#three exorcism siblings
graphicpolicy · 2 months
Preview: Three Exorcism Siblings Vol. 2
Three Exorcism Siblings Vol. 2 preview. Training under the legendary Renjir Uzura, Mamoru is strengthening his skills as a monster hunter when a fearsome Tengu attacks the shrine! #comics #manga
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ljaesch · 1 year
Titan Comics Licenses the Three Exorcism Siblings Manga
Titan Comics has announced that it will release Shinta Harekawa’s Three Exorcism Siblings manga in English on March 19, 2024. The manga is described as: Cursed to stand alone against monstrous creatures called Tengu, Mamoru Yamaemori is ready to sacrifice everything if it means keeping his younger brothers safe. In the mountains above Japan, Mamoru Yamaemori spends his days tending to his family…
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
[part two] trouble - takuma ino
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word count: 9k warnings: swearing, drinking, slight harassment (a creep puts his hand on reader's waist for 0.2 seconds) summary: she's only agreed to one night out- and that doesn't mean anything at all. it also doesn't mean anything that a few drinks has her admitting that ino's eyes are actually quite pretty. contents: rivals to begrudged friends, gojo!reader, nanami leaves the function at his first oppurtunity, ino and (y/n) have an alcohol fueled breakthrough.
part two: "got so much to prove" ___
Gojo Satoru was nothing like his sibling counterpart, and she was dead set on keeping it that way.  Where he was overbearing, she was uninvolved.  Where he was obnoxious, she was reserved.  For most of her life she could recall trying to steer herself into the opposite direction Satoru was heading.  
That was, until it came to sorcery.
If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have needed to crawl up a ladder to claim the Grade One title.  If it weren’t for him, she could’ve made a name for herself rather than live in the shadow that was their family name.  If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t be stuck in this too-loud bar throwing back too-weak drinks.
Nanami didn’t seem too thrilled about having his evening decided for him, either.  He was nursing his third beer and the alcohol still hadn’t loosened him enough to lose the look of pure disinterest on his face.  (y/n) couldn’t blame him, seeing as she didn’t want to be here either.
Takuma, on the other hand, was having the time of his life.  He’d eagerly ordered them a round of shots despite their protests, claiming it was a right of passage for their first outing together.
“I’m not taking a shot,” Nanami had pushed his glass to the center of the table, refusing it as soon as it was set in front of him.  “I have to be home by eight” 
“Eight?” Takuma gasped incredulously at his early retirement.  “But Gojo’s car won’t be here till eleven-” 
“Dibs” (y/n) plucks the extra shot off the counter, tapping it once against the table before throwing it back with ease.  
The other two are left to stare at her in shock, neither knowing how to react.  She’s quick to chase it down with her own shot in rapid succession, not a single flinch or twitch from the burning sensation left in her throat.  Nanami and Takuma share a quick glance, but it doesn’t go unnoticed by the young Gojo.
“What?” She asks innocently, propping her elbow on the table to rest her chin in her hand.  “Been a long week, no?” 
“It’s just… Satoru doesn’t drink” Nanami shrugs at the simple statement, leaning back against his chair.
(y/n) pauses, her brow twitching in the smallest of movements.
Even without him around, she was being compared to him.  And hearing it come from Nanami, whom she’d spent years looking up to, snapped her final straw.
“Right…” She drawls the word out slowly, and Nanami waits all too patiently for whatever she had to say next.  “Well since it is our first outing, let’s establish this once and for all, shall we?” 
And then she grins, which sends warning flags up in Takuma’s mind when she leaves the table and approaches the bar.  He turns back to Nanami with his worry evident on his face.
“That’s not good,” He says in a hushed voice.  “I’ve only ever seen her smile like that when exorcizing curses” 
Nanami only chuckles half heartedly, more than familiar with the way the Gojo siblings’ shared wicked grin.
Ino’s not so amused, but he does his best to get excited when (y/n) comes back with a stronger drink and another round of shots for the three of them.  Nanami refuses this one as well, and this time they let it sit on the center of the table unclaimed.
To his surprise, she taps her shot glass against Ino’s when he picks it up, eyeing the auburn liquid with uncertainty.  This would be his second shot in the span of only ten minutes, and it would be her third.  There had to be some ploy behind it, right? 
“Whatever it takes to prove to you both I’m not my brother, name it,” (y/n) announces before throwing back the shot.  “It can be like a game!” She decides, eyes lighting up with the idea.  If she notices the way Nanami and Ino seem unsure and uncomfortable with the sudden swing in behavior, she doesn’t show it.
“A drinking game?” Ino asks, not quite following her train of thought.
“Sure,” She nods at him.  “Like a truth or drink sort of thing? That works” 
“I’ve got one, then,” Nanami leans back onto the table, suddenly joining the conversation.  His pupils seem surprised, but both excited in their own way to have him participate  “That Grade Two at the playground, last week, did you lie in your paperwork?” 
A more authentic looking beam stretches over (y/n’s) face, and she laughs as she considers taking a drink, but she supposes he’d have his answer if she did, so she might as well fess up.
“About the swingset being torn apart?” She asks with a raised brow.  “Yes, I lied about that” 
“You lied in your report?” Ino gasps in shock.  “What’d you say?” 
“She claimed the swings had been torn away from their posts before she arrived on the scene” Nanami explained with a huff.
That earned another gasp from Ino before he turned back to (y/n) with wide eyes and an awkward sort of smile, like he was excited to have caught her in something, even though she’d admitted to it herself.
“You chopped down a children’s playground?” 
“It was a swingset,” She corrected.  “And it’s structural integrity was fine.  The city could afford to replace the swing itself.  It’s practically just rope” 
Nanami shakes his head, although he’d already had an inkling her report on that assignment was less than truthful.  He had stopped by to take account of the damage done, and it seemed to him like the scraped metal of the playset’s structure could have only been chinked up by a large blade.  Like an axe.
A few more random questions come up between the two, most of them work related.  The questions are all over the place however, with Nanami trying to get her to admit to more discrepancies in her paperwork, and Ino trying to learn anything and everything he could.  So she never quite knew what was going to be asked of her.
More often than not, Nanami’s questions led to her drinking.  Whereas Ino’s…
“Do you have any tattoos?” 
She wants to laugh, and ask him if he’s sure that’s what he wants to know.  But Nanami’s already got her another two drinks down, so she finds herself lifting up the hem of her shirt, just enough to put her hip bone on display, earning shocked looks from both men as they stared holes into the ink on her skin.
“When did you get that?” Nanami asks, his eyebrows nearly to his hairline when (y/n) looks up at him with a lazy smirk.
“I was sixteen, and you weren’t around at the time” She states matter-of-factly.
Ino’s laughing, and maybe cheering as he throws back the rest of his drink and makes his way to the bar for another.  (y/n) wouldn’t admit that she was having a good time, but it was quite entertaining to watch their reactions.
“That’s enough insight for tonight” Nanami sighs before getting up from his seat.  (y/n) watches as he lifts his jacket from the back of his chair, loosely shrugging it on.  A small knot forms between her brows.
“You’re actually gonna leave?” She asks, and if he didn’t know any better, Nanami might think she’s frowning because she’s disappointed to see him leave.  
“I’ve already stayed later than I planned,” He answers dryly.  “But you should stay, Ino too,” He adds, nodding to the sorcerer at the bar desperately trying to get the bartender’s attention.  “Make your brother pick up the tab” 
“He said it was on you” (y/n) replies with a shrug, before taking a sip of her drink.  
Nanami rolled his eyes as he turned to go, grumbling something about how a Gojo could be trying to pass off the bill.  (y/n’s) laughing as he leaves, and he’s almost compelled to stay, just for the sake of watching her open up more than he’d seen in years, but he supposes he’s not the one who needs that tonight.
Ino’s surprised when he comes back to the table with a fresh drink and hand, only to find Nanami missing.  He glances at the empty seat with a furrowed brow before turning to (y/n), who shrugs.
“Guess he wasn’t kidding about turning in early” She muses, pushing the ice in her glass with her straw.  Ino seems to pout at that.
“Too bad, I thought we were having a good time” He says as he takes his seat across from her.
(y/n) regards him with a slight tilt of her head, as if he were a stranger she were noticing for the first time.  As always, his mask sat on top of his head, posed as a beanie, and as he turned away to glance across the crowded bar, she’d never noticed before, but the curve of his cheekbones were defined.  Sharp, even.  Her gaze continued to linger, noticing the same detail about his jawline.  Had she really never noticed before, or was the dim lighting doing him a favor by putting his facial features on display? 
“Is this your idea of a good time?” She asks suddenly, and his attention is swiveling back to her.  Even with the lights shifting across his face, the defined features still stuck out to her.  “Going out somewhere crowded and noisy?” 
Ino laughs at that, every part of his expression lighting up with his delight, and once again (y/n) wonders if someone’s purposefully messing with the lights to put a spotlight on him.
Her brother’s words from their last phone call start to penetrate her thoughts against her will.  She tries to shake them off, but it’s hard when his brown eyes gleam like honey when he looks at her.
“Well, drinks are a pretty important part.  This wouldn’t be fun without ‘em,” He says, and she shrugs in non-committed agreement.  “But it is fun.  I’m having fun, at least”
“It’s not…” She starts to tell him this wasn’t her ideal night out.  In actuality, she was more of a stay in and relax on the weekend kind of person.  Satoru did enough partying in his younger years to turn her off from it early on.  But Ino perks up as he awaits her response, and it didn’t feel right to tell him the full truth.  So she changes direction and tells him a half-lie.  “It’s not terrible” She finishes.
He’s grinning again, as though she’d just told him she was having the time of her life, and she can’t help the confused knot in her brow.  Could he really be so pleased over simply having a few drinks together? 
“I knew you’d have a good time if you just came!” He cheered, reaching his glass across the table to tap it against hers.  “You should’ve just accepted the invitation months ago” 
She takes a long drink, stalling to try and find the right thing to say.  She doesn’t want Ino to get the wrong idea, she’s not about to make this a regular thing.  No, this was a one time occurrence.  She stood by what she said all those months ago.  It was silly to make friends in this line of work.  She’d witnessed first hand, one too many times, just what companionship could cost.  One night out couldn’t possibly change that.
Something twists in her chest before she can remind him of that, and it prevents her from saying anything of the sort.  Instead, she changes the subject.
“Can I ask you a truth or drink question, now?” She leans forward in her seat a bit, resting her elbow on the table once more as she studies his eager expression.
“Shoot!” He agreed excitedly, and she can’t help the short laugh that escapes her.  She blames the alcohol.
“How do you stay so positive all the time?” She asks the question that had been nagging at her for longer than just the past couple hours.  He shakes his head slightly, not quite following the meaning of her question.  “Even on assignments, and doing your reports, you’re always…” She wiggles her fingers in front of her as she tries to find the right word to explain it.
Ino chuckles, before full on laughter takes over and his shoulders are shaking as he grins from ear to ear, almost proving her point before he could actually answer.
“I love what I do?” He answers like it’s a question, like he’s unsure if that’s what she’s even looking for.  “I’ve been working towards one goal my entire life, I might as well enjoy it, right?” 
She’s stunned silent for a minute.  There was a time where she would’ve said the same thing, when she was young and naive and thought her and her brother would take the jujutsu world by storm, side by side.  Before she realized that her entire life would be spent under the shadow cast by him owning the family name almost all for himself.  It was a large, infinite shadow.  And the longer she’d lived in it, the more her joy for her work turned into a necessity.  Until now, she hadn’t even realized just how much she’d come to despise every step it took to move forward in jujutsu society.
Ino took her silence to mean she was thinking too deeply about what he’d said, and a question of his own came to mind.
“Do you not enjoy it?” 
Her gaze rises from where she’d zoned out looking at her dwindling drink, finding Ino across from her looking almost concerned.  The longer she didn’t respond, the more his expression reminded her of the night he’d found her injured.
She clears her throat before opting out of answering, instead drinking down the last of the contents in her glass.  He raises a brow at her choice.
“Did you not want to tell me your answer, or did you not know the answer?” He asks.
“Is that another question?” She asks, a small smirk forming on her lips.  “Because I’ll have to order another drink” 
Ino laughs, and despite her trying not to, she can’t help but laugh with him.
“Another round?” He asks, and she thinks about it for a minute, before nodding, and getting up from her seat.  To her surprise, he follows her up to the bar, even though there was still a good quarter of his drink left.  She doesn’t comment on it.
They have to squeeze between bodies to stake a place at the bar, the two bartenders already quite busy with the amount of people waving at them for their attention.  It’s bound to take more than a couple minutes before they would get to place their order.
“Guess everyone had a rough week” (y/n) mumbles absentmindedly, and Ino glances down at her.
This wasn’t the first time he’d taken notice of her height- or lack thereof- but with having her so close she was nearly pressed into his side, it was hard not to notice.  About a head shorter than him, he had to tilt his head down to properly look at her, which he was only doing now because the alcohol buzzing in his system lifted the barriers of his anxiety.  Had he been sober, he’d have been far too weak to stare at her so blatantly.
Luckily due to the drinks they’d both had, (y/n) didn’t realize he was staring at her for a whole minute or so.  She’d been too focused on trying to catch eyes with one of the bartender’s to feel his eyes on her.  Even without being caught, he felt a flush creeping up his neck.
In another life, or hell, another universe, Ino wonders if things could have been different between them.  If she would’ve been less closed off, or maybe he could’ve been more laid back and met her level of reserved.  He wonders if they would’ve been closer friends, or maybe even something more than that.
Truthfully, when they’d first met, he’d instantly had a bit of a crush on her.  He’d never met the younger Gojo before the day he started working with Nanami on his promotion, but as soon as he’d laid eyes on her, he thought his heart was going to go into cardiac arrest and he’d die right there.  She was quiet, but he could tell behind her calculating expression that she was thoughtful, and cunning.  And so, so beautiful, that he’d stuttered all the way through introducing himself, even his own name he’d struggled to get out.  Looking back on it, he still felt embarrassed, but he was sure she’d long forgotten the interaction.  It wasn’t long after their meeting that she’d made her disinterest in him explicitly clear, and the sparks of feelings she’d ignited in him were stomped out into ash.
He felt like a fool for feeling that spark ignite again just standing beside her in this congested bar, but he couldn’t be imagining that things were different tonight, right? He was sure that she was opening up more of herself than he’d ever seen before, and maybe the alcohol played a part in that, but either way, he couldn’t get enough of it.  She was giving him crumbs of her life- an impulsive tattoo, her hopes to have a pet some day, a few reckless acts on assignments- and he was eating it all up with gratitude.  He couldn’t help but want to learn more, wanting to press further until she couldn’t possibly deny that she enjoyed confiding in him as much as he enjoyed being in her company.
He knows he can’t be imagining things, because when she finally feels his stare and looks up at him, she doesn’t scowl, or spit out some cruel comment about it.  Her brows twitch slightly, drawing together in a confused expression when he doesn’t immediately look away like she would’ve expected.  He’s close enough that he can see the way a ghost of a smile hovers at the corners of her lips, and the way her cheeks warm up with color.  It makes that microscopic spark of old feeling in his chest burn a little brighter.
A nervous laugh falls from her lips, and it’s so uncharacteristically cute that he’s smiling now, and he feels like an absolute dope for staring at her and smiling like an idiot, but it can’t be helped.  He can’t be helped.
“What?” She asks, breathless and curious, her eyes shifting between his as though trying to find the source of this behavior, but instead she only finds warm pools of brown that almost resemble the rum and cokes she’s been enjoying all night.
And then all at once it’s almost too much.  She’s suddenly aware of how close she is to him, their arms brushing together, or if he tilted his head just a little further down he could easily push his nose against hers and-
Her eyes widen at the derailing of her train of thought, the soft expression of surprise on her face more recognizable than she would’ve liked, and she could tell that it doesn’t go unnoticed by Ino, as he’s now regarding her with intrigue, wondering what was going through her mind.
The idea of him knowing she’d nearly gotten lost in thought at the idea of kissing him made her chest ache, and she badly wanted to tear her gaze away from his, lean over the bar and demand to be serviced so they could get away from the crowded space as quickly as possible.
What an idiotic, drunken thought to have.  Kissing a colleague, how much more foolish could she possibly be? She tries to shake it off as a pesky intrusive thought.  Nothing more than the alcohol pressuring her into making a reckless decision.
But she’s frozen before him, her eyes locked on his like she was stuck in a trance, trapped by her own nerves.  The eye contact was going to kill her, especially with how soft his gaze was.  It wasn’t like anything she was used to.  It wasn’t setting her on fire from it’s heat.  The way he looked at her made her feel like she’d just cozied up in front of a fireplace after a cold day.  It almost scared her how warm it made her chest feel.
She’s opening her mouth before she even settled on what she needed to say.
“Takuma, we should probably get go-” 
She’s interrupted before she could finish telling him they needed to leave.  It almost saves her, seeing as she didn’t have a very decent excuse as to why they needed to end the night early, but there’s little time for relief when the unwelcome hand of a stranger settles on her waist, stealing her attention away from Ino’s.
“You waitin’ for a drink, sweetheart?” 
She vaguely registers that the stranger with the breath that reeked of booze was speaking to her, before she’s reacting on instinct.
The grabby hand on her hip is pried off with ease, her strength easily overpowering his in less than a second.  No amount of alcohol would be enough to hinder her reflexes.  The stranger cries out in shock and pain as she twists his arm back behind him, likely spraining his shoulder with how fast she pushes it into an uncomfortable position.  The sly expression on the man’s face is contorted into one of great pain, and only when he begins to cry out for her to stop does she stop pushing.  Her desire to feel the bone snap under her strength starts to melt away when she sees tears in his eyes.
“You’re lucky I didn’t break your hands so you’d learn to keep your mitts to yourself” She mutters, releasing him with a slight shove.  The drunken stranger stumbles backwards, still sniffling and gawking in shock from the whole ordeal.
The woman he’d tried to pick up is still scowling, and she looks like she’s still undecided in letting him go, the way her lip curls into a snarl and her eyes seem to pierce right through his soul.  The man beside her looks no different, rage evident in the way his brows furrow and his jaw is clenched, teeth grinding together roughly.  He has one hand on the edge of the bar, as close to where she stands as he could get without pushing himself against her completely.  His knuckles are paling by the second, gripping so hard one could almost assume he was about to rip a chunk of oak clean out of the counter.  His other hand is on his head, roughly grabbing at the edge of his hat.  
Even the non-sorcerer that was this stranger got a bad feeling emanating from the two, and he scurried off without another word.  (y/n’s) eyes rolled dramatically at the pathetic display, but as she turned back to Ino, she could almost laugh at the sight of him ready to pull his mask over his face.
“Are you alright?” He asks, and there’s not a crack in his expression as he glances over her with concern pouring out of every pore.  
He loses his grip on the bar, hand hovering over her shoulder but not quite touching her, not knowing if physical contact would be a comfort right now.  It’s odd, feeling like for once she was the Gojo with the shield of Infinity.
“I’m fine,” She tells him, and she means it, but she can tell he’s not so convinced.  “But just out of curiosity, what was your plan here?” She asks, cracking a smile as she flicks the edge of his mask, still bunched up at the top of his head.
“I- I don’t know,” Ino answers sheepishly.  “If he didn’t leave you alone I guess I was just gonna wing it” He admits.
She regards him for a moment, letting the answer sink in.  Her smile widens a bit when she laughs softly, almost fondly, as she really thinks about it.  She softens again, just like she had moments ago, before the creep ruined it.
“Well, for what it’s-” 
“Hey, you two need to leave,” 
The pair or sorcerers do a double take when one of the bartenders finally gives them their attention, but not for the reason they’d wanted.
“What?” (y/n) asks, certain they had the wrong patrons.
“We weren’t doing anything?” Ino’s brows furrow as the bartender looks them both up and down.
“I don’t care for the details.  We can’t have a commotion like that in the bar.  If you’re going to cause trouble, do it somewhere else” 
“But the guy was the one who-!” 
Before Ino could finish his explanation, the bartender was shoving a finger towards the door, an expectant look on their face that told them not to argue any further, unless they wanted to cause more trouble.
“Whatever,” (y/n) huffs.  “This bar’s a dump anyways” 
And before the bartender could react, she was grabbing Ino by the arm and pulling him away from the bar.  She was on a mission for the door, eager to leave a place if she wasn’t wanted.  All Ino could do was silently follow along, his mind barely processing the whole ordeal until they were outside, where it was significantly quieter.
It was darker than he’d expected, although he was well aware of the time, it was a shock to be out on the dark sidewalk with the stars on full display above them.  He glances up at the sky to admire them for a moment, until realization strikes him and he’s whirling around to look at her again.
“What about our tab?” 
(y/n) blinks back at him, her expression unwavering.
“Guess we won’t be welcomed back, either” She says, and Ino stares at her in shock as he processes the statement.
“Well then we better get moving” 
(y/n) hadn’t intended to end up at another bar.  In fact, before the handsy stranger made things weird, she’d been looking for an excuse to end the night early.  However, her words betrayed her when Takuma suggested another little dive not far down the street, and that’s where she found herself now.
This place wasn’t as crowded as the last, so she felt comfortable walking in and claiming a small corner booth.  By the time someone came by for their order, she’d already stretched out across the length of the leather cushion, back pressed to the window comfortably.  Ino had chuckled at how cozy she’d made herself, but didn’t comment on it.
Once their first round- at this establishment- of drinks came around, he’d excitedly started up their previous game again.
“Would you have really broken that guy’s hands?” He asks, and (y/n) doesn’t even lift her drink to pretend she wouldn’t answer.
“Without a doubt,” She hums, spinning the ice in her glass with her straw.  “Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way, right?” She asks him with a mischievous grin that tells him she might’ve done worse had the moment felt right.  “My turn?” She asks, and he nods, crossing his arms over the table as he gave her his undivided attention.  “Which little beast of yours would you have summoned?” 
He answers with so much bluntness she raises her brows at him, surprised by his complete lack of thought before speaking.  She hums, nodding her head in quiet agreement that impaling the stranger with one of those horns would have been the best method of defense.
“Has that… happened before?” 
“The random guy hitting on me part? Or the part where I threatened a man’s hands?” She asks, and Ino doesn’t seem to have the proper clarification for her question, so she shrugs, and doesn’t drink to the question.
“No, that’s never happened before” 
She takes a few sips after she’s answered, hoping to keep up the buzz she had going.  Ino’s fingers tap rhythmically against the table as he processes her answer.  He seems unaffected at first, but slowly, confusion begins to seep into his features.
“Wait, so you’re saying no one’s ever hit on you, either?” 
“You already asked that one”
“Well then I’m asking again” 
(y/n) begins to pull her glass towards her, ready to take another drink, but maybe the alcohol gets on top of her a bit as she answers the question before she could evade it.
“No, I’ve never been hit on.  I don’t think, anyways.  But I think I’d probably know if I was” 
It comes out like word vomit, babbled out like her thoughts were on a direct pipeline to being voiced.  She doesn’t mean to share so much, but she finishes with a shrug of her shoulders, and raises her glass to sip some more.
“You really never go out, huh?” He asks, taking a drink as well.
“What, getting hit on is the true price you pay for going out?” She asks with a short laugh, not following the connection between the two.  Ino nods his head from side to side, indecisive in his response.
“Not always, just, y’know, figured it’d happen a lot if you didn’t stay in all the time”
By the time he realizes the implications of that statement, it’s already too late.  Ino nearly chokes on his drink when (y/n) tilts her head at him, realization slowly flickering over her features.
“You’re saying people would hit on me a lot if I went out more?” She asks skeptically.
He considers pulling his mask over his face in order to conceal the growing heat in his cheeks.  Not that it would help, the damage had already been done with his loud mouth.
“I didn’t mean it like that-” 
“Well how did you mean it then?” She asks, suddenly swiveling her legs to sit upright against the table, plopping her chin in her hands to study him properly.  
She always had a way of looking at him with calculation in her eyes, as if she was sizing him up like a curse.  Right now, he doesn’t know what to make of the way she stares at him.  There’s that familiar look in her eyes that makes him wonder just what it is she’s looking for, but the softness in her smile was unfamiliar territory, and Ino didn’t have the slightest clue of what to make of it. Was it amusement? Did she take sick joy in watching him fluster and stutter? Or could it be the alcohol to blame? Perhaps it was loosening her up, and any semblance of delight was merely the booze entertaining her.  The most outlandish reason would have been fondness, but there simply wasn’t a chance in the freezing depths of hell that she was actually growing fond of his company, was there?
“I just meant, y’know,” He gestures his hand towards her, pathetically trying to explain his thought process.  She shakes her head in a small motion, not understanding his poor attempt at reason in the slightest.  “Like, you… you’re… you know”
Ino would really rather be anywhere else right now, preferably somewhere that wasn’t so hot his collar was sticking to his neck and his throat was closing up, but then (y/n) begins to laugh, and he huffs out a sigh in aggravation, and ultimately decides to take a long drink.
“Fair enough,” She muses at his choice.  “It’s not a terrible assumption to make, I suppose.  My brother is acquainted with every eligible man and woman in the city, after all” She says, only half joking.  Ino seems to find a great deal of amusement in that, grinning and laughing, although he can’t say he’s that surprised.
“For the record, I wasn’t comparing you to him in that assumption,” He says.  “I just figured you’d… attract your own attention” He says.
There’s an undeniable flutter in her chest, and she wished she could say she hated the way it spread a tingle of warmth throughout her entire body.  It wasn’t like she’d never received that sort of attention from others, but it had been so long since she entertained the idea that it was starting to feel a little foreign.  And having Ino of all people assume that there were a line of suitors out the door waiting for her hand had her insides turning with the near unfamiliar sensation of butterflies.
Her silence is making him anxious, his fingers tapping against the table no longer playing a steady beat.  They mimicked the rapid increase in his heartbeat.  Wild and unsteady and with no sign of relaxing.
“That so?” When she finally does speak it’s soft, nearly a whisper, as if she didn’t quite believe him.  “Are you an expert in that field, then?” 
She catches the way his eyes land on his drink, which was now empty, so there wasn’t exactly an out for the question.  When his gaze shifts back up to hers, he finds she hasn’t looked away from him yet.
“What field?” He plays dumb, and her smile curls into a slight smirk.
“Flirting, courting, whatever you want to call it” (y/n) answers with ease, fiddling with the straw in her drink as she impatiently waits for his answer.  He eyes his empty glass once more.
“No, I’m no expert,” He huffs, a deep frown on his face for having to admit something so embarrassing.  “You timed that on purpose” 
“I did not!” She argues, but her nervous laughter gives her away.  She’s not as good at lying when she’s drunk apparently, and he might just have to store that information for later.
“My drink was empty! That was a trap!” 
She has to cover her mouth to try and suppress the giggles coming out of her uncontrollably.  He’s still embarrassed, but her laughter was contagious.  Anyone passing by or glancing over at the loud laughter pouring out of their booth would assume they were having nothing but a good time.  And for a few seconds at a time, Ino could pretend they were, too.
To keep things fair, (y/n) finishes the last few sips of her drink, before sliding both glasses to the end of the table.
“Alright, your turn then,” She says, a small hiccup punctuating the offer.  “You must have something good saved up your sleeve?” 
He thinks about it for a moment, folding his arms over the table and subconsciously leaning over it to get closer to her.  With his eyes wandering the bar as he racks his brain for a good question she couldn’t avoid answering, she was able to properly gaze at him without getting caught.  Just like at the previous bar, she gets a little lost in thought as she maps out every feature of his face.  There was nothing forgettable about Takuma Ino, but she found herself trying to commit it all to memory anyways.
That flutter in her chest hadn’t gone away, and the longer it prevailed the more she began to sink into the feeling.  It’s relaxing, the way time slows down, and the buzz sends goosebumps prickling up her arms.  She would have never thought she could find this much comfort in this setting, but to her, this booth was the only thing in her world.
“Would you do this again?” He finally settles on a question, and it’s clear that it’s not what she expected, judging by the way her eyes slightly widen from being caught off guard.
Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out right away.  It’s as though he’d wiped her mind completely blank, not even a weak excuse coming to mind.  The fuzzy feeling in her chest turns to static, sharp and cold before disappearing completely, leaving behind nothing but an emptiness that stings as it lingers.  Her smile slowly falls as reality begins to seep back into their booth, reminding her of why she’d kept him beyond arm’s length all this time.
Deep down, she wonders if she always knew this would happen.  She wondered if self preservation took over as soon as she met him because if it hadn’t, she would’ve let him get too close a long, long time ago.  Guilt claws it’s way up from her gut to her throat, strangling her to keep her from saying the wrong thing first.
Ino’s sure he already has his answer when she doesn’t say anything right away.  It’s written all over her face, the way she winces, and shuffles uncomfortably in her seat.  Disappointment doesn’t begin to cover what he feels as he looks away from her, trying and failing to keep his face neutral.
“Got it” He mutters, catching the eye of a passing server and signaling for the check.  (y/n) frowns.
“Takuma, I…” She starts, but her throat still burns, and she struggles to find the right thing to say that won’t make things worse.  “I tried to tell you that tonight was just-” 
“I know,” He replies.  It makes her blood run cold, the way his voice lacks it’s usual chipper tone.  Now it holds nothing.  He’s so painfully emotionless that she almost wishes he would just get angry with her.  “You made that clear” 
They’re completely silent when a server comes back with the check, the tension turning awkward as soon as another person enters their bubble.  They must pick up on it, because they’re quick to bid them a good night before rushing away.
(y/n) drops the money on the table, and Ino’s out of his seat and headed for the door before she could even stand.  She huffs as she follows after him, although he stops just outside the door.  His heart was too good to leave her completely stranded, even though he wasn’t sure he could take another minute of being around her.
“Takuma, look, it’s not like it’s personal-” 
He scoffs, his hands in his pockets as he looks down at her.  She’s shocked to see the glare on his features, and if he wasn’t so irritated, he might’ve noticed the hurt on her face from the sharp look.
“If you tell me one more time just how not personal it is, I think I’m going to scream, (y/n),” He snaps, and in all the times she’s had this conversation with him and butted heads, she’s never heard him talk like that.  All she can do is stand there pathetically and accept it.  “Because it’s bullshit.  You know it, I know it, shit, Nanami knows it” 
“It’s not,” She mumbles, shaking her head.  “It’s not bullshit, I just-” 
“You don’t care about anything but becoming Grade One, I know,” He finishes the statement for it.  “You don’t care about drinks, and you don’t care about me.  Trust me, I remember,” 
A pout settles on her lips, and for the first time in a long time, she wants to cry.
“You know I actually-” Ino pauses to let out a humorless laugh, eyes fleeting across the busy streets as he finds twisted amusement in the way he’d fallen for this whole charade.  “I actually thought you were having a good time, I actually, stupidly believed that maybe you-” He stops again, not wanting to sound more idiotic than he already did.  
After tonight, as soon as they part ways, things would go back to the way they were, and she’d probably pretend nothing ever happened.  He’s not sure he was going to be able to survive that, even after all of this time accepting that she had no interest in him.  Ino doesn’t think he could go back to the way things were.
But fuck it, if this was going to be the last time she talked to him, he wasn’t going to lay back and take it.  He was going to put all the cards on the table.
“You know I care about you, don’t you? You have to know that.  Even if you can’t be friends or partners you- you have to know that.  You’re not dumb, (y/n), so don’t act like it,” 
She has to curl her hands into fists at her sides to keep control of the tears in her eyes.  She couldn’t dare let them spill over.
“But you’re so so stubborn, I’ve never met anyone like you,” He huffs, and the smile on his face is conflicting with the way he spits the words out like poison.  “You’re nothing like Satoru.  I’ve never thought so.  All these walls you put up to keep people from getting close to you so you don’t happen to stumble on the same path he did- because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? You’d rather shelter yourself from everything than risk getting a little hurt?” 
Her bottom lip wobbles with emotion, and she turns away so she doesn't have to look at him.  She wished some mysterious force would suck her away from this moment and land her in the safety of her bed where she never had to face the consequences of her actions.  It was childish, but she couldn’t bear to argue with him right now.
“You’re drunk” She mumbles to the sidewalk.
“You’re drunk,” He repeats incredulously, his hands flying outward.  “You think I don’t know you because you won’t, just once, let someone get close to you,” He rants, “But you know what the worst part is, (y/n)? You’re only going to get hurt anyways.  And you have,” He gestures to her shoulder, making her defensively hold a hand over where the scars are hidden beneath her clothes.  Her brows furrow as she opens her mouth to argue, but he beats her to it.  “And then- while I was worried about you, because damn it there was so much blood, I thought you might die, you took it out on me! You got mad at me and pushed me away, again.  Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?” 
It’s only when his rant starts to die down that he realizes she’s barely looking at him because her eyes are glossy, and he knows damn well that she’s fighting every urge to cry.  He doesn’t know if she’s emotionally on edge because of him, or the alcohol making her sensitive, but either way, he sighs in defeat, and his shoulders slump from the weight of all of the thoughts he’d been carrying for the last few months.
“I- I know that you care,” She says weakly, her voice more strained than she would have liked.  “I just don’t get it, okay? It doesn’t make sense.  You don’t make sense.  I don’t- I- I can’t-” Her stutters come out in a whimper and she’s looking away again, desperately trying to compose herself before she could do something embarrassing.  
There were still people out and about even this late into the night, more than enough people to overhear their argument in the middle of the sidewalk.  Normally, she’d call her brother’s driver and leave without putting up with this argument.  But she can’t bring herself to do such a thing right now.  Not with the way he’s looking at her like she just destroyed the moon and all of it’s stars.
“My whole life has been wasted trying to prove something that I- that just isn’t possible,” 
The admission comes out in a shaky whisper.  She’s never voiced it before, but now is as good a time as any of he’s really so desperate to understand why she was wired this way.
“I don’t even understand why I was born, Takuma.  My parents had no interest in me.  They already had Satoru.  For as long as I could remember, I was only around to follow behind my big brother while the entire world bent over backwards to give him everything.  Attention, money, fame, candy apples- that’s what’s bullshit,” It comes out bitter and nasty, her nose wrinkling as she thinks back to every event she was forced to dress up and go to, only to be ignored, cast aside, and forgotten about completely while Satoru skipped around and received everything he could ever want.  “And I just can’t- can’t understand what anyone could ever want from me, I have nothing,” 
She hadn’t noticed the tears leaking from her eyes until there’s a pair of warm hands cupping her face, thumbs gently pushing them away.  She doesn’t want to look at him, not with all of the shame she felt just being comforted by him, but a stronger part of her can���t help but stare at him.  She hadn’t expected such sudden gentleness from him, and she hadn’t realized just how long it had been since someone had last comforted her.  When was the last time someone wiped her tears? Or touched her so softly that even in the frigid evening brought warmth to her skin? 
“Explain it to me,” She pleas quietly.  “Why- why would you possibly want to be around me?” 
Her eyes shift between his, but he’s too focused on clearing away each tear rolling down her cheeks.  She sniffles, and her hands reach up to grab his wrists.  Ino thinks she might yank him away, but she doesn’t.  She simply stands there with a solid grip on him.
“You are drunk,” He says quietly, just a hint of amusement in his eyes as he finally meets her sorrowful gaze.  “Don’t cry, (y/n), I didn’t mean to make you cry,” 
But it’s too late, she can’t stop the tears from streaming down her face now.
“I told you, I care about you, we’re partners, yeah?” He offers, but her expression is unrelenting.  “Have you considered maybe I don’t want you to get hurt, either?” 
Tears stick to her lashes when she blinks, and she has to bite down on her cheek to keep her lips from trembling.  He’s so close that he’d be sure to notice, but he also notices the clench in her jaw.
Every instinct she’d trained herself on is telling her to push him away.  Even if it meant physically shoving him off of her.  He’s too close in every sense of the word, breaching every wall she’d built brick by brick.
But something else nags at her, something far more sinister and cruel.  It pushes her forward, and has her clenching her hands around his wrists tighter as she stands before him in all of her pathetic glory.  Tears still pouring down her cheeks and her lower lip still wobbling, she swallows her pride.
“I’m sorry,” 
It’s quiet, but not because it’s ingenuine.  In fact it’s the opposite.  With a raw throat came a strained voice, so full of emotion she couldn’t possibly raise her voice any louder than the murmur that came out.
Ino blinks, his eyes widening in the slightest as he stares back at her in shock.  The entire night had been full of surprises, but now it had certainly taken a turn and set him on a path where he could see no clear ending.
“Takuma, I’m- I’m so sorry,” She continues, eyes glossing over again.  “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, I shouldn’t have said all those terrible things to you I- I didn’t mean any of it,” 
She’s shaking her head so rapidly it makes her a bit dizzy with the alcohol still in her system, but she doesn’t care if she sways a little.  She only wants to convey to him just how serious she was, and how important it was to her that he understood that.
“I think… I think you’re one of the greatest people I’ve ever met,” She continues, and slowly, the tears come to a stop.  “I’ve never known anyone as… as caring as you,” 
Her voice softens, a nervous shyness creeping in for admitting something so vulnerable.  But she wasn’t sure if she’d ever work up the courage to say something like this to him again, so it was now or never.
“And I know you’d never hurt me, b-because I’m… I’m the one who was hurting you,” He opens his mouth, likely to argue with that statement, but she was quick to keep going before he got the chance to interrupt.  “But I don’t think you understand that… that losing you would mean hurting me, too” She finishes, brows pinched together as they both sit for a moment to process it all.
Ino sighs, his thumbs wiping away the last of her tears, yet he keeps his hands cupped around her face.  A part of him was paranoid that if he let her go now, she might slip away once and for all.  The other, louder part knew that with the grip she had on his arms, neither one of them were going anywhere.
And so he tells her just that.
“I’m not going anywhere,” He assures her, a confident smile stretching across his face.  “You’re not losin’ me.  Promise” 
She snorts at that, the tiniest of laughs escaping her in a mere breath.
“You can’t promise something like that,” She scolds.  “In this line of-” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Ino shakes his head dismissively.  “Too late.  Already promised.  So it’s set in stone,” 
She stares up at him with wide eyes, so lost in trying to understand him in his entirety that she doesn’t even know what to say next.  Had he forgiven her so easily? How could he say such a thing with as much assurance as he did? 
“As long as you can promise to drop the tough guy act and just… be the tough guy you already are,” He says, only half kidding, “Then I can promise that I’m not leaving you” He offers, tilting his head to the side as he gazes down at her fondly, admiring the way the corners of her lips begin to twitch into a smile.
“Okay,” She whispers, so quiet he only knew she said it from the way her lips moved around the word.  “I promise” ___
From that day forward, (y/n) worked more and more to loosen up around him.  It wasn’t easy at first, and the first day was the hardest.  The Monday back at work was a bit awkward, after she’d spent an entire weekend nursing a hangover, with an overbearing brother pestering her for the details.  Ino had brought her and Nanami coffee that first morning, and she’d made an effort to eat her lunch with him every day that week.
Then the week after that she began to accompany him on his coffee runs as well, spending the extra time chatting mindlessly and getting to know one another better.
A few weeks after that the two of them went out for drinks one evening, until that too became a part of the routine.  Once a month or so they’d go out to any new bar Ino could find and waste away as much of an evening as they could.
Slowly but surely, partnership grew into genuine friendship- something (y/n) hadn’t felt for a long, long time.  And Ino made sure to never let her forget it.  Whether it was remembering her favorite drink order, or watching an entire series she’d said she liked one time, he took her companionship seriously.  The more she got to know him, the harder he made it not to fall for him.
But, god, was falling for him one of the easiest things that’s ever come to her in this life.  It was unavoidable, unstoppable, uncontrollable.  No matter how much she tried to fight it, the way her heart raced whenever he was around was distinct to feelings only he could spark.  And the way her eyes searched for him first in a crowd was more than enough proof that her fondness for him had grown well past platonic.
It might have been silly to be surprised by her feelings when she’d finally realized that’s what the swell in her chest was all about.  After the incident that was their drunken night out where she’d torn herself apart at the seams before him- they don’t talk about that night, and she can’t help but wonder if he’s doing it out of favor for her, or if he’s just as embarrassed about it as she was- she found herself getting lost when thinking about him more often.
It ranged anywhere from how his eyes were their prettiest when they would leave Jujutsu Tech in the early evening.  With the sun low in the sky, rays of light caught them just right and made them appear to be the most brilliant, shining amber she’s ever seen.  
Satoru loved to brag about his baby blues to anyone who would listen, throwing his shades off with dramatic flare as he’d bat his eyelashes at unsuspecting victims.  Ever so full of himself, he loved the attention he’d get for the outrageously bright blue hue of his eyes.  When directed at her, (y/n) tended to scoff and tell him that his Six Eyes was far more worthy of bragging about than the damn color of them.
More recently, she’d shrugged her shoulders before directing her attention elsewhere.  “I prefer brown eyes” She’d told him carelessly.  At the time he’d pouted over it, whining about how his little sister thought he was ugly.  But ever since seeing her grow closer to her partner, he had a sneaking suspicion he knew who’s brown eyes she was talking about.
As much as she indulges herself in these thoughts- wondering how soft his lips were, remembering how gentle his hands had been when he’d touched her- she knows she can’t act on them.  Not after everything she’d already put him through getting their working relationship this far.  If she were to admit to him now that she was catching romantic feelings for him, it would be humiliating.  And she was humiliated enough as it is.  So she swore to herself they would remain hidden deep, deep down, under a lock and key- with said metaphorical key being thrown into a fire and melted down into a clump of misshapen chunk metal.   Then she threw that metaphorical chunk of metal into a metaphorical ocean. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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sixeyescurseuser · 6 months
Thinking about Curse Geto inspired by Medusa, where he has snakes for hair and will turn people to stone if they make eye contact.
Back in ancient times, Geto was a sorcerer from a prominent clan. He was the middle child of ten siblings and was on the quieter side. It wasn’t until he got his technique at eight years old that his family noticed him - and not in a good way.
Geto was powerful, and progressed at a rate that was envied by others of his clan. While they had the same technique - something along the lines of sound/air manipulation - Geto was still stronger than all of them.
By his teens, Geto had an ever-piling mountain of responsibilities. Only valued for his abilities, and abused for them too. There was a lot of pressure…and constant noise. All day and all night, Geto heard every single sound: one of his relatives crying, or fighting, singing or screaming
So. Much. Noise.
And no one bothered checking in on him.
He despised them.
Geto planned to escape but his clan would never allow that. In his attempt to run away, Geto’s clan managed to overwhelm his senses and kill him.
In the end, the ugly feelings of resentment and hatred consumed him. This was also an era where no one knew that sorcerers could become curses if they didn’t receive a proper burial; therefore, his body wasn’t properly disposed of either.
That’s how Geto became a curse who found his peace and silence by turning people to stone with one simple glance.
This was Geto’s fate.
Three centuries later, Geto has left behind the days of him rampaging and killing humans left and right. He’s a changed curse!
He doesn’t want to kill anymore, but the humans keep bothering him! They spread horror stories where he dwells, meaning many impulsive kids and teens cross his territory on stupid dares, and well Geto has to kill them now, doesn't he?
Geto is very protective of his territory.
Geto had always wanted a friend though.
Being a curse was lonely.
Geto’s snakes are the only company he has.
Though some days, they drag him down like an oversized crown. They are his true cursed nature, after all - one that Geto constantly fights.
His bloodthirsty babies will whisper to go to the village and turn it all to stone.
You know you want to, the snakes hiss.
Humans are nasty creatures. They have it coming, they repeat.
Imagine how energized you’ll feel after.
Geto can’t deny any of it.
The universe sends Geto (now a special grade curse) his first friend in the form of a 190cm human sorcerer with albino-white hair and white bandages secured around his eyes.
Oh yeah, did he mention this sorcerer was sent to exorcize him?
But Geto is like “NOT TODAY” and flees the scene.
Not that that accomplishes anything. This sorcerer - Gojo Satoru - is definitely following Geto’s cursed energy traces, exorcizing other lesser curses while he’s at it.
Gojo is probably following a random statue here and there leftover from Geto’s accidents. See, Geto can't see with his eyes closed, so if people end up crossing his path…
Well, it can’t be helped. Not with Gojo hot on his trail.
Then, Geto will think he’s safe, wiping the sweat off his forehead when a flower appears into his vision. Gojo is sitting right next to him, holding the flower out like an offering.
Geto shrieks and runs away.
It seems Gojo is flirting throughout this chase.
Geto must show no signs of weakness and outrun this madness!
Gojo has cornered Geto once again. The layers of white bandages are no match for Six Eyes, since Gojo comments about how pretty Geto looks.
“What?!? I- what?” Geto exclaims, too shocked to move away. Gojo places a hand on his cocked hip.
“What? No one’s told you look beautiful before?” he asks.
“…No,” Geto says. “Usually, the last thing people get to say- er, do, before they turn into stone is scream.”
“Oh…well that checks out.”
Geto’s eyebrow twitches.
Gojo continues on to say, “Your beauty is just too stunning!”
Geto is dumbfounded. And maybe a little touched. Are his cheeks heating up? Impossible, this form of his should be incapable of expressing human emotions and reactions.
To blush at such a comment…Geto must have more dignity than this.
One day later, Geto is sprinting through the forest while Gojo hollers behind him: “You know, you’re super boring. But at least pay attention to me!”
The next day, Geto weaves through the crowds on the street while announcing to people who can see curses, “DON’T LOOK AT ME!”
Gojo cackles as he trails after Geto.
To think Geto was a curse born from negative feelings of overstimulation, while Gojo wears a blindfold to not get overstimulated. They’re truly a match made in heaven.
Gojo quickly finds out that Geto isn’t malicious by any means. It’s just…he keeps accidentally killing people. 😭
For Geto, every day is a fucking struggle. After centuries passed, suddenly the silence wasn’t so good anymore. And it’s not even full silence since his snakes constantly hiss in his ears.
The big cities are overcrowded, and he’d stand out too much in the suburbs. Geto should really escape to the countryside.
It’s also a pain to run away from Gojo because that fool makes almost no sound when he moves.
Fortunately, Gojo has stopped claiming he’s giving chase under the pretense that he’s hunting Geto down.
That’s progress, right?
And maybe, Geto begins to look forward to Gojo’s visits.
Just a little.
w/ @no-one-says-hi
part 2
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musicalmoritz · 15 days
Funniest headcanons?
Okay wow I have so many crack headcanons so prepare yourself. Take every negative thing I’ve ever said abt fanon and throw it out the window, this is about to get so unserious
• Hanako is a fudanshi. This applies to the whole Toilet Gang (except Nene would be called a fujoshi), they’ve got a little book club. Hanako is the most insane about it tho
• Aoi and Akane are a himejoshi/himedanshi couple
• Lemon and Akane smoke weed together on a regular basis (throw back to the time I looked up “slang words for marijuana” for my Terukaneaoi fic and ended up sounding like Skyler White)
• I feel like an average conversation between the Toilet Gang is the most insufferable, out of pocket middle school humor you’ve ever heard in your life. Those four make South Park look like a kids show
• Akane has a random lock of Aoi’s hair on a shelf in his room
• Since the Minamoto father is absent and the mother is dead, Tiara just kind of assumes Teru and Akane are her parents. Instead of correcting her on this, Akane decides to be the dad who stepped up
• Akane is one of those filmbros who does NOT play abt Pulp Fiction (me) (that’s the second time I’ve mentioned that movie in relation to Akane today)
• He’s also the type to ask you to name three Nirvana songs if he catches you wearing one of their shirts and if you even so much as think about saying Smells Like Teen Spirit, he’ll shoot you in the head
• Hanako is lowkey mad Kou and Mitsuba started dating without him
• In the TBHK universe, Mei is the one who drew the Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson image
• Nene writes reader insert fan fiction
• She’s also a BookTok girlie (not one of the really bad ones, just cringy. As in she would unironically love the book boyfriend audio)
• Sakura is rly into disturbing movies and they make Natsuhiko watch them with them just to make him nauseous
• Hanako and Kou jokingly flirt with each other and it makes Mitsuba and Nene genuinely mad. Like Hanako can ruin Mitsuba’s day with a single “I can take your man”
• Yk that one image of Cheryl Blossom wearing an “I ❤️ Boys” shirt? Teru owns that shirt
• Akane is the type of dude to raise his hand during a class discussion and say “I’d like to play the Devil’s Advocate”
• Aoi flirts with waitresses very poorly and it gives Nene severe secondhand embarrassment
• Once a week, Natsuhiko challenges Teru to a fight. She loses every single time
• Nene has one of those traumatic hamster death stories
• Mitsuba’s hair is dyed so whenever he’s being particularly annoying, Tsukasa tells him his roots are showing
• Kou and Nene have had one of those awkward “I have a crush on someone🤭 And it’s someone you know veryyyy well👀” moments
• Sumire used to climb to the highest places she could find to get Hakubo’s attention, and it gave him a mini heart attack each time
• OG Mei had a fursona. It was a dragon
• Yk in Spongebob when Squidward was confirmed to be the most miserable person in all of the Bikini Bottom?? In the TBHK universe that’s Akane except it’s for all of Japan
• Teru has given the “I’m vengeance, I am the knight” speech while exorcizing supernaturals AT LEAST once
• The Minamotos frequently watch Cinderella together bcuz Tiara is obsessed with it, to the point that it’s become Teru and Kou’s favorite movie as well. Teru drags his friends to watch it with him too but Kou refuses to admit he likes it
• Kou chews with his mouth open
• Mitsuba has cheesy romantic fantasies about Kou the same way Nene does about her crushes (I credit this one to one of my TikTok mutuals @/mads)
• Natsuhiko has an ASMR account (just like they do in the Monster Nursery au)
• Tiara doesn’t quite understand the premise of being gay or coming out so every day she congratulates Kou on being bi
• Kou straight up lies to Tiara about things, it’s an older sibling canon event. Teru does the same to Kou. For example I once told my sister you could dilute chocolate milk into regular milk by pouring water in it. And she believed me.
• Despite the fact that Kou’s been friends with them for many years, Teru regularly forgets Yokoo and Satou’s names
• Aoi and Nene’s mothers have a bet on when the two of them will reveal they’re secretly dating
• Mei is one of those ppl who’s allergic to almost everything. You order a plate of shrimp beside her and before it even hits the table she’s like “Keep that FAR away from me”
• Kako was homophobic until meeting Akane. A “I don’t support that lifestyle” kind of homophobe. Before meeting Akane’s baseball bat
• It’s okay tho he supports his bisexual son now!! He goes to pride parades and everything
• Mirai braids Akane’s hair when she’s bored
• Tsuchigomori has never felt the touch of a man
• If you say one bad word about Teru around Kou, you better be prepared for a full monologue. Stan Twitter wishes they could be as dedicated as Kou (Yokoo: I want to kms / Kou: Wait until the next student council election we can’t lose votes)
• To avoid tarnishing her popular girl image by coming off as rude, whenever Aoi wants to leave a conversation with someone she doesn’t like she pretends to faint
• Mitsuba breaks up with Kou every other day
• When Aoi and Nene are having trouble communicating their feelings verbally, they find a wrestling ring and box their feelings out
• Aoi and Nene apply to every job together, they are a package deal
• Kou is the designated bug killer for the Toilet Gang
• Yako can talk to other foxes. But only foxes, no other animals so the power isn’t all that exciting
• Natsuhiko hasn’t picked up on Mitsuba being gay yet so he keeps offering to set him up with girls
• Sakura has been involved in at least (1) unethical psychology experiment in the past. They administered those shocks for Milgram with a completely straight face
• The hands in Mitsuba’s boundary reflect his feelings so every time Kou comes to visit, they jump around him like overexcited dogs
• Tsukasa had a very intense Alvin and the Chipmunks phase
Okay I have homework that’s due in like 2 hours so I’m gonna have to end it there. I hope my terrible sense of humor amused some of you
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freezing-kaiju · 4 months
Beautiful show it is, Kamen Rider Blade must come to an end soon. I will cry. But the world must move on.
And I decided to make this one an anime poll, since some of the legacy options from the very first poll ended up being much longer than the rest. SO! This is all shows between 20-50 episodes, around the same length as a Rider show!
You must choose at least one; if u want more, leave it in the comments or tags or replies pls and i'll count your additional votes at the end!
Agatha Christie’s Great Detectives Poirot and Marple - A young detective related to famous detective Miss Marple joins other famous detective Hercule Poirot as his assistant and learns from these two legendry mentors to solve murders. I love detective shows but I'm not too familiar with Poirot and Miss Marple so maybe the show could serve as an introduction to them. It seems cozy but compelling! The lead writer worked on a bunch of the big popular serieses (Pokemon Sun & Moon, Fairy Tail, Death Note, and Anpanman). This one's a legacy inclusion!
Blue Gender - A man from the modern day with a strange illness goes into cryosleep and wakes up in a destroed earth where mechs and aliens fight and there is a cool tall woman who has a mech. It has gore, mechs which I do need to see more of, but it's a military series. Space's also listed in the genre stuff which...is that a spoiler, do they go to space? 26 episodes, so it's on the longer side, less diligence may apply. This one's a legacy inclusion!
Dirty Pair - 80s anime, two Hotted Boobhaving space agents fight and bicker their way through the galaxy in a distinctly 'two bi women constantly getting divorced' vibe. I don't remember if this one is a legacy inclusion, but it's a famous show!
Scrapped Princess - Fantasy setting, A local white girl doomed to destroy the world and her adoptive siblings travel the world to avoid her devastating fate. also... There's mechs?? Wikipedia tells me it’s a lighthearted but mournful show that uses Clarke’s third law to bridge the gap between scifi and high fantasy. This one was handpicked by a dear friend!
Texhnolyze - by the creators of Serial Experiments Lain, it’s a show that seems similarly angsty and cerebral but much grimier. A boxer gets dismembered, cyborgized, and possibly radicalized deep in the bowels of a city that never sees the sun. ALSO GACKT IS THERE?
R.O.D. READ OR DIE -THE TV- - a potentially jojoish, gay little show about a novelist with a heady mix of hubris and self-loathing and three bibliophile sisters with Paper Abilities fighting various goons and also Britain. It seems like a romp!
Captain Earth - In the vein of Super Sentai (sadly without the precious masks), a color coded group of teens that seems to include a Yaoibait Kaworu fight aliens on behalf of NASA, with a robot that has a REALLY big hat. Supposedly it’s got a lot of intellectual depth!
RahXephon - the second name on everyone’s lips when someone says Evangelion Rip-off, after Darling in the Franxx. Mechs that are blatantly angels, a JSDF, and blue-blooded men in black. I tried a bit, and it’s got a great capture of humanity in times of crisis and such a beautifully 2000s aesthetic.
Devilman Lady - what if you were Devilman and a Lady??? What if there was a blond woman and you were a beast and there was all this blood and violence. Psychological, grungy, and gorgeously 90s. And it's a yuri!!!
Chrno Crusade - Cisgender Bridget and a devilboy (no relation to devilman or devilmanlady) do exorcisms for an order of nuns in 1929 New Yawk Citay. It's a het romance, full of bumbling and comedy and period era ghostbustiness. Also for some reason in a lot of the art (like this one) Chrno is whitewashed?
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A Precure - I've seen Kamen Riders, Super Sentais, an Ultraman, but I've not seen the sister show to them all; Pretty Cure! SO clearly I need to, and if this one doesn't win it'll flood the poll to replace Ryuki. These options are suggestions; might be others.
[original image sources: agatha's is from the op but can be found screencapped here, gender, dirty, scrapped, texhnolyze, die, earth, rahxephon, lady, crusade (official magazine art findable here), pre tty cure (official posters findable in those places). i replaced them with trailers tho lol. but check the ones that are oroginal anime wallpapers out theyre very nice]
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lavendernlilac · 2 months
So do we... do we ever get to know what other Big Event caused more Big Trauma for Grian a d Pearl in the Strawberry Lemonade AU? Or do you have plans to unravel that thread in fic form?
it’s something I’d like to unravel in fic but I have no idea how I want to do it yet ;-; I can talk about it here though !!! anyone who follows this blog will have super secret insider knowledge <3 I’m gonna put it under a read more because it is a bit dark and leans kinda heavy in some light horror vibes???
so uh. content warning for religious trauma (the vibes of it are there), horror elements, and child endangerment. whoopsies
mkay so! big traumatic event. one that really threw grian’s life off course….
so it’s no secret that grian, pearl, and jim grew up in a very religious household. their father was a pastor and a follower of the watcher religion. pearl is the oldest of the three, and as a child she was probably the one that took to following the watchers faith the most?? they all went to events and what not and were involved thanks to their father, but pearl was involved with it the most
grian didn’t really care? I think he did what a lot of young, curious kid do and he asked questions. and he asked too many questions. he def got in trouble with his father a lot. add in the piece of him seeing the dead and… hoo boy
he had very weak abilities when he was young. most of the time he’d see a shadow of movement, and it was extremely rare. and then his mother passed and he could see her. she tucked him into bed. and grian did what many eight years old do, and he talked about it. he told his father and siblings that he saw mom, that she tucked him in and kissed his forehead, he asked where she was. it wasn’t the first time that he had said something like that, having mentioned a strange shadow or humanoid figure before. it was all brushed off at first
but then it just kept happening. grian would constantly tell pearl that he saw their mother, or that she did something. pearl pretended to play along, as if she truly believed him. privately, she turned to her father and other members of the church and expressed concerns and well. it wasn’t taken well
I think in watcher belief, ghosts and the like are viewed as generally something not good?? bad omens, harbingers of death and negativity, that sort of thing. so hearing that grian was saying all this stuff was extremely concerning to them. they thought that maybe grian had an attachment, or worse
at ten years old, grian’s father and a few other church heads try an exorcism on him in the study and it goes So well (it goes horribly, horribly wrong). the only thing they manage to accomplish is getting grian stuck with an attachment, and ripping the lid off of his abilities. his abilities would’ve remained weak and non-obtrusive had they been left alone. however… that did not remain the case
pearl (12) and jimmy (8) were instructed to stay in their father’s room while this was happening, but pearl was very concerned about her brother. she told jimmy to stay put, and she snuck off to check in on grian. she saw nearly everything through a crack in the door, and it was horrible. grian looked like he was in so much pain and he was scared. it was enough to shake pearl’s belief in everything of the watchers and things going forward were very bad
grian was stuck with an attachment for a short amount of time, only being saved because his mother used her own self to get rid of it. in doing so, her soul fizzled out, leaving grian truly alone with nothing but his fear of the things he constantly saw. there was no off switch
it put a very large strain on his and pearl’s relationship for long time. he stopped trusting her with his secrets, and stopped talking to anyone about what he could see. all of this is the reason he studies the paranormal now, as a researcher. because he wants to understand that world and everything about it
and well… it’s partly why scar was so scared to tell grian the truth. I don’t think grian has told scar about the attempted exorcism, but he has mentioned the attachment and different paranormal interactions he’s had that have haunted him
so yeah. big trauma for grian and pearl :’)
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old-poptart · 1 year
hi!! KIND OF TERU X READER REQUEST ?? Basically the reader (who is homeschooled / not at kamome) just moved pretty near Teru’s house and she tends to stay up really late at light to play the piano, listen to music, read, watch animes etc
And Teru starts noticing it!! At time goes by he starts to slow down a bit when he see her room lights are still on, to hear her play the piano or just rumble about the game she’s playing or something like that!! Then one night he actually sees her looking outside her window and they just kind of stare at each other ? AND FROM THEN NOW I DON’T KNOW, but I imagined the reader to be a real source of comfort for Teru!! They could meet up at night after his exorcism jobs and it would be like a break from his really busy life and yeaaah
a/n: OH MY GOSH??? THIS IS SO CUTE??? YEYSYEYSYYSSY I LOVE THISISBZB i wrote this as a lil oneshot if you don’t mind mueuehehheh ANYWAYSSSS ONTO THE ONESHOT!!!
warnings: cutie patootiez in love
Teru 🤺 with his new neighbor (fem!):
"she's worth it"
"i want this one!" you darted upstairs to be met with two rooms, picking the best one for yourself. whilst catching your breath, you checked out the empty room and started to picture what would go where.
"alright kiddo, which one did you pick out?" your parents walked up the stairs, wheezing a bit due to the tedious exercise. they looked around the room, making sure that it was ample enough for their child. "you sure you like this one, honey?" your mom peeped in your soon to be room, smiling.
"yep!! i already know where everything is gonna go.." you already planned out what goes where. the bed goes in that corner, your desk goes over there, ooh the tv would look great there!! you wanted to get a head start, so you went downstairs to get as many boxes as possible and start assembling your new little space.
"look, teru! we have new neighbors!"
a few days had gone by, you already had the basics of your room down. sure it wasn't all glamoured up yet, but you have a space to sleep and watch your shows, so all was good!
a vague knocking could be heard at the door, but your mind was too busy figuring out how to do this one assignment that always managed to get you stuck. your parents weren't home due to work, so it was up to you to get it. after a few more knocks, you finally snapped out of it and came rushing downstairs without bothering to spruce up your appearance a smidge, thinking it was just the food delivery service.
you opened the door to three beaming, young faces. there seemed to be three siblings, a little girl and two teenage boys. the younger teenager was holding a container of sweets he made all on his own. the elder teen held the little girl's hand and held a small gift bag in the other.
"welcome to the neighborhood!! we are so glad to have you here" they all said in sync as if they'd practiced that greeting for hours. "we are the minamotos, i'm teru, this is kou, and here's-"
"im tiara!!" the young girl interrupted, wanting to take things into her own hands despite literally being held back. you snickered at the cute interruption, taking a step back yourself. "sorry about her, she loves saying her name"
"thank you so much!! ah, im y/n l/n, pleasure to meet you all!" you smiled, charmed.
"how long have you been here? i don't see you at school" teru asked curiously, maybe you two had completely different schedules
"oh i'm actually homeschooled!!"
"is that so?" he placed a finger on his chin, leaning in closer to show his interest. kou started to sense the tension between the two of you. he decided to step in.
"u-uh as a welcome gift, we give you these sweets! we hope you are fond of them" kou handed the sweet treats over to you, his smile bright as ever.
"he baked them himself" teru mentioned. "oh it's nothing!" "oh don't be so modest, kou! his cooking is to die for, you should come over some time to try it" he used his hand to whisper this sacred information to you, the closeness between you two making your cheeks go a bit warm. he then realized how close you two were, backing up immediately.
"i can't thank you enough! they look marvelous, i'll definitely be snacking on them when i study hehe" you improvised the tension between you and the tall, charming teen.
from that moment on, you two have been noticing each other from each other's windows. whether it was you studying, teru finishing up extra student council work, or just simply admiring each other, your eyes always managed to wander off to hopefully catch a glance at his frosty blue ones.
day by day, he has noticed more things about you. due to complicated schedules with school and exorcist training, poor thing hasn't had the chance to properly get to know you. but that wouldn't be much of a problem soon.
anytime that he would be working on something in his room late at night, he would hear a charming melody. it was like no other, he could practically taste how sweet it was no matter how muffled it was. it always managed to put him at ease. he didn't know where it came from, shoot he thought that the melody popped up in his head out of the blue. but why? he's not one for composing music. he always saw your light on but never put two and two together, it just never came to mind.
weeks went by and eventually he got to meet the face of those angelic hands. he needed some fresh air, quite frankly he needed to stretch as well. being crouched over like a shrimp all night won't do you well as the school's prince!
to his surprise, a familiar face was also catching some fresh air from the cool breeze outside your cozy room. it was well needed after practicing that scale for hours, shoot your fingers started to cramp up! rubbing your sore fingers, you looked around the atmosphere. you actually never got the chance to properly look outside your window. it was always just a quick glance or trying to tell what the weather was like outside, then again you just gave up and checked on your phone.
two sets of eyes have officially locked, their blinking came to a short pause and was set aside. clearly holding the contact was far more important to these two souls. it all began there, a source of comfort and warmth blossomed between these two young soon-to-be lovers.
meet ups were being set up, snacks at sleepovers, studying, helping out, whatever put him at ease helped him. in reality you were the one who put him at ease. a break from being perfect all the time. just what he needed, and that little tune you play on the piano still roams around his head like a parasite. he loves you dearly, dear.
-ooga :D
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dittolicous · 6 months
part three of raging stealth black!sanji i guess! (part one - part two)
sanji is very aware that he's just a means to an end. that he's being lied to and used and manipulated. he was given a butchered version of his 'life history' to make up for his amnesia, which included the strawhats abandoning him when he proved too weak and got hurt, something which he had no frame of reference to doubt when he first awoke from death
but if vinsmoke judge is anything, its being ridiculously bad at foresight and little details
honestly, how did he really expect to hide the relative truth with the strawhats being such big names? their journey has been documented, and while its clearly got some biases, sanji can read between the lines. little details are his *job*, thats all espionage is!
so, yeah. he knows hes being used to get the strawhat pirates, knows that he and his siblings are nothing but manufactured tools
it just adds another coal to the growing fire pit of rage in his stomach. its really all he can feel these days, this growing red hot anger, so bright that he perpetually, endlessly fights to keep flames from dancing along his form. he cant place it at first, has no reason to dislike his fathers hand on his shoulder the night he finally awakens, yet the weight lights something within him. his skin prickles where the hand had rested. he wants to scratch it off, to remove the tainted section of his body
he says nothing. good children are seen and not heard.... hes good, yes? right? thats... what he wants?
(can he even want? everything is so empty, so quiet... why-why-why-)
his brother's hollow laughter, the smell of bins full of rotting food, the bubble-filled cloning tubes, the taste of his sisters poison in the air as it lays waste to their enemies, the joyous smile on his fathers face...
sanji also knows he shouldn't be able to feel, yet he can very clearly name this white hot feeling taking root deep within him - rage, unabashed and uncontrollable
when hes not dreaming of sea salt, citrus, or distant laughter, he dreams of vinsmoke blood staining the ground, of satisfaction as his heels dig into ribs, of inflicting every wound they ever gave him right back at them (an odd thing, his waking mind supplies, seeing as his family has never hurt him...), of crushing the shells to the sailing snails which house this tyrannical kingdom
he had hoped to exorcize the demons haunting his dream by gathering knowledge, hence why he sought outside information sources (ie where ever judge deemed worth attacking), surely these unbiased sources would clear away this doubt that should never have exsisted!
instead the roots of his vitriol are set. there is no going back to sanji that woke to his family's supposedly loving faces
they are warmongers, destroyers... liars... they take more than they could ever need or desire... he isn't a son or brother, hes nothing more than another plunder of victory. a walking symbol of their prowess
what do these fools even hope to achieve with their senseless grapples for power? kingdoms?? glory of germa66? scientific might?
don't make him laugh
sanji might only be a means to an end, but so are they, not that those arrogent buffoons even realize
(he cannot say how he knows nor does he really care, but the danger of the world government runs deeper than any outsider could ever grasp - the five shadowy beasts of his dreams tell him so with guttural voices and air-tainting bloodlust)
all too soon it becomes clear that life is nothing but pointless suffering, engineered by tyrants just like vinsmoke judge, just like the shadow beasts whos screams having him waking in cold-sweats, there is no end... they are only free from this horrible cycle in the embrace of death. the dead cannot bleed nor starve nor struggling to breath through grief filled lungs. life is children sobbing over the prone form of their parents or hollowed faces taking mouthfuls of poisoned water to quiet aching stomachs...
the vinsmokes take blindly and foolishly, they took everything from him, took his life, his memories, his heart, left him nothing but a tense anger that leaves his muscles aching and fingers twitching to destroy, pride blinding them to the encroaching cliff into hell
if they wish for hell so badly, who is sanji to deny them? he will bring down the flames of hell and rip clean through the earth to deliver them personally. every sensless act of violence, every life taken without a blink of an eye, every drop of blood the fed the ground, sanji shall return tenfold, yet deny them the relief of death just as they stole him from his
he'll go along with their little plan to draw out the strawhat pirates, give them the easy satisfaction they desire, and just when they feel victory by the tips of their fingers.... they will learn what life is truly like by sanji's very own hands
(and if he holds tightly to the fleeting moments of calm like a balm on his burned exoskeleton, brought on by the face of his former captain or flashes of green from the perpetually lost swordsmen, no one has to know
none of it will matter in the end)
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comshipbracket · 10 months
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Antis DNI
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Winterkov Propaganda (Selfcest)
"Corruption. Winter King is a Simon that truly only cares for himself and has hurt many to be `sane`, but he's not really himself anymore- and Simon is trying to recover from the traumas in his life and just wants to feel happy and content. But he's tempted to go back how things were with his crown- and Winter King supports this, honestly. It's a person facing a glamorized version of their worst self."
"Also, Cake yells at them to kiss, and Winter King straight up goes `Don't think it hasn't occurred to me!!` And slides away"
Reimob Propaganda (Age Gap, MinorxAdult, MentorxMentee, EmployeexBoss)
"It’s psychic kid + fake-psychic boss who drags the kid along and makes him do all the exorcisms for him. They’re wonderful and charming, and end up fighting a lot of other psychics along the way. Psychic kid has a lot of issues with self esteem and bottling up emotions and his sleazy-ass boss is actually a good person and encourages him and helps him become more confident."
Moriarthree Propaganda (Incest - The three are Siblings)
"I'm going to start with the devotion. And the enmeshed boundaries. They create a persona, separate from the three of them, that is also all three of them. They cannot exist without each other. Louis flat out admits that his reason for living is William. He wants to be the same for William, and he's not enough. He begs to come along and murder people, to take the same stain that has been on his brothers' hands since they were children, because while William wants to save him from that fate, he sees no reason to live on in a world that doesn't include William in it. He wants nothing more than to be useful, and most especially, useful to the Lord of Crime, to the Plan, to William, to Albert. He takes on SO MUCH WORK organizing two households without other staff (read cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry) and they are LARGE HOUSES. MANSIONS. Because they have to keep up the appearance of being nobility. And Albert, who finds them both as children and is immediately struck by how angelic William is, how he knows he must have him."
"To have them both. How he invites them to join him, to become his family, since his father would like to adopt orphans for social reasons and so he can help cure Louis and give them resources to achieve William's goal. Kill the bad nobles. Albert for who the world darkens at the edges more often than not, sees nothing but light when William is around. Albert, who feels incapable of action if William isn't in his life. Albert who sits in jail feeling guilty -- not for his very real crimes -- but because /he asked William to become a criminal with him./ Because he was a reason for William to stain his hands with blood. Albert especially values cleanliness and order and so Louis ensures that he always has it at home. From their very first crime they have always shared in all things."
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bisheepart · 1 year
Alive AU Incorrect Quotes
Because I'm having writer's block with the next chapter of my fic.
(Most of this is gonna be the MC, Evan and Charlie being friends + Evan and Elizabeth being Chaotic Sibling Duo TM)
Cassidy: Can we stay in your dorm?
Jeremy: Fritz messed around with a Ouiji Board and got our dorm room haunted
Susie: And Gabriel doesn't know how to do an exorcism, so he keeps throwing salt at the spirits and shouting "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Michael: In my defense, they're both very small.
Michael: I hope you two have an explanation for this.
Elizabeth: We have three, actually!
Evan: Pick your favorite.
Cassidy: I didn't know why people cared about their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
Cassidy, holding Evan's hand: I've only had Evan for half a day, but if anything happened to him, I'd kill everyone in the pizzeria and then myself.
Evan: We're going to beat you with the power of friendship!
Elizabeth: And this knife daddy gave me!
Elizabeth: I told him I felt unsafe!
Jeremy: Well now WE feel unsafe!
Elizabeth: Sorry... Do you guys want knives?
Cassidy: Yes-
Other MC: NO!
Michael: Elizabeth swore earlier today, and father said he was going to wash her mouth out with soap. Her response was "That's okay, I like the taste of soap." Turns out, she's been putting soap on her lips to blow bubbles.
Fritz: Can I show you a magic trick?
Gabriel: Last time you showed me a 'magic trick,' it took two weeks for my eyebrows to grow back.
Evan: The printer broke while printing out Michael's birthday invitations.
Elizabeth: Well, what are they supposed to say?
Evan: "Michael's Birthday"
Elizabeth: And what do they say?
Evan: "Michael's Bi"
Elizabeth:... Still works.
Michael:*runs into Elizabeth's room* Do you two want to make five bucks each?
Evan, who was getting his nails painted by Elizabeth:...How?
Michael; I need you both to take the fall for something
William, from the other room: Oh my God!
Elizabeth: What did you do?!
Michael: I can't tell you. Yes or no?
Evan and Elizabeth:....
William: OH MY GOD!
Elizabeth: Ten bucks each, I get to paint your nails, and you give Evan your dessert tonight.
Michael: Deal! *calling out to William* Father! I found them!
Cassidy: The next person who says “owo” or “uwu” is under arrest for crimes against humanity.
Elizabeth: Cwimes against huwumanity. Cassidy: I'm going to break your fingers.
Elizabeth: this mowortal vessle is owonly a shell of the howorrowors within!
Evan: Elizabeth, from the bottom of my heart, what the fuck?
Evan: Do you think I enjoy being a mother hen to you all?!
Evan:... Okay fine! It's like crack to me.
Laura (Mrs. Afton): So what's for dinner?
William, staring at the food he burnt: Regret.
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graphicpolicy · 5 months
Preview: Three Exorcism Siblings Vol. 1
Three Exorcism Siblings Vol. 1 preview. In a lonely mountain home, a young warrior tends to his family shrine, all while warding off EVIL SPIRITS intent on feasting upon humans #comics #comicbooks #manga
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Hook siblings body swap✨
Because I'm here for the chaos.
So, they fucked around and found out with Yzma's potions, daring eachother to drink it. Which means that none can back out now, obviously.
And if the potions worked as they were supposed to, well, that's anyone's guess.
Either way, they drink, stuff happens, and ta-da body swap!
No one saw this because obviously they broke in after opening hours, what else did you expect.
Now, Harriet finds herself in CJ's body and bolts immediately, because CJ has virtually zero responsibilities and Harriet wants a vacation, goddammit.
She also probably gets CJ's body halfway to alcohol poisoning within thirty minutes. Only took her that long because not a lot of people are willing to give alcohol to thirteen yo CJ Hook who a) doesn't drink and b) has two older siblings who will flip out of anyone messes with her.
Of course, Ginny Gothel isn't scared of that. She gets Harriet-as-CJ alcohol without second thought. Harriet almost starts flirting with her, which would be kinda awkward, so she just bolts again and no one is surprised, because that's CJ man, what did you expect.
Harriet-as-CJ could just get away with absolutely anything.
Especially as her siblings are not having a good time and won't tell her no. They wanna live, you see.
Harry is very much not having a good time.
He got stranded in Harriet's body. Which is not a fun experience. Bitch has no regards for her personal safety and is a functioning alcoholic, so.
Anyway, first words aftee figuring out what happened and seeing Harriet run away are „Wait Harriet no, come back, I'm not dealing with your disaster threesome!“
Spoiler alert: he does end up dealing with her disaster threesome. And with her ship & crew.
Now, he knows how to run a ship. How could he not. He'd just rather not.
And he needs to invest a significant amount of energy into not flirting with Uma, which, you know. That would be kinda awkward.
(It doesn't work. He's incapable of turning it off. But everyone just brushes everything off as Hook siblings crazy and maybe jealousy.)
CJ is also not having good time. She ended up in Harry's body and immediately got dragged back at Revenge by Uma.
...Yeah, between all three of them, there is a fair amount of „fuck, help, my sibling's partner(s) are flirting with me, what do I do?!“
CJ tries to avoid being alone with Uma as much as she can.
She gets asked some variation of „Are you okay?“ at least three times within the first hour because she doesn't, you know, obey Uma's orders before she even says them.
On the brighter side, CJ discovered that she can get away with arson in port like this.
(Her older siblings are busy and Uma won't actually tell off Harry - the person who everyone thinks is Harry.)
So, yeah.
And almost no one catches on because are you really gonna question Hook siblings chaos? Are you?
But of course, they still act off enough to warrant an exorcism or two. (Freddie Facilier and Claudine Frollo, at two separate times.)
Marya Rasputin might or might not have tried to disect someone.
The siblings couldn't care less.
And the Hearts keep referring to the Hooks by the correct names (wrong names for the bodies), but, again, no one questions that. The general sentiment is along the lines of „Okay, I don't know why the Hearts triplets just greeted CJ Hook as Harriet, and I don't wanna know! They have swords!“
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ahmedmootaz · 8 months
got reminded from the last post that the three ghosts of Ayin's Christmas past, present and future exist so it got me wondering about what happens to them in A.I.M
do they just disappear since Ayin is a kid or do they pop up as lil kids or maybe lil baby ghosties? does X and Ayin keep them as ghost siblings?
do the moms just think the two of them have imaginary friends? or maybe think the two of them are possesed by a ghost abnormality like the Wonderlab drowned twins and need an exorcism? do the moms ever get visited by THE MOTHER OF MONSTERS (Carmen) and get childrearing lessons on how to be moms?
sorry for the many questions
Dear Anonymous,
Good question! It'd definitely add a new dynamic of sorts to young!Ayin's interactions with everyone else, especially if we consider that the De-Ager doesn't erase memories; it merely makes then inaccessible to the younger, childish selves of those de-aged. This makes me think that there are two ways I could take such a concept:
The first way is that we could simply say the A3 don't exist in Ayin's mind as a child; he's innocent, he's pure, and he hasn't seen what his older self will see that scars him for life. In that case, the simple answer would be that the influence comes out in bouts of depression where he wants to be away from everyone except for his mama (Angela), bouts of dismissive neutrality where he loses motivation from time to time without encouragement from his 'mother' and 'siblings', and even bouts of anger and kid-sized violence when he feels he's been particularly scuffed.
The second way is that the A3 still exist in his mind, but they're freaking out and running in circles as they try to realise what's occurring around them. They try contacting young!Ayin in his sleep, but he doesn't recognise them and in fact fears them a little. I think it'd definitely worry the motherly trio as they'd suspect foul play and Abnoramlities being the cause, with Angela keeping young Yinnie close by to make sure these dreams weren't harming him. I think Ayin would recognise they're trying to help him to some degree, and maybe he'd think he's special and thus withhold his dreams with the A3 from the trio of mothers to not worry them, only entrusting X with the dreams he has.
Maybe it's even the A3 who sense Carmen's presence being close, thus averting a Distorted disaster once Yinnie tells the motherly trio about it. I'm not sure Carmen would be too interested in giving child-rearing lessons when she'd be more interested in snatching him because she would definitely adore how cute a younger version of Ayin would be to her, and how malleable he could be and obedient he would be for her purposes. While Carmen would observe the de-aged Librarians with interested, I'm not sure she'd do it benevolently, all things considered...
Ah, but this was a truly fun ask! Thank you so much, Anon! I've had a ton of fun with this ask! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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gabelesimp · 2 years
Record of Ragnarok
Nikola Tesla x Reader! (Gender neutral)
Plot: You were religious before, but you became so fascinated by Science that you finally found your happiness.
Warning: Trauma, loss of family, abandonment of Religion, yelling, exorcism, Gore.
As a young child, you grew up in a religious family. You praised your God, prayed to him for forgiveness for the sins you've done. This is something that you'll never forget.
A family of 6, you had three siblings, two brothers, and one elder sister. It was a harsh year, your sister acted strange. Your mother would just say that she's just weird or sick. Your father didn't really notice anything about her behavior, until she started to eat rats and raw frozen meat. It was now clear to your parents, She was possessed by a Demon. Your father called in a priest, to perform an exorcism on your sister. It was a terrible experience, you kept on hearing screaming, crying and praying. Your curiosity became worse and you entered the room, you froze in terror. Your sister was floating in the air, screaming out for help. Blood was dripping for her body, as she was being torn apart. "(Y/n)! What are you doing here?!" Your father held your shoulders, and tears fell from his eyes as you watched your sister become unrecognizable.
After months, the exorcism was over. It didn't save your sister's life, you quietly mourned over her. You became too quiet, depressed. You'd rarely eat. Until one time you talked to them.
"Why didn't God save her?.." The silence was louder than the question you asked. Your mother slapped you, "How dare you?! He tried to save her okay?! Now just eat your food and let her rest in peace!" Your bottled emotions broke free, and yelled back at her.
You flipped your plate in anger, you wanted an answer. But nothing.
At the age of 21, you left the household. You ended up in another part of town, people were nice to you. You never prayed, you left your religious faith behind. Everyone in that town would go to a specific person who could fix their heirlooms and some other things.
You broke something once, your clock. You tried to fix it, but it ended up being even more broken. So you went to that person.
He was a bright person, he taught you how to fix it and he made it look simple. His name was, Nikola Tesla.
There was one time you saw him by a graveyard, you walked up to him. He was looking down at Dane Tesla. "He was the best big brother I ever had. His science lives in me." He said, you stopped in your tracks. He also lost a family member. You asked him if he'd like to go to a cafe to talk about it, "Oh, I don't drink coffee but how could I reject an offer?" He smiled.
He told about himself, his brother and a lot about Science. You enjoyed hearing about it, until he asked about you. "Oh...Me? It's irrelevant." He was confused, "Why do you think so?"
"I was born in a religious family, I do love my family, it's just...Making me believe that I'm going to hell if I never praise the Lord and his son. And I lost my eldest sister."
He listened carefully, and was surprised about your sister's exorcism. "I'm sorry you had to experience that..." You said that it's fine. He comforted you, hugging you.
The two of you became close, you had little knowledge about science. You became so interested, and asked more about it.
"wait you never learned about Science?" "My school doesn't believe in Science." He laughed and you told him that it's serious. "What a bunch of fools! Science has always been here from the very beginning!" You laughed with him.
He taught you about science, all of it. From Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The laws of physics were your favorite to learn about. You found yourself in a happy state.
Throughout your life, Science was everything to you. The day came, Nikola confessed to you, the brighter your happiness was lit. Even after death, Science is a part of you both.
(I love me some Comfort! Nikola is the best comfort character ever!!)
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simplyliney · 2 months
Tumblr media
OC dump
Marcellus B. Kinczillers, born and died Oct. 21. Followed by the unfortunate event of turning vampire a few hours after being declared dead.
The kinczillers bloodline was once tainted with vampires, only for that aspect to fade away over time. Centuries have passed since the last sighting of those undead creatures. [I'll leave it at that for now. Don't want to spoil any future plans:)]
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
He was found at the church's doorstep not too long after being born; attached was a note that read "demon child". The only name given was Kinczillers. Nobody was able to track down the family the child belonged to. The church took it upon themselves to act quickly before the situation escalated. Performing multiple exorcisms to rid the unholy from this vessel. The only results were failed attempts and more prominent features of something evil.
The church's nickname for the child was Beelzebub. Believing it was him who took the form of a child. He was kept hidden away underneath the church for three years of his life. After many failed attempts to rid the demon from the vessel, the Bishop decided it was best to just kill it.
Hearing the news, pastor Amadeus Nazareth couldn't believe they would do that to an innocent child. So he did what he thought was best; kidnap the child and raise him as if he were his own.
Amadeus never really believed it was the doing of such a demon. So he took it upon himself to research these odd symptoms. Discovering the existence of vampires long ago.
The pastor gave the child the name Marcellus B. Kinczillers. Though he loved the child like his own, he was very much afraid of him. Specifically at night.
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Marcellus was very isolated growing up. He didn't go to school and wasn't allowed out until the sun went down. But he found joy through music and begged Amadeus to let him learn guitar; he gave in fairly easily. Marcellus just wasn't allowed to get real lessons. He got his first guitar and was determined to teach himself.
Around the age of seventeen, he started to play at secret underground gigs. [I'll get into more detail about this later]
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
Personal info
Birth/death: Oct. 21
Current age: 19
Height: 5'8
Biological parents: unknown
Siblings: unknown
Adoptive parent: Amadeus Nazareth
Species: vampire
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ???
Random facts
- Suffers from autocannibalism
- Photosensitivity
- Allergic to garlic [such a surprise]
- LOVES pokemon
- has two cats named Ash and Eevee
- close friends/family call him Mars bar or Mars
- favourite flower is a red spider lily
- Natural hair colour is copper
- favourite food is grilled cheese with the side of tomato soup
- ALWAYS wears his black boots
- He considers his red electric guitar to be lucky
Side notes
Mars isn't like a typical vampire[?]. He's more of one that has evolved overtime due to the vampire blood being so far back in the family [If that makes sense]. So the sun can't kill him neither can garlic. It's more like an allergic reaction.
He doesn't necessarily NEED blood to survive, but at times he does crave it. He would never harm people [or animals] he cares about. He feels as though others shouldn't be punished for what he desires, that's where the autocannibalism comes in. Even though he technically doesn't have blood flowing through him, just biting through flesh can sometimes satisfy his cravings. On the days it doesn't work, he'll go hunt in the woods as a last resort.
He stopped ageing physically when he turned eighteen and yes he's immortal. There's only one way to kill him: Cutting the head off and burning the body. A steak through the heart paralyzes him until someone takes it out.
If some of this doesn't make sense I'M SORRY. I just wanted to put something out there to kind of introduce this. I'll post something less messy in the future!
More OCs coming soon<3
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