#three-pronged spear
supersumc · 10 months
One of the fun things I like to do with my characters is make BIO-MOCS of them. Here's Sylvia "Zebedia" Mawwed when she's all grown up. (It's an old version that lacks the battle dress, but still similar enough to the current one.)
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copepods · 11 months
🌇 factored-antagonism 🔁 three-pronged-spears Follow
🌫️ three-pronged-spears Follow
DNI if you support Peripherism. It's literally just Slab Mongering but worse and with less effort
#wait peripherism is still a thing?????? #meaning collector point inversions havent been the norm in like 350 years afaik
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💟 pleading-intellect
GUYSSSS my overseer found a clutch of baby green lizards today they're so CUTE
#inty.txt #and BEFORE anyone accuses me of not iterating im literally running 55,458 processes rn
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❇️ string-of-pearls 🔁 rippling-shadows Follow
👤 forspoken-antiquity Follow
hey FYI everyone if you receive an ask about transcendental inversions it's a troll. i've gotten 3 asks in the last cycle
#signal boost!!
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🌁 nineteen-afterthoughts
"ohhh Triangulation is outdated" "ohhh Triangulators dont even factor noise milking into their research theyre a bunch of idiots" im literallu just a little guy im 4 feet tall why do you hate me
⬜️🔁 erratic-pulse
Irrelevant tangents and jokes don't help your case. Triangulationism is simply an objectively moronic take on an already superfluous train of thought. How are you supposed to find the Solution if you can't even properly look for it?
🌁🔁 nineteen-afterthoughts
you literally have Sliverist in your bio but go off
⬜️🔁 erratic-pulse
The minutiae of my theoretical inclinations are irrelevant. Your dogma is blatantly incorrect regardless.
🌁🔁 nineteen-afterthoughts
your group senior and i are raising a family together
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💽 slowly-advancing-mist
a band of scavengers literally just stole my last vat of holy ash thats it im seeking personal ascension
#vent #dont rb
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🚹 untoward-foresight Follow
Anyone else gotten really into Gold Hegemonic epic poetry recently? This one dude Eight Brass Whistles has a bunch of crazy quasi-Regeneratist stuff, it's actually really cool
🎹 east-facing-pillars
wasnt Eight Brass Whistles a heretic???? i heard he refused to shed the 3rd attachment or something like that
🚹 untoward-foresight Follow
Nah that callout post got debunked 533 cycles ago lol
🎹 east-facing-pillars
ahhh ok thanks for clarifying! ill let you know if i find anything :)
#thanks for being polite haha #lesson learned i gotta check this forum more LMAO
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⬜️ erratic-pulse
anonymous asked:
Transcendental Inversion! Transcendental Inversion!
Only someone with a fundamentally false understanding of inversion modes would send this. You can't even do such a thing without sufficient trailing bonds, which entropy renders impossible.
#Why do I always encounter idiots on this pseudonym?
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 15 - Accept
@jegulus-microfic July 15, Word count 423
Because I can't help myself this is part 2 carrying on from Prompt 14 - Rejection. It's probaly only going to be three parts. Probably.
First part
It wasn’t until Regulus stood beside his cauldron in Potions that his brain caught up with his actions. Had he really just agreed to go on a date with James Potter? He was so distracted by this thought that he almost forgot to add the dandelion roots. His potion would have been useless by the end of the hour if he’d forgotten them. 
“Are you feeling quite well, Regulus my boy?” Professor Slughorn asked him once the lesson was over, and if old Sluggers had noticed he wasn’t himself, then the others would have as well.
“So,” Barty crowed at him once they were free of the potion's classroom. “What’s got your knickers in a twist?”
“Leave him be, Barty,” Evan said as he pulled Barty’s arm away from Regulus’s shoulder. “He’s probably just thinking about all the ways he could kill you and get away with it,” Evan joked. Barty stopped dead in the middle of the corridor. 
“I resent that. I would never let Regulus dispose of me that easily.” Barty scoffed, ruffling Regulus’s hair. His hand hadn’t even left Regulus’s curls before a wand was pressed into his throat. Barty put both hands up in surrender. 
“I mean, he has warned you multiple times not to do that,” Evan raised his brow pointedly and gently pointed Regulus’s wand away from Barty. “Let’s just go get some dinner and relax, yeah?” Regulus pocketed his wand and led them up to the great hall. 
Dinner wasn’t nearly as calm as he thought it would be. His brother and co were sitting further down the Gryffindor table than usual, and he could hear everything Sirius was saying. 
“Why do we have to sit down here, James?” Sirius complained loudly. 
“Just fancied a change,” James said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Is it because of Evans earlier? Prongs you just have to accept she’s not into you,” Sirius proclaimed as he speared a carrot with his fork. 
“I have,” James told him, as he took a swig of his pumpkin juice. 
“Wait, what?! Since when? Merlin’s beard, Prongs, is there someone else?!” Sirius said far too excitedly. His head spinning around the room as if there would be a sign. His eyes flickered over Regulus but didn’t linger. Typical Sirius wouldn’t ever consider him, although he wasn’t sure that James had told anyone he liked boys. Perhaps he hadn’t known. Just then, James looked up and their eyes met. A soft smile crept onto Regulus’s face without his permission, James’s returned beam made his heart soar.
Next part
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atlaculture · 2 years
Building Up: Arctic Tools & Weapons Pt. 1
Wanted to do a post on real life arctic tools and weapons that I’d love to see the Water Tribe using. This will be a three-part series.
Ulu Knives
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Probably the most well-known of Inuit tools due to their unique shape. It’s an all-purpose knife traditionally used by Inuit, Iñupiat, Yupik, and Aleut women. It’s utilized in applications as diverse as skinning and cleaning animals, cutting a child's hair, and slicing food. It could also be used as a punch knife. Traditionally, it was made with a handle of caribou antler, muskox horn or walrus ivory with a slate cutting surface. Nowadays, the blade is commonly made of steel. I think it’d be cool if Katara always carried one on her for emergencies and Sokka occasionally borrowed it to touch up his undercut.
Cable-Backed Bows
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Also called Pisiksi in North Slope Iñupiaq. A cable-backed bow is a bow reinforced with twisted cables; the cables strengthen the bow and increase its power. These bows were utilized by both Inuit and Inupiat hunters; they used sinew cables on bows of baleen, horn, or antler to make them less likely to break from tension and give them greater spring. I love the distinct look of Copper Inuit bows (pictured above), as they’re like the diametric opposite of traditional Korean bows in shape.
Kakivak Spears
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Kakivaks are three-pronged fishing spears with backward-facing barbs. Specifically, the outer prongs have their own “teeth” which point toward the center prong. The teeth are meant to hold the fish on to the main prong to stop it from falling off or wiggling away. These spears are primarily used by Canadian Inuit. It would probably really hurt to get stabbed in the arm or leg by one of these.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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bfpnola · 1 year
definitely a longer piece so these excerpts are far from showcasing everything this piece has to offer! read the whole thing on your own time, and in general, just check out jewish currents, an educational, leftist, anti-zionist jewish magazine!
Every August, the township of Edison, New Jersey—where one in five residents is of Indian origin—holds a parade to celebrate India’s Independence Day. In 2022, a long line of floats rolled through the streets, decked out in images of Hindu deities and colorful advertisements for local businesses. People cheered from the sidelines or joined the cavalcade, dancing to pulsing Bollywood music. In the middle of the procession came another kind of vehicle: A wheel loader, which looks like a small bulldozer, rumbled along the route bearing an image of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi aloft in its bucket. For South Asian Muslims, the meaning of the addition was hard to miss. A few months earlier, during the month of Ramadan, Indian government officials had sent bulldozers into Delhi’s Muslim neighborhoods, where they damaged a mosque and leveled homes and storefronts. The Washington Post called the bulldozer “a polarizing symbol of state power under Narendra Modi,” whose ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is increasingly enacting a program of Hindu supremacy and Muslim subjugation. In the weeks after the parade, one Muslim resident of Edison, who is of Indian origin, told The New York Times that he understood the bulldozer much as Jews would a swastika or Black Americans would a Klansman’s hood. Its inclusion underscored the parade’s other nods to the ideology known as Hindutva, which seeks to transform India into an ethnonationalist Hindu state. The event’s grand marshal was the BJP’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra, who flew in from India. Other invitees were affiliated with the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), the international arm of the Hindu nationalist paramilitary force Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), of which Modi is a longtime member.
On December 6th, 1992, a mob of 150,000 Hindus, many of whom were affiliated with the paramilitary group the RSS, gathered at the Babri Masjid, a centuries-old mosque that is one of the most contested sacred sites in the world. Over the preceding century, far-right Hindus had claimed that the mosque, located in the North Indian city of Ayodhya, was built not only upon the site where the Hindu deity Ram was born but atop the foundations of a demolished Hindu temple. The RSS and its affiliates had been campaigning to, in the words of a BJP minister, correct the “historical mistake” of the mosque’s existence, a task the mob completed that December afternoon. “They climbed on top of the domes and tombs,” one witness told NPR. “They were carrying hammers and these three-pronged spears from Hindu scripture. They started hacking at the mosque. By night, it was destroyed.” The demolition sparked riots that lasted months and killed an estimated 2,000 people across the country.
The destruction of the Babri Masjid was arguably Hindu nationalism’s greatest triumph to date. Since its establishment in 1925, the RSS—whose founders sought what one of them called a “military regeneration of the Hindus,” inspired by Mussolini’s Black Shirts and Nazi “race pride”—had been a marginal presence in India: Its members held no elected office, and it was temporarily designated a terrorist organization after one of its affiliates shot and killed Mohandas Gandhi in 1948. But the leveling of the Babri Masjid activated a virulently ethnonationalist base and paved the way for three decades of Hindutva ascendance. In 1998, the BJP formed a government for the first time; in 2014, it returned to power, winning a staggering 282 out of 543 seats in parliament and propelling Modi into India’s highest office. Since then, journalist Samanth Subramanian notes, all of the country’s governmental and civil society institutions “have been pressured to fall in line” with a Hindutva agenda—a phenomenon on full display in 2019, when the Supreme Court of India awarded the land where the Babri Masjid once stood to a government run by the very Hindu nationalists who illegally destroyed it. (Modi has since laid a foundation stone for a new Ram temple in Ayodhya, an event that a prominent RSS activist celebrated with a billboard in Times Square.) The Ayodhya verdict came in the same year that Modi stripped constitutional protections from residents of the Muslim-majority region of Kashmir and passed a law that creates a fast track to citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants, laying the groundwork for a religious test for Indian nationality. Under Modi, “the Hinduization of India is almost complete,” as journalist Yasmeen Serhan has written in The Atlantic.
To achieve its goals, the RSS has worked via a dense network of organizations that call themselves the “Sangh Parivar” (“joint family”) of Hindu nationalism. The BJP, which holds more seats in the Indian parliament than every other party combined, is the Sangh’s electoral face. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is the movement’s cultural wing, responsible for “Hinduizing” Indian society at the grassroots level. The Bajrang Dal is the project’s militant arm, which enforces Hindu supremacy through violence. Dozens of other organizations contribute money and platforms to the Sangh. The sheer number of groups affords the Sangh what human rights activist Pranay Somayajula has referred to as a “tactical politics of plausible deniability,” in which the many degrees of separation between the governing elements and their vigilante partners shields the former from backlash. This explains how, until 2018, the CIA could describe the VHP and Bajrang Dal as “militant religious organizations”—a designation that applies to non-electoral groups exerting political pressure—even as successive US governments have maintained a warm relationship with their parliamentary counterpart, the BJP.
The most extreme figures in the Hindu nationalist and Zionist movements were especially frank about the nature of their partnership: “Whether you call them Palestinians, Afghans, or Pakistanis, the root of the problem for Hindus and Jews is Islam,” Bajrang Dal affiliate Rohit Vyasmaan told The New York Times of his friendly relationship with Mike Guzofsky, a member of a violent militant group connected to the infamous Jewish supremacist Meir Kahane’s Kach Party.
In 2003, Gary Ackerman—a Jewish former congressman who was awarded India’s third-highest civilian honor for helping to found the Congressional Caucus on India—told a gathering of AJC and AIPAC representatives and their Indian counterparts that “Israel [is] surrounded by 120 million Muslims,” while “India has 120 million [within].” Tom Lantos, another Jewish member of the caucus, likewise enjoined the two communities to collaborate: “We are drawn together by mindless, vicious, fanatic, Islamic terrorism.”
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ryin-silverfish · 6 months
Into the Erlang-verse: Li, Zhao, Yang
-This is something I wrote for fun and reference purposes, back when I was starting to seriously get into Chinese mythology. As such, there is no citations, and is meant to be more of a general introduction to Erlang Shen in pre-modern writings.
(Emphasis on "pre-modern", because, as much as I love the Lotus Lantern + Prequel TV series, it's just a little frustrating to see people taking the shows' version as the end-all-be-all of such a complicated deity, y'know?)
-Anyways, much like Nezha, his Archery Accident Bro, Erlang has what I'd refer to as his "Pop Culture Form": Handsome three-eyed warrior god wielding a three-pronged spear, accompanied by his doggo Xiaotian Quan(Literally "Skyhowler"), going by the surname "Yang", jade emperor's nephew, etc.
-However, The Second Lad is an even messier amalgamation of deities worshiped in different parts of China, even in his supposed "home domain", Sichuan. Here, I'm only gonna talk about the most well-known and significant Erlangs.
(Not even gonna go into the possible Zoroastrian influences and the Dujian thing...)
1. Lord of Sichuan, "Li Erlang"
Key words: Hydraulic engineer, based on a historical official and his son, fierce competitor with Zhao Erlang for the Lord of Sichuan title
Weapons: Knowledge
Power: Can turn into a bull/dragon 
Pets: N/A
"Who's Yang Jian? I've been watching over Sichuan since the Qin dynasty."
Li Bing was a pretty typical case of famous historical figure being worshiped as gods posthumously; born in the Warring States era, this official was put in charge of the Shu Prefecture (modern Chengdu) by King Zhao of Qin, and he was known as the creator of Dujiang Yan, an ancient irrigation + flood control project.
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Later Tang legends deified him with a bunch of traditional "Flood-control hero" tropes taken from Yu the Great (heads up JTTW readers, SWK's staff is originally his extendable ruler), mostly the "hero turn into a giant animal" and "fight and subdue local water demons" aspect.
Though he wasn't yet known as an Erlang, or gained a son called Erlang as later folklore would have it, Li Bing's worship began in the Eastern Han dynasty, and he had a long tradition as Sichuan's guardian deity.
Even as later versions of Erlang began to populate, in the Qing dynasty, people of the province were still like "Our Lord of Sichuan is Li Bing/Li Erlang, not Yang Jian, as the novels would have you believe!"  
What made Li Bing and his likely nonexistent son into "Li Erlang" could be traced to the two "warlord states" that occupied Sichuan after the fall of Tang dynasty: both states tried to use the Lord of Sichuan worship to strengthen their own legitimacy, and passed decrees that 1) said Erlang was Li Bing's son and 2) granted both father and son honorable titles, as mentioned in Song dynasty records. 
However, due to the association of Erlang with previous warlord states, the first emperor of Song had reassigned Li Bing a lesser title and taken away his son's title altogether, reducing him to just "God of Guankou", and worshippers were quite disgruntled by the change; there was even a rebellion using the Guankou worship rituals to legitimize itself, a decade after said emperor's death.
Fun fact: when I went to the Two Lord’s Temple (of Li Bing and Li Erlang) in Dujiangyan, even though the god worshipped in the main hall was supposed to be Li Erlang, the plaque next to it still said something like "Li Erlang, also known as Yang Jian"...
Which really shows just how influential FSYY is on popular worship, to the point of overshadowing older incarnations of certain deities.
2. Immortal Master of Illustrious Sagacity, "Zhao Erlang"
Key words: Chief of Jiazhou Prefecture, dragon slayer, No.2 violator of archery safety (first place goes to Nezha)
Weapons: A scribing tablet, slingshot, sword, bow and arrows
Power: Supernatural strength, monstrous giant form
Pets: unnamed white horse, hunting hawks and hounds
"C'mon, my aim isn't that bad! What happened in the Zaju was a one-time thing!"
The prototypical Taoist Erlang, his name, "Zhao Yu"(赵昱) first appeared in a Song dynasty source. At this point, the story of Erlang was mainly defined by two traits: 1) was, or was related to an official in charge of Sichuan in bygone times and 2) Did heroic flood control stuff, probably through dragon-slaying. 
One notable strand of local worship was the "God of Guankou"; historical records mentioned that people sacrificed hundreds and hundreds of goats to him, as well as a regional festival in Sichuan where people played out his confrontation with dragons. It coexisted and entwined with the "Lord of Sichuan" worship, until the Song dynasty.
In typical Song dynasty fashion, the officials decided to give their own official title to this...Erlang/Lord of Sichuan/God of Guankou guy, bringing our titular "Zhao Erlang" into existence.
Also a deified official from the Tang dynasty, his image was more heavily influenced by Taoism (historically popular in Sichuan) and centered around one of its holy places, Mt. Qingcheng, which just happened to be quite close to Dujiang Yan.
Though in the Northern Song dynasty, the state-recognized Erlang was still "Li Erlang", the Taoist Zhao Erlang had proven himself to be a strong competitor by the Southern Song and Yuan dynasty, thanks to a massive amount of opera plays.
First we have SJSSDQ (三教搜神大全, Yuan Dynasty), an encyclopedia of Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian gods, where his traditional backstory as an ascended mortal official was combined with the dragon-slaying feat to nudge Erlang toward a more warrior-esque image, a hunting god who appeared on a white horse with his entourage of hunters.
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-We also got the first mention of what would become his six/seven sworn brothers; the "Seven Sages" who jumped into the water to assist him in the dragon fight.
Then we have two Yuan-Ming Zaju plays, "Erlang of Guankou Slays the Jian-jiao"(灌口二郎斩健蛟) and "Erlang Drunkenly Shot the Demon-locking Mirror" (二郎神醉射锁魔镜), in which many traits associated with JTTW's Yang Erlang could already be seen: first, his three-pronged weapon, seven brothers and bow/arrows, second, the naming of his brothers as the "Seven Sages of Mt. Mei" and his ability to shift into a "true form", aka the monstrous giant form he used in JTTW.
(The plot of the second Zaju is exactly like it sounds: Erlang and Nezha had a drunken archery competition, accidentally broke the Demon-locking Mirror and released the Bull Demon King + Hundred-Eyed Demon, and spent the rest of the play doing damage control.)
3. The Little Sage, "Yang Erlang" (JTTW)
Key words: Jade Emperor's nephew, cleaver of Peach Mountain, SWK's true equal in battle
Weapons: Three-pronged, Double-bladed Spear, slingshot, bow and arrows, axe
Power: transformations, Cosmic Body, divine sight/Phoenix Eye(?)
Pets: a celestial Xiquan, literally "Thin Dog"
"First time we met, and that monkey made fun of my origins as a conversation opener. Could you believe it."
The Man, The Myth, The Legend! As I said before, a lot of his traits were inherited from "Zhao Erlang", including his Taoist title, his temple at Guankou, etc.
However, Erlang being Jade Emperor's nephew seemed to be mostly popularized by JTTW: the only other work that might have given Erlang this backstory was The Precious Scroll of Erlang, previously dated to the 1560s, though a Chinese paper published in 2018 proposed a later creation date (1620s).
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Much like JTTW Nezha, his backstory was somewhat barebones: we knew from SWK's taunt that his mother was the Jade Emperor's sister, who got chummy with Yang the mortal, gave birth to him, and was presumably locked under the Peach Mountain for that, bc Erlang then rescued her by cleaving it in half with an ax.
(Sounds familiar? The same backstory would later be copied over to Erlang's nephew, in the Lotus Lantern legends)
His other notable feats include falling 2 phoenix with his slingshot, as well as slaying the "Seven Demons of Mt. Mei ''. Out of pride, he chose to remain in Guankou instead of associating with his heavenly relatives, and did not answer to general summons to court from the Jade Emperor, only taking special assignments (听调不听宣).
Apart from his famous fight with SWK, Erlang also appeared in JTTW chapter 63, where, together with his sworn brothers, he helped the pilgrims fight the Nine-Headed Wyrm, son-in-law of Bibo Lake's dragon king. His dog continues to be the MVP in this fight, biting off one of the demon's heads, leaving it wounded and fleeing toward the north sea.
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Though the description of his battle with SWK implied that he did have some sort of supernatural sight, at this point in time (Ming dynasty), Erlang wasn't yet depicted with a third eye in artworks and literature.
There are a small amount of evidence that suggest the third eye thing might have shown up in statues of this period, though.
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4. Master of the Ninefold Mystic Way, "Yang Jian" (FSYY)
Key words: Disciple of the Taoist sage Yuding, veteran of the Investiture War, Nezha's comrade-in-arms
Weapons: Three-pronged Spear, slingshot
Power: Ninefold Mystic Way, 72 transformations, invulnerable to physical attacks, Samadhi Fire (in FSYY it's on the same level as a D&D wizard's Fireball spell)
Pets: Howling Celestial Dog, unnamed white horse
"I fought a transforming monkey demon too!"
Fun fact: the guy whose name was most often taken as Erlang's "real name" by pop culture was never actually referred to as "Erlang" in his debut novel. Could ya believe it.
Quick, dirty summary of FSYY: kinda like the Chinese Iliad, about the overthrowing of Shang dynasty and its tyrannical King Zhou by King Wu of Zhou, with a dash of Taoist infightings, and almost everyone who died in the fight got revived as gods and became part of the celestial bureaucracy, thus "Investiture of the Gods".
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Under the order of his master, the Taoist sage Yuding (literally "jade tripod"), Yang Jian makes his first cameo in chapter 40 to assist his senior, Jiang Ziya, in the fight against the Four Generals of Clan Mo.
A master in the arts of the Ninefold Mystic Way and 72 transformations, he has the same divine title as Zhao Erlang and is considered "A Sage in Flesh" after the end of FSYY.
As such, he's able to survive getting eaten by a monstrous weasel, a metal whip in the forehead, graphic disembowelment, etc. and used his transformation skills for some SWK-style "beating people up from inside their stomachs".
On one very notable occasion, he transformed into a beautiful palace consort to dupe Tu Xingsun ("Earth-traveling Son") and capture him.
Oh, and also, on his way to get Tu Xingsun's master, he ran into this random demon in a lake, who led him into a cave. After he got inside, the demon just disappeared, leaving him with the Three-pronged Two-bladed Spear, as well as some nice bling.
Then two kids burst in, accused him of stealing the bling, and...instantly became his students after learning his name? Yeah that was a weird sidequest.
However, Yang Jian's most iconic battle is probably his fight with Yuan Hong, the White Ape of Plum Mountain...who also practiced the Ninefold Mystics, used an iron cudgel, and were sworn brothers with six/seven demon kings.
Only with the help of Nvwa's magical painting, the Shanhe Sheji Scroll, was Yang Jian able to capture the ape, and subsequently, let Jiang Ziya decapitate him with Sage Luya's Immortal Slaying Flying Knife.
When the Three Demonesses were caught and executed at the end of the book, he was the one responsible for slaying the Nine-headed Pheasant Demoness, which is a neat parallel with JTTW.
His Howling Celestial Dog appears in chapter 47, and is even more of an MVP in fights: 12 immortals and demons have been bitten by this dog, which was "as large as a white elephant and as swift as an owl".
Funnily enough, every time Yang Jian summoned his hound, it is described in the same way as, say, other immortals may summon a flying sword, and my mental image is just him yeeting his giant monster dog at the enemy like you'd throw a Pokeball.
(A list of everyone Xiaotian had bitten in FSYY: Zhao Gongming, his sister Bixiao, Xinhuan, Deng Chanyu, Zhou Xin, Hua Huan, the Winged Immortal, Yuyan, Lv Yue, Yu Hualong, Dai Li the dog demon, the Nine-headed Pheasant Demon.)
-The way I see it: Li is the Erlang of regional worship, Zhao is the Erlang of Zaju plays, and Yang is the Erlang of vernacular novels, who becomes super popular and overshadows his two predecessors.
-And Erlang's depiction in premodern Lotus Lantern tales is what we in the business call "a whole new can of worms". But that's a series for another day.
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duchesskatriel · 5 months
I came up with this AU a couple of months ago, and since a moot encouraged me to share with the class I might as well (plus I also wanna draw this AU lol)
I'll call this au Be Born as a placeholder rn lol
SO this au starts right after HMS managed to find a way to end the loop, and they harmonise permanently. Whole basically gains the courage to confess to his crush (still don't have a name for her) and she also confesses her mutual feelings, Blah Blah Blah, they date, yada yada yada, they get married and have a pair of twins.
I also have to say that Whole, whom I will call CJ from this point forward (Does NOT mean Chonny Jash, its a diff name, same acronym) is aware and remembers HMS quite a bit. Most of his memories/knowledge of them has faded since the harmonising was over 6 years ago, but he still remembers a few key details like their roles, some of their names and a blurry image of what they look like.
Soo like the VERY FUNCTIONAL human being CJ is, decides to name his twin sons after two of the voices in his head. Wow, clap for the man everyone whoooo-. The names he uses are Artemis and Apollo. A year later, they have another child whom he names, say it with me! ATLAS WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED AHH. Atlas was born on the same day as Artemis and Apollo so you'd argue their triplets lol.
And this is where I ruin the au🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
OK SO during the time the twins still weren't born, Heart began to wonder what it must be like to live life as your own person, to have a childhood, go school- etc etc (HMS split up into existence when CJ was 18 not too long before he dropped out of college) he starts rambling to Mind and Soul about this, Mind tries to shrug it off as a plain "What if" sanario or daydream but also ends up thinking the same.
This is also fueled by the fact that they spent majority of their existence fighting each other never living an even remotely normal day in their life.
Soul wants both of them to be happy, plus he also starts to get infected with this desire and curiosity. SO he somehow finds out he can cut off a prong of the trident and make it a dagger which he can link Heart or Mind to making them particularly function as a soul.
Soul also wants to be with his halves so he asks for Heart's blindfold and Mind's crown to create a puppet that can serve thr roles of all three of them. Which he names Harmonia (AYO OMORIHMS AU FORSHADOWING?!?!?!)
Harmonia is basically a perfect copy of CJ lol. Soul leaves Harmonia alone to look after CJ with his trident(now pretty much a spear) a crown of a ruler who has stepped down from his throne and a blindfold used to protect its previous wearer from the blinding lights of the Sun.
You can kinda just ignore that part if you want (still on the fence with it but I'll most likely go with it) cus it doesn't really effect the story if you were to erase it. All that happens mostly is Deju Vu
I don't really need to explain which HMS is which kid hah.
I'm now gonna explain the three kids.
First is Artemis, who is TECHNICALLY the older twin (he came out first). Artemis is based on the right brain being not only the emotional side but also the creative and artistic side. So yes... he is an artist. Quite extroverted, still likes his peace and quiet, yeahhhh
Second is Apollo, the "younger" twin (funny because he's the tallest out of the three). Ehh, you know the drill, straight A's student... hot nerd even (JOKE. DONT KILL ME. NO. NUH UH. I WAS JOKING EH) the classic "grades over mental health because" guy. Monotone and deep voice but is surprisingly approachable (unless he put you on his "No likey" list based on first impressions lol).
Last but not least, Atlas, the poor younger sibling who keeps getting caught in the crossfire between his two older siblings. He's more on the athletic side, being hockey team (suggested by randa). The most energetic of the three, as a kid, he often asked his brothers to play with him, which is why the trio grew up to be really close.
Uhhhh some trivia/fun facts to maybe explain their characters a bit more:
• Apollo and Artemis "fight" from time to time but its mostly "YOU FATASS, YOU ATE ALL MY KITKATS" then dramatic pause then "Dad made waffles."
• Apollo's favourite book is No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.
• Artemis is the shortest of the three and gets flamed by Apollo about it
• CJ doesn't have a favourite child
• Apollo is the one that sits on the front passenger seat of the car, and will die fighting for it.
• Apollo is a cat person while Artemis is a dog person.
• Sexualities
Apollo: Bi
Artemis: Gay
Atlas: AroAce
• Ages:
Apollo and Artemis: 16
Atlas: 15
• Aollo's fashion taste is dark academia
• Atlas and Apollo did karate for 8 years
• Despite this, Artemis poses the most threat to the average bypasser
• CJ's wife works abroad on a cruise. She only sees her family atleast once a year
• Atlas used to have a childhood dog named....wait for it..... DARREL
• Atlas has more then one occasion, forced Apollo to dance Rasputin on just dance.
•Apollo's sleep schedule is so bad he's immune system is absolute trash
• Artemis once forgot to lock his room during a family gathering and came back to one of his younger cousins scribbling on one of his paintings.
• Artemis dislikes the idea of having kids for that reason
• Artemis was struggling on a question so hard his tutor had to ask Apollo for help because neither could they figure it out.
Yeah that's all for now, CYA
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namesforwriters · 1 year
Mythology Inspired Names: Ancient Greek (masc)
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Achilles ~ Greek, meaning "grief," "distress," "he who has people in distress."
One of the most famous of all Greek heroes, Achilles famously gained invulnerability as a baby which aided him as an incredible warrior. Achilles slew Hector in the Trojan War as revenge for killing his lover, Patroclus, but Achilles' rage was so strong the gods intervened, and Achilles was killed by an arrow to his one weak spot, his heel. pronunciation: ah-kill-eez
Adonis ~ Greek, meaning "lord."
Considered an ideal of male beauty in classical antiquity, Adonis achieved immortality after being killed by a wild boar in a hunting trip. His blood mingled with the tears of Aphrodite, who wept over him, from which a red flower grew. Sometimes an anemone flower, other times a red rose. pronunciation: ah-don-is
Aion ~ Greek, potentially meaning "path."
In Greek mythology, Aion was a minor deity and the god of cyclical time; the passing of the year, the zodiac, the recurrance of eternal time. He was later associated with mystery religions. pronunciation: ai-on (I-on)
Apollo ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy," "redemption."
Apollo is one of the twelve Olympians and is the god of archery, the sun, prophecy, music, healing, disease, light, and poetry. Twin to Artemis, Apollo is also well-known for experiencing tragedy in love. pronunciation: ah-pahl-low
Ares ~ Greek, meaning "bane," "warlike," "ruin."
Another of the twelve Olympian gods, Ares is the god of war and courage. He is the patron of the Amazons, and is known for both incredible violence and savagery as well as valor and honor. His most famous lover is Aphrodite. pronunciation: air-eez
Argo ~ Greek, meaning "swift."
Argo was the name of a ship from Greek mythology. It was the name of the ship Jason sailed on during his quest to retrive the Golden Fleece. pronunciation: ar-go
Atlas ~ Greek, meaning "enduring," "to hold."
Atlas is a Titan associated with celestial spheres and the creation of astronomy. After the war between the gods and Titans, Atlas was punished and condemned to hold the weight of the sky for eternity. pronunciation: at-les, at-lahs
Castor ~ Greek, meaning "beaver."
Castor and his twin, Pollux, are the half-brother children of Leda, a Spartan queen. Castor was born to a mortal father, while Zeus fathered the divine Pollux as a swan. Castor, along with Pollux, was transformed into a constellation named Gemini, meaning "twins." pronunciation: kas-ter
Damon ~ Greek, meaning "one who tames."
Damon is a mortal man from Greek mythology who, along with Pythias, is shown to be an ideal of friendship. When Pythias is accused of plotting against the tyrannical king, Dionysus I, Pythias asked for the chance to get his affairs in order. Dionysus I agreed, as long as Damon stayed behind as a hostage. If Pythias didn't return, Damon would be killed in his stead. Pythias returned, and Dionysus I released them both, impressed by their bond. pronunciation: day-men
Eros ~ Greek, meaning "desire," "love."
In some myths, Eros is a primordial god. In others, he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares. In all, he is the god of love, desire, lust, and sex. He is better known by his roman name "Cupid." He is usually depicted with wings and a bow and arrow. pronunciation: air-ohs, air-os
Hades ~ Greek, meaning "the unseen one."
Never an Olympian, but an incredibly powerful, major god nonetheless, Hades is King of the Underworld and lord of the dead. He is usually depicted with a helm, a two-pronged spear, and his three-headed hound Cerberus. pronunciation: hey-deez
Hector ~ Greek, meaning "to hold," "holding fast."
Hector was the strongest warrior in Troy and fought in and led armies in the Trojan War. Despite his skill in war, Hector was described as "peace-hearted." He was eventually slain by Achilles. pronunciation: hek-ter
Helios ~ Greek, meaning "sun," "warming."
In the Ancient Greek faith, Helios is the original god of the sun and brother to Selene, goddess of the moon. He is largely identified with, and later seemingly replaced with Apollo. His Roman counterpart is Sol. pronunciation: hee-lee-ohs, hee-lee-os
Hermes ~ Greek, meaning "stone heap."
Best known as the herald and messenger of the gods, Hermes is one of the twelve Olympians. He is also the god of travelers, merchants, thieves, messengers, mischief, athletes, and speed. pronunciation: her-meez
Homer ~ Greek, meaning "security."
The name of the famous Greek poet who credited as the author of both The Iliad and The Odyssey, which tell of the Trojan War and the ten-year journey of Odysseus back to his home in Ithaca after the fall of Troy. pronunciation: ho-mer
Hyacinthus ~ Greek, meaning "hyacinth."
Hyacinthus was the son of the muse Clio. He was gentle and clever and loved by both Apollo and the god of the west wind, Zephyrus, who accidentally killed Hyacinthus out of jealousy. Apollo wept for him and created a flower to memorialize his lost love. pronunciation: hi-ah-sin-this, hi-ah-sin-thus
Icarus ~ Greek, meaning "follower."
Icarus is best known for his death. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, a master craftsman and architect of the Labyrinth, in which they both had been trapped by King Minos. To escape, they both strapped wings made from feathers and wax to themselves. They escaped, but Icarus flew too high, and the wax melted in the heat of the sun, resulting in Icarus' fall and death. pronunciation: ih-cah-ris
Jason ~ Greek, meaning "healer."
Descended from Hermes, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts and a hero famous for finding the Golden Fleece. Originally married to Medea, Jason later left her, losing the favor of the goddess Hera. Jason's successes would eventually lead to the establishment of Rome. pronunciation: jay-sen
Leander ~ Greek, meaning "lion man."
Leander was a mortal man from Abydos who fell for Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, from across the strait. Every night, Leander would swim across the strait to be with her, and Hero would illuminate the top of her tower so he knew the one. One winter, a wind blew out the light, and he died. Hero threw herself off the tower to join him. pronunciation: lee-an-der
Minos ~ Greek, meaning "king."
The King of Crete and a prideful man, Minos was the son of Zeus. After his wife gave birth to a man-bull hybrid, Minos had the Labyrinth built in which he could hide the Minotaur. Every nine years he sent seven boys and seven girls into it to be eaten by the monster. He became a judge of the dead in the Underworld after his death. pronunciation: mine-ohs
Notus ~ Greek, meaning "south."
Notus is the god of the southern wind. Largely associated with heat, but also the coming of rain and mist, his brothers are Boreas, Zephyrus, and Eurus. pronunciation: no-tus, no-tos
Orion ~ Greek, "rising in the sky," "dawning."
In Greek mythology, Orion was a great, giant hunter who earned the favor of Artemis. In some myths, he is killed by Artemis as well. In others, he is killed by a giant scorpion. Either way, his story ends in death and he is transformed into a constellation. pronunciation: oh-rye-en
Orpheus ~ Greek, meaning "orphan," "best voice."
Orpheus was a Greek hero who helped Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Following the quest, Orpheus journeyed to the Underworld to recover his love wife, Eurydice. Orpheus was an amazing musician. pronunciation: or-phee-us
Perseus ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy"
The Greek hero Perseus is most famous for his defeat of the gorgon Medusa, by decapitating her. Also famous for slaying the sea monster Cetus, Perseus was the son of Zeus and would go on to establish Mycenae. pronunciation: per-see-us
Pollux ~ Greek, meaning "very sweet."
Pollux was born to the Spartan queen Leda and Zeus disguised as a swan. His half-brother and twin Castor was born mortal, while Pollux was born divine. Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality with Castor after he was fatally wounded, and the two were transformed into the Gemini constellation. pronunciation: pah-lux
Prometheus ~ Greek, meaning "forethought."
The myth of Prometheus describes him as the gifter of fire. Despite orders from Zeus, Prometheus gave the gift of fire to humanity and is the father of technology, civilization, and knowledge. Zeus punished him to be bound to a rock, and every day an eagle would peck out and eat his liver. pronunciation: pro-mee-thee-us
Proteus ~ Greek, meaning "first," "firstborn," "versatile."
Dubbed the "Old Man of the Sea" by the poet Homer, Proteus was an elusive and prophetic sea god. Proteus would only answer the questions of those who managed to capture him. pronunciation: pro-tee-us
Styx ~ Greek, meaning "shuddering."
Styx is the name of one of the rivers in the Underworld. To cross it is to cross into the Underworld. Styx is also the name upon which the gods swear their most solemn oaths. Styx is gender-neutral. pronunciation: stix
Theseus ~ Greek, meaning "to set," "institution."
A great hero, Theseus was also a king of Athens. Most well-known for killing the Minotaur, Theseus married the Cretan princess Phaedra after abandoning Ariadne. pronunciation: thee-see-us
Titan ~ Greek, meaning "defender."
The Titans were a generation of divine beings born to Gaia and Uranus, the primordial deities of earth and sky. Predecessors to the gods, the most famous Titan was the trecherous Kronos, lord of time. pronunciation: tie-ten
Triton ~ Greek, meaning "sea god."
Triton was the divine son of the Olympian Poseidon and his queen Amphitrite. Largely functioning as his father's messenger, Triton is usually depicted as a merman. pronunciation: try-ton
Troy ~ Greek, meaning "water," "soldier."
Troy was a great city located in modern-day Turkey and the site of the mythological Trojan War, fought between the Greek forces under Agamemnon of Mycenae and the Trojan forces under Priam of Troy. The Greek gods were also divided during the war. pronunciation: troi
Typhon ~ Greek, meaning "child of Titans."
One of the most deadly, dangerous monsters in all Greek mythology, Typhon was a giant who attempted to overthrow Zeus and the gods. Many of Greek mythologies monsters were born to him and his wife Echidna. pronunciation: tie-phon
Zeus ~ Greek, meaning "sky father."
Lord of the skies and king of the gods, Zeus is the chief of the Olympians. His wife is Hera and his brothers are Poseidon and Hades. Zeus is the father of many other Olympians and gods, as well as some of the most famous Greek heroes, including Perseus and Heracles. pronunciation: zoos
Zephyrus ~ Greek, meaning "westerly wind."
Zephryus is one of the four wind gods and lord of the western wind. Known for being gentle and bringing about the flowers of springtime, Zephyrus fell in love with Hyacinthus and accidentally killed him out of jealousy when Hyacinthus spent more time with Apollo. pronunciation: zeh-ph-er-us
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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hornyhermitry · 1 year
The many puzzle-pieces that served as inspo for Sukuna
A long time ago I made a little deck about elements of Buddhism woven into Jujutsu Kaisen's story.
Since I got a little time on my hands (and he's finally made it back to the manga!) I'd like to put this little run-down on influences Sukuna draws from here as well and extend a bit on it, since more than 2 years have passed since then. (And I've been meaning to rework the deck, but lack time and wantto get at least this one out properly again).
First of all - I don't think Gege copies any character or legend 1:1. IMO, Gege is drawing from various sources and remixing them into his own thing. Whether that's for the story, setting, characters or specifically Sukuna.
So let's have a look at all the historical and mythological characters Sukuna is remixed from.
Ryoumen Sukuna the 2Chan Urban Legend
This is the one probably the most people have heard about, since Gege openly mentioned having drawn inspiration from this:
The 2Chan post about an urban legend how some construction workers allegedly found a 2 meter sized box labeled as "Ryomen Sukuna" with a mummy of conjoined twins inside. The guys who opened it fell sick. The box was given to a local priest to handle the bad energies and at some later point someone called the priest's son and learned it was some deformed freak who died in a way some Buddhist monks practiced a long time ago - by simply meditating ascetically until you enter mummification while still alive.
You can read more on that here.
This is where Gege was clearly inspired to get mummified Sukuna, full to the brim with negative energy, delivered to the story in a box.
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The "Rasetsu" Daijizaiten/Ishanaten (伊舎那)
Rasetsu are demon-spirits that reside in the heavenly realms, who have the power to influence and seduce humans, and then eat them. In Buddhism rasetsu are also believed to act as wardens under The Lord of Hell - Enma - punishing the damned. Ishana/Ishanaten/Isana/Daijizaiten is a demon spirit from the highestheaven of the world of desire and is often shown with a three-pronged spear in right hand, and a bowl of blood in his left. He is one of the eight manifestations of Shiva and presides over cosmic destruction.
While he is usually described with many-faces and many arms, in the Womb World Mandala he appears with two arms, dark red in colour, seated on a dark-blue buffalo, and accompanied by his consort "Uma"(烏摩), also seated on a buffalo.
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I believe this is what inspired the design for Sukuna's original giant curse form. Color-coded in red, eating humans, holding a three-pronged spear and drinking blood while causing destruction. Yup. Sounds about right.
Daijizaiten's son, Kitchen God Sukanda/Idaten
Daijizaiten has a son, Idaten, also called Sukanda 塞建駄, who is the God of the Kitchen and looks after the provisions of the Buddhist brotherhood. He is known as a swift runner, because legend has it that he ran with great speed to catch a demon thief who stole the ashes of the deceased Buddha. Wherever there is trouble, he is instantly found there. His appearance is not described. In Japan he is usually in a little shrine attached to the monks' dining-room
I believe this is where Gege got the inspiration to give Sukuna his little cooking theme he got going on around his curse technique and domain. From the Japanese name for the shrine that can be read as an imperial palace's cooking quarter, through his cleave & dismantle technique that is illustrated with respective sushi knives for skinning and chopping fish. And of course he is cooking with fire, as we see with Jogo.
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Interesting that Sukuna has all this sushi chef imagery going on, when there is so much fish symbolism in the story and especially the anime - from the culling games' original name Japanese name referring to the annual fish migration to all the fish shown in the Season 1 intro and a lot more. Of course, there is also the little shoutout to this when Sukuna tells Gojo he's nothing but a fish on his chopping board.
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Heian era scholar & poet Sugawara no Michizane, deified after death
Sugawara no Michizane was a respected politician and poet at the imperial court for most of his life. Michizane took a great liking to plum ("ume") trees. In his later years, there was a power struggle between rivaling clans and after the emperor he worked under abdicated, he was demoted, banished and sent into exile by the new (Fujiwara) clan who assumed all influential official posts and rose to power. Exiled, he wrote a famous haiku bemoaning the absence of his favourite ume tree.
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(It does fit awfully well to Uraume not forgetting Sukuna for a thousand years until they reunite, huh?) According to legend, his favorite plum tree flew from Kyoto to Dazaifu in Kyushu to be with him. Shortly after, he died in exile. Now something very peculiar happened - shortly after Michizane died, the land was struck by death, plague and drought. The new emperor's sons all died one after the other. Lightning repeatedly struck the Imperial Palace's Great Audience Hall and there were rainstorms and floods for weeks.
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People assumed Michizane had become a vengeful spirit and built a shrine (Kitano Tenmangu) to appease him, while posthumously restoring his office and titles and planting many ume trees. Legend also states that during Michizane's funeral procession, the bull pulling the cart bearing his remains refused to go any further than a certain spot, so his shrines are usually decorated with statues of bulls.
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If you look at it, it's really on the nose, isn`t it? :)
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While a few people have been theorizing Sukuna might have known Sugawara no Michizane or that he might be his relative, mostly because Gojo namedrops him as a potential shared ancestor between Gojo and Yuta ... I personally think that Sukuna is partially based on him and I'd love to find out if this is going to have relevance at a later point in the story. We know so little about Sukuna's time as a human, but when you look at the design of his Malevolent Shrine full of ox skulls, the fact his consort is called Uraume and has plum-themed hair and how he refers to himself as a calamity back in the day, much like plagues, famines & storms, the puzzle pieces really fit together quite smoothly.
And as a last puzzle piece: After a life of being revered and looked up to as a court official next to the emperor, Michizane was exiled and fell from grace at the imperial court when another clan took over —- now remember how Sukuna calls himself „the disgraced (or „fallen“) one“. How intriguing, is ‚t it?
As for his tattoos: Inspiration might have been an old Japanese practice to tattoo criminals with symbols indicating their crimes. The practice comes from the Edo times (1603–1867), making it multiple hundred years too late for a Heian (794 to 1185) criminal. Nevertheless, fair game for loose inspiration.
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Another inspiration might have been something from a specific Buddhist hell (there are multiples ones). In Kokujou Jigoku (黒縄地獄), the Hell of Black Threads, those who have killed and committed theft, receive marking lines made of black thread on their body from demons and ogres, so these demons know where to hack their bodies apart as punishment, using axes and saws.
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What I find intriguing most about Sukuna's tattoos is that he has them on all his bodies - both Yuji's and Megumi's --- which would indicate they are more like, uh, tattooed onto his soul than his own skin, why else would they show up on multiple meatsuits of his? My last guess about the tattoos has no footing anywhere, so take it as a random sidenote - I'm just wondering if he might be sealing something with those sigils. Who knows what their purpose is. Maybe he just likes the look of it, who knows.
So, to recap.
I think Sukuna's appearance in modern times is taken from the 2chan thread as Gege said, his further character design is mostly lent from the Sugawara no Michizane legends (fall from grace, calamities, shrine, ox and "Ume" plum tree included) and his curse form is further inspired by Daijizaiten, the human-eating god of destruction who is also accompanied by an ox and a consort called "Uma" and finished off with a touch of that god's son Sukanda who is a literal kitchen god and a fast runner, tending to a shrine's kitchen.
OF COURSE this man is a scholar turned rogue fun-loving cannibal. <3 His demeanor is not that of a peasant who never learned to read who's struggling to meet ends during a famine, but shows he has been moving among higher ranks back as a human. He attended festivals as a curse/deity and even cares about the seasonal aspect of Yorozu's haiku.
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This man has been around the imperial court in the Heian times, knows how to play politics and intrigue and evidently studied mind and soul of humans since way back then, until he rose above it. That's not up for debate, hahaha. Where his arc is going? We shall see. Still hard to say at this point. You'll find me over here, holding out for a flashback to his past. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! -Jisa
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Yup, that‘s me writing poetry in blood with my scholar turned curse upon humanity commissioned from JinRozenrot . As my old friend Mr Lecter would say: Tada~ ♥
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luimagines · 1 year
The idea of a Siren-like Reader going apeshit has plagued my thoughts for weeks and I need to tell someone about it before I lose what few marbles God granted me at the day of my birth.
And if you ignore this for literally any reason, I wouldn’t ever hold it against you. Your blog, you get the final say over what you do and don’t interact with.
This does get a little violent with mentions of blood, loss of limbs, and life threatening injuries to one of the boys.
This got super long so, subsequently, I am SUPER sorry.
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The Chain had always been rowdy, loud, and rough with each other, it’s honestly a norm at this point when they aren’t exhausted from traveling and fighting.
However, their newest member was always quiet. Not in the sense that they didn’t speak much, but that they never spoke at all. The chain has heard them grunt in battle when dealing out heavy hits, but that is as far as it has ever gone.
At first, it put a majority off the group in a sense of suspicion. Their newest member isn’t a hero, won’t speak, and give no name to call them by? They assumed the new member, whom they’ve taken to refer to as Hush, must’ve been up to something.
Their suspicions changed once the chain noticed a pattern their companion frequently takes: protecting the Sailor above all else. Ever since Wind warmed up to them and started to tell them stories of his travels and his crew, they’ve been saving his butt left and right. From having his back in a fight to standing between him and Time when the kid got into trouble, Hush was there to protect him.
It was sweet, as if they viewed him as a younger brother.
It wasn’t long until they blended into the group. They’d smile at jokes and insults they’d find funny made by Legend, they’d help Wild with gathering any natural ingredients, and they’d roll their eyes at Warrior’s dramatics over his nightly routines.
They we apart of the family.
The chain would be lying if some of them weren’t disappointed that their newest companion still wouldn’t speak. Wind especially hoped he of any of them at least would get a word from them, but not a peep was spoken.
Nonetheless, they refused to press Hush any further than they had. The most of an answer they’ve given was a short sentence written in the dirt. It read, “I chose not to speak for the safety of myself and others.” Any asks for clarification were dismissed by them with a mere shake of their head. The chain only then understood that any further information about Hush would mostly likely never be answered.
Then, during their travels, Wind was struck by Yiga clan member.
It was supposed to be a short walk to the nearest stable in Wild’s Hyrule, passing by Lake Hylia. They relaxed for merely a heartbeat before the Yiga had snuck up and slit the Sailor’s torso with his sickle. He was the one of the smaller members, they probably thought he’d go down quicker.
The chain was instantly surrounded and they circled up, Wind in the center being slowly healed by Hyrule with Epona nervously standing in the middle beside them.
Hush didn’t move a muscle, stood next to Hyrule and staring down at the pained boy’s face, until they took a slow, shaky breath.
And spoke.
“Cover your ears.”
Time didn’t even turn from his place in the protective circle they’ve taken around Wind, “What?” Whether he was asking for clarification or was just shocked by Hush’s voice, he’ll keep to himself.
Hush’s grip on their three pronged spear, a weapon they’ve faithfully used ever since they stumbled into the group from their portal, turns white and as they walk out of the circle.
“I will only repeat myself once, protect your ears unless you wish for the last thing you hear to be the sound of death.”
The sound of their voice stuns the whole group for a moment, a few briefly turning to Time.
Time wants to order them to return to the formation, but takes a deep breath and nods. “Boys, do as Hush says. Now.”
It takes only a moment of hesitation from the group before they tightly press their hands against their ears. Wind has to bury one side of his head into Hyrule’s body so he can keep one arm over his injured body.
Hush takes another breath, hauntingly calm and collected. Their next breath is deep, so deep they pull their shoulders back before letting out a scream— a shriek so loud the dirt below them shakes. The force alone from the first scream causes many Yiga members to fall backwards, like a physical force shoving them onto the ground.
Scales bleed up from their hands from under their gloves and up their arms, but no one could get a good look before Hush leaps to the nearest Yiga and plunges their spear into his chest.
From Yoga clan member to the next, pure rage surges them forward. Blood soaks through cloth over the ears of any Yiga who stood too close to Hush, many now covering their ears in agony as Hush’s vocal attacks leave their eardrums shattered.
It wasn’t long until there was only one clan member left, crawling to the water as if it’d carry him to safety, away from the monster that tore his entire team to shreds like mere fabric.
Time can barely breathe at the sight of the carnage before him, limbs torn harshly from shoulders and blood pooling under Hush’s feet, causing ripples as they step towards the final Yiga clan member.
Many of the chain would look back at this moment afterwards and wonder if Hush had intended to leave that member for last, the one who nearly killed Wind. Many are too terrified to even ask.
When Hush finally reached the Yiga, they grab him by the top of his skull, digging their fingers in tightly to his scalp. They turn to the chain with blood splattered across their face and dripping down their forehead. Their shoulders freeze at the look of horror across their party’s faces, but turn back and walk knee deep into the lake. Hush then forces the man’s head under the water and holds him there. The Yiga man struggles, but his injuries left him weak and out of energy.
Only when he stops moving does Hush let go of him and let the waves carry him off into the lake, sinking into the darkness.
Most of the chain drop their hands from the shock. The silence that lays over the land in this moment is a terrifying contrast to the loud screams and cries they barely heard under their hands on their ears.
“Holy shit.”
The sound of Wind’s voice make everyone turn to the young boy, his face stunned and, dare one say, in awe of Hush’s massacre.
“You’re a Siren! I knew it— ow, goddess that hurts, still hurts, ow ow ow.”
Hyrule snaps back to the present gets back to work healing most of the injury before wrapping Wind’s torso in bandages.
Time’s eyes, however, never leave Hush’s body as they wash the blood off of their hands and face. A siren, Wind mention? From fairy tales? Impossible! Even staring at the scales on their skin, some even revealing themselves as the water splashes against their body, he can’t believe it.
Hush stands back up and returns to the group, giving a small, nervous smile, and they bend to a gentle bow in greeting with one scaled hand over their heart. The few of the chain close enough could see small scales dotted across their cheeks that they are 100% sure weren’t there before.
“Not how I wanted to tell you all, but I suppose the goddesses were impatient. My name is (Y/n), and I am a descendent of a minor subspecies race of the Zora. You most likely are familiar with us as, yes, Sirens.”
The group is silent, save for Wind’s gloating. Wild sits down, absorbing the information presented to them, and a few others join him.
Time, however, stands tall and places a hand on Hush’s shoulder. Once they look up at him, they see his firm, stern expression. “Don’t you ever pull something as stupid as rushing into a hoard of armed enemies again, you understand me? You did something reckless today, something that could’ve gotten you killed. I expected better from you.”
Hush tenses up, but stands grounded under his gaze. What no one could have expected was for Time to move his hand on their shoulder to their head, and teasingly ruffle their hair.
“Nice to officially meet you, (Y/n), now let’s recuperate and get moving again before we lose any more daylight.”
The chain all groan, but follow the Old Man’s orders. Twilight picks up Wind and helps him up onto Epona so he won’t reopen his wounds before they reach the stable. (Y/n) quickly rushes over to them to check on the Sailor, a worried look deep across their face.
Are some of the questions the chain had now answered? Yes.
Are there now even more? Oh goddesses, it’ll be a long night when Hush— (Y/n) answers them. Why did they choose to not speak? Are there other Sirens where (Y/n) is from? Is it technically cannibalism if they eat fish?!
But, they all save their questions for when that night comes, for now, they still have to reach their destination.
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Tada ! \(•v•)/
Oh snap- this was awesome! o.o
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Poor Wind though- but then again, if anyone was going to get Hush to speak up it would have been if someone hurt the boy. It's cute that the siren sticks close to the sailor. Very fitting. XD
But now I wanna know more about how sirens fit in with Zora society or if there was reason they have to be hidden compared to everyone else and *hiding* the scales?!? How'd they do that?!
I wanna know more about this universe!
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exhaustedcatte · 7 months
Happy Moony Day!
Lily Evans brandished her camcorder. Her father had shelled out a big sum after she’d gotten the wizard equivalent of an A* in her OWLs for her to buy whatever she wished.
“That a camera, Evans?” Sirius Black asked, prodding the lens with inky fingers.
“Don’t dirty it!” she snapped. “Yes, it’s a camera.”
“Ooh, Moony’s is differ–”
“That’s because I can record videos on here, Black.”
The portrait swung open, screaming garishly at—oh, it was Potter. She shared the Speared Knight’s sentiments. He was walking towards Sirius, sweaty from Quidditch but still in the sweat-soaked uniform. Couldn’t he shower in the stalls like everyone else? No, he had to parade his lean arms in the tight uniform. Yuck.
“–record for his birthday?”
“What was that?”
Sirius looked back, saw James taking two stairs at a time to their dorm. Watched Lily’s eyes tracking him and grinned.
“Alright,” she cleared her throat. “What is Remus to you Marauders?”
“Uncouth little bastard, he is! I got detention for the tickling hex he used on Flitwick, y’know?” Sirius said cheerfully. James shoved him. Peter lurched over the arm on Sirius’ left. Why they insisted on smushing themselves in one sofa, she didn’t want to know.
“What Mr Padfoot means to say,” James cut in pointedly, “is that Moony, my dear Moonman, is the sparkling Brains behind some–”
Peter coughed. Sirius slapped his back heartily.
James glared at the pair, “–most of our elaborate pranks. Padfoot and I haven’t got the patience, Pete too, but you know our Remus, he has the patience of ten saints. He’s our devious schemer.”
Lily hid a smile behind the flipped out screen of her camera. “He’s the people’s favourite though.”
“Ours too,” Sirius said matter-of-factly. James and Peter made googly-eyes at him, and Sirius scoffed, ears blushing.
Lily was cursed with ample curiosity, which was clawing up her throat.
Peter scratched his chin. “Moony is like the Backbone. He’s the the framework of our group. He’s not like Prongs, he can’t make everyone talk about their problems–”
“Aw,” James cooed loudly. “God knows he doesn’t discuss his own problems,” Sirius muttered.
“–and he isn’t everyone’s problem like Padfoot,” Peter grinned at Sirius’ hand-on-chest-betrayed face. “Moony helps you appreciate silence. He knows when to prod, when to hold back. And he also guides us through schoolwork even if he’s busy.”
Lily knew Peter meant himself in that misleading blanket statement but neither James nor Sirius corrected him. She found herself a bit touched.
“He’s amazing. He’s so steady and dependable, like. So generous too, I’d have died in our dorm two weeks into first year if not for him, actually.”
“Oh yes, we brewed that–” James’ eyes glinted with nostalgia.
Lily interjected immediately, “Sirius?”
“He’s our favourite,” he said, but his eyes were too clear, cheeks too pink.
They crowded the frame messily, “Happy birthday Moony! We love you!”
Sirius approached her later that evening when the common room was sparse. “Mind doing my bit solo?”
Lily shrugged, interested. “Sure.” She got it ready and pointed the lens at Sirius’ handsome face.
“Moony is the bravest person in Gryffindor.”
She’d heard this before. She’s not sure why it is, but she knew the three of them agreed on this unanimously.
“I know he’s the brain and the bones, but he’s also the Heart. James could just as easily be the Bones, I could be the Brain,” Sirius winked. “But we’re both too much of twats to be the Heart, Pete also. But Remus is–he’s so Good.”
Lily was shocked at the sincerity in Black’s voice. “Oh?”
“He’s been through a lot, our Moony, but as tender as our human hearts are, as much as they bruise, he just keeps on doing, fighting. He’s gentle in a way I haven’t learnt, kind in a way James has tried to emulate, hardworking in a way Peter tries to copy.
“Remus is my very core. He’s most of what’s good about me,” Sirius said.
She didn’t know if he realised the change from Our to My. She didn’t comment.
“James and Peter’s friendship is absolutely everything to me, but Remus is a Very Important person to me,” he said quietly. “We love him so dearly.”
Lily offered an encouraging nod.
Sirius looked at the camera, no, behind it, and beamed. “Happy birthday darling, be happy always.”
Remus walked into the frame, and Lily’s camera shook. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
It takes strength to be gentle and kind – The Smiths
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
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New Yorkers DNI
“We call it pizza. Well, people from here call it pizza. Some people from elsewhere call it an atrocity. A crime against cheese.”
Pat dumps a slice onto a plate for him, then carefully cuts one of his own from the un-sausaged side. Achilles tries each component separately—first the sauce, tentatively pulling up a chunk of tomatoes on his fork and dangling it before deciding to actually eat it. It wins a nod of his head as he finds it satisfactory. Pat already knew he liked tomatoes well enough. Then he prongs the cheese, which stretches nearly from the plate to his mouth before it breaks and splatters sauce across Achilles’ nose. He does not seem to mind, because his mouth is now full of cheese, and he is clearly very pleased about it. Finally, he digs into the crust, and despite the absolutely rotten vibes of this entire dinner, Achilles bounces his shoulders as he goes in for a bite containing all three ingredients at once.
Pat absolutely hates that he finds this all very cute. 
After a few moments of silent eating, however, Achilles frowns in consternation at Pat’s food. “Here,” he says, spearing some sausage and dropping it on Pat’s plate. “I don’t know why your portion doesn’t have any, but it’s very good.”
It takes Pat a full thirty seconds of staring at the very kind gesture to come up with a response. Achilles is looking at him expectantly, the largest pieces of sausage now lying uselessly on Pat’s plate where he very much doesn’t want them. “I don’t…” He rubs his forehead. “I don’t eat meat.”
“Yes, I have noticed. I have wondered if the pens in your neighborhood all stood empty because of a disease or the like that killed all the livestock. But here they have meat. You should eat it. It is good for you.”
“No, I…” Pat drops his face into his hand and starts to laugh. No, not laughing, he is giggling like a little kid. He peeks out to look at Achilles’ confused face and giggles even harder. “I choose not to eat meat,” he gets out like it is the funniest thing in the world.
Achilles’ face going from confused to concerned is only funnier to his addled mind. “Why would you choose this?”
Read the rest here | Or start from the beginning
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technicalgrimoire · 9 months
TTRPG Birthday Sale!
Today is my 33rd Birthday! I have a three-pronged party plan:
A) All Technical Grimoire books are 33% off at Spear Witch
B) Get a bunch of Technical Grimoire PDFs for $33
C) Overpowered V3 is out now (and it's FREE!)
Join me and celebrate as many prongs as you wish!
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tiredpeacock · 4 months
I may or may not be still very deep in the One Piece hole.
Have a Katakuri Drakeling. A Drakakuri?
I don't thino I will ever finish writing that story, but. Mayhaps.
"Before him towers a Beast, easily three times his size, not just in height, but in bulk as well. It dwarfs Sanji even more now that he is just cowering there.
Its - no, his - features are partially human, a muscular brickwall of a chest and neck, arms that can possibly rip a battleship in half, a head with short, wine colored hair and mostly human face, the lower half covered by one of those weird demonic masks Sanji has seen imported from Wano, deep black with fangs painted in a shockingly bright magenta, all covered in pale skin, the left side covered in… tattoos? why would some monster in a cave have - his fucking mind drifts to anything to get away from the overwhelming panic.
He can see where the legend of the Dragon comes from now. It’s like a Minotaur, but someone switched the bull for half of a Dragon. 
The long, draconic legs are covered in shiny black scales and end in some very sharp and deadly looking claws. His hands, too, are clawed and covered in shimmering black scales that fade away into the pale skin close to his elbow. From his head sprout two massive black horns curving backwards over his head then pointing back upwards. Behind him rests a massive pair of black feathered wings - and underneath swishes a tail, tipped in a very sharp looking three pronged end, perfect for spearing poor little disowned princes with broken legs with.
All in all, this thing, this man-monster looks like a demon, a devil straight from some Hell Sanji has never wasted a thought on before, but finds quite real all of a sudden. Maybe he truly is cursed, and this Beast will take his lost little soul - rip it straight from his body and devour it, sating himself so Tottoland is safe from his wrath until the next idiot comes along and asks the Pirate Emperor Big Mom for an alliance."
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happyk44 · 6 months
So I just found out that Poseidon is also the god of droughts and what are your thoughts on a child of poseidon with drought powers, a complete opposite to their more sea based children?
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[ID: Screenshot of a google search. The search term reads, "god of drought in gr...". The search term is cut off due to the mobile layout of the screenshot. A featured snippet at the top comes from wikipedia, reading, "List of water of deities".
The core of the screenshot is the People Also Ask section, of which the return is "Who is the Greek god of drought?" This question has been dropped down to show a result from "www.theoi.com". The answer reads, "Poseidon was the Olympian god of the sea, earthquake, floods, drought and horses. He was depicted as a mature man with a sturdy build and a dark beard holding a trident (a three-pronged fisherman's spear)." /end ID]
Oh! I knew this 🙌 I think it's related to him being the god of the sea/water, sort of like how Apollo is associated with healing but also the plague. I always find it funny when that happens 🤣
So for the kids who skew more to the side of drought, obviously they still have their sea powers. They're probably far more dry in tone, less empathic, less emotional. Maybe they're more prone to the earthshaker side of Poseidon as well, and the equine, to make up for the lesser interest in the sea. Plus earthquakes and horses are more land-based and a drought affects the land (agricultural loss, wildfires, increased sandstorms, etc).
In PJO canon, I'd want to say drought-based kids grew up more inland where access to a large body of water was difficult to come across. So it's less about internal nature (as with my interpretation of the freshwater vs seastorm Neptune babies), and more about familiarity and adaptation - sort of like how catci and other desert plants have evolved to handle long periods without water.
Powers that they have an increased capability for over their sea counterparts:
causing earthquakes! they can manipulate them on a small or large scale, but they have higher propensity. it's a little harder for them to cause underwater earthquakes tho (which. can become tsunamis btw)
dehydration - sort of an inverse of drowning a person in their own fluids, they will the liquids inside them to dry up at a rapid pace
as a subset of that, i think it would be so cool if they could pull a tantalus-like punishment with enough focus on someone. no matter how much you drink, you will always be thirsty, you will never be satisfied, you will be captain barbosa and his crew, turning skeletal in the moonlight
they can withstand higher and drier heats than their sea-preferred counterparts (for example, percy would be hanging off of carter in the desert, crying for water, while they're chilling and vibing, truly a cactus of a person)
similarly, they retain water better, and sweat less. their bodies need less fluid to keep going on (this makes them better at giving blood lol, stay juicy everybody!)
while most children of poseidon are capable of piling water in the air into something usable, the drought prone kids have picked up how to pull water/usable liquid from anything available, as dry climates may lack enough water in the air for it to be worthwhile compared to humid climates --- so they're more likely to pull water out of living things, pull water out of the ground, or even find water deep underground (well water!)
due to the above, they're more capable of causing inland floods, they can pull water out from deep in the earth and force it to surround areas that are devoid of rivers, lakes, or even high rainfalls - this isn't just because of the whole "god of floods" thing either, it's because after a long period of drought, sudden rains can cause flash flooding to occur, so they're good at making flood happens
heat generation! they may be able to make things hotter, and/or drier
they have perpetual black thumbs. they are... not very good at growing plants lol
finding/summoning horses. it might take a while, but if there is a horse, they will find it (like the horse version of a dowsing rod, which, lol, they're kind of the human version of a dowsing rod, i guess), and if there are no horses nearby, they will get one to come to them through ✨ vibes ✨
their version of a storm is a heatwave OR extreme rain. yes, they can summon hurricanes or typhoons, but those are much more ocean-based things. so forcing high and burning levels of heat that makes everyone stumble and sag, sweating through every inch of fabric they have OR extreme and heavy rainfall that practically drowns you where you stand and knocks you to the ground is more their instinct
lowkey i wanna give them sandstorms as well, since that can be an effective of long-period of drought, but. you know. idk how much greece was ever getting pummeled by sandstorms for that to be something they associated with drought. (egypt, on the other hand, set, my dangerous and beloved)
(funnily enough set is also the god of foreigners, so like, who knows, maybe he and poseidon struck a funny deal when one of his kids traipsed over there while wandering around)
Since I think the difference between sea-based Poseidon babies and land-based Poseidon babies is just due to their adaptation of their environment, I think someone who is sea-based could easily become more land-based after living in such conditions for a while, and vice versa. Sort of like accents, lol. You know, if Percy decided to up and move to the desert in his 40s, he'd adapt after an initial period of "oh my gods oh my gods where is the fucking water where is the ocean i am dying" lol. it would take him a lot longer to pick up on the accent of the land than if he were younger, and so he'd still maintain his "sea" accent long-term
Because of this, I think it would be really neat if, way back when, it was common for the kids to take a few months away from camp to go living in the desert for a bit so they could pick up some land skills - like a rite of passage for poseidon demigods. one of the older cabin members goes out with them to make sure they don't die, helps them hone into the skills they might not have tapped into before, etc and so on. The kids come back at the end of their outing, more well-rounded and capable of tapping into the opposite side of their powers, when and if needed. Some of the kids might repeat the outing more than once for funsies, but most of them usually just do the one time thing, and then practice their land-based powers on a smaller scale at camp.
If a land-based kid comes into camp when they're much older, they don't typically have to do the outing, but sometimes they'll go out, not to learn anything, but to help the others, since they'll essentially receive assistance with their sea-based powers while they're at camp (presuming every version of camp has been based near the ocean or some giant water mass throughout the years - if not, then it goes the other way around, where they take a few months to go chill out on a beach for a few months).
Thanks for asking! If anyone else has any extra ideas, feel free to add them on! :)
Additionally, just 'cause, here are the four types of droughts I came across while googling "drought causes" because, lol, I'm an island boy, I am not familiar with droughts and wanted to get some facts in that weren't high temps and low rainfall (source):
Meteorological: region-specific; occur when an area receives less rainfall than normal; often measured by comparing the current situation to previous years’ rainfall. Some locations are affected more harshly than others.
Agricultural: when there is not enough moisture in the soil to sustain the growth of crops. Crops need different amounts of water based on their level of maturity, so they can be susceptible to droughts at different times. For example, most plants require moist topsoil to germinate, but this could be less important down the line as the plant matures. So, the effects of an agricultural drought hinge largely on the growth stage of the plants.
Hydrological: when there is a lack of surface and subsurface water supply; detrimental effects can be most readily observed in watersheds and river basins; affect the entire water cycle, take longer to notice, and have effects less immediately obvious than with other droughts.
Socioeconomic: when the water supply is too low to support human and environmental needs; wreaks havoc on the supply and demand of crucial commodities like water, grains, fish, and hydroelectric power.
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
Daughter of the Summer Sea: Chapter One
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Summary: They call them the Spear-Daughters of Summer and they are the fierce female warriors of the Summer Court known for their unshakeable bravery and the wicked three-pronged spears with which they fight. Having finally left the Library and more dedicated to her Valkyrie unit than ever, Gwyn finds herself charged with heading south to Adriata to learn from these infamous Spear-Daughters to expand both her fight knowledge and battle strategy, but to also seek out other Low Fae females interested in reclaiming their own power and fates by joining the Valkyrie ranks. But there is more than just sun and surf waiting for her amongst the bone-white streets of Adriata and, soon, Gwyn must ask herself: who does she want to be and where does her heart truly lay.
Pairing: Gwyn x Tarquin
Timeline: Post-ACOSF
Wordcount: 1628
Author’s Note: TARGWYN FIC LET’S GOOO! This is probably one of my most favorite crackships of all time and Adriata/Summer Court is probably my favorite Prythian setting outside of Velaris. I started working on this as a one-shot for @sjmcrackshipmonth​ but I have no self control and the story has since spiraled into something bigger. 
Updates will come as I finish each chapter. Like my other fic, I’ll be posting this to my AO3 account for those who want to follow the story over there! You can find me at @courtwritesalot 💙
Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!
- Court
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The bone-white walls of Adriata snaked along the rocky sea cliffs like the spine of a great slumbering beast. 
High seashell towers and turquoise-capped parapets and buildings hewn from glimmering coral and pearl adorned the foreign city set against the backdrop of an azure sea, the sheer beauty of the Summer Court's capital evident even at this distance. Even the crowded port bustling with trading galleys from every court and continent was beautiful in its own chaotic way, the rainbow of many colored sails sliding in on the evening tide a mesmerizing sight to behold.
It was, undeniably, unlike anything Gwyneth Berdara had ever seen.
Her chest was alive with fluttering nerves, her arrival on the white sand beaches of the Summer Court long since anticipated, her journey here having been planned months ago, and yet the sight before her somehow surpassed all expectations.
Gwyn had read countless books on the Summer Court and its capital city's splendor, had studied reports and travel logs and cultural assessments until her eyes bled, but nothing could have prepared her for this. The sun and sand, the sheer size of the Summerstone Palace on its high sea cliff, the sight of the Summer Court's gold and teal banners waving lazily in the sea-salt breeze. It was almost as if the Mother herself had bestowed these lands with a kernel of her own ethereal grace.
This is what you've been missing, a familiar voice murmured in the back of her mind, as it so often did. 
A stray tear slipped down Gwyn’s cheek, the lingering memory of her sister’s voice breaking the dam of emotions she’d been fighting to keep back all day. 
"Forgive me," She said, blinking away the tears and wiping her eyes dry before her High Lady could see. "I never expected to feel so overwhelmed by the sight of another city."
Feyre Archeron merely smiled, understanding filling the High Lady of the Night Court’s eyes, and gently patted Gwyn’s hand, her touch warm and steadying.
"I felt the same way the first time I saw the city, too," The High Lady said softly, blue eyes drifting out across the half-moon bay. "There is nowhere else in the world quite like Adriata. And no one half as kind as Cressida and Tarquin. They'll treat you like a treasured guest throughout your entire stay."
Gwyn could only manage a nod. There was so much to be grateful for on this day. Her freedom from the Library, the weight of her sword down her back, the gesture of friendship Feyre had shown her by taking the time to winnow her all the way here. And her closest friend by her side, here to see her off.
Her eyes slid sideways, daring to tear her gaze away from the sparkling city just long enough to study Nesta’s silent form. 
The General of the Valkyries had been quiet ever since Gwyn had arrived on the steps of the Riverhouse so Feyre might winnow her south. She was distant, contemplative, like there was something she wanted to say but didn’t know how.
But Gwyn didn’t need her friend to speak the words aloud for her to understand: it pained Nesta to see Gwyn go. It pained Gwyn too. 
The idea of leaving Velaris had been enough to nearly cripple her and keep her locked deep beneath the House of Wind amongst the dusty shelves and quiet serenity of the Library, but every night she lay down to sleep, every night she considered abandoning the journey altogether, she could hear her sister's voice softly urging her to go.
To the sea, sister, the ghost of Catrin’s voice would whisper, You must make it to the sea.
And so, if only for the honor of her memory, if only because Catrin would never get to see these azure waters, this bone-white city, Gwyn had gone. 
Feyre cleared her throat and toed the pristine white sand with the tip of a black leather boot. “There are some... friends I need to say hello to,” The High Lady said, eyes snagging on the surf crashing against the beach below. She gave Gwyn a parting smile before turning to Nesta and gently squeezing her sister’s shoulder. “Come find me when you’re ready, Nes.”
A heavy silence settled between Gwyn and Nesta as they watched the High Lady climb down the rocky face of the sea cliff, the soft murmur of the sea breeze and the distant cry of ship bells filling the space between them.
Gwyn closed her eyes and let the uncertain mix of emotions wash over her, a bittersweet taste of uncertainty and anticipation, fear and curious excitement. She would be gone from Velaris for three months, the longest stretch of time she’d ever been away from the Night Court. The only time she’d ever been away. 
It unsteadied her, the thought of the great distance and long stretch between her and her home, and yet,it set something strange inside her to shimmering too. 
“I’m going to miss you.” 
Gwyn turned sharply towards Nesta at the sound of the softly spoken words. Her friend, her sister, was still staring out across the sea, gaze fixed on the horizon as if she might find some sort of answer hidden within its vast expanse.
"I'm going to miss you too, Nesta." Gwyn replied softly, fighting the urge to let her voice break. “And Emerie. And Azriel and Cassian, and Deirdre and Rosalin too. Mother's blessing, but I think I might even miss Merrill."
Nesta chuckled, but the lightness of the sound did not quite reach her face. "I fear they're going to fall apart without your leadership." She said, still refusing to meet Gwyn’s eye.
"I'm sure Mor will keep them in line. She’s proving to be quite the addition to our ranks. The girls will listen to her council just fine.”
"But not as well as they’d listen to you."
Gwyn's heart swelled with pride and humility at Nesta's words. The Valkyries had grown exponentially this last year under the leadership they shared with Emerie. Not solely because of them, of course, but also because of the sheer grit and determination of the women who joined in their ranks each and every day. It was half the reason why she was here, so very far from home, in the first place.
"It's only three months," Gwyn said, reaching for Nesta's hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. “That's hardly even a blink over the course of our immortal lives. I'll be back in Velaris before you even know to miss me. Plus, the recruiting efforts here will be good for us. We need a unit of spears if we want to truly make the Illyrians blanche.”
Nesta's warm fingers squeezed her own, so tight Gwyn nearly saw stars. "Three months," She echoed then held up her free hand, the charm on the friendship bracelet she still wore even after all these months catching in the sunlight. "No matter how far the distance, no matter how great the cost."
Gwyn's heart strained at the word of the Valkyries’ official creed.
"No matter how far the distance, no matter how great the cost," She echoed, then added the final line of their creed. “We face the mountain together, for as long as I have my sisters, no battle shall be lost.”
Then Nesta embraced her and hugged Gwyn so tight she swore she could hear her bones sing. But she didn’t care. She hugged Nesta back, breathing in the winter mourning and steel scent of her and memorizing the feel of her sister’s arms around her as their sacred words settled in her chest like an ember.
When Nesta finally pulled away, Gwyn could have sworn silver lined her friend’s blue eyes but just as quickly as it appeared the softness was replaced with the hard determination of a warrior. 
A general. 
“You go out there and learn and show them how a Valkyrie wields a spear,” Nesta said, command and authority filling her voice. “Show them what we are building, what we have made ourselves into. Show them what they too could be.”
Gwyn lifted three fingers to her brow in salute. “On your orders, Lady General.” 
Nesta returned the gesture. “Mother guide you, Berdara.” 
“And you, Archeron.” 
Gwyn scooped up her pack and left her friend there on the sea cliff,  fighting the tears stinging in her eyes and the urge to look back at her friend one last time as she scrambled up the rocky terrain to the road that would lead her to the gates of Adriana. 
The tears came nonetheless, emotions flooding through her as she began to walk, and Gwyn began to curse herself for her insecurities one moment, then slid back into the pit of her old anxieties the next.
She had three months to learn the art of the three-pronged spear well enough to teach it to an entire unit of women. Three months to win over the Princess and Prince, bolstering not only further confidence in the fragile alliance between them and the Night Court, but also earning their permission to gather women from their court to bring into the Valkyrie ranks. The worries flowed and ebbed. She wasn’t sure she could do it. Wasn’t sure she was strong enough, wise enough, brave enough. She was one woman and a woman who’d spent most of her life hidden away from the world at that.
Then Gwyn rounded a soft bend on the Summer Road and all those worries, all those fears and uncertainties, died in her chest, a single thread unspooling as she beheld the massive golden gates of the city and Adriata waiting beyond.
To the sea, sister. 
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