishi planned long back after finishing part 1. He even visualized all the panels in detail and that's the ending he was striving towards.
It seems, he never planned about pairings and stuffs ahead as many shippers would like to claim. I am not saying he planned SNS as the endgame couple either. But I honestly think, Kishi wished for an ending similar to Chapter 699. Like without any pairing trash, finishing off with Naruto and Sasuke sharing their dreams and hopes together. 
And this is what I’ve been screaming in all my posts... That I speculate, I guess, I believe and so many similar words... that Kishi always wanted to finish with Chapter 699 and Chapter 700 feels like an afterthought.
But anyways, with Studio persuaded him into pair up his Main Characters, he was asked to write Boruto Script for one last time and it seems, that’s the only movie where he wrote the entire screenplay from A to Z. He said that Boruto movie is the ‘Pinnacle of his career’. Does it mean, ‘The Last’ movie was not his pinnacle, eh??? 
And what do I always scream about Boruto series in every posts?
That I feel like Naruto and Sasuke seems to Babysit Boruto like a parent. 
And that’s what he wanted to finish as the last chapter of Naruto.
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I mean throughout the movie, there were no trace of Hinata and Sakura playing any major role in their Child’s life, instead Sasuke is seen talking fondly about Naruto to his Son, I mean Naruto’s Son. So, If he envision drawing 2 guys taking care of a child as the last chapter, then what was he trying to say?
This Kishimoto is just too sinister!!! 
And it seems, he dissed ‘The Last’ movie subtly in his own words. Like almost he claims he had no part in that movie. Well, I always had my doubt regarding that movie. Never expected Kishi would say this.
Couple of days ago, I made a post about, how Kishi never gave 2 fucks about Sakura from the beginning. I analyzed that post based on my observation by carefully reading through panels in the initial chapters and his motivations to draw the panel in a certain way. That gave me an idea of what Kishi’s style of designing a character. I never knew about this Interview thing, when I wrote that post.
It seems, in an Interview, he pretty much confirmed my view about him.
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Kishi’s assistant was posed with a question, ‘How every character, no matter how bad they are, gets redeemed in some way?’
To which he answered, ‘Before even making a first appearance, Kishi will lay out how he wants the character to be, what it’s personality traits are, what was it about to do.’
So, Kishi really never planned to make Sakura redeemable. Her fate was sealed when she unveiled her grand dream in chapter 4 before her teammates.
What I would like to conclude is,
Kishi developing anything after Shippuden will not have his full heart. So, that development based on Seinen may not be true. 
Kishi planned Chapter 698 long back when he completed Part 1. He even visualized every panels about how it is going to be. So, probably Chapter 699 is where Kishi intended to end the series. Hence, the abomination you were made to see in Boruto is not his idea.
He never planned about pairings unless he was asked to. Hinata was the popular one and he just went with it. It’s not like he always intended for Naruto to end up with Hinata.
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When he was asked to write a story about Boruto, he envisioned Boruto movie as the final chapter of Naruto series, if only he had the opportunity to draw this as a manga. In this movie, Naruto became an Hokage, Sasuke is a Shadow Hokage, Naruto’s son was adopted by Sasuke. Hinata and Sakura were the bench warmers. 
It seems to me that Kishi somehow wants to place Naruto and Sasuke as the face of this series towards the end. He knew that he can't make them as an official couple and when things didn't go as he planned he made them into an unofficial couple who takes cares of a boy with all the care.
Geez!!! I wish I were wrong😏😏😏😏. But all these interviews proves that I was right about many things without even realizing it was there.
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luna-tiel · 3 years
Working on my Entrapdak Positivity entry last night, I paused to think...
Without my ace headcanons, the fact is I probably wouldn’t have made much Entrapdak content. That deep level of personal investment in their love for each other just… wouldn’t be there for me. I’d be happy for them -- happy Hordak found real love and acceptance, and that Entrapta found someone that truly listens to and understands her -- and I would be supportive of the ship. However, my hyperfixation would never have happened.
Back when I decided to fully embrace my ace Entrapdak headcanons, I was nervous. I hardly knew anyone in the Spop fandom. I thought of all the bad experiences I had after coming out, all the negative reactions, and felt like I would only be presenting the fandom with a ‘downgraded’ relationship. Then I decided “you know what, there’s nothing they can say about the hc that hasn’t been said to my face. I’m going to go for it!”
I’m so glad I took the leap.
I’ve met so many incredible people in this fandom, and I feel at home in a space with so many diverse headcanons. We respect and support each other. It’s helped me become more comfortable making the content that is closest to my heart.
In all of my previous writings (unpublished) I have never written about an ace couple. Knowing firsthand how few and far between aces are, I couldn’t envision most of my characters as aspec. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was because despite how far I’ve come, I still have a lot of internalized bs to work through. The Entrapdak content I’ve been making this past year has been so healing for me. With every drawing and piece of writing, I’m affirming to myself that aspec relationships are beautiful and loving. They are not broken, they are not lesser.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Your Power...Your Theme
This post is born because of @waywardtravelerfart asking about a comparison between Semblances (Rwby) and Quirks (BNHA).
In general, I am not a hardcore BNHA fan, though, so I decided to drag other magic systems in this comparison.
So, I will be comparing...
1) Semblances:
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2) Quirks:
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3) Nen (HxH):
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4) Abilities (BSD):
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5) Magic (WHA):
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Body and Soul
1) & 3)
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Pyrrha: Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there? With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.
Nen and Semblances are very similar ideas. Both have their root in the concept of aura aka life force and are trained through specific exercises that are based on martial arts.
More importantly, they are manifestations of a person’s soul.
This is why in both series they are linked to one’s individuality:
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Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are.
And both Nen and Semblances grow and evolve with the person.
At the same time, both stories focus not only on the soul, but also on the body.
In HxH Gon and Killua must train their bodies just as much as their nen. No matter how much stronger their auras become, they would still be left defenseless if they forget about basic training and if they do not take care of their bodies.
Similarly, Huntsmen and Huntresses in Rwby have both Semblances and Weapons:
By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting.
Weapons are linked to personalities just like Semblances are:
Ruby: Just weapons? They’re an extension of ourselves! They’re a part of us! Oh, they’re so cool.
It is only through the combination of weapons and semblances that one becomes strong and whole.
In order to experience humanity to its fullest, one needs both a soul:
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And a body:
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In short, Semblances and Nen are representative of the Soul. They are a physical projection of it. Moreover, they need to be completed by the Body to properly work.
BSD abilities are similar because they clearly symbolize characters’ coping mechanisms.
They are linked to people’s personalities and their effects are highly variegated and impossible to explain through biology alone (for example, a character is able to materialize a whole room in another dimension).
At the same time, they seem to have some physical properties.
For example, it is possible to create artificial abilities and to implant them into people. The process has yet to be properly explained, though.
This can be compared to the research on aura made in Rwby.
That said, this specific research is framed negatively by the narrative because it is an attempt to control what it should not be (a person’s soul).
Similary, in BSD, such experiments are criticized as well because they violate human rights and are an attempt to weaponize abilities, which is an ongoing topic explored by the story.
Quirks are instead framed as the result of biological evolution. This creates an interesting inversion compared to the other stories. Quirks are not simply physical representations of a character’s psychology, but they are a part of the reason why that character develops a specific coping mechanism.
Toga is attracted to blood because her Quirk is about drinking blood, so she naturally likes it.
Shigaraki’s destruction traumatizes him because it leads to his family’s death.
Touya’s weak constitution makes his power difficult to use, hence he develops self-hurting tendencies.
Finally, Magic in WHA is something that exists outside the characters.
It is not something people are born with, but an art they can master through study and dedication.
Its origin is still unknown, but it is explained that it works thanks to specific materials:
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And even human blood can be used to strengthen it:
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In short, Magic is a human art that makes use of specific natural resources and a specific knowledge to create several effects. In a sense, its logic is similar to both art and programming. It is similar to art because the witches need to exercise on drawing and to be creative on their approaches to things. It is similar to programming because they must use what is basically a specific language made of symbols to create different effects.
So, Magic is not linked to a person’s soul in the way other magical systems are, but a character’s personality still emerges from the kind of magic they specialize in. This is something unavoiable... after all this is how personality works in real life as well... we all have different approaches to problems and beliefs that will emerge in our art and in our jobs.
In conclusion, all these magical systems are connected in different ways to characters’ personalities, to their flaws and to their symbolic roles in the narrative.
In these metas, there are some examples of how this happens for HxH, Rwby, BSD and WHA.
Power and Privilege
3) & 5)
Nen and Magic are similar:
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With enough training, both powers can be used by everyone.
However, both HxH society and WHA society choose to keep them secret because the damage that could come from sharing this knowledge is potentially devastating.
That said, both stories also show how there is hypocrisy behind this stance.
HxH does so in an indirect way.
Nen is supposed to be secret, so that dangerous people can’t use its power for wrong reasons.
However, many hunters are not really moral people. If anything many are violent and ready to kill. The exam itself encourages these tendencies since it does not punish murderers. Moreover, it turns out that very dangerous people already know about nen:
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WHA explores this theme more directly:
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The secret behind magic creates inequality. Magic could be used to help much more people, but it is limited by the law that imposes witches to keep the secret and forbids them from using magic to heal.
The result is an unjust society and a paradox. Isn’t there another way to use magic that it is less elitarian?
2) Similarly, quirks create inequality in BNHA. However, the mechanisms behind it are slightly different.
Not only people without quirks are discriminated, but also people with specific powers are considered less than others.
This happens either because the power is considered weak or lame or because it is considered a villain power.
In other words, BNHA society nurtures a simplicistic and black and white vision of quirks and people. This leads to some being discriminated for their quirks and to others being excused of everything because of their abilities.
4) In BSD, we have a similar yet partly opposite situation.
Ability users are mostly dehumanized and weaponized by society.
Basically the series explores how society makes use of its more vulnerable members and objectifies them.
So, in BSD having an ability is not really a synomim of privilege, but it is rather something that can set you apart and make you a victim of your country or your organization.
Because of this,the characters struggle to both accept their powers, but also not to be defined by it.
1) Finally, the case of RWBY is interesting because even if society is founded on privilege and inequity, semblances are not really a pivotal part of it.
It is much more common for people to be discriminated because of their bodies (like the Faunus) or their social status than for their semblances. Surely, cases like those exist, but they are not particularly explored by the story.
This might be because semblances are just one of many factors that determine a personal’s stance in society. Moreover, it is not even that clear how much common people know about semblances and aura. I would not say it is exactly a secret, especially because semblances can manifest themselves in a variety of situations. Still, it seems to me that they are mostly aknowledged and accepted by common people, but not exactly pursued or studied.
Symbolically, semblances are linked to an ancient magic that has been forgotten by people. This could tie with why some people, especially in Atlas, have been dismissive of them to an extent. Whitley dismisses his own and is not interested in developing it, while Watts is one of the few characters who fight without a semblance.
It might very well be that human technology and dust make so many different effects possible that a semblance, even if important for a warrior’s own strength and individuality, is not really the only factor that determines the place of a person in society.
In conclusion, all these power systems are linked to privilege in different ways. They are used to explore social inequality or parts of the society that are either repressed or not aknowledged.
Choices and limits
1) 2) & 4)
Quirks, Abilities, Semblances and their limits are not chosen. You are born with them and the most you can do is to try and overcome the limitations or to come up with clever ways to use your power.
You can train your Quirk, so that it becomes stronger.
When it comes to Abilities instead, characters usually must train to control what are potentially dangerous powers.
There are also abilities that help other people to control their powers and modify how these powers work. For example, there is a character whose ability is about summoning a fighting avatar. However, to do so, she needs to be called on a specific phone and it is actually the one calling that commands the avatar. Still, thanks to the influence of the above mentioned ability, she becomes able to summon the avatar at will and does not need the phone anymore.
Finally, in the case of Semblances, you need to meditate and to train your semblance, so that it can evolve. At the same time, though, semblance evolution can happen also because of specifical psychological conditions.
For example, Ren’s Tranquility both activates and evolves not because of physical training, but because of stress (the first time) and emotional growth (the second). This is fitting because his ability has mostly to do with emotions, so it is telling that it evolves as he grows emotionally rather than physically.
Ruby’s semblance is instead a physical one since she is super fast. So it is fitting that it mostly manifests and evolves with her training at using it.
Finally, when it comes to semblances, you do not really choose how they evolve and what new effects you gain. They are mostly an unconscious part of yourself that grows with you.
3) & 5)
The kind of magic you specialize in and the nen power you are gonna have are things one chooses.
To be more specific, they are influenced from one’s talents, but then they evolve according to a person’s choice.
For example, the protagonist Gon has an aura which is particularly good to strengthen things, so he chooses to use it to strengthen his punch. Moreover, he really likes Jankenpon, so he comes up with a power that uses this game. It is a technique that creates different effects depending on what he chooses to “play” (scissors, rock or paper).
Similarly, Coco is good at drawing straight lines and this makes her good with basic magic, that she uses in original ways because of her thinking outside the box. Her teacher Qifrey instead specializes in water magic because he used to be scared of water when he was little and wanted to overcome this fear.
At the same time, both nen users and witches must face limitations.
Nen has limitations that are self-imposed and decided by the users.
Magic has limitations that are imposed by society and codified through law.
Nen works with the idea that the stronger the limitation you set, the stronger will be your power. Similarly, if you sacrifice something, you can obtain a more powerful effect.
For example, another character called Kurapika creates chains with different powers. One of his chains has the limitation to only work on the members of a specific criminal group. Moreover, if Kurapika breaks this rule, he’ll lose his life. Since the sacrifice Kurapika has decided is pretty extreme, that chain is basically impossible to break.
Of course, limitations do not need to be so extreme. The protagonist’s jankenpon is limited by the fact he says out loud the name of his technique and takes time to use it (both goes against him, since it gives his opponent time to prepare). In this way the power gets stronger.
Magic is a very dangerous force, so it is prohibited to use magic on people’s bodies. This includes the idea that you can’t heal bodies directly or that you can’t change the way you look. It also forbids people from using blood to make magic stronger and to put glyphs on a person’s skin.
These limitations challenge the characters and force them to think outside the box. For example, Coco wants to save her mom who became a stone. The best way to do so is  to use magic on her, but this is prohibited hence Coco keeps brainstorming about how she can do it and even thinks about breaking the law multiple times.
In conclusion, powers are often linked to the self and the degree of control and choices characters have on them is symbolic of which part of the self we are talking about.
In the case of semblances and abilities, they mirror an unconscious part.
A Quirk is a biological factor that influences one’s self instead and that everyone can try ot develop in a way they like.
Finally, nen and magic are a conscious part of the self that still mirrors unconscious tendencies.
Not only that, but abilties have limits that come from either outside the person or inside them.
In stories, there are at least five types of conflict.
1) Man vs Self
2) Man vs Society
3) Man vs Man
4) Man vs Nature
5) Man vs God
The magic systems we explored are linked to at least three of these five types.
Man vs Self
Supernatural abilities are linked to a person’s interiority and personality. Often they are representative of the character’s flaw and their limits can be overcome only by the person’s growth.
Man vs Society
Power systems end up being influenced and influence fictional societies.
They can represent privilege or some wrongdoing in society itself.
Alternatively, they can be limited by society’s rules and imposed laws.
Man vs Man
It is not uncommon to have special powers used in fights. In this case, they become symbolic ways to explore characters’ relationships, themes and different value systems.
This is something that BSD, HxH and Rwby do a lot. WHA has had less fights as for now, but it is definately something that has come up and will come up more in the future. Finally, I am not too much into BNHA to comment on the series, but I would be surprised if it is not the same there as well.
In conclusion, I do not really have much to say on the onthology of powers in different narrative worlds and tbh I do not think this is really what many writers think about when they design them. I think what writers focus on is how to make interesting powers that convey a character’s personality, can be used to explore the world and give life to entertaining fights.
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