#tho the life she has is comfortable. so she won't try to step out of that zone and pursue a different career
laugtherhyena · 6 months
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Beni stuff
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lillysilvermoon · 2 years
Intuitive message for you
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Pile 1 (water cave) | Pile 2 (girl and sea) | Pile 3 (earth dragon) | Pile 4 (Pink Fae)
Pile 1
Signs: 6666, 4, 44, 333, 3333, 5, 55, good skills involving hands, black hair.
If you choose this Pile probably you are having some kind of problem to trust someone. There is two young guys, one of them isn't very trustworthy so you need to let your eyes opening! The one with black hair is some you can relay on, the other one... I don't think he is bad, but probably have problems with jealousy which can be dangerous if it's too much. In matter of material stuff you can trust him.
Girl you need to see beyond the veil, your illusions about this situation are making you blind, you need to wake up. I'm seriously, has been too long... look, I know it's difficult to look to our shadows, but IT IS NEEDED. You won't go anywhere if you continue pretending everything is fine when clearly is not child. Stop living by illusions and start to see reality. Dreams are awesome! But stop living in your head and begin to make them your reality. You will be very disappointed if you don't start quickly. You have all support you need, we are right here with you. Just ask for help and we will help.
P.S: stop being so rude with others, people own nothing to you and have nothing to do with your problems. You'll end up alone if continue doing this with your friends.
Crystal oracle: Pyrite. Brings you new ideas and to connect you with the opportunities you need.
(Damn... I think someone here are doing something very wrong,,,, whatever it is, your guides love you a lot and they are just worried, I know the message sounds though, but the energy was like they/she/he (I think was more than one) feels anxious like they all know you can do this but you aren't give yourself a real chance and they are all worried) you can do this Pile 1, really. You just have to do the first step.
Pile 2
Signs: pink (I felt pink bubble happy energy lmao and I saw like a pink energy in my minds eye), roses, blond hair, caramel macchiato, Starbucks phineas&Ferb (omg has been SO LONG since I watched this, I used to love as a kid), 444, 555, 333, 1, 66
I think this is my romance Pile but let's see.
She needs to have more patience, relationships take time, to build trust and a solid foundation. This things takes TIME. You can't expect him to just be comfortable with so little time. Besides, are you focus on YOUR stuff??? Your had so many goals but now you are acting like this man it's all your life. Sweet, he likes you a lot, but if you start to make him your only priority the universe you make sure you don't see him for a while (I'm sense some distance like you live in a city and he lives in other. Hmm, I think this is not something to worry about, you look like someone who has many goals and ideas. You just need to go back to balance, it's not to stop likes him or anything just... don't like by this relationship ok?) You need to learn about moderation and balance. Talk to him, go on dates but have your own life. You don't need to talk to him every time neither go out with him every weekend. Even tho if it's the only time you can see him, enjoy your friends too, do your things. It's all about balance.
Also, this message here it's not for the romance group, it's for some of you that are overworking yourselves. Stop doing this, work smarter not more. Doing hours and hours of something it's not productive, it's being stupid (this is not me but I agree) you are just stressing your body and debilitating your health. You will end up burn out or sick. You, like the other person, need to learn about balance, but in your case has nothing to do with relationship, has to do with you thinking doing much is doing better when it is not. You need to create balance between work and have some fun. And stop trying to controlling everything god damn. Learn to follow the flow because you can't control everything and do you even stop to think that, sometimes, you didn't get it not because you are not good enough but because you were TOO GOOD for this and deserved AWAY BETTER?????? Because that's it.
Crystal oracle: blue quartz. Brings you harmony and work your communication. Talk about what/how you feel will help to improve your relationships.
(It's a young woman your guide and I liked her energy a lot lmao I'm laughing here she is too funny)
Pile 3
Signs: dragons, elementals kingdom, green, 6666, 22, 33, 444, green areas, spells, rituals, moon goddess, candle magick and celtic traditions.
Some of you want or are trying to work with dragons and the elemental kingdom (I think maybe you should check out Pile 4) and you need to go inwards. Look, for some maybe you need to have some introspection moment to realize WHY you want to work with them (I feel like for this group is because you motivation isn't right, like, you think you want to work with them for a reason but actually it's not this and you will find out with some introspection) in the other hand the other group here are focusing too much on material stuff (like altar, rituals, offerings etc) which are all important but to work with them you need to meditate, that's the better way to communicate with them. Yeah, is this simply but you don't believe in me so here I am having to give you the message through other person (lmaooooooo I don't know who it is but they are like "why this child just don't listen to me?? I need to say the SAME thing through OTHER PERSON to be heard?? I'm sorry but I'm laughing I got you Pile 2, really🤣).
Well, you have everything you need to talk to them. I feel like this Pile works with a moon goddess, maybe it's her who try's to say this but you don't listen lol, I think this is my witch Pile (high five 🙌💗)
If you are not a witch or are trying to contact the dragons, you are a part of the very small group who chose this because you are needing some time off, you can meditate but it's not what you are being asked, it's literally turn off your phone and go outside, think about the things you need to figure out, having this time off, alone, will help.
Crystal Oracle: aquamarine. Has a very soft energy and help to calm your mind. When you have bad thoughts say to yourself "this thought isn't mine"
Pile 4
Signs: new age spirituality, gold ray, astral fairies (? I don't know if it's exactly this the name but,,,), angel energy (I don't work with them, but I think it's archangel zadkiel because is the name I heard....), 3, 333, 3333 (it's a number of luck, your angel are trying to say to you to maintain hope, this is really your Pile in case you were between 2 piles, is really this one. This number talks about optimism because things are getting better)
It's a HUNDRED PERCENT angel energy, your card has an angel in it (and it's literally the ONLY ONE in my deck which has an angel lmao).
Okay, I'll put EXACTLY what is written in my book of the deck because I feel its needed: "Now is a time of resurrection and awakening, a time when a period of your life comes to an absolute end making away for dynamic new beginnings"
We ask you to tune into higher frequencies, you jumped so many timelines so fast and we know you are tired, but this all will past. There is so much joy and happiness on the horizon (I saw a beach and the ocean color omg looks like Hawaii but maybe can be a place you visited in meditation or astral travel and it's not here on earth). We are always with you, and we know what happened was hard to deal, but you made it and we are very proud. Don't give up now child, you can do this. And we can help, but you need to maintain your energy care, it's not good for you and will do no good if you fall back into your old behaviors, and we know you know. Talk to us, we continue here.
(I think you have so guide/work with a astral fae who looks like the one in the picture). I think it's just this, they want you to know you are not alone and never will be, but when you do whatever you do that low your frequency they can't reach you (and I want you to know that it's okay, you are just human and maintain a high frequency it's had, you have my support and virtual hug. But try your best okay? I believe in you too Pile 4, really y'all have a very good energy, feel lots of joy and I think this is my empath Pile - I feel you🥺💗)
Crystal Oracle: rose quartz. When was the last time you really faced your feelings? Sweep it under the rug block your heart chakra harms your body. This crystal brings you emotional balance and self-care. Your emotions are a reflection of your current state of mind.
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static-sulker · 9 months
Okay so. How I think the bg3 companions hug. If you even care. If you ever wanted to know I guess….
Karlach? Oh she’s a STRONG hugger. At first after her engine is more or less settled, she’d be a very big hugger but she wouldn’t be the best at it at first. Like she has the energy but doesn’t know what to do with her hands at first. She has been wanting to give affection or hug or literally do anything with people for 10 years, so she is a bit excited to try it all out. She does learn quickly though due to so many fuckin options for hugging. She has a warm embrace type of thing going on which is pretty nice in mix of Astarion or maybe Shadowheart? Also, she is a LONG hugger. Type to have your limbs swaying all about if you get hugged by her.
Wyll is a very good hugger. The type who does a little sway during the hug. Like he’s normally the one rocking the other or soothing your back or something. It's less that he takes charge, but he does try and comfort first. He’s just a nice guy for a good hug. let’s be honest he’s a really nice guy. FUCK I love Wyll. He doesn’t do it all the time, but he doesn’t detest hugs, so if you ask he’s gonna give you a hug. He’s the blade of frontiers, so he is gonna be giving buddies hugs. Part of the code and shit.
so Astarion is changing with the arc here. Act one? If you even get the chance, he may hug you but it’s nothing to long or intimate. It’s usually just a step to something else or more of…A grapple I guess????Unless needed or brought up by somebody else, he's not up for hugs in a platonic or less sexual fashion. Act two he is not gonna be the one initiating the hug still but won’t try and squeeze out as often. Kinda just tucks himself in and can almost relax. Act three and epilouge? Oh bro is just lookin for hugs at that point. Not from anybody mind you, but from the people he trusts? A good hug seems to settle him. He's a bit cold so it's nice for hot days or after a burning battle or something. Normally the one getting hugged, so he has a bit of trouble sometimes taking charge in the hug but bro sometimes tries.
Lae'zel has probably never been hugged in her fucking life. She probably doesn't care for it greatly, probably batting you away at first. She seems the type of hugger to more shield instead of soothe? Like would wrap an arm around somebody when like yelling at an aggressor like an angry sister or parent would. Intimacy that isn't a trick or just sexual doesn't seem to fit well for Lae'zel usually, but I don't really know if she'd HATE hugs. would probably get ringed into one by Karlach a few too many times tho.
Gale is probably a GREAT hugger, not one to go out and give them all around willy nilly but would do like a cradle type situation. Just wrap you in and sway a bit. Definitely a LONG hugger and seems pretty invested in affection. Will put his entire self into the hug just outta nowhere. Like "Oh, thank you for giving me that artifact this morning, it truly was a lovely gesture." and just give you a heart-throbbing hug. His entire thing is that he will do anything for people he cares for and that probably bleeds into his hugs. Also, it's noticeable that Gale wasn't given much physical connection with Mystra, more of the spiritual kind that he describes in his romance scene. He's probably a bit new to it and DEFINITELY starved for it.
Shadowheart is a bit complicated. Act one? Like B-grade hugger. Isn't asking for any and probably won't give many, but she would be okay at em. Hasn't been given any in a long while, probably sense she got taken by shar's followers. If she continues to follow Shar, shitty ass hugs. No doubt it's just quiet and nothing ad no real intimacy. Shar denier? OH THE BEST HUG. Soft and supportive. It's a wild card with Shadowheart. Either the sweetest little hug you'll get after a soft moment or like cold and way to fast.
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greypetrel · 2 months
drives in to get some sweet sweet OC ship facts
For Cullen and Aisling: 10 and 31
For Radha/Solas: 14 and 29
A fresh bunch of sweet facts coming!
Tis the prompt list
10. Who plays with whose hair?
It's Aisling, definitely. She'll play with his curls, rake her fingers through them, sneakily try to dismantle the coif, try and braid it, launch here and there that wouldn't it be nice if he let it grow long. He's not comfortable with much length, tho, and she respects it. She can keep dreaming of long flowy curls until her daughter will give her satisfaction on that sense.
Cullen will become quite proficient at braiding after Trespasser tho, and will enjoy it once he'll learn to do it better. It's a small thing he can do for her and that eases some stress out and he'll do it gladly.
31. How would they describe one another.
Aisling: "He's a committed person, will look stoic but is all but so. He has no midways in doing things, when he does he's fully convinced and puts all of himself into it. Reliable, responsible. Loyal to a fault, but willing to question old beliefs and himself, willing to work on things. Doesn't nearly give himself enough credit for all the work he did on himself, will only see his own flaws in himself and it kinda breaks my heart. He's stubborn, grumpy and the fun police, all too serious at times, but it's endearing. Reminds me of an hedgehog, cute and soft but at times he closes himself into a ball full of spikes and won't accept help if he's not ready for it."
Cullen: "Selfless, always at the ready to help anyone out and give a second chance. Even on occasions when she probably should not and I can't see how she does it. Kind, loving, always at the ready to listen. She wears her heart on her sleeve and it's endearing and soothing. Hard-worker, zero self-esteem and it makes me angry that she doesn't have it. A little too cautious in politics, and reckless in things she loves. Doesn't have a great consideration for her own life, she'll throw herself in the fire to save everyone but looks like she doesn't really care if she dies in the end. I would really love she'd talk to me when she has a problem, instead of just saying she's fine when clearly she isn't."
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
It's deep-seated issues, namely how he wants to deal with the Veil and how he will refuse to accept help and talk things through. IF he had been open to her from the start and maybe accepted to talk things through, she would have honestly followed him and helped him, maybe try to concoct together a plan that doesn't imply waking up the Evanuris and causing a random number of deaths. He didn't, she gave him a bonding gift and he accepted it, he put a rift between her and Aisling... And when a confrontation came, he still refused to walk back on his step and talk things through. She can't deny she has feelings for him still, but that's not something she's ready to forgive on a whim.
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Radha: That she is but the second choice and won't be able to pair up with the mentor/student relationship Solas and Aisling have.
Solas: That she will hate him if she knew. She's very attached to her culture, if she knew he's the Dread Wolf she'd listen to what she's been taught all her life and not to him.
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cryingatships · 1 year
I was reading through @chicademartinica's post about boundaries n barriers in Step by Step a few days ago, and this scene in BMF reminded me about it again.
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This scene is a little different from the usual boundaries, I think, cause though the framing puts Pisaeng in between these two hilly islands (??), he is essentially out in the open.
So, what exactly is still keeping him, lingering at the very edges of his life and his mind?
His love for Kawi? Is that it? He can not let go of his unrequited feelings, and he's isolated himself, and the love is acting as a shackle, keeping him away from exploring other opportunities, to go further and beyond the boundaries he's imposed on himself?
Pisaeng has left his life behind. He's cut off his friends, their socials, and is out in the world, all by himself. Alone. Like in this scene. A lonely man facing the open sea and skies.
Yet, he has not got over his feelings. Though he knows it's hopeless, that Kawi is not over Pear, Kawi won't love him back, he chooses to continue loving Kawi. Similarly how it is an hopeless endeavour to try moving islands away. If Pisaeng wishes, he can move himself away and fish elsewhere. But he chooses not too, he chooses to stay in this fishing spot. (I really wish they'd shown us how many fish he actually catches here lmao)
He's out exploring the world, but he's still holding onto some skeletons from the past that are keeping him bound.
There's also the other facets of his personal life we get no info on. (What's new about that tho...)
That is, his family aka his mum (cause we've got zero info on his dad so far... a little strange. I feel like there'll be a big reveal later? puts on another layer of clown makeup I hope it doesn't tip the balance of the show). We had some info (quite a lot actually) about her last week. But this week, we're on a blank slate again. What are his mother's thoughts about her runaway son? I can't imagine her being cool with this. (Is she even...here..? Did she pull a Kawi's dad?)
Is his mother playing a role in the boundaries around Pisaeng?? (Very speculative here lmao)
Another interesting point is the place he's standing on. I know it's connected to the mainland, but it *looks* as if he's on an island too, a very tiny one.
Not enough space for another to stand comfortably.
And he faces the sea, aka uncertainties, opportunities, and danger. Seriously, this scene hit me in all the ways. It's calm and quiet, but too calm. Almost like it's meant to be deceptive or smt. Now,
Anyways, Pisaeng is alone, and he's keeping himself alone and isolated. No space for another! Until of course, Kawi barged in and dragged him into chaos again XD
Another scene that caught my eyes was this—
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Parllels!! I need to write a fic so not doing into this now...I'm not gonna say anything about how Kwan is firmly within a boxed space while Kawi is leaning out of it, no, nope, none of that
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tofumina · 2 years
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"Frightened Screams"
A/n: Before I start I just wanna say that this story is related to Carrie (1976) the movie and I wanted to say that it's probably going has the same scenes to it but I'm probably not going to put all the same scenes that are in the movie probably but I might put all the scenes but it depends, btw the movie Carrie was really good I watched it a while ago and it was really sad and kinda scary, I recommend watching it if you haven't watched it yet! :)
W/n = wrong name
/// = next scene
/your life as Carrie white/
Hwang Yeji x Fem! Reader
parts (1/??)
About ? ; A girl named "y/n" was bullyed by the whole school they judged her, made fun of her, and threw stuff at her, talking about her, etc, her mom said almost everything she did was a sin dating,getting her period ( I think ), and wanting to go to prom, she wanted everyone to see her as a good person and nice but they all called her "creepy y/n" but during prom she got revenge.
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"HIT IT TO Y/N" some girl yelled at the other girl on the other team, "Y/N HIT IT" as she hit the ball it went to fast for you to hit, you moved your arms to your head to mess with your hair knowing you messed up and being nervous on what they will do or say "AWW Y/N!" they all yelled but not Yeji, Yeji felt bad for you she was not like the other ones she was nice..like VERY nice to you she would protect you, take care of you, and comfort you, your chest started to hurt then you heard them call out your name, it felt like you were going to cry right then and there, you were in your thoughts untill Norma hits you in the head with her baseball cap which kinda made you jump a bit "you eat sh**" "look at you" the words at hurt you more and more untill Yeji comes up to you " y/n are you okay are you hit do you need me to take you to the nurse do you—, you cut off Yeji "no I'm okay just..you know" "o-okay uh well let's go to the washroom" Yeji grabbed your hand and pulled you softly to the room
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the water poured down the floor covering your face and body, you grabbed the soap and started to rub the soap on your face and body once you got to your legs you felt something, you looked down you saw blood dripping down your legs, you let go of the soap as it dropped down on the tile floor you were scared I thought you were dying for how much blood was coming out of you but you didnt know it was your period.
"HELP ME PLEASE" You yelled over and over again to the girls in the changing room "she got her period" one of the girls said (idk who it was I forgott) sue got pads and tampons out of one of the lockers(?) And passed them out to everyone in the room everyone started throwing them at you and some even recording it "PLUT IT UP, PLUG IT UP, PLUT IT UP, PLUG IT UP, PLUT IT UP!" You were scared and hurt you were in the corner of the shower crying in panic and damage, you heard walking getting louder louder and you felt someone pulling you close it was Yeji "Are you guys crazy!? She is hurting and clueless about her period and you treat her like this!?" Everyone stayed quiet, Miss Desjardin stepped in to see what all the yelling was about "what going on here?" "Y/n got her period and the others were throwing pads and tampons at her I think it's because she didn't know she had her period" "oh well she didn't know her about peri-" you cut off Miss Desjardin screaming in horror and pain everything hurted from it "Y/n it's okay" Yeji tryed to calm you down but didn't work so she slapped you suddenly stopped screaming you were still panicking tho "I'm sorry I won't slapped you again I had to tho" "I'm sorry,your okay now" you guys got interrupted by Miss Desjardin "EVERYONE OUT, NOW!" everyone left the room to do there own things but sue stayed for a bit then walkinging off in gulit
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After changing you went to the office l"you said it's W/n L/n right?" "Y/n L/n" "okay well w/n" "y/n" "but would you like to go home and take the rest of the day off of school? "It's y/n" you were kinda getting upset when he go your name wrong but the lid that had the cigarettes ashes and just burned cigarettes it started to shake " would you like a ride home" "it's fine she can walk home" Miss Desjardin said "I'm sorry w/n" "It's y/n!" The cigarettes flipped off the table Mr. Henry and Miss Desjardin we're shocked when they saw that.
You were walking down the street holding your books walking back home untill you heard someone biking towards you " Creepy y/n creepy y/n!" A child said over and over
You looked at the child with caused the child to fall to the ground..but you didn't care you just walked off
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You opened to door no one home not even a sight of your mother just empty and quiet, you walked to your room and sat down and putting your head down
(Time skip)
you mother finally came home and put her stuff down " Y/n?" Your mother yelled no answer she shook it off but then the phone rang she went to go answer it /it was from the school/ you were watching your mother on the phone nervous and to try to see who she was talking to has she to off the phone you move back a bit "I know you're listening" your mother said to you "Come on downstairs" she called you down stairs let's just say...you were scared
"who was that? Who called?" You asked looking at your mother
"your a women now.." "why didn't you tell me mama?" "AHH" she hit you with the her Bible, you sat there on on ground in disbelief and your face wet with tears, your mother switch each page to get to (the sins of woman)
"And God made Evefrom the rib of Adamand Eve was weak andloosed the raven on the world.And the raven was called sin, Say it"
"Say it" "No, Mama...!" "And the raven was called sin!'
"And the first sin was intercourse"
"First sin was intercourse"
" I didn't sin, Mama"
"Say it!"
"I didn't sin Mama!" Your eyes were full of tears you didn't know what to do
"First sin was intercourse, First sin was intercourse, 00the first sin was intercourse!"
I was so scared, I thought I was dyin' The girls they all laughed at me, Mama-"
"And Eve was weak say it!"
"No, Mama!"
"Eve was weak!, Eve was weak!"
"And the Lord visited Eve with a curse And the curse was the curse of blood!"
"You should of told me Mama!"
"You should have told me.."
"Oh Lord! Help the sinning womansee the sin of her days and ways"
"Show her that if she had remained sinlessthe curse of blood would not be on her, She may be tempted by the Antichrist, She may have had lustful thoughts..."
She was now hold your hands in hers and praying for you you didn't want her too but she did anyways
"No, Mama!"
"Don't lie, Y/n!,Don't you know I can see inside you, I can see the sin as surely as God can!"
"Let me go, Mama"
"We'll pray!"
"We'll pray, woman!"
"No! Mama!!"
But then she locked you in the closet..
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A/n: Hii, I hope you enjoyed it I made some things different and I didn't reread it so if there is some misspelling in it I'm sorry and sorry Yeji isn't really in here but she will be in here in the other one I'm pretty sure!!, So byee <3
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lamaaniosaetze · 2 years
Midnights Like This
Rain, he wanted it comfortable                       
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Beatrix was handling her usual work for the headmasters, a bit lost in thoughts, she started thinking about Stella and her.
She knows how Stella feels about her, and she feels the same, but she can't let the thought of what could be get in her way. Getting a name for herself. It is something she needs to do on her own, not by her relation to the princess of Solaria. 
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretender
But for some, it was paradise
Beatrix was born somewhere she no longer knows, a place scorched to the ground, in a time of war. She has no place to call home. She can only think of that place for what it could have been for her, maybe it used to be a beautiful place, even if some of the people there were sinners in the eyes of the ruling kingdom. 
My boy was a montage
A slow-motion, love potion
Jumping off things in the ocean
I broke his heart 'cause he was nice
It's hard not to think about Stella.
She is beautifully mesmerizing, so much so that Beatrix gets distracted by her often. She makes it extremely hard for Beatrix to focus on her goal godemit. Even if it would come to a point where Stella would outright ask her out she wouldn't have any choice but decline.
And besides, Stella can find someone much better for her, she shouldn't settle for someone like Beatrix. 
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight
Stella has her own goals, her own ambitions.
She search to prove herself worthy, not only to her mother, but to the people around her as well. She would need someone who could support her and be there for her.
Beatrix can't possibly see herself filling that role, without letting her own goals get in the way, there's just no way for the to be together and be fulfilled at the same time. 
It came like a postcard
Picture perfect, shiny family
Holiday, peppermint candy
But for him it's every day
She sometimes like to indulge in the thought of having a home with Stella tho, but she knows she won't fit in that kind of place. Stella was born to royalty, grew up with a loving family. Beatrix wouldn't know how to be a part of that life. 
So I peered through a window
A deep portal, time travel
All the love we unravel
And the life I gave away
So all there is left to do was to think.
About what they could've had, if only they didn't have such complicated pasts, and maybe if they would try hard enough they could, but none of them was brave enough to take the first step. 
'Cause he was sunshine
I was midnight rain
He wanted it comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name
Chasing that fame
He stayed the same
All of me changed
Like midnight
Maybe in another world, under better circumstances, maybe it could've happened, maybe if it didn't feel so painful, ir maybe if it was more painful, they would have given it a chance
I guess sometimes we all get
Just what we wanted, just what we wanted
And he never thinks of me
Except when I'm on TV
Beatrix one day may be as great as she ever wanted to be. And she might forget all about that teenage crush she had.
But when she will see her taking the throne, she wouldn't be able to help thinking about her and what they could have had.
I guess sometimes we all get
Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted
And I never think of him
Except on midnights like this (midnights like this)
Stella will move on, become queen, and won't think of Beatrix.
But sometime she'll still get some zaps, and she'll remember that one girl she used to crush on in back in the days .
But thats all in days past. 
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
Six Feet Under
(Happier Than Ever 0.2)
[B.A.U team × Reader]
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summary: sequel to this one shot; if you didn't read the first part it won't make sense.
pairing: b.a.u team x platonic!reader; slightly spencer x reader
word count: 2.5K
warnings/content: tw!mentions of drowning; penelope crying (this has to be a warning because she's my baby and she shoudn't cry even tho i wrote her crying lol); morcia is hinted; tw!child neglect; soft moments + the team; this is less angsty than part one <3. (did i forget something?)
A/N: so, if you don't already know No Time To Die is another song by billie. listen to it while reading or not, it doesn't follow the lyrics or anything :)
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There's a quote from Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury that says “Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way.”
Y/N agrees with the first part, for she was sad all of her childhood. But this had a specific reason; she was not born sad. Can you imagine, though? How hard it must be for someone to become sad so young that they stop enjoying the thrill of life altogether?
Past is something that should be buried six feet under and be forgotten.
Except that, you neither can literally bury your unwanted memories nor can you forget them. She wished she could block out every scene of her childhood from her mind.
Why did it have to hurt so much? After all those years?
She remembers how she used to love the cold. It made goosebumps run over her arms, the back of her neck and every other uncovered part. Y/N loved to cover up for snowy days, even if she would go outside to get everything wet as soon as she started to play.
You might be wondering “not everything was bad then. she has good memories as a kid”.
Yes. She did. All of those got lost under the pile of bad ones. So, it doesn't really matter, does it?
Nowadays, she hated feeling cold. But, when your body drops in minus ten celsius water, it's inevitable.
She was freezing.
Were her teeth shuddering?
Was that how it was like to die?
“You should try to sleep a bit,” Rossi advices Penelope as he sits by her side. The waiting room had less than five people, plenty of chairs vacant and the only sound that interrupted the silence was the ringing of the reception's area telephone now and then. “He looks pretty comfortable.” He points to Derek sprawled out in a chair a few metres away. His head was leaning towards his shoulder and Garcia was sure that was drool hanging from his mouth.
She was so concerned for not hearing any recent updates from the doctors that the scene didn't affect her. She would've laugh, if one of her best friends wasn't fighting for her life in an ICU.
“She's strong. She can get past that... right?” Penelope search for some confirmation in his eyes with her big brown ones.
The moment Y/N pushed the unsub away, the part of the lake she was stepping on cracked. A second after she fell in the freezing water. If it wasn't for Derek hurrying into diving in, they wouldn't know what would've happened.
The FBI successfully arrested the man. But Y/N was currently in the ICU in an induced coma so she could recover faster. Only one person was allowed in each time and Spencer was the first to go in.
“Of course she can.” Rossi gave her a reassuring smile and a quick squeeze on her shoulder, before standing up to go talk to Hotch.
“It's over half an hour,” Derek says, startling Penelope by the sudden voice. “You good, baby girl?”
She scoffs, “Oh, I'm perfect. Almost lost two of the most important people in my life today. I'm great!”
Derek raised his eyebrows, “Penelope—”
“No.” She cuts him off, pointing her index finger at him in a threatening manner, “All of you just keep- keep getting yourself in danger, for god's sake! It's so frustrating.” As soon as she starts to tear up, Derek gets up and goes to her, wrapping his arms around her body when it begins to shake. He shushs her softly, caressing her hair. Derek knew how much she cared, and how much it hurt her to see any of them in danger. He knew because he felt the same way. They were a family, after all. “I know this isn't about me at all, but— Oh god, Derek. Her lips were blue; she was white as a sheet.”
“I know, baby. I know,” He kisses her forehead and lets out a heavy sigh “But we got her in time, so it's all good. She'll be alright.”
At least, that's what he hoped for.
In a moment, she was falling asleep. In the other, she was gasping for air. Her eyes burn when she opened them, lights attacking her irises like fireballs. She chocked desperately on the tube inside her throat.
“Calm down, they're gonna take it off.”
Someone held her hand and the warm touch made her stop squirming little by little as the nurse proceed to take the breathing tube off of her traquea.
It left an itchy feeling as the tube was finally out, but felt way better than having that thing choking her endlessly. The first thing her eyes focused on were Spencer's eyes. The amber colored orbs brought safety into her chest.
She was awake.
“Hi,” He says softly, “How do you feel?”
When she opens her mouth to reply, her voice is cut off by the dryness in her throat. Spencer picks up a cup of water and offers it.
She takes it while sitting down properly.
“Thank you.” Y/N says, and studies him for a while, “I- What happened, Spencer?"
“You drowned.” He responds, observing her reaction carefully, “But- but Derek got you in time.”
Her eyes widened as she recalls the whole scene, “What about the kids?”
“They're fine. You saved them, Y/N.” Spencer takes her hand “We arrested the unsub too.”
“That's... that's a relief.” She says, resting the back of her head against the pillow and closing her eyes. She was so tired. “I thought I had messed up, Reid.” She confesses, squeezing his hand for reassurance. She was scared to fall asleep and go back to drowning again.
“You saved them.” Spencer says, and then a silence covers the room for a short while. Y/N feels grounded with his touch in her hand, so she doesn't fall asleep.
When she open her eyes, she sees the far away look he had on his, making her frown.
“No. Don't do that,”
He meet her gaze, “What?”
“You're blaming yourself... It wasn't your fault.”
Spencer laughs bitterly, letting go of her hand to rest his back against the chair. “I should have followed you, Y/N.”
“How on earth would you have predicted what I was gonna do, Spencer?”
“If I had gone with you then maybe, maybe you wouldn't have had a gun pointed to the back of your head—”
“Yeah, maybe you would've been the one to be his target— Look.” She pushes her body to face him completely, whimpering when the hurt area on her leg scratches against the blanket. He quickly stands up upon seeing her hurt expression, but she smiles and shakes her head. Y/N takes the opportunity to take his hand since she had gotten closer. “All that matters is that I'm here. Right now. And those kids are safe. So, don't beat yourself over it or else I'll have to...”
Spencer lifts a single eyebrow amused, “To...?"
“To beat you on chess, Dr. Reid.” Y/N provokes, holding back a smile when his laugh echoes throughout the room. “What's so funny, huh?” She nudges his hip, gaining a smirk from him.
“You seem pretty sure about it, don't you?”
“And how are you so sure that I haven't been letting you win all this time—”
“You've been here flirting all the time while we were out there waiting for you to wake up?!”
The pair turned around quickly, their smiles dying down as soon as they hear the tone of Penelope Garcia's voice.
Y/N gulps down, adjusting herself on the bed as Spencer clears his throat awkwardly.
The tension ends as fast as it began, because the blonde quickly speed towards Y/N, embracing the girl as carefully as she could
“I'm so glad you're okay, honey.”
“We all are,” JJ says, taking Y/N's hand that was resting on Garcia's back and squeezing it slightly.
“Thanks, guys.” Y/N smiles sheepishly, feeling her cheeks getting warm with all the attention.
“Don't scare us like that again, Y/L/N.” Emily reprimands in a joking manner, by Hotch's side. Y/N knew it wasn't really a joke. So, she nodded, apologizing.
“Don't apologize, pretty girl. You were a hero out there.” Derek adds, grinning. “Just try not to dive into frozen lakes next time, yeah?”
That made her laugh, “Got it, Morgan.”
Not that long after, the doctor walked in. He explained all about the emergency procedure they had to do and how impressive her awakening had occurred, given that she had been put in an induced coma. But that didn't change the fact that the recovery process wouldn't be just through one day. She still had to spend overnight in the hospital for observation, and then, they would see if she was cleared to go home.
“I can't believe I won't fly with you.” Y/N scoffed.
“It will go by fast, baby tiger. Besides, you're not staying alone—”
“I can do it.”
Everyone stared at Spencer as he spoke up.
“I- I mean, I can stay here. So she doesn't— You know, so she doesn't has to fly out by herself... If- if that's okay.” Spencer frowned at the end of the sentence, overwhelmed by all the eyes glued to him.
“Yeah. It's okay.” Y/N mumbles. Both share a meaningful gaze and look away, blushing.
JJ rolls her eyes and smiles fondly, “Okay. We should get going. I brought some clothes for you, they're on your go bag. It's right over there.” She points to a corner of the room where a dark bag lays over a retractable chair.
“Thank you, Jayge.” Y/N opens her arms wildly, a grin growing on her lips. She loved those people more than anything in the world. Jennifer laughs and hugs her back.
“Can we have a word, Y/N?” Hotch asks. Y/N agrees, shifting slightly when eveybody leaves. She was getting uncomfortable on that bed. She prepares for the bomb to go off. Y/N was aware that what she did was reckless, but she saved lives, so there's no regret in her mind.
“You did a good job,” Hotch begins. Her eyes meet his, skeptical. “Although, we're a team, Y/N. The dynamic doesn't work if you take matters into your own hands.”
“Hotch, there was no time to wait—”
“Yes, there was.” He crosses his arms, stern. “We arrived exactly ten minutes after you went in the house. Ben Parks was in the run, which means you needed the backup. But, still you chose not to wait.”
Y/N sighs, looking away. She was frustrated, but knew he was right.
“I'm glad you're alright.” He decided to finish the discussion, after seeing she had grasped what he said. “But don't do that again, Y/L/N.”
Y/N nods her head, letting out a long breath, “Yes, sir. Noted.”
“Here you go. We don't want you to get cold in this freezing weather.” Emily says while wrapping Y/N in a light brown jacket of hers.
Hearing that Y/N would have to stay in the city for one more night, Emily decided to stay too, along with Spencer.
Y/N blushes, narrowing Emily down with her eyes as the woman winks and walks to the driver's side of the SUV.
“I'm not a baby, Prentiss!”
She blinks, startled, not turning around right away.
“It's me. Your mo— Charlotte. Can we talk for a minute, please?”
Y/N takes a deep breath, and finally faces her. She closes her fingers into fists as her mind whirlwinds with every emotion. It almost makes her dizzy.
Charlotte analysis her from head to toe, eyes filling with water instantly. “You are so grown up...”
“That's what happens when you're twenty two.” Y/N interjects, crossing her arms and biting her cheek “What do you want?”
The older woman immediately falters, but she quickly gets back to it with a small smile, “I was thinking that maybe... Maybe we could get some coffee? Did you know that your favourite coffee place still exist?”
Y/N frowns with the enthusiasm shown in front of her. Is that what she planned on doing? Pretending?
“You mean the place you used to take me after leaving me on my own during two days and nights every week?” Y/N presses, venom dripping from every word. “Sounds good. Maybe you should go there with your perfect family.” Not so perfect because her husband is in jail for kidnapping a group of kids.
That may have been a low blow. But she didn't care. She could never
hurt her the same way she had been hurt; physically and mentally.
Charlotte sighs, looking away in shame. “I will never forgive myself for what I did. But, if you'd just give me a chance—”
Y/N shook her head vehemently, taking a step back when she felt her throat start to close in. That was the red flag. That was the warning her body had to let her know that whatever was about to happen would not be good.
“No.” Charlotte tries to come closer but Y/N puts her hand up, which makes her stop, “I don't want to give you a chance. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you anymore, mom.” There's a glimpse of hope when she calls her that. Something she was about to destroy. “Do you have any idea what I went through to pull myself back together after everything? How I had to grow up at such a young age because my own mother,” She inhales sharply, “Couldn't stay at home enough to take care of me. You're right. You shouldn't forgive yourself, I won't.”
Let me tell you something about forgiveness: you don't have to do it to move on. Of course, you can if that's your desire. But it is okay if you simply say no to forgive someone who hurt you. That's what Y/N chose to do. And she would stop trying to forget her past; instead, she would accept it. Move forward.
When she said goodbye to the woman, she walked away without looking back. Her heart felt heavy for what she had done, but then, finally letting go of something that killed her everyday felt euphoric.
“How do you feel?” Emily glances at her with the corner of her eye. Even if Y/N wasn't facing her, she could still feel the worried stare sent her way.
“Better.” She chose her words carefully and she was being truthful. Playing with her fingers absentmindedly, she noticed a broken nail that cracked right in the middle, causing the flesh to bleed. Bad habits die hard.
“You sure?”
Y/N turns her head to the side, a reassuring smile lifting the corner of her lips, “Yeah, Em. I'm good.”
Emily gives her a smile in return.
A strong knock on the window makes both look in the sound's direction. Spencer mentioned for them to unlock the vehicle.
Emily did, and he got in, putting his go bag by his side.
“Ready to go?”
Y/N hums, shifting in the seat “You seem too eager for a two hour drive to the airport.”
Emily scoffs, “You should thank me Mr. I-drive-with-my-pinky isn't taking the wheel,” Spencer protests from the backseat knowing she was talking about his driving skills. Y/N watches them with a fond look.
This is her family and she loves all of them with all her heart. No matter what would happen, they made her feel safe and warm with each unique characteristics they carried. They brought a tip of happiness to her world, and that... that was more than enough.
➶ ➷
taglist: @deslovely
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ahjustroza · 3 years
Last Legacy Headcanon
💤Sleeping Together💤
Kind of a self insert type of headcanon. So that you beautiful people can imagine yourselves in Anisa’s arms. Or wrapped by Sage’s tail. Or Felix on top of you. Pick your poison ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
✨MC is always gender neutral in this blog✨
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I feel like in his case you are the little spoon most nights unless you tell him otherwise
He will always face you
Not because he doesn't trust you to turn his back at you
But he has to have you within his eyesight at all times
He wraps his arms around you or lets you wrap him with your arms while he rests his head against your chest.
He is probably the one to sleep on the wall side as well
Meaning, no matter which side you turn he can still cuddle you while keeping an eye on the room, window, or door for any possible threats at night
He won't let you know tho
oh no 
He'll make sure you get your sleep without worrying about anything
He'll worry for you 
Also will make everything so causal as well, unless you ask too many questions about his sleep routine you will never know he guards you even at nights
He'll purr and wrap his tail around your leg each time
He likes to have his tail around your leg 
That way he can pull you even closer and feel your body more
Hair pets are a routine if you are willing
Kisses are also a must
He'll either kiss you on the cheek causally if you are both too tired and need to just lie down or give you longer and more sloppy kisses here and there
Playful on the bed for no one's surprise
Not always for heated follow-up moments if you catch my meaning, but romantic and intimate closeness is always there 
You two are just too comfortable with each other and can lie down any way you want
He just has to feel your presence at all times
Also Sage is a light sleeper in my opinion
He has the potential to sleep like a bear but he also can intentionally sleep light as well
He'll check you each time you move away from him in your sleep
Either with his hands or by opening his eyes slightly
When you wake up for the bathroom or to grasp water he'll sit upright and look where you are going
Maybe ask you half asleep where you go in the middle of the night and if you don't answer he'll get up and follow you to see what you are up to
And he doesn't like walking around half asleep
Some nights he'll hold your arm and make you lay back down and grab you a glass of water himself 
You two are way too comfortable 
You won't mind if he purrs too loud in his sleep or throws one leg on you in his sleep
He also won't mind even if you sleep on top of him, take all the space in bed to yourself, or even drool in your sleep
He also won't mind morning hair or morning breath
He'll kiss you good morning and beg you to make/find breakfast every morning 
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She actually cares for your sleep schedule a lot more than you do
Anisa is not like the controlling and then lecturing you for not getting enough sleep kind
She instead gives attention to how energic you wake up after long or short sleep every day and calculate how much sleep you need in her head 😌
Everyone's body works differently, some needs more than 8 hours of sleep while others are fine with only 4 hours of sleep
If you sleep less than her she'll make sure to lie down beside you if you like to spend time in bed until you sleep yourself 
She enjoys your company in any way possible
While giving you your space
She'll learn your sleep habits as well
What kind of pillow do you sleep well with
Is it high or low? Hard or soft? What kind of pillowcase do you prefer?
Oh you bet she'll even change the bed with a new one if you are not comfortable with the old one 
She likes to talk to you before going to sleep in the bed too!
She mostly would like to talk about the future of you two in my opinion
Where would you go together or what new things to try...
She'll ask you many questions about your world and home
I can also picture you two just wear your most comfortable pajamas and just be yourselves and really, really enjoy each other
Your pajamas might look ridiculous but have an insane level of comfort 
Like you can wear just a random shirt with a really old coffee (or anything really, maybe soup stain? wine stain? pomegranate stains are a bitch to get rid of as well) stain that is just not going away no matter what you do 
Or you can just wear a potato bag all she cares
She is nonjudgmental 
She accepts you with your everything
And she actually likes it when you be yourself without having a need to look perfect at all times
She LOVES it when you just be comfortable around her 
So just be natural
Wear your ugliest socks
She'll still call you gorgeous 🥺
Ah and she'll be comfortable around you as well
She is calm around you
Like really calm
Her muscles are relaxed as if she were just out of a spa day
You two start off by cuddling but when you both fall asleep it is just a matter of which position do you sleep most comfortable with
She just needs to feel your presence but won't sleep on top of you as Sage does
She might like to just put her arm around your waist in her sleep or sleep close to your body without putting her arms around you
I feel like she won't take a lot of space in bed to herself either
She is good with sharing
If you are a clingy sleeper she is fine with it as well
You can sleep on top of her and she'll caress your cheek before finding herself a comfortable position while not disturbing your sleep while you're still on top of her
She might want you to make a coffee for her in the morning while she takes care of the breakfast most mornings
You are the mighty barista after all 💪
If you don't know how to cook she'll teach you so that you can surprise her with a nice breakfast one day
While she might enjoy drinking her coffee with you in bed, you are not allowed to eat in bed
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He is ✨smol and pretty✨ but definitely has the potential to take a lot of space in bed while sleeping
His bed was huge and comfy before he signs to the Starsworns too in my opinion
Filthy rich and with a big comfy bed hmmm
But I also think he will just curl in your arms too so
It is a 50/50 situation with him
You are mostly the big spoon because he is 
a bottom
I don't decide the rules here
He will have a hard time getting comfy sleeping beside you early in the relationship
He is nervous for funny reasons
and adorable
He cares how he looks around you
Also, he is grown up in an almost perfectionist environment. Appearance among the upper class is always important. 
His pajamas are comfortable, most likely silk or something soft 
You have to take the first step to break the uncomfortable walls with him
It is not like Felix is pushing you away or don't want to sleep in the same bed with you
He does
But he is shy and nervous like I said 
Be casual around him, wear your most comfortable pajamas without caring how ridiculous they might look on you 
I am saying this way too much but I don't believe people wear fancy pajamas at all
If they do they belong to jail.
Wear that shirt with Spongebob print that you bought in 8th grade y'all
He'll find it reassuring but will also make comments on your pajamas
Because he is a "quick answerer"
He has a comment for everything 😌
But he'll relax after seeing you being yourself around him without worrying about how you look
Also not making comments about his bed hair or the way he sleeps will help a lot as well
Just be gentle with my sub bottom boy
Caress his hair when you hold him close
Maybe murmur a calming melody while stroking his back 
Just enjoy his presence as much as he does enjoy yours
It is all looking mesmerizing and cute. Just like straight out of a romance movie awe
Holding the love of your life in your arms and feel his warmth
Until he falls asleep.
He is a blanked hog
I am not accepting any opposite commentary about this and baby boy takes all the blanket for himself in my dreams
And you will let him as well. as I do in those dreams
No, but I am serious.
He will wrap himself with the blanket
If he could breathe easily he would put his head under the blanket as well
Felix does this so that he can feel pressure around him
Something to hold him tight all around
Blanket hogging can be a huge sign of self insecurity and fear of outside factors/ harm coming to them in a sleep state
 People that had a lot of sleep paralysis during their childhood tend to wrap their body with a blanket for the sense of security and sometimes feeling nervous even sleeping on their back
Those people usually sleep sideways or on their stomach 
Felix has traumas and a not too peaceful childhood so I believe he will unconsciously feel like he is not secure in his sleep
I also think he is a heavy sleeper unless he is napping
He is a night owl yes
but it is only half because he doesn't need too much sleep
I think he might feel nervous in the dark. Not afraid, but nervous. 
He saw a war against Lord of Shadows and lost the entire Starsworn 
He also knows necromancy and nighttime rituals
There are also many abominations and monsters in The Last Legacy universe as well. Most likely he fought many during the war
My point is, sleeping is partly torture for Felix without him knowing it
So when he got used to sleeping beside you, he started to feel alive when he woke up
His unconscious told him that he was safe with you
That you would protect him
That you will always be beside him, ready to pull him in your arms
And your scent is a calming factor for him too
He started off by getting more and more clingy with you in his sleep each night
When you hit the final/ 100th Level (the chosen barista: Felix’s hug pillow) with making Felix comfortable in his sleep, he starts sleeping in positions such as curling in your arms, tangling his legs to yours, and getting the blanked all the way up to your necks
Or if you turn your back to him in your sleep, he will sleep either pressing his back to yours and hugging the blanket at the same time or wrap an arm and leg around you with the blanket covering his entire back
On summer nights tho you will have to put your arm around him with a small space between you two to not get sweaty
Or he will not care about the heat and sleep on top of you
He mostly gets lucky with the summer breeze on top of you, but you'll feel super hot beneath his body 
Put your arm around him if you want to sleep
Either way, he wakes up looking healthier each day  
Just seeing how relaxed his shoulders look in the mornings feels heavenly for you
You are good for him
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cocosstories · 3 years
Evan Peters One Shot
Oh! I just had an idea for Evan Peters! maybe a little angsty not to bad but something about his new gf like reader is his best friend but his gf is bullying her you can choose the ending
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It has been weeks and weeks since you had seen your best friend Evan and you missed him like crazy. 
You and Evan had been best friends and pretty much inseparable since you were children and even though you had made a pact to never let anything come between you, something finally had. 
His new girlfriend. 
You had always been extremely supportive when it came to Evan's relationships, only ever wanting him to be happy and even becoming friends with most of his now ex's. 
There was never any issue concerning your friendship with him either. Each one of them was completely comfortable with how close the two of you were.
Until now. 
"You need to stay the hell away from him or I will ruin your whole life. You are nothing to him anymore. Do you understand me?"
She had said one day when you were all hanging out. 
Evan had left the room for a few minutes, leaving the two of you alone. 
"What? What do you mean? Is Evan mad at me or something? Did he ask you to talk to me?"
You ask her, trying to understand what could have happened.
"MY boyfriend doesn't know we are having this little conversation and you are going to keep it that way. I don't want you anywhere near him and I will get what I want because honestly, you are nothing."
The pure venom in her voice brought tears to your eyes. 
"Oh get over yourself. He won't even miss you after like a day. Now find a reason to leave and don't ever come back."
You contemplated what to do. Evan seemed happy with this girl and after everything he deserved to be happy but would he really choose her over you if he knew what she had just said to you? 
You wanted to say you knew the answer was no but you weren't sure what kind of hold she had on him. 
"Hey, where are you going?"
Evan walks back into the room just as you are grabbing your stuff to leave. 
"I um have to go. Work stuff."
You quickly lie, doing your best to keep from looking at him. 
"Oh alright. Well I'll see you later tho right?"
He asks and you look over at her. 
"I'm not sure. Things are pretty crazy lately. Maybe."
You say before walking out the door, making it to your care just in time for the tears to flow freely.
As the weeks passed, you dodged calls and texts from Evan every day. 
'Y/N, what's going on? Are you alright? Did I do something? Call me please. I miss you.'
You sigh as you toss your phone into the passenger seat after reading the latest text. 
You wanted to tell him what was going on, to explain why you had just disappeared but the threats of his girlfriend were still playing loudly in your head and honestly, you weren't sure if he would even believe you anyways. 
As you pull up to your house, you see Evan standing out front, waiting for you. 
"What are you doing here?"
You ask him, resisting the unbelievable urge to hug him.
"You wouldn't answer my calls or texts. I wanted to make sure you were alright."
He says with a shrug. 
"Y/N, talk to me. What the hell is going on?"
"Yes, Y/N, we've been sooo worried. What's going on?"
You turn to see Evan's girlfriend walk up from the sidewalk to join you and Evan on your front porch.
"I told you, I'm busy."
You say, doing your best to ignore the stare down you are getting from the girl who hates you. 
"Bullshit. What's really going on?"
Evan knows you too well and can immediately tell you are lying. 
"Evan, leave it alone alright?"
You sigh, knowing he would never or could never do that. 
"No. Tell me what's going on. You were fine a few weeks ago when you were at my house and then you left so fast and now you're ignoring me. Please, tell me why."
You close your eyes as he takes your hands in his. 
"Because of her! That day I was at your house, she told me if I didn't stay away from you, she would ruin my life. She told me I was nothing to you anymore and she would make sure of it."
Evan stands in silence, taking in all of the information before turning to his girlfriend.
"Why would you do that? Y/N is my best friend, nothing will ever change that. How dare you say any of that to her!"
Anger raged through him as he spoke. 
"You bitch!"
She says, making her way towards you. 
"I warned you and now you are going to pay!"
She slaps you across the face before Evan steps in between the two of you.
"You need to leave! Now! Or I will call the cops!"
He says to her, his tone even scaring you a bit. 
"This isn't over bitch. You will pay for this."
She warns again before leave. 
"Y/N, Y/N, hey, shh it's alright. She's gone."
Evan says, turning back to you, seeing the big red mark on your face and tears running down your cheeks. 
He pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
"Why didn't you tell me what she had said?"
He asks, rubbing your back. 
"I wasn't sure if you would believe me or if you would even care. I saw the two of you together. You were happy and I didn't want to ruin that."
You sniffle.
"Of course I would have believed you and of course I care. Y/N, you are my best friend. I love you. It doesn't matter how happy I am, if who I'm dating can't respect you or our friendship, I shouldn't be dating that person. You are one of the most important people in my life and anyone I'm with needs to understand and accept that."
You give a small smile as he pulls away from you, lifting your chin so you will look at him.
"Now, we have a few weeks to catch up on. How about dinner and a movie? My treat?"
He asks and you nod, so happy to finally have your best friend back in your life.
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itsoneofthemuses · 3 years
Something I'd like to see in season four, is Lucy tell Tim she still has a dance saved for him, even tho we likely won't get it 🤡
I put the answer after a cut because, well, spoilers and speculative fic ahead... Thanks for the ask!
It takes a lot of work. Like, a lot, it's frantic and scary and Lucy spares a moment to wonder if this is what it was like when she was abducted. She thinks it might be worse because she hadn't been around long enough, then, to be integral to so many lives. And she hadn't been about to start a new life, literally and figuratively, with the man she loved.
But they save Angela, just like Lucy was saved, even if they had to go to some dark places to do it. Wesley makes some calls that she consciously chooses to walk away from so she doesn't overhear anything illegal. She spends more time than she expected trying to comfort Jackson and talk Tim from going off the deep end. Her and Harper basically hold it down for everyone, but she was glad to do it and she'd do it again in a heartbeat if she had to. Taking care of her people is something she could never regret.
The 48 hours it took to find her were terrifying and while she wasn't actually assaulted, being held hostage and kept in a cold concrete cell, taunted mercilessly by La Fiera, and treated like garbage hadn't exactly been easy on her. Despite her blood pressure and blood sugar and hormones being all fucked up, Lucy will hold that moment where they made eye contact as Lucy had her weapon trained on La Fiera as she held a gun on Angela close to her heart. She waits for the signal which, as it turns out, is Angela head butting La Fiera. She takes her shot. She doesn't miss. The rest of the team floods in and Lucy knows she should probably be secluding herself until she can be interviewed but nothing is going to stop her from hugging Angela first.
Angela, to the surprise of no one, ends up on bedrest after she comes home. Wesley and Angela sign a piece of paper at the courthouse with only immediate family present but they promise there'll be a proper wedding after the baby is born. Mrs. Evers won't stand for anything less.
And it happens, finally, 6 months later.
Lucy's dress is a plum colour this time. She has a nude lip and a smokey eye and she feels like she could take on the world. Tim, refusing to wear a tux this time around, is in a blue suit that looks like it was tailored to perfection. His tie matches her dress and Lucy is pleased beyond reason. Just like last time, she makes her excuses to Smitty and Nolan mid-conversation, as soon as she spots him and finds herself pulled toward him as if he's her true north.
"Lucy." He keeps his hands in his pockets and it's deja vu as he gives her a once over that makes her feel warm and sends the butterflies in her stomach tumbling. This time, however, she steps into his space without hesitation and lifts a hand to poke at his tie.
"Tim. Nice tie you've got there." His smile is more of a smirk but it does things to her such that she has no complaints. His hands are on her hips then, drawing her against him, and she clutches at his tie then, letting his body be her anchor.
"Found it lying at the back of the closet." His mouth shrugs all casual like but his eyes are sparkling and Lucy thinks if she doesn't kiss him right now, she might scream. She tugs on his tie and stretches up, too far to reach even in her heels, and he smiles as he presses his lips to hers. He draws back after a scant second, refusing to kiss her properly, and Lucy might be an adult, but she pouts anyway. "You're the one who told me I wasn't allowed to mess up your makeup. Not yet, anyway." She feels her cheeks heat and and wraps a hand around his jaw, uses his shoulder for leverage with the other, to push up and press a kiss to chin before she sighs and backs away. She hears noise near the entrance of the vineyard and cuts her eyes over to see an influx of people arriving. That's probably the cue for both of them, if she's being honest.
"You're right. I should go... You probably should too." He nods, his smile soft now, as he stares down at her. His hands trail up and down her waist before squeezing her hips one last time and he takes a step back, letting her go. She's glad he did because she thinks she might have abandoned he duties if he hadn't and stolen him away to do any number of things that could get them charged for public indecency on a good day, let alone at a wedding full of cops. At least they could probably find a halfway decent lawyer amongst the guests if needed. She reluctantly backs away and finally turns around but she can't quite stop herself from turning back to look at him one last time and she finds him still staring after her.
"Hey Bradford?" He raises his eyebrows in question and she keeps her face serious, but it's impossible not to let her smile shine through just a little, not when she's bubbling over with love and joy today. "I've been saving you a dance for six months. Make sure you keep some space on your dance card for me." His eyes crinkle in that way where he's amused but refuses to laugh and Lucy knows she's a lost cause. She's in love with this man whole heartedly and it's not even a little bit scary to her.
"For you, always."
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endydancer1 · 4 years
We used to be strangers | Part 5
Pairing: Tom Holland x Y/N Lincoln
Summary: Tom has just finished his latest movie and his heading back home to London. While he is passing the high building, suddenly something happens what changes his life completely. What is the shadow up there?
WARNING: Mentions of injuries, blood, depression, thinking of suicide.
Babygirl POV:
"Who did it?!" Sam started shouting at the three of us. The three of us were standing there silently, looking at our feets.
"Hm? Answer me. I am guessing who it was, but I want to here it from you! So tell me right now or the punishment will be even worse!"
Sam was so angry his eyes darkened and his face redenned like the tomato.
I was nervously shuffling on my feets. My eyes were starting watering and I was about to cry. I was always so scared when Sam started yelling. He was horrific and acted inscrutably. I was the most scared one. Matt and Melanie were always the innocent ones. At least for Sam.
"It was her, daddy! She did that!" Melanie pointed at me. I immediately looked at her in shock.
"N-no.. I p-promise.. It wasn..."
"I thought it was you! As always! There is so much trouble everywhere you go. You don't deserve anything, because you damage everything! You should take an example from your siblings! Melanie, Matt, you can go play in the garden. And YOU will come with me! " he crossed his hands on his chest, waiting for his own kids to dissappear from his sight. When they went out, he looked at me and harshly grabbed me by my hand and started pulling me into the room in the basement. We were walking down, more likely running down the old wooden stairs in a narrow corridor. It wasn't for the first time tho. He always did that when Chloe wasn't home.
"Please no, I won't do it again. I promise! Please, pretty please.. NEVER!" I cried and was trying to get out of his hold. But his grip went even stronger.
"Shut up!" He screamed and unlocked the metal door. He pushed me into the dark, cold room and then stepped inside too. He locked the door behind himself and turned on small light bulb.
"You are always causing trouble. You need to be punished to finally realize what you have done" he showed me his back and opened one of the drawers. For a few second he was searching for something, but then.. He chuckled for himself and turned to finally face me. His face was even more scary with the small amount of light in the room. I was slowly backing up in front of him, but he was closer to me every second. Then we dissappeared in the darkness.
"Aaau! Please daddy now. It hurts! It hurts! Please stop!" I was screaming so loud that the whole street had to hear me. But no one heard me. No one. I screamed till my tonsils were able. Till my voice just shut up.
"You were a bad girl, you know? And what does the bad girl as you deserves? Nothing but this! This is what bad girls get for their behavior. Now, you will stay here, quietly thinking about what you have done!" he hurt me once again, but this time no scream came out.
" Now, you are a good girl. If you are good and quiet , maybe I will release you. I'll be back in an hour and then.. We will see what to do next with you." Sam closed the drawer and turned off the only light in the room.
"See you in hour, babygirl" he chuckled one last time and locked the door. The room went completely quiet, darkness completely surrounded me. YOU ARE VERY BAD GIRL, BABYGIRL...
I closed the door from Y/N's room and was slowly walking towards the exit. I was typing to my phone, because Haz was constantly asking about my little trip to hospital. It was almost the lunch time. I spent there quite a few hours. But it felt like seconds. When I was with Y/N, I felt really good. She was so nice and beautiful. Even if our conversation didn't last for long and I wasn't able to get to know her properly, I was really happy that I could meet her.
"Bye Mr. Holland. Hope to see you soon" the nurse, Mrs. Brown was smiling and waving at me from the reception. Dr. Melendez, Y/N's wannabe boyfriend was standing there to, throwing a killing glance at me. I smiled back at her and wave too.
"Bye, Mrs. Brown. And don't worry,you will see me sooner than you think" I winked at Melendez and walked away. Jealousy was killing him, I am 100% sure about that. Vicious smile creeped onto my face.
-We will see who wins her heart, Dr. Melendez- I thought for myself and went straight back home. The boys were waiting for me at home.
"Mate, you are finally here. I am dying from hunger" Haz was overacting again. When it comes to food, he is unstoppable.
"Sorry, I have better things to do"
"Oh...so finally new girl in your life, hm? How was she?" Haz smirked and Harry with Tuwaine started laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"She is really nice. And beautiful."
"Someone fell in love. Ooh.. Little Tommy finally found someone who will play with his webshooter."
"Stop that you dicks! No one is gonna play with my webshooter. At least for some time." I had to chuckle on their words. Sometimes I would have just kick their asses, but most of the time, they were really funny.
"Well..let's eat somewhere and you can tell us about that mysterious girl" Harry stood up from the sofa, followed by Tuwaine and Haz. I nodded and took my car keys. We went to our favourite restaurant. Everyone from stuff knew us too well there, because we were there pretty often. Our schedules, especially mine was full most of the time so this was the only choice.
"Ah boys again. As always?" the owner of the restaurant greeted us with the warm smile.
"Yes. Thank you, Jamie."
He took us to our usual place where we sat and gave us menu. All of us had already been really hungry so there was not much to think about. We ordered immediately.
"So Tom. What about that girl? How is she? Did you speak to her?" the boys immediately asked me many questions.
"Yes. I spoke to her. She is really nice. Her smile, her eyes, I have to know her from somewhere. It's unbelievable how familiar she looks. But she didn't recognize me, so probably that's just a feeling I don't really know. And her name is Y/N" I immediately smiled when I said her name. Y/N.
"It's really nice name. Are you planning on meet her again?" Tuwaine asked as the waiter put our meals on table.
"Thanks. Actually.. Yes. I have her number and she asked me if I could come the next day. So tomorrow I am going to visit her again."
"Ohohoo Tommy asked for girls number. We haven't seen such a thing for years! Congrats mate! You should text her when we are back home."
"Thanks and I will. Maybe we will become good friends. Who knows."
"Or maybe lovers, hm? Haha." Harry chuckled.
"Maybe. But there is another guy. He is the doctor there and he knows her well. He took me out from her room, thanked me for saving her, but warned me there is something between them. So I am not sure if they are actually dating or not. But I think not yet. "
" So you need to fight for her! But if you show her your webshooter, she will choose you. Haha! Every girl does after she sees your little worm. "
" Harrison! It's not little worm. It's anaconda!" We all burst out into laughter.
" You are anaconda, yeah, sure. But let's be serious. Do you think she is the right one? "
" I don't know. Yeah she is definitely stunning, but I didn't talk much to her. We will see after some time, I guess. But I am not gonna deny it." I looked at the boys and finished my food. I payed for all of them and then me and Haz went to studio discuss my new project. The whole time I was thinking about Y/N. Her face was still on my mind. Where the hell could I see her before?
When we finally came home I took a shower and placed myself comfortably in bed in my room. I was still a bit wet, so I was lying there naked. I was scrolling Instagram when it suggested me some people I might have known. And her face appeared there too. I was looking on the screen for a few seconds, processing it. I opened her profile to assure myself it's her. And it was her. I instantly followed her and looked over at her photos. There weren't many, but still I have something to remind me of her face. I smiled at them. Minutes after the notification popped up on my phone. She followed me back.
-So she is still up- I thought. I went into my DM's and texted her.
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A/N: Let me know what you think about this story so far. Sorry for my English, it's not my first language and I am new with this. So I would be happy and thankful about the feedback. Have a nice day! 😊
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Dancing lessons.
Barry Berkman x reader
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Hi there! So I was watching Friends yesterday and I came across the one where Joey speaks french, and then I was thinking about how in season 2 Barry already has his Headshots, and I wanted to write something about a false ability he could have put on his resume.
So this will be an 8 part series, and I will try to update it at least twice a week but can't promise anything.
Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Warnings: Swearing, cheating maybe.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Part 1
A sharpie written ad in the door said: "Joe's friend callbacks" that could give him an idea of how unimportant this character was, because so far he didn't even had a name, nevertheless he was happy that they had call him back for a reason other than "You look good on the poster"
Although he was suspicious the "minor" changes Natalie and Sally had convinced him to do to his resume was the reason, he could not blame them, at first the page was empty and depressing, and now he appear to be a very compelling person, maybe someone he would like to be. Someone who could speak french and Italian, and had formal training in at least three styles of dancing, tango, salsa and tap.
Worst case scenario, they had said, there is someone better than you first and is just another bad audition. And so far it hasn't been a problem, people usually overlook that because they didn't need that on their movies.
But now it was different, there was at least three men in front of him and four behind all of them more or less his height and complexion, waiting to re read the lines for the upcoming movie, a place to dare dreaming. As far as he understood it was a drama about a men seeking meaning in life, and Barry was trying to be the best friend's best friend, he would have five scenes in the whole movie and was merely an excuse to make exposition questions and be gone for the rest of the movie.
Not a bad place to start, Sally said, and he might actually make connections and even find an agent. So he was there for some reason dressed with black loose pants and a loose blue shirt, just like the rest of them. Finally after another half hour or so the casting assistant exited the door and call for him.
"Hi, I'm Barry Block, reading for Joe's friend" He said looking at the people behind the table and he notice another woman there dressed as a ballerina, he was not entirely sure why.
"Fine, in this scene you are just finishing dancing with your partner, then Joe" The director point at a man who was already cast as the lead best friend "Yeah, Joe will call you to ask you something and then the scene starts"
Barry did as he was told, and when he was in the middle of telling Joe to go help the lead build the boat of his dreams or something like that the director interrupted him.
"Just one sec, Barry was it?" He said and Barry was already feeling the whole you are not what we are looking for speech coming. "It says here that you dance?"
"Um hum" He muttered every second more disconcerted.
"Tango? Janice you do tango right?" He asked the ballerina.
"No Andre, I only have a career in dance but I don't do tango" She said rolling her eyes "Of course I do" she and when the director look at her in exasperation.
"Then is settled, unless any of the other guys can dance we will go with Mr. Block here"
"Excuse me what?" Barry said a little lightheaded.
"Oh this scene, we originally wanted to have a big ballet dancing sequence that inspire Daniel, the lead to follow his dreams, but we scratched off because of the budget but since you can dance you and Janice can do a small version of it." Talk with Sophie on the way out we start on monday.
"Sure, thanks" he said with a calm voice and walked out to find the cast assistant.
"Mr. Block?" She said now a little more nice than when he entered in the morning. "You'll have to sing some documents and we will be ready"
"Sure, yeah fine, one question tho, what exactly does he mean Andre with me dancing with Janice?" He asked trying to sound casual
"Oh well since they are just adding the sequence I will say that they will tell you exactly what they want in a couple weeks and then you will have to rehearse with Janice and film it by the end of the next month" She said like it was no big deal.
"Two weeks?" He asked again and she could see that he was nervous.
"More or less, but I figure since you are an actual dancer that would be fine right?" He nod not very sure of her statement and she start looking in her purse and finally give him a card. "Look I won't tell you how to do your job, but if by any chance you are not convinced of what to do, you should go here, she may help you"
He shut the door of the apartment with enough strength to make one of the frames in the wall shake, of course he was furious. But it wasn't your fault and you wouldn't put up with his temperament. After 5 years of marriage Alan was finally beginning to understand that it was better to walk away and let things cool down before any of you could say something too painful.
And what could you say? You told him before you get married that you didn't want children and he married you anyway. He was not able to change your mind, that was no reason to scream and fight like that. You shake the thoughts from your head and pick up you bag, ready to walk down to the studio.
Your friend Sophie had made you a call earlier asking for your help with another lost case, and usually those pay well so you could surprise Alan with a nice dinner and maybe you would let him convince you to open up at the idea, at least for long enough to live peacefully.
You could tell who your new student was the minute you entered the studio, your assistant was talking with the other couples for the romantic dance lessons and he was in a corner looking at the door like he was planning an escape.
You take the attending list and seek for his name, Barry Block, you hope is not a sing of how hard will it be to make him move, but his large frame was telling you it will.
"Mr. Block?" You called him apart once you were dress in more comfortable clothes, he walked towards you and you could see he was at least 1 feet taller than you. "You work with Sophie right?"
"I do, I ... she said you could help me amm..."
"To make your dancing believable, yes, don't worry you are not the first nor the last actor that lies on an audition, but for future reference put something more achievable like learn Russian" You said part serious part kidding "Learning tango is complicated and demanding, is not just sexy dresses and fancy music, but since this is the land of dreams I can teach you a couple things"
"That would be great, and again I'm so embarrassed that this happened, but I need the job"
"Well that's another sad part of the story this class ain't cheap, and there's only so little I can do for you in three weeks"
"That's not a problem" He said immediately and took a little envelope from his pocket and gave it to you "This is for the first two lessons"
"Excellent, then we can start" You look at his clothes, jeans and a hoodie and very uncomfortable sneakers "You may need to change, and also stretch a little, we don't want accidents" you pointed to the dressing room and let him borrow a more lose pant and proper dancing shoes.
You finishes your lesson with the other couples and after and hour he, you and Macy your assistant were the only ones there.
"Ok for starters, that's not stretching" you told him once you saw he couldn't reach his toes. "Come sit here" You told him and sit in the middle of the floor with your legs completely extended and asked him to do the same.
"I'm not very use to this, I'm in shape as much as I can but this is different" He said awkwardly trying to reach his toes the way you did yours.
"If you don't mind me asking Mr. Block, why do you need the job?" You said standing up and helping him bend his back. "I don't think they will pay you more than I'm taking from you"
"Is not about the money" he said simply and took the hand you offered him to stand. "I need to prove myself I can be an actor, a real one, also my girlfriend is recording a show and I..." he star touching his hair distracted.
"You don't want to be left behind? Yeah I know what is like" You said to him. "Well in that case I would do my best, but for real you have to stop being so rigid" you said taking him by the hips and he flinch with surprise to then let go a chuckle
"I'm sorry" He said and you nodded and put your hands on his hips again "First we are going to have to work on that posture, lower just a bit your hips and bend your knees" You said pushing him down a bit.
"Like this" he said flexing down so much that he was almost at your height.
"Not at all, I'll show you, Macy come here" You call the girl who was already hiding her laugh behind a magazine, she put on some music on his phone into the speakers and walked towards you.
You took her by the waist and started just making simple walks at the rhythm of the music, showing him how he had to bend his knees but not making it all that evident, then when the next song star going faster you started making more quick moves and shen it turn slow you drag your leg inside slowly, and embraced Macy pulling her closer to you.
"Ok, I can definently not do that" he said once you were done, and you felt flattered to se some amusement in his face.
"I know, but we will figure something out" you smile at him and turn off the music to again trying to make him bend his knees properly.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Link to my masterlist for earlier chapters or other stuff I've written
His Queen
Part 3
Bri ripped open the letter, amazed it was handwritten and in cursive! Knowing Roman, he had an assistant write it, but she felt a warmth in her chest knowing he’d truly loved her all along.
To My Queen, Briana Godfrey,
(Admit it! That sounds way better than Tucker, have the lawyers change it.)
Oh, and before I get into it, I wrote this myself. No assistants, so fuck you for thinking it.
Bri smiled a sad smile at how they still knew how the other thought.
I have to start off by saying thank you for reading this letter. That means you're at the white tower. I don't deserve you. I've turned into everything I never wanted to become. Everything you made me believe I could escape. You are the light to my darkness and I'm so sorry I disappointed you. I don’t have a lot of time, but I needed a plan in case I fail. You’re the only person I trust with my company, my money, my daughter, my legacy, my heart, all of it. I am an absolute crack head level blood addict, and I couldn’t trust myself when we got overly emotional to keep my head. Because I love you so much, you can make me so upset, and That last fight we got into, I scared myself. I don’t blame you for slapping me, but to hold back from returning the blow, I literally broke my own hand... but this is not what this letter is about.
Peter and my sick half-sister Annie have stolen my daughter. Peter is hell-bent on destroying me because he killed Destiny's trash fiance, and lied about it, so she blamed me and attacked me and I hurt her bad enough to foresee issues with peter, so I broke her neck to avoid problems figuring it was showing her some mercy since she was heartbroken. Annie was there and when I refused to carry on an incestuous relationship with her, she turned on me and told Peter about Destiny. So he came after me and fucking shot me, we fought and I won, but didn't cut his head off so I knew he’d be fine. Well, he calls me and has my kid and won't turn her over, and says he's going to kill me so even though I doubt it, Nadia needs someone to raise her, and if I'm killed it's not my whore of a sister Annie. I need you to find Nadia and take her home and raise her as she deserves. She’s such a sweet baby and she adores you.
Find Shelley and she can help you maybe. She’s in love with this weird old poet and chooses to live at the old steel mill. Calls it Rooster Poop. Can’t make this shit up.
The entire security team is trying to find Nadia, so contact them and see where they’re at with it.
you are the love of my life and I refused to ever say so, even though we both knew it was true. I would bullshit and say it’s cuz I was saving you from myself, but I’m not that fucking noble. You scared me more than anything ever scared me in my life. God, it's great to admit I love you. Like I need to make up a new word for how I feel for you cuz love isn’t strong enough.
there’s a pretty poem I saw that reminded me of you;
I’d still choose you.
In a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I’d find you and I’d choose you.
Even though I knew you were going to break my heart again and again.
I’d still choose you.
It’s crazy how happy I am writing you a letter, even with every aspect of my life in shambles, you’re my light.
You get everything. Fuck all of them. You were right about everything. If I survive this shit, I am winning you back if it takes 100 years and I have to spend every cent. This is literally a reset.
I tried to forget your baby girl but I never could. No amount of drugs, money, blood, or bullshit could ever distract me from the constant ache in my heart for only you. You’re the only pussy I ever wanna see again. I ran thru a fantastic amount of pussy after you left and none of them made me forget you for even a moment. I pictured you or I could not get off. It was pathetic. I hope I get to see you again and rip up this fucking letter.
I looked back over this and there’s a reason I have other people write shit up for me. A few requests to seriously consider:
-->Blitzky should take over for Pryce. Not only is he a genius, he's a good guy. He's a bit soft, so you may have to be the bad guy.
-->Get a new nanny. The current one looks good on paper but she's an idiot.
--> Live in the white tower. It's secure and safe and you can make as many floors as you like home.
--> if an animal killed me, it's Peter and he's still a wolf. He’ll be white. Kill him, cut off his head and burn him up in the incinerator.
--> if Annie comes around at all, kill her. She's very manupulative and acts religious and nice. She's crazy and not to be trusted.
-->try and convince Shelley to live in the mansion and have her little homeless community there. She doesn't care about money but she cares about people, so offer it as a safe haven. Make sure it stays stocked in necessities like toilet paper, soap, cleaning materials, etc and write it all off as a charity contribution. Make the whole endeavor a big tax write off, but don't tell Shelley that part. Just tell her it was my dying wish she had a home.
--> the loser she's with has legal problems. Have the legal department solve them so he's got no reason to desert her.
-->if Peters mom comes sniffing around, don't tell her a damn thing. I doubt she will tho, she's a wanted fugitive.
--> don't trust any gypsies.
--> Nadia is very intelligent. She can read minds, influence dreams, and kill anyone or anything just by looking at them. She's dangerous and shouldn't be allowed around animals or people until she can understand the concept of death and consequences. There's no way to control her, I have found.
--> I promised a homeless man I ate that id pay for his sons school. Anonymously pay for Mathew Shandwicks classes, books and dorm at Penn State for all 4 years. His father traded his life without a single complaint so it's imperative you keep my word.
-->make sure Nadia isn't a spoiled brat like me. Teach her about her mother and her father and all the good things about us. Leave out we were related if you can swing it. Just say we were young and loved each other very much. I enclosed a pack of photos of me and Letha for her.
I wonder what you’re wearing... That reminds me; if I’m really dead, you have to be in mourning at least two years. That means all black suits and dresses that cover you up, black nails, big black hats like you just left a Catalina Yacht Mixer or you’re going to a royal wedding. I even got you black lab coats just in case.Don’t half ass this. It’s important.
Also I want “Fuck you” by the Archives played at my funeral, if it comes to that.
Hopefully, you never see this letter because I got everything fixed here, and went and found you and you ran into my arms and we lived happily ever after, and I have a whole lifetime with you... But just in case...
All my love,
Roman Godfrey
P.s. - since you're a genius, hopefully you can fix me or bring me back. I hope you still love me even 10% as much as I love you, because then nothing can stop us.
Brianna stared at the page as her tears fell on it swirling the ink in designs and spirals. She knew he’d always loved her, but it was bittersweet seeing him finally admit it. She took the photos out of the envelope and looked through them.
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Looking through the pictures was heart-wrenching. There had to be a way to fix all this! She tried to remember everything she’d learned about Upirs from that dreadful Russian women and Pryce. Luckily they’d been a bit of an obsession for her that she delved into when Roman pulled his shit. Being obsessed with Upirs had distracted her from obsessing over the real issue.
Just as she started to wonder when Mueller and Edwards would be back, as if by magic, the elevator doors opened. They had brought Dr. Blitzkey with them as well.
“Oh my gosh! You’re alive! I’m so happy to see you’re ok and still here!” Bri said as she ran up and embraced Blitzky. “Where is Roman? I need to see him.”
Blitzky looked at the ground nervously before meeting your eyes. “It’s not fixable.”
“No matter. I just NEED to see him. Please?” She begged.
“Okay. He has several severe traumatic injuries so please prepare yourself for that.”
“What happened to him?”
“Some Type of animal attacked him in the old mansion and pushed him out the upper story window, fracturing his spine and neck which most likely left him paralyzed and vulnerable. His throat and heart were then ripped out.”
“Peter.” Bri said darkly. He was going to pay for his betrayal. She would make sure of that.
“I mean that’s the most logical conclusion but after all Roman did for that little degenerate, ” Blitzky muttered.
Bri nodded solemnly.
“Hate to interrupt your happy little party but we have several forms that need immediate attention, to get this shit show back on the road,” Edwards interjected.
“They’ll have to wait till after I see Roman. You lead the way Blitzkey, you two stay here.” She said firmly stepping into the elevator with the doctor. Both lawyers looked furious but did as they were told since they were honestly intimidated by this young woman that had all this piled on her, and seemed unfazed.
As soon as the doors closed she sank to her knees and screamed. The tears came flooding out of her eyes as her body was wracked by sobs. It’s like she’d been hit by a truck. The realization that Roman was really gone finally sinking in.
Blitzky didn’t know what he should do. He was a genius, but completely clueless when it came to social and interpersonal skills. He hesitantly patted Bri on the head like a golden retriever, unsure how long was comforting so he just kept doing it. “You’re strong.”
Bri glanced up at Blitzky through her foggy tears and couldn't help but agree. She WAS strong.
The elevator opened to their floor as she looked down at the floor.
“Well” Blitzkey peeped, unsure of what to do, “this is it.”
“We have to fix him Blitzkey. There’s got to be a way.” she said rising to her feet, as if the little display he just witnessed never happened.
“You’re the boss.” Blitzky said as cheerful as he could muster.
“I’m giving you Pryce’s position. I trust you.”
“Thank you! I wasn't sure if maybe you'd want to take charge.... What will you do? Take over for Roman?”
“Until I can bring him back, I guess I’ll have to. I will bring him back Blitzkey.... If I have to make a deal with the Devil himself.” Bri stated adamantly before setting off down the hall like a woman possessed.
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irepookie · 6 years
Wake up Call, Infinity Ch.3
Chapter 3: Row has to start stepping out of the bubble him and his daughter have been living in while in the safety of the hospital, and break the news to his best friends. 
John- Rick
Bri- Terry
Rog- Rowan
When Row had hung up on Len mid sentence, the boys had been confused. Then again, he was at his mom's house and they had heard her infamous shout of <<ROWAN EUGENE QUEEN>> that always preceded an argument, so they let it go. But then he didn't turn up to rehearsal, or called back for the rest of the afternoon. Or the following afternoon. Or for rest of the week. And that was unlike him. He always called back. (Well, most of his former one night stands would disagree with this). Let's just say he always called his band mates back. Sometimes drunk, at 4 AM, Thus leaving  a wakeful Terry with 2 hours to spare nothing to do but to start revising for whatever exam he had ahead.
So, when they didn't know of him, they went directly to the village's police station, to see if he was locked up, and if not, to report him missing.
"What if we ask Gina?" Rick suggested
"I'd rather check the morgue first, thanks" Len said.
"Well, what else can we do? Huh?"
"Audition new drummers"
"Seriously boys. Let's go."
They knocked on Row's childhood home. Gina opened, with messy hair, a dressing gown and slippers
"Oh, hello boys. He ain't here" she took a drag of the 4th cigarette she had smoked that day despite it only being 8:30 AM.
"Where is he?"
"He isn't at home?"
"We've checked and there's no track of him. We haven't seen him in 7 days"
She sighed "in the hospital, I think. If he hasn't left already"
"Hospital?" All three said simultaneously
"What happened?!" Len added
"You don't know?"
"Know what?"
She smiled, mockingly "Wow, father of the year isn't so sure after all"
She laughed bitterly. If he hadn't told his best friends yet, it maybe meant he was reconsidering the whole thing. Maybe common sense had hit him after the first stinky nappy.
"You know what? Come in."
"Oh we were actually in a rush..."
"You wanna find him or not? Come in, I don't bite
"Alright" all three musicians entered somewhat awkwardly in the house where so many sleep overs had taken place, back in the day.
She led them to the kitchen, where the phone was, and dialed.
Callie was the closest to the phone "Row? Yes, I'll get him"
She made her way to the room where the Prune had been moved in the previous evening, due to her favourable evolution and the need of free incubators.
She grinned at the scene: the 6 day old infant was dozing against her dad's bare chest, supported by his hands -which seemed huge in comparison to her small figure-. His eyes were closed, but Callie could tell he was awake as his left hand was stroking her head. It was adorable, and they seemed at such peace -poor Row had spent his first whole night on night watch and was exhausted-.
"Row" she called softly
He opened his big blue eyes in acknowledgement.
"You have a call"
"A call? From who?" He whispered back, before looking down at the baby to make sure she was asleep
"Didn't say. But she was kind of irritated"
"Oh, that's mom then" he smiled sarcastically, but didn't move a bit.
"You aren't gonna get on the phone?"
"I don't know. She doesn't deserve our attention does she?" He cooed
"How bad can it be?"
"You don't wanna see my bad side. And I don't ever want her to see it either"
Callie smiled "Go. I'll stay with her"
He groaned in annoyance. He was so comfortable, and he didn't want to get up.
"C'mere darling" he mumbled, detaching his daughter from his lap and carefully lying her on the cot
He exited the room and walked to the phone "What?"
"Row! Where are you?" The three voices of his best friends greeted him from the other side
"Oh, hi guys I... How did you get this number?"
"We're calling you from your mum's. She says you're in hospital" Terry's soft voice said worriedly
"You've gone fucking AWOL! Where are you man? We're worried as hell" Len scolded
"Oh yeah, hehe been..."he scratched the back of his head "been pretty busy" He glanced in the direction of his daughter's room, where he saw Callie readjusting the yellow teddy bear he had bought her the second day.
"Busy? With what?" Rick inquired
"It's... It's a long story."
"Well we've got time"
"Shouldn't you be in uni?" Row said in hopes they'd have to run into class
"It's Sunday, Row!"
"Oh is it?" He had lost track of time, honestly
"C'mon! Spit it"
He sighed "Alright, huh..." He tried to think of where to start. He couldn't really think much tho; his brain was pudge at that moment. "I met a girl in..." He counted nine months back from February "June?" No wait Piper was premature so it could be July or... Then it hit him. "No, remember that afternoon when we set up that Live Aid session in your parents backyard, Len?"
The boys nodded. July 13th. How could they forget? It had been dubbed the best Summer Party of 1985 in town. The four of them had tried to get tickets, but they couldn't even afford a ticket to London in the first place. And so, They watched the whole show with four TV screens around the yard instead, and the whole village had joined them, arguing on which performance had been the best.
Of course, all four members of Symbols agreed that it had been Queen.
"But they signed up late" someone said 
 "Yea, they came late to the party" another agreed. 
"So what? They rocked the party! You just say that because you like U2 better"
 "Like you prefer Queen!" 
 "But we've got a point! Regardless of how much we like them, they were, objectively, the best performance" /
"Objectively? Bullshit!" Anne Williams snapped "They played the same shit they always play! And Bono was a true gentleman, helping that girl who was getting crashed by the crowd."
 "Yea, I'm sure Freddie wouldn't have given a shit, so full of himself and his teeth up his~" /
Dennis Phelps couldn't finish his sentence as a  someone tossed him a Converse, which hit his head. A young woman, with Bowie-like orange dyed haircut approached, with  a bare left foot and the matching shoe on the other 
 "You know nothing about putting up a good show then. Also, you mess with Freddie Mercury again and next time the shoe will be stuck up your ass" she told Dennis, retrieving the item "I mean, it's clear who I'm rooting for but Queen really did what had to be done. Geldof told them all to play the hits, because that's precisely why they're hits: they work. Other artists, like your boyfriend Bono and his band played new material, as if this was their concert. And it's not. Even though they signed up on time and whatever. They took a risk, crowd didn't know the song, they lost interest. But Queen had common sense: they played the hits, the anthems, and people connected with them. And it's not about Freddie or him hypnotizing Wembley. It's having some common sense. And not even you two knew the lyrics of U2s new song. So shut the hell up"
Row had liked her instantly. That's a girl who knows the stuff.
They exchanged a smile, a wink and a complicit nod
"We must join our forces to help out our friends under pressure, don't we?" She said
"Oh yes, Bowie girl." Terry remembered
"So what's with her?" Rick said
"Well, that.. she..." He cut himself off when a cry echoed in Pip's room "Gotta go, guys. I'll call you back"
"No! Row!" Len said, but the line went dead
"What happened?" Gina, who had watched the scene from the door frame, -and was about to finish her 6th cigar in a row,- asked
"He rambled about that Live Aid day, and a girl he met there"
"Did he say her name?"
"No. He had to go suddenly. It's all weird"
"Yea, well... Life is weird, boys"
"I don't understand. What's going on? Can't you tell us, Mrs. Queen?"
"Oh no. No. It's not my story to tell. Nor my business. I tried my best, but that stubborn bastard didn't listen. I'm sorry" she said
"But is he okay?" Len asked, concerned
Gina grinned, at how despite it all, the four boys would stick up with each other to the end of the world "Yes. He's fine."
"Row, are you okay?" Callie said, as the drummer wordlessly took the bundle from her
"Yes, yes. Why wouldn't I be?" He said, sitting with the fussy baby
"You're a bit pale"
"Oh I... Nothing. Just... I'm nervous honestly. Because we're about get discharged and I'm gonna be alone with her and I'll have to dad around all by myself and... And everyone will know..."
"Know what?"
"About her"
"And is that a problem?" Callie crossed her arms
"No, I mean... No, of course not. But everyone will ask questions and judge me and... I'm worried I will end up believing them more and fuck it all up"
"Believing what?"
"They'll start telling me it's a mistake, that I'm gonna screw everything up and that I won't be able to be a good dad and I'm afraid it will become true"
"So you're saying that how people think of you is gonna affect the way you... How you called it? Dad around?"
He nodded "Well, answer me these, will you? Have you, in this moment or at any point during these seven days, thought you are making a mistake?"
He looked at the tiny bundle and shook his head.
"Are you willing to always do your best for the shake of Piper?"
He nodded, noticing he was unconsciously rocking her back and forth.
"Then what's the problem?"
"Look I haven't exactly been a role model in... Well anything. One thing my mom's proud of is that I'm not into drugs. Everyone who has a daughter in the block hates me. So how am I supposed to raise one?"
"Exactly how you've been doing the last six days"
"Yes but I have you guys. And the medics, and the equipment. But there I'll be all alone"
"You will never be alone. You have the friends you've told me about. And your mum...Maybe the little darling is gassy"
"Oh stop about my mum" he carefully changed the Prune to an upright position and began to rub circles on her back without even hesitation. Wow he was actually getting a hold on the burping stuff.
"Yes. Your mum will eventually come to terms with the lil'raisin. I'm sure." She said, whist handing him a muslin to place on the baby's range of accuracy
"Oh you don't know her"
"I know she's a mum. Your mum and mother's rarely ever turn their backs on their children for good"
Row looked at the baby, then raised an eyebrow at Callie
"I said it's rare. There are obviously exceptions" she said "And believe me you're better off. Also, she did call. That's gotta Mean  something"
"I didn't speak with her. Just the band. They were at her place, yeah but... I don't know. I'm not gonna beg on my fucking knees..." He was interrupted by a burp I his ear. Damn, that was a big one. He'd need 2 beers to produce such a loud one.
"Easy, tiger." He laughed "Goddamn it, where did that come from, huh? You're unbelievable" he praised, while getting the muslin out his shoulder and handing it to Callie
"And a neat one too. 10/10." She chuckled
"Atta girl. That's my lil'raisin. Yeah, good girl" he cooed, bringing her to face him, before she started fussing and he nested her again on his chest "Aw, don't cry honey. Please. You're alright. C'mon" he begged. She settled down quickly, and he sighed in relief.
"The point is, that here is like... I feel safe, you know? It's like another world. Another life. And now I have to fit her in my every day, and be in charge and stuff, and... I'm not sure I'm ready"
"Parents are never ready to take them home. Not even those who had 9 months of preparation, and parenting classes, and a nicely decorated and supplied nursery. No one feels ready. But nerves are good. Nerves mean that you care. Worrying and doubting about your ability to be the dad your child needs is precisely what's gonna make you raise your game. Just one last question: are you 100% that you love that lil one with all your heart?"
He looked at his daughter, who had gone back to sleep with the rambling of his voice, as his hand still caressed head and grinned "Hell yeah" Otherwise, how could he explain the way his chest seemed to be holding two hearts whenever she was in his arms? Or how, when he had to leave for the night it felt as though both those hearts were ripped away from him? Or how else could he have turned this goddamn sappy? Yep. That was the proof.
"Then that's all the two of you will ever need. She won't care if you two are rich or live in a cardboard box, or if she wasn't in your initial plans, or that she doesn't have a mom. As long as you love her and make her feel like it."
He nodded, and rested his lips on her soft scalp.
"Right, I Gotta get to another patient. Call'em back."
He stood up, this time taking his Prune along, and went to the corridor where the phone was. Making sure her head was safely cradled along with the rest of her small body on his left arm, he tucked the phone between the right shoulder and neck and dialed their shared place's number
Rick picked up "Yes?"
"I'm a dad" he said simply, and waited for his reaction. 
I’ll post the picture separately in order to preserve my goddamn sanity cause Tumblr is being a pain in the arse!!!!!
How do you guys do it? Am I the only one who needs 5 bloody tries to post this things?
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I'm gonna be greedy and hit you with another prompt. lol Hope you won't mind! What if...right after the "let's get out of here" moment in 2x20, Alec collapses on their way to Magnus' loft because he's been wounded by one of the demons during the battle but he's been too busy to really take care of it? I don't know, I'm just in the mood for some self-indulgent hurt/comfort with ensuing fluff, and you do both so well!
Anonimo ha detto:Hi ! I love the way you write and wanted to ask, if you’re still taking prompts, if you maybe could write a little something for me. Malec, post 2x20, where Alec works himself out because he’s stressing both over his parabatai and his relationship with Magnus, and it takes him collapsing for Magnus to realise he might have to apologise too for the way he treated him in that episode ? Cause their conversation, tho it was sweet left me unsatisfied on that end. Hopefully you’ll feel inspired. :)
I don’t mind at all! :D Especially with hurt/comfort and fluff GIVE ME ALL THE PROMPTSAlso, since these two prompts were kinda similar, I’ve decided to mix them, I hope you won’t mind :)I basically rewrote and ending for 2x20 (which is, I know, pretty insane because canon ending was kinda perfect)Anyway, I hope you’ll like it!Let me know :)
Read on AO3
Alec’s been looking at him all night, quick glances and longingstares Izzy and Clary have been elbowing him out of.
He looks – tired. Not quite as drained as he’d been on the beach,but he’s sitting by himself, drinking slowly in a quiet corner; allAlec can think about is that he’d give up anything to be in theirbed, fingers buried in his hair, curled around him. To be home.
He doesn’t even know if he gets to think of it as their bedanymore.
But there’s this quiet longing inhis chest, a pull thatdoesn’t allow him to look away.
He stands up when Magnus does,almost knocks over Izzy’s drink, worrying his lower lip with histeeth as he watches him make his way towards the exit; he doesn’tknow if he should –maybe it’s not his place anymore, maybe it’s not his right anymore,but then the door is swinging heavily behind Magnus’ back and thelonging in his chest turns into a sharp pain and he knows he can’tjust let him go.
He presses his palm against his hipbone as he makes his way throughthe crowd, mindful of the torn skin that isn’t quite healed yet, andhe pushes the door shoulder first, the cool air momentarily freezingagainst his skin after the suffocating warmth of the Hunter’s Moon.
He’s walking slowly, placing onefoot perfectly in front of the other, walking in that way he does,hipsswaying slightly.
“Going home already?” he says, quickly, breathless, before hisfear reaches his throat.
Magnus stops; his arms are bent, he’s probably playing with hisrings. He turns and doesn’t quite look at Alec, faces the wall of theHunter’s Moon instead: “Yes, I’d rather be there. I’m too tired tocelebrate.”
He sounds wary, hesitant – like he doesn’t know where they standeither, and Alec takes a step forward, hope blossoming shyly in hischest: “You – you’re alright, right?”
Magnus turns fully towards him, his lips curled in a defeated smile:“Yes,” he murmurs softly, “I’m alright. I’m just tired.”
Alec presses his lips together for a moment and leans back, tryingnot to reach out for him; he combs his fingers through his hair,still damp from the shower he’d taken right before going out: “Okay,”he says, and then “Okay,” again, just to collect his thoughtsbecause he feels like he’s overflowing with emotions, “I was – Iwas hoping we could talk?”, he says, hesitation turning it into aquestion, “When you’re not tired. Just – maybe give me a call?”
Magnus – stops. He seems to really consider him for the first timein days, his lips parted like maybe he’s trying to hold somethingback. When he moves towards Alec it’s slowly, with purpose; he stopsright in front of him, close enough that he has to tilt his head backjust so to look at him.
“Aren’t you coming home?” he whispers.
Alec blinks: “Home?”, he asks, the word getting stuck in histhroat.
“Alec,” Magnus breathes, and it sounds like oh, Alec, andhe reaches out, his palm against Alec’s cheek, his fingers buried inthe short hair on his nape as he drags him close, buries his noseunder his ear, “You must know – you must know it’s always home,”he whispers, Alec’s arms wrapping even tighter around him, “I neverwant you to – I was – I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to balance youand my duties and I – I hurt you.”, and he doesn’t wantAlec to go away, he doesn’t want Alec to look at him because hedoesn’t know how to explain it quite yet, that he thought he’d knownlove before and he thought he knew what love meant to him and what itwould turn him into, but then – then he’d met Alec and he’drealised just how defenceless he actually is against him.
Alec doesn’t go anywhere, simply buries himself deeper in his arms:“I shouldn’t have lied, I’m sorry, I should’ve – I should’ve toldyou, I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”
“We’ll do better next time,” Magnus says, and he knows theywill, he trusts the way Alec is holding him.
Alec nods, his forehead brushing against Magnus’ neck; he whispers:“Let’s go home. Please.”
Magnus leans back, his thumbs brushing the purple circles underAlec’s hazel eyes; he presses his lips against Alec’s for a longmoment, a sweet warmth working its way in his lungs. “Let’s gohome.”
He knows something is wrong the second the portal leaves them intheir living room; Alec is leaning heavily against him, a handpressed against his own side, pain twisting his expression in a waythat’s still too fresh in Magnus’ mind.
“Alec,” Magnus says, trying to focus, his fingers only a breathaway from Alec’s, “What is it? What’s wrong? Is it the rune?”
Alec shakes his head, teeth harshly biting down on his lower lip.“Demon,” he says, breathing hard, his eyes closed and his jawclenched, and Magnus’ eyes widen: “You were hurt by an Edomi?”
Alec nods, his eyes still closed, and Magnus loses his breath: “Ican’t be touching you,” he says, he can’t think because hismagic can’t help, but then Alec groans in pain and Magnus snaps outof it, walks as quickly as he can towards the couch and helps Aleclay down, stops touching him as soon as he can.
“Edomi,” he explains, voice shaking as Alec blinks in surprise atthe pain lessening, “I’m – my father – I have their blood, I –I can’t help you, I have to call Catarina, I – ”
Alec’s voice is low and rough with pain, but Magnus turns towards himimmediately: “It’s fine. I’m home. I’ll be fine.”
The spell isn’t as difficult as it is uncomfortable, Alec’s eyessqueezed shut against the invasive feeling of the poison being pulledout of his blood, and Catarina’s magic, as friendly as it feels, isnot – familiar.
He’s exhausted by the time she’s done, a sheen of sweat covering hisskin: “Can I – can he – ”
Catarina looks at him with amusement: “Yes, you can.”
Alec would blush if he could: “Sorry, I should’ve – thank you.”
Catarina seems to study him for a moment before she stands up: “Noneed to thank me,” she says, “You are the most important thing inMagnus Bane’s life. That comes with benefits.”, she bends to placea kiss on his forehead, rough and motherly, “Get some rest so youdon’t give him a heart attack.”
Magnus is standing with his back against the wall, arms crossed overhis chest. Catarina rolls her eyes at him: “He’s fine, Magnus.”
Catarina snorts: “Next time fall in love with a cockroach then.”
Magnus makes a face and Catarina sticks her tongue out at him: “I’mgoing home. I have a double shift for the next fifteen years, give ortake. You should go hold your boy and make sure he doesn’t move forthe next twentyfour hours.”, she stamps a kiss on his cheek beforeportaling out.
Magnus’ steps are hesitant in the room until Alec can’t take itanymore: “If you don’t come to me, I’ll come to you.”
Magnus crawls on the bed then, still mindful of the bandage aroundAlec’s waist; he holds himself up on his elbows and he looks down atAlec; he nudges the tip of his nose with his own: “You promise?”
A smile curls Alec’s lips as he closes his eyes: “Yeah, I promise.”
“Alright then,” Magnus says, and they’re both tired when theykiss, drained, recovering, works in progress, but it tastes likehome.
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