#this was not what she signed up for when she stepped into that pumpkin carriage
theteaisaddictive · 2 years
you send one thematically-relevant song about loneliness and love and suddenly you get yet another vague au idea based on your characters
#roses and lavender#it just sort of sprung into my mind but -- ella's on the way to the ball#the horses get lost#they wind up at this castle which very clearly does NOT have a ball on but like. what else is she supposed to do. it's cold and dark and#she can see candlelight through the windows#the entire castle is FLABBERGASTED to see what appears to be an honest-to-god storybook princess walk through the door#of course the beast gets down there asap but as soon as he sees her he decides to keep lukring in the shadows#she's beautiful and bright and shining and he is -- not.#for her part ella is a nervous wreck#this was not what she signed up for when she stepped into that pumpkin carriage#she stays for dinner because let's be honest she's starving at this point#they talk a little over dinner. as one does.#there's a hunger in both of them for human contact and despite the awkwardness of the situation they end up talking for a long long time#they lose track of time#and suddenly ella's doing her reverse magical girl transformation#and then they're stood in this drawing room just very awkwardly looking at each other#the beast who's been lurking in the shadows all night afraid to sully this beautiful creature by even standing too close to her#and the servant girl playing make-believe who's suddenly found herself in the worst version of the emperor's new clothes#in the distance they hear cogsworth shouting 'why the FUCK did the FOOTMAN just turn into a HORSE?!?!?'#eta the song in question was the loneliest time by carly rae jepsen ft. rufus wrainwright
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hellinistical · 5 days
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fem! reader x rafayel. royal! au. sea horror! au. heavy angst. minor and major character death. slow burn. romance. fluff. explicit smut. trauma. religious themes. gore; hinted torture, cannibalism, decapitation, self-cannibalism. violence. wc: 4796 | status: on-going
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The wagon wheels were obviously wobbly, the axles needing immediate tightening, not that anyone would care to repair them, though. The rainy season was in full effect, and the roads were the sky’s first victim. A dog chased after a squirrel, it’s barking annoying the merchant nearby. He cursed the dog and his bloodline. 
“To hell with Linkon! To hell with this damned town!” His broom thwacked at the wood sign on his stall. “When I catch you, you damned dog, why, you’ll be roasted with your litter!”
“Oh Mr. Heggins, relax! It’s just a dog!” “Just a dog? Why you- you let him out, didn’t you, Caleb? I should get you fired from the mines for this!”
Caleb laughed, crow's feet forming by his eyes as he smiled big. His hands held orchids. He had picked them from his mother's garden earlier that morning, meticulously picking the best ones without her knowing. In his pocket, a small box rested.
Mr. Heggins eyes note the flowers and the small lump in his pocket. 
“Today's the day, eh?”
Caleb nodded, his cheeks tinging with red. 
“Yes, sir. I plan to ask tonight.”
“Ah, before the king's carriages come? Bad timing, no?”
“No, sir.”
It's quiet for a moment before the old man speaks up. 
“And out of everyone you could have, you chose the L/n's daughter.” He lets out a pitiful chuckle. “I won't question it, but to each their own.” 
As the old man walked off, Caleb hummed, his hand going to his pocket, patting it affectionately as he walked on through the streets.
He grabbed some pumpkin bread, the honey, and roasted almonds on it making it smell heavenly. 
He collected some gifts. A doll, a kite, perfumes, and a watch. 
And then he headed off towards Linkon's hill village. 
*** Hot water splashed onto the weathered wood floorboards, the basin full to the brim. Sprigs of lavender, rosemary, and orange slices floated on the water, and Mrs. L/n poured fresh milk into the tub. 
“Is this really necessary?” Y/n huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not getting in there- I won’t even be selected.” “Yes, you are. And I’m tired of you not listening to me.” “Mother- owowowowowowow!” 
The older woman grabbed her ear, pinching it lightly as she pulled her daughter towards the tub. Y/n held onto the wall, protesting. “I’m not going in there you; put milk in there! It’ll feel weird!” “Take the damn bath, child! Eva! Call your sisters and come here!”
“Coming, Mother!”
In moments, Y/n’s sisters came into the room. Eva smiled cheekily. “Today’s the day~!” “Like hell it is.” She shot back, wriggling in her mother’s grip. “You all act like you want me to get picked! Does Gran even know what you’re doing? Ma?” Her mother looked away, her hands going to the clasp on the back of Y/n’s dress. She undid it quickly, and the fabric pooled at her feet, ignoring her question.
“Strip out of your garments- Gods, you reek- is this wool? Y/n! You messed with the sheep again!” “I did not! I was with the ram- hey!” She placed her hand on the back of her head, the sting from her mother’s popping strong.
Lucy laughed, her chubby hands taking the stripped clothes to the wash.
“You’ve all gone mad. I hope you know that.” It comes out as a grumble, but she goes into the tub. But as soon as she stepped in, she complained. “The water’s freezing!” “That’s what you get for talking so long.” Her mother quipped. Her face sours as an orange slice touches her knee.
Raising her leg, Eva takes it, scrubbing it down as her mother starts to work on her hair. She hisses, her scalp tender as it gets scrubbed as well. 
“The weather is lovely, isn’t it?” “Just dandy.”
“What time is it?” “Half after 12, mother.” “Lord! We need to hurry then.” “Did you always have such a strawberry complexion, sister?” Y/n kicks water at her sister. “Quiet, you-”
She’s interrupted by her mother pouring a bucket of water over her head. Her hair gets thrown in her face, and she swallows some soapy, milky water, sputtering and coughing.
“Both of you, quiet. I’ll be damned if our good name is tarnished because you both decide to act like Neanderthals.
Y/n coughed out some more water. “I think calling me a Neanderthal isn’t fair- but Eva on the other hand- Oh my fucki- can you stop getting soap in my eyes?!”
Y/n shivers as she steps out of the basin, her arms crossed, knees turned, and locked. 
Some of the rosemary was tangled in her hair, but she paid it no mind.
Wrapping a towel around her body, Eva grabbed a comb, getting to work on untangling the knots and rosemary in her hair.
“This is ridiculous.”
“You would still get picked if you were covered in cow shit, so cease your bitching,” her mother shot back, not missing a beat as she scrubbed her daughter’s hair with renewed vigor.
Y/n's mouth dropped open, and she groaned. “You’re impossible!”
But her mother only raised an eyebrow. “And yet, here you are, complaining like always.”
Lucy waddled into the room, her small arms bundled up with a light blue chemise gown, the fabric soft and worn from years of storage. The short sleeves were cuffed, and though the dress had once been elegant, it was now out of date- the gaudy stitching showing the era it was from. Y/n’s eyes widened in horror as she realized what Lucy was holding.
“You can’t seriously expect me to—” Y/n began, her voice rising in protest.
But before she could finish, her mother yanked the towel off her body with practiced efficiency. “Of course not,” Mrs. L/n replied, her tone calm and unwavering. “Not until you’ve been plucked.”
Eva stepped forward, smirking as she handed her mother a razor, her grin mischievous. Y/n stared at it, her lips parting in disbelief. “Oh, come on...”
Mrs. L/n motioned for the sisters to leave. Eva, Lucy, and the others filed out, whispering and giggling amongst themselves as they shut the door behind them, leaving the room unusually still. The bright daylight streaming through the window seemed too cheerful for what was about to happen.
Y/n sighed heavily and sat on the small stool, arms wrapped around herself in half-hearted defiance. Her mother wordlessly knelt beside her, taking the razor and beginning the task of smoothing over her skin with slow, deliberate strokes.
For a few moments, the only sound in the room was the quiet scrape of the blade against her skin, the soft splash of water, and the occasional sigh from Y/n. It was a silence filled with things left unsaid, the weight of what was coming pressing on both of them.
Y/n looked down at her hands, picking at a loose thread on the towel. "I still don't think this is going to work. They'll want someone else," she murmured, not meeting her mother's eyes.
Her mother didn't respond immediately, her hands steady as she worked. Finally, she spoke, her voice softer than before. "It’s not about what they want, Y/n. It’s about what you’re worth. Remember, the better you do, the better we all do."
“Why do you want me to get picked so badly?” Y/n asked quietly, her voice trembling despite her attempts to sound nonchalant. “You know I’ll mess up.”
Mrs. L/n paused mid-stroke, her hands hovering for a moment before continuing, the razor gently gliding over her daughter's skin. She didn't meet Y/n’s gaze, but her words were firm.
“I don’t want you to go. What gave you that idea?”
Y/n blinked, caught off guard by the blunt response. Her throat tightened, but she said nothing, the silence suddenly heavy between them. 
Her mother’s eyes were fixed on her task, but the strain in her voice betrayed her emotions. “You think I want to see you paraded around like livestock? Gods know I don’t.” She set the razor aside for a moment, finally looking up at Y/n. “But if you’re chosen… at least you’ll be safe.”
Y/n swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. For once, she had no sharp retort.
"...They'll smell the farm on me," Y/n tried to joke, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "And it's not like the town doesn't have a reputation for me."
Mrs. L/n froze, her brow furrowing before she snapped, "Y/n M/n L/n. You will stop talking this instant!" She threw her hands up in exasperation, the razor clattering against the basin. “Ugh, by the Gods, you will jinx yourself, and no amount of rosemary will be able to fix it!”
Y/n bit her lip, stifling a laugh despite the tension in the air. She knew her mother meant well, but the whole situation still felt so surreal—so out of place for someone like her.
There was a knock on the door. Y/n's head snapped toward it, her brows knitting in confusion. Her father’s voice called through the wooden frame, calm and warm as always. 
“The boy is here, my loves.”
Y/n frowned. "Caleb? What’s he doing here?"
Mrs. L/n didn’t answer, her focus entirely on finishing the task at hand. She ignored Y/n’s questioning gaze and continued to move the razor carefully, finishing her legs before working up to her cunt.
"Never mind that," her mother finally said, her tone clipped. "We need to finish."
She turned toward the door, calling out in her usual brisk, commanding voice, “There’s a roast in the oven! Check it for me, please!”
“Aye, I will,” her father replied, the sound of his footsteps retreating down the hall.
Y/n slouched slightly on the stool, still puzzled. “He does know today is the collection, right?” Y/n asked, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice.
“Perhaps he’s wishing to bid you good luck. But it will have to wait,” her mother replied, still focused on her work.
Y/n sighed, the thought lingering in her mind. It made sense enough. They had talked about their plans—what they would do if she didn’t get picked. Caleb would take his father’s horse, and they’d ride out of Linkon together. A smile tugged at her lips as she recalled the silly memory of him telling her the same thing every year. 
But she hadn’t seen him lately; he was always busy with family matters, tending to the farm, or preparing for whatever life awaited him. 
Once Y/n was dressed, she stood stiffly, adjusting the light blue gown that felt foreign against her skin. “I can feel every stitch, Mama.”
“It’s because your skin’s bare. It’s a good feeling. A good thing,” her mother replied, a hint of pride in her voice.
“I’ll get cold easier.”
“Oh please. You weren’t even furry,” her mother teased.
Y/n let out an unexpected laugh, the tension breaking for just a moment. But then the door swung open, and her father stepped in, whistling a cheerful tune.
“There she is. My darlings!” He kissed his wife and then pressed a warm kiss to Y/n’s cheek. He pauses. “You smell like the farm.”
Y/n shot a look at her mother. “Told you so.”
“He's messing with you,” her mother said, rolling her eyes.
Just then, Caleb ducked his head under the doorframe, a bright smile on his face. “Good evening, Mrs. L/n. I’ve brought gifts.”
“Gifts? You shouldn’t have!” her mother exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across her face.
“I wanted to,” Caleb said, his tone sincere.
“Oh, you sweet boy. Come, let’s go talk.” Mrs. L/n took Caleb’s hand, pulling him out of the washroom. 
As their eyes met, Caleb’s purple gaze sparkled with a kind of mischief that made Y/n’s heart race. She felt her cheeks heat up but managed to wave, a shy smile breaking through her earlier worries.
Once they left, Y/n found herself alone with her father in the warm, sunlit room. The air was thick with the lingering scents of lavender and rosemary, remnants of her mother’s frantic preparations. Mr. L/n glanced out the door, ensuring it was securely closed before turning to face her, his expression suddenly serious.
“Are you nervous, child?” he asked, his voice low and steady, a contrast to the bustling energy that had just filled the space.
“Nervous?” Y/n echoed, furrowing her brow in confusion. “About today?”
“Hm... no, can’t say I am.” She crossed her arms, trying to project confidence, but the truth was a tangle of emotions lay beneath her surface.
He studied her for a moment, the lines on his face deepening with concern. “You’re a horrible liar. That’s my fault. Should have taught you better.”
“Listen. You’re no fool. You’ve got a good head on you,” he said, placing a hand on his chin, his thumb tracing the stubble there as he exhaled slowly, the weight of his thoughts pressing down like a storm cloud.
Y/n felt a knot tighten in her stomach, her heart racing as he continued. “That boy is going to propose. And you need to accept.”
Her eyes widened in shock, disbelief flashing across her face. “Huh?”
“That's how you don’t get picked,” he insisted, his tone firm yet gentle, as if trying to shield her from the harsh realities of their world.
“Listen to me, child. You need to accept—today. Before it’s too late. Once you’re engaged, they can’t collect you.” 
“To Caleb?” she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of hope and uncertainty. The idea danced in her mind like a flickering flame, both enticing and frightening. Would it truly save her? 
“Yes!” he affirmed, leaning closer, his eyes locking onto hers with a fervent intensity. “You think we have luck when it comes to this sort of thing? We don’t,” Mr. L/n continued, his voice lowering even further as he leaned closer. “We should have married you to him months ago, but there was never an opportunity. We have the papers. You just need to have some witnesses—”
“You cheated the system?!” Y/n whisper-yelled, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and indignation.
“Of course I did!” he replied, a hint of pride breaking through his urgency. “I did it to protect you. You have no idea what they do to the girls they collect. We have to outsmart them.”
“I can’t marry Caleb! Are you crazy? I don’t even want to get married—” Y/n protested, her voice rising in disbelief.
“This isn’t about what you want! You love the boy; he loves you!” Mr. L/n countered, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.
“Yeah, but—” she started, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words.
“Listen to me,” he urged, his voice softening as he stepped closer. “This is about survival. The kingdom doesn’t care about your dreams or desires; they only see you as another name on a list. But if you’re engaged, they can’t touch you.”
Y/n took a deep breath, the reality of her situation weighing heavily on her chest. “What if Caleb doesn’t want this? What if he thinks I’m just using him?”
“Caleb knows—he's been helping orchestrate this!” Mr. L/n interjected, a mix of urgency and relief washing over him.
Y/n’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What do you mean he knows? How could you—?”
“I spoke to him. He understands the situation, Y/n. He’s been looking out for you, and he wants to keep you safe.” Her father’s voice softened, but the intensity of his words remained.
“Caleb is in on this?” she asked, her mind racing. The idea that Caleb had been part of this plan, that he had considered her fate alongside his own, sent her heart racing.
“Yes! He cares for you deeply, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect you,” Mr. L/n explained, a hint of pride- and something else- in his voice.
She closed her eyes for a moment, envisioning Caleb’s kind smile and the playful banter they shared. Could he really be ready for something so serious? The thought of it both terrified and thrilled her. 
Caleb sat in the dingy dining room of the L/n household, his hand absently resting in his pocket. The scent of roasted meat wafted through the air, mingling with the musty smell of the worn furniture. Truthfully, the L/n farmland was rich and fruitful, bursting with potential, but the home itself felt shabby and neglected.
“Once we’re married, I can fix this place up…” he mumbled to himself, envisioning the changes he could make. The walls painted fresh, new furniture, perhaps even a small garden where Y/n could grow flowers. His heart swelled at the thought.
In the corner of the room, her sisters and mother were clustered together, giggling and gushing over the gifts he had brought—colorful ribbons, handmade trinkets, and sweets. Their excitement filled the air, but Caleb was lost in his own thoughts, barely noticing their chatter.
It wasn’t until Y/n emerged from the washroom, her father beside her, that he realized she was near. His heart skipped a beat as she stepped into the room, her vibrant orange hair catching the light. She looked radiant, even in the simple gown she wore, and a smile spread across his face as their eyes met.
“Good evenin', Y/n,” he greeted, warmth flooding his voice. “You look lovely.” 
Y/n’s cheeks flushed as she returned his smile, but there was an uncertainty in her gaze that made him wonder what was going through her mind. He wanted to ask about the selection ceremony, about her feelings, but for now, he simply stood there, hoping the moment would allow for the words to come.
“Er, hello, Caleb,” Y/n replied, her voice slightly shaky but warm.
He chuckled, a playful glint in his purple eyes. “You look like a strawberry.”
Eva snorted from the corner, unable to stifle her laughter. Y/n cleared her throat, determined to hold her ground. “Yes, well, thank you. They’re in season.”
“Are they now?” Caleb’s tone was teasing, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile despite the slight embarrassment. Strawberries weren’t in season, but he enjoyed the banter.
“They are,” she insisted, a spark lighting up her eyes.
“Then I trust you know where the ripe one is?” His gaze was warm, his smile contagious.
Y/n felt her cheeks flush deeper, but before she could respond, he gently took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. The touch sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. Together, they walked out of the house, the chatter of her family fading behind them.
As they stepped into the sunlit yard, the gentle breeze carried the scent of the sea, mingling with the earthy aromas of the farm. Caleb turned to her, his expression shifting to something more serious. “I’ve been thinking about what’s happening today…”
Y/n’s heart raced. She knew this was the moment to speak up, to share her fears and her father’s plan. But for now, she let the warmth of his hand and the softness of the afternoon settle around them, hoping to find the right words as they moved further from the house and deeper into the lush fields.
“Listen... I wanna marry you—” Caleb began, his tone earnest.
“Yes,” Y/n interrupted, her heart racing.
“What?” His expression shifted, surprise flashing across his face.
“Yes! I’ll marry you,” she declared, her excitement bubbling over.
“Let me finish,” he said, his brow furrowing slightly.
Y/n looked at him, confusion evident in her eyes.
Caleb’s smile faded, replaced by a serious expression. “Y/n. Don’t get me wrong. You’re a beautiful woman. And we’re good friends. But really, it’d be more of an exchange. I’ll marry you. But I want your father’s farm.”
Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Excuse me?”
“I mean it,” he pressed, his voice steady but tinged with urgency. “If we’re going to make this work, we need to secure the land. The L/n farm is rich, and with your hand in marriage, I’d have both a partner and a stake in something that could thrive.”
Y/n felt her heart drop. The warmth of the moment had evaporated, replaced by a chill of realization. “You want to marry me for the farm?” she asked, hurt creeping into her voice.
Caleb’s expression hardened, his jaw set. “You thought this wouldn’t have an exchange? Marriage is a contract. I keep you safe, I get the land.”
“I can’t give you what isn’t mine,” Y/n shot back, her voice rising in disbelief.
“Look, you’re inheriting the farm. Your father is old. When I marry you, I inherit the farm instead. You’ll still have your sheep and goats, but I want you to stay in the gardens with the flowers.” He stepped closer, his eyes earnest. “Think about it. I’ll spruce the place up, combine our land. We can make a name for ourselves!”
Y/n stared at him, the weight of his words settling heavily on her shoulders. “You’re talking about my life as if it’s just an asset, Caleb! What if I don’t want to be tied to the farm? What if I want to travel, to explore beyond Linkon?”
He paused, the intensity in his eyes faltering. “But this is our home! This is where our lives are. We can make it better together.”
Caleb’s expression softened momentarily, but he quickly masked it with determination. “I’m not trying to control you! I just see potential—”
“Potential for what? For you to fulfill your dreams at the expense of mine?” Y/n felt anger bubbling inside her. “You’re reducing our relationship to a business deal!”
“I’m trying to think practically!” he insisted, frustration creeping into his voice. “We live in a harsh world, Y/n. If you get chosen today, it could be the end of everything for us. I just want to protect you!.... I care about you. But this isn’t just about us. It’s about doing what’ll be best.”
Silence hung between them, heavy with unspoken words and emotions. Y/n looked at him.
...Why did it feel scripted?
She ignores the brief thought, letting it slip just as quickly as it had arrived. “I need time to think,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.
“You don’t have time to think,” Caleb said suddenly, pulling a small box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a simple yet elegant ring. “I got the ring. Just wear it.”
“You’re kidding,” Y/n replied, disbelief flooding her voice.
“I’m not,” he insisted, his gaze steady.
“Caleb—” she started, but he interrupted her.
“That farm is precious, and your family doesn’t even see it. Just marry me and let me help you.”
Y/n’s heart raced as she stared at the ring. “You can’t just expect me to decide everything right now! This is my life we’re talking about!”
“I know it is! But we’re out of time. If you don’t make a choice before the selection, you could end up as one of those girls, the ones that don't get anything good!”
The gravity of his words settled in her chest like a stone. She thought of the stories her grandmother had told her, the dark legends woven through the village about the gathering and the sacrifices. The idea of becoming one of those girls made her stomach churn.
“Caleb, this isn’t the way,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t want to feel like I’m being sold off or bartered for land.”
“But you wouldn’t be! You’d be marrying someone who loves you, who wants to protect you!” He took a step closer, desperation flickering in his eyes. “Please, just wear the ring. We can figure everything else out together.”
Scripted. It felt so scripted. But why?
Y/n felt torn, her heart battling against her mind. The prospect of safety and partnership clashed with her desire for freedom and choice. “I… I need to think about it,” she said, her voice trembling.
“Look, if you’re not gonna marry me, I can wait for Eva. Or I’ll marry Lorraine—”
“Eva? Lorraine? Excuse me? Them of all people?” Y/n shot back, incredulous. The idea felt like a slap. Lorraine was the village gossip, always getting into trouble and never taking anything seriously. And her sister? Absolutely.
Caleb shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. “I’m just saying, she wouldn’t mind. If you don’t want me, someone else will step in.”
“Right, because that’s how love works,” Y/n snapped, her frustration boiling over. “You can’t just jump from one sister to another like we’re some kind of game to you!”
“It’s not a game!” he argued, stepping closer, the tension thickening the air between them. “This is about survival, Y/n! Don’t you see? You can either have me fighting for you or risk being taken away, offered to the sea. I don’t want to lose you!”
Y/n’s heart raced as she considered his words again, the weight of the impending selection pressing down on her. The fear of the Dark Sea loomed larger than ever. “But I don’t want to feel trapped,” she said, her voice quieter now, almost pleading.
Caleb softened, his expression earnest. “You won’t be trapped with me. We can make it work, and build a life together. Just think about it—before it’s too late.”
As she looked into his eyes, Y/n felt a swirl of emotions—fear, anger, and- disgust? But the thought of marrying him out of desperation gnawed at her conscience. “I need more time- stop saying we don't have it."
“Time is the one thing we don’t have,” he replied, frustration creeping back into his voice. “Please, just wear the ring. Show me you’ll consider this. I can’t bear the thought of you being chosen—”
“Y/n! Come on, we’re waiting for you!” Eva’s voice called from the house, pulling her back to reality.
Caleb took her hand, his grip firm but gentle, as he slid the ring onto her finger. “Insurance. Just in case,” he said, his voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling around them.
Y/n blinked, her heart racing, but before she could respond, laughter echoed from inside the house. Her family had gathered, and when they saw Caleb placing the ring on her finger, their cheers erupted like a sudden storm.
“Oh, look at that!” her mother exclaimed, beaming. “My darling Y/n is engaged!”
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock. “No! Wait!” But the joyous noise drowned out her protests. Eva clapped her hands, and Lucy jumped up and down, her chubby cheeks flushed with excitement.
“Caleb! You clever boy!” Eva gushed. “We knew you’d come through!”
“But you don’t understand—” Y/n started, but her voice was lost in the commotion.
“Come here, you two!” Mrs. L/n pulled Y/n into a tight embrace, tears of joy glimmering in her eyes. “I’m so proud of you, my sweet girl. You’re all grown up!”
Y/n felt the weight of her mother’s affection, but dread settled heavily in her chest. She glanced at Caleb, searching for a flicker of understanding, but he was caught up in the whirlwind of celebration, a victorious grin plastered across his face.
“Now we can start planning the wedding!” her mother continued, clapping her hands together. “This is wonderful news! The whole village will be thrilled!”
Y/n’s heart sank. The idea of a wedding felt like a chain, tightening around her, and the implications of her father’s words crashed over her again. Marrying Caleb was supposed to be a lifeline, a way to escape the selection—but something was off.
“Are you really happy about this?” she whispered to Caleb, who was now being congratulated by her father.
He turned, his expression earnest. “Of course I am. This is our chance. You’ll see.”
But Y/n could only nod, a forced smile on her lips, as the celebration continued around her. 
And in the distance, carriages were coming, adorned with the rain clouds. 
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taglist: @0chemicalwaste0 copyright © 2024 Hellinistical all rights reserved. no part of this story may be reposted, edited, or reproduced without the author’s permission.
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deluxinn · 2 years
Story under cut!
Made with short prompt suggestions from @fenharael @mintythesweettooth @omelevate and @iinsectaa
“Fi, are you sure this is the way to Pumpkin Con? We’re in the middle of the woods and I don’t even see the festival grounds anymore.” said Dime.
“Uhh, yeah. There was a sign like 20 mins back that pointed at a building saying that was where Pumpkin Con was but that doesn’t make sense like what kinda Pumpkin Con takes place indoors? Plus it’s an escape room so obviously it was trying to mislead us.”
“We already beat the escape room like an hour ago!”
Fi paused and was seemingly trying to hide something behind her back.
“Mmmm. I wish you told me that earlier. I sorta searched some dude’s carriage cuz I thought it’d have some clues or something on how to escape this maze. In hindsight I’m seeing that I got us lost and also this thing is way too fancy to be a prop.”
She held up a thick book made up leather that radiated a faint purple glimmer.
“Holy shit. Yeah that’s fancy alright.” Dime said.
“I opened it to see if it’d have any clues or directions to the con but none of them really make sense. Like what does mooaloomoo even mean?” Fi asked.
As she spoke the words, the aura around the book grew and briefly extended as far as they could see before returning back to its small glow.
They paused and looked at each other.
“Okay that didn’t look like directions to me.” said Fi.
“So. Shall we run?” asked Dime.
The two dashed toward the direction they came from, hoping to not have forgotten any steps but it was a bit difficult to recall which way they headed in the woods.
Fi tried to check her phone but her battery was already at 1% and what if she needed it for more important things like keeping a Snapchat streak?
Dime was also the owner of a dead phone, with their only hope being able to remember the way back.
But neither of them could remember. They were beginning to lose hope and accept that they will miss that day’s Pumpkin Con. At the height of their despair, that’s when they heard a voice.
It was a cow. Then another. Ten cows?
Fi and Dime were surrounded by cows and the herd seems to be attached to them. One walked up to Fi and rubbed its head on her.
Another started sniffing Dime’s hand and licking them.
“The book did this? Pretty cool but I can’t imagine what magician would need this spell.” said Dine.
“Okay but like.. I love this and I might do this too all the time.” Fi replied.
“That’s true it is kind of lovely. Be better if we weren’t lost though.”
The cows seemed to look at the two of them with concern. They understood the sentiments of the two!
“Hey Dime, you know what Pumpkin Con has a lot of? Cows of course! Maybe these guys can lead us back there! And also maybe love us enough to hide the fact that I stole this book from someone!”
“That’s a good idea! Except maybe the last thing! That’d be like leading us into a plotline too dangerous and complex to be solved in a short story!”
Fi smiled and asked the cows to lead them to the con.
Fi, Dime and the ten cows arrived at the pumpkin field that was inside a building. It was beautiful. They had all the usual things a pumpkin convention would have: Pumpkin carving, pumpkin pies, pumpkin q/a panels, everything!
“Thank you for leading us here. Hey if you understand me, here’s my phone number in case you wanna call later on.” Dime said.
The two spent the rest of the day in enjoyment till it was time to head to their hotel, Spellbook still in hand.
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
Could you do a jealous fremione onehsot pls?
I hope you like it and if you want a sequel or any other story, please just drop an ask because I’m soooo happy I’m slowly able to go back to writing.
Words: 1833
As the most varied kind of rumours about the Yule Ball were spreading everywhere, the last week before Christmas break became increasingly turbulent: some professors gave up teaching them much when their minds were so evidently elsewhere, but others, like Binns, McGonagall and Moody weren’t as generous. Professor Snape seemed to have made his personal mission to contain the enthusiasm, and from what Fred understood of Ron’s complaints, he had even scheduled them a poison antidote assignment for the last day of class. If in other circumstances it wouldn’t have bothered the most charismatic of the Weasley twins, at that specific moment it was a huge problem se he intended to invite Hermione Granger, who now spent all her free time divided between the library and the Common Room, her head perpetually sunk between books and notes. He had subconsciously begun to think of her as something other than his brother’s friend about a year ago but only came to terms with it at the end of the previous school year. During the summer, he had found every way to catch her attention, but on balance, it was only stolen time, spent at a safe distance as she certainly didn’t seem bothered by his presence, but neither was actively looking for it. The Yule Ball was his opportunity for a more direct but still cautious step, if only Hermione, in her rare breaks, wasn’t always surrounded by friends: she never went anywhere alone, not even to the bathroom, so his only chance was to ask her to speak alone after the end of the Potions test. When she turned to look at him with her big, hazel eyes, Fred could’ve sworn his stomach jumped, like when you miss a step down the stairs, but he regained enough composure to ask if she had a few seconds to spare.
“It’s a private matter,” he added, glaring at his brother as he realized he was going to try to get involved, as usual. Ron had a good heart, it was undeniable, and unlike him and George, he didn’t do anything maliciously, but he could sometimes be a real meddler, and now he had no time to handle it tactfully.
“Sure,” she replied quietly, just a hint of bewilderment in her voice.
“See you at dinner,” Ron muttered, before sneaking off as if he had interrupted something. Whether he wanted to invite her or simply had no desire to be alone, as Harry had bolted out of the classroom so quickly he hadn’t even noticed him, Fred truly couldn’t care.
"Did something happen? If it has to do..." she began, but he interrupted her abruptly, asking the fateful question, words coming out of his mouth without the usual funny streak that distinguished him. He could feel his ears and cheeks warm, and he suspected his skin had become a chromatic whole with his red hair.
After a moment of embarrassed silence, she too started to blush.
“I’m so sorry,” she began, and somehow her tone was sincere. “But I’m already going with someone else.”
“Oh, okay,” he replied, hoping his disappointment wouldn’t be noticed too much, especially by Professor Snape, who was just walking out of the classroom; he was a mean man, and he certainly wouldn't miss such a glorious opportunity to make fun of a Gryffindor.
“I’m really sorry,” she repeated, when the Professor was no longer within earshot, but before it could become really awkward, Ginny, who looked far too happy for her standards, almost run to meet her friend, calling her from the end of the hall. Too heartbroken to notice, Fred didn’t even raised his head when the girl he’d just been turned down by looked over his sister’s shoulder, the sad expression of someone who wishes they could go back in time. Too curious to resist temptation, that same evening he joined the pleading chorus of Harry and Ron, who desperately wanted to know who their friend's mysterious escort was.
“It’s not my place to tell you,” Ginny replied peremptorily, ending the discussion for good before disappearing into the girls dormitory. The only ones who knew of his intention to invite Hermione were George and Angelina, so he let the latter take care of finding him a lady. Katie Bell seemed more than thrilled to accept his invitation and George tried to distract him with the booming Canary Cream sales. Their housemates constant hype and the spasmodic need to get out of his head the thought of Hermione’s secret date led him to focus more on another product, and even as the snow fell thick on the castle and park, making the Beauxbatons carriage look like a big cold pumpkin glazed with frost, he secluded himself in his bedroom with his twin, going out for longer than a meal only when the most awaited moment of the year came. Katie Bell wore a bright turquoise dress, while Angelina had chosen a decidedly more sober outfit. As always, he and George were in identical clothes, and the four of them went down to the Entrance Hall crammed with students just a little early. The students who had to meet with partners from different Houses made their way through the crowd, looking for each other, and since there was no sign of Hermione, Fred started to mentally go over the names of the Gryffindors not yet present, distracted only when the oak front door opened and everyone turned to look at the Drumstrang’s students entrance. Victor Krum was leading, accompanied by the girl Fred so desperately wanted to have beside him. Hermione had done something to her hair, now straight and flowing, tied in an elegant knot behind her head, and she was wearing a soft periwinkle blue dress that gave the impression she even had a different bearing, but probably it was just the absence of the twenty or so books she usually had hanging on her back. She was smiling, albeit rather nervously, and soon she began talking to Harry and Parvati. She had attracted everyone’s attention, more than Fleur Delacour, and it didn’t escape him how many guys let slip a few lewd glances as the pair of champions advanced towards a large round table where the judges had already taken their seats. By the end of the little parade, his blood was boiling, making him unable to enjoy the walls of the Great Hall covered in glistening silver frost and the hundreds of ivy and mistletoe wreaths crisscrossing across the black starry ceiling. When he took place for dinner at a table set with gold plates in which food would appear on command, the only thing running in his mind was the amount of possibilities the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve also existed in Bulgaria. For the whole dinner they chatted so closely that Fred was sure they were going to kiss right there, making him throw up the pork chops he was picking listlessly, completely oblivious to the fact that the worst was yet to come. When all the food was consumed, Dumbledore got up and asked the students to imitate him: with a stroke of his wand the tables shot away and arranged themselves along the walls, leaving a clear floor, where an elevated platform equipped with a complete battery, several guitars and bagpipes, a lute and a cello appeared. Not even the Weird Sisters’ entry managed to change his mood as he knew that soon they would start with one of their most slow song, the perfect excuse for Krum to hold Hermione tightly in his muscular arms. Just as he had feared, the two separated only after several rounds of dancing and Lee, who hadn’t lost sight of his friend for the whole time, surprised him by saying he could still invite her to dance, even if he wasn’t her escort.
“Look at Parvati,” he nearly yelled to be heard above the noise, gesturing across the room. Their housemate was spinning with a tall Beauxbatons guy wearing a perfect light blue suit, someone who definitely wasn’t Harry Potter. Even her sister wasn’t dancing with Ron and as sorry as he was that his brother had lost his partner, it seemed to give him some kind of courage, something he usually never lacked. When he finally found her at the drink stands, Hermione was looking for her escort, so shaken that she seemed to force herself to avoid his gaze.
“What happened?” he asked, jealously suddenly forgotten, replaced by the familiar need to protect her. It was something he had felt since the first time they met, and even if he had mistaken it for a different feeling maybe for too long, the truth had definitely revealed itself at the Quidditch World Cup, when he thought he was going mad not seeing her arrive at the meeting point. They were deep feelings, still too fresh to forget them because she accepted someone else’s invite to a stupid ball.
"Don't worry," she reassured him once she took a long sip of Butterbeer, "I’m being emotional over a silly fight with your brother. I just wanted everything to be perfect tonight, you know?"
All too well, he wanted to answer, but as it was evident that she wanted to let off steam, he let her talk freely. Almost without realizing it, they found themselves in the rose garden, where the dancing lights of the fairies flickered and sparkled, illuminating bushes artfully positioned to create winding ornamental paths, a temporary home for large stone statues and fountains. They ended up talking about other things too, like how Fleur Delacour had seemed unable to stop comparing Beauxbatons to Hogwarts for the whole dinner.
"I have to admit the champions table hadn’t the best company,” she let out with a sigh, but before she could continue, one of her diners turned the corner, with Severus Snape by his side. The Potions professor was blowing rose bushes away with the hostile frown he’d been wearing since the Yule Ball was announced, hissing reproaches and punishments at the dark shapes emerging from their hiding places.
“And what are you two doing?” he asked Fred and Hermione inquisitively. His companion looked rather annoyed to see them there, and rolled his goatee a couple of times around his index finger waiting for their response.
“We were looking for Viktor,” replied Hermione, who had gotten pretty good at lying to professors over her time spent with Harry. Fred felt his stomach tighten again. He had almost forgotten, so great was the joy of being there chatting with her, that inside the castle’s wall there still was a party, and partners to whom they owed dancing and entertainment. Again, that was just another stolen moment, a memory he would keep forever and which she would gloss over describing the evening to her friends.
“Then I advise you to go back inside,” replied Karkaroff. “There is no Durmstrang student in the garden.”
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For the Fairy tale au what about yandere prince!giorno with cinderella!reader? Giorno could convince everyone he's rescuing them from their life. Or you could do yandere prince giorno with sleeping beauty reader, where reader doesn't wake up after being kissed, instead waking up in the palace chained up. Naturally if you don't like this request feel free to ignore it, or if you want to use other characters that's fine too. I hope you feel better soon! Your mental health is important!
Thanks for your support anyway here it is.
Prince charming
(yandere Giorno Giovanna X Female Reader)
You were always a happy and humble girl. You always looked towards the bright side of any situation, even after all the hardships you had faced. To you every day was a new beginning
You let out a sigh as you wiped the sweat off your forehead and marveled at the marble floor that you had spent hours cleaning only for it so all be ruined when you stepmother and stepsisters walked all over it with their dirty shoes.
"I can't wait for the ball, to meet the prince would be a dream" Abigail mused as she twirled in her beautiful dress.
"Oh just imagine it, the sweet music that would play as you looked into his saphire eyes" Teresa wooed as she followed her sister.
"What's happening?" You asked them and they gave you a look of disgust.
"None of your business cinderface!" They spat.
"Oh dear girls don't be so harsh on her, we should at least give her a chance" your step mother spoke in such a sweet voice.
"What?!" The twins gasped in horror, none of you had ever heard her speak so nicely to you.
"She can come... But only if she cleans through the whole mansion... And manages to get herself a suitable dress before Friday afternoon" she said and your stepsisters cracked up while you felt you stomach twist, you only had three days.
You watched your step relatives from the attic window that you had just cleaned. Today your sisters had planned to get their dresses and of course you weren't included in such affairs, you never were and you didn't mind it. You were just content with the few little things around you.
Even if you were able to go to the ball. The prince wouldn't spare a moment for a housemaid like you but still some sort of urge to see the prince in person was there, maybe you just wanted to see the male in which your step sisters gushed over.
You were soon brought out of your thoughts by a sudden thud. You wiped your head to the side to see that one of the many boxes  had falled off of one of the shelves. You walked to it and flipped it over to put the fabric back inside only to find it was a dress with a large sum of money folded in it as well as an envelope with your name.
You opened it to see the old letter, the paper yellowed with age.
To my dear (Y/n)
This is my present to you on your eighteenth birthday.
I wish you the most luck my blessed child and I wish I could have watched you grow up to be the beautiful woman you are today but alas while I write this letter to you my body grows weak and my memories slowly fade.
I love you and even thou I am no longer alive my soul still watches over you.
From your loving mother
Your eyes began to tear up as you finished the letter. You missed your parents. They use to shower you with their love and attention. This seemed like a sign that you mother was watching over you. The dress itself was a bit old and plain but with the money you could buy some stuff to make alterations.
You quickly finished cleaning up the attic before putting the dress on a mannequin and placing it in your room before grabbing the money and leaving the house to go to the nearby town and buying anything you thought would look nice to add to the dress.
Once you got home you quickly finished up the rest of the duties with a whole day to spare.
The day of the ball arrived and you grew ever so excited for the night to come. You helped your step sisters get into their gowns, of course they had to make a huge fuss about how you weren't doing something right but it didn't bother you in the slightest.
"So (Y/n) did you manage to get yourself a dress?" Teresa snickered.
"Yes I did actually" you replied which caused her to nearly choke on air.
"Really now (Y/n)... Care to show us?" Your step mother asked in a cynical tone.
"Of course" you replied before going to your room and changed into it before coming back in to show them.
"Where did you get that from?" Abigail asked in a snarky tone.
"In the attic I found a box with this dress in it along with some money, so I used it to make a few alterations" you explained.
"So you stole from me?" Your step mother hissed.
"No I'd never do such a thing, in the box was a letter from my mother... It was supposed to be my eighteenth birthday present" you explained as she stormed towards you.
"Lies! After all I've done for you!" She screamed as she ripped the sleeve of your dress.
"You're nothing but a disrespectful brat!" She said as she tackled you to the ground and began to tear your dress to shreds.
"You are nothing but a thief!" She  roared as she got up before fixing up your hair.
"Abigail, Teresa. We will be leaving to the ball now" she sighed.
"And as for you (Y/n)... You will be punished for what you have done when we return" she hissed as she along with her daughters left the room as they made their way to the carriage waiting for them, leaving you as a teary mess on the floor.
You cried and cried, uncertain as to why you'd be accuse of such a thing. Until a bright light emitted from the room. When you looked up you saw an orb of light like a giant star.
"Dry your tears my dear...you have done no wrong" a ghostly voice said.
"What are you?" You asked only for the voice to let out a light chuckle.
"I promised you my soul would watch over your my child" they replied.
"Mother?" You asked.
"Yes it's me dear, now I wish to help you"
"But how?" You asked.
"Come to the garden, then I'll tell you what I need" she replied before floating out the room.
You stood up and began to follow the orb of light though the house until you entered the garden.
"Now my dear. I need you to find me a pumpkin, a frog and four mice" she explained. You did have doubt in catching the animals she had requested but it seemed that they instantly came towards you.
"I see the animals can sense that you have a pure heart, they seem eager to help" your mother explained. You quickly ran to the vegetable garden and picked out the largest pumpkin. You struggled to carry it but you absolutely refused to drop it.
"I have everything mom, what now?" You asked before the pumpkin in your hand turned to solid gold causing you to drop it and it quickly grew til it was the size of a shed. Then it morphed into a carriage, the mice turned into horses and the frog turned into a stumpy little man. You nearly fell back in suprise but some invisible force caught you.
Your dress mended itself and turned into a beautiful white  gown, a pair of glass heels slipped onto your feet and a white mask appeared on your face.
"Now (Y/n) before you head to the ball you must understand two conditions, the spell will wear of at the stroke of midnight and if your mask is removed then the spell will also fade" she said before the stumpy man lead you to the carriage.
"Thank you mother" you said to the wisp before you hopped in.
You looked out the window as the carriage approached the castle that loomed in the distance. It was like a fairy tale, it was like you were in a fairy tale. The carriage eventually halted and a servant escorted you into the castle grounds where many chatted away.
"Wow your dress is so beautiful miss" a familiar voice said. You turned your head to see Teresa.
"Who made it?" Abigail asked, obviously the two didn't realise it was you.
"My mother made it" you replied and the two girls laughed.
"You just like our step sister" Teresa said.
"She does, but we know your not her... She couldn't get a dress like that" Abigail snickered before they walked of.
'That was a close call' you thought, maybe the mask was magic or maybe the two were just stupid but you thanked God they hadn't noticed.
You simply watched as men and women danced the night away, sitting by the sidelines until someone tapped your shoulder.
"What is a beautiful woman such as yourself standing around here, surely someone would ask you to dance with them" asked the male beside you who's hair was like strands of gold and eyes were like sapphires.
"This is my first time attending a ball" you explained to him.
"Really?" The male asked in suprise.
"Yes... I'm but a simple house maid" you explained.
"Then would you care to dance with me?" He asked.
"Oh, I haven't danced in years... I don't want to make you look like a fool Infront of everyone" you said.
"Who said we had to dance in the ball room" the male replied as he led you away from the crowd and up the winding stairs until you reached an atrium where various plants grew and flowers bloomed in every corner.
"I can teach you how to dance" the male said in a sweet voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Place your hands on my shoulders" he guided and you followed.
"Good, now when I step back you should step forward and vice versa"  he said and you tried to follow his but eventually stepped on his foot.
"Ow" he groaned.
"I'm sorry I didn't-"
"No you don't need to apologize, I know you didn't mean to... It's just part of the learning process" he chuckled before you tried again and in no time more you breezed through the complex moves. You both danced and danced until you saw your stepmother watching you from a distance, you were about to speak up until the male pressed his lips against yours and you quickly pushed him away.
"Senorita, what's the matter?" He asked.
"We only just met..." You muttered.
"But can't you feel our connection? When I first laid eyes on you I felt in, love at first sight" he explained.
"No... Such a thing only exists in fairytales" you responded.
"Well let it be our fairytale... You should stay with me, as my princess... You'll never have to go back to being a house maid" he said in such a sickeningly sweet tone as he tried to get you back in his hands, but you kept backing away.
"No... No!" You argued before making a run for it.
"Wait, please wait!" He called as he followed you.
"No I can't be with you! It isn't right for either of us" you yelled back as your ran down the stairs case, one of your glass slippers falling off in the process, you quickly tried to retrieve it but the prince grabbed your arm.
"Don't be like this" he cooed before trying to take your mask off but as he did it began to crack like china. You pushed away from him again and tried to run. You pushed through the crowd desperately and tried to reach the the exit but the guards quickly grabbed you.
"Let me go! I don't want this!" You screamed on the top of you lungs. All eyes were on you in astonishment as you were being dragged to the prince.
"Cara mia, please don't make a scene" the male said as you were pushed towards him however in that moment a miracle happened, a chandelier fell down between you and the Prince. You took your chance to run as the guards let go of you. You finally got through the door and ran to the carriage with not a care to the rubble that pierced your bare foot as the ring of the clock began to count down to the stroke of midnight. The carriage only got you so far until everything reverted to its original form but it was enough for you to get away from the castle.
You woke up the next morning and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast only to find a stranger already preparing it.
"Who are you?" You asked the lady.
"I'm the new house maid" she replied.
"Wait since-" you were quickly silenced by your stepmother.
"We were never short on money... I was just so greedy that I didn't want to pay for a house maid" your stepmother said in a guilty tone.
"I'm so sorry for being so harsh on you for all these years... After seeing the way you charmed prince Giovanna I realised that I treated you so unfairly" he said as she stroked your hair, the mentioning of the prince.
"Please... Don't let anyone find out" you pleaded.
"I won't, but I don't understand why you wouldn't leave us after all the terrible things we did to you?" she said
"I was fine with living the life I had, I know that others may have it worse off... all I wanted to do that night was see a real ball, not attract the attention of a lovesick prince" you explained before she took you to the dinning room.
From there all seemed good, your step relatives treated you kindly and your step mother had plans for you all to move to a nicer mansion outside of the kingdom.
You had packed up the last of your belongings when someone had knocked on the door, naturally you opened it, your poor heart nearly exploded as you saw prince Giovanna at your doorstep along with two of his guards.
"Good morning" the male greeted as he held the glass slipper you lost.
"Go...good morning your majesty" you stuttered as you bowed Infront of him.
"You seem suprised, I'm sure you must of heard that every woman in the kingdom is obligated to try on the glass slipper" he said.
"No, no it's just that you caught us in the middle of packing but I'm sure my sister's will be down any minute" you explained as you tried to get your sisters but the prince grabbed your arm.
"Then why don't you try it on while we wait for them" he said in a stern tone as his hold on you grew tighter.
"I wasn't at the ball... I twisted my ankle" you lied.
"Then let me see" he asked. Bit your lip as you forcedly twisted your ankle, you tried your best to hide the pain before showing him your leg.
"See, it's twisted" you said causing the male to sigh.
"I see then" he said before looking up to see your sisters who were more then eager to try on the slipper, however you noticed the droplets of blood that  trailed behind them. Abigail had cut off her big toe and Teresa had cut off the back of her heel, both in an attempt to make up for their cruelty towards you for all these years.
They sat down. Abigail was the first to try on the slipper and it fit the the prince's delight but as the prince looked at the shoe on her foot more closely he saw the blood.
"Are you mocking me!" The male growled at her causing her to cower away. Then Teresa tried it on and it fit but one of the guards soon pointed out the blood that dripped from the back of the shoe which enraged the prince.
"You both think you can play with my heart! the girl that I desire did not try to impress me!" He hissed with a voice full of venom. You just hoped that that was the end of it and he would just leave but you quickly noticed one of the guards had vanished, how long had he been gone for?
Soon they had returned with the other glass slipper which made your blood freeze.
"Well then... It seems we have the other slipper, since your other foot is fine (Y/n) why don't you try it?" He asked.
"I'd rather not" you said before the two guards forced you to sit, holding you in place as the prince placed the shoe on your foot, a perfect fit.
"Why did you put me on a wild goose chase to find you?" He asked.
"Because I don't want to marry you, love at first sight in madness!" You explained.
"Well I think your just too modest for your own good, or maybe your family have a role in this" he explained as an evil gleam formed in your eye.
"You mentioned you were a housemaid if I remember correctly... But you are meant to be a noble in blood, am I correct?" He asked.
You gave the prince no response.
"Did your step relatives work you like a slave?" He asked again.
"They treated you below them did they not?" He asked again as he cut off your previous answer. You gave him no response as you looked away from him.
"Your step sisters tried to rob you of a happily ever after" he said.
"They probably made you feel unworthy of love" he continued.
"Stop it! They had nothing to do with it!" You screamed.
"You're just a poor degraded mess... You don't know even know your true worth" he explained before he planted a kiss on your lips.
"Don't worry I'll have them pay for how they treated you"
"No!" You screamed.
"(Y/n) you just don't understand... I'm the prince charming that is rescuing you" he explained. Before he left. You knew that it wasn't the last of him but you never expected him to go to the lengths that he did.
The whole kingdom was told that your step relatives were abusive. That they treated you like a slave, that they beat you, they locked you in a basement and starved you. None of it was true but the whole kingdom believed it and eventually you were forced to marry prince Giorno.
In the night of your wedding he presented you his gift... To watch your step relatives dance on a floor of coals and barbwire as the townspeople heckled and howled, screaming words of hatred to those innocent women until they died.
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happy ffwf!!
I want to read a scene from one of your fics that genuinely makes you laugh every time you read it. A scene/ sentence/ section of dialogue whatever that just makes you think, "damn, i'm hilarious!"
bonus points if you have any tidbits to share about the process of writing it :)
happy ffwf!! i really like this scene from the end of You Will Be Found:
There were not, in fact, four cars on his driveway the following afternoon. No, there was just one: Betty’s tiny sedan. She’d finally saved up enough money to buy it a month ago. Well, her parents had paid for half, but since Betty was taking care of insurance, gas, and repairs, it was effectively her car. She affectionately called it the ‘Stitch-mobile’ because the car was blue and because her favorite movie was Lilo and Stitch. Flash wished he was joking.
The window to the driver’s seat rolled down as Flash stepped out onto his driveway, revealing a beaming Betty. “Come on, Cinderella!” she called. “Your fairy godmother is here to give you a ride. Sorry it’s not a pumpkin carriage, but I think my Stitch-mobile is a close second.”
Of course she did, because she wasn’t biased at all, right?
When Betty leaned back, Flash could see that MJ had called shotgun. She threw him a peace sign, scrolling through her phone with her other hand. “I’m the wicked stepmother. You get to sit with your ugly stepsisters, Cinderella.”
Sure enough, Peter and Ned were in the back of the car, and Flash couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he squeezed in with them. “You know, the clashing movies here are kind of weirding me out.”
Peter grinned at him. “What, you don’t remember when the mice told Cinderella that ohana means family?”
“And when Lilo left Stitch at the prince’s ball?” Ned added.
Flash snorted. “Okay, now you’ve made it weirder.”
“Well, since ohana does mean family,” Betty began, checking over her shoulder before backing out the driveway, “and family means no one gets left behind, it’s a good thing we are not leaving anyone behind. Head count is five now, right?”
“Check,” MJ confirmed, not glancing up from her phone. “You’ve got all of us.”
“Then off to the SI ball we go!”
i don't know if it's laugh-out-loud funny, per se, but it just felt very real to me as the kind of stupid, silly conversation a group of teens would have together, so 😂 it makes me laugh! as for tidbits to share... well, my thought process while i was writing it was basically just "oh my god, i need to write the spidey squad being stupid teens before im not a stupid teen anymore" (and this is exactly the kind of conversation some of my friends and i would have, lmao. authenticTM)
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Orange Kisses
🧡🧡 dewey finn x reader 🧡🧡
hey guys! me and @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ have created this special dewey finn x reader piece for you all as a sequel to “are you lost” which I will link below! It’s is essentially Dewey and readers first date in a beautiful autumn setting. walking through the woods and just general fluff and cuteness! We really love this one with all our hearts and we hope you love it just as much<3🧡
dewey finn x fem!reader
words: 4000
warnings: just fluff i think! 
again, the most beautiful aesthetic by the talented and amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​
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Gus ran towards the door for the 4th time that morning, barking and wagging his tail happily. He was just as anxious for the upcoming date as you were. "I know bud'... go get your ball! We can’t leave without your favourite ball now, can we?!" Gus just found his favourite squeaky ball and came waggling your way, howling happily to celebrate finding his toy.
You ran a hand through your hair and checked your appearance one more time in the mirror. You felt a bit anxious about your date with Dewey, but the joy by far outweighed the worry. Just before you could get lost in your thoughts, you heard the sound of a claxon at your front door. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up and put it on speaker, being greeted by the cheerful deep voice of Dewey. "Your carriage awaits mylady... Tell Gus I said hi."
Gus barked back at the phone, hearing his name. You giggled "My little prince and I’ll be outside in a sec. Gotta get my shoes." You told him, walking towards the hallway to get your nice sneakers. "Erhmm... yeah... dear...?" Dewey’s voice croaked at the other side of the phone. Doubt seeping through his voice. You worried a second, scared he had changed his mind suddenly. Dewey continued: "...Yeah... take some cozy socks and some old boots with you. It can be muddy in the woods. And the cozy socks might me chill for the ride... is that cool with you, love?"
Gus barked again and Dewey chucked through the phone. "Well... I guess Gus is totally cool with it..." You laughed. "I'll hang up now but I'll be there in a minute Dew..."
Dewey hummed through the phone: "That’s okay... already counting the seconds..." You chuckled, said bye to Dewey and grabbed Gus's leash and headed out the door. The crispy autumn air and orange-yellow on the trees welcomed you as you closed the front door.
Dewey was already standing against the trunk if his van, arms crossed and humming soundly to himself. You chuckled. That man breathed music, you just knew it. His face lit up when he saw Gus running towards him happily. "Hey... little dude! Come here... what’s up with my furry compadre today?" He crouched down to pet your pupper.... "Hey... hey bro... tell your mom she's looking VERY pretty today, okay my dude?" He whispered to Gus while Dewey petted his head. His eyes shot up and he winked at you, his smirk growing on his face when he noticed your flushed face.
He got up and turned towards you. Dewey was now full on grinning at you. He licked his bottom lip before he spoke: "Good morning beautiful... me and your fur baby had a little talk, and we decided you look absolutely stunning today." You stepped towards him gingerly, eyeing the tiles in embarrassment and pecked his scruffy cheek, mumbling happily: "Morning Dew..." You couldn't suppress a tiny smile appearing on your lips at that compliment. He continued his complimenting: "You look even more beautiful when you smile dear..." he bounced up and down, patted the van for emphasis when he asked: "You ready for a little road-trip?"
You nodded yes and Gus barked excited when Dewey asked him: "...You wanna go for a ride too, dude?" Gus trailed his tail and spun happily, barking as he did so. "Let me translate that for you Dew... it’s a yes." you chuckled. Dewey’s eyes lit up and he cracked a smile your way. "Excuse me dear... my 'dogs' is a bit rusty..." He turned towards Gus... "I'll get better, I promise... okay little dude?" Gus barked and licked his hand in response.
You turned towards the passenger’s seat to open the door, but Dewey beat you to it. You chuckled... what a gentleman... You took a seat and called Gus in the car too, he happily took his spot between your legs on the floor of the passenger’s seat. You pulled up your feet and carefully put your boots behind the front seats of the car. You put on your cozy socks and sat cross legged in your seat. Relaxing a bit when Dewey entered the car and brought the engine to life.
Dewey cranked up the radio and the car was filled with soft rock-music. With 'sex on fire' playing on the background you two headed to the forest. Gus yawned and drifted off before the two of you left the street. You had been on the way for less than 2 minutes when Dewey asked you: "Want some coffee? I know this awesome place that has the best coffee in town. It’s gonna be a little while until we get to the woods... whatcha think?" You hummed happily "Yeah! I would love some coffee. Haven't had time yet this morning..."
Dewey grinned and stroked a hand through his messy brown locks: "Okay... hey.... do you want to do me a favour?" Your voice pitched a bit higher than usual when you replied: "Yeah... Sure..." insecurity kicking in and your mind racing what he could possibly need from you.
Dewey frowned a bit at your high pitched voice, shot you a quick look sideways, and you swallowed thickly. Trying to calm your nerves. Dewey reached out to put a hand on your knee reassuringly and mumbled: "Hey.... Hey beautiful.... are you nervous?" You nodded again, trying to explain yourself you rambled: "... erhm... yeah... I’m a tiny bit anxious... but it’s been a while since I had a... erhm... well... a date... so..."
Dewey brushed his thumb over your knee in a comforting gesture and squeezed your knee a bit. "No need to be nervous... it’s going to be fine. We're having fun already! Look at your fur-baby... he's relaxed too... see?"
You darted your eyes towards Gus and smiled a bit. He looked adorable when he slept. You nodded yes towards Dewey and he continued: "It’s gonna be fine. Trust me. Take one deep breath with me, and sigh out all those insecurities okay?" You both inhaled and breathed out deeply. Dewey brushed his thumb over your knee again, mumbling: "Better?"
You smiled a bit and replied: "Yeah... thank you Dew..."
Dewey chucked and patted your knee. His hand joined the one on the steering wheel again. You already missed the contact his hand had made and blushed a bit at the realisation. You were falling. Fast.
"Now... what I wanted to ask you..." Dewey continued "...do you think you can reach my backpack behind you?..." You reached behind were you were seated and pulled his backpack on your lap. "...Good...In the front zipper is a thermos..." You rummaged around until you found it. The thing had a guitar on it. 'Of course it has' you thought to yourself. "... Can you open it for me?... Cause... Driving and all that jazz." Dewey chuckled.
You unscrewed the lid and reached out to hand it to Dewey, but he grinned and winked at you: "There ya go, love... Best coffee in town. Dewey's Pumpkin-spiced-latte. Have a taste... You won't regret it." You snorted at his antics. What a dork. Curiously you took in the smell of pumpkin spice that came from the thermos. It smelled really good.
You took a tiny sip at it and Dewey laughed when you couldn't hold back a moan when you swallowed it. "Ughhhh. Dew! It’s so goooood!"
Dewey snickered: "See! I wasn't kidding when i said: best coffee in town." You sipped again and asked: "Is there... cinnamon in this? And... caramel?" Dewey smirked and mumbled teasingly: "Can't tell you the secret ingredient... but let me tell you that there is a lot of love in there... maybe that does the trick?"
Funny. Sweet. Best-pumpkin-spiced-coffee-maker-ever. How could this get any better? .......
Well, of all the skills that Dewey had up his sleeve… navigating was unfortunately not one of them.
 * * * * *
 Chilling in the car, singing your favourite songs, because you had the aux cord of course, and drinking that sweet, pumpkin spice caffeine really had you on a high. This was a feeling you forgot about. Dates were always daunting but this was so much fun. Dewey really knew how to make you laugh, and he was great with Gus.
You could admire the beautiful colours of the cold fall from the warmth of the van, your cosy socks were a great shout; thanks Dew. But as Dewey continued to drive, the oranges and yellows were fading into the grey of the city again. You furrowed your eyebrows as you passed another road sign.
“Hey Dew?”, he turned his head to you but kept his eyes on the road “Yeah hun?”. You looked round and faced him “are we going the right way?”
Dewey furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, scratching the back of his head “uh, yeah why?”. “well just because that sign says we are headed back to the city?”.
You grabbed the road map from the glove compartment, pulling it out and turning it everyway until it made some sort of sense to you. “wh-what does it say?” Dewey questioned.
You smirked as you read the map, “uh I think we were supposed to take a left 7 miles back”. Gus poked his head up and under the map, onto your lap. “I know buddy we’ll be there soon”, giving his head a scratch.
The blush on Dewey’s face was adorable. “y-yeah uh, I didn’t realise”. “that’s ok mad we can just follow the map and I’ll direct you if you want?”. Dewey looks at you and laughs lightly, then back at the road. “It was your fault you know”.
You look round at him, exaggerating your response. “MY fault?”. Dewey keeps his eyes fixed on the road, “yeah, we wouldn’t be lost if you hadn’t been distracting me with how cute you are”. You snorted, looking at the road, a slight blush forming on your cheeks “oh stop you”.
Turns out you didn’t exactly have the best navigation skills either. It took you two hours longer than it should have. You both got really lost about an hour ago when you were passing cities that neither of you could barely pronounce. After around half an hour of driving, you realised you were reading the map wrong. The different colour lines were mega confusing. In the end, Dewey had to stop the van and ask for directions because neither of you had great network coverage where you were. But finally you made it to the car park.
“you’re lucky I’m here” you quipped sarcastically while putting your boots back on. Dewey grunted, “and how’s that?”. You looked over at him, smirking “you would be lost without me”. This time he laughed “ok yeah coming from the one who got us MORE lost, am I right Gus?”.
 * * * * * *
 You gently woke Gus from his slumber when you approached the forest, scratching his ears to wake your pupper. You spoke happily to him: "Gussie-boy... we're almost at the woods!" His ears perked up at that familiar word and he bolted upright...
Dewey smiled fondly at your happy voice, found a parking spot and stopped the car.
Gus looked at you excited, and then rapidly turned his head towards Dew. His ears stood up in excitement and Dewey whispered to Gus in conspiracy: "Hey... hey dude... you wanna go to the woods with mom and me?" Gus wagged his tail happily, threw his head back and started to howl out of joy.
Dewey chuckled, turned his head towards you and grinned: "Guess that's a yes?" You snorted while you nodded your head and Dewey nudged your shoulder playfully: "You never told me the little dude could sing!" He turned his attention towards Gus again and smiled brightly at your pupper: "You are a true furry-Rockstar... we've gotta jam sometime soon, okay?" Gus responded by jumping on Dewey's lap with his front paws and licked his nose with a tiny 'woof'. You poked Gus on his head and sternly spoke: "Gus... where are your manners dude?... No jumping..."
Dewey chuckled light-heartedly and scoffed, he patted your knee and winked when your eyes found his. "It's okay dear... honestly... let the little dude be happy. It’s cool. Promise."
You relaxed at his words and Dewey gestured towards Gus to jump on his lap. You blinked once and Gus was seated comfortably against Dewey’s torso, his fluffy head relaxed on Dew's shoulder.
Dewey moved his ear closer to the wet nose of your doggo, mumbling softy to him: "Huh..? What’s that little dude? Yeah... I know... you tell her!"
Gus looked at you, happy as ever, and you couldn’t hold back a chuckle when Dewey stated in a British accent: "Well... mom... listen up... I DO like to sit in the car with you guys... buttttttt... can we go ouuuuuuuuut? I wanna ruuuuuuunnnn.... and chase ballllls and catch squirrels... and i want to sniff the woods mommmm... let’s go lets go lets goooooo!"
You rolled your eyes and spoke: "Yeah. Let’s go boys!"
Dewey cheered loudly and Gus barked when he threw himself out of the car and ran happily in front if you two, leading the way to the woods.
Dewey grabbed his backpack first, slung it over his shoulder and grabbed your hand after that.
With Gus leading the way, and Dewey holding your hand you walked into the forest. You took in the smell of the woods. The fall air was crispy and it smelled like rain, despite the fact that the sun shined through the orange leaves. It was quite windy, but not too cold to have a nice walk. You felt your nose was getting cold and was glad that Dewey decided to take hold of your hand. Not sure if the warm feeling of your hand was caused by his body heat, or the fondness that started to grow in the past few hours with him.
You bumped his elbow playfully and smiled: "Really Dew? Out of all the voices? You chose British?!" He beamed back at you and said bashfully: "Yeah... Gus seemed British... I mean... He's a prince after all...." Gus waggled back towards the two of you, holding a stick in his mouth proudly and Dewey voice-overed British-Gus perfectly: "Hey! Hey mom!! Hey mom's date!! De- Dow- Dobbey? Never mind... Hey look at my treasure!! It’s a magical stick!! Actually its not magical until you throw it..."
You eyed Dewey sideways, a smile ghosting your features and butterflies tingling in your stomach when you saw him bouncingly imitate Gus. Gosh he was adorable.
His red cheeks from the chilly air complimented his happy brown eyes, and the wind blew through his shining brown curls. This man radiated enthusiasm and joy, you just knew it. And.... he was so GOOD with Gus.
His British accent brought you back to the present: "... And no! You peasants cannot have my magical stick. I am the KING of all the sticks in this wood. BUT maybe if you trade it for a cookie i will think about it..."
Dewey chuckled softly and squeezed your hand a bit as you continued your walk. He looked at you and whispered: "See? Gus is very British indeed..." You laughed and agreed with Dewey. How could you not? When he threw a smile your way that was so bright, the sun herself would have been jealous of it...?
"I'm starting to wonder who you like more Dewey Finn.... me.... or Prince Gus?" you stated playfully.
Dewey snorted at your comment, and stopped his walking abruptly. You turned around to face him, blush on your cheeks when you looked in the adoring brown eyes of Dewey.
He smirked and brought your hand against his lips and he kissed it. You couldn't help but swallow at the sensation of his stubble brush against the back of your hand. He mumbled against your hand: "Well... obviously i have to become friends with the prince before i can woo the princess attached to him... you see?"
You smiled shyly at his happy face and felt Dewey pull you closer, his hand still holding yours as the other tugged on your waist. You were standing against his body and let out a heavy sigh. Your faces inches apart and you felt his warm breath against your warm skin when he mumbled: "And... how is the woo-ing going, dear?" You gazed in his brown eyes once more, swallowing deeply and you were about to answer when suddenly a noise startled you. "Well... pretty good if you ask m-"
Gus jumped happily up on you and Dewey, barking as he did so. He sat down at Dewey's feet and howled happily at him, wagging his tail when he eyed Dewey’s reaction. Dewey grinned towards Gus: "Rock on dude...."
Dewey laughed a bit, reached out to gently pet Gus on his head and mumbled to your doggo: "...Bad time for a jam-session prince-Gus..." Your butterflies flattered harder than before when you walked further into the forest.
Dewey was a good one... you thought, when his hand wrapped around yours again. It already felt like his hand belonged there, it just perfectly fit into yours.
 * * * * *
After a some time of walking through the woods, and allowing Gus to fetch sticks and listening to Dewey’s British impression of Gus, it was time to settle down. You headed back to Dewey’s van and found a little spot next to the lake to chill out.
“do you think we have enough firewood?” you questioned Dewey as he set the wood up in a pile around the rocks. “aw yeah this should be more than enough”. You sat down on the little log that was situated next to the fire pit. The day had been so dreamy and amazing. Dewey was this bright ball of giggling light and you were grateful that you had met him, thanks to Gus of course. You folded your arms over you lap and watched Dewey mess around with the fire. Gus came over and sat in between your knees as you gave him a good clap.
“I can’t believe you know how to start a camp fire”. Dewey briefly glances over at you and smirks “I’m not just a pretty face you know”. You raise an eyebrow smirking as he continues to fix the fire. “and I totally didn’t just google it ten minutes ago..” he adds quickly. You threw your head back in laughter “I knew it!”, you could hear Dewey chuckling to himself.
Suddenly the fire sparked to life and Dewey jumped back from it, tumbling back on to his ass. You giggle as Gus waggles enthusiastically over to him, giving him kisses and making a fuss over him. Dewey laughs off his embarrassment as he gives Gus a cuddle “you’ll always come and save me won’t you Gussy boy, no matter what”. Gus whines as he continues to give Dewey all the love. “yeah he’s been trained to save a damsel in distress” you joke. Dewey pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder “my saviour” as he gives Gus a kiss on the nose.
You chuckle and look back at the beautiful colours of the fire, blending well with the orange and yellow of the leaves and the sky. The sun had began to set so cast a beautiful golden glow over all the eye could see. It was tranquil, and shamelessly vermilion, unrivalled by any sunset you had ever laid your eyes on before. The way the sky reflected onto the water was captivating, and almost magic. The air was cool, and slightly nippy. A beautiful contrast to the warm colours that surrounded you.
You shivered slightly as Dewey joined you on the log. He brushed up against you and you swear you felt butterflies. You looked down and rubbed your hands together trying to get heat from the fire. “hey you’re shivering” Dewey notices. You shake your head “nah I’m fine” you lie. It was freezing. “here…” Dewey starts to take off his scarf, and he places it around your neck, cosying you up. You giggle as he wraps it around you “that should help keep you warm”.
You smile up at him, noticing how beautiful he was in the golden hour glow. The way the sun lit up his doughy brown eyes, was dreamy, and the way it glistened through his hair made you weak. “Thanks Dew” you grin. He looks down then back up at you “I’m glad I could be of service m’lady”, you giggle and look down at the fire.
The heat the fire gave off was comforting. Not too hot, just the right mix with the coolness of air, and the heat you were getting off of Dewey sitting next to you. Gus had situated himself at the side of Dewey, laying himself at his feet, also enjoying the heat of the flames. Dewey bent down and give him a few claps on the head, praising him for being so good.
You looked down at how gentle and caring he was with Gus, then up at him. You nudged him playfully to get his attention “hey, thank you for the best day” you smiled kindly at him. He looked down at you softly “I’m glad you considered it the best day. It was the best day for me too.. but mostly because you were here” he said bashfully. You blushed and look down quickly, before looking back up at his beautiful, glistening eyes.
He looked back into your eyes, a goofy smile on his face. You looked back at the scenery in front of you. “It’s such a beautiful night”. Dewey turned his head and also looked out at the water and the reflection is cast from the sky, then turned his head back to you. He would never say it, it was too soon, but he thought about how beautiful you were. How he felt so lucky to be here with you.
The crackling fire was a burst of warmth in the moment. You could feel Dewey’s eyes on you, and you felt nervous, but an excited kinda nervous. You looked back up at him, then down at his lips, finally back up to his eyes. He licked his bottom lip before leaning in ever so lightly, seeking your approval. You smiled and met him half way, both of your eyes fluttering shut as you rested your bottom lip on his top.
It was only a light kiss at first. Your lips simply brushed his, soft, and delicately, and just long enough for him to feel the warmth of your skin, before parting. You opened your eyes gently as you pulled the slightest bit apart, admiring how his were still shut, and relishing in the moment. Then he was suddenly looking at you, his cheeks dusted in a light pink shade, definitely not from the cold this time. You smiled at how cute he looked. He hummed, already hooked to everything that was you “that- that was… can we do that again?”. His heart was racing.
You chuckled every so lightly but nodded, moving your head to meet him again. Your heart skipped a beat, the smell of Dewey was hypnotic and addictive. His fingers moved to your face, running them from your jaw to lightly tangling in your hair. You moaned into his touch quietly, desperately. Your lips moved rhythmically with his, as if scripted. It was burning, yet sweet, and gentle, yet delicious.
As far as first kisses go, it was unrivalled.
Dewey pulled you into him as he deepened the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist, inviting you into him. You threw your arms around his neck, your fingers entwining in his soft curls, the ones you’ve been thinking about since you first met him.
Suddenly though, he pulled away from you softly. His eyes sparkling and wide. He was grinning, but nervously. His hands rubbed your sides softly. “hey”, he said lowly, a slight hint of excitement creeping out. You furrowed your eyebrows “what?”.
“I have a surprise for you”...
tags: @little-miss-shy-goth​ @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​
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gloves94 · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 11
Rating: PG-13  Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC
Chapter warnings: Fluff! Angst! Bullying! Anger! Date!
Raised as an orphan, Nel Saintday, endured years of torture from the Slytherin House. The Dark Lord only allowed her existence for her to serve a very specific vile purpose for him. Her birthright dictates for her to choose a side in the Wizarding War… But what would happen if she dares defy the Dark Lord and his wishes? And what happens when she falls for her tormentor? Will Nel fulfill her life’s purpose? And what side will her tormentor, Draco Malfoy, choose? The light that calls to him or the darkness…
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1 9 9 3, October 31st
"You're late."
Draco said tapping his foot with one of his arms crossed over his chest. The other one was resting on that ridiculous arm sling.
"And you're still wearing that ridiculous thing," she stated walking up to him. He was totally faking his hippogriff injury and she knew it. Madame Pomfrey could heal bones in minutes, everybody knew that. He was just doing this to get Hagrid's hippogriff executed and make the man miserable.
It wasn't fair. Nel wasn't wrong when she had assumed that Malfoy being the pompous peacock that he was, was going to be extremely well dressed for their trip to Hogsmeade. He wore a black turtleneck sweater; matching dress pants and his brand leather shoes. He also accessorized with a ring on each hand. Not wanting to be underdressed she wore that black sweater she had received for Christmas last year over an old white turtleneck sweater and a brown glen check skirt that reached above her knee.
"Fifteen minutes," he said without looking down at his watch.
"Excuse me," she drawled out sarcastically. "I was busy dragging my feet here."
She'd never let him know she was busy throwing the little clothes she had over her shoulders being unsure of what to wear. She wouldn’t put it past him to judge her choice in fashion. He took in her appearance yet to her surprise said nothing.
"We'll have to wait for the next carriage," he said shoving his hands into his pockets. She eyed him carefully from the side of her peripheral vision as she reached his side. She swatted his injured arm and instinctively he flinched and grabbed onto her lower arm stopping the attack.
"I knew it," She said triumphantly. "You're such a phony," she pulled her arm back to her person. "You're not even hurt!"
"It was a reflex," he argued back. "You try getting hurt by that beast and live to tell the tale. I almost saw my life flash before my eyes," he said dramatically. She couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "You're so dramatic. Have you ever considered doing theater?" He had an irritated look on his face. "No, I'm serious. I'd love to see your rendition of Hamlet," She teased poking his arm. He shrugged off her touch not bothering to ask just what Hamlet was.
"Where are Crabbe and Goyle anyway?" She asked casually, fidgeting slightly looking over her shoulder seeing if they were coming up any moment now.
"It's just us two," she heard him say.
Nel didn't want to look at him. There was something awkward about the whole situation. She said nothing in response and stood next to him. She noted there were no other students around, probably because they had already left to Hogsmeade.
The carriage pulled up and she froze in the spot. It was being pulled by therstals. Those filthy creatures that terrified her. He seemed oblivious to this considering he probably couldn't see them.
"Come on," He said walking forward.
It took him a moment to realize she wasn't following. He stopped and looked back realizing her eyes were fixed on the blank spot in front of the carriage. Malfoy shot her an irritated look before grabbing her by the wrist and leading her to the black carriage. He opened the door for her and help her up. She couldn’t help but feel disconcerted by his uncharacteristic polite manners. He looked at her shaken expression and how her eyes continued to be fixed on that blank spot in front of the carriage.
“Is this really so terrible for you?” He asked making her snap out of her trance. She shot him a look and elbowed his ‘injured’ arm again. She turned away from the horses of death instead turning her attention to him. Between the two evils maybe Draco wasn’t the worse one. “Believe it or not there are worse things than you Malfoy.”
He rolled his eyes as the two rode the Road to Hogsmeade. The road lead through the Forbidden Forest and numerous mountain fields surrounding the castle. It was rather beautiful.
He rolled his eyes at her comment.
“How’s your ingenious plan to keep Parkinson away going? Half of the school already knows about our outing. I’m surprised she hasn’t come for my throat yet.”
“Well,” He said with a smug smirk. “I am rather popular,” he declared arrogantly. “Don’t confused fame with infamy,” she retorted without missing a beat.
“Parkinson should be at Hogsmeade ready to hunt me down. So be ready if you spot her.”
Of course, she’d be ready, wands up and everything. Parkinson wouldn’t hesitate in sending a hex in Nel’s direction for the pettiest things. She didn’t want to imagine what she’d do when she found out she was at Hogsmeade with her ‘Drakey,’ Nel mentally gagged.
“Also – I am not doing your homework or carrying your books.” She wore a no-nonsense type of look on her face which meant these were nonnegotiable terms for her. “If anything, you should carry mine.”
“What do I look like? Your servant?” He scoffed at her terms. “Besides, I am injured, in case you haven’t noticed,” he said lightly waving his ‘injured’ hand. She hit him again, not hard, and he let out the most dramatic painful moan she had ever heard.
“Such a diva,” she grumbled as they arrived to Hogsmeade. “I can’t wait for this to be over with…”
Nel had a feeling that this week was going to go by at a painfully slow. I’d be hell having to be with stuck up Malfoy enduring Parkinson’s hateful looks. However, the thought of having one clue, that one thread that could lead to her family kept her going.
Soon they arrived and Hogsmeade proved to be just as magical and maybe even more beautiful than Diagon Alley. Ochre and autumn colored trees decorated the mountain side background of the village as students wearing sweaters of red, green, yellow and blue and other witches and wizards walked around the streets.
Again, Nel was in awe. It reminded her of her introduction to this magical world. She was sure she was never going to stop marveling at the wonders of this world. Draco instead walked around eyeing everything curiously. He wasn’t taken aback in awe, but he was intrigued by the quaint wizarding village.
Nel didn’t even bother waiting for Malfoy and ran towards the first store to the right. It was a raggedy building with a sign that read Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. She peered through the glass window with a smile looking at the many quills and other writing utensils. Some of the quills were exuberant made with large ostrich feathers, others made with phoenix, and even Galapagos finch. Quill tips made out of gold, black and silver and many different ink colors. Getting one was tempting. There was some readable ink that could be read under any type of lighting, amethyst colored ink, and mood changing ink.
“Are you getting one?”
She had almost forgotten that Malfoy was with her.
“It’s tempting,” she admitted not taking her eyes off a small black feathered one. She had saved enough to treat herself to something nice. However, it wouldn’t be savvy to spend it on a pen. Specially if an emergency were to arise.
“Why don’t you just get it?” He repeated. He knew that she could afford it. Afterall she had been doing the majority of Crabbe and Goyle’s schoolwork for the past three years. Surely, she had to have amassed enough to afford a quill.
“Because I don’t need it,” she explained. “My quill works just fine,” she sighed. Maybe she’d treat herself for it for her birthday tomorrow or maybe even for Christmas.
“But you want it,” he insisted. He looked at her oddly. He really didn’t understand this simple problem. If she wanted it and she could get it? Why didn’t she simply do it? Why limit oneself to the simple pleasures of life like this? She looked at him somewhat irritated. Of course, he wouldn’t understand. Malfoy was the type of brat that had probably never been denied anything in his life. “There’s a difference between wanting and needing. I’ll come back for it when I need it.” Growing bored with the conversation not wanting to stick around and buy the quill she turned to look down at the other magic stores down the street: Gladarag’s Wizard Wear, Sprintwithces Sporting Needs and of course Honeyduke’s.
“Come on, let’s go!” She made way to Honeyduke’s Malfoy walking behind her. Honeyduke’s had a sickeningly sweet, nutty, nougat flavor when you walked in. The store was warm and over packed with students. Specially since it was Halloween and they were giving away pumpkin pastry samples. Neither said much to the other as they ogled the many candies on the shelf displays and pointed at giant lollipops that other students were eating. When they reached the counter Nel pointed at some lemon bars that were in the back of the display and the large man behind the counter obliged packing some up for her.
She was about to pay when a hand reached over her shoulder and placed the money on the counter. She turned to look at the Slytherin boy with surprise.
“I don’t need you to,” she said in a hostile tone. She wasn’t about to be Malfoy’s charity case.
“It’s only proper,” he responded in a civil tone. She realized he didn’t get anything and the two exited the shop.
“Thank you, by the way,”  She said when they were outside, regretting having been so rude at his polite gesture. “Don’t mention it,” he said hands in pocket turning away from her.
“Look!” She pointed out at a building further down the street. “Zonko’s!” She practically bounced in her step more than excited to go. “I’ll meet you there,” he said ominously before walking away. Nel didn’t even wait to see what Malfoy she instead jogged up to the store and peered inside of the window. If the line to get to Honeyduke’s was long the line to get into Zonko’s almost went around the store. A small crowd of kids and teens were also pressed up against the window glass looking at some of the prank items and toys on display. Obediently Nel went back to the line to wait for her turn. She had made up her mind to patiently stand and wait to enter the shop when something caught her attention. 
Across the street she saw Draco walking around suspiciously. He looked over his shoulder and more hunched in a matter that was unnatural for his attention seeking nature making him look almost suspicious as he walked into the shop across the street.
What was he hiding? 
She stood in the unmovable line alone for a couple of minutes before she decided to go after him. 
She didn’t if she had decided to follow him due to the curiosity or the boredom of waiting in line for an hour. She approached the old building and read the painted name on a board Maestro’s Music Shop. 
Why on Earth would Malfoy want to go to a music shop? She didn’t know what she had been expecting, maybe a store filled with dark sorcery and dangerous artifacts – but this?
The bell rang as she walked in. Instruments of all kinds even some that she had never even seen lined up the many shelves and rows of the dusty store which reminded her of Ollivanders. A piano by the entrance had been bewitched to play itself in accordance of whatever tune it had last heard. There were a handful of other witches and wizards hanging around the store reading sheet music and comparing instruments and other accessories. There was a lovely song in the air a melancholic tune that welcomed any guest in. She began curiously wandering around the store with both of her arms held behind her back. For a moment she even forgot why she was in the store, completely distracted by the odd trinkets. It wasn’t until she turned around a bookshelf that she came to a surprised halt.
That lovely mellow music that had been playing.
It was Malfoy.
He stood in the darkness at the end of the store almost hidden behind a bookshelf with a violin in his hands playing a tune that was unfamiliar to her (Gymnopedie No. 1). His eyes were closed as he was deeply focused on his performance, the music and the moment. His fingers moving expertly with the violin’s chords. His ‘injured’ arm out of its sling using the bow. Elowen hadn’t realized she had been gawking at him without shame until he opened his eyes.  Startled played a scratchy chord almost dropping the musical instrument from the shock.
How could such a horrible person like Malfoy make such beautiful music?
“Nel,” He sputtered her name and lowered the instrument. She didn’t even bother in correcting him. “You tell anybody about this, and it’ll be the end of you. I swear it by Merlin’s beard!” He threatened angrily raising a finger and pointing in her direction.
“You play the violin?” She asked in surprise ignoring his sudden embarrassment. Malfoy was so odd, why would he be embarrassed about having such a skill? Why would he be embarrassed of having the power to create beautiful music? It was ironic really, for a person that was constantly seeking attention for him not to want a musical spotlight? She simply found it to be really odd.
“Some,” he admitted with rare modesty. She was looking at him with what he interpreted to be fascination. “Why did you stop? It was nice,” she complimented. “It was very nice, actually,” she said lightly swaying as she stood. Her hands still behind her back holding her bag of sweets.
“You like Satie?” He asked. She didn’t know what that pretentiously pronounced word meant or was. “What?”
“Never mind,” he murmured still holding the instrument.
“Why have I never heard you play before?” She asked leaning against the wall, genuinely curious. Surely, she would’ve heard him at this point. Specially after three years of living in the Slytherin dormitories.
“I don’t bring it with me. Do you know what would happen if any of the brutes that live with me laid a hand on my precious?”
His precious- oh damn. Nel assumed he was referring to his violin. She was pleasantly surprised and bit back a small laugh. So, Draco did actually care about something that wasn’t himself.
“You’re laughing,” he said self-consciously his tone rougher than he intended. Already feeling mortified that he had been caught in such a vulnerable state and specially by her. Out of all people.
“I’m not,” she said but couldn’t help but laugh lightly. “Play something,” she asked him kindly.
She didn’t even realize that she was now standing next to him. Feeling hyper conscious about the closeness he inched away giving a step back and once again picked up the instrument. He was thoughtful for a moment before selecting his piece, L’estro Armonico Op. 3, No. 6.  
He began playing with a couple of bold strokes. She looked at him enthralled, almost in awe. She had never heard such powerful music like this, and much less in person. He couldn’t help but smile slightly at her childish expression of wonder. He played terribly well, like the greedy songbird he was only coming to an abrupt stop when the doorbell chime interrupted him.
“Let’s get out of here. Before someone we know walks in,” he said swiftly putting the instrument back in its place.
“I don’t get why you’re so embarrassed,” she said as they walked out. “Best I can do is whistle. You’re a musical prodigy and you hide it?” She poked nosily.
“It’s personal,” he shot her a glare which meant she should stop asking questions. However, she wasn’t going to back down so easily. Exiting the shop, she saw two mops of red hair across the street.
Fred and George looked appalled by the company Nel was keeping shooting both of them a nasty look. Draco gladly returned it and walked past them to greet his posse of Slytherins outside of Zonko’s.
“We heard the rumors but we didn’t want to believe it,” Fred began. “Malfoy? Really?” George added wrinkling his nose in digust.
“He’s a complete git.” “An outstanding arsehole.”
“A real bastard.” “There’s no worse company to keep around.” “I know,” She let out an irritated sigh. “Trust me, I’m not here willingly.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Fred crossed his arms over his chest. Not that she cared whatever his emotions were. Her relationship with the twins did not extend further than managing mischief and a business partnership.
“He’s holding something over my head,” she confessed to both of them.
“Godric, that flabbergasted leech,” George began to pull his wand out of his sleeve ready to hex the third year.  
“It’s only for a week. I’ll be free after that.”
Hearing laughter she looked over her shoulder and saw Malfoy and the other Slytherin jokes looking at the three of them and sniggering at what looked to be an inside joke. She frowned at this. There was an ill feeling about it that made her feel self-conscious as if they were laughing at her.
“He’s up to something,” Fred said in a serious tone. “I know it,” He pulled his wand out.
“Don’t worry,” Nel tried to appease them both. “If he crosses the line, I’ll make him regret it,” she promised. And boy would she be true to her word.
“Show me what you got at Zonko’s!” She asked her associates excitedly peering inside of the bags they were holding.
Nel heard crunching in the ground and she turned to see Draco standing a couple of feet away from the three of them. The twins exchanged an unfriendly look with him before the Slytherins left. At this point Nel had already opened her box of lemon bars and had shared some with the Gryffindors. She waved the twins goodbye and left.  
“Lemon bar?” She offered with uncharacteristically generosity as they returned to the carriages. He said nothing simply shaking his head. He looked a little different now. He walked with his head lowered and he didn’t seem at ease or even intrigued by the village as they walked back. Nel turned to look at a large clock that hung by the entrance of the village. No wonder she was hungry. It was almost lunch time, she’d have to be back at the school soon to meet up with Lupin before the Halloween Dinner Feast.
The two walked into the Three Broomsticks and Draco insisted on walking straight up to the bar. He leaned over over-confident, “Red currant rum,” she said cooly. “On the rocks,” He pretended as if he’d forgotten that Nel was with him. “Oh, and a butter beer,” he looked over his shoulder looking down at her as if she were lame for having a non-alcoholic beer.
Madame Rosemerta, a no-nonsense type of woman looked at him with an arched eyebrow. “I’m old enough to be your mother,” she spoke in that same cool voice before placing two large butterbeer mugs on the table. Elowen couldn’t help but laugh at his lame attempt to get alcohol. Who even liked drinking that stuff? Gross.
The two sat on a small booth in front of a window across from each other.
Most of the people inside of the Three Broomsticks were familiar to the Slytherin girl.
Draco’s roomates were sitting on a nearby table obnoxiously making whooping noises, behaving less civil than the monkeys at the London Zoo. On another table was Pansy, seething with anger sitting with Millicent and Daphne. This didn’t please nor displease Nel, Draco didn’t even seem to notice. Even Ron and Hermione where in here with some other Gryffindors.
“What’s up with them?” Nel asked shooting a death glare at the Slytherin boys. “Why do they keep starring at us?” It was almost as if they were waiting for something to happen.
Draco was uncharacteristically silent. Shrugging off his silence she took a sip from the butterbeer. It was warm, delicious and tasted like spiced butterscotch. It was definitely worth all the fuzzing about.
“This is really good!” She said happily. Again, Draco ignored her comment and avoided her eyes as he took a drink from his own mug.
“So,” she began. He was dreading her asking about the Slytherin lads again, or even worse, about his secret musical abilities. “Are you going to tell me what you know?”
“If I tell you, you’d be out of here in a split second,” he kept a challenging gaze on her.
“I won’t,” She promised.
He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He couldn’t tell if she was lying or not.
“I promise,” She repeated. However, he had made up his mind. He didn’t believe her. He leaned back on the booth and crossed his arms over his chest in a pose that demanded an explanation.
“Hogsmeade is beautiful. I got my lemon bars. This butterbeer is great,” she said raising up her mug in a toasting gesture. “And you haven’t been a complete arse and a half. I’d be tempted to stay. Today hadn’t been half bad,” she half smiled at him sincerely. It had been a pleasant outing.
“Then maybe you should run out of here,” His tone was dark, eyes lowering to the table. Her expression morphed into a confused one. “What?” She asked perplexed by the sudden shift in his mood.
“Leave,” He said warningly.
She was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when a third person joined their party. Blaise Zabini plopped himself next to Malfoy and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“I see it and I don’t believe it,” he began his eyes were fixed on the girl’s face but in his tone,  she could tell he was speaking to his friend. “You actually managed to get Saintday to act like a human for once.”
She narrowed her eyes at the dark boy, fighting the urge to utter a dull and confused ‘Huh?’
Draco’s silver eyes bounced from her perplexed expression to Zabini’s haughty one.
He really hadn’t meant for this to happen.
Earlier in the week Crabbe and Goyle had been asking Malfoy about their plans to go to Hogsmeade this weekend. The three wanted to go and try one of each of Honeyduke’s products. Draco told them to do whatever they wanted to do since he’d be visiting the village with Nel Saintday.
“With Saintday?” Zabini who suddenly walked into the dormitory asked as if he had just said the name of a disease. “Why are you going with Saintday?” He asked again wrinkling his nose in distaste.
Nel wasn’t an easy person to like. She was hostile to most. She also wasn’t the prettiest girl in their class, but she wasn’t the most rotten looking of them all. Of course, with cheap clothes, choppy bangs and dull hair that reached her shoulders you bet someone like Zabini wouldn’t have spared her a second glance. Not to mention she had no surname or a single galleon to her name.
Draco felt judged under his friend’s gaze. Crabbe and Goyle were also looking at him oddly. So, he did what he knew how to do best. He lied.
“Just a bet I have going on with Flint,” he lied with ease bouncing a stress ball on his ‘uninjured’ hand. “We want to see if Saintday is actually half Hagraven or not,” he laughed cruelly lowering his eyes as he alluded to the horrid bird like monster. Would it have been easier to tell them another lie? That he was forcing her to go to Hogsmeade with him? Or maybe the truth? The fact that he often enjoyed her company. Was that so terribly wrong? “Yeah?” Zabini laughed loudly at the comparison. “How much?” He said plopping himself at the foot of Malfoy’s emerald green bed.
Crabbe and Goyle exchanged a confused look. As far as their dim heads knew, there was no bet. “Nothing, really,” Malfoy shrugged. “This I’m doing for fun.”
Zabini let out a low whistle. “You and Saintday, Hogsmeade,” he shook his head in disbelief. “This I gotta see.”
Which was when Theodore Nott walked in and exited the room just as quickly shook by what he had just heard.
“So are you?” Zabini jabbed. “Half a Hagraven?” He laughed before taking a sip from his own butterbeer he had been carrying.
Draco didn’t want to look at Elowen’s hurt expression. He had tried to warn her. To get her to leave as conspicuously as possible. Meanwhile Blaise was eyeing her attire up and down. He noticed the contrasting sweater and arched an eyebrow. Somehow it looked familiar to him. Blaise was known for being the quiet Slytherin but when he spoke it stung.
“Oh,” He said after a long sip.
Besides it was no surprise he was being so terribly rude. Blaise was friends with Pansy. He’d do everything in his power to help her at any time. No matter the circumstances. “You actually…” He looked between the blonde and the brunette sitting in the booth with him. “Ohhh,” he clicked his tongue. “You actually thought the two of you were…?” He began laughing before finishing that statement.
Friends? Nel filled the spot he had left blank in his speech. The nearby boys at the Slytherin table who were eavesdropping were beginning to laugh a little louder. “You really thought this was a date, didn’t you? Even brought out your nicest sweater and all.”
No. That was definitely not what this was.
She was hurt. She looked at Blaise with a callous expression. How could someone be so cruel? Turning her eyes to Draco she looked at him with an incredulous expression. He wasn’t going to say anything? He wasn’t going to correct Blaise? Tell him the truth? Come out clean and defend her? From the looks on his face, he wasn’t.
Her nails had been gripping the skin of her upper legs so tightly that half-moon marks were beginning to form on them. A familiar anger from the humiliation began boiling in her temples brining in a terrible migraine. Her eyes now turned into black angry slits fixed on the blonde before her who looked paler than usual. This was his last chance. Either he told Zabini and the rest of the lot the truth or she’d make him pay for this – gravely. She’d make them all pay for this.
Again, he didn’t.
A wizard and his owl were perched outside of the Three Broomsticks calmly sipping on a cup of tea. It really was such a lovely afternoon. A storm seemed a distance away. Until he noticed something odd. His porcelain cup lightly rattled and upon closer inspection he noticed a halo forming in the golden liquid. He lifted it up analyzing it and it was then that he felt it. The sudden vibrations on the ground.
He barely managed to move out of the way before the explosion. The Three Broomsticks blew up. The window and entire side wall was blown to a mess debris of brick and wood. Inside the remains of the curtains and booth had been set ablaze. Blaise removed his coat which had caught fire. Malfoy was aggressively trying to pat down the flames that burned the sleeves of his sweater. Students ran array away from the incendio, there was screaming, broken mugs and other broken windows from the explosion. Other brave wizards stepped forward to put the fire out.
Nel didn’t stop to take responsibility for her explosive temper. She quickly walked back to the carriages and got in the first one alone. She didn’t even bother with her uneasiness around Therstals. Hot tears were beginning to threaten to spill from her eyes. She wiped them off before they could break the barrier of her eyes.
Arriving at Hogwarts feeling no remorse and already late for lessons with Lupin she stormed into the professor’s office where Harry and him were already waiting for her.
Both took in her appearance her disheveled hair, the torn sweater, the skin stained with soothe and small glass cuts on her face.
Lupin and Harry exchanged a look. Both shock and concern in their eyes. Harry didn’t think he had ever seen anybody bearing so much anger. Not even his Aunt Petunia when he accidentally destroyed her garden that one-time Uncle Vernon fell out the window and broke an arm because of him. Nel was livid. Harry had a feeling that whatever it was what had happened they’d find out soon.
“Nel,” Lupin began carefully hoping the nickname would ease her flaming temper. After all anger was a sudden and impulsive reaction. “Perhaps we should try this another time? You see the spell requires you to be in a calm state of mind-“
“I am calm!” She snapped. She not calm.
Lupin pondered for a moment. She’d attempt a Patronus and she would probably fail. What could be the worst that could happen? She’d try and fail again and again until she got tired. Maybe it would even be good thing since it would allow her to blow off some steam.
She whipped out her wand and braced herself. Ready to think of her strongest memory she could. Ready to cast the incantation. The words already memorized in her head. Harry stepped in front of the Boggart which turned into a Dementor.
With a deep scowl on her face, an aching soul and a heavy heart she pointed at the dark creature before her. “Expecto Patronum!” She shouted. As the anger pulsed through her being instead of joy.
It all happened so fast.
She was taken aback when instead of a pure white light an obsidian one with tints of burgundy was casted. She was so shocked she dropped her wand almost as if it had burned her skin.
Whatever spell she had casted; this dark orb instead attacked Harry. Leeching the energy out of him almost like a dementor.
“Expecto Patronum!” Lupin was quick to act, and a silver wolf erupted from the tip of his wand. The spirit chased off and vanished whatever vile thing had come out from her cursed wand.
Harry fainted.
Rushing Lupin turned to face the Boggart ready to cast riddikulus at it. However, he stopped. He heart faint painful sobs and witnessed a truly horrifying sight.
The Boggart has shifted.
Lupin saw two girls in his office.
Nel Saintday had a twin.
One of the girls was smiling with malice, savoring the horrible moment. Enjoying the pain and destruction it had created. The other was emotionally wounded and crumbled into a sobbing mess.
He couldn’t tell which one was the real one...
17 notes · View notes
miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Thomas’ Spooky Halloween-y Date
It’s Halloween, and as I promised, here’s the Halloween one-off special Sanders Sides story I promised two weeks ago. It is out of the main narrative of the Aspects & Fanfics story, and it’s also formatted in regular prose instead of the habitual script format the main story follows. Before you read it, know that the plot is set two months after the latest Sanders Asides, “Flirting with Social Anxiety”, so if you haven’t watched it yet, don’t read any further until you watch it or you’ll get spoilered right from the first line. But it’s been more than two weeks, so I won’t be marking it as spoilers anymore. I hope you enjoy this spooky but romantic story and I’ll see you in two weeks, back to the regular posting schedule with the main story. Happy Halloween!
WARNINGS: It’s a romantic story featuring moments of drama and death mentions. It’s impossible to avoid them if we set the story on Halloween, though, and expect also mentions to ghosts and spooky creatures.
Thomas parked the car in front of Nico’s door. There were children everywhere, going from door to door with their trick-or-treat. He always loved that day of the year, ever since he was a child. He would always enjoy that day no matter what, but this year, it was his first Halloween since he started dating Nico, and the first Halloween he wouldn’t spend single since he had forgotten how long. He knew this year would be special. When Nico phoned him to come along for Halloween, he wouldn’t even hesitate. He always enjoyed his company and spending Halloween with him couldn’t be a better plan.
“I wonder if he’s prepared something for Halloween.” Thomas thought to himself “Nico is the most romantic guy I have ever met in my life and I’m sure he’s gonna make this day spookily fantastic. He loves Nightmare before Christmas, I’m sure he enjoys Halloween just as much as I do.”
“Of course he does, Thomas!” Roman said from the backseat.
“Oh, Roman, you startled me!”
“Sorry. But what are you waiting for inside your carriage, Thomas? Go to his door already and knock! Don’t keep him waiting!”
“Easy, Roman.” Virgil said, appearing next to him. “First, Thomas must check that he’s looking his best. You don’t want Linda to ruin his appearance in front of Nico, do you?”
“I checked myself already, Virgil. I combed my hair carefully and used gel so that Linda doesn’t visit us tonight. Wow, I made Linda sound as if she was the Oogie-Boogie Man.”
“She can be more terrifying, Thomas, especially in romantic occasions.” Virgil said “Are you sure you look okay? Check yourself again in the mirror.”
Thomas sighed and looked at himself in the driving mirror. There was no sign of cowlicks. At Roman’s suggestion, with the telephonic guidance and advice of Talyn, he had put a little dash of natural-looking makeup on his cheeks, and his face looked brighter and healthier than ever, with no visible trace of the ugly green pimple in the middle of the forehead he had woken up with that morning. Nope, he was looking his best and there was nothing to be worried about. Nico already liked is regular appearance, and tonight he was going to fall in love with him again.
“I look fine, Virge, please settle down, at least for tonight. I wanna have a calm and lovely Halloween date with Nico and I want everything to be perfect. Please, I beg you, grant me that wish, at least for tonight.”
“Okay, Thomas, I’ll try. You know I don’t work like that, but I’ll try for you.”
“Thanks, emo friend.” Thomas said, smiling at Virgil through the mirror. “Okay, my face and hair look fine, I just put on my best perfume, and I brought a little bag of Halloween candy that doesn’t include candy corn. What could go wrong?”
Thomas got out of the car and walked to the door. He rang the bell and waited there. He couldn’t help smiling when he noticed a bunch of creepy pumpkins next to the front window, full of cobwebs.
“He truly lives Halloween just as passionately as I do.” he thought “If soulmates do exist, I think he could be my own soulmate, or at least the closest to a soulmate I could ever get. We’ve been dating only for a couple of months and I’m feeling closer and closer to him each and everyday. I… I love him.”
The door opening interrupted his train of thought. Nico appeared there, with a skeleton makeup and a tattered black suit full of dust. The gloomy makeup couldn’t conceal the brightness of his smile. Thomas smiled back.
“Uh… trick or treat?” Thomas said, handing the bag of candy. “You should have warned me to come in a costume.”
“It’s okay,” Nico said “I wouldn’t have wanted you to come any other way. You look gorgeous as usual.”
Thomas smiled bashfully. He had forgotten the feeling of his appearance being complimented on a regular basis and Nico always knew how to boost his moral and make him feel like the handsomest man in the world. Since he had met him, he had started to forget the feeling of doubting his self worth. Nico always reminded him of how important he was, how much worthy of love he was and how much his presence in the world mattered, no matter what, and that’s what he loved the most about his boyfriend: that first and foremost, Nico reminded Thomas of all the reasons he had to love himself on a regular basis and pushed him to love himself above all else. Thomas felt really lucky to have met him at the mall. It was a chance in a million and Lady Luck, for once, had been generous with him.
“Thank you, I guess. You’re gonna make me blush.”
“I’m only saying the truth, Thomas. But don’t stay there, come in… if you dare…” he ended this phrase with a creepy voice and an over the top spooky laugh that made Thomas chortle.
“Of course…” Thomas said entering the house. “Did you have any plans for tonight?”
“First and foremost, dinner will be ready in no time. I made pizza rolls. Didn’t buy them, I made them from scratch. They’re in the oven right now.
“Homemade pizza rolls? That sounds delicious!”
“I know they’re your favorite food and since you’re now following healthy habits and you don’t eat them as often anymore, I wanted to make them just for you, for this special occasion. I just hope I haven’t messed up with the recipe and that I don’t end up burning them.”
“Gosh, Nico. You’re always thinking on me and on what’s best for me. I really feel so lucky to have you in my life.”
“I am the lucky one, Thomas. Your sunshiny disposition always makes my day a thousand times brighter. Of course I want you to have the best of the best, because you’re the best of the best for me.”
“I love you, so much.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
“Is this a competition about who loves who more? Because I intend to win it.”
“I won’t make it easy for you, honey.”
Nico kissed Thomas. Then they stared at each other for a couple of seconds, as if the world had stopped around them. Roman and Virgil, a couple of steps afar, watched the scene. Roman was crying out of emotion. Virgil’s eyeshadow couldn’t be shinier in purple.
“Gosh. Could he be any cuter?” Roman said, squealing.
“I really think Thomas’ life has only got better and better since we met him. I wonder if there’s a top for this turmoil of excitement he makes me feel every time Thomas is with him.”
“Glad to have you aboard the romance train, Virge. This wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for you, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Roman. I don’t regret that push at all, and…” suddenly Virgil became really serious and his eyeshadow suddenly turned black. “Wait, wait a second… What’s that?”
“What’s what?” Roman inquired.
“Don’t you sense that smell?” suddenly panicking “Something’s burning! Quickly, set the alarms! Everybody save yourselves! Thomas!”
Thomas’ suddenly perceived the smell too.
“Nico, something’s burning!”
“Oh, no!” Nico said, scared, running to the kitchen.
Thomas followed him. There was black smoke coming out of the oven. Nico quickly tried to open the oven, but in the rush, he forgot to wear a glove and burned his hand.
“Ouch, my hand!” he yelled, in pain.
“Be careful!” Thomas said, grabbing the glove on the counter next to the oven. Then he opened the oven and took the tray out. All the pizza rolls were completely charred and black. He left the tray in a safe place on the counter, coughing a little bit out of the smoke. Then he opened the window to let the smoke out and turned the oven temperature off.
“Aw, my hand…” Nico said, grimacing in pain. “This looks like a bad burn.”
“Let me see” Thomas said. There were blisters on Nico’s palm. “This doesn’t look good. Put your hand under the running tap. Cold water may be helpful to relieve the pain.”
Thomas opened the tap and Nico put his hand under the water stream.
“I’m so sorry, Thomas.” Nico said with a sad face, also grimacing in pain at times “I think I lost notion of time and I messed everything up…”
“It’s okay, Nico. It was an accident, and the most important thing for me is that you’re okay.”
After a couple of minutes, Thomas turned the water off and dried Nico’s hand carefully, then they both went to the living room. Logan appeared next to the couple and examined the wound.
“The burn doesn’t look bad enough to call 911, but it’ll need a little bit of care. Has Nico got some bandages?”
“Have you?” Thomas asked.
“Have I what?” Nico said, confused.
Thomas remembered that Nico couldn’t hear or see Logan as he was in his imagination.
“Oh, sorry, I was thinking to myself and forgot to speak aloud. I meant if you have some bandages.”
“Oh… Yes, in the medical kit, on that closet under the stairs.”
“Okay, you sit down at the table and I’ll go fetch the medical kit.”
“Do you have medical knowledge, Thomas?”
“Only the basics, you know, first aid assistance and all. I took a couple of courses when I was in college studying chemical engineering. Cause you never know, they could come in handy at any time. And see? The time has come.” Thomas got the medical kit from the closet and carried it to the table, then examined its contents. “Aha! Here are the bandages… and look, here’s some burn cream.”
“An aloe vera burning ointment… A wise choice to treat burns,” Logan said, “much better than the traditional oil-based burn ointment which can do more harm than good depending on the type of burn.”
“You really got this thought out, didn’t you, Nico?” Thomas said.
“Well,” Nico said, bashfully, “let’s just say that this is not the first time I burned myself while trying to cook. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone by trying to cook something for you but I messed everything up. I should have simply ordered a pizza, but I didn’t want to do something so dull for our Halloween date, I wanted it to be special.”
“Don’t worry, Nico. I’m not the best cook either and I appreciate the love you put into this… Okay, here I go. Are you ready? This might hurt a bit.”
“I’m ready.”
Thomas applied the burn cream, spreading it over the burn as gently as he could. Then, he started wrapping Nico’s hand with the bandage. Sometimes, Nico grimaced in pain, but most of the time, he just stared at Thomas with a loving glance. Thomas didn’t notice as he was focused on applying the bandage as painlessly as he could. When he was done, he tied the edge and secured the bandage.
“Done. You should see a doctor, though, as soon as you can so that they can advise better on that wound.”
Nico didn’t answer. He just leaned over and kissed Thomas on the cheek, staining the cheek with his white skeleton makeup.
“Thank you. Sorry I stained your face.”
“You’re welcome.” Thomas said, smiling back. “Well, it seems that we can’t eat these little pieces of coal in the kitchen. Do you want me to order some pizza?”
“I’d be glad. I’m sorry I can’t give you more.”
“For the last time, I don’t need you to give me more. I came here to spend time with you, not with your food. And besides, I adore pizza, I don’t mind at all to have it for dinner. So…”
Suddenly the sound of the oven bell ringing startled him.
“What was that?” Thomas said.
“That… that was the oven… the sign that I should take the pizza rolls out…”
“How much time did you program on the oven, Nico?”
“The time specified on the recipe. Look.”
Nico showed Thomas his phone and Thomas read something on the screen. Logan read the screen too.
“This doesn’t make any sense, Thomas.” Logan said, “The time specified on this recipe is totally safe. It would have been impossible that the pizza rolls had got burnt if they’ve been in the oven for this time only. If anything, it would have been the opposite, they would have come out a little raw and would have needed a little more time.”
“How is it possible that the pizza rolls got burnt when they spent so little time in the oven? Are you sure you didn’t introduce something wrong on the timer?” Thomas said.
“Yes, I’m sure, Thomas. I’m not the best cook, but I can read, and I double-checked that the timer was right.”
“Then, how could the pizza rolls get burnt? This doesn’t make any sense…”
Suddenly all the lights in the house turned off.
“What the…?” Nico started saying.
But he was interrupted by the sound of something made of glass crashing on the floor in another room followed by a creepy voice laughing and yelling with a squeaky voice: “Who broke this vase!? Hehehehehehe…”
“Okay…” Thomas said with a trembling voice “…if this is your idea of a creepy Halloween, I commend you for your creativity… but I beg you to stop right now, this is too scary for me…”
“I don’t have any part on this, Thomas…” Nico said with an equally trembling voice “I don’t know what is going on.”
Logan looked around.
“All of this has a strangely familiar look, just like that voice. I think I know that…”
Suddenly one light turned on in the middle of the table where Thomas and Nico were sitting. Remus was there, dressed as a zombie, with one eye hanging and blood all over his body.”
“AAAAAYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Remus screeched demonically.
Thomas screeched, scared, before he recognized Remus. Nico just stared at the apparition, and with the same gesture and no words coming out of his mouth, he flopped down on the table, unconscious.
“Nico!” Thomas yelled “Nico, are you all right?”
Thomas checked Nico. He had simply fainted.
“What is going on here!?” Thomas yelled.
“Hahahahaha! I surely scared the sh*t out of your boyfriend, didn’t I? Both of you in fact, you should have seen your faces! Hahahahaha!”
“Shut up, Remus! For starters, how in the world could Nico see you!? I thought you were just a figment of my imagination and that only I could see you!”
“Well, you thought wrong, Thomas! Not tonight at least! Tonight is the night where all nightmares become real, and tonight I’m your worst nightmare, Thomas!”
“Remus, will you stop these ridiculous antics!?” Logan said. “You could have killed Nico out of a heart attack! You know we’re not supposed to interact with other humans, it’s against the rules of Sides!”
Remus shifted back into his normal form.
“Oh, to the hell with rules! No rules can bind me, and you know it!”
“Wait, so all of you can become visible at will?” Thomas said “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You never asked.” Remus said with a mocking grin.
“It’s a little complicate, Thomas.” Virgil started saying, until he was interrupted.
“Nico, are you all right!?” Patton yelled after rising up, with a grimace of fear and an over the top concern “Please, talk to me!”
“Okay, okay, guys, enough is enough” Janus said, appearing “What will happen if now Nico starts seeing us? You’re endangering Thomas’ relationship, and bearing in mind his streak of luck, he’s not in a position of wasting relationships…”
“Yeah, I want to keep Nico as our final prize, I don’t want to lose him!
“Oh, brother, you don’t have to worry about anything. You, Light Sides, didn’t know it, but for us, Dark Sides, it was a secret common knowledge that if we never shared it with you, it was because Janus wouldn’t let us.” Remus said.
“What do you mean, Remus?” Roman said. Logan and Patton also looked at Remus, in confusion.
“Can I, Janus?” Remus inquired.
“Only if Thomas wants, Remus, you know the rules.” Janus said.
“Oh, I do want,” Thomas said “I want to know what Remus means.”
“Okay, go ahead Remus.” Janus said.
“Thank you, snake boy. If Nico can see us, then that means that…”
Suddenly, Nico rose his face from the table. Everyone stared at him in silence. The first thing he saw was Janus and his snake face.
“Hi, Mr. Floresssssss” Janus says, hissing with his forked tongue.
Nico immediately fainted again.
“Guys!” Roman yelled “Are you trying to make Thomas a widower before he even marries!?”
“Preposterous.” Logan said “To be a widower you need to be married beforehand, at least legally.”
“That’s the intention,” Roman said “if he reaches the altar alive, that is!”
“Enough!” Thomas yelled. “Everyone get out of sight, now, before he sees you again!”
The Sides shrugged and turned invisible for Thomas, all of them except Remus.
“You too, Remus, you’re the cause of all of this and I don’t want you here! Well, I never want you around but much less right now!”
“Aww, too bad that you’re not my boss, Tommy Boy! You can’t force me to do anything as you remember.”
Thomas sighed.
“At least, could you please become invisible for Nico? Please, he’s survived two strong impressions in a row. He has a young heart, but still, a third shock like that could be fatal for anyone!”
“Okay, I will. But only because I think Nico’s hot and I don’t want him to die yet, not at least before you two…” and he completed the phrase with a lot of… expressive words that this narrator is not willing to quote.
Thomas ignored Remus and started fanning Nico with his hand.
“Nico, are you all right? Wake up, please! Nico!”
Nico started waking up. At first he showed a face of confusion. Then he suddenly showed a face of fear and looked around, anxious.
“Where are they? Where are they!?”
“Uh… where are who?”
“That zombie on the table, and then the snake-man! I remember very well I saw them, and so did you!”
“Uh… well…” Thomas said with a stuttering nervous voice.
Nico looked at Thomas right in the eye, then he went serious and started speaking.
“You’re hiding something from me, Thomas. I can feel it. You always get into that nervous attitude when you’re trying to conceal something that bothers you. You’re not a very good liar, no matter how hard you try.”
Janus watched the scene a few steps behind, invisible for them, frowning at Nico with an offended face.
“Listen, I wouldn’t push you to tell me secrets you don’t want anyone to know, but if I know you, and in just two months I think I know you well already, you only put that face of remorse when you think I should know something but you don’t tell me because you’re afraid or ashamed. If that’s the case, please, open up to me.” Nico held Thomas’ hands “I love you. You don’t need to be afraid and your secret will always be safe with me, I promise. No one will know through my lips. Please, trust me.”
“I do trust you, Nico. And I don’t want to have secrets with you. It’s just that I never thought I would ever need to tell you this, to you or to anybody at all. And I never told you about this, because I feared that you would think you were dating a weirdo. What am I saying? I’m probably a weirdo anyway…”
Nico frowned at Thomas.
“Thomas, I forbid you to speak about yourself in these terms! You’re not a weirdo! You’re the sanest man I’ve ever met and I will physically fight you if you say otherwise!”
“Heh… physically fight me? It’s not the first time I heard someone say these words. And it’s only appropriate that you mentioned them just now. Maybe it’s true we are soulmates after all…”
“You’re diverting, Thomas. Please, tell me what’s bothering you.”
“Well… promise you won’t freak out or think I’m mad?”
“I’ve already promised. Go ahead, please.”
“You see, all of my life there’s been this exercise I made when I wanted to put my ideas in order, or I wanted to analyze my train of thoughts carefully to find solutions to the dilemmas I regularly face in my life. I imagined that the different aspects of my personality, you know, my morality, my logical thinking, my anxiety and my creativity and romanticism, where, like, different people. I visualized them in front of me and sustained conversations with them, and imagined that the thoughts in my head were actually words said by them. It helped me to externalize these thoughts and view them critically and as objectively as I could.”
Nico just looked at Thomas in silence.
“Well, up to a minute ago… I thought that all these people, who I called the Sanders Sides, you know the sides of my personality, were imaginary and only in my head. But Remus… that’s the name of my forbidden creativity, the thoughts I try to repress in my mind which show up as intrusive thoughts… decided to prank us… and showed up in the middle of the table dressed as a zombie. I thought only I could see him… until you fainted out of the impression. I never knew other people could see them if they wanted to. Heck, I don’t even understand how they can do it at all. I’m so sorry, I should have told you earlier. I’ll understand if you’re mad at me, and if you don’t want to date me anymore, it would kill me, because I love you with all my heart, but I’d accept your choice. Well? What do you say?”
Nico kept looking at Thomas. Slowly a face of surprise started appearing on his face. Thomas showed a face of fear.
“You have Lados too?”
“What?” Thomas said, stunned. He didn’t expect that answer at all.
“Yes, Lados. That’s how I call them, it’s the word in Spanish for Sides, which is what you call them. I… I thought I was the only one who had them!”
Roman, Logan and Patton stared at Nico, with their mouths wide open. Remus just smiled mockingly and said:
“That’s the secret I was trying to tell you before he woke up. If Nico could see me, that means he also has the ability to turn his thoughts into Sides, which means he has his own Sides too. Not all humans can see us, only those who have Sides can.”
“Wow, I should have known earlier, you know?” Thomas said, looking at Remus.
“I’m sorry I should have told you… Wait, who are you talking to?” Nico said, confused, noticing Thomas was staring at an empty space.
“Oh, I guess he’s still invisible to you now… I was talking to Remus, he’s over there, even if you don’t see him.”
“I see… That’s an expression, of course. Remus, wherever you are, that was a good prank, you really scared the crap out of me.”
“Thank you, Nico!” Remus said, startling Nico after suddenly becoming visible for him “I love that you’re a guy that can take pranks, unlike other people I know, and I’m not looking at anyone.” Remus said, looking at Thomas right in the eye.
“Yes, today Remus seems to be in a mood for pranks.” Thomas said “But, Remus, even though I know you never listen to me, you could be more careful, look at Nico’s hand, he burned it because of you.”
“Wait, what?” Remus said, confused “What are you talking about?”
“That joke with the oven, accelerating it and making the pizza rolls burn before they were made? You could have set the whole house on fire, and I would have never forgiven myself. Don’t do that again.”
“I recognize that would have been a very funny prank, Thomas…” Remus said, still confused “…but I didn’t take part in that.”
“What? You’re kidding me, right?”
“No, I’m not, Thomas. You know me well, you already know by experience that I would never hide anything to you. For once in a lifetime, I’m an innocent little lamb.”
“You wish.” Patton said.
“No, I don’t, daddy. Feeling innocent is disgusting and it’s not like me at all, you know? That’s more your thing, not mine. Me, I’m more of a guilty-pleasure addict.”
“I’d rather not think what you mean by that…” Patton said, uncomfortable.
Thomas looked at Remus, totally confused.
“But… if it wasn’t you… then who…?”
A demonic long screech started resounding all over the house, and the lights started flickering on and off.
“What is going on!?” Thomas said, scared, yelling over the screech to make himself heard. “Is it one of your Sides… of your Lados, by any chance, Nico!?”
“No, it isn’t, Thomas!” Nico also had to yell to make himself heard. “I don’t know where that screech is coming from!”
“Ugh, that screech is hurting my ears…” Remus said “I’m getting out of here.”
Remus sank down.
“Ugh… this is so horrible, not even Remus could stand it…” Thomas said “But then, what is going on?”
The screech stopped. Then, a demonic voice started speaking.
“You will regret coming into my house… Both of you… will pay… with blood!”
Thomas grabbed Nico, shaking from head to toe.
“Nico… I’m scared…” Thomas said.
“Me too…” Nico said, hugging Thomas.
Then, the lights went off. Roman’s female scream was heard.
“What was that!?” Nico yelled in horror.
“Roman, was that you!? Are you okay!?” Thomas said.
“Yes, it’s me, sorry, Thomas.” Roman said with his own voice “I still hate the dark…”
A demonic laugh startled everyone in the dark.
“A… a ghost… It’s a ghost!” Patton’s whining voice said in the dark.
“Okay, guys, everybody calm down.” Logan’s voice said “There has to be some logical explanation for all of this.”
“Don’t try to explain this rationally, Logan!” Roman said “For once, there’s something not even you can explain, so don’t pretend to know better, Teach!”
“There’s only one explanation” Virgil said “This house is haunted and there’s a ghost living here. Our only hope is to get out of this house, get in the car and drive as far away as the gas level allows us, and pray that the ghost doesn’t follow us to torment us for the rest of our lives.”
“I can’t just leave my house… whoever you are.” Nico said.
“He’s Virgil, my anxiety, always a source of positivity as you can see.” Thomas said, ironically.
“Have you ever experience this kind of… paranormal activity in your house, Nico? And my name is Logan, by the way, I’m Thomas’ logical thinking.”
“Well… no, Logan, I haven’t. Up until today, this house was perfectly normal, no sign of spirits meddling around in my life.”
“How long have you been living here, if I may ask?”
“Well… I moved to Gainesville at the end of last year. I got this job in the University of Florida, teaching Spanish, you know? I got this house around November, to start the semester in January, and I’ve been living here happily and peacefully, until now.”
“So you didn’t live here by Halloween last year, right?”
“Right. Back then, I still lived in Orlando, although I was already preparing to move to Gainesville and looking for cheap rent houses.”
“Then that explains it. The ghost that lives here only shows up on Halloween, for some reason.”
“I thought you were looking for a logical explanation, Logan.” Roman said. “Have you changed your mind about paranormal events?”
“I got a logical explanation. If you’re meaning a “rational explanation”, well, that’s a different story. This isn’t rational at all, but with the information I’ve got, I must bring up any possible theories, even if they go against the scientific method.”
“You do realize that doesn’t make any sense, right?”
“If it doesn’t, it’s because we lack information to understand this phenomenon, Roman. But to try and retrieve the missing data, we must explore any possibilities, no matter how mad they may sound.”
“So you’re saying that you need me to complete this theory, right? Thanks, Teach, I knew you wouldn’t resist my talent one day or another.”
“No, I…” Logan started saying, but then another demonic screech interrupted them.
“Guys” Thomas said “While you’re here theorizing, that demonic entity is still wreaking havoc. Stop trying to find out what it is and start looking for a solution to get rid of it!”
“Yes, even if it’s only for one night, or so you say, Logan, I don’t want an evil spirit on the loose in my house! I’d never sleep in peace at night ever again!” Nico said.
“My house!” the demonic voice said “This is my house and you are intruders! Go away!”
“I’ve already paid a good year of rent!” Nico said “This is my house until I can’t pay my landlady anymore!”
Another short screech was the only answer.
“Did your landlady ever tell you about this happening?” Thomas said.
“No, she didn’t. But Mrs. Howard is a very nice, old lady, she would never hide anything like this to me on purpose. I’m sure she doesn’t know anything about this.”
“Then tell her! I want her to come here!” the voice said. Except that this time it was the whining voice of a child.
“Wait a minute…” Thomas said “The ghost is… is a child?”
The lights turned on, and the couple and Sides saw a little boy dressed in 1960’s fashion. If it wasn’t for the paleness of his face and his anachronistic outfit, nothing would have distinguished him from any other boy like the many others doing trick-or-treat outside. Well, to be fair, he could have indeed blended in with these boys now that they were disguised as spooky creatures. The ghost child stared at them with sad eyes.
“I want her back… Why did she leave me behind?” he said.
“Who left you behind, kiddo?” Patton said.
“It’s weird to hear Patton using the word kiddo right for the first time…” Virgil said.
“My mom.” the ghost said “That Mrs. Howard he mentioned… She’s my mom.”
“My landlady is your mom?” Nico said, in shock. “Oh, my goodness!”
“She promised she would never leave my side. She promised she would always be with me until I got better… but she left me. Why? Why did she lie to me? Why didn’t she want me!? I feel so alone and lost…”
“Oh, gosh…” Virgil said, emotional. “He doesn’t know he died. His mom probably was by his side as she promised, until the kid passed away, but he doesn’t remember the moment when he left his body and he thinks his mother abandoned him. Oh, this is so sad…”
“Okay, kiddo, what’s your name?” Patton said, after concealing his tears, with his most tender fatherly voice.
“Nice to meet you, Patrick, I’m… Patton. And these are my friends. We’re sorry if we have bothered you. It wasn’t our intention. Could you accept our apologies, kiddo?”
“Stop calling me kiddo! I’m eight years old, I’m a strong grown up!”
“Of course you are, Patrick!” Patton said.
“Eight years old…” Thomas said, emotional “It isn’t fair, no one should die so young.”
“My mother needed me to be strong, because she’s all alone and has to take care of us, me, my little brother and my little sister, and I need to get better to help her. But where is she? How can I help her if I don’t know where she is?”
Patton looked at the others. He was clearly overwhelmed by the emotion and getting choked up. He silently begged the others for help since he couldn’t speak anymore. Janus decided to step forward.
“Listen, young man. Because as you said you’re a young man, correct? Your mom had to… get away from this house, you know? She had to move somewhere else to take care of your siblings.”
“Then why didn’t she take me with them? Didn’t they want me anymore, because I was sick and they thought I would be useless?”
“No, of course not! Uh… I’m sure your mom loved you with all her heart. It’s just that she couldn’t take you with her because… um… the place where she moved to only allowed two kids, and she had to choose… and she chose your two little siblings, because they were younger and more in need of her care… and you are a strong and capable man, aren’t you? She knew you could take care of yourself better on your own than your siblings, that’s why she left you here, because she also needed someone to help her take care of this house while she was out, you know? She loves and trusts you so much that she left you right here in this place to fulfill your duty. You should hold that trust she has on you with pride.”
“I… I guess… but why didn’t she tell me? And why doesn’t she ever come here, at least to visit me? I miss her so much.”
“She can’t right now, young man. But rest assure, she would love to visit you. And in due time, she’ll come for you, when you least expect it, and then she’ll release you from your duty and take you to a place where you’ll never be away from her ever again, and then she’ll give you all the love she couldn’t give you all these past years and more, you’ll see.”
“Dag nabbit…” Thomas said with tears in his eyes “This snake is making me cry.”
“Me too…” Nico said, also crying, with foggy glasses.
“I… I understand.” the little ghost said. “Will I have to wait for too long until she comes for me?”
“It may take her some time… but each year that goes by will be a year closer to her, so wait for that day with hope and one day, you’ll have your reward. You’ll see.”
“Okay… thank you sir.” the ghost spoke to Nico “I’m sorry for burning your food, sir, and also that you hurt your hand because of me. That was rude and I apologize.”
“It’s okay… totally okay, don’t worry.” Nico said with a trembling emotional voice.
“I feel so much peace now that I know that I’m going to see her again…” the ghost said while he started becoming translucent “I think I know where I truly need to go to wait for her… I think I remember it all now… Thank you so much, kind people. You listened to me when nobody else would and freed my soul. I’ll forever be grateful to you for that.” he smiled with a face of peace and happiness “I can see my dad! He’s there with open arms, calling me! I gotta go, I missed him so much too! Goodbye, everyone! Dad, I’m so happy to see you again! Are you proud of me?”
And with these words, the ghost disappeared. They all stood there looking at the empty space for a few seconds in a silence only broken by Thomas and Nico’s faint sobs.
“I don’t know if his dad will be proud of him, even though I believe he totally is…” Patton said “but I’m certain of who this dad, and I mean me, is proud of. I’m so proud of you, Janus.”
Janus snorted trying to act cold.
“I was only being me, telling the kid a bunch of lies to fool him and push him to the other side, where he wouldn’t bother us anymore, that’s all.”
Thomas smiled at Janus.
“You’re a liar…” he said “…but you’re my liar and I love you, liar and all.”
“Eh… whatever.” Janus said, with his human cheek blushing red and his human eye full of emotional tears.
Nico looked at Thomas with a tender smile.
“What is it, Nico?”
“It’s nothing” Nico said. “It’s just that I’m so thankful that you decided to overcome your fears and talk to me at the mall. Otherwise I would have missed knowing you.”
“Oh, well… I…” Thomas said. “Why are you saying this right now?”
“Your Sides are you, aren’t they? Just like my Lados are me. And your Sides are all so great, each and everyone of them, therefore so are you. I love you so much.”
Thomas got emotional and smiled lovingly at Nico.
“And I love you too, Nico.” he said.
And then they kissed. After the kiss, Thomas said:
“Speaking about your Sides… I mean, your Lados, when am I… are we going to meet them?”
“In time… but tonight, I want this night to be just for us, if that’s okay with you. We’re still on Halloween date, aren’t we, and I don’t have the intention of squandering it.”
“Okay with me?” Thomas said, blushing again “Being with you will always be okay with me. I wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else in the world ever again.”
They kissed again. Remus appeared rising his arms in triumph.
“Yes! Finally!” Remus yelled “I was beginning to lose hope that they two would…”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, Remus.” Roman said. Now the couple couldn’t see or hear the Sides anymore. “I’m sure after so much agitation and horror today, not to mention Nico’s wound, their only plan for the night will be getting a well deserved romantic dinner and watching some Halloween light horror movies.”
“But after the dinner, there always comes the dessert, doesn’t it?” Remus said, wiggling his eyebrows. Then he sighed in frustration. “If only Thomas wasn’t so romantic-driven that he needs to feel that romance in order to go to the next base. It’s boring having to go through all that long process and waiting for him to be ready before we get to the juicy stuff.”
“Well, romance is also good for Thomas’ soul and well-being,” Roman said “and I know, deep inside, you also want what is best for Thomas, even if you try to get it through your gruesome ways. On the other hand, we are brothers and part of a whole, Remus. As much as it is a pain for us both, if we want Thomas to be happy with Nico, we’ll have to work as a team, and our task is to help Thomas find out when he’s ready to move forward in the relationship. And who knows, maybe working as a team will give us an opportunity to rebuild our relationship as brothers?”
“Don’t build your hopes too high, Roman.” Remus said “Right now you can consider yourself lucky that we can work together without me having to pull out my mace.”
Roman chuckled.
“It’s a first step.” Roman said “and all the best adventures always start with a first step. I wonder where this adventure will take us both, brother.”
“If you say so…” Remus said, shrugging. “…brother.”
Roman smiled while Remus pretended he didn’t care. Then they both sank down with the others back to the Mind Palace, giving the couple some well earned privacy while they started ordering a pizza and checking Nico’s collection of Blu-Rays to find the perfect movie for the night.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (2/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter... at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 2.1k
      Three weeks… three weeks passed and I cannot stop thinking about that night. When Seungmin moved in, when school started, when I started my part-time job, CB97 has been haunting my mind. Even now sitting with my closest friends for dinner, he won’t go away.
“I’m crazy. Someone please tell me how to stop it.”
“Just accept your fate of being an underground rap group fangirl for the rest of your life.”
“Hwang Hyunjin I- this is why your best friend status has been given to Seunghee. Not helpful!”
“Excuse me she isn’t here so I get my title back until further notice.”
“That’s not how it works Hwang and even if it did you are doing a terrible job as best friend.”
“Hey, I think I know him.”
      My head snapped up at Seungmin’s announcement. No way, the world cannot be that small. Everyone stared at Seungmin who looked at his phone before he spoke again.
“Yeah, he was an upperclassman at my high school. If I remember correctly everyone loved him and I think he was captain of the soccer team too.”
“You are supposed to help me stop thinking about him, not make it worse!”
“If you’re going to make a big deal why not just go back there and see him again. Maybe you’ll realize something is wrong with him and you’ll stop. If not what’s the worst that can happen?”
“You’re right and you’re so sweet, saying you guys will come with me and all.”
“Wait a minute I-”
“Too late best friend and any complaints can be taken up with Hyunjin for running his mouth.”
      Before they could protest more, we paid and I dragged them to the apartment. I quickly shed my “congressman Kwon’s daughter” look and exchanged it for my favorite distressed black jeans, maroon bodysuit and leather jacket. After a quick touch up on my makeup, we headed to the club. It wasn’t super busy so we were talking by the dance floor when I felt eyes on me. I flipped my silver hair over my shoulder, to subtly look around, and there he was staring at me from the DJ booth. I immediately snapped my head back.
"He keeps looking over here so that's a good sign," Jeongin encouraged.
"Exactly. He noticed you out of everyone and what do you do? Hide. I did not raise a coward."
"You didn’t raise me at all, Hyunjin, and I am not hiding… I'm just uh playing hard to get…"
"Really that's what you're going with? Your cover stories still suck like when we were kids."
"Seungmin I didn’t ask for this disrespect. You’re all traitors except Jeongin."
"Uh well, sorry to be a traitor too but that was really bad."
"I leave for college and this is what happens? You turn my own son against me?"
"Tone it down drama queen. Lover-boy stepped down from the DJ booth. Seems like he's switching out so here's your chance," Hyunjin pushed.
"Go sit at the bar, away from us, so you look more approachable," Seungmin ordered.
      I gave them a nervous smile as I thanked them before taking a seat at the bar. Facing outward in my seat, my eyes scanned the crowd for a particular blonde. I catch sight of him, his eyes mimicking mine, before our eyes connect and a smirk tugs at his lips. In my confused panic I smile back, giving a small wave before turning back to the bar to cringe at myself. 
“I’ve finally caught you. You left before I could thank you for grabbing my hat.”
“Sorry the clock struck midnight, had to go before my carriage turned into a pumpkin,” I teased.
“You never left a glass slipper for me though.”
“I didn’t, yet here we are.”
“Here we are,” he echoes.
      He eyed me up and down with a smirk playing at his lips. Thank god he played along with whatever came out of my mouth cause I was sure as hell that wasn't flirting, guess I’ll just go with it.
“So Prince Charming, is there a reward for returning your prized hat?”
“It’s Bang Chan,” he laughed before adding, “there is… if you can trust me.”
      His laugh was an intoxicating sound that left a joyful buzz in my chest. I shouldn't, I know I really shouldn't but looking at his face with that dimpled smile and the shine in his eyes… it drew me in. We just met each other a few moments ago and only shared a few flirty encounters yet what about his face makes me want to trust him? I looked at his outstretched hand… 
“Okay, I’m game. Let’s see if your bark matches your bite,” I challenged, placing my hand in his.
“Well first things first, what’s your name? Or should I just call you Princess?”
“That’s fine. If this night goes well I’ll think about giving my name.”
“Then, after you princess.”
      He gestured toward a guarded door. I got up and followed his lead as we approached the door and the guard just gave me a quick look before he gave Chan a curt nod, moving aside. I shot the boys a quick text as we maneuvered through the back area to a back door. I saw their encouraging and warning messages before sliding my phone in my pocket. We walked past a lot of the popular shops before we reached an empty street aside from one section that had light pouring from it. Upon further inspection I couldn’t help the genuine smile that pulled across my lips, a night market! I heard Chan chuckle behind me as I was pulled into the organized chaos. Voices exploded from all sides, the smell of various foods swirled around, and a sea of bodies breezed about. I was practically vibrating with excitement, somehow drifting with the crowd as my eyes scanned the various stalls and stores. If it wasn’t for the hand that grabbed my wrist, I would have been pulled with the tide.
“Slow down princess, don’t want you to get lost now,” he chuckled.
      He slipped his hand in mine as I sheepishly smiled at him before we moved together this time. He allowed me to drag him around where he bought me various snacks and sweets. I tried to pay but he used his body to block my way causing me to playfully nudge him after every time. Chan showed me a few of his favorite stalls as well, one which sold boba and was the only one I was successful in paying at because I may or may not have hid his wallet in my pocket when he asked me to hold it. I gave him a cheeky smile when he realized and he scrunched his nose with a laugh in return. There was even an arcade like area with a claw machine which I excitedly ran to. Of course I failed miserably but Chan confidently proclaimed he could easily grab the eevee plushie for me. I tried to contain my giggles as his face slowly started to fall as the number of tries continued to go up. After a while I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I promised you that plushie and I’m gonna get it,” he paused for a moment before a devious smirk appeared on his face. “Watch my back?”
      I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head in question, an unsure smile pulling at my lips. The shine in his eyes told me he was up to no good but my curiosity got the better of me. I reluctantly looked around at the people passing by and no one was paying us any attention. I started to hear the sound of metal on metal and the sound of plastic shaking. Before I could turn to see what Chan was up to I heard a man yelling. The next thing I know we are sprinting through the market, the man’s voice drowning in the din of the crowd. We finally slowed down in a park and I don’t know if it was the adrenaline, but a laugh bubbled out of me.
“What just happened?”
“I said I would get you the plushie didn’t I?”
“Did you open the machine?!”
      My mouth dropped as he gave me a triumphant grin while holding up the plushie. He really is something else… this Bang Chan. I took the plushie from his hand with a smile, my eyes travelling over him in this new rebellious light, as he nonchalantly replied.
“I never said how I would get it for you.”
“You are ridiculous. You know that?”
      He just shrugged his shoulders with a goofy smile before he put out his hand. I took it as we walked towards a set of steps, he had one more place to show me. Chan and I have been talking nonstop and everything about it was so natural. We joked, played around, definitely flirted, and something about it felt… right. We were currently talking about movies but my words trailed off as we reached the top of the hill and the view of the distant city lights dotting the landscape entered my line of sight. Chan's low chuckle brought me back from my admiration.
"Sorry… this view is just so stunning!"
"I thought you might've liked something like this," he smiled softly.
      We took a moment to just bask in the beauty of the view. I felt Chan's presence behind me but his warmth only ghosted my skin and the chill of the night air breezed through the space between us. Instinctively I moved closer to him, stealing some of the warmth radiating from him as I continued the conversation.
“Okay but back to my question. As a hopeless romantic I must ask. Which romance plot is the worst in your opinion?”
“Hmmm… probably the whole fake dating thing.”
“What? You don’t find it romantic to pretend to fake your true feelings so you can help your crush get back their ex or some other plot point?” I joke. 
“Yeah no," he laughs, "I just don’t get why it's easy for them to be a couple in front of other people but behind closed doors they can barely face each other.”
“Well if you and I were in a fake relationship,” I started, a playful urge fluttering in my stomach as a coy smile made its way to my face, “yeah we can kiss and cuddle up to each other perfectly fine but when it’s just us two...”
      I took a step towards him, entering his personal space, and the sound of his breath catching in his throat drifted to my ears as I leaned in. Leaving mere inches between us, I pause and look into his eyes before continuing.
“Isn’t it difficult? To be a breath away yet you can’t do anything about it because you don't have to pretend anymore?”
      I give him an innocent smile before stepping away and turning to look back at the city, letting the moment sink into his mind, but in an instant my view of the city blurred. He had spun me back to face him once again, my hands resting on his broad black-tee clad chest to keep myself steady at the sudden movement. His arms snaked around my waist and my eyes trailed up to look at his face which had a cocky smirk playing on his heart shaped lips.
“I wouldn’t know. I chase after the things I want.”
      The deep baritone of his voice sends a delightful shiver down my spine and the warmth emanating from his body almost burns but my mind can’t get enough of it. I was on the verge of losing my mind because of this boy.
“You play a dangerous game Mr. Bang Chan,” I chuckled softly.
“If being with you means danger it’s definitely worth the risk.”
      I can’t help but laugh as I boop his nose. A laugh bubbles out of his throat and the notorious dimple makes an appearance once again. This moment brings a familiar feeling pricking at my chest as our eyes found their way to each other once again. His eyes dropped to my lips for a moment, something that didn’t go unnoticed, as I tilted my head innocently. The distance between us started shrinking. My eyes fluttered closed and my lips felt the warmth of his breath, his lips a beat away… until my phone decided to ring with the annoying voice of Hwang Hyunjin yelling “YAYAYA PICK UP THE PHONE!” The sudden screaming in the silence made us both jump away as a low growl escaped my lips. The haze in my mind cleared and I pulled my phone from my pocket, giving it a well deserved glare.
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Have you been fast asleep And have you heard voices, I've heard them calling my name,
Is this the sweet sound that calls The young sailors, The voice might be one and the same. I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Celeste was up before dawn. Hell, she had been up most of the night, too. Today was the day. No longer under lock and key. A fully vetted member of the medical staff. No longer subject to long, torturous lessons. She was free to practice medicine without the scrutiny of the Quaestor or the Doctor. She was free to leave the palace.
One whole year.
The morning air was cool, and dew slicked every surface. Glittering in the blue morning light, catching the first rays of the sun.
She was wearing a plain white button-down and a blue linen skirt. A knit shawl around her shoulders, more than sufficient coverage for the early morning chill. She stood at the grand gates, waiting for them to be opened for the day along with a smattering of other staff.
She could hear hoofbeats and carriages approaching. It was a part of the morning ritual. You came to the gate if there were errands to be run, or if you were off duty, and you went into town, and the utility carriages would ferry staff back and forth throughout the day.
As the line of carriages started picking up passengers, Celeste hung back, looking for Aedan. He had agreed to meet her and give her the lay of the land. Save for their initial walkthrough of the city when they arrived, she hadn't seen much of it. Whereas he was on regular patrols in the city.
But he was nowhere to be found. She worried, a bit. But then, that was a constant state. Worry. That something had gone wrong.
After the carriages were gone, she sighed, resigned. She would have to wait for someone to return, or walk on her own. She wasn't opposed. She wasn't staying here. She was free, and, by the gods, she would take advantage of it.
She made to leave but heard another carriage approaching. This one, decidedly not utilitarian. Gilded, opulent, with white horses, bedecked in finery.
Lucio's carriage.
The horses slowed to a stop, and the carriage door swung open. A tall, blonde man emerged, beaming. Dressed in his guard's uniform. He gestured grandly. "Milady, your carriage awaits!" Aedan called out, looking very pleased with himself.
Celeste stared at him, then closed her eyes, slowly, swearing under her breath. "Fucking idiot." She shook her head, but steeled herself, and stepped forward.
He bowed to her, reveling in it. She fixed him with a hard, cold stare. He looked up and winked, undeterred, offering his hand to help her in. She took it and stepped inside.
It was all red velvet and gold filigree. Golden roses on the walls, embedded artfully in the luxurious fabric. She sat, marveling at the ostentatiousness. Aedan stepped in behind her and sat heavily, kicking his feet up on the far seat.
"Congratulations, Sissy. You made it!" He said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and leaning in to peck her cheek affectionately. She did smile, then, shaking her head.
"You are an absolute fool, Vernersson. You know that, right?" she chided, playfully.
"Ah, fuck it. The guys in the stables owe me a favor. But, hell. If we go down, at least we're going down together. In style." He squeezed her and released her, crossing his arms behind his head, reclining. "Besides, I can always play it off that we were checking the carriage for signs of sabotage. I might get a promotion."
"Oh, there's a rank higher than lapdog?" she teased, sitting back.
"You wound me." he rolled his eyes. "Speaking of promotions, I heard that you were begrudgingly awarded the rank of Nurse Practitioner. Good on you."
She swirled her finger in the air, dismissive. "All it means is that I don't have to have Valdemar leering at me constantly. Nothing of value has changed."
"That's a blessing," he replied. Valdemar wasn’t someone he’d like to run into in a dark corner. And he knew that’s all his sister had done for the last year. After a beat, he decided to continue. "And what about the Doctor? You still working...under him?"
She shot a dark look at him but didn't reply. Aedan laughed.
Word was fully out. And, thankfully, it had been fallen more on Julian than her. He, the "superior" and she, his "subordinate". Even so, it had mostly been to Julian's embarrassment. There hadn't been any real consequences besides a little shame and a whole lot of blushing.
She had all but hardened her heart to Julian. He had been so contrite, trying his damnedest to get back into her good graces. She had rejected him roundly, and vehemently, each time. Every time it stung. But, she couldn't relent.
"You like the stupid motherfucker. Just...get over it. You don't gotta marry him. He's there. Screw him every once in a while. Helps pass the time." He said, reaching over to tug her hair playfully. She reached back to slap his hand.
"I do not need to take love advice from you. Thank you very much."
They rode in silence for a while. The voices around them rose as they came into the city square, circling the fountain at the center. Even this early, there was quite a gathering of people moving from building to building. They all looked up at the carriage, alarmed. Aedan looked out the carriage windows. "Ooh, yeah. I bet they are shocked. Lucio doesn't get up before noon on most days. Bet this is a surprise."
When the carriage came to a stop, the coachman yelled for Aedan "to get the hell out". He escorted Celeste out onto the street, then went to settle up with the man, the both of them chatting. Friendly. People relaxed, realizing the Count, was not, in fact, in their midst.
She stood in the center of the square, looking at the various avenues. The buildings. The colors. The people.
Aedan came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, giving a squeeze. He bent down to whisper in her ear. "Welcome to the big city. You're gonna love it."
"It's fucking hot," Celeste gasped, leaning against the wall, under an awning. It was sticky. Damp. She hadn't seen the sun much in the past year, and at this moment, she wondered what she had missed about it so much.
They had walked miles together. but Aedan was still just as chipper as ever, chatting with every vendor he came across. A man of the people. Generous and well-liked. She had never gotten to see this side of him. He had embraced Vesuvia in a way she had never been able to.
It felt liberating, but overwhelming all at once to her. So many things to see.
Her father had taken them traveling as children and teenagers, as often as he could. But he hadn't taken them here. Verner had always preferred smaller villages and cities. He loved nature, and could never fully embrace these big meccas. They were never gone terribly long, being so needed at home. She and her mother weren't able to be spared for long stretches, the village's primary sources of medical care.
Aedan was engaged with a girl selling flowers, talking animatedly. She watched him, waving her hand inconsequentially in front of her face, trying to generate some sort of breeze. After a while, he broke away and walked over to her.
"So, I have some business I need to take care of over in Goldgrave. It's a construction hell hole right now. Some stupid project Lucio is working on. I just need to check-in and make sure everyone is on task. You're in the market district. It's fairly self-explanatory. If you have any questions, the baker up the road is a pretty solid guy, he'll point you in the right direction. Here..." He reached into his satchel and produced some coins. "Just in case. There are vendors all over the damn place. Just...be careful. Dock kids are mucking about. They're all pretty harmless, but they're pickpockets. It's a whole thing." He gestured vaguely. "Just...remember, the gates do close the palace at dark. If you're out, you're out."
She put the coins in her pocket, looking up at him, curious. "What's Montag building?"
He rolled his eyes. "Damn sports arena. I don't know. Some stupid bullshit. Wants to watch people knock heads. The thing is ancient, he's just doing some renovations to get it back up and running."
She shook her head. That sounded very on-brand for Lucio. Watching poor fuckers fight...and, for what?
He gave her arm a squeeze. "I'm not sure when I'll see you again, Sis. The schedule's looking a little erratic. But, I'll try to duck in and see you soon."
She smiled, reaching up to pat his cheek. "Love you."
He gave her a half-smile. "Love you more. And if I find out you went to the South End without me, I'm gonna be pissed. I'm taking you to the Raven first." And then he turned to go.
Leaving her to her own devices.
She wandered down the narrow streets. It was shadier, here. The buildings and awnings blocking much of the sunlight. She had stopped at the kindly bakers' stall and picked up a few boules, and a pumpkin bread he had all but insisted she take.
She was mid-stride when she felt something fall on her shoulders. Heavy. And...moving. Slithering.
She froze, and a pair of red eyes came into her view. A skinny tongue, darting out.
She closed her eyes. What was this? Dehydration? Heat exhaustion? No fucking way.
When she reopened them, the little face had tilted, observing her. The damn thing looked amused.
She looked up slowly at the sign above. An apothecary's mortar and pestle, with a serpent wrapped around.
A woman walked past, and she shot her arm out to stop her. "I'm...sorry. Do you know if this..." she jerked her head, trying to indicate her new neck accessory "...belongs here?" she jerked her head towards the shop.
The woman laughed. "Oh, yes! That's the magician's snake. He'll be glad someone's found her." The woman reached, out, rubbing a finger affectionately under the snake's chin. "Oh, you silly thing! Getting Asra all in a dither."
And then she swept away, leaving her alone, again.
With a snake.
Around her neck.
She backed towards the door carefully and reached out to knock, stiff, fist still wrapped around a sack with various baked goods.
Someone called out, muffled, from behind the door. "It's open!"
She pulled a face, annoyed. "Yeah, no. You're going to need to come here, please!" she called back.
She heard rustling, and then the door swung open.
Asra blinked, unsure of what he was seeing. It was the woman from the Masquerade.
She wasn't quite facing the store's owner, afraid to move. But, the fact that they knew her name was almost as unsettling as the damn snake. She swallowed hard, staring ahead.
"I believe this belongs to you." She said, shaky.
"Oh, Gods. Faust." he scolded, reaching his hand out to collect her. The snake coiled around his wrist and up his arm. "I'm sorry. She likes to...fall."  He gave the snake a halfhearted glare, to which she responded by pressing her snout against his cheek.
"Sorry..." Faust replied, flicking her tongue out. A little kiss.
As it disengaged from her, she shuddered. She still felt like it was on her. The sensation of slithering. It sent chills up her spine. She closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure.
She turned to face the snake's owner and was immediately met with another shock. That hair. Those eyes.
"The mask maker." She said, appraising him. She hadn't seen him in full before. His face obscured by the fox mask when they had met previously. But, there was no mistaking those eyes. He was lithe, and his hair was fluffy. Curls and waves giving it volume, but it fell into his eyes. Shaggy, but somehow not unpolished. It looked just as pearlescent as it had the night of the Masquerade. He looked effortless. He wore a white dress shirt, unbuttoned to the navel, sleeves pushed up. He was swathed in various brilliant scarves. That wide, golden collar at his throat.
"Asra," he said, his hand still extended from reclaiming Faust. "And you're Celeste."
She reached up to take his hand, tentative, shaking it. "I'm sorry, I don't recall being formally introduced before."
"That's because you ran away." he teased. "I caught your name from the guy chasing you, knocking over party guests in his wake."
"Ah. Yes. Vocal, that one is." she said, rolling her eyes. "Well, I guess it's nice to meet you. And your...pet. Asra. Faust."
Their hands were still connected.
And neither felt the need to release the other.
Their eyes were locked, and they stood, quiet. People bustled past, going on about their business.
After a beat, Asra shook his head. "I'm sorry...do you want to come in? It's a slow day. I have tea?"
She nodded enthusiastically.  "Yes, tea sounds lovely. I had some pumpkin bread foisted on me. We can share."
He had almost expected her to protest but was delighted she didn't.
He pulled her in after him, and she shut the door.
The shop was cluttered and dusty. Trinkets, vials, jars, boxes, and shiny bits covered every surface. There were beautiful swaths of fabric hanging in the doorframes and in the windows, paired with cobwebs.
She turned to look at him, eyebrow raised. "You are a magician, are you not?" Her eyes glittered, challenging him.
"As are you, if I recall."
"And you let your shop look like this?" She released his hand and gestured vaguely.
His eyes darted around, and he lifted an eyebrow, not sure what she was implying.
She fixed him with an incredulous look. "Come now. At least glamour it so it appears presentable. A couple cleaning spells would put it right."
When he still looked bewildered, she sighed and dismissed him with her hand. "Go, make tea. I'll fix it."
He gave a laugh as he moved towards the doorframe behind the counter, going to settle Faust in and make their drinks.  "You don't have to fix anything."
"Oh, I'm afraid I do," she called after him as he swept out of the room. She couldn't let him go about dispensing herbs...medicine...like this. No wonder business was slow.
When Asra returned, he blinked, taken aback. The room was brighter than when he had left. The haze on the front windows cleared. Everything looked fresh and new. It even smelled different. Everything was still scattered around the room, but Celeste was shuffling through things on the countertop, examining the contents, moving them into distinct categories.
"What did you do?" he asked, eyes still fluttering around the room.
"I cleaned. You're an apothecary. You can't dispense out of here like this." she scolded, not looking up from her task.
"I’m sorry...you know this is my shop, yes?" he said, pushing some of the boxes aside and setting down the teacups. "I have a system. It works fine."
"You have an attack snake and dust. I see no system." she countered.
He wandered the room, examining her handiwork. He hadn't seen such color in the place for years. Not since he had set everything up. It did look...nice. Very nice. He hadn't even noticed that it had fallen into disrepair until he saw it illuminated like this, restored to its glory. He blinked, shaking his head. "Thank you. It's...great."
He turned to look at her. She had a box in the palm of her hand and was rubbing dried herbs between her fingers, bringing them to her nose to sniff.
"Lavender," he said, recognizing the box.
"Well, maybe at some point it was. It's stale. You're not going to get anything out of it. Some poor heartsick son of a bitch is going to be desperately disappointed if you put this in a love charm. I don't even want to think about the insomniacs, begging for sweet relief, putting this ancient stuff under their pillow. It's inhumane."
His eyes went wide. She knew her stuff.
She put the box down and put her hands on the countertop, tapping her fingernails on the surface, looking down, disappointed. "You know, at some point, I'm going to refer someone to you and I need to know that you have what patients need."
"Patients?" he asked, not comprehending.
"Yes, my patients...I...oh. Sorry," she realized, she hadn't properly introduced herself. That was a bit awkward. Especially now that she was taking inventory of his storeroom as she did at the palace. "Nurse Practitioner Celeste." She pressed her hand to her chest. "Palace Nurse Practitioner. Doctor Devorak's...Assistant." She said, struggling with the last word a bit.
"Ahh." He said, everything clicking into place. "So you're a magical doctor. Intriguing."
"I'm a healer. And a midwife. There isn't much call for midwifery in the palace. The Count and Countess don't seem to be in a hurry to produce any heirs. And...I don't practice magic in the palace if you recall." she lamented. "But, we go where we are called. Serving some greater purpose."
He approached the counter and pushed the tea saucer over to her. "How long have you been in Vesuvia? I don't think I've ever seen you in town before."
"Three hundred and sixty-five days as of today." She said, taking the cup. She blew across the top as a precaution and sipped. She lowered the cup, closing her eyes. Making a low "Mm." Obviously pleased.
Asra bit his lower lip, watching her face. She was lovely. Deep Chestnut hair in a halo around her face, feathering out at the edges. A forelock of blonde.  Long, dark, heavy eyelashes. Pointed eyebrows. Sharp cheekbones and a tapered jaw. A long, graceful neck. And those sea-green eyes. Muriel's eyes were vibrant, but hers were hazy. Misty. And, somehow, familiar. Equally beautiful.
"A whole year, and this is the first time I'm seeing you in town?" he asked.
She relayed rudiments of her employment and the year of sequestering in the palace. He listened, seemingly enthralled. When she concluded, he questioned her a bit, trying to suss out the details.
She was as honest as she could be. It felt wrong, withholding from him. She wanted to spill all of it out. But, she didn't know him. She couldn't know that he was trustworthy. Not yet. And, even if he were, would it be worth it to compromise him?
"Sounds like you've had a rough go of it."
She nodded. "All uphill from here, I hope."
He extended his cup to her. "Cheers to that."
She tapped her cup gently against his and raised it to drink. He mirrored her.
She looked into the cup, swirling it, then surveying the tendrils left behind once it was drained.
"Tasseography?" he questioned, skeptical.  "There are better methods of fortune-telling." He reached into his satchel and produced the cards, extending them to her.
She looked up at him, then down at the cards. "Six in one hand and a half dozen in the other."
He laughed, disbelieving.
She shook her head at him. "I'm serious. It all comes from the same place, doesn't it? It's all open for interpretation. Yours just has pretty pictures. Mine is damp leaves."
"Ahh. I'd say mine has a bit more weight." the corner of his mouth was turned up.
She sighed, resigned. "Fine. Read me, Magician."  She lifted them from his hands and cut them a couple times, then handed them back, tapping the top of the deck when he'd taken it back.
He flipped the top card down onto the countertop.
They both stared at it, then up at each other. Her cheeks went red, and the tops of his ears did.
"Well. Hard not to read into that," she said, low.
The Two of Cups.
Asra cleared his throat. "Indulge me for a second." He said, picking up the card and shuffling it back into the deck. He cut the deck for himself and handed it to Celeste, tapping the top of the deck, just as she had. She flipped the card down.
The Lovers.
Celeste a rush of cold that flooded from the top of her head, creeping down her spine. The cards felt like they were vibrating in her hands. She thrust them towards Asra, and he put them down on the counter, staring at them. Looking betrayed.
"...Well, if it helps. I didn't actually see anything in the cup?" she choked out.
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antiquecompass · 5 years
Untamed Fest Day Twenty-Eight: Light/Dark
This was not the first Lan Academy fundraiser Lan Sizhui had attended. Nor would it be his last. It was, however, the first where he was expected to be one of the family hosts, standing in the official greeting line for their wealthy donors. 
This version of the traditional Lan garb was even more elaborate than what he wore to his graduation. He actually needed Jingyi’s help to smooth down all the layers and thread his hair and forehead ribbon through the headpiece.
He was so very jealous of Jingyi is his simple black tux.
“Aww, you poor little heir to a massive family fortune,” Jingyi teased as he smoothed down Sizhui’s hair and placed a kiss behind his ear.
“If I hadn’t been adopted, you’d be in this position right now.”
“I don’t like to think of that version of events,” Jingyi said as he wrapped his arms around Sizhui’s waist. “We never would’ve met.”
Sizhui didn’t like to think of that either, though part of him felt they’d still have found a way, even with the world between them.
He studied them in the mirror, Jingyi’s dark to his light, tall to his...not tall, Jingyi’s new short haircut to Sizhui’s long locks. A study in contrasts to outsiders, but so much of their lives and who they were as themselves, were tied up in each other. 
“I love you,” Sizhui said.
Jingyi’s smile was brilliant--loud--lively, just like him. “I love you too,” he said, voice and eyes soft. 
His arms tightened around Sizhui. “Don’t worry. In a few years, I’ll have to join you officially in the greeting line nonesense. Right now I’ll live comfortably in this tux for both of us.” He breathed into Sizhui’s ear, a tease for later. “But you do look fucking gorgeous. Like something otherworldly. A god of the clouds.”
The greeting line for these fundraisers was the only time Sizhui saw his dad, usually in dark tones for work and formal events, in the white Lan robes. He was currently holding up the line, so many donors eager to talk to the ‘famous writer Wuxian Wei’ and it did the Lan Foundation good to so clearly display his connection to their family and name. Dad only picked one Lan Fundraiser a year to ‘don those mourning clothes,’ and each one always saw a spike in donors and attendees when his official presence was announced.
This year’s greeting line also held another surprise. Uncle Cheng, officially married in now for over a year, stood next to Uncle Xichen, looking even more commanding in his own set of white and light blue Lan robes than Great-Uncle did. Sizhui studied him closer, smiling to himself as he found the hint of a light lavender under robe. He might be married to a Lan now, but Uncle Cheng would <i>always</i> be the proudest of Jiangs. 
He turned his attention back to the donor line. Endured too many pinches to his cheeks and pats to his hands, as long-time members of the Board and annual donors complimented him on growing up so well, graduating high school, getting into college. Most were polite; some were a bit too probing in their questions of whether or not he was still dating that one Lan, the loud one. Every single time he was asked that his eyes flicked up to find Jingyi across the room, making faces at him and trying to get him to break his composure. Sizhui always happily assured the questioner that yes, he was still dating that Lan; yes, the loud one. 
Finally a very familiar face came through the line.
“Zizhen!” Sizhui said.
Zizhen had gone back home after the final graduation party. He had things to handle with his family business, and all the arrangements needed for his move to New Haven. They’d talked of course, plenty of FaceTime sessions and unending group chats, but life had been a little less brighter without Zizhen around.
He looked every inch the Ouyang heir now. His tux was tailored and fitted, making him look years older than eighteen. He wore a dark red tie in the Ouyang colors, with a gold tie pin featuring the family crest. It hadn’t been that long since they’d met in person, not really, but it looked like Zizhen had aged by years.
Zizhen was still Zizhen though, and gave him a soft smile and a warm hug as he pulled Sizhui close.
“Look at you, the Lan Heir!”
“Look at you,” Sizhui said.
Zizhen dropped his head, a blush staining his cheeks. “My parents felt it was best for me to start making myself known at society events. I figured I’d start here.”
“Don’t spend too much of tonight trying to build those social and business connections. We have plans for this weekend, remember?”
Zizhen nodded. “I do. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to it.”
Now Sizhui was the one holding up the line, so he let Zizhen go, keeping an eye on him until he’d escaped the greeting line. Jin Ling and Jingyi immediately crowded around him, stealing him away before anyone could even get the chance. They caught the eye, Jingyi in his dark tux, Jin Ling, in the lighter creams and golds of the Jin family’s traditional dress, and Zizhen, towering above them both, red tie stark and noticeable.
“Oh, what handsome young men,” Mrs. Ritter said as she followed Sizhui’s eyes. “Though not as precious as you, dear,” she said. And then pinched his cheek.
When Sizhui had first heard he’d have to learn how to formally dance in the Lan robes, he remembered laughing and saying it was impossible. It had felt impossible at the time, being years behind his Lan cousins who had been forced into the uniform for formal family events since they could walk. There was too much fabric to keep account of, too worried he was going to trip on his robes, or the trailing ends of his forehead ribbon, or his partner’s feet. 
Now he did it with ease, though he still envied Jingyi and his tux. 
“Swing your partner, do-si-do,” Dad said as he cut in between them, stealing Jingyi away and leaving Sizhui with Papa.
“You’ve done well tonight, Sizhui,” Papa said as the next dance started. “You do the family proud.”
It was effusive praise coming from his papa. Where once Sizhui would try to deny it, head bent and face flushed red, forever worried he’d be found lacking as a Lan, now he accepted it with grace and a nod. 
The Lans had made their choice. They’d chosen him. And he would honor that choice.
Even if it meant what felt like miles of fabric and a hairpiece that weighed a ton.
Papa smiled. “You’ll only have to present yourself like this a few times a year. Your uncles will advise you on the best calendar. They’re far more familiar with the social events in Boston than we are.”
Sizhui was worried about having to attend those, representing both sides of his family, mostly on his own. But he’d have Jingyi.
“Nie Huasiang has requested to help you expand your wardrobe. It would do you and Jingyi well to follow his advice.”
Sizhui did not wince. He would not show weakness, but he had to know when it was coming. 
“And when will that happen?”
“You have two weeks to prepare yourself,” Papa said. “He’ll only encourage Jingyi to explore his more colorful clothing tastes, so it’ll be up to you to try and rein them in.”
Sizhui would need help with that; one of the two he could handle. Both? He absolutely needed a lifeline. Dad would only encourage them, Uncle Cheng would be busy, Mr. Mo might be of assistance, but he also had more fantastical clothing tastes than all of them combined. 
“I’ll see if Cousin Ning is available,” Sizhui said.
“A wise decision,” Papa said. He smiled at something over Sizhui’s shoulder. “I believe we’re about to be interrupted again.”
“It’s just a jump to the right, and a step to the right,” Dad said as he stole Papa away again.
Jingyi laughed as he stumbled into Sizhui’s arms. “I think he’s finally cracked. Though it was hilarious when he tried to cut between Cousin Xichen and Uncle Cheng.”
“Really?” Sizhui asked as he guided them off the dancefloor.
“Before Uncle Cheng could enough open his mouth, Cousin Xichen just looked at your dad and said ‘no.’ I’ve never seen him back away so quickly in my life. I’ll cherish that moment until my end of days.”
Jingyi rested his head against Sizhui’s shoulder once they found their table. “I don’t know how you still have that smile on your face. I’m exhausted.”
“It’s all a lie,” Sizhui said. “I can’t wait until this is over. My head is aching.”
Jingyi checked his watch. “Just a few more hours there, Cinderella. Then your carriage will once again be a pumpkin and you can go back to your t-shirt and sweats norm.” He patted Sizhui’s thigh. “How are those glass slippers working out for you?”
“Keep it up and I <i>will</i> abandon you for some random handsome stranger.”
“No, you won’t,” Jingyi said.
“Fine, not a stranger. Zizhen. He looks like a fine, respectable gentleman.”
“Yeah, if you want your cousin to stab you with one of his arrows, you do that,” Jingyi said.
Sizhui shot up. “What?” he hissed.
“Oh come on,” Jingyi said, voice pitched low. He gestured to the outdoor balcony where Jin Ling and Zizhen were talking. “Surely you recognize the signs by now. Your little cousin’s got himself a big old crush.”
“Holy shit,” Sizhui said as he thought over the last few months. “Does Zizhen know?”
“I doubt it,” Jingyi said. “And even if he did, Zizhen wouldn’t say anything to embarrass Jin Ling.” He took Sizhui’s hand. “Opposites attract and all that. Maybe, in a few years, once Jin Ling’s matured, and isn’t, you know, sixteen, maybe it’ll become something. Who knows what Zizhen’s life will be like then. He could turn out like Uncle Cheng, not really dating until his late-20s. Or, considering his family, he could already have some pre-arranged thing going on to keep his company’s shareholders off his back. You know Zizhen doesn’t like to talk about that stuff. Not with us, at least.”
With them, Zizhen liked to be normal. So, Sizhui would let it rest for now, but he’d be sure to pay far more attention in the future.
“Come on,” Jingyi said. He held out his hand. “One last dance.”
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Nineteen: Look at the Stars, Look how they Shine for You ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Hatake Kakashi, Nohara Rin ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ Previous || Next ]
“Come on, I saved you a seat!”
“You better! Where are the boys?”
“Kakashi was talking to a few other Gryffindors, and you know Obito will just barely make it in time, as usual.” Setting her rat’s cage in one of the spare seats in their cabin, Rin lets the little creature loose. It wastes no time in skittering up her sleeve to rest behind her neck beneath the curtain of her hair. “Don’t worry, he’ll make it. He’s just such a scatterbrain.”
Looking a bit worriedly out the window, Ryū nonetheless keeps an eye out for her favorite Slytherin. At least he isn’t too hard to pick out of a crowd. As she does, she also lets her owl from her cage, the stoic snowy owl giving her wings a stretch. A hand is spared to give her a few fond scritches.
“...bit odd, isn’t it?”
Rin glances up from a book she’s skimming. “What’s odd?”
“...this is the last time we’ll do this. Get on this train and head toward Hogwarts. I know we’ve a whole year left ahead of us, but...it feels like the beginning of the end…”
Rin can’t help but wilt just a bit. “...true. It’ll definitely be strange, not doing so again next year...but at least you and I will be heading into Healer training next year together!”
That gets Ryū to perk up a bit. “True. I’m curious what everyone else plans to do. Obito’s not really talked about it.”
“Kakashi seems to think he’d like to try finding a Quidditch team to play for. But I think otherwise he’d like to try and be an Auror like his father was. He’s gotten the grades for it, but it’s also pretty heavy work sometimes.”
“True...all Obito said was something about maybe finding a place at the Ministry. He’d like to dip into something political, I guess. But beyond that he hasn’t been very specific.”
“Ministry jobs are good! And what about you?”
“Are you going to try and get a place at St. Mungo’s? Or someplace else?”
“...I’m not sure,” Ryū then admits, taking her seat. “...I...did consider seeing if I might be able to work at Hogwarts.”
Rin’s eyes widen. “...is the matron retiring?”
“Not yet, at any rate. But we both worked with her, and...I thought maybe after I finished my training, I might ask her.”
“But...you’d be at the school nine months of the year…”
“It’s just a possibility - I’ve not made up my mind yet. And she might say no, anyway. It’s just an idea I had one day. I might test the waters when we get there. Otherwise...I’m not sure. Call it a pipe dream, but part of me would love to start my own little clinic somewhere...a cozy place compared to something so...busy as St. Mungo’s, you know?”
The other Hufflepuff considers that. “...well, if you do, you know I’d be on board to help! Who knows, St. Mungo’s might be full up. We could go in it together!”
A smile grows across Ryū’s face. “Yeah? Maybe we could!”
It’s then the cabin door opens, and Kakashi makes his way in. “Morning,” he greets, his barn owl screeching softly in greeting. Fubuki replies, making room as he’s released. “No Obito yet?”
“Not yet…” Ryū peers out the window again. There’s not much time left…
“He’ll show up - he’s probably distracted one way or another,” Rin assures them. “I just want to get moving and get some snacks from the trolley - I was late and had to skip breakfast!”
“Oh I’m fine,” she replies, waving off Ryū’s mother henning. “Few pumpkin pastries and some chocolate frogs, and I’ll be fine. Can’t wait for the feast, though!”
Once his things are stashed, Kakashi takes a seat beside Rin, casually laying an arm across her shoulders. Ryū does her best to hide a smile. It’s about time…
As a warning whistle blows from the train and still no sign of Obito, Ryū makes up her mind. Opening the train car window, she asks, “Fubuki, will you try to find him?”
The owl screeches an affirmative, swooping out and over the crowds.
The other two just shake their heads. “Such a nuisance,” Kakashi mutters.
Two minutes later, as Ryū cranes her head out, she spots Obito jogging his way toward them: cat in his arms and owl on his shoulder. “Wait! I’m coming!”
Ignoring Kakashi’s exasperation and Rin’s giggling, Ryū waves an arm. “Over here! Hurry up!”
Fubuki heads in through the window as Obito leaps onto the nearest entry, the train giving a lurch. A few seconds later and he throws open the door, panting and hair askew.
“Late again,” the resident Gryffindor reminds him, earning a glower.
“There was a lady lost on the Muggle side of the platform, I was helping her out!”
“And that was very sweet of you,” Ryū cuts in, giving Kakashi a glance. “But you really do need to be more careful! You almost missed the train!”
Tenebris, settled in her owner’s lap, squints contentedly as Ryū gives her a few scritches behind the ears.
“I know, I know...but I made it, didn’t I?”
As the train pulls away from the station, the four settle in, catching up what they’ve missed from one another over the Summer. Ryū settles quite comfortably against Obito’s side, Rin doing the same with Kakashi. As the chatter mostly goes on without her, Ryū just smiles softly. It took them a while, but...they’re finally all together again.
...for now.
Mulling that over, she jumps a bit as Obito jostles her. “Heh?”
“Rin asked if you went anywhere this Summer.”
“Oh...no, just hung out at home, mostly.”
“Wish you’d’ve come to see me…”
“Dad doesn’t fancy me traveling alone yet,” Ryū replies a bit sheepishly.
“Oh pish posh! You can Apparate!”
“I know...he’s just protective. After we lost Mum…”
Rin softens in understanding, Kakashi glancing aside. Obito, however, seems to consider something as the trolley finally makes its way by, Rin jumping up to get her fill.
“Want anything?”
“I’m all right,” Ryū replies, shrugging a bit.
“You sure?”
“I’ll just mooch off whatever you get,” she assures Obito with a grin.
They all load up on snacks, Rin humming happily as she nibbles a pastry. Ryū and Obito take turns with some jelly beans, the latter making a face as he gets a vomit flavored bean.
As the sun begins to sink and they near the castle, they slip their robes over their clothes and start to pack up. The owls clack irritated beaks at being put back in their cages, Rin’s rat looking just as put out. Tenebris, however, gets to ride on Obito’s shoulder. As the students all shuffle out and onto the thestral-drawn carriages, Ryū can’t help a glance over as Obito seems to fiddle against her side for a moment. But it’s soon forgotten as they get their turn to disembark.
Giving their pulling thestral a greeting pat, she then joins the others in their carriage and watches the castle loom up out the distance. As they make their way in, the group of friends mostly splits to go to their house tables, Ryū and Rin sitting side by side at the Hufflepuff section. Adjusting herself on the bench, she rests hands in her pockets and then notices...there’s some parchment in one. She didn’t put that there, did she…? Fishing it out, Ryū glances around before unfurling it.
Meet me in the Astronomy tower after the feast.
Recognizing Obito’s scrawl, she looks up to the Slytherin table. He’s currently caught in conversation with a few housemates. A bit of a flutter starts up in her chest. It’s not like the pair of them are never alone, or never sneak around to find private quarters, like any couple in the castle. But something about it just gets her giddy. And for once, she’s eager for the feast to be over. But until then, they listen to the headmaster’s speech, digging into the food and enjoying their first night back to the castle...for the last time.
Once she’s had her fill, Ryū lingers at the table, giving many a furtive glance to Slytherin’s. Obito is a slower eater, but eventually she spots an empty plate, glancing up to see him meet her eyes.
Her tummy does a tumble, and with a look around, she abandons her seat and heads - rather than to the Hufflepuff dorm - toward the Astronomy tower. A simple murmur of, “Alohomora” opens the lock to the open air tower, slipping it closed and moving to the railing. The September night is chilly, and she regrets not having worn her cloak, but...well, she wasn’t expecting to come up here.
A few minutes later, the door opens, Obito stepping through and locking it behind himself. Ryū feels her heart leap to her throat, watching him walk up beside her.
“Hey,” she replies softly, cheeks dusted pink. “Did...did you need something?”
Rather than respond with words, Obito spins her around, bracing hands on the railing along either side and locking lips. Almost immediately, Ryū’s knees go weak, gripping his robes’ front for leverage.
“...just needed to do that,” he breathes against her mouth once they part air.
Heavy-lidded, Ryū gives a soft laugh. “And you had me come all the way up here for that…? You’re usually happy with an obliging broom closet, aren’t you?”
“Not very romantic for a first kiss back, though. Thought we could watch the stars for a bit.”
“Now that is romantic,” she agrees, smiling and about-facing. Snuggled back against his chest, she joins him in looking to the sky out over the grounds. The black blanket is speckled with stars, their breath softly pluming in the dark.
“...I’m going to miss this place when the year’s over,” Ryū admits softly. “Hard to believe it’s our last.”
“Mm...it’s been nice. As much as I love my grandmother’s place, there’s nothing quite like Hogwarts.”
Mulling that over, Ryū tips her head back to look at Obito. “Do you...think I could meet her?”
“Your nan.”
He blinks. “...sure? I was...actually going to ask you about, er...meeting your dad.”
“Since you were talking about him on the train this morning.” A hand itches nervously at his face. “...d’you think he’d...approve of me?”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“Well, you said he can be...protective.”
“Oh, that…” Ryū sighs softly. “My mum was killed by Death Eaters when I was very small. He’s just...paranoid about me getting hurt because of it. But no, he wouldn’t disapprove of you. He just might pull the typical tough dad act you, since...well, I’m all he’s got left. But if you were just yourself, I’m sure he’d sit and have a butterbeer with you ten minutes in.”
That gets Obito to snort.
“What about your nan? Think she’d like me…?”
“She’d love you.”
“What’s not to love? You’re sweet, and kind, and adorable. And you put up with me,” he grins.
“I don’t put up with you! I love you!”
The bold proclamation makes them both go pink.
“Well, I...I do,” is her quiet addendum, suddenly shy.
As though sensing she’s losing her ability to put together words, Obito instead snuggles her up in his robes, chin on her head. “...the stars are so pretty.”
“...not as pretty as you.”
“Oh, stop,” she laughs, pushing at an arm as he grins.
“I’m serious, though. Once the year is over, maybe...I could meet your dad?”
“...or it could be over Christmas break, if you want.”
“T-that soon?”
“Or...we could go to your nan’s that time, instead. Or we could wait for both. We’ve got time. Maybe we can write to them and see what they think, first.”
A long period of silence falls, the pair of them just content in each other’s arms as the evening wanes. But as the night grows colder and the castle begins to settle down, they realize they’d best head to their dorms before they get caught out too late.
“It was a nice idea, coming up here,” Ryū offers as they unlock the door. “Maybe we’ll do it again.”
“I wouldn’t mind it. Especially if there’s more snogging next time.”
She snorts, gently shoving his arm. By some grace, they make it to the main hall without being seen, then needing to part ways.
“Well...night, then.”
“Goodnight.” Stepping up on her toes, she gives him another light kiss, smiling before retreating back toward the kitchens, Obito descending into the dungeons.
There’s still students up in the common room when she gets there, slinking in and trying not to be too noticeable. But Rin catches her right away.
“You’re out late,” she teases, lips curled knowingly.
“Went for a walk,” is the evasive reply, getting a sarcastic hum in reply.
“Is that why your cheeks are so pink?”
Ryū gives her a look. “...it’s a bit chilly in the Astronomy tower,” is her cheeky response, laughing as Rin’s eyes go wide.
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     Aaand more Harry Potter verse because both Meg and I are in love with it xD And because stars = Astronomy tower, of course! A bit further along in the very random timeline, with talk about careers...and meeting the family. Hoo boy! We'll have to see how things play out there...heh heh~      Anywho, not too much else to note about this one! Thanks for reading~
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i dare you to make a oneshot about the GHC with anyone of your choosing on a haunted hayride but it CAN'T be about tyrus hehehe
((i dare you to read this story without smiling then, anon. challenge accepted ps there is some tyrus but it’s like mentioned))
“It’s right around here,” Andi squealed, dragging Buffy by one hand and Cyrus by the other (and TJ, indirectly, since Cyrus was holding his hand).
“This is ‘the world’s most terrifying Halloween experience?’” Buffy scoffed, crossing her arms when Andi released her hand.
“It’s better once you’re actually on the hayride, genius,” the girl joked, tapping Buffy’s nose lightly and skipping over to the man with the tickets.
Instinctively, Buffy’s hands found a loose curl and she wound it and unwound it around her finger. There was that physical touch from Andi that always made butterflies come alive in her stomach, and her steps a little lighter.
“Four please,” she told the man, sliding her money towards him. Stepping out of the small cabin, the man took his stamper and pressed it lightly to the kids’ hands. The little blue pumpkin meant that they had paid and were ready to go.
“You boys are on trail one, and you ladies are gonna be on trail two,” he explained tiredly, making his way back into the little shack.
“Isn’t there a way we can all be together?” Cyrus piped up, but the man shook his head.
“Sorry. Each ride was only able to sit two more people, since it’s one of the busiest times of the year. Enjoy.” And with that, he closed the door and returned to his station.
“That’s a bummer,” Buffy sighed, her breath out a little shaky. She was going to be alone with Andi on a haunted hayride? If it weren’t for there being other people on the ride she would have taken this for a date.
“It’s alright. TJ and Cyrus get to have a little date,” Andi joked, grinning when the boys’ faces turned a bright red, “and we get to hang out like friends should!”
Buffy opened her mouth to say something but quickly clamped it down at the word ‘friends’. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew that she and Andi were just friends. Yeah. they gave each other gifts and would lean against each other’s shoulders when watching movies, but that’s what friends did.
“Right, friends,” she repeated lamely, curling and uncurling her toes in her shoes, “should we get going?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. We’ll see you guys later! Bex is gonna pick us up at the entrance with the pumpkins,” Andi reminded them, grabbing Buffy’s hand once again and leading her down the trail.
As if on cue, Buffy felt butterflies erupt in her stomach, and no matter how hard she tried to quell them, they persisted. She wondered what would happen if she just adjusted her hands to fit Andi’s, interlocking their fingers.
Before she could get too far into her fantasy, the duo arrived at the location with a sign that read ‘Trail 2′. Mounting their way onto the carriage, they found an empty haybale and took their seats.
“This is so exciting!” Andi gushed, releasing Buffy’s hand and using hers to drum her fingers on her thighs, “you ready to be scared?”
“Please,” Buffy scoffed playfully, pushing her loose curl behind her shoulder, “I’m tough as nails,”
“Okaaaay,” Andi grinned, unconvinced, “but when you grip me so tightly that I lose blood flow, I’ll say I told you so!”
“Yeah, right,” Buffy squeaked, her cheeks burning; thank goodness it was getting darker.
After the rest of the people were loaded on to the wagon, their driver, dressed as a zombie, gave a quick spiel about what they were to expect and that if anyone felt truly uncomfortable during the ride, they could return back.
“Ready?” Andi asked, her eyes glimmering in the moonlight.
“Totally,” Buffy replied out loud. Not, she added to herself.
The first part of the trail wasn’t so bad; a few zombies here and there limping after the wagon, as well as some automated werewolf sounds.
As soon as they passed the lamp post, however, things changed. It got much darker, and it seemed impossible to see anything, were it not for the lights at the front of the wagon.
“Run!” screamed one of the people, attempting to climb onto the wagon. A few people shrieked, and others took sharp breaths in, but for the most part, Buffy and Andi were not alarmed.
“Not scared yet?” Buffy taunted, earning a playful punch from Andi.
“Not in the slightest,” she affirmed, crossing her arms and tilting her head up. Suddenly, one of the vampires started to crawl up the side of the wagon, his hand snaking around the wooden board that Andi was leaning on.
“Boo,” he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her neck hairs.
“Ahh!” Andi screamed, swatting the man away and clinging onto Buffy for dear life, her heart threatening to leap out of her chest.
Buffy didn’t move; tentatively, she allowed her hands to wrap around Andi’s torso, feeling her friend’s entire body shaking.
“Now who’s the scared one,” Buffy joked, feeling Andi grip onto her jean jacket a little tighter, “I’m just teasing.”
“Make it stop,” Andi whispered through shaky breaths, shutting her eyes tightly to refrain from crying, “I just-”
The short-haired girl was cut off by another zombie clamoring up the side of the wagon, this time choosing to eerily toy with both girl’s hair. Buffy simply flicked the hand away, but Andi broke out into another blood-curdling scream so loud that the people on the other trail probably heard her.
“Andi, are you okay?” Buffy asked gently, soothingly rubbing her friend’s back.
Andi shook her head, dissolving into tears and burying her head into Buffy’s jacket. Her hands were trembling uncontrollably and she could feel her breath coming in short bursts.
“Hey, look at me,” Buffy murmured, her soft eyes locking with Andi’s. Even in the pale light, she looked so terrified, like a child who’s lost their parents in a grocery store. “You’re going to be okay. I’m right here,”
Andi’s lower lip wobbled, and she really wanted to believe Buffy, but she couldn’t. Without a second thought, she took Buffy’s hand and interlaced it with her own. Her shoulder rested on the curly-haired girl’s shoulder, taking in her scent of lavender shampoo.
“And here I was thinking that I’d just be laughing this all off,” Andi muttered, defeated, “I-I’m sorry, this is pathetic,”
“You’re not pathetic,” Buffy assured her, resting her head on Andi’s, “I mean, this is meant to be scary, so they’re doing a pretty good job,”
“You don’t seem scared,” Andi noted, tensing a bit at the howling of werewolves in the distance.
Buffy bit her lip at that, her heart pumping a little faster. “I-there’s other things that I’m scared of,” she admitted, trying her best to keep it vague.
Andi let out a huff of a laugh. “Yeah, right. If this doesn’t terrify you, what could?”
Was this really how it was going to happen? Buffy was going to admit that she liked Andi on a haunted hayride? While both of their emotions were on high?
“I-I like someone,” she began, and Andi’s head immediately popped up, her bloodshot eyes suddenly filling with glee.
“Oooh, Buffy has a crush,” she teased playfully, “what’s he like?”
Buffy grimaced, her free hand wandering up to her loose curl again. “Well, uhm…she’s great,”
“Oh,” Andi replied, with no inflection in her voice, “what’s she like?”
Buffy blinked once. Twice. Three times. “You-you don’t care that I like a girl?”
“Why would I-” she began, before the wagon started to go over a bumpier path, jostling the people in the wagon around. Amidst all the chaos, the girls were tossed around until the road smoothed out, and they were facing each other, a few inches separating their noses.
“Uh, w-why would I have a problem with that?” Andi stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Feeling the other girl’s warm breath on her face made Buffy shiver. A part of her brain was screaming at her to back away, but somehow she didn’t change the space between her and Andi.
“Cold?” Andi giggled, her eyes flicking down to Buffy’s lips for a nanosecond; Buffy thought she imagined it.
“A little,” she mumbled, her eyes widening once she felt Andi taking her hand, linking their fingers.
“Better?” Andi asked, the gentle glow of the lamp posts highlighting her features; her adorable nose, her crinkling eyes, and of course, the way her lips curved. All Buffy could do was nod slowly, her eyes never once leaving Andi’s face.
“Still scared?”
Buffy’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment, inhaling sharply before responding. “Yeah. It’s stupid I just…I hate having to deal with crushes because they’re so confusing,”
“I get it. That’s how I felt around Jonah and Walker, and then when I was talking to Amb-”
“How weirded out would you be if I said I had a crush on you?” Buffy cut in, shutting her eyes tight and bracing for impact.
The only sound that followed was the groaning of zombies and a few strangled screams from the other people on the wagon. How fitting, thought Buffy.
“I’d say I think it’s ridiculous you haven’t told me so that I could make you a bracelet,” Andi chuckled, squeezing Buffy’s hand gently.
“Jokes aside…do you like me too?” Buffy dared herself to ask. Vulnerability was not her strongest quality.
And maybe it was because of the bumpiness in the road. Maybe it was because of the magic in the air. Maybe it was fate. Whatever it was, it caused Andi to surge forward and connect her lips with Buffy’s. Curse the darkness for causing her to almost miss, but she adjusted. It was like Buffy expected her first kiss to be; a little awkward. But it was also way better than her expectations.
Another bump in the road tore the two apart, and although there was minimal light, Andi could just make out Buffy’s blush.
“So…I take that as a maybe?” Buffy joked, slinking her free arm around Andi’s waist.
“Oh, shut up,” Andi murmured, nestling her head into the crook of Buffy’s neck. Before they knew it, the ride was over, and they were approaching the entrance.
“Thank you all for coming! We hope to see you again soon!” The man driving the wagon waved to all of the people, driving away when they had all unloaded. Hand in hand, Buffy and Andi started to make their way to the pumpkin entrance.
“Hey guys!” TJ called, half running half walking to make sure that Cyrus was able to keep up.
“How’d it go?” Andi asked cheerily, spotting Bex’s car in the distance and waving her over.
“Never. Again,” Cyrus whimpered, burying his head into TJ’s chest.
“How about for you guys?” TJ asked, eyeing their hands.
“You could say that we conquered our fears,” Buffy giggled, heading into Bex’s car.
“Did you all have fun?” she asked, signaling to leave the farm.
“Yes!” TJ, Buffy, and Andi exclaimed in unison, while Cyrus groaned “No!”
tag list: @shortstackofpeaches || @seanna313 || @geekingbeautytx || @heavenlybyers || @ghostswasp || @wlwandimack || @giocondasstuff || @lemonboytyrus || @adorejrizzle || @swingsetboys || @ifellintotyrushell || @idk-dude-17 || @rbf-lesbian ||​ @marianara-sauce || @kaptainjinxz || @alex-poster-pizz
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razziliciousart · 6 years
It was my first time I had been trusted to sell wares alone. I had turned twelve only weeks earlier, and my mother had finished weaving all our wool into spools of yarn and thread. Father had had a bountiful harvest that left many sizable pumpkins in my care to sell. But mother was close to giving birth to my sister, and father needed to be near when it happened to take care of her. So he entrusted me with the city business. I had never been to the city alone. I had only gone with mother, and she made sure to keep me in the safest areas. It was exciting and frightening all at once. But I knew I would be alright. I was bright and charismatic, if I do say so myself. Our family donkey, Stella, was strapped to the covered wagon stashed with wool goods and pumpkins. I had packed coin from the kingdom I would be visiting, and some essential items for a weeks travel. 
It took two days and one night to reach the city. And another day to set up my wagon and booth. Luckily, with winter approaching, the wool goods sold quickly. As did the pumpkins, since many enjoy a nice pumpkin stew on cold nights. I decided to spend my final day exploring the city, maybe using a bit of coin to buy some foods for the trip home. I had spent coin on fresh bread and come cheese and eggs and vegetables. I would make bread bowl stew for dinner tonight instead of eating the same leftover tavern soup. On my way back to my wagon, movement caught my eye in a dark alleyway. I glanced over and gave a soft horrified gasp when I saw the skeletal figure of a nearly naked boy huddled against the wall. The air was chilled and he had no source of warmth. And his body looked so frail and brittle, though he was probably my age. How could these people walk right past this boy without a second glance? Was this normal for a kingdom? I decided to do something.
I rushed to my wagon and found a warm wool coat mother had made me along with wool socks I typically wore to bed. I used the things i bought to make two bread bowls. One bigger than the other. I brought the bread bowls and clothes back to the alley and stepped into the shadows, sitting right beside the poor boy, "Here" i said, setting the things down, "I brought some things for you" i pulled out the socks, "These are wool. Straight from the sheep my mother raised. Theyll keep your toes from chilling" i set them in his lap, "And this-" i pulled open the coat and draped it over his form, "Same wool from the same sheep. Itll help keep you warm" i lifted both bread bowls and offered him the larger one, "Eat up. I just finished making it. Its cheese, eggs, vegetables, bread, and some pumpkin from my fathers harvest" i smiled to him, turning to my own bread bowl to eat it.
"I cannot believe this kingdom. So many people just walk right past those in need and dont even turn their heads. So awful!" I scoffed, "I dont understand how they can be so apathetic. So heartless." I shook my head and ate a bite of my stew, leaning back on the wall and looking at the boy, "Hey. I want you to promise me something, ok? Promise me youre not going to give up, ok? Things are hard, but thats just how life is. Youve gotta fight and bite and claw your way. Youve gotta fight for a better life. I want you to promise me youll do that, ok? Thatll be your payment to me for the food and wool. That youll live a better life." I said, smiling to him, "Maybe when we're older and youre big and strong and living your life, we'll meet again! And I can show you my family farm and all our animals" i told him. He watched me with wide eyes as he pulled on the clothes, scarfing down the bread stew hungrily. Just before I left, he caught my skirts, "I swear to you" he said, voice hoarse and ragged with fatigue, "I will fight. And I will become strong and I will find you and protect you" he told me. I smiled and took his hand from my skirts to give it a gentle shake, "Its a deal, then"
I dont know what happened to that boy. After we finished eating, I said goodbye and returned to my wagon. And Stella and I returned home the following morning. My parents were proud of me for my success in the city, and I got to meet my baby sister, Tyaila. We called her Ty. For her first birthday, I had decided to try my hand at making herbal remedies. This one would turn her tongue blue, which I knew would delight her. In doing so, I found a passion in making such remedies. I spent my adolescence learning the craft and helping my parents sell their wares as well as mine.
Im now twenty four. In my prime and at a marriagable age. But I wasnt worrying about that, I wanted to perfect my craft and find a man I loved. I wanted my sister to know she could find value in her own achievements without being a wife. My sister... she was twelve now. The same age I had been when I met that poor boy. I hoped he was doing well. I hoped he was successful and had a warm home. Now that I looked, Ty looked almost identical to ne when I was that age. Except she kept her hair short. I was currently outside with my sister. A week ago, one of our sheep had given birth to a small lamb, who had decided I was his second mother. While a selkie chicken we had was his second father. My sister and I were giving the lamb a good brushing. We didnt typically brush the sheep, but he had been a naughty lamb and rolled in the mud. We had to clean him up. 
A distance sound pulled my attention from our actions. Further in the village, where most trades happened, i saw a pillar of smoke and heard screams. Mother and father were currently there. But something felt wrong. My heart began to thunder in my ears and my brain was telling me to run. Pick up Ty and run. But my legs wouldnt listen. More smoke rose. Ty stood at my side, the lamb in her arms, "Sis?" She spoke. Thats when I saw it. Armored men on horses. Swords and torches in their hands. I gasped, eyes wide. People of our village were fleeing on mules and in carriages, desperate to save their families. I made Ty set the lamb down and lifted her in my arms before running, leaving the gate to the sheep pin open. They could escape. We could find them later. 
I caught up to a fleeing carriage, kissing my sisters cheek before throwing her into the wagon. The woman driving it was a neighbor, who I knew would keep my sister safe, "Ill find you, I promise" i told her. But first, I had to find our parents. I swallowed the lump in my throat before rushing back to the village. Everything was in flames. And among the flames, i found no signs of my parents. The voices of the men grew louder. I had to run. I would find them later. And together, we would retrieve Ty. As I fled, i noticed our newborn lamb standing helplessly beside a slain sheep. His mother. Our chicken perched on his back. With a curse, i lifted the lamb and bird, running from the flaming village with a small group of other villagers. A group would be safer to flee with. 
One of the soldiers, wearing the fanciest armor and largest horse, came chasing us. He didnt take long to catch up and cut off our group. Everyone dropped to their knees and dropped their heads, hoping to be spared. Except me. I stood with my lamb and chicken in my arms, breath shuddering as I stared up at the mounted soldier, his horse pawing the ground like a beast from hell. I swallowed thickly and held the animals closer, a defiant scowl on my face as I glared up at him. The other soldiers were quick to catch up on their own horses. And I felt a sudden pain on my back as one kicked me to my knees, "Learn your place, wench!" He spat. I grunted as i fell to the ground, using my body to shield my animals from the soldiers.
The other soldiers dismounted their horses, approaching me as i glared at them. I could almost hear their smiles under their helmets as they came closer, hands on their swords. I was prepared to face their worst. "Lay a hand on her and it will no longer be attached to your body" a booming ice cold voice said. I looked up when I realized it came from the soldier who chased after us. My body went rigid as the soldier dismounted his massive hellish stallion and weaved through the other villagers as he approached me, "I have been searching for this one for a long time. Take the others away" he ordered. The soldiers nodded and rounded up the other villagers. I watched as they were led back to the other captured villagers. This wasn't a good sign. I feared the worst from this soldier.
He came closer, reaching an armored hand out. I took the opportunity to strike a leg out, aiming for his groin, but his opposite hand caught my ankle before it met its mark. I gasped and stumbled at the sudden imbalance and he was quick to pull me by my leg and into his arms. I stared at the helmets grate wide eyed in shock at the sudden closeness. I could feel his eyes on me. This was definitely not good. Lucky for me, the chicken currently caught between us began to peck aggressively at his armor, making him pull back from me to get some distance. We were silent as we observed one another carefully before he finally spoke, "I have been looking for you for so long... Those eyes, that hair... and sheep... You must be her..." he reached up, pulling off his helmet. Shaggy dark locks shook droplets of sweat as he shook his head free, narrow golden hazel eyes gazed down at me. He looked... terrifying... he gave a hollow smirk before bowing at his waist, an arm over his chest, "I kept my word" he told me, "I fought. I bettered my life. Ive dedicated my life to becoming strong. I can protect you. Provide for you." He continued, standing straight again.
Recognition flashed in my eyes. This man. He was that small peasant boy? That frail skeletal child at deaths door? My eyes examined his face and down his body. Even with the armor, I could tell he was no longer the brittle child cowered in the shadows. My first thought was relief. Relief that the boy I assumed to be dead was, in fact, alive and thriving. That relief was quickly turned to fury as I realized the boy I showed compassion to became a cold blooded soldier, attacking helpless farming villages and burning homes to the ground. My hands shook with rage and I lowered myself as calmly as I could to set down the two animals in my arms, standing up straight again, "So this is what became of you" i spoke. He nodded, opening his mouth to speak, but was interrupted when i struck him with an open handed slap across his face. "How wonderful it is to have a boy you helped return twelve years later and burn your fucking village to rubble!" I snapped. He held a hand to his face and stared at me in shock for a moment, "I thought you would become a merchant or farmer, not a monster!" I continued. His face turned from shock to a steely calm. The other soldiers returned, telling him of the other villagers being captured. He nodded and waved them off, his gaze never leaving me. He stepped closer as they left, and no amount of steps back stopped him from throwing me over his shoulder and onto his terrifying steed. He got onto the horse behind me, his armored arms moving to either side of me to hold the reigns as he rode to catch up to the other soldiers.
I couldnt look at the other villagers as they watched me on the horse while they walked in bonds. How did they see me now? What was I going to do? These soldiers would surely kill me if I tried to run again. And this man, as horrible as he was, had decided I was his prize. I was silent as night fell and we approached a camp. Many tents scattered the area with horses and carriages and worst of all- more soldiers. In the back, more villagers were bound to a large fallen log, where the villagers from my village were brought and added to the group. The man behind me dismounted the horse. Perhaps I could escape. Grab the reigns and run before he could react- hands grabbing my waist and pulling me down from the horse ended that thought. I pushed him away from me roughly once my feet were on the ground, giving him a glare of death.
I brushed my hands on my skirt and turned to join the rest of my people at the log when the man caught my arm, "No" he said, "My tent is this way" he pointed. My blood ran cold and eyes widened as he pulled me along. His tent?? I would be staying in his tent? This wasnt good. My mind raced with every horrible thing he could do with me trapped in a tent. He pushed me through the flaps once we reached it before following behind me. Inside I saw a bedroll, scattered clothing, some weapons, and a small desk with papers ontop. He cleared his throat, making me look up at him, "Ruben" he introduced himself, giving another bow at the waist. I turned away from him, my body rigid as I waited for what was to come. He stood straight, turning from me to begin removing his armor, "You take the bedroll. I will make sure none disturb your rest." He spoke as the last piece of armor dropped to the floor. He wore simple trousers and a tunic underneath, both soaked and sticking to his form from sweat. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh, "If you need something to sleep in, I can give you one of my tunics-" "I would rather sleep naked in an ants nest" i interrupted harshly, refusing to look at him.
Ruben sighed and nodded, "Very well. I will leave you to rest as you like. I will be just over here. I suggest not trying to leave, though. The other men are... Not to be trusted. Especially not with a maiden like yourself..." he said. I scoffed, "As though youre trustworthy" i muttered, though I knew he heard. A frown settled on his face and he silently turned to take a seat at his small desk, eyes roaming the papers. I examined the tent for a long while, trying to think of a means to escape. I had to find Ty. I had to find my parents. None of them had been with the other captured villagers. Does that mean they escaped? Gods, i hoped so. I folded my arms across my chest, fingers grasping my arms until my knuckles were white. What was I going to do? How was I going to escape? As the night wore on, I could feel fatigue weighing my eyelids down. No... I had to stay awake. I couldnt allow myself vulnerability around these beasts. But before I could stop it, i found myself laying on the ground, eyes closed and breathing steady.
Ruben looked away from his papers to watch the woman sleep on the ground. She was beautiful. Just like the day he met her. He had been serious about his vows. To protect her and take care of her. How could he do that when she rejected him so harshly? This wasnt the reunion he dreamt of for so long. Had he realized the country his king decided to attack was in fact her home, he wouldve never agreed to lead the kings army. But it was too late now... wasnt it? For her, he would turn on his king. For her, he would fight every soldier he considered a comrade. For her, he would dismantle the entire kingdom's hierarchy. For her, he would do anything. She was worth it. Rebellion wasnt beyond him. He stood from his desk, leaning down. One arm carefully tucked under her knees while the other cradled her body to his chest. She released a soft sigh, making him freeze until he was sure she hadnt woken. For a long moment, he stood with her in his arms. Relishing in her warmth. Her intoxicating scent. Her weight against his chest. He watched her sleep. Such soft plump pink lips lightly parted. Long eyelashes curled like a butterflys wing. Rosy cheeks so soft and plump. She looked even better this close. He slowly walked to the bedroll and laid her down, pulling the cover over her up to her shoulders. He pushed her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear and watching her sleep. And he decided.
Her love was worth a rebellion.
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valkirsif · 6 years
Unthinkable CH 16/???
Tom Hiddleston x reader
word 3500
warning nothing
"They really know how to pamper you here" said Gian taking the box of chocolates next to the flowers, "They are delicious..Poppy are your favorite salted caramel!" laughed feeding it, Y/N let loose that delight on the tongue, they were perfect he loved the contrast milk chocolate with salted caramel burnt,
"Gian you're right, they're delicious, I could swear by hand," she answered, taking another, "Rice the front desk left a note,"said, passing the envelope to his friend and bringing the flowers to their room, undressed, took a towel and went into shower before yielding to the desire to call Tom, the day had been wonderful and intense but her mind was continually returning to him and see the sunflowers did not help, let herself be lulled by the hot jet letting the tears fall, had locked the door of the bathroom wanted to be alone at least the time of the shower to be able to depress and cry without anyone trying to console or embrace, she loved her family but felt the need to isolate herself for a few minutes, feel someone press on the handle,
"All right Poppy?" Rice's voice muffled by the jet, she opened the shower to answer trying to mask the sadness in her voice, "Do not finish all the hot water," replied the friend, remained in the steam almost 20 minutes before to go out and reach the others in the room wearing only the cloth,
"Here you are Queen of the Dragons, we were deciding for dinner," Gian said, taking her in his arms, Y/N smiled and rocked like a child,
"What are your options?" she asked, looking at the room service menu, it was almost 10 pm,
"Simo would like to go to dinner in Snow White's restaurant, Niko and Marco would like to go to the Star Wars section ... we're a bit undecided," Rice said, flicking her tuft, "Where would you go?"
"Honestly, I'm destroyed if it's not a problem for you I would order something at the hotel," the woman replied, yawning, "But you go, I do not want Simo offended," she laughed, clinging to Gian for cuddles.
"Are you sure you do not want us to stay at the hotel?" Gian whispered caressing her,
"Quiet get out and have fun if you have the strength, I gave for today" she replied, could relax, cry and fall asleep before the others returned, the group decided for Snow White and got ready to go out,
"Are you sure you do not want to go out?" Rice had her tone between the suspicious and the worried, "Rest with you if you want",
"I order dinner and watch a movie, I'll be fine Lucifer," she said kissing him
"If you change your mind, call me to tell you where we are, Simo would like to go dancing," he replied, kissing her in turn before leaving, finally alone Y/N called room service and ordered dinner and watched the play list of films available,
"I did 30 of us," said to herself, choosing Moulin Rouge, heard a knock on the room service, put on a shirt and let the waiter in,
"You can put it in the hall thanks" led the way to the sofa and thanked the man who smiled and retraced his steps.
Y/N crossed legs on the sofa pressing play and stretching to take dinner, the same as the first night with Tom, frying was not as good as the Parisian but maybe it was just because she had no company to provoke it,
"Good evening could you bring a bottle of champagne please?" said to the meitre of room service, "And also some chocolate strawberries"
"Certainly Madame" replied from the other end of the receiver, Y/N thanked him and hung up and decided to call Chris while waited,
"Hey Sassy boy trouble?" smiled, hearing her friend's always cheerful voice,
"Do not worry," Chris replied, "How's my favorite Disney princess?" he asked, laughing,
"All right, I'm stuffing with crap and I put on Mouline Rouge" she paused the film,
"Mmm and you call this feeling good?" answered doubtfully, "Rice and your friends where I am, I do not hear background noises",
"They went out for dinner and disco I was too tired to follow them, I'm almost 11 was a long day just wanted to relax" heard knocking on the door, "Wait a second champagne must have arrived" she said getting up and taking the bottle without let the waiter in, "Now the evening is perfect ..." said, getting comfortable again,
"... perfect for getting depressed and thinking ... is it true Silly?" Chris's accusatory tone did not go unnoticed, "You can give it to your family, which I do not think works, but certainly does not give me a princess"
"You win Chris, it's all right" she continued to lie, "The fact that the reception has put sunflowers in the room has nothing to do with my evening"
"Silly ... a moment ..." Chris heard the phone, "Hey dude accommodated .. I end a phone call .." Y/N heard him talk but did not understand who, "I'm here a friend came" apologized the man, "You know what I think of this whole thing, I love you and I can not bear to hear you so just because you're afraid to confess what you feel", smiled at that brutality in the voice of the friend, she knew he could count on the sincerity typical of his sign and did not expect an apology as he had done Rice,"
I let you go from your friend Sassy" she laughed heartily for the first time in days, "Hey Chris..thanks "
"Always available Silly" laughed back to the man before attacking, Y/N opened the bottle and pushed play, at the end the film was drunk and in tears, exactly what he wanted.
The others returned to the 4 happy and tired and found her on the sofa embraced the sunflowers with tears still streaked her face,
"Hopefully tomorrow is better" Gian whispered removing them from hand the flowers and taking her in his arms,
"Yeah, I can hardly see her like that but she must handle it as she sees fit" Rice said in a breath raising the blankets so that Gian could put her to bed, covered and followed his friend in the living room,
"I had never seen her in these conditions, your friend really did it in slices" the voice between the worried and angry, "You say that he realizes what he did?"
" I know him well enough to know that he would never do anything like that to anyone, he is the most sincere and loyal man I know," he replied, picking up the fruit,"From what I know it was just fun, I can not give blame Will if she fell in love, also because I do not think she knows, you know her as much as I have not told him anything"
"You should not tell him? So if you are friends you can make him a confidence no?!" Gian asked,
"You're joking and risk that Poppy will take off my head, and anyway I do not think it would seem to have a girlfriend now "
"Then why did you let her stay there? other night?"
"For the same reason that in his day if it had happened to me with Jeanpierre she would let me go, because I love her and it's not right that decides for her" Rice finished in anxiety for Y/N who was sleeping blessed, took a shower and reached her in bed, Y/N clung to Rice whispering meaningless words in sleep, the man squeezed and fell asleep.
She woke up at 10 by the smell of coffee, dragged out of bed thirsty, fortunately the previous evening had left no trail, found the rest of the family around the table that had breakfast,
"Good morning Princess" the happy voice of Rice as passed her cup, "It's almost 10 breakfast and we go out"
"Day guys, thank you Lucifer, what is today's program?" she asked cheerfully, sitting down and reaching for a croissant, "These are the best thing about Paris" laughed while chewing,
"We thought we'd start with the Cinderella musical that starts at 11 if we do," Rice said opening the sheet with the schedules,"Given the hangover of last night I would avoid the rides for a while" he nudged her, everyone laughed,
"I would say it's a great idea honey, I'm fine but I would not repeat the number of yesterday on the 3D roller coaster," she answered, hugging him, "I take a shower and get dressed then," said, going to the bathroom still half croissant in her mouth and the cup in hand, looked in the mirror, her eyes were still swollen for crying but it was not as destroyed as thought, opened the hot water and washed away the night,
"Poppy can I?" asked Rice entering the shower,
"Of course yes, thanks for leaving me alone last night..I needed it I know you understand," Y/N answered looking down, she knew that his friend was anxious for her but had given her a hard time, Rice hugged and washed her hair
"Imagine, I confess it was hard but we have been on too much in recent days I am surprised you did not explode" laughed kissing her head, joking under the stream laughing like children until Gian called them back to the order,
"You two do it in there, do not force yourself to intervene!" roared laughing from the bedroom,
"Sorry papi but it's all because of Rice!" Y/N was justified in the tone of a child who always melted Gian, who in response gave her a spank,"Come on dressed up late" said the friend throwing her clothes, got ready and reached the others now ready at the reception,
"Finally, come on that we are going to be late," said Roby taking her arm and starting, as the day before had reserved seats, noticed the looks of many girls as they came in and got comfortable, "Rice knows that at the end of the show we should get out from behind," Phil whispered looking behind the rows,
"If you are like yesterday's girls no problem" smiled back taking Y/N by the hand and focusing only on the actors, the show was beautiful, Y/N had never heard it in English and she liked it very much, the fairy godmother seemed to have just come out of the film so much was like the cartoon, finished the show waited ch and people had gone out and stopped to take pictures with the cast, Simo jumped happily around Cinderella posing as a worn model, Y/N turned on the phone to make the video that was moved saw the excess of laughter, they had tears in their eyes and were still laughing when they left the theater to look for a place to have lunch, took a seat in the pumpkin carriage and ordered sandwiches and fruit juice, mice on the skids darted carrying trays, was fascinated by the hustle and bustle that were put on stage during the meal, GasGas approached her, kissing shy hand and giving her a rose, Y/N smiled and kissed him on the cheek making him faint in a rather theatrical way, they headed for the Trilly pavilion, a couple of girls stopped Rice who took pictures and signed autographs before reaching the group that was waiting a little further, Y/N was speechless when he crossed the threshold of the pavilion and, it was a giant bubble of glass full of flowers and butterflies of all colors, colored macs made noise on the tops of the trees, huge-billed toucans flew peacefully from one branch to the other, it was a corner of paradise from which it would not come out, followed a fairy in the path between exotic plants and animals enjoying the atmosphere and explanations on fauna and flora, a group of peacocks with the tail well in sight greeted them when they left the pavilion,
"I did not think there could be something so beautiful in a park," Y/N said still fascinated,
"Just because you've never moved from Poppy's house, there are a lot of beautiful places like this," said Niko, among them was the one who had traveled the world more than anyone even more Rice, "I think now that I'm out of Italy I'll turn around a little when I have time," the woman replied,
"You promised that the next trip will be to come to me, I'll count" Phil said, "I'll even take you to the theater" they break them up the hair, the woman answered kissing her and taking under his arm, "Now where is going?" Marco asked looking at the map of the park, there was still a lot to see, "How about Star Wars, Poppy your stomach is fine ? Do you feel like walking around on the Falcon? "
"If it's all right for you I'll wait down, even if my stomach is fine I would not interrupt the positive strip" she laughed as the parade of robots and soldiers paraded before them, she settled on a bench while the others ran to take a seat, she was tempted to follow them but hanging upside down did not inspire her, the woman felt the bag vibrate, opened it and looked in the pile of appliances and wallets by pulling out her phone , there were several messages all in the same tone
§Darling are you ok?§, §Please answer me§,
did not know what to think of all that urgency, Tom did not write often and usually just respond, distracted by the screams coming from the carousel replied with a simple
§This is all good Thomas§
sent the message and waited for the friends to reach it at the end of the race, "Missing someone ?!"  she said getting up to meet him,
"Yes Gian and Simo want to do another round, It was exhilarating!!" Niko still had his hair disheveled,
"Poppy should have come too" Rice took her by the hips and put on his shoulder hopping Y/N burst out laughing, kicking,
"Lucifer but what are you doing?!" she said trying to free herself, "How stupid you are my love"
"I wanted to make you understand what it feels like" laughed, put it back on its feet, went to sit waiting for Gian and Simo chatting, Roby was hungry and even Marco would eat something willingly,
"Guys we had lunch just like you do to be hungry" Y/N was incredulous, they had gorged for less than 2 hours,
"What do you say, it will be the adrenaline post carousel" laughed Roby
"Meanwhile let's eat something we, I'm hungry too," Rice laughed, pointing to the Star Wars Cellar, they entered and found themselves catapulted into the film, smoky and colorful atmosphere, a band playing in the corner, not a band but THE band the original one of the first film, the the orange lenses e the blue skin made its way up to the table and gave them the menu before heading back to the entrance to accommodate other patrons, a smiling, gold-skinned waitress and dragon scales on her bare back took the order and disappeared after filling the cups of coffee, Y/N looked around dreamily, asked permission to take some pictures and sent them to Chris, she would have liked to share those days with her friend as well as with her family, they were eating when a group of imperial soldiers he broke in and started shooting, two jedi answered before escaping from an open window, all the patrons stood up applauding,
"This day is perfect, absolutely perfect!" Marco said, fascinated by the confusion, they were comfortable Gian and Simo had them achieved,
"If there were not yet so many things to be see another ride," laughed Simo excited,"Next stop?" he asked, passing the map, opening it, putting a mark on the carousel and looked at the list, "We could go and see the show," said, pointing to the Star Wars theater, the group nodded they were all curious to see the show from the shuttles and enjoy the play of lights and lasers, they ended up making snacks and ran to the theater, luckily they had the passes and entered through a side door, put the glasses for augmented reality and they relaxed, did not expect such magnificence and technology, during the fights the armchairs moved and inclined giving the sensation of moving with the actors, it was beautiful.
They decided to take a relaxing break after the show, they were all excited and full of energy but lying near the Little Mermaid's pond surrounded by trees in the green seemed to everyone a good idea, they enjoyed the sun chatting and joking, Phil and Roby in threw a jedi fight and did not end up in the lake for a hair escaping squawking a group of ducks, did not give weight to yet another group of fans of Rice, the speaker came from the announcement that the parade of the Little Mermaid was about to start, Simo lightly, took Rice under his arm and dragged him away, he was the one he loved most. Ariel heard him singing before he got near the parade, Y/N shook her head laughing "I'm surrounded by screaming children" thought to herself following the others, dancers dressed in newts and mermaids danced the waltz passing through the crowd, Ariel smiling next to the prince singing greeting from the top of the carriage, Simo followed the dancers letting more of the children involved, followed the parade to the marine park where they witnessed at the dolphin show and saw the oceanic tunnel, sinuous sirens waved from the coral reef tank playing with the bo There and fluctuating between the plants, one of the escorts led the group behind the tanks and could caress the dolphins and swim with them, Y/N was excited as never before had never had so much in such a short time, they remained among the tanks to watching the fish and the corals before returning to the hotel.
Entered the room they found a rack with costumes and a ticket, Rice opened it and after reading it turned to the others who were looking at the clothes,
"Apparently we were invited to a party tonight" he said smiling,
"I put this" Simo had already in his hands a beautiful deep blue princess dress with crystal inserts,
"I think that's for Poppy I'm sorry but you'll have to settle for a man's costume for this time " Gian laughed  giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder as if to console him, Simo was disappointed and looked at the other costumes by choosing one in Alladin style, even the others chose a dress ignoring Rice who tried to give details,
"If you've finished making fashion ..." he said aloud, they sat down on the sofa and listened, "The Avengers are pleased to invite you to the palace tonight to celebrate the opening of the new wing of the park, a carriage will pick you up at 10", the group looked at each other with the other,
"..The Avengers??..",
".. Who knows what it is..",
"..I love your life Rice.." Simo concluded with a hint of envy, Y/N looked at watch
"Guys are already 8 o'clock it will be better to get ready, everyone in the shower!" said in a good mother tone getting up, the groups they split back into their rooms with the costumes in hand, the woman went in the shower first, it was always the fastest and from what she noticed the dress required a certain skill to be worn and this time did not have a staff of people to close hooks and pull laces while waiting for Gian and Rice to take a shower and help her dressing began to settle his hair, the diadem of the dress was badly matched with his short hair, she was trying in vain to keep in her place when saw the wig perfectly placed on a styrofoam head, smiled taking it in her hand, long until the bottom with soft curls, she started from purple upwards, finishing with a tone of blue similar to that of the dress, she put the retina to stop the hair and put it on, was beautiful, put the diadem and decided to pass only a veil of lipstick, the combined mask covered part of her face and could avoid makeup, friends joined her,
"Poppy you could only go out with that and the corset" Gian said admiringly reflected in the mirror, "We are in Disnelyland not a brothel treasure" laughed the woman holding the corset steady, "Would you help me with this please?" she waved him towards the back, the friend approached and closed the long row of hooks, Y/N felt like before the evening of charity, put on the dress and again Gian tightened the laces, the two looked at mirror, the pirate and the princess, and burst out laughing,
"I could think of kidnapping you are beautiful," he said kissing her hand, the woman laughed again and turned around, Rice joined them with her vampire costume,
"Lucifer are sexy from fear with this dress," said, adjusting his coat collar to her friend, they waited for the others and went down to go to the party.
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