#thoughts from pezzles
pezzles17 · 7 years
Zayn was not at louis' xfactor performance tho...just ot3
Umm actually he was. It was kept quiet because they didn’t want to make it abt OT5 reunion but actually focus on Louis and his mum.
But in case you need a refresher or just learn to open ur eyes.. here ya go:
Have a lovely day! 😁✌🏽
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pezzles17 · 7 years
So I have seen you reblog from someone that seems to bash on harry lately and even started following antis now - niallloverontheloose and then sending a birthday message to an anti. so are you still a larrie? How can you even tolerate talking to them?? U who always preaches about respecting ALL the boys 😒😒😒
Okay, I am answering this once and thats all. I appreciate you at least not cussing me out compared to the other anons I have gotten.
Look, I know have ‘preached’ as you said about respect for ALL the boys and I still hold true to that. Now, what Jamie ( niallloverontheloose) decides to blog or post about that is entirely up to her. Its HER blog. Who am I to tell her she is wrong. She’s my friend and I care about her. I honestly don’t know what happened but its her choice and her blog to do say and do what she wants. I don’t reblog any posts that is hating on any of the boys. Also I am assuming the anti you speak of is Christina (appreciatetommo) which I already knew she wasn’t a Larrie. Honestly who I choose to send Birthday wishes should not be up to debate by anyone. I like her blog because she loves and truly appreciates Louis. Yes, she has blogged abt Freddie/Elounor and Lounelle but I did the mature thing…and I kept scrolling. I didn’t send her anon hate or cussed her out for posting that on her own blog. She doesn’t hate on the boys that I have seen so I don’t see a reason to not send her a bday message on the day of her birthday. I mean come on.. we are all adults here. Lets try to act like it. I don’t mean to come off as rude or arrogant in any way…just understand that if I still follow them or speak to them its my own reasoning. I don’t post any hate abt any of the boys and if I see someone else does either I will unfollow or just keep scrolling.
Now, lets all enjoy some good fandom support: Dunkirk promo and pretty soon TG single - HarryProject Back To You and a MV - LouisPraying to get some Niall Horan tour ticketsStream and promote Strip That Down and Get Low - LiamKeep streaming STG / IDWLF or any of MoM songs - Zayn
Either way..we have alot to be busy for to waste time sending anon hate. Lets just love and support our boys! 🙏🏽😁💕
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pezzles17 · 8 years
I don't know anything about the vampire diaries but is that Danielle in that gif set? Looks just like her but I don't know if she was in the series or not.
goodness I got this anon a long time ago… sooooo sorry. I really need to pay attention to these lol 
To answer your question she wasn’t in The Vampire Diaries.. it’s the spinoff show called The Originals. She was really good in it actually. I really liked her in it and I followed her in her SMs before she started dating Louis so I always kept her separate from the whole drama of bearding. I mean we could all see it wasn’t a real relationship.. but I honestly thght she is soo freaking gorgeous. 
I still follow her now and I have noticed how all of a sudden she is doing alot of fashion shows but whatever ya know lol
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pezzles17 · 8 years
I want to follow you bc I need more OT5s on my dash, but I need to know... Do you believe Freddie is actually Louis' child or not?
Weeelllll… okay I have nothing against the baby at all so please don’t take it like I do. The baby is not the issue and in all honesty its a really cute baby lolI don’t think Louis is the biological father because after everything I have seen Louis be, I just can’t imagine him not spending so much time with him. Louis adores children - clear as day in all honesty. You can see it time and time again and there are endless amounts of gifs/videos/photos of that. Plus I can’t see how none of his bandmates ever officially congratulated him or even actually met Freddie and had pics taken with him. Doesn’t feel right when the boys have always supported each other ya know. Also everything is just so fishy/shady with B’s pregnancy and all of that. Seems like so much more is happening behind the scenes. But I don’t really reblog or post much of anything on B/Freddie/Danielle to be honest. If I post something about Danielle is usually related to The Originals TV show cuz I am a fan but thats mainly it. I hope if you do follow you are not disappointed. Either way feel free to talk to me! Love to make new friends even if we may not agree 100% - like to be open to any information/ideas/theories. As long as its not hurtful or cruel in any way. That is why I am such a huge OT5 ho lol..support all 5 boys! Solo projects or together. 💜😁✌🏽️
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pezzles17 · 8 years
Are you single?
Wow.. pretty personal question don’t ya think lol… but to answer your question yes I am. Been single for about 8 years now actually. I have you know dated a bit in those 8 years but I mainly find a reason to not take it further thn 1 or 2 dates. I am actually very happy being single. I was engaged right after high school - dated on of my closest friends since like 3rd grade but sadly it didnt end well. I think its one of the main reasons why I don’t date .. well that and other issues but ehh… its life.
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pezzles17 · 8 years
do you think zain will have a successful career?
Do you mean as a solo artist?? Hmm well if he gets a diff management thn yes I definitely believe he can. He got alot of fans that loved his MoM album that didnt know anything abt 1D. Alot of my friends were suprised he was in a band lolSo IF he stays solo with new management that will give him better promo th he will go far. But I believe we will get all the boys back to be honest… which is what I have gathered from RBB n SBB is that it involves all 5 boys. But again we all have our own theories.. mine just happens to be this 😊✌🏽️
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pezzles17 · 8 years
Oh, then you're one of the good ☺
Ahh thank you 😊 That means alot! I know there are many in this fandom tht dont support him and its fine. We all have our opinions. Just dont like how they bash him. No need to be mean towards him. We can all agree there is alot of shit BS with it comes to 1D but uet they believe every trash article that bad talks Z… dont get it but oh well… im just as baffled that ppl don’t believe in Larry or Ziam lol 😂
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pezzles17 · 8 years
U never post anything really abt the beards... I am wondering wht you think abt Danielle and Cheryl and Gigi?
Umm well I normally dont post abt them cuz i dont really care abt themI know of Danielle before she was used as Louis’s beard since I am a fan of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I like her character in the show amd I think she is very pretty. She has amazing legs for sure lol Don’t really care abt the others since i didnt really know anything abt them as it is and anybody tht has a brain should see its so fake. Even if it wasnt to closet Ziam…fake relationships can be used to promote each other’s careers… So hopefully tht answers ur question 😁✌🏽️
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pezzles17 · 8 years
I have been checking out ur blog and I see you post some Ziam as well... So I am assuming u ship them right? Is it just cuz of Liam since most of thr fandom dont like zayn anymore?? But i saw a few ziall ones too..? Sorry if its stupid..just honestly curious haha
oh well thanks for checking out my blog - not that I write much as it is really. But anyways to answer your question - YASSS I believe in Ziam as well. Funny how I was so obsessed with Larry I never really noticed everything Ziam was doing at the same time!!! I go back to alot of the Larry moments and there is most definitely a Ziam moment as well.. crazy how that is! I love both Liam AND Zayn. Yea i have noticed there are some fans that don’t like Zayn anymore and well its sad but hey its a free world ( well not really but ya know.. lets not get into that ). I think there is way more to the story of Zayn ‘leaving’ 1D than we will probably ever know but I truly believe Zayn and the rest of the boys are still friends. We shall see them together again - I know this! :)NOw.. yes i do follow a few Ziall blogs becuz well Niall shipped with any of the boys is just beyond adorable! Who can’t love Niall?!!! Its just absolutely wrong if anyone doesnt like him. He is our Irish lil Prince for sure! I love how all the boys treat him and take care of him - alot of my favorite is either Ziall or Nouis. Dont say that your thghts are stupid becuz they are far from it. I really truly appreciate your following me and taking the time to send me this message. It made me feel all sunshiny warm knowing someone cares what I think.
Have a great day!
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