#this was kinda on me i don't read the opponent details that closely so i didn't know the dendro cube was. there
c6jpg · 2 years
who the fuck decided you NEED dendro to beat the dendro cube. this is bullshit
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egcdeath · 5 months
hello hello how are u!!?
i’ve been rereading a few of ur fics hehe i just wanna say that i love ur writing omfg like yes plz i wanna eat the words
ok ok so i’d love to know ur thoughts on a bully!patrick x reader?? he’s just so cocky and i’d love to see what would happen if he pushed *juuuuuust* a bit further…
maybe it’s their college years and he is practically jeering and ragging at the reader while she’s at her sports practice. i think patrick would like the way her face scrunches up in anger, but she ignores him because she knows better than to go back and forth due to his quick wit. he’d act like a schoolboy. i think he’d also like getting real up close and personal w her, but never touching. and maybe he’d even go as far as to pull at her hair. “accidentally”. hooooooo boy, and the sexual undertones within it all. reasons seemingly unknown, but i believe he just has a crush on the reader, he’s being a hellish brat about it.
and reader enjoys is cuz patrick has a certain charm and he’s just so irresistible xxx but sometimes she wishes he was nicer to her but also where’s the fun in that?? and at certain times maybe he shows that he cares about her…like omg my heart
…ok i am so sorry for rambling i did NOT expect to go into such detail and also sorry if it’s a little corny😭😭😭 anyway, you don’t necessarily have to write headcanons or a fic, i more so would just love to hear ur thoughts on it, the whole bully aspect is really interesting (and hot) to me 🫢 ok again sorry for writing a whole novel in here hope ur having a good day! ur most recent fic was [chefs kiss] and im excited to read what u have cooking up x
omg i absolutely LOVE this concept!! what i immediately thought of was patrick and the reader being in very similar tennis circles (idk how tennis works so lets just assume that they're playing at similar events and reader is obviously playing w women) and like, at first, you cannot stand this man at all. like he always seems to find you before you play, or at your hotel after you've played, or at parties for the players, and he ALWAYS has something to say. a comment on your technique. a snide remark on how you played that day. a taunt about how you're never gonna beat the opponent you're playing against that day.
but the thing is... in a way, his bullying kinda helps you perform better? like he gets you so riled up and feeling so spiteful that you goes out onto the court and demolishes whoever you're playing against. so in a way it's kinda helpful... but also fucking annoying.
and like, at first you try to go back and forth with him but you literally never win the verbal spars so one day you just give up. and also part of you knows that he doesn't genuinely mean it?? maybe he even knows that his pestering is helpful to you and maybe thats why he does it?? but he is being an annoying pest regardless and you can't deal with him buzzing around your ear all the time and getting in your head before you play. so you just stop entertaining it.
but once you stop entertaining it, he gets kinda worried. like you've had this thing going on for a while and now suddenly you just don't care anymore. so now his gibes turn into questioning you CONSTANTLY. are you seeing someone? are you planning something?? what changed?? and when that doesn't work out for him he starts being nice to you. and thats when you start getting worried. i think this would make them have to admit their feelings to each other then BOOM happily ever after!!
i loveee this idea and it was so fun to think about! i'm usually a little iffy about bullying stuff buttt i could totally see it working in this context.
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sharkfoodstore · 10 days
One thing i always appreciated about hisoutensoku in particular was the way it used characters bullet hell styles of fighting in their fighting game movesets.
Like, historically the difference between reimu and marisa is an easy to play low damage character who doesn't need to bother aiming versus a high-speed high-execution character. When bringing them to a fighting game, you'd usually want the series protagonist to play kinda like ryu, being the default character with a tool for everything. And indeed, AoCF does this exact thing, making reimu a jack-of-all-trades character.
But soku instead makes you make this exact decision between the two of them. Reimu's still got her homing shots, but she can also put up walls and has amazing anti-airs, meaning that like in her bullet hell games she can control the screen very well. They couldn't make her homing bullets just hit you from anywhere, so instead they turned her into a really easy to pick up zoner who captures the feeling of playing bullet hell reimu by encouraging her to play less aggressive manner. In both games, you don't need to chase down your opponents, and are instead responding to the threats they're posing and forcing them to make the first move.
In an more basic fighting game, with reimu being the defensive beginner character you'd expect marisa to be a similarly easy character, but with a focus on aggression. But instead, like in the bullet hell, she's kinda both easy and hard at the same time. She's got very simple tools that are really effective, and is extremely fast, and has high damage. But like in touhou, marisa takes high execution. Marisa's combos are way harder than usual. She also can't control the screen as well as reimu, forcing her to use her movement to put herself in really favourable situations. In touhou, i feel like reimu is the basic easy character and marisa is the basic hard character, and most other characters are usually based around a gimmick. So it fits that Reimu and Marisa are both really basic fundamentals-heavy characters, though Marisa asks for a mastery of movement and execution to be played at her best.
but its not just the protagonists, i feel like so many other characters have their gameplay accurately reflect their fights. The big standout for me is Reisen. Her fight in IN is so cool because of the way she uses really really slow bullets and tries to trap you. In Soku, she has bullets that match many of the ones she uses in IN. Her basic B bullets remind me a lot of the ones she uses in her first phase, traveling really fast at you before slowing down when they reach around 3/4ths of the screen. And when it comes to trapping the opponent, reisen's okizeme game is one of the best. And her mixups are amazing thanks to a lot of her fakeout teleports that are reminiscent of the way she teleported her bullets in IN.
There's details like that in most of the characters. Loads of Cirno's bullets in EoSD are fired in shotgun style bursts, and she spellcards like icicle fall that shoot out to the side before moving towards the player. Similarly, Soku cirno's bullets are often fired in similar spread-shot bursts, such as her memorable 5C. And she has some bullets she can ricochet off the ground to control space like icicle fall. Sanae's most memorable spellcard is the one where she traps you between two really wavy beams and forces you to dodge bullets while also trying not to get hit by the moving waves. In soku, one of her strongest aspects is her okizeme, setting up wind tunnels to chase you and read your tech rolls and restricting your options in a similar way. Aya is the fastest touhou character, and uses her speed to get in and take pictures in her home game. Similarly, Aya's main strength in soku is her mobility, and while she suffers at longer ranges she's one of the best characters up close.
I really appreciated just how well touhou characters gameplay translates into their Soku counterparts. This is done so well that i don't even really notice it at first, i pick up a character I've fought or played as in the bullet hells and intuit how im supposed to play them here. This feels pretty obvious, characters in a fighting game spinoff should feel like they do in their home series, but its interesting because the other main touhou fighter doesn't do this as gracefully. I do think AoCF is an excellent game that is outstanding in both gameplay and aesthetics, but moveset wise i find it doesn't translate character gameplay quite so well. I didn't fight nitori in mountain of faith, with her array of unpredictable spell cards with really unique patterns that control the screen, and expect her to focus more on fighting you up close. Reisen's gameplan has completely changed and now uses poison damage and fast melee, and her teleports are now used as mobility tools too instead of strictly mixup tools.
And this is all fine, in my opinion. AoCF feels like the devs looked at the characters' designs and power sets and drew inspiration from that, rather than their in-game spellcards. And I personally think it's very cool having two fighting games based on the same property showing the strengths of both approaches. I love how each games movesets are designed. But I feel like what Soku did when designing its moves is rarely discussed despite being insanely cool and showing incredible attention to detail.
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
Activision doesn't understand, how Russian language works
Spoilers to CoD MW3 below the cut.
@sofasoap @siilvan @cumikering @stag-beetle-wastaken @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot be my guests.
First and most important: this rant is not aimed to 'make Russian culture great again'. I am not offended as a representative of some cultural or linguistic group. But as a member of gaming community, I feel, as if Activision... kinda didn't give a flying f about the gaming experience, that they are trying to sell me for 60 Euros. And I can't say, I like this feeling.
Second: I will be criticizing some approaches to language, that I will never criticize in fanfiction. Because you guys are doing it for free, for the sake of having fun. So I will be ok with you just straight using Google translate to write e.g. Nikolais lines in Russian. Because you never ask me to pay 60 Euros for the right to read your works. With that being mentioned, lets roll!
Activision doesn't pay attention to their own script, when it comes to Russian lines
Ok, this is a major issue. Because Activision sometimes gives completely different information in character line and in the subtitles. And it is not some minor information, we are talking about major plot details!
Let's just watch 20 seconds of a playthrough (time code 8:44)
Pay attention closely to how Makarov starts his monologue after Nolan says "Its an honor, commander". Makarovs subtitles say 'four years', when Makarov says something like 'shest let'. "four" in Russian is "chetyre", "six" is "shest`". These words sound nothing alike! And to check this, you literally need 5 seconds on google translate! Here, Activision, I did your work for you and I don't even ask for 60 freaking Euros! You learn these numbers on your second-third lesson of Russian 101!
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There are ways to fix this scene. There are even ways to do it without reshooting Julian (because ok, I get it, maybe he costs so much, that all our 60 Euros purchases would never help Activision to economically recover...). All you need is to ask him to record TWO WORDS!
Activision doesn't care for wording even in the simplest proverbs
You remember a saying "enemy of my enemy is my friend"? I mean, of course you do, even John Price remembers it! And you know, who forgot this saying? Activision did! Because honest to god, I was very happy with our new Yuri, until he produced this ominous linguistic construction... (time code 56:10)
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And if you think, it sounds just a tad off in English... Well, in Russian this sounds, as if a Colonel, a man, who spent tenths of years constantly communicating with soldiers, superiors, officials, started learning Russian... a month ago.
This is an international proverb, it exists in many languages! Now this is a safe case to use an automatic translator! It gives you a very simple answer.
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But for some mysterious reason, Activision writes their strange line, translate to russian and find a poor-working synonym so that Yuri doesn't say 'opponent' twice... And in the end it kinda still makes sense, but this whole phrase sounds so off!! You never choose this sick long, overloaded wording for a proverb, that you literally learn at school. They just make it look like zarin is already there and it affects Yuri heavily.
This is just one example, but in reality, almost every Makarovs monologue sounds very strangely formulated. I just got you one example, but believe me, this is a systematic issue here. And the strangest thing is that all their errors are so easy to fix, but they never bothered!
Activision doesn't care for how Russian sounds
Ok, this is not a rant against Julian Kostov. The guy does his wor absolutely gorgeous! He steals every scene, where he appears, and I have nothing, but respect for him. However... Russian is a complicated language. For real. It is full of long words, with many unfamiliar for European ear sounds. It is not only difficult to understand it - it is complicated even to imitate it.
Now apparently Julian knows Russian to some extent just because of his origin and age. But that doesn't save him from swallowing some letters, syllables, sometimes even big parts of words. And when it happens in almost every line of his character - it becomes an issue. An issue, when even Russian-speaker has to read subtitles to understand, what is going on in a scene with two Russian characters!
This whole scene is a nightmare (time code 1:42:54). Replaced letters, disappearance of parts of words, strange accents - they collected a bingo on this one.
And I dont blame actors here! Because on every shooting there is a director - a guy, who is responsible for how overall scene will look and sound in the end. There is always a possibility to find someone, who actually speaks the language and make them sit and listen! And if there are many issues with pronunciation revealed - you just come to your actors and say 'guys, you did amazing jobs, we are so happy to work with you. Now can we please do another shot and pay attention to these lines of yours?'.
And believe me, it is ok to have multiple shots for ingame cutscenes! Actors are ok with that! I don't ask for a perfect pronunciation, I just ask Activision to make sure, their characters don't sound as if they are speaking gibberish!
The most strange part here is that there are super-clean lines in game as well! Milena spoke with accent too, but she sounded clear! Some NPCs sounded perfect!
So Im sorry, but at the end of the day - this your most accurate Russian character by Activision. Because he chose to speak English.
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sang8262 · 1 year
something clicked and i've been playing a lot better all of a sudden (climbing those ranks baybee), so it's a good time to rant and gush about what i love about JP in-game:
First, I'm just really having fun with the game lmao. I'm someone who'd force myself to learn the playstyle of the character I personally like, so it's quite fortunate that I do enjoy his zoning, and at times set play gameplan.
Obviously his design/ personality/ aesthetics are what got me into maining him in the first place, so that's not too surprising. This includes how his specials and animations parallel his characterization so well, such as him hiding his hand behind his back, or consistently using Psycho Powered moves with said hand, etc etc.
Specifically, I absolutely love the smaller details in how he holds his cane when he twirls it. His hands n all are animated so satisfyingly (the recovery frames on a lot of his moves showcase this well).
I believe the whole game is mo-capped, so I owe my life to everyone who made his beautiful kicking animations possible. 6HK where he balances on his cane for the donkey kick, absolutely amazing, leg so hot. And it's a godlike button I swear. Can antiair, cancels into specials, hits twice so it can break armor against some moves/ reacting with DI is a lot easier, and I think off DR it's a really good meaty too. Probably my favorite normal he has in general.
Idk why he has such a hurtbox on the 2nd part of this move where his crotch is. What are they implying with that. Hm.
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Oh and shoutouts to 6MK as well, the overhead. It's such an elegant axe kick, and the arc it goes in is really satisfying. Also to j.LK. It's a cute looking kick and a fast overhead/ crossups. Look at him go.
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Also also: 5HK. I don't need to explain.
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Soeaking of very satisfying: his parry animations. I think the universal sfx they use for parry fits him real well, since he's using the cane to deflect and it would reasonably make such a sound. Looks particularly sick when parrying multi hit moves.
Specials wise, it's all the small motions he does and how he carries himself. Like the way he stands/ shifts his weight for the attacks are done soooo well. The way he spins for Stribog. The little foot tilt when sending out cmd grab ghost. Again all the hand animation, like the snapping on manually detonating Departure. How he waves away the remaining Psycho Power when Amnesia doesn't counter anything. The difference between gripping his hand to feint ghosts, versus sending them out with a flourish. I know this is almost his entire moveset but hey what can I say, they're all really great.
ONE THING tho, is that I kinda don't like his back throw animation. I get it's supposed to be based on bartitsu/ using the opponent's own weight against the cane to throw them, so I can appreciate the attentiom to realistic detail. But in practice, it's rather slow and looks like a huge fuss compared to how some other throws look.
This is made all the more noticeable when you consider his air throw, which is instant dopamine. Made all the better when you throw someone out of specials, or as a hard read. The way he slams them into the floor with a scoff is mwuah, perfect.
I love the frame they have on Supercombo lmao
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Gameplay wise too, he really reflects so much of himself. Mentioned before but the hilarious intentionally unintentional teabagging from his 22 inputs, or how he's so often hated by fans for how he plays. Incites controversy indeed.
What inspired this whole rant is actually how insanely evil you feel for locking down the opponent full screen with projectiles. One aspect of it is against defensive or hesitant players, who'll let you get away with spamming full screen.
But the other, much cooler scenario, is shutting down every weasely attempt to close the distance. They can jump, shimmy, Drive Rush, or use specials to try and get in, but guessing right and countering everything is fun times. Sending them back to the other side of the screen despite all their efforts, and you can taste the salt through the screen.
It's also how he forces them to play JP's mini game, even outzoning characters like Guile and Dhalsim. Match up wise tho? Most pathetic moment is Honda ex headbutt ignoring every projectile. Very sad times, and I'm offended I need to defensively parry.
Silliest MU is the mirror for sure. I hate it. I love it. JP is weirdly vulnerable to his own gameplan, since Amnesia can't counter projectiles, and his DR is way slow. Spikes/ ghosts become a "who can parry and do ex spikes first" projectile wars. And you cannot distinguish between whose Departure portals are whose (they're angled a bit differently but in a match that's impossible to reasonably identify). You're both trying to out gimmick the other to get the edge which can get very scrambly or super one sided. Either way, a JP is winning no matter what, and please do remember to feed Cybele if you lose.
I was about to close out but I just remembered Drive Reversal!!! No wonder I forgot cause I keep forgetting about it in game too;; But if only for the animation I should press it more often. Love that they put in a golf swing motion for the cane wielder, and he's got form. And I have to thank them for deciding to give us the back view.
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 5 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, an angry Nesta and a heart-broken Cassian
2094 words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
Nesta had never been one for small talk but in his presence she spoke as if she was excellent in small talk. They spoke of all unimportant things and ended up forgetting the important stuff; their names. Again.
Feyre sent an invitation for her first anniversary party as she did for every other occasion. The only thing different was that Nesta never bothered to pay heed to her invitations before. After the day in the alley, however, she decided she was going to turn over a new leaf. This was her first step.
She checked her reflection on the side-mirror. She tried to keep her outfit and make-up as simple as possible. She only wore a white ruffled-sleeved blouse with a black pencil skirt. Her hair was braided into a coronet. She looked good, but not as good as she’ll look if she took her own time to do a detailed make-over. She let out a breath and braced herself for the inevitable little chat with her sisters.
“Nesta?” a bewildered voice breathed. She whirled around to face her younger sister, Elain, looking up at her, a small smile playing about her lips. “You’re here,” she said and flung her arms around Nesta. Nesta automatically wrapped her arms around Elain’s smaller frame. Eventually, Elain pulled back.
“No offense, but I really thought you wouldn’t be coming,” Elain said.
Nesta felt as if the smile on her face couldn't be wiped out for the next few hours. “Honestly, I didn't think I'd come either. But here I am.”
She nodded and pulled Nesta to the garden the party was held at.
“I did this,” Elain said. “This garden, I planted and groomed all this.”
“No wonder why it looks so beautiful,” Nesta replied.
She flushed and said contemplatively, “You're so different now, Nesta.”
“I hope in a good way. Where's Feyre?”
“Let's go meet everyone first.”
Nesta shook her head. “I— I need to talk to both of you before I meet everyone else. ”
Elain hesitated then said, “Can you wait in that room? I'll fetch Feyre and come.”
Nesta nodded and headed to the door at the end of the garden Elain pointed at. The room was classy, much like the exterior of the house. She was struck by the simple yet grand theme of Feyre's house. She knew he and his brothers were rich but she just didn't understand the extent of their wealth. Till now.
“What are you thinking?” Feyre wasn't the type to blindly trust people. It took more than coming for her anniversary to persuade her that Nesta's intentions were good.
Nesta faced Feyre, her youngest sister, who stood before her, gorgeous yet fierce in a simple but elegant blue gown. She shrugged, “Just thinking that I'm glad my sisters were well-provided when I couldn't take care of them.”
Feyre’s face didn’t change, she just gestured towards the couches. “Have a seat,” she said.
Nesta sat down, “You both look splendid,” she said. Feyre said that the gown was a gift, Elain thanked Nesta and offered the same.
Nesta cleared her throat. “I need to tell the both of you something. Many things, actually.”
Elain nodded encouragingly. Feyre said, “Go on.”
So Nesta spoke. She apologised. For how she wasn't there to fulfill the role of an elder sister. For how she failed to attend Feyre's marriage and many other occasions. For all the rude words she spoke to them. For shunning them. She apologised for being self consumed. For everything else.
She also promised. To try harder. To become better. To be a good sister and sister-in-law. To be with them at all times, especially when they needed her. And they listened.
“I know these words aren't enough, but I'll try to make it so,” she finished, her hands clasped with both her sisters on her sides.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. We will too,” Feyre said.
“I see a very bright future ahead of us,” Elain said.
Nesta couldn't help the tears anymore. She folded her arms around her sisters and tucked them close. Her sisters. Her beloved sisters she now knew she'd do anything to protect.
“I see a very bright future too,” Nesta said.
Nesta pulled back after what felt like an hour and looked at her sisters' tear-streaked faces.
“I love you,” the three of them said simultaneously. Nesta giggled. Elain laughed. Feyre stared.
Nesta gently brushed the tears from both of their cheeks. “I don't want to see any of you crying.”
She hugged them again, willing the hug to convey everything she didn't say out loud.
“Now, now, enough snuggling. We've got a party to attend and people to meet, remember?” Feyre said.
Cassian was anxious. He had always hoped Nesta, his sister-in-law, would come for the gatherings they had; be it family dinners, or birthday parties, or the random meetings they had when they just got tipsy and played games. He hadn't seen her face-to-face before. All he knows about Nesta are from the descriptions from Feyre and Elain. That, too, was minimal. One of them would quickly change the topic to something pleasant the moment traces of an emotional breakdown were visible. Every time he hoped, he was let down. She never came. He vowed he would stop hoping and instead just go about and act as if she didn't exist. But that never happened. Every time his family met, his treacherous heart would start hoping only to have a chunk of it fall off when she failed to attend. Today was no different.
Then there’s the woman who he’d been talking to the whole afternoon. He was a tangled up mess of emotions and doubt and confusion. He had been sort-of pining after Nesta. She was exactly the person he’d like. Apparently she was drop-dead gorgeous, witty and… feral. Feyre said that. Feral. She’d be someone worth seeing. She was totally a worthy opponent. It’d be fun. But the other woman? Mother above, she was ethereal. More than ethereal, in fact. Words can't contain what he had to say about her.
He was damn near killing Az for calling him right when they were about to exchange names. He really can't believe he was a hairsbreadth away from knowing her before it was all ripped away. Now they were back to square one. He didn't know anything about her.
Azriel clapped him on his back so hard that he almost stumbled and fell. Or probably that was because he was too distracted. “All good Somm?”
“Mmm-hmm,” he replied noncommittally. He busied his hands with re-rinsing the champagne flutes and wiping them clean again. He did this two times already. Still.
“Mood is sour today, Cass?” Az teased, mock-frowning.
“Nah,” Cassian said wryly, “it's as sweet as honeydew. Especially today, when my chat got interrupted.” He glared at Azriel.
“Now, now, that is a story for another day. For now though, I think I've got something that can cheer up your brooding self.”
“What is it?” he mumbled.
Az grinned. “Nesta is here.”
Feyre and Elain took Nesta on a quick tour around the house. Feyre’s paintings were hung on the walls throughout the whole house. Nesta grimly noticed that there wasn't a single picture of her. There were even paintings of their father whose heart had long stopped beating. But none of hers. If only she didn’t push herself away, Nesta would’ve been a happy part of her sisters’ lives.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Feyre took her hand in hers. Elain tucked herself to Nesta’s side, wrapping her arms over her slender shoulders.
Nesta already met Mor, a stunning blonde woman, and Amren, a slightly intimidating and short person. Now she only had to meet her brother-in-laws.
“Let’s go meet the boys!” Elain said brightly.
We walked back to the garden. Feyre seemed to get more and more elated the closer we got to the garden. Huh. Probably falling in love would do that to someone. Anyway, as long as her sisters were happy.
They stepped through the doorway. The garden was decorated with more banners and streamers hung on the back of chairs and on the low branches. Again, it looked opulent in a simple way.
There were three men in the centre of the garden, gathered around a table. They all were slightly similar, broad shouldered, tapered waists, muscular limbs. Three of them wore formal shirts and pants clinging to their frames. The one in the middle was Rhysand, she supposed. She smirked internally. Of course Feyre ended up with this guy. She's got a good taste. Must've gotten it from the oldest sister.
The one on the right, though. His figure felt familiar. Very, very familiar. She couldn't quite put a finger on it yet.
“The one on the left is Azriel, the one on the right is Cassian,” Feyre said, and Nesta nodded.
The boys must be really engrossed with their conversation. They hadn't noticed the three of them yet.
The guy she thought was familiar threw his head back and laughed. She gasped. That laugh. She'd know the laugh anywhere. Indeed, when he angled his face so that she could get a glimpse, she knew she was done for. She swallowed with much difficulty.
“I need to go,” she said quickly.
“Go? But— but we haven't cut the cake yet. It's still early. We've got lots more fun stuff,” Elain said.
“You said you'll try, Nesta. Only, this doesn't feel like 'trying',” Feyre said.
They sounded… hurt.
Mother above, I'm doing this wrong.
“Nesta?” Elain asked. “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah,” Feyre added, “you look pale.”
“Y-yeah it's f-fine. Kinda. My head hurts,” she said, accidentally clutching her stomach. “I-I mean, yeah my head hurts. Very badly. I gotta go.” She looked helplessly at both of them. “I'm so sorry. I really am. It's just— I think I need rest. I'll recompense. Probably dinner in three days?” They both shared a look and agreed.
Nesta was already walking away. “Love you both,” she threw over her shoulder.
“Feyre!” Rhys called. He beckoned Feyre and Elain to the table. He didn't see Nesta.
Cassian lightly kissed Feyre on her cheek once they made their way to the table and said, “Gorgeous as always. Happy anniversary!”
Feyre grinned, but it showed traces of disappointment.
He frowned. “Hey, what's wrong?”
She just shook her head and mumbled, “Nesta.” Rhys's face hardened. His brother was never fond of Nesta. He said that she was why Feyre was always worried.
“Where's Nesta?” Az asked, craning his neck to see behind farther.
“She… left,” Elain pointed, revealing a figure disappearing behind the gates. A figure he knew all too well. Shitshitshitshit.
His head snapped back to his brothers. “That is Nesta?” he damn near shouted.
Rhys scowled, “Yeah.”
No wonder why she's so beautiful, he thought dumbly before running after her with a quick “I'll be back.”
Nesta was wrong. In all her happiness of being reunited with her sisters, she completely forgot how even a small thing can break one's smile. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She kept her calm demeanour, but inside, she was a raging storm of emotions.
One step in front of the other, she kept reminding herself.
She kept walking. Even when she heard footsteps. Even when the steps got louder. Even as he got close enough to cease running.
But not when he called her name. She halted. Locked up her emotions. She knew she shouldn't but she turned around anyway.
“What do you want?” she snapped.
“Nesta,” he breathed. She tried to hold back her shudder. It was from the night air, she told herself.
“If you have nothing to say, do let me know. I'm not going to wait forever,” she said. Harsher than she intended to. But she didn't care, at least, that's what she told herself.
Cassian winked, “I'm honored you came, sweetheart. I'll pass the credit to my influence on you. ”
She ground her teeth against the truth threatening to fall off her lips. Yes, I came here because you made me happy. And I thought that if I tried, as I did with you, I can rebuild my relationship with my sisters.
Cassian did something stupid. He grabbed her hand. Her eyes snapped to his, burning with anger. Like the day they first met.
He gave her a crooked grin that he knew would drive her mad. Well, more than she already was. He tilted his head to the garden, “The party is that way, love.”
She snatched back her hand at continued walking. Like a fool, he followed. “I spoke to my sisters. Told them I won't be staying tonight. And that we'll have dinner in three day's time. Does that satisfy you? Now, can you stop following me?”
“Something's wrong. What's wrong, Nes?”
“One,” she ground out, “don't call me that. Two, I'm a grown-ass woman; I know how to take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter.”
“You did. That day,” he said quietly.
She whirled on him, “Is this you taking back favours? Because I'm not interested. You want money? Take it. Tell me your price and fucking take it! Don't tread on my heels because you helped me, okay? I've got way better things to do.” She paused, “And don't follow me, Cassian.”
She turned and stalked away.
You want money? Take it. 'Take it.' As if he were a beggar, asking for alms. As if they weren't laughing at each other's jokes not more than an hour ago. As if he didn't spend a week taking care of her as if she were a part of his soul. Maybe she was.
But that was before, Cassian thought as his heart cleaved into two perfect halves. No— it smashed to a million tiny pieces.
He waited till Nesta was out of his line of sight. He turned and walked back to the garden, leaving his heart behind.
taglist: @shadowsinger07 @im-someone-i-guess @saltyfortunes @cressjacquine @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @champanheandluxxury @zemiraa @ladygabrielli1997 @nehemikkele @heartless--aromantic @sv0430 @ddsworldofbooks @irenethaleia @sjm-things @dontgetsalmonella
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
yo i haven't seen pd2 in like YEARS but yuuri and victor in your little drabble had me weak and i don't even know what kinda factor they play in the movie or if there's anything else you can give us but i'd love to see more of them because. yes @ them being all over each other in front of everyone when people have shit to do, i.e. important ruling a kingdom stuff
well, the dynamic between the queen and joe in the movies (can’t say much about the books bc it’s been years since i read one of them lmao) is that they’ve got a will they won’t they tension going on and literally the entire damn country ships them (the friggin bishop or…. whatever religious leader officiating the wedding was like “finally” when they did get married in pd2 lolol) and yea that’s probably what i’d be going for. but with a couple tweaks since a lot of details have been shifted around in this au to make it work better with the yoi cast lol
Viktor’s never seen anyone as stoic as Mr Katsuki before in his life. He runs a tight ship, getting all the other security officers into line and smartly suited up. He obsessively goes over every possible breach or flaw at every venue, even drawing up blueprints and maps of the buildings Viktor sets foot in just so he knows the weaknesses of each wall, the locations of each ventilation shaft. He knows the precise details of Viktor’s schedule down to the minute, coordinating with Lilia, his chief advisor and assistant, until everything around the King seems to flow like clockwork, the well-oiled cogs of a machine designed to protect his every step.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks Mr Katsuki once, a couple months into his tenure as chief of security, and Mr Katsuki only smiles a tight, brittle smile that doesn’t reach his calculating yet sparkling eyes.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you were hurt, Your Majesty,” he replies.
Viktor laughs at just how earnestly serious the man looks. “My life is in your hands already, Mr Katsuki. You might as well call me Viktor.”
There’s a little chink in Mr Katsuki’s armour at that when his cheeks flush visibly pink. “I don’t know if I could, Your Majesty,” he says, his voice quiet, soft, and Viktor immediately realises he’d do anything to see this sort of expression on the man’s face again.
Mr Katsuki is a reassuring shadow at his side, watchful yet protective. Viktor values his work and dedication. Admires his bravery and honour.
But he doesn’t fall in love, though, until one fateful afternoon when he’s leaving his motorcade and a gunman opens fire, and Mr Katsuki is on him in an instant, tackling him onto the asphalt and shielding him with his body. As his heartbeat rings loudly in his ears, Viktor looks up into the wide-eyed expression on his chief of security’s face, and realises that the man is genuinely terrified of losing him.
“Yuuri,” he breathes, reaching up for him. The light haloes Mr Katsuki, making him almost angelic. The noise and commotion fade away with each blink of Mr Katsuki’s long lashes, and then the world fades to white.
When Viktor wakes up, he is in a hospital bed, and Mr Katsuki – Yuuri – has fallen asleep with his fingers inches from Viktor’s own. 
Falling in love is a problem when you’re a king. Especially when it’s with your chief of security. Each demonstration of concern, each command carried out eagerly, each reassuring smile – they could all be part of a careful facade crafted in the name of duty. Viktor’s familiar with careful facades; he lives under one each day even in the comfort of his own palace.
But around Yuuri, he tries to be himself. He gets him to dance (and finds out that Yuuri is quite talented at it). He gets him to play chess (and finds out that Yuuri is a brutal opponent). He gets him to agree to a skating trip on the frozen canals of the city, early in the morning with only the other King’s Guards for company. There, he finds out the sound of Yuuri’s laughter, the shape of his smile, the sparkle of his eyes. He also finds out that being lifted by Yuuri in some pale imitation of pair skating is the closest he’ll ever get to flying.
“What do you think about a ball for my ward?” Viktor wonders one evening in the middle of his paperwork. “He turns 16 in a week, and it’ll be time I paid him a visit and told him who I really was.”
Yuuri hums. “I’m sure that can be arranged,” he says. Viktor looks up from the law he’s reviewing and takes off his reading glasses, frowning.
“What would you do if I gave you the night off that evening, and asked you to come to the ball as my guest?” he asks.
Yuuri’s brows crinkle, almost like he’d never considered such a thing ever happening, and he replies, “I would be honoured, but I don’t usually attend balls.”
“No, you prefer to just lurk in the back in a suit, muttering things to other security guards for the entire evening,” Viktor deadpans, and earns himself a light chuckle.
“I’m not good at parties, Your Majesty; I would be a terrible guest,” insists Yuuri, now adding a pink flush to his smile, and Viktor wants to take a photograph of it and preserve it forever. 
“But you’re such a good dancer.” Viktor pouts. “Come on, just this once, for King and country?”
“If you wanted me to go to a ball for King and country, wouldn’t you just let me do it on duty?”
Viktor sighs. “Don’t make me order you.”
Yuuri’s smile is the widest Viktor’s ever seen on him before. He finds himself desperately wanting to kiss it. “As you wish,” Yuuri replies smoothly, and Viktor’s stomach flutters in response.
The ball had been simultaneously the best and the worst idea Viktor has ever had in his life. 
He knows he should be keeping an eye on the guest of honour, his ward Yuri Plisetsky, who had been raised by his grandfather with the patronage of the King. Tonight is when he announces that Yuri would be his heir and next in line for the throne, but all he can think about instead is Yuuri Katsuki.
Yuuri is radiant under the light of the chandeliers in the ballroom. He is dressed in navy blue, cutting a dashing figure through the whirling dancers. Viktor feels his mouth go dry and his heart race every time he locks eyes with the man, and he sincerely hopes none of it shows on his face.
The ceremonial aspects of the ball go by in a dream-like blur. Each minute separate from Yuuri feels like a year in a desert. But when the dancing resumes, and Viktor finally works up the nerve to ask Yuuri to dance, each minute feels more like a second, and the dance is over in four of them.
He asks for another, and another, even though there are other people he has to dance with, as per Royal protocol. But with each glass of champagne Yuuri gets friendlier and friendlier, and Viktor doesn’t want to lose any more of this night than he already had with all of the pomp and circumstance. With the conclusion of one more dance, he drags Yuuri with him out of the ballroom, onto the terrace. 
Hidden in the rosebushes, fuelled by the countless glasses of champagne, Viktor kisses a hungry line down the column of Yuuri’s neck. Yuuri gasps into the contact, but he doesn’t push Viktor away – only pulls him in to make their lips meet, and Viktor almost cries with joy.
“Oh god,” Yuuri breathes when Viktor pulls back, lips swollen and cheeks flushed. His champagne-clouded eyes are flashing with some emotion Viktor has never seen on him before. “Y – You have no idea how long I’ve – Viktor.”
“Shh,” Viktor whispers, leaning in to kiss him again, his heart leaping into his throat at how easily and beautifully his name rolls off Yuuri’s tongue.“I know.”
“Was I that obvious?” murmurs Yuuri. His hands, though slightly trembling, stroke down Viktor’s cheek with unerring tenderness.
Viktor chuckles. “You said once you weren’t sure what you’d do if I got hurt.”
“I’d do anything for you,” replies Yuuri bluntly.
“And I, for you.”
“Even…” Yuuri purses his lips. “Give up the crown?”
“If it would make you happy,” replies Viktor.
“I don’t want to marry the King.” Yuuri’s expression is earnest. “I want to marry Viktor.”
And that’s the most wonderful thing anyone has ever told him. Water blurs his vision as Viktor blinks rapidly, and then laughs, hugging Yuuri close. In response, Yuuri makes a low noise in his throat that sends heat coursing through Viktor’s veins. His lips are on Yuuri’s almost immediately after, and it doesn’t take long after that for Viktor to lose himself completely.
In the morning, Viktor finds himself fully clothed in his own bed. According to reports from the rest of the King’s Guard, Yuuri had to call for backup after Viktor had passed out in his arms while they had been in the garden, ostensibly from alcohol. The guards had returned him to his room fully-clothed and he had gone to bed almost immediately.
Yuuri doesn’t meet his gaze for a solid week after.
The years pass, and with each day things get worse. Yuuri continues to be loyal, dependable, stoic. Viktor continues to love him.
Yuri grows up, studies international politics at Georgetown in the United States. Once he graduates, he moves to Petersburg, begins learning the ropes of ruling the kingdom. Viktor watches his not-so-little ward all the while, his own heart aching when he sees him dancing with everyone at the annual Midsummer Ball. Yuuri, by contrast, is on duty at this event, sober and untouchable.
Viktor clings onto the memory of the warmth of Yuuri’s body and the perfume of the roses, and waits. 
He waits too long. “I’m thinking of moving on,” Yuuri admits to him after a game of chess one night, a couple months after Yuri has moved into the palace. “It’s getting too hard for me.”
“What’s getting too hard?” Viktor asks. “I can see what I can do to get you accommodations.”
“No, Your Majesty.” Yuuri’s eyes are sad. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
Viktor doesn’t know how or why, but suddenly there’s something wet and hot rolling down his cheeks, and blinking only makes it worse. “But you can’t leave,” he says, plaintively. “I need you.” I love you, he adds, but no matter how hard he thinks it Yuuri would never be able to read his mind. 
“Petersburg needs you more than I do,” replies Yuuri quietly. “You are a King first. I’m just a coward who keeps letting my personal feelings get in the way of my work.”
“No!” Viktor reaches out, grabs Yuuri’s hand. “You’re the best man I’ve ever met. You’re so beautiful and brave and loyal and – and – you asked me once if I would give up my crown for you. And I said yes.”
“You were drunk,” Yuuri points out. “And so was I. I could barely remember anything from that night.”
“The answer’s still yes.” Viktor presses tearstained kisses to Yuuri’s hands, watching the way the man’s eyes widen in shock as he does. “Please, Yuuri, stay close to me.”
Yuuri swallows. “Your –” he begins, and then catches himself. “Viktor.” Quietly, he tugs his hands free of Viktor’s grasp. “I could never ask you to do something so selfish.”
At the sound of that, Viktor feels something hard crystallising around the pieces of his heart. “Maybe I’m not the selfish one this time,” he snaps, and watches in a strange pained satisfaction as Yuuri’s expression crumples.
“You’ll have my resignation by the end of the month,” his chief of security says simply, and leaves without another sound.
Yuri is halfway into the cathedral before he bolts, and Viktor chases after him, finding him in a smaller chapel in the same building, the stained glass windows casting coloured light across his pale, terrified face.
“You don’t have to go through with this,” Viktor says quietly, startling the young man from his reverie. 
Yuri’s jaw is harsh. “Who’s the one who herded me through all of this?” he growls, tugging hatefully at the collar of his starched military uniform.
Viktor sighs. “I’m sorry,” he says, and enters the chapel to sit next to his ward. “I’m sorry I’ve put all of this on your shoulders.”
Yuri rolls his eyes. “It’s not your fault there’s a stupid law about how I have to marry before I can take the throne,” he points out.
“Laws can be changed,” Viktor replies. “Most of Parliament is here, you know.”
He raises an eyebrow. Yuri gets it, nods.
“So you admit you were just doing this for vicarious kicks, huh?” he asks.
Viktor laughs, rubs sheepishly at his nape. “I admit nothing,” he says, and Yuri rolls his eyes.
And after his ward has successfully ended the engagement with Prince Chulanont and forced Parliament to get rid of the adoptive heir wedding law, he takes Yuuri aside. Moments later, and to everyone’s consternation, Yuuri reenters the cathedral sanctuary and heads straight for Viktor.
“I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to hand in my resignation yet,” he begins. Viktor opens his mouth, wanting an explanation, but Yuuri holds up a hand. “So this is the next best thing – Viktor Nikiforov, will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?”
(Viktor’s not sure if he’s just hearing things, but it sounds like the entire congregation has just breathed a sigh of relief.)
His smile is so wide that it hurts. “Yes,” he says, and watches with butterflies fluttering in his stomach as Yuuri takes off his headpiece and offers them to Mrs Nishigori, his deputy. Yuuri then extends an arm, and Viktor takes it eagerly as they make their way up the aisle.
At the altar, Yuuri takes his hands with a smile, before looking to the Archbishop. “I would like to take this man as my husband,” he states, “if he would have me.”
“Well, it was about time,” the Archbishop declares, and Viktor can’t help but laugh.
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it-refused · 7 years
Working Title: Forward, Back (7/?)
Summary:  Knowing what’s going to happen doesn’t mean Sans can stop it.  Maybe he could’ve put it off forever.  Sans decides to go.
Rating: T
Part Summary: Sans keeps Papyrus company.  
>>First Part<<
C/N: Mental Illness, Illness
Sans watched Papyrus' hp tick down again.  He should probably stop monitoring it since it made him sick every time it dropped, but he could barely make himself blink.  
Sans asked the question he had been putting off:  "so.  this friendly fight.  someone in town?"
"maybe not," Sans said.  "they said something dumb but kinda cool like 'let's spar,' right?"  Papyrus had said it was friendly.
"good idea."
The nurse came in and leaned over Papyrus a minute, healing his HP.  
Sans asked him if the doctor had gotten in touch with someone who knew more about fighting injuries.  Sans liked the doc and owed a lot to 'em, but they weren't going to be used to dealing with this kind of problem.  Monsters fought, but this sounded like it had turned malicious.  
He was told that the doctor was contacting plenty of people, and that he should sit down and let them do their job.
Sitting sounded like an ok idea, actually.  Sans sat on the edge of Papyrus' bed.  
"so you've got no idea who it was?"  He was still trying to get information out of his brother, but the question was also partially aimed at the nurse.  
The nurse answered.  "We sent some humans out to look, but I guess whoever it was, they just woke up and left."  
"I HOPE THEY ENJOYED THE SNACK I GAVE THEM!"  Papyrus brightened up.  He must not have heard about them sending people to look for the human.
"hope you left 'em a nice big dog bone," Sans said.  He hoped they choked on it a little, with nothing to wash it down.
"THEY WERE AT 1 HP," Papyrus said.  "I LEFT THEM TWO."
Papyrus called home when Sans told him that Soozen had asked to come along. Sans watched Papyrus' health drop ten points while he talked to the kids.  Now that he was paying such close attention, he also noticed that talking to Soozen made Papyrus' base HP jump twenty. Cute.  Sans had never noticed that happening before.
He sent Grillby a quick message.  
bro's sick but fine.  at doc's now
"so, uh."  
"does it feel weird?"  Did it hurt?
It had to hurt.  "yeah.  no one needs to tell you to show your spine."  
"i mean, maybe both.  i'm not checking that for you."  
Sans' phone buzzed.  Grillby must have had his phone on him.
I will be there in a minute.
Sans tapped out a quick reply.
you know how flattered i get when you skip work for me but everyone's ok
Maybe Grillby didn't think there was anyone watching the kids.  He sent a few messages clarifying, but Grillby was insistent.  Well, that was why he'd wanted to move to a small town.  He could put a sign on the door and skip out for an hour and everyone was nosy enough to know it was to check up on his sick in-law.
"hope you want company," Sans said.
"antidotes more like anti-don'ts." Sans snickered.  "since they don't work.  heh." 
"hey. that one was good, though."  
"nice. once they find the antidote, think about what a great anecdote you'll get out of this."
"uh. you're talking about my jokes, there, right, and not..."  Sans rubbed the back of his head.  "aw, jeez.  you're really not feeling great, huh."
"THAT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED," Papyrus said.  He crossed his arms over his chest.  "I AM FINE!"
"but not great.  got it.  ok."  Sans sighed.  "all right." He shifted down the bed.  "give your big bro a hug.  won't make you feel better, but..."  He shrugged.
"other than, like, a cure."
"WELL, YES."  
But they didn't have one of those, so Sans gave him a hug.  He didn't know if it helped Papyrus, but he felt a little better.  
Sans settled back in and listened to Papyrus' special blend of optimism and bitter complaining.  He did his best to stay out of the nurse's way as he walked in and out of the room.  
After a while, they heard a little girl's voice outside the door.  
"you're about to get swarmed," Sans said.  
"DID GRILLBY BRING THEM?"  Papyrus asked.  He sat up straight, and pushed his shoulders back.  "SANS, I DO NOT WANT THEM TO WORRY. AM I GIVING OFF MY USUAL 'COOL MOM' AURA?"  
Sans looked him over.  "you've got something on your gown."  He pointed and when Papyrus looked down, Sans flicked him in the forehead.  "heh.  now you look extra cool."
Papyrus whapped his hand away, irritated.  His expression cleared as soon as the door opened and the children came in.  
Grillby stood behind them, towering over the two tiny blue slimes.  Sans had trouble reading his expression.  He was still in his work clothes, and the room suddenly smelled strongly of overly cooked barbecue.  
"man, i barely got started."
Grillby stepped back out.  Sans figured he wanted to get a complete update from the doctor, without the kids there.  He hadn't exactly filled Grillby in on all the details in his text messages.  
Angel made some bubbling noises.  Soozen slid over to the edge of the bed. When she stopped, he noticed she was shuddering, like she was filled with a nervous energy.  Not a fan of hospitals, Sans figured.  
Angel tried to climb up onto the bed.  Their stubby arms couldn't reach the edge.  Their effort distracted Soozen from her discomfort, and she tried to lift them up.  
"Sans! Help!"  She gave up and head-butted Sans in the leg.  
Sans shrugged and used his magic to lift Angel up onto the bed.  Soozen was capable of climbing up herself, but complained until Sans lifted her up, too.  He gave her a trip to the ceiling before setting her down.
Angel sloshed up towards Papyrus' face and immediately gave him a slimy, sloppy kiss on the cheek.  They made their burbling noise that Sans knew meant "Papyrus."
Soozen was carefully looking Papyrus over.  Checking to make sure he was really ok.  
"you should see the other guy," Sans said.
"knocked 'em to, what?  one?"  
"You really beat them up, huh," Soozen said.  She relaxed.  Papyrus was okay, and he'd beaten the other guy so badly he probably had never been in real danger.  Sans could see her working through it, in her head.
Soozen joined her sibling and Papyrus hugged both of them.  
The door opened.  When Sans felt the temperature start to creep up, he looked away from his brother.  Grillby was watching them in the doorway.  He nodded at Sans and came over to rest his hand on his shoulder.  Grillby didn't say a word.  
Angel burbled excitedly.  
"I SEE," Papyrus said.  He nodded, solemn.  "I APOLOGIZE FOR WORRYING YOU."
Grillby tugged at Sans and nodded at the door.  "............just a minute?" he asked.  
"sure. bro, you ok here?"  
>>Next Part<<
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