#threats of rape/noncon tw
x--sinner--x · 11 days
I just kidnapped an innocent looking slut from a club I was at. I spiked her drink without her noticing, and it was her fault she came alone in the first place. I waited until she took a sip of her drink and passed out to slowly drag her into a bathroom stall, broke a window and slowly got her body out the window so that she doesn't fall on the way out and I swiftly followed her. My getaway car was just parked out front, so it was easy to get her inside the car and drive away.
As I brought them to their new home, I tied their hands together to the bed frame and removed their pants and waited until the effects of the drug wore off and for them to wake up and find the situation they were in. I just sat in a chair next to them as they woke up, immediately screaming and flailing their legs in the air as if that's gonna help them get free. Once they realised they don't have pants on, I could only imagine the humiliation they faced, because they tried to close their legs together so that I won't be able to look.
The reason I didn't take off their top was because I wanted to toy with them even more. So I took my pocket knife and started marking their exposed skin, and their screams were just pure melody to my ears. I slowly started to cut through the fabric, cutting circles around their nipples to see how hard they were. I then cut another circle around their belly button, just to increase the humiliation they were facing.
I placed my pocket knife to their neck and made them quiet down as I came on top of them and forced my cock through her wet pussy hole (she got wet from fearing me, how sweet), as I sucked on her exposed nipples. I went down and licked her belly button and her exposed armpits and also their neck, to make them feel as dirty as possible.
Ahhhh now my head is reeling with ideas on what to do with this pathetic slut...
(like and reblog this and get me to 100 notes for part 2....)
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Ok so y'all know about that one theory that since hal is a splinter of dirk and Hal is part of Lord English, that Ult!dirk has lord english+doc scratch+lil cal rattling around in his head at all times right?
This is probably a very, very cursed thought. But imagine dirk having reached ultimate self, currently having a *VERY FUCKING HORNY* lord English in his brain, specifically a Lord English deadset on tearing calliope apart with his bare hands and his bare cock too, if possible. To the point the desire to kill her hurt her FUCK HER is basically the only thing in his mind. A boiling pot that will explode unless the lid is taken off.
Imagine that Dirk messaging Callie, asking her to meet up at some remote location. Only the two of them, alone. It's been so long since they last talked, hasn't it? Imagine Callie accepting. Dirk is her friend, after all!
Imagine that the meeting starts out well. Callie talks to Dirk about her latest projects, while he hums and makes the right noises when he needs to. Sure, sometimes he throws a comment that is just too *mean* or a backhanded compliment, but Callie chooses not to say anything as to not sour the friendly encounter.
Imagine at some point calliope starts finding it just so hard to move. It slowly takes more and more effort to use her limbs. She feels weird- her head is just so foggy, so hard to sting thoughts together, it's no surprise it takes her a while to notice that some of the sweets dirk brought taste... different than they're supposed to. She tries to ask Dirk about it but can't put the words together and-
Things get weird after that.
One moment Dirk's sitting in front of her, acting concerned. The next, she's laying on her back, on the floor, dirk on top of her. Her hands are restrained- not that he needs to, but those claws can do a lot of damage, even trimmed as they are. Callie whines confusedly. What's going on? Isn't dirk supposed to be gay? Why does she feel so strange? Why is he oh god is he unzipping his pants?
Callie has read enough fanfiction to know what that means but not- not like *this*.
But she can't do anything to stop it, can she?
Cherubs mate by turning into snakes, but that's more or less a voluntary process. It is perfectly possible for a cherub to have human-style sex without turning into a giant snake. There are ways for cherubs to feel sexual pleasure. Caliborn knows this.
And now, Dirk knows it too.
It's in between these moments of confusion and pain for calliope that she hears dirk say something, it doesn't matter what exactly. But the phrasing and the cadence of it are just *so familiar*, Callie for just a moment understands what's happening, understands just *who* is behind Dirk's actions (as much as it can be said that there's anyone behind his actions ig) and that's what it takes for her to start trembling, start squirming around, crying begging- begging caliborn, begging lord english, begging dirk, anyone, it doesn't matter who, to "jUst stop please please stop, please aren't we sUpposed to be friends? Why are yoU doing this to me? Please don't do this please stop please please please please"
It takes many, many rounds before Dirk/caliborn is done with her.
(if you want to focus on the emotional aftermath too (which, I do!) then I see 3 options:
1. Calliope rationalizes her way around what happened. It was a dream, just a nightmare, nothing more. Nevermind the fact that cherubs don't sleep. Or dream. No, nevermind that. There's a first time for everything. She was just dreaming, she made it all up. There's no reason for her to squirm uncomfortably whenever dirk is brought up. There's no need to shake whenever she's all alone in some secluded place, there's no reason to be wary around any sweets she did not make herself. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.
2. Calliope acknowledges that it is real but has no idea how to go forwards about it. She can't tell anyone. She won't. She refuses. What if she breaks what little is left of her friend group? Roxy would be devastated. Would they even believe her? What if they don't believe her and they leave her behind? She doesn't want to be lonely anymore. She'd rather die. If she has to choose between keeping the secret and ending up lonely and friendless? She'll keep the secret. Forever.
3. Less emotional aftermath but..... Imagine Callie, waking up after all that, without a single memory, of it, just waking up and her hips ache and her limbs are weak. She's laying down in some bed, Dirk sitting in a chair beside the bed, calmly reading. He asks her how she's feeling, and she knows behind his glasses that he is concerned. She says she feels fine but asks what happened. Dirk says she must have been feeling sick, because not long after they started hanging out she passed out- she hit the ground hard, hence her hips hurt. Callie nods, slightly confused because she didn't feel sick when she left her house, but assumes it must have just set in quickly or something. She thanks dirk for taking care of her and laments the fact that their hangout ended early. Dirk just smiles and says that they can always hang out again some other day, just the two of them. Callie agrees enthusiastically with the idea. The implication here is that this situation, all of it, is going to repeat itself again. Possibly many times over, before Callie realizes.
4. Last one bc I don't have that much for this one: Callie acknowledges it is real, and tries to confront dirk about it, but he threatens her, says that if she says anything, he'll kill her. Then he switches to saying if she tells anyone he'll just find them and do it to them instead. She wouldn't be so selfish as to do that, would she?
Calliope can't in good conscience risk that. She won't. So in exchange for being dirk/caliborn's only victim, she'll stay quiet and agree to go to their place whenever they want to, so he can use her for his own pleasure whenever he wants.
(she gets very good at compartmentalizing in this one.)
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
Yan robin watching a sex tape of yan bailey with PC
100% traumatizing MF gonna cry all day trying to convince himself that it’s just a bad dream
Bro, you're such a sick fuck and I'm so here for it. You deserve this. 
AMAB Robin | GN PC
Robin holds his breath as he breaks into Bailey's office. It wasn't easy. But he had to... he had to erase your file off the computer and his too. And then he can take you out of this town and away from Bailey and his crazy controlling behavior. 
Bailey has been all over you lately. Locking your door at night demanding you pay more rent than necessary. Demanding your time every morning and night and even on school days. Robin was sick of the caretaker's "special attention." And today he was gonna take the first step into helping you escape. 
Robin takes a seat in Bailey's chair. It creaks making him jump but he shakes it off. Everyone's asleep... there's no way anyone heard that... 
Robin continues opening the computer and using the USB he got from Mickey to Crack the password and break into the old computer. The soft blue light flickers on and Bailey's home screen pops up... bailey's computer is more organized then Robin thought and finding your file is easy. 
Robin looks over the numerous notes and offers over you. Prices and profiles and matches... and videos... 
Curiosity overwhelms Robin as he clicks on one of the videos labeled with a generic string of numbers. 
It starts tame. You're asleep in the camera view. The camera zooms in on your face as you snore into your pillow. You twitch a bit and the camera shakes as if the person filming was startled. It ends shortly after that. 
Robin considers downloading that one. He loves your face when you're asleep. So peaceful and cute. He drags the file out and opens up Bailey's email to send it to himself. There's more video and Robin decides to save the good ones before he deletes them forever. 
They're mostly of you asleep. But there are some with you in Bailey's office. Most of the time you're just being yourself. Sometimes you crying... robin still saves those... 
Until one video with an actual name pops up... it's the last one in the file... "virginity" ... robin holds his breath as he hovers the mouse over it. He doesn't know what's on this one... but he can imagine... and the image isn't good. 
He still clicks on it.
It starts normally. More footage of you asleep. But this time the camera is set on your bedside table and within a moment calloused rough hands grab you. One covers your mouth and the other goes to your throat they squeeze around you as you startle awake and begin to panic. 
Robin can tell your attacker is Bailey. The tattoos are a dead giveaway as he continues to attack you. You're screaming and thrashing at first trying to beat Bailey off but he threatens to break your neck and you stop... robin leans closer to the screen his eyebrows furrowed as he silently begs you to keep fighting as Bailey thrusts into you. 
Tears stream down your cheeks as you look up at him you don't even see the camera... you don't know Bailey is filming you. Saving this moment for later... 
You let out soft pleas whimpers and occasional moans as Bailey handles you roughly. Robin can barely stand it as he watches it all go down but he's unable to tear his eyes away. 
The thrusting stops and Bailey chuckles a bit off screen robin can't see his face but he knows that bastard his grinning as his hands leave your throat. "I guess I do own you," Bailey says. He reaches out for the camera and the video ends.
Robin is hyperventilating he can't even possess what he just saw but suddenly his plans to leave this place crumble. He turns off the computer and rushes out back to his room holding his mouth and nose closed as he gets back into his bed. He closes his eyes and tries to think of anything else but the image of you is stuck in his mind. Bailey's voice as he taunted and raped you. Robin can't think of anything worse. He bites down on his fingers and presses his other hand into his pants to his hard-on.
He knows it's wrong to jerk off to the image of you being violated. Much less with Bailey. But he can't help it... 
Tomorrow morning he'll just pretend this never happened. He'll forget what he saw. He'll suppress it. And he'll even be the perfect boyfriend.
But tonight he's just as bad as Bailey as he fucks his fist and thinks of your face in that video.
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lowlifesymptoms · 1 year
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john in some peril :)
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ask-aurachnid · 2 years
Threats I
[CW for implied threats of rape/non-con, dehumanization, human trafficking, and caning]
Frankie’s been kidnapped a few times in their career, but this one takes the cake. For one, they get snatched out of costume on their way back to their apartment after a long day of classes. They’re walking down an alley just blocks from their shitty little studio when someone sprays a canister of something in their face, and they inhale before they could think better of it. Their vision goes black immediately.
When they wake up soon after, it’s to shackles being locked around their arms and legs. When their captors notice Frankie’s lack of unconsciousness, there are harsh whispers of ‘mutant’ and ‘get a collar’ before something cold and heavy is locked around their neck. The collar, as it seems, drains every bit of energy from Frankie’s body. It makes their limbs feel like lead, and the constant buzz of their spider sense vanish into thin air. Frankie’s blood runs cold, but the fear isn’t enough to keep them awake for more than a few seconds after the contraption starts to dig into their throat.
The next time they wake up, they’re even more uncomfortable than the first time. Their hands are cuffed behind their back, and their ankles are shackled with a short chain between them. The concrete floor they’re lying on is cold against their bare skin, and everything hurts. The suppression collar is still locked around their neck, their smart watch is missing, and their shirt is gone, but at least they’re still wearing their pants and shoes. The tightly laced tactical boots will make for a much easier escape, but only if Frankie gets a very good opportunity.
“Oh look, the freak’s awake,” someone jeers, and the toe of his boot nudges against their spine.
Frankie rolls onto their back, uncomfortably crushing their hands, and glares up at the man, holding back the quip on the tip of their tongue in favor of cataloguing their surroundings.
The man standing over them is about the same size as Frankie, both in height and build. He has short brown hair receding from his forehead, a greying beard, tattoos peeking out from under his dark hoodie, and a teardrop tattoo under his right eye. He has a Glock tucked in the front of his pants.
The room Frankie’s in isn’t the abandoned warehouse they’d come to expect. It’s more of a basement. Moderately well maintained but barren save for a folding table in one corner, and a pool table in the other. Usually, places like this mean the criminals have been in the business for a while, which does not bode well.
The asshole standing over Frankie isn’t the only one in the room. Several others are playing pool in the corner, one is counting cash on the folding table, and another is typing away on a souped-up laptop. Frankie can see nine people, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not more outside.
They’re lying in the very center of the room, underneath a glaring fluorescent light and surrounded on all sides.
“Damn, I hate when they’re quiet. It takes all the fun out of it,” the man says.
Frankie glares at him harder.
“You like your new necklace, mutie? It’s a good thing we had one lying around, ‘cause you’re certainly a better prize than we were hoping for.”
Frankie looks down at the collar as best they can, but there’s not much to see outside of the fact that it’s metal and has a green status light blinking steadily. They’ve heard of these contraptions before, but they weren’t expecting their first experience with one to be anything like this. They didn’t even know that mutation suppression collars would work on them, since they aren’t a natural-born mutant.
“You really didn’t have to go all out like this for me, sweetheart,” Frankie says, sarcastically affectionate. “You know I’m not a jewelry sort of person.”
They regret the comment almost immediately when, instead of the guy getting offended, he grins wider. Frankie really doesn’t like the gleam in this guy’s eyes.
“Lay off it, Bird. You know the rules,” the man counting money says. He’s clearly the one in charge, based on his clean, pressed suit, and the authority in his tone.
The man leaning over Frankie, “Bird,” apparently, grumbles under his breath but thankfully, he backs away.
“What was that?” the boss asks, only now looking away from his money to raise an eyebrow at Bird.
“No defiling the merchandise unless the customer asks, or if it’s still not tamed after seven days.” He speaks like he’s reciting something he’s been made to repeat again and again.
If Frankie’s heart could sink any lower, it would.
Merchandise. That’s what he called Frankie. They had been taken by traffickers; worse, traffickers who have experience with mutants and know how to keep them powerless. It’s already a terrible situation to be in before they even think about what exactly Bird just insinuated.
Pause. You’ve probably been in worse situations than this. Objectively, how bad are your chances?
After some unnoticed experimentation, Frankie’s pretty certain the collar has locked down all of their abilities. Their spider-sense is silent despite the obvious danger, their fingertips aren’t sticking to anything, their senses feel muffled, and weakness plagues their entire body. Frankie’s willing to bet that means their reflexes and bioluminescence are similarly absent.
Alright, what else?
They took Frankie’s watch, which means that not only do they not have their web-shooter, but it also means they can’t use the JUDOS software to call for help. Their classmates might get concerned when they’re out of contact for a few days, but even if they go to the police, it’s likely not going to be much help. Clearly this crew is good enough at what they do to stay under the radar.
No one knows that Frankie is missing, least of all anyone who can do anything about it. Castle’s used to being out of contact for a week or more, and Frankie’s rarely in contact with the other New York vigilantes. None of them are going to notice Aurachnid’s absence until it’s far too late.
Okay, yeah. That’s pretty bad.
Frankie sighs and rolls back over to, rather clumsily, rise to their knees. They have to keep a level head if they’re going to get out of this, and that will be easier if they can maintain at least a little bit of their dignity. Admittedly, they’re already low on that particular resource, half-dressed and surrounded by less-than-savory characters, but they feel just a little more secure once they’re upright. Now they just have to wait and hope an opportunity presents itself.
[Part II]
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yanderesimp2000 · 6 months
Extreme Yandere Adam x Fem reader Chap 1/5 Start of your new life !MINORS STAY AWAY!
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(hey this is my first post here Just wanna say my english might be bad since I'm from Armenia but I'm excited to post here I USED ALOT OF INSPO FROM OTHER ADAM WRITES TO here are the TWS
Kidnapping, Adam being an incel as usual, threats of violence , Degrading, Manipluation, Violence, Noncon listener, threats of SA ,Gasliting, narcissism and rape if that's not your cup of tea SCROLL
Your are an angel You made it into Heaven recently Heaven would be like a paradise but is kinda like your old life in the big city You have to get a job buy things and Just deal with the classic shit of reality even though your in the FUCKING PROMISELAND
You decided to just be what you did back in Yerevan city and just be a secretary but it was the person to hire you that was strange it was Adam the First man when you met him you expected him to be some wise, kind and Gentle soul but instead you got a creepy, weird man child that you needed to cater to at every Second, Like you could just be standing in Adams office when he says "hey bitch bring me that soda bottle" the bottle was 2 inches out of reach. It seemed like he took pleasure in seeing you be miserable he always said "good girl good good girly" LIKE YOU ARE A FUCKING PET
Every second of your time with Adam was hell he was rude gross and was a FUCKING MISOGYNIST today while you were giving him a back massage he said "yes good girly" again as usual like you were a fucking pet but then he said "that's all you women are good for to serve men" this Made you even more angry but hey the pay is good and that Leeds to today You walk in sad as usual into Adam mansion when he starts making comments about something your already insecure of your wings he rubbed your wings and he then said "heh bitch your wings are so dirty you a fuckin slob yknow that but a hot one at that" he then Grabbed your ass and that's when you broke "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" you yelled "I QUIT" you then storm of and back into your apartment crying about the insult of your wings and just fed up in general But that's when you get a text from Adam he always texted you when you were working for him but you quit it read "You really thought you could leave me you DUMB WHORE I treated you soo well I gave you everything you could of wanted and this I how you repay me I don't even need you you stupid fucking slut"
You were used to Adams shit by now but this this was just something else you text back "Adam stop messaging me Ill be back tomorrow at 10 am to get my stuff from my office and you better not try ANYTHING" he then responds "why would I try to interact with a brain dead whore anyway" that hurts you but you brush it off "being verbally abused by that dickhead isn't worth the pay" you thought before going to sleep
The next day you woke up at your alarm you got dressed but on a casual Black hoodie with Sweat pants because you weren't doing anything today other then going to Adams mansion to pick up your stuff. you flew over to his mansion only A 13 minute fly before landing at the door you were nervous but you knocked you waited and waited until someone opened the door "wow the whore really had the nerve to show her face again' He snarled "well I cant be to mad at you your fucking hot all we have to do to make your perfect is Shave down those ugly wings" he said in a arrogant tone. You walk inside and go to were your stuff is before you hear Adam locking the door 'what the fuck are you doing Adam" you snarl His mask lights up into those annoying little circle eyes he looks like a giddy child
"well I Talked to The big man upstairs if you get what I'm saying and since he would NEVER Say no to his precious Adam his first creation the person who gets ALL his love and affection he said I could keep you since your such a low ranking angel and you have no family in heaven no one will miss you " He still looked like a giddy child while saying this as all of a sudden He pulled out a stunning ring filled with jewelry and gems and luxury "cmere" he says before Walking towards you he towered over you, you were a quite short and small angel being only 5,5 and he was a Huge 13,2 foot angel. " ADAM THIS IS NOT FUNNY" you yelled at him but he said "Bitch? its not supposed to now were gonna cuddle and snuggle because Im feeling lonely and you cant do JACK SHIT" he sounded firm and serious you were scared and try to make a run for it but were tackled down "fuckin bitch your not escapin" he said before tossing you over his shoulders and taking you into his room upstairs and throwing you onto the bed before "cuddling" with you which was more like Wrestling a teddy bear he managed to restrain you with ease and he giggles "I love small girls like you so short and weak easy for me to... Manhandle" he says in an ominous tone you keep squirming and this just makes him giggle "so feisty" he says "don't worry my little Slut I'll fix you sooner or later I'll break your brain down till its just mush then I'll rebuild it to my liking and then you'll be loyal to me just me unlike those last 2 whores I married ill make sure you never leave" he says in a low coo ''i don't like you adam' you hissed he then got surprised "oh talking back to me don't you know who I am Im Adam the first man and your my new Wife you were created from my fucking rib you have to that me for your existance Im a superior being and your just my Wife you should me grateful so many people would beg to be in my presence and your trying to leave it ungrateful whore" he hissed as he started down at you you noticed he was starting to undress first his shirt then his pants then his Underwear but he kept that stupid mask on
His dick is fucking massive it was huge or maybe you are just small but damn and around it is just a bush of his grey hair He even has a piercing on his cock and his dad Bod OMG but as much as you hate it he was hot "like what you see" Adam teased you try to squirm away only angering him Well if your gonna resist I guess I'm gonna have to fuck that tiny pussy lose he said eagerly before starting to Teasing his cock around the hole "sh sh sh sh sh shhhh let it happen" Adam cooed "your my new wife you like this you have to your just in denial" he giggled before saying "Oh your sooo small My dick might kill you I bet I'd bet I'm like I don't know fucking 11 feet taller then you and my dick is huger then anything I've bet you've seen" he teased while rubbing his cock at the entrance of your pussy "damn it I just cant hold back" Adam yelled "p-p-please stop Adam" you whimpered but it just turned him on more as he said "going in bitch" suddenly you feel his entire dick in you it was huge and painful you were not enjoying yourself but Adam was "f-fuck babe I'm fucking you loose" he laughed as he kept fucking me so hard I felt like I was gonna throw up blood and organs he rearranged with every thrust it felt like a new bone in your body was being reangared you tried to flap your useless little wings which just made him think you were even more about how precious you are "that's so cute the only thing I dislike about you is your wings they get in my way might have to clip your wings soon" he teased scaring you He kept thrusting and more and more got hurt the more you pleaded whimpered yelped winces or squealed the more turned on he got as he was thrusting he laughed at the bulge in your stomach from his dick "it went to far in you really do like this ya whore"
You let out a whimper when he said that and that was the turning point he said "f-fuckkkkk I'm cummingim cumming" before long ropes of the warm jizz entered your pussy "yeah get pregnant bitch that's your only purpose breeding machines for men" he said at you and said let me clean myself up He then gets a rag and clean you and him up before seeming to get more gentle
"look I'm sorry when I get horny I go feral this is not how I am most of the time your just so fucking hot I just c-cant control myself" he said while cuddling you "I love you I really do and this world is cruel you have no family here no friends Nobody I'm the only one you have so im taking you under my wing figurative and literally" he said laughing since he tucked you in between his warm chubby chest and his soft comforting wings he then gets really soft and says "I've seen you on your own and your in so much danger so many people will try to take advantage of you and you have nobody to run to but me so I take it as my duty to protect you and coddle you like the cute little toy your are" he says that in a low coo while petting you his soft voice seemingly temporally calming you down you start to stop Wriggle and start giving up and snuggling into him causing him to turn bright red "their ya go girlly your a good little Beliver right so you should worship me if it wasn't for me you would not me alive you would not of been a thought you have to thank me for everything and disobeying me is just like spitting in the face of God it will get you banished to rot in hell ya get that" he pats your head as you cuddle into his chest since he's so big you look like a little housecat on his chest ''thats it just let my voice soothe you to sleep once you wake up tomorrow your life will be soon much better he teased as you snuggle against his body "nighty nighty" he says before you drift off to sleep
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x--sinner--x · 23 days
I'm going crazy right now thinking about knocking up a slut, breeding her full until my cum drips out of her pussy as she is passed out.
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forwhump · 21 hours
a/n; a radio station in my town took out a massive highway billboard that’s just a huge sign that says LONG LIVE COWGIRLS & I pass it on my way to & from work everyday & GUESS what it makes me think of LOL
anyway I can’t see any of the asks I’ve ever gotten for some reason so I can’t remember if somebody actually asked for more wren pov or if I was just scrolling the folder for fun but regardless here’s some more wren pov <3 a horrible little drabble, as a treat :’)
tw/cw: rape, noncon, transphobia, misgendering, sexual violence, captivity, psychological torture, medical torture, dehumanization
military whump, creepy whumper, mentions of living weapons, sexual servitude
There was a time, not even all that long ago, that Wren’s biggest fear was standing too close to the microwave while it was being used because he had a thing about it blowing up in his face. He would never stand directly under street lamps or traffic lights on the off chance they would fall and crush him. He didn’t like to drive behind logging trucks. He wasn’t a good Texan, and he’d always been a little afraid of horses.
Seems like such a fuckin’ joke now.
It’s pretty pathetic, actually, and Wren’s already crying but he sobs with this, too, muffled by the strip of lacy material they’d gagged him with. It wasn’t even all that long ago, and still, it’s hard to think back on a version of himself that thought the very worst thing that could happen to him was a microwave blowing up in his face.
He doesn’t even think I want to go home anymore. He doesn’t know how long it’s been. He thinks, I want to go back to bed. He thinks, I want Silas.
But he’s in bed, where he’s supposed to be safe, and Silas had been shot so many times in the face that even Medic couldn’t help him. He’d been handed over to the biomedical surgeons so they could try and salvage his brain. Nobody was sure if they could.
Point, of course, is delighted. All of his men are. Silas likes them the least, and there’s less of a threat to their lives when he’s dead. They can relax. They can play with Wren, and they don’t have to worry about his guard dog.
This time, they might not have to worry about him again. They’re celebrating. They use Wren’s body to do it, as they always do.
For the first time in a long time, Wren thinks, I want to go home. He sobs again.
As a kid, he’d been really scared of quicksand and of snakes crawling out of the drain to bite him. As an adult, he’s gagged as he’s gang raped in his prison cell by military guards. As a teenager, a teenage beauty queen in Texas, he had started to transition and that had come with a lot of real world fears that never came close to touching on this. It’s hard to imagine anything worse than this.
Silas is dead, and there’s a part of Wren that resents him for leaving him here but there’s a bigger part that’s desperate to join him. He doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t wanna do this. He’s so dehydrated the tears had stopped hours ago but he hasn’t stopped crying the whole time. Sometimes he wishes he could. He wishes he could get angry and stay angry and not give them the satisfaction. Sometimes, most of the time, Wren is weak and pathetic and scared and it hurts, it always hurts, and he can’t help it. He cries. He gives them the satisfaction. He wants to be where Silas is.
Point watches from the chair he had pulled up from Wren’s desk. Vineyard is behind him, chest against Wren’s back, holding him in his lap with a broad arm curled around his waist. His other hand is curled around Wren’s throat, not hard enough to cut off his air, not completely, but hard enough that it hurts. Hard enough that Wren will bruise around the throat in the shape of his handprint.
Hurt is between the spread of his thighs, pulling chunks of flesh out of his hips with his fingernails, frantic and feral to Vineyard’s calm and dominating. It’s overwhelming and they’re everywhere, they’re on all sides they’re in all of his senses they’re inside him, and they’re both so much bigger than him and Wren has never felt so small and helpless in his life. It makes his chest feel tight, it makes his chest feel the tightest it has ever felt and he can’t take a full breath in but he still finds it in himself to sob, somehow.
It’s a familiar sort of panic, thinking of Silas in times like this, but this time it snags on the cracks of that tightness in his chest and start to break it open, to fill him with something so desperately empty it has him gasping for breath.
Silas is dead. And what does that mean, really, when Silas is Silas, when Silas dies all the time? But Silas hadn’t just died, Silas had been slaughtered, and it wasn’t a matter of trying to bring him back from the dead but of trying to salvage his brain. To salvage it. He had died so completely Point felt comfortable celebrating the loss of him, and Point was never comfortable when Silas was involved.
I want Silas, Wren thinks, and that’s familiar, but Silas doesn’t come to his rescue this time. Wren has to fend for himself, and he’s so fuckin’ tired. He’s so tired. He wants to go where Silas went, and it’s not fuckin’ fair because he also just wants to die and he doesn’t even get that much. He’s wanted to die for longer than Silas can remember and Silas, of all people, beat him to it? Fuckin’ Silas?
He screams and he doesn’t know why, it’s too hard to narrow it down. Maybe a bit of everything. It’s muffled, anyway, by the gag, and it’s answered only with the rumble of Vineyard’s laughter against his back.
Silas had somehow brought out in him again that idiot kid that was afraid of drains because snakes might be hiding in there, waiting for him. Silas had made him stupid. He’d promised Wren he’d get him and he’d die to do it, if that’s what it took. Wren had made him promise right back not to die, that he had to come with him — he’d hardly doubted that Silas would get him out of here, away from all this. He had a resolve that was inhuman and a strength that outweighed it. He never said it like he was gonna try, he said it as a matter of fact, and Wren had believed him. He’d thought about introducing Silas to his mother — what would she say? She’d been a bit of a judgemental bitch when she was Wren’s mother, but how much had she changed?
Would she even want to see him? What would she think of him now? What would she think if she knew?
Point leans in close, too close, and Wren tries to flinch away but he takes a fistful of his hair and keeps him where he wants him. Wren’s wrists have been tied behind his back so long he hasn’t been able to feel anything but static in his fingers for hours. Point mouths along the line of his jaw, the edge of the gag, and murmurs, “that’s my girl.”
Silas loved him. Silas loved him so completely it killed him. He’d lived and died underground and nobody outside of this place will ever know he’d lived at all, but he had and it had been a life that was short and gruesome and miserable. But he loved Wren so much he died for him, and it’s not fuckin’ fair. How is that any fuckin’ fair? Wren spent a lot of his time reading, and he’d read enough that he knows this is not how this is supposed to go. A love like that is supposed to have a happy ending. A love like that was supposed to save them both.
He sobs and it gets stuck in his throat. Point smiles against his skin. “I’m sorry we had to put your dog down,” he murmurs, just as soft, and the warmth of his breath makes Wren’s skin crawl. “We gave you so many opportunities to be good for us. All you had to do was be a good girl.” Wren tries to turn his face away and Point bites his cheek so hard it makes him cry out. He hiccups out a sob, humiliating, and Point coos against his skin. “Look at you,” he says softly. “How could I stay mad at you?” He kisses Wren’s cheek so gently it gives Wren goosebumps and he sobs again. “You’ll forget all about the freak,” he murmurs. “We’re gonna fuck the memory of that thing right out of you, cowgirl.”
Wren tastes blood and he thinks his cracked lips are finally bleeding. His chest is hitching with trapped sobs but there are still no tears. Hurt groans, long and low and it makes Wren gag under Vineyard’s hand.
He wants to go back to sleep. He wants Silas. He doesn’t want to live like this anymore.
What a privilege to be afraid of the microwave. What a stupid little asshole he’d been.
But he’d been a whole person once, a human being. Somebody with feelings and regulated emotions and irrational fears. He doesn’t know what he is now, not really, but he’s less than human, he knows that much. He isn’t worth nearly as much, either. Nobody even knows he’s here, nobody that’s still alive or that’s not down here with him. Nobody’s coming to his rescue. Nobody’s gonna save him this time. When Wren’s finally allowed to die, he’s gonna die down here, cold and pathetic and worth no more than warm flesh.
It isn’t fair. It’s all so fuckin’ unfair.
He wants to go where Silas went.
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laz3otakugirl · 1 year
Everything to hide
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A/N: Look guys, I got issues. I can only imagine this man as a daddy istg.
Stepdad!Robert Pronge x little!Reader: Your mom goes on a trip to Vegas and comes back with an ice cream man as your new daddy
TW: RAPE/NONCON, dark, age regression (if ya'll aren't into that just in case), ddlg, blackmail, threats, spanking, dumbification, degradation, choking, reader uses a pacifier and nursing bottle
This is explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Let's be honest. You knew letting your mom go on that trip with her friends was a bad idea, but after everything you also knew she needed something to use as a distraction. Your aunt had died a month ago as a victim to one of the many serial killings happening in your city, her mangled corpse was hanging from your guys' tree, it's been chopped down ever since. Your aunt was your mom's arm to cry on after your dad died, and now she was gone too. For the longest time, it was just your small family just outside the city filled with love and laughter, now it's empty and quiet. The shock of it all almost took your mother with her and despite your efforts, she was barely getting better. Two weeks later, she comes barging through the front door with a dopey grin and a pair of glasses with a smoky smirk right behind her. You freaked out that she just brought a random man she married, but after talking with her you realized that he was the only thing that has made her smile in so long. You relented, it wasn't exactly like you could do anything anyways, they already got married back in Vegas.
At first, you thought he was sleazy but he ended up being kind and thoughtful enough to your mother. It warmed your heart to see her so happy. You thought he was pretty creepy until he offered you some popsicles he made himself and you were hooked. Every time you got a "special" treat it gave you tingles, the way he smiled and watched you eat them had you feeling tingly too but you'd never say that out loud. Now it's been 4 months, and you've all gotten used to each other. You still live with your mom and worked from home to keep an eye on her in case she'd have another breakdown.
You were nervous about Robert moving in at first, after your dad had died it seemed like you were a lost kid again with depression and your intrusive thoughts kicking in. So you could only do what you knew and had allowed yourself small moments to regress in the small area you managed to set up in the basement. There was a built in bed on one of the sidewalls that your father built if there were ever guests. You ended up utilizing it and had set up string lights and some comfy blankets and plushies. There was also a small built in shelf that you could put your laptop on and watch cute shows. All of it was setup behind the stairs so you could have a little privacy, your mother usually never comes down because the basement was your dad's personal area but to you, it felt safe.
Your mom had just left for business trip to Korea and you and Robert were waving her goodbye from the front door. As you went inside, his hand gently brushed against your lower back but you didn't think much of it. Going to the kitchen to grab a beer, Robert looked at you and said, "How are you doing with work, honey? Do you think you're gonna be okay without your mom?" He knew your mother would check in on you a few times while you worked to make sure you took care of yourself. At times, it seemed like you wouldn't sleep for days if you couldn't get something done. "I think I'll be fine, she reminded to set alarms to eat before she left." He comes up to you now and brushes your stray hairs, "Ok well, if you need anything I'll be right across the hallway." The way he says it has you a little off put but you brush it off knowing he's always been a little creepy like that from the first time you met him. After you thank him, he kisses your forehead and walks off to his and your mom's room.
It's been hours now and your eyes are starting to sting from staring at your screen all day. You look back at your phone and it's already 10pm, guess your eating some crackers and spray cheese (fuck off, it's delicious). You stalk off to the kitchen and grab your snacks, as you're walking back to your room you notice the basement door is cracked. Your heart drops and so do your snacks, you can't tell if the thumping sound in your ears is your heart or the sound of your feet running down the stairs. Once you get down there, all you can hear is loud groans and rocking coming from behind the stairs, you look back in horror and there he is. Robert could hear you from upstairs and was already looking in your direction as he fucks your pillow, "Aawww shit sugar, looks like you find my secret. Then again, I found yours a long time ago." Your eyes start to tear up, "H-how did you kn-know?" He's getting riled up from seeing you cry and starts going harder and rougher, "Baby, I found out a long time ago. I knew about your little secret from the first time I gave you that ice cream when you got out of school. His eyes darken with amusement at your shock, "Don't you remember? Your dad brought you to my truck after you got bullied and bought you a little treat. God you're cute little mouth licking that cream had me so fuckin' hard. Seems like you're dad caught onto me and rushed you out." At that point, you're freaking out and try to rush to the stairs. As your fingertips brush the doorknob, a pair of thick arms come dragging you back down and push you onto the ground. A hand grabs your hair and you can feel him grind his hardness onto you. "You didn't let me fucking finish the story sweetie. Ugh I was pissed off at your piss poor excuse of a father for taking you away, I'm so glad I killed him." Your screaming and kicking as he yanks your shorts down, "I spent all this time trying to figure out how to keep you, only for that stupid bitch to find me outside your window. Had me so fucking angry, I strung up that cunt's guts as a little present. God, your terrified face was hot I wanted to fuck your mouth until you choked." He's pressing one hand against your throat as the other is grasping his dick and trailing precum against your cunt. "Only took a little bit of watching to find out your mom was taking a trip and followed her there to marry her. Ah fuck! All these year of waiting, and you're my little girl now! My precious little baby, fuck after watching you on the cameras I set up, I couldn't get enough!! Your sweet little lips sucking on your paci and that fucking bottle ugh! I'm finally taking what I fucking deserve!" He shoves in all the way and you're screaming from the pain, he's so big and it's brushing against all of the right spots now. Your mind is hazy and you drop limp from the pleasure, eyes rolling back. "Fuck yes, there's my dumb little baby. Seeing you go dumb while rubbing that tight little cunt on your stuffies had me drooling. Huh baby? You want me to fuck your brain dumber? You want me to cum inside you? Ah shit yes, I'm gonna cum inside of you!" You're pleading and shaking your head no and he thrusts into you a few more times before you feel the rush of cum flow inside of you. He's petting your hair and shushing you as you sob. As you get up, he pulls you down over his lap and gives you a few hard spanks, "Tell your mother and I'll send her ass right to hell with the others." Crying in his arms now you say, "Okay..." "Say 'yes daddy, I understand.'"
"Y-yes daddy, I un-understand."
"Good girl."
A/N: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS DARK! Yeah yeah I'm fucked up but I really wanted to write something pretty horrifying with Robert. I'm planning on writing some little shorts of what he's done before the Reader found out so let me know if you guys' would want that. But thank you so much and let me know if you guys enjoyed it or not!
Bye loves!
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zxphy · 1 year
Okayy so you wanted some ideas, right? I saw your incel! Scaramouche post and I was wondering what your thoughts are on a yandere incel! Xiao? It's a popular idea but I really love it and maybe you could write it for Fem! Reader or Gn! Reader if you don't write fem! Readers
☆ No bitches?
Yandere! Incel! Xiao x Fem! Reader
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Tws/cws: Xiao, misogyny, women beating, domestic abuse, use of the word "retard", implied noncon, fem aligned reader lmfao, gaslighting, doxxing, rape and murder threats, and non consensual groping. Multiple spelling mistakes are present. Both you and Xiao are 18.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Xiao was your best friend since childhood, but as you both got older into adult hood, he started acting different.
A lot more grabby and forceful. He was unable to get a girlfriend or get laid, so he went to reddit and 4chan to vent his frustrstions, there he met lots of people just like him.
He may or may not have asked them "why do women not like me", getting multiple misogynistic replies. Bro was easily manipulated then turned into a self proclaimed "incel" in about a month. He believed everything his new group of friends said.
He always talked about his discord servers and his gross friends to you, saying how they give him the best advice and their misogynistic views about how women should know their place and yada yada.
You started to hang out with him less and less, as Xiao grew incredibly insufferable. Just being near him made you uncomfortable, you were scared of even being in the same room as him.
Even though you hardly talked to him, yiu still interacted online because hey! He's been your best friend since birth you don't have the heart to end the friendship.. :(
The less time you spent with Xiao, the more time you spent with Aether, one of his best friends. Xiao obviously took notice of thst, and his huge crush on you did NOT help.
Xiao considered himself a nice guy, thinking he deserved sex from "females". Complaining that girls only want Chads who just use them for their body and leave, as if incels aren't the same thing but worse.
You wanted to help him you know.. NOT have that mindset, but his stupid 4chan friends kept encouraging his disgusting way of thinking!! :(
At sometime, Xiao eventually confessed his love for you. But honestly, you kind of expected that to happen considering you were the only chick that even looked in his direction, let alone talked to him. You let him down as lightly as you can, trying not to set him off. Cause from what you heard, self proclaimed incels usually never take "no" for an answer and take every rejection personally.
"I'm sorry Xiao, it's not you.. it's me." Oh it's definately him.
"But I'm a nice guy! I'll treat you well and get everything you want. I have a job, I can spoil you!" Ah. That would make sense as to where he gets all the money to blow on hentai from.
"I just don't have any feelings for you besides platonic ones. I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." You begin to sweat, praying you didn't set him off.
Xiao looked down to the ground at his feet and sighed. "I understand." You sigh in relief, until Xiao says this,
"Can I at least have a hug?" Oh fuck.
You begin to sweat more and nodded slowly, "S-sure man.." you open your arms out for a hug and Xiao embraces you tightly, good fucking god he smells disgusting. When was the last time he showered?? It should be common knowledge that axe body isn't a substitution for showers. The scents clash in a way that make your nose hairs burn and your toes curl. It took everything out of you to not gag.
But on the other hand, Xiao was in heaven, you smell so good! His face is in your hair and he takes a big whiff and he shudders, obviously enjoying himself. It's been forever since he's been so close to a girl, let alone YOU.
His hands slowly trail down from your back and get lower, eventually he had his hands on your ass and gave it a a light squeeze. You push him away and laugh nervously and wave him good bye, leaving him by yourself.
Days go by and you started getting mysterious phone calls, text messages and messages on your social media from anonymous people. Majority of them being death and rape threats.
U stupid bitch why did u leave him to go fuck his best friend??
And another,
Im gonna rape u then kill u in an alleyway u deserve it stupid whore.
And another,
I know your address.
And another...
Get ready to get raped!
And... another.
He's gonna put you in your place, whore.
One time you even got a phone call and it qqs just a guy heavily breathing into the phone then threatening to rape you and then bury your body in the woods for "rejecting a perfectly nice guy."
At that point it was kind of obvious as to why you're getting such threats. Either Xiao has been using alt accounts and throwaway numbers or he had doxxed you to his other "nice guy" friends. You were honestly pissed, was he THAT butthurt because you didn't want to have sex with him? He needs to get a fucking life. Xiao used to be an amazing guy, your best friend, but now his stupid "nice guy" phase tore you both apart. You thought the rejection went well, that he'd be normal about it, but then he goes doxxing a girl because she didn't want to have sex with him? What the fuck?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started looking for Xiao's number, you hit him a message.
Xiao. Read 1:44pm.
XIAO. Read 1:57pm.
I know what you did. Read 2:00pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Xiao did you fucking doxx me?? Are you retarded? What the fuck is wrong with you, people keep threatening to rape and kill me you fucking ass wipe. Read 2:01pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Im sorry just meet me at my place
What?? No dawg, I'm not gonna go to your fucking house, I wanna know why you fucking doxxed me, we were literally best friends before you became a fucking misogynist. Why did you doxx me?? Read 2:02pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Come over and ill tell u
Kys. Read 2:02pm.
You shoved your phone back in your pocket and you huffed. Who does that fucker think he is?? All because you wouldn't date him!!
You being you, you still went to his home to get answers. He didn't deny doxxing you which ulset you even more. His dick probs got hard just by you texting him. (He did :3) You're sick of sll the threats, you just want it to stop. You just want Xiao to stop his bitchless behaviour. Now you're gonna do something about it.
You walk up to the lavish home and knocked on the door. Of course Xiao still lives with his dad instead of doing something productive like going to colledge like his twin sister Ganyu. You folded your arms and waited. You assumed that Mr. Zhongli wasn't home because you heard some random porn game from the third story window, Xiao's room.
You knocked again, but this time louder. You heard the game pause, then a door slamming, then rapid footsteps going down stairs. You hesrd a voice from behind the door.
"Are you the delivery guy?" *Xiao.*
"No fuckwad." You replied back. The door slowly swung open, revealing Xiao. He looked a lot more gross than you remember, he looked incredibly dishevled, with messy greasy hair, a random tshirt with very suspcious stains and dandruff on it, baggy gray sweatpants that aldo had a suspcious stain, but this time on the crotch area, and a pair of perscription glasses, the frame kind of similar to yours. But what you really could not get over, was the smell. He smelled like he hasn't showered in months, he smells entirely of spoilt food, semen, body odor and sweat. Disgusting.
"You look and smell like shit." You push past Xiao and walk into the lovely home.
"You came." He mumbled.
Of course you came, you wanted to know why the fuck he'd doxx you. He grossed you out comepletely, he was a digusting good for nothing freak. Xiao was actually a nice guy, he got good grades, was super sweet to everyone and made his father proud.
Xiao avoided eye contact and told you to follow him to his room, so you both could talk. You shook your head, feeling uneasy.
"Mr. Zhongli isn't home, why not talk here?" He ignored your question and walked up the stairs. You followed behind but kept a reasonable distance. Reasonable being several feet.
Xiao opened his bedroom door and you were immedately met with a horrible stench, his room smelled like him but worse. It smelt like semen, piss and shame. His room was covered in hentai posters and anime girl figurines, his clothes thrown all over the floor, and in the corner there was a really expensive looking gaming set up.
He could afford a multi-monitor gaming set up but not deoderant?
What couldn't go unnoticed was the collection of stiff socks gathering in a pile near his bed.
"Xiao what the hell? Your room is a fucking biohazard, feels like I need a gas mask and a hazmat suit just to be in here." You felt sorry for his father, you couldn't imagkne what it feels like having a son just like Xiao.
You walked into the room, being careful of wjere you step, Xiao sits in his gaming chair and then types a message into his Discord chat. He then got back up and cleared a space on his bed, throwing whatever was previously there onto the floor. "You can uh.. sit there."
You shook your head, but then you looked back at Xiao and he looked like he was about to cry. You felt bad so you sat anyway. You're definately burning this skirt when you get home.
You got a proper look around the room, not only seeing the weird posters, but pictures of you.
Xiao sat in his gaming chair and swung side to side, he looked nervous. Sweating as he looked at you.
You finally spoke up breaking the awkward silence. "So Xiao, why did fuck did you doxx me?" Xiao stayed silent and looked away from you. This really set you off. "Don't ignore me you asswipe! I've been getting threats of violent rape, I home you know you committed a cyber crime!"
"Relax, (Name.)" Xiao said still not looking at you. "It's not that serious." You scoffed and felt yourself getting more mad.
"Not that serious? NOT THAT SERIOUS?? Xiao! For the love of fucking christ, people are threatening to kill me! Why would you doxx me?!" You raised your voice at him, and you saw him get more nervous.
"Well.. I-I don't know I just. Me and you were like really close, but then you started fucking Aether.." You huffed, even more angry than before, "God fucking damnit Xiao! I'm trying to not fucking strangle you, but you're making it so hard!" You stood up and continued yelling, "You were so cool until you started acting like this! Kf course women won't like you if you keep thinking that she's gonna hop on your gross cock, Xiao! No one wants your tiny penis, I can assure that!"
You folded your arms and contued, "Sorry you feel so offended because I feel SAFE around Aether! He doesn't talk about how women's only purpose is to have kids and serve her mans or whatever, unlike YOU!"
Xiao fumbled with the draw strings on his sweatpants, "I-I don't know I uh just thought that you'd like me I g-guess.."
You face palmed. "Xiao. You doxxed me because I didn't want to date you? Dude! I explicitly told you that I have zero attraction to you. I only have PLATONIC feelings for you man. We had a good friendship but your gross ways ruined it-"
Xiao interupted you, "I'm a nice guy (Name), I'll treat you right. You're not like other females.."
"Oh my fucking god, Xiao..." you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I cannot believe that you think any girl would want to date YOU! A gross, disgusting people of shit incel like you! You're retarded if you think any girl would want your gross penis inside of her!"
Xiao stood up, "Fuck you (Name)!" You staggered back, surpised of his sudden outburst.
"Females like yourself are the problem. All you do is fuck chads and leave actjal nice sigmas in the dust!"
You blinked before letting out a laugh. "PFFTT!!! Dawg! Fuck this shit for real, and you know what? I'ma go to Aether's place to fuck him! How doed thst make you feel, Xiao? You gonna cry??" You flicked him off before getting up, walking to leave the room.
Suddenly your arm gets grabbed and you're pulled back, thrown onto the floor. Xiao gets on top of you and punches you square in the nose. You let out a loud squeal of pain.
"Xiao what the fu-" Xiao picks you up from under your arms and puts on on his bed, he starts feeling up your body, his hands trailing up yojr skirt, fumbling with the hem of your safety shorts.
You kicked him in the stomach and punched him in his face, Xiao staggered back and held his stomach as his glassed fell off his face, you took the chance and pushed him off you and ran.
Unfortunately for you, you tripped on the wires spewn about his room and you fell, Xiao took this opportunity and turned you around and kicked you until you stopped fighting. As an extra measure, Xiao grabbed your head, lifted it slightly then slammed it back down into the floor. You gripped your head in pain and whined.
"Xiao? What the fuck.." you wince. Xiao once again picks you up, and drops you onto his head, his hands trailing up your skirt. He lifts it slightly and pull down your safety shorts revealing your panties. His obvious erection poking through his sweatpants. Xiao went back to his gaming chair and once again started typing on his discord server, before getting up and locking his bedroom door. Too busy holding onto your head and lightly crying in pain, you had not noticed that he actually did lock the door.
The teen walked back over to you, took your shoes off and peeked off your safety shorts. He got close to you and whispered into your ear, "How does it feel to be put in your place?" He slapped you playfully.
Xiao shoved down his pants, his hard cock springing out. He hasn't shaved in a while, revealing curly black n green pubes covering his pelvic area. The tears that were threatening to fall, have fell, hot tears flowing down your cheeks hoping that Xiao isn't gonna do what you think he's gonna do.
"Xiao please. Don't do this.." You looked up at him in fear. Xiao ignored you and pulled off your panties, revealing your pussy. He threw them into a random direction. He pressed himself against you.
You're struggling to process what the fuck is going on, you're being held down, Xiao's dick is rubbing against you and half your clothes are missing.
Xiao then tore off your tshirt and threw the shreds in another random direction, then took off your bra, groping your chest the second he saw your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty.. and you're all mine." Xiao took his fingers and spread apart your lips, revealing your lovely pink insides. Xiao shoved two of his fingers inside of you just to test and you yelped.
"Fuck yeah, you're tight as balls." Xiao removed his fingers and quickly replaced his fingers with his thick cock.
He then slammed inside of you, putting his hands around your neck.
You're his now.
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I honestly think I got a little too into it, anyway I hope you guys enjoy! :3
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zeciex · 10 months
A Vow of Blood - 48
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Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: “You will be trapped by the obligations of love and duty, unable to escape the web of expectations others have woven around you,“ the witch said….
Chapter 48: The Stag that Rages
AO3 - Masterlist
TW: Domestic Violence, Threat of Rape, Threat of loss of Freedom, Threat of forced Pregnancy.
The resonant snores suddenly ceased, indicating that her husband had roused from slumber. Daenera was perched at the table, partaking in her morning meal. Delicate morsels of cheese and bread graced her plate as she engrossed herself in the letter that had arrived from Storm’s End, while her long tresses were brushed through by Jelissa. 
Daenera Velaryon, 
I trust this missive finds you in good health and of a forgiving heart.
I must offer my deepest apologies for the actions of my brother. His grievous     misdeeds have tarnished the honor and reputation of House Baratheon, and I will not have it so. His affair and the subsequent birth of his bastard son with a baseborn whore are not only a dishonor to himself but also a stain on the legacy of House Baratheon. 
Rest assured, dear sister-in-law, I hold steadfastly to the belief that the title of Lord of Storm’s End must never be passed to a bastard. Our house has stood strong for generations, and I shall not see it weakened by such a foolish mistake. I am fully committed to ensuring that the only legitimate heirs of House Baratheon shall inherit our ancestral seat. 
I implore you to understand that my intention is to maintain the unwavering alliance between our two great houses. The strength of our bond must not waver, and for that reason, I expect my brother, my heir, to rectify his errors swiftly and unequivocally. The future of House Baratheon depends on it, as does the continued solidarity between our families.
Only the son born of you and my brother shall inherit Storm’s End and for that reason, I ask your forgiveness for my brother. I will ensure that he understands his position, and that he will fulfill his duty as your husband. 
With utmost respect and sincere regrets, Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm’s End
The letter bore the unmistakable mark of Storm’s End’s Maester. Lord Borros Baratheon was, after all, not known for his literacy, and she doubted that he would have been able to construct such an eloquent letter without his Maester’s interference. Daenera let the letter drop to the table and picked up her book.
In the hustle and bustle of the chamber, Patrick scurried across the room, intent on aiding Boris in his morning rituals. His partially completed smock was left behind, a silent testament to the urgency of his duties.
Boris emerged from the bedchambers, clad in a loosely-fitting shirt and trousers. His eyes were burdened with heavy bags, their usual sharpness dulled by exhaustion. Patrick hurried to assist him, offering his lord his belt. Boris accepted with a gruff nod, swatting the young boy away without a word.  
“When I returned you weren’t in bed.” As Boris gruffly settled into his seat, the room seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the tension rising to a palpable level. The single boot Boris slipped onto his foot bore the marks of wear and tear, a testament to the rugged life he often led. Patrick, ever the diligent servant, scurried back with the other boot, holding it out for Boris to take. 
“I had trouble sleeping,” Daenera replied, her voice casual and unconcerned. She set her book aside, her fingers gently closing the pages. Her blue eyes held a hint of something unreadable as they studied her husband. 
“A walk…” Boris repeated, an accusation in his tone. 
Daenera’s gaze remained locked on Boris, her eyes steady and unflinching. The room seemed to shrink, its walls pressing closer as the tension between them thickened. 
“Yes, I took a walk,” she reiterated, her voice firm. “My husband wasn’t home to keep me company, so I took a walk in the gardens.”
Boris’s skepticism hung in the air like a storm cloud, dark and foreboding. His next words crackled with accusation, thundering almost. “You walked the gardens alone at night?”
A subtle shiver passed down her spine as she sensed the brewing tempest, like the surge of the time before a tidal wave crashed ashore. 
“Fenrick was with me,” she replied, ehr tone laced with a deliberate calmness, as if daring Boris to question her further. 
The room held its breath, every object frozen in place, as if waiting for the impending storm. Boris’s clenched fist came down upon the table with a resounding thud, a stark punctuation to the charged atmosphere. The clatter of cutlery and Jelissa’s surprised squeak added discordant notes to the chaotic symphony that had suddenly erupted. 
Fear clung to the air as Boris’s gaze bore into her, a tempestuous sea of emotion threatening to drown her. Daenera could taste the bitterness of dread at the back of her throat as she faced the storm she had inadvertently seemed to provoke. 
“Out,” Boris ordered, his voice low and menacing. “Out. All of you.”
Patrick’s gaze darted between Boris and Daenera, and Jelissa paused in her brushing, a disquiet frown on her face. 
“Do not look at her!” Boris' voice rumbled with anger, a storm within a storm, as he barked his command. His clenched fist struck the table once more, the sound echoing through the room like thunder. The flush of indignation colored his cheeks a deep shade of red, so close to turning purple. “Get out!”
Daenera made a subtle nod, silently granting permission for the servants to retreat from the chamber. They exchanged anxious glances, then withdrew, closing the door behind them. The room suddenly felt much more intimate, the downpour of the storm beginning to crash around them in the silence. 
Unease began to fester within her as Daenera watched the door close, leaving her alone with Boris.
“What’s bothering you so?” Daenera tried to maintain her composure, her voice steady despite the tension building between her shoulder blades. “You’re not usually in a sour mood when you’re going hunting.”
Boris shot her a venomous glare. “Where were you last night?”
“I already told you, I took a walk–”
“Do not lie to me! I am not as stupid as you might think,” Boris’s voice crackled like a whip, his anger violent in its presence. He swept his plate from the table, sending it crashing to the floor. The room reverberated with the clatter of metal against stone, and the food scattered across the floor. The ambiance of their chambers turned hostile, as the storm broke into thunder and lightning, unleashing its fury within the stone walls of their chambers. 
Daenera’s eyes widened in exasperation as she watched his tantrum unfold, her attempt to defuse the situation met with resistance. “I don’t believe you’re–”
“Did you truly believe I wouldn’t notice?” Boris interrupted, his voice laced with seething anger. He abruptly rose from the table, advancing towards her like a charging bull. Towering over her, his eyes bulged with fury, spittle clinging to his beard. Daenera had no time to flinch as he seized her by the face, fingers digging into her cheeks with a painful force that made her mouth purse. The skin of her cheek grated against her teeth, threatening to split open from the pressure. Her heart raced within her chest as fear coursed through her veins. 
“I don’t know–what–you’re talking–about,” Daenera managed to force out through her mouth, each word making her teeth scrape against the fragile flesh of her cheeks.
“You’ve been having an affair! You’ve been spreading your legs!” Boris accused, his finger pointing at Daenera with such force that his hand quivered. His eyes blazed with a violent rage, and every gesture he made appeared exaggerated and pent-up, as though he teetered on the edge of an explosive eruption–as if he hadn’t already exploded. It was evident he struggled to contain his anger, his teeth grinding as he glared at her menacingly, the wild expression in his eyes deeply disconcerting. “Did you believe I wouldn’t question the marks on your body?”
With a roughness that almost sent her tumbling from her chair, Boris released her. Daenera’s tongue traced the contours of the inside of her cheek, exploring the gloves where her teeth might have left marks. Her voice, now steady and cold, sliced through the charged atmosphere. “You have the audacity to accuse me of infidelity when you’ve sired a bastard with a whore.”
Boris charged towards her, his furious steps echoing through the room, but Daenera’s palm slammed down on the table with a resounding bang, the impact emphasizing her anger. Her hand grabbed onto the prongs on the table, holding it up threateningly as a sneer curled her lips, and her voice dripped with venom. “You will not strike me again!” 
She released an unamused breath as her fingers tightened around the prongs. She had grown tired of portraying the submissive wife, enduring her husband’s humiliation in silence, keeping up the appearance of a happy marriage. 
Daenera continued, “And you have the boldness to threaten me with legitimizing that bastard, making him your heir. Do you truly believe your brother would accept soiling your house with the blood of a whore?”
Boris ground his teeth, the veins in his throat bulging with rage as his eyes darted toward the prongs in her hand, seizing her up. 
With a half-hearted shrug, her mouth twisted into an upside-down smile that spoke volumes of her defiance, she flicked her hand dismissively towards the letter, the parchment laying unfolded on the surface of the table, displaying the black stag at the corner. “I can assure you he wouldn’t be pleased. Perhaps he’d allow you to legitimize the child, but he’d never risk incurring my family’s wrath by favoring a baseborn heir over a trueborn one.”
Boris looked at her in utter disbelief, his sneer revealing his shock. “You wrote to my brother?” 
His tone was filled with incredulity, carrying with it a hint of petulance that seemed more suited to a child. He made it sound as if Daenera had tattled on him, revealing a grievous secret to someone he knew would bring him to account. It was almost an inadvertent admission of wrongdoing. 
Daenera’s eyes narrowed angrily as she responded, her tone firm, “Of course I did. You risk the wrath of House Targaryen–”
“I don’t bloody care about the wrath of House Targaryen!” Boris roared, his fury echoing through the chamber. “You are my wife. You belong to me . I am your lord husband, and I demand the respect I deserve!”
“Respect is earned, not given in demand.”
His voice took a cold, malicious tone as he continued, “You shouldn’t hold my son’s status as a bastard against him, I have not held it against you.”
Daenera stared at him, her anger blazing incandescently in her eyes. “Are you calling me a bastard?”
“Do you believe the whole realm is blind to your true nature?” Boris sneered, gesturing dramatically as if to encompass the entire world beyond their chamber walls. “If the King weren’t so willfully blind, he would recognize that his daughter is a whore. A trait that his granddaughter appears to have inherited.”
“The King will have your tongue for that,” Daenera responded with a dark undertone, wishing for nothing more than to see it true.
“What do you suppose they would say once they discover you’ve been spreading your legs like some common whore?” Boris harshly yanked open a drawer in a nearby side table, retrieving something which he then thrust into her face. “I stumbled upon this in our own bed .”
Boris extended his hand, his forefinger and thumb pinched together. It took a moment for Daenera to recognize the long, fine strand of hair, distinctively Valyrian in hue. She swallowed thickly, forcing her face to remain still as she glared at her husband, letting a furrow crease her brow. 
“You’ve been fucking one of your uncles,” Boris hissed at her, his words dripping with venom. “And judging by the length of the hair I found, I’d wager it’s Aemond.”
Daenera shot a sharp, incredulous glare at her husband. “You’re accusing me of adultery based on a single strand of hair in our bed? We reside in a castle filled with silver-haired individuals! Did it not occur to you that you’d find their hairs scattered everywhere?”
Boris closed the distance between them, his face almost purple with rage, his eyes wide and thunderous. “In. Our. Bed.”
“Helaena–” The sharp crack of his hand against her cheek sent her and the chair tumbling to the floor. 
“Do not dare lie to my face,” Boris snarled, looming over her. “Do you think this is the only thing that’s aroused my suspicion? The hair, the damning evidence on your body–did you truly believe I wouldn’t notice? I initially dismissed the warnings about you, the whispers of your true nature–no longer.”
He violently seized her by the hair, wrenching her from the floor with such force she wondered whether he’d tear the hair from her scalp. Daenera struggled desperately to keep up, the nails of her free hand dug into his hand, attempting to pry it off.
With a surge of desperation, she thrust the prongs of the fork forward, sinking them into Boris’s arm. A primal howl of pain and rage erupted from him as he reeled from shock. The room seemed to spin as her vision blurred from the strike across her face, but she clung to the fork, twisting it ruthlessly.  
Boris, seething with fury, propelled her towards the bed, his grip unrelenting. He tossed her onto its edge with merciless force. The impact expelled the air from her lungs, leaving her gasping for precious breath. As her vision swam, she struggled to regain her bearings. She felt nauseous with fear, her hands gripping the blanket as she attempted to crawl away. 
With an annoyed roar, Boris yanked the prongs from his flesh, creating a gruesome wound that immediately began to seep blood. The crimson stain spread across the sleeve of his arm, dark and foreboding. His curses reverberated through the room as he tossed the prongs, the steel clattering over the floor. 
“I’ve granted you far too many liberties. I should have imposed discipline right from the beginning and molded you into a proper, obedient wife,” Boris seethed with anger, the unmistakable sound of his belt being undone filling the room like an ominous warning. True fear pierced Daenera’s heart like a cruel blade, and she clutched the mattress desperately, scrambling across it in a frantic bid to escape the advancing man. 
“You are my wife. Above all else, you are MINE,” he growled, his voice dripping with possessiveness. 
The bed creaked as he knelt upon it, his powerful hand closing around her angle and ruthlessly pulling her away from the mattress’s edge, back onto the bed. Daenera could taste bile at the back of her throat, tears clinging to her eyelashes as she kicked and pleaded. “No! No! No!”
“You have forsaken your duty,” Boris growled, mounting her with a brutal force that left her gasping for breath. He seized her wrists in an iron grip, and she struggled against his overwhelming strength, clawing and writhing beneath him in an attempt to fend him off. “You’ve forsaken your honor, you have shamed me, you have ruined yourself and your dignity, by spreading your legs for other men. You have not given me a son, and I cannot trust you to do so when you’re whoring yourself around. I will not tolerate it.”
His weight pressed down on her, threatening to shatter her hips and smother the life from her. She felt her hands bound with his belt, the leather biting cruelly into her wrists as he fastened it around the canopy bedpost, leaving her helpless and immobilized. 
Boris dismounted from her, leaving the bed entirely as he strode towards his wardrobe. Daenera wisted in the bed, her wrists straining against the leather bindings as she knelt on the mattress, anxiously watching for Boris’s movements. Her body quivered, her hair clung to the nape of her neck, damp with cold sweat. 
“Please,” she implored, her voice quivering with fear. She swallowed hard, struggling to inject some semblance of composure into her words. “I have been a faithful wife to you. I haven’t committed the act you accuse me of. I have not bedded anyone but you.”
Boris emerged from the wardrobe, a fresh belt gripped firmly in his hand. The sight sent Daenera’s heart plummeting into her stomach as the full weight of the situation dawned on her. She vigorously shook her head from side to side as he advanced towards her. “No, no, no. I am your wife! I have remained loyal to you. You can't do this.”
Her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as she climbed onto the bed, causing the mattress to dip under his considerable weight. “You may be my wife, but that also makes you my possession. I can do whatever I please with you, discipline you however I see fit. 
Daenera kicked out in a surge of rage, her fury bubbling to the surface as she sneered. “I am Daenera Velaryon! I am a princess. Lay a hand on me, and I’ll have you fed to my mother’s dragon.”
“There’s that fire I’ve heard about,” Boris jeered darkly. 
As her eyes locked onto the belt again, a chilling wave washed over her, prompting her to pull even harder against the restraints. Her heart raced, pounding painfully against her ribs, threatening to shatter them entirely. Fear gripped her, her body betraying it by trembling. Desperately, she tried to evade his grip, kicking at him. His fingers once more closed around her ankle, tugging her roughly until she sprawled facedown on the mattress. Boris climbed over her flailing legs, settling on her thighs, pinning limbs down. “I won’t tolerate your disgraceful behavior any longer.”
“You bring dishonor upon yourself!” Daenera spat at him, defiantly craning her head to meet her enraged husband’s eyes, her fury matching his. 
His fingers clenched around her dress, ripping the fabric apart and exposing her back to the cool air. The sudden tearing of cloth elicited a sharp cry from her, her legs flailing wildly, heels connecting with his back. 
“I’ll instruct you on the ways of a loyal, honorable wife,” Boris sneered, dragging his palm down the curve of her bare spine. 
Daenera felt a nauseating blend of revolt and fear coiling within her, churning her stomach and pushing bile to the back of her throat. She instinctively arched her back, desperately trying to escape his touch, but there was no escape. The leather restraints around her wrist bit into her flesh, causing her hands to throb and turn a deep shade of crimson. 
Her head was yanked back mercilessly by her hair, forcing her to look up at him as he leaned closer, his breath hot and unpleasant in her ear.
“I’m simply doing what any responsible husband should do – discipline you,” he murmured, before releasing her head and shifting his weight back onto her legs again.
The initial strike of the belt lashed down across her bare back, stealing her breath and searing pain into her skin. The second followed swiftly, the pain merging with the first, making them almost indistinguishable though no less painful. But it was the third strike that finally forced a cry from her lips, tears streaming down her cheeks as her back throbbed and burned. It felt as if her skin was on fire, as if flames licked at it, relishing in the agony that made her head swim. 
As the leather bit into the tender flesh, her vision blurred with pain, and she could feel the welts already forming. Her body trembled under each punishing blow, and her fingers clenched into fists, pulling at the leather restraints that bound her to the bedpost. 
Boris’s voice, dripping with anger, echoed in her ears as he continued the brutal chastisement. 
“When we first met,” he snarled, the belt biting into her skin with each strike, “I made it clear what I expected from you. I expected you to understand your duties as a wife. To be obedient and pliant.”
Another fierce strike, and another cry escaped from her lips. Boris roughly pushed her head down into the mattress, muffling her cries. “To show respect to your husband.”
Daenera could hardly make out his words amid the deafening throb of her own pulse within her head. The pounding of her blood resonated loudly in her ears, drowning out all else. Each word he spoke was like a distant echo, distorted and surreal, as if they came from another world entirely.
Lightheadedness enveloped her, tears blurring her vision. Each breath felt like a struggle, drawn in with ragged, labored pants. It was as if the air itself had thickened around her, making it difficult to breathe–as if she was breathing in water. Drowning was such a slow death , she thought. Her face was pressed into the unforgiving fabric of the blanket beneath her, soaking it with her tears. The sensation of the rough, coarse fabric against her cheek added to the disorientation. 
Every strike of the belt against her bare back sent shockwaves of searing pain through her body, but her cries were muffled by the fabric beneath her, betraying her to keep silent. 
Boris’s grip on her hair intensified, pulling her head back with a cruel force. She hardly felt the sting in her scalp. “You belong to me, do you understand?”
A spark of insolence, seemingly woven into her very essence, flared up within her with a defiant intensity. It emerged as a mirthless, almost maniacal laughter. “You’re absolutely right, husband. I have fucked another. But you mustn’t lay all the blame on me. The fault is not all mine. You see, you just couldn’t satisfy my needs.”
As he released her, a cry erupted from her, but was quickly smothered by the blanket. The belt cracked down onto her, its leather teeth gnawing at her skin and leaving it throbbing and inflamed. Another cry burst forward. Blow after brutal blow rained down upon her, and it felt as if her spine and ribs were being painted with bruised hues. 
Boris exerted himself, grunting with the effort. The buckle of the belt chimed, and a sudden, searing pain exploded at the side of her head, causing her ear to ring. Warmth flowed, and blood began to drip onto the pristine white bedding, the fabric eagerly drinking in the crimson stain. 
Daenera’s gaze fixated on her numb hands, which were gradually taking on a purplish hue. In her mind, she conjured a vivid image of her husband’s demise. Blood trickled from her ear, tracing a crimson path along her cheek as she envisioned him lying broken and battered, struggling to breathe as he choked on his own blood, his face contorted in anguish, eyes widening with horror at his own mortality. She imagined him writhing in excruciating pain, rendering him black, blue and bleeding. Dead. Dead. Dead. 
She cursed him with her breath, cursed him with her blood, cursed him with her rage.
“I will show you,” Boris hissed through clenched teeth, casting the belt aside with disdain as it thudded onto the floor. His rough hand traced down her battered spine, causing her to grit her teeth against the searing pain on her already abused skin. “I will have you with my child. MY child. You will know no other.”
Daenera’s head hung limply to the side, her breath reduced to shallow, labored pants. The faint rustle of fabric filled her ears as Boris unfastened the laces of his trousers. Her heavy eyelids fluttered, and she summoned the strength to pry them open, turning her head to observe him. There, he knelt behind her with his flaccid member in hand, attempting in vain to coax it into readiness. Frustration etched his brow as his cock remained unresponsive, and an irrepressible laugh bubbled from Daenera’s lips.
Her laughter ran out, echoing in the room. In response, Boris forced her face down into the mattress, holding her head there as her body convulsed, deprived of the precious air it so desperately craved. 
With a growl of frustration, Boris finally released her, rising from the bed. But Daenera scarcely noticed as she gulped down lungfuls of air, her body trembling from the near-suffocation she had endured. 
The room stirred with movement, and then his voice sliced through the air. “I demand that you send word for your ship and prepare for our departure once I return from this hunt. You will accompany me back to Storm’s End, where you shall become a proper wife and fulfill your duty of bearing sons. Your misguided time in King’s Landing has come to an end.”
Once he had left, Daenera carefully wiggled off the bed, her knees making contact with the cold stone floor. The jolt sent a shockwave through her body, which helped to clear some of the fog in her head. With every movement, her aching back protested, her muscles frayed and bones bruised. The side of her head felt warm and sticky, though she hardly felt the throb of pain on her ear.
Remaining tethered to the canopy bed, she found herself half-leaning against the side of the mattress, balanced on both knees, her forehead falling to her arm. Her teeth clattered together as her entire body shook and trembled with the force of shock, as if she had been caught in the icy winds of the North and was slowly freezing to death. She hardly heard Jelissa enter the room. 
Jelissa, her hand flying to her mouth in shock, rushed into the room, tears already welling in her eyes at the sight of the injured princess. 
“Princess,” Jelissa gasped, her voice quivering, as she reached for the restraints that tied the princess to the bed. 
As the leather loosened around her wrists, her arms fell heavily to her lap. The joints of her shoulders protested painfully as they settled back into position. Her hands had been blissfully numb, but now, as the blood rushed into her limbs once more, they began to throb and prickle. It felt as if a thousand needles were puncturing the skin, sinking into the flesh repeatedly. She gritted her teeth and looked up into the young maid’s face.
“Robe,” Daenera muttered, her voice raw with exhaustion.
“What?” Jelissa asked, concerned. 
“The robe,” Daenera gestured painfully towards the silk robe lying across a chair. 
Jelissa crawled over the floor and stretched out, gripping the robe quickly. She carefully wrapped it loosely around Daenera’s shoulders, helping her guide her arms through the sleeves. Every once in a while, she stopped to wipe the tears from her face, sniffing loudly as she tried not to burst into loud sobs. 
Daenera rested weakly against the bed, her cheek pressed against the soft mattress. “Get Aemond.”
With a nervous swallow, Jelissa nodded and hurried off the carry out her princess’s command. 
Her eyes fluttered closed, her breath labored and shallow as she tried not to exacerbate the pain on her back by breathing too roughly. The skin felt tightly drawn over her bones, searing with pain as if she’d been branded. A chill began to set in, nibbling at her toes and fingertips, running coolly down her spine and seeping into her bones. At the creak of the door, she pried her eyes open again, looking up as Aemond came into view. Upon seeing his face, she felt a weak sob rise in her throat.
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hostileheart · 9 months
nefors can fuck
sum: you’re minding your own business and the two men come across you what will happen?
tw: rape/noncon elements, beating, death threats, heavy nsfw
You wanted a smoke break as the cold air hissed over your body and you staggered outdoors into what seemed to be nothing at all. A forest was getting closer to your residential complex. It seems like the whole place was deserted at all times of day. You went to the tree where you often hung out, leaving your tracks in the snow. It was ten o'clock when you looked down at your phone; it wasn't very late, but it was late enough to serve as a reminder to stay alert of your surroundings. Sitting quietly, taking drags from your cigarette, you notice two men approaching you. You squint as the two young guys approach, their faces become more identifiable, but you weren't bothered by this because you knew them given that you attended school with both of them at one point, and that they most likely lived close by. Your pulse raced as you watched them get closer and closer, giving you the impression that you were frozen in time by that tree. You couldn't have put together how quickly the filthy blonde nods his head and tells the raven-headed man to seize you with only a single nod. Nikita covered your lips with one hand while grabbing your arms and pinned them over your head. He pushed his groin against your own a warm sensation formed from there his lips contorted to a pleased yet uncomfortable expression. Before you knew it, Nikita was quickly taking a hammer out of his pocket and Artyom was standing next to you.
"I'll split your fucking skull open if you say one fucking word, slut."
You nod, tears stinging your eyes as you look at him fearfully. You glance at Nikita, who's still silent, and he stares at Artyom.
“Just kill her? Easy enough," he murmurs, not really listening to you other than to forcefully wrap his hands around your frail wrists.
"Kill the bitch and then rape her." With a smile, the blonde moves closer to Nikita, his dick stiffening as he eyes you down.
Nikita’s heart pounds looking at Artyom with slight uncertainty then back at you, he hides away a smile nervous at the idea of fucking.
Nikita mumbles, obviously reserved and unsure of what to say, "She's good enough."
Nikita is nudged aside by Artyom as he grips your hips and draws you in close behind him.
Nikita responds to Artyom's prodding to "grab her hands" by listening to him intuitively.
"Please, I'll do everything you want me. You murmur, "Please don't kill me," turning to face Nikita first and then back to Artyom.
“If you're good enough, we might just..” Nikita replies, expressionless, and then forcibly grips your jaw to divert your attention from Artyom abruptly tugging down your shorts. Your legs tremble from the cold air and the sensation of Artyom's thin, rough fingers gripping your bare ass as you whimper softly in need of comfort. Your hands relax into Nikita's, who looks at you bewildered but accepts it as he gently rubs your hands. Nikita wanted to touch you more, but he knew he was not permitted to do so until Artyom said anything of the sort.
When Artyom realized what was going on between you and Nikita, he moaned and rolled his eyes out of small-time envy. Then, with his thumb pressing on your asshole and his index finger forcing its way inside your tight cunt, you gasped reflexively.
"Whore, don't get comfortable." Spitting into your ear, Artyom He arched his brows in response to Nikita's expressionless countenance. Nikita stepped closer to your figure covering your mouth with his slender pale hand knowing what was to come next, Nikita glanced down at your cunt as his friend finger fucked you slowly, Nikita growing harder himself shyly looking away from your eyes as he sensed it. Artyom knows to move quickly, so he rushes and unbuckles his belt, unzipping his jeans, and letting his dick stretch out. Sliding both hands over your hips, Artyom inserted himself inside of you, gasping at the feeling. He briefly held back, burying his head in the bend of your neck, then gathered himself to pound his hips into yours and huffing softly. Nikita lets go of your hands immediately, seizing a knife from his pocket and pushing it on your throat. He then slides his hands beneath your hoodie, violently gripping your bare tits and slowly rubbing his thumb over your nipple. Sweet, gentle moans and groans come out of your lips.
He murmurs into your ear, breathing heavily on your neck, "Don't dare to speak."
You nod, obviously overwhelmed by what's happening and forced to listen to them while tears stream down your cheeks. Nikita, unable to grind against you because of the position you were all in, slipped up your sweater to have a closer look at your tits as he moved his slender hands up and down your build. He truly admired every inch of your body, He wanted you all to himself though he knew he couldn't win any argument against Artyom.
Both males genuinely needed a good fuck for a while, as Artyom driven into you slowly while trying not to moan aloud. They hadn't never fucked someone before.
With jealousy piercing his heart and manhood, Nikita gazed across at Artyom his eyes then fluttering back to your figured. Artyom dug his fingers into your sides, glancing at Nikita wanting to fuck with him.
"so fucking tight" Artyom mumbled out as he could feel himself coming close. Nikita was impatient and remarked, "Come on, my turn already." Nikita gave a quiet grunt. His hands crept over his belt, waiting to feel something.
"Hurry then," Artyom said, rolling his eyes, giggling and pulling out his still-sensitive dick. He switches places with Nikita, who is observing and gently pumping his dick.
Without wasting any time, Nikita unbuttons and unzips his pants. His long, pleading dick then emerges and slips into your already sensitive cunt from Artyom's pounding, grasping your ass with one hand. Nikita sees himself expand into you and whimpers out. Your cunt hurts at the feeling, and you let out a loud exhale. Nikita pulls you up from your throat by grabbing your hip with one hand. His rough hands would probably leave a trace on your delicate skin. Nikita thrusts into you slowly before picking up the pace as he needs.
Artyom then takes this new position you two were in to his advantage, jerking himself against your torso. Both of the noises coming from the two boys was all too much for you “please ..” you huffed out as Nikita continued to sensely fuck you.
Nikita quickly realized that he was getting close.
He gave a moan and proceeded to fill your tender cunt with his viscous fluids. He huffed as he sprawled across your body, taking a breather before he pulled away. Artyom glanced at Nikita before grabbing you against himself after Nikita pulled out, pushing you down to your knees, Shoving his cock into your throat thrusting twice before cumming, His hands intertwined with your hair aggressively.
“Be good, swallow..” His eyes widened as he watched your face and noticed how your chilly knees were getting red in the snow. In the hopes that they won't do anything more, you comply and swallow.
You are knocked unconscious by the hammer Nikita was using after they had concealed themselves. Both of their hearts pounded from all of it.
Artyom smiled, "Good can't have her remembering."
"Slut, fucking easy" Nikita chuckles. After that, they go back to Artyom's apartment, calling it a night
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btheleaf · 2 months
More Suyin x tenzin? 🥺🫡
TW mentions of noncon/rape, mentions of violence against children
Another day of mandatory training.
Some of the children were old enough to practice on gliders now. Tenzin had been informed as he was pulled from his cell and thrown into a cold shower.
Having children of his own had always been a dream of his. Little airbenders to love and cherish and teach the culture to.
But all of these children wore the green garb of the Earth Kingdom.
They would never know their culture.
They didn't understand that he was their father.
The gliders were made of metal.
Strange, platinum gliders. Spring loaded wings.
So uneseccary.
There was nothing wrong with the wooden ones.
The feeling of the metal had been so odd that during his first flight, he fell and broke the blasted thing. Bataar himself had dragged him back to his cell and beat him for his failure. Suyin made him wait until the next day for someone to pop his shoulder back in. No healing was offered until it became evident that the prolonged injury would interfere with the training of her army.
The shoulder always ached just before it rained.
The cruelty never made sense to him. She knew he didn't do anything to deserve this, and yet, this was his sentence. A lifetime of imprisonment. A lifetime of beatings. A lifetime of his family and friends thinking he did unspeakable things.
Another day of mandatory training.
At least he was out of the cell and not in the bed that gave him nightmares.
The mothers watched, the Metal Clan officers assigned to him watched, and of course, she was always watching.
He did his best to smile at the children. None of this was their fault. They didn't know any better. He hoped that one day, they would understand that he was their father. He hoped that if he instilled loyalty in them, maybe one day he could escape and take them with him.
They were technically half his, each of them from a different woman, or at least he assumed so. He never remembered how they were conceived. The drugs took care of that, but apparently, they were starting to make him impotent. Suyin said that the next time, he would be fully aware.
Just like he was when she or Bataar wanted to have their fun.
She said he would act like he liked it. She said if he cried or spoke out of turn that she would beat him senseless. She said that if he begged for mercy or tried to lie to whichever girl she sent, that she would take the life of one of the children.
The threat wasn't empty. She had done it before.
Never again.
Tenzin smiled as young Raane climbed on his back, the small child ready for his first flight. He still wasn't sure which woman was Raane's mother. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Some of the women watching were far, far too young to be involved in this.
"Yes!" Raane burst out in laughter. "Fly!"
"Hold on very tightly."
Tenzin's smile broke as he turned away and lept off the platform. Raane laughed the whole way down and up again. He would make a skilled airbender in no time without the fear of falling holding him back. They did one lap around the inside of the domed city and Tenzin's heart ached for the open air, for the sun, for Oogi. The ache twisted into sickening knots as he thought of his mother's and sister's final words to him. The way Bumi looked at him. The fact that Lin hadn't even been at the sham of a trial.
Raane hopped off his back as they landed, still laughing fiercely. The wind had luckily dried his tears. Suyin couldn't stand it when he cried.
"Who's next?"
Dozens of little voices called for attention.
He had always wanted children.
But they would never know their culture.
The gliders were made of metal.
They wore green clothes.
Suyin made it clear they would never earn their tattoos.
Tenzin smiled and picked up the next child.
Maybe he could pretend, just for a little while, that this is what he wanted.
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aspaceformbf · 5 months
YB Archetype Rainbow Dump
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Diagram Source
(TW - mentions rape)
Blue - Funny factor. Insert silly nicknames here
Yellow - Good or evil? Is he an asshole? 
Green - Romantic and sweet? Are you attracted to him? 
Red - Supernatural and spooky? Weak or powerful? Unstoppable killer or helpless?
Green and Red - Love Route
Green - Friendship Route
Red and Yellow - Rejection Route
Yellow and Blue - Abuse Route
Green - Wholesome. Domestic bliss
Green and Red - He loves me, protects me and takes care of me. He is so big and strong. Mother Bear vibes. Softdom.
Green and Blue - Subby and cute. I like to put him in dresses and take care of him and feed him. My toy. Sub.
Green and Yellow - Lovers to enemies and back to lovers.
Yellow - Evil
Yellow and Red - Evil and Dangerous and Destructive
 Yellow and Blue - Evil and Pathetic and Bullyable
Sex Version
Green - Romantic Sex
Green and Red - INTENSE sex
Green and Yellow - Makeup Sex
Blue and Green - Goofy sex. You peg him and he honks like a clown. 
Yellow - Hate sex
Yellow and Red - He noncons you. 
Yellow and Blue - You noncon him / Gross sex, unsanitary even. 
He is absolutely horrible and the worst person alive
High Yellow Medium Red - Daddy Dom Rapist, he hurts me, he cut my leg off, he beats the shit out of me
High Yellow Med Red Med Green - .... and you love him for it.
Yellow and Blue - He's annoying and pathetic and needy and UGLY. I'm gonna fucking bully him. I honestly don't see what people see in him.
He is a real supernatural entity, I see him in the corner of my eye, I can hear him, he is always with me, he is in all my devices
Red and Blue - Supernatural funnyman who crawls in your devices. This meepcity pet, this twiggy egg man is stalking me. He's so funky. Honk. 
High Red High Green - Guardian angel. I pray to him. Supernatural spirit husband who protects and loves me. We make love in my dreams. No real person can match his divinity. He changed my life. I need him.
High Red Medium Yellow - Oh god this thing is going to kill me. I need an exorcist. Please help me. Oh my god.
Softcore wholesome prince charming. You love him so much. Husbando. 
Green and Blue - UWU soft boy, absolutely the cutest bean, subby and bullyable. Kinky Trophy Malewife. 
Green, Yellow, Red
Villain to everyone but you. Would commit genocide to make your life even a little bit better.
Red, Blue, Yellow
He is crawling in my computer. That asshole. He lives rent free in my head and won't leave me alone. 
He's annoying. I want to bully him. 
He likes to pick on me and play pranks on me. I want to smash a pan over his bald head. 
Blue, Yellow, Green
He is evil and annoying and needy and pathetic. I want to hit him. I want to fuck him. He pisses me off. He's mine.
He does things to me. Look at him. I love him and I hate him. I'm gonna slap and then kiss this meepcity 2000s new grounds animation stickman. 
He is no real threat to me and is not dangerous at all he's just needy and annoying and also cute.
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x--sinner--x · 1 month
I just want to livestream myself raping a slut so that the whole world knows that whomever the fuck I'm currently raping, they belong to me and me alone. While I'm at it, I can also just show a glimpse of my warehouse where I keep all my broken possessions intact.
Curious aren't you? You could be next... Wanna join them? Maybe I could find a nice room for you... 🥵🥵🥵😋😋😋
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stabknives · 2 months
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The V/B half of this ask!
I hear all of you asking me: what is V/B. Who is V/B. Can you please shut up about V/B it's very annoying how you keep talking about them like we should know what those letters even mean.
Well, I'm here to tell you, they're my little guys. And one of them is a girl that's not a girl. And the other one is an evil indie film director. Yayyyyyy.
TW for stalking, threats, noncon, violence, psychological torture, and more!
1. Starting simple, how did they first meet?
Hooboy! What a doozy. Need to give some context first. It's important to know they have several 'first meetings', thanks to the way V steals faces...
Anyway. B has always had an intense and wide eyed love for Hollywood. He's been a cinephile for as long as he's been alive, and would watch old vcr tapes until they broke in his family's garage on a beat up old box tv.
Movies were kind of his escape from a rough home life. He was the youngest of nine kids in an evangelical household, and his parents were… not very nice people! So he dreamed of one day escaping the farm and leaving for the big city.
So he leaves the very day he turns 18, hoping to make it big someday. Part of him desperately wants to be an actor, but he doesn't think he's cut out for all that attention. Instead, he'll settle for being a costume designer. He's great at sewing, and as long as he's involved in film, he knows he'll be happy.
He knows it.
B passes V on the street one night after coming out of another interview for an internship he definitely won't get, downtrodden and teary eyed after just. Utterly embarrassing himself throughout the whole interview. No, he doesn't have any references or credentials. But he's willing to work, and he's good with clothing and makeup, honest! Please don't send him away again- you'll call him back? You really swear you'll call him back…?
He leaves. And he knows they're not gonna call him back.
It's pretty important to me that B wasn't doing anything special or wrong to have what happens to him next happen. Sometimes violence just finds you. And follows you. Regardless if you deserve it or not.
B collapses under a streetlight crying really hard. He's embarrassed but there's nobody around, and he's been in the city for months now and he's still working at a dirty video rental store, no closer to his goal of working in showbusiness. He doesn't have any friends in the city, he's lonely, and he kind of wants to give up.
He's mid sobbing session when someone taps him on the shoulder. It's some guy with a handkerchief smiling down at him. Very friendly. And handsome. The guy sits with him for a while. Tells him not to give up on his dreams once B volunteers his whole life store like a. Naive Simpleton. To this perfect stranger.
This guy is really funny. Charming. He's a good listener, and he's got kind of an offbeat sense of humor that shocks a few giggles from B. B really hopes they can be friends, but the guy leaves before he can give B a name. (But he said they'd see each other again 😬 and they will.)
This guy is V. And he takes a shine to this. Crying farm boy he saw on a street corner. V loves the way B looks crying! Very photogenic. A face made for filming. But V has all the time in the world, and he likes to savor his meals. The thrill of the hunt and all! Yuck. So for nearly three years, V plays. Tag. With B. Idk what else to call it.
He leaves things at B's door. Gore in brown bags with a smiley face drawn on the stinking wet paper. Deranged letters shoved in his mailbox talking about how B is going to end up raped and choked and dead in a ditch near his house, so his siblings find him covered in blood and bodily fluid. A bouquet of flowers from a secret admirer, and if B reaches in to pull out the note B gets cut up by a bundle of razorblades hidden in-between the dethorned rose stems (how ironic! I'm sure V was laughing it up at that one. 🙄 You're so clever.)
And all the while, V and B are having other first meetings. Each time, with V wearing a different face. The face of a friend. A shoulder to cry on. The face of a stranger. Someone following him home, too close for comfort, enough to have B hyperventilating by the time he stumbles into his rundown apartment and slams the door shut, looking through the peephole to see someone's eye staring right back at him.
B is coming unglued. But he's still pretty when he cries, and they're about to have their last 'first' meeting.
He goes to the bar with a friend, someone he's known a long time. They're visiting the big city from out of town, and they wanna treat B to a few drinks. B is excited. It's been ages since he hung out with J, and he kind of has a major crush on the guy. J is a laid back guy, super relaxed, and he's exactly as B remembers him.
B's phone dings again. He's gotten these mysterious texts for years now, and if he ignores them, bad shit always happens. (Someone breaks into his apartment and soaks his sheets in fluids. Audience gets to pick the fluid. You're welcome. Things go missing, or. Sometimes a single stuffed animal is left on his pillow. Just to mix things up.)
So he goes into the bathroom, and asks for the hundredth, thousandth time, Why Are You Doing This To Me, and gets no response back. Which is odd. Usually they respond. They must be busy… but thn why send a text in the first place? Hmm.
B goes back to his table. J hands him back his drink, and B slams it back, before confiding in his friend about what's been going on. J comforts him, but B is suddenly slumping over. Drank too much, maybe.
B wakes up in a house he doesn't recognize, but J is there to reassure him. This is one of J's places. Having a wealthy family comes with perks. You're safe, B. And B is so glad to have such a good friend. Someone who takes care of him.
He can't help himself. He confesses, and J is flattered. Returns the feelings. They make love. How cute. Perfect end to a perfect scene.
V really enjoyed playing this part for him.
V drops the charade halfway through. B panics, because who wouldn't? Your new boyfriend just morphed into a stranger. You're getting assaulted by a monster. A doppelganger, a face stealer.
You thrash. You scream. You cry those tears V likes so much. Smile! You're on camera, btw. V finishes, choking B until he sees spots, mocking him, berating him. ("Do I look like J to you now? No, of course not. Oh well. Got anybody else you want me to be? Got a mother? A brother? A highschool bully? Or do you want a round with yourself? Aww. You look faint!") V does this for a living. He's a movie maker, and B is his new star.
So. Nice to meet you. Again.
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