#this was not written for valentine's day in particular but i finished typing it up and was impatient
havendance · 2 years
The Prince Who Runs Through the Night
Fandom: Batman
Wordcount: 2509
The figure that stepped out of the shadows and into the flickering light from the fireplace was Talia, holding something in her arms.
“Why are you here?” Helena asked. She didn't need any more pity, any more people pretending they knew how she felt, that they could understand her grief. She had lost her son. Nothing anyone could do was going to make it better.
“I need your help, beloved.”
Helena Bertinelli & Talia al Guhl in a Helena Bertinelli - Bruce Wayne roleswap AU.
Written for the Helena Bruce roleswap au. Happy Valentines day I guess. (Title picked solely on vibes and not the content of the episode I stole it from)
(See I can actually write fic about stuff other than No Man's Land...)
There was someone else in the manor. Helena was aware enough to register the fact, but couldn't bring herself to care about who it was or what they wanted. She doubted it was Dick, not after the argument they'd had. It wasn't any of the staff, not at this hour night. Maybe it was a burglar. Maybe they'd come in and kill her. But then she'd be with Jason, so did it really matter?
The figure that stepped out of the shadows and into the flickering light from the fireplace was none of those. Instead it was Talia, holding something in her arms.
Helena went back to staring at the fire. “Why are you here?” She didn't need any more pity, any more people pretending they knew how she felt, that they could understand her grief. She had lost her son. Nothing anyone could do was going to make it better.
“I need your help, beloved.”
“I don't know why you'd want it.”
A sigh. Footsteps drew closer. Helena still didn't look up. “You are the best suited for this.”
“I'll only let you down!” Helena snapped, finally looking up.
The bundle in Talia's arms began to cry.
“Hush, hush my dear.” Helena could only stare as Talia began to rock the baby in her arms. “Your mother's here.”
“You have a baby.”
“He's yours?”
She nodded.
“Who's the father?”
Talia pursed her lips. “He's not important.”
Helena's brain was starting to turn for the first time in what felt like ages. “Did he—”
“Beloved.” Talia cut her off. “It is none of your concern.” She took a deep breath and then there was a baby being placed in Helena's arms. She found herself shifting automatically, muscle memory taking over as she adjusted her grip.
“Talia, I—”
“Listen,” Talia said, voice low but in a tone that broke no argument. “You know as well as I what the league is like. I can not raise him.” Then, softer. “He's your son now.”
Helena found herself looking down, staring at the sleeping face of the boy she was holding. He was so small, his features so delicate. He was so breakable. She was going to break him. “Talia, I can't.”
“You are the only one I can trust with this.”
“Jason is dead because of me,” Helena said. “I got my son killed and you trust me with yours?” She knew her voice sounded desperate. She felt desperate, everything spinning out of control.
“If you let anything happen to him, I will destroy you.” She leaned down, her hand stroking at the few strands of wispy hair on his head. “But there are few others who can hold their own against father as you do.” Then she straightened up, looking Helena dead in the eye. “Beloved, if you hold dear the love we share, you will do this for me. You will give him the life he deserves.”
Helena breathed out. She felt... tired, not much of anything. A baby meant a lot of things. It meant so much that she would need to worry about later. She'd need to come up with a story, a reason that she had an infant out of nowhere. She knew that she had to say yes. “What's his name?”
“Damian. You'll do it then?”
“Thank you.” Talia bent down, kissing first Damian on his forehead, then standing up and kissing Helena on her cheek. “I am in your debt.”
Helena nodded, unable to say anything while looking down at the baby in her arms. At her son and, God, she wasn't ready to be a mother again. She didn't think she'd ever be ready to be a mother again except now she had to be.
Talia left at some point, retreating back into the shadows, back to the league, leaving Helena alone with Damian, still trying to grapple with the way her life had changed. She needed to call her housekeeper, to ask her to get formula and diapers and all the things that babies needed that she didn't have. She needed to start forging documents and laying the groundwork for whatever story she was going to tell. None of that felt achievable just now though, Damian weighing her down far more than his slight weight should be able to. Just a little longer. She'd stay sitting just a little longer.
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cyanictoad · 2 years
Kayden relationship headcanons (sfw):
So these are just fun little relationship headcanons of how Kayden would be in a relationship. These were supposed to be for Valentines Day but I didn't finish them in time. These are kind of like those one x reader ones you see on here sometimes. I guess these could technically be x reader or you can plug it whatever character you ship him with. All of these are going to be sfw and they may be written a little less formal than my usual writing and they are in no particular order since I just typed them as I thought of them.
When shown any kind of affection, Kayden’s face will start to blush red. Even something as simple as holding hands can make him flustered.
Kayden’s the kind of person that when he has a crush on someone he will just look at them. It’s not that he’s trying to be creepy. He's just a people watcher and is just admiring them while trying to think about what to say.
Poor boy worries too much about seeming weird to his crush
Kayden will try to find any kind of excuse to be around his crush. Even if he’s too busy running his own kingdom, he would try to come up with some type of event to invite them to or find an event where his crush would be at.
He would also try to find things to talk to them about. The way he would do it though is that he would try to get them to ramble about something and he would just sit and listen since he would probably be too nervous to come up with something to talk about on his own and he prefers to listen anyways.
He will invite his partner to see his kingdom at some point in the relationship. I mean after a certain point it is basically his pride and joy since he worked so hard to make it the way it is. (Also a date walking through the forest sounds fun right?)
Kayden is definitely the kind of person to be super affectionate when alone with whoever he is with but in front of others he gets so nervous to even stand close to them.
If Kayden gets a flower (or flowers), he would totally get all red in the face and try to keep it as long as possible. He would try to keep it somewhere where he can look at it all the time.
In fact, give Kayden anything no matter how small and he will keep it forever and cherish it.
Kayden also tries to remember small details about who he’s with. Even if it’s something so tiny that no one else would notice as Kayden’s quite observant
He would notice these details and other things in his partner's routine and memorize it all to help them.
I could probably make more at some point but I wanted to get these posted. This is also my first time writing something like this so let me know if you want more stuff like this 😭
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marlena-immortale · 3 years
Happy Valentine’s Day 💕
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Summary: Your boyfriend Damiano comes home to find you dressed in lingerie on Valentine’s Day.
CW: SMUT, literally the fluffiest sex I’ve ever written and that’s about it, oral sex, dirty talk, and some alcohol consumption 
Word Count: 3.4k
The sound of water boiling alerts your attention back to the kitchen, turning away from the mirror where you’ve been putting on your pretty pink lace lingerie bodysuit, getting ready for your boyfriend Damiano to get back, hoping he comes home early for Valentine’s day. You stir the pasta you’re making and get back to putting together your outfit, pulling on a flowy dress that covers your lingerie perfectly. You take the time to touch up your hair and makeup to perfection, making sure to look your best. Getting all pretty for Damiano is so fun and rewarding for you. The look on his face is always worth it when he gets to see you all made up and your body covered in beautiful fabrics fitted perfectly to your curves. 
You turn your attention back to the dinner you’re making and finish it up, plating the pasta and homemade sauce and pouring out two glasses of red wine, placing them all on the dining table and fidgeting with them until they’re lined up with each other. You’re not usually so particular with these types of things but you just want everything to be perfect for your first Valentine’s Day with your boyfriend. Plus, you love the chance to put all of your attention into something creative and fun.    
Just as you put the finishing garnishes on the pasta, you hear the front door being unlocked and a smile immediately makes its way onto your lips. Excitement flourishes in your chest and you resist the urge to run over there already, and instead wait for Damiano to come to you so you can present the dinner you’re so proud to show him. 
You count the footsteps as they get nearer and nearer to you. You wait in anticipation until he appears in the doorway with a big smile on his face after looking you up and down, and a big bouquet of red roses in his hand. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day baby,” Damiano greets you, handing you the bouquet and placing a gentle kiss on your lips. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day Damiano,” you respond, “I love you.”
“I love you too y/n. You look stunning,” he says, parting from you to get a better look and you put the flowers down to show yourself off instead. “Give me a little spin, lemme see the whole look,” he adds, holding your hand as you twirl around. His eyes rake down your body, taking in all of your beauty. When you turn back around you see his eyes still cast down, very obviously from staring at your butt. 
“Like what you see?” you tease and he looks back up at your eyes, smiling and pulling you in close. 
“I definitely like what I see, now c’mere so I can wrap you up in my arms and hug you forever,” he says, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing. You indulge in his warm presence and sway side to side with him, enjoying the feeling of being safe and protected by him in the little bubble the two of you exist within right now. 
You regretfully peel away from him placating his whiny protests of separation by saying, “I need to put these beautiful roses you got me in some water. Why don’t you set the table while I do that?” He rolls his eyes but obliges.
“Aww baby, you cooked me my favorite dinner?” he shouts from the dining room.
“Mhm, just how you like it,” you add with a wink. After putting the roses in a vase of water, you walk over to the table, sitting down across from him. 
Damiano takes a few bites and dramatically moans around the fork. “Mmh fuck, this tastes amazing,” he compliments.
“Calm down bud, save those moans for later,” you say with a wink and a laugh. You both eat dinner, pleased with each other’s company. Even when you’re done eating, you just sit there staring at each other with silly little smiles on your faces.
“Thank you again for dinner baby, it was wonderful,” Damiano says, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. 
“Of course, I wanted to make tonight special. I love you so much,” you say, stroking your thumb over his knuckles.
“I love you so much,” he responds gazing into your eyes for a moment longer, “now c’mon, let me clean this up and we can finish our wine in the bedroom”.
“Oh Mr. David, are you trying to get me in your bed? I’m absolutely scandalized!” You can’t even get the words out without breaking out into laughter. 
“Very funny y/n, come help me bring the dishes to the sink so we can get done faster,” he says and you go to help, realizing that you can’t get him into bed fast enough. 
“Let’s worry about actually washing these later,” he says when he feels your arms snaking around his waist. 
“I think that’s a great idea,” you whisper against his neck. He turns in your arms and takes your face in his hands placing a big kiss on your lips. 
“Ok, now I’m ready,” he says while picking you up bridal style and power-walking all the way to the bedroom, unable to stop himself from leaving little kisses all over your face. 
Once in the bedroom, you immediately start desperately trying to rip his clothes off, wanting to see him in his beautiful naked form right this second. Even though you see him nude quite often and many times in a non-sexual context, his body will always be a masterpiece to you every single time you get the chance to lay your eyes on this gorgeous man. 
“Relax, we have all the time in the world, let’s slow down and enjoy this moment,” Damiano says, holding your hands still on his body. “It’s Valentine’s Day, I don’t wanna rush things. I don’t just want a quick fuck, I want to make love to you tonight”. You just about melt right there on the spot hearing these words in his raspy voice. It makes you feel so loved and cared for but at the same time, so fucking wet. The lingerie you put on earlier is starting to get uncomfortable now that you can feel it sticking to you, damp between your legs. The fire that has already been started within you is now burning wildly with the desire to let this man take you however he pleases. 
You take his hands in your smaller ones and place them gently on your waist, hoping to convey that you want it gentle and loving too. He pulls you closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head, understanding exactly what you meant. You’re grateful that the love shared between you can be communicated without words, knowing exactly what the other means without having to guess. 
Damiano slowly peels your dress off and tosses it on the end of the bed. His breath catches when he sees the pale pink lingerie you put on just for him. He only stares for a moment, lips parted and eyes wide like he’s just seen the most beautiful piece of artwork. Seeing his face light up just from looking at your body makes you feel so sexy and wanted. 
“Wow. You’re so fucking beautiful y/n. I can’t believe you’re all mine,” Damiano says with reverence. Under his gaze, you feel the most confident you’ve ever felt. He places his hands back on your lace covered waist and grazes them up your sides then back down, discovering the bow holding it together in the back. He touches you like you’re some fragile masterpiece he can’t believe he’s allowed to touch. He loves the feeling of the lace and satin under his fingers and just runs his hands up and down your body for a few moments. You let him until you start to get too frustrated, the lace making its way between your pussy lips getting drenched and a bit uncomfortable. You prompt him to take it off of you by moving his hands to the bow and handing him the two ends. 
   His fingers gently pull on the ends of the bow to unwrap you like a present and he watches as they fall to your sides. The only thing holding up the bodysuit now is the thin straps. He hooks his fingers into them and carefully pulls them down your arms, making sure to leave soft kisses to follow in the straps’ wake. Once the straps are off, the lingerie falls to the ground and you’re left nude in front of Damiano’s prying eyes. 
The urge to see your boyfriend naked now hits you hard so you work on pulling off his clothes as well, this time taking your time to appreciate how the fabrics feel under your fingertips, and to trace your hands over the curves and contours of his body. 
You’re now both completely naked and exploring each other’s soft bodies with your hands, smiling to each other, drunk with love and tipsy with wine. 
“Have I told you I love you yet today?” Damiano asks.
“Hmm, maybe a couple times,” you respond. “But it’s ok because I love you too. I love you sooo much. More than anything else in the world”.
“The whole world huh? Well I love you more than anything in the whole universe,” he counters. You both giggle, having found your way onto the bed and into each other’s embrace, your nude bodies pressing against one another. “Really though, you mean the world to me and this relationship is so important to me”.
“I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate this relationship and you so much, it is truly the best thing that could have happened to me,” you say, looking up at him with love in your eyes. You lean in to kiss him gently but soon enough your kiss gets deeper and more passionate the longer it goes on. Within seconds, your tongue is in his mouth and his hand on your lower back is pulling you closer. If he had it his way, you would’ve merged into one being by this point. And you certainly wouldn’t mind being encased in his arms forever. 
Your hand reaches down to rub his hip, your thumb pressing into the space above the bone and your fingers grabbing at the meaty part that merges into his ass. He pushes into your touch and his knee finds its way between your legs, raising higher and higher. His leg hair rubs against your sensitive thighs as you open up for him. When his knee finally reaches its destination, he pulls you in closer and drags your pussy along the length of his thigh. Seated fully on his leg, you look up at him desperately. All of your arousal that’s been building up suddenly travels between your legs and you instinctively start rocking your hips to provide you some relief. 
“Aw, does my baby wanna make herself feel good?” Damiano asks, punctuating with a kiss on your nose. You whimper up at him. Wanting to return the favor, you bring your hand to where his cock is resting on your thigh and circle your palm around it, giving him slow and gentle tugs to see him harden in your hand. You feel his warm breath on your neck as he lets out a sigh that turns into a gasp when your fingers play with his tip. 
“I think that’s enough of that, how bout we take things up a notch huh?” Damiano asks, nudging you onto your back and climbing on top, pushing some stray hairs out of your face.
“Hm, what happened to ‘I don’t wanna rush’ and ‘I wanna make love to you’. Where’s all that now that you’re all worked up?” you tease, playing with his nipple piercing to watch him squirm a little.
“I do wanna make love to you. I just wanna make love to you right now,” he says, his finger making its way slowly inside of you while he talks. “I don’t wanna wait any longer darling,” his last knuckle almost all the way in. “I want you now,” he finishes with the last thrust of his finger, now fully inside you. He curls it so you can feel it stroking your g-spot and you whine, wanting more of him to clench down on.
He appeases your pleas by adding another finger and your whole body feels warm and tingly all over. It’s not just the added sensation of his fingers that makes you feel like you’re on fire in the best possible way, it’s the heat between the two of you. It’s the look in his eyes that tells you how much he needs you right now. It’s the way his other hand caresses your cheek. It’s the way he makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world when he’s there with you. 
Overwhelmed with these thoughts, your breathing gets more shallow as his fingers speed up. He leans down and kisses you gently, whispering to “breathe” and “slow down” against your lips. You try to listen to him and take in a deep breath, the pleasure building with your steady tantric breathing. 
Damiano’s kisses travel down your neck, leaving a little pink mark, and trails over your chest to your nipples. His tongue swirls around one while his lips create a seal, sucking gently into his mouth. He travels even further down, leaving a line of kisses, to finally get to your clit where he first gives it a soft kiss, as if he’s showing his respect. His fingers are still plunging in and out of you, soaked in your wetness, when he opens his mouth and lets his tongue poke out, giving your clit little licks just from the tip of his tongue. You mean to let out only a sigh but what really comes out is more of a cry. You can’t be bothered to care though, you’d feel safe enough to make any sort of weird sounds in front of your boyfriend. You know he would never judge you for something like that. 
  Damiano’s tongue laps a bit harder this time and in between each lick, he closes his lips around your clit. It feels like he’s making out with your pussy. You open your eyes to find him already staring at you, his eyes half closed, as if the sight of you like this gives him pleasure. He holds eye contact and you don’t dare to break it, loving how good the intimacy feels. The hand not stimulating your pussy snakes up your body to reach for your hand that is currently gripping the sheets underneath your sweaty body. His fingers interlock with yours and you squeeze tight, not wanting him to ever let go. Your other hand grabs onto his hair and you pull him in deeper. He moans at the feeling and you can feel it go through you. His fingers and tongue bring you higher and higher, and your body reacts by clenching and thrashing around and bucking your hips into his face. Damiano’s thumb strokes over yours, a calm comforting gesture amid his other mindblowing movements.
He slows down and gives your clit one last meaningful kiss before tearing himself away and crawling back up to you. 
“Hi,” he says smirking, the lower part of his face shiny with your wetness mixed with his own saliva.
“Hi,” you respond, breathless with a smile. You tilt your head up and purse your lips, silently asking for a kiss. He chuckles and gives it to you. First a quick gentle kiss on your lips, then a deeper, more passionate one, slow and deliberate. Damiano kisses you with all the love in him, communicating with you through his lips and tongue embracing yours. 
He brings your leg up for better access, then slowly pushes himself into you, inch by inch, so you can feel every moment of it. Both of your mouths fall open against each other in disbelief of how good this feels and how beautiful this moment is with the love of your life inside of you. He fits himself fully inside and waits there for a few breaths, giving you both time to compose yourselves before your body prompts you to roll your hips into his, signaling that you want more now. Damiano pulls out just as slow as he pushed in, right up until just the tip is still in, then presses his hips back down to fill you once again. A breathy moan falls from your lips and into his. 
Your hands grab onto his upper back and pull his body towards you, keeping him as close as possible as you wrap your legs around him. His hips drive his cock deep into you on every thrust. You feel so overwhelmed by the sensations that you have to close your eyes to focus on breathing. One of Damiano’s hands comes up to stroke your cheek with his thumb, wiping away a tear that you didn’t even think you were crying. Your eyes open to find that the tear hadn’t come from you, but had fallen onto your cheek from Damiano’s eyes. He cradles your face in his hand and you can see the passion and the focus on his face. Your own eyes start to well up with tears, seeing how emotional he’s gotten from making love to you. You start to cry a little bit, not in a sad way, but in a way that this feeling is so overwhelming and has to find a way out of you somehow. Damiano seems to understand and just holds you even closer, nestling your head into the crook of his neck and holding onto your thigh as he thrusts into you again and again.    
You can feel how close you’re getting and he can tell you’re holding back because you don’t want to let go of this moment quite yet. He encourages you saying, “it’s ok baby, it’s ok. Just hold onto me, you can let go, I promise I’ve got you. We’ve got forever to make love to each other. C’mon, I’m so close too, I wanna finish with you”. You whimper into his shoulder, biting down hard, and let yourself let go. You can feel him tense as he thrusts hard into you one more time before letting go himself. 
“I love you so much,” you get out, unsure if he can even hear it. Everything is amplified for a moment. You hold on to Damiano with all the strength you have left in you and he holds onto you just as tight. Your pussy convulses around him in time with your heartbeat and you can feel his cum being released deep within you. Your body is jerking and tingly all over. The experience of sharing your orgasms at the same time together is magical. You feel like you’re in heaven in Damiano’s arms.   
When you’ve both calmed down a bit, after taking time to catch your breath and return back down to earth, he untangles himself from you, but only enough so he can see your face. He doesn’t pull out of you yet, wanting to stay feeling close to you, so you lay there with him still inside you, wrapped in his strong embrace in an awkward but somehow perfect cuddling position. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Damiano says with a lazy smile on his face, looking drunk on his orgasm and his love for you. 
You giggle, knowing you probably look like a fucked-out mess right now. “You’re sweet, and that was amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that before,” you say.
He kisses your cheek, then your nose, then your lips. “Yah, it really was amazing. And really fucking hot. Especially when you pulled my hair when I was eating you out,” he says. Your pussy involuntarily clenches at the thought of Damiano between your legs.
    “Hey I felt that,” he teases, reminding you that he’s still inside of you, not that you could so easily forget. You laugh, burying your face in his neck, a little embarrassed. 
“Nuh uh, no hiding from me, we just cried while fucking each other, there is literally nothing to be embarrassed about now,” he says with his signature smile.
“Not fucking, making love,” you tease, mocking his earlier words and he laughs along with you. 
“Happy Valentine's day,” he says, “I love you”. He gives you a sweet kiss and you nudge his nose with yours.
“Happy Valentine’s day, I love you too”.
Taglist: @little-moonbeam-666​ @stardustingold​ @iosonoarina​ @maneskindiva​ @ohdamiano​ @m3tamorphos3s  
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lancermylove · 4 years
Flowers (Valentine’s Day HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x gn!Reader, Ortho platonic.
Warning: None
Prompt: Type of flower he would give you on Valentine’s Day.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! 💝
You went to get breakfast with Grim, hoping to get a glimpse of your boyfriend. He was nowhere to be found, but when you returned to Ramshackle, you found a gift from him.
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A bouquet of pink, lavender, and white Gerbera Daisies sat on the living room center table. A pink bow was neatly tied around the stems, holding the bouquet together. 
"Today is Valentine's Day, correct? Fufu, human holidays are quite intriguing. Lilia said gifting flowers is a must and asked me to choose carefully. It seems as though each flower has a different meaning. A variety of gerbera daisies in a single bouquet represent innocence, beauty, and cheerfulness. What better flower to gift you? You are always the reason behind my smile, but today, let me be the reason for your smile. ~Malleus Draconia"  
A simple gray ceramic pot with pink orchids sat in front of the Ramshackle entrance. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my dear! Did you know orchids symbolize love, beauty, and strength? They reminded me of you~ hehe. You're such a lovely and strong person. I don't know if you realize this, but you are the strength of the people around you. Also, don't forget that I will always love you. ~Lilia”
A single red and pink anemones sat on the dorm's doorstep along with two notes.
"I will protect you forever. ~Silver"
"Hey, it's Lilia. I saw Silver's note and couldn't help myself. That boy didn't even wish you Happy Valentine's Day, nor did he explain the meaning of anemones to you. These flowers symbolize protection, so Silver choose them for you. Also, (Y/N), thank you for being by Silver's side. I couldn't ask for anyone better. ~Your future father-in-law ;)"
Grim ran up to the door and picked up a bouquet of white calla lilies. A crimson-colored bow was tightly wrapped around the stems. There were two notes next to the flowers. 
"These are for you. ~Sebek"
"Hey, it's Lilia. I feel like I'm going to be spending the whole day trying to fix Silver and Sebek's blunders. These lilies reminded Sebek of you, and he couldn't stop saying how beautiful they looked. Of course, he didn't know I was listening, hehe. I hope you have a good Valentine's Day...let's hope your date with Sebek goes well. Wait, was I suppose to mention the date? Hehe, oh well! ~Lilia"
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Riddle gifted you a bouquet of white gardenias in a clear glass vase. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. I am not used to giving gifts, so I hope you find these flowers beautiful. I couldn't help but think of your purity when I saw these gardenias. Please come to my dorm when you receive this note. I will be waiting for you. ~Riddle" 
A single pink hydrangea flower sat on the coffee table with a sloppily written note. 
"Pretty flowers, don't you think? Trey senpai said something about hydrangeas representing beauty and grace. They kinda remind me of you. Hope you like it! Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day. I'll stop by after classes! ~Your handsome boyfriend Ace" 
When you returned to Ramshackle, you found a clear vase with a bunch of sunflowers inside. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. When I saw these flowers, they reminded me of your smile. Cater senpai told me sunflowers symbolize warmth and happiness, so I thought they were perfect for you. Do you want to...um...go on a..nevermind! See you after classes. ~Deuce"
Trey gifted you a bouquet of pink peonies wrapped inside a cream-colored gift wrapping tissue paper. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my beloved! These peonies are for you. They represent romance and are good luck charms, bringing fortune to those who receive them. I hope these flowers bring you luck. Don't forget about our date later tonight. Also, I baked your favorite dessert. ~Trey"
A bouquet of blue iris inside a clear vase sat on the living room table. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love! Sorry for not giving these flowers to you in person...I have classes. T~T Aren't irises breathtaking flowers? They're rare and unique, like you. <3 I'll see you after classes! Can't wait to go on a date with you!! :* ~XOXO, Cater"
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You saw a single sugarbush protea sitting in front of the main door with two notes next to it. 
"Here. Now come to my dorm, I want to nap with you. ~Leo"
"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)! Leona asked me to deliver this flower to you, and when I saw his note...haha...he's even lazier than usual. Lemme tell you why Leona picked this flower for you. The florist said Proteas represent courage and transformation, and I think Leona's trying to say you're his courage. Shishishi! Don't tell him I said this! He's going to get so mad if he finds out. ~Ruggie"
Jack left a bouquet of yellow primroses inside a round vase on your doorstep. Next to the vase were two notes.
"You are perfect the way you are. Don't ever change. ~Jack"
"Shishishi. How sweet of Jack to say this. Oh, sorry, I saw him write this note and thought to tell you the reason why he chose this flower. The florist said primroses are a symbol of new love and new beginnings. Guess Jack wants to start a new life with you? Shishishi. I see marriage in your future! Don't tell him I sent this note to you. ~Ruggie"
Ruggie gifted you a bunch of yellow dandelion flowers. 
"Happy Valentine's Day! Did you know Dandelions are tough and can endure anything? Just like you. They also have healing properties and are healers, like you. Shishishi. Oh, did you know you can make tea out of these? They help with all sorts of pain and illnesses! ~Ruggie"
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Azul gifted you a bouquet of purple tulips, neatly tied with a lavender satin bow. 
"Hello, love. Happy Valentine's Day. My apologies for not handing these to you in person. I promise to make it up to you later. I thought quite a lot about what flower to give you, but I could think of none better than tulips. They convey comfort and warmth, and when I'm with you, I feel wanted and loved. You mean the world to me. ~Love, Azul"
When you walked into Ramshackle dorm, a radiant sparkle caught your eyes. Getting closer, you saw a pink glass rose sitting atop a note. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my dear. I noticed quite a few men handing their beloved fresh flowers, but why gift an item that will wither? I do hope you like the glass rose. Its charm, radiance, and delicacy reminds me of you. Visit the Monstro Lounge once you're finished with classes. ~Jade"
In the living room, you found a bouquet of forget-me-nots held together by a jute string.
"Hey, Shrimpy, Happy Valentine's Day~! Jade went flower shopping, so I joined him and found these flowers. They look like you, tiny and cute. Come to my dorm after classes~ I made something for you. ♡ Floyd” 
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You entered Ramshackle, hoping to find Kalim; instead, you saw a gold rose on the living room sofa. Beside the metal-flower sat a cream-colored paper with a gold border. 
"Jamil said I shouldn't give you this and should choose fresh flowers. But I don't wanna give you something that'll wilt. This rose is better 'cause it'll stay with you forever! Oh, Happy Valentine's Day! Come to Scarabia after school~ I'm gonna throw you the best party ever! ~ Kalim :)" 
When you returned to the dorm, you found a thin glass vase with a single pink lotus inside and a note next to it. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. I hope your day has been well so far. I don't know what your favorite flower is, so I got you a lotus. You know about lotus, right? They bloom from mud but are unaffected by the muck around them. Lotuses remind me of you...no matter how dirty the world around you, your beauty remains untouched. ~Jamil" 
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You strolled into your dorm and saw Grim running towards you with a single red rose and a note in hand. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my lovely. What better flower to gift you than a red rose? Red is the color of passion, whereas a rose represents classic beauty. This particular rose has been cultivated with the utmost care. Flawless, is it not? Be ready by 4 for our date. ~Your beautiful Vil"
You entered the living room to find a bouquet of Casa Blanca lilies in a white vase sitting on the table. Around the neck of the vase was a green satin ribbon holding a note. 
"Bonjour, mon amour. You like flowers, oui? These are Casa Blanca lilies, known for their beauty, class, and style. They suit you quite well. Now come, we shall go on a date and make memories. ~Ton amour, Rook"
As soon as you walked into the living room, you saw a bouquet of lavenders and a basket of apples. 
"Hello. Today's Valentine's Day, right? So, um...Happy Valentine's Day. I got these lavender flowers for you. They smell good, right? Meemaw - I mean grandmother, loves them a lot, so I thought you would like them too. Speakin' of Meem- grandma, she sent apples for you and asked me to give them to you today. I planned a date today...I'll meet you in front of your dorm at 2. ~Epel"
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Idia + Ortho
You entered your bedroom to find a bouquet of pink alstroemeria and a bouquet of white daisies on your bed, along with two circular device. When you touched the device, a holographic note appeared.
"H-Hello. Happy Valentine's Day. U-Um, these alstroemerias are for you. You are my only f-friend, and I want to gift you these flowers to show my d-devotion to you. T-Thank you for staying by my side. ~Idia"
You tapped the smaller circular device and saw a holographic projection of Ortho. The child spoke in a chirpy voice. 
"Hello, (Y/N)! Happy Valentine's Day! I know you are big brother's valentine, but I wanted to gift you these flowers. Daisies represent innocence, happiness, and friendship. These blooms are given to those who put a smile on your face. You always put a smile on big brother's face, so thank you for that. Oh, and I hope you like the flowers Idia picked out. He wasn't sure what to get you, so I suggested alstroemeria. See you in a few hours! Ortho signing out." 
➣ Twisted Wonderland Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Violets: Loyalty and Devotion
Valentines Special: Day Six
Day One: Morning Glories Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers Day Four: Pink Camellias Day Five: Yellow Tulips - Day Seven: Lisianthus
Plot: The reader keeps receiving flowers and sweet messages every day from an anonymous source leading up to Valentines Day. But who is sending them?
Choose your own character ending (coming on Valentines Day).
Gender!Neutral Reader x ???
Triggers: None        Words: 1,535
Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney, @thebookbakery,  @groovyfluxie  Requested Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @gaitwae, @fablesrose, @kitkatd7, @thefallenbibliophilequote, @beksib, @destynelseclipsa, @criminaly-supernatural, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus, @snarky--starky, @saintbootlegloras​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​, @empath-bunny​, @okkulta​, @katinthemoon, @wecallhimbrowneyess​, @ravennight41​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​ , @okkulta​ , @anonymous-pls-dont-click​ (just daily), @username23345​, @hulkswitch​, @theofficialzivadavid​, @lainphotography​, @fred-deeks-ben​, 
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February 11th
It was early-morning as you were lying in your bed, still comfortable under the covers. You had stayed up till late at night with the others as you discussed Tony’s Valentines party. Tony was hiring some party planners and caterers today to set everything up. 
You were also bombarded with questions about your secret admirer. And everyone was questioning whether it was one of them, but of course no one spoke up or admitted it. If it was one of them, they played it off very well. 
As you were lying there, you were flicking through the notes you had received over the last five days. You had read over them countless times now, the words embedded in your mind.
You tried to match the language of the words with the people you knew. The most obvious would be Loki and Vision. They both had a way with their words that came off as poetic. But then again, maybe the way the notes were written were purposefully written in such a way as to throw you off. 
Reading over the note that had been attached to the Sunflowers, your eyes read over one part again and again “I adore your grace, and elegance, your compassion, kindness and bravery. There is no way I could not absolutely adore every fiber of your being.”
This part made your heart swell. ‘every fiber of your being’, the good and the bad. You smiled at the words as you continued to flick through them. You felt like a bashful teenager reading through texts from their crush. 
You began thinking about Tony’s party. You wondered if Valentines Day was what all of these notes and flowers were leading up to. It seemed to be that way, and you hoped it was. Though, you were very nervous about it. What if everyone except you secretly knew who it was? God you hoped it wasn’t going to be a public admission. You cringed at the thought. 
After glancing at the clock you figured you had been lying in bed for long enough. Getting up, you took a quick shower and got changed before leaving your room. You weren’t headed anywhere in particular, you had no work you had to do today, so you were free to relax, but you got bored sitting in your room all day. Maybe you’d go for a walk? 
Rounding a corner, you see Bucky, Steve and Sam coming from another hall. Upon seeing you they all smiled and greeted you. 
“Hey” you replied as you approached them “What are you guys up too?” 
“We’re about to go train a bit, wanna join?” Steve suggested. 
“I would but I have been demanded that I not do anything strenuous today because of what happened yesterday.”
“Sounds like a good idea, just in case.” Bucky commented, while smiling fondly at you. “How are you feeling anyway?”
“I feel fine. I’m think I’m gonna go for a walk.”
“A short one” Sam said, as he pointed at you.
You nodded and laughed “Yes, just a short, non-strenuous walk. See you guys later” you said as you parted ways. 
As you began walking towards the exit of the building, you were stopped when a man at the front desk called out to you “Agent L/N!”
“Hey Gene” you greeted as you walked over to him. 
“This letter was left here for you” he said handing you a small pale blue envelope, a sticker with your name printed on the front. 
“Oh, thank you. Uh, who was it left by?” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t see, I was talking to someone else and when I turned back around, there is was.”
“Oh, hmm, thanks Gene” you said as you walked away from the desk and opened the letter. You immediately recognized the font of the letter and your heart began to beat rapidly. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Y/n,
I was so glad to see that you were alright after what happened yesterday. I was so afraid that you were more badly injured. Especially as I sat next to you in your hospital bed, and you seemed so faded. I hope you liked the flowers I left for you again. 
Also, I am sorry for what curiosity and confusion all of this might be causing you. But I must admit, I also hope that you are getting some form of enjoyment or excitement from it as well. I’m sure you must be wondering, when will I finally show myself? And maybe you have already guessed that it will be on Valentines Day. I think it quite suiting, and hopefully romantic. 
So, please wait patiently for only a few more days, and then all will be revealed.
But until then, you still have 3 days before then, including today. I’m not sure when you will receive this letter, but you should have another present waiting for you at your door, perhaps you already received it. I hope you like it. 
Until the party.  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You smiled at the letter as you finished reading it. Looking around the lobby, you tried to see if anyone seemed to be watching you. But seeing no one paying attention to you at all, and knowing you had yet to receive your next gift, you decided to go on your walk.
On your walk, you could not get the thought of what the flowers you will receive will be. The ones you’ve gotten so far have been so beautiful. You should press them, save them somewhere. Maybe a flower from each. 
Unable to stop thinking about it, you turned back mid way through your walk to head back. You wonder when they always know when to deliver the flowers...
Making your way back into the tower and up to your room, you held an energy of nervous excitement. As the elevator door opened at your floor, you partially expected to catch them there, at your door. But, you were not really surprised when the door slid open and all you saw was a small plant at the base of your door.
It was small, and as you approached it, you could recognize what it was. A small potted violet plant, with blooming flowers sprouting from the top. You smiled as you picked it up, admiring it. 
“Cute” you muttered with a smile as you unlocked and entered your apartment as you plucked out the note from the pot. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Violets.
Violets hold the meaning of Loyalty and Devotion. Both are traits you have and both are traits I admire about you. But besides this, these are both promises. Promises of how I feel towards you. And they are exactly what you deserve. You are loyal to a fault, and you deserve someone to be loyal to you for as long as you live. You are devoted, to saving people, to helping people, to making people happy. And you deserve someone to be just as devoted to you. 
I hope that I can give these to you. I have been loyal to you since before I remember having feelings for you. Because you are the type of person people trust wholeheartedly, as I do. And I promise, no matter what, to be devoted to your happiness.  ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You sat on the edge of your bed as you read the powerful words. “Do I deserve this person?” you wondered out loud. They seem so....well, devoted. You often caught yourself wondering what exactly you deserved out of love, and you have only been hopeful that you would find someone who could make you feel so important and loved. This could be that person.
Sure, you still had your hopes of who this person could be. One person in particular. But, you seemed to find yourself falling for this anonymous person anyway, even not knowing who they are. And to a part of you, it did not matter. 
Was that crazy? Falling for someone when you don’t know who they are? I mean, apparently you did know them, so it wasn’t as crazy as falling for a complete stranger. 
Falling back onto your bed, you stared up at the ceiling. “Only a few more days” you said out loud. Would they show themselves before Tony’s party, during? After? How would you react? 
You only found yourself asking more and more questions throughout the day. Debating whether or not you wanted to talk to someone about it, you decided against it though. What if you ended up telling everything you felt and feared to them on accident. At this point, it could be any of them.
So, you kept it all to yourself. Any time you saw one of the others, they would ask you whether of not you had received another gift, or a note. You would tell them yes, but not go into detail. The notes were too personal, you couldn’t just share them with anyone. They were meant for you. And you would keep them stored away for yourself. Hoping that some day soon you could really talk about them with the one who wrote them for you.
xx xx xx xx xx
I hope you are enjoying these so far. 
I know they aren’t great, since there is no real Character x Reader stuff in it, but I hope you are enjoying the build up and are excited for the endings. 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑂𝑢𝑡: 𝑁𝑜𝑛! 𝐼𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
❥𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒: 𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑔
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As a college student, you usually end up having to do a lot of projects that require creativity and lots of paint.
That's how you ended up in an arts and crafts store.
You found Hongjoong behind the counter, finishing up his task of arranging the ribbons on the shelf.
He smiled at you and immediately put his task down.
"How may I help you this evening?"
Knows exactly what you'll need better than you.
Often recommends other materials or throws in a few creative suggestions of his own.
He's always asking you what they're for, he's genuinely curious about your assignments..and even more curious about you.
Sometimes you end up doing some of your posters with him right there on days where there's nobody else.
You purposefully began buying things you didn't even need just to have an excuse to see the blueberry haired male.
He doesn't mind, he likes your company, even if it's strange you keep buying the same red glitter everyday.
One day you came in, and he was excited to show you the new Valentine's Day cards that just arrived.
In particular, this really cute one that played a song you've never heard before but that asked in the end "Will you go out with me?"
You giggled. "It's so cute. Who thought of it?"
Hongjoong smiled even more, holding the card out to you. "I did......it's for you....so what do you say?"
❥𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡: 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎
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You really love to gift flowers to your loved ones, feeling that it's a sweet way of saying you're thinking of them.
You frequented a lot of flower shops, but something about this particular one made you want to keep coming back...
And it wasn't just the hot employee behind the counter. Or his super sweet and flirty personality.
It was that and much much more.
You loved the cozy and intricate way the arrangements were always lined up.
They made it a point to change them every week, sort of giving the shop a fresh look each Sunday.
Seonghwa also knew specifically what type of flowers to suggest depending on what it was for.
White tulips for when you wanted to apologize to someone, Hydrangeas to show gratitude, and even Sunflowers to show love to your best friend.
It was always fascinating to hear him speak about what each flower represented.
Just as fascinating as watching him delicately put them together in beautiful bouquets and tie them with a ribbon.
One time you came in and he was very excited to show you a new bouquet he made.
"Ta da!" He pulled out a bouquet with lavender roses as the main focus.
"They're so beautiful Seonghwa! What do they mean?"
"They represented enchantment and love at first sight...ideal for a blossoming romance..."
He grinned as he held them out. "From me, to you."
❥𝑃𝑒𝑡 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟: 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑢𝑛ℎ𝑜
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Getting a chow chow puppy as a pet was no easy task.
Especially when their hair is extremely fluffy and in constant need of maintenance.
Fortunately for you, a nearby pet grooming shop opened up recently.
So you walked, pooch in your arms as you looked at the cozy scene in front of you.
"Hello, I'm Yunho and I'll be assisting you today. And whom do we have here?"
Your puppy instantly took a liking to him, which was rare since he was a big scaredy cat for a dog.
"If my baby trusts him, I guess I have nothing to worry about. "
You really didn't. Yunho was so friendly and knew how to handle dogs perfectly fine.
He was just as playful as them and was very careful when trimming their hair or nails.
So you felt absolutely at ease leaving your child for a few hours with him while you ran some errands or went grocery shopping.
"Hi baby. Were you a good boy today?" You came to pick up your pooch one day.
"Oh they were an absolute gem as always."
You were about to leave when Yunho said. "Hey Y/N...I actually have a dog of my own at home....and they could use a friend.."
"Oh? So you want to arrange a play date for them?" You asked.
He blushed and smiled shyly as he admitted. "Date for them and maybe....us too?"
❥𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑝 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒: 𝐾𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑔
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Truthfully, Yeosang frightened you the first time you walked into the shop.
He just stared at you with a cold stare as he warned you to keep quiet in the place.
You definitely didn't want to get on his bad side.
So you just stuck to browsing the shelves, picking out the books you wanted and buying them.
Then after getting more brave, you took advantage of the tables and desks they had inside to either catch up on homework or read what you just purchased.
You just loved reading, especially poetry or sonnets.
You always got so lost in your book, you only realized what time it was because Yeosang tapped your shoulder.
"It's 5 minutes to closing. You should probably go home now."
It became a routine of coming to the shop right after school, curling up on the chair in a back, your nose stuck in a book.
Unbeknownst to you, Yeosang always watched you, took notice of the genres you were fond of. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find you cute and attractive.
You were just as mysterious and quiet as he was, and he was intrigued to get to know who you were.
One day, you came in as usual, waving to Yeosang who just sat by the register.
You sat in your usual spot and noticed a tiny folded letter on the corner. You opened it up and read its contents, a quote from one of your favorite novels:
"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."- Pride and Prejudice.
You looked up to find Yeosang peering at you from his own book, for the first time, a smile on his sculpture like face as he waited for your reaction.
❥ 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎: 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝑆𝑎𝑛
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Being the coffee addict you were, of course you had to try out the new shop that opened up.
The fresh scent of espresso filled your nostrils the moment you walked in and it was heavenly.
And the barista at the counter was pure eye candy.
And you soon found out he was sweeter than any cinnamon roll or cream Danish they sold there.
"May I interest you in any of our specialty drinks?"
But you were a simple person, you just wanted straight black coffee.
He seemed taken aback and somewhat disappointed at your choice.
But at least you weren't a picky customer that tried his patience.
So you just regularly came to get your straight espresso.
One day he asked "Can I please just try something?"
You couldn't say no to his little pout, so you let him.
You watched as he did your regular espresso shots and looked to be adding some type of cream.
He giddily went back to the counter and held it out to you.
There on the very top, he had created a heart out of latte foam...
And on the cup, he had written his phone number and added the words "call me ;) "
❥𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡: 𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑖
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You had always been more than willing to help babysit your cousin during summer break.
You adored that child like none other.
But you had recently gotten a job and couldn't watch him all the time
So you opted for the nearby daycare center to help you when you had to work.
The first sight that greeted you was a tall young man who had tussled hair and paint staining his apron.
"Hello. I'm assistant Mingi. How can I help you today?" He greeted you both and then let out an 'ouch' when something hit him from the back.
Feeling safe with the environment, you began taking your cousin every other day to the center and picking him up after your shift ended.
You always saw Mingi there.
He usually helped your cousin with the homework assigned to him over break.
Or he was simply goofing around with him, it was quite endearing to see.
You were content to see the little boy make friends and break out of his little shell.
You came to pick him up as usual. "How was it today? Learned anything exciting?"
"I learned that Mingi thinks you're cute and has a crush on you." He snickered as he pointed to Mingi.
"Hey! Shhhh!! You promised not to say anything!" Mingi laughed nervously as he looked at you rather worrisome.
You blushed and smiled. "It's ok. They think you're cute too Mingi." Your cousin interjected, now exposing you and prompting you two to confess your feelings.
❥𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑟: 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑜𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
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Having the world's biggest sweet tooth was a blessing and a curse.
And right now the biggest issue was finding a new pastry that you had not tried before.
But you had practically gone through all the bakeries in town, knew what they had to offer.
So you decided to stop by a very old bakery that you had not gone to in forever.
And you weren't joking when you said forever, the place had changed so much, you hardly recognized it.
You also didn't recognize any of the people working there, having been a regular before.
You looked through the assorted pastries on displays, hoping to find something to catch your interest.
"Hello there pretty one."
You were startled by the loud voice behind you. You turned to see a cute guy smiling at you.
"Were you looking for something in particular?"
You explained that you were looking for something new or special and his eyes instantly lit up.
He ushered you to follow him to the counter, where he pulled out a tray of peach shaped pastries.
"These are Italian peach cookies, meant to look like actual peaches. Try one and tell me they're not the best thing you've ever tried."
You ate one and your whole mouth was engaged. They were absolutely amazing. "They're so good. I love how sweet they are."
Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Wooyoung smirked. "If you like sweet things, how about going on a date with me?"
❥𝐴𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑡: 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖 𝐽𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑜
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Jongho was no strange face to you and you were no stranger to him.
He often worked part time at the local arcade during summer break.
You and your friends hung out there a lot after you guys got done with your respective jobs.
"Hey." "Hi." You both always shyly greeted each other like that for 3 years now, sometimes starting small conversations.
Your friends often rolled their eyes at you, telling you to work up the courage to ask him out.
His friends, and coworkers, were also trying to do the same to him.
"They're totally into you." But Jongho would only blush and brush it off as pure fiction.
One night, he noticed how someone came up to you and tried to hit on you.
You looked visibly uncomfortable and seemed to be wanting a way out of the situation.
When they leaned in too close for your liking, and his, he marched right over there.
"Is there a problem here?" He made it a point to flex his arm muscles, making the person apologize and just scurry off.
"Are you ok?" He asked, wanting to make sure you were fine, which you said you were.
He was gonna go back to the counter, but he had to ask."Y/N...would you like to go out on a date sometime-"
"Yes!" You immediately answered, not letting him finish, suddenly feeling awkward for sounding so desperate.
But Jongho only smiled. "Don't worry, I would have done the same if you had asked me out."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
Hello Shining Stars!
Happy Valentines Day! ❤️🧡💜✨
I hope everyone has an amazing day today with your Valentine!
But since today is the day to show how much you love your loved ones, I want to give you guys this cute little one-shot, written just for all of you! Consider it my Valentine gift!
I love you all so much! ❤️🧡💜✨
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Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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Sam sighed as he stretched his arms over his head for the 5th time in a row, feeling his lower back pop and crack in certain places. He was on paperwork duty, ordered by the Commissioner. He looked over to the calendar and saw what day it was.
Valentine's Day.
The day where everyone goes out and does lovey, mushy, and how Max would put it, Grody things with their loved ones.
While Sam and Max never really celebrated the day per se, since Max claimed it was all a marketing thing, and cupid was just downright too creepy to celebrate about, they did do some... Uhm... activities on this set day.
But, those activities were put on hold since they have gotten a call from the Commissioner at their home, early in the morning, saying that he needed paperwork from them like no tomorrow. And the man did apologize, he never wanted them to work on this particular day, especially with something as gruesome as paperwork, but he did technically ask for them 2 weeks ago.
He could remember Max turning to him with a look and asking; "You uh... You want some help with that?"
"No, No. You stay and give little (Y/N) our Valentine's Basket from us when they wake up. I'll go to the office and sort the paperwork"
Max gave him an unsure, yet sad look. "You sure?"
"I'm sure, little buddy." He put on a strong but forced smile, nodding and kissing his forehead. "It's no problem. I'm used to it."
And that would bring us to here, him doing paperwork in the early afternoon in their office on his trusty typewriter.
He did glance out the window once or twice, seeing how it was such a beautiful, yet probably chilly, day outside. He could faintly see other people going out and doing things with their loved ones, making him let out the quietest of whines before going back to typing.
With a loud ding, he finished another piece of paperwork and unscrewed the dial on the side of the typewriter, letting the paper come free and ready for him to sign it. He grabbed his trusty fountain pen and did so, putting it in a small stack and getting ready for the next page.
He jumped a bit once he heard the door slam open, whipping his head to the doorway to see Max had kicked it open, he glared at him; "Max! What in the Hannah Montana is going-" He paused as his eyes widened once his brain finally registered what Max actually looked like.
He was wearing a red frilly short coat with cream, brown, and gold accents, a brown corset over that, red frilly shorts with, again, cream, brown, and gold accents. The shorts had a long red train on the back, and for accessories, he was wearing see-through black polka dot gloves, pearl bracelets and necklaces, red and white striped thigh highs, and brown knee-length booths with bright red laces on them. He as well had a small red and brown top had on the left side of his head, right in front of his ear.
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(A/N; 10 brownie points for each person who knows where this outfit is from, I adore this outfit and so badly want to see it on Max 🥺)
"Hey, Sam! You know school was still open for today? I had to take the subway with (Y/N) since they apparently missed their bus and the teacher asked where they were! Funny? Right?" The lagomorph smiled at him like he just did not kick in the door dressed in like... Like that.
"M-Max... What are you doing here- Why are you dressed like that- Why are you dressed in clothes?!" Sam questioned, shaking his head after asking each question. The rabbit in retaliation jumped on the desk in front of Sam, his boots' low heels clicking on the oak as he stuck the landing.
"I'm here to save you from this boring paperwork! I got us a reservation to a nice place and when I tried to tell them I don't wear clothes, they said I had to wear some if I wanted entry, so, I got all dressy to shut them up! Let's go!"
He grabbed Sam's arm, hoisting him up and trying to drag him to the door, but Sam stood firm, looking down at the desk. "I dunno, little buddy. D-Don't get me wrong! You look absolutely stunning right now, and a great lunch does sound good right now, but I have to finish the paperwork and-"
He shut up once he heard a click of a gun's safety being turned off, he looked up to see he was face to face to the barrel of Max's Luger.
"Sam... I made a $200 reservation... and spent another $180 on this outfit... You're coming with me to this lunch." Max warned in a calm, yet unnerving tone, his shark-tooth smile wide.
He gulped nervously at that. "Y-You got it, buddy!"
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The place Max took him to was all the way on West 34th Street in the Garment District, which was a whole 2 hours and 30 minutes away from their office. But once they did get there, Sam did have to admit, it was a nice place.
Once they got to a table, they were already seen by a very friendly, female sever, asking for drinks. Max said to go crazy with whatever he wanted, so Sam asked for a Scotch on the Rocks, while Max asked for a Strawberry Champagne Float.
"Can I see your ID please?" The sever asked with a smile, making Max reach for it. "Should I be flattered or insulted by this?" Max mumbled, making the sever laugh. "Definitely flattered, means you look young."
"Ho-Ho-Ho, hold on there lady, my husband is sitting right across from me." Max smiled at her, giving her his ID, making her laugh even more as she looked at it and gave it back. "Don't worry too much about it, I'm taken anyways."
"Who's the lucky guy?" Sam questioned.
"Gal, actually, her name's Veronica." The server smiled. "We've been together for over 2 years now."
"Hot damn! Why aren't you spending Valentine's with her?"
"Work. Don't worry, we have something set aside for tonight." She smiled before saying she would be back with their drinks, walking away.
The two freelancers started chatting about many things after she left, their adventures, their life, their plans. Even when they got their drinks and food, they were still laughing and having just an overall swell time.
After they were done, it was in the early evening, the sun slowly starting to set, making Sam's eyes widen, "W-Wait, you did arrange someone to pick (Y/N) up from school, didn't you?"
"Sam, who do you take me for? Of course, I did! I had Sybil pick them up and take them to Maya's house to spend the night!" Max waved a dismissing hand, making the dog breathe out a sigh of relief.
The two continued their walk down the street to the Desoto, making small talk as the street lamps and other lights start turning on. The dog looked to the fancy-dressed lagomorph with a curious smile. "You know, I'm actually surprised, Max. You usually don't want to do this type of thing with me on Valentine's day... or any day at all."
Max blushed at that, clearing his throat and looking away with furrowed brows. "Y-Yeah well... you look pretty disappointed... A-And I mostly did it cause I was not gonna miss out on the usual activities we do for tonight!"
Sam chuckled at that, putting his hands in his pockets, stopping as Max stepped in front of the Irish Wolfhound, stomping a brown boot on the concrete, his face almost completely flushed. "And don't think this is an every time thing as well, Sam! This is a one-time thing! You hear me! A one-time thi-"
He shut up as he felt Sam, bring his chin up, stealing a kiss from the rabbit as he kneeled down in front of him, making his brown eyes widen before fluttering shut and wrapping his arms around his neck, bringing him closer.
The two stayed like that for a good minute before parting, looking into each other's eyes. "Thank you, Max. I mean it. You've made this the best Valentine's day I've ever had."
His eye's widened at that, before looking away, glancing back at Sam before hugging him. "Happy Valentine's day, you Grody goof."
Sam chuckled deeply at that. "Happy Valentine's day, melon-head."
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rmg91 · 3 years
AO3 Game
I got tagged in something, yay!
How many works do you have on AO3?
26! There is more on FF.net but I haven’t played the ‘Let’s post the rest on Ao3′ Game in a while. Besides apart from maybe one or two fics the others can stay on fanfiction XD 
Although it’s probably a little larger if I were to count all the oneshots in the oneshot series I have XD
What is your total AO3 wordcount?
175,526. Not a very big number all things considered. But as I said there’s a few fics missing that I may want up there and I’m always (sort of) working on more.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
On Ao3 it’s just six but I’ve drabbled in lots of others. Inuyasha, Bleach, Miraculous Ladybug, Trolls, Tales of Arcadia, Noragami, Magic Night Rayearth, Zelda Botw, SD Gundam Force, Pokemon...These are just off the top of my head. (And not all are on AO3)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Such a Tease, An Announcement, A Miraculous Valentines, LadyNoir July, A Crappy Day.
....All Ladybug fics.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually try to but sometimes I don’t have much to say or don’t know how to respond to a particular comment.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
What is this angst? Lol but since I try to give my fics happy endings/don’t write angst I don’t have any that end angsty.
Do you write crossovers?
All my few attempts have never been finished or posted so...yes and no. I have ideas all the time but ever enough drive to write.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t so? Not hate-hate anyway. I’ve gotten a few weird or negative comments but nothing that was all ‘I hate this’. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...Yes. Romantic, sappy kind I guess. I try to write more...fast paced stuff/the kind that’s ‘Now and Need and Want’ but it always turns at least somewhat more...slow-ish? Soft, vanilla-ish smut despite trying to go a little more not is all I seem to be able to write lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
...Do RPs count? I did a round robin type of fic once and there’s always been plans to do a collab with the bestie but we’ve never really gotten to it.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
You ask a difficult question, I have so many. But I think I have to say my OTP of OTPs, Inukag! They were pretty much first OTP (that I can remember besides like Usagi/Mamoru).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Again this is a tough question, I truly don’t remember but it was either Inuyasha or SD Gundam Force...maybe?
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
The Woes and Antics of Living Together. It was and is my baby and the first and only multi-chaptered fic I’ve ever finished.
A second is Stormy Seas, a smut fic that I wrote in two days cause it just flowed really nicely for me.
Tagged By: @hayleysstark
Tagging: ....Whoever wants to do this!​
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Codename Cupid: Chapter 1
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Pairing: OFC X Some members of OT7
Genre: Angst, Secret AgentAU, Government AgentAU
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Swearing 
Summary: Introduction to the leading lady and the broken hearted heiress who wants nothing more than to find the men who broke her heart. But is that all she’s searching for? 
The Broken-Hearted Heiress Present Day
           The light breaks through the stained-glass windows arched above the double paned – somehow always rattling – glass below. The wood, warping slowly, gives way to the rustling of mid-winter, not raging hard enough to knock leaves off the trees, but enough that a cool breeze sweeps through my office. It seemed a universal problem, the lower the rent, the more problems to endure. In my five years in this particular office space, its quirks have done nothing but rage against my nerves. The door that you have to slam shut in order to lock, the bathroom that’s barely big enough to turn around in, and the slight smell of dumplings from the restaurant on the corner. What it lacks in esthetic beauty, it holds in convenience. Close to the business district, near the freeway, an overwhelming amount of natural light and original woodwork, stunning views of what was a park, now a set of townhouses recently built. The rent, barely changing from year to year, has kept me here this long. That, and the landlord was one of my first cases when I get my PI license, and has sent any a client to me, talking about discounted rates while he jacked the prices. A 20% discount, which luckily brought the price down to my original rate, made them feel like I was a steal. I couldn’t thank Mr. Yang enough for the support, or the fact that he got my windows cleaned every year, free of charge.
           I’m the only PI on this side of the city, and the only one in a twenty-mile radius with quick, efficient results. I pride myself on my results, and my 5-star Yelp rating is proof of that. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, I do carry a taser and maize, out of precaution. Being a woman snooping on other people often leads me down back alleys, towards dangerous men and secrets bigger than the universe. But I love the danger, the inability to pin me down, the uncertainty that I am who I say I am, and not the secretary waiting patiently for my boss to come in. In the years I’ve been working, the suspects always remain confused on who exactly I am. Their worst nightmare? Their godsend? Their hope? Their noose?
           I’m both their hurricane and the eye of the storm. They just can’t decipher when I’m which.
          Leaning back in the chair, I sigh, eyes drifting from the too bright computer screen to the refrigerator. The left-over cheesecake calls from its Styrofoam container, eat me, eat me, devour me, it beckons. I want to, more than I care to admit, and there’s no way I can deny the salivation that has been occurring as I try to organize rates for my last client. All I can think about is the creamy texture mixing with the stark contrasting raspberry swirl, the bite of the rum that courses through its silky layers, and the crunch of the graham cracker crust… I waited for weeks to get a slice of it, and finally, finally, the treat is mine. Now it sits, belonging to the mini fridge. I know, it will still be waiting for me after I finish. Waiting to be goggled up with a glass of pinot grigio and maybe, if I have the energy, eaten after a large bowl of pasta that I make instead of you know… DoorDash. I can’t order out again, especially when I am perfectly capable of cooking for myself. Capable and willing are two different things, and truly, I am unwilling.
           I force myself to stop ogling my fridge and lower my eyes to my computer screen. This last client, Lee Euna, heiress and CEO apparent of Lee Enterprises, had left much to be desired. She had minimal, factual intel, which stemmed from a list of names of the men who have wronged her and her family. It wasn’t a short list, by any means. Five names sitting prettily on a piece of paper, her handwriting detailed and immaculate.
          “How stunning are those names?” she had asked. “Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. Pretty names, prettier men.”
          Euna brought photos and as much information as she had, though her eyes were withholding, and she had few answers to my standard questions. What she lacked in factual information, she made up for in her manifesto. It was no shorter than 100 handwritten pages and filled with every wrongdoing the five have committed against the Lee’s. From what I can sus out from our meeting, she was slightly deranged, a multi-billionaire, and seeking some sort of vengeance. The crimes committed ranged from cheating, to what looked to be embezzling and insider trading, though she provided no financial records and no hard proof the men were profiting from Lee Enterprises. How she, and her siblings, ended up in relationships with these men is included in a separate, typed and printed, volume which gives around 50 pages of grotesque details about each man.
          In reading through the documents, I begin to piece together the narrative she’s trying to write: five men, unrelated, had all fallen into bed with her, her siblings, or her company, only to break her heart on or around Valentine’s Day, one almost every year for the better part of a decade. The men, having never crossed paths personally or professionally, to her knowledge, had no university in common, no careers that were similar, no mutual friends. Their only link, the Lee’s. Her manifesto is full of inaccuracies and plot holes bigger than anything Neil Breen has ever written. Through her writing, it’s apparent that she wants blood, but for what I cannot tell. Their unsubstantiated crimes are nothing more than fabricated lies, and for the money she’s willing to pay me, I can tell she wants me to come to a specific conclusion. I’m not sure I’m going to provide her with what she wants, or rather what she assumes I’ll find. Which means one of two things, either Euna is absolutely shattered, or, or, there’s a larger conspiracy at play that I am just a pawn in. Either way, it won’t hurt to go a step further to unearth more about these men and understand why Lee Euna wants them found.
          The first, Kim Seokjin.
Next: Love at First Algorithm
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virtuosin · 4 years
Time was overall subjective when this far out beyond the Edgeworlds. It was hard to keep track of birthdays, and holiday events however being in the Empire, he had a sense for such things as they worked to help pinpoint memories, and schedules. So when the infamous day of Valentines had come around - Sona would find a box on the bed in the hotel room. Plain. Unassuming. Sat atop it would be a note which upon being unfolded would offer a map and instructions.
Follow the map through the tunnels by 23:45. Do not open the box until you reach the specified location. Use the light on top of the box to illuminate the tunnels. You will find something identifiable once you reach the designated spot.
The lights within the cavern city dimmed to entice the bio luminescent rock ceiling high above.  Torchlight took up the streets in a warm glow giving the atmosphere a welcoming, and peaceful vibe.  The tunnels too were lit, but only a short ways into the maze.  She would have to follow the map to the letter if she had any hope of locating the designated destination.
It would take… a little time.  A little effort. Starlight shimmers across the rockface made it seem like she were wandering the galactic plain.  A landscape threatening to consume her imagination with its warm twinkles, and dense atmosphere. Even the low laying mists looked like they were kissed with the colors of a nebula, swirling effortlessly with the sway of her steps and motion of her body.
It was upon arrival that the woman would find the identifiable marker.  A lantern hung low from an iron arm curved up and over a small mountain of sand and rocks.  Stones made stairs spiraling up to its crest to reveal a basket concealed under a small hand towel and two pillows stacked atop a folded blanket under the faint glow of quiet firelight contained within its glass prison.
Another note would be hung from a thin string dangling from the base of the lantern.
Blow out the candlelight, and open the box.
Should she do so, she would find that the cave was not as dark as it originally seemed as moonlight immediately consumed its reaches from an opening high above.  Higher than even the storms that raged across the surface of the planet.  The light was strange but not for the moon itself, but the source; the neutron start that blazed so strangely not terribly far off.  It’s bluish hue thrown off the snowcaps of the moon to radiate gently down into the depths of this place.  It was stunning.  But more than that – When she would open the box, a single flower would rest inside.  It stirred as it felt the rays with reactive pollen creeping from within the flower like tiny fireflies reaching out to the sky.  Harmless, and beautiful.  As the flower turned to bask in the moonlight, wide, vibrant petals would spread one at a time until fully blossomed.  It was alive.  Responsive even to the direction the lights would come from always seeking to embrace the rays as if it were the greatest gift that could be given to it.
Behind her Kayn stood with his hands rested to his back.  His eyes keen and observant, making a point to not give his position away.  To linger at the edges of her vision to drink in her response, and the unfurling of the moon flower.
It would be a few minutes giving her the ability to bask in the moment before he would make himself known, speaking plainly as he watched the tiny pollen fragments drift higher and higher forever seeking the rays of the moon.
“This moon flower is not named only for its reaction to lunar light, but because the pods actually thrive in space making homes on the surface of moons, or near to them.  Tide locked are among their favorites, and tend to prosper because there is no waning of light, nor necessity to relocate.”
His steps were calm, and calculated, taking his time to join her, “Consider this a gift.  A show of appreciation for your efforts despite–” Kayn waves his hand absently, “–our disagreements.” More like his disapproval of some things, but he surely wasn’t going to get into it.
If she were to pull the towel off the basket, she would find a simple, but well loved meal common among the people of her home world.  He doesn’t comment.  He simply tends to the blanket, unfolding it and plopping the pillows down so the pair had a place to sit.
It was late, and by the time Sona found the letter left behind by the Ordinal, Sona had already removed her binding for the day. She hoped he’d understand when she showed up to the location in her normal attire. In truth, she hadn’t any issues traversing the city nor the tunnels--aside from the abyss of twilight which nearly caused her to trip twice. But at least she made it safely within the hollowed out network of corridors. Part of her wondered what he had in store for her this time. Kayn was full of mysteries and his displays were nothing short of grandiose. Always one for the flair, that one. There could be all manner of things he could be plotting for her but...
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Whatever she had been thinking--this wasn’t it.
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Seated upon the blanket and pillows, Sona finds herself in the moonlit cavern, the flower in the box beside her and the basket on Kayn’s side. The meal before her is not only nostalgic, but coincidentally a favorite of hers;  Gyūdon--fresh rice with thinly sliced beef and fragrant slivered onions, cooked with dashi, soy, and mirin. There were even mushrooms and a bit of ginger as well. What’s more, it had a dollop of what looked to be shichimi, a type of ground chili pepper that Galrin was known for. It really was a shock to see a staple from home, to the point that she didn’t wish to disturb the bowl--instead she wanted to admire it for a bit longer, as if it were a piece of art not meant for consumption. Yet, the Ordinal’s pointed glare was all the silent urging she needed to grasp her chopsticks and dig in.
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“I must have lost track of time. Certain holidays are universal, even where I’m from. This must mean we’re nearing the fire festival back at home.” Sona reflects aloud, her smile warm and bright. With a warm meal before her so reminiscent of home, she continues to eat and drown in the memories, allowing her senses to be taken over by the comforting sweetness of days past. “You’re full of surprises, Shieda. I gratefully accept this incredible gesture...heh, I don’t even know how you managed all this on Shedola. It’s nothing short of talented.” And she means it. Sona never seeks to fluff up anyone’s ego with hot air, least of all Kayn--he doesn’t need it. However, she’s able to recognize ingenuity, prowess, and ability when she sees it. “It does mean a lot...I-”
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“-I don’t...have much to give to you in turn though.” Sona goes quiet for a moment, knowing that Kayn would dismiss such musings. Still, she couldn’t. If she had realized the date, she’d have prepared him baked goods--those were always a perfect gift around this time of year and she knew he enjoyed her food enough. Not that she had ample opportunity to do so, even if she had known of the holiday fast approaching. It gnawed on her mind that she hadn’t anything substantial to give such as a materialistic gift nor succulent--but a thought occurs to Sona as she finishes her bowl; a gift of a different kind that wouldn’t require much from her, but it would still be something which might interest the man so eager to learn.
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“Shieda,” Sona calls out his name while standing up. “I know you’re an educated man, but perhaps you didn’t know-” Sona would glance over her shoulder towards the man, a faint smile on her lips. As she does, she steps forward, a hand upon her bosom to calm her racing heart. It’s such a simple thing that she’s about to do, and yet she can’t calm down. She can never shake the nerves, even in the privacy of this cavern. When was the last time she had done this?
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“-the Order is quite an old organization and has been around for countless generations. While we have evolved with the times, there once was a time where we memorized oral histories and events. Nothing was ever written, only spoken. It made every individual in the group precious and important, as each carried with them part of the galaxy’s stories and traditions.” Sona smiles a bit brighter, hoping the flash of teeth would help calm her nerves. “The original Templars were nomadic, held no material possessions, and often communed with Ora--though most of their tales have faded into antiquity due to the nature of their paperless ideals. Only folklore and unverified recordings of events exist, knowledge still passed on from the founders of the past to the youth of today. Even if it bears no particular importance on the events of today, it is part of our values to learn of our forebears.” “What’s more-” Sona takes a deep breath. “-is that their voices live on through arcane scripture, written in a dead language that only High Templars are permitted to learn.” Sona turns, now facing the twinkling expanse of the cavern. With the milky moonlight pouring fourth from the opening in the ceiling, it nearly looks as though a halo of snow forms across her crown, an almost ethereal sight.
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“Being who I am--what I am--I learned the archaic dialect and their ancient hymns.” And with a final breath to rid herself of what anxiety remained, Sona would part her lips--and she would sing. Music was her life, the small bit of self-expression and freedom afforded to her in life. It was an intimate experience, sharing her song to Kayn in that moment, using the language scarcely known in the entire universe.
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“Kuwata tsunowo vralai Tsuriji pufuralekai Kwondzuvai undovartsu wronduwail Tjortetei jeki liago Jiunmata ivelischpfuli Neftyoma sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Nic'hpisfa unhoreselye Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wa nyame fretsumekri fretsumekri linganmai Ulreri manja huteharraku-mu harirch lahadachfei lahadachfei shindulhwo“
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It wasn’t a magnificent performance filled with pyrotechnics and an orchestral swell. She’s certain he’s heard far better among the Empire concert halls and various parades his home boasts. Even so, there is something so pure and sincere in her voice, in the way the acoustics of the cavern exemplify the purity to her singing. She had been so nervous to share her melody and part of her heritage to him, but now that her singing has ceased and she has a moment to breathe, she realizes that Kayn is not the type of man to scorn her for what makes her unique. Even as an Ordinal, he would not mock that which she offers him in kind. It’s not the exact gift she had in mind to give him, though she hopes the new insight on her people--and the performance itself--is still enjoyable for him...even without her beloved instrument.
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And in the end, she was able to bear more of herself to him--something that is perhaps the most priceless thing of all.
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britta perry and frankie dart for the character ask!
Sorry it’s taken me forever to answer this! Britta Perry
Why I like her
She’s unflinching in her beliefs (even if they’re sometimes misguided), she’s the heart of the group, she’s HILARIOUS when given the chance to crack jokes, she’s unconventionally smarter than she’s given credit for, she calls Jeff out on his shit early on when he’s still little more than a manipulative ass to the group. I could go on. She’s a gem.
Why I don’t
She’s not always the most understanding toward Abed in S1, but other than that...can’t really think of anything.
Favorite episode(s)
Modern Warfare, Origins of Vampire Mythology, Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations
Favorite season
Seasons 2 and 6 in particular are pretty good for her.
Favorite line
“Shouldn't have worn that petard if you didn't want to be hoisted by it...I guess I just assumed that in the old days a petard was a special outfit like a leotard, with a lot of fancy buckles and loops on it, and that rich people would wear them when they were feeling especially smug, but then poor people would tie a rope through one of the loops, and hoist them up a pole and then let them dangle there as punishment for being cocky.”
Favorite outfit
S1 Valentine’s Day outfit was awesome and made me go, “Okay, yeah, Britta’s bi.” 
And her standard jeans/boots/leather jacket combo slays.
I’m split more or less 50/50 on the idea that her ideal romantic ending comes with Jeff or Annie.
Reasons for Jeff: The chemistry. The banter. Wearing jaded cynicism to hide inner turmoil. They always fall back to each other.
Reasons for Annie: This is more of an AU, but there’s def. a timeline out there where Annie’s comment about “I only kissed Jeff because I wanted to be sexy and cool like you” sticks in Britta’s mind for longer than it should. In said timeline, the two of them actually bond as good friends after the whole S2 save the pelicans/oil spill incident. Annie slowly realizes she’s gay and they get together late in the show’s run (probably S5 or S6).
Troy for sure! They shouldn’t have dated, but their friendship is really important and they relate well to each other.
I feel like it’s not really a headcanon with how many people have broadcasted it over the years, but Britta’s definitely bi. Also, she makes personalized mixtapes for everyone in the study group as Christmas presents with music she knows they like, as well as tracks she thinks they’ll enjoy based on their listening habits during the year.
Unpopular opinion
I prefer late-season Britta’s personality to S1. It’s not her fault she got Flanderized by the writers.
A wish
Delete the episode with her parents or have her friends react accordingly when they’ve literally all gone through some level of familial trauma. Especially Jeff considering Britta LITERALLY helped him deal with facing his dad at Thanksgiving.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
If the movie ever somehow gets made...no using “Britta” as a put-down verb.
I mean, I don’t have a nickname for her, but I pretty much always write that Jeff or Annie (depending who I pair her with in fics) affectionally call her “Britts” from time to time.
Frankie Dart
Why I like her
She's willing to adapt to the group and to Greendale’s general insanity and works her ass off to make the school better. Also, she has the patience to deal with Dean Pelton’s antics. Mad respect.
Why I don’t
She sometimes takes the whole “I’m in charge” thing a little far early on, but, like, I get it.
Favorite episode(s)
Basic Crisis Room Decorum, Grifting 101, and Wedding Videography.
Favorite season
Season 6 lol
Favorite line
“Hope points!” or “Annie, the world will still need you after you finish your cake...we have the same dragon. Eventually you will slay it, train it, or dissolve in its stomach. Its name is helping others.”
Favorite outfit
Her day 1 “I’m here to fix your school” outfit worked pretty well.
Honestly, I don’t really ship her with anyone from the group and I think she’s completely fine on her own. Maybe Britta for the “chaotic dumbass/organized list-checker in love” vibes? 
Annie is the only right answer for the type A, get shit done solidarity, and for how Frankie becomes her mentor, of sorts.
The group arranges for a birthday party or some such occasion to be held at a laser tag arena and Frankie learns she likes shooting people when there are rules and regulations to it, rather than the utter insanity of paintball.
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think I have one...maybe that she wouldn’t necessarily do well if she had to take over as the Dean? Idk.
A wish
I wish she could’ve had a few more opportunities to show off her fun side (such that it is, as a person who copped to being boring/mundane) like she did at the end of Grifting 101.
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen
I wouldn’t wanna see her get written as a buzzkill in the movie if it ever happens.
Sorry again that this took so long, kind anon!
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ask-mrradiodemon · 5 years
Valentine's Day ~ A Radiodust Story
A/N: This story is largely based on the canon of my RP blog, which I'm posting this on now, and the things that have developed here over time, rather than actual character canon. Having said that, each individual should be in character, and I hope you're all able to enjoy nonetheless. Cheers, everyone
Ao3 Link (since SOME people found it early-)
TW: Brief mentions of alcohol and believing love is unrequited
Baking and cooking are often time consuming activities that can take a toll on anyone's health. Doing so for twelve hours straight three days in a row only makes matters worse, and would cause any normal person to pass out. Of course, the radio demon was far from being a normal person, rarely ever needing sleep. But without a moment's rest, exhaustion was bound to take over at some point. Alastor nearly failed to arrive to the venue on time.
But not quite.
The room in question was something that had previously been old and abandoned; a ballroom in the back of the hotel, complete with a stage up front and a floor made for dancing. It took Niffty nearly a full day to clean up the cobwebs, dust, and creatures that had made it their home, but with the light shining in that space by the end, it was more than worth it. The empty room wasn't enough, though, of course. Decorations had to be put around as well, and with Alastor busy with the food preparations, that task was assigned to none other than...
"Charlie, you've done splendid! Absolutely marvelous!" It was more than a relief when she heard that her decorations were up to Alastor's standards. During the hour of him inspecting each individual piece, only a few tweaks were made. Moving a banner two inches to the left, tightening the knot that held a balloon to the ground, going so far as to change the color of the tablecloth where the food was meant to be placed. Charlie hadn't been nearly as busy lately, but she still worked hard as hell on that. With her work in place and finished, Alastor dismissed her to go get ready for the evening's events.
"So are you gonna fuckin' tell me why you're doing this to begin with?"
Ah, the telltale voice of a drunk man. Not that Alastor was surprised, of course. Without hesitation, he simply made his way over to the barman's table, upon which laid a dozen different drink types. Coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade (pink and regular), tea, juice, and even the soda Alastor had hazardously taken from the upper world's. Under the table, just barely hidden by the cloth, was a large bottle of fine wine: Husk's motivation to be here.
"Well I believe I've said it before, my dear! I've never celebrated an event such as this, and a dance is the perfect method to encourage camaraderie and building relationships among staff!"
Husk was not the least bit impressed. "Right, so that's your canned response you've been givin' to everyone for the past two weeks. In case you don't remember, I've known you longer than these assholes, and you're not like that. So spill."
Alastor didn't respond immediately to the… Question? It was more like an order. Either he had to think of a convincing enough lie, or tell the truth. And since the latter was not an option, and Husk had already broken through several of the excuses Alastor had given, there weren't many options left.
"If you're just gonna give me more bullshit, then don't even bother saying anything." Ding.
"Very well then! I won't! Make sure you're on time this evening, six o' clock sharp!" With that, Alastor simply walked away, with Husk facepalming in the background.
Only ten in the morning! There's so much left to prepare! Hot chocolate couldn't be made more than an hour early, and many of the foods had to be fresh and warm to ensure they were at top quality. At least the cookies, cake, and appetizers had been finished the night before; things would be slightly easier today.
Alastor was never grateful to have an extra pair of hands assisting him. Or, well… three pairs.
"So? You got it figured out yet?" While Arakniss worked on following the recipes that had been laid out for him, Alastor was gathering ingredients for the ones yet to come. Many of which, he promptly dropped after hearing that question. That gave Niss a much needed chuckle; no matter how many times they talked about this, it never failed to send Alastor short circuiting.
“Yes, well… I believe so? Things have been… Written out, and… Well the decorations are gorgeous, you should see them!”
Niss only rolled his eyes at the nervous deflection. “You’re gonna do fine, dance lessons will come in handy soon. Be dancin’ with my fratello before the night’s over, easy.”
Somehow, the thought of that wasn’t as comforting as it should have been. For that to happen, Alastor would actually have to go through with his confession, and Angel would have to actually accept it. Even with that low likelihood, if it managed to happen, Alastor’s online lessons in tango may not have been near enough to actually perform it well. In front of everyone else that was invited.
"There's a very good chance I could step on his feet. Hooves are a bit more rough than normal shoes."
Niss gave a half laugh, half scoff at that. "Look, you're gonna do just fine. I know it pretty decent, you need some last minute practice?"
Alastor glanced up to the clock. Three hours left, and most things only took a few minutes to prepare…
"That would be quite nice."
So far, things had run smoothly. Husk wasn't offering anyone alcohol, Niffty was cleaning up the little spills and crumbs, and the dessert table was quite the success. Almost all the savory and sweet things had been eaten, with Angel seeming to take a particular favor to the strawberry cookies. Though, if Alastor had been honest, he wasn't paying much attention to everyone else. With Angel's plus one being Cherri, they'd had enough fun with all the energetic songs to make time fly past. Alastor had tried choosing the playlist for the evening, but Vaggie took over that quickly once she saw the old things he was choosing.
Thirty minutes left until everyone's curfew. Thirty minutes left until the end of the event. And Alastor hadn't said a single word to anyone besides Husk, about refilling the drinks when things ran low, and Charlie, assuring her he was keeping an eye out for any damages while she enjoyed the night with her girlfriend.
It was now. Or it was never. Alastor gave a gesture to some stranger that had been volunteered to run the music, and it was cut off as the radio demon made his way onto the center of the small stage.
"I hope you're all having an enjoyable time here. I simply wish to say a few words, a toast, if you will, without the drinks. To our honorable staff members, that worked hard to make this event what it was." Only Charlie was the one aware that was bullshit, that Alastor had planned everything out himself and only allowed the others to help if absolutely necessary. He'd done a very good job of hiding the bags under his eyes, she noticed.
“As you all know, I have given many speeches throughout both life and death. Though many have been broadcast, many a time has it been an intimate gathering among those I… used to consider my friends. As one might predict, never in those speeches have I been at a loss for words or needing to plan things out. Until of course… Now. Perhaps it is because you are no longer strangers, and yet you are far from friends either.”
“I told you we couldn’t trust him.” As quiet as Vaggie’s words were, Alastor’s ears picked them up easily. His smile faltered for only a second, unnoticeable to anyone besides his newfound friend Arakniss, standing in the doorway out of sight.
“You see, in the many months since I joined this staff, I have grown to consider you all as…”
...of course. Alastor knew this was going to happen. Each time he tried to show any kind of gratitude, his throat closed up and he was unable to say the dreaded, emotional words. At least, this time, he had prepared.
To say that everyone was shocked, not only at the appearance of Alastor’s shadow clone standing proud next to him, but at the words it said, would be a terrible understatement.
“It is no secret to most of you that I have… unusual levels of difficulty expressing certain emotions, whereas my “friends” here have no trouble at all.” The last part of that phrase was said with slight menace, though not towards any of the members of the hotel; he was quick to learn how his shadows had been finishing his thoughts recently, filling everyone in on the feelings he would rather have kept hidden. There was a reason most of them, all except Al’s own, were banned from the event.
“As such, I am placing my trust in my other half,” accented with a bow while Alastor gestured towards it, “to help me today, and to ensure my meaning is not changed due to my own inability to speak my mind. Beginning with Charlie…”
As soon as the name was spoken, the shadow was no longer by his side, now standing in front of Charlie with a smile. Naturally, Vaggie reached for her concealed knife, but the shadow simply reached out a hand to take Charlie’s own, placing a small kiss on the top of it.
“When I first arrived here, I did not hesitate to let you know exactly what I thought of this idea of yours. Though I still do not believe the end to your means is possible, you have still managed great success, in your own way. Just look around!” Alastor twirled in a circle, using his microphone to gesture to the crowd in front of him. “More and more people are smiling like they never have before! Whether your ultimate goal ends in complete failure, or minor success…”
Silence. And then another gesture with his microphone, this time to the shadow, who spoke in his characteristic deeper, distorted version of the radio demon’s own voice.
“Your kind heart has made a great influence on many people. Hell is lucky to have someone such as yourself to be next in line for power.”
Ignoring the shocked expression on each face, the shadow moved on before anyone was able to comment on the uncharacteristic compliment, stepping to stand in front of Vaggie and perform the same gesture. Or at least, attempting to do so before she pulled her hand away. In response, the shadow simply crossed its hands behind its back.
"My dear, I'm well aware that I have done very little in an attempt to impress you, or not rebut the many tales you've heard of my name. In truth, I'm gar more used to having enemies than friends. If anything, you had the most expected reaction!" With that came a chorus of laughter, all background noises created by Alastor himself. Surprisingly, she didn't consider this situation funny.
"But, regardless of your views on me, allow me to share my opinion of you. Rather abrasive, tough, and perhaps too defensive." Vaggie looked as though she was ready to run upstage and punch him, only held back by Charlie's hand on her arm. "Yet undoubtedly, you are strong-willed and protective. Indeed, an admirable quality, one that I self proclaim to share." A quick bow and gesture of the microphone, a humble gesture though it contradicted the previous phrase. "It is for this reason that I greatly… respect and admire you.  Perhaps one day, I can earn your favor, as you have mine."
The shadow moved with obvious intention past Angel Dust, but if anyone in the crowd noticed, they didn't comment. Rather, it made its way straight to the bar, quickly summoning a bottle of fine wine rather than attempting any sort of contact.
"Husk! My old friend! I trust that you've warmed up to me more since your arrival, my part in recent events having /nothing/ to do with that, I'm sure."
The resulting middle finger gave Alastor all the hint he needed; keep it short, the relationship was Arakniss wasn't public knowledge yet. "But regardless of that, or the intoxicating reasons you've chosen to say, you've done each individual here- a great service by staying, and we are lucky to have you."
The shadow didn't need to approach Niffty; she had been following it around since the beginning, and now its eyes were on her.
"My darling, you're quite the hard worker at this establishment. Enjoy it or not, you've likely done more work in a day than I ever have as co-owner! Though your job isn't what I'd like to mention." If anything, she was more confused than anyone else. "You're rather invasive, you like to listen in on my private conversations, and you are very persistent in matters that are, frankly, none of your business.” Niffty looked almost heartbroken. “However, in doing so, you are never critical or judgemental. Rather, you are kind, encouraging, understanding. For each of these reasons combined, you are the obnoxious, lovable little sister I never had.” The shadow dissipated as she tried to hug the incorporeal being, but a hand ruffled her hair to reduce the disappointment regardless.
“As for the final member of our staff-” The shadow quietly approached Angel before Al held out a hand to stop it. “We will speak another time.” The quiet whispers in certain patches showed that he wasn’t the only one who knew precisely what that phrase meant, but of course the shadow couldn’t simply leave things up to fate. Rather, he told a hold of angel’s face once the crowd’s attention was redirected, whispering “mon cher” in his ear, so quietly no one but Angel could hear. He may not have spoken a word of french, but with the odd seductive tone, he at least hoped he could figure out the meaning.
“But, enough of the sappy things. It’s a wonderful night! Célébrer, my friends, celebrate!”
Angel was quick to run as the peaceful buzz started and anyone could ask questions, as was Arakniss, but to stop Alastor from collapsing as soon as he was out of sight. His knees buckled and Niss was the only thing stopping him from hitting the floor.
“...what have I just done?”
Arakniss didn't have a fast enough answer before Angel came in through the back door, looking unusually pissed off. "Al, what the fuck was that about!?" Immediately, Alastor stood up and pushed away the guiding arm that was intended to steady him.
"I- My apologies, but-"
"You're really gonna go and say nice shit to everyone but me? And make it fuckin' obvious? Geez, if you really hated me that bad you shoulda just said so." Angel had a lot more to say, but with Niss standing behind Alastor motioned for him to shut the fuck up, he kept quiet for only a second.
"I… did not wish to… say certain things in front of the staff, is all."
"Well go on and spit it out then, I'm listening-"
"This is quite difficult enough without your argument, if you would please allow me to speak."
Something about the sincerity, and unusual level of fear, in Alastor's voice made Angel fall silent as Arakniss excused himself out the back door. A quick memory came of the phrase the shadow had said to him, though it didn't last long once it showed up again, taking Angel's hand as it had Charlie's.
"You're very… irritating. You're overly lewd, and brash, and there's many things about you that spark my wrath easier than anything." Alastor couldn't get any further than that, and an awkward silence followed. Angel staring with a mix of anger and confusion, while Alastor felt his face growing brighter red with each passing second. They had a script to follow. Just like the ones he had written for everyone else. Yet he couldn't remember a single word of it. Part of him just wanted to run, allow Angel to finish enjoying his night, and never speak of this moment again. Part of him also knew he'd never forgive himself if he did that.
"You're enchanting." No going back now. His shadow had full control, and all Alastor could do was stand there and watch. "I can't express how much I care for you. My eyes have been on you since the first day we met. Your eyes, your voice, your personality… All beautiful. I'd give you the world should you ask for it. I've been enamoured with you since the day we met, and I'd be honored if I could call you mine."
There was silence for about a minute, and no one moved. Angel held an unreadable expression, and Alastor's heart broke when he eventually pulled the hand away. Here comes the rejection he knew would happen. At least now, he could be able to move on.
"Look, Al… you're… really amazing, like… Holy shit, I…" Angel laughed and shook his head, pushing back his hair with one hand. "If I had any kinda common sense I'd shove ya against the wall now and kiss ya, but…" He nervously glanced at the shadow, and Alastor's heart rose into his throat as he realized what might need to be done.
"It's… Weird. Not havin' you say it. I mean it's you, but… Not really. And it's kinda hard to believe it's real if I'm not hearing it from you."
Alastor wasn't sure what exactly Angel expected him to do. But what he actually did was nod silently as his smile began to fade, and walk out the door, leaving the distraught shadow behind with a shocked expression.
"Don't look at me like that! It's fuckin weird, like if my brother had just gone and told him all the stuff I think about him. You can't blame me for that!" It didn't respond, fading out into the darkness. Angel didn't have much choice but to head out back to the party, where the final song was playing. A tango. Hand-picked, for the dance that Alastor had spent over a month learning, not that Angel would ever learn that now.
For the first time, Alastor allowed himself to cry in front of someone else as soon as he met Arakniss outside.
He cared. He really did. Angel cared for him.
But that meant nothing if Alastor couldn't learn to say the words out loud for himself. Such a bittersweet feeling. Besides the occasional choked sobs, not a sound left his mouth. If he couldn't learn to say the words, all his work will have been for nothing. Somehow, knowing that was worse than if he had just been turned down.
It had been over two weeks since Alastor had attempted to sleep, and four days since he had any rest at all. Too busy.
"When you allow your heart to lead you, it drives you off a cliff."
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icedcappujaeno · 5 years
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03. Signal. | jjh. [ idol!au ]
warnings: none in particular.
word count: 1,547
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“There’s something on your sandwich.”
Before you could even react, Soomin was already taking the sandwich off your hands, peeled the piece of paper away and gave it back to you. Your stomach growled for the 3rd time today and it was only 10A.M. - and the only meal that was in your stomach right now was the small cup of coffee your manager made for you before going to your respective schedules. Now, you’re inside the dressing room, taking a break for at least 10 minutes before your respective make-up artists and hairdresser do their works on your trio.
To say that you’re hungry was an understatement. Famished seemed to fit better with how badly you want to take a bite off the sandwich you’re holding right now. Though you try your best not to roll your eyes and grunt as it was deemed unfit for a lady-like idol like you, you still did. Voluntarily.
“Let me guess, it’s from Valentine’s boy again?” Mari giggled, taking a bite off her own sandwich as well. “I wish Chanyeol-sunbae would do the same for m-ouch!”
You glared and pinched your co-worker’s side before she could even end her statement. All the while she’s talking, you finished your share - all in hunger. Your female manager was glaring daggers at your direction but you heed no mind - what is etiquette and public figure when you’re dying of hunger in any moment?
Also, you did glare at your other manager, who was a male. It was him who went to the cafeteria and got your snacks, and apparently, he was an asset to all these stuff. He only shrugged and chuckled, so he was taking part in this - why was it so fun to tease you with Jaehyun?
“What did it say?” Mari cooed, leaving her seat beside yours to scoot beside Soomin. 
“For the meantime, I hope this will do. But next time, I want to take you out on a romantic dinner for two. - JH”
Soomin and Mari looked at each other with knowing smiles on their lips. 
“But it’s still sweet Soomin! And it rhymes too!” Mari laughed, slapping Soomin’s thigh out of habit.
You only blew a raspberry, and your manager thanked all the heavens that your hair isn’t done yet as your hands ran through your hair in frustration - forehead lightly bumping the tabletop. You were sure it will leave a red mark - but whatever, your make-up artist would do something about it anyway.
“Why don’t you just tell it to him straight?” Soomin shrugged, picking one of the sliced apples from her plate. “It’s been months, I kinda feel pity for the guy.”
“He’s going to be enlisted next year!” Mari reminded. “At least give him a chance? I mean, he’s pretty cute-”
“Why don’t you date him then?” You jabbered and raised your head. 
“Ah, Jaehyun’s not really my type. I told you, Chanyeol-su-”
“I get it,” your eyes rolled annoyingly. Although sometimes Mari’s crush over your seniors are cute, it gets overboard. But now you know she’s just teasing you. Everybody does.
“Break’s over, let’s get back to work,” your female manager said, cleaning up the left-overs at your table while the three of you go back to your respective places to get dolled up for music core.
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“This came in the mail.”
A bouquet is thrown on your bed by your female manager while you were busy putting make-up on. You were glad she came in with notice because you were sure that your make-up will get ruined once she didn’t. Another thing you’re sure of was the sender of the said bouquet, and looking at your manager’s expression through the mirror, she wasn’t very happy about it.
“Message him to stop, please.” Though you weren’t pleading, rather than a command. You could only sigh and nodded, saying that you will and she left. You picked up your phone and took a deep breath before typing in his name on the recipient bar.
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It only took you seconds before you received a reply.
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You sighed. Pretty sure this is going to be a long conversation. You know he’s joking, but the topic isn’t going anywhere intellectual.
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You locked your phone and continued with your make-up. You were glad that you woke up earlier than expected, so you had a lot of time to prepare for an appearance at a music festival later at night. For a moment, you felt weird with Jaehyun’s final reply. It felt odd but you carried on, and just when you finished your brows, his message tone ringed and your phone lit up.
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Jaehyun was at his peak. 
A solo single coming out to the public in 2 days, which concludes fan signs on the following weeks during the promotion. Music shows and award show appearances. Another recording for collaboration for SMTOWN Station in the next month. Jaehyun did have time, but it was all cramped on his busy, idol, schedule. 
All while the others are still in the military, Jaehyun and the remaining had to carry their group name, as well as keep the sales coming for the company. The idol industry isn’t just entertainment, after all. In the end, it was business -- the rest of those who still haven’t enlisted must carry on.
And because Jaehyun is going to be enlisted for the next year and a half - it was only necessary that the company utilize each member, especially Jaehyun. In this current generation, Jaehyun is a King - all with his god-like visuals and heaven-sent voice, it was sure that he’ll be stable until his enlistment.
But all that, King Jaehyun is lonely. Sure, his entire body and soul is dedicated to his work - it’s his life. But his heart was needing something - someone to fill its void. And he was pursuing that need, the need that was you.
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“Have you heard?”
Soomin asked, looking directly at your eating figure. You were slurping on a cup of ramyeon as you watched The King of Masked Singer with your team: squished between you and your female manager was Mari while Soomin rests her head on your crossed legs.
“Heard what?” You replied, slurping on another set of noodles.
Soomin wiped her face in disgust while some of the ramyeon soup went on her face. “God, I wish our fans could see how much of a pig you are.”
“Whatever,” you replied.
“What were you going to say Soomin?” Mari asked, eyes still glued on the TV. It was very much expected of Mari not to forget rumors — but not choreo. You still love her anyway.
“Jaehyun was rushed to the hospital just this afternoon.”
You coughed, dropping some blessing onto Soomin’s face causing her to jump.
Thankfully there was a nightstand beside the couch where you placed your ramyeon. You wiped your mouth from the droplets of spicy and salty ramyeon and immediately fished your phone from the side of the couch and dialed Jaehyun’s number.
The other line answered, Jaehyun’s voice resonating through.
“Yes hello? It’s rare for you to call,” you hear him chuckle.
“Are you okay sunbae?” 
“What do you mean?” 
Your brows raised with his question — confusion was written all over your face. Soomin shrugged and stood from where she sat, Mari and your manager following you. As soon as they had their backs on you, they giggled, making you miss the smug grins on their faces.
“Hello? Still there?” Jaehyun asked on the line.
“Yes, Soomin told me you were rushed to the hospital—“
“I’m perfectly fine,” he laughs. “I think you just missed me.”
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Proven, you were stupid enough to fall for Soomin and Mari’s tricks. You were thankful that Jaehyun can’t see your face as you were sure that your face is as red as a tomato right now.
“I’m just worried…” with threaded words you replied.
“Sure you do,” and sure you were that he was being sarcastic. 
“Sunbae…” You could only flop your butt back on the couch, palming your forehead of how much dumb you are.
“Well, I’m glad that my baby missed me, but break’s over and I have to head back to practice,” he chuckled.
“Alright,” you sighed. Yes, you heard the name he called you, but you were sure that if you mention it more, more teasings would come your way. You decided to pretend that you didn’t hear it. “Goodluck with practice, Jaehyun-sunbae.”
You hear the line go silent that you thought he ended it without you noticing, but when you looked at the screen, he was still on. You put your phone back beside your ear and hummed. “Sunbae, put the line down.”
“Why don’t you go first?” His tone was teasing—you could almost see the smugness written all over his features.
“Alright. Bye sunbae.”
With that, you pressed the red button on your phone and tossed it aside—The King of Masked Singer already on its ending cue.
On the other line, however, was Jaehyun lying on the hospital bed, IV inserted on his median cubital. His lips tugged into a smile as the call ended as your photo with him flashed on the screen.
“Hard to get, are we?”
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the third fic for @jackbabewang and I’s drabble game! check out her work here!
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slamsams-blog · 4 years
Goldeneye - #24WeeksofBond
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24 Weeks of Bond continues this week with Goldeneye.  Ask anybody who grew up with an N64 what their favorite Bond movie is.  I’d be willing to bet 9 out of 10 of those people will tell you this film.  I grew up with an N64, I knew the Goldeneye video game before I even knew it was a Bond Movie.  The Goldeneye N64 game was my introduction to James Bond.  Today, i feel like shouting from the mountain tops...I can now confidently say, that Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie.  
Besides the incredible amount of nostalgia playing multi-player Goldeneye in the basement of my best friends house almost every day after school - this movie is gritty, dark, witty, complex, and full of “punch you in the gut intensity”.  Sean Bean plays 006, and it is the ultimate villain.  Who would be a bigger adversary to Bond, then Bond himself?  That’s how close 006 compares to 007.  This film is as close to Bond vs. Bond that we will ever see.  We also have the overtly sexual psychopath in Xenia Onotopp (Famke Janssen) and Boris Grishenko (Alan Cumming) a high level computer programmer and overall sleazy creep who uses “boobs” as his passwords.
It’s hard to top this cast of characters.  It doesn’t end with the bad guys either, we have our seductive Natalya Simonova, who isn’t the obvious “sex appeal” pick, which is nice.  When we first see her, she has a wool sweater on,  a “Karen” hair cut, and a voice lower than mine - but she gets her shit done and nobody is going to tell her no.  I love seeing Natalya boss Bond around, one of my favorite Bond girls for sure.  We also are introduced to the new M, Judi Dench.  Of course, with any new boss, there is chatter within the work force and M finds herself over hearing some of it.  I do wish we had some moment where M proves her trust, but it’s all well and good in the end because she’s Judi Dench, the best M ever...with all due respect to Bernard Lee of course.
This movie starts hot, with Bond bungee jumping off a giant dam in Russia.  He then infiltrates their military base where he meets up with his pal, 006 Alec Trevelyan.  We see them tackling this mission together, but Alec finds himself in trouble.  Bond decides to improv, and adjusts the timers to 3 minutes instead of 6 - but Alec gets killed despite following orders.  Bond is now pissed.  He manages to escape by driving off a cliff to catch a falling airplane.  
This is probably the most eye-rolling part of this movie.  I can suspend my disbelief more than most (I’m a pro wrestling fan), but this is just non-sense.  He manages to catch up to the nose diving airplane, get in, buckle up, adjust the rear view mirror, throw on some AC/DC for the road, and escape.  We see the bombs going off, Bond has completed this mystery mission. We never really find out what the mission was for.  I guess just to introduce us to Oromov and Trevelyan who will become key figures later on.
We come back from an intoxicating rendition of “Goldeneye” sung by Tina Turner, and we are now 9 years into the future.  Think of all the potential movies we missed out on in those 9 years!  We see Bond in Monaco being evaluated  where he meets a crazy speed demon who turns out to be Xenia.  Bond later goes to a casino where he find Xenia there and starts to realize that something troubling is brewing.  After further digging, he finds out she has a connection to the Janus Group - a crime syndicate who has an unknown leader.  Not really sure what Bond is doing in Monaco. Was he on holiday? Was he sent there for something in particular?
ANYWAY (thanks mom), Xenia ends up killing an admiral with her apparent titanium alloy thighs during a hot night and steals a “Tiger” helicopter that can withstand any sort of electro magnetic blast.  Bond doesn’t get to it in time, and the helicopter takes off.  Now Bond is really curious...and pissed. General Oromov from the opening and Xenia set off one of the Goldeneye satellites which trigger an electro magnetic pulse, destroying every type of computer generated device.  They then enlist the help of Boris, who had just hacked into the FBI security system all nonchalantly before having a cig.
The Goldeneye destroys the area and Oromov tries to cover it up by blaming it on British separatists.  But doesn’t realize that Natalya had survived the blast.  Bond now wants to meet thee Janus, and goes to see a russian mafia don who Bond has had history with and gets a meeting set up.  This is when we find out that Janus is actually Bond’s ole mate, Alec Trevelyan.  Bond is stunned and shaken.  9 years after he saw his death, here he is. Trevelyan notes that he didn’t account Bond improving and setting the timers for 3 minutes which burned half his face, and broke his heart. “007s loyalty is always to the mission...never to his friends”. Tear.
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The plan is to set off another Goldeneye in London, creating a financial meltdown, putting England back into the stone age.  But now Bond has entered the fray, and is keen on throwing a wrench into the plans.  He does so...with a tank.  In one of the more entertaining chase scenes in Bond history, we see Bond chasing down Oromov with a bloody tank.  Destroying everything in his path, and finding time to adjust his tie in the process.  Man I love this scene.  Oromov is also another great character. Played by Gottfried John, Oromov is a desperate, corrupt General - trying to put on a front as head of Russia’s space division, but also keep Janus’ plans in tact.  With flask in hand, and sweating profusely, he has to tell Janus that Bond escaped.
(Seinfeld reference alert)
Bond saves Natalya from the bad guys, yadda yadda yadda, SATELLITE FIGHT SCENE!!  Bond comes to blows with 006 on the second base where another Goldeneye detonator is being held.  This fight is so brutal and hard hitting that it really feels like Bond is fighting Bond.  These two, once friends, now bitter enemies.  Just watching this fight hurts.  And just when we think Bond is at a dead end, he kicks a lever for the ladder and drops all the way down to the tiniest platform on the bottom of the satellite, leaving himself with no room for error.  The fight continues on this tiny platform where we eventually see Bond kick Trevelyan off and grab his foot for a final farewell.
I don’t necessarily have a fear of heights, but I do have a fear of falling.  What happens next always leaves me with the feeling of my stomach being sucked up into my throat.  Bond has Trevelyan by the foot as he dangles thousands of feet in the air.  Alec finally looks up and says “For England, James”, then Bond says “STFU” and lets him go.  I get shivers just thinking about it.
Oh, did I mention this score??? The music that plays throughout this scene is heart pounding and really gets me going. There’s nothing like incredibly written fight music and Goldeneye has the cream of the crop.
There is just so much to love with “Goldeneye”.  But unfortunately for Pierce Brosnan, this movie will be his first and his best.  Goldeneye was such a tremendous success coming off a 6 year hiatus after “Licence To Kill”, that all Brosnan’s next films suffered because of it.  This film was so good because it was dark, had an unforgettable cast, and had a TOUCH of humor.  That scene where Bond goes to see Valentine is really all the humor you need - how about that Minnie Driver cameo? After this, I guess the writers went all in on the humor bit of it because the rest of the Brosnan catalog can be little more cartoony and goofy.  While I did enjoy “Tomorrow Never Dies” - it just does not compare to “Goldeneye”.
Pierce Brosnan is the perfect Bond for this era and this film in particular.  I just cannot imagine and older Timothy Dalton doing this film justice.  Goldeneye ushered in a new style of James Bond.  This film would be a taste of what was to come with the future Daniel Craig movies, and it provided an opportunity for a new generation of young, teenage movie goers to hop on board the Bond Band Wagon with the N64 video game.  It got me, that’s for sure.  This was the first Bond film I ever saw, and I’m proud to say that it is my favorite Bond movie ever.
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That’s it for me this week, let me know what you thought and why it was your favorite Bond movie ever!
Reviews from Friends:
My Mom:
I watched with your dad and two of your brothers. It was a very intense and exciting film. Brosnan is so good. But it was pretty complicated and as is typical, I have a hard time keeping up with it all. That is why I loved the simplicity of last weeks choice. Lol. Because I’m old. The characters were great and I loved the feisty females
Jeremy Tillema:
Greatest bond movie produces greatest first person shooter on the greatest gaming console of all time. I said it.
Jake Benrud:
Great review Sam, and I’m with you on this one. This is a fantastic Bond movie and one of my favorites, if not my favorite. I think I have seen this movie more times than any other (I think Casino Royale might be second). I’m pretty sure I had the VHS, and I think you and I watched it numerous times. (I think Joanna was getting sick of me quoting the movie when we were watching it since I knew all the lines.) This is the movie that really got me into Bond movies. The action, the plot, the twists all made this an excellent and entertaining installment in the Bond series. Makes me want to fire back up that ‘64 and get the rumble packs out!
Tyler Dahlgren
I have been following along to these and have been giving them the Facebook like, but haven’t been commenting or watching along because honestly I could probably recite every Bond moving verbatim from start to finish. My earliest childhood memories (way, way earlier than any kid has a business being exposed to Bond) are of sitting with my Grandpa in his recliner while he munched popcorn and watched Bond. For better or for worse they are like a comfort food for me.
I say all of that to say this. Goldeneye is my favorite. I still remember watching it for the first time with Mark Kulig. We played the game and watched the movie more times than you’d think possible. The double cross, resurrection storyline. The characters. The cast is stacked. It all adds up so well and revived the franchise from some abysmal showings. I love this movie.
24 Weeks of Bond will return next Monday with - 
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
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maglana-x · 5 years
a kind face
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DESC.: Arthur Morgan helps a woman trapped under her horse, and claims a better reward than he expected.
CHARACTERS: Arthur Morgan, Alice Stanton (OC).
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Valentine wasn’t much to look at, in Arthur’s opinion. He had never been fond of livestock towns and the stench of animal shit that lingered in the air. The people were awful and weren’t fond of outsiders, though in their defence, Arthur had beat a man to a bloody pulp on his very first trip to the town. It had been a relief when Trelawny had given them the lead on Sean MacGuire’s whereabouts; while Arthur hadn’t been keen on going anywhere near Blackwater ever again, it was good to save Sean from inevitable hanging. The bloodbath they had created in the bounty hunter’s camp was good for the stress too, Arthur thought.
“Are you coming with us, Arthur?” Javier’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, and Arthur saw the man climbing onto his horse as Sean talked Charles’ ear off. Wanting to spare himself from the Irishman’s endless chatter, Arthur shook his head. 
“I’m going to see what’s worth taking from here,” Arthur announced, watching Sean climb onto the back of Boaz and ramble on about the amount of stories that he had to tell. Javier had exasperation painted all over this face as he followed Charles down the trail, trying not to give Sean too much attention. Arthur whistled for Boadicea, walking over to a body laying nearby to loot the bounty hunter as the American Standardbred made its way toward him, the Buckskin coat horse whining as it halted nearby. Arthur did a quick sweep of the camp; there wasn’t much. The man decided to leave before the law or more bounty hunters showed up, he spurred his horse toward the trail to make a getaway.
Perhaps he should head toward Strawberry, he wouldn’t arrive back in camp until nightfall and he didn’t quite feel like partying with Sean. He knew there would be a party; there was always a party when something like this happened. The hotel in Strawberry wasn’t awful, it would do for a night.
“You’re alright, girl,” Arthur mumbled, brushing his horse with his hand briefly before reaching into his satchel; the man had picked up some oatcakes from the general store in Valentine earlier in the day. After all the riding they had done today alone, Boadicea deserved a treat. She ate right from his hand and he praised her more; there wasn’t much that he cared about more than his horse. Arthur almost didn’t hear the cries and calls for help nearby, and he halted Boadicea. The shouting was louder and belonged to a woman, and Arthur left the main trail to move toward the noise. On a less clear dirt track that he likely would have missed if not for the cries, Arthur came across a dead horse. It was a large shire horse, and underneath it laid a woman. She was alive, and looked relieved to see him. 
“Oh, thank the Lord! Can you help me sir?” She asked, looking up at him with sore eyes. The woman had been crying, Arthur noted. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be trapped under a horse in wolf infested woods. “My horse, poor thing, he up and died on me.” She explained the obvious situation, and Arthur sighed; he couldn’t walk away from this with a clear conscience. 
“Sure, why not.” He replied, climbing down from his horse and walking toward her. “How long have you been out here?” He questioned, watching the woman as she sat up more and helped him push the heavy beast from her leg. It was a struggle, and Arthur felt himself straining as he lifted the horse up enough for the woman to pull her leg free.
“Oh my, that’s it! I was there for hours, sir, I couldn’t quite tell you how long,” She answered, and Arthur offered the woman a hand. He pulled her to her feet, and the poor thing’s face scrunched up in pain as she stood on the injured leg. “I was terrified that wolves would find me before anyone else did, thank you sir!” She grinned, practically throwing herself at Arthur to hug him. It was odd and unwelcomed contact; he made that very clear as he tensed up. 
“Do you want a ride home, ma’am?” He offered, though honestly he would much prefer to leave her here as she seemed to be the chatty type. He had intentionally avoided it with Sean, but Sean wasn’t a lady in clear distress. The woman’s eyes lit up and Arthur already knew her answer before her big mouth opened. 
“I would really appreciate that, thank you! I knew you had a kind face!” She beamed, and Arthur mounted Boadicea without another word. He offered the woman his hand and pulled her up onto the back of his horse. He predicted it well enough, she was the chatty type. He hadn’t even reached the end of the trail to the main track before she was going on about how she had raised her horse since it was a filly.
“I live just west of Emerald Ranch, sir. I know it’s far away, but I have some money in the house as a reward.” She informed him, and Arthur felt like kicking himself. This better be some reward, he thought. At least she wouldn’t talk for the entire time, right?
A few hours later, Arthur couldn’t help but feel so incredibly wrong about Alice Stanton. They were halfway there, by it was dark now and too dangerous to keep riding on. There were wild animals and O’Driscoll’s around the idea, he didn’t feel like getting himself or this innocent woman killed. He had explained to her that they needed to stop and set up a camp for the night; she seemed hesitant but agreed with Arthur, assisting him as much as she could on her injured ankle. She wasn’t as useless as he had anticipated, she knew how to set up a tent at the very least. She focused on setting up Arthur’s bedroll inside as he collected wood for a campfire. 
Did she still talk the entire time? Yes, she did. Alice blabbered on about how she used to go camping with her older brothers all the time, and Arthur honestly considered gagging the woman until the morning. It wasn’t the first time he considered it, there had been a point where she got off of the horse to relieve herself and he had briefly considered leaving her there as she pissed behind a tree. She seemed to run her mouth a lot, and Arthur wondered if she could put it to better use. He rarely had thoughts about that, especially when it came to strangers, but Alice? Those painted red lips had to be good for something. He didn’t see why anyone would marry her if they couldn’t gag her on their cock to shut her up.
“... Mr Morgan? I have some ground coffee, if you want it?” She smiled, holding a tin out to him. He silently declined with a wave of his hand, returning his focus to lighting the fire. He had his own coffee and he would need it, given that Alice was going to sleep in the tent while he stayed awake. He may not have the mind of the gentleman, but he wasn’t going to show that by sleeping next to her in the tent. 
“Alright, well, if you change your mind it’ll be in my satchel.” She told him, gesturing to the bag that she had placed near the mouth of the tent. 
“Get some sleep, Miss Stanton. I want to pack up at first light.” Arthur informed her, and the woman nodded her head. At least she could take orders, he mused, watching her crawl into the tent. She didn’t secure the flaps of the tent; perhaps she thought he would join her? Arthur wasn’t so sure. He lit up the fire and sat back, deciding to document today in his journal. While she was certainly annoying, she was pretty to look at. Those lips he wanted to sew shut were plump and looked so soft, her eyes full of happiness even in such strange circumstances. He didn’t understand how she could be so happy after everything she had gone through, not only with her horse but because she was a widow. She seemed quite young, though, she couldn’t be much older than Sean but definitely younger than John. Arthur glanced toward the tent briefly, hearing the Alice’s soft snores, before returning to the portrait he had started in his journal.
As the night crawled by, Arthur had finished a rather detailed sketch of her in his journal and documented what he knew of her, and how annoying the encounter had been. He tucked his journal into his satchel again, looking around for his own tin of coffee before realising that he had run out. Of course, he sighed, he would have to take hers. Arthur was quiet as he reached into the tent, not wanting to wake the talkative woman, and retrieved her satchel. He could always put it back later, rather than dig around for her coffee at an arm’s length away from her.
Her satchel didn’t have much. Coffee, biscuits, a coin purse and photo of who Arthur could only assume was her husband -- a journal too. It was a light brown leather bound book slightly smaller but thicker than Arthur’s journal; he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t want a peek at the pages. Alice had already told him her life story, what could be in here that he didn’t know? Arthur set the satchel down between his legs as he opened the first page of her journal; a checklist of groceries to collect from the market, the date in the corner telling him that the journal was purchased or at least started only two months ago. 
Arthur flicked through the pages; she wasn’t much of an artist, he noted, but a particular page caught his attention. There was a photo between the pages of a naked woman, Arthur could tell from the face that it wasn’t Alice. On the back of the photo the name ‘Hilda O’Neil’ was written in neat cursive above a year. 1898. Arthur looked at the actual journal, reading what the woman had written. His eyes widened as the woman documented her exploits with Hilda, and the images that filled Arthur’s mind certainly weren’t unwelcomed. The woman went into detail about how she and Hilda grinded on each other, kissing like their lives depended on it. Hilda had something Alice called ‘heavenly labium’ that had shown her a ‘new realm of pure bliss’ that she had never experienced before.
Alice was a lesbian, Arthur assumed, until he tucked the photo of Hilda back into the pages and turned to the next one.
Alice must like both men and women, based on the photo of a well-endowed man named ‘Dennis Malone’ taken this year. He had heard of men who document all the women they had laid with, but this was the first time that Arthur had heard of a woman doing the same thing rather than call it disgusting. Again, the widow went into detail about her exploits. Rather than be on her knees lapping at Hilda’s cunt, Alice was bent over her kitchen table as Dennis railed her. The woman went into detail about the things that Dennis had done to her, including degrading her as she sucked his engorged shaft. Arthur was mildly relieved to know that he wasn’t alone in the fantasy of putting Alice’s mouth to better use.
As he turned the page again, he expected to see a photo of a man or woman again, but only saw more writing. She was explaining a dream -- well, a fantasy -- that she had experienced about a strong, handsome stranger. The man broke into her home in the middle of the night and pinned her to her bed, his mask pulled over his face as he ripped the nightdress from her body. She whispered ‘no’ but she meant yes, she wanted the bandit to completely ravish her. That’s just what the man did, pulling his ‘throbbing beast’ from his trousers and fucking Alice until she saw stars. Arthur read on, the fantasy only becoming more and more graphic. 
He glanced toward the tent again before unbuttoning his trousers, pulling his cock out; the outlaw was semi-hard and flipped the page, seeing another photo. With one hand wrapped around his own shaft, he examined the photo and realised that it was of Alice herself. The woman was completely nude, one hand grasping a large breast and the other spreading her labia. She looked like she was about to be fucked, or perhaps use her fingers to pleasure herself. The look of seduction on her face made Arthur groan lowly as he stroked himself; he had to have her. 
He closed the journal and left it beside her satchel, not bothering to stand and just crawl into the tent. There wasn’t much light, but in the minimal glow of the fire behind him, he could see that Alice was asleep on her side facing the wall of the tent. There was enough room for Arthur to lay behind her, and Arthur decided that he would do so after he prepared her. He lifted her skirt and petticoats with one hand, exposing the woman’s lack of drawers. Instead, the woman wore a pair of blue cotton stockings that reached just other her knees. As he lifted her skirt over her ass, he realised that she was wearing a shorter pair of split cotton and lace drawers that buttoned up at both the front and back; Arthur popped the buttons easily, pulling one half the garment down her thigh. 
His hand roamed over her asscheeks then her thighs, her skin was so soft and perfect. Arthur heard her stir, goosebumps breaking out over her skin as the cool air of the night finally reached her exposed lower body. Arthur moved his hand back to his cock, stroking to get himself fully erect; she had a fantasy and he had needs, caused largely by his own intrusion into her journal. Not waiting a moment longer, Arthur lifted her thigh up, slowly until her snatch was exposed to the cool night air. He positioned himself so that his cock rubbed against her folds; she was wet and he hadn’t even touched her yet.
“M-Mr Morgan?” Alice’s tired, trembling voice made him look at her; she was staring over her shoulder at him. He could feel her eyes on him; and Arthur shushed her quietly. “What… Why?” She questioned, her arm moving and he expected her to push him away; instead her arm held her own leg up by the knee, giving his hand better movement. His hand held his cock again, rubbing the tip along her slit and teasing over her entrance.
“Read that journal of yours,” Arthur admitted, pressing his chest against her back and moving his other arm underneath her; Alice propped herself up slightly as the head of his cock pushed into her cunt, and his hands pulled open the front of her shirt. He didn’t think about the consequences, and also tore open her camisole in order to fondle her breasts as he bucked his hips, jutting his cock deeper into her. She was wet but not quite enough, but Arthur didn’t mind too much.
“Saw that photo of ya, had to have a piece.” He mumbled, lips latching onto her neck. Alice groaned, pushing her hips back as Arthur pulled back, one hand moving down to rub her clit. “You should be glad I’m not gagging you, with the way you’ve been running your mouth all day.” Arthur stated, though he noted that she was unusually non-vocal aside from the little moans.
Perhaps this was something that Alice was heavily accustomed to? Being woken by a lover in the dead of night to fuck, perhaps she was used to needing to keep quiet during her scandalous rendezvous? It also left Arthur wondering what kind of man could pin such a harlot down in a marriage; but Alice’s sharp gasp as Arthur thrust harder and deeper into her cunt brought him back to reality. 
“Mr Morgan, if you wanted me to be quiet… You could have just asked me!” Her voice was strained as she spoke, with Arthur attempting to bury himself balls deep in her cunt, it was clearly hard to remain coherent. “I could put my mouth to better use…” She sounded so seductive; Arthur bit into her neck lightly, his teeth nipping at her skin. It drew a shuddering breath from Alice’s lips, barely a moan, barely anything. He decided to give her something to remember him by; a thing or two, perhaps. 
“Oh, Mr Morgan…” She groaned as Arthur sucked and nipped at the soft skin, her throat clearly sensitive in the best way as his mouth set about marking her. Property, at least for the night. His property. It became increasingly easier to fuck her, too. Her cunt slickening up and allowing his cock better access easier, slipping almost balls deep into her. He couldn’t help the groan that escaped him; the noise vibrating the tender skin of her neck. 
When Arthur was satisfied that her skin would bruise from his kiss, Arthur planted his hands either side of her trembling torso and began to fuck her harder; more dedicated thrusts into her snatch. It was for his pleasure alone, of course, but every groan and gasp was encouragement. It was letting him know that he was doing good; although he was simply being selfish. 
“You like that?” Arthur’s voice rumbled, low yet powerful, his eyes meeting Alice’s own as he thrust so mercilessly. Her eyes, full of pleasure, were barely open anymore. He could vividly see the glint of light reflecting in those orbs, and her soft lips parted as she moaned in ecstasy. 
“Yes,” She cried. “Yes, yes!” She repeated, and repeated again a few more times, only interrupted when Arthur’s strong palm connected with her soft asscheeks; the slap echoed lightly through the tent. His fingers dug into the skin, spreading her cheeks briefly before his hand crashed into the reddening skin once again; her gasping lost in the bliss. 
It had been so long since Arthur could spend a night with a woman like Alice, so long since he had stopped and dedicated himself to the pleasure that he so deserved. He needed his release and he knew that he wasn’t far from reaching it; the way Alice’s cunt hugged and squeezed his cock as he worked her like a whore was getting him there like a speeding train. 
“Good girl,” Arthur grunted into her ear, one hand moving to her hip and gripping her hard; it might bruise, and her whimpers were like music to his ears. “What a fine bitch you turned out to be…” He mumbled, his lips pressing against the smooth skin just under her ear; his nose buried in her beautiful hair. His grunts grew more jagged until eventually his hips just bucked wildly against hers; grinding to a halt as he blew his load deep inside of the woman below him. 
“M-Mr Morgan!” Alice gasped, she hadn’t quite expected this from him. She could feel Arthur’s hot cum inside of her; he was filling her up without a single care in the world for the consequences. She bit her lip, hands digging into his back as he emptied himself. 
“Get some rest,” Alice muttered to Arthur as he laid on her, catching his breath and regaining his senses. He rolled off of her, laying beside her; his cock softening against his thigh. Heavens, this woman was as good as she claimed to be; even when she laid there to be fucked like a piece of meat. A dark chuckle escaped him, and he used her tattered camisole to clean himself. 
“Goodnight, Miss Stanton.”
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goodnightkisseu · 6 years
Byun Baekhyun - Ring
Genre: Fluff... all the fluff
Note: As promised, there will be two fics up today for Valentine’s Day! First up is an actual Valentine’s Day fic with Baekhyun! ^o^ Honestly I had a lot of fun with this one, and though it’s really sappy, I think the idea is really cute ;; I hope that it’s a fun read for everyone on Valentine’s Day and as always, feel free to let me know what you think! ^^ The second fic will be a wanna one fic that will be up much later tonight ><
Because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
- goodnightkisseu’s admin / ashley <3
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Baekhyun took a deep breath as he maneuvered his way up and down the aisles of the large market. He gently reciting the list of things that he needed to get, but as he went down the adjacent aisle, trying to remember exactly what the next item was, he couldn’t help but think that you were right. He should have written the list down, or better yet, let you text it to him. Yet he had been so adamant that he could do it on his own, that he could remember it all. Granted, he probably wouldn’t have been in this predicament if he hadn’t been spacing out earlier. Yet, Baekhyun couldn’t help it. Today was Valentine’s Day and he had a lot to plan, aside from the little party that he was helping you throw for Chanyeol. The other thing on his mind was drastically more important to him. Though Chanyeol was an important friend to him, someone that had been with him for many years, the thing that Baekhyun had on his mind was going to change his life drastically.
He was planning to propose to you.
Truthfully, Baekhyun thought about it almost every day for the last year or so.  The two of you had been through your entire lives together. As kids, you grew up together, went to the same schools, and were in the same classes with each other. Baekhyun finally asked you out in your sophomore year of high school and it had been a little over ten years since the two of you became an official couple… and you were still going strong. Not just as a couple, but also as very good friends. As with any couple, there were difficulties, but you worked through them together, were honest with each other. Working through disagreements was what made your relationship stronger, and now that you were both in stable parts of your careers, Baekhyun’s want to marry you only grew. Sure, it was extremely cheesy to propose on Valentine’s Day, so many people did, but it felt fitting for the two of you. After all, nineteen years ago today, Baekhyun had joked that the two of you were married.
At the time, the two of you were still in primary school. On your usual route home after school together, Baekhyun complained about how he hadn’t received any chocolates that day. Conversely, Chanyeol, a longtime friend to both of you, had received a mountain of them, including chocolates from the girl that Baekhyun had been crushing on. As his friend you had tried to make him feel better, theorizing that there must have been a girl out there that liked him, but that she was just too shy to give him her gift. But, Baekhyun being a bit dramatic, didn’t believe you. He was sulking and downtrodden.
Seeing him like that upset you, so you told him to stop at the crosswalk. Her hands fumbled with your bag for a bit before you pulled out a box and handed it to him. It was a small red box, made of a clear type of plastic. Inside, Baekhyun could see the chocolates that you had been working so hard to make for the last couple of days. And just on top of it, was a little origami flower, its stem twisted into a circle as if it were a ring. Baekhyun later found out that you meant to give this gift to another boy, but that your heart hurt at how sad he looked, so you gave it to him instead. It didn’t matter though. You offered it to him, and at the time he had made a joke about it being your proposal to him, and that the two of you were now married. You humored him back then, but now that you were older, he planned to make that statement a reality. This year was the perfect time to do it… and it would have been simple if the two of you weren’t also planning a surprise party.  
Most years, you had Valentine’s to yourselves, but this year… this year, an emergency party was planned. Chanyeol, who had been a friend to the both of you since you were kids, had been dumped. He had been pretty serious about that particular relationship and being left like he had, really took its toll on him. Being good friends, you didn’t want him to be alone on such a romantic holiday, so you had put your original plan on hold and pulled in some of your other friends to plan something for nice for him, to help him forget about how terrible that breakup had been. So it was no surprise that he was a bit scattered today. This party was the reason why Baekhyun was at the market right now and not at home planning his proposal to you.
A soft chime from his phone pulled Baekhyun from his thoughts just as he was wandering down the snack aisle. His lips curled into a smile when he realized that it was from you, and that smile only grew as he read your message.
‘I know you said that you could remember everything, and you know that I trust you… but to prevent us from having to make a last minute trip to the market again… here’s the list! Love you! ;3’
That message was immediately followed by the list of items he was supposed to pick up and he couldn’t help but chuckle. You really did know him best… and you were right. He probably would have forgotten something and you’d find yourself back here right before your friends were supposed to arrive at your apartment. He really was glad to have you as such a big part of his life. He’d honestly be lost without you.
Taking a moment, Baekhyun wrote a quick message back to thank you, though he also poked at you for not trusting him, in a joking way of course. Slipping the phone back into his pocket, he quickly went up and down the aisles one more time, picking up the things that he had missed before heading towards the check-out counters. It all went smoothly, he even had a nice conversation with the older woman behind the counter, and in no time he was back at his car and heading home. Now it was time for the hardest part of his day. He had to figure out what he would say to you while helping you out and not making you suspicious of him. Ah, it was going to be a busy afternoon…
Baekhyun wasn’t wrong either. He had expected to see you busy when he got home, but he didn’t expect to see you running around the apartment, trying to get everything ready in such a quick fashion. He put things that needed to be refrigerated away before he told you that he would focus on the cleaning so that you could bring your attention back to the kitchen and make the desserts that you were so excited about. After all, knowing your friends, most of them wouldn’t remember to bring anything with them, and it was always up to the two of you to make sure that everyone was well-fed.
With all of your scrambling back and forth between the living room and the kitchen, there wasn’t too much left for Baekhyun to do. There were a couple of areas left to clean and just a quick vacuum of the entire place. The two of you had opted not to decorate the apartment, mostly because, well… you were trying to make Chanyeol forget that it was Valentine’s Day, not rub salt into an open wound. As he worked, he would frequently ask you for the time, just to make sure that you were both on schedule to finish up before everyone arrived. It didn’t take him long to finish his tasks, and in no time he was busily working in the kitchen with your, trying to assemble the rest of the food. The two of you just might finish up on time.
“Chanyeol is going to owe us big time. You’re putting so much effort into this…” Baekhyun stated as his fingers worked to nimbly assemble the sandwiches. Finger foods were best for this type of party, and while you had been moving around the kitchen, you got all of the ingredients set out for the sandwiches so it would be a quick process to put them together.
“Baek, don’t be like that. He’s been our friend for like an eternity. It’s not bad to do something nice for him,” you countered gently as you checked the heat on the stove to make sure that it would properly melt your chocolate.
“That’s fair… but you also planned his birthday party last year because his girlfriend told you that she didn’t have time to do it,” he reminded you. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t do nice things for Chanyeol, I’m just saying – wait, you’re not dumping me for Chanyeol, are you?” He had meant it as a joke, of course, but with what he had been planning for later tonight, the thought crossed his mind out of nowhere. There was no way, but he still had to make sure.
Baekhyun had expected you to answer immediately, but instead, you paused. The sudden silence had him quickly turning to you and quirking his brow before you finally spoke again. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Baekhyun. But yes, I am leaving you for Chanyeol,” you replied, completely straight-faced and Baekhyun could only roll his eyes at you.
Whenever you did something like this, he knew you didn’t mean it. If you were actually serious… well, your whole approach would have been different. Jokes like that aren’t funny, you know…” he mumbled as he turned back to his sandwiches.
You giggled softly to yourself before moving to his side, slipping your arms around his waist. “Oh come on, you know that I’m just joking. I’d never leave you after ten years to be with Chaneyol. If I wanted to, I would have done so already, and I wouldn’t because he’s never been my type,” you reasoned, your lips forming into a small pout as you spoke. You did your best to bat your eyelashes in a way that would make Baekhyun divert his attention to you. This tactic would have been more effective if Baekhyun didn’t already know all of your little tricks. But every now and then, like this moment, it still worked pretty well.
He let out a gentle sigh. “I know, but still. I just don’t want you to take so much on yourself. I know work has been busy for you too. I don’t want to get a call that you collapsed from exhaustion or something...” he explained, lips gently placing a kiss on your forehead.
A small smile crept onto your lips at his gesture. He always worried for you, and you were honestly glad. You weren’t the best at taking care of yourself, so it was nice to have Baekhyun there to tell you to take a break every now and then. “I know you worry, but it’s fine. After all, I have the best battery to keep me functioning. You!” you exclaimed, your words oozing with grease as you leaned up to pepper your boyfriend’s face in kisses.
A chuckle left his lips at the onslaught of kisses. “Okay, okay, I believe you. Now, go check on the chocolate,” he reminded you, another chuckle leaving his lips as he watched your eyes widened as you quickly ran back to the stove and worked on the task at hand.
The two of you worked side by side for a few more hours before everything was done. Baekhyun helped you set out the things that didn’t need to be refrigerated before the two of you went to get ready. He urged you to shower first, taking the time apart to recite to himself all of the things he wanted to say to you. He wanted it to be memorable, for it to resonate with you and he continued saying those words to himself all the way into the shower.
As expected of your friends, no one actually arrived on time. As per usual, the earliest ones arrived about thirty minutes late and this was nice for both you and Baekhyun. It gave the two of you a moment to relax, to get yourselves in the mindset to host a party. Once everything was in full swing, it was your usual get together. There was drinking, probably a little too much on Chanyeol’s end, to the point where you had to stop him from time to time, reminding him to take a break. It gave everyone a chance to catch up, to find out where everyone was in their lives while enjoying the company, even if it was a bit rowdy every now and then.
You were deep in a conversation with Jongdae about his recent business venture, the male being the only one out of your group of friends that decided he would try being his own boss, to try and run his own company. At first, the mellow mood of the apartment was great, it allowed you to focus on what your friend was saying, but that was also when you realized it was weird. After that thought crossed your mind, it didn’t take you long to realize that your boyfriend wasn’t in the room. After all, if he were,  he would have been advising Chanyeol on how to get over his breakup. His voice would have been booming about how that girl wasn’t good enough for him and that he should go and do something ridiculous to forget about her. But there was none of that, and you couldn’t help but wonder where your significant other had wandered off to.
By chance, Junmyeon had started to ask Jongdae about some other things in his life, and you took the opportunity to slip away, eyes scanning your small apartment for your boyfriend. Chanyeol was on the couch with some of your other friends, doing shots. Kyungsoo was chatting with his girlfriend. So just where was Baekhyun? It took you a bit to realize that he wasn’t mingling in the apartment and was instead on your tiny balcony that overlooked the neighborhood where you had all grown up.
“Baekhyun, what are you doing out here? I thought you would be inside giving Chanyeol terrible advice as per usual after every breakup,” you teased with a gentle giggle as you approached him. Your hand gently grasped his forearm to get his attention, but Baekhyun turned around a lot quicker than you had expected, and you almost jumped back at his reaction. “Sorry, did I startle you?” you asked, a bit concerned. He wasn’t usually like this, so he must have been in deep thought, though, over what you weren’t sure…
Baekhyun let out a gentle sigh and his body visibly relaxed when he saw you. “A bit,” he admitted, “but I was also kind of lost in my thoughts, so that was on me…” Gently, he held your hand in his, finger intertwining as the two of you turned to look out at the people below you.
“Is there anything I can do to help? Is it work related?” you asked softly, your hand giving his hand a light squeeze, reassuring him that you were there if he needed you. This was one of those things that always amazed him about you and your presence. You always knew the right thing to do at the right time. Baekhyun never had to say or do much to let you know that he was struggling with something. You just always knew how to help him, how to make him feel better. Once, a few years ago, he had asked how you were able to read him so easily, yet all you did was shrug. “I don’t know if it’s that. Just being with you, it comes naturally,” he remembered you saying.  And though things with you never came as naturally for him, at least, he didn’t feel like they did, this moment felt right.
This moment was it.
“It’s not work-related at all. It’s something a bit different,” Baekhyun said slowly as he turned to face you. He could see the confusion on your features but tried to ease them by grasping both of your hands in his. “Do you remember that Valentine’s Day when we were younger? That year I got really upset because I didn’t get any chocolates from the girls and Chanyeol got a ton of them?”
A soft chuckle left your lips. “The year I gave you the chocolates that were intended for Minho, right? That time when you joked that we were married?”
A smile formed on his features and he nodded. “Yes. I mean, first things first, I’m better than Minho, right?”
“I mean…” you started slowly, but seeing the way that Baekhyun was looking at you, that he was seeking your approval before continuing, you knew that you shouldn’t be joking around this time. “Of course you are. I chose to date you, didn’t I?”
“And even after being together for ten years you haven’t dumped my sorry ass. It’s really a miracle,” he retorted. His response came out jokingly, but he knew that you knew he was being serious. Baekhyun wasn’t always the best at expressing himself seriously, but he knew that you were able to tell the difference, even if it was hidden behind a joke. He watched as your eyes shifted around, trying to read his expression, trying to pinpoint where he was going with this, and it urged him to continue. “We’ve been by each other through a lot of things. Many of these things were good, but some of it was difficult too. Like starting up our careers in different cities. These things weren’t easy. We struggled a lot, and I know that there were times that were harder than others, where I made things more difficult than they should have been. But we worked through all of that. We made our way back to this place where it all started. We never once questioned the decisions we made and it led us here.”
You nodded. If Baekhyun wasn’t being so serious, you probably would have made a joke, but you didn’t want to ruin his for him. You wanted to know where this was coming from, why his demeanor had changed so much. You didn’t see it often with Baekhyun, so it must have been something big.
“I know that I’m not known for being the most understanding person, mostly for those that I’m not close to. But with you, I’ve always tried to be. It’s because you make me happy, and I wanted to understand. You were always able to read me, ever since we were kids, but that wasn’t something that came naturally to me. When I realized how much I loved you, I realized that I wanted to be that person for you too. I wanted to be that person you could depend on. I wanted to be that person that knew exactly what was wrong before you said anything. Someone that you didn’t have to explain yourself to. Someone that could take care of you. Someone that you could have a family with. I wasn’t that person nineteen years ago. I wasn’t even that person a year ago, but now, with where we are…I think I could be that person now.”
Gingerly, Baekhyun slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a thin silver band. He had gone back to the jewelers many times, questioning his choice in something so simple. But every time, the jeweler would ask him the same question. “Is this the one that speaks to you?” the man would ask every single time, and every single time, Baekhyun answered that it was. And right now, as he was standing in front of you, it definitely felt like the right ring. He just… knew it.
His eyes looked up from the ring and at your features. Your eyes were wide and you breathing had stopped momentarily, he figured, out of shock. Gently, he grasped your hand in his and slid the thin band onto your ring finger before holding that hand in both of his. “I really want to be that person for you, for as long as I can,” he told you honestly. “I know that it’s pretty lame to be proposing on Valentine’s Day, so many people do it. But for us, it feels right. After all, you made the first move all those years ago.”
“I meant it when I said we were married back then, and I’d like to mean it in the future too…”
Of all of the things that you thought Baekhyun had been struggling with, this was not one of them. For a couple of years, you had been hoping that he would eventually pop the question. For a bit, when all of your friends were getting engaged, you had thought about dropping some hints, but you also wanted him to take his time. It became apparent to you that it wasn’t necessary for it to happen immediately and that the two of you could get there when you needed to. You just didn’t expect that moment to be now.
You were still in so much shock, dealing with so many emotions that you didn’t quite know what to say. You wanted to say something elegant, something sweet, but you couldn’t find the words. Your eyes were still taking in the silver ring that now rested perfectly on your ring finger, the small diamonds forming the shape of a flower.
Everything about this was perfect. And that was when you realized that you didn’t need to say anything grand. No words would ever be able to live up to how you felt in your heart. Instead, you threw yourself into his arms.
On that Valentine’s Day, on the small patio that overlooked the neighborhood where the two of you grew up, you made good on that promise that was almost two decades in the making…
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