#tho this is still a couple years off from the start of the canon story (if my math is right. which it may not be. it's late.)
becauseplot · 8 months
Touching Base
Just a little Roommates/Cellmates AU oneshot because they live in my head like how Cell lives in Felps' apartment: rent-free. (Also because I am procrastinating on bigger projects rn.) (What who said that.)
Takes place a couple years after the events of Miss Me? and Shared Living Space. Cell has officially started going by Cellbit, a relatively recent development. He still sleeps on the couch, but that's mainly because the second "bedroom" in the apartment is used for Felps' storage and both of them dread having to clear it out. He has a job and puts most of that money towards groceries, new clothes, and therapy. Felps---finally working at a station where his superiors don't hate his guts---covers pretty much everything else.
(TWs: discussions of killing/murder, light allusions to suicide in a joking manner (they're fine, someone's just being dramatic). they are having a conversation that is oh so very normal for two friends to have yesyes. tbh this was supposed to be way more light hearted but then the angst. the angst...)
Key ring dangling from his finger, Cellbit shoulders his way through the apartment door, juggling a box of redstone bulbs, a stack of spam mail, and the library book that doesn’t quite fit in his over-full messenger bag. “Felps?”
There's no verbal answer, but over the back of the couch, Cellbit sees a tired hand rise and wave. There’s a dull whump when it drops back down.
Cellbit, taking this and the fact that the TV isn't even on, raises an eyebrow. "Long day?" There's a muffled groan in response, and that's all Cellbit needs to hear to get the gist of it. He wiggles his keychain off his finger and into the dish before shutting the door behind him with his foot and heading to the table, where he dumps off his things. Hands free, he slips his bag off his shoulder and sits down to take off his work boots. Once he's got them off, he takes a moment to slump back in the chair, relief washing over his aching back and shoulder, before he picks himself up and heads over to see what the situation is.
The situation, it seems, is as follows: Felps is lying on his back on the couch, still wearing his uniform, with a pillow pressed into his face like he's trying very, very hard to smother himself with it.
Cellbit sits himself down on the floor with his side against the foot of the couch, right by Felps. He plants an elbow on the cushions and drops his chin into the heel of his hand. "So. Who do I need to kill?"
Felps groans again and shifts the pillow off his face just enough to free his mouth. "Me. Kill me, please. Kill me. Literally just kill me."
"Ehhh," Cellbit says. "You know, I did that once, and you didn't like me very much after that."
"Cellbit I am begging you. You'd be doing me a favor."
"Mm, no. I don't think so." He pokes one of the fingers Felps has dug into the cushion. "Now come on—a name, an address. Give me something to work with here, Felps."
Felps sighs and finally yanks the pillow off his face, flipping his hands around and throwing it into his lap. His hair is a complete, frazzled mess, though Cellbit supposes that's the least of his worries. "No one's getting killed. This isn't a problem you can fix by killing someone."
"Except for you?"
"Except for me."
"Okay. So what happened?"
Felps makes a pained noise and digs the heels of his palms into his eyes. At least he's not suffocating this time. "Davi," he mumbles.
Cellbit blinks. Usually, he has a hard time keeping all of the names of Felps' coworkers, friends, and acquaintances straight in his head since there's so many of them, but this one registers immediately. He takes this in, looks at Felps agonizing on the couch, thinks back onto what Felps told him the other day, does some rapid mental math, and comes to the conclusion that maybe the situation actually could be fixed by killing someone. Potentially.
But before that thought can properly start, Felps flicks him against the temple. "Hey, no plotting. I'm serious."
"Plotting?" Cellbit echoes, oh-so-perplexed. "I wasn't plotting. Who said anything about plotting?"
"Who said anything about plotting the murder of the hot guy at the train station who rejected your friend after he spent two weeks working up the courage to ask him out? I sure didn't."
"Cellbit," Felps says, insistent. Cellbit stops, but only because Felps wants him to, and only because he’s joking. Really. "It's fine. It's my fault anyway. I totally fucked it up. I got the timing all wrong, and—" Felps breaks off into another horrified sound, dragging his hands down his face. "God, it was so bad. I don't want to talk about it."
"Alright. Anything I can do? That doesn't involve killing you?"
Felps pauses. He peeks at Cellbit from behind his hands. "...Grab the remote for me?"
Cellbit snorts. "Sure." He gets up (swallows a grunt; fuck, his shoulder's being funny) and grabs the remote off the TV stand. When he comes back, Felps has managed to get his-wallowing-self into an upright position so Cellbit can collapse back into the sofa beside him.
Cellbit clicks on the TV. "What're we feeling?"
"I mean what do you feel like watching, dumbass."
"Literally anything," Felps says with a wave of his hand.
"Right… So if I put on Blood on the Taiga—"
"Parkour tag."
"Okay, parkour tag it is."
They start to chat a little as Cellbit flicks through the minigame channels, looking for one that's broadcasting parkour tag: ("How was work at the station?" "Were the docks busy today?" "Did that warrant finally get processed?" "Is your shoulder still bothering you?" "You should probably change out of your uniform." "You should probably take a shower." "In a bit, my back has to unbreak itself first.")
It doesn't take him long to find a channel, so they end up talking through part of the first round, swapping the work updates they usually provide each other. After that, they settle in, feet up on the coffee table, shoulders pressed together. Cellbit watches the teams trade off "runners" and "hunters." Felps usually roots for the team in the blue and green jerseys, but it doesn't seem like they're playing today. Still, these teams aren't half-bad. The tall one on the red-orange team is a good hunter, Cellbit idly notes. She's light on her feet.
It's at the start of the third round that Felps speaks up again.
"So. Hypothetical question for you."
Cellbit watches the good-hunter spring off a piston-platform. "Alright."
"And this is completely hypothetical. One hundred percent, utterly hypothetical."
"I'd never genuinely ask this of you."
The good-hunter drops down a ladder, missing a tag on a runner by a hair's breadth. The squeak of her sneakers echoes through the arena.
"...If I told you I needed you to kill someone for me, would you actually do it?"
Cellbit tilts his head. The good-hunter whirls around a corner and swings herself up onto another platform. "Yeah."
He feels more than sees Felps startle beside him. "...R...Really?"
"Just like that?"
"Well, like I said earlier, I'd need, like, a name. An address if you can get it. At least a general location—"
"No, no, I mean..."
Felps falters, and Cellbit takes his eyes away from the game to look up at him. Felps is staring right back, a furrow in his brow.
"...You wouldn't even question it? Or hesitate?"
Ohhh. Cellbit understands now. The morals. He was asking about the morals. "Well," starts Cellbit. He pauses. Then, he drags his feet over to the edge of the couch, legs curled up, in front of his chest. The position makes his back ache, but the rest of him feels better this way. He hangs his arms over his knees. He stares at the TV, but he's not really sure who's hunting and who's running anymore.
He sighs. "...The way I see it—you would never ask me to kill someone unless they actually deserved it. I think it would take a lot for you to decide someone needs to die, then a lot more to tell me to kill them because...you know me. I'll get it done. And I won't half-ass it either."
And if they hurt you, Cellbit thinks, with a sudden, rising fury, I'll kill them dead. I'll make it hurt. Carve their throat out with my teeth. They'll be begging for the Void long before I'm through with them.
But he lets that one go on an exhale, lets it pass wordlessly between his lips, before it can get too far. He flexes his hands, loosening them. "But..." he continues, scraping together the courage to say the rest. "You also know I'm trying not to— You know I'm better about that now. Past it. Moving past it. And you're—" He falters. His tongue darts over his lip. He bites it. "You're generally helpful in that regard, so..."
"...You don't think I'd ask you to do something that would ruin your progress unless it was serious," Felps finishes.
"Yeah." Cellbit tilts his head to either side, cracking his neck, and flexes his hands again. God, his therapist would be so fucking proud of him.
"Okay." Felps clears his throat. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I just—the thought wouldn't leave me alone, and..."
"No, no, it's—it's fine. It's a good question to ask. Making sure we're on the same page, and all that. Touching base. Getting caught up. Just like we always do."
"Right," Felps says. "Just like we always do."
A beat.
"But I wouldn't. Ask that of you, I mean. I'd never ask you to kill someone for me."
"I know," Cellbit replies easily. "I heard you the first time."
(And Cellbit trusts Felps to stick to his word. Honestly, he does. But the issue—or perhaps the best part, depending on how much he wants to disappoint his therapist—is that Felps wouldn't even have to ask. In no universe would Felps ever have to ask.)
"...Oh. Okay."
The conversation hangs in the air, gradually dissipating. Slowly, Cellbit manages to recenter his attention on the game of parkour tag. Round four. She's hunting again, though this is her last hunting round. After that, she'll be stuck as a runner for the rest of the tournament. Felps rests his head on Cellbit's shoulder as the alarm blares and the competitors are released from their chambers. Cellbit nestles his cheek in Felps' curls. The final hunt has begun.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 6 months
Back to Life
human!alastor x human!gnreader
Part 1 of 5+
summary for part: you had just been for a walk in the woods, and now suddenly you’re standing over a historical looking guy with a chipper attitude and… a gun? thankfully he’s here to help you in your bloodied and confused state, but as things play out you can’t help but notice nothing is like it was before your fall, and all you have to trust is the odd grinning man
summary for series: One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper in, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
warnings for part: short first chap, lowercase intended; i’m feeling quirkyyy, multiple parts-i put other things aside because my brain is STUCK on human alastor sorry lads ;-;, blood, descriptions of injury, kinda strange stylized writing, i’ve got like a whole story thing planned compared to the other ones-this one’s got a whole plot line. no descriptions of reader- of any kind, no pronouns, i looked up a shit ton of 1920s outfits & speech just for a couple lines lmao, OOC alastor my reasoning behind that is he’s not in hell yet so he hasn’t had that kind of demonic development yet, he’s still a psycho tho and we love him for that, also mommas boy <3, he uses 1920s slang a lot lads, throughout the whole series
warnings for series: homicide, morally grey reader, eventual smut, cannibalism, reader will eat a guy, unknowingly, alastor be doing witchcraft magical madness but it’s never in depth explanations, alastor is a mommas boy and it will be hounded on, annoying 1920s slang, alastor is more accumulated to the era he’s in so he may be OOC 100 years in hell would change a guy, varying descriptions of injuries and blood in detail, takes place in 1927, alastor is 27 oop born in 1899 tho, nothing here is canon, just loosely follows, reader is in their 20s at least; no younger, alastors mom is nameless mostly, maybe later on she’ll have a name; she’s 48, alastor has daddy issues bc same, mimzy may be added later depending,
you remembered seeing a deer while wandering through the woods, you were taking pictures of the scenery when you saw this curious looking deer.
it stood tall with large antlers, a beautiful reddish brown coat, you’d never seen a deer so close. brining your camera up slow you went to snap a picture when your phone crashed, you weren’t even able to get the buck in frame before your phone fizzled out.
the deer started to walk away, but you so badly wanted these pictures. slowly you followed behind, cautious of the leaves and sticks below your feet. you followed it over a fallen tree, through bush and branch. finally you entered an area filled with more foliage, closer trees that blocked off sunlight, more bushes and fallen trees, wild flowers, moss and random mushrooms.
you watched as the buck disappeared behind thick bush, and that’s the last conscious moment you remembered. you woke at the bottom of the hill, when you opened your eyes you didn’t know a thing.
it was like you were a blank slate, everything was as it was; there was no confusion, you were simply in the woods with no worry or question as to why. you laid there, your head lulling from side to side observing the tree covered sky above, the sunlight that shot through the trees highlighting the particles floating through the air.
there wasn’t a sound at all; the animals feared something near. inhaling deeply, you willed your head up, wincing and groaning in pain. suddenly life as you knew it came back to you, you weren’t just a mindless being in the woods, you were you, and you were out here taking pictures and then, fell?
you still weren’t sure what had happened just that you followed a deer and then… fell asleep and woke here. your body ached badly, specifically your forehead, your back, neck and shoulders. it seemed the brunt of the fall was your head, lifting your hand you touched your forehead feeling a flap of skin that wasn’t there before.
looking down at your hand you weren’t surprised to see some blood, in fact the top you had worn had been covered in it. “hello dear, funny place to snooze if ya ask me.” a voice joked, startling you. however your body was too tired to startle, so despite your heart rate increasing, and the jump you felt in your bones, your body remained eerily still, your head slowly turning toward the sound.
standing above you was a man with a soft smile, he wore circluar glasses and the strangest outfit. he wore a coat chestnut brown- a lumberjack coat; strange looking pants that puffed out at the hips, with boots that the pants cinched into them. his hands were covered by gloves, and tiny brown coloured coiled curls popped out from his hunting cap, and on his shoulder a leather strap that allowed a large shotgun to sit on his back.
you were taken aback by his looks, his outfit looked vintage, historical too, and he was, well, gorgeous. “you’re bleeding quite a bit dear, how’s about we getcha up and outta here, hm?” lending his hand to you, the man gave you a charming smile with lidded eyes. you felt something was off about the man, a lingering feeling that something beyond your understanding was telling you to run, get away.
instead you whimpered, pathetically so, and placed your hand into his, letting him hoist you up. he wrapped your arm around him, while he looped his own arm under you, helping you walk. it was hard to do so, your ribs hurt with every breath you took, your head felt like it was floating above your shoulders, your cheeks watered making you swallow constantly, and though you were shivering your body felt ablaze on the inside, like hot coals were lit under your skin.
the man looked down at you, you could see from your peripheral vision he was inspecting you, but you were too pained to care. “how’d you find yourself at the bottom of the hill my dear, someone try to bump you off?” his voice was way too chipper for your current mood, and all you did was mutter a confused ‘huh’ at him, thankfully he laughed that off.
“listen, i’ll take you to my joint my mothers over so we can getcha all patched up, but you’ve gotta spill whatever happened to you if that’s quite alright.” despite the sturdiness in his voice, asserting what was going to happen with expectations, he tone was somewhat kind. dryly you mutter out ‘name?’, your voice raspy and unlike your own. the man chuckled before he responded in a smooth tone. “alastor dear, pleasure to meet you.”
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billerak · 2 months
Bumble that Bee or something idk
I recently finished RWBY (catching up after years leaving it aside) and I have thoughts and feelings and, as I am me, a lot of those are about the canonical WLW couple (sans the secondary wives in V6). So I put my thoughts into a rant. It's not as negative as the word 'rant' would have you believe but I don't wanna call it an essay or whatever. It's still pretty negative tho, so be warned. Anyways on with it:
RWBY is a mess.
Sometimes, it's a wonderful mess. Others, it's a terrible one.
I could spend a few paragraphs explaining what I mean, but I think anyone who watches RWBY with a critical eye knows what I'm getting at. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell me it's good.
So, once that's established, let's get to the meat of this rant: Bumblebee.
Or should I say Fumblebee? Eh? EH?
Alright you can stop reading, have a good day.
Let me start by making a sharing something about myself: I'm Agender and Bi/Pan. I make a living out of writing yuri/gl/wlw or however you wanna call it. I watch entire seasonal fucking anime on the off chance it may be yuri and most of the time I hate myself for it by the end because they never fucking deliver.
All of this is to say, I like the concept of Bumblebee, the problem is it was treated like shit.
In this rant or whatever the fuck I should call it, I'm just going to talk about the things this ship makes me feel. As established I make a living out of writing romances like the one this show tried to depict—and in case you're wondering, I have written slowburns so slow the first romantic interactions between characters didn't happen until 300k words into a fic. I did it twice, fyi—so I believe I have fair grounds to judge this.
So let's tackle this from the beginning. Was it planned from the start?
No, I don't take the writers word for it. It's painfully apparent it's not the case. I'm fairly certain BlackSun was gonna be a thing until they decided to write him out of the story in V6. Or perhaps they decided on Bumblebee and so they wrote him out of the story. Either way, everything prior to V6 I call into question.
Sure, Blake and Yang have their moments. But it's important to point out they're not romantically coded. RWBY isn't subtle about romance, and it starts pulling the same sort of obvious romantic tropes as all the het stuff going on in the show for Bumblebee going into V7. Prior to that? Nothing. Not a single blush or any explicit show of romantic attraction.
And before any disingenuous bastard tries to say something like "oh but blushes aren't always romantic" or "no you don't need blushes to show romantic attraction" allow me to say you are fucking wrong. Blushing is the universal language for embarrassment or love related things. And RWBY uses this shit all the time. INCLUDING Bumblebee past V7.
So yeah, while the writers probably did draw from previous material—and I think the VA's shipped them since the start?—I do not believe this ship was planned from the beginning.
But that's ok! I don't think it's a huge issue, really. Sure I'd have liked to see actual development but I don't need it to work retroactively if it makes sense from the moment they decide to go for it. So, 3 volumes and a half of development. Lots of time to put in the work, add the details, and-
Oh, no. Wait. They spend most of V8 separated. Hmm. K' so, 2 volumes and a half-
Wait. Oh. Oh they… they really have that little screentime together in V6, huh. Wow. Just. Huh.
Ok, the Adam fight is good. It's a strong setup! After fighting and making up for what Blake did after the Fall of Beacon, they finally come together to beat the demon that drew them apart in the first place. They hold each other close after beating him and it's good and I'm gonna say this is when they both actually fall for each other. We can argue about budding feelings or whatever, but I mean this is the moment they become aware of it one way or another.
So Volume 7 has them kinda being together? Honestly, they act like a new couple. Which is weird in retrospect. I think revealing they'd started dating after V6 would have made more sense than, uh... pretending this was a slowburn? Through V7 they stick to each other and fight in perfect synch and blush and all of that romantic stuff. It feels like… well, like they're kind of already an item but the show has other shit to worry about atm.
Then v8 is amazing really. Split the characters over an honestly kind of nonsensical ideological split, keep them apart most of the season, make Yang to be kiiind of an asshole in that one conversation with Kyle (<- my name for the post-v7 Generic McGenericus haircut Jaune. Yes this unironical, the friend I ranted to about this while watching the show can confirm).
To add insult to injury, the split doesn't even accomplish anything for the ship. The only two characters that get development out of being apart are Ren and Nora. These characters were CLEARLY in love last season why are they not having appropriate amounts of angst over this? Like, at this point we're not arguing whether they were planning on making Bumblebee canon or not, the point is asking why it feels like they weren't trying.
And then, Volume 9. For some context, I like V9. I think I'm in a minority, at least in the places I frequent about this stuff. Always comes with the caveat of 'it's still RWBY', of course, but I appreciate it. After the initial whiplash, I think making a fairy-tale season for a show that was born out of the concept of "what if Red Riding Hood had a sick scythe and used it to mow down hundreds of bad wolves" is actually a really fucking good idea.
That being said, the way they do Bumblebee is really strange.
They're basically back to their V7 selves. It feels like they're either already dating or on the verge of dating. I need to stress just how comfortable they seem to be around each other with the sole exception of that one time Blake didn't grab Yang's hand, but it didn't feel particularly awkward.
Then BOOM mind storm thing and while Ruby, Weiss and Jaune talk about like, actual issues, Jaune implies Blake and Yang had 'something more important to deal with'. And that something is RWBY's version of the room you can't leave unless you have sex.
Sans the sex I guess.
In the void, I think the scene(s?) is good. It's nice, the music is evocative, it's well framed and paced. In another story, it would really have been a perfect climax for a budding relationship.
The problem is this is not another story. These two have NOT seemed like two people awkwardly in love too scared to tell it to each other. In fact, it kinda felt like the exact opposite. If they kissed at the end of any episode for any reason, at this point, it would've felt correct. A simple quiet stare while sitting close and them just finally leaning in to take that final step would've been just as good if not better.
The bridge thing? It's the climax to an arc that didn't happen. Relationships don't need to be slowburns for me to like them, but if you're gonna pretend you were making a slowburn, at least do it right. Why did they need the bridge thing to finally get together? Come on! There was plenty of opportunity during V9 prior to this episode to at least make a show of them being awkward. Make it clear they were finally on the verge but were holding back on the final step. Make it actually cause some conflict, preferably between them as their fear grows into uncertainty and doubts.
Then the bridge would've felt cathartic. Force them to resolve said conflict, and the only way to do it is through admitting their feelings. Sure, it would've still been few episodes, but fuck man I'm sure they could've scraped a few minutes here and there to make it somewhat competent.
I like Bumblebee as a concept. I think the avid fans of this ship look at the concept, not at what the show did, and say "this is canon" and run with it. I don't blame anyone who is a big fan of this ship but… I just can't like it in its current state. I'm sure there's fanfics that fix it, I may give some a read.
Hell, just compare Bumblebee's development to Renora. Those guys have been kind of obviously in love from second one and Nora's entire character being focused on Ren was made into an actual plot point by the end.
Anyways that's about it for bumblebee. Here's some extra thoughts on shipping in RWBY in general.
If we look at the earlier seasons, I honestly think you'd have a stronger argument to make for White Rose being a couple. If we look at the later seasons, Nuts n' Dolts has a stronger impact. I already mentioned it but Blake/Sun had obviously a thing going on that didn't pan out. I hope chameleon girl whose name I don't remember gets a gf at some point tho.
I pray to fucking god they're not building up fucking Oscar and Ruby cuz they had a few awkward scenes here and there and they make me feel wrong in all sorts of ways.
Given how little interaction Ruby and Weiss have had despite how much time they've supposedly spent together, I think the writers are making an active effort to discourage White Rose. I'm not gonna get into the author's self insert being a love interest for Weiss at one point but let's just say the writers seem invested in making extra-sure Weiss stays het. I've made my peace with that. And Penny is fucking dead again so Nuts n' Dolts is a no go (canonically I mean I may read a fanfic or two about them they're very cute).
If they're gonna give Ruby a relationship by the end (which I kinda hope they don't at this point), I think it should be Kyle. They've had nice moments together and seriously shipping Oscar with Ruby just feels fucking weird. Like I assume Ozma's gonna be fucking gone from Oscar's body by the end of this story but even then idk that guy had a centuries old man is his head, it's fucked up.
Anyways that's enough. Why did you read to the end? Thanks for reading anyways.
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fanficfish · 1 month
some random hetalia thoughts about the countries
mostly headcanons and character studies i guess. probably canon but who knows i'm too sleepy to go check. i'm gonna ramble and maybe it'll maek sense i don't know. Someoen tag me if they get anything idea worthy out of this.
link the inspired post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hetalia/comments/1eqt7ek/after_all_these_years_im_gonna_say_it_i_did_not/
I've seen a little talk about how England leaving America on his own for so long messed him up a little (thank you reddit user who go that talk going). So i wanted to think about some of Englands' other colonies and stuff i guess?
so like we have America. I still stand he's probably like, Jamestown or something and over time he became the main US rep, like how the UK has the four brothers (five? Six with Sealand) but England represents them at meetings. Or Japan reps all of Japan instead of like a couple dozen prefectures showing up. That kind of thing. And like that guy's a little messed up. In earlier parts ofhis story, he's shown to just be really explorative, stil strong tho, but mostly jsut a nice sweet kid who happens to have three teenagers fighting over him. Seriously couldn't they share? Oh wait it's hetalia no they can't XD
anyways, it's only wlater once America is firmly under British rule that he starts growing the yelling and loudness. I think that's like the sign hhat he wants a little attention f rom England- like, he's shown to just be a guy when it's Canada when they're kids but england gets the "SHOVE FOOD IN MY PIEHOLE" treatment. And I think that's just because England keeps leaving and coming back but sometimes he just ignores the kids and does his own thing for a long time. Canada ends up letting America take the lead for them. And then later on once all is said and done America revels in his big parties and whatnot because the attention is on him, and it won't heal the hrut of England just leaving all the time but it sorta helps. (Canada doesn't count they're basically joined at the hip it's not the same).
and if you compare it to like the Italies for example. Austria was still there to watch over Italy North even though he really went for the uh. Less optimal route. But he was till there, in his own way. Prussia definitely wasn't going to leave HRE and later Germany alone unless he absolutely had to. Spain didn't jsut go gallivanting around when Romano was there (no comment onhis other former colonies). Ofc you could make an argument for Iceland, but by the time Norway took over he'd been alone mostly for 300 years, and even if Norway and Denmark didn't exactly visit all the time because i headcanon Iceland stayed happily on his island 90% of the time like Aland and Faroe Islands to avoid the drama called "four nordics pretending they could get along under one roof when they definitely are not good rooommate compatable", I doubt he was entirely without parental guidance. Norway could always sense him (so themoment anything bighappened Norway would be marching right over), and Iceland mentions sending letters out. I'm jsut gonna guess he sent the letters via Mr. Puffin, and I'd guess Mr. Puffin could always deliver some words if needed from overseas. Iceland also apparantly has fairies at his house so there's that too. Not thet he'd admit it.
But if you notice, it's def circumstance that gives some character which is cool when we're talkign about stereotype-based characters. Ameriica becomes loud and "ignores" the room when he's given the stage, because if he outrages everyone then he'll get attention. Italy N.. had everythig taken care of for him and has few worries, and a pretty good work ethic since Austria isn't a slacker. Roomano is a spoiled brat. Iceland....honestly boy just needs to accept the others rubbed off on him and he's just as kooky as the rest of them. I know you're a teen and all but kid c'mon you love them mystical animals and you keep bringing up your weird museums XD (I swear this child got Norway's anti-socialness, Sweden's inability to admit things (in his case, he actually likes hanging out with the others), Finland's oddness, and Denmark's everythign else because we all know Norway probably saw Iceland at last and had a crisis over it, man knows when Iceland appears but can't get around to taking the ruling for how many years????
And then there's New Zeeland, who had to raise Austrailia when NZ was also pretty young. NZ doesn't even have the hope of hep fro manyone- America and Canada i'm pretty sure still had visitors from like France and I think the Netherlands would have popped by a few times, because they did do a bit of um. Trading. with the colonies and stuff. Austrialia used to be on the other hand where they sent English prisoners. New Zealand is not ready for that kind of craziness, and so of course we're gonna get a free range crazy Austrailia and a done with it New Zealand who got no help and probabl ygot even less parental support then America. BTW it's crazy that technically GB still techncialy rules over so many big places like Canada and Austrailia even though they also technicall ydon't like that's just so wild.
so what have we learend from this? England sucks as a dad, and Iceland's teen rebel phase is in full swing. WHat was the poitn of this? I don't know but you read it and i wrote it so.....
ima sleep i forgot the poitn already lol
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candycryptids · 4 months
Hiya! I hope you're doing well today! I love your characters and how you've structered their bios! Since Chuusday is listed first, is she technically your official WOL or is it someone else? Do you canonically have a WOL in the first place?
Also, I find it SO sweet that you and one of your partners both play FFXIV and have characters paired together ;w; Did you meet ingame or long before either of you started playing? Either way I wish you both the best!!! <3 - gardenofballads 🌻
Awaaaah! Im doing pretty ok!!! Taking time to answer this as a wind down from Emerald Weapon Ex Brain Soupage. And I’m so glad! ;W; I think I butchered one of those “Get To Know An OC” thingies- uhh… oh [this one] actually! I chopped a lot out and I think added a couple different thingums instead because there was so much to that that it felt overwhelming to try to look at let alone fill out LOL but it was a really good jumping off point uvu;
And!!! Hilariously Chuu was my First XIV Character, so she’s dear to my heart for being the first one- but she very quickly made it known being the WOL even as an AU was something of a Joke (Her character showed great reluctance and even frustration at having to do So Much World Saving, maybe a side-effect of me rushing through MSQ to catch up with my other spouse [Who plays Talia, though they’ve got less time for XIV these days ;0;] and the rest of my friends who were all EndGame already at the time in Shadowbringers fhdjfjsjfs.) So I made…… many alts. Throwing spaghetti at the wall but I have SEVERE side-character/NPC brain and kept making “supporting cast” types =w=; it actually took me like. 3? Alts before making an ACTUAL WoL with my husband (Ishi’li and Kizuna) (as of Right Meow, they’re in post ARR, but we’ve been working on Keathan and Tuesday together because Keathan was… Keathan’s first character in xiv XD so we’ve been jaunting through the story together and experiencing every inch of it so we can pick and choose what The Boys™ get up to when we wanna focus on them x3)
🥰 I knew both speece during at least high school- but I actually knew Keathan as early as Elementary school hehe 😌 tho the speece didn’t proper marry until… i’unno, 2017? (For frustrating legal reasons, I’m not legally married, but. As it goes. Someday we’ll have money to visit the one state that has legal poly marriages. Also I struggle to remember our wedding year 🫢)
Since managing to make a Co-WoL with my husband I’ve managed to make one other Alt meant to be a Solo-WoL (Mochiie) but I have to really wrinkle my brain to sink time into playing him, since I’m trying to take screenshots throughout the story at what I find to be inspiring beats xD And even still he has an alt-universe where he’s just a side-character for the ‘Main Timeline’ (where there’s a bunch of spaghetti and like 8+ confirmed WoL’s and the Msq entourage looks HILARIOUS in canon, someday I’ll get all the data together and take pictures, but I think it’ll cook what’s left of my brain x’3) [it’s less concrete than anything I’ve posted about before or I’d try to explain it ;v;’ it’s just interesting mostly to see how the story gets stretched to fit around a larger community of heroes than a solo guy shouldering the whole burden lmfao.]
🌸🌸🌸…. I also hope you’re having a lovely week @gardenofballads !!!! I am tossing flower petals into the air around you !!! Thank you for the ask and well wishes n kind words 🥺💖 🌸🌸🌸
#ask game#day-2-day#I have serious Alt Disease as well which doesn’t help much XD#tho I try to justify it by making them a variety of races/genders/classes so I’m not just making 15 similar guys in different color palettes#like some kinda smash game…. LMFAO.#it helps some tho cos they get to flesh out and add meat color and history to The Boys+Co’s adventures/histories/stories uvu like Lev….)#Solkmyna and Swydghem who are true NPC alts of mine are even slotted into post ShB…#🫢 but they’re mostly just fun for me to occasionally chew on like a squeaky toy#tangy is schroedingers WoL. both is and Isn’t. could be The WoL if the au called for it but also works perfectly as just a Scion instead#…. wordy tags… my bad… ANYWAYS FR HOPE YOUR DAY/NIGHT IS NICE AND PLEASANT#I gotta stare blankly at the ceiling now while trying to retain mechanics but not pressed against the display glass of my brain#🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖‼️#spawn speece#also yes there is something deeply strange wired in my brain where I link to sources but not super consistently like some kinda bad wiki pag#if I had stuff for Keathan + Kizuna to link to tbh I’d link to it here too LOL.#when I get ahold of Talia and Setsuna I’ll probably make little reference posts- not really Bio’s cos they’re not my blorbs#they’re my partners blorbs; but it might be handy to have a frame of reference to point at beyond vague name dropping#actually I love linking to names because my memory is just so piss poor. why not just make it easier for everyone else also#I know I have 185756328 OC’s xbdnfjdnfsnfjs so.#I have to do this for one of my friends uvu; bad memory havers rise up
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froggos-art-corner · 9 months
Hey y'all remember how I said i would post writing stuff? Well here's a fnaf AU for ya!!!
So basically it takes years after the events of Ruin, the ending where Cassie seemed to have died but she didn't in this au since Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy went here and saved her [Also in this au the Princess quest ending is the canon ending for SB]
So basically a good couple of years later Gregory is 20 years old and Vanessa is somewhere in her 40's and Freddy has a full body cause when they saved Cassie, they all live in Ness's house [ima shorten their names] and Gerg is feeling guilt about hurting all of the other animatronics, so he wants to go back and save them but Ness is like ''Hell fuckin no'' but Greg goes and does it anyways cuz he doesn't want to listen to Ness <3
And Cass follows Greg there since she knows how to fix animatronic too [They both took engineering classes btw] but when they get there Cass shows Greg the Vanny mask and Greg puts it on and is like, ''why tf did you hide this?'' and she goes, ''Idk'' so they use the Vanny mask to get around and shit, but this time instead of showing the mimic or the glitch thing it shows Glitchtrap and only to Greg so Greg is confused but ignores him for now
But long story short they turn off all the animatronics and put them all ina area where they can get fixed Including Glamrock Bonnie along with Sun [along with his counterparts] and DJ and then they go home since it took them forever to find and to turn them off [especially since they don't like Greg LMAO]
When they get home Freddy is like ''Where the hell were you two it's midnight??'' and they answer, ''Dw about it bbg'' and he goes, ''Alr'' then Cass goes to bed and Greg looks for more information about Glitchtrap since he curious now, and during that he finds Ness's VR headset and he hides it in his bedroom then epps
The next morning he hooks up the VR headset to his TV and plays the HW game from the start, still finding Glithtrap in there and it even talks to him, explaining some things about the game and leaving hints about who he is, witch he is William Afton
Once he finds out who hes talking to is WIlliam Afton he's very confused, since yk William Afton has been dead for YEARS and William explains himself and twists the story so Greg will be on his side 
Something that had been going on as Greg had played the VR, Will had gotten more and more control of Greg without Greg knowing, but to everyone else in the house, something is clearly wrong with Greg but they cant identify what yet 
On one fateful afternoon tho, Ness finds the VR headset in Greg’s bedroom and Greg and Ness have a huge argument about it, to the point where Ness slaps Greg and Freddy has to break them up
As Greg progresses through the vr game, Greg and Cass fix the animatronics at the Pizza Plex one by one, getting them in working cognition but also finding out more about Will
The more info they find about Will at the PP [Pizza Plex] Greg finds out Will lied to him about the actual story witch causes Greg to get mad at Will but he's too far deep to break off from Will’s powers so he keeps losing his mind to the point where he's hearing and seeing things that aren't there, he even makes a bear suit so he could kill
But when Ness, Freddy, and Cass find out about all of this it's too late, he's in Will’s compete control and they cant do anything besides kill Greg, witch no one wants to do so Greg asks Cass t compete fixing the animatronics and then stabs himself multiple times with a knife in front of Ness, Cass and Freddy, witch they all cry over
But thats the bad ending
The good ending is where you fix all the animatronics before Greg loses his mind completely and he's able to fight off Will’s virus
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dayseternal-blog · 1 year
One your asks inspired this thought of out me.
Idk if Icebergs are still popular, but does a NaruHina Fic Iceberg post sound fun to you?
Basically, there's like 5 or 6 tiers (there should be a template readily available in google images) and you assign specific media (in this case, NH fics) to each tier, descending from tame tho troubling to 'stare into the abyss'-level awful. 😅
I'm just super curious now, haha. 🤪 Baiee~
I worked on this for a couple of days! Fun~
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uhhh click for hopefully better quality?
The order of the fics within each category sorta matters to me, but if I thought about it harder, I'd probably change things around, so the order's not that important. And in general, the categories go from NaruHina getting hurt, to NaruHina hurting others, to NaruHina hurting each other. With a few exceptions! But if someone else were to rank this, they might categorize things differently.
It's all just my feeling. As you can see. By the category titles.
Congratulations to Sessakag, Sadistic One, BlackMajjicDuchess, and DemonOfTheFridge for scaring me the most hahahahahaha 💀
Looking at this and one would think I love freaky stories lol
I read it for the curious cat to be killed.
I have all the stories linked below :)
Darkly Mysterious, Worrying 😥
“White Kunai” by @magmawrites - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. A series of violent rapes and murders targeting long, dark haired, young women have caught the attention of the Hokage. Her plan? Use a qualified, long, dark haired kunoichi as bait. The only one that fits the criteria? Hinata.
“a home is a dream” by bluebeardsbrides - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto Uzumaki returns home with all the force maelstrom, three days after her husband’s disappearance and six years since she went and stumbled on Neji’s body floating in the creek downtown.
"Dark Shift" by brown phantom - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. After a solo mission goes horribly wrong, something happens to Naruto. His mask of happiness turns dark and cruel, and he turns against the village he had sworn to protect. Can he be returned to normal before it's too late?
“Distorted Minds” by Cheating Death - Rated E for graphic violence, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Her lavender eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry and distorted for a few moments as she tried to look around. It was then that she realized that she was suspended a few inches off the ground, her wrists cuffed in cold, metal shackles that hung from the ceiling.
Disturbing, Unsettling, Cursed 😶
“Asylum AU” from “Tales of Two Ninjas” by magmawrites - Rated M, Modern AU, One-shot. What’s to say what’s real and what isn’t? The only thing that’s valid and true in all universes is their love for one another.
“Burn The House Down” by @secrettastemakerland - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto shrugged, not really having an answer. He had tried to tell her they had bigger problems.
"Go Home, Start Again" by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. My submission for NH2020 February's theme "Time Loop".
"Stay" by @nightowl27-writer - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. The basement holds much more than ashes and secrets. As urban legends come to life, people begin to disappear, and a city sits on the brink of disaster. When everything seems to be falling apart, will Hinata find the answer to the question she is terrified to ask?
Weird, Shocking, & Crazy 🤪
“His obsession” by agitosgirl - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto loved her, he loved her with everything he had and more. And when he gets back from his training trip, he’s going to show her how much he cherishes her. And she is going to be with him. Whether she wants to be or not isn’t really her choice.
"Qui Laudavit" by Avelona-and-Sally - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. One side-effect of having a demon sealed in you is a taste for blood. Another is the ability to make living and dead alike do your bidding. Which comes in handy when your girlfriend keeps dying.
“October - Horror” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. When despair turns into a feeling of love so intense that obsession is the only thing that can help you protect the one you love.
“Her” by browniefic - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto’s had a lot of obsessions in his life. But he knows she’s different.
"A Woman's Heart" by Ookami88 - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto lies in hospital in coma. Sasuke is locked in prison for his crimes. Hinata comes up with a plan that will ensure her beloved man's happiness, no matter how much it'll cost her.
“A Love Never Seen” by HoneyWriter78 - Rated E and has rape/non-con, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga attend Konoha High she is part of the athletics group. She is friends with Ino and Shikamaru but is secretly in love with Shikamaru who is oblivious and loves someone else. She tried to fight her feelings not noticing that a certain senpai has had his eyes on her…
“There’s a new psycho on the block” by agitosgirl - Rated M for mentions of sex, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete/Inconclusive Ending. What happens when it’s Hinata who’ goes crazy? Years of torment and abuse by her family’s hand have caused this young girl to lose her mind, and to top it off, her mother left her a gift that will make her enemies, or just anyone she chooses to target, regret meeting her.
"Lost Souls" from "NaruHina Month December 2022" by @sessakag - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. They set off on a journey that’d one day bring them back to their place of birth, and on that day, they’d enact the plan that had given them a sense of purpose.
"Ravenous" from "NaruHina Month December 2022" by sessakag - Rated E, Modern AU, One-shot. “Hinataaaa,” Naruto pouted, leaning inside the open bathroom door, “you ready yet? I’m starving!”
Explicitly Appalling 😨
“Side Effects” by Cheating Death - Rated E for smut, dub-con, & non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  You can easily skip the rape and non-con without compromising the plot, the author warns you before it happens. When Naruto and Hinata decide to participate in a high-paying clinical study, they wind up signing up for much more than they bargained for.
“Serial Killer” by Raven Young - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s a Sociopath. She’s a Supermodel. She’s a serial killer. She’s a girl in love. She is Hinata Hyuga. And he is her undoing.
“I want you to cry” and its sequel “I want you” by Devahhole - Rated E for graphic murder (character death), dub-con/non-con, and smut, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A sociopath blinded by revenge runs into his greatest opponent.
"Naruto: The Mating" by SeventhShinobi - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Now, Naruto has discovered the an ability called "The Mating." Come see what he'll do with his new found power
Seriously Distressing 😰
“Powerless” by bunny-hoodlum - Rated E for a lot of things, like depictions of violence and character death. Multi-chapter, Incomplete. His family’s past can’t be taken at face-value, and it comes clawing back to hurt him in ways that are out of his control.  DELETED FIC.
“Listen To Me” by SullyR - Rated E and includes domestic abuse & non-con, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata is terrified out of her mind. She has no choice but to listen to him or else he gets physical, and by physical, she means fast!
“Nightmare” from “Nice Legs, Daisy Dukes” by Star-Child-Yeci - Rated M, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. “Why do you got that in your hand, huh, pet?” The words slid off his tongue, and she shivered.
Chapter 6 from “Naruhina Oneshots” by @powerful-niya - Rated E, College AU, One-shot. A new college student finally enrolls into her new school, with the help of a handsome blonde male. He helps her and cares for her which she appreciates very much. But bad rumors about him break out and eventually reaches the midnight blue-haired woman making her feel skeptical about their friendship. But cutting ties is hard, especially with a guy who already has you, under his boot.
Wtf Horrifying 😱
“Monster” by Sessakag - Rated E, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again at the forefront of the fight, but which side is he on this time? Love. Tragedy. Happiness. Heartache. The growing pains of becoming a man, have molded, shaped and brought forth a new Naruto Uzumaki.
“Insanity” by Sadistic One - Rated E for GRAPHIC MURDER, College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. The smell of his cologne and slight musk was the first thing that caught Hyuga Hinata’s attention. She eventually found out that smell belonged to a young man named Uzumaki Naruto. Ever since that encounter, she couldn’t stop following him and watching his every move. She needed to know who he hanged out with, his hobbies likes and dislikes. She even transferred to his school to study him more closely. But as those months went on, she discovered Naruto was not who he portrayed to be to his peers, but a cold-blooded murderer. Is this enough to put a stop to Hinata’s obsession or will it draw her closer to her own insanity?
“Breeding Season” by BlackMajjicDuchess - Rated E and has rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Completely out of pattern, Kyuubi leaks free and causes terrible destruction that Naruto cannot suppress. There is a solution, but it comes at a terrible price.
“Honeymoon” by DemonOfTheFridge - Rated E and has rape/non-con, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto always left on a secret mission once a year for a whole month. A curious Hinata finally had enough and followed him to an underground house. A house she finds herself trapped in, with a dark Naruto. Curiosity Killed the Cat.
This was so entertaining! If anyone agrees or would order things differently, let me know~
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luna-the-bard · 10 months
this is an oc x canon lore dump, you've been warned
-> Act II
Just for organization purposes, I'm calling this Act I. I'll add links to other parts as (and if) i write them. Anyways let's hope Tumblr can fit 11 pages of text into one post! :)c
General lore:
Te’rra is a small planet that stopped participating in Big Space Politics about a century ago. Due to this, its existence has been forgotten by most.
It doesn't help that the planet is in the middle of fucking nowhere
It’s fine they chillin
The society populating the planet are called terraninans, and they are an avian species - humanoids with feathered wings and tails, and some other features like blue skin, striking, cat-like eyes, or elaborate skin patterns that are unique to each individual, akin to birthmarks.
Here’s a couple examples:
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Note that the Head Priestess (pic. 1) lacks wings, which is normally not the case for the species. Lower image shows more patterning on parts of the body that aren’t the face (mainly arms).
Fun fact: this species is entirely female! This is not relevant to the story tho, so I won’t dwell on it.
The life expectancy of a terranian is somewhere around 1k years. There are old folk still alive who remember Te’rra before it isolated itself from the rest of the world.
Te’rra has pretty high levels of technological progress. However, culturally they put a large emphasis on co-existing with the ecosystem, which makes their technology rather different from what you would normally expect. There is a very developed culture of artisanry, with most goods being produced by individual masters or small guilds.
Main storyline:
Skeets is a relatively young terranian huntress. She is part of a small, about 10-person, hunting group - a common occurrence for her city, as they are located on the edge of a vast jungle. 
She is neither a newbie nor a master of her craft; her position is more akin to a promising junior - not quite ready to lead her own hunting group, but experienced enough to hold a certain amount of weight and respect among her peers.
Hunting groups normally alternate between staying close to the city and going further out into the jungle to balance out their impact on the flora/fauna. Skeets’s group has recently started going further out, as more experienced hunters.
Meanwhile, there is a Space Pirate ship that happened to be passing the planet - a rare occurrence, considering there were no trade routes nearby and ships of any sort were almost never seen in this sector of the galaxy. The Space Pirates were likely taking such an unusual route to avoid a police or military patrol; the reason is really not that important. Identically, it doesn’t matter why exactly the Space Pirates decided to take a closer look at the little blue planet before them, because the impact is the same nonetheless: the small hunting group that ventured a bit too far from the city catches their attention.
Skeets and her group were actually sent to investigate a disturbance in the ecosystem - because of course the Space Pirates have made quite a ruckus, scaring away the local wildlife. What was a result of their ship’s landing got mistakenly interpreted by the city’s lookout post as a sign of a large predator, which would have to be warded off to avoid causing damage to the area.
Unfortunately for everyone, it was not, in fact, a giant blue dino-chicken. 
The Space Pirates decide that “exotic” humanoids would fetch a good price on the black market - especially considering no one has seen their kind for almost a century, and most have forgotten what they look like. This leads to an ambush and the subsequent capture of Skeets’s hunting group.
Having got what they need and not wanting to attract more attention, the Pirates promptly take off; they’re gone from the planet before anyone has time to react. 
Unfortunately for everyone. But especially the Pirates. The ship experiences an engine malfunction, forcing the Pirates to land on a desolate planet that has long been abandoned by civilization; in hopes of either fixing the engine or finding parts to fix it, the Pirates with their precious cargo have to descend into the deteriorated catacombs under the planet’s surface (as the surface itself is inhospitable). They make their home in an empty room that is still structurally sound and fairly close to the surface. It even has some of the basic technology still functioning, likely from an emergency power source (they attempt to locate it, but to no avail). The room only has one entrance, so it’s easy to guard; this was not the last reason on the list of priorities. The bunch of terranians are placed in that room for the same purpose - easy to make sure nothing gets in… or gets out.
Now, you were probably wondering why this circumstance is especially unlucky for the Pirates. As it turns out, the catacombs aren’t as desolate as they appeared. 
As the Pirates find out from their own experience, deeper in the catacombs dwells the apex predator of this planet; whether it’s a result of a genetic mutation or a creature native to the ecosystem is unclear. But the monster is at the top of the food chain for a reason; it’s fast, its spider-like lower body giving it the ability to climb walls and dwell on ceilings. Its limbs have a poison canal underneath each claw, making even minor wounds lethal - the only difference is that this death is much more slow and painful than getting mauled. The creature has a humanoid upper body, but there is nothing human about it: a demethor would be prettier; those at least lack rows of sharp, curved teeth and even more prominent fangs. Its mouth and skin can secrete a slimy substance saturated with its poison; it leaves a wet trail on the walls of tunnels it frequents most.
Not able to retreat back to the surface, and desperately needing to find resources to fix their ship, the Pirates are forced to witness their crewmates being plucked one by one each time they venture out into the planet’s depths; those who manage to escape are subjects to the unsightly fate of being slowly consumed by the poison. The creature knows these catacombs far better than the Pirates do; it calls them its home. The only reason Skeets and her kin are in relative safety is due to the lack of worthy prey closer to the surface - the spider-like abomination has no interest in rodents and other small animals that scurry along the industrial pipes. Terranians see the state in which the Pirates return from their missions; watch their numbers grow smaller and smaller. The ruins are cold, unwelcoming. While the Pirates have to deal with injuries and worry about their resources running low, their captives are faced with a survival issue of a different kind: none of them are suited for the climate. Te’rra is a warm planet. The temperature in the jungle never drops past zero or even close to it; it has no winter.  Hunters almost never have to go into freezing areas, and when they do, they are heavily equipped - a complete opposite of Skeets and her team, who were dressed very lightly. 
For most, it starts as a cold. The average body temperature of a terranian is slightly above human; it runs around 38-39 ℃, and being constantly exposed to the chilly, humid air of the catacombs is taking its toll on each of the ten captives. Colds grow into acute bronchitis; Skeets, who has been secretly sneaking out to look for resources, develops pneumonia.  Before it gets bad, she continues toying with fate: having a much smaller build than Space Pirates, she can fit into tight maintenance corridors and dried-out pipes. Those on guarding duty are delirious from poison, and sneaking out gets less and less challenging with time. Once, early on, she gets lucky and finds a sealed first-aid box - most of the things there expired long ago, but rubbing alcohol and bandages are still safe to use. She brings them back to mend some minor wounds received during the pirate ambush (they were so, so lucky to avoid any serious injuries). Later on, however, her condition worsens too much for her to continue. At this point, everyone is sick, and Skeets and some of her teammates are rapidly declining. The Pirate numbers are so small there is only one of them guarding the door; and even he is near-comatose from wounds and poison. The Pirates decide to take their chances and send out a distress signal - it’s better to get arrested by some Federation patrol than become food for the monster that lives below. Although, the Pirates hoped that the signal would attract a less armed, civilian ship - so they could kill the unsuspecting crew and get off this planet.
Fortunately for everyone but the Pirates themselves :)c the distress signal is received by a lone gunship that happened to be passing through the area. The gunship that, of course, belongs to the universe’s best bounty hunter - Samus Aran.
To no one’s surprise, Samus traverses the catacombs with ease. This is far from the first time she’s had to navigate a labyrinth of rooms and ruins. There is so little left of the Pirates that Samus almost gets suspicious of how… unchallenging it is to defeat them. Then she finds out the reason behind the Pirates’ weakness; whether or not she kills the arachnid creature is unknown. On her way back up, Samus finds one last Pirate - on the brink of death, guarding the entrance to a room. Compared to being slowly digested from the inside, death by Samus’s hand is almost an act of mercy for him.
However, instead of an ammo stash or a navigation room, Samus finds a bunch of very sickly-looking blue humanoids. The readings from her suit indicate that, although their species is not in her database, they clearly require medical attention - even more so since Samus doesn’t know that terranians have an above average body temperature, so to her their state is not much better than the Pirate’s. 
Luckily, the room is close enough to the surface for Samus to be able to contact A.D.A.M. without having to re-emerge. She sends out a request to the Federation - although, really, it’s much more like a firm order, - to direct a rescue vessel their way; she includes just the necessary minimum of information in her message - that there are about ten individuals, species unknown, in need of immediate medical attention; the coordinates of the planet; the instructions on where to safely enter the catacombs.
She does have to leave the terranians briefly, to clear out the path for medical personnel - the last thing she wants is them getting hurt by the local wildlife. She returns quickly, however, making sure that everyone is still there and that no one has declined to the state of comatose (luckily, things are not that dire).
It shouldn't surprise anyone that the ship the Galactic Federation sends is not an emergency vehicle. Or even a military patrol vessel. Or anyone directly affiliated with the Federation.
Because, simply put, the Federation officials are cheapskates. 
Why spend money and resources on sending a warship somewhere, when they could just find some cruiser that was the closest to the disclosed location? Paying a random merchant ship is much cheaper than paying for all that fuel.
So, the ship that enters the planet’s atmosphere is not full of paramedics; in fact, there are only two doctors on board, the minimum legal requirement for a small merchant ship like theirs.
Samus has to cast her frustration aside and work with what she’s got. Terranians get evacuated from the catacombs; some on their own two feet, some - on a stretcher, being too weak from fever to properly walk. In case of the latter, the doctors have to make several trips - there’s only one stretcher (they never needed more). When they descend into the catacombs the third time, Samus, who has to accompany the doctors for safety reasons (she already cleared out the path, but it’s better to be safe than sorry), decides that she doesn’t want to do this a fourth time. There are only two terranians left that still needed to be carried to the merchant ship. One of them is being carefully placed onto the stretcher by the medical personnel. The other has spent the entire time that Samus has been there huddled alone in the furthest corner of the room. 
At this point in time it should be obvious to you that the one in the corner is Skeets. The reason she’s distanced herself from others as much as possible is because she is sick. More than others - her pneumonia worsened violently due to her frequently exposing herself to the cold of the tunnels. She was doing her best to not pass it onto others - somewhat successfully, I must note - the other three terranians who were in a similar state suffered from acute bronchitis, not pneumonia.
Not willing to make another trip through the catacombs, Samus simply picks the little avian up - her suit is enough to avoid the biohazard, she is in no danger of getting sick. In a different setting having both her hands - arms? - full would compromise the crew’s safety, but having made close to five trips down and back, Samus knows that there is nothing dangerous left on their path. So she simply trails behind the medics and their stretcher until they’re back on the surface.
No one wants to stay there longer than necessary - the atmosphere is mildly toxic, and it is not recommended to be out in the open for more than a couple hours - the toxins would accumulate in the body. Thus, the two doctors situate their new passengers as fast as they can - and this is where the first issue arises.
In the best traditions of fictional tropes, they are one bed short. 
It’s a small merchant ship. They’ve done what they could. Took in as many people as safety regulations allowed - and even if they could take in one more, their medical bay was simply not equipped for handling this large of a number of people. They would simply not have enough medication.
The nearest multispecies hospital is a week away from this desolate planet. It would just be futile to try and accommodate everyone - someone would inevitably decline beyond what they could heal in that timeframe.
Samus, on the other hand.
Surely, in her line of work, she had to be as self-sufficient as possible and equip her gunship with top-quality medical equipment and supplies?
Judging by the size of it, she can take in one more person no problem. So do you really have a choice, Samus Aran? Are you going to let someone unfamiliar into your personal space because she desperately needs your help, or are you going to refuse and have that on your conscience for the rest of your life when, inevitably, someone dies?
If you don’t know the answer to this, you don’t know Samus, lol.
The second issue surfaces right before Samus is about to bring Skeets over to her ship. 
None among the present know what species they just rescued. There is an apparent language barrier. Skeets, barely even conscious from fever, is still able to see what’s happening -  and draw her own conclusions.
The Pirates disappeared.
There are new, unfamiliar people, and they took all of her kin into their ship - she can’t understand a word they’re saying, and thus their intentions are unknown.
Sure, there are what seem to be medics - but is that really a sign that they are coming to their rescue?
After all, someone who illegally buys sentient creatures to show off their wealth would want their new exotic decor to be in good, presentable shape.
It doesn’t help that she, alone, is not joining her group. No, she is held firmly by someone else - the same person that first entered their shelter. Tall. Imposing. Armed.
Perhaps the mystery byer only wanted nine specimens. Or could afford just this many.
It’s not unusual to divide the product and sell it to several highest bidders, is it?
Samus is almost taken by surprise when the frail, sickly creature in her arms tries to struggle free. Almost. For someone with her reflexes, however, this is more of an annoyance than anything - all she has to do is adjust her grip so that the alien doesn’t accidentally hurt herself.
It is rather uncomfortable, however, when someone you’re carrying is frantically flapping her wings and trying to wriggle out of your grasp. It is also even more annoying when said someone is desperately scratching at your suit - this doesn’t leave so much as a scratch, the powersuit is so much more durable than claws, but the prospect of it is still… irritating. 
Skeets doesn’t stop thrashing around after her first failed attempt to break free. She has to do something, she has no choice - how could she just let someone separate her and her kin? They were all she had left; they depended on her. They could be facing a fate far more terrible than starving to death in abandoned catacombs.
So she scratched. And she kicked and she flapped her wings and she tried everything she could to get away, get back to her group - to her people, whom she may never see again - until she could do it no longer. Until her body harshly reminded her that she was ill; that adrenaline alone is not enough to fight someone far stronger than you.
And so Skeets cried.
She wasn’t trying to accomplish anything with her tears. They weren’t a tool, or a message, or anything intentional at all - they were tears of frustration; tears of powerlessness; tears of anger and tears of giving up; they were the kind of tears that you simply have to cry, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
She did not expect her carrier to stop.
Samus was beyond capable. She was The Ultimate Protector, she was a top-class bounty huntress, she was an unmatched warrior; she’s been on the brink of death and came back, she has saved entire planets and, on the larger scale, the galaxy as a whole, she knew how to survive and get through the most hostile of environments, and then save the universe on top of that.
She had no idea what to do with feelings.
Even less so when she had no ability to verbally communicate. Samus understood that she had to do something, it has become apparent that the girl in her arms was in intense distress, and she couldn’t put it off until they’re at her ship anymore. Sure, she could just ignore the issue and keep walking to her ship, but that would likely only create more problems - ones she would have to deal with until she can find a way to communicate what she was doing. (Which would take weeks; she’d have to identify the girl’s species of find someone who could identify it, then find a translator or at least a textbook on their language, learn said language, all the while potentially fighting off a scared avian who she’s supposed to be treating so she wouldn’t die on her before they got to a hospital - it was clearly a better course of action to solve the problem now).
Regardless of how much Samus would like to get back to her ship and get this whole ordeal over with, she walks back to the merchants. The two doctors are standing at the entrance ramp, talking - no, gesturing, - to one of the rescued aliens. This must be one of the less sick ones - even so, one of the medics has her arm over his shoulder, supporting her weight. The other is holding up a small screen; when Samus gets closer, she can see that the screen is actually a drawing pad filled with doodles. The doodles are… ugly, but readable, and Samus takes note of this being a working form of communication - at least the alien seems a lot more calm and composed than the one currently shivering in her arms. Samus mirrors one of the doctors, carefully lowering her burden so she can stand - still, however, firmly holding her so she doesn’t fall. Even so, the girl can barely stand - but at the moment this was far less important than making sure she can get an explanation of what’s happening. 
It works - even without the help of the crude drawing of nine beds and ten stick figures (no offense to the doctor), the other person immediately starts talking in an unfamiliar language, the avian that Samus is holding answering in a hoarse, strained voice. Samus pretends her and the medic’s arms aren’t in the way when the two aliens awkwardly hug and put their foreheads together. She even ignores the fact that that’s a biohazard - honestly, she just wants to get outta here.
Which she eventually gets to do; finally being able to carry the exhausted alien girl to her ship, get her bed set up with medical equipment (she has to dig out an oxygen can), and leaving the planet. 
Samus charts a course to the nearest hospital and prepares an array of medications - from fever reducers to cough suppressants to an IV (all of the aliens are malnourished and dehydrated after spending a month in the ruins; the Space Pirates didn’t exactly provide them with a five-star buffet, if you know what I mean).
She makes peace with the fact that she’s going to sleep in her pilot’s chair for the next week, since her bed is taken; one thing that kind of compensates for this is the opportunity to research a species she’s never seen before. Samus is a nerd at heart (if Prime logs are any indication), so diving head-first into research is a nice way to spend her time while she has to care for her passenger. Besides, she’ll have to at least try to learn her language. Out of necessity, of course, simply to be able to communicate - this is what she tells herself, but we all know it’s not the only reason, haha.
Now, some closing notes for Act I: 
This storyline takes place after Fusion, but before Dread (closer to Fusion in the timeline). 
Samus definitely saw something vaguely resembling her suit in the doctor’s doodles. It was lopsided and had her arm cannon on the wrong side
The terranian they were communicating with is the leader of the hunting group; Skeets sees her as a mentor figure
Due to being a solely female species, terranians don’t really have a concept of gender. They don’t even have words for it (or men lmao) - when they need to describe a male specimen (like some insect or mammal that inhabits the jungle) they just say something like “non-female” or “opposite” or some other word (I’m still working on a better term for it bc I came up with this literally just now) (also this is completely unrelated to the storyline, just a fun lore fact)
This ship was born before I even knew what metroid was. A friend of mine was infodumping about it, and I thought: Hey, most people probably ship this Samus gal with other humans or themselves; looks to me like she needs a cute alien wife
And so Skeets was made. Literally because I decided to be Not Like Other Girls™ . You're welcome people✌️
-> Act II
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doomzday-zone · 3 months
can u pinpoint inspo? whether heavy or not wt is so weird and vast i kinda just wanna know where this.... how did it get like this..... and or / where did it rlly start ? simple stuff like what character did u make first or really expand on if canon ? r there any characters you just specifically attach to and... may there be a running theme..... raises eyebrow...
also LMAO this is rlly fast but i have like nothin else 2 do :3>
YAYAYYAYAY<3333 oh boy!!! Wt takes insp form A LOT of my interests I couldnt rlly pinpoint one specific thing it's based off of... Sum of my biggest insp that comes 2 mind rn tho r:
Wristcutrers: a love story, every my chemical romance track, German industrial metal in particular but also I'm a HUGE metalhead<3, repo: the genetic opera, speculative biology(my wifee<33), blood. gore gay sex. lol., sonic......... LOL, AND LUK. ten million mot etchings I profess my love for openly<33 I'm v honest abt my interests if anything,,,,,
Where is started ermmmm!!!! Actually wt is a huge mix of. A lot of different aus I've had for manyyyyyy many years. Wt is itsoen thing but kinda doubles as my Canon if u get what I mean. A lot of stuff abt the aus it's made of sadly got deleted w my og blog but u can still find oalylists n shit on Spotify n whatever. Wt started formally I think like a year ago?? Couple years ago???? I was still in my mcrhead era ik this meansnothing to you but u know. Iwbskbdjdb basically I just wanted to make an au that actually had like, a storyline..... Most of my aus r centered around v specific concepts. So I took a lot of those from my other aus n put them into my Canon of sorts n I men..... Here we r lol<33 :3c
Wt was always a shadow and infinite centered thing. I rlly started working on wt the way we see it now in my infinadow era so it was always abt them form the start<33 I'm kess into the ship like I used to be but I still DEEPLY care abt the characters n their relationship to each other even if it's not as romantic as I use dto be abt it u know :) nowadays it's wayyyt more infinite focused(as I've stated bc of the above reasons but also like. I've been hyperfixated on him for going on five years now..... He's my one and only<333) he's the official main character now but shadow is still an integral part of it 2 me,,
Kind of the same answer for the specific character attachment one INFINITEEEEEE INFINITEEEEE he's beenthe center of all my aus since like. Going on what?? Five or so years now??????? It's wild.... Lol. Anyways!! Shadow. Infinite. Wave. Fang, n silver n my special guys.... I have such a specific attachment 2 them it's weird. I don't explain it. I luv them..... They're The characters I think abt when I have new weird shit on my mind... U get it. Lol.
ALSO LOL???? KNAO???????? perhaps there's. Arunning theme....<- guy obsessed w themes n narratives l. Blood guts n gay sex r integral to my creative works, and I mean that.... If it's not bloody at least a little sexual or homierotuc n have graphic violence I did not make it. Skbsjsbdh. I guess....... Idk......... It's kinda hard 2 explain but I put. A lot of myself into my works. It's personal to an extent I also rlly like highly fictionalized stuff caus edit silly to explore real shit in a heightened sense n whatnot but like. Like. Idk. Lol. There's a lot of identity stuff in wt, I have a specific fixation in clones n robots(if u can't tell) n a lot of that comes from me n my weird queer n mental ill ess shit dibdjdh n a plethora of other things u know. I write for myself in an extremely literally sense first n worry abt mass appeal later(or never.. kamo)
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nutcasewithaknife · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@bbcphile and @difeisheng thanks for the tag! :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
309,516. Which is actually insane, I'm not sure how or when I did all that
What fandoms do you write for?
Used to write for The Witcher, Supernatural and BBC Merlin, but not anymore. Currently writing for The Untamed and Mysterious Lotus Casebook (mostly the latter). There's one Love Between Fairy and Devil ficlet in there somewhere. I can't see myself making the space for anything else soon :')
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One Ignorant Bard and His Witcher - The Witcher, geraskier (3.1k)
The Sins of the Father - BBC Merlin, canon divergent fix-it (11.5k)
You Can't Escape The Thoughts on a Rainy Day - The Untamed post-canon sangcheng (57.5k)
Foolish - modern au sangcheng (29.1k)
Are You Listening? - post-canon yunmeng shuangjie reconciliation (5.8k). It's part of the series that #3 on this list spawned!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to every single one, but nowadays it's just once in a while when I can. I read every single one multiple times like a lovesick fool tho <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a terribly hard time writing fics that end angsty, the best I can do most times is bittersweet. That being said...
It will never be the same (1.5k) - Jiang Cheng returning to the Jiang Ancestral Hall after Guanyin Temple and speaking to his dead family. The night after Guanyin Temple, Jiang Cheng finds himself standing in the Jiang Ancestral Hall. Some things, long realised but unspoken, finally get said.
Found (34.5k) - Lan Wangji's angsty boy winter, set mid-canon during the 16 years wwx is dead and brimming with OCs. I really wanted to wallow in what made him the man he is during those years. Naturally I sent him off to a village beyond the Jianghu and gave him a boyfriend. It's incredibly angst filled and the ending is hopeful, but still sad by my standards.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a hopeless sap! Too many of them are happy endings!! Given my current MLC brainrot, I'll have to say it's the three post-canon liansanjiao fics I've written with them being soft together and at peace <3
I have a special soft spot for Foolish though, because Jiang Cheng deserves a happy ending story ;-;
Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not popular enough for hate hehe
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES!! It took a lot of work but now I do! Sometimes very explicit, sometimes not. It's mostly chaotic and soft and at times emotional. Laughter and banter during sex is cocaine to me and it shows.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sadly, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have gotten a couple of requests to translations into Russian and French, but none of them ever went through as far as I know
What's your all-time favorite ship?
You can't do this to me I refuse to pick ;-;
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh, there are too many, but the one I'm most invested in rn is a postcanon MLC fic where difang manage to save Li Lianhua's life and very many Feelings are had.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is what I've been told. Specifically, I think I do a good job of finding each character's voice. This is something I've been consciously working on and I think it's been paying off, especially the last year or so!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot!! I cry every time I need to plot anything. That's why most of my fics are mostly just Vibes
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Ohhh I'd love to do that though I haven't yet. I think it would mean fewer people would read it, but that has never stopped me from writing a thing >:)
First fandom you wrote for?
The first I posted was a Witcher fic, but the one I started writing first was BBC Merlin. It still has a chokehold on my psyche
Favorite fic you've written?
AAAA once again i refuse to choose ;-;
Tagging @istgidek1234 @redemption-revenge @angryteapott @wuxia-vanlifer @omgpurplefattie (no pressure)
If you're a fic writer, feel free to give it a go even if you're not tagged!!
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murphallo · 2 years
Your thoughts on Chenford and their relationship moving forward?
Thoughts on 5.13?
i’m having a bad time lol
i’ve been ranting and raving about this in detail for the better part of two months so i’ll try to keep this to bulletpoints. i think the way they got together was rushed (yes, rushed), poorly written, and i think they cut the burn off before the part a LOT of people waited so long for (angst, pining, arc, plot whatsoever) i think it was a bonkers decision to get such a well set up ship together in the midseason bc they were just like “eh fuck it here is good” and i have no beef with people who are satisfied with how it went down but i think when people who are disappointed express their gripes on their own damn account, people tend to purposely misunderstand. examples include “how can chenford be rushed if they took 4.5 seasons to get together?” to which i’d answer a. we are not saying chenford is rushed we’re saying the way they got together was rushed. b. it’s funny to me how people think that investing years of time and effort and heart to a ship should make us LESS invested in how they get together. c. bruh i’m asking myself the same question it’s actually kinda impressive that they managed to rush a ship after that long.
as for the story going forward, i’ve kinda lost hope in 5b at least. it’s beautiful to see them so enamored with each other and i will watch the scenes and smile at them bc they are adorable in a vacuum but as for the big picture, i find the writing overall to be quite dumb lately. i find it dumb that their biggest boundary to being together was work and they solved that in one episode in the most boring way they could muster. i find it dumb that it seems like we did not get to see the team find out they’re together. i find it dumb that we were given no reason for them “taking it slow” and then giving in after a couple weeks even though that pre sex makeout was hot as hell ngl (see what i mean?? in a vacuum!!) i find many many things dumb and weird and even though the scenes give me buzz, chenford used to have chem and story for me and tho the chem remains higher than it’s ever been, the story has, in my opinion, been shot in the face.
last week with the work thing was kinda my last straw so i am taking a break from the rookie and watching the chenford scenes on twitter bc i was getting way way too hateful watching week to week. i’d rather be a positive presence in a fandom im in so i don’t go out of my way to stare my displeasure publicly, i only do to reach out to other people who feel the way i do and want to vent bc nothing starts internet friendships like a good bitching session. i do feel like because the relationship is hitting the gas like this, we might??? be on our way to the other shoe dropping and me personally………. my prayer is a breakup lol i’m hoping they break up and then we’re actually given some proper angst and pining (even though i think we should’ve gotten that BEFORE they went canon but what do i know) now… i don’t know what they would break up over with the work issue out of the way and it would probably be something, say it with me, DUMB, but i would be willing to consider tuning in again if my trust miraculously grew back lol so YEAH those are my thoughts.
if you’re happy with how they got together, i truly honestly do not care and i’m happy you’re satisfied lol at a certain point it all comes down to personal preference, and for me personally, it feels like they went out of their way to miss every box on my checklist which is a bummer bc i used to love literally every scene interaction and bit of writing between them and now… not so much. i still love them, and i love the first four seasons, i just think the writing took a huge ass stumble at the literal worst time possible. but it would take a stronger person than i to turn my nose up at gifs of the 5x12 makeout so if absolutely nothing else, at least i’ll always have that 🤡🤡
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valeffelees · 1 year
📚 (This is just my favorite book emoji, you don't actually have to give me four fic ideas xD)
HI ACE, ok. so i had a conundrum trying to answer this ask.
the game is for a fic i haven't written but have daydreamed about, right, but i'm all caught up on the logistics of what counts as "written" bc the first thing i do when i get an idea for a fic is write up an outline for it into my notes, then bang out a couple hundred words of zero draft so i have something to come back to later.
but i'm gonna say "written" = a completed draft? mostly bc i really wanna tell you about my arospec Simon fic—which i have started, technically, but most of the fic is still unwritten daydream slop, so i think it counts.
i'm gonna hide this under a cut tho bc this is about to be such a long post, and i really do mean a LONG post. i am so sorry.
ok, so.
the title of the fic (almost all my ideas get titles right away) is "The Refraction and Dispersion of Light Through a Prism" and it starts Watford-era but doesn't stay that way for very long, the majority of the story takes place post-Watford.
but n e way, yeah. starts Watford sixth year with Simon and Agatha breaking up. LOL, they have a good break-up tho. there is a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of Simon-Agatha friendship in this fic bc i love Simon-Agatha friendship, it's good for my mental health. (i have the break-up scene written but i'm not gonna share it here since then i'd really be breaking the rules of the game) (but the gist of it is just Simon telling her he wants to go back to being friends and they're both super chill about it.)
and since the break-up goes so well, the two of them carry on as normal, being friends, and when winter comes Simon still goes to Agatha's place for Christmas, where Agatha ends up coming out to Simon as aroace, and as she's explaining what that means for her, Simon is sitting there like, "oh wait, oh wait, oh wait..." and he cuts her off like, "Aggie i think i might have something to tell you," and Agatha is like, "... no," and Simon's like, "... yeah," and Agatha is like, "NO," and Simon is like, "YEAH," and then she laughs, and he laughs, and they hug, and have a whole moment together, and that's where Watford-era ends.
canon is changed to: it is all the same, but when the Visiting happens, the truce, all of that, Simon and Agatha are obvs on good terms so he goes home with her like usual, never goes to Pitch manor, but he still ends up losing his magic and killing the Mage and getting wing-and-tail-ified, so then the future goes: Simon and Agatha are roommates, Penny is in America with Micah since they never break up in this AU (i'm sorry Shep), and the story picks up from Baz's POV, who hasn't seen Simon Snow since he defeated the Humdrum bc Simon still fucks off and doesn't finish school and shit, he goes to live with the Wellbeloves after it all (and stays in therapy bc living with a doctor'll do that to a guy) (but it was for the best he's doing great these days) and Baz didn't think he'd ever see Simon again, but if he did, he really really really did not think it would be at PRIDE.
Simon is the one who spots him. Baz is there with Niall and some uni friends and Simon comes up behind him and is like "omg???" and Baz is like "omg???" bc Simon is fucking decked in rainbows and he's gained weight and looks so good and happy and alive and, "Snow... you have a tail..." and Simon is like, "you whot? oh, yeah, the Normals can't see it tho, s' what that little bell on the end is for," and that breaks the tension, and they start talking in that awkward way only people who aren't friends but who've known each other for way too long and just found out that they're both queer can, and eventually Agatha shows up and is like, "Simon, there you are!" and she has an aroace flag around her shoulders which immediately has Baz doing like, fucking mental gymnastics, meanwhile Agatha is sitting there like, "oh my god Simon 30 000 people are here and you still managed to find Baz Pitch i am so tired of you (affectionate)"
and Agatha super does not want to hang out with Baz. like, at all. (LMFAO) so Simon gives him his number and is like, "no more war, yeah? we should try again" and then wraps himself into Agatha's cape with her and they disappear into the crowd while Baz stands there steaming from his fucking ears. Baz plays it cool for a couple days before reaching out to Simon, and they start hanging out and going for coffee and stuff, but there is like... oh man... there's a massive miscommunication happening here, y'kno?
and it comes to a head when Simon invites Baz back to his and Agatha's flat to watch a movie and they go to his room and there's an aromantic flag on his wall, above his bed, and Baz is like, "..." and then he remembers Simon going under the aroace flag with Agatha at pride, and is like "... ah."
meanwhile Simon is completely oblivious, he is digging around in his messy ass room like, "where the fuck is my laptop? i know it's here, i was watching Heartstopper like five hours ago."
and Baz says, "i think i should go," and Simon looks at him all confused and replies, "what, why? i'll find it, just give me a—" and Baz cuts him off, "Snow, i thought this was a date... i thought what we've been doing... going out... i thought—"
Simon: "oh."
Baz: "yeah."
Simon: "fuck."
and they stand there for a while, until Baz repeats that he thinks he should leave, and Simon starts shaking his head furiously and his face is flushed, he looks like he's going to cry, and he starts up with, "you don't have to, please, i mean we're fine, aren't we? we're still friends, we can still—let's just watch a movie, yeah? and we don't have to talk about it, we don't... we can just... i mean, we're..." and Simon covers his face and drops onto the edge of his mattress and whispers, "i'm sorry. i just wanted to watch a movie. i'm really sorry."
Baz doesn't get what Simon is apologising for, he hasn't done anything wrong, so he tells him as much, and this is kind of where the idea starts losing detail for me a bit, but they have a nice long conversation and work things out and end up staying friends, and watching their movie, and they keep spending time together and stuff, but Simon can tell that Baz is keeping his distance from him now in a way he wasn't before, and he thinks it shouldn't bother him, but it does.
he's bothered by how far away Baz sits from him on the sofa, or walks beside him, or stands next to him. he's bothered by the fact that Baz won't hold his hand now, or bump their shoulders together when he makes a joke, or hug him goodbye. he's bothered that Baz doesn't text him nonsense about his day all the time, or send him selfies, or use emojis anymore.
so, he does what he always does when he has a problem he doesn't know how to fix: he goes to his girls about it.
Agatha and Simon get Penny on facetime and prop her up on the coffee table so she can see them both and Simon tells them what happened and what changed and how he's feeling about it, and it's Agatha who suggests that Simon has a crush on Baz, and Simon is like, "top 10 stupidest ideas???" but Penny is like "no, no, Simon, it makes sense, if you liked how Baz was with you when he thought you were dating and don't like how he is now that he knows you're not..."
Simon is like, "but that doesn't make sense, i don't do... that," and Agatha is like, "maybe you do, with Baz. the definition of aromantic is little to none. maybe he's your little."
Simon: "no, i hate that. you're making it sound like he fixed me."
Agatha: "you know that's not what i'm saying, i just mean being aroace is a spectrum, Simon. you're allowed to like him and still be aroace."
Simon: "i... guess. i don't know. i mean, you're right, i just—i feel like i'm too old to be worrying about this shit, i just want..."
Penny: "what do you want?"
Simon: "i want him to stop being weird! i want him to like me and want to touch me and be around me again like he was before, and i want that to be enough. but i don't want it to have to be something else for it to be enough."
and yeah, at that point, the idea breaks down into nothing but a bunch of random colours and weird blobs in my brain, but the gist of the fic is that in the end, Simon and Baz end up in a QPR and maybe Simon's feelings are romantic or maybe they're alterous or maybe they're just platonic, hell, who knows. not me. not Simon, either, but he doesn't feel like he needs to figure it out bc he and Baz find a place in the middle where they're both happy, and that's kind of the whole point of the fic. an exploration into the complex shapes identities and relationships can take.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Hellooo! First of all how are you? Are you doing well? (I hope you do) I was actually having a little headcanon and I would loveeee to share it to you!
If you don't want to get spoilers please don't read. :')
So if i remember correctly you said that reader (from chasing the mirage) is from Mondstand, no? So that means that reader does have dreams and it's pretty normal for them.
But imagine if Cyno and Tighnari got infected by the Akasha too and they had this dreams about reader being with them all happy and stuff (it could be that before this dreams started the couple had a massive fight maybe it could be that reader did something really, really reckless and she just brushed it off? Since it was like both of them were saying she was really weak? It wasn't like that but they didn't watch their words carefully— Or maybe they thought that after that fight they had with reader they didn't want anything more from both of them and that leave them devastated?) So could you imagine if reader tried to help the traveler and Nahida in the dreams too? Like I little scenario would be:
(I'm not sure which traveler you are most familiar but I'm using Aether)
“What in the..” after a few days from being away from your boyfriend's you though it was a good idea to go back home, you knew well that they didn't exactly meant their words back there even if they still hurt So you thought after going to visit Katherine you should go to them; but never in the world you were imagine that the traveler was screaming your name since he saw a glance of you. “Traveler? What's going on? Are you okay?”
Aether on the other hand tried to catch his breath, he nodded while standing up and signing towards the path.
“Huh? You want me to follow you?” He nodded, you blinked a few times confused but regardless still accepted, it's not like he would do something bad since he was your friend. “Alright, but... Maybe we could walk over, i think it might be good for your heart” You continue while looking worry for him, he laughed a bit and nodded in relief.
You walked with him were he last pointed out he didn't say anything while walking so you thought that maybe it was something that bad. So when you looked at the place and saw people unconscious and two familiar person on the floor...
I regret what I just thought!
“Cyno?! Tighnari?!” Your voice caught the attention of the people around the place, you just ignore them while running to your unconscious boyfriend's.
“Ah! (Y/n)!” Paimon squeak in surprised. “Where have you been this days?! We were worried sick about you!” You looked at the little fairy in confusion and worry.
“I-I had a fight with them and decided to take a break to not do something stupid but-What happened to them? They don't look hurt but..” You shake both of them a little bit. “I'm pretty sure this is not normal and what's more they are a lot of people here in the same state?”
“That's correct, you must be the general mahamatra Cyno and forest watcher Tighnari lover I'm i correct?”
“Dendro archon!” You jumped in surprised while the Dendro archon smile.
I was going to continue but I'm not sure how— it's been years since I last wrote something (hopefully you like it tho), but I'm telling you what else I imagine to happen!
I thought that after Nahida explain the situation it could go two ways!
One, Nahida, Traveler, Reader make a team following the canon story quest (until they reach to Sumeru city they reunited with Cyno and Tighnari.)
Two, Nahida sends reader in their dreams and they try to wake them up (although first, they take the place of "dream!reader" the one they both were dreaming they still think she wasn't "there" so reader ask them how the "dream" gets stronger and she just gets up and starts running both of them chasing after reader until reader catch up with Aether and Nahida) reader is out of breath barely escaping from their two lovers and she helps them until they fight the monsters.
As you can see, the second option is more chaotic (i love the idea of reader just screaming “LEAVE ME ALONEEEE I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU TWO IDIOTS—” And they are just confused at everything since they can't really wake up until they stop the monsters and stuff)
It's good to be back! Hopefully you like it :') —Bali
Bali!!! Ahhhh finally got to answering this now that I'm done with Nahida's story - holy shit there was a lot to unpack there and here too but wow, it really makes more sense when you finish the quest than my first read without context so sorry for the wait!!
Little headcanon my ass haha but ohhh the dreams after a fight would be a good setup actually, and since they haven't dreamt in a long time, they won't actually realize how weird said dreams are. As for them falling asleep tho, we can say that hmm they were very tired and fell asleep while waiting for the Traveler and Nahida. And reader who was by the guild booth was pulled by Traveler then
Would be cute if they reconciled in the dream, not knowing that it was actually the real reader during that time, although the two of them knew that the dream is exploitative they still wanted to make the most of it (still not knowing they were talking to their real lover) so reader tried to make subtle hints about urging to meet up somewhere when they woke up - so that after they got the job done with Traveler and Nahida, the trio can make amends on the meeting spot!
It would be cute if it was a really nice dream of them just hanging out in a cafe, just talking and enjoying their date and all of them realizing how they miss each other
The chaos can be on the part where they have to go and they act like "Ah, my time has come, it seems I must go" or something like "I just realized I have something to do, guess our date is over haha" and that's when they start insisting/forcing them to stay cuz "oh no it's a euphemism for their break up, I won't let you go again!" *facepalms* Even if they start screaming this is just a dream, it's not real! It would definitely be a struggle hahaha
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demadogs · 2 years
what do u think the st fandom is gonna be like after s5 drops and finishes.. like idk but I've just been wondering cuz this is the last time we're getting a new season 🤔 do you think it's gonna stick around or what? I noticed that usually after every season the fandom goes kinda radio silent after around a month but the fandoms still actually p active after s4 so. I wonder if the potential spin off is gonna keep the popularity up or even surpass it a la brba and better call saul(not that I think st is as good as those shows but I think they're both kinda iconic in their own ways)
i think stranger things will have a similar kinda legacy and impact as harry potter. the last movie came out in 2011 and its still a MASSIVE fandom and community that write, make fanart, make edits and gifs, collect merch, the whole shebang. the storys long done but the fandom has never died. i just went on ao3 and guess how many pages i had to go through just to reach a fic that came out more that two days ago….. TWENTY!!!!!???
stranger things is one of the only fandoms for a fictional media ive seen that is similar to the size and commitment of the harry potter fandom. i would say star wars also is a close comparison but a lot of people have mixed feelings about all the new ones (rightfully so honestly. daisy ridley slays but why the fuck did reylo kiss. thats not at all how you write enemies to lovers.) most star wars fans just love the classics like empire strikes back so the fandom isnt as strong as harry potter. and it doesnt really feel too much like a fandom in the same way that stranger things and harry potter do. i could go on about this but i’ll go back to my original point.
i dont think any passage of time will negatively affect the success of this show. you know how youve probably seen a bunch of iconic classic movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that your family got you to watch? this will be the show of the 2010s that future generations will watch because their parents loved it. its not even that the show will go down in history, it already has!! its so cool to really look into how much of an impact this show has actually made. im really glad ive been able to witness it and have been watching the show since it first came out.
another thing that’ll probably keep this show iconic and new generations watching it is the kid actors. these are all of their first “big break”. theyre all probably gonna go on to play so many more iconic roles into their adulthood and eventually people will look at them in stranger things in the same way that we currently look at young winona ryder in beetlejuice. thats mad trippy to think about tho. in my head theyre all perpetually 14.
i think this fandom will always be active because there is just SO MUCH to talk about!!!! and this would be the case no matter what they ended up doing with the relationships and characters, but once byler is canon that’ll definitely play a huge role in keeping the fandom alive. people who have never seen the show will probably start watching it after they hear that the main characters are gay. no one will ever stop writing byler fics. people who really really love a specific couple or ship dont ever really lose interest. if you love the characters and love them together, that love never just goes away and people will ALWAYS want more content so theyll always love reading fics and seeing fanart. snowbaz is a good example of this. i read carry on when i was 16. i just turned 23 and i read snowbaz fanfiction all the fucking time. im currently reading one thats amazing and they update weekly and every monday i get so excited to read a story from characters that i was introduced to SEVEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!! that’ll probably be the same case for byler. and lumax too.
i think the spinoffs will definitely be talked about but i dont think theyll be the reason the fandom stays alive. i honestly kinda would rather it be more separate from the og stranger things. i hope its good and treated in the same way that fantastic beasts was treated and not the shitty new star wars movies. and you didnt ask this but i also have a hunch that the spinoff will be about kali.
to sum all that up, no i dont think this fandom will ever die. its so iconic.
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do u have a favourite lonan and harrison moment?
oh my god SO MANY. One of the first is the veeeery earliest Lonanasona moment from wayyy back in 2015 (book 3 of Fostered, YA dystopian). 13-year-old Rachel was ON IT.
I think in recent years, it's the spin-the-bottle scene in Seventh Virtue which I shared before but I'll share again! I love this scene so much because they're actually flirting WITH each other
OKAY ALSO I love the scene in Feeding Habits when Harrison and Lonan are like we'renotgoingtosleeptogetherwe'renotgoingto- and then do HAHA.
All under the cut w/ my commentary!
Book 3 (2015):
Context is Reeve and Foster are a COUPLE & have been having a chill romantic evening while Lonan and Harrison are out on a ~~mission (let's ignore the fact that the mission is them visiting Harrison's dead girlfriend's grave as an olive branch between them because a) HE'S GAY and b) Lonan is the one who killed her :) ICING OUT THE COMPETITION?? /j).
I think they're 19 here! Scene with my commentary:
“You’ve been hanging out with Ris all day – how do we know that you two haven’t done anything?” Foster asks, and Lonan and Harrison’s faces go pale white. << WELL I WONDER WHY. They turn their heads to stare at each other, looking back in horror, before Harrison starts pacing around the room. This time, he’s slow, and lazy.
“I think – I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna throw up.” Harrison says, and does actually gag, but thankfully keeps his insides in. << NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE CONVINCING BABE
“You know,” Lonan starts, still pale white. “I second that. Foster you’ve just scarred me for life.” <<< ME WHEN I LIE
"What? It’s a… a perfectly normal and acceptable possibility –” << FOSTER SAID GAY RIGHTS
“Really Foster? With Loner? Oh my god, out of all of the guys in this world, you paired me up with LONER?” << the CAPS LOL
“Yeah, well why not? You both seem awfully close –” << HE RIGHT THO
Harrison screams loudly and does look sick to his stomach when I catch his face. “I’d rather die.” << FOR HIM YOU MEAN??
“Me too.” Lonan adds, and I laugh, crossing my legs and arms out in front of me. << LONAN THIS IS NOT CONVINCING AT ALL
“Let’s just all agree that we’re very busy people, and don’t have time to do… other things with anyone no matter their gender.” I say. <<< I SAY THIS TO MYSELF EVERY DAY
“Agreed.” They chorus together, and that’s the end of that.
More of that:
Shaking his head with a laugh, Foster wipes the back of his hand against his mouth and turns back to Ris. “How’d your trip go?”
“How’d your trip go?” Harrison fires back, head between his knees like he’s trying to calm the nausea. “All this love bullshit is driving me nuts.” << WHY SO DEFENSIVE HAHA THEY DEFINITELY FUCKED
“Is that because your feelings for Lonan are so strong –”
“Oh fuck you! If I liked a guy – and there’s nothing wrong with that – that guy would not be Loner –” <<< LOL
“You guys are practically a married old couple. You even have nicknames for each other…” << MEANT TO BE
Seventh Virtue (2021):
In the canon projects, Lonan and Harrison are :) disasters :) and Lonan also doesn't want to be in a relationship with Harrison (LIES but he's afraid lol), so there's so much angst at the foundation of their relationship. Seventh Virtue is different because their origin story is completely changed. From the start, they're attracted to each other and flirt from the moment they meet!
This scene has it all: Harrison DRAWING, sexual tension, banter, Lonan actually being a confident person!!! Everything they want in canon but suck too bad to have LMAO.
Context: Harrison is quite literally Lonan's prisoner <3 sexy <3
On Harrison and Lonan’s fifth unofficial date, Lonan brought dinner for two. Harrison had been scumbling a portrait of the man five cells over onto the concrete floor, or at least had attempted to. He’d managed to snag an HB pencil off the medic the second time she’d come to inspect his palm. She’d wielded a clipboard then, and had gone down a list of symptoms, most likely for sepsis. Harrison waited for when she’d finished ticking off each box with the pencil, then asked her to re-examine his wound. He said he’d felt a sudden burning and was concerned about an infection. With one hand clutched in the medic’s, he used the other to slip the pencil from the clipboard’s holster, and so, it was his.
He didn’t bother hiding this find from Lonan. Their mutual understanding was that Harrison would take what he pleased while in custody, and Lonan would be too impressed by his skill to reprimand him. At least Harrison hoped he’d be impressed. He was a thief, not blind.
“Have you come to poison me?” Harrison asked, gesturing to the silver pots Lonan had shuffled in on a red plastic tray. “I’ve always wanted to be poisoned. There’s something kind of sexy about never knowing the exact moment the poison really kicks in.” << LOL he's down bad
Lonan settled the tray on the ground. After a moment, he took a seat in front of it, taking care to adjust his freshly-ironed trousers. << typical
“You’re in CEO mode today,” Harrison said, mildly furious but also disgustingly satisfied by the clean wash of his blue button-up. “The last time you were here you were all Casual Friday.”
Lonan unscrewed the cap of the first pot. It steamed, swelled the holding cells with the scent of chili and anise. Harrison’s stomach lurched at the smell; in truth, he had not eaten well since his capture, and that must’ve been days prior, perhaps even a full week before. The man who did bring his three daily meals often dropped the containers purposefully so Harrison had two choices: starve, or eat off the floor like an animal. Sweat pearled on his forehead the more containers Lonan opened.
“I know,” Harrison said, trying to distract himself from his hunger by shading the portrait’s eye. Hatch, hatch, hatch. “You’re here to make me your official food taster.” Hatch. “You said you wanted to give me a job.” Hatch, hatch, hatch. “I’ll never know what I’m going to get.” Hatch. “Kung pao chicken or cyanide.”
“You’re left-handed.” << this delivery is SOOO Lonan
Harrison nearly took out the portrait’s eye. “What?” he asked.
Lonan undid the lid of the final silver pot; it shimmered with broth. He gestured toward the pencil, stubby and clutched in Harrison’s palm. “I’m going to have to confiscate that, you know.” Lonan laid out each pot on the cold floor, then unveiled two plastic plates, and a set of pre-packaged cutlery. “I hope you’re not allergic to anything.”
“So you cut me, arrest me, throw me down here, and now you want to dine with me?” << HA
“Yes,” Lonan said. He ripped open his cutlery packet, slipped out the black fork. As he unloaded bouts of fried rice, mounds of glossed orange chicken, and a generous helping of black pepper beef, he added, “And I didn’t cut you. You did that yourself.”
Harrison snorted. Oh god, he was starving. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep up the façade before he started drooling. “That’s because you were going to stab me in the gut,” he said.
“I wasn’t going to stab you.” << normal tuesday for them
“So what were you going to do with the knife? Use it to play spin the bottle with me?” << the LEAP LOL
Lonan arched a brow. “Would you like to play spin the bottle with me?”
“If you’re the one I’d kiss, then sure.”
This made them both smile, sort of. They equally bit their amusement for the other, tried to pocket it, ignore it, but it was there, their tangible joy. << EEEEE
“Please stop being stubborn and come eat something,” Lonan said, after a moment had passed.
“Please?” Harrison crossed his arms, slotting the pencil into his jacket pocket. “What else are you willing to do to convince me? You said I’m valuable, right?” << WHAT ELSE ARE YOU WILLING TO DO TO CONVINCE ME HAHA
“I don’t think I used those words, but sure.”
“Then show me why I should accept your takeout instead of starving myself to death.”
Lonan sighed. There really was little to gain in Harrison’s challenge. He actually had not planned on starving himself to death, but the idea of using his life as a bargaining chip excited him. Whatever skill he had, he could use to push and pull Lonan. He was valuable. Still, he stayed exactly where he was, trying not to vomit at the smell of good food he certainly wanted so badly.
Harrison watched Lonan as he rose, slowly, dusting himself as he went, bringing his set of cutlery with him. There was very little point to this—the holding cells, all located in a damp, sunless basement, were akin to dust bowls. There was no way to avoid it. Still, he flicked lint off his good shirt, adjusted his collar. Then he walked toward Harrison and kneeled in front of him.
It was more of a treat than a threat to have Lonan so close. He was maddeningly put-together, smelled once again of vanilla and sandalwood. He was the type of person who likely carried a comb around with them—his hair was split perfectly down the middle, a thin, pale thread indicating his parting. When he looked at Harrison, his eyes like burning forget-me-nots, Harrison looked at the portrait he’d half-finished. This is why he didn’t understand what the sound was, a plasticky whirring, until he glanced back in Lonan’s direction. << THE WAY I'M ONLY NOW REALIZING THAT THE WAY LONAN CONVINCES HARRISON TO EAT IS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH HIM THEREFORE SUGGESTING HE'S GOING TO KISS HIM AHHH BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT'S WHAT HARRISON WANTS AHHHH
A plastic knife twirled along the concrete, slowing to a stop at Harrison. He should not have been surprised that this is what that godforsaken handsome devil had done. It was both sweet, and irritating.
When Lonan reached for Harrison’s injured hand that at this point, had healed almost fully due to the medic’s assistance, Harrison didn’t resist. A line of butterflies fluttered through his chest. Lonan’s touch was cold. Disastrously careful. He turned it so his palm was face up and they both saw its wide, neat stitches. The medic had done a good job. In a day or so, Harrison would be back to normal, like nothing ever happened. But still, Lonan held his hand. Then like a prince, he bowed his head and kissed it. <<< OKAY LONAN HAS GAME LONAN HAS GAME
Feeding Habits (2021):
I love this scene because it's just the epitome of... them. Trying to do everything right and still managing to do everything SO wrong, not communicating properly being their love language, etc, etc. Talking about murder right before they kiss, LOL.
Harrison breaks their rule, or maybe they choose to break it together. There they are, draped across a single mattress, one on each side. Harrison considered splitting the bed with pillows, though there are only two and currently two heads that need supporting. He also considered rolling off his side and crashing, literally, on the floor, but maybe it’s the wine, or maybe he’s just tired, or maybe it’s something else entirely, a weak pulse in his throat aching for something familiar, or the veil of something familiar at the very least. He doesn’t know what he expects. If, in some fleeting, idiotic thought, he imagines a reality where they’ll somehow find the other, fuse bodies. That they’ll swap skin, breathe into each other’s mouths. In reality, sleeping next to Lonan after all this time is so much like sleeping alone. << this LINE
“Do you miss him?”
Harrison startles. Though he’s so hyper-aware of the person next to him, the smallest amount of space he attempts to occupy, it’s surprising to hear Lonan speak. Harrison foresaw this trip as being one giant loop of silence. It’s past midnight now—he expected this silence to intensify by this point. In some ways, it does. When Lonan swallows, nervous or maybe in severe need of water, Harrison hears the way his body seizes against the mattress, like he’s stopped breathing in that millisecond.
“Your mother told me Foster boarded with you for a few months.”
“Boarded makes it sound so formal,” Harrison says. It could have been, and in ways, might have been, the distance between two friends enough to make things feel palpably strange. In the mornings, Harrison would find Foster already awake, and they’d greet each other, saying, Hello, Hello, How are you, How are you. It was no one’s fault but Harrison’s—it was much easier to live blandly, in a safe cycle of dullness. One day, Foster was there, making an effort, trying to be a friend, and the next, he’d packed up, probably doubting his ability to be a person for how little Harrison wanted to interact with him. Even now, it’s difficult to feel guilty, even though Harrison should be. He understands he did not deserve the hand he’d been extended, and also understands he had no obligation to take it, no matter how much he should have. It’s selfish, how easily he rejected Foster’s presence, but also human. Or at least this is how he justifies it to himself.
“Do you miss him?”
“Is this question about yourself?” << JSJDJNSKJ Harrison turns to him, his jaw peaked delicately in profile. Lonan doesn’t meet his gaze, but Harrison knows he wants to. The very dome of his eyes glimmer, straining against the need to move. Harrison wets his lips, inhales, and as if tempting the eyes, says, “I didn’t miss you, Lonan,” despite how much of a lie this is. << AT LEAST HE ADMITS HE'S LYING HA
This gets the reaction he wants: Lonan turns also, and there he is, an open face, ready, so easy to ingest. Harrison could do so many things to that face. << OH CHRIST He could pry it right open, unlock the secrets woven across it and take them for himself. He could scream into it as if it’s the gaping hole that once was his ceiling back at the apartment, a space that never ended and also a space he never wanted to leave. Instead, he lifts a hand, and presses it right against it.
Lonan is cyan in the moonlight, but unexpectedly warm. This is another thing that’s wrong. Where did he get it—all this blood needling his body? Since when did he live, this walking dead man?
“You’re dead,” Harrison says, or maybe he whispers this, or maybe he only justifies even uttering this because of the wine. Lonan’s skin twitches, and this is disarming, how it deliberately betrays what Harrison says. It should be easy to control. Things this hidden always are.
“Then who killed me?” Lonan asks. Everything about him hums—his chest, his lips, his throat.
Harrison moves. He shouldn’t. God, that wine. But there he shifts, close enough to hear the weak rattle of Lonan’s heart. He once knew this sound so well, but even now, its rhythm is so unfamiliar. “Could’ve been anyone.”
“But who?”
“Me,” Harrison says. “Or Eliza. Or maybe we did it together. So many possibilities and so many outcomes.” << will graham behaviour
This is true. If he thinks about it, Harrison can nearly visualize the alternate life paths that could’ve been triggered right on the motel wall. What if things had gone differently? Consider the butterfly effect: what would have happened all those months ago, had Harrison returned to Eliza’s apartment, brought Lonan’s gum back with him because he’s a good man, not a leech? What would have happened if Lonan packed whatever of his things he kept in that Vegas apartment, shoved them in a car Harrison didn’t own, and split the drive back to the east fifty-fifty? What would have happened if they’d settled in Brooklyn and not Manhattan, a more familiar city to Harrison, brand new for Lonan? What would have happened if they’d both gotten jobs at the same convenience store, spent most of their time working eight-hour days, but sometimes, and only sometimes, having enough time to lie with each other on a potential futon and watch rented foreign films they had no desire in returning? What would have happened if they’d turned into each other’s bodies, learned the places they could absorb into the other and allowed just that to happen—a blending of cells, one by one. How would they know one another—would they know one another? The minute change the hardwood floors would make depending on who stepped, the exact minute they’d usually wake up? Would it have been easier then, to fully convince themselves their relationship was right? Stable? Ready? What would have happened if they’d landed anywhere but here, at some cheap motel, sweating through their clothes because the heater is turned up so high? Oh, trapped in this initial condition. << this. paragraph.
Maybe they move closer to each other at the same time. Lonan’s wisped hair brushing Harrison’s forehead. Harrison’s hand heavying into Lonan’s living skin. Maybe this is just a single one of their infinite possibilities, where they breathe into each other’s mouths, so close they’ve nearly fused. Maybe this is just one outcome, where Lonan’s inhale rattles, and Harrison’s exhale does the exact same thing. One outcome where Lonan admits, “I’m asking about myself,” and his previous question doesn’t even need to be repeated. One outcome where Harrison nudges his top lip against a mouth he doesn’t know, but in another time could have, recognizing its unfamiliarity immediately as he says, “I didn’t think about you at all.”
I'M SCCCRRREAMING HAHA gotta analyze harrison's "i didn't think about you at all" for the podcast!
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Ok so the au doesnt have a name yet, if you got any name ideas plz send them to me
But it basically takes years after the events of Ruin, the ending where Cassie seemed to have died but she didn't in this au since Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy went here and saved her [Also in this au the Princess quest ending is the canon ending for SB]
So basically a good couple of years later Gregory is 20 years old and Vanessa is somewhere in her 40's and Freddy has a full body cause when they saved Cassie, they all live in Ness's house [ima shorten their names] and Gerg is feeling guilt about hurting all of the other animatronics, so he wants to go back and save them but Ness is like ''Hell fuckin no'' but Greg goes and does it anyways cuz he doesn't want to listen to Ness <3
And Cass follows Greg there since she knows how to fix animatronic too [They both took engineering classes btw] but when they get there Cass shows Greg the Vanny mask and Greg puts it on and is like, ''why tf did you hide this?'' and she goes, ''Idk'' so they use the Vanny mask to get around and shit, but this time instead of showing the mimic or the glitch thing it shows Glitchtrap and only to Greg so Greg is confused but ignores him for now
But long story short they turn off all the animatronics and put them all ina area where they can get fixed Including Glamrock Bonnie along with Sun [along with his counterparts] and DJ and then they go home since it took them forever to find and to turn them off [especially since they don't like Greg LMAO]
When they get home Freddy is like ''Where the hell were you two its midnight??'' and they answer, ''Dw about it bbg'' and he goes, ''Alr'' then Cass goes to bed and Greg looks for more information about Glitchtrap since he curious now, and during that he finds Ness's VR headset and he hides it in his bedroom then epps
The next morning he hooks up the VR headset to his TV and plays the HW game from the start, still finding Glithtrap in there and it even talks to him, explaining some things about the game and leaving hints about who he is, witch he is William Afton
Once he finds out who hes talking to is WIlliam Afton he's very confused, since yk William Afton has been dead for YEARS and William explains himself and twists the story so Greg will be on his side 
Something that had been going on as Greg had played the VR, Will had gotten more and more control of Greg without Greg knowing, but to everyone else in the house, something is clearly wrong with Greg but they cant identify what yet 
On one fateful afternoon tho, Ness finds the VR headset in Greg’s bedroom and Greg and Ness have a huge argument about it, to the point where Ness slaps Greg and Freddy has to break them up
As Greg progresses through the vr game, Greg and Cass fix the animatronics at the Pizza Plex one by one, getting them in working cognition but also finding out more about Will
The more info they find about Will at the PP [Pizza Plex] Greg finds out Will lied to him about the actual story witch causes Greg to get mad at Will but he's too far deep to break off from Will’s powers so he keeps losing his mind to the point where he's hearing and seeing things that aren't there, he even makes a bear suit so he could kill
But when Ness, Freddy, and Cass find out about all of this it's too late, he's in Will’s compete control and they cant do anything besides kill Greg, witch no one wants to do so Greg asks Cass t compete fixing the animatronics and then stabs himself multiple times with a knife in front of Ness, Cass and Freddy, witch they all cry over
But thats the bad ending
The good ending is where you fix all the animatronics before Greg loses his mind completely and he's able to fight off Will’s virus
that’s very cool
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