#this will definitely be a project ill come back to in the future and try to make it by my own terms
withlovebinnie · 1 year
Day 4
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I know I'm always a bit late, but oh well
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soapoet · 1 year
what's next in love...? [ singles ]
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detailed af.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
it seems like you've been living life half awake, daydreaming of many scenarios you'd wish come true. even in established relationships you may find yourself wishing for more of something. you may have been told your ideals are naive, to lay off the romcoms and fics and be a little more realistic. you may have found yourself excited at every prospect of new love, giddy and involved, endlessly curious and a true lover of the rose coloured glasses. and perhaps you've found plenty of reasons to rejoice, but somehow things eventually trickle down and get into the mundane and the routines. and it frustrates you. so much. is there really no one out there whose loving gestures and kind words don't become clockwork, expected chores and scripted events?
there is. and this one feels a little 'too good to be true'. you yourself may sooner rather than later find yourself pinching your arm to check if you're actually awake. i suggest you try to hold back on the told-you-so's to the naysayers, as some of them have your best interest at heart. and not only that, but will provide a lot of guidance and support in terms of navigating this next chapter in love. it'll be a bit of a whirlwind and a maze, but with much promise at the end as a reward.
if you've been sitting on some sort of project, waiting to launch yourself into a new endeavour, you should get back on track. especially if you've been procrastinating. somewhere down that path, there's a person you ought to meet. they relate to your goals somehow, perhaps having done the same themselves before. they have a lot to teach you and will become a priceless source of support, but don't expect things to be handed to you. your work is your own and your rewards will be bigger and better if you can in the future look back and say, damn, look at what i did, i achieved all that! that's of course not to say you can't find help from those around you. definitely ask for assistance and support when you need it. but to come out on the other side and say you made it, ideally you paved your own way for plenty of it because you deserve the final applause and praise so much. believe in yourself and don't let the little voice in the back of your head make you doubt yourself and your ideas.
this person seems like a bit of a flirt. not in a way that should raise any concerns, as they are a very loyal person. they actually make it known loud and clear if they're already spoken for, and enjoy flaunting their partner in many ways. this is a person who will bring up your achievements and strengths at a social gathering, not to flex having you at their arm, but to genuinely shine a spotlight on you. especially if it'll get you flustered. they have a very playful energy to them that's endearing and youthful regardless of their actual age. a little bit of a peter pan vibe where they'll retain their young spirit well into their retirement. they're very easy-going and likeable, and have a lot of friends, and may connect you to a ton of new people. expect your social life to explode as a result of this connection, but at the same time be sure to make time for the friends and supporters that you have right now.
this person is used to being the centre of attention, not just socially, but professionally too. they may have a very visible job or hobbies that connect them to an audience of some kind within their chosen field. their energy is very contagious and fun, though that doesn't mean they're entirely air-headed and incapable of taking things seriously. i'm strongly getting that either they or someone close to them has struggled with a physical or mental illness for a good part of their life, so they have developed almost like an antenna to pick up on things going on that aren't being said out loud. especially if you're someone who frequently avoids bringing up your problems as to not burden others, or have a difficult time reaching out for support and being honest about how things affect you, you can rest assured that this person will quickly try to learn how to read you, or even outright ask how they can best assist you when you're struggling or even request some sort of secret code that you can use to communicate your unease so that they can quickly come to your aid.
they have a little bit of a problem taking their own concerns seriously. they seem to cope through distractions mostly. a positive in this is that they don't let things that are out of their control bother them and they do the best they can with what they got at any given time. a true optimist, but a negative aspect is that they may avoid facing their demons and try to outrun their problems. this can manifest itself with workaholic tendencies and a packed schedule in general. there might be some sort of saviour complex involved, too, in which they feel compelled to help everyone else and neglect their own needs. towards you in particular i'm getting a lot of pda and quality time. you slow them down a bit and help them stop to smell the roses. they'll be surprised by how much they've longed for peace and simplicity, and they find that solace and ease with you and it really heals them on a deep level, which in turn amps up the energy and effort they show you. goodbye routine lovers, honestly. this one walks the talk and really keeps up the pace long after the honeymoon phase.
some additional details: i'm not getting a lot in terms of appearance, which may suggest that you already know them, or at least know of them, even if they don't know of you yet. it's possible that you share mutual friends or interests or work within the same field. there is a big emphasis on their voice, and things may start off as long-distance with hours upon hours on the phone. astrological things that appear significant: leo, pisces, the sun, mercury, 11th house, 2nd house.
you've been flying solo for a while now. perhaps you grew tired of, or dare i say even gave up on love? it may have seemed like there just aren't as many fish in the sea as promised. at least none that you could take seriously. and serious is what you want. and serious is what you're getting.
first and foremost i must say your standards aren't too high. do not feel ashamed of what you want, and don't let anyone tell you that you need to set realistic expectations. they're exactly where they need to be and you're attracting the quality you seek. you've ventured further out to sea to find yourself a bigger catch. the journey hasn't been easy, but it has helped you grow tremendously. i'm strongly getting that your past experiences have really helped you fine tune your build-a-bae, so to speak, and there's no more reconfiguring to do. you know what you want and what you don't want, how much of this and how much of that. the next lessons for you to learn in love are ones you will not tackle on your own, but alongside a long-term partner who is at your level. long gone are the days of disappointments and putting up with feeling like you're outgrowing your partner, because this next person is mature and ready to grow with you.
this person is what fairytales would call your true love. in as many ways as you are one and the same, you differ, sometimes wildly so. if you're an introvert, they're an extrovert. if you seek comfort, they seek adventure. it's your goals and dreams and values that hold hands in agreement, and that builds up a strong foundation for your connection. if you have a lot of feminine energy, they have a lot of masculine energy. you two may even look like opposites in some ways, or come from different cultures. and do not fret, because your differences will be a blessing, not a curse. this isn't a re-run of a love where you felt like you weren't seen or heard and were made to bend. there is a distinct element of give and take here. a beautiful balance wherein they enjoy your world and your ways, and don't force you to change any of it, and you feel compelled out of genuine desire to take their hand and let them show and share their world with you. and you're able to coexist perfectly fine in a way that makes you both feel fulfilled and at ease.
things may stall a little at first, because this person will have a bit of whiplash when the two of you meet. they may feel as if you stepped right out of their dreams in a way. like a ghost from their childhood when they were around their parents or grandparents and thought of the person they'd grow old with some day. and suddenly you're there, a distant memory made flesh, a memory forgotten long ago making a big splash as it resurfaces. but once they gather themselves i see that they'll be very direct in their pursuit of you. and it's quite the old school courting, too. they make their intentions clear and have the follow-through to walk their talk. this is a very open and honest person, although they appear a bit emotionally disconnected at times. it's not due to a lack of emotional sensitivity, but processing things before acting or speaking is a part of their character. they're very serious in love, and don't seem to fit into the modern age of tinder and hookups.
they may have a strong connection to the sea, live by the ocean, look mediterranean, or enjoy activities related to water. their features in general leans darker. be it their eyes, hair, skin, or the way they dress. there is something specifically drawing me to their hands. perhaps they work with their hands, are a very crafty person, or have a physically demanding job. or simply have very attractive hands that you would take note of. physical touch is important to them, and they are very protective of their loved ones.
speaking of loved ones, they have strong familial ties and may come from a big family. i'm also strongly getting that they come from money, though without the nepotism often associated with it. their father in particular may have made it a point to raise them with a lot of discipline and drive to make something of themselves and not just rely on a trustfund. this person is ambitious and a hard worker, and prefers to be involved and hands-on with what they do. i'm also seeing siblings playing a big role in your connection. one in particular could connect with you in a meaningful way. this family is one that will welcome you with open arms and you will feel as though you have gained another family to call your own. if you have any childhood wounds related to family, this one takes found family quite literally.
some additional details: travelling and holidays figure strongly. things get taken to the next level rather quickly because there is a lack of doubt involved. they're very generous with their time and money. this has massive signs of marriage. astrological things that appear significant: aries, taurus, saturn, the moon, the 4th house, the 9th house.
it seems like you're stuck on something, or someone. and that situation didn't treat you fairly. this feels less like betrayal and more like you spent some time hauling dead weight around. in vain, i might add. either you already have or will soon drop it and move on. it might be difficult, though, and i apologise if i'm overstepping here, but in part it's due to an inability to truly let go on your part. if you want to get even, or show someone what they lost, do it by moving on with grace and making decisions for yourself and your own growth and success. beware of people around you who would gladly take advantage of your vulnerability right now. even if it feels like a rebound would benefit you, it'll only hurt you if you find yourself looking over the shoulder of another person to see if the one who hurt you sees and is affected by it. what will truly help you heal is to dust yourself off and focus on feeling whole within yourself. and don't worry, you didn't stumble into yet another love reading that will tell you, well, tough luck, no love for you, work on yourself! whilst i certainly will call you to take care of yourself and pursue things that serve you and your growth, i will also go over what's coming next.
and that's something a little eerie. you may have someone in your past, who you consciously or subconsciously measure everyone else up to. perhaps this was the one that got away, or someone you met at the wrong time. in one way or another, there is a situation you wish had happened differently. in your pursuit of finding yourself again and some solid ground to stand on after enduring stormy seas, you may run into someone who is eerily similar to someone you once knew. but at the right time, now. for some of you this may very well be the exact person you already have history with, or could've had history with, though with major improvements from the previous season. but for many this is just an oddly familiar stranger who gives you a bit of deja vu. they share many similarities with someone you've been attracted to, just less red flags and complications.
this person seems rather cerebral. their job, studies, or hobbies may revolve around psychology, literature, or science. they're very good with their words, both written and spoken. they can also be quite blunt, but not with malicious intent. they aren't afraid of speaking their mind, and may be quite passionate about their opinions. they're a great teacher, and a good student, too. they enjoy delving deeply into things and soak up new information like a sponge. they'll greatly value your opinion and perspective, and the two of you may engage in debates or discussions about a variety of topics. intellectually speaking you're on the same wavelength and seem to understand each other intuitively.
it's very possible that this starts off platonic. whilst you may be ready to jump into a relationship with them from the start, they prefer to take things slowly and really get to know you first. you may worry that the spark between you will fade over time, but this one is a lesson of patience and building a strong connection as a foundation first. especially if in the past you've been quick to hurt or get hurt, you're about to learn how differently a lover will treat you when you're first and foremost a dear friend. this connection has the potential of some serious power couple themes in the long run. the two of you feel almost dangerous as duo, but i think that just goes to show that the initial spark won't fade and actually benefit from a bit of a slow burn before the fire starts raging at full force.
there is a lot of chemistry between the two of you. a very push-and-pull, engaging, and intoxicating energy. you'll keep each other on your toes in a way that keeps things feeling fresh and exciting. you're partners in crime and the world appears to be your playground. any past heartbreaks and feelings of lack, even lackluster, is gone and replaced with adventure and passion. you're very attracted to them, and they to you, in a way that could be classified as an addiction if it weren't for the fact that the side effects are predominantly positive. the two of you may collaborate on some kind of project, and your joint efforts are sure to be a success. though you do many things together, you also support each other in your separate endeavours. there may be a bit of mutual artist and muse dynamic here, wherein you inspire them and they inspire you. you both value your individuality, and hype each other up.
this person feels devilish in some way. a maverick of sorts. they're taller, perhaps lanky, and there is an unconventional attractiveness to them. they have a unique look that really pulls you in and makes them stand out anywhere they go. they might dress in a way that makes them different from the crowd. they really march to the beat of their own drum. i'm not getting much in terms of family, so they may be very independent and live a life separate from family, or they may have some wounds in regards to their home life that they keep their walls up over. they take their friendships very seriously, many of them are ones they'd take a bullet for. this is a very ride or die type of person. they're very resilient and if they've known terrible hardships in their past, you'll be in awe of their personal strength and ability to get back up when they're knocked down.
some additional details: music is very relevant to the point where you should expect to receive a personalised playlist as a way for them to communicate their feelings for you. they might be musically inclined and play an instrument. astrological things that appear significant: scorpio, aquarius, aries, pluto, uranus, 3rd house, 10th house, 12th house.
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exhaustedrebel05 · 1 year
Whatever the weather
Arcane Viktor x Fem! Reader
a/n: Hi, so this is the first time I post something that I wrote, I hope you like it.
I do not own anything here except the product of my creativity.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentioned feelings of despair, chronic illness, fluff, new fanfic writer who wrote this on a whim, and possible bad punctuation.
Tell me if I forgot something pls
Summary: You bring food to Viktor in the lab and end up having a moment.
Definitions: Zaya means "little bunny" in Russian. At least, that is what Google told me.
And here we go...
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The hallways of the Academy echoed with your footsteps as you made your way to Viktor and Jayce's lab. Well, more Viktor's than Joyce's now that he was more involved in the political side of progress.
Viktor tried to act like the absence of his friend and fellow Hex tech founder didn't bother him, but you knew that deep down it did. You could see it in the way he was returning to old habits of believing he had to do everything on his own.
Even though he did not, and was not on his own. Especially with his declining health. It is not the best idea to leave him alone for hours on end.
You all understood that it was better if they had a say in the decisions regarding Hex tech's future. In order to ensure that it is safe from ending up in the wrong hands. Hands that would use it to destroy lives instead of improving them.
Nonetheless, it left much of the work for Viktor to go through alone, but he never complained. Your beloved is a man racing against time and fate.
Trying to complete and discover as much as his delicate body allows him to. Powering through all of the equations and push backs that came his way.
However, he could only do so much running on maybe four hours of sleep and the academy's cafeteria food. Which is why you were here, at his lab's door, fully expecting to see him hunched over his current project. Fully focused. Tuning out all of the world in order to improve it.
Knowing this, you don't even bother knocking on the large ancient doors; entering the lab filled with papers and project pieces scattered in a sort of organized chaos throughout the room. And in the back of said chaos is Viktor, sitting at his desk exactly as you imagined.
As you walk towards him, you decide to stand beside him and attempt to make your presence known without giving him a heart attack.
Like you had nearly done that one time.
You swear that man nearly jumped six feet from his chair when you placed a kiss on his cheek. Thinking that he had heard you come in.
No response...
With a gentle sigh, you lean down towards him and call his name in a sing-song voice. Hoping to bring him back to your plane of existence.
You reach out slowly, twinkling your fingers in front of him. He takes notice, chuckling as your fingers gently tap on the side of his face - then his nose.
"Hello love," He says, looking up to you with those golden orbs that make your knees weak. He sets down his work and kisses your hand.
"Hi, care for a break?" You ask, showing him the container of home cooked food you had brought him. He turns his chair to face you completely. His focus filled expression turned into delight.
"Hmmm, I suppose I could indulge." He answers, raising a mischievous eyebrow reaching out to take the food.
You move the container slightly out of his reach. Eyes trained on his expression of confusion that turns into acceptance of your challenge.
"Oh, that's how it is?" He asks, amusement apparent in his voice and expression.
"How what is?" You reply nonchalantly as possible, trying to keep a smile from spreading across your face.
The amusement filled amber eyes became daring as a beat of energy filled silence passed between you both. You were not protected from what came next.
Slender hands find their way to your waist and tickle you with no mercy. You squeal and try to move away, but you are held in place.
"Nah ah ah! Zaya, you are not getting away from me that easily!" He states as he attacks you with another wave of tickles.
"I surrender…I surrender!" You gasp, breathless from your laughter.
He hums satisfied with his victory and pulls you close, looking up into your eyes from his seated position.
Your cheeks are flushed from his little attack, and your eyes are bright from your laughter. The moment eases his mind and body. He wishes the two of you could stay here, like this, forever.
His life is not easy. At times, the pain is too much for his body, and he wants nothing more than for it to stop. To find peace and freedom from his all too delicate state.
But then who will finish all the work?
Understand all of his notes and research?
Progress doesn't happen on its own, and Jayce has his hands full with his new role.
Then there was you…
He never expected anyone to have a romantic interest in him, much less knowing that his time may no- would be limited. That in the end, you would be left all alone...
That is what troubled him the most.
You told him you would cross that bridge when you get there. That you understood what it meant to love him; and he was loved nonetheless.
It wasn't always easy, but that is what it means to love someone. It is standing beside them when times are at their worst. When they are at their worst.
Being there to help them back on their feet and facing the challenge together. He also knew how fortunate he was to have what so many others only dreamed about.
You place a hand on his cheek and brush the wild tousled hair out of his face with the other. Bringing him back from his thoughts, grounding him to the present.
"Hey, come back to me." Your voice is as soft as your expression. Eyes gazing lovingly into his own, which were equally enamored.
He gently tugs your arms, signaling for you to come closer.
"I am here."
His eyes never leave yours as he brings you in for a passionate kiss. He doesn't know what the future holds, but he knows you both will cross that bridge when you get there.
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disruptivevoib · 11 months
I want to talk about the mirror.
So this is about Twine and all the mirror stuff
That being said this involves some.. intense? things. I will explain them as lightly as possible, but a CW: Suicidal Ideation is definitely something that goes in here.
Twine and the mirror kick back actually way to the beginning of the chatroom. Its very interesting how long Twine was gone, which was about 2 months?
But he left initially after a culmination of frustrations and a lot of projection from himself onto Coda (VoR) Soul. I can't go into every intimate detail as to what led up to Twine's mental break, but Coil, failure, realizing how fucked up he'd been towards Yarn, anger ( a lot of that ), and just. Yeah. Coda.
Silence {Ouroboros Soul} (@rosy-fox-art) eventually told Twine to take a break and consult with or be there for his sides. Which is incredibly hypocritical but that is unimportant. Twine in his infinite frustration and also a longing to.. just be better for Mind and Heart fucked off and made his own room, of which he did not previously have.
This room had a computer and a mirror.
An important side note is that the Sun Down thirds can summon things specific to themselves and have properties projected onto them. Think artifacts from TMA if you must, but usually, that projection comes from a mentally ill place.
This being said, the mirror is exactly that. And at the time, Twine was incredibly self-dissecting. I think of Soul as Self-awareness, which can lead to over-analyzation of your wrongdoings and past mistakes and even possible future ones.
The mirror only ever projects back what it is given, however much you give into whatever you see. Twine saw a host of things over that long period of time standing and staring. Because yes, for two months, he stood and he stared and he just sort of tore himself to shreds.
A lot of it comes down to Twine seeing his past self, his Whole, and a couple over visions regarding the ideation of a rope. If you will. As unhealthy and self-destructive as this was, to some degree, a part of Twine was trapped in that mirror, thus he couldn't leave. And it would have changed him, though not for any kind of the better.
He left once, initially, when Ozzy (Voice of Reason Heart) (@agent-8449) showed up. They had their beef. Which I won't get into, it was not pretty. Twine is an asshole, Ozzy is also an asshole. However, he wound up leaving again to return when Yarn left to the Voice of Reason Psyche in a mixed attempt to help Tinker and keep Ozzy from being sent back.
Coil and Ozzy would later (I can't even say if it was hours or a day) find Twine and I cannot say get rid of the mirror, Ozzy did break it and Coil did throw away *most of it.
However by now, Twine was pretty out of it. Distressed and crying then fully dazed and out of it. He came back from that very quickly when Ozzy, *still mirror-possessed, was trying to essentially link with Coil and eat his thoughts. (Won't go into it.) Which he did indeed skewer Ozzy like a kebab for.
"Most of it" as in he kept one piece in order to try and understand what it was for
"mirror-possesed" as in Ozzy ate the mirror. He ate the glass. He was eating glass.
Also, Twine's trident is obscenely hot, however, while not immortal, the Sun Down Thirds are immune to the effects of temperature in terms of harm. They can feel it, but they don't get frostbite or spontaneously combust. Mainly because they absorb energy a lot, or are functionally energy, and thus because the Psyche isn't /real/ in terms of the body... yeah, they just. don't take damage. (poorly explained. Apologies, its 4:30 a.m.)
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encrucijada · 11 months
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♡ genre & categroy: literary fiction, adult
♡ pov: dual 3rd person
♡ teddy and i revisited the beginnings of mari & theo and came out of it with a rewrite of their first story that reclaimed its place as their real canon??, duology + all the novellas we want, alliteration galore, sometimes all you need is a personal project with your qpp
♡ a reminder that teddy is @teddywriting
♡ cw: drug addiction, child neglect, homelessness, imperfect recovery, unmedicated mental illness
♡ themes: second opportunities, self-love, family both chosen and born, gentleness, what if choosing to live your life was an option
a b o u t :
babylon boy - circa late 00s. theo and maripaz find each other while searching for meaning, but they're not quite the answer they were looking for. having independently run away from home they are focused on survival. maripaz left behind a family with more kids her parents knew what to do with and a boyfriend she never really liked. theo cut his family's losses and he hopes eventually they will stop missing him, his problems are his own. survival leads to companionship leads to friendship leads to i would be really bummed if you ever parted from me. there is no future as they hop from place to place, shoplift, and try to have a night of rest, there is only today and maybe tomorrow. gossamer girl - circa early 10s. the most earth shattering things still happen walking down the street or in the store.
in other words: a story told in two parts (plus a few others) about maripaz and theo—who ran away from home to spare their families the trouble. maripaz was only taking up space in her house and theo definitely does not have a drug addiction problem. they meet when theo helps maripaz shoplift from a grocery store and he steals one of the two necklaces she brought with her, this one with an angel charm (this is important). teddy is writing the theo pov and i am writing the mari pov and they go back and forth throughout.
c h a r a c t e r s :
maría paz "maripaz" vega. would rather die than ever express a want or need. should be dancing to abba at a discotheque. loves valentine's day themed stuff unironically. sixth daughter of eight kids. audhd. constantly interrupting her narration with snippets of the past. wants love to fix her so so bad. i think that i'm not who you think i am / but i like to be seen and i like to be wanted [better than this - lizzy mcalpine].
theodore "theo" rayes. hasn't had a problem ever his brain is so normal promise. should be doing silly tricks at the skate park. smartest stupidest pretty boy you'll ever meet. twin brother (older). autistic. constantly interrupting his narration with daydreams of the future. has these drugs under control (trust me). medicate, meditate, save your soul for jesus / throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason [call your mum - noah kahan].
the actual plot is less important than these two's emotional journeys. the conflict comes from... why isn't how much i love you enough to make everything right? what if you wanted someone to choose you and mean it. what if you wanted to be someone people can rely on. what if we were what the other person is looking for but where we're at right now is making it so hard but here we are, we are staying.
aesthetic: the changing lights of a carnival ferris wheel, tongues coloured from candy, heart-shaped sunglasses, intertwined fingers, the murmur of the ocean tide, fine white sand, pink and orange sunsets, hands sticky from melting ice cream, light refracted on a suncatcher, cramped secondhand bookstores, the buzz of fluorescent lights in a hospital waiting room, freckle-covered cheeks, the heads of strawberries, nightlife lights refracted on wet pavement, a necklace you never take off, rhinestone decorated flip phones, a steady heartbeat, graffities that scream for something more, homemade plastic jewellery, the light behind your head looks like a halo, tangled bedsheets, soft music at the grocery store, the cold of the frozen aisle, photographs from disposable cameras, porcelain angels
snippet for you:
Watermelon in triangles.
“That one’s mine.” Carla had grabbed one of the soup bowls, then the watermelon Maripaz had picked, and another one. Juan Pa had left then unattended after calling up the stairs if anyone wanted any.
“Girls,” Mum called from the living room, her telenovela was so loud Maripaz had been able to hear it from the second floor. Bringing herself to do homework before dark was hard enough. “No fighting, please. I don’t want to deal with this.”
Carla had watermelon juice, a single drop of it, rolling down her chin. “Don’t make a scene. It’s just fucking watermelon, just grab another one.”
Maripaz made a scene.
The soup bowl broke into six separate pieces when it crashed on the floor. Carla screamed, not from pain, but indignation and anger. She shoved Maripaz so hard she knocked over one of the kitchen table chairs.
“Girls! Por el amor de Dios, not one second of peace in this house.”
the universe as a whole has been baptised as HOME HABITAT. but you will see this tagged as #bb&gg, as well as any variation of #maripaz&theo. teddy and i have at least 2 novellas planned to bridge the gap between babylon boy and gossamer girl, and one prequel about maripaz's oldest sister. but more on that some other time!
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u5an5 · 1 month
New Horizons - Leaving Jacobs' Journal and SCP : Sedition
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Hey everyone! I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet. After trying to remedy production issues with both Jacobs’ journal and SCP - Sedition, I've decided to leave the projects. In part this is due to real life getting in the way, but also because of creative differences I had with the team. I've also left the team as a result, but let me just state before anyone reads into this - I hold no ill will towards Tats TopVideos for what has become an amicable departure.
To cut a long story short, we'd been having trouble keeping up with the demand for Sedition combined with the time and effort it took to animate long episodes for the series. I had come up with several formatting compromises, which would have honestly been an improvement to the overall quality of the show. However, I was informed that the ultimate decision was to return to an Ask SCP format only - just asking SCPs questions and cutting out the plot and character elements that we had begun to explore.
Though they said I could continue writing for the series, I decided that the team didn't need me to write for an Ask SCP format, and that while it may have been good to continue writing scripts, the fact that a lot of the elements I'd helped build into Sedition would no longer be pursued was a bit of a blow. It didn't feel right touching it after this, so I left the project. Left the team and… decided I wouldn't be contributing anymore after SCP-343 part 2's conclusion. Jacobs and McCrimmon will be written out, and Amnesty too will have her plot draw to a close,leaving Watch to do what he does best - interview SCPs.
Don't get me wrong, I- I don't dislike the Ask SCP format, but I had a vision of Sedition that we would no longer be pursuing and that's a fair enough decision on the part of the team. Tats was the other half of that show, she took those scripts and made masterpieces out of them, some of the best moments like the neck snapping scene, that- the clipboard floating in mid-air. All the little physical details she added to Sedition gave that show life. I will wholly appreciate what she did to the end of time, so. Her decision on this show mattered a lot to me, even after this we’re still very close friends.
This is simply a clash of creative interests that came about for very valid reasons. If they feel the best way to continue moving forward is to cut out unnecessary grind, then I wish them all the best for that new direction. I encourage you all to watch it and see how you feel, not based on what I've said, but based on how the new format appeals to you.
In the end, I'm just looking towards the future and where my content will go from here. I have some immediate plans, involving follow-up videos to this one where I explain in detail how events in Jacobs’ Journal and Sedition would have unfolded to both series. Perceived conclusions, or at least until the plot Arc for this Sedition, ran out and we'd probably have gone back to another SCP format anyway, but trust me when I say, it certainly wasn't as soon as it turned out to be. To cover all the plot in Jacobs’ Journal would only take a single episode, but to cover all things in Sedition, it'll definitely be a multi-part series of videos.
There are a lot of loose and even untugged threads to pull. I know a lot of fans are dedicated to digging deep into the goings on of each video, dissecting the actions and dialogue of the characters, particularly those of you who wanted to explore the expanded universe and found yourselves… here. We didn't expect the reaction to Sedition we got in the end, and the massive following we gained from it, which was extremely humbling. So, I didn't want to have you committing yourselves to these stories and characters without knowing the ending, so I hope that by releasing these videos it'll allow that chunk of the fandom some closure, maybe even giving me some of that closure too.
Ultimately, I want to try and bring my original content to the channel; stuff that isn't tied to another fan base, like SCP. This may also upset a few of you who are specifically subscribed to me for that SCP content, but I feel it is best for me to move away from it, so I'm not… typecast or tied down to one genre or thing. I have a few projects I'd be happy to share - books, games, graphic novels I have in the works and any other content I'll suggest later. But please, feel free to leave your suggestions of where you'd like to see me go from here, and I'll see what works best for me.
Thank you so much to everyone who was stuck by me through Sedition, and I hope that you'll continue to do so once my contributions have concluded. I hope my original content will manage to excite and entice you as everything I've done so far.
But until next time, stay safe and keep your creative passions burning.
*This is an attempt at transcribing video linked in title. I am NOT the aurhor of the chanel and I did NOT participate in creation of SCP: Sedition or Jacobs' Journal series in any way.
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ash-and-books · 8 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: For fans of Talia Hibbert and Lynn Painter comes a funny and unflinchingly honest story about a teen who must come to terms with her disability and what it means for her identity, her love life, and her future.
Brynn Kwan is desperate for her high school persona to be real. That Brynn is head of the yearbook committee, the favorite for prom queen, and definitely not crumbling from a secret disability that’s rapidly wearing her down. If no one knows the truth about her condition, Brynn doesn’t have to worry about the pitying looks or accusations of being a faker that already destroyed her childhood friendships. She’s even willing to let go of her four-year relationship with her first love, Oliver, rather than reveal that a necessary surgery was the reason she ignored his existence for the entire summer.
But after Brynn tries to break up a fight at a pep rally and winds up barred from all her clubs and senior prom, she has nothing left to prop up her illusion of being just like everyone else. During a week-long suspension from school, she realizes that she doesn’t quite recognize the face in the mirror—and it’s not because of her black eye from the fight. With a healthy sister who simply doesn’t understand and a confused ex-boyfriend who won’t just take a hint and go away like a normal human being, Brynn begins to wonder if it’s possible to reinvent her world by being the person she thought no one wanted: herself.
A teen who must come to terms with her disability while dealing with school drama, a complicated relationship with her family, and the one boy she let go... but the real struggle is deciding what her future holds for her. Brynn Kwan is disabled, she deals with chronic pain and a body that she can't really control, she has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Brynn wants so badly to pretend the version of herself that she puts forth is the real one, she's been hiding her disability from everyone, only her family knows. Brynn so desperately wants to uphold the perfect happy version of herself that she created, but when an incident at school has her suspended, it gives Brynn time to re-evaluate what exactly her disability means to her. She also has to work on a project with her ex-boyfriend Oliver, the one guy she dumped because she was afraid her illness would hold him back... yet spending time with him again has her thinking maybe she should tell him the truth. Brynn is dealing with so much, from fighting against her own body's limits to trying to learn to open herself up to those close to her and telling them about her disability. This book was so so heartwarming. Brynn felt like such a well fleshed out character and her story was beautiful. She struggles with being vulnerable while trying to not let her disability define her, yet trying to accept it is so difficult for her. She struggled with so much but was so resilient and her story was absolutely amazing. I loved Brynn so much, and her family was so supportive and sweet and I adored Oliver. This felt like such a realistic and authentic book, and I just think everyone should read it. It's a story that just emotionally resonates with you and I loved it.
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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nogenderbee · 1 year
excuse me, its me the person who randomly apologises, im sorry that i went to saying sorry, i wasn't thinking at all :( but mind if i try your event? If you dont mind of course!
Nicknames for my lover/partner - hmmm, something silly, but if i cant think anything ill just shortened their names :D
Hobbies - writing(like an essay or fiction), drawing(i wanted to try realistic drawings too!), gazing at everyone(im not a stalker I swear I just enjoyed watching people do their own thing) and lastly listening to music!(I got emotional over sad songs ;))
Date ideas - hmm I dont know, something like watching the cinema
Something I hate in others - I dont hate anyone?? Actually??? But if I was, thenn definitely those people who are impatient
Personality traits - patient, like i would wait for my friends to get ready for school even if it costs me getting late(i dont regret anything). And then creativity, I would think of something when i get bored. And lastly im very much easy to talk too!(if you went to a topic abt drawing ill ramble abt art history)
Activities i like - going to art museums!
Activites i dont like - anything sports related
Once again im so sorry for barging your inbox with an apology, but i hope your having a good day!
Hey don't worry! It's all fine ^^ And I'm happy you decided to try this event! So let's get into it darl~
I pair you with...
Ena Shinonome!
⊱ first, nicknames! She may not show it but she loves all the silly nicknames you came up for her! It'll be kinda hard to shorten her name tho...
⊱ so you both of course enjoy listening to music and drawing! And she also doesn't mind too much if you stare at her! Sure, she was a bit confused at first but she eventually got used to it and now, she doesn't even sometimes notice you gazing at her
⊱ as for date idea, she hoenstly enjoys going to cinema but she does also have a bit better ideas so as long as you're willing to check it out, she'd love to suggest some! But then again, she can't say no to a good movie~
⊱ I think she's still a bit of a patient person since she draws and from what I experienced, patience is absolute key
⊱ and now traits! She absolutely loves your patient and creative side! Especially creative one tho, after all whenever she struggles with her art z she can come to you! But of course you can count on her as well! She also loves to just sometimes ramble with you~
⊱ and finally, you both enjoy going to art museums! You can be sure that she'll try to study few all painting and she'll study the ones that catched her eye for a bit longer. She also will try to pay attention which drawing you liked for future projects~
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You and Ena were now walking back from movie date, this time you picked a movie and it was really nice that you both enjoyed it just as much!
On your way back tho, Ena noticed photo booth and she just couldn't help herself and give it a try! Of course she payed for it, after all she just wanted to have a small memory from this date~
"Look at this! Don't we just look cute~? I bet people will love it too! Oh, you won't mind if I post it on my socials... will you?"
She was still showing you the photos and you only could see how excited she was for having these. She almost literally had stars in her eyes! But of course she still won't post these photos if you don't want to so choice is really yours~
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eesmot · 2 months
DES 302 Week 3 - Monday 29th July
And just like that we are in Week 3 of Capstone! The first couple of weeks of semester have been slightly stop-start, marred by a frustratingly persistent illness and my absence from the entirety of Week 1. As a result of this, much of my work so far has simply been catching up on what I missed and focusing on recovering and resting so I’m at my best for the coming weeks. Luckily, a lot of the work so far has been refreshing myself on my Design Research Proposal, looking upon it in a new light and hoping to find new angles to explore my intended area of research. This is a requirement both for me and the course directives. In order to reflect on my progress and learning thus far I have decided to employ the reflective model of What? So what? Now what? 
A lot of the context of the semester so far has been mentioned in my little introductory section. I was absent, then sick, and the whole time trying to catch-up on what I had missed. Having caught up midway through Week 2 I found myself in a position I so often find myself in, stuck. Not necessarily for lack of inspiration but in the clichéd sense that often the hardest thing is to get started, or rather to know where to start. As a designer I know that I often have slow starts to projects and wanted that to change for this semester. So I set about laying out my Miro in a fashion best prepared for successful and efficient work. As someone who procrastinates a lot, having a strong structure around me is definitely necessary for a successful semester. Getting to grips with my design process, the Resilio Design Process, and laying it out as a timeline on my Miro definitely helped in getting started with the Initiate phase and beginning the real meaty section of my project. 
So what?
It was undeniably a difficult couple weeks. As a naturally anxious and easily stressed person getting back in a University mindset of deadlines and work is something I find particularly demanding. This stress was only amplified by the aforementioned illness and my return from a month long holiday. But I think I’ve navigated it relatively well. I think this provides valuable learning for me, not only showing I can navigate adversity but also how I can manage it. If I keep to a maintained schedule, deadines, and a clear structure then my inherent anxiety will have less of an impact and my stress levels will be minimised. I believe that keeping to my structure and timeline for the remainder of the semester will be key for not only the optimal outcome of my work but also my attitude. 
Now what?
So, in regards to my action plan moving forward I know that I need that to centre my process around two key principles: structure and progress. As I’ve mentioned, being a historically slow starter I know moving forward I just have to get going, looking for the perfect idea from the outset is a largely fruitless endeavour. Just following my design process and staying within my outlined structure will begin to provide value as the semester continues. If I get stuck again remembering these points will be the first port of call. Additionally, given I missed the first week and was only able to attend one day of class in the second I will be increasingly able to call on my sustainability stream community of practice. Working with others and calling on them for creative invigoration will be a real value to me that I missed out on in the project so far. Finally, alongside these points just getting into the routine, the swing of things will be key for my future progress.
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arsenicflame · 3 months
yayy catching up on my favorite blog and there's ask game! 24 25 35
oh em geeee im ur favourite blog??? ur my favourite author!!!!!! wow (sage ily)
24. Something that you’re proud of
I tend to exist my life from sewing project to sewing project, so my mind immediately gravitates to that. while there are definitely sections on anne that fall short of my expectations, in general i really am proud of how its come out! the corset, especially. ive been sewing a long time and this is really the first time i feel like ive done something im PROUD to put my name towards. i hope i can feel that way about many more things in the future.
i think id also say im proud of the snippets ive been writing recently too. i dont know if theyre interesting to anyone else (the formatting is certainly. weird. i hesitate to associate them with fics at all) but ive been letting myself just. plot the ideas as they come. even if that means scribbling them down on the first thing i can grab at work. its felt good.
25. Do you still talk to your first crush?
i dont! my first crush turned first gf was a girl i met through DeviantArt n we did not actually keep touch for long. i hope she is well tho, that relationship was important to the trajectory of my life, even if it wasnt really a proper relationship
35. Something new
ha WELL i literally already told u about my most recent purchases (the books and even the shelf) so i feel like i should pick a different answer-
(and oh look, im looping it back around to sewing. listen its that or its the fic things i havent been doing anything bestie)
so ive been trying to actively work through the fabric i have (see: dress poll!) so ive been making plans for things i own! its been a lot of fun revisiting things i bought like, 5 years ago and seeing how my tastes have changed. ive been sketching up some new plans for things, though i must admit im determined to make myself finish up some ufos and 'practical' pieces first (looking at you, waistcoats) im also excited to get to some fun things! i have literally. 20+ projects to pick from, including a dozen or so cosplay ideas! the future is infinite
Specifically, the idea ive been excited for recently came up as a side note of dress polls. i have this green cotton duvet cover i acquired for mock up fabric, but that ive earmarked for a dress instead first (i think its a king duvet so ill probably still have half left when im done ngl) i saw this gorgeous applique dress, and it sparked my imagination!! i wouldnt want to do something exactly like that i dont think, but i have a metric ton of black cord, and i was thinking about couching it (sewing over it with a zigzag, basically) down onto the dress in an ivy (?) pattern to create the effect! i might need to twist up a couple strands of cord to get a nice thickness but i think itd be really fun. i havent done couching since i was in college, but i think its the perfect technique for something organic like ivy. this is very much a future project, but its finally a solid idea for this particular fabric! something new!
51 questions
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cielwells · 4 months
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April 2024 Update
At the end in the "Failed Experiment" heading I'll leave that failed experiment. At the start of April I planned on doing a daily update and posting the result as month's end for my monthly update. On day 86 or so I lost track. Only to realize on day 108.
Looking at April in hindsight, what do I think I can learn or what I learned?
I see where I started trying to branch out into multi-day works instead of sticking to a single day and moving on.
Day 65: Was a failed attempt at it.
Day 71 and 72 was the Nek-sliver.
Day 89 and 90 were Pekora Vegetta.
Looking at the naming convention I use, surprisingly Frieren (I have three 76s and she's 2) wasn't one of them. 89 and 80B, paper bag guy, also weren't.
I suppose towards the end of the month I started stretching myself more with fanart.
The Failed Experiment
Monthly Format, yo!
Yo! Not sure what will be here at month's end, but I decided to try this for April, 2024. I don't want to spam daily with my draw something a day project, but I definitely want to make sure I'm reflecting on this stuff to some degree.
Then I had a thought. Doesn't Tumblr have a draft feature?
*returns a day later to see everyone beyond that is missing despite attempts to save*
I hope, hoped, to use the draft to keep a daily reflection written, formatted, etc. while avoiding a daily spam of drawings that I don't feel merit their own posts. Since my plan is, was, will be, to release a collage monthly... well, this seemed a way to kill two bids at once.
Daily Logs
Day 63 - One of the Lost
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One of the lost entries. This will be brief unless I come back to rewrite it when I'm in a better headspace.
Primary Goal: Explore CSP's brushes some.
I feel I accomplished that.
Day 64 - One of the Lost
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The primary goal of this one was to play around with a certain style's coloring technique some. Maybe even use it as a template for this purpose going into the future so I could jump straight into the coloring section.
I "ran out of time" partway through practicing inking. Looks like I still have an issue with relative brush sizes.
Since I forgot to mark it, no reference used.
Day 65
*Returns to this on day 76, and coughs up a lung* Vacation and illness arc ahead.
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Was going to use this over a few days to practice different shading and coloring techniques, but I ended up dropping it due to travel.
Day 66
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Quick sketch due to traveling.
Day 67
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Another quick sketch. A borderline abstract sketch of my time in Tennessee.
Day 68
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Sad frog in the snow.
Day 69
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Random quick sketches.
Day 70
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Incomplete sketch of an idea. A Sliver in a circular shape. First attempt was coiling it up.
Day 71
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A second attempt. The head is circular with the tail and arm blades making the expression.
Day 72
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Probably inspired by Albert from "The Girl From the Other Side". I had finished the series a few days beforehand.
Day 73
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My most blatant cheat image.
Day 74
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Sickness fulling kicking in.
Day 75
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Stupid sick sketch. Random doodle became an "Amogus". Then I did a reflected jump scare in the visor.
Day 76
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Starting to feel better. Streak tracking app didn't save my things from yesterday so I thought it was day 75 still when I started. Then I got a "there is already a save by this name!" when I tried to save it as day 75.
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After the "proper 76" I continued sketching a bit in the style that feels more "right". The eyes are clearly off. I can feel I'm getting a better sense of hair chunk flows. Granted, at my basic skill "better" is relative.
I'm calling this here. With more time I could do more with it. Maybe another day I will, but it is late and I nearing my limit of trying to put off taking my next dose of cold medicine.
Frieren is the subject.
The next day I ended up doing more work on it.
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Day 77
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Gave a night landscape a try again.
Day 78
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A bunch of random shapes and quick practice. I forget what triggered my desire to go back to working on the basicer basics.
Day 79
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Maybe inspired by Albert from "Girl on the Other Side". The horn shape was the primary object of my focus on this day.
Day 80
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The goal this day was perspective playing. You can still somewhat see where I kept redrawing the eyes, repositioning them, to get the perspective I wanted.
Day 81
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Day 81 proper was just a sketch of The Durge from Baldur's Gate 3.
The warmup was inspired by Pikat's Partner's 30 Day Video.
Day 82
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Inspired by a meme, maybe a YouTube short? It was a four frame dealio where each layer was improving your "level". Flat image of water in a glass. Then shading it. Then two more of the red water slurping around the glass.
Day 83
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Was in a rush between chores, friends, getting my other X times a week things done. A Haro on adult Gon Freecs' body. The left arm really needs more work. At least the forearm.
Day 84
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Got a bug in my ear to try a technique for shirts.
Day 85
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Wanted to give cold weather clothes a try.
Day 86
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Was a second attempt at a sweater. Turned into randomness.
Day... bleh
At some point I lost track of this. Keeping a daily log just ended up being too much for me right now, I guess.
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creative--enquiry · 5 months
RESEARCH - Paper folding
Origami by definition from oxford language is "the Japanese art of folding paper into decorative shapes and figures"
Origin of the word
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There are many diffeent types of origami some are made from a singular sheet of paper (square or rectangular are traditionally used) others can be made feom multiple or ever hundred.
The modern origami dosent use scoring or cutting the paper but some may in order to make more elaborate shapes or figures.
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The hats ive been making use a singular rectangle sheet and look similar to the shape of an origami boat.
They do differ in technique and outcome as the hat is almost an inverted an inverted version of the boat.
Both have a peak bit the traditional boat has a flat bottom whereas the hat is hollow underneath.
You can see this in the examples bellow, this meant i was able to put my hats on top of objects.
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The art of Origami was actually started by the Chinese and adopted by the Japanese in the 7th century, although the origin of the word origami comes from Japanese language.
The Japanese were howerver the first to start making the paper that is widely used in modern origami, called washi paper. This translate literally to Japanese paper.
The paper was first used to record and copy sutras, used in Buddhist culture. The copying of these were seen as a merit for the culture. The paper was later used to wrap gifts that would be used as offerings in religious ceremonies and also to decorate said gifts.
During the Edo period (1603-1868) was when the word origami started to be used and in 1797 the first book on origami became avaliable.
During the Meiji Era (1868-1912) origami was introduced fo kindergarten and elementary schools across Japan. New designs and techniques are been used now with the introduction of the internet and the spread of its popularity across the world.
People use origami as gifts when people are sick, friends and/or family offer 1000 paper cranes to a sick person in hopes of curing their illness, or the person themselves will make then in hopes to heal as qui k as possible.
An example of this can be seen in the Haroshima Peace Park, where children leave paper crane gifts for Sadako, a victim of the Haroshima boming. Before the bombing she had leukemia and herself folded 1000 cranes to try and cure herself.
Due to this the paper crane is now seen as a symbol of peace, in rhe museum you can see the cranes Sadako made in hopes of being cured.
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Focus on the step your doing
Slow down
Enjoy the paper
Dont judge
Know when to walk away
Know when to come back
Its important to feel your feelings and remain in the moment with what you are doing. Its okay for it not to be perfect, take time to appreciate what your doing and know when to give yourself grace and when to push yourself to do more.
Its important to find something you enjoy to fold, not to learn all the techniques or be amazing, just to be present in the folding.
During my summer project when folding the hats, i pictured who would find it or where it would end up amd this brought me joy, this was my mindfulness. To think of how i would be able to make others feel with my art and where it could go in the future.
Origami is accessible anywhere, anytime, with just a sheet of paper
Origami enhances the ability to be aware of what is happening in the moment and focus
Use origami to practice letting go of self-judgment or perfectionism
With practice, origami can become a form of a focused attention meditation, a category of meditation that trains the mind on an object
Share the gift of origami to connect with others
Sharing origami can help spark crearivness and joy in your loved ones. Whither that is as a gift or as a technique you can use to bond. You can also use it to think of loved ones lost or of other losses in your life.
I guess my leaving of the hats in public was a sort of way of sharing my art with them, to make them think creatively.
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mixdown01 · 1 year
Adaption: Final Reflection, POTP
{youtube link xoxo}
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And that's post wrapped!
It's been a long semester, and I'm stoked to have learned as much as I have and to have developed the skills and knowledge I now have for the future. I don't have too many photos of post because I was really hunkering down but I'll try to find some to put in!
I'm proud of the work I managed to do in the time we had after picture lock and before the crit. I think an extra day or two to sit on sound and let it marinate would've be nice, but considering, I think I managed my time and schedule well and am glad of that.
(pretty long post so pls open the readmore ive put in!)
I'll start with a quick location sound review - I had no issues, beside the usual nuisances that come with filming outdoors and in businesses. I did what I could to minimize this (the angle/direction of the shotgun really does matter) and it worked, for the most part. I'm going to utilize wingman more in the future, because the sound notes put into the app can be seen in AVID next to the video files- I hadn't realized the info is "burned" into the files like that but this makes communication between sound and camera notes really nice. Of course ill do physical sound notes still, but in addition to wingman too.
Now onto post!
I was stressed about this, I admit. I hadn't done such a dialogue heavy film before, and was only vaguely familiar with the proper workflow. Common sense when organizing is huge though, and the project wasn't messy at all. Initial checkerboarding went smoothly. One thing I was irritated to notice was the quality of the park atmos changed very much depending on what angle we were shooting at relative to the road, which of course I knew would happen when we chose the location, but was still very blah this sucks about. I managed with minimal tension headaches and I think it is very minimally noticeable, if not noticeable at all, in the final product so yay for that.
Leveling and doing a temp mix for their lines, though.... I abused automation and I was holding myself back (to be fair I didn't overuse it but I definitely used it a lot). In one line the actors would start off quiet and then their voices would spike and go loud, which is a combination of delivery and boom oping I think. (It never peaked, and worked for some instances of topic and character and etc but I wanted it not to go up and down always) I gave my boom ops very very very Very basic rundowns on 'How To' and I wish I had sat them down for a more in depth lesson, and I WISH I had headphones for them - but we couldn't get a splitter, or didn't. Going to push for this if I keep outsourcing Ops and don't record and op myself.
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ANYWAYS. Finished with that and then went to my favorite bit: DESIGN!!!!! I was very slumped and depressive at this point, so it really picked me up. I wish I had more time to look into certain music choices for scenes, but I am happy with the piano we got scored for the end sequence.
One thing I will say: I had a lot of trouble and internal fighting with How Much I should put in. Originally we had wanted something very stylized and Edgar Wright-esque, but that didn't really end up happening with the coverage we got, and in turn with the edit (which is definitely fine!). But this left me trying to balance not overdoing it, since sound is supposed to mesh well with the edit and visuals, but I felt like I HAD to make it stylized in order to try and get closer to what we wanted OG. I think I did an okay job - in the crit Olivia said the sound did all the heavylifting, which I still cannot decide is a compliment or a detriment. While I'm half glad it got noticed in a- positive?- light, im also kind of eh about it since technically it should enhance the world and match it, not 'heavylift' it.
Through the process Anne Marie helped me a lot with suggestions and notes: here are some I found below from my phone, they probably make no sense heh, I also had markers on pro tools I was referring too as well
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Phew, that's long. I'll end on a happy note before I go into things I will incorporate into the workflow for next time. I'm glad I didn't have any technical issues, and all my qualms were creative. Even though I will be pushing for earlier picture lock on future films, because I feel I haven’t been able to breath when sound is left for minute (mainly because I’m trying to balance getting it all done and doing work I’m proud of) I'm content with what I managed to get done in the time I was given. I started Sound 7 days before the crit when picture was locked, and I managed to do what I think is an alright job! So, success, and a good test of my time management skills, because I had to learn to stop nitpicking cause more often than not it's fine and no one else can hear it but you.
Wingman notes for the editor
set the edit window and sound window DURING PRE PROD, not during production. See if people can give you a week and a half at least for sound so it can breath a little bit and you don't waste away in SAS. Also so you can do a proper Mix and not a temp one
TEMP SOUND IN AVID - have a meeting with the editor to see what you can give them, and to say they can put in temp sound if they think something similar should go in certain places. Mainly for music and timing instances.
Decide on a color coding system so I use the same colors for everything always moving forward and It doesn't vary depending on the project (look up industry standard)
Drink more water to avoid tension headaches
xoxo I really hope everyone a good summer and to lots of learning and growing in their field!
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ryuubff · 2 years
yeah, and i think that xiao would experience more intense episodes with it where certain days are worse than others and he spends the whole day feeling unbalanced and whenever he stands up he immediately crashes back down, or after he washes his hands or comes out of somewhere cold hi s hands are just freezing for the next hour (this is definitely not projection), and it mayhaps coincides with his mental state at times. this is the one modern au hc i will stand by till my dying breath. 🌼
HMMM yeah its definitely an interesting headcanon!! ill try to incoroprate this into an au i have in the future if i have any because waw the angst potential and also Spreading the hc and also awareness (because i myself did not know it was an actual like. Thing) !!!!!!
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ebachan · 2 years
SCU - What could be in Sonic Movie 3
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So, here is another post centering on Sonic Movie 3. In my previous post, I analyzed the post-credit scene, giving a few ideas of how it could tie back to the first movie and what it could mean. Here, I want to present a list of what could be in the next movie, separating the ideas based on characters or places.
Again, I’m tagging this for spoilers, and so, please, you too. 😉😉
For the general idea, I would love to see them combining SA2 and Shadow the Hedgehog games. Both are heavily connected to Shadow, and while both games have their plot holes, they give Shadow depth and a new direction. I enjoyed Shadow’s game, since it’s the only one with multiple endings. It also explores the possibilities of how Shadow can change and decide based on the circumstances.  
He is a Black Arms alien, but still a hybrid. Could be as an experiment to see how well a hybrid can do the “job” and infiltrate the planets to prepare them or harvesting.
He is an “ordinary” alien, like Sonic, searching for Master Emerald. Can be for Black Doom or for himself to be more powerful. Or possibly to bring back somebody or something he had lost.
He definitely isn’t created on Earth. The technology isn’t advanced enough to allow it. The Ark also doesn’t exist in space, but it could be a name of the Black Site.
He could come to Earth after crashing or by choice, but still captured by the military while being surprised. Given he should be combat skilled like Knuckles, it seems like the “only option”.
Since Rings seem to be the most common way to travel between planets, we can expect him to use them. Would be cool to get more insight into them as well. Like how they are produced and with some luck, we may get Red Star Rings 😍
Before being put into stasis, he would swore he would take a revenge upon humanity.
I know this would be too much for a kid’s movie, but I can imagine Shadow was “given electric shocks” to keep him in check or high doses or paralyzing gas during his stay in the lab.
He likes to “comb” his quills as seen in his game. It can be possible for him to be “proud” of his features, but not narcistic. He may just dislike being messy.
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She lived on Earth, and I would love to see her having a similar role as in the games.
She can be a child, but her being an adult working in Black Site and meeting Shadow there would be really cool.
She would be cheerful and kind, befriending Shadow, who would be used by others like an object.
May or may not be related to Robotnik.
She would still be terminally ill, but using her remaining time to make a better future.
Amy Rose
I can see her working in this movie.
Her personality could be changed a bit to be tom-boyish, but still liking girls-tuff like clothes or makeup.
She would show “romantic interest” in Sonic like a crush, but not to the point of saying “you will marry me” when she is 14 😅😅🤔
Act like a big sister to the boys, and being the most level-headed and a good leader. I can see her trying to “control” Sonic’s reckless behavior, so he wouldn’t get hurt.
Just like Sonic, she would have a high level of empathy, being able to see good in others.
Would be nice for her to have slight psychic abilities, like a stronger intuition. That could help with “searching” for people she bonded with.
Her Piko Piko Hammer is must 😁 A manifestation of her Chaos abilities.
She could be the one to show Shadow the “wrongs” of his plan for revenge, like in the games. But I’ve seen an idea here that this could be done by Sonic too. If there is no Amy, I’m all for it. Or Maddie could be the one as well. It could have an impact, since she is human and still connects with Shadow, who hates humanity.
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More prominent and competent role. Because honestly, in SA2, they sucked and did little to nothing to help. In Shadow’s game, they were more active and part of the story and made an impact.
The Commander Walter was involved with Project Shadow, but not directly. I can see him losing somebody close to him, and thus hating Shadow. It could be Maria if both were children. Or somebody from his unit, like the commander he respected.
He would learn about Project Shadow after becoming a commander. But I can imagine him still missing the key features and details.
They would still go after Sonic and Co, perhaps sending another secret agent to monitor them. This time a woman who would settle down in Green Hills.
Black Site/Ark/Prison Island
Could be modeled after Ark or Prison Island or both.
A place where Shadow would be kept, experimented on, and imprisoned in the pod.
Definitely in Antarctica since that place is ice-covered. And we already had Siberia, so, a new place?
Underwater doesn’t sound right or possible.
Ark can’t be a space colony since in SA2 it was powered by Chaos Drive (if I remember that right), and ChE or ME are unknown to humanity. Solar energy could be possible, but it seems like a stretch. Also, the post-credit scene talks about coordinates, and I don’t think that would apply to space 😅 
Prison Island is more possible to exist in the movie. It’s a simple location.
Very similar to his game counterpart - cruel, manipulative, and calculating.
Could be the final boss, but I can see him work more in a theoretical Shadow’s spinoff. The movie can have hints towards him and/or BA race.
Exploring the Black Arms lore would be so cool. We got basically nothing about them. Why is BD determinate to harvest planets? Why are BAs connected by hive-mind? How did the race come to be?
Black Comet can work since that’s 100% alien stuff :-D
I would scream with joy if they would hint BA like Eclipse from Archie Sonic comics. That would put Shadow in front of a new arc of him going against a non-mindless living-weapon, but basically himself.
Rouge the Bat
She needs to be introduced sooner than in this movie. Shadow is too complex to “share the spotlight”. It worked for Knuckles and Tails since they are “quite simple” past-wise. Knuckles’ Spinoff is the perfect place for it.
Her original role was bounded to the fact Sonic and Co weren’t “aliens” among humans. So, that’s a big pass here.
However, she is Jewel Hunter/Thief, and thus, following leads to Master Emerald, she would find her way to Earth and to Knuckles.
There she can get involved, perhaps teaming up with Shadow/Agent Stone, but she would ultimately “betray” them in favor of her goal or greater good.
Later, she could become part of G.U.N., but it seems unlikely as it stands now.
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Agent Stone
Takes after Dr. Robotnik, inheriting his mentality and awakening his genius. He is the most capable assistant, after all.
I doubt Dr. Robotnik had the Mean Bean hide out planned beforehand. Agent Stone gained that place in the pre-quill comic and “redecorated” it.
He also showed he had two Control Gloves and could use them with ease.
Based on the post-credit scene, he overheard them. His next step will be to get the data and check and use Project Shadow in his revenge against humanity and especially that blue pincushion 😆
Would be cool to tease Metal Sonic, as Agent Stone sees non-robotic partners as unreliable.
He would introduce Shadow to coffee and coffee beans.
Dr. Robotnik
Hmm, if he returns, he would probably take Agent Stone’s role in waking up Shadow and plotting to destroy the Earth.
But with Stone showing how capable he is, the movie can work without him as well.
Collecting Chaos Emeralds - They were “scattered“ by the end, and if Shadow somehow knows about them, he would collect them.
Or the Emeralds can be collected during Knuckles’ spin-off with the last one or two being in the movie. 
Super Shadow and Super Sonic fight - Like, it’s no brainier XD
G.U.N. hunting Shadow, Sonic and the rest - They are still determinate to contain them somehow. But they can also form a “partnership” by the end of the movie.
I wonder if there would be “Shadow’s death” by the end. 
Commander Walter and Shadow would have a confrontation. Shadow would want to kill him (for obvious reasons), and Sonic would save the human, earning more disdain from Shadow. Something similar was in his game, but Shadow and Commander Tower reconciled and formed partnership.
Maddie having a scene with Shadow - I believe she deserves more action and fulfilling moments. The 2nd movie showed what she is capable, and what she will do to protect her family.
Post-Credit scene - Metal Sonic or Chaos. It’s too soon for Silver and/or Blaze and given how complex their stories are, they are more TV-series material for the length. Sonic Unleashed is also a story needing more time and characters to introduce.
I guess this sums up my thoughts and ideas :-) Nothing really shocking, and I’m sure I’m like 95% off XD 
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thebadbatch · 3 years
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Hunter X Unwell Reader
Plot: Hunter takes care of the reader as they've fallen ill.
Warnings: Detailed description of being unwell accompanied by a lot of fluff.
Upon waking, you realized how quickly your heart was beating and how hot you felt. Everything seemed to hit you at the same time, the temperature you appeared to be running made you feel like you were on Tatooine wearing all of the gear you usually wear during missions on Hoth. Your head alone made you wince, shutting your eyes as it grew sharper and more tense - your entire body felt fragile and weak and you were certain that you wouldn't be able to get yourself out of bed without falling. Then again it must be worth a try? Your throat felt dry and coarse, the feeling making you feel like you could die without it.  Attempting to sit up, you pulled your legs out of bed and placed them upon the floor - that previous pain you felt really kicking in now as if it hadn't already.
"Kriff." Your voice mumbled, a sharp pain accompanying it. Pushing yourself up with what remained left of your energy, your body threw itself against the closest wall to keep your body from falling. Quickly Pressing a button on the doors control panel, they finally opened so you could drag yourself into the Havoc Marauders hallway. Your legs began to shake as they held you up and you knew that you wouldn't be able to hold yourself up much longer. "Hunter?" Your gentle-toned voice rang out, worry and fear coating it. Being unwell has always been a struggle for you due to constant thoughts filling your head saying that you'd only get worse and end up dying. Heath anxiety was always a nightmare to deal with and you lay all your thanks to Kamino for giving that to you. Rapid footsteps come closer and closer toward you, completely grateful for the sound as your legs give out resulting in you falling in what felt like slow-motion. Waiting for the hard floor to greet your body, which strangely never came, your eyes opened to see Hunter's worried gaze as you realised you were now in his arms completely vulnerable and weak. They had never seen you like this before, you had never called out for help as you were always making sure that their reckless selves didn't get injured or hurt.
"Y/N!" Hunter spoke, "What's wrong?" Closing your eyes, you hesitantly laid your head against his shoulder with your breaths completely ragged.
"Not well." You managed to croak out, whimpering a little at the wave of pain that engulfed your body. Hunter nodded and began to rush back with you to the cockpit where all of the other members were working on their own individual projects. You had definitely woken up late as all of the others never woke up as early as you did, at the sight of them you knew it was early into the afternoon.
"Tech," Hunter breathed, "Run a med scan for y/n stat." Tech turned in his seat at the never-before heard request for you, the others staring at you completely terrified. He soon stood, running the device over you before gazing at the information he had received.  
"They have the flu." Everyone turned to him with puzzled and worried looks that intertwined. They were clones, they rarely got sick but when they did it was absolute hell. "The flu is a common Illness among humans which features a fever, aching body, exhaustion, cough, sore throat, headaches, loss of appetite, stomach Pain and being sick." He took a deep breath in, "It's a short term illness that will resolve itself in all due time, about five to seven days. Since y/n grew up on Kamino though, this may be one of the first times they're unwell, meaning that everything will feel one hundred times worse. Hunter gently sat down, keeping you against him as he used his fingertips to thread through your hair something you were usually too proud to let him do but you really needed this right now. Whilst leaning into his touch much to his joy, you attempted to speak. 
"No... No tests." Echo looked over at you completely sympathetic, knowing how Kamino must have poked you with every needle available to see how illness affected you. You used to be an experiment for them to see how they could Improve their clones and if anything it just damaged you instead rather then improving them. 
"No tests, Mesh'la." Hunter reassured you continuing to thread his fingertips through your hair, feeling your forehead against your burning temperature. "I promise." His gentle promise seemed to soothe and calm you straight away as you hid your face against his neck.
"How can we help her?" You heard Wreckers voice pipe up, he was always so sweet and fun to be around so when that serious tone drained away his usual laughs you couldn't help but pout.
"Plenty of liquid and food, especially rest and medicine which we will have to retrieve from Ord Mantell." Echo nodded, gazing over at Hunter who couldn't look away from your fragile form clinging to his body for any kind of comfort. "We need to do a Supply run anyway so we can collect it with ease."
"Would you mind staying, Hunter?" Echo questioned as he stood to gather any necessities for the supply run they decided to go on. "I think it's best for one of us to ensure they're safe." Within a heartbeat, Hunter had agreed as the others left to gather everything needed. Now it was just the two of you, leaving Hunter who was more than happy to take care of you. Lifting you up, he carried you to his bunk to softly lay you down under blankets and placed a cold cloth on your forehead that he retrieved from the fresher for you. 
"Don't go." He had heard you whisper, a moment of clarity washing over you as you shifted a little to turn to him clinging to the pillow that smelt like him. A chuckle left his lips as he sat on the bed with you.
"I won't go anywhere, y/n." Those words alone gave out immense comfort before you pulled back the blankets for him to cuddle with until things stopped hurting as badly. Once he had cuddled back down with you, holding you delicately in his arms he began rubbing soft Circles against your back. "When they get back I want you to take the medicine and make  Sure You drink plenty of water and have a little something to eat. Understood?" His words were more like soldier-talk, but you understood he did that when he was stressed or worried. A simple nod was returned by you before you hid against the warmth of his chest beginning to get some well-needed rest.
"Y/n…" A softer voice spoke which made you wince and furtherly hide against Hunter's chest, gripping his blacks. "Mesh'la, you need to take your medicine…" Opening your eyes, you Peeked above the comfort and safety of Hunter's blankets and his body - clearly not impressed that you were awoken by them. 
"They seem angry..." Wrecker spoke, a little spooked at your angered expression. 
"They will be."  Hunter chuckled, his thumb running across your cheek causing you to melt into his touch with a smile. 
"They've woken up to us needing them to take medicine, waking them from what relief sleep offered from y/n's flu." Tech gently crouched so he could see you clearly, Showing you a glass of water and a tablet. "Please take this, Cyar'ika." Nodding at his gentle tone, you took the tablet and water much to their glee.
"Good job, Mesh'la." Echo spoke with a Smile, "We will leave you both be. Shout for us if you need us okay?" Hunter thanked his brothers before turning back to face you, wiping some water away from your mouth. 
"Why don't you sleep now y/n?" He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead as your eyes began to shut - excited for some relief from your aching body. "You'll feel better soon, I won't leave your side." His Previous kiss soon moved to your cheek as he held you even closer, protecting you from everything and anything. "I love you." With that, you finally drifted off with a smile, entirely in love with everything about The Bad Batch. Despite being unwell, you knew that you were free from the past and got to enjoy a well deserved future filled with people you loved and people who loved you too. 
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