#those who show up to a duel of wits with a chessboard
pathetic-gamer · 6 months
my favorite ongoing tradition in the fire emblem subreddits is new people showing up to ask why the displayed hit rate %s never actually add up (e.g. a 90% hit rate hits more than 90% of the time while a 20% hit rate hits less than 20% of the time), because they invariably get two answers:
someone explaining mathematics behind double-RNG and how it makes for a better player experience psychologically so while the devs obviously want to provide a challenge that still has some degree of luck, they also want people to not rage-quit, and
someone saying it's bc it's funnier that way
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM MC Profile ✧
Indigo Silverwood
“ Getting near you is like stretching my hand into an open flame. I know I’ll burn myself, yet I crave the heat. ”
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Nicknames: Indie. Didi (only by family). Silverwood. Silvie (by people who don't bother learning her name).
Gender: Female.
Birthday: 6th of March, 1973.
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mother: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood - Half-blood, Ravenclaw, English.
Father: Palmer Silverwood - Pureblood, Slytherin, Scottish.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Phoenix Nobleworth Silverwood (b. 1973) - Phoenix was adopted after the death of his parents when he was just a couple of months old.
Ethnicity: Scottish, English, (probably with some Spanish roots).
Sexuality: Straight.
Blood Status: Half-blood (by her muggle grandmother on her mother's side).
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Eyes: Naturally yellow/golden/amber (nobody knows why, since their parent’s eyes are brown) but both hers and Jacob's eyes are like this). She wears glasses for her Astigmatism.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, but she asked her mother to turn it red when she turned 8 and doesn't plan on undoing it any soon.
• She’s average tall and reasonably strong build, honey-brown skin littered with scars from venturing with the vaults and being freaking attacked by dark wizards, big hands and feet due to her height. A large chest that grows at once in her 4th year (”Everybody's starring, Rowan!”).
• She keeps her nails short. Her makeup is often down to just some lipstick (mascara smudges her glasses, eye shadow irritates her eyes), her hair is often long wavy and fluffed for extra volume. She often smells like coconut oil from all the creams her mother insisted she used.
• She looks a lot like her father which gives her a rather rough look - like a handsome but wild animal - yet has enough of her mother’s attributes to be considered attractive and poise if well-groomed.
Magical Aspects
1st Wand: Red Oak wood with Dragon Heartstring core, 12″, pliable. "The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect dueling wand. Its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have beside in a fight." Indigo had good times with her red oak wand but as the years went by, her emotions start affecting the wand's efficiency. The wand would bleed a glowing red light in moments of extreme physical or emotional pain and become extremely unstable.
2nd Wand: Beechwood with Thestral hair core, 13", rigid flexibility. "The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation." Indigo has a hard time adapting to her new wand, it's stubborn to her spells and acts upon its own will especially considering its unusual and unstable core, Thestral hair, which is of unknown habilities, except for its use in the mythical, Elder wand. Her wand is one of a kind which is why she has to adapt her abilities to match the wand's requirements. Despite all, it's a remarkable instrument for undoing curses/spells and detecting danger.
Animagus: Somali cat. She's already certain she wants to be a cat animagus - harmless, of easy blend, and enables an approach to humans -, but decides for the Somali breed, during the process, for its sumptuous golden fur and agility.
Patronus: Kangaroo, for its fighting spirit and family values, not to mention its strength. (In-game it's the Abraxan, but only because I thought it would be cool.)
Patronus memory: (During the first times) Her first Quidditch match, not just because they won but because everyone she loves from Hogwarts was there, and she got to cheer their victory together. (Later years) Her family gathering for hot cocoa during a rainy night with Jacob with them.
Abilities: Legilimency, and great emotional influence over magic (Don't get her frightened or angry or she will blow you up).
Boggart:  Her boggart changes constantly - she can't decide if it's either because she overcame the old fears, or if the new ones toppled those, creating a pile of fears. And since the new DADA teacher is always teaching Riddikulus again and again, the famous curse-breaker is always the most awaited in the line.
Jacob, eyes dark and musty, clothes covered in blood, someone's blood. He walks to her and slowly raises his sleeve, the Death mark is craved deep in his flesh and it glows. Behind him, it rises the Dark Lord.
Riddikulus: He turns into a younger version of himself from a photograph she recalls laughing about with her mom (he's running wearing a loaded diaper, crazy hair, rosy cheeks).
For a while is someone in a cloak threatening to cast the killing curse over her friends, whispering each of their names like a snake but she's frozen unable to stop them.
Riddikulus: The cloak falls to reveal a bunch of gnomes piled up wearing wigs and makeup.
For another, very realistic corpses of all of her friends spread at her feet, a dark wizard across from her, it's over and there isn't anything she can do to save them anymore - it was a grim day in DADA, but they all wanted to see it didn't they?
Riddikulus: This is the one time she fails to defeat a boggart, letting the horrible scene consume her, she falls to her knees defeated, and even after Rakepick's shouting, when she tries to cast the spell, it fails again and again.
This last boggart came to show everyone around her how truly terrified she was, not for her own life, but for that of those around her. How despite the confidence she was constantly displaying, in reality, she was afraid she couldn't save them from whatever was trying to get her.
Amortentia: Her Amortentia smells like Jacob's cologne — which he used to borrow from their father which is why she recalls so easily —, fresh Catnip ever since she became an animagus, bakings just out of the oven — extra intensity if there's chocolate involved, and freshly washed sweaters (from hugging Barney and the Weasleys).
Mirror of Erised: She's under the shadow of a tree, Jacob on one side along with Phoenix and Aspen, Barnaby's head resting on her lap, Rowan by her side, and Orion for some reason. They're laughing and reading books, it's an eternal spring afternoon.
Pets: A Sphynx cat, Mocca, a brown and white rat, Franccesca, and (later in her Hogwarts years) a Great Horned owlet, Plum.
Things she always carries with her: Her wand (duh), a handmade Gryffindor bracelet that used to belong to Jacob, the Handbook of Magical Theory, a handful of peppermints, a pouch with some money, a flask of Wideye potion, some Murtlap Essence, and a family photo during Christmas of 1980.
Lucky Amulets: She has a dream catcher made by Phoenix from feathers he shed during transformations and a "broken" knight from Murphy's chessboard who decided to leave the game for good and now sleeps on Indigo's nightstand with its horse, she likes stroking the horse the night before every Quidditch match
Best Friends
Her brother, Phoenix, takes the crown in matter of importance because, well, they're siblings who grew up practically like twins, but their relationship deserves their own detailing.
Rowan has got to be the first. Not only they share the same adventurous nerdy spirit, but Rowan also is the one to stick around even when everything is dark and uncertain and Indigo's popularity plummets. Indigo is always excited to hear whatever Rowan has to say - most times about books or Bill Weasley - and she's rarely fazed by the weird things Rowan does.
Murphy McNully is a close second, having officially met in the middle of her second year, they're both still fresh in a matter of friendships which allows them to open up, both in desperate need of company and support. He's often a companion in the girl's library and common room study sessions and sits with them during meals.
Charlie Weasley has her heart and soul from the moment they first speak during year one, but it actually takes a while until they form any real bond, which begins after he finds out she has been seeking his brother's help to search for the cursed vaults.
Ben is a friend she cherishes deeply but often finds it hard to break through his protective shell which makes him feel distant even when he opens up to her. Unlike her friends, she grows more liking towards Ben after he has his change in personality, as he feels more open about himself.
Chiara is a friend she deeply appreciates for her courage in reaching out for her help in times of need and trusting her with her secret. In Marauder fashion, she likes keeping an eye on her on the nights of full moon - which is good to train her cat tree climbing. They often have afternoon tea together and she teaches Indigo useful healing spells.
Andre and Indigo didn't have a great start, as she thought of him as arrogant and inconsiderate, and he thought she was careless and selfish. But when she helps him with a transfiguration mishap during their 3rd year when he was trying to be creative - and the reason he now has a two-headed cat - they start opening up to each other and begin a friendship. He's a good friend to confide in about the mundane aspects of her life and Quidditch intrigues.
Orion means to her more than she can put into words. Not only he is her team captain, but also a dear friend whom she turns to in times of emotional instability cause she knows he'll be the one to successfully help her clear her mind. They enjoy each other's company even if they don't have anything interesting to say. They sit together during every Divination class for as long as the subject goes.
She has no "rivals" as she finds that sort of labeling quite petty, but would definitely punch Emily Tyler on the stomach and perhaps Face Paint kid for all his eavesdropping.
She has an easier time bonding with her fellow Gryffindors since they spend most of their time together in classes, lunch, and hanging around in the common room.
Dormmates: She and Rowan got placed in a room for three people, as the ones for five were already full, along with a girl called Tanya. But at the beginning of their 4th year, they find out she has bailed out to another dorm room claiming they 1. Snort and speak in their sleep on a regular basis, 2. Will eventually endanger her with their cursed vault shenanigans, 3. Will get her killed - which, spoilers, actually happens, oops. So they basically have the dorm for themselves.
Favorite Classes:
Magical Theory
Least Favorite:
History of Magic
Favorite Professor: Kettleburn. Despite CoMC not being on her top favorite subjects, she enjoys her time in his classes and reminds her of her grandfather on her father's side who's a highlander wizard.
Least Favorite: Binns. Just retire you old man!
Quidditch Position: Chaser. Despite enjoying her time as Gryffindor's beater, she notices the position takes a toll on her physical wellbeing, having to carry a heavy bat and being injured by bludgers more times than she can keep track of. So she returns to her chaser position after a year.
Favorite Team: Montrose Magpies. She never had an interest in Quidditch before she began playing but decided to pick a team to support. Of course, it had to be a Scottish team and settles for MM because of professor McGonagall who's also a supporter.
She's not indigo's face claim, but it's hard to find good red-haired characters out there.
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I guess I'll leave her background and history for another post since it interweaves very tightly with her sibling. And since I'm still exploring her story.
Well this is just an intro to my beloved MC
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Fourth Year AU: The Queen vs. The King
Summary: It’s only short time till dinner and many of Slytherin house were bored, mainly Merula Snyde. So what happens when she decides to play a game of chess with her frenemy?
Word Count: 1,597
Another day at Hogwarts had passed as the sun had begun to set. Merula had finished packing her satchel after finishing up in potions. As she secured it, she made her way out of Professor Snape's class and was deciding what to do with the rest of her evening.
Elsewhere, Jason was finishing up practicing his charms skills in the training grounds. Whenever he'd have the chance he polish on his basics of what he's learned. He sat down on the ground panting and wiped his forehead, thinking of what to do next. He worked plenty physically but wondered what he could do mentally. Read, maybe. Jason didn't know but gathered his belongings, loosening his tie to let a bit of airflow. He then started walking back to the castle.
"God, I'm bored." Merula groaned as she dropped onto the Slytherin table. "Where's Aurelius De Leone?"
Just then, Jason walked through the entrance into the Slytherin common room and making his way to the boy's door. Merula saw the drops of sweat trailing his face. It gave her a chill to him worked to that point. Now he was her, but what shall she do?
"Hey," Merula called out. "Aurelius De Leone, come here!"
"You know that's not a proper greeting, right?" Jason walked over, brushing his loose hair strands away from his eyes.
"Whatever, I'm bored."
"Entertain me," Merula whined as she tossed her arms into the air.
"Um, h-how? I'm not a jester." Jason sighed as he sat on the leather couch. "I'm a bit tired from practicing."
"So? I'm not asking for a duel. Unless you want to get beaten." Merula leaned forward on her hands, grinning.
"I don't think you'll get satisfied so easily by a win when I'm tired." Jason grinned, leaning back and placing his chin to his hand.
As the fire that lit the room cracked, the two laughed and at their little standoff. They gazed at each other, waiting for the other to make a move.
"Believe it or not, I want to put my brain to use in something," Jason said.
"Oh? Can you use that thing you call a "brain"? I'm shocked!" Merula laughed.
"Ouch," he pouted, "that's hurtful."
"Don't get your knickers in a twist," Merula waved her hand carelessly.
"Don't get my what in a twist?"
"What? You don't know what knickers are?" Merula giggled. That was odd, even for her.
"I don't follow, I'm afraid." Jason scratched the back of his head, confused.
"You know, undergarments-" Merula stopped midway as she began to blush. Why was she explain something as simple as that?
"Oh, um yeah I don't have those in a twist." Jason blushed and hiding his face in his palms.
Recently, Merula found herself having civil talks with Jason. For the most part, they have been pleasant as they've learned more about each other. Sure, it was odd, but those random talks started with playful banter and made her feel warm.
"Anyway, is there something you need Merula?"
"Yeah, I'm bored and need something to keep me busy till dinner. Got any ideas?" Merula curled her fingers as she inspected her nails.
"You're asking me?" Jason looked perplexed at the request. She wants to socialize with him and is asking him what to do. She sure has matured a bit, and it brought a smile to him.
"What? You're looking at me funny. It's gross." Merula stared with a raised brow.
"Um sorry." Jason felt embarrassed about being caught in his daze.
"Any ideas or not?" Merula seemed a little antsy for a suggestion.
"Chess?" he offered his choice.
"Chess? Well, that's not too boring, but it's better than nothing." Merula pouted slightly, but her eyes glowed with excitement.
Jason told Merula he'd be back momentarily as head into his room to get his chess set. His mum had a new set since his last set was burnt by some idiot who wanted to practice his Fire-Breathing potion near flammable items.
Two minutes passed, and Jason came down with a small box and placed it on the table between the couches where the two sat opposite each other. Jason began setting the board up as Merula watched. The board's boxes were made of mahogany and willow and had silver trim. The pieces themselves were made of obsidian and jade. How much did this cost?
"Alright, we are set. You have the first move." Jason said, breaking Merula out of her trance.
"Oh? Are you sure? I'm tempted not even to touch it."
"Are your hands clean?"
"What- of course, they are!"
"Then let's begin without worries."
"Fine!" Merula was now fired up and ready to put him in his place. No way she was going to let that comment slide, even if it was an innocent one. "Pawn to G4.
The jade piece began to move forward on Merula command.
"Pawn to F3" Jason called.
Slowly, the witch and wizard were feeling each other out and not jumping ahead of themselves. Pieces began dancing back and forth amongst each command.
"Who taught you to play if you don't mind my asking?" Jason looked at the board calculating each possible move he could make.
"My father." Merula studied Jason's choice of moves. She was almost impressed. Almost. "Bishop to C5."
"It seems he taught you well. I don't think I've had such a hard time with this for a while," Jason smirked, "and honestly, it's getting my blood how you say, boiling?"
"Correct with that figure of speech and with the last statement. I'm not telling more though." Merula crossed her arms slightly raising her chest slightly.
"Oh?" Jason blushed, trying not to stare. "Why don't we place a bet then? Whoever wins has to tell the other a secret."
"Really now? And what do I have to gain from this?"
"You'll either understand who I am better, or I will understand you," Jason smiled at her softly.
"No strings attached?" Merula asked.
Merula thought briefly till she nodded in agreement. The two continued with their game, and both wouldn't let the other maintain a lead for long. It had been some time since she had genuinely had fun.
"Hmmm, rook to A4. Check." Merula smirked with triumph in her eyes.
"I'll admit you have been quite the adversary but Knight to A4." Jason leaned in back, brushing his hair away from his eyes.
"Oh, bollocks! Now you're gonna get hurt Aurelius De Leone!"
The two shouted as their commands following out of pure impulse. Each was countering the other strategy. Either one would take a piece, or their piece had no way of getting to the desired spot.
Dinner was coming close, and their game seemed far from over. Some of the first and second years were watching from a distance. They were all excited to witness such a spectacle between their senior house members.
The two were beginning to sweat as their moves became limited by the lack of pieces. They were down seven pieces and were now falling back to slow strategies to solve the problem. It looked like neither side was going to back down.
"You giving up?" Merula asked, scratching her nose.
"You do that when you're nervous."
"What?" Merula looked surprised at his claim.
"Scratch your nose. It's nothing odd," Jason giggled as Merula face turned flushed.
"You little-"
"I'm just saying it's kinda cute." Jason's eyes widened as he realized what he said.
"Excuse me? What did you say?!" Merula said, holding a hand against her ear.
"Nothing at all. It's your turn so hurry up, or we'll miss dinner!"
"Fine, but just so you know I got you now," Merula smirked as she called for her final move. "Checkmate."
Jason looked at the board, seeing he had no way of fighting back. He'd lost this battle against the best witch at Hogwarts. He won't be hearing the end of this that's for sure.
"Well, color me impressed Merula." Jason sighed and hung his head in defeat.
"Yes! Finally, I got one over on you!" Merula jumped up excited about her victory. "Now Aurelius De Leone! You better give me a good secret!"
"A good one? Like what?" Jason looked up at her as he stood up, putting the pieces of his chessboard away.
Merula thought for an amount as she rubbed her chin then smiled.
"Tell me a secret you've never shared with any of your friends!" Merula pointed her finger at Jason while placing her other hand on her hip. It gave Jason a slight chill but a good one.
"Fine," Jason stepped next to her and whispered into her ear. "I hope that was satisfactory enough."
"Yes," Merula tried holding in her laugh but couldn't bother holding it back. "Fish boy."
"Okay, well I'm off to dinner now because I'm not gonna listen to any smart remarks." Jason grabbed his chessboard, taking it to his dorm room. He reflected on the joy of playing chess with Merula. It definitely was a fun experience despite having played Merula.
Merula was making her way to the Great Hall feeling so pleased with her victory. Hopefully, she would have another opportunity to show him up. Until then, she needed to eat some. One should enjoy the success of such excitement. She wonders what he would have asked if he won. Aurelius De Leone had been on her mind lately, and it's annoying not knowing why. She wouldn't let this foul her mood. Today was her day. She was the Queen of chess without question.
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