houseoracastle · 1 year
Cass was a little dazed, potentially from too much sun or maybe even from the mead he'd drank a bit faster than he'd really intended to. It even could have been just residual anxiety, from walking around town in tights and an open shirt, leaving little to the imagination. But he didn't really feel anxious about being very, very visible. Or he hadn't when he'd started down main street.
He was dazed enough to probably just keep walking past Matt when he saw him, recognizing the man as his brother's boyfriend. No, fiance, wasn't it? Cass laughed at his own mind, the way things went back and forth but never really seemed to stay still in there. He couldn't just walk past then, could he? Not when he hadn't really been able to congratulate either Hawk or Matt about the engagement. The one he'd read about in the paper.
"Have you tried the mead? I'll buy you one if you haven't," he said, nudging Matt with his elbow. "As a peace offerin', or some shit."
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houseoracastle · 2 years
There was always some level of awareness when he got up in the night. He was asleep, he did things that didn't make much sense, but when he woke up he knew for certain they'd made sense to his sleeping brain.
It was always disconcerting when he awoke suddenly, though. He went from needing to get out, knowing he was unsafe and he needed to find his mother and flee, to suddenly jostled by a body standing in front of his, blocking his way. Izan thrust his hands out, shoving at the other, though it wasn't with full strength. He almost cried out, but stopped himself with just a soft, open-mouthed grunt.
Then there was the waking up. He swayed, blinked a few times as he gathered his bearings, his brow furrowing as he looked around the dark room.
Finally he thought to look forward, eyes slowly focusing on Matt. And he frowned, rubbing at his eyes once or twice, and letting his hands fall to his sides. He still felt on edge, unsafe, but slowly he was realizing the emotions weren't totally rational.
"Sorry-" he started, looking at Matt meekly. "I won't go back to sleep tonight, if you need to get rest."
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houseoracastle · 2 years
continued from here! @wanderinglcst
"Take it from someone who has gotten a closer look at the work they leave behind, you don't need front row seats. It's not worth what would happen to you," Cass said, frowning slightly. He didn't typically talk about work with others, no matter how it started to get to him. He didn't go anywhere near the windows, instead hanging up his coat, removing his boots, and moving to the kitchen. "Yeah. Cass, actually. You want a drink?"
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houseoracastle · 6 months
There probably wasn't a good reason for Cass to be harassing his brother-in-law, but he couldn't think of a very good reason not to, either. Besides, it was an easy way to find out how his brother was doing, too. Hell, if he played his cards right, he might even be able to find out how the rest of the family was doing, too. "Do you ever think about how long 'Mr. Romero-Walker' is to say?" He asked, drawing out the syllables in Matt's name as long as he could, dramatically ending with a flourish of his hand. "One of the many challenges of married life, am I right?"
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