gnarpys-graphics · 2 months
Peppermint, Blush, and Lipstick (The House of Cards) Web Charms!
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Wuegh,,,, I had 2 draw these myself and I'm not too proud of how it came out BLEGH.... But anywayz I still made them because I wanted to!! Free to use per usual but credit for these would be appreciated since I actually drew these but it's fine if not >_>
The standalone art:
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justkillingthyme · 6 months
Love lottie because flora comes over and is like. Where’s your bed.
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fangblood · 1 year
Also the character is loosely/inspired by kaz mostly. It’s like, I like the fear of touch and disability thing (as someone with both of those things) and I wanted to write about it, while I am also hyperfixating in Freddy carter as a face claim, so. I just said fuck it. Everything else is mine tho.
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grick-o-clock · 1 year
welcome to my twisted blog
there’s art here ………
please shoot me an ask if you want anything in particular tagged! for the most part, i’ll probably be tagging things with #thwackart and #thocs (rhymes with crocs)
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commission info! commissions are currently OPEN!
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queencryo · 2 years
two days ago, red and i woke up in laramie wyoming, with a battle plan. that is to say, paralyzing uncertainty and anxiety. i checked out of our hotel, and asked some advice. locals said that going south on US289 would probably be safe, so we did just that. it was... laughably fine, lmao. i was still terrified, but i spent most of the time after we got out of town (and saw that it was legitimately just fine lmfao) planning. winter storm was coming in later that evening, that would close off pretty mluch every mountin opass north of the panhandle. i spent a lot of time on reds phone checking utah DOT websites, google maps, planning out routes. it felt like a flurry of activity, all routed thru a cell phone that wasnt even mine.
Come colorado, i took over a bit west of denver. not realizing that ahead of us in our route was a huge mountain pass at like 12000 feet elevation. it waas kind of terrifying. thank fucking god it was entirely dry with only small patches of ice.
a little after that, we agreed to ride through utah, then soithwest along to new vegas as was the original plan two weeks ago. only problem was that the mountain pass in monticello was likely to be blocked by the storm. so we drove as fast as fucking possble to moab, along the way speeding by numerous beautiful mountains n shit. red took over a bit before moab, and i resumed freantically monitoring road conditions. we also stopped at like three gas stations in moab, getting a coffee in each one and asking if they thought the monticello pass would stay clear. the consensus was 'idk yeah probably'.
we get to monticello. its snowing. off the road, theres a good foot or so of buildup. we followed a garbage truck for a while, but pulled in at a gas station when it did. to assess. the clerk said eh just follow a plow and youll be fine. i go to the bathroom, where the fuckl is red.... why is there an eighteenwheeler where our car was. oh, she and the car are stuck in the snow in the next parking lot over. apparently she had to move the car to get out of the way of the truckers who were now moving to the fistfighting stages of arguing about fifty feet away. fighting stances n shit, yelling. I went inside to get help, since i didnt know what i was doing. got help from a family who was at subway (mostly the dad, josh). he didnt know stuff, but he gave me the confidence and additional pushing that i needed to plan and execute helping alice do a three point turn to get baclk to tjhe travelled portion of the road. thanks josh!
a lil after that, a sbowplow went by and we attempted to follow it! (engaging with some youths who pulled a scooter from the snow for some reason??? they offered to help us get unstuck but it didnt really be necessary as it turned out!)
and so began our trek down the mountain. it was... scary as FUCK, for me anyway. i remember playing country roads (in part as propitiation to the mountain) and then that one detektivbyran album i listen to. keep my anxiety in check. red did all the snow driving, cuz she learned to drive in new mexico so she knows some stuff abt snow. We couldnt see more than twenty feet ahead of us at basically any time, and she later told me that at multiple points we were actually sliding. waugh. eventually, tho, like 30 minutes or so (felt longer) the snow turned to rain. and the roads were blessedly clear.
shortly afterward, i took over. the plan was to drive as long aspossible due west, along smaller highways, possibly all the way to st. george. neither of us really had it in us thoc 'o we had to stop around 10, in kayenta. still, thats a solid 13 hours of travel, some of them extremely stressful. i dont think we did too bad at all.
yesterday, we went from kayenta to primm. i originally wanted to sleep in goodsprings, but upon cursory research, turns out its a ghost town witha population of 160, no hotels. didnt have it in us to camp last night, so we stayed in the buffalo bill resort and casino. the inspiration for the bison steve resort in nv!! this is honestly the nicest hotel room ive ever been in, and the price is 10 dollars more than our motel 6 in laramie. highly recommend if ur in primm for some reason.
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sirenalpha · 2 years
I guess my new years writing resolutions are
-get at least the first draft of my original novel done
-try to finish at least one of longer fics preferably itsb but I will take thoc just because hardly anyone's reading it so I should spend less time trying to get it perfect
-decide if I wanna do the full political atla rewrite by end of jan and if yes full outline done by feb and I have only the first 7 eps done rn and have already decided which eps I would just cut entirely, starting to write it for real can't happen until I've got one of the other long fics finished
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wibo88biz · 1 month
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Nằm mơ thấy thóc gạo đánh đề con gì, có điềm báo gì? gạo mang hàm ý về sự thành công và cả danh vọng cho bạn đấy
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vitos-ordination-song · 2 months
Some real winners in this one
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ilpostcyprus · 5 months
עם אורחים מכובדים ממדינות שהצטרפו לאיחוד האירופי יחד עם קפריסין, בשנת 2004, ונוכחותה של נציבת האיחוד האירופי- סטלה קיריקידו, מושב מיוחד ביום השנה ה-20 להצטרפות יתקיים ביום שישי במליאת הבית. הישיבה המיוחדת תחל בשעה 10:00 בבוקר וצפויה להימשך כשעה. חצי שעה לאחר מכן יתקיים אירוע מיוחד בבניין THOC. על פי מידע מבית הנבחרים, יהיו נוכחים נשיא הרפובליקה, ניקוס כריסטודולידס, חברי מועצת השרים, הסגל הדיפלומטי ופקידים אחרים של הרפובליקה. נשיאת בית הנבחרים, אניטה דמטריו, תנאם בפני האסיפה, ואחריה מנהיגים או נציגים של המפלגות וחברי פרלמנט עצמאיים. במליאה ישתתפו מוזמנים נשיא בית הנבחרים, ביניהם סגן הנשיא הראשון של הפרלמנט ההלני, יואניס פלקיוטאקיס, נשיא בית הנבחרים של מלטה, אנג'לו פארוג'יה, סגן נשיא הפרלמנט הליטאי, רדוויל מורקונאיטה-מיקולנינה, וסגן נשיא האספה הלאומית של סלובניה, דנייל קריבץ'. [caption id="attachment_11372" align="alignleft" width="300"] בניין THOC ניקוסיה[/caption] לאחר מושב הפרלמנט יתקיים אירוע גדול ב-THOC בו ינאם הנציב קיריאקידו, וכל המוזמנים של נשיא בית הנבחרים יהיו נוכחים. נכבדים זרים, לפני המליאה, יסיירו לאורך קו הפסקת האש עם נשיא בית הנבחרים. לאחר מכן הם ימשיכו לבית למושב המיוחד, ואחריו האירוע ב-THOC, ואילו אחר הצהריים הם צפויים לחזור לבית כדי לחתום על ספר המבקרים. האירוע ב-THOC יחל בהקרנה אור-קולית בנושא "20 שנה להצטרפותה של קפריסין לאיחוד האירופי". לאחר נאומו של דמטריו תוקרן הודעת וידאו מנשיאת הפרלמנט האירופי, רוברטה מטסולה. ברכות יגיעו לאחר מכן מסגן הנשיא הראשון של הפרלמנט ההלני, יואניס פלקיוטאקיס, ומהנציב קיריקידו. לאחר מכן יתקיים דיון שולחן עגול שכותרתו "הישגים קולקטיביים, אתגרים משותפים ונתיב עתידי כמדינות חברות באיחוד האירופי – תפקידם של פרלמנטים", בהשתתפות נשיא בית הנבחרים וכל המוזמנים מהפרלמנטים של המדינות אשר הצטרפו לאיחוד האירופי עם קפריסין. האירוע יסתיים בטקס הענקת פרסים לתלמידי תיכון בתחרות כתיבה בנושא "20 שנה להצטרפותה של קפריסין לאיחוד האירופי".
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gnarpys-graphics · 1 month
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Eppermint stomp..... ohhh she mad......
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justkillingthyme · 9 months
Finally caved and made a pl oc
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houseofcuckoos · 11 months
THoC Classic Music Video: “Halloween Candy”!
Take a walk thru a childhood you THINK you had!
(Also, we’ll take any of your leftover Snickers bars you don’t want!)!
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dulieuphapluat · 1 year
Quyết định 56/2023/QĐ-UBND của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kon Tum về việc Quy định giá thóc thu thuế sử dụng đất nông nghiệp năm 2023 trên địa bàn tỉnh Kon Tum
Quyết định 56/2023/QĐ-UBND của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kon Tum về việc Quy định giá thóc thu thuế sử dụng đất nông nghiệp năm 2023 trên địa bàn tỉnh Kon Tum được ban hành ngày 06/10/2023. Nguồn bài viết https://dulieuphapluat.vn/van-ban/thue-phi-le-phi-cac-khoan-thu-khac/quyet-dinh-562023qd-ubnd-cua-uy-ban-nhan-dan-tinh-kon-tum-ve-viec-quy-dinh-gia-thoc-thu-thue-su-dung-dat-nong-nghiep-nam-2023-tren-dia-ban-tinh-kon-tum-1119779/ Tra cứu văn bản pháp luật miễn phí tại Website dulieuphapluat.vn
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haiminh09 · 1 year
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Chính vì thế mà lựa chọn những loại máy từ những thương hiệu có nhiều kinh nghiệm sản xuất là một trong những lựa chọn an toàn cho quá trình sử dụng của bản thân bạn.
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versatileer · 1 year
Daily Giveaway Roll & Freebies– March 31st 2023
The @Versatileer Daily 🐰 Giveaway Roll & Freebies 🥚 March 31st Welcome to the Versatileer “Daily Giveaway Roll” A daily listing of giveaways, ending daily midnight Pacific Time. Brought to you by Versatileer: Daily Giveaway Roll – 03/31/23 Expiring 03/31 – 2 a.m. until 8 a.m. SoonSwap 2,100,000 $SOON Airdrop THOC CYCLE 2 GIVEAWAY Sign In For Instant Entry Gamers Digest | PlayStation 5…
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wibo88biz · 2 months
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Giấc mơ cung cấp cái nhìn về vấn đề và mong muốn. Hãy để Wibo88 giải mã cho anh em khi gặp giấc mơ thấy thóc đánh đề con gì cho may mắn nhé!
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