#this was just so FLUFFY
snippy-tano · 2 years
oh good lord i'm losing my mind at the '20 fluffy prompts' ,, they're all SO GOOD 😩 it was so hard to choose but if you have the time and muse may i ask for a "you know i only tease you 'cause i love you" with fives, where maybe they've been pining on each other for some time and that "ily" kinda escaped him at the end asdfsd bonus points if they have their first kiss 🥺<3
i'm baaaaaaaack!
i was in a writing mood today, and this is the result lol. thank you for the prompt idea!! it turned out incredibly fluffy but honestly that is what i have been craving for weeks now. i hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it! please let me know what you think! i have another prompt almost done, so i will hopefully post that soon as well. send me ideas if you have them!! thank you @quizznag for such a fun prompt!! i hope you like it! pls let me know what you guys think in the tags! i love reading your comments!!
masterlist is here!
taglist is here!
tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life; @marvel-starwars-nerd; @mackstrut; @dissapointingpancake; @ahsokatano-thetogruta; @welcometothepedroverse; @lightning-wolffe; @fractiouskat; @mandaloriandin; @lussyyung; @lowkeyodinsong; @str-wrs-fics; @bantha-shit; @badbatch-simp24; @katelynnwrites; @s1st3r; @leotatombs; @torchbearerkyle; @rain-on-kamino; @the-navistar-carol; @bombshe77; @arctrooper69; @lucyysthings
Accidental Words
It was late, most of the Resolute was sleeping and the rest were starting their night shift. You were among the latter. It had been a while since you had a night shift and you were already feeling the tiredness set in. You had offered to switch with a friend and had regretted it almost immediately. Well, you regretted taking the later shift, not the helping your friend part. 
Time seemed to be crawling at a bantha pace. Every time you looked at the time, dread dug its claws in just a little bit tighter. You set aside another round of decoded transmissions and picked up the next, stretching out your neck as you did. A tightness was starting to set in and you needed to defuse it quickly if you wanted to get through this shift in a relatively painless way. 
All you needed to do was get through the next few hours without any distractions and you would be home free.
You should have known that was an impossibility. 
The sound of the door sliding open should have been the first clue this shift would not play out the way you wanted it to. Your second clue was the distinct lack of speaking immediately after someone entered the tiny office.
“Your entertainment has arrived.” 
Your heart stuttered in your chest and then immediately you deflated. 
“Fives, I really appreciate you stopping by to keep me company, but I have too much work to get done tonight.”
You looked up from your flimsy to see Fives ignoring you to walk fully into the room and take a seat at a nearby desk. He propped his feet up on the desk and tossed you something. You barely managed to catch it before it hit you in the face. 
“What is this?” You asked, picking at the wrapping. 
“A snack. I figured you hadn’t eaten since the mess and would need something to get through the rest of your shift.” Fives said, taking a bite of his fruit. 
You ducked your head down, feeling your cheeks warm. You turned in your chair, opening up the frozen dried fruit. It was sweet of him to stop by and make sure you were eating. That had been a new development in your relationship, if you can call it that. 
Fives hadn’t been someone you were close with at the beginning, you found him incredibly annoying. And he was loud, you didn’t do loud. 
But after observing and learning more about him, it became clear that he really was a good guy, even if he had a tendency to be loud and act now, think later, the total opposite of you. He was still incredibly annoying, but now whenever he stopped by, instead of instinctively shying away, you found yourself trying to get closer. 
It was a bit embarrassing to be pining after him. I mean you didn’t like him at first and made that very clear in the beginning, which almost spurred him on more. You don’t remember when it switched, but you both gradually began to hang out more and very quickly any time he smiled at you, your heart was stuttering in your chest.
Part of you wondered if he felt the same way. But then the other part of you decided you didn’t need to know. If he didn’t, then it would be far too embarrassing for you. It was better to spend time with him as a friend and love him from afar than get your heart broken. 
“Whatcha working on?” A deep voice in your ear startled you, making you jump in surprise. The fruit tumbled onto the desk and you jerked backwards, hitting hard plastoid. Warm hands wrapped around your arms and you froze. Fives chuckled behind you, sending a shiver down your spine. “Sorry, I should have warned you.”
“It - it’s okay.” You moved forward, reaching for the discarded fruits when Fives held fast, pulling you so your back collided with his chest. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been acting jumpy recently.” He asked, his thumb brushing against your arm. 
You swallowed hard. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just stressed from work.” 
“Oh I can help with that. Kix showed me this and says it really does help. Since you are way to tense.” Fives said, taking a small step back away from you. Your relief was short lived however because while he did step away, his hands moved from your arms to your shoulders. And then his fingers dug in. 
The motion surprised you again. First because holy kriff did that feel nice and secondly because this was beyond what you were capable of processing with Fives. It was perfect but also too much.
This time, you flinched even more abruptly, the flimsy on your desk tumbling to the floor.
Fives immediately backed off. 
Your head ducked down, face on fire. “Sorry, I just-”
“No, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Fives said, clearing his throat. 
“I’m not uncomfortable, it was just…a lot.” You said, brushing your hair out of your eyes. “It’s okay, really. I’m just still getting used to the teasing.”
Which was true. Fives loved teasing people, you saw it with his brothers and other crew members. It was just how he showed he cared. It’s just not something you were used to. 
And if you conveniently ignored the whole you-have-a-big-giant-crush-on-Fives thing, that was no one’s business but your own. 
Fives hummed and you walked around your desk to pick up the flimsy that had fallen. Your hands had just closed around the flimsy when he spoke.
“You know I only tease you ‘cause I love you right?”
You froze again, Fives’ words hitting you and making your entire body and brain shut down. You blinked once. Twice. 
The silence was palpable. 
“Oh, I uh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean - well I did mean it I just didn’t mean to spill it like that I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Kriff Echo got into my head and I panicked. I’m sorry. We can totally ignore that I said that.”
With Fives borderline-incoherent rambling, something you had never heard him do, you slowly began to process what he had said. 
He loved you? 
Did he mean it as like a friend? Like a sister? Something more?
No, there was no way. It was just in a I-care-about-you-and-therefore-told-you-that-I-love-you. Nothing more. 
You looked up at Fives who’s face had darkened considerably. He was wringing his hands and pacing. 
Those actions didn’t quite jive with the idea that this was just a friendly declaration of love. Your heart clenched and you gripped your flimsy before standing up. Fives’ caught your movement and his eyes snapped to meet yours. 
His eyes were some of the most expressive you had ever seen and right now, they were practically overflowing. You could practically feel your insides melting with just his gaze.
Something was already out in the open, so you muscled up whatever courage you had and closed your eyes. 
“Do - do you mean it?” You spoke softly, afraid to hear just what his answer was going to be. 
“Mean what?” His voice was almost softer than yours and your hands clenched tighter. 
He really was going to make you say it huh?
“That you love me? Like actually?” 
Silence followed and you could feel your courage depleting rapidly. This was a terrible idea you should have never -
“Can I prove it to you?” 
Your eyes snapped open and met his gaze once again. He wasn’t panicking anymore, at least outwardly. In fact, he looked almost relieved. 
You didn’t know what he meant, well, part of you hoped you knew what he meant, but there was no one else you trusted more than him. He might annoy you to no end, but you truly wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Yes.” Your voice sounded braver than you felt, but you stood by it. 
Fives’ eyes never left yours as he slowly walked around the desk, stopping when the toes of his boots tapped yours. He looked down at you, raising his hand to brush a strand of hair out of your eyes. His hand lingered, pressing against your cheek in such a gentle way that your eyes closed involuntarily. 
Time seemed to slow down and you would swear you could hear every single of your heartbeats thumping loudly in your chest. However, the moment Fives kissed you, everything snapped back into focus. You inhaled sharply, slumping against him. He didn’t seem surprised because his arm wound around you quickly. 
The flimsy in your hands fell back to the floor and scattered at your feet, but you didn’t care one bit. Your fingers curled around the edges of his chest plate and you released a sigh. Fives relaxed upon hearing that, tugging you closer and melting. 
You’re not sure how much time had passed.
It could have been seconds, minutes, or even hours (although you doubted it was that last one). But eventually you did pull away, feeling like your entire face was aflame. You didn’t open your eyes right away, choosing to commit this moment to memory. When you did open your eyes, you saw Fives doing the same. He seemed to feel your gaze and opened his eyes to meet yours. 
You both let out a breathless laugh. 
“Does that answer your question?” Fives asked, voice just as soft as before, but sounding much more confident. 
You smiled. “It does, but I suppose I could use some further explanation.”
He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. You smiled at him, marveling at the man in front of you. He looked at you, tightening both arms around you. 
“I am at your service.”
And sure enough he did lean back down, capturing your lips with his yet again. 
Fives was the one person aboard the Resolute that could make you roll your eyes with one line. Or could have you groaning at his lame joke he told at the worst possible time. Or seething when he played a prank that was harmless, but had you grabbing the nearest object and swinging. 
But if you were being completely honest with yourself, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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nouverx · 5 months
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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katszumi · 3 months
“have you seen the abs on that man?” hagakure sat across of you. “sexy on a stick, i swear!” she giggles. she was going on and on about the guy that starred in the superman movie you girls put on last night. henry cavill was his name.
mina agrees with her statement with a nod. “he’s the hottest white man i’ve ever seen before.”
“sure, he was hot, but are we forgetting the misogynist comments he’s made? sexy is one thing, but being controversial is a whole ‘nother thing.” uraraka inserted her input.
“oh, please. i’d cook and clean for him anyday he asks.” mina retorted. both uraraka and yaoyorozu shake their head in shame.
“speaking of controversial.” uraraka murmurs under her breath, you peer over your shoulder, wondering the intent of her statement.
you notice bakugou making his way over to your desk, his eyes planted on you and you only. you shift uncomfortably. why the hell would he be coming to you? did you do something?
once he makes his way to your desk, you look up at him with a half smile.
“hey, bakugou. what’s up?”
his eyes analyze the other girls before looking back down on you.
“my pencil?”
you flutter your lashes at him. “pencil..?” you repeated in a trance of confusion.
he groans. “the fuckin’ pencil i gave you last week. i need it back.”
now it all clicks. you nod, laughing nervously because of your stupidity. you reach in your backpack and grab the black mechanical pencil that you forgot to lend back to bakugou.
your arm extends to the male in front of you, waiting for him to snatch it back.
he gently grasped onto the pencil, his hand brushing against your fingers for a small moment.
“it’s whatever. just rather not be the one to find you after i lent you something.” he shoved the pencil in his pants pockets, leaving his hands in there. “that’s one of the last pencils i have.”
you shoot your eyebrows up in defense, quickly lowering them after. your eyes falling down to your desk for comfort.
“well, hope you take care of that one.” it was a half-joke. a lame one, might you add. you were just unsure on what to say. especially since it seemed like bakugou was lingering around your desk. as if he didn’t want to return to his seat just yet.
“so, what’d you score on your test?”
“ah…it wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t horrible.”
“well?” was he really desperate to know that bad? you knew bakugou was smart, so he probably only wanted to know so it could boost his ego.
you rubbed your arm out of shame. “a seventy-nine.” you stared at his face to recognize any humility or laughter, but there was none.
he shrugged. “should’ve asked for my help if you needed it.”
right. you almost forgot that bakugou offered to help you study and go over notes with him for the next test. it was such an out-of-bakugou thing to do that you nearly didn’t take him serious.
you nodded slowly, processing his information.
“i was planning on making it up, so maybe for that.”
“fine.” his short one-worded response was dull. but what else did you really expect? “next time, don’t steal my pencil.” was his last comment before leaving your presence.
you sat in your thoughts, reeling the conversation back in your mind. what the hell just happened? it was the most simple yet confusing conversation you’ve ever had. was bakugou joking with you or was he seriously irritated with the pencil situation?
regardless, you made a mental note that bakugou was very protective over his mechanical pencils.
once bakugou returned to his seat, he unzipped his backpack, secretly opening his pencil box. within the box were a collection of pencils. there were so many pencils that he could give one to all of class 1a and 1b and still have few left.
aside sat denki who was clearly peeking inside of bakugou’s bag.
“damn, bakubro. you saving up pencils for a potential pencil outage or something?” it’s denki. of course, he never used his inside voice.
“i will literally blow you out this fuckin’ window and across the lot.” bakugou turns his head immediately, a faint pink blush spreading across the apples of his cheek.
bakugou just didn’t want you to know that the pencil was obviously an excuse to talk to you.
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pt 2 of the study sesh
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hinamie · 21 days
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delicourse · 8 months
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i miss them a little if im gonna be honest
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slushyseals · 1 year
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koipepo · 8 months
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That omake of little Kabru not being able to show off his howetown sweets because of Misril gets to me a lot so...
Here's a happier Kabru (and Lairu)
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morebird · 8 months
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I only need a taste, I swear 😈
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moonyflesh · 4 months
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no thoughts- just Logan smoking some big ass cigar at any given moment.
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xitsensunmoon · 3 months
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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wtfforged · 5 months
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boy why you so legs
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fl00mie · 4 months
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ink and blackberry
ink by @/comyet
blackberry/error by @/loverofpiggies
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Nothing funnier to me than dick going to therapy for like 3 months before going to Bruce and being like
“I don’t wanna be Batman”
And Bruce kinda just looks at him like “….okaaayy?? I didn’t want you to be Batman”
So dick has to go to therapy for ANOTHER three months so he can ask Bruce about That only for Bruce to be like, “who in their right mind would pick Batman over Nightwing??? When given the choice a world without Nightwing would be a nightmare”
And then dick goes home and cries because his dad is proud of him
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benevolenterrancy · 1 month
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Luo Binghe, screen saver mode
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fluffyfangirl · 8 days
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based on that one video from the stranger things experience
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mxmarsbars · 4 months
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cleo time !! \^o^/
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