#tho i think i need to draw dresses more. this dress right here. my Enemy
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hiii here’s my entry for @emimii ‘s dtiys!! congrats on 100 followers!
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tennessoui · 3 years
FeralObi anon here. How do you come up with these so fast?? Are you an infinite number of ideas and worlds in human-shaped form? I love both of those ideas. The first one kills me tho, Obi gets his first kind touch in years from lil Anakin. Also you can have lil Anakin coming home one day with a skulking, snarling nonverbal murder puppy and saying brightly, "He followed me home, can I keep him?" Schmi thinks this is definitely worse than the time he brought a krayt dragon home.
ah! hello! yes this is the first idea of a feral obi-wan who meets anakin when he's still on tatooine. i will also still do the second idea because like. i liked them equally as much rip me
but i told myself these were going to both be very short snippets and instead this one is uh 2k so i'll post the second one tomorrow instead of tonight!
(ficlet where obi-wan is captured by pirates/unspecified forces at a young age and then tortured for a decade before he escapes to tatooine when anakin is like 6. obi-wan, after a decade of torture is....not alright in this fic though he's only here at the end) (2k)
Shmi had known that when she sent her little Anakin away to follow after the stern-faced, warm-eyed Jedi Master, that this would not be the last time she ever saw her boy. She couldn’t explain how she knew, just as she had not been able to explain how she became pregnant, but she knew beyond a doubt that one day, she would see her little boy back in her arms.
She just hadn’t known it would be so soon.
“He died, Master Jinn died,” Anakin mumbles into the front of her dress, unwilling to move his head far back enough from her hug that he could talk clearly. “On Naboo. And the stupid Jedi council refused to train me even after I was so amazing in the air. Mom, I destroyed a blockade! Entirely! And they wouldn’t--they didn’t--” his little face scrunches up and then he’s bawling into his hands.
A slave, a born slave, knows intrinsically the injustice of the galaxy. It is not often they know hope.
“Oh my boy,” she whispers, smoothing a hand over the top of his head. She has questions. She has so many questions about everything he’s just said and what those strangers have put her son through, but the most important thing is a question she cannot wait until he has cried himself out to ask. “Is your chip gone, Ani? Did they remove your transmitter?”
Because she had sent him away from her so that he could be free. And that had been her own twisted version of hope, that her son could know a life she never would again. If the Jedi masters had proven to be just like every other master in the world, she would find herself sobbing into her own hands.
“Yeah,” Anakin sniffles and wipes at his ruddy cheeks, pulling back a few steps. “They removed it and everything. And--”
He pauses and drops his satchel to the ground in front of her. “They gave me credits. To buy you. For my trouble.”
He spits out the last three words like they’re the most disgusting thing in the entire world. As if Shmi’s freedom isn’t laying at their feet, mere centimeters away.
“Republic credits are no good here,” she hears herself say faintly.
“Padme, the handmaiden you met, she talked to the queen about me I guess,” Anakin mumbles, kicking his feet. “And when the queen learned that the Jedi didn’t want me even after all that, Padme says the queen says I’ll always have a place on Naboo. Me and my family. And then she took the Jedi credits and gave me these instead. It should be enough, Mom.”
Shmi sits down on the floor. With shaking hands, she opens the bag and looks inside. Yes. Yes.
There’s more than enough.
There’s enough to buy her freedom and take her boy away from Mos Espa. There’s enough to take her boy away from Tatooine completely.
“I…” she says. “Ani, I…”
“Padme said she’d send a ship for us,” Ani reports as if their lives are not changing right in front of their eyes. “In two days ‘cause I told her it might take a little bit of time to get Ben to come with us. But we can’t leave without him.”
This is said fiercely and with his arms crossed tightly over his little chest.
Shmi stares at him.
“I’ve already left him once!” Anakin says, stomping his foot. “But that was okay, because I knew you would bring him food and water and stuff. But if we’re both gone, no one’s going to be there for him.”
Shmi bites at her lip. There’s a lot of things happening very quickly right now, and she doesn’t know how to process half of them.
Her son has come back, after only being gone for a week and a half.
He has apparently either endeared himself so much to the queen of Naboo that she was willing to give him the money necessary to buy his mother from slavery and also promise him sanctuary on her planet. He says he’s done this by single-handedly ending a blockade, which is something she just cannot even think about right now.
He has told this queen--queen--that he will gladly live on Naboo with his family. Yes. Alright.
His family seems to include his imaginary friend, Ben.
Anakin has been talking about Ben for years now, ever since he was six and a half years old and sent by Watto to retrieve any scraps he could from what looked to be a crashed pod in the Wastelands. She’d let him ramble on about the ghost of a friend, because she’d known it to be something all children go through and experience. She hadn’t thought Anakin a lonely child, not with the friends he made in Mos Espa, but she’d always known that Anakin had a wandering spirit, ill-suited for Tatooine. If he liked to imagine an older man from a strange world hiding in the caves of the Wastes, then she wasn’t going to say anything.
“You have been leaving him food, haven’t you, Mom?” Anakin asks, almost accusatory. “I told him to expect you and everything.”
No. Shmi has not been traveling to the edge of the Wastelands every day during her precious few hours of free time in order to leave food to be picked apart by womp rats and desert critters and not her boy’s imaginary friend.
“Ani,” she says cautiously, quietly, “we cannot...we won’t be able to bring Ben with us when we go.”
Anakin, predictably, does not react well. “Why not!” he yells, backing away from her even further and looking as if she is the enemy. “Padme’s fine with it!”
“Aren’t you a little old for imaginary friends?” Shmi asks desperately, feeling cold suddenly even though the heat of the mid-morning sun has not abated at all.
If anything, her son looks more offended. “He’s not imaginary! Saying...saying that he’s not coming with us...is...is a bunch of poodoo!”
“Anakin!” Shmi gasps.
“Come on,” her boy says forcefully, grabbing at her hand and tugging her towards the door. She gets on her feet reluctantly and has half a mind to pull back just because he needs to learn that this sort of behavior is not okay, war hero or not. “We’re going to buy you from Watto. And then we’re going to go visit Ben!”
Buying her freedom takes less time than Shmi Skywalker ever thought it would. It feels distant as well, as if it’s happening to someone else.
It doesn’t help that her Ani is impatient and surly by turn, spilling the coin out onto Watto’s counter and barely waiting for him to finish counting it before he’s looking at the price of renting a four-person speeder parked outside.
“You won’t survive out there on your own,” Watto sneers, even as he’s passing her the kill-switch of her own slave chip. “Days. It’ll be days until the Hutts find out there’s a newly freed slave with no connections out there in the open. Ripe for the pickin’.”
Watto doesn’t have to tell her any of this. She knows. Gods, does she know.
But Anakin seems so sure about possessing the favor of the Queen of Naboo, or at least her handmaiden, which might be close enough to the same thing. She thanks Watto--she thanks him and then doesn’t even know why--and meets Anakin outside.
He’s bouncing around the speeder, little hands clutching his satchel to his chest. “Good!” he says when he sees her, hopping onto the machine and putting the parcel between his feet. “I got Ben something called a fig on Naboo, but I don’t know how long it’ll take for it to go bad. Apparently they’re sweet.”
Shmi goes along with it. Shmi doesn’t know why she goes along with it, but she does. She can see this is important to her boy, and though she’d rather spend the afternoon and early evening saying goodbye to her friends, she will allow Ani to say goodbye to his imaginary friend. Maybe she’ll even talk to it. “Hi, hello, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the imaginary blue milk and delicacies I’ve left out for you this past week and half. Oh no, it was no bother. My son insisted.”
The ride is quick--Anakin has always been a driver to push the limits of any engine he comes across--and before she knows it, he’s dismounting on a piece of desert and rock that look exactly the same as the last four pieces of rocky terrain they’ve past.
“Ben!” Ani calls, satchel clutched firmly in his hands as he makes his way deeper into the crevices of the landscape. “Ben, it’s Ani! I’m really sorry that I left! Ben? Ben! I’m back now! Ani’s back!”
It’s actually...quite pathetic, to watch her boy speak so pleadingly to the cold stone faces of the rocks around them, but if this is what he needs to do to say goodbye to his life on Tatooine, Shmi won’t say a word.
“Ben--” Anakin draws in a breath to call again, but then there’s movement out of the corner of Shmi’s eyes, and something jumps from the rock down to land on her boy.
She screams and darts forward, but the thing on top of her son snarls at her in guttural warning.
“No, Ben,” Ani coos, stroking at the face that yes, is human, now that it’s not in unnaturally fast motion. “That’s my mom, Ben.”
Ben--Ben??--growls anyway, pinning the boy--her boy--beneath him with his legs and arms.
“She’s fine,” Ani murmurs gently, one hand reaching up to stoke over the beginnings of a beard on Obi-Wan’s face “Oh Ben, I’m sorry.”
The man on top of Shmi’s child finally looks away from her and at her boy, which is both better and worse.
“Ani,” Ben drawls out, as if the word--or perhaps forming the word--hurts him.
Anakin is happy. Shmi can tell he’s happy without even being able to see much of him. It’s like the very air vibrates with his joy. “Yes!” her son says. “Ani. Ben.” He taps the man’s chest. “Ben. Ani.”
The man buries his head into Anakin’s hair, hands rubbing up and down his sides and his arms and his face.
Shmi needs to say something, wants to say something about this strange man touching boy like he owns him, but the memory of his growl and the flash of his golden eyes stops her from stepping forward.
“Anakin, get away from him,” she hisses instead of stepping forward and tearing the stranger off of her son. She has the distinct feeling Anakin wouldn’t let Ben go anywhere, not with the way his little hands are holding so tight to the man’s shoulders. The man’s shoulders that are covered with one of her old tunics that Anakin had told her became unsalvageable after its last wash.
“No,” Anakin says, tightening his hold on his...friend. “He says you didn’t give him food the entire time I was gone! He’s hungry.”
Shmi thinks there’s a very good possibility that this Ben is going to eat her, but she knows not to say anything of the sort. Not when it’s two against one.
“He hasn’t said anything!” She cries instead.
Anakin huffs at this and pats at the feral’s head. “Maybe not to you, but he talks to me.”
Shmi stares at him and wonders if there’s something she’s supposed to be doing or saying here. The man won’t allow her to tear him off her child, she knows that automatically. But she can’t--she doesn’t know--
“Anakin,” she tries, desperately.
But Anakin doesn’t even look at her, too busy petting over the man, who has at least allowed him to sit up. “Hey, I’m sorry, I thought she would,” he tells him in an undertone. “I really thought she would, but I’m back now. I’m not going anywhere without you again--”
He extends his hand and Ben presses his cheek against it with enough force that it pushes him back slightly.
“You’re coming to Naboo with us, Ben,” Anakin promises, clutching at the ends of the man’s long hair. “Or I’m not going at all.”
To Shmi, it sounds like a threat.
The way her son’s eyes flash an unfamiliar golden color makes her feel cold as a Tatooine night. She shivers, but no one notices.
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falloutjay · 4 years
Wait, you are my hero? - Kenny x Reader
This is my first ever published x Reader fanfiction ever and I tried my best.
Just as a disclaimer, its not fully proofread, so I am already sorry for that and English also isn’t my first language so sorry again. I hope you guys do enjoy it tho.
Kenny McCormick/Mysterion x Reader
You walked around South Parks nightlife district, the so called "SoDoSoPa" with your good friend Bebe, when you heard a loud sound from a few streets away. People were running and screaming, some were on their phone calling the police. Curiously, you ran towards the noise, like some others.
"YN, stay here! That's too dangerous!" Bebe called, while she sprinted after you. Coming closer to where fires were already rising, you saw him.
"It's me! Professor Chaos! Scream like the little ants you are!" Professor Chaos was a super villain that had been terrorizing the town for quite a while now. He and General Disarray were feared individuals that only cared about creating chaos and nothing more. But he was not the reason you and others remained here, while most people would leave. People like you stayed for the Professors sworn enemies. The superheroes that protected this town. There weren't many, especially good ones, but one in particular made your head spin, when you heard his name.
"YN please. Let us leave. It's dangerous!" Bebe pleaded looking around the street. Professor Chaos had blown up a construction side and the fires where ravaging among the building. He stood on top of it laughing like a maniac with Disarray be his side.
"We can't leave. I want to see him."
"You're insane!" Bebe said again and looked around, obviously distressed.
"Come on, where are you." You whispered and your hand clutched onto your phone.
You hope to finally snap a picture of him personally instead of always cutting out the imagines in the newspaper or magazines.
People were still screaming when a roaring sound broke through.
Your eyes grew wide and you pressed record on your phone, holding it in the direction of the sound. A purple motorbike came around the corner and the person on it looked just as amazing as you imagined. His purple cape moved beautifully behind him, when he pulled off a sick drift and stopped the bike.
Mysterion, the most badass and beloved hero arrived. You worshipped this man.
In your opinion he was simply amazing. He was strong, courageous, and not afraid to die. You were so busy drooling over this hero, that you didn't noticed Bebe shaking your arm and screaming about the fire. Then a second hero arrived.
The somewhat hated "Coon".
He stood there, somewhat out of breath while screaming at Mysterion.  "Ah, Mysterion, my arch enemy." Professor Chaos laughed evilly and pointed at him from the top of the building.
"I'm here too Chaos!" The Coon screamed. Professor Chaos didn't even give him a glace and just waved his hand, while he laughed.
"Today, I will put an end to your hero career Mysterion." "Oh yeah? I'd love to see that." The purple clothed hero retorted cockily and laughed. “Stop ignoring me for fucks sake!” The Coon screamed angrily, stomping his foot on the ground.
"We will see who will be laughing at the end. Disarray!" Professor Chaos screamed and suddenly you felt yourself being pulled.
You screamed before a hand was put over your mouth. You managed to turn your head a little bit and catch a glimpse of the right-hand man of Professor Chaos, General Disarray. "I have someone, Professor!" He called out to the gigantic seeming blonde and he laughed evilly once more.
"I have a hostage, Mysterion. Now your chances are significantly smaller than ever!" He laughed again and thunder struck behind him.
"Mysterion?" He called out, after he noticed that the hero was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself getting pushed around a lot and heard some fighting noises before strong hands grabbed you. You let out a quick scream, before you saw into deep blue eyes. You noticed immediately that Mysterion had saved you. You sadly had not seen much of the fight, like you wished you had. He must have looked amazing.
"Run. Now. Get out of here." He said in his extremely deep voice and you needed a second before you could process everything that had just happened, but you managed to nod hesitantly before you took off running. Running for your dear life. You kept a tight grip on your phone in your pocket and when you finally reached the street in which you lived, you took a short second to catch your breath. "What the..." You mumbled somewhat scared and giddy.
Hastily you took out your phone and looked through your gallery. Your heart started beating faster when you took a good look at the beautiful snapshot you took of Mysterion while he arrived on his motorcycle.
"That's so gonna be in my locker at work." You mumbled, smiling like an idiot and you probably were one. You barely managed to escape the sticky situation, but you felt like it was somewhat worth it.
For you it was worth it.
Your little obsession with Mysterion started back when you were in High School and he saved a little girl that was almost run over by a car. Back then he was not all that professional like he was today. He apparently received some funding by the government which allowed him to have that cool motorcycle and a little headquarters. No one knew who he was or where he stashed all of his belongings. But he was a hero. To the town and for you personally.
A little squeal escaped your lips, before you went to shower and then straight to bed. Mysterion was the only thing on your mind during all of this.
When your phone rang early in the morning, you were already up and going about your day. You had the picture you endangered yourself for yesterday already printed out and in your work bag.
You worked for a little company belonging to Eric Cartman. He founded it a few years back and it changed its focus ever so often.
Eric paid you well and that's what kept you in the job. When it was time to leave you simply got into your car and started driving to the outskirts of the town where Eric had his little company. You parked on your employee parking space and saw one of your close friends and also colleagues walk up.
Stan Marsh.
He was honestly better than this job, but he simply wanted to escape his father for some time, because he hated the weed farm he owned, and Eric promised him some good money.
"Morning Stan!" You called out and waved towards the raven haired. He waved back and quickly jogged up to you.
"Hey, YN. Did you hear about the whole thing yesterday with Professor Chaos?" He asked and you showed your phone.
"Already read all the articles aaaand..." You quickly pulled up the snapshot you managed to sneak yesterday. Stans eyes grew wide.
"Woah! You were there?" "Yeah! And the girl that almost got kidnapped by Disarray? That was me." You smiled and Stan shook his head. "weren't you with Bebe yesterday?"
"Yeah." You began, as the two of you sat down at your desks. "She's somewhat pissed about me standing around in danger but she's happy I wasn't hurt." Stan smiled warmly at you and you guys talked for some more until Cartman strolled into your shared office.
"Okay. Okay. So... I want a new article about Coon for my blog and I need you, Stan, to please sort out the client data and phone anyone who hasn't bought our new merch." Eric said and pointed at the "Who is the Coon?"-T-Shits and Hoodies that hang on the wall.
"But no one likes the Coon?" Stan questioned and Erics face grew a little red. "Everyone loves the Coon. Mysterion is just some asshat who plays dress up and tries to mingle with the professionalism of the Coon." Eric said through gritted teeth and Stan and you rolled your eyes.
"Sure thing." Stan mumbled and started typing. "YN, for today, please research me some new money-making ideas." You nodded and went searching.
Hours went by in which Stan and you would love to just bang your head against the tables. "Why is he so obsessed with the Coon? You could almost think he is the Coon." Stan mumbled. "Almost but... You never know. I mean, we probably will never know who Mysterion is." You answered and filled out the papers needed for a new money-making idea. Last time you guys tried NSFW-Patreon drawings; the problem was though that none of you could produce enough hentai to keep up with the demand. You guys did not notice that you had been working for a while until two beautiful blonde-haired boys poked their head in.
"You guys coming for lunch?" Butters asked. "Yeah, haven't noticed it's lunchtime yet." You said and peeked at your watch. "Hardworking as always." Butters smiled and just now you noticed he had a black eye.
"Butters, what happened there?" Stan asked and he looked scared for a second. "Just some guy who beat me up at the bar, nothing to worry about fellas." He smiled and honest to God, he was just a little sunshine all around. Unlike the blonde next to him.
Kenny was more of a player and very down to earth. He was super charismatic and confident despite his troubled upbringing.
You packed your bag and followed the guys.
Kenny didn't work for Cartman. He worked in a small car shop just a few buildings away. You didn't know why he refused to work with Cartman, but you could guess it was maybe due to Cartman being a little shit sometimes and him telling the blond always "You're pooooor Kiiinny."
Maybe Cartman’s terrible attitude really was the reason the blonde refused to work for him and only came here to have lunch with you all. "Where are we eating?"
You asked and watched Stan and Butters discuss on where to go. "How about Cafe Monet?" Stan proposed and you all agreed. Well, not really, Kenny didn't agree, he just tagged along. Once you all arrived and you were seated you guys searched through the Menu.
Kenny didn't and you knew he wasn't going to order since he was adamant about saving everything he had.
You know that since he once told you that he was saving everything he had for his sister.
You had met Karen a few times and she was a pure little angle, so you felt hard for the blond.
It melted your heart that he was trying so hard to better himself and help his siblings. Feeling generous you slid your Menu over to the blonde and smiled. "Pick something. It's on me." You whispered and he eyed you confused.
"I don't need some charity shit or something. I'm fine with eating my lunch later." He said, his blond bangs framing his face elegantly. "I know. Just see it as a friend treating a friend." You whispered back and he gifted you a half smile and went to look what he would like. Finally, you decided on a nice Fav/Dish and Kenny picked a bit of fish with potatoes and greens.
"Eating all healthy?" You questioned when the waiter out down the plate in front of him. "Yes. Staying fit is important." He said and winked confidently. You were so busy talking to the blond next to you, you did not notice the topic of your other two friends. "No no, YN was the girl." You turned your head to look at Stan pointing at you. "Huh, sorry, what was that?" You asked and Stan laughed.
"You were the girl who got almost caught up in professor Chaos evil plan weren't you?" Butters looked at you with wide eyes. He seemed trembling.
"Oh yeah, that was me. General Disarray was about to take me somewhere, but I was saved."
"Why were you there anyway?" Kenny asked with a full mouth. "Snapping pics of her crush." You eyed Stan angrily.
"He's not my crush."
"Tell that to your locker." You rolled your eyes.
"I managed to snap some good pics of Mysterion. I mean.... look!"
You digged out your phone from your pockets and showed the pictures around. "You should be a photographer or something I mean, damn. His ass Looks amazing in this one." Kenny said and inspected the pictures intensely.
"Don't encourage her to endanger herself anymore. And besides that, I don't think Mysterion would want to bang your boney ass." Stan commented snarky.
"Still more ass than you, flat cake." The blonde retorted and you and Butters simply watched the small verbal fight between them, before the two of you talked about some fashion things you knew about.
After lunch it was all back to work. It was getting tiresome around the last hour and it felt like a horrible drag. But eventually, you were finally done. You walked outside, together with Stan and you stood there.
"You need a ride home?" You asked him and he shook his head.
"Nah, I'm eating out with my family today. Just a small way to walk." You nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
You got into your car and let out a deep breath. Work was tiring today, and you felt like just relaxing at home. It would be nice to maybe fill your bathtub with some loving hot water, some candles would also be nice. And cake. Yes. A cake would be needed.
So, you decided to make a small stop at the bakery before you would go home. You left your parking space and began driving through the night as you noticed a special someone sitting at a bench at the bus stop. You pulled the car up to the bench and rolled down you window.
"Kenny, what are you doing here?"
The blonde looked up from his phone and seemed surprised that you stood or rather parked there.
"Oh, I'm just waiting for the bus, the usual." He said and looked around. "But I feel like it's not coming."
He shrugged and you leaned over to open your car door.
"Hop in, I'll bring you home." You said and he reluctantly got it.
"Stop being nice, I feel like I am taking advantage." He mumbled and closed the door.
"What happened to your truck?" You asked, wondering what must have happened that Kenny had to take the bus.
"Some stupid racoons infested it and bit through some cables. I can swap them, but I had to order them online and it takes a while until they arrive." He crossed his arms, thinking about how much he wanted to strangle those stupid racoons.
"Honestly, I'm starting to see a pattern on why Coon is a raccoon."
Kenny laughed wholeheartedly with you. "That's the best thing I heard about him." Kenny bit his lip and wondered if it was okay for him to ask what he had on his mind for a while.
"Now that you already picked me up and all that..." You stole a quick glance at him before your eyes went straight back to the road. You nodded to signal him to continue.
"Would you mind hanging out for the evening?" He asked, charming as ever.
You thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I'll still get me some cake though." You said and pointed at the approaching bakery.
"Why?" He questioned curiously as you parked swiftly in front of the store.
"I feel like taking a nice long bath later and maybe I'll relax with some cake."
"You don't need cake to relax when you can have me."
Kenny's smile was incredibly devious and playfully. Normally girls would probably freak out or something about this comment, but between you and Kenny it had become somewhat normal.
"No thanks. The cake won't disappoint me after thirty seconds." You said and got out.
Kenny wanted to protest but you simply smiled devilishly and went straight into the store. Kenny used this time he was given to think of some witty comebacks.
He was not gonna let you have the last word about this. When you came back to the car, and got in, you were told: "You don't need to hide that you just wanna masturbate and think about Mysterion while touching yourself.
Kenny sat there with a smug expression and you rolled your eyes. You placed the package in the back and then gave him a light punch onto the arm.
"That one was good, I'll admit that. But you know, I'd rather think about Mysterion than be touched by you." You said and laughed.
Kenny needed to laugh too, mainly because the whole topic was simply in his favor, even when you were not aware of that.
"Ah, I love our banter." Kenny said and got comfortable in the passenger seat while he watched you drive.
"So do I. Oh, by the way, I got you and Karen some cake too. You'll treat me another time."
"Treat you with my dick? Or would you like my tongue?"
"If your name isn't Mysterion, no chance."
It was more banter to you than actually real. You were not that horny for Mysterion.
Everyone just loved to make this shitty joke at your expense ever so often, but you honestly didn't mind.
"Ah come on. And if I get a costume like his and change my voice a little?"
"Still no chance. Sorry Ken."
That still was a stupid lie. You sure were attracted to Kenny, I mean, who wouldn't. He was a tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed hard-working man, with a soft spot for his family and great humor. You weren't surprised when you learned how many girls had little crushes on him. He was good looking and even when he wasn't the wealthiest, he was a kindhearted soul.
When you finally reach your apartment complex the two of you got out and Kenny followed you patiently to the fourth floor. Inside your apartment he went straight for the couch and relaxed. You let him be but reminded him of the no shoes rule. He begrudgingly took of his heavy and run-down boots and put them aside. He also, to your surprise, took of his orange trademark parka and tossed it into a corner.
"You'll pick it up later." You remarked from the kitchen when you saw him do that.
"Yeah, Yeah, I will."
You knew full when that he just said that so you wouldn't start a discussion with him. You knew that but still let it slide. For now, at least. You prepared a little sandwich for yourself before you plopped down onto the couch next to the blond.
"So, what are we doing?" You asked with your mouth full and he shrugged.
"How about you take that bath you were talking about and I watch you do so."
Did this shit eating grin ever leave his face?
"Nah, I'm good." You said and smiled back.
"Ah come on." He whined but laughed immediately after.
"Let's just watch some TV." You proposed and snagged the remote to put something on.
You guys were just lazily watching some random show while also being on your phones. All that was on your mind was that bath though. You loved Kenny to death but right now you were just craving some hot warm water all around you.
"Would you mind if I take that bath I was talking about? I really feel like I need that."
You said and the blonde smiled without taking his eyes off the phone. "I'd need you naked too."
You threw one of the couch pillows at him and pretended to laugh.
"Ha ha ha. You're sooo funny, it almost hurts me." You said, got up and walked into your bathroom to start the water.
In the next minutes you were setting up the candles and got your cake ready. When the water was almost ready, Kenny leaned in the doorway and watched you ignite the last candles.
"Jeez, you're going all out. Looks nice though." He said and gave you a low whistle.
"You wanna have me join you sweetheart?" He said and walked over to your kneeling figure. Kenny also got down to one knee and basically massaged your shoulders. You let out a deep sigh and rolled your eyes.
"Hey, Ken, listen, I really appreciate you and love our jokes and shit, but I don't think we should bang. It would be like... I don't know, super awkward if we had something and then just keep being friends and all that. And You're a great friend and I don't want to lose you, you know."
Kenny's smile faded and he frowned a little. "YN, I fucked so many girls and guys and I'm friendly with most of them and even their old or new partners. I'm sure it won't change a thing." He said charmingly and turned your head towards his.
You stared deeply into his eyes and you inspected the beautiful bright blue spots that highlighted it and the dark blue edges, while your heads came closer. You had never seen Kenny’s eyes up close.
And suddenly it struck you.
It felt like an ice cube slide down your spine and you trembled. You pulled your head back and basically fell onto your ass. Kenny eyed you confused and offered you a hand to get back up.
"No, I'm fine... I-I'll just take the bath if you don't mind." You laughed nervously and still confused Kenny nodded and held up his hands in defense.
"I get it, I get it. You won't resist me forever." He smiled and walked out. You were left there, breathing away the strange feeling of panic.
You quickly undressed yourself and went into the hot water. It calmed your racing thoughts down for a little bit and you managed to order them.
The blue, the highlights, the dark edges that formed a beautiful circle. The few freckles underneath the eyes. Why did Mysterion and Kenny have identical eyes? What, How, why, just... Argh!
You began stuffing yourself with cake and tried your best to make any sense of the situation. Was Kenny Mysterion, or did they just have similar eyes?
Or... You thought about it long and hard and eventually.... It kind of just... Clicked?
It made sense.
Kenny was living alone, he was young, in shape, the piecing blue eyes, the need to protect others, some jokes he made... It... It just fitted together like a puzzle.
You quickly finished up your bath and went outside after blowing out the candles.
"What a view." Kenny joked from the couch and you just went straight into your bedroom.
This perverted guy you were close friends with was really the pure and kindhearted Mysterion? In your head it barely made any sense but you kind of just felt like your theory was correct.
You got dressed quickly and just sat on your bed, trying to picture the blond in the purple costume without the hood.
It just fit.
The height, the figure.
After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door and carefully Kenny came in.
"Good, you're dressed. Even if I don't mind you in less clothes."
You didn't respond or gave him any attention.
"YN, is everything, all right? You're suddenly so wei- You're Mysterion, aren't you?" You interrupted him and looked straight at him.
He seemed surprised, taken back, unsure.
Everything, Kenny was normally not.
"Me? Mysterion? Sweetheart, was the water too hot?" He laughed when he collected himself again.
"No. Not at all. When Mysterion saved me, he starred straight into my eyes. You guys have the same eyes, freckles, skin tone." You said and waved your hands around.
"I guess no point in denying then. I should have been more careful." He said and sat down next to you.
"Please keep it to yourself. I'm sure if someone knows who I am, they will target the people I'm trying to protect." He said and his hand went through his hair.
"Does anyone else know?" You questioned and he shook his head.
"Nope. Not even Karen. It is dangerous if someone knows who I am. So, I always kept it a secret. I guess my only mistake was trying to fuck you after you were that close to Mysterion but..." He grinned evilly, "You said no one could fuck you except Mysterion. So... Here I am." His hand moved from his head to his knees, presenting himself.
"I wish I was as confident as you." You mumbled.
"I can't believe the hero I always looked up to is... You?" You said, raising and eyebrow and inspecting the blonde once more.
"Disappointed?" He questioned and tilted his head.
"I don't know."
"You wanna know what's funny to me?"
You looked at him, waiting for his reply, but as soon as you saw that shit eating grin on his face, you knew it'd be bad.
"That ass you admired and took pictures of was mine. The guy in your locker is me. It is so funny. You obsessed over me, without knowing it was me. That's so fucking funny, I wish I could tell someone."
He laughed his ass off and fell onto your bed. He just kept saying how funny it is and you felt more and more like a fool.
"Can you shut up, this is embarrassing and confusing you asshat." He finally got back up and held his hands up in a defensive manner.
"Woah, woah, no need to be so hostile." He spoke. You simply rolled your eyes.
"I love that I now have more material to make fun of you. But also, I feel flattered that you love me, without having seen this beautiful face."
"Someday you'll choke on that humongous ego of yours."
"I'd rather choke you."
You had a small starring contest and you lost when you just busted out laughing.
"So, now that you know my secret, I'm sure you will not say anything about it..." He asked and took your hand.
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Good, otherwise I'd have to kill you." He said in his Mysterion voice and the grip on your hand got stronger. You felt scared for a second, before he smiled again.
"Just a joke." You just nodded.
"Ahh, come on Sweetheart..." You looked at him again and he had this smug expression once more.
"Don't you love this." And he switched the voice again.
Still somewhat embarrassed and also confused because the guy you had a small crush on turned out to be a friend of yours, your cheeks heat up and immediately Kenny picked up on it.
"I can tell you like it." He whispered into your ear.
"Dude, this feels like some weird roleplay or something." You giggled.
"We can make it that. I still have some of my older costumes."
You laughed once more and bit your lip, while Kenny pushed you slowly onto your bed and got on top of you.
"Oh, shut up Mysteribitch."
"Oh, I'll make you my bitch."
He laughed, before he slowly pressed his lips onto yours. His lips felt somewhat rough and at the same time smooth, kind of just like you imagined what it'd be like.
And also, just like you imagined, his tongue found its way into your mouth rather quickly.
You continued making out for quite a while and honestly, to you it felt like heaven. But eventually you carefully pressed your hands against his chest after they had wandered down from his soft hair and you pressed him away.
"What... Don't tell me you're thinking about this staying friends shit again." He said somewhat aggravated. You shook your head.
"No, I just wanted to ask if you could bring one of those old costumes next weekend. Maybe we can pick up on that roleplay idea." You whispered against his lips and he smiled into the now following kiss.
"Good. I was just gonna say that I don't wanna be friends. I kinda wanna be more. I like you a lot YN." He whispered in-between the kisses.
"I'm fine with that." You whispered back and the two of you just smiled into the many kisses you now shared. And pretty much, just like you expected, it didn't take long for Kenny’s hands to roam around your body and finally wandered underneath your shirt.
You did not just make out that night.
It led to much more and you loved every second of it. When your alarm woke you up in the morning, it felt strange to feel these strong arms around you. You carefully woke Kenny up and told him it was time to get up.
"I don't wanna. It's so nice here. The view it to die for." He said as you got up.
"Go shower. I'll drop you off at work."
"Fine." He mumbled and walked past you, naked.
"The pure confidence of this man."
You got dressed and ready for work, as did Kenny begrudgingly. While you also made him a bit of lunch, he stole some kisses ever so often. You honestly were surprised at this, you imagined this part differently, but of course you did not complain. When you were finally in your car and on your way to work, he proposed an idea.
"Okay, so of you wanna do that roleplay shit, I'll Go the extra mile. Just for you, I'll surprise you with the whole thing. Just leave your window open next weekend and you might be visited by the hero with the great ass." He winked.
You bit your lip, feeling aroused just thinking about it.
"I will do so. Hope Mysterions dick is as good as my boyfriends." You teased and Kenny laughed rather hard.
"Feels strange hearing you say that, but I can get used to it."
"Good." You answered and you two smiled like idiots, thinking all about your crazy plans, while you pulled into your parking space.
"You walk over to your work?" You questioned as you saw Stan approaching from the corner of your eye.
"Yeah. See you at lunch, Babe." He pressed a final kiss onto your lips and took off to his own work.
Stan whistled as you caught up to him.
"I thought you were crushing on Mysterion?" Stan questioned with a smile on his thin lips.
"I kinda got over it. Kenny's a pretty good catch anyway, I think he's the closest to Mysterion that there is." You smiled and Stan laughed at your comment.
"If You say so."
"Oh, you don't know the half of it." You smiled, knowing this secret between you and Kenny will spice thing up in your relationship.
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stardustdates · 4 years
can i ask for a fem!demon slayer who accidentally falls for kokushibou and comically tries getting in his pants, to the dismay of literally everybody else, and fINALLY it works! nsfw please! irgh i feel like i'm asking for too much, and thanks in advance!
Stardust's comment: I read Kokushibou? Thank you for fueling my writing stamina *-*
Stardust’s comment2: I got this done for today so it might be a bit rushed! I just love the 3 highest upper moons so much ;;;
Kokushibou x reader NSFW: “Mine”
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let the date begin!
It started out with a fight. Like with every demon you encountered. Never would you have thought you’d fall for one.
For hundreds of years, demons and slayers had been enemies. Yet the moment your eyes laid on him. He looked strong, intimidating. Yet more than anything his angry face seemed to hide so much pain. You did have a pretty good sight, it was your best advantage after all. You could see every micro movement of the demon’s face.
And as you both stared each other down you felt a certain tenderness instead of the terrifying fear that should have taken over you. That, that had the six eyed demon in front of you quite perplexed.
“-You’re not scared?.. He seemed surprised.
-Only scared of what that di- I mean- no, obviously. You stuttered out
You face palmed inside at the fact that your first line was about to be a dirty joke. Only if you knew it wouldn’t be the only time.
It had been a few months that you came to the same place in the forest every day to meet with the giant. You had learnt his name -or at least his demon name- he was Kokushibou. He never told you a lot about his past, all you knew was that he was a very jealous and envious demon. Yet he showed a certain interest in you, hidden by a cover of an “interest for how pathetic humans are”. 
After a bit he seemed to start smirking at your jokes. Tho you didn’t know if they were jokes anymore. Even as he was talking with another demon, which he had to dissuade from approaching you. You had come to learn the other demon’s name was Akaza. Well… Akaza did quickly end up disgusted by how touchy you were getting with the larger demon. Putting your hand gently on his arm so he wouldn’t draw his sword, being glued to his chest when you spoke to him. But what disgusted that striped demon even more was the fact that Kokushibou didn’t seem to mind. Even looking as if he enjoyed it.
Oh and was he chocked when he heard the dirty thinks you’d spill jokingly talking to the more powerful demon. Maybe someone else would have found it fun, he didn’t. He’d often lash out at you, calling you disrespectful and disgusting amongst other things, fleeing in submission as Kokushibou showed signs of a future fightback.
“-Are you okay? He asked, still as stoic.
- Yeah, I think.. I’m used to demons after all! You beamed. Maybe.. I could thank you in a special manner! You giggled
-Oh? -For once he seemed intrigued with your proposition.- And would you really do that?”
Your eyes opened wide. You couldn’t identify if he was serious or not about it, it was hard to see through him.
But oh. Your doubts disappeared went rough hands grabbed your hips, you could feel his sharp claws through your uniform. Blood rushed to your face as he leaned down close to your ear. His deep voice sounding like a growl.
“Maybe you really should. It’s a lot of teasing behaviors you’ve been showing me, after all.”
You could feel heat running to your core. His hands making their way behind you as he hoisted you up in his arms. He was rough and violent as he sat you on a rock shedding off your haori. If he gave into his instincts he’d have ripped it all away. But something inside of him wanted you dressed once he was done. He didn’t want anyone else than him to see you vulnerable. Thus calming his needs as he unbuttoned the uniform his mouth latching into the skin it exposed, not with an intent to kill but to mark you up. Biting and sucking at the skin. His tongue licking at the marks he left as his rough hands groped at your chest, making you let out a breathy moan. Your flesh was so tender. So soft. He felt great power just from seeing how small you were compared to him.
Crouching between your legs he lifted up your skirt, sliding off your underwear, getting hit by the smell of your pheromones, demons were more sensitive to it, and he would go feral if he didn’t know better. He licked his lips at the sight, kissing your thighs, leaving a few bites and love marks here and there. He ran his finger up and down your slick slit collecting wetness. It was already driving you crazy and your moans were about to do the same to him. You shivered at his warm breath as he got closer to your intimacy giving it an experimental lick. Seeing you squirm just from that was definitely a boost to his confidence, he started eating you out roughly, licking and sucking at your clit while his fingers curled up inside of you. His hands were big and just two fingers made you feel so full already, you were moaning so lewdly it only encouraged him to do more. He started stretching you out in a scissoring motion, slowly adding another finger. He saw the slight discomfort on your face and frowned, lifting his face to look at you.
“-Would I really fit in such a tight body? You seem pained from as little as stretching. Maybe you don’t really want it. The demon let out a dark chuckle.
-I do! -you muttered- Please… Kokushibou-sama...” Oh the way you half moaned his name while he kept fingering you as you spoke… It made something inside of him snap.
Your moans turned louder and your eyes closed as his hands got rougher, as he added more pressure to his licks. Right as you were about to cum you heard him getting up and away from you, letting you to the feeling of emptiness that you expressed in a needy whine. Your eyes slowly opening again only to see the fabric of his clothes come off, his scarred and toned body revealed to you.
“You’re beautiful..” You whispered, lost in thoughts. He gave a smile. One that looked genuine. Yet that softness could only last so long as your eyes traveled down to his hardened cock, another electric wave of heat going straight down to your needy pussy. He got back to you holding you up once more, making you let out a little yelp as he laid you down on the cold floor, quickly settling himself he lined his dick up with you wet hole. He looked at you as he slid in. He starred at every micro expression you might have. He knew he couldn’t keep collected for too long as your walls seemed to squish him in while your moans seemed both immensely pleasured and slightly uncomfortable, but nothing could get him prepared to the sight of your small body barely managing to fit him whole inside, your lower stomach bulging up as he stayed inside. The growl he let out, fighting his feral need to thrust hard and rough into you, making you clench around him even more.
Kokushibou couldn’t hold it anymore he was shaking from his thoughts and wants. His mind was almost animalistic as he grabbed your waist with one hand, holding himself up with the other as he started thrusting into you. You moaned his name out, again and again. You could see the way his eyes were glued to the movement of the bulge caused by his dick inside of you. He was absolutely obsessed with the size difference you both had. He was muttering through his growls and low breathes, muttering about how he could destroy you, how he could split you in halves just by fucking you.
Your moans and his noises felt like music to both of you, even as you yelped in a pained surprise as he bit into your shoulder, trying to suppress his moans. His thrust got rougher, harsher, your body taking everything it could as his cock head hit the deepest parts of you. You felt so close, screaming his name, pride harbored his features as he heard that. He himself starting to give in into the pleasure, letting his low rocky moans out. He got sloppier in his thrust, holding onto you as he barely moved his cock out anymore, instead just hitting as deep as he could. He felt you contract around him as you came screaming his name once more. The tightening around him, so tight it could almost let him stuck, got him filling you up after a few more thrusts. When you came back to reality, riding out your climax you couldn’t help but notice how Kokushibou was holding you against him. Focusing a bit more you could hear him repeating a few words over and over again.
“You’re mine. Mine. Mine only and just mine.”
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soldierallen · 4 years
Married. 16
A/N; well this is the end! Last chapter for a story that started in September of 2018 is ending in September 2020, it’s been a long ride thank you to everyone who supported the chapters the story and everything the characters we developed and the storylines that were told we had a lot of downs a few ups I wish there was more of this story to be told thank you for believing in a story that I thought nobody would care about Enjoy the finale.
Chapter 15; here
“You’re joking right?” She was a nervous wreck and this wasn’t the time for people with shitty attitudes “LUCY WHERES CHASE AND ELENA” she was freaking out her maid of honor was late and she had just been told her bouquet hasn’t arrived yet they were real flowers and needed proper care “I’m not in my dress yet and I haven’t seen him in two days I’m a wreck please let me see him” she was losing her patience with everyone “let her go” Jenny said, y/n rushes out knocking on the door to sebastians room “who is it” he yells out “it’s me” “I can’t see you it’s bad luck” he laughs “I’m gonna start crying” he heard her being serious and quickly opened the door “doll” he said in a whisper he had a dress shirt on and his suit pants with black socks “baby what’s wrong??” He pulled her in closely her head on his chest his arms wrapped around her lovingly with comfort “Elena isn’t here, my bouquet isn’t here my Parents aren’t here I’m gonna lose my fucking mind?” she questioned as she tried not to cry on her wedding day or ruin his shirt “hey listen” he lifted her head with both of his hands his hands curving to the shape of her head his thumbs on her cheeks with the comforting movement of them, he smiled empatheticly at her “it doesn’t matter, me and you matter we aren’t alone.” He let go of her face holding her hand walking towards the entrance to show her “Henry’s here, Chris, Anthony. All of their families...and to me that’s all that matters them, us.” He smiled at her she felt comfort holding onto him “I’m sorry I’m such a baby” she laughed trying to stop “never apologize for feeling overwhelmed, I’m with you till the end doll” his smile crept up as he looked into her eyes “I wanna kiss you” she said with frowny puppy dog eyes “now that is where I draw the line” he kissed her cheek “I thought you were the adventurous rebel what happened to that?” She asked “I guess sometimes in life you have to give up your childish ways in order to live a good life with the women you love” he leaned on the door frame “you love me? Take me to dinner first??” She said “how about we get married” he laughs and plays along “woah there buddy we haven’t even kissed yet? But alright I’ll be the one in white” she playfully hits his chest “I missed you calling and texting isn’t the same as having you in my eyesight and arms reach” Sebastian says, he knew in his heart this is the way things were suppose to be, if he never pushed his feelings down maybe he would’ve been with her sooner. She was finally ready everyone was in the right places are parents were here her bouquet in hand “you do look beautiful y/n” rose says “I never had a little sister till I met you thank you for softing him up for me” she bumped her elbow to her side playfully making the teen girl laugh, she smiled at Elena and the rest of the girls and it was time for them to be taken down the aisle she didn’t want any of the boys to see her.
“You look gorgeous baby” she heard her father’s voice “thank you” she kissed his cheek as they walked hand and hand everyone stood up she wasn’t able to see Sebastian yet, feeling the nerves circulate throughout her whole body she smiled at everyone there seb’s family and finally she got close enough to see him. God was he a breath of fresh of air she looked at him with love in her eyes and he was a bit teary which made her fall in love with him even more, she looked to his side and the three men were crying she laughed at them letting a few tears spill, she made it... crying for hours on end wanting him so badly it felt like she couldn’t breathe endless arguments and a check with money was able to ruin their whole friendship if it wasn’t for them to pick her back up I think she would’ve ended in a worse place. Y/n would always have a strong bond with each of them and yes including Henry, she let go from her father and took arms with Sebastian, and then came the vows..she looked out to all the people and said “he’s gonna make me cry” almost everyone laughed “so here we are” Sebastian said starting off “you’ve been a light in the darkness since I’ve met you, through our ups and downs I’ve always known you were the one for me” he was getting choked up “I made a lot of mistakes in our relationship, as best friends, as enemies, and as partners. You’ve always been the bigger person always knew the right way thing to do... one night in your apartment it was raining really bad the lights flickered and we had to light candles and we sat in the dark talking about literally everything that was the second night I knew I loved you. I’ve got our top five best moments on record but this one it’s number one” everyone clapped she was crying so much already he slipped the ring on her finger Elena handed her a tissue “you know what” y/n said while wiping her tears making everyone laugh & now it was her turn she smiled at him and slightly to the three men on his side “when I met you, you were the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen... even tho you were 13” everyone laughed she swallowed trying to get rid of the lump that was forming, “I dreamt of the day you’d love me back, that sounds sad but I’m getting there! When I was stuck in a situation I thought I’d never get out of you were there and when I felt like giving up you were there yeah we’ve said a lot of horrible things to each other but we’ve never hated each other..I couldn’t I was never able to you hate you this force about you that make people feel loved I don’t know what it is but your grandfather said something to me that I’ll never forget it “he’s a good boy he just needs someone to bring it out of him and maybe sweetheart maybe it’s you” he would’ve been so proud of you today” tears fell from his eyes he wasn’t this emotional guy but today he let loose he kissed her forehead “thank you for making me so happy I promise to try my best to do the same for you” everyone clapped “by the power invested in me and the state of New York I now pronounce you husband & wife you may now kiss the bride” Sebastian moved the hair out of her face kissing her with so much passion and love she felt unstoppable at this moment like time stood still. She hugged Chris Anthony and Henry she grabbed sebastian’s hand and they ran out into the limo “so that’s it we’re finally?” Sebastian said “Married” she said. Finally married it’s been a long journey but here we are, Together. Something Broken Could Always Be Fixed with a little love and time.
They made it to the reception they were introduced as mr and mrs stan finally! Chris gave his best man speech while Elena gave her maid of honor speech they had their first dance to their la vie en rose,
“Thank you for never giving up on us”
“I’ll never give up on you seb” her hand on his shoulder moving slightly with her words “never?” “Never.” She kissed him while they danced magic felt through the room as they danced,
Chris whispers to Henry “you okay?” he nods at Chris’s question “she’s happy and that’s all I ever wanted for her, I’m glad it’s with him cause I would’ve never satisfied her because it’s always been him.” He sipped his drink and smiled at the two friends in front of him who twirled spun around “you’re gonna be okay” he patted his shoulder as they watched the two dance hand and hand. “I don’t want this night to end” she whispers as they dance “me either” he kissed her neck making her laugh it tickled everyone watched as they talked kissed laughed this is all they both ever wanted someone to love care and cherish them however it was right in front of them all this time. as they danced soon everyone joined in dancing Henry danced with Rose seb’s sister, Chris & Jenny, Anthony & Sherri, Chase & Elena it felt like a dream “let’s all be together tonight, that’s what I want” she whispered to seb as the song played loudly over them “the honeymoon isn’t until two days from now because I knew that’s what you wanted” he kissed her neck as he spinned her around “you bumped it” she asked surprised he nodded with a smirk “you jerk!” She said playfully “oh come on you don’t wanna go on a trip with our best friends??” He said “you know I do” she kissed him sweetly she looked over at her parents and her brother, I know family is important but you choose your family. And these people on this dance floor is our family first. And they always will be. she let go of sebastian tapping on anthony’s shoulder “can I cut in?” Sherri smiled at y/n hugging her She grabbed seb and they danced whilst she danced with Anthony “you did it... I mean if you would’ve told me the girl who laid on the floor in her apartment crying would’ve been married to him I wouldn’t of believed you” she laughed “you always believed in me... all four of you I couldn’t ask for a better set of friends”
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Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // thank u for everything!
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baekhyyun · 4 years
Accused Love | KNJ
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» pairing: kim namjoon x reader (ft. lim jaebeom and byun baekhyun)
» genre: angst(???), cause it ain’t fluff children rn, sfw, mystery, stranger to semi-lovers
» rating: PG13
» word count: 3.3k
» Warnings: strong language, the lack of namjoon's name being used, jaebeom and baekhyun got more screen time than the damn main character i’m sorry
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a / n: THIS IS ACTUALLY A NAMJOON FIC JGSKVSDS , even tho i mention his name like 5 times (ITS NOW 8) throughout the whole this fic (!!!!!) , this is also my first full fic so bare with my shitty writing and it's debuting after 5000 years. This beauty is apart of the Luv Library Project under the mystery category! There will be more than one part !!!! I wanted to post something before we got to the good part jfksnkvjdfkj. Thank you to everyone who has helped me and encouraged me with this fic!
Special thanks to @jungtaeyoongles for being there with me from the beginning, bouncing ideas off with, helping me plan this whole story and beta reading as well! Thank you to @meowxyoong for bouncing ideas with me too! Thank you to @thinksshesawolf and @ dee-ehn for beta reading this mess and clowning me in the process. We know who the real main character is in this fic.
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The night sky was pitch-black, making the stars shine bright like diamonds against the darkness. Being located in the heart of Seoul, the stars shined brighter than the lights hopping off all of the tall buildings in the quiet, busy city. Jaebeom, one of the many infamous mafia leaders in South Korea, found himself waiting in the night for his next crime. Being the head meant sending someone under him to do the crime itself without getting his hands dirty. Yet with bad timing, he was out of luck for the night. All of his men found themselves in different missions committing different sins to bring in the money that the head wanted.
 After becoming the head boss, he stopped going out and living life to protect his own, his hands never touching anything besides the gun strapped to his chest hidden from the public eye or the money that was earned by his henchmen. He felt like he was on top of the world again after being away from the scene for so long. Jaebeom, believing his skills were rusty, turned to money laundering to build up his skillset again. Oh, was he wrong.
 He was on a hot streak and subsequently oozed cockiness from each movement he made. Every step Jaebeom took felt like pure muscle memory. He was a greedy man that wanted money. Money made the world go round. You could buy anything and anyone with a couple of hundred-dollar bills. The man had an insatiable desire for money. $100,000 was not enough to sustain his need for money.  He wanted more. He wanted $500,000. It felt right to him. Not bothering to double-check his work, he just went for it as his life depended on it.
 Never in a million years, would he have thought that he would be wiring money from a gaming company. Tencent, one of the largest Asian companies and known worldwide, did not scare him. He felt that this job was easy. Getting access to this place was a piece of cake, he thought. His charming personality is what got him the keys to the records room, housing every transaction that the company has ever made.
 Jaebeom thought everything was going smoothly, but he could not be more wrong. After being here for three hours wiring this money, he realized that he made a rookie mistake. How could he use his ID card to get access to the files? Why did he not use his boss's card to open up the files? All these questions went through his head at lightning speed that caused his heart to start racing, he felt like his ears were going to burst from the sound of his own heart. The world around him was crashing down at a fast pace that he had to think of something fast.
 "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jaebeom hissed to himself. How could I be so reckless? I can't let myself get caught over this shit. I gotta get out of here!"
 His senses went haywire where he couldn't think straight. Getting caught in this building around this time was the least of his worries. He needed out and that's what he was trying to do with his mind racing.
 As the clock ticked, Jaebeom rushed out the building to his car that was parked 5 blocks down the road. His only thought was to find a solution to this shit show that he had created the minute he walked in that building. His luck ran out.
 "Fuck me, man!" he continued to tell himself while running as fast as he could.
 "T-this is the o-one that f-fucks me o-over, and it's the simplest-t s-shit that gets me," he stuttered trying to control his breathing.
 Relief washed over him as he spotted his car hidden behind a dumpster. He still wasn't out of the clear. Slowing his pace down, a new thought popped in his head: should he have called someone to help him out? He thought it was best, but he didn't want to feel embarrassed at the thought of his underlings catching a whiff of the mess he created doing a simple job. He was the mafia boss for crying out loud. Making a mistake was out of the question, getting help was out as well. The more he thought of calling someone the more he got frustrated with the idea.
 The car roared to life, one hand reached the gear shift and set the car in reverse then back to drive. Hitting the gas pedal, he drove off with nothing but a dust cloud left behind. For being a mafia boss, he sure is fucking stupid, never once did he think that he would be making a mistake like that.
 Reaching a red light at an intersection, he noticed that the city was waking up to begin their day. He only had a couple of hours to come up with a solid cover story until he was supposed to show up at work again. Looking out the window he noticed the cars pass by; one car caught his attention. He thought this was his chance that he couldn't miss. It was a perfect idea from his point of view. Framing someone else was a bit of a bitch move but if he got out the clear, fuck, he would do it a thousand times over.
 He thought that using his rival would get rid of him for good so that he could be number one and rule Seoul from behind the scenes. Having everyone shirk in fear brought such joy to Jaebeom that he needs to go through with this plan. Becoming power-hungry made him crazy. He was thirsty for it and was going to do anything to get it. 
 Realizing that the light turned green, he makes his way back to the company for damage control. Who knew that bringing an end to his rival would make a man smile like a mad-man, but he thought it was so worth it to do so.
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 The ride back was fairly quick for Jaebeom. As he got closer to Tencent, the police were there parked in the front of the building. He had to find a way into the building without being spotted. Circling Tencent, he decided to go through the backway. He still had his ID card on him, so if the police caught him right there he for sure would kiss the $500,000 goodbye.
 Parking his car in the alleyway behind the company, Jaebeom made his way to the back door cautiously. The perks of being named leader, it showed that you can handle any situation no matter the outcome, finding a solution to the mess he created was ironic.
 Slowly making his way up the stairs, he avoided any main hallways, not wanting to draw unwanted attention. Climbing twenty flights of stairs was not something Jaebeom planned for. He felt more guilty with each step he took for messing up a simple thing. He wished he had powers to reverse time and start over from the very beginning, but alas, he was never going to get that wish.
 Reaching the eighteenth floor, Jaebeom noticed no one near the entrance to the stairwell. He silently thanked the gods above to have come all the way up without getting caught. Twisting the knob to the door he slowly opened it and peaked his head to see if the coast was clear and surprisingly it was. Closing the door again, he stayed put in the stairwell. He found it strange that no one was guarding this floor, the floor where Jaebeom was located a couple of hours ago.
 Jaebeom's suspicions grew more as he stayed put, thinking of all the possible outcomes of this situation. None of his answers made any sense, the dots were not connecting at all. This pissed him off more than it should have.
 Deciding to give up, he moved on to the top floor where the CEO's office was, along with his own. Jaebeom's job title wasn't much, but that charming personality of his got him that spot on the top floor alongside the CEO. Everyone hated that Jaebeom got special treatment because he came here with no experience. He created enemies, did he care? No. It made him mad with power. He enjoyed that idea of people hating what he had and what they couldn't get.
 There was a scream that pulled Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Where is he?! What do you mean you can't find him?!" one of the cops said into his phone.
 This is where it became challenging for Jaebeom, finding a clear path into the hallway without getting spotted by anyone. Peeking through the crack of the door, he noticed a tall man with a tan trenchcoat dressed up in an expensive suit. The realization hits him when he notices who the man was. It was none other than Kim Namjoon, a leader in the underground business and upper business, but to Jaebeom he was just a rival.
 He wondered why Namjoon was here, he had no business being here. Yet here he was waltzing into the company like he owns the place. The confidence that Namjoon gave off made Jaebeom sick to his stomach. How could someone just act confident all the time?
 "God, he's so infuriating, like can't this man even act normal," Jaebeom muttered to himself. "I just want to punch that stupid smirk off of his face."
 The wheels were turning in Jaebeom's head that after everything, he was getting some luck after the morning he had today. Reopening the door, he noticed Namjoon walking away from the coat closet. This was his opportunity to get rid of his ID card.
 He couldn't go out into the main hallway, he would get spotted quick. He needed to find a way to get himself into that coat closet. He had to think of something fast, there wasn't much time to waste. Looking back to where the officer was, Jaebeom couldn't find him.
 "Where did he go? He was just there," he told himself. Another voice caught his attention and it was from the CEO, Baekhyun. He was talking to the officer that Jaebeom was looking for. He felt so blessed to have him occupied. Looking left and right, he noticed that the coast was clear and booked it straight to the coat closet.
 Closing the door behind him, he was met with darkness, looking for the light switch with his hands. As he found the switch, the small closed space lit up. "Now where is that trenchcoat of yours," he whispered. "Ah, I found you, my dear sweet savior. Oh, how you are saving me from so much work."
Grabbing his ID from his coat pocket, he quickly placed it in Namjoon's trenchcoat and turned back around. Opening the door, he made sure the coast was clear once again and stepped out. Jaebeom made his way to the CEO's office and knocked on the door. Baekyhun and the officer turned their heads, noticing that it was Jaebeom.
 "There he is! Get him," Baekyhun loudly spoke.
 The officer was charged towards Jaebeom and before he could utter a word his hands were behind his back and his body slammed against the door. Groaning out loud from the impact Jaebeom asked, "What's going on, why am I getting slammed on a damn door by an officer?!"
 "Quit playing coy, Lim, what did you do with the money you stole from the company?" Baekhyun asked.
 Facing the man who asked the question, "I don't know what is going on, I just got here," Jaebeom's voice dropped a few octaves deeper.
 Baekhyun darted towards Jaebeom pushing the officer out of the way and turning Jaebeom around to face him. "Lim, I won't ask you again. Where is the money?!" he yelled, stressing each word as he spoke.
 "And I'm going to tell you again that I don't know what you are talking about!" Jaebeom rebutted back to the CEO.
 Baekyhun was just fuming with anger from Jaebeom's answer. Baekyhun swore that he was just bluffing and acting dumb, but the confusion on his face made his story more believable. Letting go of Jaebeom, Baekyhun walked towards the window of his office that gave him the best view of the busy city below. He was at a crossroads, not knowing what to do. He wanted to believe Jaebeom but the evidence was right there.
 Jaebeom silently watched his boss freak out, trying to understand the words that he spoke. His boss was at war with himself. Jaebeom thought he could use this as an advantage; to confuse the man more than he was.
 "Baekhyun, you know that I would never do anything to harm this company or to betray your trust," he spoke out loud.
 Baekhyun just stared at the man, his expression unreadable. Jaebeom couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Was Baekhyun figuring out that everything he's said was a lie? Jaebeom couldn't go down like this, this was not going to be the end.
 "Baekhyun, please I don't know what is going on, but I can tell you that I haven't seen my ID since yesterday. If that can help my case in any way," he hopelessly said.
 Jaebeom silently pleaded with Baekhyun to give him a chance to hear him out, which reluctantly he did. Baekyhun gave a hand signal to the police officer to leave the room and give the men privacy. "You have five minutes to tell me your side of the story or I'll ask the cops to take you away from here," he insisted.
 "As I said before, I haven't seen my ID since yesterday. The last time I saw the thing it was on my desk in my office. After that, I couldn't find it," Jaebeom lied through his teeth.
 "You lost your ID and didn't bother telling anyone about this?" Baekhyun questioned him.
 "Listen, I didn't think much of it when I couldn't find it after I left work. I thought I could find it when I got here today, but here we are." Jaebeom briefly paused.
 "I was planning on telling you today if I ended up not finding it!" he continued, "I can show you where I left it in my office and you can let the officer search too."
 Baekhyun was hesitant on taking Jaebeom's offer on searching his office, he was stressed and he was doubting everything that was said by this man. His trust in him was dropping rapidly, but did he have another choice? He had to go for it even if he ended up looking like a fool.
 Rising from his seat, Baekhyun walked around his desk and stood in front of Jaebeom and just stared him down. "If I found out that you are just fucking around and we find that ID of yours, you are out of here and out of my sight," leaving Jaebeom in his seat, Baekhyun walked towards the door and looked back, "Hurry up, we don't have all day. I have to do damage control because of you."
 Jaebeom quickly got up from his seat and followed his boss from behind, making their way to his office. The officer trailing along asked where they both were heading, Baekhyun quickly answering, "To his office, we are going to search for that ID card of his that supposedly was lost."
 "But sir, we don't have a search warrant to partake in this. We will not be able to assist you," the officer explained.
 Baekhyun continued to make his way to Jaebeom's office, telling anyone that walked past him to follow. Not a word was uttered when he spoke to anyone. The workers just simply followed like mindless slaves, not questioning his orders.
 Walking into the office, Baekhyun strolled quickly to the desk in the middle of the office and began to rummage through the files that laid on top neatly. Everyone that followed along began to do the same, going to different parts of the room and not leaving a corner unturned. Jaebeom just stood by the door not knowing what to do with himself besides watching the disaster unfold.
 Looking up to face the man that caused all the distress, Baekhyun spoke out loud, "Lim, it is best if you stepped outside and just stood by with the officer. You are truly not needed here."
 Jaebeom was offended by the words that the man spoke to him. It never crossed his mind that he would be pushed out of something that involved him. "To be fair Baekhyun, I don't think that is a good idea. What if one of the workers here is the culprit and trying to frame me over what happened? I'm sorry but I am not leaving this room until you all leave with me." His voice roared across the room.
 Baekhuyn rolled his eyes at his subordinate's stubbornness, it made him feel sick to his stomach that he did not want to walk. This was something that Jaebeom took very seriously. Never once did this man raise his voice at anyone during the job. He took everything that was handed to him without a single complaint. It scared Baekhyun that Jaebeom stood his ground and didn't budge one bit.
 "If you won't leave then stand by the door and don't get into anyone's way, Lim," he spoke with venom in his voice.
 Pleased with the response from his boss, he walked back to the door and just watched. No one knew what was to come at the end of this search. It was entertaining to watch everyone look through his belongings. They were never going to find anything and it made him ecstatic to have this type of knowledge over people.
 "Sir, we couldn't find anything in the cabinets,"
 "Sir, the bookshelf is clean,"
 One by one each person that Baekhyun brought with him ended up not finding anything. This made his blood boil, that not only could they not find anything, he as well couldn't come up with anything. His whole office was clean. Countless thoughts came to mind that gave him a migraine. Where could that ID of his be? Who took it? All these questions came to mind and none of the answers that he came up with seemed logical.
 With a huge sigh, Baekhyun told everyone to go back to work, this was a huge blow for his ego. Being proven wrong was his least favorite thing in the world. Being right about everything made his day, the power he felt was his drug. It was intoxicating to him. He needed this. Slamming the folders that laid on the desk, Baekhyun paced towards Jaebeom with anger in his eyes, he was not pleased when everyone came up short in their findings.
 "I don't know where you hid that ID of yours but if it's not found in the next twenty-four hours, you are on your own." he spat.
 Jaebeom wasn't shocked that his boss was worked up over not finding the missing ID. It actually made his day. Playing coy was his strongest suit; he enjoyed playing clueless. This was a win for him, the sight of his boss losing hope little by little. Everything was falling into place on how he imagined it, sweet victory was close. All he needed was the last piece to fall into place.
 Baekhyun sighed out loud, finally releasing Jaebeom from his grip and walked out of the ruined office. Jaebeom looked around and just smirked like a mad man and decided it was time to wrap things up. Shouts could be heard from his office, which made Jaebeom run out to where the commotion was. All he saw was three cops surrounding Namjoon, who was confused with everything trying to explain.
 One of the officers quickly grabbed hold of Namjoon and roughly pushed him against the nearest wall, "Kim Namjoon, you're under arrest!"
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 Copyright © 2020 franklytae. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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meteor-writes · 4 years
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I nearly ran out of time so it's a little long sorry @flashfictionfridayofficial! I really love this prompt tho!
Ace of Hearts - 1,119 words
‘I need one of you to marry Prince Rajiv.’
It had been one week since the Queen announced those words. Hester hasn’t stopped thinking about them. Standing beside her brother in the throne room, she looked at the sprigs of grass growing between granite tiles and pulled her robe closer around her shoulders as a breeze shuddered across the doors.
Prince Rajiv was a man she’d heard of many times. Running a kingdom five times the size of theirs with a wealth of agriculture and trade, overcoming enemies without a single drop of blood all while being the tender age of twenty five. Hester was sold on the idea in a heartbeat. The fact her mother had managed to organise a meeting already was almost unbelievable. Then again, a disgraced Queen was still a Queen. Even if her husband did leech all their money before packing his bags and disappearing for all eternity.
‘I’ve heard he’s a veritable ace of hearts,’ the Queen continued, ‘I need you both to study. This match is favoured towards us. Prince Rajiv needs neither money not burden. You must offer something other than riches. Smart political minds. Strategists. Trustworthy companions. Can I trust that one of you will seal this deal?’
‘Yes.’ The siblings chorused.
In reality, they’d both formed their own plans.
‘Isn’t that shirt a little low cut?’ Cray asks, gesturing to his sisters overwhelming cleavage. Hester drags her eyes over her brother’s open shirt, counting maybe three buttons fastened.
‘Couldn’t I say the same to you?’
Cray makes a face.
Then he looks down, undoes another button and flaps his jacket until it billows just right.
Hester rolls her eyes. It seems they have both discovered the one way to attract the man with everything: sex appeal.
Hester dons her shiniest clothes, a pearly coloured, diamond covered, satin dress with a thigh-high split in the skirt and an empire line. She’s dressed to impress, but still, does a little wiggle for luck in her corset as she takes the golden door knocker in her hand and bashes it into the lions face.
‘Bit aggressive.’ Cray notes. Hester jabs him in his now bare stomach.
A moment later, the door creaks open. A servant appears, dressed in a conservative tuxedo and Hester feels a fizz in her blood like a freshly swirled glass of champagne.
‘Greetings.’ The servant says, leaning into a bow.
‘Greetings.’ The siblings sing whacking on matching grins.
‘I’m the suitor.’ Cray says plainly. Hester immediately pinches him in the arm.
‘I’m also a suitor.’ She hisses. Cray keeps his smile fixed, following the servant into the castle. ‘Yeah but I’m the one that counts.’
Hester sticks out her foot to make him trip.
‘Prince Rajiv is waiting in his personal drawing room.’ Says the servant as they walk. Hester finds herself losing strength in her jaw as she looks around. Castle Corey is not how she thought. Outside, it had a medieval exterior. Cool grey stone and wooden arched doors with thick iron hinges and small pokey windows. Inside, it’s a portal.
Above Hester, huge glass windows dome into a roof surrounded in plant life. Stairs spiral up to the mezzanine, where presumably the rest of the rooms hide. It’s hard to tell when huge silk curtains drop down, pouring like water over the balcony and banister. Even the tiles are lavish, with every click of her heels, Hester sees the mosaic glisten, the reflection of her dress sparkling purple in the blues and pink in the reds.
‘We’re here.’ The servant announces standing aside. He opens a door, gesturing to a dark hallway. ‘The drawing room is at the end of this corridor.’
Hester nods, finding herself faltering at the last second. She adjusts her dress once more, brushing out any creases and wiping away any dust. Cray adjusts his glasses, mussing his hair. He coughs, smells his breath then sends Hester a wicked smile.
‘Ready to lose?’
Hester shoves him aside.
She enters the corridor first, squinting as her eyes adjust. Behind, the door crashes shut and Heater jumps, swinging blindly around.
‘Cray?’ She calls.
‘No.’ Cray calls back. Somehow he’s already ahead of her. She does a little run to catch up.
‘Why’s it so dark?’ Hester hisses, but her eyes don’t take too long to adjust. In fact, the room seems  to be getting lighter and she realises there are windows running all along the walls, little circles of light decorating the marble. Soon she can even make out couches lining the walls, plush purple velvet she would like to test drive.
In fact, most of the room is purple. It shines in the diamonds of her dress. Hester looks up at the walls. It’s not paint or paper. Instead, there are flags hanging between every window. Purple. White. Hester feels a prickle up her spine. She traces the patterns. A sense of impending doom pools in her stomach.
‘Cray. Look at flags.
‘Yeah?’ Cray pauses, gazing up in an arc. ‘Seem nice. I don’t think you should steal on the first date but I guess I could get you one.’
Hester slaps him on the arm.
‘Shush. Look at them.’
Cray sighs, hand on the door. ‘What about them?’
Hester tugs him back.
‘Purple, white, black.’
‘You’re getting really good with your colours Hest.’
‘No! The stripes. They’re pride flags. Ace pride. Cray, we’re totally fu-‘
At that moment the doors swing open.
The siblings jump back as a man appears, a silhouette grinning at them in the doorway.
‘Lovely to meet you Prince and Princess of Elder Court. I hear we have much to discuss in relation to wedding bells!’
Hester’s throat goes dry.
‘Uh huh.’
‘Well don’t worry, I’m not fussy. A good connection is all I need. Someone who can bring the Kingdon of Rajiv to the next level. Oh don’t you both look lovely!’
Hester barely registers the compliment. She hasn’t read a single book. Doesn’t know a single fact. Her entire life has been spent in self-imposed confinement to a collapsing castle on the edge of a shrinking kingdom.
‘Come in, come in!’ Rajiv invites, sliding back into the room. Hester doesn’t follow. She feels a little light headed, dreams of servants and staff flickering into the abyss. Cray clears his throat.
‘Well,’ he says, rocking on his toes. ‘Guess I’ll be winning then. The only one with personality and all.’
Hester storms back to earth.  
‘Shut up!’ She cries, stabbing her heel into his foot. ‘I’m gonna wipe the floor with how platonic my charm is.’
Cray smirks. ‘May the best man win.’
And then he sweeps inside before Hester can punch him.
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sterling-starlight · 4 years
No Texting During Drama Club
Me: Alright! Week two of Vesuvian pride is all about the modern day AUs, I can do this!
*Eight pages later*
What happened? (Pen pals/online friends meeting in person for the first time. Not quite as adherent to the prompt, but I think it works well enough)
Unknown Sender
3:30 PM.  
“-heard u have a&p with prof valdemar. If you let me copy ur notes, I will owe u pizza for the rest of our lives.
-this is Julian, btw. from the theater club.
-in case u thought this was some, u know, random creep.”
3:35 PM
“-Fine. But only because no one deserves to be failed by Valdemar.  
-I’ll drop them off at the dressing room tomorrow. I like pineapple and olive pizza.”
Unknown Sender
3:37 PM
“-pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, u monster!
-sigh. but I'll let it slide since you’re saving my ass.”
3:41 PM
“-Did you really just type out ‘sigh’?”
Unknown Sender
3:43 PM
6:30 PM
“-So, hey. Congrats on getting to play Hamlet.”
6:34 PM
“-not the most original production we’ve done, but a role’s a role. seeing Lucio’s face when he realized he wasn’t the star was worth it.”
6:40 PM
“-Remind me who that is.
I’m seriously drawing a blank here.”
6:43 PM
“-blonde. rich. Insufferable. loud.
-he has that fancy prosthetic arm that somehow makes him better than everyone.”
6:50 PM
“-Oooooooooh. Him.
-He doesn’t really come to bother us production people unless he wants to bitch about costuming or the sets. Which is a lot.”
6:55 PM
“-i think I've heard you chew him out a few times. Ur the girl with the venterran accent, right?”
7:01 PM
-Surprised you could even understand me. Not a lot of people can when I get PO’d.”
7:10 PM
“-i understood enough to know you called him a prick.  
-my mom and dad took me to venterre once. it was almost as pretty as you.”
-That was horrible and you should feel horrible.”
“-I have no shame, and never will, my dear.”  
3:00 AM
“-hey, natalia.”
Julian 3:05 AM
“-how did people in the middle ages first think to start using leeches?
“-like, did they stick leeches on themselves and realize that pain and blood loss and disease was the medicine?”
3:06 AM
“Jules, it is 3 in the goddamn morning. Go to bed.”
3:07 AM
“I work the graveyard shift at supermarket.  it’s my lunchtime.”
3:08 AM
“-Then fuckin eat your lunch and let normal people sleep before I cram it up your ass.”
3:10 AM
“- I can think of much more fun things we can do.”
3:15 AM
“-Fuck you, I’m going back to sleep.”
2:30 PM
“-So you really had a pet ram as a kid?”
2:31 PM
“-Technically, I still do. I just couldn’t bring him with me.
“-my flat allows large dogs, but won’t allow rams? It’s bullshit.”
2:32 PM
“-rams aren’t really normal pets tho.”
2:33 PM
“-Says the guy who has a pet crow.”
2:34 PM
“-malak is a raven, number 1.  
-number 2, he is an absolute delight. how dare you say otherwise?
“-Rufus is better.
“-Behold the glory”
2:50 PM
“-oh, so it’s a pet off then? Fine! May the cutest animal win!”
3:00 PM
3:05 PM
“-Have at you!”  
When Natalia’s phone rang, she was actually shocked to see Julian’s caller id flash on the screen.   They had never actually... talked on the phone before.  
The worst-case scenarios instantly popped into her head. Was he hurt? Did something happen? What if this was the hospital calling her to say he was in critical condition. Why would he put her as an emergency medical contact without telling her?!
Her phone buzzed again, more insistently, and she pressed the answer button with a trembling finger.  
“Oh, hi~” The feminine voice from the other line was definitely not Julian, not even at his most dramatic falsetto. And she sounded too chipper to be the bearer of doom and death. Natalia let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding. “This is... Tali? Right?”
“It’s Natalia, actually. Who is this?”
“My name is Portia! I’m Ilya’s- oh, sorry. One sec,” Portia put a hand over the speaker, muffling the commotion on her side of the line. There was thumping, shuffling, and her shouting “You have her listed as ‘My Dearest Tali’, Ilya! Come on!”  
A voice that sounded somewhat like Julian’s shouted back something, but Natalia couldn’t hear it clearly.  There was a sound like static or rushing wind, before a door slammed and Portia let out a triumphant laugh. Portia’s voice fully came back on the line. “Sorry. But, yeah. I’m Ilya’s little sister. I would have liked to meet you in person, but my brother is completely hopeless.”  Someone thumped against the door, and Portia lowered the phone again. “You know I’m right!”  She yelled at the door.
Back to normal. “Aaaanyway. He’s been lamenting, and sighing, and wallowing over whether or not he should ask you out. So! You wanna go on a date with him?”  
Natalia opened and closed her mouth a few times, wordless sounds escaping. She was sure her face was burning pink. She could feel the heat spreading from her cheeks to her neck.  “Take your time. I can be in here all day.” Portia said casually. Natalia could almost picture her reclining back casually on whatever it was she was sitting on.  
“Ah- Ah,” Natalia finally managed to choke out. She took in a deep breath, and let it out in a slow whistle.  “...if he really wants tae.” She finally said.  
“Oh, he does. Trust me, I know him better than anyone.” Natalia could hear Portia’s smile through the phone. Distantly, a lock clicked and a door swung open. “She said yes, Ilyushka. You can thank me later.”
“That wasn’t- you’re missing the-!” Julian stammered. He took a breath and lifted the phone to his ear. “Listen, whatever Pasha said, you can just forget it. Really. It’s nothing.”
For a moment, Natalia found herself stunned by the sound of his voice. It wasn’t anything new to her. She had heard it from behind thick velvet curtains and up on catwalks. She had heard him bellow for lost love mournfully, monologue passionately, and condemn his enemies. But those were all characters. Hamlet, and Romeo, and Othello. None of them had been Julian Devorak. Not really.  
“Natalia?” His voice broke her out of her stupor, and sent a shiver down her spine. The way his tongue curled around the syllables of her name, like he had never spoken anything more sacred, sent her heart aflame in the best possible way.  
“Julian.” She spoke his name barely above whisper.  Natalia leaned against her desk for support, head spinning. When had- how did- why didn’t he- she- they-? She took in a breath through her nose, just as Julian heaved a resigned sigh.
“Good night, Tali.”  
“No, wait, Julian! Don’t-!” The dial tone droning in her ear was all she got.  And when she tried calling him, all she got was his voice mail.  
Try again. Voice mail.
Try again. Voice mail.  
8:00 PM
“-Julian, you asshole! Pick up your phone!”
*Last Read by Jules at 8:05 PM.  
Natalia Valeth was not a quitter.
She hadn’t given up when she left her home country to become a pharmacist. She hadn’t lost hope when she didn’t make the cut to be on the acting team. She didn’t back down even as Professor Valdemar verbally tore the first draft of her thesis to shreds. So, when she drove to the community theater the very next weekend, she was a woman on a mission.  
She was hours early for once, but not so early that the doors to the theater weren’t already unlocked. The only person who would wake up at the ass crack of dawn for theater was Julian, and that was exactly what Natalia was betting on.  She threw open the auditorium doors with a resounding bang that echoed resoundingly all throughout the room. Sitting on the edge of the stage was Julian, who looked up at her when she made her entrance. The script he had been looking over listlessly fell from his grip, scattering like leaves in the wind. In such a quiet room, Natalia could hear him curse as if she were right at his side.  She steeled herself and marched down the steps of the auditorium, stopping less than an arm’s length away from were Julian sat on his haunches collecting the papers.  
“We need tae talk. Face tae face this time.”  
“Do we?” Julian finally collected the script and rose to his full height. Despite having a good foot on Natalia, he had never looked smaller gunmetal gray eyes looking everywhere but at her. He turned his back on her to tap the pages crisply against the stage.  
“You bet yer ass we dae! Whit th’ hell urr ye thinking’s? Whit, did ye think ignoring this wid mak’ it go away?”  
“...Maybe a little.”
“Och! Yer impossible!” Natalia threw her hands up with the exclamation. “Did ye think Ah juist said ‘aye’ tae fuck wi’ ye? A’m waantin’ tae gang oan a date wi’ ye! Mibbie even twa! If we feel really crazy, we’ll mak’ it three.”
It might not have been the three magical worlds that would have been most dramatic. If this were a stage production, this would be the part where the lights would dim, and the spotlight would narrow over the two lovers, giving the illusion that they were the only two people in the world.   With the theater as empty as it was, they might as well have been.  
“Do you... Do you mean that?”
Such vulnerability didn't seem like Julian.  Julian could throw out innuendos as easily as breathing. Julian was overly dramatic in everything he did, even when he wasn’t in front of an adoring audience. But it was the Julian who wanted to be a doctor. It was the Julian who looked at all the pandemics of the past, and wondered why so many people had to die.  The Julian who was wound up so tightly like he was bracing himself for ejection like it would come as a physical blow.  
Sarcasm felt like it would just add fuel to the fire, so Natalia opted for compassion instead. When she brushed her hand against Julian’s cheek, he leaned into it like he needed her touch the same way needed air.
“I’m willin tae huv a go at this.” She said gently, like everything would shatter around them if she was too abrasive. “Ye in?”  
“Absolutely.” Julian placed a hand over hers and tilted his head enough to plant a shy, fleeting kiss to her palm.  
Maybe this would end in a romance for the ages. Maybe this would end in tragedy. Whatever happened, it was better than not pursing it at all.  
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cloudfiveclub · 5 years
enemies by name ➵ r.c.
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Summary ; Y/N hates Richard Yashel Camacho with all her heart but definitely not with her pussy. 
Warning(s) ; swearing, masturbation, unprotected sexual intercourse (wrap it before you tap it, kids), creampie
Word Count ; 3.0k+
Author’s Note ; okay so part one was literally posted more than a month ago and i didn’t realize so SORRY but hopefully this makes up for it. not sure if you guys want a part three? but if i do that the hate levels between both characters would definitely significantly decrease just an fyi. enjoy tho x
read part one here!
disclaimer | these are only based on my own opinions and imagination and are purely fictitious, as such they in no way accurate or true
"Mhmm, Rich, I'm gonna cum..."
You sped up the movements on your clit, rubbing circles as fast as you could while driving your hairbrush handle into your pussy as deep as you could. Your toes curled, and your mouth dropped open as your high washed over you. Your legs trembled and they closed shut in oversensitivity as you desperately worked yourself through your third orgasm.
You exhaled in frustration as your body started to calm down and you pulled your hairbrush from out of you, letting your hand dangle over the edge of the bed.
You hated this.
You couldn't stand yourself.
You almost disliked yourself as much as you hated him at the moment. Almost.
It had been five days since Richard had given you the best dicking down session you had ever had in your entire life. And you couldn't get him out of your mind.
Granted, it had been awfully rushed and too fast - only a mere twenty minutes - but you were convinced it was probably the best twenty minutes in your life. He had made you cum unbelievably fast, and the feeling of his cock stretching you out had been lingering in your mind.
The whole hook up had left you missing how good he felt inside you and you had spent every free chance you had over the last few days desperately trying to mimic the sensation. Just trying to get a reminder on how absolutely mind blowing it was. And you came up empty each time.
It didn't matter how many times in a row you came. It just wasn't the same. You felt absolutely disgusted with yourself; touching yourself to the thought of the person you hated the most. Who the hell even does that?
You, apparently.
You huffed, sitting up and pulling up your pants. Your eyes shifted over to where your phone sat on the hotel bedside table, and you ticked yourself off as the thought of texting Richard flooded your mind. You rubbed your thighs together as one thought led to another; texting him would lead to talking about the other day, which would lead to him coming here to...
God, are you even listening to yourself?
You bit your lip as you continued eyeing your phone, before your legs moved on their own accord and you found yourself crawling across the bed towards your phone. You grabbed it, opening up WhatsApp and pressing the 'New Chat' button since you had never privately messaged Richard before. For obvious reasons.
You found his contact, clearly listed as 'worst cnco member' and you hesitated when you saw he was online. You stared at it for a while, but nothing happened. Deciding that he was really just busy texting someone else, you let your nervous fingers dance across the keyboard, and you typed in a message. Short and simple but enough to convey you needed another round of sex.
I want you.
Hold up. What the fuck were you even doing? Stop being so desperate.
You stared at your phone angrily when you realize that you had even attempted texting the big oaf, and you rapidly pressed the backspace button as you erased every letter you'd punched in.
And just as you hit the backspace button the last time, your phone vibrated as a little text bubble appeared right in the chat.
Your heart almost flew out of your chest as a message from him came in and your eyes frantically flew to your side of the screen, checking to see if you hadn't sent him something on accident.
You hadn't. And his text simply read two simple words.
You're late.
You frowned, before you glanced up to the clock at the top of you phone screen and realized you were indeed late. Late for their dance practice which you were supposed to be monitoring.
Your hand flew to your forehead automatically as you face palmed yourself. You had been too preoccupied with your needy hormones. But now you didn't have time. You could worry about Richard later.
You managed to rush to the studio and get there about twenty minutes before they were released for their lunch break. You were pretty much worried about Clara was going to react the whole time, but at the mercy of the boys, they had thankfully assured you they wouldn't tattle if she asked them about it. One problem you did encounter was when they asked why you were late.
Your face had turned beet red, and it took everything in you not to look at him to give anything away. You had stuttered out a stereotypical excuse, saying that the rushing around had made you exhausted and you had overslept a little.
They had believed you. But you knew he didn't.
You'd looked up as they began to disperse, and your gaze landed on the Dominican. He was giving you that look, and it fucking pissed you off.
Looking at you like he knew what you were doing. With that stupid dumb cocky smirk, obvious enough for you but subtle enough not to draw any attention from the other four. He couldn’t have known, but it didn’t stop the paranoia from invading your mind. It made you fume.
And it made your panties soaked.
Your glared back at him angrily when he smirked at you and turned away, making your way over to a corner of the studio to hide for the rest of their practice session until lunch, trying your best to look at anything or anyone other than Richard.
You thought your heart could take a break a little when they told you they were heading out to Nando's. They had invited you along but you fibbed tiredness, and said you'd stay back in the studio.
They had filed out after that, and you'd relax visibly, thinking you could finally get some time away from him again. You hated how nervous you always got around Richard after the hook up in the dressing room. It was like your whole perspective of him had shifted to the positive side.
And you really really didn't want your perspective of him to shift. You were supposed to hate his ass.
But of course, fate wasn't planning on making it easy for you. Less than ten minutes after they had left the room, the door swung open and in strolled the person you dreaded the most.
"Oh my fucking god."
You couldn't help the complaint that came tumbling out your mouth. It was like you were programmed to just protest whenever you saw him, no matter how needy you were for his dick again.
His eyebrows shot up when he caught sight of your disgusted expression, but his lips quickly curled up into a playful grin as he ignored your revulsion towards his presence, closing the door behind it and turning the lock.
You swallowed when you saw him do that, and you folded your arms across your chest defiantly, remaining where you were seated against the wall.
"Nothing's happening," you cut him off before he could say anything. 
He pulled his bottom lip between your teeth when you said that, a hint of playfulness in his eyes as he made his way over to you.
"Wasn't planning on making anything happen."
You frowned when he said that, and his smug look ticked you off when you realized he just made you sound like the desperate one. He plops himself down next to you, only prompting you to shift your bag further away and scoot away from him. He rolls his eyes when you did so, deciding to remain where he was instead of chasing after you.
"Are you not eating out with the guys?" you asked, glancing at him for a brief second before turning away to stare at the wall opposite the room. 
"Told em' I wasn't hungry and I was gonna practice more," he replied shortly.
You turned to him when he said that, raising your eyebrow.
"You knew I'd be here."
He smirks at you when you say that, resting his head back against the wall mirror.
"Your point?"
You squint at him when he says that. He really couldn't stop being annoying for a second. He just loved getting on your nerves.
Fucking irritating twat.
"Look- just to make it clear, the dressing room thing was... a one time kind of thing. I was thinking about telling you earlier, but... um," you stuttered out lamely, trying your best to sound as serious as possible. Still, your voice wavered at 'one time thing' and while you prayed he wouldn't notice, the look he gave you only told you he'd notice the tinge of disappointment in your tone.
He pursed his lips when you said that, lifting his head off the wall to look at you. His lips were pulled into an almost mocking pout, and his eyes shone with mischief.
"So you've been thinking about me?"
Oh my fucking GOD.
His question threw you off, and you glared at him in offense.
"I did not say that," you defended harshly. 
His lips curled up into a smirk and he scooted closer to you this time.
"You said you were thinking about telling me earlier."
"That's a different thing," you hissed. "I was thinking about you, not telling you."
He grinned at you when you said that and you realized your mistake, mouth dropping open as you shook your head frantically.
"NO, I meant that I was thinking about telling you, not y-"
He cuts you off with his lips again and you're caught off guard a second, your first initial reaction to think "what the fuck is he fucking doing", but his hands that have travelled to your back to bring you closer to him has you relaxing just a tad bit.
You hate the comforting feeling that creeps up on you as you kiss him, and you're almost repulsed by how much you seem to be enjoying his lips.
He pulls you closer, pulling away to yank your legs apart to wrap around his waist before he attaches his lips to your neck.
As annoyed as you are, you can't help the shaky moan that slips through your lips when he sucks on your sweet spot. It sends tingles to your core, and you're already excited at the fact that his covered crotch is so close to yours.
Fucking desperate.
You fist his shirt tightly when he nibbles gently, leaving a mark that you just know you're going to be incredibly pissed about later, but in the moment, you can't help but think how bloody hot it is that he's marking you.
He pulls away, reaching down to pop the button of your jeans open quickly. Your hands are working at a similarly frantic pace, untying the knot on his sweatpants and pushing the hem down to try and get it off.
Fuckfuckfuck, what are you doing?
You can't help but get mad at yourself. Again. You really were the biggest dumbass you knew. You hated that you wanted his dick so badly again, especially since he was such a bloody annoying bastard.
The both of you untangle from each other for a moment to stand up and shove your pants and undergarments down, as well as your shirt. You leave your bra on, and he pushes you down back onto the floor, stomach down, prompting you to get into doggy style position.
"Do you just not like looking at my face when you fuck me or...?" you questioned snarkily, remembering the last time when he had similarly taken you from he back against the wall. 
You feel the head of his member sliding through your already slick folds, and you whimper. He leans down, and a gasp slips through when his fingers wrap round your throat.
Holy fuck, he's into that.
He pulls your head up, and the fact that you're both in front of the mirror is brought to your attention.
"Who said I don't like looking at your face when I fuck you?" he responds back.
The deepness in his voice has you shaking, and you worry your unsteady hands will give out before he even enters you. 
The grip on his neck loosens a little and you're moaning loudly all too quickly as he pushes into you again. You let out an almost relieved sob as your walls stretch out deliciously to fit him into you, the pleasureful burn a welcoming feeling that you had been so desperately trying to replicate the past few days.
You glance up into the mirror, and you whimper when you notice he's looking straight at you. He doesn't break your gaze as he pulls out slowly, before shoving himself deep into you again.
You choke out a moan when he does that, and he leans down to bring his lips to your ear.
"That feel good, don't it baby?" he murmurs, and you swallow, doing your best to stare at him defiantly in your reflection when he asks you that. The part of you that hated him still wasn't very eager to boost his stupid ego. He knew it was good. He didn't need to hear you say it.
Unfortunately, that seemed like the wrong response, because you're gasping for air when his hand tightens its grip round your neck. His gaze is dangerous, and a pit of nervousness forms in your stomach when you see how dark his eyes has become.
"Y-Yes," you stutter out as best as you can. You can't lie to yourself either, the whole thing was just making you more aroused. 
His features soften a little in content when you say that, and while his grip relaxes a little, his fingers still remain round your throat. He pulls out again, before thrusting back in, and forms a steady rhythm as he begins to fuck into you.
You're reduced to a moaning mess too fast for your own liking, but you do your best to ignore any negative feelings towards Richard as you immerse yourself in the feeling of his thick cock pistoning in and out of your needy hole.
"God, you're so tight," he groans into your ear, and you can't argue with that. You're able to feel every ridge of his cock, every angry vein through your pussy walls. 
"You're so big," you whine out, pretty much surprising yourself at the fact you're even bothering to feed his ego. But it's not like that wasn't true. He felt amazing.
You see him grin in pride in the mirror, and this only spurs him on to move faster.
Right into your G-Spot.
You cry out at the slight change in angle, and your toes curl as an unexpected orgasm washes over you. Your arms give out from under you, and his hand that was on your waist shifts quickly to your tummy to hold you up as best he can. He goes a step further, bringing you up to his chest and letting go of your neck.
You gasp at that, and your gaze drops to where you two are connected in the mirror. You can see everything pretty goddamn clearly now; how his thick cock slides in and out of your wet cunt each time, glistening nicely with your juices.
"Look at you, princess," he mumbles in your ear. "Taking daddy's big cock so well. Such a good girl."
You're surprised at how many kinks are surfacing, but you can't complain, because his words only make you drip even more.
"Fuck me harder, daddy," you beg, and it takes almost everything in you not to hate yourself for being so needy for him.
He smirks when you say that, and he rams up into your pussy, hitting your sweet spot each time. 
"Oh GOD, yes!" you moan out, reaching behind to grip on his biceps for some sort of support. 
He brings his fingers down, and you're cumming again quickly as he starts rubbing quick circles into your swollen pearl. You whimper loudly as your orgasm wrecks you, your whole body tingling as you cream nicely round his big dick.
Richard supports you the whole time, but you're terrified when he doesn't slow his thrusts even as you start wriggling out his grasp when the oversensitivity starts crawling up on you. 
"One more, baby," he tells you, and you're whining and begging for him to stop, but he doesn't listen. 
He keeps up his hard thrusts, and you know he's close when his movements get sloppy. He sheathes himself in you for the last time, and the full feeling of him being buried deep in your cunt, as well as his fingers on your clit triggers your third orgasm.
The clenching of your pussy has him cumming, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he fills you up with his warm load.
He pulls out, and you instinctively reach your fingers down. You shiver when your digits come into contact with the sticky feeling of his cum at the entrance of your cunt, and you bite your lip, easing your fingers into yourself as you push his cum back in, ignoring the shiver of oversensitivity that shocks through your body when you do so.
Richard groans when he catches sight of what you're doing, and you can't help but giggle like a stupid schoolgirl with a crush when he leans down to affectionately press a kiss to your cheek.
"That was amazing." He says. "Looks like you don't hate me that much, huh?"
You roll over, closing your legs as you stared at him. And immediately you remember how much you hate him now that his dick was no longer balls deep in you. His face is so... bloody attractive, but you frown when you remember how irritating of a guy he is.
And you really let him cum in you. For the second time. Great Going, Y/N.
You lift your head up a notch, and you can't help the competitive smile that makes it's way to your face.
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
This World
Idols: Haseul and Vivi (Loona)
Prompt: Can I ask for a dark LOONA ViSeul scenario where OT12 live in a world which is full of brutal crimes and the girls are the only heroes left who can stop them? Tho powers etc are illegal and everyone who has powers lost their human rights, but the girls still want to save the world, they don't have secret identities anymore and in one day Vivi got badly hurt by their enemy, so she and Haseul decide to get illegally married and OT12 are throwing a big marriage. Kinda based on Watchmen great film:D
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Okay so I took a few liberties with the prompt so it ended up being pretty angsty. And I (mostly) used their real names. Also there are like? No viseul gifs? And I don’t have the time to make my own right now. But anyway, I hope you all still enjoy!
Warnings: Blood, injury, fighting, mentions of death, major character death, cursing. This gets really dark, I’m warning you.
♡ Tip Jar♡
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The air was clogged thick with smoke and fog as Vivi and Haseul entered the neighborhood. What had once been a beautiful place to live was now left desolate and crumbling, bombed until only rubble remained. As they stopped on the road, taking in the situation, Haseul’s heart dropped. She had a feeling this would be another dead-end run. The only buildings still recognizable were the church and one crumbling apartment building, and that wasn’t a good sign. Still, they had a job to do, so she took a deep breath and turned to her girlfriend.
“I’m going to check over here in the church for any survivors, you take the apartment building. Sooyoung, can you hear us?” She touched at her temple, just like the other woman had taught her.
“Loud and clear.” Sooyoung’s voice rang through her head. “I’ll be listening, keep us updated.”
“Will do,” Vivi said aloud, touching her temple as well. “Things aren’t looking good, but we’ll do our best.”
Haseul reached over and squeezed Vivi’s hand, giving her a grim smile. “Good luck.”
“Same to you.”
The church was leaning on it’s side, and as Haseul approached, it teetered slightly, rubble falling from the sides. Swallowing, she took her steps carefully, trying not to disturb the crumbling remains around her. Any wrong step and she could be buried in rubble. It wouldn’t hurt her if she could put up a shield in time, but it would be a pain for Vivi to dig her back out and she didn’t want that.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” She stepped into the building, glancing around, only for her stomach to turn again. No one would be answering her call. Still, she searched, hoping for at least one pulse or one gasp of breath. Hopefully, Vivi was having more luck. Her x-ray vision kept her from having to search closely like everyone else. “Rest peacefully,” Haseul said quietly as she stood from the last body, shaking her head. “I wish I could give you all a proper burial.”
“Any luck? Vivi said hers was bust.” Sooyoung echoed in her head again and she sighed.
“No luck over here, I think-.” She never saw it coming. As she stepped out of the church, a clatter of rubble made her turn, only for her to come face-to-face with four men in black and white masks. The terrorists. Her stomach dropped and she raised her hand, but even as she moved, she knew she was too late. Their guns were already firing, she wouldn’t be able to throw up a shield in time.
Something stepped in front of her, and her eyes widened, her heart stopping as she stumbled forward. “Vivi!” The world went red, and as Haseul’s shield blinked to life, Vivi fell to the ground, body limp. Haseul ran towards her, fear coursing through every vein in her body as she fell to her knees beside her girlfriend and cradled the older woman’s head in her arms, taking in the damage. There was so much blood, too much to even see where the wounds were, and Vivi wasn’t responding. “Vivi!” Haseul screamed it this time, tears beginning to stream down her face a she held her closer, panic setting in. “Please, I can’t lose you too, I can’t live without you.”
“Haseul! What the hell is happening! Are you okay?” It was Sooyoung. Haseul only then realized that she hadn’t taken her hand away from her temple when she first screamed Vivi’s name. Quickly, she lifted her bloodied hand to her temple.
“We were ambushed. Vivi’s down, I-I don’t know if she’s going to make it, I don’t know what to do, I can’t-.”
“I have Yerim on her way to get you right now! Do you have a shield up?”
“Y-yes. Please tell her to hurry, Vivi needs help.” Haseul hadn’t felt this helpless in years, but now, as she sobbed and held Vivi in her arms, she was wrapped in a familiar guilt. A familiar panic. How could this happen again?
Rubble scattered behind her and she jerked her head, only to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Yerim running towards the two of them, her eyes wide.
“Oh my god,” the younger girl said, voice tight, and Haseul reached up, grabbing her and holding her tight.
“Teleport us back now! I’m holding Vivi, she’ll come too!”
“R-right! Jiwoo is waiting for us!”
Teleportation always made Haseul sick to her stomach, but she hardly even noticed it this time as she clutched Vivi closer and pressed her forehead to hers, willing Vivi to hold on just a little while longer.
Sure enough, Jiwoo was there when they landed back in the hideout, and she immediately ran forward, biting her lip and narrowing her eyes with concentration. Her hands glowed as she brought them to Vivi’s body, and a bead of sweat rolled down her temple.
“This... This is really bad,” she said softly, not looking away as she slowly moved her hands over the wounds, her fingers twitching and moving in a skilled, practiced fashion. “She’s lost a lot of blood. I can heal the wounds but I can’t restore her blood count.”
“Please, you can’t let her die.” Haseul’s voice broke as she spoke and Jiwoo bowed her head, eyes welling up with tears. Haseul was the leader of the group. She was level-headed, experienced, and mature. No one had ever seen her like this, because she’d never let them see her emotional side. But now that it was on display for everyone to see, the situation was heightened. The Haseul that was usually so level-headed, keeping the group’s spirits high, was terrified. And that made everyone else scared too.
“I’ll do everything I can to save her,” Jiwoo said, closing her eyes and channeling all of her healing power to her fingertips. Now was not the time to panic. She had a job to do. “I promise.”
“Mom! Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!” Yeojin’s voice echoed through the house as she ran down the stairs and barreled into the kitchen, face flushed pink with excitement. Haseul laughed, throwing up a quick force-field shield against the ground as the little girl slipped on the tile floor before regaining her balance and running over to her side. She’d already grown so much since Haseul had promised her cousin, Yeojin’s biological mom, that she would raise her as her own.
“What did I tell you about running on the tile with your socks on?”
“You said I’ll get hurt. But Mom! I made something cool with Momma for you!” Yeojin grinned, wide-eyed and innocent with her hands behind her back, and Haseul smiled affectionately, turning down the stove and wiping her hands on her apron as she turned to her adopted daughter.
“And what’s that, Yeojin?”
“Look!” The six-year-old thrust a little decorated frame forward. Inside was a drawing of Haseul in her apron and Vivi with her signature pink glasses, with Yeojin in the middle, wearing her favorite pink dress and holding both their hands. In neat lettering, she’d written “my family” at the top of the drawing, then again in glitter gel on the padded frame. “Do you like it?”
“I love it!” Haseul beamed and took the frame, touching her heart. “Did you do this all by yourself?”
“Yes!” Yeojin turned to see Vivi walked into the room, then looked back up at Haseul sheepishly. “Well, Momma helped a little. But mostly by myself!”
Laughing, Haseul gave the girl a hug, sending a wink to Vivi over her shoulder. “I like it either way. Great job, I’m impressed!” As she stood up, she smiled at her girlfriend. “Great job to you too.”
“I was just a helper,” Vivi said, smiling as she walked over to the pair. “Yeojin did all the hard work.”
“I see!” The timer went off and Haseul gently put the frame down on the counter. “Are my hard workers ready for dinner? It’s Yeojin’s favorite!”
“Yay! Spicy rice cake!” Yeojin let out a yell of happiness, making both her mothers laugh.
“Go wash your hands and sit down then, Bean,” Vivi said, and Yeojin pouted.
“I’m not a bean!”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Go wash up then, Jinnie.”
“Okay!” Yeojin ran out of the room and Haseul turned to give Vivi a kiss on the cheek. Vivi raised her eyebrows, grinning.
“What was that for?”
“Can I not kiss the woman I love?”
“You’re a sap, Love.” Vivi gave her a quick kiss. “Thanks for making dinner while I played with Yeojin.”
“Anything for the ones I love!”
“Are you in a sappy mood today?”
Haseul shook her head and smiled. “No, I’m just feeling happy and affectionate today. It’s nice to spend time together as a family. All we need now is to get married, you know.”
“Are you proposing to me, Haseul?”
“Maybe. Want to marry me, Kahei?”
“Sure, why not?”
Haseul blinked awake to the sound of a closing door somewhere. Her arms were folded under her head, resting on the bed, and her neck was bent in a weird position that left it cramping as she sat up, groaning at the pain. When had she fallen asleep?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Jiwoo said, giving Haseul a small smile as she walked over to the bed.
“When did I fall asleep?”
“About an hour ago. I didn’t want to wake you up because you looked like you needed the sleep.”
Haseul looked at Vivi, who was still pale and breathing slowly. She hadn’t moved at all since they cleaned her off and put her in her bed. “Is she doing okay?”
“She’s stabilized and I’m making sure she stays that way. It’s up to her to survive now.” Jiwoo watched as Haseul gently took Vivi’s hand. “What were you dreaming about?”
Jumping a bit, the older girl glanced back at Jiwoo. “Why?”
“You were crying and smiling in your sleep. I was just curious.”
“Oh.” Haseul swallowed and looked back down at Vivi’s limp hand in her own. Her heart hurt more than anything else as the memories came flooding back, leaving a heavy burden on her shoulders. “I was just dreaming of a time before.... The law.”
Hours later, when the room was dark and most of the other women had been sent out to try and keep the terrorist group from striking again, Haseul held Vivi’s limp, cold hand in her own and cried. Everything that she’d bottled up over the course of the year came flooding out as she sobbed, hunched over the bed.
“Kahei,” she whispered, even though no one else was there to hear. It was a name she hadn’t used since that fateful day, but it tumbled out naturally now. Vivi’s real name. “I had a dream about Yeojin again.” At the mention of their daughter, there was a twitch, and Haseul’s heart surged with hope. “Kahei, please. You have to wake up. For me and for Yeojin. I can’t live in this world without you.”
There was no response, and Haseul’s heart fell into her stomach as she rested her head against Vivi’s shoulder. “It’s okay, take your time. I’ll stay here until you wake up.”
“Mom! Mom, Momma, what’s happening?” Yeojin’s voice was high and full of fear as she held tightly to her parent’s hands, shivering between them. All three of them were hidden inside a small closet in the bedroom, listening as the sound of gunfire echoed through the neighborhood and someone slammed against the door. It had only been days since the announcement of the ban on superheros and superpowers came over the TV, shattering their normal life. Vivi had been hopeful that, since they weren’t technically heroes anymore, they’d be left alone. But that was not the case.
“Open up, you hero scum!”
“I’m scared.”
“Shh.” Haseul had long since put up a shield around them in the closet, and now she wrapped her arms around Yeojin tighter. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Haseul,” Vivi whispered, “they’re gathering at the door.” She had taken off her glasses and was now looking through the house, out into the neighborhood. Her eyes glowed pink as she used her powers. “Some of them are our neighbors.”
“Our neighbors? Why?” Haseul shook her head, incredulous. “We’ve never been anything but nice!”
“I don’t know, but they’re there. I think the government has been spreading some sort of anti-hero propaganda. They also announced all the secret identities of known heroes today-.” The door slammed open and Yeojin began to cry. Quickly, Haseul put her hand over the girl’s mouth and strengthened her shield around them.
“Pink Watcher, Miss Shield, we know you’re here!”
Heart pounding, Haseul turned to look at her fiancee. Vivi’s eyes were wide and panicked. Those were their old hero names, from before they’d settled down to raise Yeojin. “What should we do,” Haseul mouthed, and Vivi shook her head, out of ideas. They couldn’t hide forever, and from the sound of it, they wouldn’t be able to talk their way out of this one. They would probably have to fight their way out.
Crashing came from the hallway and the sound of destruction filled the house, adding to the loud yelling that seemed to surround the closet. Haseul knew they only had one choice, even if she didn’t like it. “We’re going to have to run. You hold Yeojin, she’s still small enough to carry on your back. We’ll go to my parent’s farm. We should be safe for at least a little while there.”
“Okay.” Vivi stood up and Haseul followed suit, helping her pick up Yeojin and put her on her back. After Yeojin was secure and holding on tight, her eyes wide and scared, Haseul strengthened her shield one last time and the three burst from the room. Immediately, bullets began to fly, but they bounced off the shield as Haseul led them down the stairs and out the back door. The house had been ransacked and destroyed, all the family photos littering the ground and graffiti on the walls. Haseul was able to look over her shoulder at the lettering on the side of the house as they ran, and her stomach turned.
Die Hero Scum.
This was it. The world had changed, and there would be no going back now. Now, they had to learn how to survive.
“Kahei, do you remember when we were going to get married? Why didn’t we do that?” Haseul brushed Vivi’s hair back from her face and shook her head. “I don’t want you to die yet. I wanted to marry you, and raise a family with you. The law got in the way, but... I still want to marry you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I regret not marrying you sooner. I’m sorry, for everything.”
They saw the smoke before they saw the barn. For weeks they’d traveled, avoiding well-known areas and covering their faces, only to find the farm destroyed. The barn was on fire, billowing smoke up into the sky, and the rest of the place had been ransacked and covered in anti-hero graffiti. Shaking, Haseul made her way into the main house, only for her heart to break immediately, sending her running back outside. Her parents had been surprised in their bed. They never stood a chance.
“Why?” She turned to look at Vivi, tears flowing down her cheeks. Vivi and Yeojin were also crying, Yeojin sobbing into Vivi’s shoulder as she held the little girl tight. “Why would they do this? They weren’t doing anything wrong! They were retired! Why are they chasing us? We’ve never hurt or killed anyone! We worked for the government! We never did anything wrong.”
“The world has gone mad,” Vivi said slowly, pulling Haseul into a hug. For a while, they all stood there, crying and holding each other tight. They were tired, hungry, and now, hopeless. How could they survive in a world like this?
Finally, Haseul took a deep breath and pulled away. “I’ll see if they left any food in the cabinets. If so, we can stay here for the night. I doubt they’ll hit the same place twice.”
“How about you let me check the cabinets,” Vivi said, putting a hand on Haseul’s shoulder. “I know you want to give your parents a proper burial.”
Swallowing, Haseul looked back at the house where her parents lay. A weight settled heavily on her shoulders as she wiped her face, willing herself not to cry again. “Okay. Keep Yeojin close. I won’t be long.”
Haseul chose a spot near the pastures, where she knew her parents liked to sit and watch the sun rise. There, she used her shield as a shovel, melding the force-field into a curved, sharp surface. She had never thought she’d use her powers for something other than fighting or protecting, and yet she had no choice. So she got to work, not wanting to be out past dark.
She was filling in the last of the dirt when she heard it. Gunfire. Her heart stopped as she spun around and ran, melting her shields into armor just as she’d done as a hero. Screams reached her ears and she rounded the house just in time to see five armed men busting through the door, their guns blazing.
Haseul’s blood ran cold. Then she boiled over and her shields changed into sharp knives for the first time, plunging their way through the bodies of the men as she ran past them inside. Five bodies dropped behind her as she stopped, staring in horror at the sight in front of her. Yeojin was limp and covered in blood, cradled in Vivi’s arms. She was desperately trying to cover the wounds with her hand, screaming for Yeojin to wake up and apologizing to her over and over for not being able to protect her. The world came crashing down as Haseul fell to her knees beside her daughter and checked her pulse.
Nothing. Yeojin was gone. Slumping over, she began to sob, clutching her daughter’s body even though she knew she couldn’t bring her back. Vivi was sobbing now too, loud and heartbroken, like nothing Haseul had ever heard as she leaned against Haseul, her entire body going shuddering with the force of her cries. She’d been shot too, and she was losing blood, but she didn’t even seem to notice as she held Yeojin.
“It should have been me,” she wailed, “She reached out for me but I couldn’t get there in time. I couldn’t do anything!”
Haseul sat back and touched her daughter’s face, gently running her fingers over her soft cheeks and closing the little girl’s eyes despite her blood-covered hands. Seven was too young to die. Too young to see the horrible reality of the world. Her tears landed on Yeojin’s face as she unfastened the girl’s favorite necklace, a silver chain with three charms: a deer, a bird, and a frog. One for each of them. As, she held Yeojin’s tiny body in her arms, she whispered her own apologies into the girl’s ear, hoping that she heard them somehow. Just one more time, she wanted Yeojin to hear her say that she loved her, and that she was sorry.
If only she hadn’t been out in the field. If only she hadn’t left them alone. If only they hadn’t adopted Yeojin. She had just been a normal human. She could have survived if it wasn’t for them. “It’s not your fault,” she said as she wrapped her arm around Vivi, the weight on her shoulders growing heavier as she cried. “I should have never left the two of you unprotected.”
“Haseul?” Jungeun’s voice rang in the quiet room as she stepped inside, her wings tucked tightly down behind her as she gave the older girl a little smile. “Sorry if I startled you. I wanted to come check on you and Vivi.”
Haseul sighed and sat up, her hand still in Vivi’s. It was now the morning of the second day, and she was exhausted. “She’s stable and she’s gotten warmer. But she’s still not waking up. I’m worried.” Worried was an understatement. She was terrified, but she couldn’t admit it. Jungeun pressed her lips together as she walked over to the bed, her wings drooping like they only did when she was upset.
“We’re all really worried. But we’re worried about you too. Have you gotten any sleep?”
“A little.”
Jungeun didn’t seem to believe her. “Really? You look exhausted.”
“I’ve been having nightmares,” Haseul said truthfully, looking back down at Vivi. “It’s hard to sleep.”
“I see.”
The door opened, and Haseul looked up to see Heejin and Hyunjin walk in. Immediately, they came over to the bed and Heejin wrapped her in a tight hug as Hyunjin took Vivi’s other hand. It was relieving, if only a little, to see the girls Haseul had started this whole journey with. They’d found Haseul and Vivi after their tragedy, bloody and broken, and had taken them into their little group, becoming their new family. It was because of them that they’d started living again, devoting their life to saving the lives of others. Only Heejin and Hyunjin knew the truth about Haseul and Vivi’s background, so they would understand how devastated Haseul felt.
“I’m so sorry we’re only just now getting here,” Heejin said, still holding her tight. She seemed on the verge of crying, but she was holding it in. “We were out on an assignment with Hyejoo and Jinsoul when everything happened, and they immediately sent us with Chaewon to go find the terrorists. We only just got back.”
“Did you get them?” Haseul knew her voice was more weak and hoarse than usual, and Hyunjin sent her a worried glance when she heard it, but neither of them commented on it.
“We got them. They wont be hurting anyone else. At least, not that faction,” Hyunjin said, her eyes darkening. “It feels like there’s more of those assholes every day.”
“It’s because the world’s gone to hell,” Jungeun commented, shaking her head. “We’re doing all we can.”
“Is there anything you need from us, Haseul?” Heejin asked, concern laced in her voice. “Anything at all? We’re worried about you, really. You need to get some rest. We can get Jiwoo to take care of the nightmares for you.”
Haseul shook her head, tightening her grip on Vivi’s hand. “No. I can’t leave until she wakes up.”
The three women exchanged glances, but Haseul ignored them, focused on Vivi. Had she just moved?
“Okay, then,” Hyunjin said slowly, patting Vivi’s shoulder gently before backing away. “We’ll leave you alone. But please take care of yourself, Haseul. Everything is going to be okay.”
She didn’t really believe that, but Haseul nodded anyway.
“And stay strong,” Heejin added, giving Haseul one last hug before she joined the other girls at the end of the bed. “We’re rooting for you, Vivi. And we love you. Both.”
Haseul smiled a bit at this. “Thank you. I appreciate your support.”
“Of course.”
When the door shut behind them, Haseul slowly pulled the silver chain necklace out from under her shirt and rubbed her thumb over the bird charm. Half of the frog charm gleamed in the rising sun, and she reached up to pull Vivi’s necklace from under her shirt, revealing the other half of the frog and the deer.
“This way, Yeojin will always be with both of us,” Vivi had said as she cut the charm in half. Since then, neither of them had taken off the charms, despite the fact that they’d rusted and faded slightly over time. It was hard to take good care of something when you were constantly on the run, but they tried their best.
The charms were all they had left of their daughter.
“When you wake up,” Haseul said quietly, leaning in to kiss Vivi’s forehead. She felt warmer, and that was a good sign. She just had to hope. “Let’s get married. Just like we said we would.”
When they’d first joined Hyunjin and Heejin on the road, Vivi and Haseul had both been aloof, scared to get close or trust anyone. But slowly, as the other women began to join, they started to open themselves up again. They weren’t the only ones with tragedy in the background.
Heejin had been living her life as a successful vet, using her powers to speak to the animals and figure out their illnesses or issues. She’d never even been a hero, yet when the government propaganda started, the town and her own family had turned against her and she’d only escaped because Hyunjin showed up and saved her just in time. Hyunjin had been on the run herself, but when she saw Heejin cowering beside her overturned car with three people looming over her, she’d decided to help. Her poison claws had left them paralyzed, and ever since then, Hyunjin and Heejin had been on the run together.
Jiwoo had been a nurse who saved lives, only to have hers threatened. Sooyoung only survived because she could manipulate her townspeople in their minds long enough to get away, but her sister wasn’t so lucky. Jungeun never had a chance to hide her wings, making her an outcast since birth. Jinsoul had been forced to hide in a lake for days on end to escape, only surviving because she could make an air bubble around her head. Chaewon and Hyejoo had been current heroes, only to be accused of espionage by the government and forced to go into hiding. They were lucky they even got out, as other official heroes were turning up dead every day. Yerim, the last to join the group, had lost her entire family after being outed as a hero.
Everyone had scars and pain in their past, and when Haseul saw that, she couldn’t push them away. Instead, she became their leader, forcing herself to push her own grief aside so that she could take care of the group. Her decision added more weight to her shoulders, but she dealt with it, because she didn’t want any of the others to have to do it. She didn’t want anyone else to have to suffer.
On the morning of the third day, Vivi finally woke up. As soon as she shifted in the bed, letting out a small groan, Haseul jumped to her feet, leaning over the bed with wide, hopeful eyes. She watched with bated breath as the older woman blinked and moved, stretching out her legs and letting out a little whine before her eyes opened all the way. Relief washed over Haseul’s shoulders as she let out the breath she’d been holding and began to cry, wrapping her arms around Vivi’s shoulders.
“Your awake! Oh my god, you’re awake. I was so scared, you have no idea how scared I was.”
Slowly, Vivi reached up, hugging Haseul in return with weak limbs. “What happened?” Her voice was hoarse and Haseul moved away, touching her face gently. She could hardly believe this was happening.
“You were hurt really bad. Jiwoo was able to heal you but you’d lost a lot of blood. You’ve been out for three days.”
“Three?” Vivi blinked as she took Haseul’s hand. “Oh, that’s right. We were ambushed.” She swallowed, shivering slightly, and it suddenly struck home just how weak she looked. “I’m cold, Haseul.”
Immediately, Haseul jumped up, her heart pounding. She knew she probably looked a little crazy with the dark circles under her eyes and her hair and clothes mussed and askew, but she didn’t care. “Let me get some more blankets and grab Jiwoo. I can also get you some water and food. Would you like that?” At Vivi’s nod, she turned and jogged out of the room, running into the kitchen. There, the rest of the girls were eating breakfast, and they all turned to look at her with wide eyes when she burst into the room. “Vivi’s awake!”
“Vivi’s awake?”
“Oh, thank goodness, I was so scared!”
“That’s great!”
Jiwoo stood up, rolling up her sleeves. “I’ll go make sure she’s doing okay and that her vitals are stable. Sooyoung, can you come help me?”
“And she’s cold,” Haseul blurted, and Heejin jumped from her seat.
“I’ll grab blankets!”
“Let me get her some food, I bet she’s hungry.”
“Oh, and water! I bet she needs water!”
Haseul watched as the girls jumped up, all ready to help and all just as relieved as she was that Vivi was alive. Then, once again, tears began to roll down her face as she realized that she and Vivi were no longer alone in the world. They had a new family and wonderful friends who loved them and supported them. As she cried, tears a mix of relief and sadness, Hyunjin pulled her into a tight hug.
“Everything is going to be okay,” she said, and this tie, Haseul believed her.
Even with the help of Jiwoo’s healing powers, recovery was a long process. Some damage could not be undone, and Vivi was still very weak. She slept long hours and needed help doing even the smallest of things. But she was alive, and Haseul was happy to stay by her side through the process, there for whatever Vivi or Jiwoo needed from her.
One night, as they got into bed, Vivi turned to her with a serious face. “Haseul, there’s something I’ve been meaning to bring up to you.”
Blinking, Haseul sat up and propped herself up on her elbow. “What’s that?”
“When I was... asleep. For those three days. I had dreams, where I heard you talking to me. Were you really talking to me?”
“I did talk to you. Quite a lot, actually.”
Biting her lip, Vivi picked at her blanket. “So, um. Did you happen to tell me that you were going to marry me when I woke up?”
As she remembered everything she’d said, Haseul’s face flushed. “I-I did.”
“Did you mean it?”
Her heart skipped a beat as Vivi looked at her, dark eyes earnest. This was the first time they’d talked about marriage in over a year. For so long, they’d been scared. Scared of the future, scared to love, and scared to go forward. They’d been attached to the past, the perfect life that they had before all this happened. Talking about marriage had felt... wrong, without Yeojin there. But now, Haseul swallowed and squared her shoulders, reaching over to take her girlfriend’s hand. She was finally ready to move forward.
“I did. I meant every word I said. When I thought I might lose you.... I was so scared, but I also regretted never marrying you. All I want is to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you to be my wife, because I love you and I believe in us. No matter what the future has in store, I’m ready to face it as long as I’m with you. I’m ready to face this world if you’re beside me. I don’t have a ring or anything to make this official, but will you marry me, Kahei?”
A smile spread over Vivi’s face and she threw her arms around Haseul, knocking her back against the bed. “Yes, I’ll marry you!” As she pulled away, tears glistened in her eyes. “You know, as my life flashed before my eyes, when I almost died.... My main regret was not marrying you. We should have gotten married so long ago.” The silver chain fell out from her shirt and she smiled, affectionately touching her half of the frog chain. “I used to think that it would be... disrespectful if we got married after everything. To Yeojin, I mean. I used to think that I didn’t deserve to be happy anymore, because Yeojin didn’t get to live a full life because of me. But now that I’ve had time to think about it.... I think this is what she would have wanted. She was such a sweet girl, she would never have wanted us to be unhappy. I don’t know if I can go back to being Kahei. I’ve gotten so used to being Vivi. But I think I can finally move on.” The tears spilled over as she spoke, and Haseul pulled her back into a hug, holding her tight.
As they cried, holding each other, Haseul felt a small hand touch her face. It was brief and when she opened her eyes, nothing as there. But she’d felt it, and as Vivi locked eyes with her, she knew that she’d felt it too.
“Was that...?”
There was no real explanation for it. But Haseul felt herself smile as a weight lifted off her shoulders. “I think Yeojin just gave us her permission to be happy again.”
When Haseul had first imagined her wedding, she’d had a lot of dreams. She’d wanted a beautiful venue, expensive decorations, and a huge party. She’d never imagined that she would end up getting married in the back of a hideout, with makeshift decorations made out of rubble and whatever flowers the girls would find. She’d never imagined that she’d have to hand-sew her dress and scrounge for the wedding food.
But when she stood at the end of the makeshift aisle in her plain white dress, freshly healed flowers wrapped in plastic in her hand with the women that had become her new family grinning happily at her, she realized that she didn’t care if it wasn’t the wedding of her dreams. She was happy anyway.
Jungeun stood at the end of the aisle, dressed in a suit that was too big for her with her wings perked up and unfurled, and as Haseul approached her, she gave her a huge smile. “You look great.”
“Thanks, so do you.”
Heejin strummed her guitar and Hyunjin beside her started to sing a traditional wedding song, and Vivi stepped out from behind the white sheet Jiwoo and Sooyoung had hung up the day before. Haseul’s breath escaped her as she watched Vivi smile and move to the aisle, tucking her hair behind her ear. She was wearing a long lace veil, and her dress was longer than Haseul’s, touching the ground as she walked. Somehow, Chaewon had gotten her hands on some pearls and gems, apparently, because the white dress glittered and shined even without any light to reflect. She was beautiful, and Haseul was the most lucky woman in the world.
As Vivi moved into position in front of her, Haseul grinned, her heart pounding. “Wow,” she said, because she couldn’t get anything else out, and Vivi giggled, taking both of Haseul’s hands after handing off their flowers to Jiwoo.
“Wow to you too.”
Jungeun cleared her throat, interrupting them. “Friends, family. We are gathered here together today to celebrate the wedding of our dear Vivi and Haseul.” Her voice wavered a little bit as she tried to remember the rest of her speech. “Um, we before god....”
“You know, you can just skip that part,” Hyunjin hissed, making everyone laugh. Blushing, Jungeun shrugged.
“Okay. Our brides have prepared their own vows. Haseul, would you like to start?”
Taking a deep breath, Haseul nodded. “Yes. Vivi, we’ve been through a lot together. This year marks the tenth year since we shared our first kiss together. Back then, we were young heroes without a care in the world. A lot has happened since then, both good and bad, but because of you, I’ve continued to live and look towards the future. As long as I have you, I have hope. Vivi, I promise to always take care of you and stay by your side. I promise to always have your back. I promise to always look out for you. I promise to love you in sickness and in health. No matter what happens to us, I promise that I will always be your loyal wife, and that nothing will ever tear us apart. I love you. Always.”
Smiling, Vivi squeezed her hands. “Haseul, you said most of the things I wanted to say already, so you kind of stole my speech.” She giggled as everyone laughed before continuing. “But I want you to know that I love you. Even after everything we’ve had to go through, I love you with my entire being. I’ve never lost my faith in you, and even if you think you did, you’ve never let me down. I’ve always been able to depend on you, ever since our hero days. I want you to know that you can depend on me too. I promise that I’ll always take care of you, and that I’ll always stay by your side. I promise that I’ll love you despite everything that comes our way. I promise to continue living by your side. And I promise to stay your loyal, loving wife until I draw my last breath. I love you, Haseul. And I always will.”
Tears pricked at the back of Haseul’s eyes, but she pushed them away. She’d already cried enough tears.
“Haseul, do you take Vivi to be your kinda lawfully wedded wife, for now and forever?”
“I do.”
“And Vivi, do you take Haseul to be your kinda lawfully wedded wife, for now and forever?”
“I do!”
“Great!” Jungeun clapped her hands. “By the power that was bestowed on me by the online class I took two days ago, I now pronounce you wife and wife! You both may now kiss the bride!”
Haseul didn’t have to be told twice. She cupped Vivi’s head in her hands and leaned in, kissing her passionately as Vivi pulled her in closer with her arms wrapped around her shoulders. All around them, the girls began to cheer and Heejin strummed her guitar loudly as Chaewon turned the light into glitter, making it fall down gently around them as they kissed. As Haseul pulled away, she laughed, her heart truly full and happy for the first time in what felt like forever.
“I love you,” she said, and then she turned to the others. The girls, the women, her family. “I love you all too,” she said, and she meant it.
“We love you both! Congratulations!”
“Kiss again, I didn’t get a good photo!”
“Chaewon, I’m gonna kill you, I have glitter in my mouth!”
“Who’s problem is that, Hyunjin? Not mine!”
“Throw the bouquets, let’s see who gets married next!”
“Hey, Jinsoul we aren’t ready for that yet!”
The room exploded into lively, loud conversation, and Vivi moved closer, taking Haseul’s hand into her own and leaning her head on her shoulder. “I’m so glad we made it this far,” she said quietly, a smile on her lips. “I have hope for this world again.”
With light shoulders and bright eyes, Haseul looked up at the light coming in from the window. Perhaps it was her imagination, but there she saw the shadows of her past all smiling down at her, mixed in with the whispers of the future. And she smiled.
“So do I.”
19 notes · View notes
garden-uprooted · 5 years
“One body, two souls” (( god I can't imagine there being any personality that'd be worse to fuse Spinel's with than Dom's and vice versa and I MUST hear what your take on what that Hell Fusion would be like is omfggggggggggg ))
Send “One body, two souls” to see what I think the fusion of our muses would be like // Still Accepting!
Gemstone Name & Reasoning: Mookaite (yes I KNOW there’s no reason the gem would change since Spinel’s the only Gem in the fusion, but finding the gemstone for the fusion is half the fun, shut up-) 
Okay so I KNOW the name sounds weird, but I NEEDED a specific feel for the fusion to fully WORK, y’know? Their fusion would lack ANY sort of Spinel’s typical restraint; a completely wild free spirit. I needed a gemstone that encouraged the release of inhibitions and made you set your sights on things that you’d previously held yourself back from. 
“Embrace your wanderlust and let Mookaite be your spiritual compass, pointing you in the direction of adventure. Awaken your true potential with the energy of this stone, and pursue the passions you’ve put on hold. The willpower that mookaite stimulates in your solar plexus and root chakras will rouse in you a desire to explore new activities. Its exciting, yet comforting energy makes for a great travel companion for those on a solo journey.”
I would go into more detail, but in order to properly do that, I’d need to jump onto the next section uwu… 
Okay okay okay, SO. Obviously they’re a pretty toxic fusion. This should go without saying- two chaotic energies in ONE body?? 
… But it ISN’T because Spinel and Lord D DON’T get along, oh no..
It’s BECAUSE they get along so SWIMMINGLY. 
Spinel is naturally impulsive and reckless, sometimes, due to Trauma TM, and also just because she’s Like That, but she HAS self-restraint. She can tell (most of the time) when she’s gone too far with something. And Lord D, while not nearly AS hyperactive as Spinel (but ABSOLUTELY is also an ADHD mess), has undoubted patience and self-control, as well. 
They’re “bouncing off of the walls” off the shits chaos lesbians, but they both know how to reign themselves in. 
While fused as Mookaite, however?
That ALL goes out of the window.
They FEED into each other’s boundless thoughts- they ENCOURAGE each other’s deepest darkest carnal desires ALL in the name of 
Spinel is a people-pleaser, above all. She’s LITERALLY an entertainer, and she ADORES her job/”life purpose”. She won’t hesitate to change herself or mold herself into what others want/expect her to be so long as she looks up to and wants to impress said person. 
And DING DING DING, Lord Dominator fits that criteria. Spinel gladly falls into the more submissive role in their fusion- letting Lord D pull the strings from the back (AKA, the Front). 
A little confusing? Don’t worry, I’ll clear that up a little later down the line. 
For now, let’s just say that Mookaite is THE definition of discord and madness. She practically BATHES in the tears of others- RELISHES in pained cries as she tramples over (or SLASHES through) people. Jokes? Japes? Cruel pranks? Snarky remarks? Low blows to people’s self-esteem via honing in on their weaknesses and using it against them? 
You want it, Mookaite’s got it all! There are absolutely NO remnants of Spinel’s kindness or compassion to be had. It’s all overshadowed by the desire to be ACTIVE and to MOVE and to spend all of her child-like ENERGY (that has practically no limit to it, so long as they’re fused together). 
She’s INTELLIGENT, though. SCARILY so. A force that you DO. NOT. WANT. To reckon with. If she WANTS something, she GETS it. There is no escape, so don’t even bother hiding or running. 
A MASTER manipulator and strategist, as well as wild party animal and unrestrained force of destruction. She’ll gladly restrain herself long enough to string people along- only for the SWEET sweet eventual payment of said person’s bitter tears as they either have their heart, or their spine broken. 
…However… I WILL say that, SHOULD Mookaite ever encounter someone that Spinel KNOWS (and thus most likely automatically CARES about), and the Dom part of them goes “OH, someone to hurt/”prank”!!!”, Spinel WILL go “Wait wait wait, but- but they’re my FRIEND, I’m not gonna-??” 
It’s SO MUCH more DIFFICULT for Spinel to vent our her feelings/frustrations on someone who ISN’T a complete stranger to her. All of that empathy and WANT to be somebody’s very best friend never VANISHED. It just got restrained. 
The SECOND Mookaite tries to/decides to ATTACK/HURT, say, someone like STEVEN, Spinel takes full control and unfuses at once.
Physical Appearance:
Oh, they want to make sure they can at LEAST tower over most humans they encounter. I’d IMAGINE Dom is around 5′7″, and Spinel just barely naturally reaches 5′3″ in her current form (I headcanon she WAS 5′0″ or so before Pink left her- height is intimidating), and so Mookaite is looking to be around 6′5″ to possibly JUST shy of being 7′0″. Of course, they can stretch, still, so their natural standing height isn’t all THAT important. 
Remember how I described their personality earlier, though? What with Spinel playing the more subservient role while Dom takes the reigns? Yeah, that’s coming back into play here, baybey!!! 
While Mookaite takes on Dom’s slender and athletic physique and generally uses her body as a base, their face resembles Spinel’s the most. At first glance, SPINEL would seem like the dominant in the fusion, actually. 
However, in spite of that, Spinel’s loud and proud presence in Mookaite is only representative of her and Dom’s RELATIONSHIP. Dominator is Spinel’s enabler- turning her from a loose canon to one fully loaded and ready to fire; the consequences be damned. 
So, in actuality, Dom is still, naturally, the dominant. Spinel is just her willing (?) puppet to enact out their obscene horrors. 
Their hair is styled almost exactly like Dom’s- except it’s colored like Spinel’s, and it’s an absolute jagged frizzy mess. It kinda looks like they took a pair of scissors and tried to style it themselves, to be honest; but it’s stylish in the “manic pixie dream girl” way, if you know what I mean? 
Dom’s white hair shows in white streaks throughout. Mooktaite’s entire color scheme is themed around blacks, dark magentas/reds, deep browns, oranges, and yellows, to boot; drawing inspiration from the gemstone, Mookaite, itself, and Dominator’s attire. 
They keep Spinel’s poofy bottom, but it acts more like short shorts that flow seamlessly into Dom’s split dress; which is masterfully torn and tattered just at the knees. They also keep Spinel’s gloves- they just gain a more ragged look, as well, and are styled after Dom’s elbow-length ones. 
Say bye bye to Spinel’s fuckign clown shoes, tho, they’re Dom’s sneakers, now. RIP clown shoes. Ye shall be missed. 
Mookaite’s eyes are Forever Swirly And Crazed. It makes her look like she downed ten espresso shots in one sitting and went back to the coffee shop for more. Her mascara is also There, but it’s X2. 
It’s ALWAYS running down her face- yes, actually running down her chin and dripping right off. An endless supply of messy, drippy mascara that LOOKS like they’ve been crying in it for five hours, but 
Mookaite doesn’t CRY! 
On the outside. 
Oh, also, did I mention the fact that they have extra limbs? Typically it’s only just two arms and two legs, but as an extra “HEY, WATCH THIS, AND ALSO FUCK YOU!!!” they can sprout another pair of arms from their back at will. And yes it makes sickening cracking sounds, because Dominator has bones that CAN make those sounds. 
Does it ACTUALLY hurt her to do, though? 
Eh. Your choice. 
Oh oh oh and NATURALLY they have sharp, shark-like teeth. Why??? Would they NOT???? Bruh they’re fuckin off the wall, they’re demonic as all hell and so basically I Love Them 
…. Oh, and uh…. Sarah Stiles’ Spinel’s New Yorker accent that tends to be more of an undertone, than anything..? 
It’s fully pronounced in Mookaite. High pitched, squeaky, psychotic Betty Boop hours, folks.
My fingers hurt but you know how Spinel has her scythe, Suzie? And Dom can control magma and ice/frost? AND you know how they BOTH can stretch and extend their limbs/Dom is super flexible? 
Now, I’m not saying crazy fast contortionist that can wreck you from like twenty feet away, but- okay I totally am.
Something tells me Mookaite would be MUCH more a fan of hands-on fighting, though. Sure she COULD either suit up or use Dom’s powers and Spinel’s elasticity to one-hit KO their opponent, but where’s the FUN in THAT? 
And thus where Suzie comes in. 
Mookaite is a brick POWERHOUSE- chaotic demented laughter all the while while she SLASHES through her enemies; twirling through the air and jumping on top of/off of their shoulders or heads. She’s a bratty gamer girl about it the whole time, too; mocking her adversaries for being “too slow” or “not putting up enough of a fight/challenge”. 
She’s ALWAYS looking for fights and worthy opponents- swinging Suzie around like the huge scythe is a baton and not a VERY deadly weapon. She treats her like a prized cane half the time; preferring to have her fully activated and ready to go at the drop of a hat. 
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isthisatlantis · 5 years
About me tag!
i was tagged by @penicillinjimin and @jogeumdeo thank u loves 💜💜
1. How tall are you?
I’m 163 cm or 5′4
2. What color and style is your hair?
it’s dark brown, slightly curly, past my shoulders and i usually have it in a ponytail or bun
3. What color are your eyes?
4. Do you wear glasses?
I don’t need them but sometimes i wear fake ones for the fashion of it 
5. Do you wear braces?
nope and never have
6. What’s your fashion sense?
very varied, lots of hoodies, high waisted jeans, long skirts or dresses in the summer, t shirts
7. Full name?
Nina (I dont have a middle name and my last name i’m not ever gonna try, it’s always mispronounced)
8. Where were you born?
capital of slovenia, ljubljana
9. What kind of student are you?
a very stressed one jdhfhdfjd perfectionist, amibitious if it’s something i’m passionate abt, very visual, i get good grades and have very nice organized notes (i’m pretty proud of them)
10. Do you enjoy school?
I do but again if im passionate abt the subjects... i didnt like my last college major so i didnt enjoy it much but i’m gonna be doing a different major now and i’m looking forward to it a lot. overall tho i still like school bc i love learning and i need the structure it gives my life 
11. Favorite subject
economics (funny bc I was studying biotech)
12. Favorite TV Shows
good omens, the good fight, the blacklist, boston legal, major crimes, sanctuary, stargate, the x files, endeavour (these are the ones i rewatch regularly)
13. Favorite Movies
x men: first class, captain america: winter soldier, venom, van helsing, maurice, wilde, uhhhh i cant think of any more but there def are more
14. Favorite Books
i have to say good omens and maurice again, also sherlock holmes (any story i love all of them!!)
15. Favorite Past-time
listening to music, drawing, watching tv shows, bujo-ing, sometimes i like to cook, also pretenting i’m getting my life together, thats always fun
16. Do you have any regrets?
nothing major, maybe not staying in touch with a few particular people from my past 
17. Dream Job
well im gonna be studying criminology so something in that field
18. Would you ever get married?
the idea of marrying my dream girl sounds appealing but in real life it’s just a whole lot of legal stuff that i don’t wanna get into
19. Would you like to have kids?
no, but i’m not gonna say for sure that i’ll never change my mind
20. Do you like shopping?
i have major spender guilt so not really but i love fashion and clothes so also yes...but only if the stores arent crowded
21. Scariest Nightmare You’ve Had
i don’t remember ever having a really scary nightmare
22. Any enemies?
i somehow fall out with ppl pretty fast but i never actually know why jkdfkajhf none are like plotting againts me tho i hope
23. Any significant others?
just my best friends, theyre significant 🥺
24. Do you believe in miracles?
yes i do, because by some miracle im still out here living a pretty decent life
25. How are you?
right now im pretty good actually
I’m tagging @wtfhoeseok @pjmlog @lolacouldnotcareless @pjmskosmos @hosnack @taesseok @taetae-euphoria @vjimin @yoonminos only if u wanna do it 💜
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bthump · 6 years
watching jojo's bizarre adventure anime adaptation and seeing how much the anime team fixed araki (the mangaka)'s bad writing makes me rlly wish that if berserk gets a proper anime adaptation whoever does it will do the same with miura's writing (and some of his art too tbh). like for example for all their faults the berserk movies did improve casca's character. what are your wants for a potential full berserk anime adaptation? (also let's hope that this is the year we finally get one 🤞)
I never finished JJBA or watched the anime so idk, but I’m curious how much they changed. Like were there big changes to the plot, or was it mostly just little minor changes to smooth over some flaws?
ty for asking, and I apologize in advance for how long this got lol.
tbh I think my ideal, if not realistic, Berserk adaptation is one that just goes ‘fuck it’ and throws out most of the story lol. Starts with Black Swordsman, ends with Femto lowering his hand and letting Guts escape - well more specifically, on this panel:
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Like that is a perfect final shot imho.
(Also I might mirror it with the opening shot. Like I wouldn’t open on Guts fucking an apostle lmao, I don’t actually dislike that opening but it doesn’t fit this theoretical adaption. So how about we open on a long shot of Black Swordsman Guts surrounded by the ghosts he’s fighting, that mimics this?)
Ooh I might also… I might stick the Lost Children arc in between Snake Man and Count Slug. Ugggh there are some logistical issues to untangle there, but I really, really want Jill/Rosine Guts/Griffith parallels, and I want ghosts taunting Guts about becoming a monster like his friend. Subtlety is for cowards. Oh except we wouldn’t’ve seen Femto yet so that wouldn’t work. Well, “like him” then instead of “like your friend.” There now it’s foreshadowing 2 ways.
the climax of the story is the moment of sacrifice because there’s no Eclipse rape, Casca dies shortly after Judeau, and Guts’ horror at being sacrificed by Griffith is the emotional low point. Potentially no gtsca either if I can figure out a way to incorporate Guts’ stupid dream speech somewhere else. Maybe it can be a flashback during the Wyald fight, which I’d keep incidentally, sans attempted rape, w/ Guts talking to Erica. Actually yeah that would be perfect and immediately tie Guts’ “dream” of fighting stronger and stronger enemies with fighting monsters lol, meaning I could bypass Guts’ post Eclipse war declaration that draws that comparison more explicitly.
Boom, Berserk is now a nice little self-contained tragic story about two dudes each becoming solitary monsters because they abandoned each other for abstract dreams, and threw aside the potential for true emotional healing (relationships) for shallow coping mechanisms (swords/dreams). Uhhh, also Puck is cut. Sorry Puck, ilu but you’re a ray of hope that ruins the vibe here.
And finally since this is my ideal adaptation, the subtext between Guts and Griffith is text. They don’t actually fuck or kiss, because that would avert the Eclipse, but… hm how do you make it clear that they want to fuck but are too repressed to do it and that’s what ruins everything? Okay well Griffith’s torture chamber monologue includes “love” a la the anime dub, and maybe “desire” or “need” to completely remove that ambiguity desperately maintained in the minds of straight people. And Guts… I don’t know that I can go textual lol. The only point in the story he can possibly recognize his own feelings is chapter 71.
Ooh I got it. Just include “at that time he shone before me as something beautiful, noble, and larger than life” after the Count’s backstory lmao. Do you really need more? Well, maybe “he shone before me as something larger than life - noble, and… beautiful.” Or just cut to the chase completely: “At that time, he shone before me as something beautiful, noble, and larger-than-life. I loved him.”
OKAY all that said I feel like this wasn’t really what you’re asking lol since you mentioned a complete adaption. So okay assuming there are no huge major changes to the content or structure of the story, here’s a (stupidly long, like only read this if you for some reason enjoy seeing me ramble for days about minute details lmao) list of some more minor things I’d want to change:
I’d start with the Black Swordsman arc and continue as the manga goes. Yes, in this one Guts still fucks an apostle. This is right before the credits, and it’s depicted as badass and cool. In fact, I might actually split the scene with the credits - start the opening sequence right after Guts blows her up, and resume on this shot with more of a sombre tone:
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Like okay that would be pretty cheesy lol, but this is the Black Swordsman arc. It’s supposed to be a little campy, and really unsubtle, and this seems like a fun way of highlighting this little tonal shift.
Relatedly, I would not acknowledge the fact that most people watching already know where it’s going. I would maintain the integrity of the first arc in starting off with Guts as an apparent cool badass and then tearing that down, as well as keeping Griffith’s identity and Guts’ motivation a mystery in theory, and making the Count’s backstory the climax of this arc in a revelatory sense, rather than in an action sense.
To get more general, no fanservice for straight dudes. no one’s tits are randomly out, and when they are they’re drawn realistically and subject to the laws of gravity. casca’s clothes don’t get torn all the time, rosine’s got full moth fuzz coverage, farnese is wearing a shirt when guts takes her hostage and if we need self-flagellation (and tbh I wouldn’t necessarily cut it) it can be in a flashback, etc. Oh except Slan I guess. Her whole character is fanservice so w/e I’ll allow it.
not every woman is in love with and solely motivated by a dude. skip the queen’s completely unnecessary reveal that she was in love with julius, skip casca’s “I lived my life with the intent of sacrificing myself on my unrequited feelings for griffith” bullshit, skip sonia’s crush on neogriffith, skip tf out of schierke’s crush on guts, skip the random period of incest-y bdsm-y vibes in Farnese and Serpico’s backstory that adds nothing lol, skip the suggestions that Farnese is jealous of Casca’s history with Guts, etc
also most sexual assault scenes are cut. Casca is running for her life during the 100 man fight, not from attempted rapists. Wyald does not assault Casca, Farnese is not almost raped by a fucking horse, we chill out a bit on the sexual torture in every bg scene during the conviction arc jfc, Casca’s multiple assaults during that arc are cut, troll rape is cut, you get the point.
I’ll keep Adon’s shitty threats tho bc i feel like some violent misogyny is necessary if i’m not changing everything, but I’d completely lose the comic relief vibe he gets and make Casca’s fight with him properly epic and satisfying. The movie did this a bit better imo, but I’d really remove Adon’s whole boastful loser schtick. That might disappoint some fans, but idc Casca deserves to kill someone who is actually kind of a badass.
There’s a lot of bullshit around gtsca that I’m torn between wanting to cut, and instead wanting to just depict very negatively. Like would it be better if instead of Casca shyly asking Guts how she looks in a dress she just complained about the dress being uncomfortable, ie we completely cut that burgeoning “soft side” bs?
Or would it be better if she still asked him how she looks, then we call back to that moment when she gets awkward about her scars before sex, we keep Judeau musing on how she’s showing a soft side, we call back to that when he tells Guts to save her from leadership, we tie it all together when Guts asks Casca to leave with him, and bring it home by making it abundantly clear that Casca moving from being Griffith’s sword to Guts’ sword is not a positive change.
Like highlight everything negative about it - Guts being a huge dick, the ominous undertone when he invites her along (like cue the creepy cello music when they kiss right before we shift to monsters and behelits lol), all the parallels between him and Griffith wrt their dreams, Guts telling Casca to fuck off while he fights Wyald, maybe even add a moment where Casca actually reflects on how she’s left out of all the dream/equals bullshit and what that says about their priorities and how they see her. Might be a nice lead up to her telling Guts to leave to pursue his dream and be Griffith’s equal.
also maybe show that judeau is wrong about casca being better off away from the hawks? ugh there’s so much that would have to be reworked with her narrative. like if she still has to attempt suicide, again can we ditch the lead up about how it’s because she has an unrequited crush on griffith and just keep it about the fact that she hasn’t slept in a week and she’s on the run and her hawks keep dying and griffith is being tortured and she just stabbed guts and she’s had a very difficult year?
and like, maybe she leapt to accept Guts’ ‘come with me’ offer because she’s exhausted and emotionally overwhelmed, but are you kidding me? While Guts gets an entire narrative arc about abandoning his found family, Casca doesn’t even think about it for a moment before agreeing to ditch them? Can we maybe have some indication about how she feels about the Hawks as a family, maybe some reflection about why she would choose to leave, maybe some second thoughts about it after the Wyald fight when it becomes abundantly clear what her role would be while Guts pursues his dream, like god she’s such a pawn of the narrative, I hate it. Give her some real reasons for doing stuff!
ANYWAY moving on
like the movie, I’d give charlotte more agency in the sex scene w/ griffith, I liked her asking him to stay and moving his hand to her tit herself. I probably would not actually make griffith so out of it though - i enjoyed that in the movie but I don’t necessarily consider it in-character. The way he went from literally crying in the rain to smiling and making charming jokes as soon as Charlotte opened the window in the manga honestly makes perfect sense to me lol. Just uh, make Charlotte into it from the start because there’s zero reason for her not to be other than bad misogynistic cliches?
Also I feel like there’s a balance to be struck between depicting het sex as dude sticks his dick in, woman somehow has a good time a la the manga vs making guts and griffith competent at foreplay and oral a la the movies lol. Like maybe depict the sex scenes as the bad sex they are but Charlotte still feels closer to Griffith afterwards despite not coming from a dude fucking her while thinking about another dude and like, just keep Casca telling Guts he was obviously a virgin afterwards lol.
I guess we’re stuck with the Eclipse rape, but it happens mostly off screen and in close, telling but non-explicit details, like yk, big clawed hand holding a wrist, Casca’s eyes squeezed shut, Femto’s hand on the small of her back (I’m thinking a reversed call back to the wagon scene w/ that to suggest Femto’s motivation being a show of power tbqh). Some would be from Casca’s pov, with maybe one brief moment from Guts’ pov as he loses an eye or something. Keep the movie’s visual reference to Griffith saving her. No pornographic angles. No apostle rape prelude to it. Casca doesn’t have an orgasm. Femto doesn’t stare at Guts. It’s not about Guts at all for either of them, it’s about Femto taking Griffith’s fucked up relationship to sex and expressing it monstrously, and it’s about Casca being betrayed and symbolically negating the agency she fought for since Griffith threw her a sword. Guts’ reaction is horror and fear, not manly heroic outrage. He might still rip off his arm to attack Femto, but that would be because that’s always his reaction to whatever scares him, not for Casca’s sake. Might have to contextualize that with flashbacks to his childhood, or at the very least strong visual parallels to both his childhood and the Zodd + Wyald fights.
I want to cut the fetus, replace it with like a cronenburg-y fucked up dog-like demon in the Black Swordsman arc - not as a literal version of the Beast of Darkness, but just as a metaphor for how Guts’ inner darkness is twisting him into a pathetic asshole lol. But tbh cutting the fetus is a logistical nightmare because Casca needs magic protection during the Conviction arc. So idk. But NGriff doesn’t need it, and his narrative would be more engaging without that scapegoat. Fuck emotional ambiguity, I just want to drop the news that NGriff has feelings, and then not change anything else about his narrative. The themes of isolation and loneliness threaded throughout would just shine through lol it would be great.
I would emphasize the shit out of the Beast of Darkness/Femto parallels. Yeah Guts would still assault Casca in my adaption too. If the Eclipse rape happens, that has to happen because the point is that Guts’ inner darkness is the same. But like, I’d cut the page where beast of darkness guts bites her head off while raping her. Also I’d keep the visual parallel to the Eclipse rape (the v similarly depicted kisses) and add another from Casca’s point of view, or have her flashback then instead of just staying in Guts’ head.
as for the fallout, I’d give Guts a proper scene where he sees himself as a monster, like damn he got more of a self-reflective and telling reaction that time he accidentally killed a random kid, we should get something when he sexually assaults Casca. but overall I’d focus way more on Casca being afraid of him now rather than his mopey guilt. I would also… I mean god this should be addressed in the fact that Guts fucking wears the Berserk armour all the time lol. Like one second he’s all, “omg Flora can put a magic seal on my brand that’ll depower my magical evil jiminy cricket wolf and hopefully prevent me from raping and murdering Casca, that’s great!” and the next second he’s all, “omg magic armour I can wear that will enable me to kill everything with the side effect of superpowering my inner evil wolf and turning on my companions? sign me the fuck up I’m sure nothing bad could possibly happen with that.”
Like what I’m saying is I’d either make Guts a lot more reluctant to use the armour and take Skull Knight’s warnings seriously and genuinely reflect on the fact that mysterious magical children have to prevent him from murdering his friends over and over again, or I’d draw attention to this idiocy and fully commit to Guts as a dumbass hypocrite blithely walking down the path to more tragedy of his own making. and probably the latter based on where the story is likely to be headed lol.
in the lost children arc, I’d give Rosine’s mother more of a role as a good parent who Rosine has a loving relationship with, who tried and failed to stop her father’s abuse or something, because honestly I love the Peekaf story and I find Rosine’s regret at the end as she tries to fly home v powerful, but I hate the idea that she regrets sacrificing her abusive father so maybe this way I can split the difference.
and Jill’s ending where she goes home to endure abuse would be depicted much more darkly.
like straight up I’d depict Jill flying with Rosine as a truly beautiful moment, I would show that Jill has the potential to fulfill Rosine in a way her neverland kidnapping bullshit can’t and that yes, if Jill stayed with Rosine everything might actually work out and with Jill’s influence the whole land of the elves thing could be reworked into less of a nightmare and more of a haven lol. And Guts would absolutely be depicted as fully monstrous in comparison, ruining both these kids’ lives. Like, no ambiguity, no suggestion that Jill learned an important lesson about living with abuse lmao, no implication that Rosine brought her tragic end on herself by not being a good enough child abuse victim, just Guts sowing tragedy wherever he goes.
I have no idea how to deal with the conviction arc in general lol, specifically the ultra cynical tone the actual narrative seems to take. Like, the Black Swordsman arc was idealistic compared to the Conviction arc, they clash badly imo. Extremely badly. Like it’s a giant mess. It’s like
Black Swordsman Guts: fuck everyone who dies because they weren’t strong enough to deal with my existence. *turns and wipes away a tear* *lets a zombie kid stab him* *evokes pity from puck*Conviction Guts: fuck everyone who dies because they weren’t strong enough to deal with my existence. *poses with his sword in one hand and the rescued love interest in the other* *the crowd cheers* *luca nods sagely*
yk it’s just… awkward. It’s hard to mitigate through like, film choices yk, because a lot of it is due to the circumstances. Guts telling Puck innocent people are just ants under his feet is much different than Guts refusing to let the big bad kill Casca by telling him that tens of thousands of people can and should die because they pray too much lmao, no matter what music plays in the background. Guts’ attitude is the same, the narrative’s attitude is contradictory.
Maybe I could make Guts less of a dick and cut a lot of those cynical moments? Not really call attention to the fact that Guts is effectively sacrificing tens of thousands of refugees for Casca, or more accurately, for his own desire to feel like a hero since he isn’t even the one who saves Casca, he got distracted trying to fight the fake Godhand.
Or lol maybe I’ll just have Isidro point that out in like, a smug way. Maybe I’ll have NeoGriffith personally thank him for his contribution to his resurrection. I mean I really want to call this questionable shit into question, yk? Not to declare Guts wrong for wanting to save Casca, but to declare his cavalier idgaf attitude a big problem that has consequences. Which would actually tie in nicely with emphasizing Guts’ dumbassery in brushing off Skull Knight’s warnings about the armour and insisting it’s nbd. lol I really hope this is what Miura’s going for, just more subtlely.
Actually I wonder if I could get away with cutting Isidro out entirely. Anyone could’ve saved Casca there.
Oh I’d cut the hell out of a lot of Guts’ fight scenes in the MF arc, and if I could possibly get away with it I’d cut out everything on the beach after Skull Knight’s ominous warning. Like this might end up being the Griffith show for a while because Guts’ half is a fucking slog. And of course I’d cut the entire boat trip. They get on a boat, they get off a boat, the end.
Okay I need to stop somewhere. I’m ignoring a lot of later stuff because it’s so dependent on where the story’s going now that Casca is awake etc. Like eg the Moonlight Boy. Can I cut him? Give him a more ominous tone? Emphasize the saccharine tone he evokes for the sake of pulling the rug out from under the audience later? Will I be forced to make huge changes anyway because I can’t stand where the story ended up going? Idk it depends.
If I could tho I’d definitely cut Magnifico, Isidro, Ivalera, mermaid… like Farnese, Serpico, and Schierke are the only characters on Guts’ side who contribute to the story in a meaningful way. And without Isidro Puck could again too.
Oooh yk one thing that might be nice would be framing Farnese as the main protagonist of Guts’ half of the story during the MF arc. Just focus on her, show more stuff from her perspective, cut down a lot of fights but keep her digression back home, maybe give her some additional content that explores her character shift better, show her struggling more with her own inner darkness a bit when she first joins and give her some character beats as she slowly grows more comfortable with Casca, maybe put her backstory chapters in the first episode of a new season (a great season ender would be Guts walking away from the Hill of Swords js), etc.
lmao god I feel like I could keep going forever. sorry this is so meandering but ty for giving me the opportunity to go on and on about this. Is there anything you’d really like to change yourself?
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faunusrights · 6 years
another saturday, another series of me screaming. not much of an intro up here just a plunge straight tino desert bullfuckery. here we GO-
Then the mass at the core of them took shape, practically glowing from inside like a coal in a burner. Glynda recognized the patterns of gold surging with Aura along Cinder’s dress, the long strides which carried her over the molten remains of the stone spire.
we’re opening with this quote because i feel like i never did express how absolutely God Damn Sexy cinder is in this chapter. there is something VERY attractive abt having someone become SO POWERFUL they are completely overwhelming. this is going from a candle to a blowtorch. i’m very into it. i don’t think i ever said that before BUT HERE WE ARE.
im pretty sure this is their first real desert encounter but i wonder if glynda would have noticed any marginal increases to cinder’s fire bullshit if she hadn’t been so focused on the hunt..... but no glynda needs to whapped in her face with a wet fish before she notices JACK SHIT,
glynda yr EYES,
Even the slightest graze against her Aura invoked flash sweats, the heat of the desert paling in comparison.
i get that shit from sitting in a 24C bedroom i would be DEAD BY NOW,
i wonder how fire like this feels to cinder... ive written weiss as being immune to cold before (which is hilarious when she’s trying to articulate how cold something is to someone who actually, yknow, feels it) and im like... is cinder like ‘well this is toasty warm’... cinder whats yr body temp.... hello..........................
honestly i just wanna know, as someone who hates heat, what its like, to not hate it,
Too much, if she was being honest, but staying here meant death, and death meant failure.
my favourite character trope is people who think failure > death, and honestly it makes me think of hermione when shes like... we could get killed, or worse, expelled. im just rly enjoyin this HYPERFOCUSED GLYNDA OKAY.............. shes just so 👌 and also a moron,
“It must be the heat.”
/distantly: ‘its cause yr so hot,’
Yet for all that Cinder must have known what rushed at her back, she didn’t waver, her eyes set on Glynda, never straying.
i mean lets be real you’ll have read to the end of this chapter before reading my blathering like a total Foole so like... consider how terrifying it must be to have yr rival ignoring the danger (because she has nothing to fear) just to focus on u. so powerful! u’d shit yrself! there’s nothing in the WORLD to draw her attention from u..... Oh No,
glynda Yet again refuses to fear Anything do u kno how many times this stupid lesbian ends up in trouble because of this??? Too Many is the answer. too.... fuckign many.
Glynda was as vulnerable as a rabbit in a snare.
velvet scarlatina is en route to break yr bones,
A jolt of terrible recognition shot down her spine at the sight of Cinder Fall silhouetted against the sunlight filtering in, her dress billowing around her as her flame construct faded into nothing behind her.
i stan this Aesthetiq Bitch!!!!! like HONESTLY she stood there, waited for glynda to fuckin look up, posing, silhouetted, the billowing wind.... darth vader who? only one bitch has the pizzazz, the willpower, the flawless Look(tm), and its cinder.
It was like looking into a mirror and trying to parse the empty gaze staring back at her.
oh bitch what a good line THATS A GOOD LINE WHAT THE HELL
oh no like. thats really good, actually, like, oh no. THATS. MMMMMMM-
He would have to take her destroyed body back to Beacon, for she could never return to the only home she’d ever known by her own feet again.
god thats. Rough. like i love the whole desert arc bit thing because it is Full Of gifts but also. it takes away so much.
Cinder’s toes curled against the stone. “Leave.”
honestly the references to cinder’s sigils are. very good. she is Hot and i would like cinder to step on me, and also kill me maybe,
Cinder stood silent and still as a queen, watching her soldiers lower their heads as they passed her by.
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i was threatened and the threat came to PASS, WHAT THE FUCK,
god cinder is SO GOOD IN THIS REMASTER shes powerful, sexey, a small gay loser....................... i am Lovin It and im EATIN HER UP...... but srsly tho the thirst,
there ARE still a bunch of 👈😎👈 moments but we finally had one of the bigger juicy bits drop (AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN ALL OF THE JUICE YET..... CHUG CHUG BABEY) so its Fine and also-
Alerted by some miniscule sound, Cinder’s head turned, eyes gleaming like an animal’s by night.
THE GLOWY EYES HAVE COME TO PASS THIS CHAPTER GIVES SO MUCH oh my god i have been waiting on the glowy eyes for. Years. i am 97 years old,
Instead, Cinder examined Glynda closely before crouching carefully before her, one knee pressed into the ground.
‘will u marry me’ ‘wh-’ ‘im attracted to idiots and i gotta say u have maybe 2 braincells going for u rn,’
“The great Glynda Goodwitch, on her knees before the enemy.” Cinder said, thumb smoothing an errant tangle of blonde hair out of Glynda’s eyes. “Do you understand what I could do to you?”
im losing my FUCKIGN MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is. god. u kno in films where the bad guy flirts relentlessly in a position of power.... well i never cared for it because it was almost always hetero but as it turns out, like most things, when its gay i am HERE 4 IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red-hot and foreign, it was entirely unlike any other Aura Glynda had ever felt. In her years, Glynda had encountered hundreds of people and their Auras—but this was something dark and feral, wine-red and ichor-black, shooting scalding and angry through Glynda’s own body. A steady flow of blood or a seep of decay; Cinder’s Aura was so wild it barely felt human at all.
did i say i wouldnt 👈😎👈? jk i lied
honestly? diesel n kc can. die,,
god why is this scene SO...... WHY ARE THEY NOT KISSING YET, IS THE THING, IS THE QUESTION, I HAVE TO ASK-- like seriously this scene became. 3x more queer than it was before. are yall seeing this shit????????????
Just who was Cinder Fall?
okay so. okay. did i mention i love the desert arc? because i DO and i continue to LOVE IT and i cannot wait for the bullshit that was chapter 7 now chapter 9??? did i get that right i probably didnt. BUT STILL,
anyway this chapter was powerful and gay and i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CINDER, U SEXY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
haha here we go again
there's a lot of dumb ranting and 3 days worth of logs and a dream in here so im gonna spare evryone’s dashboard and just put it all under the cut.
tw bad memories, talk of unhealthy relations with food, and dreams about dead animals
I realized I kind of entirely forgot to write about what I did yesterday? I kind of did a lot. I know my mom wanted to work on getting tile laid out in front of her bathroom, so we worked together to scrub the concrete and wipe up all the dirt and dust and whatever was under the carpet and remove some of the nails in the floor and bring up a spiky metal strip between the bathroom door and where the carpet was. The other main thing I remember is deciding to continue work on my dress, sewing up the outer bodice, checking that the bodice and lining would fit together, deciding I’d rather have no different colored front panel, and working on the circle skirt. At first I tried cutting the fabric on my bed, but it wasn’t big enough and too lumpy. I contemplated asking my friends if I could borrow their dining table, but I ended up clearing off my own. After I traced and was in the middle of pinning, I accidentally knocked over a glass bowl that I had set on the chair. My mom heard it from the other room and had me come to her room to tell her what it was. She got angry at me, which I thought was fuckin stupid if it was an accident, but after some reflection while cleaning up the glass pieces, I kind of understood why. Mostly I got a little upset about 2 ceramic pieces I made during school breaking a little from the drop. One was a mushroom house from middle school that always makes me remember feeling like an asshole during peer review when I told my person to smooth their project more because I didn’t know “no improvement needed” was an option until I got back to my desk and saw my person saying it was good in all categories because everyone thought my project was great for some reason. The other was a bunch of flowers on a circle. It was the last project we did before quarantine hit, I think. That one is in less tough shape, just a couple flowers knocked off and a chip on one of them. They can both be glued back together, I guess. Then my mom called me back into her room to listen to her talk about wanting to eat huge amounts of food, because she’s clinically depressed with BPD and PTSD and DID and several other acronyms and her favorite coping mechanism is food, but her doctor put her on a diet so she can get her knees replaced, but recently she’s been getting into a zone where she talks about wanting to eat entire cakes and pizzas and buckets of kfc and a gallon of queso or whatever the fuck and she goes “doesn’t that sound GOOD?” And I have to laugh along and say “haha no that sounds bad actually” and get her a piece of ham or something. And every time she goes on her spiel the only thing I can think of is the greedy from the raggedy Ann and Andy musical. It’s just this horrible undulating orange blob that eats everything in sight and seeing it for the first time just made me think of mom and it made me very uncomfortable, with all the orange goo and hurling noises. Also reminds me of this horrible video game boss fight where it’s the apocalypse and a fat lady on a scooter took over the buffet and eats so much during her boss fight, during the defeat cutscene she projectile vomits everywhere and dies. My brother Greg showed me that thinking it was funny. I hated it, and I still do. He showed me a lot of things he thought were funny as a shitty little kid, and I remember several of them being very upsetting. It’s ok. I don’t want to dwell on it. But after cleaning the glass and talking to mom I brought my fabric to my room and called it a night. Oh wait my dad also helped me with some paperwork my coworker handed me so I could get on the payroll.
Today I woke up differently than I have in a long time. I set an alarm for 10 am so I could be at work by 11, but I woke up at 9 from a heavy sleep with dreams about hanging out with my friend in my room, worrying about my dirty house. I wanted to sleep longer, so I got up at 10 to have breakfast and get ready. I spent my shift changing the price tags all around the store, making everything more expensive. I’m gonna work again on Tuesday where I’ll learn how to use the register. I hope I don’t fuk it up, but I have a couple days to relax until then. Maybe I’ll work on my dress. My friends all want to go to prom together, so my new deadline will be March 2nd or a little before. I still need to buy a ticket, but I don’t have access to the link to buy one :( bleh I’m too tired right now to worry about this shit. I only worked 4 hours again today, but after I got home I felt like I could have worked longer if they gave me something else to do. The only price tags left to change were a bunch of grills and stuff I don’t know about but I don’t know if they had any other work for my to do. But I’m glad I went home tho because I was hungry and my feet hurt from standing lol. I did laundry and made myself dinner and washed my hair and drew a little bit and made the table and tbh the pacing of today has been so weird I don’t remember everything. It’s only 1am but I think I’m just gonna go to bed. my friends started talking about going to prom, and I really want to join them, but I can't figure out where/how to buy a ticket. my brain started being really mean to me, syaing that I was being annoying and pushy and that they didnt want me at prom for some reason, so I low-key almost made myself cry until my friend offered to let me be their platonic date since their partner couldn't go. 
last night I had a dream about a hard video game where when you played it, the black shadow enemies would fight you in real life, and one of them left imprints on my arm in the shape of lego bricks. they could only attack you so long as you played the game, and they tried to capture people and you were supposed to save them. I decided it was my time to play, and I walked into my garage that had turned into a cave with bat-people fused into the wall. I paid them no mind as I rescued a girl who was my irl brother, grabbing her hand and pulling her into another versoin of my garage which was uncorrupted and normal looking. she thanked me, and I said it was no problem. then I tricked her, telling her not to trust so easily, as I became one of the shadow enemies and engulfed her in a black sack, trapping her and leaving the room. I came back a couple minutes later, letting him free (now my brain told me he was my brother) telling him I just wanted to know if I was capable of tricking him, and didnt actually want to kill him or whatever.  another big chunk of my dream was taken up by me, my sister, and my dad visiting a run down petting zoo/gamestop. the petting zoo barn was very dark with low ceilings with lots of rabbits and pigs and hay. one of us accidentally killed either a pig or a tiger right next to the exit door, and I had to slink around the gamester trying to distract the owner and keep him from going in the barn and escaping at the same time. I dont remember how it ended, other than me waking up with a sore throat from breathing so deeply through my nose. I had slept on my stomach wit my pillow in my face so I could hardly breathe, and even after I woke up I felt like I wasnt getting enough air. I HATE that feeling, I always felt like I was suffocating in middle school for some reason. I thinkk somethings wrong with my airway but im not gonna do anything about it. im gonna continue to spend 80% of my day laying down so my resting heart rate and breathing speed is slower than an goddamn sloth. whatever.
right now as im laying in bed typing this I feel utterly unpoductive but I KNOW I did SOME shit today. but yeah mostly I relaxed. I worked on my dress, removing and replacing the blue front panel. I lost my exacto knife somewhere so I went to dollar tree to get a knockoff, along with snacks for mom and my sister. the blades aren't as sharp as exacto, but I still know where the name brands blades are so maybe Ill try and see if they're compatible. when I open the package everything was oily and gross, so I washed everything off with soap and water before I used them to cut the threads of the panel seams. I could have used my seam ripper but I wanted to get a replacement craft knife anyway. its kinda neat that it came with 6 different shaped blades for different crafts :) but uhh I also cut out the other half of the circle skirt of the dress, and I have a bunch of extra fabric left over. probably enough to make a whole other bodess if I wanted too. I used my sewing machine to attach the new front panel, and I was hoping to get more sewing done tonight, but when I asked my sister if it was ok for me to use my sewing machine (it right next to the wall between our rooms so she can hear it from there) she said she was going to bed soon so I just attatched the front panel and called it a night. so that kinda sucked. I still have another day tomorrow before I have to work again, and I can still work on my dress on Tuesday after work. idk why my brain thinks that one 4 hour shift is gonna take up my entire day lmao. I just have to get the whole thing done by may 2nd. GOD that reminds me, im gonna be so busy next month. I have six events back to back happening like every other day, plus work. oof. I'll have to let my boss know, but idk If that's gonna make him mad. I've already got pretty comfortable with the lady in charge of the garden center who’s taken lead position while the manager is on vacation, but I dont think I;ll every understand my boss. he’s a sarcastic busy old man and NOT AT ALL approachable. whatever. really the only other tings I did today were drink a shit ton of water play harvest moon, spend too much time on tiktok, and sraw a couple dum things for my friends’ princess au. I fucking HATE the drawing I did for Anna, so I designed her a secondary outfit more inspired by sky pirate bohemian vibes, since she rules over the floating islands. idk if I'll replace her old outfit with the new one in the lineup or just re-draw her old one with better shapes and composition and match the style better or what. I just need it changed eventually becasuse it looks like ass. tbh now that ve taken a little bit of time away from the princess au, there are a couple designs im not 100% satisfied with. but I know that if I go back and make them more detailed or whatever the’ll be more of a hassle to draw and aslkdfhalksdf I dont know anymore. I'm still tied up about color pallets and trying to give everyone a distinct color, and im a little upset it doesn't quite work, and FUCK dude the edgy one’s lore and character are weird and I kind of want to revise it to make it a little nicer but its not my character and I need to stop shoving my dirty little mitts into everyone’s ocs and AHAGHRGHGARGHHG idk man. her power is necromancy and she has a skeleton army, which I think I kinda cool, but I also think it would be neat if her powers extended beyond just that to communing with the dead, helping them find rest, and THEN maybe it can branch into helping fallen soldiers fight again to help them with unfinished buisness. and then if she goes feral and starts abusing her powers, she ignores all the communication and concent with the dead and instead magically rips them from thr ground to do her bidding and they’re uncontrollable and violent and aimless, just like her mind slipping from the magical blight infecting her. idk man we’re till working on a lot of lore. her concept could be SO COOL with just that little bit of extra thought, but so far it’s just MY POWER IS DEATH IM SO EDGY. ugh I know its fuckin rude to bash your friends oc ideas and I might be too overbearing and controlling of this au but dammit im tired and im mean sometimes and my ego is through the goddamn roof and im so sexy and im always right and my meat is huge. ah shit I rpomised my friend I would help her with character design for the dead king but I was busy when she firat asked me and now im not busy but im not doing it ugh. im just frustrated right now because I spent wayyyy to fuckin long just laying in bed watching tikotks and youtube and playing harvest moon an doing jack shit all day. but hey at least I attempted to get a new social security card again today. and them promptly gave up when they said my adress was invalid. again. I feel like im in an uncomfortable medium between having no plans and worrying about the future and having too many plans all the time oh my god. ive been so focused on getting a job and then having a job and making this dress I completely forgot about college shit. thankfully there's no hard deadlines coming up that I haven't already finished. whatever I dont really want to worry about all this hit right now, im just gonna take it one day at a time. (haha it feels like my angel oc just stepped in. how nice of him :) )
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franeridart · 7 years
hey I hope you're happy (since you obviously deserve it)
!!!!!!!!!! Thank you??? I hope you’re happy too, anon!!!
Anon said:Wow Tetsutetsu and Kaminari like a couple? Really? Ok, that is interesting, but I don’t know if it is possible. Why do you put them together?
I mean, it’s a crack ship, being possible isn’t really its point haha they’re not supposed to make much sense, as far as canon goes? If I remember right they do come from the same prefecture, so maybe they knew of each other/ knew each other before UA, but as far as I’m concerned my interest in the ship comes from the quirk compatibility, really. It’s nothing I put much thought into, and I do have many ships for both of them I like better, but the idea of the two of them together is fun so why not
Anon said:The kamitetsu was really cute!!! It was also really super cute when two people spoke at the same time/had the same thought you mixed their colors!!! That was honestly a very nice touch and cute! I love your art it makes me so happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! And I’m glad you liked that, for a while I thought mixing the colors like that was gonna make it confusing hahaha
Anon said:Just stopped by to say your artwork makes me so incredibly happy, and always improves my day!! I hope you have a great rest of the year because you deserve it!! Thank you for everything you do!
Sob thank you so much for taking the time to send this message!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Anon said:I’m sorry for clogging your inbox with this (you don’t have to write back), but wanted to say I hope you feel better real soon and also to say thank you (so very much!!) for sharing your art. Selfish of me to say so, but it really really has cheered me up after a bad day. Lots of love to you!
I’m!!!! So happy I could help you feel better, anon!!!!! I hope your day is going 100x better, right now!!!! And thank you for the well wishes ;u;
Anon said:have you thought about this or what do you think about it?: Tokoyami / Mina ?
Never thought about it before, actually :O but why not? I’m not sure they’d work as far as personalities go, but they’re definitely aesthetically pleasing next to each other! Their designs work well together haha
Anon said:*Climbs out of the chimney, covered in soot and very disgruntled* I’ll have you know, good sire. *Tips hat.* That I just read the entirety of the Dgray man because of your laven art. And I- *Dabs at eyes, voice cracking* -am having more feelings than I ever wanted.
AAAHHHHHH I’M SORRY FOR THE UNWANTED FEELS but I’m??? so glad you decided to check the manga out????????????? I hope you liked it oh g o d that manga is my life !!!
Anon said:This isn’t like a “secret request for a drawing” but don’t you think there needs to be a hug between Deku and All Might somewhere in the manga?!? I mean c'mon, Deku cries at the drop of a hat, someone give the boy a hug! Plus, I feel like All Might is a kind of father figure for Deku!! Sorry, I just needed to get that out XD. Love your artwork though!! My heart skips a beat at the sight of it. And my love for Baku and Kiri has been extended.
We actually had one tho!
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an heartbreaking moment I 100% understand why you’d remove from your memory tbh, I cried, I’m still crying
Anon said:OOF i love your OCs..
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Anon said:Heyyy I just wanted to say that I love your art with all my heart and the cat person/dog person one was so lovely.. I’m weak to kiribaku with animals.
So am I anon aaahhhhh !!!!!!!!! and thank you so so so so so much!!!!
Anon said:Just curious… do you have a personal favorite of your own art that you’ve posted?
Hmmmm not really, but if I had to pick one it’d be this one (which… does say something about my process and how to make it better……..) (a something I’m willingly ignoring) anyway usually what I’m the most satisfied with is the last thing I’ve posted haha
Anon said:Your art style brings out Kirishima’s adorableness even more. Holy heck I love how cute he is when you draw him. (And Bakugou and the rest of the kids too!)
THANK YOU!!!!!! I think it might be because I find him so incredibly cute, so I try to portray just how cute I think he is the most hahaha I’m glad I’m managing that well enough!!!!
Anon said: Hello~ Sending some love because you deserve it! I was having a shitty day (as always for me these days) and saw your Baku and Kiri cat & dog art and instantly felt a little better. My heart always feels lifted, and a smile replaces my tears, when I see your beautiful art! Even the kinda sad ones. If my heart hurts a bit from the sad arts, at least it’s because of the love expressed in the piece, and not heartache from personal things. Thank you, as always, for sharing your work.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the kind words oh my god!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just want to tell you i’m now 10000 times gayer than i was before i’m blushing so much at your latest bakushima art… it’s sososo Good, i love you
:O thank you!!!!! I love you lots too!!!!
Anon said: I see you ship Bakugo and Kiri together. Why do you ship them? Just wondering cause i love hearing why people ship certain people. P.S: i soooooooo ship them as well.
God, that’s one hard question to answer easily - I somewhat talked about it here? tho it was more specifically about why chapter 90 kills me haha but yeah to sum it up I’d say that my favorite ship for Kirishima is Bakugou because I think he’s the one that understands Kirishima best, the one that’s been there the most for him when Kirishima needed it, the one that always knows what to say to him and the one Kirishima holds onto when he needs strength, he’s the one that’s shown the most concern for Kirishima and the only one that’s actively done something to make him feel better when Kirishima needed it. He’s the one Kirishima gravitates towards the most and the one Kirishima shows most sides of himself to, too. And my favorite ship for Bakugou is Kirishima because Kirishima’s the only one that actually tries to see behind Bakugou’s anger, the one that since the start looked at him rage and saw a teen in pain, the only one that actually knows how to talk to him and the only one that doesn’t even need to try, he’s just naturally Bakugou’s perfect match in personality. He’s the one that likes Bakugou as he is, for what he is, not part of him but all of him, completely. He’s the one that’d risk his life for Bakugou no questions asked, and he’s the one Bakugou’s the most willing to spend time with, the one Bakugou talks to and shares with and accepts help from. 
I like the relationship they share with each other the most out of every other relationship they have with other characters because they’re comfortable with one another and care for one another in an active way, do everything they can to make sure the other is happy and safe. Because they’re each other’s strength and greatest ally and best friend. I like that they’re aware of each other, that they know each other, that they like each other - not in a subtext kind of way, but in an obvious, on screen, there-was-a-chapter-in-which-that-was-actually-spelled-out way. I like how Kirisihima always knows what’s up with Bakugou, and I like how he’s the proxy to go to when people don’t know where Bakugou is, and I like that he always knows. I like that it’s implied they spend a lot of time alone together. I like that Kirishima said that Bakugou has a broken way of talking, but he isn’t a bad guy and he can’t say he dislikes how Bakugou tends to make enemies left and right, and I like that Bakugou took his hand and smiled at him. I like that Bakugou never yells at him and always calls him by name and never ignores him, and I like that Kirishima calls him out on his rudeness but still likes him and supports him and follows him. I like their relationship the most because it’s the most important relationship for either of them, because it’s healthy and equal and happy, and I ship it because seeing it as romantic from where they stand now, to me, isn’t a huge step at all
And I like this ship above any other ship, even above the ships with other characters that share similar relationships as far as support and love goes, because they’re fun, and rowdy, and bright and loud and dynamic, and I have fun thinking about them interacting more than I have fun thinking about anyone else. And because they’re separately my favorite characters, and I think together they’d be the happiest they could ever manage, and I really, really want that for both them. To be happy with the person that understands them the most and loves and supports them the most, and with whom they can be the most comfortable and open and at peace. I think they could be home to each other, really. They’re a pretty obvious ship, to me haha
Anon said:My dude! Have you seen the trailer for the new Guillermo del Toro movie? Shape of water? It has some similarities to your shark kiri au!
I’ve read some things, yeah :O hadn’t really linked it to the AU tho, that’s an interesting observation !!!!
Anon said:the RR on baku’s wristband is for Red Riot, i assume? :)
YESSSS I tend to dress Bakugou in Red Riot merch a lot hahaha
Anon said:FRAN oml those bakugous??? Are amazing???? I love love love the lines so much they look so good and clean and sharp and I don’t have words but they’re just so so good the poses are amazing and ahhhhhh you did??? So good?? I feel like you’re constantly improving so much it’s amazing ahhhhhh I’m so in love w ur style I !!! Hope ur having a lovely day!!! Bless you
THANK!!!! YOU!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!! Holy shit I’m crying !!!!!!! g o ds o
Anon said:Hi! I’m new to the BNHA fandom, and really love your art! I’m just starting to get into BakuShima and TodoDeku too, but just a couple days ago I read you say that MomoJirou are also pretty obvious about their gayness, including one time you saying you’re completely sure Kirishima and Jirou have a crush on those two canonically and, could I ask you to explain this to me? I’m all about it, this is not a complain! I just want to know more about them, thank you!
I wouldn’t say they’re canonically into them, but I do feel like, if I were to point someone they might be romantically into, that’s who I’d point to hahaha but yeah Jirou and Momo! They haven’t appeared much in canon so after all there isn’t too much behind the ship, more for shortage of scenes than anything else, but Jirou tends to blush a lot around Momo, she’s really protective of Momo, she’s pointed out how cute Momo is on more than one occasion, and their friendship is seriously cute - they’re always together? And when they’re not Jirou gravitates towards Momo a lot, you see her in the background waving at Momo or walking towards Momo really really often - of course all of these things can (and most probably are) just proofs of their being best friends! But it’s a good relationship I love a lot, which is why I ship it~
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