#tho it was easier the second time bc I had the armor that one was weak to
nell0-0 · 4 months
Debating whether to look up on a guide how to beat Sigma in MMX 2 or spend hours again to figure it out myself.
I mean, both are tempting, but not sure I'll have the time this weekend to play for long enough for the second option. Hm...
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr year ep 2
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don't want to this will be long
No shenanigans at the begining way lowkey sad I love our intrepid heroes being dumb
Siobhan and Zac kick it off with SUCH good turns straight away we love (also emily's cutting words? delicious)
Them all discussing more stuff mid battle is so nice I love but also not Ally forgetting they could try to heal lol
"playing with you all at level 10 has never convinced me more that this game is unplayable at level 20. fucking unplayable" Brennan the man who I 100% have seen play att level 20. But we HAVE to stan the complaing I love them so much Murph especially I always laugh so much
Siobhan please we cannot be confident before rolls they go bad then
we were doing so well like seconds ago and now everything feels terrible
ARMOR OF AYDA omg my loves
Kristen and Riz are me when my friends are being to sexual but also Kristen please remember you and tracker?
NOT FABIAN FALLING AGAIN, and his idea was real good as well, but Ally yeeting the dice also a big mood
Lou's sass was so good I love im so much
only one person saving out of everyone is brutal why do dice currenntly hate them
Murph loosing it at Ally's saving throws being empty is so funny, and poor them gatting so defensive (also have they been doing it wrong this whole time then? has it never been written down? was is just a mistake on their season prep?)
Zac and Lou killed that look at me bit I'm sorry they are geniuses
I truly thought Brennan was gonna make this fight SO much easier and in many ways I get why he didn't but I'm not over it
Listen Murph is looking SO GOOD this season it legit distracted me for a few seconds I had to go back to understand what Brenan said about the van flipping I am a disaster queer through and through
this is so intense all of a sudden omgggg
Poor hangvan ily and know Gorgug will fix you tho
Oh no Kristen, but also the die deadass turned on them, sad vibes (also I miss good rolling Murph I know we had him for one ep but I loved him)
once again yeeting the dice is a mood and then the whole if i hit anyone bit, art tbh
AHHHHH that nat 1 followed by a nat 20 was magical, also Em is wearing the naddpod live shirt 😍 I was 110% with her tho I wanted Gorgug to get it so bad so that deception roll was EVERYTHING TO ME, Ayda claming Gorgug as the greatest wizard is legit one of my favorite things whenever they bring it up and support that theory my heart is so happy
Brenan just being like yes these npcs i made up for the media res are just for that they will die even if they don't
Zac has what healing thing? again not knowing enough about DnD makes me bad at knowing who can do what
shoutout to the two crew
listen this theme of exaustion specifically with school will end me like i cannot it hits too close
Moggy the doggy! we stan Adaine the little guys guy(gal?)
Did Cassandra text you? Nonstop
this flourish lacks flourish (me giving the finishing touches to art projects for university)
LISTEN Fig asking about first day of school outfit was literally Emily choosing violence omg I felt that deeply
I still have jump and i haven't used it so I'm just gonna... I love Zac
They all LOOSE IT at two more guys and I know it was mostly the players but honestly having an absolute laughing fit out of exaustion is another big mood and I felt both seen and called out (I have STROIES about this) and like it just fit the theme so well
there's two nat 1's, Lou's full discociated, Murph's loosing it, it's pure chaos for a bit but whoever did the closed captions? A+++ job
Kristen taking ths ice cream sandwich out and going to the hangman is gold (also I remember the pouch of ice cream sandwiches existing like I fully remeber Kristen usinf it before but i don't remeber when/where she gets it despite having just rewatched both freshman and sophomore years and it's bothering me)
I want the so tactical so late t-shirt
Fabian passed so I legit thought that was gonna work but you know what? it's funnier that it didn't
"I was a turncoat the whole time" is so funny for no reason, also Fabian babe, ily but like why do you wanna kiss a mirror it will not be enjoyable (also at this point Lou is either feeding into all the comp-het queer theories or is like the queer whisperer)
The father the son and the balthazar made me cackle
I have said this before in a post somewhere but while I get where Kristen is coming from so much like truly I'm right there with her but also I kinda hate how she's avoiding Cassandra but also I get it baby but also pls do better (or at least change tactics in odrer to to it lowkey unhealthily)
Fabian I promise you you can do better LMAO Riz, you are correct
Again to me Fig's hypothetical is like fighting words I'd be pissed and depressed
But also high school me would have loved a dance camp tbh (also to be able to dance in general rip my dancing dreams, taken away by a chronic issue and over protective parents)
"I think I do a really half hearted prayer of healling just because I don't.. trust you" I love Ally so much
ah yes the silliness is back but they are so tired
wanna stay at our place? we have so many beds
The entire ecaf bit was so good i cannot deal
Hallariel is saying Fabian's name more like the elves or am I tripping?
Gillear is slightly less pathetic! he won a cruise! oh and they are engaged, full step sibblings Fig and Fabian
also poor Fabian like he needs his parental figures here... Cathilda better stay or I'm personally gonna have words with Brennan, stop making them suffer they fuck up things alone
ALSOOO there is no way Gillear would not want to talk to Fig omg I'm fighting brennan again
Gillear luck... did Fig uncurse him by taking that deal and is she about to get his bad luck?
SKLONDA we stan
Brennan I swear to god this tiny goblin has saved the world three times what do you mean he cannot go to college I will fight you, this scene hit me so hard omg we were promised silliness not heart wrenching reality in my fantasy
I think Zac legitimately forgot the mirror didn't run away for like a second which makes it funnier but Fig IS just that good. 32 decepetion fool the character and the player
BRENAN what do you mean Zelda gave back his stuff this is DURING the seven where they are still TOGETHER I swear I will riot
Frosty fair mentioned twice it's connected to or the big thing this season
The Thistlespring are SO PRECIOUS
Jawbone and Sandra Lynn made a cake I can't deal, and it's belated birthdays omg the way I would cry
the justaposition of Emily's cackle and Ally's face to the dangers Fig and Kristen are dangerously and/or wildly close to being expell is so good
Lou choking on water at "we're allowed to fail a certain number of classes each semester" also real good treiler editing bc I thought that was 10000% connected to the you let your god die line that comes right before it on there
Fig's been multiclass since start of sophmore year, does she do warlock classes sometimes I wonder
I like that Jawbone is not judging here he's just like facts: you are failing and this is why, now we can see what we do about it
ouch that whole im swimming my head is liquid kristen thing felt dangerously close to me... I usually relate to gorgug and riz like i adore kristen but she's never me what is happening (this is not bad just me having like my 10th identity mini crisis this year)
THE AYDA ART she looks so bummed but so pretty.. but also Brenan I feel like I said I'll fight you a couple of times here but if we get no ayda I will fly to LA and fight you
I reached text limit will do a part two
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businesscasualart · 6 months
What's your favourite evil literary trope and favourite good literary trope, and if they battled which would win?
YOOOO. Yo. Yo. I’m already so excited to answer this, this is such a good question, even though I’m not …100% sure what this means. If I misconstrue what you’re saying or something I mention doesn’t qualify or you wanna hear about…idk, second favorites, you can totally ask again. I love talking about. Media. oughhh…hmmmm…oh, I’m gonna go on a while aren’t I? Sorry in advance.
Okay, like, any trope that occurs in books? Most of my favorite tropes are the same across any medium. Does like, a character trope work? Like an archetype? Bc I do have a lot of favorite archetypes if they count. They’re usually my favorite kinds of tropes and easier to label as good or evil.
My favorite type of evil character is probably the good ol’ mad scientist. I’m SUCH a sucker for them. Anyone who knows me will tell you.
As for good, heroic character…hm…is strong woman a trope? Like lady knights, buff ladies, the one woman in the military squad that does not get Love Interest-Ed and probably dies….I think it’s kinda a trope, a rarer one, but it’s there.
In a fight, it’s probably easier to guess who’ll win since they’re characters but it still depends to me. If we’re allowed weapons, prep time, etc. etc…mad scientist is probably winning. They tends to have more plot armor too, while strong ladies Usually aren’t the protagonists but more dispensable side characters. Sudden fist fight tho? Idk if it matters what kind of strong warrior lady we go with, mad scientists are so regularly portrayed as having the constitution of a paper bag. I love both tropes sm tho, when a mad scientist is good, when a buff lady is evil, when they meet, when they don’t, when they’re enemies, when they’re friends, when they working for each other, when they’re kissinWho said that
Now, if we mean ANYTHING BUT character tropes uhh. Well thankfully I’ve been watching a lot of Overly Sarcastic Productions, I got some fresh in my mind.
okay…so like…a good plot trope and a evil plot trope? Mmm that’s harder, uh.
Ooo can I say when the bad guy gets a redemption? Power of friendship style? It’s probably a good trope. I love it sm, idc how cheesy it can get. As long as it’s slapdash and not just so the hero can make out sloppy style with the villain in good conscious, I always get incredibly soft about it. If its the hero winning them over with friendship, if they’re just genuinely working for good now to suit their own selfish means, if it’s just the villain realizing “oh…I have Not been as good as I thought.”, if they just get bound by some dare or curse to work for good now, etc. it’s always so fun to me.
As far as evil? It’s harder for me to think of an evil plot trope. I’m tempted say like, the plot twist where a main character was the evil one all along? But I specifically love the ones where THAT CHARACTER did not know it until the twist, due to amnesia or brainwashing or they were a sleeper agent. It IS evil but is it a trope? And also it’s like, a gateway into “redemption of a bad character” but AGAIN. How about “the horrors were manmade all along”? You see some scary monster or some eldtrich god or kaiju or malfunctioning robot overlord and wonder how this happened, and it’s eventually revealed that like “oh. Some scientist had a lot of hubris. Some military group wanted a better weapon. Just some rich guy was curious. Behind the monster was a Frankenstein.”. Pretty good stuff imo. And I think it qualifies as evil. The horror is usually malicious and the creator is usually evil or at least misguided in some definition. Man I’m a sucker for a hubristic downfall…probably why I love mad scientists sm. Or vise versa.
Now, in a fight? I think “the horrors were manmade, humanity destroyed itself, the downfall of your hubris” is absolutely Destroying “bad guy become good guy [brought to you by friendship <3]”. The horrors May be able to be converted but like. Fat chance.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, IM SORRY I WENT ON SO LONG
I kept getting caught between ‘fanfic tag’ tropes (e.g. hurt/comfort, slow burn, fixit, only one bed, major character death, sickfic, etc.) and ‘that’s just whole genre of story’ tropes (e.g. noir detective, military group realizes they’ve been deceived and fighting for evil all along, uprising against big evil corporation, mundane boring guy doing mundane boring job is also an assassin, etc.) so I tried to keep it firmly in the middle, trying to think of normal book tropes. I’m hoping that’s what you meant? But if not, you can ask me again! I want to answer properly and I’ll happily go on again!…actually kinda hoping I got it wrong bc I disqualified so many tropes I adore while writing this, I’d love to rant about them XD maybe keep it more concise on any “next time”s though.
Thank you SM for such a good question! And if you or anyone else has their own they’d like to share, I’d be happy to listen :3c|
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jadlz · 3 years
would LOVE to hear about the comphet situation with mark
ok so lets like. take stock of sams situation at the beginning of the bright sessions. total shut-in, high anxiety, not familiar w adult socialization bc of these things. its even confirmed that her anxiety has kept her from questioning being queer. even aside from the lesbianism, she could be supressing some gender issues. “sam” instead of samantha, dissociation, “knight in shining armor” (tho i will get into that in just a second.)
she goes to therapy and finally has someone to talk to, but the relationship isnt reciprocal. theres a one-sidedness that prevents sam from having a proper friendship with joan. she meets chloe, who is slightly younger than her, and far more social, and feels out of her depth with her, because chloe knows what she’s thinking. (TAMA even points out the obvious crushes she had on both of them)
mark, though, she immediately has things in common with. time travel, lack of public socialization, nerd shit, etc. this is the first person she meets that she feels she is on even ground with (even though she is in the position of power). he is the first person she feels she can be honest with, whom has no hidden intentions, and wont judge her. she believes this- this reciprocal relationship- is love, because he is a boy and she likes him, and she has the power to help him. 
(her slightly predatory behavior even plays into this, because she is using his helplessness to further encourage her place in their power dynamic. she cares FOR him, she has pity FOR him. she takes the dominant role, the “masculine” role, the “knight” role. she, despite her anxiety, immediately assumes that to be her place. the knight in shining armor metaphor she adopts is obviously a parallel to damien’s (the venn diagram of sam and damien is a flat circle, etc)) 
by making mark the damsel in distress, she is denying his feelings importance to the dynamic, because that makes things real. she can like a boy, but once a boy likes her back, that becomes a very scary thing, because she’s never had a relationship before, and because she won’t know her place after he is saved. if he is not dependent on her, does she have a reason to keep being the one he loves? to keep “loving” him? to keep believing that the PITY she’s feeling IS love?
and the relationship doesnt work out, because she refuses to let go of that dynamic. she keeps trying to make him dependent on her, keeps trying to help him, and invades his privacy by trying to do so. after they break up and he leaves, she is relieved, because she doesnt know how to keep the dynamic up. she doesnt know how to love someone right (damien parallel again), because she didn’t really love him to begin with. then with mags...its suddenly a lot easier. weird how that works.
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themilky-way · 4 years
like water {din djarin}
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gif credit: no-droids
pairing: the mandalorian/din djarin x fem!reader
summary: when the one person he cares about is threatened, he lets himself indulge in the aftermath of defending them. 
warnings: some violence in the beginning, choking (not in the fun way), depictions of scratches, punches, and minor abrasions; the reader is hurt basically. oh and mando’s gun bc yeah❤️umm that’s it i think? nothing too horrible tho but if this thing triggers you, please don’t read !!
author’s note: not to be conceited or anything (is that even the right word for it lol?) but im super proud of how this turned out! requests are open btw for anyone who wishes to submit anything (if unsure, just ask which fandoms)!
cyar’ika-> darling, sweetheart
nothing in that exact moment had made much sense. one minute the most precious thing to ever exist to him was snatched away, and the next his hands were gripping the treasure beneath his holster. his knuckles were lily-white at this point, holding the gun as hard as his body would allow him to without crushing underneath him, and the urge to cock it made him visibly shake. he’d been given a command, and out of all the merciless men in the filthy galaxy, he needed to follow it, so his weapon of preference stayed where it needed to. 
the meager specks of emotion that still lived within him betrayed his prominent composure, the view in front of him blocked by the sudden glaze of his eyes. the small drops of saltwater puddled together in his now hazy orbs, holding on until it was nearly impossible to stay put and then rivered down his cheeks. the cause? well, you.
you were filling up the mandalorian’s line of vision, his eyes darting between you and the bounty that had gone wrong. an alienated hand was wrapped around your innocent throat, your feeble hands wrapped around its wrist in a dumb attempt to break free. the ground you were roaming on before appeared to be never ending, and in the same way, the darkened sky absorbed you whole. vertigo was now in full effect; any quick movement caused you to shut your eyes tightly and hope to the maker you’d get through it. it took a few seconds for you to regain your balance, a sharp pain pinging around your neck forcing you to find it. you half expected to be back on the mud again, to have the man you had spent the past year flying around with pulling you to safety. instead, you found din frozen in place, an instinctive action rooted in the steel handle of his pistol. he wasn’t moving, too scared to blink as if you’d disappear if he did. 
perhaps you were; someone like you seemed too good to be true. in all actuality, it may be that you were a fever dream, a celestial that had come down from the sanctity of your home to finally rescue him from his burdens. amidst his frantic glances, he reminisced every second he’d spent with you since your unforeseen arrival, and that somehow worked for him. the gears in his brain started to turn again, and with every ounce of his strength, he pounced on the quarry and did what he should’ve done the instant you were taken from him. anger took over his worry, the effects illustrating themselves in a collage of mitted fists and blood. the pistol residing on din’s waist was useless compared to his hits; the softened position of his jawbone was locked firmly as a result of his gritted teeth and he was going to need more than your delicate hand on his shoulders to ground his senses. 
the mandalorian never expected to succumb to anyone, nor to feel remotely joyful upon hearing someone’s laugh. the idea of kindling a relationship was ludicrous, utterly impossible if only he weren’t bound to the chains of his creed. oftentimes, he wondered if someone would one day traverse his path and make him question every moral he’d been taught. din had dismissed the thought, as any other member of his intricate society would have, but the wondrous insight depicting a different lifestyle always lingered faintly in his mind. 
today, the very same visions behind his recurrent insomnia framed themselves in a frail art piece. din’s focus laid directly ahead, the fingers navigating the center controls as tight as they’d been on his gun. his eyes deserved to rest, perhaps take in the splashes of color nature was offering him, but he landed them on the same lovely sculpture adorning his cockpit. 
you were seated in the chair adjacent from the pilot’s, with your knees closely tucked to your chest. one large scrape designed itself on your leg-a dull reminder of the ordeal you were involved in hours earlier-with flakes of arid blood protecting the wound. bouncing off the skin of your throat were shades of red and purple, now properly mixing into a deeper complexion that’d require you to hide it for some time. besides the scattered nicks living on your face, and the other couple dozen on your arms and legs, the outcome wasn’t as terrible as the one your attacker received. it was a rule of thumb to not mess with a mandalorian, much less with the pretty little lady clutching his arm as if it were second nature. the foolest of fools wouldn’t even have done such a foul thing, and this particular creature came to know the punishment for harming what wasn’t rightfully his. 
it truly amazed him; the way you seemed to be so unphased by a traumatic circumstance. the woman beside him-the same one who couldn’t sleep unless a window was open-had endured pain, and the marks on her skin proved themselves in jagged indications of it. through the darkened screen of his visor, din could make out your hands neatly intertwined around your folded knees, your chin simultaneously resting on top. you’d been as observant as you always were, hardly missing his actions as he navigated his newfound family to a safe stop. sure, you were unaware of the loving term he considered of you and the baby, but it didn’t hurt to keep it a secret, right?
“hey.” it came out more hoarse than he intended it to, but the emotion behind it flowed out nonetheless. “you okay?”
not really. i don’t feel good. it was easy to say exactly that, to speak the truth, but it was even easier to lie. for the sake of his own worry, at most. your eyes were still glued to his armor, taking in the rough outline of where you imagined his skin would be underneath, or moreso the abstract idea of feeling it with your hands. reflections of your yearning came and went like the mandalorian’s missions, almost impulsively at times, and the curious, teasing tilts his helmet would bid you only encouraged that craving. much like now; the black “T” of his expressionless face leaned to the side, asking you to earnestly respond. “mm, yeah. ‘m kinda tired, though,” you mumbled.
you threw him a lie and he caught it. “don’t lie to me.” din swiveled his chair to accordingly match the peripheral of yours, his elbows coming to rest on top of his beskar-clad legs. “can you look at me?” he inquired softly. then, his intent fell on the slow shift of your head and how it turned to face him, your cheek settling on your unscathed knee. a breath fell from his lips at the doting admiration swimming in your stare. “there she is,” he confirmed with an upward curl of his lips. “is there anything i can do?” it was sincere; a genuine concern to accompany his question. you hummed in response, fearful to accidentally voice the confessions you hid from him. you blinked once, twice, until his question became a plea. “please, cyar’ika.”
reasonably, you were too busy exploring the shape of his helmet, permitting your creative imagination to paint images of the man next to you; so when your ears perceived his sudden name of endearment, there was nothing amongst the stars that you could’ve possibly denied him from. “you’ve never called me that before,” you smiled, all big and brilliant. 
“i’ve wanted to,” the man replied. what resembled ages of pent up stress released with a few curated words. his muscles relaxed, something he never believed to be attainable given his vigorous profession. “god, i’ve wanted to.” 
he followed it with a humble laugh. a sound so familiar and warm, so genuine that it empowered your grin to spread higher. “by all means, keep saying it.” now it was your turn to nervously giggle, and him who embraced the noise with everything he could. a mutual infatuation, so wonderfully obvious, yet it was refused acknowledgment. “i think there is something you can do, though.” silence advised you to continue, “can i sleep with you tonight?” 
the misguided pieces of your minds’, maybe even your souls’, reattached themselves that very same night. as the both of you slept, hands, calloused and smooth, intimately merged against the cushions of the warrior’s bed. tender kisses planted to your forehead left electricity in their wake, and the dark ambiance of his dwelling favored the entanglement of your tired bodies. 
“i wish i could see you, din,” you sighed. the manner in which it was expressed, full of sleep and everything akin, urged him to lift your weightless wrist to his lips. 
“you’ll get to one day, cyar’ika. for now just let me hold you, yeah?”
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clonesandmoans · 4 years
Wrecker test Jedi like Mr Incredible yeet Elastigirl
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i wanna thank both of y’all for sending these in bc they gave me the first piece of clone inspo i’ve had in weeks and i really needed that. hopefully y’all won’t mind that this is more soft than comedic, maybe the 1k word count on this bad boy will make up for it. if it’s well-received, i might extend it on my personal? idk tho. but anywho, enjoy this fluff pile -jj
neither of you really intended for your relationship to go beyond what it was, what it always had been since you were folded into the ranks of the bad batch. the first instinct was to keep the clones at arm’s length, maintaining just enough friendliness to warrant trust on the battlefield but nothing more. growing attached wasn’t going to do anyone any good if you went and died on each other, but the longer you were both alive and around the other the harder it became to stomach it.
crosshair was far easier to be around than most would usually think. his low standards for others leave plenty of room for him to be pleasantly surprised when things go alright, so the occasional happier lilt in his voice is genuine and you know it is.
wrecker, though? despite the fact he let himself be read like a holonovel, it was like attempting to read a language you didn’t know. you had no idea how to talk to someone that was so open and honest, utterly devoid of any motives other than what he tells you. it was always “this means that” and “up means down” because not many people would trust a jedi so openly with their true feelings so brazenly.
but wrecker did. the more time spent with the enthusiastic animal loving pyro had him pouring his soul out to you right on the floor of the marauder. it was getting hard to not give him something back because you feared that he gave too much that he’d soon have nothing left.
so you tried to push away everything you’d been taught since the crèche about emotions and vulnerability and started to give pieces of yourself to wrecker and the guys. it worked wonders on missions, made you even more efficient because there was never a doubt whether someone would do what they said they would, be where they said they would be.
this newfound trust — along with what had turned out to be a trap — prompted the first throwing. the five of you were surrounded and almost everyone wounded in some form or another & escaping to higher ground meant life or death. you figured the plan would be for you to use the force and move them before bringing yourself to safety, but wrecker had other ideas.
once hunter’s mapped out an escape route, wrecker snatches tech by his back plates and throws as hard as he can. you’d never seen this display of strength and are absolutely gobsmacked, but you have the sense to use the force to push him a little farther and soften the landing. he does the same for hunter and crosshair and soon it’s just you and him left.
soon he’s right beside you and starting to grab you by the modified armor you wore painted in the same slate grey as the boys, but you moved from his reach the moment you felt him come towards you.
“let me throw you! you need to get with the others!”
“no! you won’t have a way to get to us!”
“i’ve got you for that, don’t i?”
there was something in his force signature, the trust and adoration, and something you didn’t have the experience to identify rolling into you like the waves of kamino against tipoca city. it told you that he knew with every fiber of himself that you were gonna get him out of there once you were safely on the ridge.
when he goes to grab you again you shake your head, pointing to a small area of respite from the droid’s blaster fire. you’re there in seconds and you can tell he’s wondering what you’re about to do but isn’t questioning whatever you’re thinking of. your lightsaber is quickly put away as your hands reach for his, giving them a soft squeeze before moving them together. he gets the hint to lock his fingers and he realizes how exactly he’s going to launch you.
the blaster fire was now centered on your little respite and it would only be minutes before they had you on the ground before them if you didn’t get out now. “on the count of three!” he nods quickly. “one, two, THREE!”
he put most of his strength behind that launch and you felt like you were flying. you turned your body towards him, back to your destination, and wrapped the force around wrecker, bringing him into the air with you.
he didn’t struggle against the hold you had on him, seeming to take comfort in the presence instead of being worried like you imagined he’d be with his discomfort for high places. oddly enough, he seemed to enjoy it, especially after you brought him even to you with a wide grin.
later, when asked about this moment, soaring through the air with his jedi while escaping from a seppie ambush, he’ll say that the only reason he wasn’t afraid of falling was because he knew you would catch him. he could feel your presence around him the entire time and nothing in him doubted that he was safe with you.
your recounting of the events that took place on that backwater planet have you reminiscent of the way he threw you, how you felt so free when soaring towards the rendezvous. it was nothing you’d felt before, nothing you thought you’d feel again until the next inevitable launching.
but then you’re back to the marauder and he collects you into his arms, holding you there as if you would be snatched away if he didn’t barricade you between them. he sinks to his knees with you and lets everything he’s feeling right then be known — the fear of losing you to the swarm in those final moments, the elation of feeling your force presence cocooning him like a soft blanket because that meant he had succeeded in protecting you, what he now told you was love with no words to be found.
and for the first time, you open yourself up the same as he did for you. showing yourself to someone else didn’t hurt the way your master had insisted it would. to you, it felt as if you were making a home in the arms of this clone, this man, this hero. if given the choice, you swear that you’d choose those arms over any temple.
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joneswuzhere · 5 years
in anticipation of episode 4.14, i watched ‘how to get away with murder’ s1
here’s my thoughts on how rd might be playing out an homage to the show, and on what these parallels might suggest to expect from the whole ‘jughead dies’ plot
below are complete spoilers for ‘how to get away with murder’ s1, a few spoilers for s2 and s3. and also. spoilers for donna tartt’s ‘the secret history.’ cool ok here we go
- first. we’re abbreviating the title to htg
- second. htg’s plot is pretty convoluted and out-of-order, so it’s hard to mention one thing without having to explain four other things. riverdale’s format is so chill in comparison. i apologize for repetition and confusing timeline discussion
- also, maybe u watched this show! or maybe u want to. or maybe ur impatient and just here for riverdale lol. i’m not going to make u scroll through a whole plot summary of htg’s first season. BUT i did write one up here if that’s something u want to read. it will probably make the following easier to understand, but i’ll do my best to make it accessible without that
- third. like i said, my goal here is finding potential parallels and, based on that, speculating on what rd is doing with this plot. i have no conclusions but i do have some thoughts and maybe you do too
- ok the basics of htg:
- this show is the visual inspiration for rd’s flash forward hook, as well as for the murder cover up in the woods.
- the show structure is: a main timeline, intercut occasionally with flash forwards to a murder that happens at the midseason point. similar to rd
- a difference: in rd, the flashes jump to different points over a period of days - burning their clothes, the search party, body identification, then the arrests, the line up, and then back to the ‘death’ scene. in htg, all the flashes jump to different points during one particular night, and only deal with the groups effort to dispose of the body and evidence.
- where was i. oh, but there’s 2 murders in htg. murder #1 happened before the series start point. in the main timeline, the investigation into murder #1 builds up to the midseason climax that results in murder #2 (the one the group is covering up).
- after the timeline has caught up to the midseason murder, then the flash forwards are replaced with flash backs that begin to reveal past details about murder #1.
- so right away, what stands out to me is the possibility that, once the main timeline catches up to whatever happens to jughead in the woods, rd will continue to follow this format. but what would rd flash back to? hang on,
- the genre here is inverted detective story, where instead of finding out someone was killed and following along to find out who did it,, you learn right away who’s doing the murdering and how. the mystery lies in whether they’ll get away with it and/or what led up to that point.
- in htg, murder #1 is a regular mystery, and murder #2 is inverted. in rd, jughead’s death is an inverted mystery, and there’s several other regular mysteries/deaths: chipping’s suspicious suicide, the old generation of the quill & skull society, + the missing kids that jughead and betty are investigating
- so it may transpire that we see flashbacks to those missing students, like moose or the stonewall 5. or maybe context on why chipping jumped, what dupont said to him. or a glimpse into fpj1′s time at stonewall. i’m spitballing
- hm a note on genre here: maybe there’s a conversation to be had about inverted murder mysteries and perfect murders (recall, the theme dupont assigned for the class). like, crime fiction specifically told through the perspective of getting away with it. (a perfect murder is specifically a murder that resists all explanation. no suspects, no evidence)
- ok. the first half of htg s1 is the lead up to the night of murder #2. the second half of the season focuses on how participating in and covering up a murder is affecting the people involved. grief, guilt, anxiety, nightmares. strain and changes in their relationships with each other, friends, and family. again, perhaps we’ll see rd focus on this in a similar way.
- hey btw, does that sound a little familiar to u? it might if you read the secret history. we already know this book is one of the influences behind rd’s s4 plot, but i was surprised at how much overlap is apparent between htg’s plot and the book plot. i made a chart about it lmao. more on that later
- what else fits into a parallel between rd and htg?
- some similarities between characters. htg has a group of law students from privileged backgrounds who are super competitive with each other, similar to the stonewall kids. and there’s the one outsider student who gets into the class last minute, is far less privileged, and who has a tragic past and a head for snooping and investigation.
- there’s a student/teacher affair that gets violent. it goes down pretty much the opposite of in rd; the girl gets pregnant, is totally in love, suggests the affair should be revealed to the teacher’s wife, and then she goes missing and turns up dead (murder #1)
- also, unlike rd where we have only donna’s word, in htg the affair is confirmed, and revealed through a bunch of evidence - dick pics on phones and postmortem pregnancy results, etc
- some other minor details from the show that the rd writers may have reflected upon:
- a window jumper suicide. circumstances very not the same tho
- a blink-and-miss-it scene with a dog named mr. chips, which is the nickname of the film character who rd’s mr. chipping is probably named after (goodbye mr. chips)
- also, ok. the 2 murders story is the show’s long A plot, but each episode also has a short B plot in the form of court cases that annalise and her group of student/interns work on. (btw lead character annalise is a criminal defense lawyer & law professor). details worth mentioning from some of these subplots:
- there’s a case involving cult brainwashing. a former devotee is charged with something terroristic with a bomb she did years ago, idk. annalise has her visit her old cult leader in prison to ask him to help her by testifying that he forced her to participate. this backfires - she falls back under his sway, he escapes custody during the trial, and they run away together, abandoning the family she made after leaving the cult
- in this ep the patty hearst trial is mentioned - the difficulty of trying to legally prove someone acted under duress, or prove they were brainwashed. and how trying to claim both at the same time is a terrible legal defense
- in another case, a woman is charged with murdering her housemaid while sleepwalking. she resists help from annalise bc she feels so guilty. the woman says ‘can u imagine waking up to realize that you killed somebody you loved? that’s what i did.’ except she didn’t; they figure out she was being framed by the real killer, her husband, who was jealous bc he thought he was the only one sleeping with the maid but he found out his teen son was too. yikes
- there is so much cheating in this show smh. anyway,
- these subplots are interesting to compare to rd, but sort of trivial in terms of htg’s overall plot. so what happens in the A plot after murder #2?
- a catch-up if u skipped the plot summary: annalise keating, lawyer, professor, is the central character. she’s direct, takes no shit, and puts up an emotionally impervious wall that keeps almost everyone out. but it’s also apparent from ep1 that she’s really suffering - her marriage is falling apart, she’s cheating and finds out her husband, sam, is too. they agree to repair things and sam seems to be making a big effort, but she keeps catching him in lies that point toward murder #1.
- in the latter half of the season, while she’s helping make sure the kids get away with murder #2 (they accidentally kill sam while pursuing him as the murder suspect), annalise’s grieving process is a focus. there’s an emphasis on her appearance as her armor, guarding her complicated grief over the trauma of her loss and the destruction of her trust. her cold exterior is both a protection and, at the same time, a point of suspicion for police, lawyers, and public who wonder how she can be so unaffected. meanwhile, in private, she has a total breakdown.
- this builds from a parallel that’s played with throughout the season - annalise’s control of her image vs hiding or confronting the truth. like, at one point, it’s evening, she wipes off all her makeup and pulls off her wig, then turns barefaced to her husband and asks him bluntly for the truth, why she caught him in a huge lie. and the flip side, later walking around with her whole look in place, as if nothing is wrong, is part of her effort to cover up the murder.
- i bring this up bc it reminds me of something that (the brilliant, the illuminating) @bettycooperoutfitwatch​ talked about in her 4.05 post, regarding That Sweater.
- in this post, at the flash forward arrest scene, she points out ‘it’s betty cooper in disguise as betty cooper.’ which, like. i’m floored by this observation
- the persona betty originally created to conform to her parents’ unattainable expectations of perfection and normality, now (not for the first time) dialed up and re-purposed to try to disperse suspicion???? love this
- annalise and betty are very Not alike as characters. but it seems that betty, like annalise, will be involved in the murder of her loved one. i’m interested to see if rd will follow htg’s emphasis on emotional turmoil and pretense in the aftermath of trying to get away with something horrible
- oh but that reminds me, i promised a chart
- i haven’t read the secret history and i have no desire to, but i foraged enough details to be able to point out some bare bones similarities going on here. it’s important to include this bc, at the moment, it complicates any attempt to figure out which, if either, inverted murder plot rd might be paralleling at any time.
- in other words, all my speculations here about htg parallels might be worthless bc i might be looking at the wrong text. it’s cool, i think that makes it more fun
- book spoilers in here. sorry it’s small, u can try to zoom in here
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- please feel free to jump in with corrections or more details if you’ve read the book
- [update as of 2/25: i’m reading the fuckin book after all, so i may make another post with an updated chart at some point. maybe]
- last thing. in htg, the inverted mystery (whether or not the kids get away with it) is resolved by annalise planting evidence that frames someone else (whom she chooses bc she’s confident she can get him safely out of the charges). the bottom line there is: someone innocent is framed for murder #2.
- and then a new development - one kid involved in murder #2 freaks out and may decide to turn the others in - leads to a 3rd death. hm (post s4 update: that’s jonathan i guess)
- actually no, the real last thing. wikipedia says there’s a subplot in htg s2 that involves blackmailing annalise and others with uhhhh creepy surveillance videos of them, some that incriminate them in murder #2.
- and then, in s3, drawn out over another series of flash forwards, there’s a character death reveal... of the guy who’s most in parallel to jughead.... lmao. and speak nothing of s6. so like, there’s definitely potential for more or continuing parallels here
- i kind of hope not though, bc i don’t have it in me to watch more of this show. it’s Very high strung, i can’t deal with it (post s4 update: no i never watched any more of this show but yes, that was all definitely used by rd)
- bonus: wait do u want some of my opinions on the actual show?? favorite characters: annalise, bonnie, and oliver. i liked the fast pace but the constant tension stressed me out. also, not enough lesbians; i kept expecting bonnie and annalise to kiss. the guy who plays wes.... not a very good actor, is he? viola davis though: amazing. that’s all. watch if u like stress. sorry i spoiled everything
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blookmallow · 5 years
and finally, the conclusion of the dark brotherhood questline 
i have been through so much and lost so much but i gained the one thing that matters most of all.....  cicero’s heart 
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these aren’t the real emperor’s clothes but i have this still,
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i put it on the dawnstar sanctuary mannequin with the jester hat lmao
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:( my favorite guard friend who hangs out around the shops in the mornings with me is onto me 
hes not hostile or reporting me to the jarl or anything at least tho 
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Dont woRRY About It
i did have guards after me for a while (i had. several just go ‘ok ill let you off this time :)’ bc. i. asked nicely. after attempting to assassinate the emperor of skyrim) but eventually just paid my bounty and they were like ok you’re good and now apparently everyone has completely forgotten That Time I Tried To Murder The Fucking Emperor 
anyway after the fucking massacre that happened at the sanctuary i was absolutely Out For Blood
i mean like....... i realize maro is completely justified here. we are in fact a league of assassins guilty of murdering A Lot of people, we very much did make a real attempt on the emperor’s life (and killed his double, who was less important but still like, an innocent guy, presumably)(or even if it was like that death note thing where its actually a criminal on death row anyway, like, we clearly didnt know that) and i did personally murder maro’s son and ruin his reputation, so. like. we are the bad guys in this situation no matter how you look at it lmao but STILL THOSE WERE MY FRIENDS, FUCKER
so i decided to murder him out of pure spite, but. uh
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im trying to remember what the fuck even happened here im clearly. underwater, i think maybe i like. confronted him and he got hostile but i jumped off the pier and the guards were like “woah that guy’s losing it” and intervened but he fought them too or something ??? ??  I DONT KNOW BUT THE GUARDS KILLED HIM FOR ME :’) thanks guys 
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i got all the way here without anyone even seeing me (i used a couple invisibility potions for the really tricky spots, but still) i could absolutely have just done this and avoided the entire everything. god 
anyway i again dont really understand the politics of skyrim but. the real emperor was expecting me to find him one way or another. he had already accepted his death and made peace with it. it was. actually kind of sad. i dont know enough to say whether he was actually a decent guy or not but he seemed like he was. i couldnt bring myself to steal his clothes so i still just have the duplicate emperor’s clothes but it looks the same anyway
i took a war axe from one of his displays though. i dont remember if i already mentioned my ongoing tradition of always taking something from my victims and enchanting them later to mark who it belonged to, but thats a thing ive been doing. little murder scrapbook
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im not really sure how murdering the emperor counts as “serving the empire” but sure ok 
i also killed this guy lmao the emperor’s last wish was for me to kill whoever it was that betrayed him and i dont like this dude in the first place so i was like yea you got it 
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i built a memorial with the weapons rack in my room in the dawnstar sanctuary
enchanted special weapons for each of our fallen members (left to right it’s astrid, arnbjorn, festus, gabriella, and veezara) (i also later added another dagger for lis bc i had one space left) 
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theres also gemstones on the floor beneath each weapon but they keep sliding out of place :’ | 
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you can see the game autosaving in the corner bc i had Just come out of the sanctuary lmao thats how lightning fast i reacted to this 
[sobbing] baby boy.... baby.... i was SO WORRIED
i murdered the fucking emperor of skyrim bc i was so desperate to continue this questline to see if cicero would come back I DID ALL OF THIS FOR YOU.....
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(he pranked me and pretended he was gonna kill me at first. i almost lost it thinking he STILL wouldnt forgive me but it was ok :’) u got me, ) 
sniffs...... best friends forever........ this is the best possible outcome this is all ive ever wanted it was all worth it for this 
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we got our window back!!!!! also ft cicero subtitle photobombing me with his boundless enthusiasm for murder but i forgive him 
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oof we also have... a bunch of torture victims hanging around now too :’ ) oh
i kinda feel bad about them but there doesnt seem to be an option to let them go, 
i mean i could just kill them all i guess. i killed one guy to see if i could. you Can. his body is still there. nobody seemed to care that i killed him
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i fuckign love this cute little shit. what the fuck. this is such justice too everyone was so rude to him, everyone made fun of him and talked down to him, everyone wanted him dead after he went after astrid, but she sold us out and got everyone killed, he was RIGHT, and now hes the right-hand-man to the Listener who is now ALSO the leader of the brotherhood. he’s basically second in command to the entire organization now and nobody can do a goddamn thing about it bc they all KNOW not to fuck with me now 
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i also realized hes taller than me and i dont like it, :’)
im still deciding medea’s taller than him anyway i dont care. she would be taller than the character model is allowing for
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he likes to randomly start singing/humming really off key/dancing around its SO cute.... im lov him...............
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darling..... calm down, :’) 
hes so completely devoted to me now im in pain
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i realized i could tell him to go to sleep and he actually did it the absolute madman 
he gets up if you try to sleep beside him though
i mean. not that i tried that or anything
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he stands SO close to me all the time.... i turn around and hes right there beaming adoringly at me. i cant do this 
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he kept saying mother needed some flowers so i took him out to collect some nightshade for her n dropped them around her feet 
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“whats the point of thievery lol like..... just kill them?????? stupid” 
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having cicero constantly two feet behind me jus making cute comments and/or half singing The Weirdest Shit I Have Ever Heard is absolutely delightful 
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ur so cute when you’re threatening people
he also hates the forsworn see we’re in sync
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me, the leader of the brotherhood, in full brotherhood armor, with cicero following right behind me giggling to himself about murder:
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franeridart · 6 years
dude your recent demon & angel kiribaku art reminds me a little bit of aziraphale and crowley from good omens!! like aziraphale would be angrier as baku obvs but still i thought of it and it made me happy lol
A lot of people have mentioned that in the tags/under the post and that makes me!!! super happy!!!! Good Omens is one of my fav books and Crowley one of my fav characters, so the comment feels nice! I wasn’t specifically thinking about them when drawing it, but possibly a bit I was influenced anyway!! I wonder if what made everyone think about them was Kiri’s sunglasses? It’s not noticeable but I did give him glowing eyes too after all haha
Anon said:Have you ever thought about how op a TodoBakuDeku fusion would be? (if they could stay together that is lol!)
Never thought of it tbh, but at this point I’m pretty sure with a lot of work on Baku’s part they’d be able to stick together long enough! He wouldn’t find it comfortable but they’d def be one of the strongest three-people-fusions in the class - not the strongest, tho, since they all have the same sort of straightforward offensive power when it comes to their quirks, I think I could find three people who’d make a stronger fusion... Baku Kiri and Momo, for example, would be even more impressive imho! Since all their quirks cover a different field, and their minds/personalities mesh well enough to have the right amount of planning and instinctive reaction/self-preservation and safety of others/pride and self-doubt/lawfulness and chaotic acting and so on. Even just as a team, without counting them as a fusion, I think they’d make one of the most balanced ones! Compared to that putting Todo Deku and Baku in the same place is just a recipe for disaster more often than not haha
Anon said:no, i move slow, I wanna stop time, I'll sit here til I find the,, inspiration to draw,,,,,,
LMAO it’s a song about art block after all, I feel every word in it a whole damn lot hahaha
Anon said:Art block or no art block, I love everything you come up with 💜
AW HECK ANON you’re so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Mixing thei hero names? So uuuh King Riot?
We still don’t know Baku’s hero name, so anything might be, really! It’s why I didn’t outright have Kiri mention any idea, I got no clue myself where he was going with it haha it’d be cool if his hero name were Ground Zero, because it’d mix well with Red Riot imho (Red Zero or Ground Riot or Red Ground, they all sound nice!) but what if Baku’s hero name ends up just being Katsuki, after all? How do you mix that with Red Riot? (the answer is Red Victory, or Akatsu!! from akai (red) + katsu !! ngl I’ve thought about this a lot lmao) anyway so many possibilities so little known facts!
Anon said:I love the details on Kiri and Baku's skin. Great job!!
Anon said:!!!!!!!!!! fran oh my god your zine piece is so beautiful!!!!!!!
Sob thank youuu!!!! I’m glad you liked it!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got my zine and the art and writing was so lovely, i loved your comic at the end. an amazing way to end the zine♡
THANK YOU!!!! I’m jelly, I still haven’t gotten mine ;O; I hope the comic was easy to read even in printed form, I’ve been worried about that for months hahaha rip at least there’s the pdf
Anon said: i’m in love with your kiri bday art!!!! with the colorless art like that, are we allowed to color it? of course no posting it, but just for fun.
If you promise not to post it, I’m cool with it! Thank you for liking it enough to want to do that!!! Seriously tho don’t post it if you do
Anon said:Can you draw more kamisero? g u d q u a l i t y s h i p ma' dude.
Maybe? Currently it really isn’t between my top priorities but who knows
Anon said:FRANNNNN!!!! Your comic for the Take My Hand zine!!!! I'm gonna cry! It's so beautiful and the boys are so perfect! Your art is so amazing, I was so thrilled to see your piece. Not to mention the detail you put in. Their hands killed me! With Bakugou's palms and Kiri's arms! Ugh, I just can't, I love it so much.
I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE HANDS it’s weird bc that one panel is probably my fav in the comic and I was so sure no one was gonna really notice it but!! So many people did!!!!! It makes me so happy oh man ;O;
Anon said:Hey coulda maybe make a traitor Kaminari comic?
Nope! No traitor arts here, sorry! SInce I don’t believe any of the theories to the point of finding them outright laughable, any art I could ever make about it would just come out looking either fake or ridiculous and no one wants to see that lmao
Anon said:your take my hand comic!!! it's so good!! thank you for doing the boys so well ;;;
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if you remember, but a couple months ago I asked if it'd be okay for me to write something based on a few of your art pieces. Would that still be alright? Your art is gorgeous and makes my brain think and brings joy to me all the time ^^ would absolutely link to the art and credit you. that's not even a question :)
That still depends on which art you’re specifically talking about! And thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you read fan fiction, but I have one to suggest to you! It’s called, “It’s Obvious When You Lie”. Only three chapters are out so far, but it’s really good!
I’ll add it to my marked for later list then!! Thank you so much for the rec, I don’t easily try out ongoing fics so this was very nice of u!!!
Anon said:In the body switch AU Todoroki sees how fucked up Midoriya feels around Bakugou('s body?) and realizes wow fuck this guy has traumatized my bf. I wonder what I can do to fuck w/ him so the day before they switch back (So Bakugou can't do much in retaliation) he takes Bakugou's body and does the stupidest bullshit ever as revenge
HECK anon sorry but nothing like this would happen ever as long as I’m the one writing the AU! For three main reasons! One, I don’t think Deku is traumatized at all! His relationship with Baku at the moment is actually pretty damn neat and on equal footing, you go you two, growing so much!! Two, Baku and Todo are friends!!! And Todo would never be a dick to Baku instead of just talking to him, if he had a problem with him!! Three, even if one and two weren’t true, Deku has no need for knights in shining armor fighting his battles for him!! He’s a strong independent boy and if he hasn’t fought Baku over this it’s probs cause he doesn’t want anyone to fight him over it!!! Also in this specific AU Todo and Deku aren’t dating, so the scenario doesn’t work for me! Sorry!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about krbk wedding?
I have! And I’ve talked about it on here a few times too! Lately I’ve been thinking about it again tho, from a designs point of view, because!! There’s that very neat post going around tumblr about that wedding photos in which one of the two grooms has a white tux with a cape, and I’ve been thinking about a variation of it for Kirishima’s wedding suit :0 something red instead of white, but generally similar! It’s a lot of effort to draw it so I still haven’t, but yeh!!
Anon said:Hello! I read this fic about your cat comics and the author said to send you some love in their end notes so here is some well-deserved love: your art is beautiful! It's why I became interested in BakuShima and I would not have loved these characters as much if it weren't for you. You also seem to be a very nice person, your mind is beautiful and I am glad you exist
G O DS this is such a nice ask!!!! thank you so so much!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Non chiedo una risposta a questo messaggio, anzi. Volevo solo dirti che trovo la tua arte FANTASTICA, e non sai quanto i tuoi comic e tutto il tuo lavoro mi ha strappato più di un sorriso in brutti momenti. Sapere che sei italiana mi ha fatto totalmente impazzire. Continua così, hai del talento vero. E grazie!
Anon said:Okay okay okay! I adore your art! Could you maybe... draw some KiriBaku fantasy? If it’s not too much to ask! It can be as simple as can be! Your art is just really cute!
Yes I can and yes I will!!! Definitely and in the near future, did you know one of the app games JUST revealed a fantasy wolf Baku as a special halloween chara?? It’s just fantasy Baku with wolf ears and tail, but he’s adorable and I’ve been wanting to draw him since I saw him this morning ;O; so cute!
Anon said:Pssst. Singer Baku, Guitarist Kami, and Drummer Kiri. A good hc if I do say so myself.
It IS a great thought!! Drummer Kiri and Singer Baku have always been a weakness of mine too, so heck!! What a good image! If we put Jirou on bass and vocals too and sero on keyboard and mina on guitar, you make my fav band right then and there hahaha
Anon said:I'm not in the BNHA fandom at the moment but your art still continues to give me the warm fuzzies
GODS ISN’T THIS A NICE ASK!! I’m happy I can make you enjoy even characters you’re not specifically into! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just got into bnha and fell in love with your art, started going through your sketch tag, and then realize that youre the person who made a bunch of haikyuu comics i loved a while ago so im! very glad to rediscover your stuff!!
HOLY GODS THAT’S NEAT!!! Welcome back!!!! ;O;
Anon said:I love it when you draw kiri with his hair down 💕💕💕 so good, so pure 💕💕💕💕
Oh boy thank you!! ;O; he’s so much easier to draw with his hair spiked for me, knowing people like the way I draw his hair when down means a whole damn lot!! 
Anon said:Hello! First I love your account and artwork! Second will you ever be drawing Mako and Taiyou again? They are so adorable! Also Bakugou and Kirishima seems like amazing dad's!
Thank you!!! And yes I will! I have another ask around here asking about them, so maybe soon! Just gotta find the right idea to draw, I got a bunch but they’re all way too long for my curret attenton span level sadly hahaha rip
Anon said:lmaaaaooo my boi kaminari be having an emotional awakening
Kaminari is like, he’s always somewhere subconsciously known that Baku’s objectively pretty, but since he knows him so well and he’s always around him and most of the times they’re bickering and making fun of each other he’s never actually realized, so now he’s like oh, NOW I see it hahaha
Anon said:hi u probably get this enough but I wanted to give u all my appreciation for ur art thank u for sharing it with us I love everything u post ♡♡♡
THANK YOU!!!! It might be greedy of me but this sorta asks are never enough for me, so seriously thank you for taking your time to drop by and be so nice!!!
Anon said:Could you please draw more of the body swap au? Or what if a different pair of students were to switch?
I’m not gonna draw any other switch with other students, because before settling on Baku and Todo I went through a lot of possibilities and came to the conclusion that nothing would be as funny as Baku and Todo switched are (or at least nothing Horikoshi hasn’t already done himself lmao) so there’s that. I might draw more of them switched, but to be honest with you the only idea with that concept I have right now is Bakugou forgetting he’s suddenly taller and continuously walking into things around the dorms, so there’s that as well hahaha
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thegeminisage · 8 years
since i FINALLY finished the comic page im gonna make the poor choice of playing zelda ALL NIGHT get ready for The Longest Post which is full of Big Super Spoilers
since lynel thoroughly kicked my can last night i need defense food and preferably stronger weapons
i technically already had more than enough shock arrows to proceed but i wanna kill him!!!!
okay but in all seriousness i only have like 3 defense things........
i guess i'll try it fuck i dont feel like scouring the world for ironshrooms rn
ok. slept on the bed to get my stamina wheel & 3 hearts, will use my 21 hearts when those run out, got 3 defense things for about 14m of defense, I Can Do This
really i wish i had a one-handed weapon, two-handers are so slow :/
well here we go again :|||
lol why does my heartrate always go up for shit like smh.....
getting better at dodging
ooh he hates my ice arrows
maybe i can get a snapchat pic
YES i did i didn't attack him in that perfect moment but hey some thing are more important
im so fucking annoyed lmao i was so close
oh well at least now i can use that whole mount
aaand again
oh. im out of ice arrows.
YIKES i forgot to refresh my thing again just for a sec and almost died
YES i got a perfect dodge purely on accident NICE!!!!
i can see everything from shatterback point, even naydra, but im too scared to jump while the beast is down there
no yk what fuck it. im turning this paraglider around
first tho i really wanna wait to see if i can catch another rainbow...they were so pretty and i lost the other pics i took when i died ):
oh!!! there it is!!!!! and i was just about to give up
ah it last such a short time - but it comes at the same time every day, around 4:05
i'm sure it won;t appear here anymore after the divine beasts knocks it off with the water though, haha
okay.......time to dive
/saves first
i mean it didnt even move im just Scared. ok
duuude i gave the lynel pic to the lady and got swim pants?! FUCKING SICK where do i get a helm
okay time to go free the divine beast!!
haha wait i came out here without defense stuff. i didn't cook anymore
oh well yolo
or actually this is a game so i live as many times as i want #determination
i do still have some extra hearts left, and stamina, and some healing items, and even some electricity elixirs, sowow!! okay! still huge!!!!!
ah i love sidon so much
he tries so hard and he's so ready and he loves his people so dearly
i bet he's gonna die lol
if it's like, a sage thing, maybe he has to replace mipha if she really is gone
jesus please don't die sidon PLEASE
oh my gos he's talking he's talking there's voice acting im literally dying i cant handle!!!!!! this!!!!!! i lvoe him so much
omg omg
dude that was SO cool
and link got to ride on his back and then say goodbye!!! and sidon BELIEVES in him!!!!!!!!!!
god i wish i had gotten the helm before i did this haha i looked up the location but i don't think i can back out now
i feel like she's about to die like the old man like Move On but
to see her again!!!!!!! im so emotional
oh my god oh my god
no okay i can leave and i need a second too im gonna go get the helm
apparently theres a quest you can do that doesnt give you the helm but tells you where to find it? but i can do that later rn i just want complete armor
alright nice full set hell yeah
HOLY fuck i was paragliding back and i tried to paraglide over the divine beast and it fucking OBLITERATED ME jesus CHRIST
dude there are these absolutely freaky eyeball things you gotta shoot to get rid of gunk and the music gets all creepy near them lsdksjfgh
oh no i found the cockpit but it's all closed up...is her corpse in there? her ghost? oh my god it says the terminals are unactivated
i'll be honest im a BIT stuck here i hate to have to use a guide, but
NO wait oh my god my runes!!! dumbass
i can lift the bars lol
oh my god the CONTROLS are on???
this map is fucking 3D a 3D map!!!! in the other games they were flat holy shit!!!!
i can even see it moving on the minimap!!! holy FUCK
LMAO i was trying to move this crank with stasis and all along i needed to use magnesis. jesus
uh the music got freaky as fuck after i did the first terminal??? no?? thank you????
LOL YOU GOTTA RIDE THE TRUNK oh my god. oh my god.jesus christ
i am so small. it is so big. oh my god
who is the boss of this dungeon? there's gotta be a boss
don't tell me i fight it
or the undead mipha
jesus god
i have had to ride this trunk 3 times now and i am not at all comfortable
reminds me of the big windmill in mirror's edge
okay yep i did all the terminals and now the music is downright terrifying!!! nice good Okay
"my demise 100 years ago" is she Really gone
omg no mipahs talking to me as i fight!!!
im straight up gonna look up what to do im too weak and defense-potionless to do this the hard way
ooh motherfucker doesnt like my shock arrows and lynel bow ahaha
huh that was actually like SUPER easy compared to some of the other stuff i've done
holy fuck
i straight up just cried
she's a spirit and i thought she was gonna like, move on? which is sad enough
but no she's hanging around to pilot the divine beast from the afterlife
she even talked to it i was so sad it's been her only companion for a century of course she fucking talks to it
and i was staying strong!!! i was!!!!!
but she talked about how she wished she could see her dad again and i cried lmao why does this game give me dad feels of all things
i hope she gets to see her dad one more time too i'm so sad she's really dead and not alive like link
jesus fuck
oooh dorephan's talking about the master sword...gimme gimme gimme!!!
aww he was nice to sidon as everyone should be!!!!
holy shit he's really big?? i didn't realize it but he's like twice link's height JESUS
man. i am fucking wrecked lol
time to...explore...the rest of the province...i guess
i got a trident but i can never use it bc it will break. it was mipha's!!!!
on the other hand all three pieces of armor, my shield, weapon, AND bow are all zora themed i took a pic of myself to remember it by lol bc they will all break
i wonder where i should go after this...?
my brother went up to death mountain but i kinda want to do something different so we have something to tell each other about
but i kinda want to do the same so we don't spoil each other
i also REALLY wanna do the southeastmost province for some reason, all that water
tbh tho im getting ahead of myself i still have lots of this left to cover
it's getting harder to tell where i've already been, haha - when the things had borders and there was less visible that was easier
ooooh mipha's ability brings me back from death and she speaks briefly to me ;_; and it's active again in 23 minutes nice!
so i guess each champion gives you a different one and you can chose which to have active but tbh this one seems like it's gonna be the most helpful already
aww i did a little quest in kakariko to root out a theif and i love the way they built up dorian's past that's so cool
i think i was supposed to be able to pick up that yiga dude's sword tho and it glitched on me bc i was too fast :/
ugh i'm doing this oen shrine puzzle where you have to mount a male deer
and i finally mounted one after losing 10000 times and it was past some hills it wouldn't climb down
every time i find one thats close enough they fucking bolt im so fed up :|
and my sheikah sensor isn't picking up any more so i must have literally scared away all of them. fantastic. what a huge waste of time!! guess i will go somewhere else!
also can't solve the puzzle on how to open the shrine at veiled falls so im just batting a thousand today so much for sidequesting tbqh
urgh and a blue hinox
exploring might not be worth my time either tbh
yeah no that's two shrines i haven't been able to open and this has stopped being fun, got one more ridge to explore before im done with this province - and some weird islands waaaay out there too but idk if i can get to them yet, and i'd just as soon wait until i unlocked the one next to them
yyyeah looking at them from here it makes much more sense to explore them when i get to that province
at least im all done with this one!! still plenty of sidequests and stuff, but those i can come back t more easily...it's harder to remember which terrain i have and haven't covered when i don't do it like this
i was thinking about how big the divine beast was when i saw it in the distance and
this sounds nuts but i bet im right - what if that flying island thing is a divine beast. WHAT IF
and that is The Day's Liveblog, more tomorrow, except probably not much bc of stream
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thegeminisage · 8 years
zeldablogging! i actually quit playing hours ago but i didn’t have time to post it until now
firstly my bro came over and let me use all his amiibos and i got epona and some SWEET gear, but it's like, a random chance to get one of the three piece fo each one, so he has to COME BACK so can get everything
i got one of link's iconic hats haha im Sad
also i went to the wasteland tower and i can see the divine beast from there!! i think with the flying island bird thing i've now seen them all
altho if that ship thing really is the beast and i can see if from that far away...holy Fuck. they are so Big
my brother wanted me to go north to the woods at the top of the map to get the master sword, but im just not Ready yet. i wanna see more plot. he also told me that there was no special quest for it which like :/ weak?? im disappointed tbh
the interactive map shows a stable along the road so i guess i will start there!
i'm a little intimidated by the big desert tbh
god everything here is so tall and vast...i'm pretty sure bits of this are from one of the cool parts of the trailer
omg there's a talus on this hill
dont feel like fighting it now tho lol
omg four dudes lost in the gerudo region...now THIS sounds familiar
ahaha :')
actually, i think i'm gonna go ahead and head to gerudo town first before exploring everywhere...which is the opposite of what i SAID i wanted to do after death mountain but this desert is big and vast and it'll be easier to keep track of what i've done, and tbh i'm afraid of running into the divine beast while i explore LMAO
plus: i wanna see plot!
i like that horses follow the roads, i can kinda see the sights and scope it out a little before Deep Exploration
wait can i not
oh god can i not ride my horse out here....?
oh jesus
ohhh my god what a long walk.......haha i've become spoiled
oh well here we go
lol i put on the link hat and got like. overwhelmed, emotionall.y too much. so much. to see him in green rn. altho lowkey disappointed he hasn't been in green for most of the game thats just His Color
omg it gets Cold in the desert at night!!
i bet in the daytime it gets hot hahaha
ooh i got a gerudo shield and scimitar from this lizalfos! nice!
why......doesn't my map work rn
what the fuck??
i opened it and?? static??
please tell me it's the divine beast and not an area thing i can't LIVE without my map
wow the air got all green and windy here when i walked towards a shrine...dnw dnw 
see this is why i worried about exploring but it's Right There if igured it'd be no trouble
thats what i get for thinkin
omg a SAND SEAL?? they are so weird lookin haha and it scared me for a sec moving thru the gloom like that. thought it was a monster
it strikes me with no minimap i can't fast travel and everything looks just the same out here...what if i get lost?
oh there's the shrine thank god
omg my map works inside the shrine ;w;
tbh i dont feel like doing it rn i'd fast travel out of this green shit if that didn't mean having to start the whole walk over
i guess i can just fast travel to the shrine itself at least now i know the direction i need to walk to get out
yep and here goes the temp climbing. jesus
luckily i prepped for this when i stop to cook i like to make a bit of everything and i knew i was coming somewhere hot, so
LMFAO out of sheer curiosity i took all my armor off and that worked too.
ohhh amn this no-map green-sand no-visibility thing is WIGGING ME OUT dude i pray it's a divine beast thing bc i can't explore like this AND i couldn't really see the whole beast bc of the sand. so. fingers crossed
please let me find the road please let me find the road please let me find the road
put all my armor back on bc i spotted an enemy and thats super weird even without special food the sun isn't killing me anymore...maybe it's a noontimeish thing? but no, it was sunrise before and 10am now.......mysterious. i don't like it. i do not like the desert. i Do Not like the desert.
oh my god and there it is...what even IS that jesus christ
it's so big im scared and crying
and the lightning!!! it's so powerful!!!!
like, my brother said the dungeons were too easy but the FEEL of these things...they truly are fucking divine
oh thank fuck i see fire. help me please
thank GOD
and i'm at gerudo town i think!! somehow
but i missed the oasis and i know there was a memory there painter dude told me ):
wait, no...this IS the oasis! yes!!!!!! i made it to the road in the perfect spot!!!!!!
wait they;re saying here "voe" aren't allowed in gerdo town...oh my god are they being serious rn
but frankly i can't blame them. tbh if i had a society of all females i wouldn't let any men in either.
there's. so many pretty women in here. they're so tall. i'm so gay
omg there's a rito and a goron here!
oooh the highlands tower sandstorm apparently dies down for a few hours every day!! good to know x_x
god if it IS a regional thing im totally fucked.
oop the temp kicked up again once i left the oasis
WAIT i almost forgot the memory jesus christ!
ok ok
zelda was running from the yiga clan and link stepped in and saved her at the last second AND THE MAIN THEME PLAYED A LITTLE
altho i kinda hate this helpless damsel zelda stuff...i guess it's mostly par for the course, tho - very few games have had her able to fight and even the ones that did got her captured at the very end
there's a rock outcropping here and i can SEE the sandstorms, jesus
i hope they're less frequent after i free the beast
maybe the one near the shrine/tower broke up for a sec and that's why the temp kicked up? everyone says it does once a day...but my map didn't change lol so idk
lol got to tell a gerudo she was my dream girl
haha so they travel and leave to find husbands and have kids? she mentioned "training"... great potential for trans characters here but alas that's WAY beyond nintendo rn
i like that they speak another language, it makes the world feel bigger and more real (and they even teach you some!!)
omg you can RIDE the sand seals?!
i...need a shield...to sand seal SURF
that sounds. like the coolest thing ive ever heard in my whole life
apparently there's a guy who slips in every night that i could follow!! i wish i could just sneak in myself, tho
all right nothing doing so i loked it up and APPARENTLY YOU HAVE TO CROSSDRESS LOL i love it
like i've seen that outfit in guides and i thought it looked a bit nonfunctional
altho i hope this plotline doesn't make crossdressers the butt of a joke!!
aw you can tell the person on the rock "you're a man" but im gonna pretend she's trans and not be a jerk
ok, i absolutely gotta dye these pink
yes i am fast traveling this instant to dye these
i know this game is probably being gross about this but frankly i love the idea of agender link
and these are my favorite clothes i wanna wear them and ride my pink horse all the time
aaah and now i am pink!! tbh i'd love to sneak in now but i have a stream to get ready for ))):
maybe i will just look around really quick i still have a few minutes
im usually a little late starting anyways lol
ooh the music in the day here is rly cool!
why did they let him in! i thought there were no girl gorons
lmao even he doesn't know......omg
omg an OLD gerudo too finally!!!
gaaaah i wanna look around more but my time is up for tonight!!
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