#three sisters blessed with immortal light
wingedblooms · 7 months
Marked by Wyrd
Long ago, life blossomed from an iron Cauldron and created the world. The three sacred sister peaks—a reflection of Wyrd (Mother, Cauldron, Fate) herself—may have risen from the ground at this time. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. Regardless of when they rose, they are marked by Wyrd physically and magically. The watery veins of the land, flowing from peak to peak, even smell of iron. These sacred sisters hold the secrets of the land and their people, just as their creator carries secrets of the universe in her dark womb.
After thousands of years, Wyrd Made another triad of blessed sisters (and the one most connected to nature even rose from the ground like a sacred sister peak). Three interconnected pieces of a whole. There are signs from the very beginning that they, too, are marked by Wyrd.
The sisters were born in their mother’s enormous ironwood bed (connecting them to witches as well as the iron womb of Wyrd).
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When their fortune changed and they moved to the stone cottage, their father made sure they were protected by ward-markings…or were those Wyrdmarks? (@ultadverb pointed this out to me and it’s been on my mind since.)
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Whorls and swirls? That’s exactly how Aelin describes them, too. Definitely Wyrdmarks.
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Two of the sisters wore iron bracelets for added protection, and Elain was given an engagement ring made of iron.
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Not a coincidence, it seems, as they were reborn in Wyrd’s iron womb.
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Instead of iron bracelets, they now wear iron crowns, which are magical links to Wyrd and maybe even her protective powers, like the swirls and whorls of Wyrdmarks on their cottage.
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Regardless of how they were Made, all three sisters are blessed by fate Wyrd and reborn with unique powers, maybe even Immortal Light…
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To match Rhysand, who is ✨Starborn✨.
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The Night Court’s insignia honors this Immortal Light: a triad of stars glow above Ramiel, the heart of their court and perhaps even the world, each spring. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. A beacon of light and life for those with the vision and powers to see it. Where Wyrd, blossoming life, once rested.
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As though fated, Feyre and Elain encounter a tapestry of this insignia near solstice. They both hear the story of the weaver who made Hope after she mastered Void. Feyre and Nesta have faced their own grief and created a more hopeful future for themselves. They have both also used that iridescent, living light to help others. Elain will soon face her own demons, maybe even the Void itself. She will face it and find her own strength: a living, colorful bloom of starlight. And maybe once she blossoms with her own hopeful light, her sisters—chosen bearers of Wyrd like their mountainous counterparts—will be there beside her, glowing like starfire.
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The heart of the world resting in the palms of their luminescent hands. Three interconnected pieces of a whole. Together.
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merymoonbeam · 1 year
people call elriel cliche because of 3x3. I mean where are all the sisters ending up with brothers books I am seem to be missing???. anyways... but if elriel is endgame it means sarah wrote the books that well that they are all fated.
like from this first acotar quote:
“May the Immortal Light shine upon thee, sisters,” said the pale-robed young woman directlyin our path. (acotar)
to these:
“My father,” Rhys said, swirling his wine once—twice, “saw that his son had not only started to rival him for power, but had allied himself with perhaps the two deadliest Illyrians in history. He got it into his head that if we were given a legion in the War, we might very well turn it against him when we returned.” (acomaf)
He gave her that grin I realized likely meant trouble was coming, but said to me, “No. I don’t—not beyond a heaping pile of the killing power. Bastard-born nobody, through and through.” Rhys sat forward like he’d object, but Cassian forged ahead, “Even so, the other males knew that we were different. And not because we were two bastards and a halfbreed. We were stronger, faster—like the Cauldron knew we’d been set apart and wanted us to find each other. Rhys’s mother saw it, too. Especially as we reached the age of maturity, and all we wanted to do was fuck and fight.” (acomaf)
Amren shook her head, hair swaying. “Nothing is a fluke. The Cauldron’s power flows through Nesta, and could use her as a puppet without her knowledge. It wanted those weapons Made, and thus they were Made. It wanted Rhysand to have them and thus the blacksmith brought them to you. To you, Rhysand, not to Nesta. And do not forget that Nesta herself—and Elain, with whatever powers she has—is here. Feyre is here. All three sisters blessed by fate and gifted with powers to match your own. Feyre alone doubles your strength. Nesta makes you unstoppable. Especially if she were to march into battle wearing the Mask. No enemy could stand against her. She’d slay Beron’s soldiers, then raise them from the dead and turn them on him.” (acosf)
especially to this:
Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it. "What if the Cauldron was wrong?" Rhysand blinked. "What of Mor, Az?" Azriel ignored the question. "The Cauldron chose three sisters. Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another." He had never before dared speak the words aloud.
which this quote directly parallels to Feyre questioning in acowar, questioning who decides it.
“Why not make them mates?” I mused. “Why Lucien?” “I’d keep that question from Lucien.” “I’m serious.” I turned toward him and crossed my arms. “What decides it? Who decides it?” Rhys straightened his lapels before plucking an invisible piece of lint from them. “Fate, the Mother, the Cauldron’s swirling eddies …” (acowar)
all these quotes hinting that it is all "not a fluke" . Maybe it is all for a reason you know.
also if you don't get it...being mates is not even the question here. it is not even about that. it is about who is fated to be together when we all know sometimes mate pairings are wrong:
“A mating bond can be rejected,” Rhys said mildly, eyes flickering in the mirror as he drank in every inch of bare skin I had on display. “There is choice. And sometimes, yes—the bond picks poorly. Sometimes, the bond is nothing more than some … preordained guesswork at who will provide the strongest offspring. At its basest level, it’s perhaps only that. Some natural function, not an indication of true, paired souls.”
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casuallivi · 1 year
i'm not worthy of your sacrifice
For the lovely @soyzaweels for providing us with that amazing rescue art. I'm always craving some good cradling and hands thank you for being a gift to this fam 💓 (I was typing this yesterday, struck with inspo from your art, and only when i hit "post" i noticed my internet connection was gone… and so was my post 🥲 now i sit here making my second try)
and for Elriel Month 2023. Prompt 6: A Bridge Between Souls @elriel-month
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She’s slowing him.
They both are; Elain and the rescued Child of the Blessed whose name she’s yet to know.
She looks down below at the nefarious enemy camp where she can still see the beasts snarling closer to edge of the hill, chills raising up her arms, the throbbing pain on her foot reminding her of how close one of them came to ripping her limbs apart. The powerful beating of his wings takes them away from the horrible camp fast –her sister doing her best to stable her own appendages– but the piece of land where Prythian's army has stake base is yet to surface in the horizon. 
Elain knows he’s barely holding it together. She can hear it in the heaving of his chest, in the quiet grunt escaping from his lips as he adjusts their weight in his arms, can feel the weak burst of power he tries to direct at his wings, can see it in his wounds bleeding into her filthy nightgown. Deep gashes cut his back and wings; the membrane so lacerated she wondered how he was able to fly such distance. How painful it must be.
Out of nowhere, they fall a couple feet, hair ricocheting in front of her eyes. The girl lets out blood-curling screaming. Without even looking at her, Elain tightens her hold on the girl the best she can, watching the sickly paling of his face, cold sweat sliding down his brow. She looks down again. Her throat bobs at the height, nervousness making her tense. It's a nasty fall till she hits the ground, but Elain figures she'll survive. She's immortal now, isn't she? A fall won't kill her. But if she doesn't lower the weight in his arms, he might not make it back to camp.
In the end, it's not really that hard of a decision to make.
Her finger unclasp from the girl's dress, Elain ready to unloop her arms from around his neck.
"Don't." The low command ripples through her body, stopping her.
Bloodshot eyes dart to hers for the thousandth of a second, heavy with lethal determination. Don't you dare let go, they say.
Cobalt light engulfs the three of them, Azriel working harder to keep them airborne.
Azriel's power give out on the outskirts of their camp, still, he manages to land on his feet, arms steeling around her as he staggered a little. Feyre has it worse, tumbling several times on the hard ground, removing large patches of lawn with her.
“I’m okay!” She gives them a thumbs up, spitting grass.
Elain would laugh was she not so worried about Azriel wincing as he tried, and fail, to tuck his shredded wings behind him, the bone bent awkwardly on the left one, dark red blood mingled with the lighter tone of the membranes.
Azriel bent his knees and relaxed the arm securing the Child of the Blessed, allowing the trembling girl to slip to the ground, who quickly stepped away from them, the scent of her fear thick in the air. Elain prepared to follow her.
Her feet never touched the ground, because Azriel straightened again, his free arm coming under the curve of her knees, holding her up to his chest, limping forward. Elain flexes her chained wrists, grazing his wings in her attempt to hold on to his stiff shoulders.
"I can walk."
Azriel can barely detect her voice. Elain might as well be one of his shadows with that soothing tone, trying to placate him as they have been doing since the moment he noticed she was gone.
"I know."
Their whispers are not enough. Not today.
Azriel has no memory of deciding to go in the heart of Hybern camp because it wasn't a choice. The realization is somehow disturbing for a male who's accustomed to be rational about every aspect of his life. He needs to hold her, to feel her, to make sure she’s actually there, safe and unharmed in his arms. Even now, as he holds her, there is an unsettling quietude inside of him, odd anguish clouding his judgment.
As if she can feel his anxiety, Elain buries her face on his chest, repeating the words of her sister. “I’m okay.”
Elain doesn't know how to calm Azriel. She can only hope that her presence does to him, what his does to her.
Her chains glow in a violet shade where they rest against his leathers. Shadows swirl, sliding angrily between the cuffs and her skin, trying to slip them away.
The next thing she knows, Nesta is yelling, tackling Feyre down amidst her tears, and Rhysand is separating them, gently setting her back on her feet.
“We need Helion to get these chains off her.” Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet
Her world stops spinning.
Elain stares and stares at him.
The man that promised to marry her, to spend his life beside her, to love her no matter what, has abandoned her at the first minor inconvenience, yet, this strange fae man, who rapidly turned into an essential part of her life, came for her. Risked his life for a chance to try to save her. Even now he worries for her, who is in perfect condition, more than he worries for himself, who is hurt and bleeding.
A little bud of hope sprouts in the pit of despair that has become her heart.
Elain roses on her toes and kisses Azriel’s cheek.
For the first time since she emerged from the dark waters of the cauldron, Elain feels lucid.
For the first time since she emerged from the dark waters of the cauldron, Elain feels awake.
For the first time since she emerged from the dark waters of the cauldron, Elain feels like there’s a life to be lived even if she’s no longer human.
One of the things I like the most about the rescue scene, is that we tend to forget that Az was carrying both Briar and Elain! But once they set foot on the ground Briar is walking alongside Feyre, but Az did not let go of Elain. I see you shadowboy. I.see.you....
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thebowynntradition · 4 months
Bowynn Gods: Brand
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Brand (Brand)  Brand is the god of music, prophecy and oracles. Brand is the son of Anhur and Rhya and the twin brother to Kord and brother of Brenda. His very name means “Light.” Not physical light but Light as in “Enlightenment.”
     There was always a special friendship and bond between Brand and his brother Kord. This was clear from their birth. So close were the two that their cousin Mano became enraged with jealousy. Often Mano would pick on the brothers. Brand in particular for Brand was considered the most handsome of the male gods. So, it was more than often that Mano would play practical jokes on the two. This went on for many years. However, one day, one of Mano’s jokes went too far and backfired on himself. So enraged, Mano wanted revenge on Kord and Brand more than ever.  He took Brand’s sister Brenda, the goddess of love and hid her in a cave and trapped her there. This started a long war between the three young men. Then one day while Brand was sleeping in a field, Mano attacked and slew him. Kord in the meantime, not knowing this, snuck into Mano’s home and freed Brenda.
     When they got back to Brand, it was too late, the handsome god was dead. While Brenda wept for her brother, Kord went on a mad hunt and after a long battle, defeated Mano and imprisoned him. Back at his brother’s side, Kord and Brenda wept and begged the gods of the world of souls to bring Brand back. Anhur said that to bring Brand back, Kord and Brenda would have to go to the underworld and bargain with Chumash. This Brenda and Kord did and the god was taken back with Brenda's plea that Chumash brought Brand back to life.
      It was also during this war against Mano that Brand and his brother Kord created the Kii in order to protect the land that battled on and mortals. Some of the Kii they created were small and others large, depending on the attribute they were bestowed to protect. Not to be outdone however Mano created the Tii, spirits of ill repute.
Since Brand's resurrection Brand took up less of a role as a warrior and more of a god of wisdom. He built, with the help of the god Kane, the first Vlanato Thanto {Oracle's Temple}, blessed and sanctified the first Vlanatos {Oracles} and gave instructions on the design for Bowynn Thantos {Temples}. He also created the strict codes by which all vlanstos need to live by. By taking the Bowynn alphabet he devised a divination system for people to use.
      Together with his brother Kord, the two represent the epitamy of brotherhood and friendship. One being the defended and protector and Brand being the thinking and voice of wisdom. The two together see over friendship and the rights of blood-brother making. They guard well over such friendships. Brand’s harp and voice is said to be that which brings such friendships together.
     Brand is considered of all the gods, the most handsome. This beauty is called ‘radiant’, and some say his presence and beautiful radiance has a sort of hypnotic power. Brand and Kord’s deep friendship are considered the very symbolism of true brotherhood. In art and in visions Brand is at most times depicted as a handsome young man, clean shaven, with light colored hair and carrying either a lute or flute. Brand has two immortal golden gryphons as steeds, which are his companions. Their names are Amber Wind and Honey Wind. Sacred to Brand are the Gryphon, Cattle, the harp, flute, amber stone and wreath of oranges or limes.
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Kord and Brand Bronze of Brand
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why-raven · 5 months
14 associations — yiuno.
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ELEMENT. Ice and Fire. In Thaumaturgy, balancing duality—of life and death—forms the basic foundation in this school of magic. While the two elements are of opposing nature, in the hands of an accomplished spell-caster, they can be turned into terrifying forces of destruction. Being the last direct disciple of the great Mhachi sorceress Shatotto, Yiuno is not a mage to be trifled with. Though he often hides his potent magical talent and sticks to his trusty blades to get his work done, those who are highly sensitive to aether may suffer sickness just by being around him for too long.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN. The Spear. In Astromancy, this constellation is the sixth gate of the Lesser Heavens, often associated with the element of Ice. This is the reverse of the Elemental Wheel, where Ice is the first order in the cycle of Creation. It is said that “the Fury (Halone) resides in a palace of ice carved by Her own spear—ice formed of moonbeams collected by the Lover, Menphina.” As the final gate to open before the seventh, whereby attuning to the latter is equivalent to a dying wish, it is the last stand where one will be filled with the power to overcome their enemies, and gain the compassion necessary to show mercy to their foes.
GEMSTONE. Alexandrite is an interesting gemstone known for its color-changing properties under different types of polarized light, which reflects the many faces that Yiuno wears under different circumstances. To the public’s eye, an average adventurer and humble alchemist wandering from place to place. To those more acquainted with the arcane arts, a treasure hunter of ancient and dangerous artifacts. In the underworld, a ruthless assassin who pretends to be a beautiful ‘courtesan’ and seduces his targets into Death’s embrace.
NUMBER. Three. Yiuno has a twin sister, Yiuna; his alter ego, Yiune, is a feminine disguise he employs for his assassination jobs (long story short, it later becomes an actual form he can shapeshift into). However, back in the Amaurotine era, these three were originally a family of triplets.
COLOR. Monochrome—specifically black and white—is both a fitting and an ironic theme to Yiuno. On one hand, he embodies duality given his two-faced nature, and also the contrast between his public image and secret identity. On the other hand, he mainly thrives in the gray area—a Chaotic Neutral at heart.
FLORA. Antirrhinum, more commonly known as Snapdragon or Dragon Flower, is one of those flowers with double meanings. On one hand, it symbolizes grace, strength and protection, which are some of the positive traits that Yiuno possesses. On the other hand, it also represents indifference and deception, bringing out the darker, negative side of Yiuno.
FAUNA. Strix. According to in-game description: “A guardian bound to the Rare Tomes Room on the highest floor of the Great Gubal Library. Similar to skatenes, Strix is an owl which has been enchanted with heightened intelligence. Strix’s comparatively vast intellect, however, grants the creature command over spells of formidable potency.”
SEASON. Autumn and Winter. Autumn, of falling leaves and a fiery but sorrowful palette, a season where time starts to slow down as daytime becomes shorter. Winter, of falling snow that paints the landscape white, a season where time comes to a standstill and dangers lurk in the shadows of the long, long night.
TIME OF THE DAY. Dawn and Dusk. Less about the exact time of the day, but more about the changes in time that happen at that very moment—representing the shift Yiuno would experience in his life. Be it his gender identities, or the blurred lines between a blessing and curse to his immortality… It’s like the two sides of the same coin: the difference is all but a matter of perspectives. The real test is how he acts upon those perspectives.
PLACE. Though there are a few locations that may appear to be synonymous with how others would perceive Yiuno, such as libraries and graveyards, I’d say the most accurate association would be the labyrinth. Filled with many twists and turns at every corner, much like Yiuno’s long and complicated life—or, his dark and troubled mind.
SMELL. It’s really hard to pin down a specific aroma for Yiuno, partly because masking his true scent is something he pays attention to as a master of disguise. To some, he’d give off the fragrance of a finely aged red wine, brimming with wisdom and dry humor; to others, he’d probably smell like walking death, counting down to their impeding doom under his bloodied blades.
FOOD. Royal Eggs. However, given his wandering lifestyle and the need to stay undercover most of the time, he doesn’t have the luxury to eat this all the time. He has since come to view this as a self-reward on rare occasions he gets the chance to enjoy a royal meal in a quiet inn room.
BEVERAGE. Espresso con Panna, with double shot. Yiuno is a huge caffeine addict, and this is the only in-universe drink that can sate his obsession with coffee.
SONG. “Nageki no Oto” (EN. Song of Lamentation), by KOKIA. A song about war and loss, which is very fitting given Yiuno’s darkly colorful past.
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senatushq · 1 year
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First daughter of Eden, like the others, Nettelia was crafted by the artisan Prometheus and given life by Titania and Ulthar. Chosen by The First to safeguard the people of Eden and the Two Trees: Laurelin and Telperion, Nettelia and her siblings grew up eating the ambrosia fruits harvested from the trees and lived to protect the perfect realm that they had been born into. Beautiful and unchanging, Nettelia studied the creatures that Epimetheus crafted and memorized their shapes, marveled as Oztalun gave them life and lavished under the gold and silver light that cascaded from the Two Trees. In this age sickness and disease never touched Eden, the people were blessed with a true immortality that had been shepherded from the realm of the Gods. Seeded by the Gods themselves before their departure from the realm, it was Nettelia’s sacred duty to see to it that this paradise went unprovoked. Humanity and the offspring that would later be called demigods were born with a cursed fate, but Prometheus held a secret that he gifted to Nettelia first: the man behind the curtain who bore a terrible secret. The truth of the Gods was nestled in the truth of their immortality, to Uthenera they slumbered when their bodies were destroyed and their magic retreated, but only immortal hosts could contain their souls upon their return. Eden was a garden, but not for humanity. Prometheus brought free will to Eden, with Nettelia as his accomplice as he stole from Ulthar himself. Punished before the days of Lucifer’s rebellion, Nettelia would have followed had the most beautiful of the seraphim not refused to kneel. 
Eden burned and the Two Trees were destroyed, in the cruel sweep of fire mortality was brought to the race of humanity. Grief defined the archdruid, but she was possessed also by a far greater purpose, she bore the truth of the Gods and their intentions for the race of mortality. Watched as the Inferno was crafted by Oztalun and understood that the demons that crawled forth were also unfit, but their divine children when strengthened with the lines of fey would prove enough. It was in the aftermath of Eden’s pillage that Nettelia unearthed some truth to her abilities, that her power of transference could do more than mend a wing or help a plant recover, but she could heal and rend curses. The whispers came and those she confided in wouldn’t hear her, Nettelia, the grief-ridden sister who ranted at the injustice of the Gods, who turned those that she thought were possessed of the sort of righteousness that wouldn’t allow them to falter. More and more her dreams haunted her, in them she saw visions of a binding, of a transference, of sacrifices too great to number. She’s seen so many die before, fallen wings and monstrous cries of anguish and pain. This was her solution, her salvation and means to an end: her answer came in the binding of the necronomicon, to its blood hewn pages that were born from the lives of countless supernaturals. Nettelia had enough time to break Prometheus’ chains, then her siblings came for her, learned the truth of what she’d done, and slayed the chimera that she had become. 
Aren: Of her three siblings, Aren slumbered while she was killed after her descent. He remains the only one who did not see her at her worst, and for that she is grateful. 
Apollo: Companion of Eden, Nettelia got her first lessons in the healing arts from the God. While Gods are fickle, Apollo at least has always been upfront about his nature. 
Pythia: Her grief manipulated, Pythia used Nettelia’s anguish and hatred for the Gods against her - twisted her thoughts towards blood magic and aided Tiamat in instructing Nettelia on how to craft the necronomicon. 
Author: as the creator of the necronomicon, Nettelia is immune to necromantic spells and manipulations. 
Immortal: as a druid, Nettelia will always reincarnate after she dies. Her lifespan lasts for up to five-centuries before she will inevitably begin to fade. However, her connection to the necronomicon will see to it that she is resurrected shortly after her destruction so long as the book remains. 
Archdruid: as an archdruid, Nettelia’s ability to turn into the chimera was destroyed, but she has retained her ability to shift into animals. An archdruid only has to look at a creature for a short while before understanding their habits. 
Transference: an elevated power of transference allows Nettelia to move magic and souls from one location to another. To this end she is able to heal any injury, illness, or curse.
Mortality: While durable, Nettelia’s body is still mortal and she can be killed by mortal means. 
Binding: Several witches, druids or fey can bind her to the necronomicon if killed.
Animal Binding: Several witches, druids, or fey can bind her to an animal form if banded together. 
Lycanthropy: As an archdruid, Nettelia cannot be turned into a lycan, their bite however is poisonous to her and would prevent her from using her magic until recovered.
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elysiium · 9 months
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❛   ──   𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈   . . .  auraline wayne .
it’s been a while since we’ve seen aura in the shadow world. the seelie resides in faerie and reminds us of sun-kissed skin, dancing in the rain and wild flowers. rumor has it that they might have a connection to seelie court as the seelie queen, but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the ethereal.
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❛   ──   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆 .
name . . . auraline ( pronounced au-ra-lean ) wayne .
nicknames . . . aura , linie .
species . . . seelie ( faerie ).
age . . . over 330 , appears around 28 .
date of birth . . . the spring equinox .
place of birth . . . the queen's spire , faerie realm .
pronouns . . . she , her .
sexuality . . . demisexual , demiromantic .
residence . . . the queen's spire , faerie realm .
languages . . . english , portuguese .
❛   ──   𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 .
doppelgänger . . . bruna marquezine .
height . . . 5.4 ft , 1.65 m .
hair color . . . dark brown .
eye color . . . brown .
notable features . . . her eyes change hues depending on her mood . they are naturally a light brown , but become darker when angry and upset or lighten to a honey-gold when she experiences joy and happiness .
❛   ──   𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 .
parents . . . amara and zagan , the two original faeries .
siblings . . . kaelie morais ( half - sister ).
familiar connections . . . leopold wayne ( husband ) , celeste wayne ( daughter ) , alina wayne ( daughter ) , ryella wayne ( daughter ) , alexander wayne ( father - in - law ) , tbd wayne ( mother - in - law ) , calahan wayne ( brother - in - law ) , three other brother / sister - in - laws .
pets . . . fuego ( red - tailed hawk ) , faramir ( unicorn ) , leora ( hellhound ) , cassiopeia ( husband's immortal owl ) , aurelis ( husband's hellhound ) , a variety of wild animals that live around a private cottage owned by her and leopold .
❛   ──   𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 .
a product of a secret love affair between the two original fae : amara , the seelie queen , and zagan , the unseelie king . her father's identity was kept a secret from auraline and both courts . a curse was cast on auraline not long after her birth . an unknown sickness overtook her : if she were to stay in the realm , she would die . amara was forced to give her only daughter away ; she was exchanged with a changeling child ━━━ aura to live with mundane parents and the human child taking her place , growing up with loving fey parents in the queen's court . she grew up not knowing she was fey or royal . her human parents knowing she was different , but did what they could to provide for her still . . . until one spur of random magic drew the attention of their village . aura was branded a witch and had to run away . a few years later she was discovered by a warlock , leopold wayne . he took her under his wing : she learned what she was ( fey ) but more than that he gave her a home . after years of friendship , feelings blossomed into more . he gave her the world and she spent two decades with him , loving and promising to be his ━━━ forever and a day . until the day faerie consumed her . she longed to find her family and the seelies allowed her entrance to their realm . . . if she came alone . it was a difficult decision , but with her husband's blessing she ventured forward in the land . for a time , she would come back to the mundane world to see him in between her search ━━━ until one day she didn't . to those in the outside world , it seemed she disappeared without a trace . in truth ? queen amara kidnapped and trapped her . she remained under her cruelty and beauty ( no matter how many times she tried to escape ) until amara died due to her own folly , leaving aura as the new ruler of the realm . the weight of the crown changed her . the first few years of her reign , she was cold , distant , trying to establish herself as the ruthless leader her mother wanted her to be . it was by her hand that the spell to trap everyone in the faerie realm occurred . her motives were her own , but she never imagined how dire the consequences would become . it was this that finally reunited her with leopold . the first weeks was difficult being around him , both hurt and angry over her actions . but neither one of them could fight the feelings they still held . they gave into one another , rekindling their relationship . two years after casting her spell , there was an attack on the faerie realm . it left the realm damaged and the veil thin ━━━ her world now tied closer to the mundane , within central park of new york city . though time has passed since , the queen still feels as if she is failing her people and her kingdom ; however , with leo now as her king , she leans on him to blossom into the queen her kingdom needs and deserves .
❛   ──   𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 .
familiar . . . potentially more half - siblings .
romantic . . . none .
platonic . . . her ladies - in - waiting , her queen's guard , regular guards , advisors of the seelie court , just more members of the seelie court .
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❛   ──   𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 .
psd & template by @goodvibesrph .
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thetristoneera · 11 months
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Here ye, here ye.  As I begin to detail all of my characters from my 7th grade year in life.  You will be hipped to revisions since, then into the final product.  In their origin, "the Nasty Crew" was first created when Lumidee emerged.  Nyne, Thug French (Formerly AKA Thug Nasty) & Division were made to be music creators, influencers & talent.  As I put them in the Nasty Crew with Lumidee; I added Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Sutta & created more imaginative talent for the crew.  That would be traveling around the galaxy & outside of it; touring the sea of stars until their death dates.  They never planned on retiring until they couldn't perform anymore.  As I first made up the 100 Year Mark of super beings, they can live normally up to 97 years of age.  They begin to slow down but never deteriorate; they stay physically capable up until they have reached one hundred years outside of a womb with a detached umbilical cord.  When it's their time, they start to lose sight in a light at the end of a tunnel way; then cease all bodily functions.  Until I created immortality in this world...
With music being a traveling commodity; they can take their act to the next sector & next sector & next sector until they actually grow tired of living.  Immortality is a simple ask, because of the Species Wars; a new wish allowed the good folk to make immortality a simple desire in order for it to be blessed on a vessel.  For the continued existence of humans, devils & angels.  The Order for this crew is simple; spend three days performing over a weekend for six months, with a set show over a heavily managed tour.  In order to stay on that tour, they have their magical might; for their own protection.  Nyne, comes from the House of Barnes of this universe; he is of the middle set of children of his generation.  Older brothers are triplets, he was born with a twin sister; then there was their little brother.  Nyne comes from a highly dangerous up bringing or several, for his own betterment; once he heads off into the real world.  He grew up with a best friend, Etoro Vithius; both of them were into song writing, rapping, singing & performing.  It was only right, that they met in a summer camp before they began their journey into music.  Being hardcore sparring buddies is a constant inspiration for Stadium Cult.  Thug French holds the same sentiment of power training that they uphold.  Scouting for new talent is how he found them, then found Blake Rhymes, Division & Chocolate.  A lucrative set of entertainment they would come to be, but a marvelous brotherhood looks better on them.  Over a few years of gaining stardom, a chance encounter with Lumithick was their shoe in; in finally securing female talent for their touring dreams.  
One by one, all of them scouted the next lady to join Stadium Cult.  When they had seven, the girls got along to where they would keep their individual acts on top of making a new girl group.  Lips Alexus was a new feature of Stadium Cult, that 'super beinged' their stardom into triple platinum status.  The relief of hustling was over for this group of thirteen, they finally hit the big leagues in a big enough way to where they can survive on their talent alone.  They had means of creating their own cruise line spaceship; with the hardcore brutes & ladies that were on board, they had it developed into a battleship too.  For insurance purposes of making sure nothing happens to them or the people they are entertaining on board.  At the beginning of this story, Stadium Cult will be in their third year of triple platinum status; high from creating several new music projects amongst all thirteen of them.  Collabing with many music makers around the worlds, makes it so they will continue to make up new music.
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Thug French is a warlock, hailing from Coven: Syél Voye.  He lyricizes as if he's casting a spell; end result, no choice but to enjoy his incubus ways.  Nyne is a licensed super hero, acts when he's not preparing, crafting or creating his talent of rapping like a Lil Nigga.  Division has been helping with the choreographing & show preparation fo all kinds of venues & scenarios.  He has been studying entertainment majority of his life, making it a piece of cake to handle dancers & stage hands from one world to the next.  Blake Rhymes is a songster who manifests Neo Country/Folk music.  Plays the guitar more like an incubus than he could sing; that's his gimmick, can apply a guitar to any sound.  Etoro Vithius is a songster who manifests Neo Bollywood/Pop music.  With his background in opera, it makes his voice more tremendous as he creates.  He always makes the crowds chant with him, no matter how small or big the venue.  Chocolate acts like a narrator, negotiator, veejay, deejay, public relations & hype man for it all.  So charismatic, you'd think he was an incubus at all times.  With the way he jumps in & out of performances; you can tell it's natural for him to keep a show on track.  Lumithick is a songstress & rapper of versatile dreams.  Siren made, bodacious with the vibes & always cool is her gimmick; everybody loves her.  la Angel is a princess of pop that oozes star quality, nonstop.  She is also a star of an actress, being on the magic moving picture square helps keep Stadium Cult in media; constantly looping.  Quenched is a princess of EDM, keeps it hot; even when the cameras aren't rolling.  Being a definite party girl has their pros; she abuses all of them & intensifies Stadium Cult's personal relations with strangers as they travel.  Whipz is known for bringing out the sexiness in females & males.  Even when it comes to lyrics, if it helps; she went to college for bow chica wow wow.   Ezmyrei is a songstress with a savvy sultry voice; mixing several lyrics into her projects has her labeled as a lyrical genius.  With a history of circus performing, she never misses her mark; it's always hot & high whenever she's solo.  Zatielle brings the rhythm & blues into EDM flawlessly.  Can make your soul quiver, ache & hallucinate; all in the same string of vocals.  She is ultimately superb at ad libing to her entire group & the fellas.  Then there's Twilly Via, Foxy Love is her god mother; I kid, I kid...  But am I?  Twilly Via is certifiably crazy, in all of the good ways.  Beneficial to any party, gathering, event, stage, performance & personality situation.  She is the definition of entertaining & knows how to map out a season for a reality show...
Base of Operations: the Spaceship: Stadium Cult / Alliance: the Super Warrior Guild / Occupation: Galactic Class Bards / Their Order: Cruise Line Holders That Tours Five Galaxies
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catra-writes · 1 year
In The Forest
Warning: mentions of death, corpses, decay. If anything like that disturbs, frightens or triggers you in any way, I advise against reading this short.
In the woods, far far deep into the thickest and darkest part of the woods where the threes grew wide, tall and plentiful. In the woods where it was peacefully quiet and void of the noise of pesky chirping and squabbling of critters. 
In the woods, somewhere in there, lay a woman. This woman was waiting. She had just laid there only recently and was waiting for something to happen.
You see, this woman wasn't out there on her own. She was laid there to become part of the earth. This woman was dead. But she wasn't dead by any natural cause it seemed. Her body appeared to bet perfect, untouched and unharmed, but how she died is a complete mystery. No one knows how, when or why she had died, but she was.
The woman's body laid still and unmoving on the Forrest floor, staring up at the canopy of lush green leaves and the light peeking through them. Sometimes she'd be staring at the stars that glimpsed through the leaves. Sometimes the leaves changed colour and sometimes the sky cried. Her dull, lifeless eyes observed all the changes of the world they could view. 
The body of the woman with no name waited for the forest to take her, but her body remained unchanged, much unlike the world around her. The world around her grew, died and grew again as seasons came and went, the forest shifting ever so slightly every time the seasons had made a full rotation.
Ever so slowly, moss and roots began growing over her pale and cold body. The plant life beginning to cover her body as the Forest tried making her apart of the world, but as roots, moss, vines and other things of the like grew and covered her...that corpse just refused to rot and decay. She wouldn't let herself, she didn't want to.
Mother Earth wanted to take her back but she wouldn't let her body become apart of the world that so rudely stripped her of the life it initially granted her. One day, this world would understand. But she'd never give in as long as she still could fight. That corpse just simply refused to decay.
There were rumors of a woman who had made her body immoral. she had gone and moved into a cottage deep in the woods. everyone who knew of the woman called her the witch of the wood. there are many variations to the story of how she got her immortality. some say she angered the fates so they cursed her, some say Athena blessed her.
No one knew for sure but we were sure she was a witch. Her magic had been witnessed many a time. She healed the woods, the animals and the travelers. She fought every threat that had faced the woods, being deemed it's guardian. Where the woman came from was just as much a mystery as her past and everything else about her.
Her mystery was just as enticing as the sweet smell of a baker's fresh pastries. Many wished to steal her magic and immortality for their own greedy selves. Some disliked her entirely and wished her gone, though it may just have been jealousy as not everyone had the gifts she did.
Witch's from many other places saw her as both a sister and a rival. They may have competed for magic, items and whatever else a witch could compete for. They sent each other things whether it be harmful or helpful.
The reason I bring all this up is because any one of these could be reasons for her passing, but none of them were right...because I am the real reason for her passing. I am always visiting the witch of the wood, long after her spirit has passed on but her immortal body remains with the forest, surrounded by her favourite flora and fauna.
I regret it of course. I loved her, but I envied her too. Looking at the witch has no longer been as painful as it first was. Her damned corpse just refuses to decay.
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 years
quiet fury in your head - [i]
Note: I’m wild for this one, gang. I haven’t read the comics, nor have I watched the bonus 11th episode, but I simply couldn’t get this tumblrsexyman out of my head after finishing the series. Just a heads up—I’ve done some research about Celtic Gods, but nothing exorbitant, and I’m playing the timeline fast and loose. Additionally, I know “The Fates” in the show kind of embodied ‘The Morrigan’, but it’s fanfic so I do what I want x)
The term “God” is used in a gender-neutral way.
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General Tags for All Parts: no use of Y/N, mixed POV, slowburn, toxic-ish relationship (they’re both immortal, petty beings what do u expect), possessiveness, canon typical violence, angst, inception-style dream stuff, pining for fucking centuries.
Warnings: 18+/Explicit – contains sexual content in future chapters/Minors DNI.
Pairing: Dream/Morpheus x F!WarGoddessReader 
Terms to Know/Pronunciation Guide: (source)
Badb – “Bive.” (Like five, but with a ‘B’) | Dagda – “Dag-duh” | Lugh – “Loo” | Macha – “Makh-uh/Mock-uh” (a hard ‘c’ instead of soft) | Nemain – “Ney-van”   the Otherworld – the dwelling place of the Celtic Gods, supernatural entities, and spirits.
(Read on Ao3) || (masterpost for other chapters)
As of 9/10: Fic has been edited to reflect present tense, some lines changed, also dream’s POV now says “you” to refer to reader instead of she/her. 
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You step onto the moor, damp grass spongy and pliant beneath your feet, and eye the opposing war camps with keen, narrowed eyes. They are the eyes of a bird. The eyes of a God. Trails of smoke from their cookfires waft into the overcast, blue-gray clouds, that roll across the hills with impending rain. A faint taste of copper thickens on your tongue.
Your sister steps beside you, silent and pensive. The light, smoke-tinged breeze pulls at the fine wisps of her blazing red hair around her temples. Her stomach is rounded with an impending birth. She rests her hands upon it and her gold rings sparkle despite lack of sunlight. A low, cool mist swirls at your feet.
Macha says, “The offerings have started.”
“I know.” You tilt your head to the side, listening on the wind, to their hymns and songs. One army offered you a sheep’s liver (that explained the blood resting on your tongue) and the other had thrown several bronze spears into the bog last night. It was your blessing that determined the fate of these men. You are the Queen of Battle, of Courage, and Fury and Madness. You are their victory and their doom.
A raven swoops overhead and lands on a low hanging branch. You sense, in the way of God’s knowing, that this is your eldest sister – Badb. You were the Battle. She was the Aftermath.
Your skin prickles with goosebumps. It would start soon. You feel the Men’s blood thundering in their hearts. You inhale deeply and smell their sweat—fear and anticipation—and the wet earth they slept upon. The wind stirs, pulling at your black cloak, and nipping at your exposed forearms.
“Nemain.” Macha speaks again, “You know how I hate to see Our People fight amongst themselves. ‘Tis a travesty to see them spill blood over petty squabbles of land that belongs to All.”
You smile to yourself. “I sense you are asking for a favor, dear sister.”
Her copper and golden flecked eyes soften while looking at you. “If the battle be quick, and deaths merciful, I will honor you.”
The Men move through the hills and the air charges with newfound electricity. You unclasp the silver-raven’s head that fastens your cloak to your shoulders. It vanishes and reveals the swirling, blue-black tattoos along your arms. You love your siblings. You spent eons with them. You are three-parts of an equal whole. Macha is protection, life, and light. Badb is death, transformation, and foresight. You are the hot-blooded nature of passion, the fierce power of courage, and headrush of victory. This was your nature. You are not an oak tree with its leaves changing with every season.
This is the reason why you regard your sister coolly and smile without humor. “I can make no such promises.”
In a shroud of mist, you disappear from your hillside to stand within the middle of the battlefield. The thunderous footsteps and roars of Men fill your eardrums. They cannot see you. But they feel you. You open your arms and expand your influence across the fresh battlefield.
You scream as the first peal of thunder echoes through the bulbous, dark-gray clouds. An omen. A blessing.
The rain sluices down your skin in droves of cold water, though you cannot feel its temperature amidst the hot blood that splatters in silent, secret offering to you. You are Fury. You are Rage. You are Terrible and Terrifying.
And perhaps, most of all, you are Alive. The thrill and pulsing intensity of battle embolden your powers. You focus on their fear, stoking the flames of terror, and spurn a few warriors to run only to have their bodies run through with spears.
In the distance, your sisters hear your crazed, delighted laughter.    
Interlopers of false faith land on your shores and brandish heavy armor and steel swords. They bully and threaten and execute in the middle of village squares. You tease the edges of paranoia with a gentle, clawed hand and it inspires many of your followers to hide their effigies or abandon their homes.
Yet, it is not enough. You feel your powers waning.
Macha and Dagda concern themselves with trying to protect the land from these invaders. And you will not stoop so low to ask them for help. Though she is your sister, you still have your pride. You will uncover another way to replenish your strength. You will not let these heretics burn your people—especially if they are offering these deaths to another God.
It is uncouth of them to sacrifice to False Gods while on your land.
Like your sisters, you are the Queen of Ravens. You walk between realms with ease. It is not difficult, of course, because the Realms are layered and folded atop one another like a tempered sword.
Dagda, your Chief of Gods, warns against entering realms without permission. Personally, you feel Dagda and Macha worry too much. Your footsteps are light, your presence as unassuming as a spider on its web, and the Lord of the Dreaming will be none the wiser to your visit.
In your raven form, you perch along a windowsill and peer at the sleeping form of The Invader. He is asleep and vulnerable like a babe in the cradle. You stretch your wings and fly to the thatched rooftop, circling it once, before landing.
No sooner had your claws touched the long reeds do you feel the vertigo sensation of dropping into another’s dream.
You find yourself within a stone building illuminated by flickering, shifting candlelight. Good. Shadows are helpful. You stretch the shadows and drape them across the rafters like seaweed.
The Invader is crouched before a weeping statue and muttering to himself. The fragrant, perfumed air singes your nostrils. You roll your neck to prepare yourself. A motion you have seen The Humans do prior to sparring or lovemaking.
You lightly press against the membrane of Dreaming Essence. It gives beneath your touch like soft, spongy sand. Show me. You intone, Give unto me your Fear.
Your physical form takes shape like clay. Your bones crack and shift beneath your skin; your teeth elongate within your mouth. The transformation completes at the same moment The Invader stops his incessant, foolish muttering.
He turns slowly and his eyes widen. The taste of his fear is the sweetest, most intoxicating wine on your tongue. Your eyes momentarily roll back into your head, and he gasps, and resumes his panicked and sudden prayers. You will manipulate these Interlopers from the Dreaming. You will scare them away from your lands.
You bring yourself to an impossible, towering height. Your flickering shadow looms over him. He grabs something—a necklace--from within his shirt and holds it aloft. It does not dissuade you. Trinkets and baubles are no more than playthings to you. You are a God. You are impervious to his idiocy.
“S-stay back! Devil!”
“Trespasser!” You hiss, before wrapping your fingers around his throat, and squeezing. Your long, sharp fingernails dig into the throbbing artery below his jaw. His fear morphs into full-blown panic, and he thrashes against your supernatural grip.
You smile, fang-toothed, at the waves of dread radiating from him. They are—you admit—less exciting and less potent than those you’d taste in the Waking Realm. You feel his desire to wake himself from this nightmare. It is too soon. Your message is not complete. You exert your will against the Dreaming    and stop him from waking. You will not release him until you accomplish your goal and send all these rotten Men back to their homelands.
You snarl into his face, “Leave.”
His watering eyes bulge from their sockets. His mouth froths with saliva like a frightened mare. You exhale roughly through your nostrils and candlelight snuffs out and douses the room to darkness.
“Leave this place.” You demand, your voice growing stronger, “or I will drive you to madness.” It is spoken like a promise. One that you fully intend to keep.
Dream feels the disturbance – as the Dreaming is a much as him as he is of it – and at first it had been so subtle that he thought it was one of his creations returning. Then, something ripples outward, dark as oil and black as night.
He dons his helm. It is normal to experience influxes of panic and terror when his Nightmares reveal humanity’s flaws. However, this fear is foreign.
He knows the energy and vibration of his Nightmares. He knows, at any given moment, where they are within the Dreaming. Whatever this is—it’s an invasion of some kind.
He finds himself in a place of worship. It is hazy with fragrant incense and its stained-glass windows depict a woman weeping blood.
The multi-colored light fractures behind the stranger. It is the source of this disturbance. Your dreadful and nightmarish shape is lit in an iridescent display of crimson, emerald, and sapphire. It is beautiful and terrifying. Your forehead curls with horns, your lush mouth full of fangs, your naked body glistening with sweat as two black, sleek feathered wings protrude from your shoulder blades. A demon? A succubus? How does a demon enter the Dreaming without his knowledge? He seethes with cold, protective rage.
His jaw clenches. He lifts his palm, pulling the Dreamer out of your grasp, and returns him to the Waking World.
You whirl upon him, blinking at him with two eyes that are pure starlight, before your form reverts to something of normalcy. He thinks you must do this to try and relate to him. If he appeared to you a monster, then he expects you would have remained in your macabre image. The horns and fangs vanish, nakedness covering itself with a dress of black feathers, though your neck and shoulders remain bare in swirling, knotted tattoos.
You tilt your head to the side and regard him without malice or aggression. “Ah, I was too loud it seems.” You slowly blink those galaxy-wrought eyes, “My apologizes, Dream Lord.”
“Name yourself.” He demands callously. He is Lord here, ruler incarnate, and you are a stranger. A criminal.
“My sisters and I are known as The Morrigan.” You explain without expression. “Although I am called Nemain among other things.”
His back stiffens, “You are not a Dream.” He knows of the Morrigan. It is one person, one entity, but you speak as if you are independent from your sisters. Still, you should not—could not—be here. How did you enter the Dreaming? It is impossible and infuriating.
“Yes, I am.”
“I did not create you.”
You reply, “No. Humanity did.” You run your hand across the wooden pew, fingers long and elegant, a silver ring set with a single, jet-black stone rests on your middle finger.
“What are Gods but the dreams of Men? They dream of victory, of glory, of courage and hope again and again and eventually that dream needs a face. It needs a name and a ritual to call upon Her. And thus, we are born, in the minds of Men and brought to life.”
Dream narrows his eyes. He considers your words. You hold power. He feels it rippling from you. Yet, this is the Dreaming. This is his place. He holds all the power here. He should punish you. He will. It will not do to have Gods walking in and out of the Dreaming as they please. They have rules and rules are meant to be obeyed. The cosmic axis will knock out of alignment, sending everyone and everything into oblivion, if rules are not followed.
He is Dream of the Endless. He came at the beginning of all things. He is an ancient and older than this young God before him. You are only a few hundred years old. He feels it through the pulse of your magic intertwining within the Dreaming’s fabric. You are a mere speck of cosmic dust, a morning glory doomed to die at dawn. You do not – and cannot - hold the same power as he.
“You are not a true Dream. You do not live here, you were not born here, and therefore should not enter my realm uninvited. You do not belong.” He says this without infliction, or cruelty, stating them for what they are: facts.
Your composed expression morphs in quick succession like fire catching on dry wood.
Rage flares within your eyes, “It is so simple for you to say when you are not the one dying and watching your siblings grow weak and your followers be slaughtered like beasts of burden with a lame leg!”
Your wrath burns, alighting your features, and he feels it simmering off the Dreaming in waves of heat. The empty candle wicks snap to life, erupting the small chapel in glowing light, and Dream clutches for his ruby necklace at his throat.
He cannot destroy you like an ordinary dream—like one of his creations. But he can trap you, imprison you, to teach you a lesson about entering realms uninvited.
You scoff, expression contemptuous, before vanishing from the Dreaming in a burst of screeching ravens. Dream lifts his arms to block their wings and talons as they fly up into the wooden rafters. It is time for a visit the library. He will read all he can about this ‘Morrigan’ before facing you again.
After being chastised and threatened by the Dream Lord, you return to the Otherworld to find your sister, Badb. You plan to implore her to teach shapeshifting beyond a simple raven. If you cannot invoke madness within dreaming, then you will invoke it in the waking world.
You find her near a cliffside with the dark wine ocean churning and crashing against slick, black rocks. A few of the dark feathers of your dress are swept by the wind and drift off to the foamy sea. Despite her young face, Badb’s inky-black hair is flecked with gray, and her hands are knotted and weathered with black cuticles smudging her long, pointed nails.
“He will be your undoing, sister.” Badb says the moment you sit beside her on a large, damp rock. Something inside your chest flutters like wings before flight.
“I know not of whom you speak.”
Badb’s mouth flattens into a thin line. “Lying to a Seer is impossible.”
“Yet I try.”
You conjure a bowl of animal innards into your lap and pluck the red, bloody pieces with your fingertips before tossing them at the murder of crows by your feet. They squabble and caw, wings flapping, and dark beaks snapping at the meat as it flies through the air. They are pesky, dramatic little beasties.
You say, “My undoing will come before the rest. These Trespassers smash our idols and murder our People.”
In the back of your skull, you feel the call to battle. They will call upon you in their wars against the Invaders. And as their God, you will answer. It is your duty and your fate. It is your singular purpose that blots out all other desires like an eclipse.
“Everything ends.” Badb utters cryptically and unhelpfully. “Even Gods.”
You clench your fists.
“No. It will not. I will not accept this Fate, sister, and I am heartbroken to see that you are resigned to it. I will drive out these Trespassers. I will burn their stone temples. I will imprison their False God. I will see them killed.”
You place a hand over your heart, in the way you’ve seen Humans do before pledging themselves to their King. “I vow this.”
Badb’s listless gaze slithers to you. Her irises are gray, her pupils’ narrowed slits. “Speak to Lugh. He has asked for you. You will find him feasting the warrior’s hall.”
“Before I speak to Lugh, I ask that you teach me something—the manner of which you transform into a beast.”
Her lips quirk into a semblance of a smile. A sense of trepidation and excitement illuminate inside your stomach. As sisters three, you ought to have the same powers, but Badb excels at shapeshifting just as Macha excels at urging the plants to grow.
“As you wish it, Queen of Demons.” Badb reaches toward your face and touches her forefinger and middle finger against your temple. The knowledge is passed to you, and you bow your head in silent thanks.
“She called herself Nemain.” Dream states to Lucienne while browsing the impressive stacks. “And The Morrigan.” He could not shake the sight of your face. Serene, then wrathful, teeming with unknown power and regal arrogance. If you had not been an intruder to the Dreaming, then he may have warranted himself to be in awe of you.
Lucienne offers him an impressive volume, “She’s a Goddess of war.”
Dream flips through the yellowed pages with a furrowed brow. He mutters to himself, “Why was she here?”
Lucienne clasps her hands behind her back, “If I may, Lord?”
Dream nods for her to continue.
“Perhaps her motivation was to try and save her family? The accounts within that book thus far describe an awful massacre of their culture and way of life.”
Humanity. For eons, they look to the stars and create stories, many of those stories living inside the Dreaming. And in their desperation to understand, to cope with the impossibility of the universe, and the life it grants—there are those who will not accept other’s beliefs and will commit their lives to the destruction of it. The book shows an illustration of three women. Your image is on the left, holding a spear, your face contorted in a scream – whether it was of anguish or triumph he cannot say.
“By whom?” He runs his fingertips across the text. His thumb unintentionally grazes along your jaw.
“It’s two-fold, I’m afraid.” Lucienne frowns. “An outside influence and a betrayal.”
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tanjamikaelson · 3 years
CHAPTER 2: | LE JOUR OÙ VOUS DEVENIEZ MON AMANT (The day you became my lover) |
It was a full house in a theatre and Klaus was sitting in a private box, looking bored and impatient while he read through the program of the night. When Lorena arrived he immediately looked up.
“Rebekah just went to find Marcel. Their first big date after I gave them a blessing and he’s nowhere to be found.” Klaus informed her as Lorena sat next to him.
“Well, I came to keep you company.” Lorena informed him with a smile, “If you don’t have anything against it.”
Klaus raised his eyebrows with a smirk forming on his lips, “I wouldn't dream of having something against it.”
As Lorena was about to speak the two of them heard a voice coming from behind, “There you are, boy.”
When Klaus realized that it was Mikael he forgot about everything he was talking about with Lorena.
Mikael sat down behind him and poked his white oak stake against Klaus’ back. “I would advise against trying to flee, boy.” Mikael warned, “I can drive this into your heart before you can even think of getting to your feet, and I don't want you to die.. yet.”
“Father..” Klaus whispered in shock and fright. That was the first time that Lorena saw him being afraid of someone.
Mikael chukled, “"Father? Still clinging to that word after all these years, a bastard desperate for a daddy? I wonder if your real father would be as embarrassed as I was of you before I discovered you were not mine. Most likely.” Angry, Klaus was about to turn around but Mikael stopped him, “Oh, oh. Uh-uh. Easy now, boy.” Mikael gripped Klaus by his shoulder to tug him back into his seat, “Don't worry. Death will come, but we need to have a little chat before you shuffle off your immortal coil.”
“Any words we have for each other have been spoken long ago. But, know this - I am no longer the animal begging for scraps of your affection. I will die knowing my hatred for you was just. I will feel proud of all I have achieved here. So, Mikael, if you're going to kill me, then get on with it.” Klaus told him and Lorena felt him grip her hand.
“Au contraire, Niklaus. Some things remain unsaid. For instance, you were right to be proud of your achievement here. As I walked the streets, your name was spoken of in reverent tones by the city's finest. So, after I kill you and of course your lovely lady.” Klaus stiffened at the mention of her death, “I will remain here in New Orleans until every last person who remembers you is dead. The deeds of the mighty Klaus will be remembered by no one and you, boy, will simply never have existed.” The orchestra began to warm up in front of the stage, “Ah. The grand show.” Mikael’s interest was taken to the orchestra, he relaxed, pulling the stake away from Klaus as the lights went down. He leaned forward and tapped Klaus' shoulder, “Oh, I made some alterations in your honor. You'll love it.”
The curtain went up to reveal Marcel staked through his hands to a wooden cross. He was barely conscious. And Rebekah was laying down on the floor with a wooden stake impaled through her chest. The audience laughed and applauded.
“Rebekah..” Lorena said worriedly and she lifted herself out of her seat but Klaus caught her, slamming her back down for her own safety. But she couldn’t bear the sight of Rebekah dead on the floor, even though she wasn’t staked with the white oak stake. Lorena vamp-speed to the stage, ignoring the laughter and applause as she pulled out a stake from Rebekah’s chest.
Suddenly Lorena felt a grip on the back of her throat causing her to gasp. Mikael looked down towards her before he twisted his hand with ease and snapped her neck, letting her body fall limp beside Rebekah’s.
・ • ・ • ・
“The three of you must flee the city. I'll hold him off, Niklaus.” Elijah said to Klaus and Rebekah.
“No.” Klaus said and looked at Lorena who was still unconscious, lying on the ground, “She can’t go with us. She will never be safe.”
“And if she stays here Mikael will kill her and you know that.” Elijah told him.
“He’s right Nik, there’s no way that we’re leaving her here.” Rebekah argued.
“I-we almost lost her.” Lorena heard Klaus say as she began to wake up.
“Bekah?” Lorena said as she opened her eyes and began to lift herself up. Klaus was right next to her so he was quick to give her a hand.
“Niklaus, please. Sister, come.” Elijah said, then hugged Rebekah and kissed her cheek softly, “You must leave. Go.” Klaus stared at him as a single tear fell from his face, “Leave!”
Klaus reluctantly obeyed Elijah's orders and disappeared with Lorena and Rebekah into the night.
[CHICAGO 1920]
Lorena was on a dance floor, dancing with some guy. Her hand was on his shoulder and his was on her waist as they started moving slowly from side to side. Her gaze went over to Klaus who was sitting in a booth and feeding on some girl, but as soon as he felt Lorena looking he stopped feeding and looked at her.
"Lorena, you are beautiful." A guy she was dancing with said as he leaned closer to her ear so that she could hear him over the music.
"Thanks." Lorena replied, and in the next moment, all she could hear was blood pumping through a vein on his neck that was close to her. Lorena slowly tilted his head to one side but tried to fight to urge to feed on him right where everyone could see.
Suddenly she felt the other pair of hands on her waist and Klaus whispered into her ear, "Don't fight it, love, do like I taught you."
Immediately Lorena relaxed, taking a step back to lean into Klaus. "Compel him." Klaus whispered again.
Then Lorena looked deep into the guy's eyes and said, "Be quiet, don't move." After she compelled him she tilted his head again and buried her head into his neck, sinking her fangs into his flesh and enjoying the feeling of fresh blood filling her mouth.
“Listen to his heartbeat, he's almost gone." Lorena heard Klaus say, his breath felt hot on her skin.
Then she pulled back and withdrew her fangs, she decided not to kill the guy and she let him go.
"Why did you stop, love?" Klaus asked as he turned Lorena around to face him. "Gloria probably wouldn't like it if I killed him here." Lorena told him.
"Well, I don't have a problem with her." Klaus told her.
"That's because you always get away with everything." Lorena replied, placing her hand over his shoulder and around his neck.
Klaus smiled, "Exactly, so no one can do anything to you either. I wouldn't let them."
"Thank you, Nik." Lorena said with a smile.
"No need to thank me, love." Klaus told her and with one of his hands he moved the strand of her hair from her face and behind her ear, keeping his hand on her cheek afterward and she leaned into it giving him a smile.
Then he leaned closer and kissed her, she didn't think twice about kissing him back. Lorena wanted to kiss him for a few months now, but everything between them was moving slowly. Especially now at this moment, everything seemed to stop, Lorena didn't hear the music anymore, she just felt his lips against hers. The kiss was not rushed, it's passionate and slow, just like Lorena imagined it. All too soon she felt Klaus pulling back from the kiss, but Lorena moved forward keeping her lips connected and she felt him smile against her lips. The two kissed for a few more minutes but knowing they both had to breathe, their lips disconnected.
Lorena immediately misses the feeling of his lips against hers, her eyes flutter open just as Klaus' do and the two of them stand there, her eyes locked relishing the moment that they just shared their first kiss.
"I wanted to do that for quite some time now." Klaus whispered, his eyes darting around her face. His eyes locked with hers and he smiled again.
"Me too." Lorena said softly, and leaned forward again, kissing him gently, but all too soon the kiss was over.
"So you think my sister approves of us?" Klaus asked.
"Like you care about that." Lorena told him, "But I think she does."
Klaus gave Lorena a smile and kissed her again, it was a simple yet passionate and emotion-filled kiss.
"You're right, I don't care." Klaus said through the kiss.
Lorena smiled against his lips and he grabbed her waist more tightly pulling her body closer to his, and deepening the kiss. She felt his tongue touch her lips and she parted them, allowing him to dance with hers. She threaded her fingers in his hair, tugging gently at the locks.
Slowly he kissed down her jaw, to her neck. He sucked and bit at her neck, causing a low groan to escape her throat. He groaned too as her blood filled his mouth.
When he stopped he looked at her saying, "You taste as good as I imagined." Lorena smiled at him and he added, "Feed on me."
Klaus’ hand slipped behind her neck gently pulling her head towards his throat. Lorena couldn't help it, her fangs broke through and she greedily stared at his pulse point. Klaus tilted his head to the side to give her better access.
Lorena kissed the spot on his neck before she sank her fangs into the soft skin. His blood was delicious, better than any she ever tasted, even human. Klaus was sighing with pleasure now, his hands running over her hair, her back, her hips, and she didn’t even care that everyone could see what they were doing. “It’s getting a little too hot in here.” The two of them hear Rebekah’s voice. Lorena reluctantly pulled away from Klaus and he didn't like that. Her eyes saw Rebekah who was grinning at both of them.
"Don't listen to her, love." Klaus said into her ear and before she said anything back Lorena found herself in the alley behind Gloria's bar. She was standing against the wall, Klaus' arms placed on the wall on each side of her head.
"Klaus, why did you.." Lorena spoke.
"I want some alone time with you, without Rebekah around." Klaus said, she could feel his breath against her lips.
Her lips were on his after that, pouring their passion into each other and tugging at his curls with her fingers. Her mouth hung open as he started grinding his erection into her tight.
"Klaus." Lorena muttered.
"Yes, love?" Klaus asked and started kissing down her neck.
"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom." Lorena suggested, a raspy moan erupted from her mouth as Klaus started sucking on her neck.
"That's not a problem." Klaus said and used his vamp-speed to quickly take Lorena back home.
As soon as they entered the apartment both of them started to strip each other's clothes leaving them on the floor until they were both in underwear. The next thing Lorena knew she hit the bed with a sharp gasp and Klaus pulled her panties down her legs, before hovering over her.
Closing her eyes Lorena moaned when his fingertips teased her entrance. Then his hand moved to her chest, ripping her bra off. He trailed his mouth to her nipple, swirling his tongue around it and sucking. Her head fell back and another moan sounded throughout the room.
"But.. Klaus.." Lorena breathed out and he came back to her face.
"But what?" Klaus asked, looking into her eyes.
"I've never done this before." Lorena muttered.
"I figured." Klaus smiled, "I promise I'll be gentle." He assured her and cupped her cheek before he returned to kissing down her chest and lower. He parted her legs and sucked at her inner thighs, humming as he trailed closer and closer to where she wanted him the most. She sucked in a deep breath as Klaus placed his tongue over her clit. Lorena dug her fingers in his hair and moaned, tilting her head back onto the pillow. Klaus looked up at her and the eye contact caused more heat to spread in her core. He closed his eyes and gave a little suck. “Oh my god.” Lorena tried to cover her mouth but Klaus tugged her hand away from her face. He wanted to hear her, he wanted to know how good he was making her feel. The more noises she made, the more pleased he got, intensifying his moves. He sucked again and her lower abdomen built up with unfamiliar tension and she held onto the back of his head tighter. Then she felt how her first orgasm ran through her body. Lorena didn't know this feeling, but it felt divine.
All contact made with Klaus was lost when he pulled away from her body briefly. Lorena propped herself on her elbows, letting her eyes wander over his body as he quickly discarded his boxers. She bit her lower lip as she watched him crawling back to bed to hover over her. He lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Klaus asked sweetly as he held her hand above her head on the pillow. He gazed into her eyes, waiting for her answer. Lorena nodded, "I wanted to do this with you." she assured him. She could feel the tip of his length pressing into her folds. She squeezed his hand next to her head and gasped as he pushed inside, slowly sinking into her. It was uncomfortable at first, the foreign feeling of being so full, his cock stretching her with some difficulty. She dug her nails into his back and Klaus tried not to lose all his self-control. Lorena felt him stop when he was half-buried inside of her.
"You can move, I'm okay." Lorena whispered and held onto the back of his neck. She pulled him into a kiss. He kissed her back, but quickly ended the kiss, as she clenched her muscles around him to reassure him. Klaus breathed in sharply before he continued his moves, which were a little more delicate now. He was slow and steady, gentle with her, and Lorena soon began to move with him, pulling him closer, raising her hips, kissing his neck and face.
He began to move faster, as her legs moved higher, wrapping around his hips instinctively. The rhythm sent waves of pleasure through her, her voice was low and throaty as she urged him on, saying his name. She pulled him down for another kiss and hummed into his mouth. Klaus groaned into her mouth with each thrust and the room was filled with your muffled cries and grunts. "Oh god.” Lorena whispered against his lips.
He pressed his lips to her neck. “Klaus.” She whispered before the built-up tension took over her body and she scratched down his back. Klaus growled, his intensity building to a punishing pace. He was moving faster than Lorena had thought possible now. Her gasps and moans send him to the edge. And she let out a loud moan when a wave of numbness and warmth swept her away. Klaus' body collapsed onto hers and she welcomed him in an embrace, stroking his hair. The two of them laid tangled in sheets, covered with sweat, still panting.
When Lorena woke up she noticed that Rebekah didn’t even come home last night. Then she left Rebekah’s room and went to her guest room. She saw that her suitcases were brought to the room and he put new clothes on and walked downstairs. When she entered the living room she saw Klaus holding a sketchbook in his hands and drawing. Quickly before he noticed her, she turned away, but it was too late.
“Are you avoiding us, darling?” Lorena heard Kol ask.
And now she couldn’t do anything but turn towards them, Kol was looking at her but Klaus didn’t even move, he was still looking down at his sketchbook. “I’m not avoiding you, Kol.” Lorena told him.
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Kol smiled at her, “Fancy a drink?” he said and poured her a glass of whiskey and Lorena took it, swallowing everything in one gulp, “Didn’t drink enough last night?” he asked.
“Not nearly enough.” Lorena replied.
“So I wanted to ask you how you know Bekah?” Kol asked.
“I lived in New Orleans, and met her at one of the Mikaelson parties.” Lorena replied while she filled one more glass with whiskey and drank it in one gulp again.
“Easy on that, you don’t want to get drunk.” Kol remarked.
“Maybe I do.” Lorena told him.
“Why didn’t you bring a date last night? A boyfriend?” Kol asked.
“I would if I had one.” Lorena shortly replied.
Kol smirked at her, liking the sound of that, “I’m surprised that you don’t.”
“I’m not really interested in dating..” Lorena told him, a moment later adding, “And getting my heartbroken, again.”
“Well, whoever broke your heart doesn’t deserve you.” Kol stated, not knowing that it was his brother.
Lorena looked down to the floor, “I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly Rebekah walked into a room, still wearing the green dress from the day before. Kol immediately jumped up to his feet making his way towards his sister and blocking her way.
“Well, well, well, there’s our girl.” Kol greeted his sister.
“Get out of my way, Kol.” Rebekah hissed and Klaus finally looked up from his sketchbook at them.
“Out all night. What a scandal!” Kol said as Rebekah tried to walk past him, but he blocked her way again, “I trust you did better than that commoner?” he cocked his head to one side to increase the effect, “Matt, was it?”
“If you don’t shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be her teeth.” Rebekah warned him, glaring down at him and Klaus couldn’t help but grin at their conversation. Rebekah turned her glare on him, “Don’t start, Nik.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Klaus said, raising his pencil indignantly.
Kol sat back down on the armchair and looked at Klaus, “I’m bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment.” he told him.
“What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it.” Klaus said, waving his arm to make his point.
“It's not fun to go alone, join me Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger into my heart.” Kol whined while Klaus just scoffed.
Klaus was silent for a moment before he closed his sketchbook and stood up, “Okay, why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, with you trying to murder Rebekah's date.”
Klaus quickly exited the room and Kol was at the door when he turned towards Lorena and said, “And if you want to get drunk, you can join us.”
“Please go. This house has enough men rolling around in it.” Rebekah shouted at him.
Kol smirked and pointed at her, “Just like you, Bekah.”
“Good riddance, both of you.” Rebekah told him, throwing a shoe at Kol, who avoided it with a laugh.
“You wouldn’t mind if I go with them?” Lorena asked her.
“You can go if you want to, I need to take a shower and cleanse myself from..” Rebekah spoke and stopped.
Lorena raised her eyebrow, “From who, Matt?”
“No. From Damon Salvatore.” Rebekah muttered.
Lorena's eyes widened at the realization, “Wait. Damon Salvatore as the brother of a ripper Stefan Salvatore?” Rebekah only nodded, “And I thought I saw him last night.” Lorena added.
“Yeah, well they live here and Klaus and Stefan are not on good terms anymore.” Rebekah informed her.
“Well name one person who’s on good terms with your brother.” Lorena remarked.
・ • ・ • ・
Lorena went to the Mystic grill and found Kol and Klaus sitting at the bar. She sat next to Kol and ordered a drink.
“I’m glad you decided to join.” Kol spoke when he saw her.
“Well Bekah is taking a shower and I didn’t want to be alone.” Lorena explained.
“I agree, it’s no fun drinking alone.” Kol said as he clicked his glass with hers.
Half an hour later Kol and Lorena were quite drunk, Lorena ignored Klaus as long as they were there and he did the same.
Then Kol pointed at the blonde girl from last night, “I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing.”
“If you say another word I'll tear out your liver.” Klaus told him through gritted teeth, then he greeted her with a smile, “Caroline!”
But she didn’t look happy to see him, “Oh, it's you.”
“Join us for a drink?” Klaus suggested, holding his glass to her and so did Kol. “Mmm, I'd rather die of thirst. But thanks.” Caroline smirked, before oddly heading back out of the bar.
Lorena almost spits out her drink at the rejection that Klaus just got.
“Isn't she stunning?” Klaus asked his brother before he drank his drink in one gulp.
“She certainly looks good walking away from you.” Kol taunted, a grin on his face.
“I'll take that as a challenge.” Klaus stated before he quickly stood up and made his way after her.
As soon as he left Kol turned towards Lorena, “So what’s the deal with the two of you?”
“Between me and you brother?” Lorena asked.
Kol nodded, “Yes, the tension between the two of you in the room is unbearable.”
Lorena finished her drink before saying, “We used to have dated.”
“That’s what I thought.” Kol stated, “How long ago?”
“Almost a century ago, it ended when he daggered Rebekah and left me in Chicago with a fucking goodbye letter.” Lorena told him bitterly. She didn’t like to think about it.
“Well, I’m not surprised, that’s what he does.” Kol shrugged as he told her, “But I can help you get your mind off of him or make him jealous.”
Lorena raised her eyebrow at him, “Oh, really, how?” she asked.
Kol smirked, “All in due time, but for now, let’s play billiard.” he suggested. The two of them went over to an empty billiard table and he handed her a cue stick.
“I take it, you know how to play?” Kol questioned.
“I'm good at a lot of things.” Lorena smirked at him.
"Looking forward to discovering more of them." Kol winked.
Kol set things in place and Lorena took the first shot, balls stretched across the table. She poked one purple striped ball with the first shot and then took the next shot, but she didn’t have luck this time.
“You hit them too hard.” Kol said standing behind her, “Here let me show you.” then she felt his body touching hers.
He placed his hands over hers on the cue stick and connected the stick with the white ball, before hitting it with just the right amount of force and Lorena watched how the ball slid across the table and hit a yellow solid ball, dropping it into a pocket.
“That’s how you do it.” Kol whispered into her ear and gripped her waist with another hand pulling her closer to him.
“You didn’t have to do this..” Lorena muttered, turning her head towards his.
“Maybe I wanted to..” Kol whispered his lips were so close to hers that Lorena could almost feel them. And a moment after that he captured her lips with his, she was surprised at first but she kissed him back. In the heat of the moment, her fangs came out and she bit his lower lip, then she pulled away.
“I’m so sorry.” Lorena apologized.
“I don’t mind, darling.” Kol smiled, still holding her against him
“I haven't fed for almost a day.” Lorena told him.
“Are you serious?” Kol’s eyes widened, “That's not good, let’s find a snack for both of us.” he suggested and scanned the room, "That one." he pointed with his head.
Lorena turned around and saw a girl who was currently alone at the other pool table.
Kol walked up to her, saying, "A woman of your caliber ought to choose a more suitable company. What's your name, love?"
"None of your business." She replied.
"Let's try that again. I'll start. I'm Kol." Kol told her.
"Why don't you get lost, Kol?" She suggested.
"And why would I do that? I like pretty little things with sharp tongues." Kol said in an amused voice and walked towards her.
He easily cornered her, running his hand over her cheek. He looked into her eyes, compelling her, "Come with me."
She slapped his hand away, "That's not gonna work, jerk."
Lorena laughed as she watched him fail and felt someone's presence behind her. She turned around just in time to see a tall guy with dark hair and blue eyes, but quickly after that, he snapped her neck.
When Damon snapped her neck, Alaric was the one to dagger Kol and they pulled them outside at the back of the grill.
It took Lorena a few minutes longer to heal because she hasn't fed for almost a day, but when she did she heard voices of Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Damon close to her.
She heard Elijah saying, "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now."
Damon looked up at the clock tower and sees that it's 8:30, "You told me we had until after nine."
"I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early." Elijah replied.
Kol noticed that Lorena was awake and he helped her to get on her feet, while Damon told Klaus and Elijah where their mother was.
"What's happening?" Lorena asked Kol.
"Nothing you should worry about, we'll handle it." Kol told her, "Go back to the mansion and feed, please."
Then he gave her a quick kiss on purpose right in front of Klaus.
・ • ・ • ・
After that Lorena went back to the mansion and fed on the first servant girl that she came across there. She was so hungry that it didn't take long for her to drain her dry.
She waited for the Mikaelson's to come back and they all came back together, except Rebekah.
"What happened?" Lorena asked them.
"Our mother lost, she and Finn are gone." Elijah informed her.
"That's great." Lorena replied.
"Yes it is, we can continue where we left off." Kol said and cupped her face in his hands before kissing her.
When Lorena pulled away he looked over at Klaus who just turned his head away.
Kol smirked and leaned closer to her ear, "It's working." Then he grabbed her hand, "Come with me?" He didn't give her a chance to answer, he just vamp-speeded her to the hallway and slammed her against the wall. His palms slammed against the wall on either side of her. Kol's eyes trailed down her body, and she was filled with excitement.
He trailed the index finger down her throat, "Do you want this, darling?" his eyes flick away from her neck to her face and Lorena meets his steady gaze. "Yes." Lorena breathed out.
"You're gonna have to be louder than that." Kol told her and leaned forward, placing his nose along the column of her neck, inhaling. He's hardly ever touching her, but the moment his skin brushes her, she felt her knees go weak. "Kol.." Lorena opened her mouth to speak but found that the only thing she could say was his name. She said it softly, voice scarcely above the whisper.
Kol looked at her, his eyes lit up, "Say it again, but louder." he whispered, his lips almost touching hers. He pulled back and returned to her neck again, this time Lorena felt his fangs scrape her skin. She inhaled deeply before she felt his fangs piercing her skin. Lorena moaned out his name louder than before when he bit her and she tangled her hands in his hair.
He was sucking her blood for a few moments, before he pulled away and crashed his mouth against hers, slamming her further against the wall. Lorena clawed at his neck, trying desperately to get a little closer to him if that was even possible. He reached down, hitching her leg over his hip, his hand hovering dangerously high underneath her skirt. His fingers brush the edge of her panties and Lorena hissed against his mouth.
He answered with a deep laugh and she could see that he was clearly enjoying this, not even sure anymore if he wanted to help her make Klaus jealous or he was doing this because he wanted her, or both.
Then he grasped her other leg, lifting her up. Lorena locked her legs around his waist, then cupped his face, kissing him harder. Kol knew that it was time to move to the bedroom so he flashed them to the nearest one. He dropped her down to the bed, then nudged her legs apart with his knees and crawled between them, kissing her inner thighs. She raised her hips and he pulled down her skirt along with her panties and tossed them down on the floor. His fingers moved slowly over her throbbing clit, circling it. Then his fingers finally entered her, making Lorena clutch the sheets on the bed. His fingers were moving frantically in and out of her, curling inside of her and driving her insane with pleasure. Lorena kept trying to be quiet, but it all felt too good, Kol was making her writhe and she couldn't stifle the loud moans. Kol felt the spasms of her inner muscles around his fingers and he knew that Lorena was close to the edge. Lorena felt like her body was on fire, every nerve ending being connected to her core, screaming for release as Kol used all of his skills to make her come undone in front of him. He started kissing her inner thighs again, moving closer to her clit and she curled her fingers into his hair. His lips brushed over the heated skin of her core and Lorena pushed her hips into him, urging him on. His tongue flicked her clit, working three of his fingers into her at this point. The immense pleasure was radiating through her entire body feeling his lips sucking her hard. "Kol.." Lorena cried out in pleasure, as he pushed his fingers harder into her, feeling her whole body tremble under his touch when waves of pure ecstasy washed over her. Then he stood up and grabbed her legs before he flipped her over so she was laying on her belly. He ran a hand down her back and over the curve of her butt, humming in pleasure. He spanked her ass, "Stay still." he ordered and she felt that he moved away. Lorena heard the sound of the zipper and jeans piling down onto the floor and then felt his warm body hover over hers again. He brushed her hair over her shoulder and nipped lightly on her neck, before roughly thrusting himself into her. Lorena felt her breath being physically shoved out of her as he pushed into her with such force without warning. He held her in place firmly as he drove himself into her repeatedly, setting her nerves on fire once again. "Oh..my..god.." Lorena screamed as he angled himself slightly differently to hit her deepest wall. "Scream my name, darling." Kol rasped out, feeling himself nearing the edge as her already swollen heat began to grip him tighter with every dive he took into her. "Ko..Kol." Lorena cried out, digging her nails into the pillow beside her head. "Uh, you feel so damn wonderful." Kol stopped pulling out and instead kept pressing himself as deep as he could go. He sat back on his legs and pulled Lorena against him so that her back was against his chest and he could grind deeply into her. Lorena lopped an arm around the back of his head and pulled at the hair on the nape of his neck as one of his hands reached down to play with her sensitive clit. She ground on him harder, feeling herself near the edge as he picked the pace with his fingers. He kissed her neck as he felt himself come into her. When Lorena felt the heat of him fill her, she reached her climax, arching her back and crying out his name as she trembled against him. He slowly eased her forward until she was once again lying on her belly before pulling out and lying beside her, both of them trying to catch their breath.
・ • ・ • ・
I know, this chapter is basically smut, but a few next ones are not going to be. I'm probably going to update this story every Saturday or Sunday. :)
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sunshinewrit-ing · 3 years
Norse Mythology
ig: @sunshine.writing
As with every culture, there are many different interpretations and I tried my best to use the most popular ones. There are also many different versions and spellings for the names of the gods and goddesses, but I used the anglicized and most popular spellings. 
Aesir and Vanir
The Norse gods are divided into two families, the Aesir family, and the Vanir family. The Aesir family is the larger of the two and is mostly connected with war and government and includes the gods Odin, Thor, Loki, Baldr, Hodr, Heimdall, and Tyr. The Vanir family includes the fertility gods and goddesses such as Njord, Feyr, and Freyja. Both families reside in Asgard but don’t see eye-to-eye as shown through the Aesir-Vanir war. 
Besides the Aesir and Vanir, there are also female deities known as Disir, Alfar (elves), Jotnar (giants), and Dvergar (dwarves).
Aesir Gods and Goddesses
Odin - Odin was the King of the Aesir clan and known as “the father of all gods.” He’s depicted as a one-eyed, bearded old man wearing a hat and a cloak. He was said to have slain the first being known as Ymir before carving up his body to help create the Earth. He was one of the most powerful and revered of the gods and associated with wisdom, knowledge, healing, death, and war. He also ruled over Valhalla. 
Thor - Son of Odin, he was regarded as the strongest of all the Norse deities because he was tasked with safeguarding Asgard. He was the most popular of all the gods and worshipped by most Vikings. He was the god of thunder and lightning and wielded the Mjolnir. He rode a chariot drawn by two massive goats called Tanngnjostr and Tanngrisnir.
Loki - Loki was considered a “blood brother” of Odin. He was known as the trickster god and was equipped with the ability to shapeshift into different forms. He was the chief engineer behind the death of Balder.
Frigg - Frigg was the wife of Odin and the queen of the Aesir gods. She was the only one allowed to sit next to her husband and always stuck by her partner even though he had many extramarital affairs.  She was worshipped as the goddess of the sky and associated with wisdom, marriage, family, and fertility. She was blessed with the power of divination but never revealed her visions to anyone. 
Baldur - Son of Odin and half-brother to Thor, Baldur was the god of light and purity. He was described as fair, kind, and handsome, whose beauty was unparalleled. He was the epitome of all things wise and good and often praised for his mercifulness. Also thought to be immortal, he had been prophesied to die and was slain by an arrow made out of mistletoe, his death orchestrated by Loki. 
Heimdall - Heimdall is the son of Odin and no less than nine mothers, and is the watchman of the god. He dwelt at the entry to Asgard where he guarded Bifrost. 
Tyr - Tyr is the god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. The bravest of the gods, he makes the binding of Fenrir possible by sacrificing his right hand. He’s the son of Odin and the son of the giant Hymir.
Idun - Idun is the goddess of spring or rejuvenation and is the wife of Bragi. She was the keeper of the magic apples of immortality which the gods must eat to preserve their youth. 
Bragi - Bragi is the skaldic poet of the Aesir and his name means “poet”. He’s the son of Odin and possibly the giantess Gunnlod, and the husband to Idun. 
Vili and Ve - Vili and Ve are the two brothers of Odin who helped to slay Ymir to create the remaining seven realms. They’re the sons of Bestla and Borr and were raised in the realm of Nifelheim. 
Forseti - He’s the son of Baldr and Nanna, and is the god of justice and reconciliation.
Gefjun - She’s the goddess of agriculture, fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Her name can be translated to “Giver” or “Generous One.”
Sif - Sif is the wife of Thor as well as a giantess and the goddess of grain and fertility. She was one of the Asynjur and mother of Ullr.
Fjorgynn and Fjorgyn - Fjorgyn, also known as Jord, is a giantess and the mother of Thor through an affair with Odin. Her masculine form Fjorgynn is the father of the goddess Frigg, the wife of Odin. 
Sol and Mani - Sol and Mani were the beings who drove the sun and the moon in their courses through the sun. They were sister and brother, and both were fair and beautiful. Sol had to travel at great speed, pursued by a wolf named Skoll who would eventually devour her. Mani kidnapped two humans named Bil (waning) and Hjuki (waxing), children of Vidfinn, and forced them to travel with him. Like his sister, he was also being chased by a hound named Hati Hrodvitnisson. 
Ullr - Ullr is the god of sports, particularly archery and skiing. He’s the son of Sif and Egill and step-son to Thor. 
Hoenir - Hoenir is a warrior god and is the travel companion of Odin and Loki. He was also part of the creation of Ask and Embla. He goes with Mimir to the Vanir as a hostage in order to seal a truce to the Aesir-Vanir War. He’s the god of indecision, avoidance, and mystery. 
Vidar - Son of Odin and Gridr, he was known as Vidar the silent, the possessor of the iron shoe, the enemy and slayer of Fenrir, the avenger, and he who inhabits the homestead of his father. He’s a warrior god and an excellent fighter. 
Hodr - Hodr is the blind god of winter and warriors. Oftentimes he’s depicted with a bow and arrows, or the spear that Loki used to trick him. He was the son of Frigg and Odin and twin brother of Baldr. Sometimes he’s thought to be a god of darkness.
Vali - Son of Odin and the giantess Rindr, Vali was born for the sole purpose of avenging Baldr. He kills Hodr and binds Loki with the entrails of his son Narfi. He’s the god of vengeance.
Vanir Gods and Goddesses
Freya - Freya was the goddess of fate, love, beauty, gold, war, and fertility. She ruled over the meadow of Folkvangr and owned a torc or necklace known as the Brisingamen as well as a cloak made of falcon feathers. She rode a chariot drawn by two cats and was accompanied by a board called Hildisvini most of the time. She practiced Seidr, which is a form of magic that allowed her the ability to control and manipulate the desires and prosperity of others. 
Freyr - Freyr is associated with sacral kingship, virility, peace, prosperity, sunshine and fair weather, and good harvest. He’s the son of Njord and the god of fertility, rain, and sunshine. His twin sister is Freyja.
Freyja - Freyja, twin sister and counterpart of Freyr, was the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. Her father was Njord. Pigs were sacred to her, and she rode a boar with golden bristles. 
Njord - Njord is the god of seas, wealth, wind, and fishing. He was the father of Freyr and Freyja. 
Nerthus - Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. She was also associated with peace and prosperity. She was the wife and sister of Njord and the mother of Freyr and Freyja.
Gullveig - Gullveig is a sorceress and seer with great love and lust for gold. She was speared by the Aesir, burnt three times, and yet thrice reborn.
Odr - Odr is the husband of Freyja
Norse Creatures
Dwarves - Also known as dark elves, they’re small creatures that originated as maggots from the corpse of Ymir. They live underground in Svartalfheim (literally means “home of the black elves”) and are said to have crafted the finest weapons and jewelry such as Mjollnir and Gungnir. In certain myths, they’re portrayed as turning to stone if exposed to sunlight. 
Draugar - The Draugar are the undead. Some myths describe them as creatures who drink blood, they’re more similar to zombies than vampires. They possess superhuman strength and can increase their size at will, but have a constant stench of decay and appear as a dead body. They often live in their graves to defend the treasure they were buried with but can also enter communities to torment those who wronged them in life. They’re said to be able to enter the dreams of the living to torment them, and would leave behind a gift so the victims knew the encounter was real. 
Elves - Elves are separated into two different types; Dokkalfar, or dark elves, and Ljosalfar, light elves. Dark elves are thought to be the same as dwarves and light elves are described as more beautiful than the sun. They’re generally described as having an ambivalent relationship with humans.
Fenrir - Fenrir was the son of Loki and the giantess Angroboda. He was raised by the gods of Asgard to stop him from wreaking havoc across the nine worlds but the gods ended up deciding to chain him up. It’s believed that when Fenrir breaks his chains to get his revenge, it will lead to Ragnarok, the end of the world. 
Fossegrimen - Also known as the grim, he’s a water spirit who plays the fiddle mimicking the sounds of the forest, wind, and water. He can be bribed to teach his skill with an offering that he deems sufficient. He’s also known to lure women and children to lakes and streams where they drown.
Huldra - Wardens of the forest and part of a group of Ra that protects various locations. Female Huldra are described as beautiful and seductive, with a long tail of a cow and their back covered in bark. They can disguise themselves as young women to walk in the world of men but their power of illusion is broken if someone sees their tail. They lure young, unmarried men into the forest and keep them as slaves, lovers, or sometimes they’ll suck the life out of them. 
Jormungandr - Also known as the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr is another child of Loki and Angrboda. He is a snake or dragon that lives in the sea surrounding Midgard. He is described as an enemy of Thor and during Ragnarok, the two are fated to slay one another. 
Jotnar - Jotnar, meaning “devourers”, are giants with powers that rival the power of the gods. They’re the enemy of the gods and the Jotnar embody chaos. Many of the Asgardian gods are descended from Jotnar such as Odin and Thor. 
Kraken - Aquatic monsters that are believed to live off the shores of Norway and Greenland. They’re depicted as gigantic octopi or squids. They mostly ate fish but when it rose to the surface, it was believed to cause large whirlpools which would help it attack ships.
Valkyries - The female helping spirits of Odin, depicted as elegant maidens who ferry the slain to Valhalla. Their name means “choosers of the Slain”, which hints at their more sinister side, the fact that they also choose who lives and dies in battle. They would sometimes use malicious magic to ensure their preferences.
Sleipnir - Odin’s mighty eight-legged horse is the child of Loki and Svadilfari. It had eight legs so that it could have one leg in each of the Norse worlds. 
Mare - The Mare monster gave people bad dreams at night by sitting on them in their sleep. Often they were witches whose souls took the forms of animals, but normal people, particularly adolescents, were also thought to become Mare when their spirits wandered. It was believed that when the Mare touched a living thing, people, cattle, or trees, it would cause their hair to become entangled. 
Trolls - There are large ugly trolls that dwell in forests and mountains, and small gnome-like trolls that live underground in deep caves and caverns. They’re depicted as not very intelligent and malevolent but can show kindness in exchange for a favor.
Norns - The three principal Norns served as the caretakers of the tree of life, but their care only slowed the death of the tree. 
Ratatoskr - A squirrel that runs up and down the tree of life delivering the messages of the gods. He enjoys stirring trouble between the wise eagle that sits atop the tree and the hungry dragon that swells in its roots. 
The Nine Realms
Yggdrasil - Yggdrasil is the mighty tree whose trunk rises at the geographical center of the Norse spiritual cosmos. It’s believed that the nine worlds are all held in the branches and roots of the tree of Yggdrasil. It’s commonly said to be an ash tree.
Niflheim - The realm of fog and mist. It’s the darkest and coldest region of all the realms. It’s one of the first two realms and is placed in the northern region of Ginnngagap. Hvergelmir is located in Niflheim, which is said to be the source of the elven rivers. As Yggdrasil started to grow, it stretched one of its large roots far into Niflheim to draw water from Hvergelmir. 
Muspelheim - The land of fire. Muspelheim was created at the same time as Niflheim but was created far to the south. It’s a burning hot place filled with lava, flames, sparks, and soot. It’s the home of the fire giants, fire demons, and is ruled by Surtr.
Asgard - Home of the Gods. The most commonly known realm, Asgard is located in the middle of the world, high up in the sky. It’s the home of the gods and goddesses and is ruled by the chief of Aesir Odin. Inside the gates of Asgard is Valhalla, the place where half who die in battle will go for the afterlife and the other half go to Folkvangr.
Midgard - Home of the humans. “Middle earth” is located in the middle of the world below Asgard. Midgard and Asgard are connected by Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge. It’s surrounded by a large, impassable ocean that is occupied by the Midgard Serpent. The first two humans were Ash and Embla and were sent to Midgard after being created from tree logs by Odin and his brothers Vili and Ve.
Jotunheim - Home of the giants. Jotunheim consists mostly of rocks, wilderness, and dense forests, and lies in the snowy regions on the outermost shores of the ocean. There is no fertile land in Jotunheim. Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river living which never freezes over.
Vanaheim - Home of the Vanir. Nobody knows where exactly the land is located or how it looks. 
Alfheim - Home of the light elves. Alfheim is located right next to Asgard in heaven. The god Freyr is the ruler of Alfheim. 
Svartalfheim - Home of the dwarves. Svartalfheim means dark fields, and they live under the rocks, in caves, and underground. Hreidmar was the king of Svartalfheim until he was killed. 
Helheim - Home of the dishonorable dead. Hel is where the dishonorable dead, thieves, murderers, or those the gods and goddesses feel are not brave enough to go to Valhalla or Folkvangr. Helheim is ruled over by Hel and is a very grim and cold place. Any person who arrives at Helheim will never feel joy or happiness again. 
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starbornsoulrider · 2 years
Here’s some lore I wrote down in my notes abt an upcoming OC hehe
Tale of Eon
Centuries ago, there was a girl. She was a faithful Druid, blessed with the power of the stars. She was also an older sister. Her younger sister was the only blood she had left in this world, so she defended, raised and loved her only kin with everything she had.
The girl also loved nature, having grown up under the safety of the redwoods. She worked with her fellow druids and used the power of her heart to protect and preserve Jorvik’s abundant life.
Her love of nature and her family had drawn the attention of the Guardian of the Stars to her, and immediately the two formed a strong connection. Her and her steed formed a team with three other riders and their Guardians- using their newfound strength to push back an ancient evil that planned to bring ruin upon the worlds. Although they succeeded in their mission, it unfortunately cost the lives of many loved ones, including the three sisters she once worked in tandem with.
The grief they shared made the love and friendship between her and her dear horse, the only other survivor of her sisterhood, strengthen and grow. However, although the horse’s spirit was immortal, it’s body was not. Years passed, and eventually, so did her companion. And sadly, he would not awaken again in her lifetime.
Once again, all the girl had left was her blood sister. Having lost so much, the girl made sure she wouldn’t lose her younger sister, either, swearing to defend her with every breath she had left in this world. But her sister was more bitter than she let on. Not at her elder sibling, but the world that had caused her so much pain. Even though it had stolen away their parents first, she still protected it with everything she had- and it had the audacity to take away almost everything from her yet again. Her friends, her horse... In the younger sister’s eyes, her sibling had become a hero for nothing.
Eventually, the older sister did bond with a horse once again. It was not the steed she once shared a soul with, but the bond with this horse was almost just as strong. For this was no ordinary horse- its body was made of stone. Once forged by the stonecutters of the past, the life this magic being once carried had drained away with time, left forgotten as a frozen statue deep in the redwood. But with the power of stars the girl still carried within her, she restored life to it once again.
With her magical steed, she continued to carry out her duties of protecting Jorvik, though her previous heroic title had been stripped from her. But it wasn’t long until evil started to stir.
One day, the pink otherworldly energy began to corrupt the place she called home again, and her and her steed were the only ones who could calm it. This time, though, the two of them were no match for the shadowy monsters that seeped from the cracks. The girl lost her life, leaving the horse of living stone to face the calamity alone.
Caught in the chaos, the younger sister found the girl’s body while the horse continued to fight. The despair that struck her upon losing her sister was too heavy to bare, weighing her down against the pink cracks that corrupted the redwood haven. And soon, that energy corrupted her, as well.
Realizing what had become of the younger sister, the horse reluctantly decided to put her out of her misery before the power could claim her life. But as the horse barreled towards her, the corrupted girl raised her hand, striking a beam of pink light into the horse’s core.
But instead of destroying the horse, the dark energy overflowed through the being’s soul, twisting around the crystal inside its chest that served as its heart. The rock that made up the horse’s body turned into an obsidian black, and pink glowing diamonds penetrated through its skin.
Now, the horse followed her mindlessly away from the Redwoods, filled with just as much bitterness and hatred as she was. The steed that once heroically carried her older sister was now HER steed; and together, they brought havoc upon Jorvik, and sought to bring destruction down onto the world that had given them nothing but endless pain.
Some legends continue to say the horse and girl joined forces with Garnok- another destructive being in old Jorvik legends. But one day, while carrying out one of his orders, they initiated combat with a Soul Rider, and with a strike of lightning the corrupted horse was finally destroyed, and its rider went into a deep slumber in the depths of another world. Though this addition seems to be more recent and is likely not part of the original story. No one actually knows if the girl was a real person at one point in time- some say the real version of the tale is simply that a girl left the Keepers of Aideen due to an argument with her sister about their horse that had recently passed away. But who knows? Jorvik is a wondrous place with some things that can’t be so easily explained away. Perhaps the original story does hold at least some truth to it.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #196
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we're building the last of the Three Goddesses Alliance, Ereshkigal! (It took her long enough to show up.)
Eresh is a Grave Cleric for relatively obvious reasons, as it lets her do pretty much everything she does- raise the dead, care for the dead, raise the dead properly, cause earthquakes, and start pandemics. Maybe don't do that last one right now, we're kinda busy with one already. It's a shame Soul Cage is a wizard spell, but pobody's nerfect.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Now all of China knows you're on the naughty list.
Race and Background
Ereshkigal is part chthonic god, part human thanks to being a pseudoservant, that means Fallen Aasimar is a pretty good choice for her. You get Darkvision, Celestial Resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, Healing Hands to heal with your hands, and the Light cantrip to help the mortals with their dumb mortal eyes, using Charisma to cast it.
She's also the Three Goddess' Representative on behalf of humanity, trying to squirrel some away to prevent them from being entirely wiped out. This gives her proficiency with Intimidation and Religion, as well as an extended spell list we'll go over as it comes up. If you're wondering about the Intimidation: Yes the fandom thinks she's cute now, but you have to remember she's still a god of death. Most people aren't going to be as chill with her.
Ability Scores
Wisdom is first, Ereshkigal spent millennia honing her art alone in the underworld, so either she has a super high wisdom or an incredibly low one. But high wisdom works better for the build, so we'll go with that. Second is Charisma- some people love you, some people are terrified of you, those are both charisma. Your Dexterity is also solid, because your armor is not. Your Constitution is above average because while we don't need it for the build have you SEEN her HP stat? Your Intelligence is okay. You're not dumb, we just need other stuff more. Finally, dump Strength. You're a bit awkward with that spear, but we'll get some stuff to make it work later.
Class Levels
You're 100% Grave Cleric, so we'll just get into it. Starting off in this subclass gets you proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as Persuasion to show off your awkward charms and History because you're literally older than the written word. At first level you also enter the Circle of Mortality, so your healing spells automatically heal for max HP on creatures with 0 HP, and you get a suped-up version of the Spare the Dying cantrip that uses a bonus action and has a thirty foot range. You also get Eyes of the Grave, meaning you can sense undead creatures within 60' of you if they're not behind cover. It won't tell you about their identity though, so make sure you don't pick a fight with Strahd, you're still only level one. You can do this Wisdom modifier times per long rest. Starting in a spellcasting class also gets you Spells, surprise surprise, and having a Ravnica background gets you even more. Being a grave cleric gets you Bane and False Life for free, giving you easy access to curses and HP boosts early in the game. Something I want to bring up about the ravnica background before we move forward: I misread how these backgrounds work before. They add spells to your class' spell list, not your spells known. That means builds where you pick spells every level only get the opportunity to learn those spells, they don't just get all of them for free. Clerics can prepare spells from their spell list every long rest anyway so it's not a big difference here, but it is something I'll have to go back and fix for the other members of the alliance and Ishtar. Anyways, you get Illusory Script added to your spell list, not exactly something you'll probably use. For spells you can actually choose, grab Resistance for a goddess core that adds 1d4 to your next save, Thaumaturgy for when you need to get dramatic with extra magical effects, and Toll the Dead to do just that for some necrotic damage. You can also choose to prepare spells like Command to flex your authority and Protection from Evil and Good to flex on your sister.
Second level clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in two flavors. Turn Undead takes care of undead that fail their wisdom save, and Path to the Grave will clear out anything else. Spend your action to curse a creature, giving vulnerability to the next attack that hits it. Rules as written you can't target a mountain with this, and you definitely can't get the bonus for an Earthquake spell, but I'd allow it for the cool factor. Alternatively, you can Harness Divine Power to spend one use of Channel Divinity for an extra spell slot which is a level equal to or less than half your proficiency bonus. You can do this once per long rest, but that will grow as your Channel Divinity uses do.
Usually your third level doesn't get you much of anything as a cleric, but since you're a fallen aasimar you get a Necrotic Shroud, spending an action to get really spooky for a minute. Mechanically, this is your big ghostly form, and it'll frighten nearby creatures that fail a charisma save, and for the minute you're transformed you'll deal an extra bit of necrotic damage once per turn. You can go ghost once per long rest. You also get second level spells now, including your freebies Gentle Repose to prevent people from rising back as zombies and Ray of Enfeeblement, which weakens a creature's weapon attacks for up to a minute. They can make a constitution save to shrug it off, but not until the after the spell's already hit, so at least you'll get your money's worth. Thanks to your background you can also learn the spell Enthrall, making it harder for people to notice anyone but you. As someone who's existed in this fandom for any period of time, I can confirm Ereshkigal definitely has this ability. You can also prepare spells like Spiritual Weapon to have a spear that actually hits good and Protection from Poison for more goddess core shenanigans. Finally, make sure you pick up Silence. I'm still not entirely sure how we'll build Tiamat, but that should help shut off her immortality.
At fourth level you get your first Ability Score Improvement, which won't actually be improving your ability scores. grab the Eldritch Adept feat for the Armor of Shadows invocation so you can cast mage armor on yourself for free. You also learn how to cast Friends to make it easier to make friends and terrify your enemies.
Fifth level clerics get third level spells, including your freebies Revivify and Vampiric Touch. You're the god of the dead, so people should only really die when you want them to. Alternatively, you can Animate Dead to summon some skeletons for your own uses. You can also use Spirit Guardians to get more ghostly defenses. They'll slow down creatures of your choice in your area, and if they fail wisdom save they'll take radiant and/or necrotic damage, with it getting halved if they succeed.
At sixth level you get a second use of Channel Divinity per short rest, and a second use of Harness Divine Power per long rest. You also become a Sentinel at Death's Door, shutting down a critical hit near you as a reaction, turning it into a regular attack Wisdom Modifier times per long rest. Sure, you can bring people back later, but this is way less expensive.
Seventh level clerics get fourth level spells, like Blight and Death Ward. It is really hard for flowers to grow in the underworld. You can also use Leomund's Secret Chest thanks to your background, or you can prepare Banishment to throw Tiamat back where she came from, use Guardian of Faith for more ghosts, and leave an Aura of Purity around you to give your allies the blessings of Kur.
Eighth level clerics get another ASI, and this one will improve your ability scores. Kinda. We're grabbing another feat, but being Shadow Touched will improve your Wisdom by one point. It lets you cast Invisibility or Disguise Self once per long rest for free, or you can cast either spell as if it were a normal spell on your spell list. Now you can really make yourself look ghostly, if a bit undersized for your boss fight. Your destroy undead also bumps up to hit CR 1 creatures, but that'll blow up your skeletons as well, so be careful with it. Finally, Potent Spellcasting adds your wisdom modifier to your cleric cantrip damage. Nobody can toll the dead harder than the god of the dead.
Ninth level cleric, fifth level spells. Antilife Shell prevents anyone from getting too close to you, though it also means you can't get close to them without breaking the spell. It's almost poetic. Anyway, you also get Raise Dead, which is like revivify but with a more lenient time frame. You can also instigate your very own christmas event now with Contagion! This spell poisons a target, and at the end of each of its turns it has to make a Constitution save. After succeeding three throws, the spell ends. If it fails three throws, it gets a disease for the rest of the week. The closest thing to Sumerian Flu is probably Filth Fever, which gives disadvantage on saves, checks, and attacks that use strength, but there's all sorts of diseases you can give people. Technically this isn't a contagious disease, but talk to your DM, I'm sure you can work something out. You can also use Hallow to turn your room into a little slice of the underworld, shutting down your sister even further.
Tenth level clerics can invoke Divine Intervention with a 1 in 10 chance of getting a free favor from your god. Your god is you, technically, but it'll make more sense later. You can use this once per day, but it takes a week to recharge after it actually works. You can also cast the Light cantrip now. You could do it before, but now it's stronger.
Destroy Undead grows to hit CR 2 undead, and you can cast sixth level spells. Create Undead makes stronger undead for your army. Sadly dinosaur skeletons aren't available, so you'll just have to settle for ghouls. At higher levels you still won't get dinosaurs, but you can get ghasts, wights, and even mummies! Just be careful you don't stop recasting the spell, mummy rot can be rough. You can also summon a Heroes' Feast for more blessings from Kur, and you can take on an Otherworldly Form for another ghost transformation. This spell makes you immune to fire and poison damage as well as the poisoned condition. You can fly 40' per round, get +2 to AC, and you can attack with weapons using your wisdom twice per attack action. You're stuck with the UA version of this spell, so it takes an action, but on the plus side this just gives you an excuse to use Spiritual Weapon more.
Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more health. Health gets added retroactively, so you get +12 HP now instead of just +1. It's pretty nice.
Seventh level spells! Resurrection further cements your control over death with a time limit of a century, and you can also Plane Shift yourself (or an enemy) into the underworld.
Destroy Undead hits CR 3 creatures now. Not even mummies can stand up to your power!
Fifteenth level clerics get eight level spells. If silence won't keep Tiamat down, Antimagic Field should do the trick. The one problem there is it's only a 10' sphere around you, and you rely on magic way more than Tiamat does. You can also cause Earthquakes, turning a very large area into difficult terrain, disrupting concentration, knocking creatures prone, and destroying structures in the area. The one problem here is that you can't fly, so be careful where you're pointing that thing.
Yet another ASI. Use this one to finally max out your Wisdom for super strong spells and better protection from crits.
If you make it to level 17, you get the super powerful ninth level spells. Also, Destroy Undead hits CR 4 creatures, and you become a Keeper of Souls, stealing away some of a dying enemy's soul to heal an ally based on the creature's hit dice once per turn. Right though, ninth level spells. True Resurrection brings someone back even if they've been disintegrated 199 years ago. It's expensive, but you can always grab some gems from your sister if you're pressed for cash. The benefits of sharing a body.
At eighteenth level you get a third Channel Divinity and another use of Harness Divine Power. Really get those paths to the grave filled, it's kind of your thing.
Use your last ASI to grab the Tough feat for 38 HP now and another 2 next level. You have one of the highest HP stats in the game, this only makes sense.
Your capstone level is an improvement to your Divine Intervention. You know how I keep bringing up multiclassing as a con when we include cleric levels? This is why. Your divine intervention now always succeeds. Period. I mean, it makes sense. You are the god giving you power. But yeah, you get guaranteed god-level power freely given as an action. You truly have the power of god and anime on your side.
Pros and Cons
Clerics have a good variety of spells, and you take it even further with your background. You can heal but you're not completely hosed on your own like Medea Lily, you can deal damage and still do stuff outside of combat unlike your sister, and you have utility without your build being dominated by it like Hundred Personas.
You might not be good in a one on one fight, but you don't get into those that often thanks to your skeleton army. If you just dedicate harnessing divine power to keeping them in line, you can have nine extra bodies on the field to turn the action economy in your favor.
Even when we're not talking about spells, you're still really supportive of your team. Shutting down critical hits and stabilizing your allies quickly will seriously improve the longevity of your party.
Dabbling in so many areas of magic means you're unfocused, so you won't excel in any one. You won't heal as much as Medea, deal as much damage as Ishtar, or be a skill monkey like Hundred Personas.
You also rely on magic completely for combat, which means stepping into an anti-magic zone can be deadly. This is especially bad for you, since an anti-magic zone will probably be the best way to deal with Tiamat.
You might have an undead army, but your best spells are area of effect and you're a cleric. Destroy Undead is kind of a big deal for you.
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secretfandomrambles · 3 years
The Son of Metis
Of all the PJO AU’s where Percy Jackson is born a god, I’ve never seen one like this. And I really, really want to read one. Therefore, here’s the cliff notes version of a god!Percy AU I’ve had going for a while.  (Note: Since posting I have slightly edited points 1&8 and the last paragraph. And figured out how to get the title in the title spot.)
1. When Métis (who is days away from giving birth to Athena) is swallowed by Zeus (to prevent the prophesy of her having a son who will overthrow him and take his place), she has already gotten pregnant with a second child. Trapped in Zeus’s head, Athena is born. Athena, as all gods do, grows quickly. But once she is grown, she uses her power to magically transfer her unborn brother from her mother’s womb and into her own.
2. Athena is brought up by Métis with knowledge of the prophecy, and the reason they are trapped. She is also warned that should Zeus learn of Metis’s son’s existence, he will be destroyed. This creates in Athena a deep distrust and near hatred of Zeus and the Olympians as she believes them to be liars and hypocrites who do not realize that some prophecies are self-fulfilling. Athena and her brother have an unusual mental link, whereby Athena is able to teach her brother all she knows while he is trapped in her womb.
3. When Athena is freed from Zeus’s head and accepted, she swears to remain a virgin. Not because she’s got anything particularly against men, but because she has to protect the brother she hides within her, and getting physically involved with anyone would cause her secret to be revealed.
(Note: according to Apollo in the ToA series, a goddess can choose when to give birth. I figure this also means that they can also choose whether or not they actually look pregnant during the pregnancy)
4. Athena ends up carrying her brother for 4,000 years until about 60 years after a great prophecy that prompted the Big Three to swear off siring demigods. In the upheaval after the discovery of Thalia Grace’s existence, Athena makes a deal with a mortal, Sally Jackson. In exchange for Sally passing Athena’s brother off as her son, Athena will bless Sally so that she can fulfill her dream of going to college and becoming a successful writer.
5. The child is finally born in August, grey-eyed and black haired like his sister, just a few months after Athena’s newest daughter Annabeth is born. Athena names her brother Perseus, as it means “Destroyer”, and she hopes he will bring about the destruction of the corrupt Olympians and Titans.
6. Twelve years, a few monster attacks, introduction to camp, “learning about the gods” and a strange friendship with his mortal niece later finds the young god known as Percy Jackson having practically turned “pretending to be a human child and growing at a snail’s pace” into an art form. That is, until a hellhound attacks him and he bleeds ichor.
7. Athena learns of what has happened through the mental link, and appears in her full armor, brandishing Aegis to shield Perseus from Zeus’s wrath (the lighting strike isn’t as powerful, due to the lack of his master bolt. But it is still frightening and painful).
8. Zeus forces the entire camp to come to Olympus, and it is revealed there that Percy Jackson is...not who everyone thought he was. Zeus is enraged and threatens to hurl Athena’s brother into Tartarus and make her watch as punishment for her betrayal.
9. Athena snaps that she never betrayed him. Betrayal would mean she was ever loyal to him in the first place. The only ones she’s loyal to are herself, her mother and brother (she does not dare say that she is loyal to her children. She cannot bring Zeus’s attention to them. They will not survive his wrath).
10. Zeus, realizing that while he may be king, Athena is a master strategist, and has likely taught her brother all she knows, attempts to strip them of their immortality. It doesn’t work. So instead, he binds the majority of their godly powers and locks them into the forms of a fourteen year old girl, and six year old boy (they are unable to change back to their preferred ages) and orders Chiron to take them back to Camp.
I’m thinking that the series would go on mostly the same, except that Zeus forces Percy and Athena to go on the majority of the quests in hopes of impressing on them that if they step a toe out of line he will throw them into Tartarus. Athena is desperately trying to find a way to unbind their powers. Percy gets nightmares after their trip to the Underworld and their brush with Tartarus. He plasters himself to Athena’s side at night in Cabin Six.
Athena has an awkward conversation with her children about what happened on Olympus. It ends in a massive group hug and tears.
Annabeth considers her miniature friend/uncle to be totally adorable. He does not agree (Athena does though).
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bonesingerofyme-loc · 3 years
You will turn back, sweet krill of hope. You will chose the Sky instead
In the Season of Arrivals the Darkness spoke with us, while Savathun tried to intervene. In Beyond Light, the Darkness granted Guardians with Stasis, giving access to it's powers as an argument to the Sky - if the Sky posits that given the chance, individuals will choose goodness and decency, the Darkness gave the active avatars of the Light the chance to prove the Darkness' thesis. That, when the going gets tough, all things turn to the logic of the blade.
The Dark Future is the conclusion of the Darkness' argument against the Light. It is proof that the chosen of the Light, Guardians, will, like all life, turn to the brutal and simple logic of the Deep and become conquerors and butchers. It was quite a move on the board by the Deep, by giving Guardians Stasis. As far as we know, no other species has been directly blessed by the Light in the same was as Humanity. We know the Ammonite were aided by the Traveler through 'paracausal weapons' and that the Traveler indirectly blessed the Harmony through it's manipulation of gravity and spacetime, but until Earth and Humans, there had not been, as far as we know, direct wielders of the Light.
So the Darkness reached out to the direct avatars of the Light and gave them a nugget of it's power. A power move.
Now - with Witch Queen, we see that Savathun has a ghost, has the light, and more - so does her brood. The phrasing around it is couched in terms of 'stealing the light' or in some way wresting control of it, but that's through biased voices like Ikora. I suppose we may see for sure this season, depending on the conclusion, but that remains in the future.
However. Consider Savathun. She was the first adopter of the worms. She led Aurash and Xi Ro to the worm gods beneath Fundament. She threw herself fully into the deal with the worms. In time, Oryx may have surpassed her as the truest, and closest adherent to the Deep, as seen by his actions, his theories and the Touch of Malice, but Savathun was the first.
What greater weapons of the Darkness were there than the Hive? This trio for a billion - billions? - of years have enacted the will of the Deep across the universe. Untold species, unimaginable complexity, all of it cut away by the sword.
But then Savathun started to question. She started to wonder. She started to buck the tenets of the Deep. She doubted her worm, and she had from long ago in the Books of Sorrow. She sought ways around it, loopholes - she betrayed the Darkness. Oryx never questioned his role or his position. He embraced the prospect of death, faithful that whoever slew him was merely doing the work of the Deep and helping the universe to it's final, brutal shape. If he died - he was meant to, as the Deep teaches. Savathun never accepted this.
And now, at long last, she turned her sight on the Light. Savathun wants to live at all costs. At all costs. This has been her driving force since she was a little krill all those eons ago.
But if one wants to live at all costs, is not the answer the Deep? After all, to become the Final Shape is to become synonymous with existence, to be the last man standing at the end of all things. No better immortality, right? But Savathun doubts that, despite being so steeped in the Darkness for so long. One who should be completely dedicated to this, but she questions. She isn't like Oryx, or even Xivu Arath as it seems.
So we return to a conversation, spoken by an agent of the Sky to three wayward krill.
—Quick-breeding krill people, I tell you++
++For eons I have watched your struggle—
—Clinging to the sharp edge of survival++
++Balanced between the Deep and the Sky.—
++Existence is the struggle to exist—
—When the struggle seems lost++
++when the safe place crumbles—
—everything turns to the Deep to survive++
—You will turn back, sweet krill of hope.±±
++You will choose the Sky instead.—
"Existence is the struggle to exist. When the struggle seems lost, when the safe place crumbles, everything turns to the Deep to survive."
Emphasis mine. From the Leviathan of Fundament, this is the Deep claim. This is the position of the Darkness, which has been proven over and over again.
Savathun has turned on the Deep claim. She has rejected it. She is at the bitter end, when the struggle seems lost, when the safe place crumbles - she has fled her throne. She has left her brood. She is hunted by her own sister, with her brother slain. Her worm's hunger is insatiable. All of her plots and infinite plans have failed. Her murder battery failed. Her Taken were useless. IMBARU is IMBARN'T.
And at the bitter, deadly edge of this desperation, where did Savathun turn? Not to the Deep. She turned to the Light.
Oh, I'm sure she can dress it up however she wants, as sardonic or skeptical or cynical as she likes. But the fact remains that when the cards came down, she abandoned the Deep.
She rejected the Deep claim.
And she chose the Light.
What better retort to the Deep could the Sky possibly supply other than to bless Savathun with the Light? To take one of the fiercest, oldest, deadliest agents of the Darkness and give her the Light? To give her the chance to prove, like all life, that the Deep is not the answer. That there is more than just the mindless struggle of slaughter. This is the Traveler and the Sky's rebuttal to the argument made in Beyond Light. If the Darkness wants to try to tempt Guardians - the Sky can and will prove that nothing is beyond realizing the allure of the gentle nation, ringed by spears.
I hope that this is what occurs, that there is no deception, no stealing, no necromantic trickery. That the Traveler blesses Savathun and her brood with the Light because in the eschatological debate between these two forces, such a move brings the Sky closer to checkmate.
Final thought - but why would we fight Savathun? Why not? The Light doesn't demand, doesn't act, doesn't direct. That's the blessing of the Sky. Freedom of will, of choice, of being. Lightbearers have done atrocities in the past, during the age of warlords. Some do even now. That is part of life, there is good and there is evil. What matters is what you choose. Savathun has spent aeons practicing violence, she's not going to change overnight. But! The question is if she can. If she can prove the thesis of the Sky.
I think that killing Savathun and her brood, in this case, might be the worst possible outcome for the Light.
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